This commit is contained in:
Tomasz Obrębski 2017-01-14 16:13:50 +01:00
commit e2914d0ae8
14 changed files with 984 additions and 0 deletions

Base.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Base (
Arc (Head,Dep)
) where
type Ind = Int
type Wordform = String
data Arc τ = Head { role :: τ, dst :: Ind }
| Dep { role :: τ, dst :: Ind }
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

FDP1.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main (
module ParserW,
module Parse,
module Step,
module G1,
module PoliMorf,
module Data.ADTTag.IPITag.PoliMorf,
module PL1,
) where
import ParserW
import Parse
import Step
import G1
import Data.ADTTag.IPITag.PoliMorf
import PoliMorf
import PL1
import Weighted
instance Show (WeightedList IPITag) where
show = show . runWeightedT
main = do
pm <- readPoliMorfHead1 200000 "pm.sorted.uniq.tsv"
let l = length (parse' pm pl1' "dom" :: WeightedList (Parse Role (WeightedList IPITag)))
putStrLn $ "READY (" ++ show l ++ ")"
input <- getLine
let WeightedT parses = parseA' pm pl1' input :: WeightedList (Parse Role (WeightedList IPITag))
parselist = zip [1..] parses
-- sequence_ $ map (\(n,p) -> do
-- putStrLn $ "*** [" ++ show n ++ "] ***"
-- putStrLn $ show p
-- ) parselist
putStrLn $ "PARSES: " ++ show (length parselist)
putStrLn $ "COMPLE: " ++ show (length (filter ((== 1) . trees . bare . snd) parselist))

G1.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module G1 (
module Grammar,
G1 (G1),
G1' (G1'),
import Control.Monad.Plus
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Grammar
import Node
import Weighted
import Prelude.Unicode
-- import Data.Foldable
data G1 τ κ = G1 { links :: WeightedT [] (LINK τ κ), gcs :: [Constraint τ κ], obl :: [OBL τ κ] }
instance (Eq τ) => Grammar (WeightedT []) τ κ (G1 τ κ) where
link g h d = [ (r, gcs g ++ cs) | LINK r p q cs <- links g, p h, q d ]
-- sat :: G1 τ κ -> Node τ κ -> Bool
-- sat g n = and [ r ∈ (roles n) | OBL p rs <- obl g, p (cat n), r <- rs ]
-- pass :: Grammar (WeightedT []) τ κ x => x -> Node τ κ -> Bool
-- pass g n = and [ sat g x | x <- preds n ]
pass g = all (sat g) . (pure <> preds)
sat g n = and [ r (roles n) | OBL p rs <- obl g, p (cat n), r <- rs ]
data G1' τ κ = G1' { links' :: WeightedT [] (LINK' τ κ), gcs' :: [Constraint' (WeightedT []) τ κ], obl' :: [OBL τ κ] }
instance (Eq τ) => Grammar' (WeightedT []) τ κ (G1' τ κ) where
link' g hs ds = [ (r, gcs' g ++ cs) | LINK' r p q cs <- links' g, any p hs, any q ds ]
-- sat' g n = and [ r ∈ (roles n) | OBL p rs <- obl' g, c <- (cat n), p c, r <- rs ]
-- instance (Eq τ, Eq κ) => Grammar (StateT Int (WeightedT [])) τ κ (G1 τ κ) where
-- link g h d = [ (r, gcs g ++ cs) | f <- links g, LINK r p q cs ← evalState f, p h, q d ]
data LINK τ κ = LINK τ (κ -> Bool) (κ -> Bool) [Constraint τ κ]
data LINK' τ κ = LINK' τ (κ -> Bool) (κ -> Bool) [Constraint' (WeightedT []) τ κ]
data OBL τ κ = OBL (κ -> Bool) [τ]

Grammar.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Grammar where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Plus
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
-- import Data.Monoid
-- import Control.Monad.Unicode
import Node
-- import Weighted
type Constraint τ κ = (τ, Node τ κ, Node τ κ) -> Bool
