Removed dead max computation from cube_impl.h. Added support for sage

dumping of modules/maps.
This commit is contained in:
Cotton Seed 2012-06-06 13:21:18 -04:00
parent 3797868325
commit 226bbf64dc
2 changed files with 124 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -410,8 +410,6 @@ cube<R>::cube (knot_diagram &kd_, bool markedp_only_)
// printf ("smoothings:\n");
unsigned max = 0;
smoothing s (kd);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_resolutions; i ++)
@ -451,8 +449,6 @@ cube<R>::cube (knot_diagram &kd_, bool markedp_only_)
&& ending_circles.card () == 1)
unsigned k = unsigned_bitcount (crossings);
if (k > max)
max = k;
#if 0
s.show_self (kd, state);
@ -473,8 +469,6 @@ cube<R>::cube (knot_diagram &kd_, bool markedp_only_)
printf ("max = %d\n", max);
// printf ("(cube) n_generators = %d\n", n_generators);
khC = new base_module<R, khC_generators<R> > (khC_generators<R> (*this));

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@ -372,9 +372,132 @@ show_st (map<knot_desc,
newline ();
sage_show (std::string prefix,
map<grading, basedvector<unsigned, 1> > hq_gens,
ptr<const module<Z2> > H)
printf ("%s_hom={", prefix.c_str ());
bool first = 1;
for (map<grading, basedvector<unsigned, 1> >::const_iter i = hq_gens; i; i ++)
if (first)
first = 0;
printf (", ");
printf ("(%d, %d): %d", i.key ().h, i.key ().q, i.val ().size ());
printf ("}\n");
sage_show (std::string prefix,
map<grading, basedvector<unsigned, 1> > hq_gens,
std::string name,
grading delta,
mod_map<Z2> f)
printf ("%s_%s={", prefix.c_str (), name.c_str ());
bool first = 1;
for (map<grading, basedvector<unsigned, 1> >::const_iter i = hq_gens; i; i ++)
grading from_hq = i.key ();
basedvector<unsigned, 1> from_gens = i.val ();
grading to_hq = from_hq + delta;
if (hq_gens % to_hq)
basedvector<unsigned, 1> to_gens = hq_gens(to_hq);
if (first)
first = 0;
printf (", ");
printf ("(%d, %d): [", from_hq.h, from_hq.q);
bool first2 = 1;
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= from_gens.size (); j ++)
unsigned gj = from_gens[j];
if (first2)
first2 = 0;
printf (", ");
printf ("(");
for (unsigned k = 1; k <= to_gens.size (); k ++)
unsigned gk = to_gens[k];
if (k > 1)
printf (", ");
if (f[gj](gk) == 1)
printf ("1");
assert (f[gj](gk) == 0);
printf ("0");
printf (")");
printf ("]");
printf ("}\n");
sage_show_khsq (std::string prefix,
ptr<const module<Z2> > H,
mod_map<Z2> sq1,
mod_map<Z2> sq2)
unsigned n = H->dim ();
map<grading, basedvector<unsigned, 1> > hq_gens;
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= H->dim (); i ++)
hq_gens[H->generator_grading (i)].append (i);
unsigned t = 0;
for (map<grading, basedvector<unsigned, 1> >::const_iter i = hq_gens; i; i ++)
t += i.val ().size ();
assert (t == n);
sage_show (prefix, hq_gens, H);
sage_show (prefix, hq_gens, "sq1", grading (1, 0), sq1);
sage_show (prefix, hq_gens, "sq2", grading (2, 0), sq2);
newline ();
test_sage_show ()
knot_diagram kd (mt_link (11, 0, 449));
show (kd); newline ();
planar_diagram pd (kd);
pd.display_knottheory ();
cube<Z2> c (kd);
mod_map<Z2> d = c.compute_d (1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
chain_complex_simplifier<Z2> s (c.khC, d, 1);
steenrod_square sq (c, d, s);
mod_map<Z2> sq1 = sq.sq1 ();
mod_map<Z2> sq2 = sq.sq2 ();
// display ("sq2:\n", sq2);
sage_show_khsq ("L11n449", sq1.domain (), sq1, sq2);
main ()
test_sage_show ();
#if 0
knot_diagram kd (mt_link (10, 0, 9));
cube<Z2> c (kd);
@ -459,7 +582,7 @@ main ()
#if 1
#if 0
hwidth_knots = basedvector<unsigned, 1> (10);
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= hwidth_knots.size (); i ++)
hwidth_knots[i] = 0;