Cotton Seed 50a2438996 Added Roberts' totally twisted Kh differential to
spanning_tree_complex.  Main set up to compare twisted E3, twisted Kh
and normal Kh.
2012-03-18 22:55:56 -04:00

182 lines
3.9 KiB

#include <knotkit.h>
// test for ring
template<class R> void
test_ring (int p)
R zero (0);
R one (1);
R minus_one (-1);
assert (zero == 0);
assert (zero | zero);
assert (one | zero);
assert (minus_one | zero);
assert (! (zero | one));
assert (! (zero | minus_one));
assert (one.is_unit ());
assert (minus_one.is_unit ());
assert (one.recip () == one);
assert (minus_one.recip () == minus_one);
if (p)
assert (R (p) == 0);
if (p != 2)
assert (one != minus_one);
int n = (p
? std::min (p, 20)
: 20);
for (int i = -n; i <= n; i ++)
R x (i);
if (x.is_unit ())
assert (x * x.recip () == one);
assert (x.recip () * x == one);
assert (x.recip ().recip () == x);
assert (one | x);
assert (minus_one | x);
if (x != 0)
assert (x | zero);
assert (! (zero | x));
for (int j = -n; j <= n; j ++)
R y (j);
assert (- (-x) == x);
assert (x + y == y + x);
assert (x * y == y * x);
if (x != 0 && x | y)
R q = y.div (x);
assert (y == q * x);
if (x != 0 || y != 0)
triple<R, R, R> t = x.extended_gcd (y);
assert (t.first == t.second*x + t.third*y);
for (int k = -n; k <= n; k ++)
R z (k);
assert ((x + y) + z == x + (y + z));
assert ((x * y) * z == x * (y * z));
assert (x*(y + z) == x*y + x*z);
assert ((x + y)*z == x*z + y*z);
template<class F> void
test_field ()
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= 8; i ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= rolfsen_crossing_knots (i); j ++)
knot_diagram kd (rolfsen_knot (i, j));
show (kd); newline ();
cube<F> c (kd);
mod_map<F> d = c.compute_d (1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
assert (d.compose (d) == 0);
ptr<const quotient_module<F> > H = d.homology ();
display ("H:\n", *H);
chain_complex_simplifier<F> s (c.khC, d, 1);
display ("s.new_C:\n", *s.new_C);
assert (H->dim () == s.new_C->dim ());
rank_lte (multivariate_laurentpoly<Z> p,
multivariate_laurentpoly<Z> q)
for (map<multivariate_laurent_monomial, Z>::const_iter i = p.coeffs; i; i ++)
Z a = i.val ();
Z b = q.coeffs(i.key (), Z (0));
assert (a != 0 && b != 0);
if (a > b)
return 0;
return 1;
main ()
#if 0
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= 10; i ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= rolfsen_crossing_knots (i); j ++)
knot_diagram kd (rolfsen_knot (i, j));
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= 12; i ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= htw_knots (i, 0); j ++)
knot_diagram kd (htw_knot (i, 0, j));
kd.marked_edge = 1;
show (kd); newline ();
spanning_tree_complex<Z2> c (kd);
mod_map<fraction_field<polynomial<Z2> > > E2_d = c.twisted_d2 ();
assert (E2_d.compose (E2_d) == 0);
// display ("E2_d:\n", E2_d);
chain_complex_simplifier<fraction_field<polynomial<Z2> > > E2_s (c.C, E2_d, 2);
assert (E2_s.new_d == 0);
multivariate_laurentpoly<Z> E3_p = E2_s.new_C->free_delta_poincare_polynomial ();
printf ("E3_p = "); show (E3_p); newline ();
mod_map<fraction_field<polynomial<Z2> > > tt_d = c.totally_twisted_kh_d ();
assert (tt_d.compose (tt_d) == 0);
// display ("tt_d:\n", tt_d);
chain_complex_simplifier<fraction_field<polynomial<Z2> > > tt_s (c.C, tt_d, 2);
assert (tt_s.new_d == 0);
multivariate_laurentpoly<Z> tt_p = tt_s.new_C->free_delta_poincare_polynomial ();
printf ("tt_p = "); show (tt_p); newline ();
cube<Z2> kh_c (kd, 1);
mod_map<Z2> kh_d = kh_c.compute_d (1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sseq_builder builder (kh_c.khC, kh_d);
sseq ss = builder.build_sseq ();
multivariate_laurentpoly<Z> kh_p = ss.pages[1].delta_poincare_polynomial (ss.bounds);
printf ("kh_p = "); show (kh_p); newline ();
if (tt_p != kh_p)
printf (" > tt_p != kh_p!!\n");
if (! rank_lte (E3_p, tt_p))
printf (" > rank E2 > rank tt!!\n");