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% +--------------------------------------------------+
% | Typeset titlesec.tex to get the documentation. |
% +--------------------------------------------------+
% Copyright (c) 1998-2007 by Javier Bezos.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This file is part of the titlesec distribution release 2.8
% -----------------------------------------------------------
% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Javier Bezos.
% History of v1.0
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 1998/02/25: Added nops option
% 1998/02/28: Added \@mkboth stuff in \setmarks
% 1998/03/01: Changed test in \ttl@secnum
% 1998/03/03: Corrected some \fil... commands
% 1998/03/03: Replaced the faulty \@hangfrom by new commands
% 1998/03/03: Some \def replaced by \newcommand
% 1998/03/04: .dtx/.ins scheme finally rejected. Useless
% for users, obtrusive for `readers' and proned
% to errors
% 1998/03/04: Tidied up documentation
% 1998/03/06: \wordsep renamed and documented
% 1998/03/06: Added dummy asignation in \ttl@chap.
% 1998/03/06: Removed \ttl@xsect and merged into \tl@sect
% 1998/03/06: Added \ProvidesPackage
% History of v1.1
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 1998/03/25: \chapter corrected, as well as the size options
% 1998/03/26: Added compact option
% 1998/03/26: Added flushleft, flushright and center options
% 1998/04/08: Changed all instances of \noindent by \parindent\z@
% 1998/04/14: Added \filinner, \filouter
% 1998/04/14: Added drop shape
% 1998/05/01: Added rightmargin shape (and margin renamed to
% leftmargin)
% 1998/05/03: Added \setheadindent
% History of v1.2 (unreleased)
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 1998/06/01: Compatibility with AMS classes
% 1998/06/08: On-demand loading of shapes
% 1998/06/11: Frame shape. Some \fil... command
% modified to work in the label of this
% chapter shape.
% 1998/07/03: Bottomtitle option (at last...)
% 1998/07/14: ...margin styles bug fixed using a method
% similar to bottomtitle.
% 1998/07/29: \titleline
% History of v2.0
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 1998/08/05 to
% 1998/08/29: Fully reimplemented
% History of v2.1
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 1999/01/05: We define in this file the three basic shapes.
% Additional ones remain defined in external files.
% Unified the shapes for sections and chapters.
% 1999/01/05: \ttl@shape merged into \ttl@format@iii.
% 1999/01/05: \titlerule
% 1999/01/07: \ttl@defkeys splitted from \ttl@keys
% 1999/01/10: Added the \part stuff, including a definition of \@openright
% 1999/01/11: Removed unnecessary \ttl@numsecfalse in \ttl@sect@i.
% 1999/01/14: Optimized \titlerule
% 1999/01/27: Changed \titleline to correct the spacing at the
% top page and to fix a bug which changed the mode
% to horizontal, thus introducing unwanted space
% (\makebox -> \@makebox).
% 1999/02/02: \ttl@secnum renamed to \ttl@write and introduced the
% \ttl@savewrite mechanism to sincronize the toc/marks
% with the title in case there is a \newpage in <after>.
% 1999/02/03: wrap shape
% 1999/02/03: Added a \kern\z@ for not to avoid hyphenation
% of the last word. Not strictly necessary, but
% it is more LaTeX-like.
% 1999/02/05: \partmark defined (and in \setmarks, too).
% 1999/02/08: \ttl@row@i simplified.
% 1999/02/08: \ttl@savefn mechanism.
% 1999/02/10: Removed extra \leavevmode in display
% 1999/02/13: Now \titleline doesn't add the width. It's set.
% 1999/02/17: The part mark is catched, even if unused.
% 1999/02/17: old/newparttoc added.
% 1999/02/18: Changed many TeX assignments to the LaTeX
% counterpart.
% 1999/02/19: Introduced \ttl@startargs.
% History of v2.1.1
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 1999/08/04: Moved misplaced lines in \ttl@makeboth
% History of v2.2 (unreleased)
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 1999/11/03: We load titleps if pagestyles are required, but
% some old definitions are restored.
% 1999/11/06: Improved outermarks test in \ttl@sect@i. Formerly
% the section number could be printed if a page ended
% with an unnumebered section followed by a numbered one.
% 1999/11/06: \ttl@startargs now adds (and passes) automatically the
% section name. Involved macros modified accordingly.
% 1999/11/06: Replaced explicit part names by the parameter in
% \ttl@part@i. The same for chapter.
