Rafał Jaworski ec497fbd2f redesign
2019-06-13 12:35:38 +02:00

1001 lines
23 KiB

You love curry, right?
I'll give you more.
Is it good?
Hey, ugly.
Look at her.
- Crazy bitch.
- I asked you a question!
That's better!
- Looking good!
- That's better!
It suits her.
- Hey.
- What the?
What the hell are you doing?
Get out of my face, bitch.
Stop picking on Ha-jung!
What the hell?
Get lost, bitch!
Stop it, Soo-na!
I'm okay. Let it go.
Are you stupid?
Why do you let those losers bully you like that?
Those what?
Mind your own business and get lost.
The hell you looking at, bitch?
You lovers or somethin'?
Didn't you know?
Shut up!
I'll get you for this!
- Stop it, please.
- Hey!
Class rep thinks she can hide behind the teacher!
She's really asking for it!
Stop letting them get to you.
Aren't you mad?
I'm telling on them!
I don't want them to get to you, too.
I recently met a friend on-line.
Her dad's been doing it to her for a year.
She wanted to kill him, but couldn't.
She felt sorry for her mom who stayed with the abusive bastard.
So she said she stays in her room... and puts curses every single day... on the bastard and her real dad.
Then she felt happy.
Real happy.
You're not... You know I can't do it.
I don't have the guts.
I envy Mi-jung, that's all.
Envy her for what?
Hold on.
Did you stitch this yourself?
You're amazing!
How long did it take?
A week?
Two weeks?
It's so pretty.
Thanks Soo-na for always being there for me.
I'll cherish this forever.
I just checked on it.
The construction will be finished on time.
Don't worry, Mr. AHN.
It won't happen again.
I see.
Thank you.
I'll be in touch.
You scared me!
Hi, Uncle Coward.
Are you mad?
Please don't be mad.
Why you little...
Did you follow me all the way here to scare me?
No, I've been waiting here for 20 minutes.
Yeah, right.
No, I'm serious.
Let's go Uncle Se-jin.
Who gave you that?
Yoon-mi's coming over tonight.
Why don't you like her?
She acts so smart and proper.
But she really likes you, kid.
Still, I don't like her!
At this rate, I'm gonna die an old bachelor.
How about my homeroom teacher?
I think she has a crush on you.
Forget it, kid.
Why aren't you eating, sweetie?
I had a snack with Ha-jung.
Still, you should eat your dinner.
Hold your spoon up. Here.
And you, two.
When will you make up your minds?
I made arrangements for your engagement party.
It'll be the second week of next month.
I lost my appetite.
You didn't finish!
I brought your favorite green-tea cake.
Give it to the dog.
Why that little...
Come back here!
The kid has no manners!
Let it go.
I won't hurt ya!
Why are you shaking?
I... I'm sorry.
This is all I have.
Think I'm a bum?
You crazy?
It's really all I have.
Forget it.
Just do something for me.
- Anything I can help you with?
- Huh?
Ah... no...
Help me Soo-na, I need you.
Stop bothering me!
Where is she!
I'll get her this time!
- Ma'am!
- Come here!
I'm sorry, ma'am!
So you're the bitch who's been stealing from me?
Please! I won't do it again!
You're caught red handed!
You little bitch!
Get up! Get up!
You bitch!
You bitch!
You little thief!
You stole from me everyday!
How much did you steal!
How could you!
You little thief!
Pay up for everything you stole!
You thief!
The orchestra was amazing.
I'll take you to an even better one next week.
I love going on dates with you Uncle Se-jin.
I love going out with you, too, princess.
Why didn't Yoon-mi come?
She was busy.
Drive home safely.
You're not coming?
I have an appointment.
Come home soon and don't drink!
See you later.
Let's go.
Isn't this yours?
It was on the teacher's desk.
I looked for this all night.
- Good morning, Ms. LEE.
- Good morning.
Morning everyone.
Be good, listen to your teachers, and enjoy your day.
She hasn't talked or come out since last night.
Don't worry.
I'll try talking with her.
It's me, Soo-na.
Open up.
Aren't you hungry? Let's eat.
Why aren't you taking my calls?
I worried about you.
Go away!
I don't need you.
What's wrong, Ha-jung?
It's me, Soo-na.
I'll kill'em all!
She says she's just in a bad mood.
She'll come around. Don't worry.
You have a guest, sir.
Closing doors.
Shave Uncle Se-jin...
That tickles.
Loners in seclusion
Hikikomoris' are loners who choose to live in seclusion.
Unable to adjust to society, they stay confined to their homes.
As seen in similar cases, symptoms of depression, retrogression, and aggressive behavior are found.