class (MonadPlus m, Eq τ {- , Eq κ -}) => Grammar m τ κ γ where
heads :: γ -> Node τ κ -> m (τ, Node τ κ)
heads g n = [ (r,h) | h <- visible g n,
(r,cs) <- link g (cat h) (cat n),
all ($ (r,h,n)) cs ]
deps :: γ -> Node τ κ -> m (τ, Node τ κ)
deps g n = [ (r,d) | d <- visible g n,
(r,cs) <- link g (cat n) (cat d),
all ($ (r,n,d)) cs ]
visible :: γ -> Node τ κ -> m (Node τ κ)
visible _ = mfromList . lv
-- sat :: Grammar m τ κ γ => γ -> Node τ κ -> Bool
-- sat = const . const True
pass :: γ -> Node τ κ -> Bool
pass = const . const True
-- pass g n = sat g n --all (sat g) ((preds<>pure) n)
link :: γ -> κ -> κ -> m (τ, [Constraint τ κ])
type Constraint' m τ κ = (τ, Node τ (m κ), Node τ (m κ)) -> Bool
class (MonadPlus m, Eq τ) => Grammar' m τ κ γ where
heads' :: γ -> Node τ (m κ) -> m (τ, Node τ (m κ))
heads' g n = [ (r,h) | h <- visible' g n,
(r,cs) <- link' g (cat h) (cat n),
all ($ (r,h,n)) cs ]
deps' :: γ -> Node τ (m κ) -> m (τ, Node τ (m κ))
deps' g n = [ (r,d) | d <- visible' g n,
(r,cs) <- link' g (cat n) (cat d),
all ($ (r,n,d)) cs ]
visible' :: γ -> Node τ (m κ) -> m (Node τ (m κ))
visible' _ = mfromList . lv
sat' :: γ -> Node τ (m κ) -> Bool
sat' = const . const True
pass' :: γ -> Node τ (m κ) -> Bool
pass' = const . const True
link' :: γ -> m κ -> m κ -> m (τ, [Constraint' m τ κ])

Lexicon.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Lexicon (Lexicon,dic)
import Control.Monad.Plus
class (MonadPlus m) => Lexicon m a d where
dic :: d -> String -> m a

Node.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Node
(Node (Node),
module Toolbox,
module Step,
dArcs,hArc,ind, cat,
import Control.Monad
-- import Data.Monoid
import Data.List (intercalate,intersperse,find)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Toolbox
import Step
import Parse
import Base
data Node τ κ = Node {past :: [Step τ κ], future :: [Step τ κ]} -- deriving (Eq)
instance {- (Eq τ, Eq κ) => -} Eq (Node τ κ) where
n == n = (ind n) == (ind n)
instance {- (Eq τ, Eq κ) => -} Ord (Node τ κ) where
compare n n = compare (ind n) (ind n)
ind :: Node τ κ -> Ind
ind (Node (Step i _ _ _ : _) _) = i
cat :: Node τ κ -> κ
cat (Node (Step _ c _ _ : _) _) = c
cats = map cat
hArc, dArcs :: Node τ κ -> [Arc τ]
hArc (Node (Step _ _ h _ : _) _) = h
dArcs (Node (Step _ _ _ d : _) _) = d
lastNode :: Parse τ κ -> Node τ κ
lastNode p = Node p []
lng, rng :: Node τ κ -> [Node τ κ]
lng (Node (s:s':p) q) = return (Node (s':p) (s:q))
lng _ = mzero
rng (Node p (s:q)) = return (Node (s:p) q)
rng _ = mzero
ng, preds, succs :: Node τ κ -> [Node τ κ]
ng = lng <> rng
preds (Node (s:s':p) q) = let prev = (Node (s':p) (s:q)) in (Node (s':p) (s:q)) : preds prev
preds _ = []
-- preds = clo lng
succs = clo rng
lhd, rhd, hd, ldp, rdp, dp, le, lv, lmdp, rmdp, down, up, root, roots :: (Ord (Node τ κ)) => Node τ κ -> [Node τ κ]
ldp n = [ n' | n' <- preds n, Dep _ i <- dArcs n, ind n' == i ]
rdp n = [ n' | n' <- succs n, Head _ i <- hArc n', ind n == i ]
dp = ldp <> rdp
lhd v = [ v' | Head _ i <- hArc v, v' <- preds v, ind v' == i ]
rhd v = [ v' | v' <- succs v, Dep _ i <- dArcs v', ind v == i ]
hd = lhd <> rhd
ldpBy,rdpBy,dpBy :: (Ord (Node τ κ)) => τ -> Node τ κ -> [Node τ κ]
ldpBy r n = [ n' | n' <- preds n, Dep r i <- dArcs n, ind n' == i ]