% 1999/11/21: \ttl@try's are not given explicitly, but built by
% \ttl@setkeys. Intruduced the \ttl@key@... and
% \ttl@extra@... commands.
% 1999/11/23: Minor problems with keys fixed.
% 1999/12/10: Added the nobottomtitles* option and \ttl@addstretch.
% 2000/01/07: First steps towards the calcwidth feature (basic code).
% 2000/01/08: (Continued.) \titleline* for rules of width \titlewidth.
% Option calcwidth implemented.
% 2000/01/12: Finished with changes in wrap.tss (no longer
% "experimental" :-) )
% History of v2.3
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2000/01/19: All keys are grouped in a single file tttkeys. Removed
% page.tsk and deleted the corresponding code in the sty.
% 2000/01/19: Classes begun.
% 2000/01/19: The level numbers are stored in \ttll@ macros, and not
% passed as arguments.
% 2000/01/21: Introduced the new mark scheme. It's mostly compatible
% with the old one, but a compatibility mode seems
% imposible (it was introduced in a preliminary test
% but eventually removed).
% 2000/01/23: loadonly package option.
% 2000/02/01: Classes finished. Many things had to be rewritten.
% 2000/02/02: Made partially compatible with hyperref (dvips).
% 2000/02/08: \ttl@savewrite moved from shapes to classes. But
% explicit page breaks expand it, too, to avoid wrong
% toc entries.
% 2000/02/18: A new box named \ttl@box stores the title in runin
% leftmargin etc shapes, to increase reliability.
% (2.3.1 -- 2.3.3: No changes on this file)
% History of v2.3.4
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2000/05/12: nonindentfirst redefine \titlespacing instead of
% \@afterindent... so that they don't interfere with
% the first entry in tocs.
% 2000/05/17: The marks in \ttl@select are protected to prevent
% endless loop if the title is expanded, say, by
% \MakeUppercase.
% History of v2.3.5
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2000/05/21: Restores missing test for secnumdepth in \ttl@mkchap,
% and instead of setting \ttl@toclevel in ttlps now is
% done in \secdef. Except inside the macros, \ttl@toclevel
% is false, so that an explicit \...mark works.
% 2000/06/04: \partmark defined with \providecommand
% 2000/06/14: A patch mechanism added, for small bug fixes.
% History of v2.4
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2001/01/18: Minor changes in code. Essentialy an incremental
% update.
% 2001/01/22: \titleformat has a new "easy" starred variant.
% History of v2.5
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2002/01/02 New macros for \ttl@assign. Now * length allow
% non integer values.
% 2002/03/22 Added \ttl@calc and \ttl@calcneg to make titlesec
% calc-savvy.
% - Merged bug fixes of .new into this file.
% - Bugs in frame fixed -- gap in lines, misplaced
% label, wrong margins (sometimes),
% - \leftskip, \rightskip and \linewidth (re)set in
% margin shapes.
% - Removed obsolete flush... options.
% - indentafter and noindentafter, new names for
% indentfirst and nonindentfirst.
% - A new level (\titleclass) without its "location"
% now raises a meaningful error.
% - Bug in top-level \titleclass fixed.
% 2002/03/23 Tests for undefined and unformatted sectioning levels,
% and horizontal material in <format>.
% - Missing \if@openright inside \if@twoside in
% page class added.
% - Removed extra (but inoffensive) \expandafter
% in \ttl@class@iii.
% 2002/03/27 Added \titlewidthfirst and ...last
% - "Not definable" gives a more meaningful message in
% the context of the package.
% History of v.2.6
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2004/08/30 Corrected typo in margin \hsiz -> \hsize.
% 2004/10/17 Added a couple of missing \noexpand's in drop.
% 2004/12/01 Removed the error about the mode in block because this
% style is general purpose.
% 2005/01/16 Missing braces around #2 in the last else part of
% \ttl@headinline added
% - Replaced explicit \makeatother's by a saved value as
% the macros can be used in a class/package file.
% 2005/01/18 newlinetospace mechanism
% 2005/01/18 // does not break pages; option pageatnewline to
% restore the LaTeX behaviour.
% 2005/01/19 \...break in top shape.
% - Renumbered several scratch registers to follow the
% TeXbook (p. 346), with \ttl@box in a few cases. In
% wrap \titlewidthfirst and \titlewidthlast made global.
% - Float heads and foots have now a further argument for
% additional stuff (eg, to remove rules). Option is now
% psfloats while floatps enters in compatibility mode.