Cases vary from patients to patients.
And the causes for the illness are also diverse.
Taking unreported into account... approximately 2 million teenagers have these symptoms in Japan.
And the numbers are growing rapidly.
Symptoms are not readily recognized here and no proper treatments are set...
Why'd you do it?
Do what?
You forced Ha-jung to do it?
Apologize to her and bring her back to school.
Or I'll call your father.
Why bring him into this?
Ha-jung better be here, tomorrow.
That bitch.
Past the tracks on the left?
She's home?
Grant us all another peaceful day.
And help us love each other in you, Lord.
Look at this place.
I see why you suddenly showed up.
Get an apartment with that.
Go as far away as you can.
Take it, you whore.
And don't you dare come around us, again!
How dare you treat me like this?
Why you...
Show up again and I'll cut you off for good!
That'll never happen!
You didn't meet Soo-na, did you?
Did you meet her?
Go ask her yourself!
How dare you!
You bitch!
Now you'll ruin our dear Soo-na's life, too?
You whore!
What did you do?
Who're you trying to kill!
You whore!
Get up.
Get up!
Over my grave!
You bitch!
Open up. Shit.
So sorry.
Listen and show up at school tomorrow!
Got that?
Your secretary told me everything.
But, mother...
Did you...
Yes, I met her.
I gave her some money and told her to scram.
That whore...
She'll never come around again.
I did what I had to do.
Why didn't you ask me?
Ask you?
- I have to ask you about Song-yi?
- Hi, Soo-na.
What are you doing there?
Ha-jung... What are you doing?
Trying to scare me?
Stop it.
Why'd you come?
Cuz the teacher...
I mean, to apologize.
Is that the only way?
Who are you talking to?
My new friend.
A very sweet girl.
Can't see?
She's over there.
I'll curse you...
How can we hang with her after what happened?
She's cursed.
Yeah, look at her.
First message.
Soo-na, it's me.
Are you okay?
Let's have dinner together after school.
Call me.
Second message.
Soo-na... It's me, Ha-jung.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hassle you.
I shouldn't have ask you to help me so much.
I'm so scared.
I'm so scared of being alone.
I wish you were here, Soo-na.
Help me, Soo-na.
It's me.
Open up.
- Uncle?
- Soo-na?
Yeah right.
What are you talking about?
You're okay, right?
Then, get some rest.
We'll talk tomorrow.
How is she?
She won't open her door.
What if Song-yi came to
- her and...
- No, it's probably 'cuz of Ha-jung.
She'll get better.
Where are you going?
I have an appointment.
Now what?
I don't know who's lying.
I don't know anything.
If only you were here...
I could tell you everything...
HlKl :
I'm sorry, Ha-jung : Who's this?
A friend of Ha-jung's.
I'm sorry, Ha-jung :
Ha-jung said how you were her best friend, even today.
Please don't joke about my dead best friend.
But I was just chatting with her...
She said she's going to see you, Soo-na.
I miss you, Soo-na.
Can we meet?
Where's that damn pup?
Why's it raining so much?
When'd she get back?
I should call and tell the boss.
You're not alone.
I'll take care of you.
Keep your promise.
It's me.
Open the door.
Come on, let's talk.
Open the door, Soo-na.
- Mother?
Where are you? - Yeah.
I'm upstairs.
Joo-young is doing really well.
Looks like he'll come around soon.
Let's continue with the treatments.
What's wrong, doctor?
Please, no!
Joo-young, please!
Soo-na is... showing symptoms of a Hikikomori.
Did anything happen here, besides Ha-jung's death?
Of course... not.
Tell me the truth.
I'm practically family, already.
Why would I lie to you?
The poor girl...
After her parents died in a car accident...
Se-jin and I raised her...
I know.
- But why would she...
- Stop it.
Just be good to Soo-na.
That's all you need to do.
Let's eat.
Oh, hi Soo-na.
Have a seat.
You must be hungry, dear.
I'll bring your plate right away.
What are you doing?
Stop it, Soo-na!
Wanna hear a funny story?
There once was a high school girl named Song-yi.
She fell in love with her college student tutor.
They had a child together.
Then when his love grew cold... he cast her away like trash.
What's worse!
His mother... split them apart for good!
What are you talking about?
It doesn't matter how they broke up.
The girl... lived on... miserably after that.
Unable to forget her first love, she married any man... who beat her every single day.
Stop it!
What are you doing?
The child they had didn't know... and called her father her uncle...
You should've seen it!
You're the only one I have, now.
Are you listening?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Come out.
It's me.
Can we talk?
I know it's been hard for you.
