you love curry right iwill give you more hey be it good hey ugly look at her crazy bitch i ask you a question that better look good that better it suit her hey what the what the hell be you do get out of my face bitch stop pick on ha-jung what the hell get lost bitch what stop it soo-na ibe okay let it go be you stupid why do you let those loser bully you like that those what hey mind your own business and get lost the hell you look at bitch you lover or somethin do+not you know shut up iwill get you for this stop it please hey hey class rep think she can hide behind the teacher she really ask for it stop let them get to you be+not you mad ibe tell on them no i do+not want them to get to you too i recently met a friend on-line oh her dad be do it to her for a year what she want to kill him but could+not she felt sorry for her mom who stay with the abusive bastard so she said she stay in her room and put curse every single day on the bastard and her real dad then she felt happy real happy yoube not you know i can+not do it i do+not have the gut i envy mi-jung that all envy her for what why hold on ta-da do you stitch this yourself yoube amaze how long do it take a week two week it so pretty thanks soo-na for always being there for me iwill cherish this forever yes yes i just check on it the construction will be finish on time do+not worry mr ahn it will+not happen again right i see thank you yes iwill be in touch surprise soo-na you scare me hi uncle coward be you mad please do+not be mad why you little do you follow me all the way here to scare me no ihave be wait here for ne_number minute yeah right no ibe serious really yup let go uncle se-jin who give you that ha-jung yoon-mi coming over tonight why do+not you like her she act so smart and proper but she really like you kid still i do+not like her at this rate ibe gonna die a old bachelor how about my homeroom teacher i think she have a crush on you forget it kid why be+not you eat sweetie i have a snack with ha-jung still you should eat your dinner hold your spoon up here and you two when will you make up your mind i made arrangement for your engagement party itwill be the second week of next month i lost my appetite soo-na you do+not finish soo-na i brought your favorite green-tea cake give it to the dog why that little soo-na come back here the kid have no manner let it go i will+not hurt ya why be you shake i ibe sorry this be all i have shit think ibe a bum you crazy it really all i have forget it just do something for me anything i can help you with huh ah no help me soo-na i need you stop bother me hey stop where be she iwill get her this time ma'am come here ibe sorry ma'am so yoube the bitch who be steal from me please i will+not do it again yoube caught red hand you little bitch get up get up you bitch you bitch you little thief you stole from me everyday how much do you steal how could you you little thief pay up for everything you stole you thief the orchestra be amaze iwill take you to a even better one next week i love going on date with you uncle se-jin i love going out with you too princess why do+not yoon-mi come she be busy thanks drive home safely yoube not coming i have a appointment come home soon and do+not drink see you later let go soo-na be+not this yours it be on the teacher desk i look for this all night thanks attention bow good morning m lee good morning morning everyone be good listen to your teacher and enjoy your day she have+not talk or come out since last night do+not worry iwill try talk with her ha-jung it me soo-na open up be+not you hungry let eat why be+not you taking my call i worry about you go away i do+not need you what wrong ha-jung it me soo-na iwill kill'em all she say she just in a bad mood shewill come around do+not worry you have a guest sir really who who song-yi close door shave uncle se-jin that tickle loner in seclusion hikikomoris be loner who choose to live in seclusion unable to adjust to society they stay confine to their home as see in similar case symptom of depression retrogression and aggressive behavior be found case vary from patient to patient and the cause for the illness be also diverse taking unreport into account approximately ne_number million teenager have these symptom in japan and the number be grow rapidly symptom be not readily recognize here and no proper treatment be set what why'd you do it do what you force ha-jung to do it apologize to her and bring her back to school or iwill call your father why bring him into this ha-jung better be here tomorrow shit that bitch past the track on the left she home grant us all another peaceful day and help us love each other in you lord look at this place i see why you suddenly show up get a apartment with that go as far away as you can take it you whore and do+not you dare come around us again how dare you treat me like this why you show up again and iwill cut you off for good thatwill never happen what you do+not meet soo-na do you do you meet her go ask her yourself how dare you you bitch now youwill ruin our dear soo-na life too you whore what do you do whobe you try to kill you whore get up get up over my grave you bitch open up shit so sorry okay listen and show up at school tomorrow got that your secretary told me everything but mother do you yes i met her i give her some money and told her to scram that whore shewill never come around again what i do what i have to do why do+not you ask me ask you i have to ask you about song-yi hi soo-na what be you do there ha-jung what be you do try to scare me stop it why'd you come what cuz the teacher i mean to apologize really be that the only way shit who be you talk to my new friend a very sweet girl what can+not see she over there iwill curse you forever how can we hang with her after what happen she curse yeah look at her first message soo-na it me be you okay let have dinner together after school call me second message soo-na it me ha-jung ibe sorry i do+not mean to hassle you i should+not have ask you to help me so much ibe so scare ibe so scare of being alone i wish you be here soo-na help me soo-na please it me open up uncle soo-na yeah right soo-na what be you talk about soo-na soo-na yoube okay right then get some rest wewill talk tomorrow how be she she will+not open her door what if song-yi come to her and no it probably cuz of ha-jung shewill get better where be you going i have a appointment now what i do+not know who lie i do+not know anything if only you be here i could tell you everything hlkl hello ibe sorry ha-jung who this hlkl a friend of ha-jung ibe sorry ha-jung oh hlkl ha-jung said how you be her best friend even today please do+not joke about my dead best friend hlkl what but i be just chat with her she said she going to see you soo-na h j i miss you soo-na can we meet moong-chi where that damn pup why it rain so much moong-chi moong-chi moong-chi moong-chi oh when'd she get back i should call and tell the boss yoube not alone iwill take care of you keep your promise soo-na it me open the door soo-na come on let talk open the door soo-na mother where be you yeah ibe upstairs joo-young be do really well look like hewill come around soon let continue with the treatment what wrong doctor joo-young joo-young joo-young please no joo-young please joo-young soo-na be show symptom of a hikikomori do anything happen here besides ha-jung death of course not tell me the truth ibe practically family already why would i lie to you the poor girl after her parent die in a car accident se-jin and i raise her i know but why would she stop it just be good to soo-na that all you need to do let eat oh hi soo-na have a seat you must be hungry dear iwill bring your plate right away what soo-na what be you do stop it soo-na stop wanna hear a funny story there once be a high school girl name song-yi she fell in love with her college student tutor they have a child together then when his love grow cold he cast her away like trash what worse his mother split them apart for good what be you talk about it do+not matter how they broke up but the girl live on miserably after that unable to forget her first love she marry any man who beat her every single day stop it what be you do the child they have do+not know and call her father her uncle soo-na you shouldhave see it yoube the only one i have now be you listen where be you where be you where be you come out soo-na it me can we talk soo-na i know it be hard for you with ha-jung and all and even i a long time ago well when i be your age i suffer a lot too and hello i want to get in touch with song-yi mother will+not tell me can you find out please pal thanks a lot what her relationship with soo-na what song-yi the woman you just mention the woman in soo-na story it song-yi be+not it no she come to your office it her be+not it no it not what the secret yoube not tell me why would i lie to you there no secret i know yoube lie to me you do+not trust me with soo-na like that not you too later yoon-mi iwill tell you everything fine then do+not call me till yoube ready to talk and leave soo-na alone a hikikomori can get worse if you provoke her stop it oh my what all this hey who there help me help help help me help who be you you know everything know what i know you know you ly to me i do+not know anything please do+not do this you know everything and ly to me iwill curse you you hypocrite help me do+not it feel great it just the begin you do+not know what suffering be the heart pierce pain wait and see it going to get a lot more fun sir what happen to the maid she be emotionally shock shewill need a few day rest i dug that hole to plant a tree i do+not know how she fell into it do anyone come by last night no i stay by the monitor all night i do+not even see a fly mr kim yes make sure word do+not get out yes ma'am iwill take care of this mother go take the maid to the hospital what okay rest in peace moong-chi mr kim get me a ladder that little iwill get to you be careful the spoil brat be careful soo-na soo-na oh no be you okay ma'am open up open the door now you know what you do to granny open up open up open up now try to open this door again and iwill slit my neck with the maid moong-chi the dog and now your mother something do+not feel right ibe have strange nightmare mr kim i do+not know how long i can take this you know my mansion in the country yes they could use a extra hand for a few month really sir thank you very much thank you sir you do+not know what it like to be desert by someone you love strip naked cover in wound you do+not know the pain i stay low and shed bitter bloody tear ibe sorry i i need you soo-na get worse by the day mumble and inflict self-injury i wish you be here yoon-mi i need you please save soo-na ibe sorry so sorry coward ibe do everything alone now that brat ow my back that little stop it i said stop stop it soo-na by analyze picture we can find the decisive factor that led to the illness yes picture can definitely give us clue right hikikomoris be+not form by imaginary trauma it cause by great emotional or psychological shock it can be treat if you get down to its root ibe sure youwill find the reason to soo-na condition mind if i take this sure hope it help where'd i see this thanks a lot i owe you big what be colleague for bye any minute now you met her before i do+not get why you can+not see her i found out about song-yi sorry pal she die she commit suicide during that big rainstorm she jump in front of a train at ne_number ne_number a m with the rain and all the engineer could+not see her soo-na it your fault you kill her it your fault you kill her hello who be you soo-na be you okay soo-na snap out of it soo-na it not me i do+not do it soo-na open the door soo-na what got into you i told you to leave me alone please open the door open up please leave me alone get lost soo-na please please soo-na why do you want song-yi address it not cuz ibe jealous of a woman in his past she die but i saw her not too long ago it seem she commit suicide she jump in front of a train soo-na listen carefully to what ibe about to tell you ah well when i be in college there be this beautiful girl i use to tutor we fell in love everyone said we be crazy but we really love each other i do+not abandon your mother i want to make a living fast and make your mother happy first i have to do my army duty but when i come out she be already marry to someone else till now raise you i always felt so sorry i want to tell you the truth so many time but time fly by too fast if i i met your mother when i be more mature i i would never have left her so foolishly a week a month a year you can explain but there no use you ly for ne_number year you expect me to believe that no you do+not know the nightmare of living like a abandon dog soo-na wait it the truth please believe me i survive through living hell iong and yearn soo-na the truth then prove it do something what should i do whatwill it take for you to believe me jump in front of a train like mom do what but how you know you do+not know what pain or love be soo-na you can+not jump can you so just leave me alone that all you can do for me please soo-na open the door open up open the door open up please open the door open up soo-na tell me what to do whatwill it take to believe me mom must still be in love with dad hello hi geun-ho can you text message me her address thank you hi youhave reach yoon-mi please leave a message i ly to soo-na and to you ibe a idiot it all my fault ibe sorry yoon-mi ibe so sorry there nothing left for me to lose i hope you meet someone good and be happy soo-na soo-na 245-3 bongchun-dong hello be anybody home kim mi-jung 245-3 bongchun-dong it over get away from soo-na let her go yoon-mi yoon-mi wake up yoon-mi please no soo-na soo-na soo-na soo-na soo-na no soo-na stay right there you brought this on i be wrong it all daddy fault hypocrite i want to get revenge no soo-na stay right there please do+not go what do i have to do for you to forgive me forgive you our soul be rip out to shred but where be you you be never there for us we shout for you but you ignore us like yoube deaf we grow haggard and gaunt but you pretend to be blind if you said you love us we couldhave live but you stay quiet like a mute no do+not go any further iwill make you pay forever no dad no no daddy daddy no daddy daddy who be you you brought all this on say who be you why be you do this it all your fault then you iwill make you pay forever who the hell who be you youwill pay for everything you evil dad yoube abandon me again mom give birth to me then she got pregnant again with my little sister mi-jung mom hide her pregnancy and got marry cuz she be afraid granny would take mi-jung away too my poor mom i resent dad for lie to me and granny too so i scheme with mi-jung i be+not really thinking that bastard when he found out mi-jung not his daughter he start rape her that why she show symptom of a hikikomori i think the bastard involve in song-yi death too son of a bitch i put a apb on him wewill nail him soon ne_number new message a reserve mail from kim mi-jung if something happen to me i will+not be able to cancel the mail then yoube probably read this cuz i use to change the send date everyday i despise you for leave mom and me every time that bastard rape me i hate you even more i thought this be the only way to pay you back for our suffering after mom die soo-na come and ask me to live with her after a week in soo-na house she said to stop our plan of torture you but i could+not do it poor mom she come to me every night she happy with what ibe do but then one day dad sat in front of the door talk about how he met love and part with mom then i realize that he be tell the truth ibe so jealous of soo-na dad warm touch and gentle talk i can feel dad love and warmth these day i can+not help cry ibe sorry to mom but ibe start to feel sorry for dad he suffering cuz of me it hurt to see him get weak by the day why can+not soo-na see mom i think mom start to come around if mom forgive i want to live with dad all of us together forever how do i look pretty thank you how about the amusement park it yummy i never dream before ibe gonna knock the door into the world of perfect free you be+not no lonely yoube gonna say ibe lie ibe gonna get the chance i thought a chance be far from me you be+not no lonely i be made to hit in america i be made to hit in america i be made to hit in america you be the sun you be the star to me forever you be the sun you be the star to me forever i be made to hit in america i be made to hit in america i be made to hit in america i be made to hit in america c-major pentatonic scale it too hard for me fool but it better to learn the scale early fool you stupid bird iwill show you do+not rush it koyuki-kun it only be two month since you start play the guitar but he already know the scale c'mon we need a change of pace let go swim lucille okay here go watch the ball what so please buy your own melon roll it the truth i be call to the faculty office s-see you hold it tanaka please go to the faculty office immediately i repeat listen tanaka-kun i do+not think yoube taking your job as umbrella monitor seriously oh no daily life be a series of little job like this maybe i should put this in your student report ibe disappoint in you tanaka-kun you may go wait tanaka-kun what be this what happen it nothing we be kid around and tanabe-kun do a drop kick on me tanaka-kun and naturally i give it back to him with a heel hold so it no big deal tanaka-kun that be awesome you look glum koyuki maho yo maho you sure eat a lot shut up ibe hungry youwill gain weight you can have my fry beck first live performance have be set r-really how long be this going to continue iwill talk to him for you okay okay ibe going on delivery so make up for being late and work extra hard and do+not forget to feed page around stranger it okay iwill feed him you little t-this be the last of it oww these be+not company document theybe saito-san's personal treasure treasure i mean private collection collection since the end of summer break what for i want to repair the guitar ryusuke-kun give me i do+not know that why i do+not want to see ryusuke-kun until the guitar be fix i understand so how much do you get paid oh umm ne_number yen a hour be you serious that crazy this new law sure be bad for the manufacturing industry saito-sama this way please thank you for call her i miss you sooo much caught a cold or something ibe in disguise but how'd you guess it be me okay it start ryusuke-kun's guitar be those bullet mark theybe real that guitar have a name it lucille sound like a woman's name it a guitar with a past ryusuke got it in some dangerous place it could+not possibly have happen while he be perform one two typhoon ne_number 24-7 ne_number hour straight beck b-e-c-k webe gonna rush at you webe gonna send you flyin head-first if you take off that stiff head youwill feel totally loose this crazy crazy world pass the hot shot keep on coming come on blow your mind squeeze your sweat yeah blow your mind squeeze your sweat this be beck koyuki-kun can you go over to hayakama instrument there still more the guitar fix now huh the one with the broken neck i sent it out for repair i-be that true you want to patch thing up with ryusuke do+not you saito-san now go hurry okay koyuki-kun deduction for leave early i think thiswill do if you notice something while play it just let me know now i can see ryusuke-kun hey tanaka hey tanaka lemme play that guitar what a awful sound suit you perfectly hey masaru forget it rikiya-kun the sound be the pit you laugh just now do+not you do+not act innocent recently the sex handle damn thing any complaint do+not think so it be a piece of junk anyway let go masaru yeah how about new burger do you get it koyuki-kun yeah oh good it all fix then actually it be slow here at saito paper company so get the money to fix it be a bit hard but it be worth it to see you smile again saito-san thank you oh yoube welcome mom use to say from that day on yukio be like someone possess by the guitar and play it every single day think so we will+not miss your next live performance give me your name and number hey ray ihave gotta talk to you what whatbe you mad about all of a sudden ryusuke-kun you speak english that so cool so ibe more use to english than japanese that so cool that so cool wehave got to go to new york too sure i be look for the ab machine i bought by mail order last night and i finally found it found what look this be it the l48 eddie give to you then the one i give to koyuki be that be a fake one you got at the guitar shop in queen which mean ryusuke-kun ryusuke-kun do+not get tetanus yukio telephone yukio yukio i call ryusuke too yoube joke right oh speak of the devil sorry do you really explain it to him i do idiot why be i running away oh koyuki izumi-chan i spoke to ryusuke-kun on the phone yesterday and he said to say hi can you say hello from me too all 9th grader will report to the gym for curriculum guidance i repeat it almost graduation iwill be lonely see you koyuki ihave decide to stay here a bit longer so please take care of page he extend his stay again southeast asia must have something that lure grown man fool i have+not play yet punk rocker hold their guitar low awright yay cripe i'd better go to sleep look eiji look at him do+not he make his band successful all by himself we just do thing our way umm ginger ale okay hey koyuki why'd you run away the other day sorry koyuki let go up front let go concrete hell human safari park escape ape in the brain mass brain-wash operation no thank you i-be this what rap be huh webe at the rebellious age free as we go this be no barrier just what be important nothing impure just clear no pressure at our pace music that cut through the wind free form bullet hole in the body the acoustic pick-up in the front be broken he have a roger mayer at his foot but how be he get such a sound ibe gonna get a shot of it totally that dog another minute feelin so fine you turn the freeze into warm light it got me spinnin round if you really wanna fly you gotta let go once yoube here you will+not go back she really pretty lose the fear it do+not come back next episode sis what the problem what wrong that be making your face fire up do you fart in front of yoon hurry up and stop fart i need to pee too go to yoon's what be it what should i do mincha be you constipated too there be a guy who come from australia to see me i met him when i follow yoon to shoot his cf i got help a lot you have a boyfriend not me just that person not you him yeah it seem he fall for me i feel so sorry what i should i do he fall for you so yoube say he come all the way from australia for you do you sleep with him do you yes i be freeze to death so we held each other i think that when he start to fall for me you must be crazy that what ibe sayin how could you the world gonna end no it not that oh how disgust for how long have you guy be in here sookcha be+not you do euncha mincha be+not you do wash up we be do wewill be out soon then come out your father have to use the bathroom too mom what euncha said she slept with a guy we must prepare a gift no we do sleep but not in that way i have+not even kiss with a guy now ibe seeing thing i feel so sorry euncha going somewhere to see my brother brother oh good eat this what be this mountain ginseng add some honey on the mountain ginseng or something like that eat it how can i eat this fragile thing because it be you should eat it i do+not want to your mother bought it for you hey i can+not eat this how could i you eat it then ibe throw it away why can+not you eat this my mouth be my mouth be your mouth dirty then yoon give it so i can give it to a dog hey ok iwill eat it ok now yes my mom say she feel great when feed me delicious food i feel great when i do the same for you probably in the past i might have be your mom or dad eat well and grow a lot ok son yes yoon put this on and go what be that this be milk oil it great for dark circle who have dark circle so we have to prepare for it beforehand i feel like die when i see your handsome face get dirty euncha so what happen with that guy guy sure eunchae got a boyfriend she have a boyfriend euncha who be it what do he do he must be sensitive he be even cry euncha do a good job if you make someone else cry then your eye will cry blood good luck euncha congratulation you wicked girl what the heck kind of guy be he euncha have no sense for understanding guy why be i feeling upset get in water taste great do+not it i have a cramp i almost die you can+not reveal your fear to god you have to crush it first that the only way you make friend with him when'd you learn how to swim i do+not learn you be+not taught but i have+not learn either then what do i do to become as good as you try your best then i guess i should come here more often but i do+not swim when i think of my mother i feel grateful and i start to cry she give birth to me and raise me well and give me so much love mom you be my sunshine and idol how be it it good but this place it seem look over here stripe look great on yoon this be the fifth ma'am oh yeah this style would+not work on anyone but yoon right but ma'am this please be extremely expensive red be great on my son as well one second have a great son it hard work too sis yes yoon you can+not reach him he said he be going to meet up with his brother i do+not know what he be talk about newspaper no i do+not see them what kang minjoo fling with cha yoon kang minjoo reveal all love a just a game to me i be only play i have to go somewhere iwill see you later to drive like that would your head crack like that want a hammer today ibe gonna die and so will she no one better stop me come in euncha door open wait just one more round be+not this too much go explain yourself to yoon it seem the interview be out you wanna die you wanna get beat you have any idea how much yoon love you yoon the guy you cheat on sorry but i can+not change who i be you know ibe a flirt by nature why do you live this way be this the way you want to live why do you live so recklessly want to end your career be you a rock head be you a idiot have you decide to end it all you idiot you dummy you moron you do hit me be that all the power you got at least you should break a rib or something yoon i think i like him i think because of that maybe because i be really start to like him that why i do it what you like yoon do+not you ibe a romance scholar you think i would+not know i know since a long time ago who heard of a friendship between a guy and girl what be this girl talk about do you really want to be beat today still i want to go all the way but i could+not because of you you have him you can have him that right you should be beat you need a beat to get you back to your sense ibe going to beat you to a pulp yoube dead kang minjoo can+not you stop that euncha what do you think yoube do what give you the right to hit her no one lay a finger on her yoon mind your business from now on do+not meddle in ours euncha do+not overreact you got it go out do+not you hear me get the hell out ibe still owe you one do+not get hit again from me or euncha if someone do this again ibe going to kill em be it euncha or me iwill kill them all do+not do that again youwill die too and iwill die ibe sorry i be wrong i will+not be that way again ibe sorry poor baby be you lost do+not cry do+not cry ok iwill find your mother for you cry be bad santa clause do+not give present to child who cry so do+not cry hello this be perry mother right hi ibe song euncha what the capitol of australia do+not you even know the capital of your own country canberra be+not it sydney canberra be it change what about our country seoul so yoube not demented then ok let go out be you embarrass be look at my face difficult for you yoube introvert i see i do+not think so try some of mine this be what couple do when they go out it call being affectionate yoube ashamed yoube so cute please be quiet iwill be asleep for ne_number minute so please be quiet be you ok hey wake up get it together have some it ok you eat it eat i do+not eat eat food but euncha do she have the stomach for that be i a stranger sorry that my personality i do+not eat from my mother leftover either where you going bathroom do you get home safe euncha about before i be out of line yoube not upset be you actually i do+not mean to offend you why be+not she say anything hello be+not this song eunchae cell phone the owner have faint her dad say he coming now where be over there sir sir please wake up be you ok they will+not even budge pardon me excuse me they faint while kiss euncha she like this when she drunk i can+not pull them apart what happen these two be drinking and then they kiss and get it together help me lift her what happen how do moohyuk and euncha end up together be he someone you know yes how do you know him he just a guy i like what do he do ibe not sure either yoon yes what exactly do euncha like chicken rice what do+not she like ghost orangutan hospital why do you ask because ibe her father yet i do+not know a lot about her youhave spent more time with her than me right yes youwill probably know her more than i do right be euncha be euncha promiscuous what let go yoube so strange just leave it iwill fold it up later what do you piss the bed mincha conference time what what secret be this now ibe late for school yesterday who brought me home dad do mom have a fit because of you so run like hell when you see her you would you look at my lip what about them how be it do it look theyhave be kiss ibe not sure if it be a dream or not it do+not seem like it be a dream look at them do they look like theyhave be kiss what do kiss lip look like anyway i would+not know since i never kiss anyone what do you do yesterday well exactly but youhave read a lot of weird book so would+not you know i would+not know either want me to get the magnify glass your lip seem bruise and swollen push them out more in my estimation you be kiss they say the body remember what your brain do+not kiss that guy again what kiss you crazy whatever forget it sister ibe not like these dish where might the italian china be do+not move a step who be you yoube hurt stay still be+not you eunchae boyfriend but why be you here where the medicine yoon where the medicine son yoon be asleep where the medicine what going on who be that man who ah that moohyuk why be he at our house i brought him over last night he be too drunk i told you not to bring just anyone in but he be drunk and we do+not where he live you do+not even know where he live you do+not even know him well why bring him here be you common man yoube in show business quiet hewill hear us who do you take after that you can act this way since yoube my mother probably after you i got to take a leak iwill be back that guy scare me tell him to leave please what scary about him he will+not eat you ibe going to wash so just stay around hey then iwill go with you to the bathroom be you hurt yeah i be hurt a lot ibe bleed i can+not live put some medicine on it let me borrow this for a while be i a joke to you if you show up again and yoube dead will she be ok shewill be fine it be a good thing to stop her bleed buy some kimbop buy some dukkbogus have you sold a lot it blood you should go the hospital why do you tell me my mother why do you tell me about her what would i do about it what would i do about it old man do whatever you want whatever you want all do go to the hospital my mother that lady do she wrong you too yes galchi let have dinner together tonight let make jorim kang minjoo have avow her relationship with cha yoon today ihave work hard the past ne_number year with her alone i can give up everything else in the world without her i do+not feel alive what be your feeling toward cha yoon cha yoon be the nice and most honest man i know ihave do him a lot of wrong but ibe determine to make it up to him i do+not think love be real but through yoon ihave come to believe he scary just tell him to leave do whatever you want both of them have open their heart and the public agree they match well theybe rise in popularity due to today conference the issue be get hot live happily yoon if you hurt him i will+not leave you alone minjoo be happy together ihave got to go to the studio i do+not think drive you it ok that why i brought my car iwill call you get home safe how can i help you hey lady get out lady english translation zdoon purpletiger86 bellaangel012 subtitle by zdoon who be you can+not you recognize your mother and sister why be you guy staring at me be there something on my face there be no joke lot of stuff on your face ah alright alright i already made a promise today at five at the seoul hotel first floor coffee shop a guy about ne_number yo your date for marriage ibe set up for a marriage interview mom alright alright if this date get cancel ibe going to dig a hole and bury myself it not a threat mom look at a coffin a while ago i look at a blackish copper coffin give it up mom if euncha go on this date then iwill immediately go into seoul university well yeah if euncha go then iwill give you this bed mom yah yah if she go on this date you be the mother iwill go on the date with news as good as that you should have told me sooner if that person be wonderful can i propose to him first mom do you not like me it not that i do+not like you yoube just not my type what be your type it hard for me to say do you want to draw your type then ten minute have+not even pass how can you tell if ibe your type or not if you look at me close enough i might be your type i can tell in one minute how do you figure that in a minute huh nonsense i can it do+not make sense why not it do+not it do tell me the truth what exactly do+not you like about me how can i tell you that tell me it alright since yoube ask i really do+not like your appearance what about my appearance take a look in the mirror wewill pay the coffee bill separately okay i have to get to the broadcast station fast so i do+not think i can take you home it okay that why i brought my car too iwill call you get home safely how can i help you hey lady get out lady you where do you put your eye when driving look here guy lady my baby be stuck beneath your car take your car out now do+not you hear me i do+not know when i be park i do+not feel a thing i do+not know take the car out ibe sorry ibe really sorry iwill pay you if this be+not enough leave me with your number you know who i be right ibe kang minj what be this what do you think yoube do be you try to toy with me but you pick the wrong person man ibe kang minjoo shut your mouth and pull your car out leave my site by one minute lady cha yoon oh hyung where be you where be you broadcasting station wanna come over be i officially your manager from today yeah the official work start from tomorrow wait for ten minute i just got in a taxi iwill be there soon what a sad doggy dog iwill wash you up clean so yoube not crazy fine then let date do i look like a pushover to you you if you appear before me again youwill die then why be that sound coming all the way through here sangcha wake up there be a picture shoot today right yoon son wake up and wash and then let get to the picture shoot not wake up get up get up go out with your son why do+not you disgust i may have give birth to you but you guy be pathetic today fire fire soncha fire stop play be you up for a while now then why pretend to be asleep just because i do+not want to open my eye so i just lazily stay put yoon and his mother today there going to have a photo shoot be you sick look at the sweat you even have a fever ibe a little sick i guess do you think you can go i mean what going on with you it ok iwill be fine hello doggy dog sleep well do you sleep well yes good morning wake up yoon i can+not do a thing to wake him up he still sleeping yeah he go to sleep at dawn he said he dream of a ghost he even come into my room and slept with me do+not tell minjoo about yoon being this way like not being able to sleep after a scary dream like how he afraid of ghost at his age sure i would+not tell her yoon wake up you have a shoot to go to wake up it late people be wait for you be you going to cancel ibe going to cancel wake up oh good boy ibe not good you know about the kong kong ghost right the ghost who die fall down from a three story building the ghost who walk on its head like kong kong kong the kong kong ghost be search for the person who push her to her death pusher name be cha yoon kong kong kong just now it open the door and enter kong kong kong it get into the living room kong kong kong it crawl up the stair have it reach yoon's room he not in here kong kong kong then after that it go back downstairs kong kong kong find out that yoon be in his mom room there be something lay down by your side sleep well with the kong kong ghost ibe off why do+not you get off of me and go get off do+not want to hey be i your wife be i your mother it feel gross what do you just say ibe gross yes you be that make me depress euncha really depress ibe not going to the shoot today go or do+not go be she on drug i should emigrate go and live away for ten year and come back be i really that sick concentrate euncha concentrate why do you poke me hey it be you why poke me i thought i be hallucinate and want to check do you like me too no they why poke a man standing still you do you like me right so that why you poke me no your face be+not look well you sick somewhere no you look sick no your face be pale no be no the only thing you can say no you hate me no be i a joke to you do i look like a pushover if you show up even once more then youwill really be dead hey i warn you do+not i that if you show up again i'd kill you i do what i say if i say iwill kill you i do it kill me kill me you be crazy huh yeah be you schizo go just go go back to your country go back to australia go i said go i do+not like you yoube seriously not my type i do+not even like thinking about guy like you so leave leave please what be you do euncha who be you to tell my bro to go or not sleep well you sleep well too bro when'd you get here ne_number hour i have a photo shoot with my mom today let leave together when she come out sure this man the new manager be this man that right why be you nut be you crazy how can you hire a dude like this how can you talk like that a dude like him he old than you be and be you on drug today from this point on ibe not yoube coordinator hire someone else sorry sorry sorry webe late because of me right mom euncha say she will+not be my coordinator from today why do+not know she say i should hire someone else why euncha do yoon do something wrong again how could he hire anyone else except for you no one can handle yoon it not that our yoon iwill scorn him later let go right now webe late let go you he my manager since yesterday mom you know moohyuk right it must be that day for euncha she weird she say ibe disgust and a while ago she swear at moohyuk she random that girl she be a grown-up woman do+not call her girl that person euncha do you get him to work no no ma'am be+not he your boyfriend euncha no nothing like that later if you ask me who i'd choose between moohyuk and you i'd choose moohyuk got that why because moohyuk be cool he not a snob like you if anyone talk foul about him again i will+not leave that person alone no matter who got it if ibe a star ibe a star no dirty and filthy and disgust right you should at least say something yoon what let break away with no hard feeling it our last day so i want to end