rdpBy r n = [ n' | n' <- succs n, Head r i <- hArc n', ind n == i ]
dpBy r = ldpBy r <> rdpBy r
lhdBy,rhdBy,hdBy :: (Ord (Node τ κ)) => τ -> Node τ κ -> [Node τ κ]
lhdBy r n = [ n' | n' <- preds n, Head r i <- hArc n , ind n' == i ]
rhdBy r n = [ n' | n' <- succs n, Dep r i <- dArcs n', ind n == i ]
hdBy r = lhdBy r <> rhdBy r
le = mrclo lmdp
lmdp = just minimum . ldp
rmdp = just maximum . rdp
lv = mrclo lmdp >=> lng >=> rclo lhd
down = clo dp
up = clo hd
root = mrclo hd
roots = (filter headless) . preds
headless :: (Ord (Node τ κ)) => Node τ κ -> Bool
headless = null . hd
-- roots = preds |? headless
roles, leftRoles, rightRoles :: Node τ κ -> [τ]
roles = leftRoles <> rightRoles
leftRoles v = [ r | Dep r _ <- dArcs v ]
rightRoles v = [ r | v' <- succs v, Head r i <- hArc v', i==ind v ]
instance (Show τ, Show κ) => Show (Node τ κ) where
show (Node p q) = showSteps p ++ " @ " ++ showStepsRev q ++ "\n"
showStepsRev = intercalate " * " . map show
showSteps = showStepsRev . reverse

PL1.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
module PL1 where
import G1
import Data.ADTTag
import Data.ADTTag.IPITag
import Control.Applicative
import Node
import Algebra.Lattice
import Prelude.Unicode
import Weighted
import Control.Monad.Identity
data Role = Subj | Cmpl | Mod | Poss | Prep | PCmpl | CCmpl | Coord | Conj | Num | Det
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
ppron = ppron12 ppron3
n = subst ger
nominal = n ppron
verbal = fin praet
adjectival = adj pact ppas
adverbial = adv pcon pant
cmpl'' = n (gen dat acc inst prep)
x = nominal verbal adjectival adverbial
v' = fin praet
n' = subst ger
adj'' = adj pact ppas
adv'' = adv pcon pant
n'' = subst ppron12 ppron3
agrNPG, agrC :: Constraint Role IPITag
agrNPG = \(_,h,d) -> agrNumber (cat h) (cat d) agrPerson (cat h) (cat d) agrGender (cat h) (cat d)
agrNCG = \(_,h,d) -> agrNumber (cat h) (cat d) agrCase (cat h) (cat d) agrGender (cat h) (cat d)
agrC = \(_,h,d) -> test ( agrCase<$>Identity (cat h)<*>Identity (cat d) )
--right, left, sgl :: Constraint Role IPITag
right = \(_,h,d) -> h < d
left = \(_,h,d) -> d < h
sgl = \(r,h,_) -> r roles h
coord = nominalCoord \/ verbalCoord \/ adjectivalCoord
nominalCoord (_,h,d) = nominal (cat d) or [ nominal (cat h) agrCase (cat d) (cat h) | h <- lhdBy Coord h]
verbalCoord (_,h,d) = verbal (cat d) or [ verbal (cat h) agrNumber (cat d) (cat h) | h <- lhdBy Coord h ]
adjectivalCoord (_,h,d) = adjectival (cat d)
or [ adjectival (cat h)
-- && agrNPG (undefined,h₂,d)
agrNumber (cat d) (cat h)
agrCase (cat d) (cat h)
agrGender (cat d) (cat h)
| h <- lhdBy Coord h
coord' = nominalCoord' -- \/ verbalCoord' \/ adjectivalCoord'
nominalCoord' (_,h,d) = (alt nominal) (cat d) or [ (alt nominal) (cat h) (alt2 agrCase) (cat d) (cat h) | h <- lhdBy Coord h]
-- verbalCoord (_,h,d) = verbal (cat d) ∧ or [ verbal (cat h₂) ∧ agrNumber (cat d) (cat h₂) | h₂ <- lhdBy Coord h ]
-- adjectivalCoord (_,h,d) = adjectival (cat d)
-- ∧ or [ adjectival (cat h₂)
-- -- && agrNPG (undefined,h₂,d)
-- ∧ agrNumber (cat d) (cat h₂)
-- ∧ agrCase (cat d) (cat h₂)
-- ∧ agrGender (cat d) (cat h₂)
-- | h₂ <- lhdBy Coord h
-- ]
-- amb f (r,Node i₁ cs₁ h₁ ds₁,Node i₂ cs₂ h₂ ds₂) = or [ c (r,Node i₁ c₁ h,Node t c₂) | c₁ <- cs₁, c₂ <- cs₂ ]
right' = \(_,h,d) -> h < d
