u-versions (utf8) of principal programs

This commit is contained in:
Tomasz Obrębski 2016-12-05 20:13:07 +01:00
parent 4a25a92db7
commit fb40f34eaa
61 changed files with 1742 additions and 1959 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ ifdef DOC_DIR
endif endif
clean: clean:
rm utt.info utt.dvi utt.html utt.pdf utt.ps || true rm -f *.info *.dvi *.html *.pdf *.ps *.log *.aux

doc/dgp.tex Normal file
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\author{Tomasz Obrębski}
\chapter{Parsing algorithm}
Wejście dla parsera przygotowuje się w następujący sposób:
cat text.txt | tok | sen | lem | canonize | gph | dgp ...
Plik wejściowy
dgp bierze na wejściu graf słów (wordgraph). Numery wierzchołków tego
grafu to wartości pola gph. Pole to jest wprowadzane do pliku przez
program gph.
Poza polem gph, dgp odczytuje też wartość pola lem.
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:4:1,2,3 dgp:6;s
\item[{\it node}] Dependency graph node number.
\item[saturation] The information whether the node is saturated. A
node is saturated if the list of required connections for this node
is empty, it is unsaturated otherwise.
\item[links] The comma separated list of connections. For each node
either the list of its dependents or the list of its heads may be
printed, or both (this dependes on the value of the \verb|--info|
\item[sets] For each node, the sets of all its left neighbours,
transitive left heads, transitive left dependents, and nodes visible
on the left can be printed. (This information is useful for fast
tree generation.)
\item[constraints] the information on constraints imposed on the
node. Constraints follow from the SGL and REQ grammar rules and have
the form of a comma-separated list of dependency types required by
the node and forbidden for the node. The elements of the list have
the following format:
\verb|!|{\it dependency type} & {\it dependency type} is required\\
\verb|&|{\it dependency type} & {\it dependency type} is forbidden
Wynikiem pracy dgp jest graf zależności. Graf ten może zawierać
(zwykle tak jest) więcej wierzchołków niż graf wejściowy.
* numer wierzchołka w wyjściowym grafie zależności
Numery wierzchołków w wyjściowym grafie są inne. Podczas działania
parser tworzy kopie (klony) wierzchołków wejściowych. Dzieje się tak w
sytuacji, kiedy do wierzchołka (jako nadrzędnika) dowiazywana jest
zależnośc objęta ograniczeniami. Ograniczenia wynikają z reguł
gramatyki SGL i OBL.
SGL - zależność jednokrotna
OBL - zależność obligatiryjna
node saturation \verb|s| or \verb|u|
s - wierzchołek nasycony
u - wierzchołek nienasycony
Wierzchołek nienasycony to taki, któremu brakuje obowiązkowy podrzędnik.
Obowiązkowe podrzędniki określane są w regułach OBL gramatyki.
* connection list
connections are lista zależności zawiera oddzielony przecinkami ciąg wyrażeń
jeśli w wywołaniu programu dla parametru --info podano wśród wartości 'd'
(od dependents)
jeśli w wywołaniu programu dla parametru --info podano wśród wartości 'h'
Może też zawierac oba typy wyrażeń, jeśli podano zarówno 'd' jak i 'h'.
oznacza możliwość istnienia zależności typu <typ>, której nadrzędnikiem jest aktualny wierzchołek, a podrzędnikiem
wierzchołek <w1> (o <w2> za chwilę).
pies goni czarnego kota w butach.
0000 00 BOS *
0000 04 W Pies lem:pies,N/CnGaNs
0004 01 S _
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp
0009 01 S _
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CaDpGapNs
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CgDpGainpNs
0018 01 S _
0019 04 W kota lem:kota,N/CnGfNs
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CaGaNs
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CgGaNs
0023 01 S _
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal
0025 01 S _
0026 06 W butach lem:buta,N/ClGfNp
0026 06 W butach lem:but,N/ClGiNp
0032 01 P .
0033 01 S \n
0034 00 EOS *
\caption{output of \verb@tok | sen | lem | canonize@}
0000 00 BOS * gph:0:
0000 04 W Pies lem:pies,N/CnGaNs gph:1:0
0004 01 S _
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1
0009 01 S _
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CaDpGapNs gph:3:2
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CgDpGainpNs gph:4:2
0018 01 S _
0019 04 W kota lem:kota,N/CnGfNs gph:5:3,4
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CaGaNs gph:6:3,4
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CgGaNs gph:7:3,4
0023 01 S _
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal gph:8:5,6,7
0025 01 S _
0026 06 W butach lem:buta,N/ClGfNp gph:9:8
0026 06 W butach lem:but,N/ClGiNp gph:10:8
0032 01 P .
0033 01 S \n
0034 00 EOS * gph:11:9,10
\caption{Word graph representation: sentence annotated with gph.}
0000 00 BOS * gph:0: dgp:0;s;;
0000 04 W Pies lem:pies,N/CnGaNs gph:1:0 dgp:1;s;;
0004 01 S _
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:2;s;;
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:3;s;--subj-1/2;!subj
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:8;s;--cmpl_ga-7/3,--cmpl_ga-10/3,--prep-11/8;!subj!cmpl_ga
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:9;s;--cmpl_ga-7/2,--cmpl_ga-10/2,--prep-11/9;!cmpl_ga
0009 01 S _
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CaDpGapNs gph:3:2 dgp:4;s;;
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CgDpGainpNs gph:4:2 dgp:5;s;;
0018 01 S _
0019 04 W kota lem:kota,N/CnGfNs gph:5:3,4 dgp:6;s;--prep-11/6;
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CaGaNs gph:6:3,4 dgp:7;s;--mod-4/7,--prep-11/7;
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CgGaNs gph:7:3,4 dgp:10;s;--mod-5/10,--prep-11/10;
0023 01 S _
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal gph:8:5,6,7 dgp:11;u;;&pcmpl
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal gph:8:5,6,7 dgp:13;s;--pcmpl-12/11,--pcmpl-14/11;!pcmpl
0025 01 S _
0026 06 W butach lem:buta,N/ClGfNp gph:9:8 dgp:12;s;;
0026 06 W butach lem:but,N/ClGiNp gph:10:8 dgp:14;s;;
0032 01 P .
0033 01 S \n
0034 00 EOS * gph:11:9,10 dgp:15;s;;
\caption{dgp output}