it nicely be you really going to quit i be going to quit today be my last day euncha you finish it off mother euncha be really going to quit today son if you be to ask me to choose between euncha and that moohyuk guy or whatever i'd pick euncha all the way what be wrong with everyone i do+not like that guy either why what do+not you like about him just because i do+not like him so cut your stubbornness but he a really cool guy you do+not even know him euncha whatever happen ibe going to fire him so you stay with yoon okay mister psycho mister this sky be+not that great the australian sky be beautiful our country sky be pretty too australia be pretty then go back to australia if it that pretty go to your country and live happily that my dream how would it feel to be up there would it be much better than here would it look cool watch it from here if yoube so curious then why do+not you go i be going in just a while iwill be going too yes yoube finish ibe close by iwill be there soon there eat after the photo shoot food food be+not you going to eat do you have money to buy a plane ticket want me to buy it for you yoon be going to fire you it be decide that way i guess it better this way instead of wear yourself out about it it better to not start something that be+not meant to happen so ibe not say that it happen to me before but from my experience before webe too close and before emotion get deep we should just end it quick that way you will+not be hurt and itwill be easy to forget me this be the only place that open iwill buy you something nice when we go back to seoul well nothing we can about that come sit here excuse me iwill have galbi soup iwill have gong soup our place have soonda and soonda soup would soonda please you guy sure just give those then then why ask for a order ibe stomach iwill go to the restroom and come back where the restroom go straight and then go straight again and from there turn around and go straight and there it be where do that lady say it be i do+not know either how can she put her finger in the soup and serve it let just eat it ma'am it quite good it good it disgust and dirty how can you eat this what be that that cow blood right i can+not eat this just try some it really good i lost my appetite i can+not eat this stuff these be for rustic you eat all of it let be quiet quiet kang hui-sake tag read jung hui-soo kim kungwoo you two oh the smell i do+not think i can do this here hello huh what happen to my mother do+not do it euncha ibe going to show everything to yoon please calm down i can+not you there you mess with the wrong person today your business be over lady ibe going to tell my son and have this place torn down and a new building built on top of it what the heck be she blab about let go let go yoon what happen to your face that lady she pour that hot boil rice soup on me i burn my face what do you do mom what do you mean what do i do i only said i can+not eat the food because it not to my taste look at her now she try to pour that hot soup again on me as long as ihave live this be the first time ihave dealt with this i think i want to die yoon son son what wrong what wrong have you go insane stop go up first ma'am why what about you i need to stop by somewhere stop by where i have a friend who live by here go up first what friend what friend of yours do+not i know about there be one iwill see you in seoul ma'am if they be adopt at that time these should be the baby can you photo copy one for me excuse me how may i help you i just have some question to ask do a yoon suh-kyung reside here yoon suh-kyung yes yoon suh-kyung oh that girl she live here for quite a while but she move a few month ago move yes why be look for her it nothing i beg your pardon what the difference between jjangoo and octopus jjangoo and octopus what be the difference jjangoo be well jjangoo be jjangoo can+not be dry while octopus can be oh that true you do+not have to go that far you overreact that why we paid them for the damage money be not everything ah i know now why euncha stay behind why the soup place she probably go to that lady she'd go there ibe sure ma'am have a seat iwill clean it for you just be seat ma'am turn around a while ago it seem you hurt your back iwill put a patch on it no would you rather go to the hospital with me ibe tire mom i wanna sleep sleep my son be you alarm ibe sorry for that it be my fault it ok sing a lullaby yes ma'am ibe in front of the house we will be arrive very soon yoon be sleeping alright see you later yoon wakeup son wake up webe home have fun i miss you so much i thought i be going to die me too have a good time you can go home now you do a good job iwill call you let go in be he your new manager yeah but not after tomorrow that will+not be necessary i want to keep him for now as you said he might be a okay guy iwill try to assure euncha about it ibe hungry make me something good son do the seoul train leave it left ma'am yes where my wife she in there open up open up where be this girl lady get out you live here wehave met before right you must be the new guy that move in downstairs the world be quite small be+not it all the better that day be crazy if it alright with you i'd like to buy you a new dog what do you think yoube do be you toy with me but you got the wrong person lady hey how do people like that exist sister why be you sleeping here why the floor and not the bed sleep comfortably on the bed i told you to sleep on the bed mother how long do you intend to live this way till death you want to live the rest of you life wrap up in a small area like that now you can live like a proper person on a nice bed wear nice clothes eat good food me your brother be give this life to you shut up quiet what do mom do for you that you'd call her where mother where be a mother for us mother shut up be quiet you idiot my mother be not a idiot mom galchi do you hit my mother galchi let go back to our home okay okay let go home let go home mom who be it be it yoon why do+not you kill me dry up my blood and kill me friend whatever you go to the soup place right i just know it i mean moohyuk cause the damage so why do you settle thing do you have that much strength look at you look all yellow i stay up all night because of you you know that i do what do you know i thought it be you what i know you be the one taking care of me all night what be you talk about thank you yoon ibe really really thankful if not for you i i would have die thank you for saving my life yoon hey why be you cry all of sudden for not knowing your heart and for get angry at you ibe so sorry yoon for being mean to you and making you sad ibe so sorry no ibe more sorry actually i be wrong euncha i will+not do that again me too i will+not do that again too english translation by zdoon purpletiger86 subtitle by zdoon do+not i warn you before do+not touch me if you do+not have any intention to go all the way it be awhile what be you do here do you eat i do+not see anything ok i do+not want anything yet it good that yoube here let go where to yoon's why should i go iwill leave if it because of the scandal and it hard for you iwill disappear from yoon's sight so stop play around and let go people can+not know it you you can breathe right taxi taxi taxi yoonah yoonah minjoo be here youhave be ok ibe not mad at you consider how much you put up with a player like me how can i be mad at you i do+not have the right i thought that the person you need most be eunchai and not me it not jealousy it the truth not you too how can you say that she like a part of my bone eunchai like you yoon euchai love you hey rockhead let play with me yeah let go how do i know the bus number going to maljookuri i do+not know so what be i suppose to do what kind of tongue do you have do you have half a tongue or something meaning you have no respect stop it you old geezer stop it ibe going to break your cane mister give me that cane ibe sorry please forgive him ibe so sorry dammit i can+not get hit on the head damn old geezer i know this day would come i know you would pay the price you only know casual talk and have no respect yoube lucky mister that this be the only punishment you got if it be me i would have show you no mercy none how can this man become a human thank you ibe not going to play with you teach him polite expression i be sorry i do+not know where be you going it very delicious if you be not sure of the expression just add yo at the end of the sentence yo sleep well in slang have a nice night what this what be this you look cool you look great how do you learn korean from my wife wife be you marry where be your wife now she marry jason yo ibe not do yo anymore do i will carry that for you i teach one you learn ten you smart man oh yoonah be i guy what how be i a guy be you in your right mind what be you talk about come here in ne_number minute run if you have to right now ibe far from here then come in ne_number second it just over there here iwill give you a few apple rock head song eunchai yoonah i love you eunchai till my muscle tremble till my bone pained song eunchai yoonah wow this girl heart be actually race what be you do this can+not be it can+not happen what be you talk about you said you like me you love me who said that minjoo that stupid girl minjoo this can+not be do this make sense we be family webe like sibling you know that webe close wake up eunchai both of us can never be man and woman you know even if you be butt naked in front of me it would+not make a difference do+not get yourself confuse just have some patience ibe going to introduce you to a great guy it me hyung do you think that you can get something for me at dawn tomorrow get some balloon and fill the trunk with it i have a man i mean a fianc actually i want to introduce you to him all four of us should go out for dinner sometime be you kid me no then what do he do he just a salary man he live in a really nice apartment in kangnam a rich part of seoul he rich kind handsome and really sophisticate i think that he my ideal type i should have told you early ibe sorry for the mixup eunchai who be it that first kiss guy yoon's manager yeah i left him yesterday without tell him he must have search all over for me yesterday sister i met him yesterday and he look like a wolf he really someone to be sorry for so what be you going to do perhaps if i ask him to date again he would say that i be crazy like who be you play and iwill probably get hit right sister i could+not sleep last night be thinking last night that no matter who i meet i could+not meet anyone who like me so much be this because of yoon and how he uncomfortable so now that yoube just going to grab that dog guy moonyuk-off the street and be with him i understand cha yoon be mine kang min joo tsk tsk be it that obvious when you look at me be it that obvious that i like him when you see it because yoube born as a girl there be+not one girl alive who could+not love him how can you not love a cool guy like that but that cant be sister you can+not be with that dog guy i already kiss him and slept with him be you living in chosun dynasty ancient time of korean history i feel sorry for him huh he be shy and awkward and he can+not show his best front who be she talk about yoon's manager that old wolf you can+not he mine i saw him first what be the farthest place from korea the hard place to get to be there such a thing africa he mine africa miss call from eunchai do you do all the stuff i told you to do yea then come to minjoo place asap ok it do right so if minjoo come from here to there i hope she do+not get confuse ibe nervous how do i look brother minjoo have to be touch she will be touch if minjoo accept my proposal i will treat you nicely brother ok thank you go on now oh yoonah yoube here just come up then nevermind iwill be down in ne_number minute where be this place can+not you read do i look that gullible to you even though ibe a playgirl ibe picky for the time and partner do+not i say before that if you don have any intention do+not touch me i will+not ever look for you again just see me i have a room at seoul hotel have a meal together sorry yoon i have something urgent to do i go somewhere else iwill call you later rockhead who be you yo ibe her sister why do you have eunchai phone yo she said she be going to to some traveling before she go to africa oppa africa yes africa oppa rockhead mister i ask the boss for you address i come to say goodbye ibe going somewhere far here i brought this i should have return it early thank you i will not forget you please forget me quickly find a really nice woman make me kimchi then go my nuna can make really good kimbap but she can+not make kimchi make me kimchia then go i can+not make kimchi ibe sorry well i can make kakdoogus radish kimchi you be adopt to australia you just found your sister yea your parent do you find them too how bad not one kid but two they must have a reason such as too poor to buy milk so you find yourself a rich family and live well and prosper wait well you be nice you learn korean you like kimchi what a good little boy be+not that a bit too much ibe do it correctly this be a beautiful color ehhh how do it become like this eat one more where eunchai miss where be eunchai how be i suppose to know she left her phone how can a mom not know where her daughter be au duh lee au duh lee jo mahl bok what do you say do+not i say never to call me by that name ever again yoube au duh lee out there but be you au duh lee here too ibe au duh lee outside inside while i be dead or alive ibe auh duh lee miss your son want some breast milk give him some what wrong with my son eunchai be miss she told the boss that she be quit as my coordinator too what be something wrong with eunchai i do+not know she said she going to africa africa what then what about me miss what about me what do you mean what about me i do+not want to say this but i heard from mincha that she do+not want to make you uncomfortable you can minjoo should live happily ever after that why she left my poor daughter ibe sorry you met such parent i be leave this house i can+not clean like this what do eunchai mom mean eunchai must have really love me crazy girl before you come out of the bathroom i should leave goodbye mister stop cry mom it ok if there be a crazy dog after me i would pee in my pant too stop cry it ok who be you ibe the friend of the guy who live here oh uncle why be your mom cry again because she peed in her pant because a crazy dog be after her and she be scare kalchi ibe sorry i be suppose to say that she peed on herself mommy ibe sorry i will+not do it again you do well you do very well yoube cool why be you cry stop cry yoo soo kyung mister yoube bad why be you scream at your sister why be you talk so disrespectfully you shut up no matter how much i teach you you still can+not get yourself together bad man sister i peed in my pant too i peed in my pant yesterday and not just on the pant but on the blanket too sister do you pee on the blanket i do+not pee on the blanket then yoube better than me there be+not much talk about it but do you know many grown people do it it even in the newspaper do+not you know here iwill help you do you want to wash wait let wash together your hair be nice you should get a perm have you get a perm before do we put lotion on i do+not think so i be wonder why my skin be sting please give me some lotion i do+not have lotion you do+not have lotion you never put on lotion before do+not go do+not go eunchai do+not go i will+not burden you please do+not go eunchai really like you she love you that girl just kill me already yes ibe the new coordinator i do+not know song eunchai quit yea iwill get the autograph i have to go hi i be jang su hee she the new coordinator do you like it yea you look really good with short hair cha yoon minjoo ya yoube surprise huh yoube my partner today i want to surprise you so i ask it to be a secret wow yoube so beautiful wifey and your mom of course i have to be here she at the salon shewill be here soon eunchai i do+not know that betrayer from now on do+not mention her name again kalchi be+not your mom pretty yes you want to wear a nice dress and get marry too huh do you like someone yup who be it what do you mean by uncle how can you get marry he just uncle you can+not get marry right sister you mean mooh-yuk yes no ibe going to marry him no you can+not get marry why be my mom such a dummy no ibe going to marry him minjoo you do a huge favor thank you be you do yet why why be it so loud webe at karaoke with mom eunchai and grandpa song sing a song yoube precious by yoon kalchi national anthem song mister be you okay can i ask you a favor what do+not go to africa you could take care of my sister and kalchi later when i be not here be you going somewhere back to australia you said that you do+not have anyone back there why do+not you stay here with your family your wife be already marry it cold let go in i want to hug you once last time i do+not iwill hold you now be that ok be you warm yoube not sad anymore right translation by bellaangel012 with fix by saturn get yourself together we can never be just a man and a woman you know even if you be butt naked in front of me it would+not make a difference do+not get yourself confuse why be you scream at your sister why be you talk disrespectfully you shut up no matter how much i teach you you still cant get yourself together bad man do+not go euncha if min joo accept my proposal then i will treat you nicely hyung thank you hyung be you warm yoube not sad anymore right you got a good taste the scarf mom like it a lot i think you succeed if you be try to seduce me you do it nicely ibe start to have interest in you but this be the end ibe too grown up to be seduce by a playboy like you unfortunately i can finally draw a line between love and passion do you get a good sleep eun cha sister ibe gonna go make a phone call hello min che big sis be mom dad well tell them that ibe do ok so do+not worry too much yeah ibe really ok be that eun che hey eun che give it here give it to me ibe still talk to her listen to mom listen to you sis hey eun che it mom have you eat hey eun che it big sis i shrink your panty come home soon big sis suk che take your cell and made international call and saw movie ah ouch do+not hit me webe going to move out eun che webe going to move out even if we have to loan lot of money so come home asap ibe really do well mom i will get tough as a rock when i return so do+not worry and take care ibe gonna buy a lotto ticket while ibe out for grocery watch me iwill build a house twice as big right across from this one if mom do+not get so many botax shot and give up a few line we own a building by now i hear ya what about you over-credit sister card dad card buy all brand clothing bag and shoe yet you earn no money if it be+not for you we would be so rich you idiot i hear ya mrs oppa what going on choi star come to such crappy place give me some food i want to eat your food sure come sit here eun cha do+not she call you just a while ago there be+not any call you come to check up on eun cha cause you be worry do+not you check up what check up anyway that girl must be crazy she do+not even know how scary and violent the world be mrs be you just going to sit there should+not you report for mia do+not you know that a girl can break as soon as they go outside just like a plate when you throw it just eat your food what do you care if eun che pick her ear with a street light pole or peel a apple with nail cutter i hear ya rice cake buy rice cake we have fresh and warm rice cake we have warm rice cake kim-bab buy kim-bab we have awesome taste kim-bab we have awesome taste kim-bab do+not go do+not go eun cha i will+not burden you my sister can really make good kimbap but she can+not make kimchi hold on look at me as well oh lord if you really do exist i promise you song eun che if you let her be beside me for rest of my time please little bit more cheap thank you if you let her comfort me for the time i have left if you do+not hurt me again iwill give up my life right now my hatred my anger iwill throw them away and quietly die lord i make the promise with you damn it be+not this a dark circle a-woo wha do i do eun-che i got a dark circle eun-che i do+not like this kind of style this type of stripe do+not fit me well and i hate this style the most ibe sorry i do+not know iwill go look for other one big sis eat slowly song min-che iwill buy you another big sis who be this girl oh a sis i know well but i do+not think she well she have a accident when she be young she very kind and nice sis so be you stay at her house now yeah give that here oh hold on about ne_number do+not you think you do+not even have money do+not you have a credit card oh yeah suk-che-unni take your card be+not it really hard to get over yoon oppa not really i guess it stupid for me to ask but really i think ibe very much over yoon now you do+not have to lie to me you do+not think i know love ibe gonna go to bathroom ok want me to come with you no it ok ibe alway with yoon except when ibe asleep whether yoon be with me or not to my eye that all i could see i told you i know how you feel but now i see someone else sometimes i still see yoon but now i keep seeing him who who be it ah gal-chi huh gal-chi crap i be to meet with gal-chi teacher iwill be right back take care of that big sister gal-chi teacher be you going to the underwater castle yeah mom what laundry you left it on top of the stove ibe outside too can+not you try suk-che where be you ok iwill go home right now hey gal-chi big sis sorry do you wait long come on teacher must be wait i do+not have to go to school be you going to sell kim-bab then well i can help your mom or your uncle can help ibe sure there be other that can help your mom you do+not have to worry you can go to school with out a worry sis iwill be right back after i turn off the stove and go to the bathroom do+not go anywhere and stay put do+not go anywhere from here yes wow fish ibe gonna take a nap ibe so tire when be we do the radio show ne_number 30pm come at ne_number 30pm then iwill see you in a bit hey you hey you who be you who be you and why do you intrude my house who be oh that pin i bought it for eun-che from italy where do you get it eun-che give it to me a while ago eun-che you saw her where be eun-che eun-che be she home um no where be eun-che ice cream song min-che what happen where be you now we got a problem big sis that unwell girl yoon oppa take her away as a hostage just now what yoon oppa said eun-che sis have to come get her if you want to find her do you like it it alright do you talk to eun-che yes do+not go do+not go eun cha i will+not burden you do+not go wow pretty wow so pretty min cha hello oh min-che why be you standing there like that do you need to go to the bathroom umm ibe just what u do do you really need to crap noo i crap it all out before be yoon home yet son my son how be your day be it a nice day mom ibe so tire why what be it because of eun-che forget it i wanna go home wow what a pretty old lady what be she what the that my necklace it my necklace miss who be you which room do you just come out of yoon who be this girl just someone i know do+not scare her mom i do+not think she normal stay here do+not you move do+not they say where they would go yeah she said she will come back home soon after get my mom so go wait at home i will come back soon when eun-che come tell her to stay put and do+not go anywhere yes i wanna go home i wanna go back to my home galchi galchi do+not cry do+not cry why do you have to call the cop you could have just ask her nicely she kept on deny when i ask gal-chi gal-chi where do you hide the ring huh give the ring back ibe serious i think she really do+not know why do+not you go look for it again ihave just look everywhere you know how much that diamond ring cost it priceless yoon why do you bring someone like that into the house i said why do you bring her to cause this you fool this small shiny sparkle thing have+not you see the ring think about it i wanna go to my home wanna go back to my home i think she a pro acting all stupid do you hide it in your underwear or maybe you swallow it do+not you gal-chi gal-chi confess before cop come in and make it more serious if you confess now iwill forgive you without pressing charge tell me now uncle uncle what the problem ihave lost a 6-carat diamond ring sorry but could you take your sock off do+not just frisk her i told you she hide it in the underwear strip search her it not like you have physical evidence also that would be violation of civil right thief do+not have civil right where do you hide it seriously where do you hide it huh uncle uncle told you to listen when i ask nicely why do+not you listen to me come on take this off too i do+not want to no do+not want to gal-chi gal-chi mister umm well where be my sister be+not she with you she inside uncle mr car what the you know her get on my back big sis oh lord if you really do exist i promise to you mister if you have her stay next to me for the time i have left song eun cha let go let go mister if she will comfort me for the time i have left if you do+not hurt me anymore i can give up my life right now i can throw away my hatred and anger i can die quietly lord i make the promise with you what the you you be at moo-hyuk place this whole time be you stay with moo-hyuk this whole time be you crazy do+not yell eun-che why be you yell why be you yell at me i do+not do anything wrong to you so why be you yell at me and ibe not crazy ibe very fine yoon why be you like that seriously you act like someone else you do wrong today to suh-kyung unni to mr moon-hyuk you do them wrong big time that stupid girl be mr car old sister anyhow she be a thief for sure would the ring jump up to the sky or into the ground ahh my blood pressure oooo my ring what about my ring what do i do i found something that not ring nor a necklace what what be that bring it here what be it oppa bring it here hurry oh it nothing big madam what do i do about my ring my ring what do i do she pass out early so probably do+not even know they be twin let assume that they be dead you nurse kim and i we have to keep it secret till we die about today they be+not meant to be with their mother ah duh lee narration at the radio station on ep03 a father prayer write by by general dougla macarthur who be that guy where be mother where be a mother for us what be they do i do+not know where be you going eun-che just out for a walk and get some air my ring my ring mom do+not be sick over such a thing it priceless priceless it very expensive iwill go buy you one iwill go out and buy you one in a bit ok you think you can buy that with money let make some dduk-bok-gus together eun-che let make some dduk-bok-gus move let make some dduk-bok-gus do+not you hear me say move dduk-bok-gus dduk-bok-gus dduk-bok-gus go eat all you want damn girl do+not you know your place seriously do you take some drug you do do+not you if i do i would have kill you by now song eun-che how old be you grow up dduk-bok-gus how could you eat dduk-bok-gus right now there be people who can+not sleep nor drink a drop of water because of you why be that my fault why be everyone blame me why only me what a pity choi yoon what a shame seriously if you go iwill you if you go iwill come here ibe not a dog that come and go when you say so you bastard song eun-che do it hurt a lot mom should i go get some medicine mom mom galchi big sis do+not you go to school no because my mom be really sick you mom she sick yes ibe going to get some medicine right now still you should go to school where be your uncle i do+not know he be go when i wake up big sis ibe so sorry it all my fault sorry big sis i do+not steal the ring i do+not steal it i know i know sorry ibe really sorry oh yoon i know all about it i do+not think i can get exactly the same one but i can probably get a similar one yeah ibe going out right now if you get there early just look around for a bit i be wonder something so i want to ask you what the difference between passion and love be that passion for example i love you it just happen that way i love you why do she hang up suddenly do she get on the elevator ah it so complicate complicate my mom eun-che all so complicate min-joo your lover be about to die from this complication for real do+not yell why be you yell why be you yell at me when i do+not do anything wrong to you you do wrong today to suh-kyung sis to mr moo-hyuk you do wrong to them big time she change she change for sure damn girl be she date moo-hyuk hyung aaa i do+not know fine go date what a great couple just like the roach what about her like me before stupid stupid girl if she will comfort me for the time i have left if you do+not hurt me anymore i can give up my life right now i can die quietly i love you it just happen that way when mom go to island shore to get food the baby watch the house alone galchi shhhhh she sleeping the temperature have decrease quite a bit now do you finish solve the math problem i give you can i correct them now why be it so complicate you can+not solve it sis no that not what i meant be you sure this be elementary school level math yes empty your mind stop thinking about that guy in your head and concentrate only on the ball hey listen ibe not hey ibe park hyun-woo mr park hyun-woo do+not move your wrist or your arm move your shoulder do+not look at the ball flying when you hit it keep look at the ground ibe sorry mister get in min-joo open the door who be the bastard next to you the bastard sitting next to you who be he min joo open the door open it right now min-joo open the door min-joo please uncle eun-cha i do+not want to live anymore yoon translation by bluface flashback translation by zdoon purpletiger89 bellangel012 timing by jaycee05 the first case appear in early summer ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number for month the virus try to destroy the population a single hope for the survivor radio to the military base in noah damn drive fast shit but someone do something sonia we have to stop shit that impossible continue to get where to hell come leave the area please help we be all dead now we have to escape it be difficult the vital organ be not affect show me his wound stop the car what be it sonia stop the ambulance i need to know what in the car in the car mutant sonia do not touch anything clean up i have to rely on you you have to clean and disinfect now this base noa be it false information be it really there they be hide inside the bastard if we be to continue we must find a station she have no emotion if there be a small change she will get rid of us she be a military marko we need her it be load do you know how to use at least in a emergency leave okay ibe not leave without you nothing shoot shoot dammit leave her alone be you okay what do you expect to do he come with us he be scare that be all wewill take care of it once we reach the base be you sure look this crazy i will not leave him sonia infect or not he be not coming why cant he joint us i told you i trust you really you manipulate us from the start why do we follow you both you have to explain to us give me the key what do you think explain now dammit shut up give me the fucking key i be not give them back leave the gun turn around and back away three step no no framework will be ok calm down relax calm down mark wake up stay with me mark iwill find another place hello you have to leave my love emergency call to the base in noah repeat a emergency call to the base in noah my name be sonia er medical dupri i call through the radio of my car my companion be hit by a bullet we sat in the middle forest in a large building a helicopter fly over us we be demand evacuation please evacuate we be not contaminate come to us we be not contaminate base noe confirm base noe please confirm evacuation roger now our position be confirm base noah damn base noah yes by contact them on the radio they will come to us how can you trust them never take any risk you all right have any pain some dizziness be it bad it hurt a little but it bearable thanks sonia the wound be serious so be it good news ibe not do anything the virus do not spread well come there be bandit who will come after us be you ok marcus calm down marcus calm down everything will be fine everything will be fine i be not sure how long do i have the virus probably be in a vegetative stage how much three day maybe less the military probably will have to contact us once webe there we can take care of you you must be stegnesh do not leave me to become one of his victim i beg you you can not expect that from me hold on mark stop mark no look mark look look at me one of my patient just while i be tend him it be two week now i must be immune there be hope mark without a scientist we can not find a antidote give me that chance ibe with you iwill always be with you i need morphine i can not give you any i want morphine look at me you can do it you can do it no calm down calm down you can i have the virus in my blood o negative i be a universal donor it worth try open sonia open for me i want to apologise i be sorry marcus open sonia i can not control myself marcus i open get here i love you the first injection will transfer you into a deep sleep with the second one it will make your heart stop and it can cause dizziness i love you so much iwill be back my love wake up wake up sorry for the head noah no frank be you military you be at the radio stay with us be be the car key i do not know in any case there be no fuel i think she be joke us frank in the call she said that there be two of them where be your friend i ly iwill kill you and run into the wood you think this nonsense frank cafe two sugar i have no interest in walking yoube going to win the walk in the forest slowly slowly it be easy to fuck shit some cannibal attack us and we fled as child he jump in the mouth of one to help his brother more detail nice toy for a physician ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number ne_number it be suppose to come back the key be there frank why not remove them a bullet in it he told me always lose just you and me the radio work not working you can only receive not send there a military base in noah helicopter fly from time to time fuck helicopter do not stop ever you know you have house nothing suck three day he carry us if i be you i would not go near more than bloodthirsty these monster be shit aret you not dead tomorrow morning we go we must gather fuel and return here fast first fuel after the key for your blood need ibe infect not me i be expect a baby it be necessary to know be there a radio where you be take me there i have to call the military base the key to the ambulance where be you going even under the rubble i want to bury my family can you help yes toma hurry call urgent basis in noah i repeat call urgent basis in noah you fly over us several time you know very well where we be this message will be distribute in open frequency call urgent basis in noah please come for immediate evacuation emergency call we be in the infect area please come for immediate evacuation use it let go finish your message dupri be sonia ibe pregnant he bit but ibe immune i repeat i be bite but ibe immune my name be sonia dupri m pregnant they bit me but ibe immune take the key now the fuel fuel the fuel answer what be that frank shut up frank what the fuck they be coming come close the damn door the damn door fran fran it not your fault come on let go if you open it ibe going to burst frank open up take your hand off get out come on almost base noah 1-s ne_number i repeat noah basis 1-s ne_number military intervention in a open area risk level four priority evacuation confirm i repeat priority evacuation confirm medical class individual sonia dupri code rosemary code rosemary s ne_number base of noah understand twelve minute eta be you sonia dupri we shall take care of you and the baby subtitle rough translation f l y ne_number audition tour it the only city wehave be to all eight season in our search and it never fail to deliver webe in the city where star be made and dream become reality cheer so you think you can dance dance cheer all welcometo losangeles cheer l a l a yeah cheer thousandslinedup brightand early and this be what everybody compete for that all-important ticket to vegas the contestant file into the theater ready for their close-up on the panel as ever executive producer choreographer tyce diorio cheer and applause here how it going to work dancer that fail to impress will be sent straight home wow it like something out of the exorcist sorry it'sano ifthejudgesare onthe fence theywill be ask to learn some choreography at the end of the day well obviously yesfor choreography yesforme be hand a plane ticket straight to the next round of audition youwerefabulousout there come and get your ticket for vegas oh mygo sothejudgesweresettogo in l a and jordan casanova be put the final touch to her hollywood makeover iguessyoucouldsaymy giggle the moment you put me on stage ibe a completely different person today i be perform a solo to naughty girl by beyonce the song do not describe anything about me i be a innocent person oh whoo whoa yeah all right i like her yeah good whoa whoo whoo nigel comeon whoo yeah laugh oh she really good enoughalready enough cheer and applause wow giggle thatwasoneofthehot performance i have ever see thankyouso much mygosh you be only ne_number year old and you just nail it i mean from the second that you just do even your little click back there in the back it be like i own this you be just so self-confident about what yoube do too be what i just love about you thankyouso much tyce what'dyouthink i love it ha-ha didyouloveit idon'tevenhaveword findtheword it'slikenaughty naughty naughty girl sorry that'snumberone number two it be like aww love it love it top to bottom amaze um i mgonnahavetobe no um what i will say be i always ask dancer to grab the audience yeah and you certainly grab me you pick me up you throw me around you drop me down you kick me you pick me back up again iwouldneverkickyou youdideverythingthere you just control me from the moment you start dancing until i stop you and i have to stop you then i really do i be gonna have another heart attack i do+not think there any discussion here be there there'snodiscussion none yoube gonna fly cheer and applause fly fly itwasonly9 00inthe morning and the judge be over the moon and jordan's taking a trip whoa wasthatyourtoe yeah cheer and applause wow thatwaswow hello d c chapmanwasstill wait to audition but he already have a reason to celebrate i'mherewithmygirlfriend um she five month pregnant and ibe really excite to be a father wasitplannedorwasita surprise um wecan'tsay giggle ourparentsdon'tknowthis we-we-we-we plan it mm-hmm rightnow josie'slive with my and my family webe all living together and uh it pretty fun go carly go carly watchinghimwithour baby laughter we'reonebighappyfamily chuckle cheese hi howdy what'syourname uh mynameisdariond c chapman and this dariond c chapman howyoudo whatstyleyougonnadofor us west coast but we be do a little bit of c-walk up over here right coulddothat uh what else i got a little a little harlem shake that back in like right okay we got the dougie or we can cat daddy i mean we can do that you feeling that right here wait whoa whoa whoa whoa seemstobe bigoverhere whatwasthatone it'sthecat it a new dance it the cat daddy by the rej3ctz catdaddy thecatdaddy catdaddyby therej3ctz yougrabyourhandslike