left' = \(_,h,d) -> d < h
-- agrNPG', agrC' :: Constraint' (WeightedT []) Role IPITag
agrNPG' = \(_,h,d) -> (alt2 agrNumber) (cat h) (cat d) (alt2 agrPerson) (cat h) (cat d) (alt2 agrGender) (cat h) (cat d)
agrNCG' = \(_,h,d) -> (alt2 agrNumber) (cat h) (cat d) (alt2 agrCase (cat h) (cat d)) (alt2 agrGender) (cat h) (cat d)
-- agrNCG'' = amb argNCG
agrC' = \(_,h,d) -> (alt2 agrCase) (cat h) (cat d)
agrC''' :: Constraint' (WeightedT []) Role IPITag
agrC''' = \(_,h,d) -> test ( agrCase<$>(cat h)<*>(cat d) )
test :: (Foldable m) => m Bool -> Bool
test = foldl () False
-- right', left', sgl' :: Constraint' (WeightedT []) Role IPITag
-- right' = \(_,h,d) -> h < d
-- left' = \(_,h,d) -> d < h
-- sgl' = \(r,h,_) -> r ∉ roles h
alt f xs = or [ f x | x <- xs ]
alt2 f xs ys = or [ f x y | x <- xs , y <- ys ]
pl1 = G1 { links =
WeightedT $ concat
[ LINK Subj v' (n nom) [agrNPG,sgl,d] #w | (d,w) <- [(left,0.8),(right,0.2)] ],
[ LINK Cmpl v' cmpl'' [d] #w | (d,w) <- [(left,0.3),(right,0.7)] ],
[ LINK Mod n adjectival [agrNCG] #1 ],
[ LINK Prep n' prep [d] #w | (d,w) <- [(left,0.1),(right,0.8)] ],
[ LINK Prep v' prep [] #1 ],
[ LINK PCmpl prep n [agrC,right] #1 ],
[ LINK PCmpl prep (ppron akc) [agrC,right] #1 ],
[ LINK Coord x conj [right] #1 ],
[ LINK CCmpl conj x [right,coord] #1 ]
gcs = [obligatoriness],
-- sat = saturated,
obl = [OBL prep [PCmpl]]
pl1' = G1' { links' =
WeightedT $ concat
[ LINK' Subj v' (n nom) [agrNPG',sgl,d] #w | (d,w) <- [(left',0.8),(right',0.2)] ],
[ LINK' Cmpl v' cmpl'' [d] #w | (d,w) <- [(left',0.3),(right',0.7)] ],
[ LINK' Mod n adjectival [agrNCG'] #1 ],
[ LINK' Prep n' prep [d] #w | (d,w) <- [(left',0.1),(right',0.8)] ],
[ LINK' Prep v' prep [] #1 ],
[ LINK' PCmpl prep n [agrC',right'] #1 ],
[ LINK' PCmpl prep (ppron akc) [agrC',right'] #1 ],
[ LINK' Coord x conj [right'] #1 ],
[ LINK' CCmpl conj x [right',coord'] #1 ]
gcs' = [obligatoriness'],
-- sat = saturated,
obl' = [OBL prep [PCmpl]]
-- saturated :: Grammar -> Node Role IPITag -> Bool
-- sat g n = and [ r ∈ (roles n) | OBL p rs <- obl g, p n, r <- rs ]
-- obligatoriness = const True
--obligatoriness :: (Eq τ) => Constraint τ κ
obligatoriness (r,h,d) | h < d = all sat'' (pure h >>= clo rmdp)
| d < h = all sat'' (pure d >>= rclo rmdp)
sat'' n = and [ r (roles n) | OBL p rs <- obl pl1, p (cat n), r <- rs ]
obligatoriness' (r,h,d) | h < d = all sat''' (pure h >>= clo rmdp)
| d < h = all sat''' (pure d >>= rclo rmdp)
sat''' n = and [ r (roles n) | OBL p rs <- obl pl1, (alt p) (cat n), r <- rs ]

Parse.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module Parse -- (Step (Step),Parse,Ind,Arc,(+<-),(+->),(<<),nextId,size,len,trees,ep,eps)
-- import Data.List (intercalate)
import Base
import Step
import Data.List
type Parse τ c = [Step τ c]
ep = []
eps = [ep]
infixl 4 <<, +->, +<-
(<<) :: Parse τ κ -> Step τ κ -> Parse τ κ
p << s = s : p
addNode = (<<)
(+->),(+<-) :: Parse τ κ -> Arc τ -> Parse τ κ
(Step i c [] d : p) +-> a = Step i c [a] d : p
(Step i c h d : p) +<- a = Step i c h (a:d) : p
linkHead = (+->)
linkDep = (+<-)
nextId :: Parse τ κ -> Ind
nextId [] = 1
nextId (Step i _ _ _:_) = i + 1
len :: Parse τ κ -> Int
len p = length p
size :: Parse τ κ -> Int
size p = sum (map stepSize p) where stepSize (Step _ _ h ds) = length (h ++ ds)