% - \ttl@savetitle in all classes. Option toctitles.
% 2005/01/21 Changed pageatnewline to make it compatible with
% titletoc, with \ttl@changecentercr.
% 2005/01/22 \...tolist in top class.
% History of v.2.7
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2007-03-27 Added the `explicit' option.
% 2007-03-27 Added \titlepagestyle.
% 2007-03-29 Fixed wrong number for chapter in log
% 2007-03-29 Patch file named .270 instead of .new
% 2007-05-09 Added <after> to leftmargin, so that you can add stuff
% at the beginning of the paragraph, eg, the sec number.
% 2007-07-07 Removed the patch mechanism.
% 2007-08-07 `explicit' improved.
% History of v.2.8
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% 2007-08-12 \titlepagestyle already used by KOMA-Script. Renamed
% to \assignpagestyle.
% Notes
% ~~~~~
% The following tags are used:
% ttl@ : the generic tag used through the style
% ttlh@ : a shape definition
% ttlf@ : a macro containing the title format
% ttls@ : id. the title space
% ttlp@ : page key related macros
% ttll@ : level number
% The ttlf@ and ttls@ contains data in the form {..}{..}.
% Perhaps in future releases they should be converted
% to a prop-like list, similar to that proposed by the
% latex team.
% Admittedly, the current implementation seems too
% complicated, but that's necessary in order to provide
% certain compatibility with the sections as defined by the
% used class. Other packages opt for providing the sections
% as defined by standard classes ignoring the class; for
% instance sectsty which does a simple task in a simple and
% nice way. However, that was not my goal.
% Release
% ~~~~~~~
\ProvidesPackage{titlesec}[2007/08/12 v2.8 Sectioning titles]
% Initialization
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% The \ttl@label switch is used when printing the label in titles.
% A numberless variant makes it to true.
% There is a \ttl@toclabel as well, which is true iff the
% title is numbered; used in toc entries (except default part
% and chapter) and marks (only in titlesec pagestyles).
% A provision for the report style:
% and the ams styles as well
\if\expandafter @\@gobble#1@\@empty
% A more meaningful error for \@notdefinable
{Incompatible package}%
{Titlesec cannot continue defining its own macros
\@backslashchar\reserved@a\space is already used by other package,
the class\MessageBreak
or the document.}}
% +-----------------+
% | C L A S S E S |
% +-----------------+
\expandafter\providecommand\csname\ttl@a title\endcsname{}%%%%
{\expandafter\let\csname ttlss@\ttl@a\expandafter\endcsname
\csname ttlss@\ttl@toplevel\endcsname}%
{\PackageError{titlesec}{Unknown sectioning class}%
{Valid names are top, page and stright}}%
{\expandafter\let\csname ttl@compat\ttl@a\endcsname\relax
\@ifundefined{\ttl@a mark}%
{\@namedef{\ttl@a mark}{\@gobble}}%
\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttl@#2class\endcsname{\ttl@a}}}%
{\PackageError{titlesec}{Unknown sectioning level}%
{\string\titleclass\space with no optional arguments\MessageBreak
only changes the class of an *existing* level}}}}}
\expandafter\let\csname ttlss@\ttl@a\expandafter\endcsname
\csname ttlss@\ttl@b\endcsname
\expandafter\edef\csname ttlss@\ttl@b\endcsname{\ttl@a}%
\count@\csname ttll@\ttl@toplevel\endcsname
\edef\ttl@a{\csname ttlss@\ttl@a\endcsname}%
\expandafter\edef\csname ttll@\ttl@a\endcsname{\the\count@}%
% Typesetting Classes: General tools
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% The following command handles the *n spacing
% Some tricks are necessary to multiply a
% skip by a non integer number
\dimen@\the#3, % <- space
#1 = #2\dimen@
plus #2\ttl@plus
minus #2\ttl@minus}
\def\ttl@assign@ii#1 {% <- space
\csname ttl@\string#1\endcsname}
% To be used with \v/vspace to make them calc-savvy
% Gets from ttls@ and passes the spacing parameters:
\def\ttl@startargs#1#2{% Get the first arguments, with the spacing
\def\ttl@a##1{\csname ttl@key@##1\endcsname}% Used as elt in try
\PackageError{titlesec}{Format/spacing not found}%
{I was unable to find the format corresponding to #2.\MessageBreak
Maybe you haven't set it with \string\titleformat\space and
% Used in ttl@select
\PackageError{titlesec}{Nested titles}{Titles must not be nested}}
\PackageError{titlesec}{Entered in horizontal mode}
{The <format> argument cannot contain horizontal material\MessageBreak
such as text, \string\noindent, \string\makebox, etc.}}
% \ttl@select not only selects the right version to be
% used. It also take steps to ensure that a mark
% is not lost inside a box by saving it into \ttl@mk,
% which in turn is used by the sect and chap commands.