a wheelchair skirt right youwantit to skirt so you skirt right skirt skirt andyou skirt then you get back up like that cheer and applause skirt yes andthenyou dip nowhe'sscaringme thenyoudipattheend it a little dip there you go one two dip nigel there we go cheer and applause wow okay thisguyis givingyou comeonthen bring it on ijustwanttosayonething though hewantsto saysomething i'llsayonemorething before i dance i was--i be extremely scare to come in here last year season seven me and my girlfriend made a promise to come here in season eight and uh baby thank you it crack crowd aww we have a little baby boy to be expect also oh cheer and applause thankyou guy whydon'twe seewhatyoucan do yeah let do it cheer and applause laugh ah whoo music stop cheer and applause wow wow cheer continue wow youknow idon tthinkihave enjoy a routine like that since season four when twitch do the conduct remember that uh chuckle that be the most entertain thing i have ever see whoo thatwasfantastic yeah peoplelikeyou be a rarity thanks ithinkthatwhatyoudidis so unbelievably loud it incredible it like i will+not forget this iwantto go to vegas youtranscendwhatthisshow be all about really because there be no way i can sort of compare that to a ballet routine or a jazz routine that--that stand out for itself cheer and applause crowd vegas vegas vegas youwerefabulousout there come and get your ticket for vegas cheer and applause iappreciateit nigel thank you sowe'retwofor two and the judge be already in love with lo angeles thiscity'sunbelievable do+not you think it ridiculous ialreadyknewhewasgonna do a good job because everything that he do out there he do for me in my life so yoube always yoube the best baby oh mygod thankyou comingup a champion return to root on her young sister ifyoufailme you renot coming home butdoesthelegacyendhere we'vegotto stopthat it off-put butfirst thecityofangel have the judge in seventh heaven you'regoingto vegas andgetsavisitfrom avery naughty santa scream ihaveasix pack dance welcomebackto so youthink you can dance it almost noon and dancer be still file into the theater herewecome baby wegotit gettingnumbersandfill out form a process arielle coker know only too well eachyear imadeitfurther and further um season four five and seven and so ibe hope season eight will be my year and maybe i can make top ne_number that would be amaze cheer and applause i would absolutely love for this to be my year but if it not iwill be back next year and iwill be better so that cool too i ithinkshe'sstrong sheabsolutelyis wow wow thisis--thisis a audition wow be you kid me i holymoly cheer okay arielle i said i wonder if that amount of work have paid off i truly think it have thankyou ithoughtthatbe absolutely mesmerize and that little bit where your little toe take you around like that laugh somegreatstuff thankyou andyouwerejust captivate the energy that be coming out of your body just with that walk forward be tremendous youhave improve every single year ihave see you yeah i lovedeverysingle second of that piece i mean when you talk about a knockout number that have it all that be it thankyou beautiful cheer and applause ihavenever--idon tthink ihave ever see anybody come back with more of a fire in their eye yoube like a star up there it incredible thankyou yeah i can'tbelievehow far you have come in the last few season she'sgotabit furtherto come though have+not she yes absolutely yoube going to vegas vegas cheer and applause wow i wasn't--i be+not expect that soarielle'sjourneytoward the top ne_number continue and as the afternoon go on it look like she'd have some i andthatwasn'tjustgood that be very good i ithinkyou'reamaze gettheheckout ofhere that pissed me off it be so good boy canyoudance you can cheer and applause oh mygod bymid-afternoon it look like the final city on our tour might be the best ever scream mary whereis losangeles get all these dancer today where be they coming from afterthebreak one dancer have come from halfway round the world i'mfromjapan speak japanese peace andshe'spickedupa few trick ilearnedfrommyloverat the time youdon'tsay blush plus afteran amazingstart will the golden state continue to shine doyourememberadaylike this in lo angeles orwilltinseltownloseit glitter oh god thank you very much laughter nigel you'rean bleep iamwicked aren'ti yes welcomebackto so youthink you can dance when people want to become a star they come here to hollywood and they come from all over the world i'mfrombrazil i'mfrombelarus andi mfromhawaii island of oahu andwhereareyou from chandler arizona whohaveyoubroughtwith you today ibroughtmy momand mydad and my boyfriend my grandma my two young sister and that it anddidyouall comeinthe same car yes we just strap grandma to the top just kid laughter butperhapsno onehave a longer journey than hiro mcra i'mfromjapanand speak japanese america be changing my dancing a lot super duper much japanese people have such discipline they be practice thousand time of this okay this this this keep going next next next doo doo it like a martial artist but they sometimes forget about expression you know live in the dance ooh if i can get the la vegas ticket oh i should make it hopefully good luck hiro chuckle myself hi konnichiwa hi what'syourname mynameis hiro hiro mcra hiromcra yes andwhereareyou from i'moriginallyfromjapan howlonghaveyou beenhere fouryear oy canicongratulateyouon your english yes thankyouso much speak japanese thank you so much yes i do+not have money to go to school so i learn my from radio from my lover at the time it be a really hard time cheer whatdidshelearnfrom him oh youdon'tsay blush uh we'dlovetoseeyou cheer and applause wow and i wow whoo oh man uh uh uh idon t i do+not really know what happen today it'sgoingcrazy nigel uh i don'tknowifyou'dbe any good at do anything else with partner or the waltz or vietnamese tango whatever i do+not care i love what you just do arigato youaredefinitelysomething else you be extraordinary you be a standout yoube a star up there your movement be so precise the control of your body be so articulate got it all going on cheer and applause what what whatplanet what what where do you come where do you come from everything about you be magnificent that it ridiculous incredible listen i think wehave be extremely remiss with the terrible your home country at the moment be all of your family safe be they well mydadfinallyemailedme back that they be fine oh good cheer and applause thankyouso much ithinkthat you need now to email your dad back and tell him yoube going sohollywood'snewestaction hero be head to sin city oh mygod oh my god thatwasso muchfun thathurtmy feeling yeah tyce i mean what it'sjustcrazy doyourememberadaylike this in lo angeles no andafterthechoreography round thing look even better wethinkyoudo anamaze job right now and we want you to come to vegas cheer and applause there'syourticket vegas as18moredancersgrab ticket to the next round ican'tbreathe whoo it'sprobablythebestday that wehave ever have on the series any year iagree anyseason absolutely ne_number anyseason upnext santaclausis coming to town thinkthere'llbe alot of kid block their chimney right now yeah that'sright anditlookslikeeveryoneis on the naughty list ididn'tenjoythatatall actually thenit'sallornothingfor one contestant ifyoufailme you renot coming home canshestepout ofher sister shadow allofthepressureisnowin you dance all welcomebacktothecity of angel cheer it'sthefinalday of audition and in l a a new group of excite dancer cheer after a spectacular first day there be a holiday mood in the theater and our first contestant of the day be ho-ho-hope the good cheer would last what'sup y'all this be big c the clau of krump little c protege ibe from the north pole of course and i spread buckma cheer all year round and give present to all the good little girl and boy oh well hello what do you want for buckma laughter and cue music uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh look out scream laugh no no wherearewe goingtoday makeitstop chuckle indistinct tryingto do to people cheer and applause bigc what be little c gonna say when he see big c he'sgonnasay buck whatareyoudo ihaveasix pack listen--oh cheer and applause that be more like a kegger laughter ithinkthere'llbea lotof kid block their chimney right now yeah that'sright or set a fire in there giggle itwasalot offun thank you so much for coming down thankyou guy verymuch i appreciate it cheer sobigcfailedtogethis claw on a ticket to vegas that'sthefirsttimewehave have a santa though i must say backtotheworkshop andasthemorninggo on and the hot streak of day one become a distant memory frosty ididn'tenjoythatatall actually oh god thank you very much there be nothing going on there ithinkwe regonnahaveto call it a day nigel you'rean bleep don'tgetupset sweetheart so what do you think about twitch uncle laugh iamwicked aren'ti by1 00p m l a have lost its luster youall bleep bleep andafterasensationalday one the city have a lot to live up to much like our next contestant hi mynameisalexismason ibe ne_number year old i found this girl out in the hallway somewhere squeal it'smysister jeanine mason season five winner thatsoundsso formal america'sfavoritedancer be jeanine everytimeanybodycomesup to me and will be like oh my gosh like yoube jeanine sister like as if like she some sort of god i sit there and ibe like this be the girl that i can+not say that on tv wait let scratch that i be gonna say that run around the house naked but i will+not laughter i be afraid to audition after she do it and i feel like i can+not not do it and regret it later youcando this no pressure ibe so proud of you if you fail me yoube not coming home whosaysthatwheni'mabout to dance who say that to their sister hello younglady hello what'syourname mynameis alexismason andwhois yoursister ihaveno ideawhatyoube talk about theannoyingthingmustbeto have her sit in the audience when yoube audition as well i mean that tough be+not it imean it sdifficult but it a privilege she my inspiration so go girl allofthepressureisnowin you howamigonnahandlethat howareyou--that'sexactly right lot of love and luck good luck here we go thankyouverymuch cheer and applause and cuemusic soft piano music strike strike girl beautiful mm-hmm um alexi be careful of one thing which be with your mouth okay it'soff-put becausei can see the emotion in your face i want to go with you and youhave got this slight goldfish going on okay wehaveto stopthat but um absolutely beautiful control beautiful content to your work thankyou uh itwasthrillingtowatch it thankyou alexi yoursisterisan amaze dancer and you be a amaze dancer too thankyou ican'ttellyou sittingon this side how fun it be for me it just so cool thankyou youpulledit off you really do whoo thankyousomuch ithinkthegreatthingabout what just happen be i do+not know if ibe right but do you look at her yes thatwasmy--thatbe my favorite part because it be like a real moment yoube beautiful thankyouso much cheer and applause mary wassheonthehot laughter she'sdefinitelygettinga ticket on the train for sure she'sdefinitelygettinga ticket to vegas cheer and applause that'swhatwe wanttohear right now comingup day two in l a have all the making of a hollywood blockbuster drama letitgo girl intenseaction youareastar younglady andgratuitousviolence doyoufighteachother never dance welcomebackto thevery stylish l a audition where patty ann miller have a swagger i have to say i love your look thankyou it'ssocuteand like tomboyish and cute and yes i ma bigtomboy isthiswhatyou reall about yes thisis me ibe a hip-hop dancer i love freestyle i be dancing at the age of five and five year later i start drum rhythm be just something that inside of me it natural when ibe listen to like music i hear the drum and i go off the drum and i just i just feel it i love drum and i love dancing so i just incorporate the two and it a great what'syourname mynameis pattya miller whatdoyoudofora living fora living yeah what'syourjob i--i'ma styleconsultant styleconsultant yeah that's--that'swhat yeah bowtie yeah cute we'd love to see you dance allright you'renotnervous be you um just a little bit laughter andcuemusic dance pop music i love her i love her seriously ilikeit i like her iloveheralot yeah yes music stop cheer and applause misspattyann pattyann pattyann you be a young lady with a lot of secret be+not you laugh huh just youwentto berklee yes schoolofmusic yes yougraduate yes fullscholarshipa a drum cheer and applause you be just so unique i like it though i really do cheer and applause what other what other dance style have you do be honest with me now letitgo girl let it go letitgo letitgo cheer and applause come on now let it out let it out chuckle ididn'thearthe question laughter i'mnotgoingtoaskit again do+not worry mary pattyann youare buck you be yoube really strong in what yoube do and you be unique like nigel said and you know we love that on this show thankyou comeonnow pattyann you be freaking cute look how freaking cute you be applause uh pattyann ibe really working hard at the moment and webe gonna be do vegas in a few week and ibe gonna need a so i can+not think of anything better hey pattyann who said gotcha oh mygod andasthefinaldayof season eight audition go on l a prove it have style to spare you'reveryspecialasa dancer pop music youareastar younglady a star it be like so many great dancer here in lo angeles thankyouso much no thankyou haveyoueverdancedin vegas no sothiswillbea first will it so scream we'veseensomereally really good dancer today i must say vegas baby taking it to vegas see you there baby comingup seasoneight final audition two sister whoa onedream wewantto showthemwecan actually move and can dance butisthereroomforbothin la vegas howwouldyoufeelifwe broke you up dance welcomebackto thefinal and most talented city on our audition tour delightedwithlosangeles okay thelasttwodayshave be almost perfect but one thing have be lack ballroom alittlebit not alot laugh don'tjudgeme i'mclassicallytrainedin ballet and pointe and then ihave take jazz wow everything have you do ballroom no pointeballet jazz tap mouth ballroom ballroom no jazz tap ballet hip-hop contemporary no ballroom ibe afraid like uh tyce'strousers oh mygosh um okay comeon nigel nigel what laughter ourfinalcontestant sasha and natalie mallory may not have any ballroom experience but they come ready to show their range today wearedoingapiece it kind of a combination of modern and african wedecidedto bringinother taste to show the judge what we can do webe not just like a both one-trickpony whoa jinx we be very competitive it not a bad thing though it a good thing because it'skindof likea letmetalk sorry it almost like have like a extra teacher with you because like we push each other yeah you should have said yeah right away unfortunately i haveno other choice so theybe gonna have so many shot of us slap each other we'resistersandwelove each other laughter natalia yes andsasha yes okay how come you dance together wepusheachotherand yeah shemakesmebetter like going aww sweet crowd aww allright but like in class like she just--she push me to like better myself and to get out there and stuff doyoufighteachother never imean well wefight sometimes laughter wedo butwelove each other webe good webe yes wedo ithinkwe shouldsee you dance that'samaze that cool oh cute really cute indistinct together be+not they socute andcuemusic well listen ihave got to say ibe really shock natalia you shock me more than anything ihave got to be honest um sasha have obviously got the better um physique as a dancer yes you--butholdon here you bring so much heart and technique to it you be absolutely tremendous thankyou fabulous um sasha youhave got everything going for you youhave got beautiful technique youhave got the right facility um ibe impress with the pair of you congratulation thankyou cheer and applause yeah youguysare justtoo cute together and we can just see your love of dance i just love it both thankyou yeah greatchemistry together i enjoy you guy and the piece as a whole but i i kind of want more from you both eye i felt like you start it but the real question be do you know how to take a audience on this journey with you everyone start good it'sanabsoluteye tothe pair of you from me to go on to choreography yeah it'saye for me yes thankyou thankyou sothedayiscomingtoa close sasha and natalie quickly join ne_number dancer for the choreography round teach them the move be season four katee and season six jakob andtwoandthreeandfour andafterjustone hourof instruction it time to dance for the judge cuemusic dance music aftera quickdiscussion it judgment time sasha yes comeondown we thought you be tremendous come and get a ticket gogetyourticket natalia youweresoclose that you should come down and get a ticket too oh mygod no laughter cheer andthegoodnewscontinue ah thankyouso much scream whoo wait somebody be my family yay aw thanks mom whoo on to vegas ne_number of the nation's best dancer battle it out on our stage comeon right theirscream you'reout andfeelthepressure oh mygod yougottaslamthistothe ground pullyourselftogether asdreamsarebroken cry i wannago home andsuperstarsareborn cry i wantit so bad butwithno question there will be blood get in the car who be you ibe the man whose money you take hewill get do sooner or later i made a call there one thing nobody can escape from it do+not matter how big a master criminal you be the vat man well do on bring us the money welcome to morocco help help for your own sake i suggest you answer these question truthfully why be you on this boat that er that all of us going on a fish trip i remember that day happy time you be put a bag in the car what be it probably fish gear bax quinn tell me about this please where do you learn how to do this what be happen here that that just lad on holiday innit you know thing get a bit out of control hello who there hello who be you where be my friend you all ok they shave me and they bust my new glass where be we said morocco do+not they yeah i know that but where do they show you the picture what picture what do you say to em rick nothing obviously do+not tell them anything all right not until we get some kind of legal representation someone from the embassy amnesty or someone how you gonna get in touch with them who be they anyway theybe some kind of militia or something be+not they they know we have that money they pick us off theybe probably use the money for some extremist movement so now webe fund terrorist oh great this just get better and better he be wear a shirt with a mark and spencer label on i saw it stick out who my interrogator i mean extremist they do+not shop at m do they they might shall we go and help him best not to get involve you all right mate it a woman serious it a bird i be just try to see if you be ok ibe quinn what sort of fag name be that dunno ask my dad name after my grandfather i think ibe mercede hi your dad into car then heard of the count of monte cristo dumb fuck yeah no yeah fuck i dunno i can+not remember can i just ask what with all the rough stuff it what they do if you do+not tell them what they want who be they a bunch of cocksucker come on do you have any idea how we might get in touch with someone from the british government yeah it easy theybe in there eh what it the foreign office sorry what be this place exactly it where they bring people to question when they do+not want anyone to know theybe do it oh great a week ago i be standing in line hold a tuna baguette queue up for easyjet now ibe being fucking rendition dear god please help me see danger coming my way and forgive the body count i will be send your way never pick up a dead man's gun i heart bin laden right we should go en masse and demand to speak to whoever in charge and make them understand they can+not just keep us here there law and protocol you think theywill care about that they still have to abide by them say who woody this be our government government can+not just hold us indefinitely for no reason what you on about course they can they do it all the time you remember those plane spotter in greece you remember that they said they be spy and what about guantanamo nobody even know who be in there get off come on what it take two of ya all right how do you end up here then love i be in kabul love you in the army then no i go there because i like the opera do+not like what i saw so i go awol take a long fucking walk post some thing on the web thing i thought people should see secret there be no secret only hide truth nah just bitch about the food and the way they treat people now they think ibe bloody wikileak dickhead how long do they usually keep people in here for as long as they want that the point this place do+not exist therefore you do+not exist what do you all do anyway fella can i have a word in private this could be a trick she could be working for them you not see her face they kick her head in she try to scare us and then befriend us you know get us to confess everything you got a point oi wuss-bag just ignore her keep walking keep walking what you not talk to me now i be+not the enemy anyway if i want info out of you i'd just beat it out of you get off me you lunatic woman ever have a cauliflower ear quinn or a wet willy you know what churchill said fuck off if yoube going through hell keep going tough it out guy you can get through this you got each other for a start ibe the one all on her lonesome do+not see me walking around with the clown's frown she got a point you know wehave really need to stay positive good idea woody tell you what why do+not we see if they can organise basket weave class or something put our time to good use only try to help knobhead well yoube not say cheer up it may never happen do+not cut it so what do you think it somehow hard for you quinn i do+not think anything bax because ibe stuck in a illegal prison in the middle of the sahara fucking desert and why be i here because you persuade me that a weekend away would be a laugh i persuade you you call me ihave never call you baxter ihave never call you because i cannot bear your incessant moan and complain oh right great thanks that nice great time to get that out in the open you told me you come because rick persuade you yup here we go here we go blame rick yeah wait for that one shove it up your arse quinn you shove it up yours nice tough it out guy oi quinnbo you know there no i in team do+not you no but there a u in fuck you what going on stop it get off get off me no please i have+not do anything please do+not please no wood get your hand off him rick quinn stop it please baxter bax please get off what happen please do+not let go where be you taking him leave him alone bax get your hand off him you slag you bastard i watch the door all night to see if he'd come out yeah me too shit no come on let not think the worst hiya i think there more grub on the side just help yourself wehave be worry sick youhave be go all night what happen i dunno weird they ask me a bunch more question and suddenly it be all you know tea and toast you should get some come please be it all right if i bring my tea chief sit fortunately for you webe not actually interest in what you do over the last few day all we want to know be who you be finance we be+not finance anyone we be just try to get home with five million euro we have at our disposal dna database forensic analysis satellite imaging technology if that do+not give us what we need we employ enhance interrogation technique if we want to find out the truth we do and now we have we made a mistake it happen so you can go just sign these and wewill get you to the airport and on a flight hang on do that mean that we can please do+not ask if you can keep the money do you want us to do anything for you back home little candle-lit vigil coloured rubber wrist band free mercede take care mrs peter ne_number bridge road crawley it my mum just let her know ibe all right do+not mention this eh you take care of yourself seriously do you really think we be going to get out of there two night in nah thought that be it what go through your mind well first of all my kid carman and then just like stupid stuff like i thought i'd never get to see unite play again i kept thinking of my kid kept seeing their little face then i thought about nina i start to think about all the thing they'd find out about me you know when i be dead and what if they stop love me i would+not be there to tell them that that not what ibe like be honest kid you be worry about her finding your porno collection nah i do+not know thing that might be misinterpret you know e-mail receipt yeah i do+not think of that i wonder what people would really make of all this back home they might wonder why four grown man go on holiday together say they be going to spain and actually end up in morocco if anyone so much as mention bad luck theybe walking be a long walk back pal wehave be driving for nearly a hour have+not see so much as a camel he go he not coming back be he two stay two go and get help should+not we all go why or stay wewill double our chance if we split halve them you mean who want to stay i do i do i do iwill go come on you two stay here if the driver come back just all stay with the car all right do you believe in destiny bax no so shut up fate then rick please no destiny no fate no karma no spell no curse this be just a series of misunderstanding ok could have happen to anybody no more no less who come on get in you be about to be shot get in bax get in wood quinn slow down slow down we have some disturb intel well if it bad news can you just lie to me i'd like to know what going on please a covert department of the cia the special activity division have activate a kill contract on you sorry what be you talk about evidently youhave intersect a line of narco-finance and wait stop hang on now this might be because of the sun and this whole desert shot at scenario thing but ibe just finding it a little hard to concentrate would you mind talk to me as if ibe five year old your man in majorca have operate successfully for so long because he give huge kickback to the american security service what he pay the cia to protect him narco-finance be a major revenue stream for american black op like a five-year-old please dirty trick security activity they do+not want people to know about drug deal have be finance dodgy us foreign policy for year not really new news why would they want to kill us one of you tip off the authority in the uk a contact inside custom and excise your man here retaliate by tell the special activity division you be about to blow their op wide open so now they have to take you out no this this be crazy i mean why can+not you just tell them all right that webe not the people that they think we be this go high than us this kind of thing bring down government iran contra anyone which be why remove you be a easy piece of damage limitation they can+not just shoot four bloke who just happen to go on holiday together under the aegis of the global war on terror they can shoot anyone they like and do that who shot at us the cia no they'd have task local contractor so nothing can be link back to them you got lucky but this be+not going to go away ok let get practical then so what be the option well there must be something right right there may be a solution but we have to act now like this minute your presence here be get a little itchy for us excuse us for the inconvenience we may be able to get you out take you to another country new identity then what then ibe afraid yoube on your own how long would this be for maybe for ever we can never go home it the only offer on the table no no no that that not a option no ibe going home and if you go back youwill be put your family at risk as well that be a guarantee ok let me just see if this be even logistically possible stand up get up ok we can do it we have a scramble phone link you can each of you make one phone call home but you must not under any circumstance tell them where you be and what be happen amy yeah i know ibe sorry that i have+not rung listen to me for a second love nina just stop just let me talk darling ok right there no easy way of say this ok so ibe just going to say it straight out ibe not coming back wait wait wait i do+not know who to phone well i do i want to speak to my kid but i do+not know which one to choose if ihave only got one call which one do i call you can+not make me choose i need you to phone my folk i want you to tell them that ibe fine and everything ok that ibe just going to go travel for a little bit rachel be the girl with you where be they shit i want you to tell the girl that i love them both very much i do+not know how long i know ibe sorry just please please do+not let them think that ihave abandon them because that be not what happen ihave met someone oh amy please just tell the kid ok that it not because of them ibe sorry nina ibe really sorry dad it me yeah no i know i thought i'd be back by now as well no no everything fine it just i think ibe going to stay out here a little longer what well what happen to your satellite dish i can+not hear you rachel say that again take care yeah ok i will you too go back to the shop where you bought it from right and ask someone there to help you theywill help you well it just because i do+not know when ibe going to be back dad fuck no no yoube right ibe sorry i know i should+not swear dad listen to me ok youhave be brilliant dad yeah just take care yeah i love you dad take care bye-bye bye i know you all think it my fault do+not you you think it my fault because i phone the vat man it nobody fault rick it just i do+not know the universe conspire against us or something and have be since we set foot in alvo villa a fly save my life what out in the desert if it have+not be for that fly i'd have have my head blow off and the weird thing be we'd met before we'd bond four hour now how far be we going any idea where webe going yet be that a do+not know or will+not say bax what you going to call yourself what do you mean your name we can+not use our own name right ibe gonna be floyd that what ibe gonna call myself floyd floyd carter you can+not call yourself that why it a black name be it it like call yourself everton or tyrell or something you can+not need to be something ordinary tony tony smith my name tony smith why can+not i be tony smith you call yourself whatever you like mate sir tony smith if you want mate we should call ourselves name that mean something you know like the native american do iwill be running scare iwill be mr dance with wolf no i mean something something with hope in it you know like if i be a girl i'd call myself well hope you could be bob hope new hope new house aaron no adam adam newhouse jame kirk jamie jamie kirk then blake lin blake hee ha hatch blake hatch tony smith adam newhouse jamie kirk and blake hatch hatch welcome to your new fucking live where be we south africa webe on the other side of the world do they speak english here uh i think so what it like i do+not know this will all sort out will+not it eh a week from now wewill be in a pub in london wewill be laugh about this some rand to get you through the first few week a driving licence form and some other id stuff youwill need to fill in how do we get in touch with you you do+not right ok how do we keep in touch you will+not be able to it too dangerous hang on a minute what happen if it safe for us if it become safe for us to go home to break cover how will we know that as far as anyone else know now you do+not exist that your best chance of survive if you want to stay alive stay invisible the truth will come out though will+not it in the end ok let go say your goodbye come on move this thing along come on people this be+not a secure area take care of yourselves woody hey we should+not be on our own listen i know i said some thing but you boy mean a lot to me all right and you always will quinn quinn come on guy come on we should stay together yeah webe a team now webe a team webe like a band of brother rick rick all right youwill be ok youwill be ok right boy chin up at least webe still standing eh youwill be all right bax what make you say that yoube smart ibe not that fucking smart good luck hey what about if just me and him we stick together itwill be all right will+not it no listen nobody have to know it for your own good youwill be all right i can+not do this woody yes you can no i can+not yoube strong mate yoube strong than you think no ibe not ibe not wood ibe not strong ibe not strong at all wood let not do it yeah you and me wewill stay together yeah wood woody woody let me go with you yeah please woody woody let me come with you please hey youhave got to be a man about it ihave got to look after myself ibe not your fucking boyfriend woody woody i do+not want to be on my own woody please woody woody mate do+not leave me please woody please mate do+not leave me here woody woody woody woody i know every disgrace politician every gem smuggler every high-stake gambler and gold digger that come through those door why you never go away you do+not even leave cape town if you love her so much why do+not you marry her yeah why do+not you marry me and take me to england your name be+not newhouse be it how dare you and how dare you try and blackmail me help my story can never be told i write it over and over wherever we find shelter i write of what i cannot speak the truth i write all i know of it and then i throw the page to the wind maybe the bird can read it this yours i often find them here these scrap must float down from someone window she have meant to smother the baby as soon as it be born but something made her look at it she heard the thunder heartbeat she smelt the baby bloodied head and love confound her it just a scrap like you say but there a story there you can feel it shall we walk a little my story start with clara one day it will end with her clara full of secret my saviour my burden my muse fucking hell wendy call you back you bastard do you see that he fucking attack me what have she do bite his fucking nose come on oi ernie get him out of here will you would you care for tea then please come in i have be working here for ne_number night i want my pay yoube not on the book what pay excuse me have you see this girl no sorry mate no oi what be you do hello clara we get a lot of bitch in here but she take the fucking prize shame she be morbidly sexy shit the tedium i have experience in this pursuit my time you have waste you would sell nation with your whoredom come on you know who ibe look for where be she huh i be him once and that girl love confound me for her and love turn my whole life through your wife she be marry to my brother john most happily she never know the way i felt nor do he there come a time in life when secret should be told youhave got secret have+not you there be a story told when i be a boy about the neamh-mhairbh the revenant neither dead nor alive the priest use to tell it to frighten us my name be eleanor webb eleanor webb i be ready be you sure ihave spent quite enough time here believe me i feel a great peace as if order be about to be restore she be a aberration i do+not know what that mean sir where do you think yoube going i be going to clean the wound sir youhave be cut all the time youhave have and youhave learnt nothing truly you be base close your eye clara how could you bring someone here he be strong than i thought this be our home eleanor we have to leave ibe not moving on again i have to do it one day youwill understand when ibe old enough you have no idea no fucking idea what i do for you you do that for me pack i like it here i said pack who be he no one mother be bathing her baby one night young of ten and a poor little mite mother be fat and the baby be thin it be naught but a skellington wrap up in skin mother turn round for the soap from the rack thank you alright wehave be here before oh do+not be silly come on but do+not you remember it gonna be good for us here i can feel it you said that about the last place huh what that dump we just left ihave forget it already what the matter you can+not throw the past away as if it do+not happen my concern be now ok silly sod why do+not you go and play on the amusement yeah ibe gonna make us some money go on clara be never alone she find money and company every day it come easily to her like lie who that you know her no but i like solitude i walk and the past walk with me it live hi it ne_number for a blow ne_number for full whack do they hire you yoube busk you can pass a hat around i do+not mind that be great can you speak i have+not got a hat how do you remember all those note i remember everything it a burden you know anything else try and live them up it the valley of the stiff in here i have to go i finish at ten come in ne_number so be you on holiday then no oh you live round here you fancy a bit of company who mum she die oh ibe so sorry it be her funeral i run away from it ihave not be out ihave not be out since but your grief that show how much you love her and love be a very good thing i bet she'd be proud of you a lovely son like you no i never made her proud i do+not even answer the phone you know i mess up the business i can+not pay her debt i found ne_number quid in one of her old book and what do i spend it on aw human contact be you ok yeah yeah ibe sorry ibe camilla noel so what sort of a business do your mum have then noel it a guesthouse i trash it be it a big place yeah it fairly big do you shall we go back to your place then yeah be nice yeah y-you could come back to mine glad you wait for me i do+not how do you learn to play like that i practise for how long ne_number year that how it feel anyway do+not it pass around a teacup raise some cash for you it not much thank you that piece of paper that my phone number i do+not have a phone so ni nice goodbye ella ella look what i found webe damsel in distress wow do you know what noel be ella he a knight in shine armour come to deliver us from evil be+not you it my little baby sister hi hello there we go i can+not find my key iwill just open up coming in look ibe trust you camilla do+not i will+not look ibe not say it tidy it be a hotel once then a board house my mum have the top two floor use to do bb you know family and that but then it be more you know the welfare lot it a bit run down now but she would+not let it go love the view you see fantastic view of the pier from up here wow this be the er dine area well it nice yeah it lovely it a bit of a state like i said but i be+not expect company tell my sister where her room be first yeah ella iwill show you to your room i go round the house and smash thing up i do+not want to look at myself camilla said that erm you lost your mum too she your legal guardian that brave of her i understand what she have to do do you well she need money but what ibe say be i do+not care you can stay thank you only those prepare to die will find eternal life go on go on this be the end of what of time who be he it in the past ella let it go who be he he be a fucking monster i should get a medal for what i do to him will we move on today be you tire my love well i reckon that we should hang on here for a few day do+not you yeah we can lay low get some rest get some money i could start up one of my old business like in the old day you do+not have to do that oh come on ella this place be perfect we'd rake it in why do+not we find another way it alright angel iwill make sure yoube not involve sorry noel i be worry i dreamt you i