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#include <periodicity.h>
#include <simplify_chain_complex.h>
void Kh_periodicity_checker::compute_knot_polynomials(knot_diagram& kd) {
unsigned m = kd.num_components ();
if (m != 1) {
std::cerr << "warning: this implementation of the criterion works for knots only...";
cube<Z2> c (kd, 0);
ptr<const module<Z2> > C = c.khC;
mod_map<Z2> d = c.compute_d (1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= kd.n_crossings; i ++)
d = d + c.H_i (i);
assert (d.compose (d) == 0);
// computing Khovanov homology
std::cout << "Computing Khovanov homology" << std::endl;
chain_complex_simplifier<Z2> s (C, d, maybe<int>(1), maybe<int>(0));
C = s.new_C;
d = s.new_d;
khp = C->free_poincare_polynomial();
std::cout << "KhP = " << khp << "\n";
// computing Lee homolgy
std::cout << "Computing Lee homology" << std::endl;
chain_complex_simplifier<Z2> s(C, d, maybe<int>(1), maybe<int>(2));
C = s.new_C;
d = s.new_d;
leep = C->free_poincare_polynomial();
if(d != 0) {
std::cout << "For now, you can only use this criterion on Kh-thin knots." << std::endl;
if(verbose) {
std::cout << "LeeP = " << leep << "\n";
void Kh_periodicity_checker::compute_quot() {
polynomial diff = khp - leep;
while(diff != 0) {
pair<monomial, Z> m = diff.head();
if(m.first.m[1] == 1) {
pair<monomial, Z> m1 = diff.tail();
while(m1.first.m.card() == 1 && m1.first.m[2]) {
quot += polynomial(m1.second, m1.first);
polynomial p = polynomial(m1.second, m1.first) * mul;
diff -= p;
m1 = diff.tail();
quot += polynomial(m.second, m.first);
polynomial p = polynomial(m.second, m.first) * mul;
diff -= p;
std::pair<multivariate_laurentpoly<Z>, multivariate_laurentpoly<Z>>
Kh_periodicity_checker::compute_quotient_and_remainder(const polynomial& quot,
int period) const {
polynomial quotient, remainder;
for(map<monomial, Z>::const_iter i = quot.coeffs; i; i++) {
std::tuple<Z,Z> div = i.val().divide_with_remainder(period - 1);
quotient += polynomial(std::get<0>(div), i.key());
remainder += polynomial(std::get<1>(div), i.key());
if(verbose) {
std::cout << "Decomposition of Khp = " << std::endl
<< leep << " + ("
<< mul << ") * ("
<< remainder;
if(quotient != 0) {
std::cout << " + " << (period - 1)
<< " * (" << quotient
<< ")";
std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
return std::make_pair(quotient, remainder);
Kh_periodicity_checker::generate_candidates(const polynomial &q) const {
std::list<polynomial> result;
Z size = 0;
map<monomial, Z>::const_iter i = q.coeffs;
for(int j = 0; Z(j) <= i.val(); j++) {
result.push_back(polynomial(Z(j), i.key()));
size += 1;
for( ; i; i++) {
for(int j = 1; Z(j) <= i.val(); j++) {
std::list<polynomial> temp_list;
for_each(result.begin(), result.end(),
[&result, &temp_list, j, i](const polynomial& p){
temp_list.push_back(p + polynomial(Z(j), i.key()));
result.splice(result.end(), temp_list);
size += 1;
return result;
bool Kh_periodicity_checker::check(const polynomial& q,
const polynomial& r,
int period) const {
periodic_congruence_checker<Z> pcc(period);
polynomial t = leep + mul * r;
if(q == 0) {
return pcc(t.evaluate(-1,1));
else {
// generate all polynomials
if(verbose) {
std::cout << "Generating all candidates..." << std::endl;
std::list<polynomial> candidates = generate_candidates(q);
// Z i = 0;
// for(auto& l : candidates) {
// i += 1;
// std::cout << i << ": " << l << std::endl;
// }
// and check each one of them
std::cout << "Checking congruences..." << std::endl;
polynomial m = mul;
return any_of(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(),
[&pcc, &t, &m, &period](const polynomial& p){
return pcc((t + Z(period - 1) * m * p).evaluate(-1,1));
std::string Kh_periodicity_checker::operator () (int period) const {
std::ostringstream out;
std::pair<polynomial, polynomial> q_r = compute_quotient_and_remainder(quot, period);
bool res = check(std::get<0>(q_r), std::get<1>(q_r), period);
out << knot << ": period = " << period << ": "
<< (res ? "Maybe" : "No");
return out.str();