obrebski e28a625259 Ta linia i następne zostaną zignorowane--
M    app/dist/files/README
M    app/doc/utt.texinfo
M    app/src/gue/Makefile
	statyczne biblioteki
M    app/src/cor/cmdline_cor.ggo
	usuniecie nie dzialajacych parametrow
M    app/src/cor/Makefile
	statyczne biblioteki
M    app/src/common/cmdline_common.ggo
M    app/src/kor/Makefile
	statyczne biblioteki
M    app/src/lem/Makefile
	statyczne biblioteki
M    lang/dist/tarball/Makefile
	pakowanie modulow jezykowych po jednym
M    lang/Makefile

git-svn-id: svn://atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl/utt@61 e293616e-ec6a-49c2-aa92-f4a8b91c5d16
2008-10-29 10:17:16 +00:00
COPYRIGHT Zmodyfikowalem pliki licencji i praw, poprawilem generowanie tarballa dla slownikow, uaktualnilem generowanie konfiguracji o plik compiledict.conf. 2008-03-27 19:49:46 +00:00
LICENCE Zmodyfikowalem pliki licencji i praw, poprawilem generowanie tarballa dla slownikow, uaktualnilem generowanie konfiguracji o plik compiledict.conf. 2008-03-27 19:49:46 +00:00
README Ta linia i następne zostaną zignorowane-- 2008-10-29 10:17:16 +00:00

General information

UAM Text Tools (UTT) is a package of language processing tools
developed at Adam Mickiewicz University. Its functionality includes:
* tokenization
* dictionary-based morphological analysis
* heuristic morphological analysis of unknown words
* spelling correction
* pattern search
* sentence splitting
* generation of concordance tables
The toolkit is destined for processing of raw (not annotated)
unrestricted text for any conceivable purpose.


1) unpack the UTT tar archive
2) in the same directory, unpack the tar archives of all UTT dictionary modules you have
3) run
	make install
   in the root directory of the installation
4) add the bin directory to the PATH variable


* File::HomeDir

  the Perl package File::HomeDir must be installed
  (to install the package, run 'perl -MCPAN -e shell' and write
   'install File::HomeDir' after the 'cpan>' prompt appears)
* flex

  to run the ser component, flex must be installed in your system

* ruby

  to run the tre component, ruby must be installed in your system

* locale pl_PL.iso-8852-2

  the locales pl_PL.iso-8859-2 (pl_PL in short) must be installed
  and set while using UTT with the Polish module. The text you 
  process with UTT must be encoded in iso-8859-2.