thought i'd wake up and you'd be go why would i leave youhave got everything i need eleanor webb look at you fair as a lily i know your mother my mother be dead be that what theyhave told you theyhave fed you on lie your mother your mother stole something from me now iwill steal something from her my disease have no cure and when ihave finish with you you will be a child no longer look at me be you ok camilla told me about how you be in a care home she said that she said that bad thing happen to you there i want you to know that nothing bad will happen while yoube living here i promise her name be not camilla and she not my sister my name claire it clara she be born clara do+not you lie about me all the time if you tell him i will kill him do+not you sometimes crave to tell the truth there be a code that we survive by eleanor keep it so in a week say how much would your mum make er high season about a thousand we could make that in a night you could clear all your debt noely i want to save you from that life well it would+not have to be me we could get some girl in but this be my mother house he be so fair none can compare oh but his blood run ruby come rosy day come quick i pray let dream of love be over once upon a time there be nothing here there be no hotel no promenade just a beach net hanging out to dry great warship in the bay and child pick cockle for their bread my mother be one of those child barefoot in the sand can you hear me my mother live on human blood and have do for two century but once she be a girl like you she never speak of her family theybe in the store of thing she must forget so her tale begin with two officer wait to be call to war be they sweet may i try one one be midshipman darvell here a pearl for a pearl and the other his superior be captain ruthven may i offer you a ride she only a child ruthven she know how to ride i dare say do+not go with him the pearl stay pure forever while the oyster flesh rot around it i have a gift for you captain ruthven here a treasure i found on the beach welcome my dear there nothing to be afraid of come on let me show you to the captain's favourite room youwill find only friend here you give me nothing sir ihave give you your profession welcome to your adult life how many story start that way whore thousand upon thousand i shall return to see what you have learnt come now why do you cry i have a gentleman here who will soon have you smile again no child in this household you know the rule once upon a time i be born it be still a fact that the day you be born be the day you be most likely to be murder more human soul be kill by mother hand than by the hand of stranger my mother try to murder me but love confound her her note said this be my daughter eleanor webb i wish her to live a clean life i shall pay for her upkeep with gold which i will leave every month that she live i wish to spare her a life like my own which have be despoil from the start please tell her ibe dead so i led that clean life i sing the orphan song i learnt that virtue and modesty would be my path to bliss north haven private orphanage be my abode i wish i could have call it home ibe sorry fuck oh that gross ihave got to get home let me get help ihave got your bicycle do+not worry you need stitch be you there to enrol what have you join the college i do+not know leave the bike there oh i hate blood could you get the doorbell please oh my god what happen he fell mark it ok i got him be you his girlfriend where be the key have he told you got the key keep it up frank go go go you can do so much better oi would you like to kiss me what the fuck why in celebration of my wickedness the world will be more beautiful without you it alright gotcha i wanna die no you do+not not today if you still wanna die tomorrow iwill finish you off myself be it still visit thanks for bring him home he have+not told me anything about you that boy for you be+not it have you be going out for long we just met well ibe glad what your name eleanor gabi he take anti-coagulant that why he bled so much i expect you be wonder he be fighting leukaemia for year it in remission now so webe hope it all over he so full of life please do+not tell him i be here angel peace be with you may light shine upon you you come for me forgive me for what i must do oh hi you speak speak english you schoolgirl thing she better pay like she say or iwill say no fuck off maybe we do lesbian thing i do+not mind that my little baby sister she do+not drink she do+not join in you leave her be do you understand now your gentleman be wait for you now you be professional ok otherwise yoube back suck cock on the street iwill try and keep you out of this ok in case you shock me we need the money ibe not complain well wipe that prissy look off your face how can i be prissy when ihave see it all a thousand time before well what else be we suppose to do i know i will+not get your thanks gratitude or respect you could do so much better i put money on the table that what mother do mother care about the live their child live what kind of life be this human need to tell story it a fundamental and unite thing it through story that we come to understand ourselves and we come to understand the world so close your eye it our own experience that be the start point for all our creativity think about your early childhood and when i say your name give me a memory a detail a sensation a feeling the first thing that come into your mind ok eleanor mother what about her she would come to the skylight at night i be afraid why they told me since infancy that she be dead and then the face at the window have more substance than a ghost ok thanks and yet frank i know it could not live yeah erm my friend david atkinson ibe the only person who can see him erm i be probably too much alone whatever and david atkinson use to appear in my room and we'd play and i guess i grow out of him he come till i be about seven or eight yeah thank you the really funny thing be that year later i found out that the family before us in the house be call atkinson they lost a baby like a cot death and the baby name be david uh-huh good story so everyone up now i want you to think about who you be and next time i would like a essay entitle i be and there only one rule it have to be true you do+not belong here this be my mum home town we come when i got ill your healthcare over here be free and i be something of a erm a drain on our limit resource my dad commute i do+not think he like it much but what be you gonna do my mum said you come to see me when i be in hospital she erm she think that that yoube my girl would that be so bad because i it would be fatal look i know ibe ill and all but no for me if you live with a secret and the secret meant that you must always lie or be alone and you'd always live that way and yet you long for change what would you do i'd tell the secret tell me my mother do three thing for me one she spare my life the day that i be born two she paid for my upkeep on her knee and on her back and three she give me the story i can never tell by the time i be six she be die girl like clara do+not last her lung be rot but she clung steadfastly to her brutal life where have you be the captain's be wait captain ruthven have return from the war make sure you punish her sir of all the harlot he have ever made clara be his favourite youwill like this one she fight then one winter dawn a stranger come be you unwell no sir i remember you ibe much change sir and what of me have i change i have more than you could imagine open the curtain curse you whore give me the dark do the light offend you darvell my friend i be with you i saw you dead and i thank you for your service what do you want i have not come to take from you i come to give iwill return at nightfall like you i prefer the dark no you bitch he answer her question with blow as usual she endure them and she wait for the storm to pass what kind of time do you call this linear time as the relentless day crept on the captain told his tale of event beyond his understanding there be a rebellion in ireland we be sent to crush it both of us be wound by the beggarly horde my wound be superficial but darvell develop fever it decimate him i try to persuade him to come home that be good of you i know the journey would quicken his decline darvell be rich naive he have no heir i have begin to wish him dead but before the grave take him two man enter his life scholar i presume of dead language and age manuscript as if ancient knowledge might keep his death at bay you have be look in the wrong place my son here it be thank you he told me we must find a shrine a ancient myth said it have heal power it be on a empty island off a barren coast i thought it the desperate quest of a die man it be a sinister black thumbnail stick out of the ocean more rock than island the oarsman would+not set foot on the place said it be curse the way be steep but darvell kept on climb regardless i thought or maybe i hope his heart would give way be this what youhave drag us here to find a hermit hut i hate that place there be so many bird in the sky almost darken the sun they seem to know something we do+not he sent me to fetch water that be just a ruse i found a corpse his breath have go his soul have fled then i run ihave never speak of it since i take his ring ahoy and when i return i take his property everything i own be his what will he do mr kent this woman be not your sister-in-law she dead this be a shell and what it contain be pure evil iwill go no no no no iwill get it be+not you a little young eleanor be she in why what it to you i read her story can you tell her please but she not in go on off you go ella look i understand what claire have to do co there money to be made if you do+not like what clara do tell her you do+not like it either do you eh why be she like that why be she so what happen to her ella she got bite by a vampire there be a boy for you at the door i sent him on his way he say he read your story what story ella the one we always tell about the care home and how my sister rescue me it homework you frighten me sometimes do+not i will+not fucking brilliant story thank you but the assignment ask for truth i do+not write it as a assignment i write it for you i do+not want to lie any more something have to change it crazy i thought if i told all the wall would come tumble down yes i think i get that yoube use the story to say that bad thing happen but why do+not you just say the truth i be eleanor webb ihave give you my secret ihave told you how i live hello would you put the record on it call nacht und traume peace be with you may light shine upon you i think you should read this i set this every year it just a simple autobiography and then i get this amaze piece it as if edgar allan poe and mary shelley have got together and have a very strange little child a true account of my making and my life in death from the year of my birth ne_number except if that be a piece of fiction you'd say it be a dark passionate violent sick brilliant bit of write but she say this be who i be which make me think there something going on with her she a very close-off kid well she want to communicate obviously look at the effort she made her handwriting the turn of phrase i mean who write like this these day as darkness fell the soucriant return and captain ruthven prepare for the worst i take these for safekeeping forgive me my friend forgiveness be a christian value ruthven my god be old more ruthless you die how else do one find life eternal i sent you to fetch water then i met the nameless saint this be what happen when when you pray for it i rose and saw with different eye everything i look on be a source of wonder but my vision have a price my soul be lost the price of my existence be this sacrifice it flow from it flow from blood his blood be yours drink my son mine be a cruel existence but you do have the quality one need you be ever a survivor i would give my soul to be as you be now so be it eternal life will only come to those prepare to die hello you want up thanks have some fun now hello mr minton hello noel how be you what have i got a detention or something ibe actually try to get some information on one of our current student eleanor webb she give this as her address eleanor l everything ok webe try to set up a meeting with the party interest in her welfare sure be her parent here erm you need to speak to claire she eleanor big sister claire her legal guardian be claire here no she erm busy it not what it not what you think it claire business right she save girl from the street the thing be noel eleanor write a story and in her story she say that she live with vampire so can you please pass this letter on and erm tell claire that if i do+not hear from her today then iwill be in touch with social service and the police shit so darvell give the map and passage to your mother no to captain ruthven my mother saw her chance and take it bitch bitch she stole the map and ride into the night towards her unknown future and she made her way to where to this ruin and this soucriant thing take her i do+not give you my story ihave be betray into this you can leave any time you like so when do clara come back for you when i be ne_number and what do she do in the meantime she never talk about it really she say she can+not recall but i expect she lie lie be a way of life to her but i be raise in a orphanage where i be taught to tell the truth be there other like you ihave never met one and clara never speak of any i think webe the only two who still endure how often do you feed i'd rather not talk about it thank you that the distasteful part of being a immortal be+not it if you do+not believe a word i say why this pretence eleanor how can you be two century old by by what miracle of science you see that the tricky thing because it only over time that i can prove it ne_number maybe ne_number year from now when yoube prune rose from your wheelchair iwill stroll by your garden gate and say hello morag and nothing will have change i be ne_number forever and youwill realise this and it will hurt your heart and iwill say may peace be with you and iwill help you with the pain why do+not you do it now ibe not strong you could overpower me yoube not ready how do you do it where be your fang why do+not you die in the daylight how could you give my story to those people i write it for you how do you kill i never people have to consent they have to want want death it have to be a act who the fuck want death sometimes it release people so yoube moral no ibe ruthless bullshit all this ibe ne_number i remember everything and it a burden it pathetic my mum give me a birthday party not really a party because ibe only inviting you will you come yes good hi happy birthday for you do i have to invite you in you'd better come in hello again eleanor seriously you can try if you like i be hope to arrange a more official meeting ideally with the school counselor and with eleanor herself well what the problem co usually she sail through school well erm eleanor write her life story and she quite insistent that it true i do+not expect you to be flatter by this but in it she describe you as a soucriant which i believe be a sort of vampire well she have got a great imagination i hope she get top mark who else have read it you have sole care of her do+not you that boy frank quite a responsibility for somebody so young ibe do just fine thank you so i shoot the bastard ruthven and i nick the map and then what well it end she do+not say that co i never told her shall we arrange a more formal i saw that ruthven be+not dead i should have kill him then but i have mercy on the cunt now hold that thought because iwill tell you what he do but first shall i tell you what it be like for me it be wonderful i have eye that cut through lie lung that breathe eternity i felt i'd live my whole wretched life just to prepare me for that moment it be easy where ruthven he be+not worthy of your gift you stole it be we thieve now do we steal time we buy it with blood we be a brotherhood there be no woman amongst us what be her parentage it be low and her life before she made end meet as many i be a harlot but that be in the past some thing be eternal you be to find a man of good blood who appreciate this brotherhood and what we do what be it you do we be the point nail of justice how will you use this gift to punish those who prey on the weak to curb the power of man we should not permit her to survive we have no choice unless she break our code you have no part in our order truly you be base will you not speak for me they banish me i learnt that immortality be unendurable alone so i come back i watch my daughter grow she be my only link with everything alive back to sleep back to sleep you come on it be because of eleanor i broke their code how do you do that a woman's not permit to create i take my darling to the nameless isle and i let the thing save her and for that they would annihilate us both you see i have made a fatal error i'd be merciful i'd let ruthven live eleanor give my regard to your mother and welcome to a slow death eleanor welcome whore no die die now you know everything ibe never merciful and knowledge be a fatal thing when i be born there be only seven planet neptune have+not be discover so nobody believe in it heaven and earth be full of thing we do+not yet understand i have a year of chemotherapy with too much time lie in my bed so i made this that you near the sun where it warm and bright and that me where light barely penetrate and it cold and time move so slowly yoube not cold everything outside of time be cold if you kiss me right now will i live forever ibe sorry wait stop why do you always run away from me if you stay with me youwill die ibe die anyway it be+not life i offer you do you understand that youwill take life by consent like you do it still monstrous youwill leave everything behind except you the gift i give you open it wait until i knock kevin do you want to go to there you be ihave be worry sick look claire not happy ihave made change sent the girl home bought them ticket on the eurostar it gonna be a clean house now noel ibe leave what be you talk about what do you think yoube do tell that fucking school who we be i hate the way you speak how dare you put us in such danger you told that fucking teacher our story i listen to his crap about your fantasy of death and all the while he be imply my neglect neglect eleanor of you stop it claire there be a rule that we live by and you broke it what if i broke free no to tell another be forbidden those with knowledge have to die you made that rule to isolate me no ihave kept you safe stupid fucking cunt mother i hate you no no leave her just leave her come back ella leave her alone eleanor no you can+not leave claire yoube making it worse it not safe eleanor you can+not leave claire just leave her be let her go you can+not leave clara she have every right to go no know where she live yes i believe it a hotel on the seafront do she trust you maybe ihave never ly to her that good what will happen shewill be take somewhere safe we just want to talk to her youhave told your boyfriend all about us have+not you no you know what happen to those with knowledge no clara do+not it like a virus it deadly it need to be stamp out clara please do+not i know where he live do+not clara do+not go clara clara hello frank where eleanor she got a message for you can i come in well yoube gonna have to come out here then be+not you i must say you be definitely ella type earnest clueless about as sexy as a pair of shoe i know you would+not let her go without a fight oh be that what yoube suggest frank a fight go on finish me i still have the advantage she going to leave you anyway frank clara coming do+not answer the door do+not let her in ibe trap she caught me just do+not let her get you it too late my love i will never forgive i will never ever forgive eleanor what be going on you have to stop clara these man be look for her she here ella you have to tell us the truth something terrible have happen who be this you know who we be i will take care of eleanor now these man be from the police theyhave come to help we have to get to frank we must get you to a doctor do+not run what be you do we need to get to frank we do+not need handcuff she a child eleanor ibe coming with you i will be with you whatever happen there no need to be afraid of course not it a privilege to meet you eleanor i thought clara and i be the only one surely she told you of the brotherhood what be you say to darvell yoube just as i imagine help me where be you taking us because wehave just go right past the police station and the hospital seriously where be we going eleanor eleanor ella mother theywill destroy you ella theywill destroy you darvell let her go mother please iwill show you you piece of whore yes my god youhave kill her nothing be that easy mother mother with this act i cleanse the earth mother no be calm be calm who be you people i said be calm i hate these cry woman damn you i follow you for many year you take only those who be ready and that have a certain grace you have be condemn from the moment clara made you our code do not permit woman to create in her story you be wonderful you have compassion and respect you give her life she stole her life please please stop him she kill one of the brethren and that unforgivable amaze how two little girl with no money and learn slip through your finger for a eternity no hold her down hold her down ella no no darvell bring it here bring it here be+not the present everything ella this be your last night witch darvell this blade be from byzantium my souvenir of the crusade may it send you to eternity it be on a beach like this that we first met but i go with ruthven for all my damnation but it be you you be the pearl see how the bitch use her art to the last the honour be yours do what you like with me but let her go please hold her still please i beg you darvell still i said she going to die anyway she can+not survive on her own eleanor my baby you truly be a wonder ihave be following you for year so assiduously because if i be+not the one to find you they certainly would have kill you what will they do the other the brotherhood be strong unchange they will come with their point nail of justice will he travel with us now yoube not coming with us what ibe cutting you loose you can+not stay with your mother all your life can you come on come here go on look forward not back always your instinct be to hunt the powerful and protect the weak i'd like to try and live that way live your life how you choose it no concern of mine if you could have anything what would it be your pardon in time maybe your company then we have time ibe afraid do+not be lam eleanor webb i throw my story to the wind and never will i tell it more another one begin previously on siberia a tiger a fucking tiger i could+not believe it it be like something a seven year old would tell me oh i saw a tiger in the wood what be you do wonder what would do that to a tiger oh hell it on fire and it green what on fire the sky you know there something about carolina i feel like i recognize her fire in the wood man got to get some water i told you this be a mistake that all we have man that all we have do anyone recognize this we found johnny shirt and it be full of food from the shed i get what it look like i see that but i do+not steal the food and i do+not burn down the shed someone obviously do+not like me and theybe try to set me up people be+not taking too kindly me being at camp cause apparently i stole food from the shed and then burn it down someone frame me they wrap my shirt around some food hide it in the wood i do+not know who do it you know frankly i do+not really care anymore you know i do+not really need them anyway you know obviously i can take care of myself take them how long to build a fire i do it in five minute in the dark i can+not believe johnny gonna just stay out in the wood that crazy and why should+not he after all the crap that he pull hewill be fine and if he not you got a better chance of win and you can keep his bed i want to make it to the end but i want to do it as a team kind of like how neeko do it you know can i tell you something sure yoube a smart guy you know that neeko be a professional athlete he play game for living how about maybe he play this game that he a very nice guy everybody trust him just to win the game have you ever thought about it i do+not think you should trust him can+not trust anybody guy i get up early and as soon as i open the door i practically run into this spear that stuck in the ground it felt like a threat let me see what do it say it say what be that it mean get out it just another thing to throw on the pile of what the hell going on here it a nice prop look at it it not real nice scare tactic theybe watch ibe sure theybe love this why be it in front of our cabin and not yours who want you guy to get out well this be here on purpose that for sure it here on purpose it here for a reason you guy gonna be so gullible to fall for this really who else couldhave left that spear besides production who couldhave do it webe the only people out here be+not we be you okay ibe fine i mean be+not you still scare the spear this morning tell us to leave that do+not scare you at all i think at this point it just all mind game i miss home i miss my family i even miss my stupid ex-boyfriend this place be it get to me i do+not know ibe thinking about push the button i do+not want you to go you know what i mean i think i think we can win this we just need to but i do+not need to stay i do+not understand why ibe even stay i do+not need the money that badly i do annie ihave be a lone wolf for a while you know ihave be on my own for a while ibe probably without knowing it less lonely than i have be in a long time because ibe interact with people more often than i have in many year now i consider daniel a friend he a good kid if i have a son i'd be proud if he be like daniel what be you look at just watch those two mm-hmm i do+not want to overstep my bound you know i do+not know how she feel about me and so ibe just kind of ibe taking it slow but at the same time it really hard cause i really want to you know see where this be gonna go i do+not know at the same time i do+not want to get hurt do+not worry she know you exist how would i really get her to i do+not know like get her to what like me like me you can+not get her to like you either she do or she do+not you know how beautiful be it this be so nice why not ibe sorry ibe being naughty it beautiful in though you must be hot come on no good no one here it trouble no one here ibe not gonna tell anyone you want to come oh yeah youwill thank me once yoube in here it beautiful careful ibe gonna film us it a great idea you promise youwill erase it promise me i promise good annie wait annie you should+not be walking out here alone it not safe what be you talk about come on it not safe stop wait do+not be like this be like what look i it not the same thing for me okay ibe not going back to a life or a job that i like or family or friend or even a ex-boyfriend and i get that yoube sad about that but yoube forget about who here for you right now and yoube turn your back on me no ibe not i like her it be a while since ihave be with anybody but i we get along so well i just feel like a dumbass now i mean she probably not gonna talk to me for the rest of the time if she do stay hey hey there you be how it going good i just want to talk to you uh-huh um so victoria go um ibe just wonder what going on with her bed oh it well it free right now so no one would mind if i move in um yeah yeah i mean i do+not mind i do+not know what the other girl other think but it good with me awesome all right iwill go grab my thing it not that i do+not have fun with the boy i do+not know i just feel like my time there be do it serve its purpose and i want to i want to get to know the girl a bit better hey hey what be you do ibe leave you mean the show no you idiot ibe gonna move into victoria old bed wait why why because it free i know but i thought you like it here with me you said we be great roommate yes we be and thank you for let me stay just i do+not know i want to be with the girl now come on esther do+not you think we should team up we be both smart than everyone else here we can win this thing together ohh i like your style i will think about it but hold on hold on hold on i be just thinking that we could have something you thought what that we could get romantic a little bit do+not laugh really i do+not do romance look webe play a game what do you mean ibe play a game for money i do+not do romance and ibe not play a date game ibe sorry fuck you bitch yoube not going anywhere get the fuck off me ibe kid i be just kid esther ibe just kid esther do+not you fucking touch me again come on ibe just i be just kid i think i be in shock i-i do+not know it happen so quickly but he grab me here push me up against the bunk and then he back off esther be a player we all know that and i play with her too so she be on the way out i just push her a little bit on the bed just jokingly like pretend that ibe like scare her yoube gonna stay here or something she just like freak out she push me away she like do+not talk to me like that storm out like mad and i be just tell her ibe joke you know me i always joke around i be just joke with you i do+not get it seriously she just freak out and it be just a pure joke what be you show me it be right here be you sure big huge carcass gut hanging out and everything look look at what the blood it couldhave be anything it couldhave be a bird it couldhave be a deer why would i make this up why would i lie there be a huge there be a huge tiger there i guess they take it the producer take it the producer i think she think that i couldhave be try to scare her play a sick joke on her i be kind of a bit shock because i do+not think she saw me as that kind of person for all i know johnny take it johnny take it he probably drag it off into there and hide it or something i do+not know oh now johnny do everything not only do we have to worry about the producer play mind game with us we got to worry about that guy hopefully he do us all a favor and go and push the button to get out of here i do+not think he as bad as you think why be you always defend him why be you always defend him ibe tell you that guy dangerous you need to watch yourself ibe kind of baffle where it go you know cause this thing be pretty big you know it wouldhave take a lot of force or something pretty hefty to get it out of there and there be no trail there be no kind of like a trail of where it couldhave be drag to it like it be almost pick up and go got some trap set up along this way somewhere i found some deer trail i scout early hope they catch something the first night in the wood by myself be pretty awesome actually have a nice little fire weather be nice you know wrap up it be nice being on my own it what i want to do originally too be you know be by myself take care of myself do my own thing and i got that so pretty content what the hell do this man this thing i mean it obviously it rip the deer while it be standing here it be strong enough to rip it off rip the like rip its bone in half what do you want what be you do ibe try to catch some food but something got to it before me it look like what do you want i just come to try to convince you to come back try to convince me to come back to the camp yeah i do+not think it safe for you to be out here i think it safe here than being back at camp where a bunch of people do+not like me thanks to you making those wild accusation just whatever happen i do+not think it safe for you to stay out here well you know what i really do+not need you try to be nice to me iwill be fine on my own okay i can take care of myself y'all try taking care of yourselves too all right okay fine if that how you want to be then fine fine nah that that not good enough that be+not good enough hey irene hey dan whatcha do collect some acorn oh yeah if you mash them up you can make like a paste and make a pancake out of it really yeah be it do it taste good i think so you want me to help oh sure that'd be great yeah theybe kind of scatter all over daniel be a really really nice really sweet person and he have such a gentle a very gentle spirit i guess you can say hey it a siberian squill ibe not really big on flower why not well you know theybe pretty but it kind of odd the whole idea of someone give someone a flower cause it like oh you know i like you so let me give you something that die it never really made sense to me something more permanent would be nice you know even a rock would be better she got so much complexity to her you know i find out something new about her every day it seem like and it a pretty big thing that i wouldhave never expect out of her it she just she amaze where be we i can+not find the path webe lost webe not lost no webe lost i do+not know where webe going in the middle of the wood very close to the river i found this really weird-look tree i mean it be+not a tree it be something different it have a face shape it have hair what my name be miljan it really nice to meet you what be your name ogdee this be my friend ogdee we go way back man he so bad i spoke to it we have a little conversation ogdee be my old friend from high school ibe kid esther esther what hey where have you be out out where do you go all day anyway okay i can+not believe you got us so lost webe not lost yes we be where be we do you know where we be webe in siberia not funny oh god what be that do you hear that i heard it come on there might be something out here oh oh god what be you do out here sorry ibe going to get water where be you going home where the hell be it that way why be she being such a bitch why be you here by the way alone no reason that suspicious shut up miljan guy have you see carolina no she have+not come back you mean she not back yet she not back i have no idea where she be i have+not see her you do know she out there with johnny yeah tell me about it i know well i do+not know about you but i feel like i should go and look for her i do+not i do+not feel comfortable with her with johnny before it get too late i think we should ibe game yeah yoube gonna come with me yeah gentleman where the hell be you i be in the wood have you see carolina she out there with johnny oh shewill be fine guy come on be you serious yes theybe probably have sex or something oh yoube a funny guy do+not be naive you do+not notice the chemistry they have hey guy listen ibe gonna look for her i do+not know about you just sitting here talk hey it dark outside oh fuck get on the bed get onto the bed the bed oh my god what be this the cab start shake run outside and the sky this just this odd color that ihave never see in my life and ibe thinking it can+not be the show do this because that way out of their power and their control what be it it like it like the sky on fire what it like the sky on fire the sky go from dark to light and it look like it be on fire just like victoria said if this be all part of the game it beyond me at this point i do+not understand how they could pull it off i feel like ibe on another planet i feel like i walk into some kind of a dream or a nightmare and nobody nobody have any answer i do+not have a answer i could sit here all day long and just it way above my pay scale be it moving it just keep moving carolina never come back today do she yeah where where be they she still in the wood the forest well this can+not stop us we still have to find her we can+not leave her out there we better go now webe just gonna go look for her me and sam daniel miljan as well oh my god carolina carolina be you okay what happen oh my god carolina what happen be you okay be you okay then we see carolina stumble towards the girl cabin and the girl go rush over to her be you hurt somewhere what happen look at all the blood what happen she bleed guy do+not do+not do+not go to her oh my god look at her arm look at her arm what happen to you yoube okay carolina what happen carolina show up and she batter and disorient she could+not even speak she tremble i do+not she do+not remember you do+not remember what do you remember she do+not know what be going on she be say she could+not even like remember what she'd be do out there she be just talk nonsense and it be really jolt to see her come back like that you be with john and what happen where be he what be you do with johnny get her some water get her some help carolina be you with johnny she said she be what be you do with johnny she said the name johnny at that point i just you know lost it listen to me listen to me listen to me for what here just come here come here i want to say something to you what listen to me it important you got to make sure you look at his hand okay his hand be a tell-tale sign okay his hand will tell you if he do something what be you do where be you going stay here with the girl stay here with the girl ibe not waste any more time with this guy everyone want to keep him around thinking oh yeah hewill turn around and be a good guy no i do+not think so ibe not gonna lay around wait for him to come stab me in the back she be through a lot yeah webe gonna look after you okay do+not worry we do+not know where johnny be carolina sort of she could+not say much but she said that she be they be fighting her and johnny be fighting and then now she look like this so johnny should be probably fear for his life right now because sam and neeko go after him let just keep moving move move the whole walking through the wood and hear noise coming from place that you know we stop and we look and there nothing there it just this whole atmosphere that everything just feel like yoube being watch you know whether you know whether yoube in the wood or in the cabin you always feel like something be watch you and the past two night i have+not slept very well you know so ibe just you know yoube always look over your shoulder you always think something there and like the whole thing with the sky now i do+not know well he obviously around here somewhere yes you keep say he he look how thick the brush be here if there somebody around here we'd see them we hear other thing all of a sudden something go flying i think we should be talk more in the sense of what iwill go see if the water boil thank you i do+not want to die i do+not ever expect that that would be a possibility on this show and every day that ibe here i feel like ibe a idiot for stay that i be gonna end up like tommy i do+not deal well with abuse be not something that i can handle right now ibe scare and johnny be already on the out with the group for steal food i just how could he do that to her it do+not make sense she such a nice lady johnny hey what do you do huh what do you do to carolina i do+not know what yoube talk about what do you mean you do+not know what ibe talk about what'd you do to her i do+not she all cut up and shit i do+not i do+not know i what wrong with you i do+not know i just i kind of come to i be walking around and i do+not know i be you saw her where you got to tell me what happen we be in the wood and i do+not really i do+not really remember i get approach by daniel and basically start accuse me of hurt carolina i do+not know what to say what do you to do her the last thing she remember be get in a fight with you so you can+not come back here and tell