\global\let\ttl@mk\@empty % global because of rigidchapters
\everypar{\setbox\z@\lastbox\strut}% or \hskip-\parindent?
\let\ttl@top@i \ttl@nest@error
\let\ttl@part@i \ttl@nest@error
\let\ttl@page@i \ttl@nest@error
\def\ttl@a##1{\csname ttl@key@##1\endcsname}% Used as elt in try
\ttl@c{#4}{#2}{#3}{}% ttl@c is returned by ttl@try with ttlf@...
\ttl@c{#2}{#3}{#4}% ttl@c is returned by ttl@try with ttlf@...
\ttl@mk % Contains a possible mark, returned by \ttl@select
\ttl@fn} % And a footnote
\edef\ttl@c{#1}% #1 is a list in the form \ttl@a{key}\ttl@a{key}
\def\ttl@a##1{\csname ttl@extra@##1\endcsname}%
\let\ttl@try\@gobble}} % locally modified to `break' testings
% \ttl@write writes marks and toc. tocdepth is taken
% care of when the toc is typesetted and not here.
% Used always through ttl@savewrite
\@nameuse{ttl@toc#1}% eg, \ttl@tocpart modifies \ttl@a
\ttl@addcontentsline{#1}{#2}% Depends on toctitles
% Must be preceded by a default \ttl@savewrite, which is used
% in starred variants--\@empty in top and straight classes.
% In straight class, it is preceded by the setting of
% prev marks to provide a "fixed" top mark. Otherwise,
% the default prev mark (= curr mark) is used (restored
% after ttl@labelling in straight). This is the command
% to be hacked if you want to change the behaviour of
% starred variants.
\ifttl@label % First: if star
\@nameuse{ttl@#1label}% eg, sets if mainmatter in chapter.
\ifttl@label % Second, eg, if not main matter
\ttl@labelfalse % Third: if too deep
\ifx\ttl@savewrite\@empty\else % If marks
% Executed by ttl@labelling if the name of section is chapter:
% Executed by ttl@labelling if chapter has a number. Note
% you can define messages for other sectioning levels (eg,
% \ttl@sectionout).
% Straight class
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% Default for nobottomtitles. Changed by nobottomtitles*
% 1:name 2:level 3:indent 4:before 5:after 6:afind [7]:cap 8:title
% The second argument of ttl@sect is the level, which
% is empty if the star version is used. In this case
% neither the toc nor the marks are written.
\def\@currentlabelname{#2}% for nameref
\gdef\thetitle{\csname the#1\endcsname}%
\if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi
% 1:left 2:right 3:before 4:after 5:afterindent 6:name 7:title
{\PackageWarning{titlesec}{Page style in straight class ignored}}%
\ttl@addstretch % \relax if nobottomtitle*
\advance\@tempskipa-\bottomtitlespace\relax % not a register
\ifcase#5 \@afterindentfalse\fi
% Part class
% ~~~~~~~~~~
\def\ttl@savewrite{\ttl@write{#1}{#3}}% A default value. Not #2!
{\PackageWarning{titlesec}{Page style in part class ignored}}%
\ifcase#5 \global\@afterindentfalse \fi
% Page class
% ~~~~~~~~~~
\def\ttl@savewrite{\ttl@write{#1}{#3}}% A default value. Not #2!
\ifcase#5 \@afterindentfalse\fi
% Top class and some makechapterhead stuff
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% \ttl@mkchap is the new make(s)chapterhead.
% But \ttl@mkchap@i is used by both makechapterhead and
% the top class.
\ifcase#5 \global\@afterindentfalse\fi
\ttl@finmarks % Outside the box!
% \def\ttl@noskipsectrue{%
% \if@noskipsec
% \PackageError{titlesec}{Invalid shape for top class}%
% {The selected shape only makes sense when merged into\MessageBreak
% a paragraph. That is impossible in the top class}%
% \else
% +-----------------+
% | S H A P E S |
% +-----------------+
% % Reformatting Titles: Interface
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% The surrounding space is stored in a macro
% named \ttls@<section> whose content is
% {left}{right}{before}{after}{afterindent}.