With Ha-jung and all.
Even I... a long time ago... well... when I was your age... I suffered a lot, too...
I want to get in touch with Song-yi.
Mother won't tell me.
Can you find out?
Please, pal.
Thanks a lot.
What's her...
relationship with Soo-na?
Song-yi, the woman you just mentioned.
The woman in Soo-na's story...
It's Song-yi, isn't it?
She came to your office.
It's her isn't it?
No, it's not.
What's the secret you're not telling me?
Why would I lie to you!
There's no secret!
I know you're lying to me.
You don't trust me?
With Soo-na like that, not you, too!
I'll tell you everything.
Then... don't call me till you're ready to talk.
And... leave Soo-na alone.
A Hikikomori... can get worse if you provoke her.
Stop it.
Oh my... What's all this?
Who's there?
Help me!
Help me!
Who are you?
You knew everything.
Knew what?
I know you knew!
You lied to me!
I don't know anything!
Please! Don't do this!
You knew everything and lied to me!
I'll curse you!
You hypocrite!
Help me!
Doesn't it feel great?
It's just the beginning.
You don't know what suffering is.
The heart piercing pains...
Wait and see.
It's going to get a lot more fun.
Sir, what happened to the maid?
She's been emotionally shocked.
She'll need a few days rest.
I dug that hole to plant a tree.
I don't know how she fell into it.
Did anyone come by last night?
No, I stayed by the monitor all night.
I didn't even see a fly.
Mr. Kim?
Make sure word doesn't get out!
Yes, ma'am.
I'll take care of this, mother.
Go take the maid to the hospital.
Rest in peace, Moong-chi.
Mr. Kim!
Get me a ladder!
That little...
I'll get to you...
Be... careful...
The spoiled brat...
Be... careful...
Oh, no!
Are you okay, ma'am?
Open up!
Open the door, now!
You know what you did to granny?
Open up!
Open up!
Open up, now!
Try to open this door again... and I'll slit my neck.
With the maid...
Moong-chi, the dog... and now your mother...
Something doesn't feel right.
I'm having strange nightmares.
Mr. Kim.
I don't know... how long I can take this.
You know my mansion in the country?
They could use an extra hand for a few months.
Really, sir?
Thank you very much.
Thank you, sir.
You don't know what it's like to be deserted by someone you love.
Stripped naked...
Covered in wounds...
You don't know the pain.
I stayed low and shed bitter, bloody tears!
I'm sorry.
I need you.
Soo-na's getting worse by the day.
Mumbling and inflicting self-injuries...
I wish you were here, Yoon-mi.
I need you.
Please save, Soo-na.
I'm sorry.
So sorry...
I'm doing everything alone now!
That brat!
Ow, my back.
That little...
Stop it!
I said, stop!
Stop it!
By analyzing pictures... we can find the decisive factor that led to the illness?
Yes, pictures can definitely give us clues.
Hikikomoris aren't formed by imaginary trauma.
It's caused by great emotional or psychological shock.
It can be treated if you get down to its roots.
I'm sure you'll find the reason to Soo-na's condition.
Mind if I take this?
Sure. Hope it helps.
Where'd I see this?
Thanks a lot.
I owe you big.
What are colleagues for?
Any minute now.
You met her before.
I don't get why you can't see her.
I found out about Song-yi.
Sorry, pal. She died.
She committed suicide.
During that big rainstorm.
She jumped in front of a train at 2:00 a.m. With the rain and all... the engineer couldn't see her...
It's your fault
You killed her
It's your fault
- You killed her
Hello... Who are you?
Are you okay, Soo-na?
Snap out of it, Soo-na!
It's not me...
I didn't do it...
Open the door, Soo-na!
What's got into you!
I told you to leave me alone!
Open the door.
Open up, please.
Leave me alone!
Get lost!
Why do you want Song-yi's address?
It's not 'cuz I'm jealous of a woman in his past...
She died.
But I saw her not too long ago.
It seems she committed suicide.
She jumped in front of a train.
Listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you.
When I was in college... there was this beautiful girl
I used to tutor. We fell in love.
Everyone said we were crazy but... we... really loved each other.
I didn't... abandon your mother.
I wanted to make a living fast and make your mother happy.
First I had to do my army duty.
When I came out, she was... already... married to someone else.
Till now... raising you...
I always felt so sorry.
I wanted to tell you the truth so many times.
But time flew by too fast.
If I...
I met your mother when I was... more mature.
I would never have left her so foolishly.
A week. A month.
A year.
You can explain but there's no use!
You lied for 17 years. You expect me to believe that?
You don't know the nightmare of living like an abandoned dog!
