/* [The "BSD licence"] Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Terence Parr All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** ANTLR v3 grammar written in ANTLR v3 with AST construction */ grammar ANTLRv3; options { output=AST; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; } tokens { DOC_COMMENT; PARSER; LEXER; RULE; BLOCK; OPTIONAL; CLOSURE; POSITIVE_CLOSURE; SYNPRED; RANGE; CHAR_RANGE; EPSILON; ALT; EOR; EOB; EOA; // end of alt ID; ARG; ARGLIST; RET; LEXER_GRAMMAR; PARSER_GRAMMAR; TREE_GRAMMAR; COMBINED_GRAMMAR; INITACTION; LABEL; // $x used in rewrite rules TEMPLATE; SCOPE='scope'; SEMPRED; GATED_SEMPRED; // {p}? => SYN_SEMPRED; // (...) => it's a manually-specified synpred converted to sempred BACKTRACK_SEMPRED; // auto backtracking mode syn pred converted to sempred FRAGMENT='fragment'; TREE_BEGIN='^('; ROOT='^'; BANG='!'; RANGE='..'; REWRITE='->'; } @members { int gtype; } grammarDef : DOC_COMMENT? ( 'lexer' {gtype=LEXER_GRAMMAR;} // pure lexer | 'parser' {gtype=PARSER_GRAMMAR;} // pure parser | 'tree' {gtype=TREE_GRAMMAR;} // a tree parser | {gtype=COMBINED_GRAMMAR;} // merged parser/lexer ) g='grammar' id ';' optionsSpec? tokensSpec? attrScope* action* rule+ EOF -> ^( {adaptor.create(gtype,$g)} id DOC_COMMENT? optionsSpec? tokensSpec? attrScope* action* rule+ ) ; tokensSpec : TOKENS tokenSpec+ '}' -> ^(TOKENS tokenSpec+) ; tokenSpec : TOKEN_REF ( '=' (lit=STRING_LITERAL|lit=CHAR_LITERAL) -> ^('=' TOKEN_REF $lit) | -> TOKEN_REF ) ';' ; attrScope : 'scope' id ACTION -> ^('scope' id ACTION) ; /** Match stuff like @parser::members {int i;} */ action : '@' (actionScopeName '::')? id ACTION -> ^('@' actionScopeName? id ACTION) ; /** Sometimes the scope names will collide with keywords; allow them as * ids for action scopes. */ actionScopeName : id | l='lexer' -> ID[$l] | p='parser' -> ID[$p] ; optionsSpec : OPTIONS (option ';')+ '}' -> ^(OPTIONS option+) ; option : id '=' optionValue -> ^('=' id optionValue) ; optionValue : id | STRING_LITERAL | CHAR_LITERAL | INT | s='*' -> STRING_LITERAL[$s] // used for k=* ; rule scope { String name; } : DOC_COMMENT? ( modifier=('protected'|'public'|'private'|'fragment') )? id {$rule::name = $id.text;} '!'? ( arg=ARG_ACTION )? ( 'returns' rt=ARG_ACTION )? throwsSpec? optionsSpec? ruleScopeSpec? ruleAction* ':' altList ';' exceptionGroup? -> ^( RULE id {modifier!=null?adaptor.create(modifier):null} ^(ARG $arg)? ^(RET $rt)? optionsSpec? ruleScopeSpec? ruleAction* altList exceptionGroup? EOR["EOR"] ) ; /** Match stuff like @init {int i;} */ ruleAction : '@' id ACTION -> ^('@' id ACTION) ; throwsSpec : 'throws' id ( ',' id )* -> ^('throws' id+) ; ruleScopeSpec : 'scope' ACTION -> ^('scope' ACTION) | 'scope' id (',' id)* ';' -> ^('scope' id+) | 'scope' ACTION 'scope' id (',' id)* ';' -> ^('scope' ACTION id+ ) ; block : lp='(' ( (opts=optionsSpec)? ':' )? a1=alternative rewrite ( '|' a2=alternative rewrite )* rp=')' -> ^( BLOCK[$lp,"BLOCK"] optionsSpec? alternative+ EOB[$rp,"EOB"] ) ; altList @init { // must create root manually as it's used by invoked rules in real antlr tool. // leave here to demonstrate use of {...