% But if there is the page key, the name is
% \ttls@<section>/<page>
\expandafter\def\csname ttls@\ttl@a\endcsname
% The section name is built in \ttl@a.
% The format is stored in a macro named \ttlf@<section>,
% or \ttlf@<section>/<page> if there is the page spec,
% or \ttlf@.../* if numberless is true
% whose content is
% \ttl@<shape>{format}{label}{sep}{before}{after}
\edef\ttl@a{\expandafter\@gobble\string #1}%
{\PackageError{titlesec}{Not allowed in `easy' settings}
{The sectiong command you are trying to redefine\MessageBreak
is not handled by the starred variant (eg, \string\part)}}{}
\ttl@format@si\csname ttlf@\ttl@a \endcsname
\ttl@toksa{{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% Save arguments
% First, we get the shape -- if not defined it loads
% the corresponding file.
\PackageError{titlesec}{Unknown shape}%
{Shapes are defined in files with extension tss\MessageBreak
Either you have misspelled the shape\MessageBreak
or there is no a #1.tss file}}%
\def\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlf@\ttl@a\endcsname####1%
{\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlh@#1\endcsname
\def\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlf@\ttl@a\endcsname
{\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlh@#1\endcsname
\csname ttl@compat\ttl@a\endcsname}
% Styles
% ~~~~~~
% 1:global 2:label 3:sep 4:style 5:after 6:left 7:right 8:title
% \ttl@<shape> and \ttlh@<shape> take the following eight
% arguments:
% {format}{label}{sep}{before}{after}{left}{right}{title}
% where before and after refer to the format.
% With the option explicit, #4 contains the title and #8 is
% empty.
% +-----------------+
% | T O O L S |
% +-----------------+
% calcwidth
% ~~~~~~~~~
% Implemented after code from soul (but much modified...)
\def\ttl@midlongest####1\@@par{}% Very dirty...
\advance\rightskip 1\leftskip plus 1fil
% Rules
% ~~~~~
\hrule \@height \z@
\rightskip\z@ % #1 is either \hb@xt@\titlewidth or empty:
\hrule height \z@
\let\ttl@leaders\xleaders % For titletoc compatibility
{\leaders\hrule height #1\hfill\kern\z@}}
% Par shapes and space
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\advance\rightskip\z@ \@plus 1fil\relax}
\advance\leftskip\z@ \@plus 1fil
\filleft\advance\rightskip\z@ \@plus -1fil
\parfillskip\z@ \@plus 2fil\relax}
\newcommand\wordsep{\fontdimen\tw@\font \@plus
\fontdimen\thr@@\font \@minus \fontdimen4\font}
% +-----------------+
% | O P T I O N S |
% +-----------------+
\PackageWarning{titlesec}{Ignoring `floatps' without
`pagestyles'. This option is now deprecated.}%
\PackageWarning{titlesec}{Ignoring `psfloats' without
\DeclareOption{footmarks}{} % Backward compat
\def\ttl@topmode#1#2{\vbox to #1{#2\vfil}}%
% Deprecated. To be remmoved in a major upgrade (3.0)
% New names
% newlinetospace
% toctitles
% pageatnewline
% +-----------------+
% | H Y P E R R E F |
% +-----------------+
% These two commands are provided by hyperref. But if they
% are not defined at \begin{document} hyperref has not been
% loaded or it is an old version.
% +-----------------+
% +-----------------+
% This is generic:
% Old pagestyles
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\let\ttl@compatps\@empty % marks the ``old interface''
\let\ttl@compatps\@empty % marks the ``old interface''
\let\ttl@compatps\@empty % marks the ``old interface''
% New pagestyles
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% +-----------------+
% | C O M P A T |
% +-----------------+
% Easy setup, i.e., that of package options, is
% taken care of, if necessary.
\expandafter\ifx\csname chapter\endcsname\relax
{Non standard sectioning command detected\MessageBreak
Using default spacing and no format}
\expandafter\ifx\csname ttl@sizes\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\ifx\csname ttl@fil\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\ifx\csname chapter\endcsname\relax\else
\expandafter\ifx\csname chapter\endcsname\relax
% The following is unoperant, unless when \chapter / \part
% format is redefined
\titleclass{\subsection} {straight}[\section]
\titleclass{\paragraph} {straight}[\subsubsection]
\titleclass{\subparagraph} {straight}[\paragraph]