Soo-na... wait... It's the truth.
Please, believe me.
I survived through living hell... Ionging and yearning....
The truth?
Then prove it!
Do something!
What should I do?
What'll it take for you to believe me?
Jump in front of a train.
Like mom did.
But how?
You knew?
You don't know what pain or love is!
You can't jump, can you!
So just leave me alone.
That's all you can do for me.
Please, Soo-na.
Open the door.
Open up!
Open the door!
Open up, please!
Open the door!
Open up, Soo-na!
Tell me what to do!
What'll it take to believe me!
Mom must still be in love with dad.
Hi, Geun-ho.
Can you text message me her address?
Thank you.
Hi. You've reached Yoon-mi.
Please leave a message.
I lied to Soo-na and to you.
I'm an idiot.
It's all my fault.
I'm sorry, Yoon-mi.
I'm so sorry.
There's... nothing left for me to lose...
I hope you meet someone good and be happy.
245-3, Bongchun-dong
Is anybody home?
kim Mi-jung- 245-3, Bongchun-dong
It's over!
Get away from Soo-na!
Let her go!
Wake up, Yoon-mi.
Please, no!
No, Soo-na!
Stay right there.
You brought this on.
I was wrong.
It's all daddy's fault.
I wanted to get revenge!
No, Soo-na!
Stay right there, please!
Don't go!
What do I have to do for you to forgive me?
Forgive you?
Our souls were ripped out to shreds.
But where were you?
You were never there for us.
We shouted for you, but you ignored us like you're deaf.
We grew haggard and gaunt.
But you pretended to be blind.
If you said you loved us, we could've lived.
But you stayed quiet like a mute!
Don't go any further!
I'll make you pay, forever!
Who are you?
You brought all this on!
Who are you?
Why are you doing this!
It's all your fault.
Then you...
I'll make you pay, forever.
Who the hell!
Who are you!
You'll pay for everything!
You evil...
You're abandoning me, again?
Mom gave birth to me.
Then... she got pregnant, again... with my little sister, Mi-jung.
Mom hid her pregnancy and got married.
Cuz she was afraid granny would take Mi-jung away, too.
My poor mom...
I resented dad for lying to me... And granny, too.
So I schemed with Mi-jung.
I wasn't really thinking.
That bastard. When he found out Mi-jung's not his daughter... he started raping her.
That's why she showed symptoms of a Hikikomori.
I think the bastard's involved in Song-yi's death, too.
Son of a bitch. I put an APB on him.
We'll nail him, soon.
1 new message A reserved mail from kim Mi-jung.
If something happens to me, I won't be able to cancel the mail.
Then you're probably reading this.
Cuz I used to change the sending date everyday.
I despised you for leaving mom and me.
Every time that bastard raped me...
I hated you even more.
I thought this was the only way to pay you back for our sufferings.
After mom died, Soo-na came and asked me to live with her.
After a week in Soo-na's house... she said to stop our plan of torturing you.
But I couldn't do it.
Poor mom.
She comes to me every night.
She's happy with what I'm doing.
But then one day, dad sat in front of the door... talking about how he met, loved, and parted with mom.
Then I realized that he was telling the truth.
I'm so jealous of Soo-na.
Dad's warm touch and gentle talk.
I can feel dad's love and warmth these days.
I can't help crying.
I'm sorry to mom but... I'm starting to feel sorry for dad.
He's suffering 'cuz of me.
It hurts to see him getting weaker by the day.
Why can't Soo-na see mom?
I think mom's starting to come around.
If mom forgives, I want to live with dad.
All of us together, forever.
How do I look?
- Pretty.
- Thank you!
How about the amusement park?
It's yummy
I never dreamed before
I'm gonna knock the door into the world of perfect free
(You ain't no lonely!
You're gonna say I'm lying
I'm gonna get the chance
I thought a chance is far from me
(You ain't no lonely! )
I was made to hit in America
(I was made to hit in America) I was made to hit in America
You are the sun, you are the star
(To me, forever)
You are the sun, you are the star
(To me, forever)
I was made to hit in America
I was made to hit in America (I was made to hit in America) I was made to hit in America
"C-Major Pentatonic Scale"
It's too hard for me.
But it's better to learn the scale early.
You stupid bird!
I'll show you!
Don't rush it, Koyuki-kun.
It's only been two months since you started playing the guitar.
But he already knows the scale...
C'mon, we need a change of pace.
Let's go swimming!
"Lucille" -Okay, here goes!
-Watch the ball!
So please buy your own melon roll. It's the truth.
I was called to the faculty office.
S-see you...
Hold it, Tanaka!