me that you do+not touch her i do+not then what happen to her i do+not know that not a very good answer right now man i do+not trust me hey you hear that at the camp let go i do+not know be you serious you do+not know yoube such a scumbag oh what so she just fell down and end up that way be you kid me i be in a complete haze i have no recollection i be like black out like i drink too much he do+not look like he know what going on i do+not then what happen to her i do+not know i do+not know you be together be+not you you said that shit neeko neeko guy he do+not know motherfucker come on stop it stop stop it come on stop it neeko stop it he do+not do it carolina start scream it not him he do+not do it stop it what do you mean you said you do+not remember you said you do+not remember yoube a dead man yoube a fucking dead man listen listen hey hey hey calm down listen what happen i do+not know talk to me i do+not know johnny do+not know anything he do+not remember anything it be just her and him in the forest i know that i know that i saw it in his eye okay all i remember be i talk to her we be argue and then i-i come here and i start get accuse and i do+not even know what the fuck be going on if we caught him in the wood he wouldhave be dead when i saw that look in his eye i just felt that i need to take a step back remember the way she come into camp he got the same look on his face do she remember anything show us your hand oh yeah ihave see that before what that from nothing making sense here and just to be angry and become a bunch of animal we can+not go killing each other webe still human being i do+not like thing that i can+not explain and that i do+not have at least some sort of control over the sky changing color and look like fire the producer the show can+not do that webe talk supernatural stuff now regardless of everything else that real and that scare the hell out of me it seem like everybody at camp be convince that i be the person that hurt her ihave never hit a woman in my life i do+not know why i would i do+not remember anything but i can+not say that i do+not cause i do+not i do+not know what happen but i know in my heart i would+not do that i do+not remember anything all i remember be that i be with go to get johnny he be in the wood i found him and i it all one big blur like one big blackout i have all these mark on my body and my shirt be broken and i do+not remember i do+not understand so yoube tell me this be real yes it look like it native handmade it look like it just a prop to me well if it a prop it really well-made cause you see the barb theybe curve that exactly how it should look this be ox it real ox and it balance for throw it just look perfect it your choice to believe in it or not but this be real so i do+not have to deal with lie in figure out what be true what be not i have to know the environment ibe in i have to know what out there in order to protect myself and survive look at this so i found this symbol that be really strange it have four line and little triangle on the end then i found another one and another one and i realize it a path i should follow them at the end it be very close to the settlement i found the last one and i found this box it be a metal box i open it and it be a book i do+not understand anything because it be in a different language i would assume it russian because it cyrillic letter in the middle of me look at it somebody be watch at me it be a person he staring at me and he just disappear in a second so there be people out there hey i be just gonna try and make thing better and like apologize and just want to let her know that i do+not you know i do+not want to screw anything up or make anything awkward for her i guess i be in a weird mood and i just want to apologize because i do+not want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything because ibe really glad yoube when i realize what annie real feeling be for me i just thought ibe sort of open to love in any form right now so i kiss her which i kind of surprise myself at to be honest do+not worry about it hey hey can i have a seat how be you feeling ibe okay you i want to go check on her to see how she be do cause i know she have scratch and stuff on her and she be sure freak out like i be do you remember anything from last night no i do+not remember a thing i do+not remember anything either but i know you do+not hurt me i would never hurt you can i ask you something though why'd you set me up with the shed and the food she could+not even look me in the eye and i be like well i be like it tell me all i need to know so i be like got the hell out of there johnny johnny stop please johnny wait for me give me a break oh my god hey i know that i know that johnny i know that yoube a actress she said like this slogan like i know that i know that from somewhere and then it just the light bulb go off yeah that like your slogan she that actress from that show that ibe like that how i know you i do+not want to do that i do+not want i ask them you do+not want to do what i do+not want to burn it down i do+not want to set you up they told me to who they the producer so yoube yoube help the show subtitle by dramafever thank you sorry i have to keep hold on to feel calm let go be this far enough yes be this far enough i do+not think a ghost follow me there be+not any then why be you still hold on my hand just keep going towards your body ibe not a object that you can touch however you please of course yoube a very expensive man i thought you would+not let me touch you because you be mad thank you so much for help me ibe value at a very high cost so be careful that right ibe just someone valuable who see ghost yoube value high for now but if you go overboard your value go down then there will be serious consequence yes ibe sorry i be just try to make you feel comfortable do+not bother all i need be your sixth sense to get in touch with hee joo i understand i go overboard iwill just focus on use my sixth sense nothing else youwill start work tomorrow ihave found you a position really ihave always get fire because of the ghost i never thought i'd find work again thank you president joo iwill work really hard to look out for ghost from now on iwill be here to protect you so do all that you can yes iwill do well but the salary will you really deduct from my pay if i touch you hold hand be ne_number win hug be ne_number ne_number win i take it all out from your salary wait i think that too much ne_number win i will+not touch you so carelessly ibe warning you to be careful if you keep touch me youwill never see your salary you should only touch me when absolutely necessary calculate well i understand so expensive do+not matter if yoube uncomfortable the truth be you need me no matter how expensive my body can protect you but if you put it that way you need me too ibe the only one who can connect you with cha hee joo that right i do need you that right you feel like you'd die without me right without you i'd feel inconvenience then hear me out get lost president you be joke about the salary right if i be kid you would be laugh ne_number win not even worth a bottle of champagne ne_number ne_number win i hug her for not even the price of a refrigerator i be too cheap be president joo here he be so cool before hey come to your sense he do+not hug you because he like you he be making the ghost go away if you keep thinking like this itwill get dangerous well i guess it possible for two people to feel nervous around each other you see ghost but that do+not mean you be one okay today iwill hug you a lot ne_number ne_number win ne_number ne_number win i love you hey ghost go away like it episode ne_number we found the perfect wife for your grandson how old be she be she about ji woo age she the same age as ji woo and she die at the same age as ji woo i prepare these for ji woo wedding i check both their history and pick a date for the wedding i can feel that ji woo soul be near if we can find a suitable match for him he can leave peacefully ji woo it seem your grandson do not approve of the lady iwill come back once i find someone more suitable for ji woo kang woo they deliver milk be you going to have one you guy can have it thanks kang woo that lady got a job at the same place you work she just left a job she say she do+not think shewill get fire this time you should protect her she say that scary people follow her around and bother her what kind of people youwill know when you see her later be brave and do+not run away protect gong shil you said you like her i like her but she do+not like me keep on drinking if webe brave and do+not run away we can keep drinking the milk drink go away stop following me let me live stop bother me what who be it do he go this way oh no iwill buy you coffee come back later kang woo kang woo kang woo i think i lost him who be it be it a thief it not a big deal do+not worry about it seung mo said there be someone who kept following you around well it sort of true i do think something be strange you always seem uncomfortable and be wander around that why you take the long way back home right gong shil by any chance be you in debt be the people following you around loan shark no then what be it well the thing that be following me around be ghost there one right next to you now kang woo what bother you he a ghost a ghost-like stalker stalker he keep following me around and bother me have you report him should we go to the police station no i do+not want to go to the police i found a way to live with it you really do+not have to worry then should i help you out i know how to get rid of stalker be you say youwill be my bodyguard ibe grateful for the offer but you will+not be able to do it ibe pretty good though i will+not charge you then can i depend on you it m ta look like kang woo be with her the sun be shine bright for her first day of work the sun be too bright it give me a annoy fever president joo give you a job i guess he do+not think yoube crazy he trust me with a very important job be you help him with something personal what kind of work well the thing be so it president joo car ibe late i have to go hello president joo ta gong shil yoube as fast as a ghost of course i have to get to work before you since i be your secretary secretary who you accord to who do mr kim say so i do+not say anything to her be+not i working here as your secretary this be not where youwill be then where will i be this be the place but this be a storage room this be a room for the vip member but there be+not any use for it anymore so now we use it as storage what will be my responsibility officially your title be advisor for special customer service but in reality youwill be cleaning up the storage room m ta seem disappoint since it be+not what she expect really but it suit her just fine advisor for special customer service how can i advise any customer here why be my first customer a ghost i said i'd get you coffee do you know that woman she chinese and she renowned for her matchmaking skill she only arrange marriage for the wealthy dead dead people marriage for the dead spirit if there be a dead child in the family shewill find a worthy match and arrange the marriage she a ghost matchmaker they call her madam go wealthy family sure do strange thing i hear you got a room for bang shil where be it we got her a office not a room and it gong shil not bang shil i love you center for special customer service there such a department at kingdom there be the room be hard to find but it kind of look like a garage anyway good for you itwill be bad if weird thing visit you there it already here it be one for you one for him i think he addict to the coffee here he keep following me he my first customer if he your customer take him to your center for coffee he like it here iwill go now you should visit hey now what hey why do you ask for coffee and never tell me how you die tell me how do someone as young as you die tell me someone who have one foot in the spirit world this lady will do i spoke with the president of giant mall yesterday ibe guess you be+not just exchange greeting we also exchange information the president of giant mall have a lot of business leverage he thinking of partner with mrs wang for the shanghai distribution mrs wang of the shanghai distribution i heard she give up on business after her grandson die the president of giant mall be making a empty partnership be he try to build a lie but still it would be worth look into mrs wang could be kingdom vip member oh about the center for special customer service that you set up someone have paid her a visit already just let you know not bad right your aunt stop by to ask me for a favor work she said to go visit chairman wang chairman wang i heard her grandson die not long ago what if you see him there do you think so then i do+not think i can go no if you see him there go meet him what ask him about his grandmother business plan ask him if she have any plan to join giant but ibe scare be president wang a important person very important ask her no matter what since she important to you iwill go but i will+not be able to sleep if i see something scary you have me to protect you do well if yoube scare iwill hold you madam this be the lady can you please change into these clothes you want me to wear this it a favor ibe not mention that girl because it better than hanging onto hee joo she seem a bit lack but she seem pretty normal she definitely not normal she do work ihave ask her to do so please do+not give her extra assignment i do+not give her extra work madam go ask for her particularly which be why i sent her madam go she the woman who arrange spirit marriage for those whohave pass seeing that she taking her to mrs wang the rumor must be true what rumor i hear she on the lookout for a wife to pair up with her dead grandson this be amuse ghost rumor but why would she insist on taking bang shil with her president joo i be a bit scare but now that youhave call i feel better be you okay what do you see there oh her dead grandson i think he inside this house i saw his portrait and he be very young and handsome his grandmother be sad he spent all his time in the house sick he never go to be in love what be you do there they ask me to put on some clothes so i try it on clothes why'd they ask you to do that i do+not know it a very pretty dress the kind you see in movie they mention it be a chinese cheongsam for wedding a what why would you wear that take it off and get out of there why get out right now but you said it be important iwill see what i can do before i leave ta gong shil ta gong shil whatever she not a real employee anyway since it important to you iwill go she should get out if she afraid of ghost why be she do everything i ask her to do whatever whatever i think it be here be this the dead grandson's room it lock please open please open please spend the night in this room who be you ma'am we have a visitor what be you do here president joo ibe here for my employee who come to make a delivery where be she do president come directly to look for their employee if she be just any employee you would+not have especially request for her i invite her here to ask her for a favor iwill take good care of her so please go on ahead who be she with be it your dead grandson it something important to me get out she a important employee iwill stick around where be she what i said where be she open it i said open it open it open it for him youwill regret it if you open it your financial advisor paid me a visit i can join force with you it all in your hand what be you going to do then i will president joo go back in ibe here president joo yoube here she open the door i do+not it all ruin ma'am ma'am your grandson have a message for you my ji woo iwill just say it verbatim grandma be you senile just stop it and tell that lady to get lost she make me want to puke it my ji woo we have to take measure of precaution before joong win fall for bang shil ibe thinking of slowly pair him up with a better woman who there someone explode like the fire from the propane raise it raise it up as if yoube the firework passionately like it consuming your body raise your dress up raise it up raise it up way up stretch it up then wither down ibe not do this wait a minute let yi ryung drink some water how much left just one more scene what my arm be about to fall off ibe only going to hold the lid miss yi ryung the original concept be a wedding since my wedding be call off we have to change it you have a lot of issue now that yoube wedding be cancel if only your friend have not interfere with your marriage my friend do+not i tell you i meant to tell you the lady who got your wedding call off be your high school friend she work at kingdom now be it ta gong shil by any chance so it be ta gong shil a business deal fell through then someone in the family got sick all the misfortune be blame on ji woo the business do+not do well because of the global economic crisis everyone have a sick person in the family how do it become all about ghost because of that it because of that it be ne_number day since ji woo pass but the flower be still fresh as time pass everyone begin to fear this fact he wait for someone he like that never even cross my mind he be sick since he be a child he have no friend because he be always in the hospital and this house he also have a temper so no one got close to him this be too hot he be always a sensitive child and it be hard for other to connect with him that child have this girl that he like i want to meet her for once as well you will be able to meet her right i do+not know i only know this kind of person my employee will visit here back and forth and find out about it by talk a lot with your grandson do+not you say she a important employee so you have to take her with you not at all the only thing important to me be you ma'am anyway i will say it again i do not open the door how much be you look into the investment in china well i will need definite detail from kingdom then i will consider it our team will miss i think my employee saw something excuse me who be the person that come here just now the kid who come to deliver milk be the milk delivery kid close with the grandson here i do+not know who he be oh the boy who deliver last time spoke a lot with the young master and they also play game together do you find out who it be i think so who be the woman that this family grandson wait for day and night it not a girl it a guy i think he wait for the milkman a guy miss do you figure something out yes well no ma'am she say she still do+not know we will come back tomorrow let go president joo how can you just leave she wait should+not we let her meet him be you tell me to drop a bomb on that grandma face who expect to see her grandson's beautiful first love the important thing be to make that grandma feel happy so what be you going to do the first love with the eye of a pretty nurse in the hospital or with a teacher who taught piano let split the fee with that in half with the ghost but that a lie you said you do+not like lie yourself when i made up the story about hee joo do+not you say that you do+not like lie that kid be so pitiful he have no one and he wait for the person that he like but iwill do what you say either just leave like this or go inside and tell her make a decision go find the milkman instead let not make it sound like it his first love ta gong shil come fast i will crush you be you the stalker what be this ta yi ryung you again get off you jerk ibe acting like this only because i shot my commercial today or else youwill be sue there no scratch it going to swell up then why do you come to vent out on your friend about your cancel wedding i do+not come to vent out but to take revenge but look at it it do+not seem to be a victim revenge what be you going to do ibe going to tell her to watch out ibe going to steal the guy the guy president joo ibe going to flirt with him and declare war to make her cry her eye out you do+not think iwill be able to do it ibe ta yi ryung so yoube going to war but a secret weapon be important for battle should i do that yoube going to help me but there a condition find out the reason why president joo be interest in ta gong shil why be you curious about that do you perhaps like ta gong shil well let say i do wait i think it turn blue hey why be you talk down to me i could just tell you look young than me you sure do look old than me want me to treat you like a old person fine talk in that familiar form now that webe on the same side want to go for a drink to commemorate drink by yourself it that guy from before excuse me i'd like to ask you something you deliver milk in the neighborhood up there right do you happen to know the person who deliver there before the person's over there it look like him he look sturdy excuse me yes you know ji woo right ji woo who the person that use to deliver milk to that house i do ibe the one who use to bring delivery to ji woo house he said it be a guy there be a lot of misunderstanding like that before i grow my hair out she may look like a girl but she totally a guy she the one right so yoube the one that ji woo be wait for hey delivery should+not you deliver it properly the milk be all squash even though it squash it still taste the same even though it taste the same i do+not like it look ugly just like you i do+not like being unlucky either just like you what what be you do delivery yoube really a girl after all a ugly girl it fortunate that she a girl how fortunate i be aware of what happen to ji woo i do+not want to really talk about it please leave there something we really want to show you itwill be great if you can go and take a look it a very pretty flower a green rose there be many kind of rose and many color too then be there green rose as well i like the color green we do have green rose awesome they must be pretty theybe not pretty at all they look like cabbage just like you hey if i grow out my hair and doll up ibe fine too why do you keep say ibe ugly you look ugly i can+not even tell if yoube a guy or a girl i think being weak be girly as i expect it be not good with a tomboy like you hey do+not cry if you cry youwill get ugly i do+not cry over a guy like you who weak and grow flower i really do+not like guy like you ji woo ji woo theybe very pretty you ly say they be ugly i want to show you too so i grow out my hair but you die like a fool farewell farewell my baby farewell the meaning of a green rose be a noble love that exist only in heaven it fortunate that ji woo that girl and the grandma found out about the truth right we unveil a very big secret today you do your part too so iwill drive you home today oh no i do+not want you to go all the way to the front of the study room if i ride in your car it may be awkward if i bump into a certain person oh you mean kang woo you guy live together right yes he really curious about what i do next to you it a bit awkward to give him a answer it seem like yoube hide the fact that you have unique radar from kang woo that right he keep ask me what ibe afraid of i told him that it be a stalker be you perhaps brag right now it all thanks to you president joo going to work and meeting people stop the car i could go a little further no i do+not want to go any further i should+not have be too accommodate to you get lost here okay well then what the heck you said it be free so i do+not want to just leave then goodbye let go how come i do+not feel afraid after touch his hand why be that they do+not look like ghost but why be they following me miss come with us what be you do who be you let go let go let go kang woo be you okay be those people the one following you around theybe people but why do they follow me that enough i come to see you again but it look like i will+not be able to you shine too brightly that why the creature of the darkness follow you i shine brightly they may complain and make a request you must be alert amongst them there be some who be look for a chance the chance to come back by use you darkness will swallow the light chinese phrase darkness will swallow the light and death eventually swallow life be careful and do+not get swallow mom said she be coming now seung joon do+not you hear what i said seung joon seung joon seung joon seung joon where be you seung joon seung joon you have to tell me where yoube going it a doll you can+not we do+not know if someone left it there if it still there later on then that mean it be throw out so let take it then let go how do you meet that swindler while working yoube not explain in detail once again anyway it be worth wait over there do you really like me you like me so that why you want to know more about me the reason why i can+not say everything about myself be because i really like it when someone like me they might run away if they find out yoube thinking what kind of big secret do this woman hold that she try to scare me away right be she perhaps a spy a criminal or be originally a man various thing come to mind right but yoube going to be even more surprise than whatever it be that yoube thinking of i warn you do+not come any close thank you so much for today do+not say thank you it just make me feel bad yoube not the only one who have a secret there could be something ibe not say as well after listen to your warning i be kind of scare that i might disappoint you as well sleep tight he say he like me so much should i just tell him kang woo i see ghost how can i say this chairman wang will be hold hand with my kingdom it a innate choice she said shewill hold my hand as well she said to go to china with her so be you going i can+not yoube here it too bad but i decline so be that why you do+not have any strength do you really regret decline chairman wang offer it not that it something else that i got reject that be very regretful and what be that the person who like me thank you thanks hold onto your mom hand well thank you i can+not say that i can see ghost he say that he like me so i can+not say it even more if it can+not be then i just want to pretend to be a a normal person but ibe so depress why do i have to see ghost ta gong shil you look more like a normal person than the first time i met you probably think it because yoube arrogant ibe so funny right it because i have some room to breathe so i have a lot of time to think about thing i got greedy too human want more if they can live that can happen thank you president joo you have become a air defense for me and a counseling room as well you brought chairman wang and broke off the deal with giant mall so iwill give you a discount thank you but i feel so depress today i really do+not want to see ghost today can you tag along when i go home human bite into it when they think it the right time that cannot happen okay what the occasion there be+not enough but you know ta gong shil who work with us the reason why she go to customer service be because she receive president joo special attention president joo theybe that close there be a lot of evidence already and also a number of people who saw them lee han joo mouth be quite loud so the rumor be spread fast than expect president joo should probably hear it by now we have to connect like do+not gong shil have a lover she do a lover oh you know she come to work and leave with that employee who work on the security team then it a love triangle who be it the security team hey there guy who live together with ta gong shil on our security team who be the person she grab and drag to go home together not only that he also her personal bodyguard really ta gong shil be trash but with her dark circle hanging how can she seduce man right ihave be watch from afar but look at it closely it seem theyhave grown very close together anyway who be that guy it me pardon the one prepare to dive on the hill be me it not easy jump in i would need to brave you would need enforcement what be trash sorry only delivery be coming in instead of the customer this be a storage house ta gong shil mr kim yes when we leave later webe taking ta gong shil with us yes sir i want to know you i will bring up the courage so you should cheer up i will bring up the courage so you should cheer up president joo the person who like me said he will bring up his courage for me he told me to cheer up and so yoube going to cheer up and go yes i want to try to go i want to go be you listen to my heart be you look at my tear in this world there be only one you do+not feel anything when i touch you like this right do you really think ibe a air-raid shelter made out of marble why be you always pull away from me please stay with me you know that can+not be please take my hand i too be not indifferent so do you feel just a tiny bit i always felt a little like that you tend to touch me too randomly you do+not seem to think much about it and i do+not say anything because i do+not want to be the weird person but it look like yoube start to react like a normal person would so iwill ask this of you when you use me as your secret hideout i would like it to be at a friendly level people staring at us like what do they think theybe do i do+not like it this friendly and this what do they think theybe do understand i understand actually all that time i just barge in just to survive not consider whether you like it or not but now i think i should be careful careful careful yes be careful be careful of thing like this too iwill listen to your ghost story so do+not go off on your own and end up like this this kind of concern be friendly if i get close what do they think theybe do understand yes now let go iwill take you it okay iwill just go on my own you have to go to the detention cell and even got hurt that much concern i can give you let go but i need to be careful my radar just caught a strange thing so hold it use it it fine you again be you being careful not to be see with me in front of your kang candy ibe just being careful i have nothing to be careful about if we happen to bump into him iwill explain to him that we do+not have a what do they think theybe do kind of relationship but we just happen to be a little friendly do+not worry and just come do you know what a honour it be to have a friendly relationship with the president even kang candy will take you more seriously episode ne_number ceo joo joong win go to the police station for ta gong shil and ibe positive ta gong shil be in some way relate to dead cha hee joo i let it slip due to a personal feeling ibe sorry cha hee joo be a orphan if that woman too do+not have any parent there a possibility they met at some kind of orphanage iwill look into it one more thing find out if that ta gong shil woman have ever live in or be to europe yes kang woo it seem to me that your interest in her be you alright i will be do+not pretend to be strong will it hurt i will take care of it mr ceo ibe grateful for today and since you do go to the detention cell make sure to eat tofu i do+not eat such a thing iwill be going goodbye ta gong shil about your radar catching a strange thing early be there something following you oh that it nothing scary but something that need to be scold so i think i just need to talk it out with it you can go now go ibe not candy ibe a radar pull yourself together ever since i met ta gong shil ibe eat bitter anti-anxiety pill like vitamin ah it bitter water also since you do go to the detention cell make sure to eat tofu ceo do this look like tofu even when i touch you like this you do+not feel anything right the woman who ask just to sleep hold hand now she worry about anything ah it salty now that the radar be+not pick up on any ghost lately do i have a lust ghost stuck to me now you touch here like this early that call sexual harassment it the same thing as touch someone butt in the subway be you here again super market grandma how can i sleep if you stare at me like that but since yoube here could you just scare me a little so i get back to my sense stop stop please stop you can stop now grandmother stop just stop ceo joo i heard you have a trip to the police station after personally taking care of something that not even profitable have a seat i be really surprise i too be quite shock i do+not have much to say since you do a good deed but you seem to do thing you normally would+not do now that youhave put bang shil by your side your father seem to know about it too and start ask me what kind of girl she be that something to be more surprise about be thing about me being report there too it be+not me last time i talk to him all we do be talk about golf he musthave heard about you because thing about you be float around recently yoube his son of course he interest in you it the first time ihave have his definite interest in over ne_number year which be so shock that ibe on the verge of convulse your father be get old so he probably gain more interest in his kid right dear of course he at a age where he like to see grandchild and all ceo joo this time make sure you really succeed i do+not know maybe hewill have a grandchild through meaningless skinship grandmother ihave already pull myself together so come out of the garbage bin do+not do that with your eye grandma just come out kang woo be you plan to go out for a run this late yes ibe going out for a short run oh we be suppose to come home from work together today i just come on my own so ibe sorry something unexpected come up so ta gong shil i think it'd be best to clean thing up while i can when i said i like you it be a misunderstanding what it be something i said as a joke to the kid but you believe it as truth i could+not say it be+not true you even told me you be thankful so i try to go with it but i can+not anymore ibe sorry ah it be like that no wonder i thought it be quite strange how embarrass you should have told me early on that you do+not have feeling for me because you give me candy and musical ticket i guess i got too excite and go overboard i do+not think you be hurt because of me if that right then i do+not have to be as sorry right how much more do i have to love you for you to realize my feeling how much time have to pass for you to love me i who have too much tear i who be too dumb to tell you my heart hurt it hurt more today than it do yesterday tomorrow come you need to go get it i will+not tolerate that unnie what going on help over here someone please help over here help me unnie wake up wake up unnie wake up this be already the third accident that have occur at kingdom hotel pool they said something pull her leg from beneath the water but there be nothing that could have do that if it not a water ghost what could it be be you sure it be+not a prank pull by a person it be+not just one lifeguard who saw it many do and it be+not a prank pull by a person because this rumor spread during the busy time of the summer season we might lose customer to giant hotel we can+not let that happen iwill install my radar at the pool giant mall building be tall than mine secretary kim hi ne_number billion win radar we need to run the radar you be you harass all night your dark circle be about to bury deep into the ground the supermarket granny come so i could+not sleep all night mr ceo do i look sick you always look sick but today more than usual you look like a zombie he say that when he have+not see a zombie in real life instead of a zombie you said you have see a water ghost right yes a long time ago when i go to the han river with my sister to eat chicken i be enchant by a water ghost and i almost drown to death water ghost i never want to see a water ghost again never ever i really hate water ghost i hate them so much theybe too scary hold it with water ghost it do+not help to hold your hand water ghost she shudder at the thought of them i feel bad just send her to catch them mr ceo give this say you should visit on your day off gift certificate to a all-inclusive package at kingdom hotel be+not this place a really awesome place he include several gift card say you should have a good time with your friend early he said i look like a zombie be he send me there so i can get some rest yes yes oh ibe so happy i pass it along she be really happy about it and she say shewill go tomorrow yes iwill send her over there first then later iwill tell her to see the ghost yes if it kingdom hotel it will be really luxurious what the occasion i have more so if you want to bring friend do that then should we ask apt ne_number no no well then let just pack our suitcase pack a lot of pretty clothes since we can load them in my car okay unnie iwill take a lot of pretty picture for you gong shil ibe so happy hey kingdom hotel have a pool right let pack our swimsuit as well do+not you get the chill with rumor say there something in the pool there be no such thing it be+not like this be the loch ness lake in scotland where the loch ness monster live you dare to ask me to come and see you ibe not a person you can easily meet on a whim thanks for coming in your busy schedule what be it that you want to ask me please find out detail on ta gong shil thing that can+not be found in official record if you find out through her friend youwill know whether they have see her dead parent and what her relationship be like with her parent right why do you want to know about her family do you want to marry her if i be going to marry her i would+not be do a background check like this i could just meet her family in person oh that right then be this just part of your job keeping your eye on her if that the case then iwill help you let talk while we eat something be you going to help only if i dine with you no i do+not mean that ibe just say it meal time so iwill let you join me if that the case then you do+not have to let me join you call me after youhave found out something hey i already made reservation why be he play so hard to get when he just a salaryman secretary kim be you report to my father about me i met him last year and after he go overseas wehave never talk on the phone why do you ask consider how he never show interest in woman with whom there be talk of marriage it strange that he would suddenly show interest in ta gong shil ibe sure he do it out of love that be even more ridiculous do ta gong shil leave unnie this place be awesome get here quickly okay iwill pack my stuff and go when ibe do with work you take a look around first where be you going look like it somewhere nice you do+not need to know ibe a career woman why do i have to spy on ta gong shil i got something like this bring kang woo and come you want us to join on ta sister trip i with gong shil and kang woo want to do this if they get together iwill buy you food should i report this to the vice president let just go have fun we have to maybe it because it wide open but this place do+not seem scary theybe do firework today firework can+not happen during the day and ibe scare to go out at night it a pie in the sky for me mr ceo where be you ibe at the hotel lobby this place be really nice of course it be it mine after all the paint next to you be also really expensive mm it do look expensive oh but how do you know where i be because ibe behind you mr ceo how do you come here i follow you do you come alone my sister have+not come yet really let go eat first ibe hungry he follow me why you have it ready right yes after dinnertime the pool will be off limit to outsider we can go after we eat dinner where be we going iwill tell you after we eat it look like master joo be do a event for that girl she so lucky shewill get to watch the firework at the close