} in rewrite rule // it's really BLOCK[firstToken,"BLOCK"]; set line/col to previous ( or : token. CommonTree blkRoot = (CommonTree)adaptor.create(BLOCK,input.LT(-1),"BLOCK"); } : a1=alternative rewrite ( '|' a2=alternative rewrite )* -> ^( {blkRoot} (alternative rewrite?)+ EOB["EOB"] ) ; alternative @init { Token firstToken = input.LT(1); Token prevToken = input.LT(-1); // either : or | I think } : element+ -> ^(ALT[firstToken,"ALT"] element+ EOA["EOA"]) | -> ^(ALT[prevToken,"ALT"] EPSILON[prevToken,"EPSILON"] EOA["EOA"]) ; exceptionGroup : ( exceptionHandler )+ ( finallyClause )? | finallyClause ; exceptionHandler : 'catch' ARG_ACTION ACTION -> ^('catch' ARG_ACTION ACTION) ; finallyClause : 'finally' ACTION -> ^('finally' ACTION) ; element : elementNoOptionSpec ; elementNoOptionSpec : id (labelOp='='|labelOp='+=') atom ( ebnfSuffix -> ^( ebnfSuffix ^(BLOCK["BLOCK"] ^(ALT["ALT"] ^($labelOp id atom) EOA["EOA"]) EOB["EOB"])) | -> ^($labelOp id atom) ) | id (labelOp='='|labelOp='+=') block ( ebnfSuffix -> ^( ebnfSuffix ^(BLOCK["BLOCK"] ^(ALT["ALT"] ^($labelOp id block) EOA["EOA"]) EOB["EOB"])) | -> ^($labelOp id block) ) | atom ( ebnfSuffix -> ^(BLOCK["BLOCK"] ^(ALT["ALT"] atom EOA["EOA"]) EOB["EOB"]) | -> atom ) | ebnf | ACTION | SEMPRED ( '=>' -> GATED_SEMPRED | -> SEMPRED ) | treeSpec ; atom: range ( (op='^'|op='!') -> ^($op range) | -> range ) | terminal | notSet ( (op='^'|op='!') -> ^($op notSet) | -> notSet ) | RULE_REF ( arg=ARG_ACTION )? ( (op='^'|op='!') )? -> {$arg!=null&&op!=null}? ^($op RULE_REF $arg) -> {$arg!=null}? ^(RULE_REF $arg) -> {$op!=null}? ^($op RULE_REF) -> RULE_REF ; notSet : '~' ( notTerminal -> ^('~' notTerminal) | block -> ^('~' block) ) ; treeSpec : '^(' element ( element )+ ')' -> ^(TREE_BEGIN element+) ; /** Matches ENBF blocks (and token sets via block rule) */ ebnf @init { Token firstToken = input.LT(1); } @after { $ebnf.tree.getToken().setLine(firstToken.getLine()); $ebnf.tree.getToken().setCharPositionInLine(firstToken.getCharPositionInLine()); } : block ( op='?' -> ^(OPTIONAL[op] block) | op='*' -> ^(CLOSURE[op] block) | op='+' -> ^(POSITIVE_CLOSURE[op] block) | '^' -> ^('^' block) | '!' -> ^('!' block) | '=>' // syntactic predicate -> {gtype==COMBINED_GRAMMAR && Character.isUpperCase($rule::name.charAt(0))}? // if lexer rule in combined, leave as pred for lexer ^(SYNPRED["=>"] block) // in real antlr tool, text for SYN_SEMPRED is predname -> SYN_SEMPRED | -> block ) ; range! : c1=CHAR_LITERAL RANGE c2=CHAR_LITERAL -> ^(CHAR_RANGE[$c1,".."] $c1 $c2) ; terminal : ( CHAR_LITERAL -> CHAR_LITERAL // Args are