trees :: Parse τ κ -> Int
trees p = len p - size p
showParse :: (Show τ, Show κ) => Parse τ κ -> String
showParse = concatMap shortStep
shortStep (Step i c h ds) = "<" ++ show i ++ "|" ++ showArcs h ++ "|" ++ showArcs ds ++ ">"
showArcs = intercalate "," . map showArc
showArc (Head r i) = show r ++ ":" ++ show i
showArc (Dep r i) = show r ++ ":" ++ show i

ParserW.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module ParserW (
module Parse,
-- parseSel,
-- selectSize,
-- shifts,
addDep) where
import Lexicon
import Grammar
import Parse
import Node
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence
import Data.Foldable
import Toolbox
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Plus
import Base
import Weighted
shift :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ) => δ -> String -> Parse τ κ -> m (Parse τ κ)
shift d w p = [ p << Step (nextId p) c [] [] | c <- dic d w ]
nextId [] = 1
nextId (Step i _ _ _:_) = i + 1
shift' :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ) => δ -> String -> Parse τ (m κ) -> m (Parse τ (m κ))
shift' d w p = return $ p << Step (nextId p) (dic d w) [] []
nextId [] = 1
nextId (Step i _ _ _:_) = i + 1
-- shift :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ) => δ -> String -> Parse τ κ -> StateT Int m (Parse τ κ)
-- shift d w p = do nextId <- get
-- c <- lift (dic d w)
-- let ret = p << Step nextId c [] []
-- modify (+ 1)
-- return ret
-- where
-- nextId [] = 1
-- nextId (Step i _ _ _:_) = i + 1
-- shifts :: (MonadPlus m) => [String] -> Parse -> m Parse
-- shifts (s:ss) p = shift s p >>= shifts ss
-- shifts [] p = return p
addHead, addDep :: (MonadPlus m, Grammar m τ κ γ) => γ -> Parse τ κ -> m (Parse τ κ)
addHead g p = [ p +-> Head r (ind v') | let v = lastNode p, headless v, (r,v') <- heads g v ]
addDep g p = [ p +<- Dep r (ind v') | let v = lastNode p, (r,v') <- deps g v, headless v' ]
addHead', addDep' :: (MonadPlus m, Grammar' m τ κ γ) => γ -> Parse τ (m κ) -> m (Parse τ (m κ))
addHead' g p = [ p +-> Head r (ind v') | let v = lastNode p, headless v, (r,v') <- heads' g v ]
addDep' g p = [ p +<- Dep r (ind v') | let v = lastNode p, (r,v') <- deps' g v, headless v' ]
connect :: (MonadPlus m, Grammar m τ κ γ) => γ -> Parse τ κ -> m (Parse τ κ)
connect g = (addDep g >=> connect g) <> addHead g <> return
connect' :: (MonadPlus m, Grammar' m τ κ γ) => γ -> Parse τ (m κ) -> m (Parse τ (m κ))
connect' g = (addDep' g >=> connect' g) <> addHead' g <> return
step :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ, Grammar m τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> Wordform -> Parse τ κ -> m (Parse τ κ)
step d g w = shift d w >=> connect g |? (<= 4) . trees
step' :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ, Grammar' m τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> Wordform -> Parse τ (m κ) -> m (Parse τ (m κ))
step' d g w = shift' d w >=> connect' g |? (<= 4) . trees
steps :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ, Grammar m τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> [Wordform] -> m (Parse τ κ)
steps d g = foldM (flip (step d g)) mzero
steps' :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ, Grammar' m τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> [Wordform] -> m (Parse τ (m κ))