doc/dgp/WARNINGS Normal file
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No implementation found for style `fontenc'
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2008 (1.71)
original version by: Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
* revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
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<P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>Tomasz Obr&#196;&#153;bski</STRONG></P>
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<UL CLASS="ChildLinks">
<LI><A NAME="tex2html7"
<LI><A NAME="tex2html8"
<LI><A NAME="tex2html9"
HREF="node3.html">Parsing algorithm</A>
<LI><A NAME="tex2html10"
<LI><A NAME="tex2html11"
<LI><A NAME="tex2html12"
HREF="node6.html">About this document ...</A>
<!--End of Table of Child-Links-->

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Type H <return> for immediate help.
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Adding the global options:
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0000 00 BOS *
0000 04 W Pies lem:pies,N/CnGaNs
0004 01 S _
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp
0009 01 S _
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CaDpGapNs
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CgDpGainpNs
0018 01 S _
0019 04 W kota lem:kota,N/CnGfNs
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CaGaNs
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CgGaNs
0023 01 S _
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal
0025 01 S _
0026 06 W butach lem:buta,N/ClGfNp
0026 06 W butach lem:but,N/ClGiNp
0032 01 P .
0033 01 S \n
0034 00 EOS *\end{verbatim}
0000 00 BOS * gph:0:
0000 04 W Pies lem:pies,N/CnGaNs gph:1:0
0004 01 S _
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1
0009 01 S _
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CaDpGapNs gph:3:2
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CgDpGainpNs gph:4:2
0018 01 S _
0019 04 W kota lem:kota,N/CnGfNs gph:5:3,4
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CaGaNs gph:6:3,4
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CgGaNs gph:7:3,4
0023 01 S _
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal gph:8:5,6,7
0025 01 S _
0026 06 W butach lem:buta,N/ClGfNp gph:9:8
0026 06 W butach lem:but,N/ClGiNp gph:10:8
0032 01 P .
0033 01 S \n
0034 00 EOS * gph:11:9,10\end{verbatim}
\begin{figure} \scriptsize
0000 00 BOS * gph:0: dgp:0;s;;
0000 04 W Pies lem:pies,N/CnGaNs gph:1:0 dgp:1;s;;
0004 01 S _
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:2;s;;
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:3;s;--subj-1/2;!subj
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:8;s;--cmpl_ga-7/3,--cmpl_ga-10/3,--prep-11/8;!subj!cmpl_ga
0005 04 W goni lem:gonić,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:2:1 dgp:9;s;--cmpl_ga-7/2,--cmpl_ga-10/2,--prep-11/9;!cmpl_ga
0009 01 S _
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CaDpGapNs gph:3:2 dgp:4;s;;
0010 08 W czarnego lem:czarny,ADJ/CgDpGainpNs gph:4:2 dgp:5;s;;
0018 01 S _
0019 04 W kota lem:kota,N/CnGfNs gph:5:3,4 dgp:6;s;--prep-11/6;
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CaGaNs gph:6:3,4 dgp:7;s;--mod-4/7,--prep-11/7;
0019 04 W kota lem:kot,N/CgGaNs gph:7:3,4 dgp:10;s;--mod-5/10,--prep-11/10;
0023 01 S _
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal gph:8:5,6,7 dgp:11;u;;&pcmpl
0024 01 W w lem:w,P/Cal gph:8:5,6,7 dgp:13;s;--pcmpl-12/11,--pcmpl-14/11;!pcmpl
0025 01 S _
0026 06 W butach lem:buta,N/ClGfNp gph:9:8 dgp:12;s;;
0026 06 W butach lem:but,N/ClGiNp gph:10:8 dgp:14;s;;
0032 01 P .
0033 01 S \n
0034 00 EOS * gph:11:9,10 dgp:15;s;;\end{verbatim}

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Wej&#197;&#155;cie dla parsera przygotowuje si&#196;&#153; w nast&#196;&#153;puj&#196;&#133;cy spos&#195;&#179;b:
cat text.txt | tok | sen | lem | canonize | gph | dgp ...
Plik wej&#197;&#155;ciowy
dgp bierze na wej&#197;&#155;ciu graf s&#197;&#130;&#195;&#179;w (wordgraph). Numery wierzcho&#197;&#130;k&#195;&#179;w tego
grafu to warto&#197;&#155;ci pola gph. Pole to jest wprowadzane do pliku przez
program gph.
Poza polem gph, dgp odczytuje te&#197;&#188; warto&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135; pola lem.