off pool do you have anything you want to eat tell me iwill buy it all for you be you going to buy me something good because i look out of energy yes then buy everything i want please okay let go it be ne_number year since hee joo die every year for remember and help the place where she grow up thank you very much it already be ne_number year since cha hee joo die after she die i thought about end my relationship with this place because it felt like i be pay for her life but thinking of joong win i think i do well by continue to come here it be here where joo goon met cha hee joo for the first time right yes that right chief kang woo why do he come here secretary kim what be you do ah yes ibe going ta gong ri ta gong shil such sister have never be at this orphanage you do+not even bring kang woo so why be you still coming chief kang woo have other business and i do+not ever drop out of something i decide to join you could+not even bring money for gas han joo have small salary oh it kim dong soo do you know him oh it the same who be he he be the one who run away with my money and disappear it my neck but be you following him you can+not we have somewhere else we need to go shut up hold on tightly you can+not have alcohol so at least have this thank you really but by any chance do you have any other clothes my sister bring all my clothes but she running a bit late just a minute if she going to go in and out of the pool shewill need a change of clothes should i prepare it hey tonight president joo be close the pool and do a event wow whoever girl it for be so lucky it our loss when we get jealous i wish i can go on a date with him just once event for me possibly yoube going to go to your room right meet me in two hour at the lobby we already eat be there something else there something very important if by chance you get surprise do+not get too mad yes mr ceo rent the swim pool and the one that he want to meet in two hour be me then he close the pool because of me do+not let anyone else enter after i go in yes have the prepare item sent to the guest room i told you about yes what be this ceo joo sent this it so pretty it pretty then what mr ceo said about a important matter mr ceo do you prepare this for me yes there more look it you love that like destiny sad memory that be like shadow please go in mr ceo have be wait for you be no one really allow to go in because it close off yes he have order not to let anybody in except you two oh okay i come here because a problem come up at the hotel pool i do+not come to play yes iwill return after figure out what it be in the pool yes it will+not take long hello ne_number billion dollar radar yoube going to have to use your radar again you said youhave see a water ghost before right yes ta gong shil ta gong shil where be you going wait a minute when you brush by my heart that once be cold spread with warmth that could have be bad i would have be so embarrass it would have be a disaster if i go dress like that i want to quietly approach and just lean on you but then why be i so upset the distance do+not get close when your heart do+not tell you the truth your symptom will give you the answer it okay if i can+not touch you it okay if i can+not embrace you lonely love yes i love you as if yoube my destiny i can feel you la la la la la la la be there anything else you need what flower champagne iwill prepare everything it fine it seem she mistaken about something oh my look like she got kick out after going in there in a fancy dress what be it look like it not a event you change yes i thought it would be uncomfortable you look pretty early let go there be+not anything scary here there be people who be scary than ghost right now in their eye we look like what do they think theybe do it can+not be that way i do+not care what they think ibe look at you who be upset by what those people be say ta gong shil yoube upset be+not you yes running away dress like that back there you look like candy that right think about it you invite me here buy me dinner send me clothes of course i'd turn into candy you should have just told me to use my radar why do you do that you said you be scare ibe still your secret hideout force you when you said you do+not want to i felt guilty so it like that i feel a little bit better now let go catch that water ghost let go it okay now mr ceo let my hand go if you can i do+not care that be fast ihave ask gong shil close friend her parent be her biological parent they said they be all very close too i even record it should i give it to you send it to me thanks a lot hey do this we really seem like spy ihave always want to be one be+not you a singer ihave do a movie too you know have+not you do any research on me you can find it all on the internet how long be you going to follow me salary man you do+not have a car right my car outside it take anyone if you can ride it get on it ibe going to take the subway that guy really ta yang wehave be sitting here like this for a while now do+not you see anything i do+not see any could it be in the water iwill go and look for it wait for a while it might appear when it get a little dark out just like being scare before get a needle with a ghost the moment theybe about to pop out be scary and i want to get it do before the firework start i should hurry and look will you be alright water ghost be really scary if you get caught theywill drag you down and will+not let go youwill help me if i do+not come up will+not you forget it do+not go just go rest and watch the firework what about the water ghost let just take care of it since the pool be empty iwill just have the water drain and the pool completely dry for a couple day there a lady over there oh it scary this must be his house kim dong soon yoube dead today ibe going to get all my money back and ibe going to kill you he marry be you going to k ill honey do you hear about the late gossip on ta yi ryeong i do+not like her it not even like she a good singer or anything i know right she be pretty when she be young now that she get old you can really tell she have plastic surgery that right have+not she lost almost all of her popularity yeh she lose popularity to young more talented singer like iu her popularity be+not like what it be before let get off at the next stop hello ibe ta yi reong oh it ta ri yeong for your information ibe still very popular iu i really like you oppa aigoo what do i do thank you thank you i love you so much please look over here why do you do that i be have fun you be really terrible at sing really even so ibe still pretty right yoube say that again yup so ihave decide let date i do+not want to how can you refuse so quickly you dog-mannered hey it ta ri yeong wow oh really the water ghost be a old woman yes ah there she be over there yes what be she do she fix her make up make up who do a ghost want to show herself to after wear make up something seem really strange she leave if she a water ghost be+not she suppose to stay in the water look like she not a water ghost oh my what what she go over there what take so long that ahjumma even take a shower she go to the sauna and also knock before going into the restroom can there be such a polite ghost i do+not think she know she dead where be she now she going up there the ahjumma be sitting in the chair over there and dine she be+not just stay at the pool she wipe her mouth look like she leave to where again she read a magazine what be it she just go into that room that room be the most expensive room at this hotel excuse me yes be there a guest in that room no that room be empty now open it in this expensive room what be that ahjumma do she sitting over there she luxuriously drinking wine while look out at the night scenery she act like she alive she not acting like a ghost but like a human so why do she do that at the pool she do+not think she dead so while swim could+not she just be push people out of her way go tell her you die and tell her to check out of this hotel go okay ahjumma ibe really sorry for say this but you can+not stay here like this what do she say do she understand she said she can stay here since she win a gift certificate this she show me something similar to the gift certificate you give me she win a gift certificate to the hotel mrs kang gil ja win the gift certificate to the royal suite room be it her yeah it be i especially remember her out of all the winner yoube mrs kang gil ja right come this way please this be really nice i wish i could always live in a place like this i remember she be so happy during her stay here so if she be very passionate with this place she would+not be able to forget about it even after she dead dead who mrs kang gil ja she dead i guess you have a misunderstanding she still alive you say she alive where be she i heard she at the hospital be that even possible this be my first too ibe not really sure why be she not wake up if she fine what do you mean fine how can you say that to a person that faint at your birthday party why be you yell you be the one that made a scene after get drunk you have no say you be the one that always fought against her but why be+not she wake up ahjumma you can+not stay here like this you have to go quickly it possible you could really die it look like she do+not want to go before her daughter name what be it joo yeon there a response lee joo yeon's mother you can+not keep on stay here your family be wait you have to go live do you want to go that a good choice it not even weird seeing her do that anymore okay okay okay okay look like she understanding well ahjumma said shewill go she just want to see the firework tonight iwill go watch it with her at the pool she already change her clothes wewill be going even a ghost be all dress up and enjoy it do+not lose should i enjoy it since it the last time she must be really excite it be a while since ihave see firework too it probably will be pretty ahjumma ahjumma let go together there be eye act like yoube talk to me and not the ahjumma shall we go it be such a good dream i guess iwill have to wake up now mom honey daughter be you okay be it difficult do you see me what should we do iwill listen to you so well from now on mom really thank you thank you do mrs kang gil ja like it yes she said she really like it she said it be like a midsummer night dream she thought she have a dream that made her be in awe and feel dizzy it made her heart flutter feel happy and it apparently hurt her too because she like seeing it from here so much you make me crazy you make me cry when ibe reach for you to the point of grasp you close at hand she left since when just now i just have to trust you since i do+not see it right yes firework be over i wake someone up from a good dream ta yi ryeong surprise show in the subway i do+not know he be marry you have a business trip to china schedule how many day one week one week be a bit long do i have to tell her ta yang already know she seem fine even though she know ta yang said this to me mr ceo be like win a gift certificate to a 5-star hotel it huge luck but i can+not be there for a long time i have to get familiar with it not existing if i want a normal life in the future the thing that ta yang said be+not from herself but it be mrs kang gil ja review on the hotel i be concern about it for no reason be you not feeling fine ibe fine ibe very glad and relieve that she do+not need me when your heart do+not tell the truth pain give the answer that what ta yang said so apparently she found a answer when your heart do+not tell the truth pain give the answer ihave heard that many time from someone who cha hee joo when your heart do+not tell the truth pain give the answer be you say you learn when you get hit that right since you like me more than i like you it fair for you to hurt more so be you tell me to get hurt if i want to like you yeah i want you to hurt a lot where do you hear that from do hee joo tell you i never saw hee joo then how do you know the phrase that she use to say often i heard it from kang woo bring me kang woo résumé again yes oh by the way mr ceo when i go to donate at m cha hee joo orphanage i saw chief kang woo i scout kang woo because he be recommend for his fantastic résumé be there a problem who recommend you to him it be be it my father do you know he told me not to tell you and i thought you would+not like him to interfere with your work so i cut it off in the middle i consider both side when you consider next time do+not divide it into two side but be clear on either being on my side or the other side yoube the one that my father sent i receive a order to be aware of your surroundings why he said that a person relate to cha hee joo can come into contact with you why it because he said that cha hee joo surroundings be the main culprit and he think that cha hee joo be not a victim but a accomplice be his thought true do you really not see the culprit you tell me honestly first do you really give them my ransom do you think that hee joo die because i do+not give them the money if it not that then why be you worry about whether or not i saw the culprit face believe in what you want and you believe in what you also want to believe tell him to come and explain to me why he be suddenly concern again after ne_number year oh and also tell him that since he told me to believe what i want to believe tell him that i wonder what relation kang woo and cha hee joo have cha hee joo what wrong cha hee joo be here she told me about why she a bad bitch i know you would figure it out someday since you can see hee joo that she one of the main culprit who do she say it be the other person that she plan the incident with she told me she can+not tell me what she said she have to protect that person okay i want you to hurt a lot ta gong shil do+not go stay here i do+not want her to see me like this since you can see her you stay beside me and protect me you drive me crazy you make me cry when ibe reach for you to the point of grasp you close at hand you be moving away like the wind subtitle brough to you by the i see dead people team viki oh there they be that woman be the one who will be marry ceo joo nice to see you miss seo yeon nice to see you nice to see you too let head on upstairs be that woman a employee here she keep look at us stop look at her and go quickly i can+not stand it you go ahead have you be do well for the past week you do+not look too bad for me it be hell mr ceo be you really get marry be+not you curious do+not you want to know how she feel about you what secret i can see right through her can you see something something that be just as scary as the ghost you see ceo be you try to avoid me be you get marry so that you do+not have to see me again ta gong shil do you think that you mean something to me enough that itwill affect my wedding no then you do+not have the right to ask me why and i do+not have a obligation to give you a answer right yes episode ne_number your aunt already go upstairs let go as ihave told you already i hate people touch my body even if yoube about to trip and fall try to avoid touch me our master be so cold and rude even to his fiancé if he not even going to let her touch him why be he get marry i wish he have give me a head up how could he even not answer my phone call ta gong shil kang woo do you not know about ceo joo joong won's wedding yes ibe a little surprise the news of it be so sudden the night of louis jang concert ceo joo come here instead of going on his business trip right when you two met that night do something happen do he come that night then the person i saw that night be mr ceo i guess i be right he do come here to see you that night i be almost out of my mind i really be+not myself i think the ghost wife met mr ceo when she be still inside my body what do they talk about what secret i can see right through her she must have told him my secret secret i think she told him that i like mr ceo oh no even though you need her for your business be it really okay to use marriage to get what you want it okay ihave use my brain to calculate the risk and ihave come up with a good answer ta yang seem very surprise and a little throw off by the news what be you going to do the reason why i can+not figure out a answer when it come to her be because instead of being in my head she be inside somewhere else i be surprise like hell to realize this but ihave come to accept it if so you need to tell that person how you feel also tell her that yoube not really get marry i do+not want to do that secretary kim the reason why i still do+not the reason why i can+not read the problem be+not here but rather the problem be over here i want to live use my head which work just fine since ta yang be a person who can see ghost and soul do+not you think shewill be able to see your issue and embrace them then when i die iwill become a ghost and iwill go visit her when that happen i think he try to get rid of me but i can+not live without him ta gong shil your hideout be he the only one do it have to be him he my one and only hideout in this world i just got his permission to stay by his side after beg like crazy say he get marry and keeping a woman by his side that mean he tell you not to stay by his side as a woman now that he get marry if he know that i like him he would ask me to get lost right you said you like him being ignore like this do+not it hurt in your world ibe candy and mr ceo be prince charm on a white horse right but in my world ibe just a ghost radar and mr ceo be a shelter where i can hide i can+not be candy because he have no intention of being prince charm but i can still be useful as a radar so i think hewill let me stay by his side i think i should go see him mr ceo congratulation on your engagement what early i be too surprise and i could+not tell you something important congratulation on your engagement and i wish you happiness yoube being scary can i do that sweethome idon tlikesweetstuff if not please give birth to a son give birth to a son who have the same power as you and if you let me take care of him you come in here out of the blue and yoube going too far with this tell me to give birth to a son ta gong shil be you acting like this because of the secret you told the nutcracker ghost do that wife tell you my secret no i do+not hear about it if it be a secret it mean you want to hide it from me so i do+not dig further i politely refuse say that i would+not hear about it yoube thankful right be that what you do but it really be+not anything i do+not hear about it but seeing how you act it so obvious yoube being so awkward that ibe begin to suspect whether you even have the will to keep it a secret burst in here say congratulation i wish you happiness what yoube do be exactly what that famous girl one who say i will+not cry even when lonely or sad yoube following her pattern yoube being just like her candy never mind this may actually make it easy making the effort to congratulate me tell me that youwill move into the basement of my sweet home and since yoube also say youwill be my son's little hideout nanny so that you will+not be embarrass iwill act as if i do+not see or hear anything yoube good it seem like yoube misunderstanding something but that person i said i like to that wife be+not you it someone else you know who it be i like very sweet thing also all this time i stay next to you despite all the bad thing you said because you be my hideout as a woman i hate man like you man who be mean and rude fine ibe grateful that ibe not your type then iwill leave before you tell me to get lost those word they made me feel terrible wait get lost if you be going to make a excuse you should have made up a different one out of all thing why do it have to be candy kang ta gong shil the vp wife be look for you for louis jang to introduce you to us as his muse i guess you must have a eye for art open it and take it out this one it a vase this be a engagement present for joong win sent by her family it might be a little crass to speak of money but it extremely expen ahh do you know how expensive this be ibe sorry i be surprise i guess you'd be surprise i guess this item be too much for you to handle be i correct what if you'd broken it even the thought be scary be+not it yoube probably thinking i should+not have touch it yes that kind of stuff do+not touch them theybe bad what ta gong sil call something like this stuff be a little it a very valuable white porcelain it because people now keep say it so valuable but really it be probably just once a water container please do+not keep say this be too valuable for just anyone to handle it will turn rude and arrogant what be you say that to me well ibe just speak about the vase that right by analogy to this vase do+not try to touch our joong win and break off the marriage ibe say this nicely to you but what rude and arrogant ibe sorry i be just talk about this vase this be originally just a water container but the person look at it can keep put their heart in and weird thing can come out once you be bewitch in the wrong way the only recourse would be to break it be you not understanding because ibe say it nicely be you say that yoube going to do whatever it take to sabotage joo won's marriage yoube really dangerous i think you do+not understand because you can+not see it i even go and congratulate him on the engagement if you mishandle this vase it could be extremely dangerous so please be careful that really should be destroy someone will get bewitch bang shil fighting scary thing will come around bewitch bang shil talk about herself be+not she you got drag into the vice president office it be a little scary what do she throw a envelope full of money at you no i saw a ghost i warn them but they could+not comprehend what i said be that so you people keep misunderstanding and say that you be reject by the ceo i guess my advance be see as being candy to other people at time like this only ghost understand my story the marriage have be announce now youwill get rid of her right i have no intention of that i brought up marriage so that i can safely keep her yoube going to let her stay by your side be she refuse to leave ibe not let her go because i can+not not see her for now ibe secure a safe distance with the marriage and ibe going to keep seeing her until when until i do+not want to see her anymore be she scare because of this we told her it be extremely expensive and she almost broke it in surprise she would+not have be surprise that it be expensive be something attach to it joong win do you know how much this be because boast about money will+not scare her in the future do+not do that he really ceo joo fighting big ta yang be date the ceo of kingdom as if ceo joo be marry the daughter of seo jin group really mi kyung who work at kingdom hotel say she saw them do a event together he just play her a bit frankly even play around their status be very incompatible why what wrong with big ta yang she smart pretty good at sport and have a good personality honestly be she the big ta yang for no reason i thought that kingdom ceo be someone who fit well with big ta yang you have to see her to come to your sense do you want to meet her let pick a date yoube going to be surprise be you alright what do you see in the porcelain be+not it that something scary follow you it do+not follow me but it something dangerous so please warn them to be careful they do+not seem to understand me why do+not you come to me if you come to me because you need me i said i would+not avoid you after tell me to leave the safety hideout as it be in the 2nd level basement in the sweet home why do+not you use it can i be honest if you can go ahead i be afraid the person i like would misunderstand be you going to keep insist that that person be candy kang be you going to keep misunderstanding it to be you misunderstanding in a manwha movie i saw before struck by lightning i be a wolf who met a sheep in order for the wolf to live it must eat the goat in order to survive he should see it as something to eat she not suppose to look at the sheep as someone she love so he kind of stupid right i will+not do that type of thing so yoube say that your wolf think of this sheep as a food source yes that why you should+not keep ask if the wolf like the goat alright then let say the wolf be like that what about the goat in the movie the goat also like the wolf then what happen the goat like the wolf so much that it say wolf just eat me that goat must be crazy when the wolf like the goat when my fingertip brush you do+not you want to know her secret i do+not want to know why be you afraid you can+not make calculation if you know yes should i have listen so i can know for sure ah i do+not know do+not know the elder said that if his son be really get marry he will adjust his schedule and return early about this wedding what be i suppose to report to tell you the truth this wedding be fake it business for both side if i accept your proposal do the owner of sejin group change i do+not come here for a study but on a exile once i return to korea with the marriage as a excuse avoid my step-mother control ibe going to find my bed-ride father bank account under a different name i will turn sejin hold company into sejin cement corporation the excuse of marriage will a week be enough if you help me i will help you expand kingdom business in shanghai by provide you with sejin's support i will give you the wing so that you can fly that proposal i will accept it after one week the wedding could become something that never happen tell the chairman that he do+not need to try too hard to change his schedule do ta gong shil know the truth she do+not to her before ceo joong win explain it do+not mention it first i understand i prefer a simple white porcelain vase to a flashy celadon green-glaze vase it just like a dignify scholar do+not just touch it recklessly she said it not good to touch it just look at it that a ridiculous story honey what do you think you be do i mean what about it no one around anyway what about me i told you that i hate undignified people go scratch in the bathroom i get it how do i fall for a man like that when he be+not even my type i like man who be like dignify scholar who be you a gentle virtuous scholar like you be call on me when be you going to fix this annoy sleeping habit ihave always be do this but why be you suddenly say that now before you told me it be cute that i sleep like a little kid not being decent go sleep in another room i be meeting a noble scholar in my dream why that kick who do you meet ibe going to the vp office now let go together no i think it best for you to not come with me be there a ghost i saw something there that why i want to go to check on it so if you just give me the key iwill just go by myself let go together if i do+not check it well i will+not be able to pass by the vice president office anymore iwill bring the key let go be you going to stay here due to the business trip there a lot of work pile up secretary kim you finish all your work so you can go yes taeyang be still here but should we go out together no i guess kang woo will probably take her he say it so i could hear him but i do+not hear anything what be this do she already leave kang woo you can hold me if yoube scare ok then iwill lean on you i do+not want to hold on like a kid i be use to this posture ok but please loosen your grip alright i will where should we look the vase be+not here no ghost either they be+not there ta gong shil you be+not scare ibe scare too ibe just more use to it than you be you living in hide for so long because you be scare i be just living in hide but after i met mr ceo it got a lot better my life start becoming different since i found a breathe space the ceo be give you something that i could never give but he get marry now i do+not think i can keep stay by his side after a week this could be something that never happen miss ta gong shil why do+not you test yourself to see if you really need him or not even when he be+not here you come to work and endure it well but i do+not know if iwill be able to not stick to him when he right next to me give yourself about a week and please think about it well if you decide that you be fine without him even if the situation change do+not go back to him it will hurt wait for me and wewill go together i heard there a nice ramyun shop near our building there something there though then you direct me to a place without them the kimbap place next to it have nothing but it also have no taste the kimbap place sound better hold it be kang woo not here the chief be out somewhere we see you a lot since i see you often do i also look like a neighborhood girl to you no yoube a goddess of course appear in our security office a goddess what be that it the chief it cute ibe sorry but a picture if you keep do this you will+not be able to go what be this kang woo yoube so cute do you just do this because you be scare do it again that enough why be you here again there might be a article about you and me we got our photo take in the subway ibe meeting with a close reporter tomorrow if you come with me and have some beer you can become a bodyguard and if i feel like it youwill come out as my boyfriend that article will become number one ibe going to the kimbap place with ta gong shil later you should come along and eat korean yellow radish next to her since yoube friend kang woo it got on well let go let show gong shil too this color and this color be the same be that right let go next time to eat kimbap yes i understand iwill go first then mr ceo do+not leave yet he not here oh my god i thought you be a ghost it would be better if i be a ghost without have to be worry about anyone else and being concern for only yourself if you be a ghost you would have to hold on to me instead of me hold on to you ibe really popular among the ghost when they see me i actually seem like the sun what come in sit ta gong shil do you just want to be candy come out of hostage iwill get you a house you might need a car choose one do you want to study more then do it iwill let you be there a big ghost that you need to find ta gong shil normally people say either thank you or why be you being like this i do+not need a big house because then there a lot of room for ghost to hide and for the car i do have my license but ibe scare that something might come out so i do+not need it and ibe thinking about study but yoube give me answer that i can+not calculate at all the relationship that you and i have i want to set thing straight with no money and being frugal you push away and stick to a man with a lot of money and people around you be tell you that it will+not work out if i buy you a house or a car you either act cute or get upset do it the easy way you who talk about ghost in a porcelain vase when my aunt be try to embarrass and insult you yoube hard to understand just be simple and be candy then i for sure can get rid of you if yoube curious about the end ibe not scare then yoube say that you can easily push me away if i go into your world and become your one and only person if that happen i can+not tell you to get lost so to make it easy for me to deal with you be candy and with me let play in here if i become candy then that mean iwill have to leave when you tell me to get lost i do+not want to do it then what do you want me to do i tell you ibe get marry and you tell me to make a shelter for you at the b2 floor i tell you to be candy but you say you do+not want to accept gift and leave in return you want me to become a sheep and expect me to say hunt me and eat me i do+not expect anything like that why be it so hard for you be it a burden that i might like you i do+not like you just like how we caught the water ghost at the hotel iwill just go catch the porcelain ghost there be none here go home let go look at this after hear all that you do+not say why be you do this or what do you think yoube do truthfully on the way here i saw a very scary ajumma let go where do you see her at the entrance i think it her first time here i guess i have to keep hold you hand if yoube uncomfortable it okay if we just hold finger while i be on my business trip do you see any other scary thing there be but i endure by hold onto your ballpoint pen pen oh as a amulet mr ceo ihave be thinking since i be kind of okay spend a week away from you with just that pen so when the time come before you tell me to get lost so do+not worry too much there will be a end necklace i do+not think she pick it up be i really that burdensome everyone pay attention after china it be america iwill give you three minute of time those of you who can+not keep pace go work for giant mall secretary kim keep a eye on giant mall construction plan make all of it into mirror make it pretty everyone got it i heard that girl and the ceo together slept in a suite room a suite room they even borrow the whole swim pool who over there but i heard she got dump because he marry someone else of course i know it would happen i know it be going to be like this but ibe still kind of jealous what be you jealous of be they talk about me even i would marry someone else seonbeenim scholar how can you have such good thought and be so graceful this be good try it how vulgar and repulsive why be you being like this again you call me dirty early for going to the bathroom why you keep hate everything i do a man be such a flake i lost my appetite i know dooly i guess there be a gong shil too you seem tire these day so for gong shil to have strength take gong shil thank you she kind of look like dooly gong shil boyfriend be dooly really please take care of gong shil okay iwill reserve the restaurant iwill see you later be this your office it so tiny i heard all our classmate from high school be have a gathering everyone wonder about you can+not you feel it iwill go i think i need to go to place like that really when we decide the place and time iwill let you know ibe ask this because ibe really curious what your relationship with ceo joo joong win just look at it as you see it i heard that you got reject if it look like that i guess it be that too bad ceo joo joong win have be know for that first love curse the wedding be broken several time but i think this time he will actually marry too bad the curse got broken just about the same time you try to win him over i know right what that gong shil her name be gong shil too be this dooly copycat no her boyfriend be dooly yes i will go to the airport on time okay iwill see you then if i go in this time i think i might be there for a long while be you going to find this woman if she alive i need to find her joo woong the say that he under cha hee joo curse that rumor spread every time wedding be mention this time how it going to be there will be a lot of talk going around to the ceo cha hee joo be+not a curse but a pain if it a pain he suppose to look for someone to cure it maybe it be a real curse he kick everyone out not let anyone near that right and he always go get lost a person who say he will not change and a person who will not go away no matter how much you kick them away if they come together who do you think will win be you talk about ceo and me ibe on your side i heard tomorrow yoube going to a class meeting where the location tomorrow the meeting with sejin group park sing ji have be plan it be almost a week but be you sure you want to cancel it be you not plan to continue i know everything about what secretary kim be thinking ibe not going to tell you honey why be this person do this to me lately we have to break that though since this be president joo fiance gift leave this here be aunt really wierd after bring this she completely ignore me and when i tell her to do something she say that she tire and can+not do it she even told me that she do+not want to see my face she not the type of person to do that though accord to that miss if something happen we should break this but even though thing be weird this be+not something that should be broken just from listen to those word ta gong sil said to break this yes she do but still president joo be+not break his wedding so why should we break this president joo you take responsibility for this after break this i should say to take responsibility you said to break this do i really have to be your aunt not feeling well she in a really bad state she in a critical state and can+not even get up then do i break this or not then yoube suppose to break it if this break you know that the wedding get cancel too right do i break it or not you can+not really break those thing though they said aunt be in a very bad state that she almost die she the only aunt i have though then you have to break it then it decide webe trust your word and break this if the wedding break too then you take responsibility why do i have to take responsibility for that because of you she die so we break it no honey honey what what what wrong be you okay be you okay what be that what be that i do+not see anything gong sil you said to break it for the ghost but why be the reason change to break the wedding for you it be+not like that right to other how they might see you next to him i think i understand now what do i do kang woo ssus be there something there it be gong sil to gong sil talk it be almost a week how do you feel even though that person be+not here do you think youwill be okay ibe not sure if it okay for him to be go but i now understand what it like to be next to him gong sil when both be together do it match well you said that you have a gathering today right sumo said that you be very nervous that right it be a really long time since i met my friend when girl meet together they brag a lot about their boyfriend right i guess so then ta gong sil you should also brag about your man who dooly at that spot if dooly show up all girl faint but rather than dooly i think like dochi more that will+not do then if you want to talk about dooly then he should be there too yoube going to the airport to escort the president right yes then do you have a appointment oh with ta yang yes lee hyun joo have a loud mouth so you should tell her that gong sil and the president be+not in that type of relationship who make those rumor anyway i agree i do+not understand why people go around say whatever they want nowadays listen to some people it seem like it be someone from the security team really but do our security team have someone with that kind of cheap mouth you should figure it out so i can give them my wrath when you figure it out i will+not ask for money for coffee eat this lee hyun joo be right here after lunch finish he said to come to the vice president room why would the vice president look for you i wonder too i wonder why then go and found out who have the cheap mouth then iwill be going this be takeout honey what again it sound so powerful how you suck those noodle right in i fell for those sexy lip you must have go crazy accord to that miss break that vase must really have have a effect but why do joong win break that fiance really important gift i wonder maybe he be thinking of break up the wedding honey you said that hyungnim be coming in today right it be a year already he could+not be coming to help joong won's wedding maybe there some other issue kang woo it be a long time let go thanks to you the problem be solve if kingdom side do+not mind i want to continue this marriage it unfortunate that we must stop here it nothing to be unfortunate about it start out as a business deal and wehave gain a lot we should both calculate how big that be yes it be a long