steps' d g = foldM (flip (step' d g)) mzero
parser :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ, Grammar m τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> [Wordform] -> m (Parse τ κ)
parser d g = steps d g -- |? (==1) . trees
parser' :: (MonadPlus m, Lexicon m κ δ, Grammar' m τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> [Wordform] -> m (Parse τ (m κ))
parser' d g = steps' d g -- |? (==1) . trees
-- parser = steps |? pass.lastNode
-- parse :: (Lexicon WeightedList κ δ, Grammar WeightedList τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> String -> WeightedList (Parse τ κ)
parse d g = (parser d g |? (==1) . trees |? pass g . lastNode) . words
parse' :: (Lexicon WeightedList κ δ, Grammar' WeightedList τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> String -> WeightedList (Parse τ (WeightedList κ))
parse' d g = (parser' d g |? (==1) . trees) . words
parseA :: (Lexicon WeightedList κ δ, Grammar WeightedList τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> String -> WeightedList (Parse τ κ)
parseA d g = parser d g . words
parseA' :: (Lexicon WeightedList κ δ, Grammar' WeightedList τ κ γ) => δ -> γ -> String -> WeightedList (Parse τ (WeightedList κ))
parseA' d g = parser' d g . words
type WeightedList = WeightedT []
-- type WeightedList = StateT Int (WeightedT [])
-- step :: (Ind,String) -> [Step]
-- step (i,w) = [ Step i c [] [] | c <- dic w ]
-- steps :: [(Ind,String)] -> [[Step]]
-- steps [] = [[]]
-- _steps ((i,w):t) = [ Step i c [] [] : ss | c <- dic w, ss <- _steps t ]
-- _lexer = words >>> zip [1..] >>> _steps
-- -- lexer3 s = map (Node []) (stes s)
-- -- back = (lng >=> back) <?> pure
-- _parser = connect >=> (rng >=> _parser) <?> pure
-- -- --parser'' ws = shifts ws ep >>= back >>= pa
-- _parse = _lexer >=> _parser
-- shift :: (MonadPlus m) => Wordform -> Parse -> m Parse
-- shift w p = [ p << Step (nextId p) c [] [] | c <- mfromList (dic w) ]
-- where
-- nextId [] = 1
-- nextId (Step i _ _ _:_) = i + 1
-- shifts :: (MonadPlus m) => [String] -> Parse -> m Parse
-- shifts (s:ss) p = shift s p >>= shifts ss
-- shifts [] p = return p
-- addHead, addDep :: (MonadPlus m) => Parse -> m Parse
-- addHead p = [ p +-> Arc r (ind v') | let v = lastNode p, headless v, (r,v') <- mfromList (heads v) ]
-- addDep p = [ p +<- Arc r (ind v') | let v = lastNode p, (r,v') <- mfromList (deps v), headless v' ]
-- connect :: (MonadPlus m) => Parse -> m Parse
-- connect = (addDep >=> connect) <> addHead <> return
-- step :: (MonadPlus m) => Wordform -> Parse -> m Parse
-- step w = shift w >=> connect
-- steps :: (MonadPlus m) => [Wordform] -> m Parse
-- steps = foldM (flip step) mzero
-- parser :: (MonadPlus m) => [Wordform] -> m Parse
-- parser = steps |? pass.lastNode |? (==1).trees
-- parse :: String-> [Parse]
-- parse = parser . words
-- stepSel :: (Parse -> [Parse]) -> Wordform -> Parse -> [Parse]
-- stepSel s w = (shift w >=> connect >=> s)
-- stepsSel :: (Parse -> [Parse]) -> [Wordform] -> [Parse]
-- stepsSel s = foldM (flip (stepSel s)) []
-- parserSel :: (Parse -> [Parse]) -> [Wordform] -> [Parse]
-- parserSel s = stepsSel s >=> selectWith (pass.lastNode) >=> selectSize (==1)
-- parseSel :: (Parse -> [Parse]) -> String-> [Parse]