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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00500000000000000000">
0005 04 W goni lem:goni&#196;&#135;,V/AiMdNsP3TfrVp gph:4:1,2,3 dgp:6;s
<DD>Dependency graph node number.
<DD>The information whether the node is saturated. A
node is saturated if the list of required connections for this node
is empty, it is unsaturated otherwise.
<DD>The comma separated list of connections. For each node
either the list of its dependents or the list of its heads may be
printed, or both (this dependes on the value of the <code>--info</code>
<DD>For each node, the sets of all its left neighbours,
transitive left heads, transitive left dependents, and nodes visible
on the left can be printed. (This information is useful for fast
tree generation.)
<DD>the information on constraints imposed on the
node. Constraints follow from the SGL and REQ grammar rules and have
the form of a comma-separated list of dependency types required by
the node and forbidden for the node. The elements of the list have
the following format:
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><code>!</code><I>dependency type</I></TD>
<TD ALIGN="LEFT"><I>dependency type</I> is required</TD>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><code>&amp;</code><I>dependency type</I></TD>
<TD ALIGN="LEFT"><I>dependency type</I> is forbidden</TD>
Wynikiem pracy dgp jest graf zale&#197;&#188;no&#197;&#155;ci. Graf ten mo&#197;&#188;e zawiera&#196;&#135;
(zwykle tak jest) wi&#196;&#153;cej wierzcho&#197;&#130;k&#195;&#179;w ni&#197;&#188; graf wej&#197;&#155;ciowy.
* numer wierzcho&#197;&#130;ka w wyj&#197;&#155;ciowym grafie zale&#197;&#188;no&#197;&#155;ci
Numery wierzcho&#197;&#130;k&#195;&#179;w w wyj&#197;&#155;ciowym grafie s&#196;&#133; inne. Podczas dzia&#197;&#130;ania
parser tworzy kopie (klony) wierzcho&#197;&#130;k&#195;&#179;w wej&#197;&#155;ciowych. Dzieje si&#196;&#153; tak w
sytuacji, kiedy do wierzcho&#197;&#130;ka (jako nadrz&#196;&#153;dnika) dowiazywana jest
zale&#197;&#188;no&#197;&#155;c obj&#196;&#153;ta ograniczeniami. Ograniczenia wynikaj&#196;&#133; z regu&#197;&#130;
gramatyki SGL i OBL.
SGL - zale&#197;&#188;no&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135; jednokrotna
OBL - zale&#197;&#188;no&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135; obligatiryjna
node saturation <code>s</code> or <code>u</code>
s - wierzcho&#197;&#130;ek nasycony
u - wierzcho&#197;&#130;ek nienasycony
Wierzcho&#197;&#130;ek nienasycony to taki, kt&#195;&#179;remu brakuje obowi&#196;&#133;zkowy podrz&#196;&#153;dnik.
Obowi&#196;&#133;zkowe podrz&#196;&#153;dniki okre&#197;&#155;lane s&#196;&#133; w regu&#197;&#130;ach OBL gramatyki.
* connection list
connections are lista zale&#197;&#188;no&#197;&#155;ci zawiera oddzielony przecinkami ci&#196;&#133;g wyra&#197;&#188;e&#197;&#132;
je&#197;&#155;li w wywo&#197;&#130;aniu programu dla parametru -info podano w&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d warto&#197;&#155;ci 'd'
(od dependents)
je&#197;&#155;li w wywo&#197;&#130;aniu programu dla parametru -info podano w&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d warto&#197;&#155;ci 'h'
Mo&#197;&#188;e te&#197;&#188; zawierac oba typy wyra&#197;&#188;e&#197;&#132;, je&#197;&#155;li podano zar&#195;&#179;wno 'd' jak i 'h'.
oznacza mo&#197;&#188;liwo&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135; istnienia zale&#197;&#188;no&#197;&#155;ci typu &lt;typ&gt;, kt&#195;&#179;rej nadrz&#196;&#153;dnikiem jest aktualny wierzcho&#197;&#130;ek, a podrz&#196;&#153;dnikiem
wierzcho&#197;&#130;ek &lt;w1&gt; (o &lt;w2&gt; za chwil&#196;&#153;).
pies goni czarnego kota w butach.
output of <code>tok | sen | lem | canonize</code></CAPTION>
Word graph representation: sentence annotated with gph.</CAPTION>
dgp output</CAPTION>
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<A HREF="http://www.latex2html.org/"><STRONG>LaTeX</STRONG>2<tt>HTML</tt></A> translator Version 2008 (1.71)
Copyright &#169; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
Nikos Drakos,
Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright &#169; 1997, 1998, 1999,
<A HREF="http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~ross/">Ross Moore</A>,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
The command line arguments were: <BR>
<STRONG>latex2html</STRONG> <TT><A NAME="tex2html4"
The translation was initiated by to on 2014-12-19