Please go to the faculty office immediately. I repeat...
Listen, Tanaka-kun...
I don't think you're taking your job as umbrella monitor seriously.
Oh, no... Daily life is a series of little jobs like this.
Maybe I should put this in your student report...
I'm disappointed in you, Tanaka-kun.
You may go.
Wait, Tanaka-kun!
What is this? !
What happened? !
It's nothing.
We were kidding around and Tanabe-kun did a drop kick on me.
And naturally, I gave it back to him with a heel hold! So it's no big deal!
That was awesome!
You look glum, Koyuki!
Maho, you sure eat a lot.
Shut up. I'm hungry.
You'll gain weight.
You can have my fries.
Beck's first live performance has been set!
How long is this going to continue?
I'll talk to him for you.
Okay, I'm going on deliveries, so make up for being late and work extra hard.
And don't forget to feed Page.
Around strangers.
It's okay, I'll feed him.
-You little-!
T-this is the last of it!
These aren't company documents!
They're Saito-san's personal treasure!
I mean, private collection.
-Since the end of summer break.
-What for?
I want to repair the guitar Ryusuke-kun gave me.
I didn't know...
That's why I don't want to see Ryusuke-kun until the guitar is fixed.
I understand.
So, how much do you get paid?
Oh, umm...430 yen an hour.
Are you serious? !
That's crazy!
This new law sure is bad for the manufacturing industry.
-Saito-sama, this way please.
Thank you for calling her.
-I missed you sooo much!
Caught a cold or something?
I'm in disguise!
But how'd you guess it was me?
Okay, it's starting!
Ryusuke-kun's guitar... Are those bullet marks? !
They're real.
That guitar has a name... It's Lucille.
-Sounds like a woman's name.
It's a guitar with a past...
Ryusuke got it in some dangerous place.
It couldn't possibly have happened while he was performing? !
One, two!
Typhoon 24! 24-7!
24 hours straight!
We're gonna rush at you!
We're gonna send you flyin' head-first!
If you take off that stiff head you'll feel totally loose This crazy, crazy world
Pass the hot shot, keep on coming, come on!
Blow your mind
Squeeze your sweat yeah
Blow your mind
Squeeze your sweat Beck...
Can you go over to Hayakama Instruments?
There's still more?
-The guitar's fixed now. -Huh?
The one with the broken neck.
I sent it out for repairs.
I-is that true? !
You want to patch things up with Ryusuke, don't you?
Now go, hurry!
Koyuki-kun... Deduction for leaving early.
I think this'll do.
If you notice something while playing it, just let me know.
Now I can see Ryusuke-kun!
Hey, Tanaka...
Hey, Tanaka.
Lemme play that guitar.
What an awful sound...
suits you perfectly!
Hey, Masaru.
Forget it, Rikiya-kun.
The sound is the pits.
You laughed just now, didn't you?
-Don't act innocent!
Recently, the Sex Handles-
Damn thing!
Any complaints?
Didn't think so.
It was a piece of junk anyway.
Let's go, Masaru!
-How about New Burger?
Did you get it, Koyuki-kun?
Oh, good!
It's all fixed, then?
Actually, it's been slow here at Saito Paper Company, so getting the money to fix it was a bit hard.
But it was worth it to see you smiling again!
Thank you!
Oh, you're welcome!
Mom used to say, "From that day on, Yukio was like someone possessed by the guitar, and played it every single day."
Think so? !
We won't miss your next live performance!
Give me your names and numbers!
Hey, Ray!
I've gotta talk to you!
What're you mad about all of a sudden?
Ryusuke-kun, you speak English!
That's so cool!
So I'm more used to English than Japanese.
-That's so cool! -That's so cool!
We've got to go to New York, too!
I was looking for the ab machine I bought by mail order last night... and I finally found it!
Found what?
This is it... The L48 Eddie gave to you!
Then the one I gave to Koyuki was...
That was a fake one you got at the guitar shop in Queens!
Which means...
-Ryusuke-kun! -Ryusuke-kun!
Don't get tetanus!
I called Ryusuke too.
You're joking, right?
Oh, speak of the devil.
Did you really explain it to him?
I did!
Why am I running away?
Oh, Koyuki!
I spoke to Ryusuke-kun on the phone yesterday and he said to say hi.
Can you say hello from me, too?
All 9th graders will report to the gym for curriculum guidance.
I repeat...
-It's almost graduation.
I'll be lonely.
See you, Koyuki!
"I've decided to stay here a bit longer, so please take care of Page!"
He's extending his stay again!
Southeast Asia must have something that lures grown men...
I haven't played yet!
Punk rockers hold their guitars low...