only valid for lexer rules | TOKEN_REF ( ARG_ACTION -> ^(TOKEN_REF ARG_ACTION) | -> TOKEN_REF ) | STRING_LITERAL -> STRING_LITERAL | '.' -> '.' ) ( '^' -> ^('^' $terminal) | '!' -> ^('!' $terminal) )? ; notTerminal : CHAR_LITERAL | TOKEN_REF | STRING_LITERAL ; ebnfSuffix @init { Token op = input.LT(1); } : '?' -> OPTIONAL[op] | '*' -> CLOSURE[op] | '+' -> POSITIVE_CLOSURE[op] ; // R E W R I T E S Y N T A X rewrite @init { Token firstToken = input.LT(1); } : (rew+='->' preds+=SEMPRED predicated+=rewrite_alternative)* rew2='->' last=rewrite_alternative -> ^($rew $preds $predicated)* ^($rew2 $last) | ; rewrite_alternative options {backtrack=true;} : rewrite_template | rewrite_tree_alternative | /* empty rewrite */ -> ^(ALT["ALT"] EPSILON["EPSILON"] EOA["EOA"]) ; rewrite_template_block : lp='(' rewrite_template ')' -> ^(BLOCK[$lp,"BLOCK"] rewrite_template EOB[$lp,"EOB"]) ; rewrite_tree_block : lp='(' rewrite_tree_alternative ')' -> ^(BLOCK[$lp,"BLOCK"] rewrite_tree_alternative EOB[$lp,"EOB"]) ; rewrite_tree_alternative : rewrite_tree_element+ -> ^(ALT["ALT"] rewrite_tree_element+ EOA["EOA"]) ; rewrite_tree_element : rewrite_tree_atom | rewrite_tree_atom ebnfSuffix -> ^( ebnfSuffix ^(BLOCK["BLOCK"] ^(ALT["ALT"] rewrite_tree_atom EOA["EOA"]) EOB["EOB"])) | rewrite_tree ( ebnfSuffix -> ^(BLOCK["BLOCK"] ^(ALT["ALT"] rewrite_tree EOA["EOA"]) EOB["EOB"]) | -> rewrite_tree ) | rewrite_tree_ebnf ; rewrite_tree_atom : CHAR_LITERAL | TOKEN_REF ARG_ACTION? -> ^(TOKEN_REF ARG_ACTION?) // for imaginary nodes | RULE_REF | STRING_LITERAL | d='$' id -> LABEL[$d,$id.text] // reference to a label in a rewrite rule | ACTION ; rewrite_tree_ebnf @init { Token firstToken = input.LT(1); } @after { $rewrite_tree_ebnf.tree.getToken().setLine(firstToken.getLine()); $rewrite_tree_ebnf.tree.getToken().setCharPositionInLine(firstToken.getCharPositionInLine()); } : rewrite_tree_block ebnfSuffix -> ^(ebnfSuffix rewrite_tree_block) ; rewrite_tree : '^(' rewrite_tree_atom rewrite_tree_element* ')' -> ^(TREE_BEGIN rewrite_tree_atom rewrite_tree_element* ) ; /** Build a tree for a template rewrite: ^(TEMPLATE (ID|ACTION) ^(ARGLIST ^(ARG ID ACTION) ...) ) where ARGLIST is always there even if no args exist. ID can be "template" keyword. If first child is ACTION then it's an indirect template ref -> foo(a={...}, b={...}) -> ({string-e})(a={...}, b={...}) // e evaluates to template name -> {%{$ID.text}} // create literal template from string (done in ActionTranslator) -> {st-expr} // st-expr evaluates to ST */ rewrite_template : // -> template(a={...},...) "..." inline template {input.LT(1).getText().equals("template")}? id lp='(' rewrite_template_args ')' st=( DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL | DOUBLE_ANGLE_STRING_LITERAL ) -> ^(TEMPLATE[$lp,"TEMPLATE"] id rewrite_template_args $st) | // -> foo(a={...}, ...) rewrite_template_ref | // -> ({expr})(a={...