View File

@ -11,19 +11,25 @@ PATTERN {
if(yytext[yyleng-1]!='\n') if(yytext[yyleng-1]!='\n')
{fprintf(stderr,"ser: pattern matches incomplete line\n"); exit(1);} {fprintf(stderr,"ser: pattern matches incomplete line\n"); exit(1);}
n++; n++;
sscanf(yytext,"%d %d",&start,&len); if( sscanf(yytext,"%d %d",&start,&len) != 2 ) {start=-1; len=-1;};
yytext[yyleng-1]='\0'; yytext[yyleng-1]='\0';
if(tmp=strrchr(yytext,'\n')) if(tmp=strrchr(yytext,'\n'))
{ {
lastseg=tmp+1; lastseg=tmp+1;
sscanf(lastseg,"%d %d", &end, &len); if( sscanf(lastseg,"%d %d",&end,&len) != 2 ) {start=-1; len=-1;};
} }
else else
end=start; end=start;
yytext[yyleng-1]='\n'; yytext[yyleng-1]='\n';
printf("%04d 00 BOM * ser:%d\n",start,n); if(start >= 0 && end >=0)
printf("%04d 00 BOM * ser:%d\n",start,n);
printf("BOM * ser:%d\n",n);
printf("%04d 00 EOM * ser:%d\n",end+len,n); if(start>=0 && end >=0)
printf("%04d 00 EOM * ser:%d\n",end+len,n);
printf("EOM * ser:%d\n",n);
} }

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ gram.dgp: gram.dgc
.PHONY: install .PHONY: install
install: install: install-dictionaries
.PHONY: install-grammar .PHONY: install-grammar
install-grammar: install-grammar:
@ -26,31 +26,31 @@ install-grammar:
install-dictionaries: install-dictionaries:
ifdef LANG_DIR ifdef LANG_DIR
install -d $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 install -d $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
install -d $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8 # install -d $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8
install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/cor.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/cor.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/gue.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/gue.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.fst $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 # install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.fst $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.cats $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.cats $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2.sym $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 install -m 0644 pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2.sym $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
install -m 0644 pl_PL.UTF-8/lem.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8 # install -m 0644 pl_PL.UTF-8/lem.bin $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8
install -m 0644 weights.kor $(LANG_DIR) install -m 0644 weights.kor $(LANG_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef LANG_DIR ifdef LANG_DIR
rm $(LANG_DIR)/weights.kor rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/weights.kor
rm $(LANG_DIR)/gram.* rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/gram.*
rm $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8/lem.bin rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8/lem.bin
rm $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2.sym rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2.sym
rm $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.cats rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.cats
rm $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.bin
rm $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.fst # rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/lem.fst
rm $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/gue.bin rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/gue.bin
rm $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/cor.bin rm -f $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2/cor.bin
rmdir $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 rmdir $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
rmdir $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8 # rmdir $(LANG_DIR)/pl_PL.UTF-8
endif endif

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
include ../../config.mak include ../../config.mak
#TARGETS = lem.bin lem.cats cor.bin gue.bin TARGETS = lem.bin lem.cats cor.bin gue.bin
.PHONY: all .PHONY: all
all: $(TARGETS) all:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------
# main section # main section
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ lem.cats: lem.dic
.PHONY: clean .PHONY: clean
clean: clean:
rm -f lem.bin lem.fst lem.cats rm -f lem.fst lem.cats

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 compdic-dic-to-fst $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 compdic-dic-to-fst $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 compdic-dic-to-cats $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 compdic-dic-to-cats $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 compdic-fst-to-bin $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 compdic-fst-to-bin $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 canonize $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 canonize $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 fsm2aut $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 fsm2aut $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 aut2fsa $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 aut2fsa $(BIN_DIR)

src/compdic/canonize Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#package: UAM TExt Tools
#component: canonize
#version: 1.0
#author: Tomasz Obrebski
use lib "/usr/local/lib/utt";
use lib "$ENV{'HOME'}/.local/lib/utt";
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use attr;
my $help;
GetOptions("help|h" => \$help);
print <<'END'
Transforms syntactic categories to their canonical form.
Usage: canonize
--help -h Help.
exit 0;
my %tra;
sub trans
my $cat=shift;
exists($tra{$cat}) ? $tra{$cat} : ( $tra{$cat} = attr::canonize $cat );

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
cmdline.o cmdline.d : cmdline.cc cmdline.h

