in knotkit/ - my (or Kh) tangle algebra over Z - enumerate 2-connect sum knots to test mutation invariance over Z - add homology orientations for odd Khovanov homology and spectral sequence over Z - unify smoothing, resolution_diagram wiring (and knot_diagram?) - speed up construction of chain maps in chain_complex_simplifer - move chain_complex_simplifier to algebra/ - unify chain_complex_simplifer and build_sseq - remove hardcoded limits (max_...) - revive testlib - figure out proper copy interface and consistently support copy and deepcopy in lib/ - between interoperation between sets that require bounds (bitset, ullmanset) and those that don't (set, hashset) in algebra/ - linear_combnation can be more efficient (eg no searching when coefficients die) - monomial ideals and maybe groebner bases - cleaner interface for gcd, etc. in fraction_field - support kernel, cokernel of torsion modules - change gcd et al so gcd is always positive - split linear_combination into internal and external versions git: - fix bug in Josh's version - make this master, merge into Josh's version - merge in square to master => then write paper! - merge in other improvements (sped up linear algebra? multivariate (laurent) polynomial?) - should exponents on polynomials be Z or unsigned? general: - unify simplify_chain_complex, sseq, kernel/image/homology (as much as possible) - sseq over Z - quadratic linear solver (enumerator?) - classes should either COPY or fully SHARE, but not some of each (e.g. knot_diagram, resolution_diagram, etc.) -- this is the right semantics. - clean up/delete setcommon, mapcommon c++11: - make vector wrap std::vector (probably faster) - use tuple instead of pair, triple; and use tie, a great idiom - standardize ring, field interface so test_ring works for everything - get clear on default semantics: prefer default when possible - standardize use of {} for initializers - initializer_list for container types - support for iterator notes: all rings (R): multivariate_laurentpoly fields (F): Z2 Zp Q fraction_field (for just pids?) euclidean domains (E): Z polynomial euclidean domain interface: num/demon : denom must be a unit = num.operator / (denom) denom.divides (num) denom | num num.divide_exact (denom) (q, r) = num.divide_with_remainder (denom) (q, r) = num / denom (q, r) = num.operator / (denom) satisfies r = 0 or f(r) < f(denom) and num = q*denom + r gcd (a, b) lcm (a, b) r = num.mod (denom) satisfies r = 0 or f(r) < f(denom) (d, s, t) = a.extended_gcd (b) satifies d is the gcd and d = a*s + b*t