jFuzzyLogic: FCL <-> Classes

Class diagram

FCL Java class / method Comments
RULE FuzzyRule  
RULE: IF ... FuzzyRuleExpression: FuzzyRule.getAntecedents()  
RULE: THEN ... LinkedList<FuzzyRuleTerm> FuzzyRule.getConsequents()  
RULE: WITH ... double FuzzyRule.getWeight()  
RULEBLOCK ... ACT : RuleImplicationMethod  
RULEBLOCK ... AND: / OR: RuleConnectionMethod  
VAR_INPUT ... END_VAR_INPUT Variable We make no distinction between a input and an output Variable
VAR_OUTPUT ... END_VAR_OUTPUT Variable Output variables must have a Defuzzifier and a RuleAgrregationMethod
FUZZIFY ... TERM LinguisticTerm  
DEFUZZIFY ... TERM LinguisticTerm  
DEFUZZIFY ... ACCU RuleAccumulationMethod  
FUZZIFY ... TERM := ... MembershipFunction  
DEFUZZIFY ... TERM := ... MembershipFunction