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
package "dgp"
version "0.1"
option "grammar" g "Grammar file"
string no typestr="filename"
option "long" l "Long output"
flag off
option "debug" d "Debug mode."
flag off
option "time" - "Print parse time."
flag off
option "info" - "Print info.
h - heads d - dependents
s - sets
c - constraints n - node/arc counts"
string no default="h"
#section "Common UTT options"
option "input" f "Input file" string no
option "output" o "Output file" string no
option "only-fail" - "Print only segments the program failed to process" flag off hidden
option "no-fail" - "Print only segments the program processed" flag off hidden
option "copy" c "Copy succesfully processed segments to output" flag off
option "process" p "Process segments of this type only" string no multiple
option "select" s "Select only segments containing this field" string no multiple
option "ignore" S "Select only segments, which doesn't contain this field" string no multiple
option "output-field" O "Output field name (default: program name)" string no
option "input-field" I "Input field name (default: the FORM field)" string no multiple
option "interactive" i "Toggle interactive mode" flag off
option "config" - "Configuration file" string typestr="FILENAME" no
option "one-field" 1 "Print all alternative results in one field (creates compact ambiguous annotation)" flag off
option "one-line" - "Print annotation alternatives as additional fields in the same segment" flag off
option "language" - "Language." string no

View File

@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
/** @file cmdline.h
* @brief The header file for the command line option parser
* generated by GNU Gengetopt version 2.22.6
* http://www.gnu.org/software/gengetopt.
* DO NOT modify this file, since it can be overwritten
* @author GNU Gengetopt by Lorenzo Bettini */
#ifndef CMDLINE_H
#define CMDLINE_H
/* If we use autoconf. */
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* for FILE */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** @brief the program name (used for printing errors) */
/** @brief the complete program name (used for help and version) */
/** @brief the program version */
/** @brief Where the command line options are stored */
struct gengetopt_args_info
const char *help_help; /**< @brief Print help and exit help description. */
const char *full_help_help; /**< @brief Print help, including hidden options, and exit help description. */
const char *version_help; /**< @brief Print version and exit help description. */
char * grammar_arg; /**< @brief Grammar file. */
char * grammar_orig; /**< @brief Grammar file original value given at command line. */
const char *grammar_help; /**< @brief Grammar file help description. */
int long_flag; /**< @brief Long output (default=off). */
const char *long_help; /**< @brief Long output help description. */
int debug_flag; /**< @brief Debug mode. (default=off). */
const char *debug_help; /**< @brief Debug mode. help description. */
int time_flag; /**< @brief Print parse time. (default=off). */
const char *time_help; /**< @brief Print parse time. help description. */
char * info_arg; /**< @brief Print info.
h - heads d - dependents
s - sets
c - constraints n - node/arc counts (default='h'). */
char * info_orig; /**< @brief Print info.
h - heads d - dependents
s - sets
c - constraints n - node/arc counts original value given at command line. */
const char *info_help; /**< @brief Print info.
h - heads d - dependents
s - sets
c - constraints n - node/arc counts help description. */
char * input_arg; /**< @brief Input file. */
char * input_orig; /**< @brief Input file original value given at command line. */
const char *input_help; /**< @brief Input file help description. */
char * output_arg; /**< @brief Output file. */
char * output_orig; /**< @brief Output file original value given at command line. */
const char *output_help; /**< @brief Output file help description. */
int only_fail_flag; /**< @brief Print only segments the program failed to process (default=off). */
const char *only_fail_help; /**< @brief Print only segments the program failed to process help description. */
int no_fail_flag; /**< @brief Print only segments the program processed (default=off). */
const char *no_fail_help; /**< @brief Print only segments the program processed help description. */
int copy_flag; /**< @brief Copy succesfully processed segments to output (default=off). */
const char *copy_help; /**< @brief Copy succesfully processed segments to output help description. */
char ** process_arg; /**< @brief Process segments of this type only. */
char ** process_orig; /**< @brief Process segments of this type only original value given at command line. */
unsigned int process_min; /**< @brief Process segments of this type only's minimum occurreces */
unsigned int process_max; /**< @brief Process segments of this type only's maximum occurreces */
const char *process_help; /**< @brief Process segments of this type only help description. */
char ** select_arg; /**< @brief Select only segments containing this field. */
char ** select_orig; /**< @brief Select only segments containing this field original value given at command line. */
unsigned int select_min; /**< @brief Select only segments containing this field's minimum occurreces */
unsigned int select_max; /**< @brief Select only segments containing this field's maximum occurreces */
const char *select_help; /**< @brief Select only segments containing this field help description. */
char ** ignore_arg; /**< @brief Select only segments, which doesn't contain this field. */
char ** ignore_orig; /**< @brief Select only segments, which doesn't contain this field original value given at command line. */
unsigned int ignore_min; /**< @brief Select only segments, which doesn't contain this field's minimum occurreces */
unsigned int ignore_max; /**< @brief Select only segments, which doesn't contain this field's maximum occurreces */
const char *ignore_help; /**< @brief Select only segments, which doesn't contain this field help description. */
char * output_field_arg; /**< @brief Output field name (default: program name). */
char * output_field_orig; /**< @brief Output field name (default: program name) original value given at command line. */
const char *output_field_help; /**< @brief Output field name (default: program name) help description. */
char ** input_field_arg; /**< @brief Input field name (default: the FORM field). */
char ** input_field_orig; /**< @brief Input field name (default: the FORM field) original value given at command line. */
unsigned int input_field_min; /**< @brief Input field name (default: the FORM field)'s minimum occurreces */
unsigned int input_field_max; /**< @brief Input field name (default: the FORM field)'s maximum occurreces */
const char *input_field_help; /**< @brief Input field name (default: the FORM field) help description. */
int interactive_flag; /**< @brief Toggle interactive mode (default=off). */
const char *interactive_help; /**< @brief Toggle interactive mode help description. */
char * config_arg; /**< @brief Configuration file. */
char * config_orig; /**< @brief Configuration file original value given at command line. */
const char *config_help; /**< @brief Configuration file help description. */
int one_field_flag; /**< @brief Print all alternative results in one field (creates compact ambiguous annotation) (default=off). */
const char *one_field_help; /**< @brief Print all alternative results in one field (creates compact ambiguous annotation) help description. */
int one_line_flag; /**< @brief Print annotation alternatives as additional fields in the same segment (default=off). */
const char *one_line_help; /**< @brief Print annotation alternatives as additional fields in the same segment help description. */
char * language_arg; /**< @brief Language.. */
