This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.5.6) The top-level auxiliary file: CingolaniAlcala-Fdez-FuzzIEEE2012.aux The style file: IEEEtran.bst Reallocated wiz_functions (elt_size=4) to 6000 items from 3000. Database file #1: IEEEabrv.bib Database file #2: CingolaniAlcala-Fdez-FuzzIEEE2012.bib -- IEEEtran.bst version 1.12 (2007/01/11) by Michael Shell. -- -- See the "IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf" manual for usage information. Warning--empty author and editor in IEC Warning--missing publisher in parr2007definitive Done. You've used 19 entries, 4024 wiz_defined-function locations, 1301 strings with 17641 characters, and the built_in function-call counts, 15210 in all, are: = -- 1228 > -- 374 < -- 148 + -- 214 - -- 62 * -- 734 := -- 2234 add.period$ -- 38 call.type$ -- 19$ -- 14$ -- 333 cite$ -- 21 duplicate$ -- 1056 empty$ -- 1180$ -- 76 if$ -- 3529$ -- 0$ -- 19 missing$ -- 176 newline$ -- 80 num.names$ -- 18 pop$ -- 389 preamble$ -- 1 purify$ -- 0 quote$ -- 2 skip$ -- 1202 stack$ -- 0 substring$ -- 791 swap$ -- 918 text.length$ -- 37 text.prefix$ -- 0 top$ -- 5 type$ -- 19 warning$ -- 2 while$ -- 65 width$ -- 21 write$ -- 205 (There were 2 warnings)