static inline unsigned add_base1_mod4 (unsigned x, unsigned y) { assert (between (1, x, 4)); assert (between (0, y, 4)); return ((x - 1 + y) % 4) + 1; } enum mirror { MIRROR }; enum connect_sum { CONNECT_SUM }; enum sublink { SUBLINK }; class knot_diagram { public: std::string name; unsigned n_crossings; unsigned marked_edge; basedvector, 1> crossings; basedvector ept_crossing; basedvector ept_index; /* true if the smoothing orientation for an edge matches the link orientation */ set edge_smoothing_oriented; unsigned nminus, nplus; unsigned num_edges () const { return n_crossings * 2; } unsigned num_epts () const { return n_crossings * 4; } unsigned ept_edge (unsigned p) const { assert (between (1, p, num_epts ())); return (p + 1) / 2; } unsigned edge_other_ept (unsigned p) const { assert (between (1, p, num_epts ())); if (is_odd (p)) return p + 1; else return p - 1; } unsigned edge_from_ept (unsigned e) const { assert (between (1, e, num_edges ())); return e * 2 - 1; } unsigned edge_to_ept (unsigned e) const { assert (between (1, e, num_edges ())); return e * 2; } unsigned is_from_ept (unsigned p) const { assert (between (1, p, num_epts ())); return is_odd (p); } unsigned is_to_ept (unsigned p) const { return !is_from_ept (p); } unsigned is_under_ept (unsigned p) const { assert (between (1, p, num_epts ())); return ept_index[p] == 1 || ept_index[p] == 3; } unsigned is_over_ept (unsigned p) const { return !is_under_ept (p); } bool is_crossing_from_ept (unsigned p) const { assert (is_under_ept (p)); return ept_index[p] == 1; } bool is_crossing_to_ept (unsigned p) const { return !is_crossing_from_ept (p); } /* wrt smoothing orientation */ unsigned edge_smoothing_from_ept (unsigned e) const { return edge_smoothing_oriented % e ? edge_from_ept (e) : edge_to_ept (e); } unsigned edge_smoothing_to_ept (unsigned e) const { return edge_smoothing_oriented % e ? edge_to_ept (e) : edge_from_ept (e); } bool is_smoothing_from_ept (unsigned p) const { unsigned e = ept_edge (p); return p == edge_smoothing_from_ept (e); } bool is_smoothing_to_ept (unsigned p) const { return !is_smoothing_from_ept (p); } unsigned num_components () const; void orient (); void calculate_nminus_nplus (); void calculate_smoothing_orientation (); void check_crossings (); void rotate_crossing (unsigned c); public: knot_diagram () : n_crossings(0), marked_edge(0), nminus(0), nplus(0) { } explicit knot_diagram (const planar_diagram &pd); explicit knot_diagram (const dt_code &dt); knot_diagram (mirror, const knot_diagram &kd); knot_diagram (connect_sum, const knot_diagram &d1, const knot_diagram &d2); knot_diagram (sublink, smallbitset c, const knot_diagram &kd); knot_diagram (const std::string &name_, unsigned n_crossings_, unsigned crossings_ar[][4]); knot_diagram (const std::string &name_, const basedvector, 1> &crossings_); knot_diagram (const knot_diagram &kd) : name(, n_crossings(kd.n_crossings), marked_edge(kd.marked_edge), crossings(kd.crossings), ept_crossing(kd.ept_crossing), ept_index(kd.ept_index), edge_smoothing_oriented(kd.edge_smoothing_oriented), nminus(kd.nminus), nplus(kd.nplus) { } ~knot_diagram () { } knot_diagram &operator = (const knot_diagram &kd) { name =; n_crossings = kd.n_crossings; marked_edge = kd.marked_edge; crossings = kd.crossings; ept_crossing = kd.ept_crossing; ept_index = kd.ept_index; edge_smoothing_oriented = kd.edge_smoothing_oriented; nminus = kd.nminus; nplus = kd.nplus; return *this; } directed_multigraph black_graph (basedvector &bg_edge_height) const; unsigned resolve_next_ept (unsigned p, bool resolution) const; int writhe () const { return (int)nplus - (int)nminus; } unsigned total_linking_number () const; basedvector, 1> planar_diagram_crossings () const; hash_t hash_self () const; void show_ept (unsigned p) const; void show_self () const; void display_self () const; };