char * language_orig; /**< @brief Language. original value given at command line. */
const char *language_help; /**< @brief Language. help description. */
unsigned int help_given ; /**< @brief Whether help was given. */
unsigned int full_help_given ; /**< @brief Whether full-help was given. */
unsigned int version_given ; /**< @brief Whether version was given. */
unsigned int grammar_given ; /**< @brief Whether grammar was given. */
unsigned int long_given ; /**< @brief Whether long was given. */
unsigned int debug_given ; /**< @brief Whether debug was given. */
unsigned int time_given ; /**< @brief Whether time was given. */
unsigned int info_given ; /**< @brief Whether info was given. */
unsigned int input_given ; /**< @brief Whether input was given. */
unsigned int output_given ; /**< @brief Whether output was given. */
unsigned int only_fail_given ; /**< @brief Whether only-fail was given. */
unsigned int no_fail_given ; /**< @brief Whether no-fail was given. */
unsigned int copy_given ; /**< @brief Whether copy was given. */
unsigned int process_given ; /**< @brief Whether process was given. */
unsigned int select_given ; /**< @brief Whether select was given. */
unsigned int ignore_given ; /**< @brief Whether ignore was given. */
unsigned int output_field_given ; /**< @brief Whether output-field was given. */
unsigned int input_field_given ; /**< @brief Whether input-field was given. */
unsigned int interactive_given ; /**< @brief Whether interactive was given. */
unsigned int config_given ; /**< @brief Whether config was given. */
unsigned int one_field_given ; /**< @brief Whether one-field was given. */
unsigned int one_line_given ; /**< @brief Whether one-line was given. */
unsigned int language_given ; /**< @brief Whether language was given. */
} ;
/** @brief The additional parameters to pass to parser functions */
struct cmdline_parser_params
int override; /**< @brief whether to override possibly already present options (default 0) */
int initialize; /**< @brief whether to initialize the option structure gengetopt_args_info (default 1) */
int check_required; /**< @brief whether to check that all required options were provided (default 1) */
int check_ambiguity; /**< @brief whether to check for options already specified in the option structure gengetopt_args_info (default 0) */
int print_errors; /**< @brief whether getopt_long should print an error message for a bad option (default 1) */
} ;
/** @brief the purpose string of the program */
extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_purpose;
/** @brief the usage string of the program */
extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_usage;
/** @brief the description string of the program */
extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_description;
/** @brief all the lines making the help output */
extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_help[];
/** @brief all the lines making the full help output (including hidden options) */
extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_full_help[];
* The command line parser
* @param argc the number of command line options
* @param argv the command line options
* @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
* @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
int cmdline_parser (int argc, char **argv,
struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);
* The command line parser (version with additional parameters - deprecated)
* @param argc the number of command line options
* @param argv the command line options
* @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
* @param override whether to override possibly already present options
* @param initialize whether to initialize the option structure my_args_info
* @param check_required whether to check that all required options were provided
* @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
* @deprecated use cmdline_parser_ext() instead
int cmdline_parser2 (int argc, char **argv,
struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
int override, int initialize, int check_required);
* The command line parser (version with additional parameters)
* @param argc the number of command line options
* @param argv the command line options
* @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
* @param params additional parameters for the parser
* @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
int cmdline_parser_ext (int argc, char **argv,
struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
struct cmdline_parser_params *params);
* Save the contents of the option struct into an already open FILE stream.
* @param outfile the stream where to dump options
* @param args_info the option struct to dump
* @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
int cmdline_parser_dump(FILE *outfile,
struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);
* Save the contents of the option struct into a (text) file.
* This file can be read by the config file parser (if generated by gengetopt)
* @param filename the file where to save
* @param args_info the option struct to save
* @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
int cmdline_parser_file_save(const char *filename,
struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);
* Print the help
void cmdline_parser_print_help(void);
* Print the full help (including hidden options)
void cmdline_parser_print_full_help(void);
* Print the version
void cmdline_parser_print_version(void);
* Initializes all the fields a cmdline_parser_params structure
* to their default values
* @param params the structure to initialize
void cmdline_parser_params_init(struct cmdline_parser_params *params);
* Allocates dynamically a cmdline_parser_params structure and initializes
* all its fields to their default values
* @return the created and initialized cmdline_parser_params structure
struct cmdline_parser_params *cmdline_parser_params_create(void);
* Initializes the passed gengetopt_args_info structure's fields
* (also set default values for options that have a default)
* @param args_info the structure to initialize
void cmdline_parser_init (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);
* Deallocates the string fields of the gengetopt_args_info structure
* (but does not deallocate the structure itself)
* @param args_info the structure to deallocate
void cmdline_parser_free (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);
* The config file parser (deprecated version)
* @param filename the name of the config file
* @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
* @param override whether to override possibly already present options
* @param initialize whether to initialize the option structure my_args_info
* @param check_required whether to check that all required options were provided
* @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
* @deprecated use cmdline_parser_config_file() instead
int cmdline_parser_configfile (const char *filename,
struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
int override, int initialize, int check_required);
* The config file parser
* @param filename the name of the config file
* @param args_info the structure where option information will be stored
* @param params additional parameters for the parser
* @return 0 if everything went fine, NON 0 if an error took place
int cmdline_parser_config_file (const char *filename,
struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
struct cmdline_parser_params *params);
* Checks that all the required options were specified
* @param args_info the structure to check
* @param prog_name the name of the program that will be used to print
* possible errors
* @return
int cmdline_parser_required (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
const char *prog_name);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* CMDLINE_H */