}, ...) rewrite_indirect_template_head | // -> {...} ACTION ; /** -> foo(a={...}, ...) */ rewrite_template_ref : id lp='(' rewrite_template_args ')' -> ^(TEMPLATE[$lp,"TEMPLATE"] id rewrite_template_args) ; /** -> ({expr})(a={...}, ...) */ rewrite_indirect_template_head : lp='(' ACTION ')' '(' rewrite_template_args ')' -> ^(TEMPLATE[$lp,"TEMPLATE"] ACTION rewrite_template_args) ; rewrite_template_args : rewrite_template_arg (',' rewrite_template_arg)* -> ^(ARGLIST rewrite_template_arg+) | -> ARGLIST ; rewrite_template_arg : id '=' ACTION -> ^(ARG[$id.start] id ACTION) ; id : TOKEN_REF -> ID[$TOKEN_REF] | RULE_REF -> ID[$RULE_REF] ; // L E X I C A L R U L E S SL_COMMENT : '//' ( ' $ANTLR ' SRC // src directive | ~('\r'|'\n')* ) '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; ML_COMMENT : '/*' {if (input.LA(1)=='*') $type=DOC_COMMENT; else $channel=HIDDEN;} .* '*/' ; CHAR_LITERAL : '\'' LITERAL_CHAR '\'' ; STRING_LITERAL : '\'' LITERAL_CHAR LITERAL_CHAR* '\'' ; fragment LITERAL_CHAR : ESC | ~('\''|'\\') ; DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL : '"' LITERAL_CHAR* '"' ; DOUBLE_ANGLE_STRING_LITERAL : '<<' .* '>>' ; fragment ESC : '\\' ( 'n' | 'r' | 't' | 'b' | 'f' | '"' | '\'' | '\\' | '>' | 'u' XDIGIT XDIGIT XDIGIT XDIGIT | . // unknown, leave as it is ) ; fragment XDIGIT : '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ; INT : '0'..'9'+ ; ARG_ACTION : NESTED_ARG_ACTION ; fragment NESTED_ARG_ACTION : '[' ( options {greedy=false; k=1;} : NESTED_ARG_ACTION | ACTION_STRING_LITERAL | ACTION_CHAR_LITERAL | . )* ']' {setText(getText().substring(1, getText().length()-1));} ; ACTION : NESTED_ACTION ( '?' {$type = SEMPRED;} )? ; fragment NESTED_ACTION : '{' ( options {greedy=false; k=3;} : NESTED_ACTION | SL_COMMENT | ML_COMMENT | ACTION_STRING_LITERAL | ACTION_CHAR_LITERAL | . )* '}' ; fragment ACTION_CHAR_LITERAL : '\'' (ACTION_ESC|~('\\'|'\'')) '\'' ; fragment ACTION_STRING_LITERAL : '"' (ACTION_ESC|~('\\'|'"'))+ '"' ; fragment ACTION_ESC : '\\\'' | '\\' '"' // ANTLR doesn't like: '\\"' | '\\' ~('\''|'"') ; TOKEN_REF : 'A'..'Z' ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* ; RULE_REF : 'a'..'z' ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* ; /** Match the start of an options section. Don't allow normal * action processing on the {...} as it's not a action. */ OPTIONS : 'options' WS_LOOP '{' ; TOKENS : 'tokens' WS_LOOP '{' ; /** Reset the file and line information; useful when the grammar * has been generated so that errors are shown relative to the * original file like the old C preprocessor used to do. */ fragment SRC : 'src' ' ' file=ACTION_STRING_LITERAL ' ' line=INT ; WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\r'? '\n' )+ {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; fragment WS_LOOP : ( WS | SL_COMMENT | ML_COMMENT )* ;