time i come by a lot oh big ta yang wow it be a really long time hi come here be you okay what wrong no no it nothing ibe okay anyway since we cancel the wedding i can+not say let see each other often if it like this then have i become president joo curse love it famous kingdom joo president be stuck on a curse dead first love it be your fourth breakup wedding cancel right i hope you get free from your curse next time that girl said that she be the fourth curse if we gather all the curse woman and play go stop we could sell kwangdo even though we gather them it will+not be fun they all be push out by a dead girl a heart that no one accept be curse if it do+not change then it will+not be free either the reason why i kept you close to joong win be because of this piece of photograph this be maria i accidentally found this picture in maria old photo album who do you think this other woman be that cha hee joo where be this place england yes a woman who do+not just resemble but look exactly the same be in england one year after cha hee joo die then be you say cha hee joo be alive you said joong win met the dead cha hee joo through the woman name ta gong shil right i found the living cha hee joo in europe then could cha hee joo have be one of the twin that the most possible scenario but i found something very strange what be these those be the x-ma card which the english person who take this picture exchange these x-ma card for ne_number year she live traveling many different place overseas look at the sent date sequence she live ne_number year in la ne_number year in new york and ne_number year in pek my son stay abroad after the kidnap incident ne_number year in la ne_number year in new york ne_number year in pek do this woman follow around ceo joo joong win the last postcard have a message that she return to korea that be ne_number year ago and after that joong win come back to korea and he be living here since do you think this woman be somewhere near ceo joo joong win yes i believe that cha hee joo be alive and she follow joong win after that incident and she still some place very close who be she i have+not see her around she move here not too long ago it ta gong shil ah she said she be going to a school reunion i guess it be here i heard your father just check in the hotel chief kang woo will be here soon will you see him and listen to what he say i will talk to my father in person you do+not need to call chief kang woo i do+not call him rather he coming here to see ta yang i guess he going to join them wow ta yang will be pretty proud in front of her high school friend today her boyfriend be so tall and good look so you have a accident how about now be you okay yes ihave get much better but it such a waste that you do+not get to graduate from that college that school background until what age can you go back to your study there still time but gong shil tell me about you you said yoube working at kingdom right you the ceo there be he really your boyfriend tell them in detail what you told me how you made advance to him and how you got reject yoube right i met a man who really rich and successful how on a heavy rain day i got a ride in a very nice car but the person be kingdom ceo i really want to see him again so i go to visit him i felt like i have to hold on to him so i got a part-time job there and follow him around when i told him i be alone and sad he start look at me the safety hideout come hide whenever i be going through a hard time he help me and stay with me ah he even held a event for me by rent the whole hotel pool how do you see me after hear my story hey webe so jealous i envy you and then what you know the end be what important that person be marry a chaebol daughter soon no wonder still i have+not get off of him and i still hold on to him tightly because i can never be separate from him that a little i can+not help it ever though i look shameless and pathetic because to me he the only one special person in the world that me ta gong shil i come here after break off the marriage because of you so you take the responsibility let go what be you do here now yoube do what i want to see from you then be it my turn to act all charm my kid be pretty upset to appease her iwill treat you to this dinner please have a fun and enjoyable time here my baby will you come with oppa let go what the heck do they think theybe do without the talk of radar and the safety hideout people understand the relationship between you and me easily stop it i get it now this be me in your world ta gong shil what wrong what wrong do something happen i be taking her with me kang woo what the matter why be ta gong shil acting that way why do ceo joo come here he said that he broke off the marriage because of her and told her to take the responsibility what about you why be you here do you come here because of her too yes do you really like ta gong shil yes with this you will+not ever tell me to become your boyfriend again right you said you would make the whole thing available and to use everything i just need a small space to breathe in but be you that afraid that i would want something else yes i be i told you i would ibe like that even now can i trust that even though you just stomp me so horribly if a scary thing suddenly pop out i can immediately run straight into your arm ibe like that fine iwill trust you from now on ibe going to do whatever i want to do to make myself at ease from now on you handle everything thank you i can handle everything be that right what will you do now subtitle by dramafever ibe leave i think i should just be a sun that only shine for those who be already dead i only want to remain as a brilliant sun only for those ghost when ibe by your side i feel like i become a sun of misfortune who only invite death to those around me that make me really fear and hate myself so it not just that yoube slightly disappoint when ibe not around but i make you fear and hate yourself i do+not want to remain by your side only to become that kind of a sun just tell me to get lost now the only reason why i be able to tell you to get lost all this time without any fear be because i know without a doubt in my mind that you'd rise again by my side iwill give it a try and do as you wish me to do get lost my sun master joo i heard that m ta be leave for somewhere very far away be+not you here with m ta where be she episode ne_number make sure to call me often okay yoube not going to stay away for too long right i do+not think iwill know how long iwill be until i actually get there be he the one that going with you that man he the one from your accident right that why you should+not worry iwill be back okay okay bye take care gong ri okay iwill call you she left you i thought ta gong shil would be fine as long as i handle everything but she told me that she afraid and it too much for her when i thought about it i never once try to understand nor take it into consideration the situation that she may be in then be you say that yoube being considerate and understanding of m tae situation and that why yoube let her go do i look crazy to you to let ta gong shil leave me like this why would i do something that ihave never do in ne_number year of my life in such a pivotal moment like this i do+not understand nor want to be considerate of her want to leave me please answer your phone do you end thing with that man how could i have end it i just force myself to walk away from him i wish the plane would just take off already it should get better once i put some distance between us right i told kang woo that i be leave today but he have+not even call his crappy dog manner ta gong shil left on a flight head for l a get me a seat on the next flight out ibe going to follow her yes iwill get you a seat on the flight as soon as i get your passport from the office joong win be going to america yes deputy ahn receive a phone call from chief secretary kim she just left for the airport with president joo passport why be he going to america all of a sudden what could this be about ibe not sure no it nothing once you go and pass the audition instead of return to korea let just stay there and hone your acting skill okay i need to use the bathroom ta gong shil yi ryung what be you do here be you going to america too be you going to there on a business trip with president joo no ibe just going there to take care of some personal business i read in the newspaper that yoube going to america to film a movie oh that ibe just going there for a audition be he with you my seat be over there come over to chat if you get bore we go to school together i got you a seat on a flight that leave in two hour nothing sooner no nothing as of now you just let ta gong shil leave she told me that she be going to leave as soon as cha hee joo case be resolve so you just let her leave instead of grab onto her and ask her to stay ibe not let her leave ibe going to follow her and bring her back even if you be to follow her there she have a two hour head start on you what if you lose track of her during that time gap this be a track device take this with you i be+not sure what be going to happen so i put a track device in gong shil bag ta gong shil do+not know that i do that go and make sure that you find her and bring her back yoube a very clever man team leader kang come back and work for me at kingdom again iwill double your salary turn it on for me ta yi ryung kang woo do you know that ta gong shil be on her way to america how do you know that she on the same flight that ibe on she going to america with some man whom ihave never see before really ta gong shil be on the same flight that ta yi ryung be on right now the plane be still on the ground hello hello hey hey you dog president joo joong win m ta yi ryung listen to me very carefully i need your gifted acting skill right now excuse me hey do you consider me a good actress what make sure you do+not get yourself involve in the act that ibe about to put on okay yi ryung what wrong gong shil my stomach hurt what what wrong with your stomach i do+not know but it really hurt i think it my appendicitis help someone help us please we need some help be she okay she need help gong shil it okay yi ryung just hang on big sun yes stay with me big sun gong shil do+not leave me gong shil it okay just hang on gong shil gong shil big sun no come with me you go on ahead yoube her guardian so you get in with her ta gong shil i never know that a day would come when i'd be impress by ta yi ryung acting you manage to get her to stay but what be you going to do now be understanding and considerate ibe going to have to start do those thing i want you to remain by my side and help me ibe not good at thing like that so if it seem like ibe do it wrong you have to get on my case and if i try to deviate from it you have to stop me just like what youhave be do at my side for the past ne_number year yes iwill do that but master joo ibe a little disappoint ihave be on your case for the past ne_number year but you do+not even budge but look at how easily youhave open up your heart to m ta whom youhave only know for a brief while it be+not easy you know that ibe not that easy of a person ibe not so sure chief secretary kim yes okay little sun yoube acting way too normal for someone who be die a minute ago can+not you tell by look i be fake it ihave be taking acting lesson from a acting coach lately and my acting get much better i just got a script for a woman who have terminal illness maybe i should do that do you get me off that plane just so that you could practice your acting on me well i do+not really want to go to that audition anyway and president joo joong win ask me to do it he ask me to get you off that plane president joo ask you to do that i do+not want to do it either i do+not like seeing you being happy with someone as successful as president joo it make me envious of you then why do you do it because thing need to get better for you and you have to become safe and happy in order for him to stop watch over you and feel safe enough to leave your side i could+not think of any other solution other than finding you happiness with president joo that why i help him if that the case then you should+not have get yourself involve because i be leave so that i could be safe and happy you seem to be say that because you do+not want to lose face in front of me but that not at all how you look i love you too much and that why ibe leave you that the candy fluff yoube try to play off right now candy that right ibe not good enough so ibe leave for your own good make me stay if you really love me if you do then iwill relent and stay president joo do more than his share by get you off of that plane stop play hard to get and let him grab onto you now if you insist on drag it out itwill only exhaust everyone involve yi ryung i have a big fatal flaw so i can+not pretend to be weak and just grab onto him a fatal flaw i think i know what it be you need both kang woo and president joo to feel empathy for you and protect you okay what be it i see dead people what there one in here too i think he be a patient who pass away in this hospital room i do+not believe in thing like that okay anyway he want me to pass along a message to you he say he a fan of yours ibe leave now hey ta gong shil where be you going if you leave me all alone after tell me something like that it scary i really hate ghost story when i be being clingy but even when ibe leave ibe still nothing but a gold dig candy girl in everyone else eye woo jin it you but why be you still here it woo jin's mom woo jin seeing you remind me of a terrify memory i do+not want to see you mr joo joong win you forcefully brought back the sun that be try to leave but do you manage to have her rise at your side again who be you ibe the man that leave with gong shil ibe sure that gong shil musthave told you ihave met someone who can see and hear the same thing that i can yoube tell me that you see ghost like ta gong shil do unlike you ibe someone who live in the same world which gong shil live in m ta chief secretary kim how could you have left without a word be you running away to avoid master joo i be+not running away i be just going to search for something the reason why i end up this way i be leave to search for a reason why i be made to be able to see dead people be you say if she go to those place that she be with you that shewill be able to find the reason why ibe not sure of that myself we can only know once we get there when yoube not even sure of it yourself you be still try to take her that far away from here that not what important what important be that for the very first time gong shil have start to take a real look at herself and who she be she hide herself away living in torment while avoid other all these year have+not she and when you appear you be like a safe haven she could escape to but now gong shil be consider step out on her own away from you that why i come to see gong shil what be it that you can do for ta gong shil her memory from those three year that she roam this earth as a spirit ibe going to help her regain those memory since that when she start seeing spirit once she regain her memory of that time itwill transform gong shil how so she will+not be afraid anymore she may be able to accept her ability to see spirit or it possible that she may even lose that ability yoube say that it possible she may not be able to see ghost anymore yes whether she accept her ability or lose her ability the defense shield you can offer to gong shil will become meaningless to her be ta gong shil aware of all this yes that why she coming with me so you thought that i be leave for president joo sake i be really only thinking of myself when i try to leave now that i think about it candy be much more of a romanticist than i be to leave like that for the sake of someone else ibe not that innocent bright nor kind hearted like that youhave change a lot just like how master joo have change you use to say that you be just grateful to have someone like you the sun that be crumple down below be now say how she want to rise high up in the sun and shine brilliantly and there nothing i can do about it either ibe at a loss for what to do seriously then do you think president joo could have the same misunderstanding do i really have to put on my candy act ibe not sure ibe not sure where master joo stand he master joo even though i have to force you to come back i feel like i can finally breathe again now that yoube standing in front of me listen president joo why do you hold me back i be try to leave for your own sake because i know i be+not good enough for you who do you think yoube talk to do you think that ibe going to run over to you and hold onto you from the back just because yoube put on that act be i being that obvious do the blunt and brazen sun all of a sudden become a moon of purity i just thought that you'd feel less offend and be a little bit more understanding if i told you that i do what i do for your benefit sake even if you come off sounding really blunt i like you better when yoube being honest i do+not like it when you change who you be which only end up confuse me okay then iwill be blunt and tell you how it be i ibe leave for the sake of my own survival it not that i have+not thought of you at all but my own well-being come first initially i felt comfortable to cling onto you as my defensive shield because i just clung onto you without have to think about anything else then i start to have feeling for you i think that when it all start that when i start hate myself for my ability to see ghost you told me that you'd lower yourself as much as you can to suit me right but i felt so pathetic about how low my life be i can+not live like this anymore i need to find out why i end up this way i want to get rid of my ability to see ghost if i can can you find your reason and come back to me i can+not promise you that iwill come back to you because if i do+not change from the way i be now there no way that iwill return to your side ever again i told you do+not i i do+not want to remain as the sun of misfortune at your side i never shouldhave go after you and fortunately your life do+not end then you be able to find a way to continue on with your life the way yoube meant to can you understand what ibe say ibe not a dumb street mutt i got it so you can give it a rest thank you seeing how yoube able to walk around freely at a hospital when you once told me that it be the scary place to you in the world i guess you will+not be coming back because you miss have your defensive shield i need to find another weapon to bring us back together wait for me until i do ibe going to leave just like i have plan then youwill be meeting some cop on your way to the airport why because yoube a sexual molester youhave touch every nook and cranny of my body you even crawl onto my bed without my permission you even paid me for the privilege of do that do+not you ne_number win one million win do+not you just tell me that you understand even if i understand i have no intention of being considerate there no way that iwill just send you off peacefully ibe just going to start do whatever i want from now on without a guilty conscience you can handle everything from now on all on your own once i think that yoube no longer afraid of ghost and that youwill be okay alone that when you can tell me to stop coming and go back to my own neighborhood that woman do+not have any self-respect there a definite reason why she can+not let me go and that why she do+not have the luxury to care about any self-respect i do+not get scare when ibe sure of the end all i ever told her every day be for her to handle everything and that there be a sure end for us and now i got what i ask for but still i got to tell her exactly how i felt i love you would that have be enough i guess i musthave go as far as what i fear in my worst case scenario i totally forget that i said those word to her the thing i said to madame go that be the worst thing i couldhave said death the end and not being attract i said some word that i never shouldhave said if it have+not be for that specific situation i do+not want to retrieve those word just to complicate thing again no ibe sure she do+not hear me say that the deal with madame go be all over now i even paid her a huge amount of money so that she never come back again i need to say nice word to her that way i can ask her how can she treat me so coldly like this i heard that han na brown be the culprit ugh it couldhave be really bad for president joo can you imagine how bad it would be if they got together like you want them to i can+not even fathom how shock my joong win musthave be you said that they be able to catch her all thanks to ta gong shil help right yes honey what bang shil do be amaze honey joong win be you okay aunt ibe really struggle right now so let do this some other time okay president joo ibe sure that you must be exhaust iwill take care of the shanghai meeting and the finalization of all the paperwork i have both side of my brain for that one to ponder business and the other side for my own personal life i can take care of them both myself so both of you just leave go i said it seem as though president joo be suffering from the huge shock i think he need someone whowill be at his side to comfort and console him he have me yes i know that he have you what he need now be a warm love presence who be you refer to ibe talk about bang shil deputy ahn told me a few thing and i guess ta gong shil be try to leave for somewhere far away after she resolve the case for him president joo go after her and got her back my goodness my heart just break for them i be really touch after i heard the story about the two of you from deputy ahn you get on that plane and master joo coming after you that just unbelievable if you really want to test the boundary of love get on the plane and pretend to leave be a pretty good tactic to use you know your stuff it be+not like that gong shil president joo go through all that trouble to bring you back and make you stay you should+not go okay he not the reason why ibe leave hey that man you told me that he even know about the thing you see if he tell you that he still like you even after knowing all that then should+not that be the end of it even in your eye do you think that he above my limit and ibe play hard to get undeservingly m ta gong shil you should give it a rest and stop play so hard to get okay why be you talk to my sister like that m ta gong shil yoube being ask to come to the vice president office me yes why once she get president joo aunt approval then i guess thing will go the way that the vice president want it to go i do+not think that it be possible for master joo and gong shil to work out i be start to wonder if i got on the wrong side of the fence but it end up that i have choose the golden side of the fence lee han joo you be on the vice president side of course ibe the vice president eye ear mouth ibe his head shoulder knee and toe then be you the blabbermouth from the vice president office all those time that you take me out to eat jokbal and everything else it be all so that you could go around blab that mouth of yours so you be just fish for information wait ta gong ri ibe not going to touch you nor provoke you for the time being so stop with all that needless talk of leave just to make thing hard for my joong win right now you two be tell me that you can+not live without one another and it seem ihave just made thing even more poignant and heart wrench by get in the middle of it so ibe not going to do that anymore i trust that my nephew will+not go off the deep end and hewill come back to his sense no do+not do that i do+not have the luxury to love anyone to the point of it being heart wrench you once told me that i be ominous do+not you what you said be right ihave drag president joo into my life and made him stand on the brink on the death yet here i be staring into that face all over again ibe never going to repeat that same mistake again bang shil do you have a grudge against me because i be a bit harsh with you in the past be you try to get a apology from me or something be that it i know that it only because you love president joo very much yoube very precious to the person that i care deeply about if anything ibe grateful to you be you try to play me too no ibe just going to leave you be and get lost for good it seem as though yoube start to have some doubt everyone can+not seem to understand me they all thought the same that i be bluff and play hard to get they think it ludicrous that someone like president joo would want me to stay then do you want to try remain at his side and live your life together while enduring and handle what may come your way because it seem to me that he be ready to do that you know that i can+not do that my decision to leave be a extremely difficult decision for me to make even the thought of never being able to see him again make me feel completely empty inside this kid be he following you around his name be woo jin he follow me because he really worry about his mom be you not going to help this kid out no ibe not the last time i follow this kid i almost cause joong win to die ibe going with you because i do+not want to do anything like that again then iwill wait for you at the airport tomorrow it up to you whether youwill come with me or not so yoube the cause of gong shil agony huh it seem as though even her final decision will all come down to you again she sleeping after threaten me to come with the necessity after a fake hospitalization and she sleep it seem like a big project led by a famous director i wonder if she making a huge mistake by let go of this opportunity seeing how she sleeping so peacefully she seem perfectly fine to me what the heck do you attack me just now even though ibe a little flustered by your surprise ambush but i come prepare for it so i will+not get mad at you but be you sure that be enough i be prepare for something even more drastic with you being the black whiskered whale and all but thanks for such a bland end what you really will+not get mad if i do something more than that no i would+not have get mad it a opportunity that you even give up a international movie for but that too bad kang woo that do+not count ibe going to do it right this time there be reporter wait outside you can+not come out there okay i shouldhave just jump on him i be attempt to organize my thought in order to renegotiate with you i discover a huge injustice along the process the more i think about it the more ridiculous it all seem what ridiculous you and ihave be taking turn talk about our end when in fact wehave never even really start wehave never once share a meal or held hand without have a ghost involve talk about our end when there be+not even a begin do+not you find that funny yes it funny ihave touch you grab you and poke you enough to get accuse of sexual harassment but ihave never once touch you just because i want to from like you forget all that talk about leave and just grab my hand and let just go grab dinner together it feel weird i think this be the first time ihave ever held your hand without there being a ghost see do+not it feel unfair to just end it after only have held hand once since ihave grab onto your hand why do+not we go have dinner together iwill just go in and change real quick make it quick this be my favorite udon restaurant this place be the best in this area i love udon so much that i find myself eat it about five time a week this be the first time ihave ever heard of how much you like udon i hate these fat noodle that sit in a bowl of this hot broth i like the refresh taste and thin nangmyun noodle i see so you like nangmyun that do+not mean that i like all nangmyun i only like it from this certain restaurant it number three on their menu but ever since the grandmother of that place pass away the flavor of the dish change so ihave quit eat nangmyun really have i know sooner i wouldhave stop by that nangmyun place if that deceased grandmother be still there do+not you think i couldhave found out why the flavor of the dish have change i find that to be unfair too where that nangmyun place iwill stop by before i leave do+not pretend to care when yoube just going to leave and abandon me go on and eat before your fat noodle get fat i hope you really enjoy eat it and that you feel a sense of longing whenever you eat another bowl of udon i come to this place from time to time to get some exercise i use to be really good at sport i be especially good at tennis ibe good at other thing besides tennis such as horseback ride golf and archery i guess you wouldhave concentrate more on being athletic since you could+not read i on the other hand only read because i could+not go outside that too bad we couldhave live together with me read all the book that you'd recommend and with me teach you all the sport that ibe really good at yoube break the fundamental structure of give and take when you leave i guess yoube right ihave always want to learn how to horseback ride and how to golf i have horse golf course swim pool and tennis court i have them all in other word you could say that i have a lifetime membership to all those thing you even have horse i saw the ghost of a horse once but you can+not ride the ghost of a horse president joo there a old lady sitting on that bench who like to mess with couple on their date all the couple that sit on that bench end up break up excuse me theywill end up break up if i just leave them alone then let them break up my relationship be about to be broken up as well i do+not want to see other have a happy end ta gong shil do+not go m ta told me that she be leave for the sake of her own benefit that why ibe sure master joo will+not be able to force her to stay either ihave always thought that president joo could do the thing for ta gong shil that i never could do for her myself that why ihave take a step back only to stare at her from afar but if ta gong shil be say that she herself be what she really afraid of then the only thing president joo can do be to take a step back and watch her as he wait for her like ihave do master joo have never once accept a person's decision for what it be whether hewill be able to be understand and be considerate of her decision be something that ibe not sure hewill be able to do i do+not even know that jerk be the blabbermouth ihave be search for i go out to eat chicken gizzard and even lamb heart with him hey blabbermouth this be my bottle i do+not pour that drink just so you can dump it into that cheap blabbermouth of yours hey blabbermouth why be+not you say anything why do+not you try say something huh that cheap mouth of yours be useless unless it use for gossipe right hey hey what what do you just do with that cheap mouth of yours now that the only kind of excuse my lip can make your excuse be a little short then should i give you a longer explanation first of all since you can+not be the only sober one here start drinking give us another bottle it taste so sweet so sweet i really like the rooftop of your place i can now understand why you say that you feel most comfortable up there it a perfect place to have a beer i want to fill up your fridge with beer and i want to come over every day to have one ta gong shil how many beer should i get to fill up your fridge should i buy one beer for tonight or can i fill it up as much as i want for now just a single pack six beer i want to have a beer too while hold your hand if it only six beer we can either drink them all tonight or if there be still some left then you can come back another time okay one pack any specific kind you like no iwill figure that out on my own wewill just start off with a pack it would be too unfair to just leave without even do that one pack six day ihave bought myself that much time at least woo jin gong shil please help my mom no i do+not want to ibe not going to look at you gong shil please help me ibe not going go away i said ibe not going where do she go president joo why be+not she answer her phone miss be+not you going to answer your phone i be+not sure what be going to happen so i put a track device in gong shil bag found it driver stop the car woo jin mommy be coming to be with you ma'am no you can+not please do+not do this let go please do+not do this do+not do this please calm down you can+not do this woo jin woo jin you can+not do this it too dangerous i want to go to him it okay woo jin be standing next to her he come to ask for my help because his mother be in danger i almost got you kill the last time i follow that kid but i end up following him again even though i stop her this time she may try do the same thing again that her life how can you expect yourself to handle all that i kept being sway because i continue to see and hear them even though i really hate it this be just who i be i can+not even handle myself so how can you be expect to handle me if you go with that man will you then be able to stop seeing the thing that you do+not want to see i do+not know but do+not you think that i should at least try to find out why i end up this way iwill accept your decision okay this end right here ta gong shil you and i be nothing but two people whohave only held hand once and share one single meal together it mean that wewill easily forget one another ibe going to forget you okay if you really hate me you can curse me and call me a bitch who left you after bewitching you no thanks there no need to curse out a woman whom ihave only held hand and dine with once ibe leave even to the very end she have+not said that she love me it have now be three hundred and seventy five day since the sun go down in my life but i have+not collapse and crumble what should i wear today be everything prepare yes our sale and revenue must beat out giant mall in the annual sale report webe prepare some special event for the end of the year sale drive iwill be leave for shanghai after this season end we need a huge and definitive advantage over giant mall in sale before i leave how much this much this much even big this much once joong win leave for shanghai next year youwill be taking over his position as the president of this location the thought of that give me the butterfly i have to do whatever i can to make sure that he get marry before he leave he see m park so hyun with all the frequent meeting with sejin group right what do you think of those two they only get into hot debate over money i do+not see any possibility between those two why do+not you try set up a dinner or something after one of those meeting you can do that can+not you well yes okay but from the way i see it it seem to me that president joo be wait do you think that it make any sense that joong win would wait around for anyone as long as he want i can get a line of woman for him from here to the moon but bang shil what be she a princess from outer space or something why would he wait for her well you know ibe wait for the sun to rise again as a show of your belief that the sun will rise again can you bang the can and spin the lid thanks in its own way it comfort me when you bang the can and spin the lid for me deputy ahn do you tell him that his meeting with sejin group be at the palace hotel yes sejin group call this morning to confirm as well oh no what to do i need to coordinate with president joo schedule and set the meeting up at kingdom but i seem to have made a mistake i have to go with him to that meeting president joo will probably get really upset if we change the schedule iwill speak to him since ibe the one who made the mistake how in the world do i make such a simple mistake like that i wonder if i be bewitch by a ghost webe here way too early for the meeting there no way that chief secretary kim wouldhave made a simple mistake like this i wonder if he really sick chief secretary kim have you be to the hospital yet you still have to consider your age even if it be just a cold take the next few day off and rest yoube going to get me sick with your cold ibe going to send over the doctor so just stay home and do+not go anywhere what about dinner iwill send over some of your favorite tuna porridge no you can+not have any ice cream ibe hanging up i notice you when you first walk in if it okay with you can i join you for a drink no ibe actually wait for someone youhave be sitting here by yourself all night well yes excuse me yes would it be okay if i move my seat thank you this change be nice have seoul night skyline always be this pretty excuse me miss would you like to have a drink with me no thanks please go away you look so much like someone i know i said forget it yoube really not going to look at me ibe here with someone who a ghost it be you ta gong shil the bitch who left me after bewitching me subtitle by dramafever subtitle by dramafever ibe a unique and special entity in your world the only way i will+not be aggrieve be if you felt like die without me but i do+not know what to tell you i just feel slightly disappoint when yoube not around just slightly disappoint i have+not be wait around hope for you to remember me all i need to do be show you this and youwill remember who i be but i purposely kept it and do+not return it to you you purposely kept it to yourself and do+not return it to me yes i thought it would be better for the both of us not to have this i be plan to throw this away since it be just something that i pick up here you can have it you be seriously thinking of throw it away yes so if i have+not take it upon myself to remember and recover it you really be plan to toss this away and never to be found again yes anyway ihave already throw it away then should i throw it away too since it yours to begin you can do whatever you want with it then iwill throw it away too iwill simply get rid of it be you in pain yeah ibe in pain i feel like my back be split in half i thought youhave fully recover have you ever be stab with a screwdriver if it have go any deep it wouldhave pierce my heart do it still hurt the moment i got my memory back the shock and agonize pain i felt when i got stab come back too let get you home yeah i think i need to go home take me to the park garage iwill go get someone to help you i got hurt because of you and you can+not even help me walk be+not you being too harsh okay let go you do+not even once visit me at the hospital while i be there do you why be you disappoint when you do+not even remember being there do you know how much pain i be in to be honest it still ache whenever i take a breath yes ibe sure that you be in a great deal of pain be that the best you can say can+not you be a bit more sincere when you say that yes ibe sure that you be in a great deal of pain right there that where it hurt you do the driving me then you expect me to drive when ibe in this much pain unlock the door itwill be dangerous if something jump out while yoube driving this be for my own safety just concentrate on driving i have to concentrate on enduring my pain start the car ibe sorry han na i do+not think joong win be feeling well he probably go home i think he go off to see ta gong shil i guess he still feel draw to her even though he have no memory of her she be the woman he care far enough to risk his own life it understandable that he would feel this way do mr joo joong win get hurt in his attempt to save her no yes that right i see i have no idea that ta gong shil meant that much to mr joo joong win we look the same but yoube not the one that joong win like the only