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
dgp1.o dgp1.d : dgp1.cc dgp1.hh grammar.hh const.hh thesymbols.hh symbol.hh \
sgraph.hh mgraph.hh ../common/common.h ../common/../lib/const.h \
../common/../dgp/cmdline.h boubble.hh global.hh

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
global.o global.d : global.cc global.hh

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
grammar.o grammar.d : grammar.cc grammar.hh const.hh thesymbols.hh symbol.hh \
sgraph.hh mgraph.hh ../common/common.h ../common/../lib/const.h \
../common/../dgp/cmdline.h boubble.hh global.hh

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
main.o main.d : main.cc global.hh mgraph.hh const.hh thesymbols.hh symbol.hh \
../common/common.h ../common/../lib/const.h ../common/../dgp/cmdline.h \
sgraph.hh boubble.hh grammar.hh dgp1.hh cmdline.h

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
mgraph.o mgraph.d : mgraph.cc mgraph.hh const.hh thesymbols.hh symbol.hh \
../common/common.h ../common/../lib/const.h ../common/../dgp/cmdline.h

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
sgraph.o sgraph.d : sgraph.cc sgraph.hh const.hh mgraph.hh thesymbols.hh symbol.hh \
../common/common.h ../common/../lib/const.h ../common/../dgp/cmdline.h \
boubble.hh global.hh grammar.hh

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
symbol.o symbol.d : symbol.cc symbol.hh

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ grp:
install: install:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 grp $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 grp $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 ugrp $(BIN_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
rm $(BIN_DIR)/grp rm $(BIN_DIR)/grp
rm $(BIN_DIR)/ugrp
endif endif
clean: clean:

View File

@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ $grepre =~ s/\\W/[^a-z
# extensions # extensions
$grepre =~ s/\\l/[a-z±æê³ñ󶼿]/g; #lowercase letter $grepre =~ s/\\l/[a-z±æê³ñ󶼿]/g; #lowercase letter
$grepre =~ s/\\L/[A-Z¡ÆÊ£ÑÓ¦¬¯]/g; #upercase letter $grepre =~ s/\\L/[A-Z¡ÆÊ£ÑÓ¦¬¯]/g; #upercase letter
$grepre =~ s/`,'/,/g;
my $grep_command = ($action =~ /g/) ? "egrep '$grepre'" : " cat "; my $grep_command = ($action =~ /g/) ? "egrep '$grepre'" : " cat ";

src/grp/ugrp Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
case $LANG in
pl_PL.UTF-8 ) ARGS=''
for a in "$@"
ARG=$(printf '%s' $a | recode -f utf8..l2)
recode -f utf8..l2 | LANG=pl_PL grp $ARGS | recode -f l2..utf8;;
pl_PL|pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ) grp $@ ;;
* ) echo "LANG variable must be set pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL, or pl_PL.ISO-8859-2";;

View File

@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ kon:
install: install:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 kon $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 kon $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 ukon $(BIN_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
rm $(BIN_DIR)/kon rm $(BIN_DIR)/kon
rm $(BIN_DIR)/ukon
endif endif
clean: clean:

src/kon/ukon Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
case $LANG in
pl_PL.UTF-8 ) recode -f utf8..l2 | LANG=pl_PL kon $@ | recode -f l2..utf8;;
pl_PL|pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ) kon $@ ;;
* ) echo "LANG variable must be set pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL, or pl_PL.ISO-8859-2";;

View File

@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ kot:
install: install:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 kot $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 kot $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 ukot $(BIN_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
rm $(BIN_DIR)/kot rm $(BIN_DIR)/kot
rm $(BIN_DIR)/ukot
endif endif
clean: clean:

View File

@ -51,15 +51,11 @@ GetOptions("gap-fill|g=s" => \$gap_fill,
if($help) if($help)
{ {
print <<'END' print <<'END'
Usage: ser [OPTIONS] [file ..] Usage: kot [OPTIONS] [file ..]
Options: Options:
--gap-fill -g Help. --gap-fill -g Help.
--spaces -r --spaces -r
--define=FILE Read macrodefinitions from FILE.
--flex-template=FILE Read flex code template from FILE.
--only-matching -m Print only fragments matching PATTERN.
--flex Print only the generated flex code and exit.
; ;
exit 0; exit 0;
@ -76,16 +72,25 @@ my $count=0;
while(<>) while(<>)
{ {
my ($start,$len,$type,$form) = /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; my ($start,$len) = /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)/;
my ($type,$form) = /^(?:\d|\s)*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
if($start > $prevend) if ($start && $len)
{ {
print $gap_fill unless $count++ == 0; if($start > $prevend)
print $gap_fill unless $count++ == 0;
next if $len==0;# || $form eq "*";
next if $form eq "*";
$prevend = -1;
} }
next if $len==0;# || $form eq "*";
$form =~ s/\\\*/*/g; $form =~ s/\\\*/*/g;

src/kot/ukot Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
case $LANG in
pl_PL.UTF-8 ) recode -f utf8..l2 | LANG=pl_PL kot $@ | recode -f l2..utf8;;
pl_PL|pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ) kot $@ ;;
* ) echo "LANG variable must be set pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL, or pl_PL.ISO-8859-2";;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
include ../../config.mak include ../../config.mak
export LANG=pl_PL
LDFLAGS += -static LDFLAGS += -static
CXXFLAGS += -O2 -fpermissive CXXFLAGS += -O2 -fpermissive
@ -45,10 +47,12 @@ clean.cmdline:
install: install:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 lem $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 lem $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 ulem $(BIN_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
rm $(BIN_DIR)/lem rm $(BIN_DIR)/lem
rm $(BIN_DIR)/ulem
endif endif

src/lem/ulem Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
case $LANG in
pl_PL.UTF-8 ) recode -f utf8..l2 | LANG=pl_PL lem $@ | recode -f l2..utf8;;
pl_PL|pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ) lem $@ ;;
* ) echo "LANG variable must be set pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL, or pl_PL.ISO-8859-2";;

View File

@ -6,5 +6,4 @@
#author: Tomasz Obrebski #author: Tomasz Obrebski
/[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]+BOS/! /[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]+BOS/! s/[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]//
s/[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]//

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
include ../../config.mak include ../../config.mak
export LANG=pl_PL
ifeq ($(BUILD_STATIC), yes) ifeq ($(BUILD_STATIC), yes)
LDFLAGS += -static LDFLAGS += -static
endif endif
@ -17,12 +19,14 @@ lex.yy.c: sen.l
install: install:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 sen $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 sen $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 usen $(BIN_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
rm $(BIN_DIR)/sen rm $(BIN_DIR)/sen
rm $(BIN_DIR)/usen
endif endif
clean: clean.flex clean: clean.flex

src/sen/usen Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
case $LANG in
pl_PL.UTF-8 ) recode -f utf8..l2 | LANG=pl_PL sen $@ | recode -f l2..utf8;;
pl_PL|pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ) sen $@ ;;
* ) echo "LANG variable must be set pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL, or pl_PL.ISO-8859-2";;

View File

@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ ser:
install: install:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 ser $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 ser $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 user $(BIN_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
rm $(BIN_DIR)/ser rm $(BIN_DIR)/ser
rm $(BIN_DIR)/user
endif endif
clean: clean:

src/ser/user Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
ser $@
# case $LANG in
# pl_PL.UTF-8 ) ARGS=''
# for a in "$@"
# do
# ARG=$(printf '%s' $a | recode -f utf8..l2)
# done
# recode -f utf8..l2 | LANG=pl_PL ser $ARGS | recode -f l2..utf8;;
# pl_PL|pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ) ser $@ ;;
# * ) echo "LANG variable must be set pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL, or pl_PL.ISO-8859-2";;
# esac

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
include ../../config.mak include ../../config.mak
export LANG=pl_PL
ifeq ($(BUILD_STATIC), yes) ifeq ($(BUILD_STATIC), yes)
LDFLAGS += -static LDFLAGS += -static
endif endif
@ -35,12 +37,14 @@ cmdline.c cmdline.h: cmdline.ggo
install: install:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
install -m 0755 tok_c $(BIN_DIR) install -m 0755 tok_c $(BIN_DIR)
install -m 0755 utok $(BIN_DIR)
endif endif
.PHONY: uninstall .PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: uninstall:
ifdef BIN_DIR ifdef BIN_DIR
rm $(BIN_DIR)/tok_c rm $(BIN_DIR)/tok_c
rm $(BIN_DIR)/utok
endif endif
clean: clean.cmdline clean: clean.cmdline

src/tok.c/utok Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
case $LANG in
pl_PL.UTF-8 ) recode -f utf8..l2 | LANG=pl_PL tok $@ | recode -f l2..utf8;;
pl_PL|pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ) tok $@ ;;
* ) echo "LANG variable must be set pl_PL.UTF-8, pl_PL, or pl_PL.ISO-8859-2";;