-- parseSel s = parserSel s . words
-- type Selector = Parse -> [Parse]
-- sAny :: (Parse -> [Parse])
-- sAny v = pure v
-- selectWith :: (Parse -> Bool) -> (Parse -> [Parse])
-- selectWith f v = if f v then [v] else []
-- selectSize :: (Int -> Bool) -> (Parse -> [Parse])
-- selectSize f = selectWith (f . trees)
-- sForestSize f p = if f (trees p) then [p] else []
-- shift' :: (Ind,Word) -> Parse -> [Parse]
-- shift' (i,w) p = [ p << (i,c) | c <- dic w]
-- addHead', addDep' :: Parse -> [Parse]
-- addHead' n = [ n +-> (r,ind n') | headless n, (r,n') <- heads' n ]
-- addDep' n = [ n +<- (r,ind n') | (r,n') <- deps' n, headless n' ]
-- connect' :: Parse -> [Parse]
-- -- connect = ((addDep <> addHead) >=> connect) <> pure
-- connect' = addDep' <> addHead' <> pure
-- step' :: (Parse -> [Parse]) -> (Ind,Word) -> Parse -> [Parse]
-- step' s w = shift' w >=> connect >=> s
-- step'''' w = shift' w >=> connect
-- stepS s w = step'''' w >=> s
-- parser' s = foldM (flip (stepS s)) ep >=> accept'
-- parse' s = words >>> zip [1..] >>> parser' s
-- parserRL s = foldrM ((step' s)) ep >=> accept'
-- parseRL s = words >>> zip [1..] >>> parserRL s
-- type Filter = [Parse] -> [Parse]
-- -- takeWith :: (Parse -> Bool) -> ([Parse] -> [Parse])
-- -- takeWith f = filter f
-- -- takeBestN = mapM (sForestSize)

PoliMorf.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module PoliMorf (
module Data.ADTTag.IPITag,
module PM -- Data.ADTTag.IPITag.PoliMorf
) where
import Control.Monad.Plus
import Lexicon
import Data.ADTTag.IPITag
import qualified Data.ADTTag.IPITag.PoliMorf as PM
instance (MonadPlus m) => Lexicon m IPITag PM.Dic where
dic = PM.dic
-- data SynTag = SUBST' Name1
-- | FIN'
-- | PREP' Prep
-- deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
-- data Name1 = Common | Proper
-- data Prep = PrepPod | PrepDo | PrepNa | PrepW | PrepPrzez | PrepPod
-- syn ::

Role.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module Role where
data Role = Subj
| Cmpl
| Mod
| Poss
| Prep
| PCmpl
| CCmpl
| Coord
| Conj
| Num
| Det
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

Step.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Step (Step (Step))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Base
data Step τ κ = Step Ind κ [Arc τ] [Arc τ] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- dst :: Arc
-- instance Show Step where
-- show (Step i c h d) = show i ++ "." ++ show c ++ showHead h ++ showDeps d
-- where showHead [] = ""
-- showHead [a] = "(" ++ showArc a ++ ")"
-- showDeps [] = ""
-- showDeps ds = "[" ++ intercalate " " (map showArc ds) ++ "]"
-- showArc (r,i) = show r ++ ":" ++ show i

Toolbox.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
module Toolbox
( -- Applicative
-- Monad
(>>=), (>=>),
-- local
clo, rclo, mclo, mrclo,
import Control.Monad ((>>=),(>=>),MonadPlus(mplus,mzero),mfilter)
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Data.Foldable
-- OR
infixr 6 <>
(<>) :: (MonadPlus m) => (a -> m b) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m b)
(f <> g) x = f x `mplus` g x
infixr 6 <!>
(<!>) :: (MonadPlus m, Foldable m) => (a -> m b) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m b)
(f <!> g) x = let fx = f x in if null fx then g x else fx
infixl 4 |?