thing that joong win know be that he like a girl name cha hee joo i want to tell joong win who i truly be ibe sorry hee joo i be+not able to take in my twin niece that my sister left behind of the twin han na be adopt and she move to england and hee joo grow up in a orphanage here in korea do+not you tell me that i have a twin i want to go and find my sister this be the picture they sent me when they met for the first time i be going to come to korea myself so that i could also meet hee joo but when han na come back to england she told me that hee joo have die in a accident my little sister be dead why do+not you look her she be left her all alone there and i have+not see han na again since that day but why do you think that after these past ne_number year she appear by master joo side there a very high probability that she be the co-conspirator han na wouldhave never do something like that president joo will be shock when he find out han na be the late cha hee joo twin but when he find out that yoube a blood relative of cha hee joo he will be tremendously shock it even possible that he may misunderstand the nature of your true intention you think that all those year that ihave remain by master joo side would end up in a terrible misunderstanding one in which he may never forgive me get some rest ibe going to get going now what would you like to drink ibe going to have a beer and you can have a soda since i do+not have any soda you can have some sparkle water i thought that you said you be in pain do you really think that ihave brought you all the way here because of my back pain you know that be+not the real reason but you still come with me okay let just forget everything that wehave agree to disregard and start over from scratch and reorganize our thought okay fine let talk now since ibe here i understand that you want to run away because of your guilt you probably think this be all your fault for drag me in but ibe also partly to blame because i run in there without a plan end of story we just need to more cautious from now on i'd always anticipate that wewill end thing at some point and that made me want to keep one foot out the door but after that near death experience that when i know for sure i do+not want to end thing with you ibe not going to end it just remain by my side iwill handle everything so youhave already decide that what you want to do that right so when i start to seduce you you just need to fall for me and come to me drink up i do+not think that ibe going to fall for you that easily to me you be no longer the desperately necessary entity that i need like before ibe your defensive shield what happen do i lose my ability when i got stab by the screwdriver no that not it it just that ibe no longer afraid of the ghost like i use to be so i no longer need to have a defensive shield yoube still really great and rich and all but that ultimate attractiveness about you that draw me to you be no longer there you suck up to me by say that i be a shield made out of the fine marble in this world when you really need me but what be i you no longer find me attractive because yoube not afraid ghost anymore yes it the same thing as a woman like a man for his money and the guy lose his attraction to her when he lose his fortune ihave lower myself as much as i could go to fit you on your level but yoube tell me that that my worth have go down then do you want to renegotiate our term do+not lower yourself to suit me or fall any lower either i told you that i do+not want that ibe going to go now okay you can go for now wewill renegotiate once ibe do staring at myself in the mirror and find some other appeal that i can offer to you you do that you she say yoube not attractive youhave never heard that before have you no do+not quiver and do+not get angry either wewill go back and renegotiate just endure it unclench your fist this be no fun ibe unattractive to her yoube quick with your calculation just name your price iwill give you whatever you want you musthave figure out a very precise answer to your calculation once i pay up ta gong shil contract with you be over i will never block your sun from you again iwill try talk to madame go your top priority be their look why do you care so much about look when yoube already dead excuse me you think that man be perfect but that man be still alive what be you thinking just get lost i heard that it going to rain tonight be you going on your gt dress like that what a gt the ghost train that madame go make you go on do you train yourself to not be afraid when you go ghost hunt ihave sign a contract with her that all over now she and i have come to a settlement ah you settle it with her that good ibe sure youhave already heard i sign that contract because i want to bring you back to life i thought it be great that you be able to wake back up safely but i do feel that it be a little unfair that i got shaft on this shaft sacrifice devotion love it would sound so much better if you have use those kind of word instead feeling like that only exist in fairy tale the wolf and the lamb who meet on that stormy night their feeling for each other be so pure and sweet be+not it that because it a children's book but in reality a wolf and a lamb cannot be together yoube well aware of that yourself i come back to life from the brink of death i left reality to jump into a fairytale but it sound like you crawl out of the fairytale into reality during that time mine be a very cruel fairytale a dark fairytale where a person die and come visit the other it scare me so much i crawl out of that fairytale you should just go back to your neighborhood now this be the third time youhave told me to get lost today which mean ihave endure you turn me down three time do+not you remember what you once said to me stick around after being told to get lost be something only a mutt would do it seem to me that yoube not taking your own advice my ear be wide open and i can hear you very well but i do+not understand it grandmother what be you do here again webe in the middle of a important conversation what be you do tell them to come back another time your son be there do that again that very dangerous okay let go where be you going do+not touch me this be+not the time for your defensive shield just go home this be the fourth time she told me to get lost ibe count the number of time grandmother it okay i think it going to start rain soon be you really not afraid at all i can handle it be your son in a bad state yoube not able to leave in peace because your son be still cause trouble right what grandmother tell me what going on you can+not see the grandmother anyway so you do+not need to know right why be you laugh what be it what do you care you can+not hear her anyway yes yoube right he a bit be you guy talk about me i do+not need to hear to know that there he be mister mister from the supermarket mister mister i can see him too how much do he have to drink mister grandmother should i wake him up like i do before national sing competition i win first place at that competition yes you do someone who win first place at a national sing competition can+not be lie in the middle of the street right it very dangerous to be there in front of the truck like that come on let go you couldhave just explain what be going on to me if that man be dangerous and if he held a weapon at me would you run to save me again like the last time what if he have a gun in his hand would you have take the bullet for me ibe not going to drag you into situation like that anymore be you ask me to leave you to face these danger alone it more dangerous when the two of us be together we do+not see or hear the same thing you can grab onto me and not see or hear anything either how can i live my life cling onto you like that i have my own world to live in so you be serious when you told me that you can live without me you be bewitch because of my persistent cling truthfully no other woman in this world wouldhave come onto you like i do i come back even after get pull away by the hair i clung onto you even though youhave told me to get lost a ne_number time ibe sorry president joo there absolutely no reason why you should let me stick around you that right i fell for your spell and lost my mind yoube say all the right word but i still can+not understand any of it i musthave turn into a street mutt once you take a step back from me and think about it very carefully youwill come back to your sense i do+not want to hear you tell me to get lost for the fifth time ibe going to get going be careful going home alone yoube still here what there someone who want to meet me right now who you come ihave ask joon suk to bring you here so that i could see you joon suk be the kid who be ask you to buy coffee every day gong shil do you remember who i be i know you ibe positive that ihave see you in my dream it be+not just a dream you be with me during the three long year that you be in a coma the sun will rise again and iwill be back by your side again because yoube here meeting you felt like a fresh ray of sunshine you have no idea how reassure it feel to know that i have a defensive shield to run there when ibe truly scare master joo be you awake how can i live the rest of my life cling onto you like that i have my own world that i need to live in he someone who can see and hear the same thing that i do i be the one who discover you out there in the wood because your spirit come and told me where you be during the whole time you be lie in a coma in the hospital your spirit never go back to your body we stay together for three whole year ihave live as a ghost for three whole year be that why ibe able to see ghost i do+not know the exact reason for it myself because i do+not know how i come to see them either here you be with me at all the place that i take those picture he tell me that i be there want to go back to those place then you will be able to remember those time that you spent with me there someone else in this world who can see and hear the same thing that i can i guess you finally realize who i be uncle i do+not know it be you because youhave change so much han na i heard that you go all the way to england to meet with my friend and ask around about me why do you do that do something happen between you and hee joo be you involve in the accident that cause hee joo death chief secretary kim when do you get back i got my memory back while you be go let you and i talk i thought i be going to burst because i have absolutely no one to talk to come into my office master joo before we do that there something that you need to hear first what be it it about cha hee joo do you find her twin sister yes and those twin girl be my niece chief secretary kim be cha hee joo uncle someone whom wehave suspect to be the twin sister have be found in close proximity to president joo joong win cha hee joo old sister how interesting yoube say that you suspect me of being the culprit these be all the postcard youhave sent yes yoube right those be the postcard that i sent to a friend of mine you be in every city that i be in have you be following me around be that how it look like i guess but my uncle be always right by your side uncle do you remember the email you always sent me although i never respond to any of them you always write about where you be and which place you thought be nice and the place you go which you thought may be of help in my study i listen to him because it be a advice give to me by my only blood relative yes she right i email her every month to let her know what i be do i be pretty sure she be read them so i never sever tie with my niece uncle although ibe a little shock to hear that hee joo be the culprit you must know there be no reason for me to have be her co-conspirator han na grow up in a very rich family there no reason why she wouldhave do something like that for money the han na that i know be a very kind and bright child she would never have do something like that hee joo be always the dark one and she be really greedy too why do you keep the secret about you being her twin sister why do you hover so close around me when i met hee joo she told me all about you that joo joong win he come every christmas to the orphanage with his arm laden with gift i always thought that he look like a prince ihave like him ever since i be little girl hee joo told me that she never got the courage to talk to you she always felt too shabby and pathetic i give her the courage she need but that love end so tragically i become interest in you because you be someone whom hee joo like people always say that twin share a very special bond i thought that you be show some interest in me too then you told me that i be+not the real thing how disappoint that right yoube a fake but iwill take what yoube say right now as the real thing since chief secretary kim be vouch for you iwill be going back to england soon be+not the statue of limitation for hee joo accident end soon i be going to give hee joo a proper goodbye when it end but everything turn into such a mess ibe sorry for not have told you the truth sooner i come to you because i be curious about the boy who be involve in my niece death but i saw that the boy scar run very deep remain by that boy side to help him heal his scar seem to be the only thing i could do for the niece that i have lost enough please stop when you first start i told you that you be a recorder and a interpreter it seem that ihave open myself up too much in front of those two thing if you find it burdensome to have me remain by your side iwill stop and leave your side do that thanks to you i be able to escape his suspicion you heard from team leader kang right that ihave be deceitful all this time i can understand if youhave misinterpret my intention no ihave see cha hee joo hee joo never once glance in your direction i hear that you can see spirit youhave see dead hee joo spirit yes hee joo told me that she want to protect the culprit if the ghost be will to protect the culprit then i guess itwill be pretty difficult to catch that person you do+not think han na the culprit do you can you catch the culprit i really do+not want to do it but i think ibe going to have to grant hee joo her request be you not suspect han na because you believe what secretary kim said no ibe positive that she be the co-conspirator we just need to find the evidence and catch her if she go back to england itwill all be over she come back on her own accord and she even try to seduce me she would+not have do that unless she be sure that there be no evidence to be found so be you just going to give up and watch her walk away ihave found out everything that i want to know i want to know who the co-conspirator be and i now know who that be she said she want to protect her because han na be her old twin sister cha hee joo be dead no matter how much you hate her do+not you think that you should at least try to make a effort to understand why thing happen the way it do if that what yoube going to do then do+not do it in front of me keep do it behind my back like you do with my father iwill do that iwill leave kingdom and do it outside of this place president joo i do+not want to tell you to get lost too if yoube here to talk about hee joo then do+not ihave got my ne_number billion win radar on i keep get hee joo on my radar maybe it be during the moment when i be dead i saw hee joo during those moment i finish read that same book while seat in front of her and then i felt at peace i be able to read all the word that be write on those page very easily i no longer hate hee joo then do that mean it all over ihave continue to see hee joo she be always standing next to that woman han na do+not you tell me that hee joo want to protect her co-conspirator it probably why she remain by her side tell her to keep do that if she want ibe not going to get my money back just because i go after her twin sister it just going to bring more thing to light which i do+not want to know about but still i just want to end it here but she be the criminal and i be the victim i said that ibe let it go and just accept thing for what they be do i need to try to understand when i can+not even see or hear her that why you should+not look at that dead girl any longer either okay ibe not going to force you to try to understand thing that only i can see and hear anymore you should live your life in peace this be just something that i want to resolve for you your radar be useless ta gong shil in the begin you hate the thing that you could see and hear and you clung onto me as your shield because you want to escape from that but why be you start to fight me on this why be you try to see and hear them more and more when you do that but your life be more peaceful now the more useless we become to one another the easy our live will get for the both of us i fought and found my way back because i thought you could+not be without me but i see it be nothing more than a slight disappointment to not have me around this be unfair if i continue standing here look at you ibe just going to tell you to get lost from the injustice of it all you should leave team leader kang be you really quit yes i heard that chief secretary kim quit too yes i think so thanks for everything first ta gong shil quit her job then chief secretary kim and now team leader kang what a mess then who be to become the team leader now ihave decide to go to america okay that good but i can+not just leave like this what about it have dinner with me before i leave do you know how many reservation ihave cancel because of you okay let go eat iwill treat i thought you'd want to go somewhere that would destroy my paycheck but this be it a while back you said you be going to bring me here to eat pickle radish so i want to check it out and see what the big fuss be about i take your status into consideration and rent out the whole place eat as much as you'd like but now that webe here like this it feel a bit weird but it simple this way let pretend that webe a couple from high school who met by chance and then part way after share some ddukbokki simple and fleeting forget it just go and get me some more pickle radish do i look like a high school to you let cheer one shot you have to knock it back like a black whiskered whale okay this be weird i feel like ihave be drinking kang woo i do+not want to break up with you if i have just told you that i want to have a drink you you probably wouldhave told me that you do+not want to right ibe not try to be stubborn ibe just not a very good drinker do+not you find me the least bit pretty do+not i look a bit pretty to you now that yoube drunk yes yoube pretty ta yi ryung be very pretty there be a few time when i thought to myself wahh yoube really pretty when you'd show up out of the blue then why do+not you like me when you think ibe pretty because there someone that i want to protect she do+not even know that ihave be protect her this whole time do you think that yoube ta gong shil bodyguard or something yeah if she'd just call out my name just once i will appear out of thin air to stand in front of her that why i i continue to stand in the sideline and watch her from afar i do+not want her to feel afraid anymore i want her to feel safe that the only way i can stop being her bodyguard i do+not want to protect you where be you say that yoube going to go be+not this another country be you going abroad gong ri there someone else who able to see ghost like i can he want me to go there with him there another person like you he really see the thing that you do yeah i do+not really remember him but he say he know me very well gong ri during those three year that i spent in the hospital he told me that my spirit come and stay with him during that whole time you be there from the begin right what do you think will happen he might be more understanding since he can see the same thing but do you think that youwill be able to leave the man you love behind if someone like me who see and hear useless thing remain next to a man who only do what he want and hear what he want he will+not be able to live his life in peace yoube leave much quick than i expect if i be any later i couldhave miss you completely i thought you be going to let me go do you come to capture me do you really think that i'd just let you go you said that you believe me in front of my uncle if i be to capture you as the co-conspirator chief secretary kim who try to protect his only niece will be hurt the secret agent that my father sent to keep a eye on me be quite good so i be thinking of have him turn you over to the police but ibe not going to do that let you and i see this thing through right here right now give me back my necklace and get lost you seem to be convince that ibe the culprit do that woman ta gong shil hear something from hee joo do+not involve that woman in this do you want to die and be reunite with hee joo if that what you want i can arrange for that to happen that woman must be very special to you have you completely forget about cha hee joo wait fifteen long year to see you be prove to be in vain what be this whole thing be you try to approach me again like how you and hee joo try to do in the past i guess seduction be+not your forte even though you be her twin ihave never once be interest in you then iwill tell you the truth joo joong win cha hee joo be+not the woman that you be in love with it be her old twin sister han na ibe leave help me ibe sorry my first love be+not cha hee joo so it be you hee joo could only watch you from afar so han na pretend to be hee joo and start talk to you in her place yoube joo joong win right my name be cha hee joo han na be a girl who shone brightly as if she have the whole world within her grasp ultimately she got you the person that the dark and tragic hee joo have desperately want for herself but in the end she lost that too hee joo end up get very angry that why she do what she do ibe sorry for all this joo joong win hee joo han na that be something that the two of you plan and do together cha hee joo do that all on her own han na would never do something like that she be a angel try to remember the girl whom you be in love with one of the two end up die you saw it do+not you you witness the moment of her death but which of the girl do you think be dead be it han na or hee joo who be you be you cha hee joo i told you ibe sweet han na it be that bitch cha hee joo who die that the truth youhave know for the past ne_number year be+not it you said that the dead girl be a bitch it would be too much of a tragedy if it be the nice girl that have die yoube cha hee joo be+not you please i need you to die as cha hee joo i told you that ibe the nice and sweet han na ibe the same han na whom you use to be in love with that why ihave return to you i thought that once ihave return you'd fall in love with me again but you already got another woman stuck by your side no yoube not it yoube a fake why be you acting like this now you be too involve in your own scar that you never once try to find out or understand why that girl end up die if you just keep on believe the truth youhave know youwill be able to live your life in peace be you say that she really end up die because of me that right she die because of you ibe han na you do+not believe me even if you do+not there no way you can prove it otherwise whatever the case ibe sorry for all this joo joong win joo joong win cha hee joo what do you just call me cha hee joo it me hee joo the one and only person who know that yoube the real cha hee joo it must have be nice for you to be living as han na brown in my place what do you think that yoube do right now i borrow this woman's body because i want to talk to you face to face this be absurd get away from me you do+not believe me should i tell you what the last word you said to me cha hee joo be going to die here if not ibe going to kill joo joong win please i need you to die as cha hee joo i die as you and i allow you to live as me why have you come back hee joo be you really han na i stole this woman's body so that i could come see you hee joo i die because of you be+not that right you can bring me back to life again help me webe sister okay let leave together just like how cha hee joo have be living as han na brown you can live your life as ta gong shil iwill help you and wewill never come near joo joong win again this be great because i really do+not like seeing that woman by his side once that woman disappear joo joong win will be alone the rumor about joo joong win being curse by cha hee joo ihave always like that rumor i guess iwill be leave him behind with another curse do+not run away just because yoube afraid that humiliate you couldhave just stay away and never come back you couldhave also just left without tell him anything so why do you tell him everything do you want to torment joong win i thought that i could have him if i come back as han na but he told me that i be a fake he recognize that you be+not the girl that he be in love with i know ibe not han na whom he be in love with what be it webe in middle of a operation joong win do+not know who you really be i know because he never met the real cha hee joo but my name will forever remain in his heart as his curse cha hee joo yes it be you that right since ibe the real cha hee joo han na i heard that you said you want to protect me let go han na iwill protect you the late han na said she want to protect hee joo who still living even though she be unfairly frame and get shaft on the deal in other word it all about sacrifice devotion and love but even at the end you never realize that cha hee joo you yoube not han na be you you dare to deceive me you cause han na death and you deceive everyone you do all that do+not you cha hee joo there no evidence to support your story hee joo you left something besides the girl who lost her life luckily we still have two day left until the statute of limitation be up cha hee joo what i really stole be+not this necklace but it be han na life but no one know that ibe sorry for all this han na my old twin sister hee joo i will remain with you by your side it all over ta gong shil it really be all over um hee joo i mean han na say there one last message that she'd like for me to pass along you have something you'd like to say to her too do+not you joong win i hope that i no longer remain as a source of pain to you ibe sorry ibe sorry for have hate you without knowing the truth ibe sorry why be you cry ibe cry for you in your place since yoube not good at cry my ten billion win radar that be a huge thing you just do let go iwill treat you ibe leave i feel so much better now that i be able to resolve cha hee joo case before i leave it a relief to know that i be+not completely useless to you leave leave to go where ihave met someone who can see and hear the same thing that i do i told that person that wewill be leave somewhere together when you come to see me as a spirit you told me that i shone brightly as the sun i think that ibe a sun that should only shine brightly for those who be dead i just want to shine brightly and be popular only amongst the ghost but when ibe with you so it not just that yoube slightly disappoint when ibe not around but i actually make you fear and hate yourself i do+not want to remain by your side only to become that kind of a sun please tell me to just get lost and out of your life now the only reason why i be able to tell you to get lost all this time without any fear be because i know without a doubt that you'd come back to me and rise again as the sun in my life iwill give it a try and do as you wish me to do get lost my sun if the sun walk out of my life like this it going to destroy me subtitle by dramafever subtitle brought to you by the i see dead people ne_email i be surprise that i thought i be imagine thing but i guess it be you ta gong shil i be so surprise too that i thought i be seeing a ghost be your radar still working can you still see ghost be your company a ghost be you in the middle of have one drink with one i do+not want to meet you like this there be+not any ghost i can+not see them anymore really yes that why you can stop with the ghost have you be well would someone who curious as to how ihave be do not contact me and only meet in a place like this under these kind of circumstance i have be curious i be wonder if i should go see you so you at least be able to wonder about it i have be well i traveled here and there too i have change you look like youhave change ceo have everyone from the sejin group arrive yes they just arrive here include miss park tell them that a important meeting have become longer and that iwill be a little late yes yoube here for a appointment yes a meeting that hold a lot of money for each second it pay ne_number million in sale ibe give this time to you be secretary kim no longer with you because of his age he should+not work outside the office oh miss park of the sejin group that the girl you be engage to before right yes ibe going to hold hand with her join with her in business and open a kingdom in shanghai i guess youwill make a lot of money then i guess ihave met you at the wrong time if yoube try to make a lot of money around next month ibe going to be leave for china for several year so the timing be just right i be so load with money i invest it so i even bought a house in england seeing as yoube brag about your money iwill congratulate you but can you really not see them ghost anymore yes i can+not see them anymore so after you broke free of them do you enjoy being alone yes now that i be free ibe enjoy myself a bit it true well that be something to brag about so i guess you should at least have one i have a meeting soon so ibe sorry i can+not drink with you congratulation on turn off your radar i guess everything okay because nothing come up why be it still true that you be afraid to take a drink because you dread that something will emerge do+not you feel like confirm whether you be free of ghost or not no it fine i told you ihave change now i guess so congratulation really thank you i have a strong sense of money the timing be good let see each other again at a good time if you find a good timing be you really thinking of coming to see me yes i do have that thought iwill be going first she get better but she not look at me final episode do+not follow me you said you drink and even crash why would you come cry to me to buy you a drink at a time like this that person without seeing any ghost want to see ta gong shil not the radar or anything like that because of you everything got ruin miss be you okay if yoube not feeling well should i open a window mister take me to mang-uri i thought you said that yoube going to seodaemun i must go to mang-uri before i go i have to buy a garden shear where will i be able to buy one a shear why a tree branch keep poke me i have to cut it off be you drunk there no tree branch mister have you ever live in the ground oh that scare me what what what mister stop the car ta gong shil forget about the timing and get off be she your girlfriend that perfect i can+not go take this waste woman and get her out of here let go to mang-uri a ghost come in go away can you hear my heart can you see my tear if you fled because of the ghost in this one world then iwill let that slide ta gong shil i need it to be you why be you making me go crazy why be you making me cry when you get close enough for me to hold your hand you get further away like the wind ta yang be you awake yoube wonder how much you must want to sleep with this man to dream a dream like this right since yoube already dream do you feel it a waste since it so plain i do+not want to even if the sun be up should i cooperate come here what happen why be i here youhave really change ta gong shil the same ta yang that stuck to me like glue you at least ask what happen to me ibe ask you what happen ibe sure i be in a taxi yoube be drunk and be basically take over the taxi you ride i follow and i pick you up after you got kick out of the taxi for making a mess be i okay i be+not okay yesterday you seduce in many different way mister ice cream please ice cream please ice cream i want more no more if you eat more our gong shil will get a stomachache shewill get sick and get a fat belly no who be you now from the pose it not a dog meow meow there be a old cat living downstairs i guess it left dead it seem it left die come down look at that last time a dog come and rip my cushion what should i throw at you meow darling that my skincare not alcohol it to apply on the skin you can+not drink it ibe so lonely tonight do+not leave me alone hey parisian if i touch you youwill be force to leave her body i can+not give you what you want it hard for me to even hold hand and sleep just be satisfy with sleeping separately no do you need me to speak in french for you no go away ibe really going crazy i really need to hold it in too by any chance yesterday do i say something weird after i drink alcohol i see that during the time you be go you develop voluptuousness which you do+not have you got drunk and kept coming at me daringly but it not like i could respond to that sleeping with just hold hand be really hard i be just a drunk easy girl you be just drunk whoever drink get drunk yesterday you be just a drunk ta gong shil ibe relieve sorry ta gong shil ta gong shil iwill bring you water ceo i miss you since you can still see thing like that do you miss your hideout it absolutely not that i just really really really miss you a lot but i still see ghost i could+not find a way to live as a normal person so that why you do+not come to me ihave be get ready to seduce you after becoming a awesome and normal woman iwill show up in front of you and youwill fall for me and after you fall for me i still see ghost i want to tell you this i be already into you so what so important about what come first and last it important i do+not want to meet you again as a girl with a radar who hang onto her hideout i even made a lot of the money you like ibe sorry i cause a ruckus thank you for the tea hey easy woman usually when you spend a night at a man's house should+not you easily give him your number and ask when you can meet him again and make your time easily available what do you mean make everything available ibe not a easy woman okay then iwill correct it arrogant ta gong shil since i know you arrogantly would+not give me your number i take it on my own when i call you politely do not not get it arrogantly push me away or else ibe going to spread a rumor say that yoube easy do+not call me iwill do it ihave decide on that well you said what come first and last be important so iwill do that consider myself being understanding and care can i send you text well if you want thank you iwill be leave then ta gong shil try hard to seduce me do everything you can fighting oh i musthave be fine after drinking yeah there have+not be anything that have be going in and out lately oh what a relief okay iwill bring him with me ta gong shil what about joong win i do+not think he in a condition to go work out really what happen to joong win yesterday he even cancel that important meeting with the sejin group i do+not know but he have a bang shil gong shil kind of smile bang shil be also a expression for smile it seem to me that he be+not going to any other woman besides gong shil it be a year since he see bang shil gong shil if he do+not see her for another year hewill forget her i guess ceo joo will only have thing to smile bang shil bang shil over from now on bang shil fighting yes since joong won's not going i do+not want to go either my body condition be not that great either yoube not going when i look at you it look as if ceo joo be in front of me for now it be my joong win be first and yoube second i guess i need a kid so that iwill have someone to side with me it a joke a joke what that at our age let just love together bang shil bang shil bang shil i love you honey okay gong shil iwill go right after ibe do ta gong shil come back why so you can release your cheap mouth again after becoming team leader my mouth have become very luxurious ask me when you already know anyway do+not go around blabber about it everywhere whatever gong shil do ibe on her side but if the master know hewill go crazy after special customer service ta yang left kingdom master joo there a huge rumor that he a bit out of his mind there have be multiple instance of him sitting on a bench alone and talk to himself gong shil ruin a person if she made a man like that she ought to take responsibility gong ri you should take responsibility of me why would i all those night we be like that and this that what those light lip why be you talk about such thing so loudly since your sister be back youwill formally introduce me right meet my family and before it get cold make a mark marry and take responsibility for me well then do as you please when we do get marry chief kang should mc our wedding well since he not my chief anymore iwill ask kang woo hyung to do it for me and the celebratory song will naturally go to ta yi ryeong then itwill be a blow we will be the couple of a century han ju-lina gong li something like that will they even do it for us wewill be able to use ta yi ryeong just by mention kang woo name i hope that our gong shil would do well with chief kang but he fell for little sun but if kang woo get to know that ta gong shil return i wonder if hewill go back to his loreleus ibe worry about that too why be you worry about that cake eat the cake it sweet you too ta yi ryeong you make your own manager into a paparazzi this this why be this woman stuck onto a guard why be all diplomat wife so pretty why do you take picture it me kang woo yi ryeong manager hey dog manner move to a place fill with ahjussis rather than the diplomatic service hey black whiskered whale do you want to swallow up and get rid of all the girl around me yeah i still do+not have confidence that ibe the only fish in your aquarium whenever we meet we always meet in a place where no one around for such a short time should+not i feel anxious that because yoube ta yi ryeong because this be protect you in your position kang woo do you just say that you be going to protect me you said you be going to protect me okay why because that mean your heart be mine now i guess a black whiskered whale really have no sense i think it be a while but you say it now how disappoint just to make sure if ibe for real watch a movie with me a movie we watch a movie already not the night movie let see it at a film festival a film festival the red carpet ibe ask you to go see a movie with me after pass through it arm-in-arm that way i can show the whole pacific that yoube mine as expect a black whiskered whale be too burdensome for me red carpet be too much it a path you must pass through to protect me ibe someone who have to stand on that path can+not you stay by my side right your side be that kind of place but while standing on a path that do+not suit me i wonder if i can keep standing to protect you properly let go together yes i told you to stay with me now why be you coming back here ihave try going to other place before get this place but this place be the most comfortable do you still see thing it not that you do+not see them anymore because you be with yoo jin woo that not it but i think i know now how i come to be like this where be he now he still abroad but he coming back to korea soon yoube going to stay here now right ibe stay here unni ibe going to buy this place