(|?) :: (MonadPlus m) => (a -> m b) -> (b -> Bool) -> (a -> m b)
f |? g = mfilter g . f
clo,mclo,rclo,mrclo:: (MonadPlus m, Foldable m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
clo f = f >=> ( pure <> clo f )
rclo f = pure <> clo f
mrclo f = (f >=> mrclo f) <!> pure
mclo f = f >=> mrclo f
-- INPUT: Function f returning element of a list or fails if list empty
-- OUTPUT: Function returning the list containing the f value or empty list
-- ex: the maximum, the head, the last, e.t.c
-- the :: ([a] -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
-- (the f) [] = []
-- (the f) xs = [f xs]
just :: ([a] -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
(just f) [] = []
(just f) xs = [f xs]
its :: (a->b) -> ([a]->b)
its f = f.head
their :: (a->b) -> ([a]->[b])
their = map

Weighted.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
module Weighted
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
newtype Weight = Weight Float deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
instance Monoid Weight where
mempty = Weight 1
Weight w `mappend` Weight w' = Weight (w * w')
inv :: Weight -> Weight
inv (Weight w) = (Weight (1.0 - w))
data Weighted a = Weighted Weight a
bare :: Weighted a -> a
bare (Weighted _ x) = x
weight :: Weighted a -> Weight
weight (Weighted w _) = w
instance Functor Weighted where
fmap f (Weighted w x) = Weighted w (f x)
instance Applicative Weighted where
pure = Weighted mempty
Weighted w f <*> Weighted w' x = Weighted (w <> w') (f x)
instance Monad Weighted where
return = pure
(Weighted w x) >>= f = let (Weighted w' y) = f x
in Weighted (w<>w') y
instance (Show a) => Show (Weighted a) where
show (Weighted (Weight w) x) = show x ++ "#" ++ show w
infix 9 #
x#w = Weighted (Weight w) x
instance Eq (Weighted a) where
Weighted w1 _ == Weighted w2 _ = w1 == w2
instance Ord (Weighted a) where
Weighted w1 _ <= Weighted w2 _ = w1 <= w2
newtype WeightedT m a = WeightedT { runWeightedT :: m (Weighted a) }
instance Functor m => Functor (WeightedT m) where
f `fmap` x = WeightedT (liftA f `fmap` runWeightedT x)
instance Applicative m => Applicative (WeightedT m) where
pure = WeightedT . pure . pure
f <*> x = WeightedT (liftA2 (<*>) (runWeightedT f) (runWeightedT x))
instance Alternative m => Alternative (WeightedT m) where
empty = WeightedT empty
x <|> y = WeightedT ( runWeightedT x <|> runWeightedT y )
instance (MonadPlus m, Foldable m) => Foldable (WeightedT m) where
-- foldr f z c = foldr f z (map bare $ toList $ runWeightedT c)
foldr f z c = foldr f z (fmap bare $ runWeightedT c)
-- foldr f z c = foldr (f . bare) z (runWeightedT c)
instance Monad m => Monad (WeightedT m) where
return = WeightedT . return . return
x >>= f = WeightedT $ do
Weighted w a <- runWeightedT x
Weighted w' b <- runWeightedT (f a)
return (Weighted (w<>w') b)
instance (Alternative m, Monad m) => MonadPlus (WeightedT m)
-- instance (MonadPlus m, Traversable m) => Traversable (WeightedT m) where
-- traverse f xs = return $ traverse (liftM f) (runWeightedT xs)
-- traverse f xs | null xs = pure mzero
-- | otherwise = foldr (\x v -> mplus <$> f x <*> v) (pure mzero) xs
-- (WeightedT x)= WeightedT $ sequenceA x