array( 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => json_encode($request), ), ); $context = stream_context_create($options); $response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); return json_decode($response); } function lineCount($file_name) { $linecount = 0; $handle = fopen($file_name, 'r'); while (!feof($handle)) { $line = fgets($handle); ++$linecount; } fclose($handle); return $linecount; } function addRequest($url, $postArray, $filesArray) { // add import request. Return empty string if no error occurred if ($filesArray['src_file']['error'] != 0 && $filesArray['src_file']['size'] > 0) { return "Error uploading source file or no source file given."; } if ($filesArray['trg_file']['error'] != 0 && $filesArray['trg_file']['size'] > 0) { return "Error uploading target file or no target file given."; } $srcFilePath = "/tmp/".uniqid("srcFile", true); $trgFilePath = "/tmp/".uniqid("trgFile", true); move_uploaded_file($filesArray['src_file']['tmp_name'], $srcFilePath); move_uploaded_file($filesArray['trg_file']['tmp_name'], $trgFilePath); $srcLineCount = lineCount($srcFilePath); $trgLineCount = lineCount($trgFilePath); if ($srcLineCount != $trgLineCount) { return "Files have different number of lines ($srcLineCount and $trgLineCount)."; } $request = array ( "operation" => "addRequest", "sourceFilePath" => $srcFilePath, "targetFilePath" => $trgFilePath, "sourceLangId" => intval($postArray['src_lang_id']), "targetLangId" => intval($postArray['trg_lang_id']), "name" => $postArray['tm_name'], "type" => intval($postArray['tm_type']), "tmId" => intval($postArray['tm_id']) ); $response = postJson($url, $request); return ""; } $url = 'http://@concordia_host@:@concordia_port@'; $errorMessage = ""; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ) { $errorMessage = addRequest($url, $_POST, $_FILES); } $statusesDictionary = array( 0 => "new", 1 => "processing - word alignment", 2 => "processing - adding to Concordia", 3 => "processing - regenerating index", 4 => "complete", 5 => "error" ); $tmsData = postJson($url, array("operation" =>"getTmsInfo")); $requestsData = postJson($url, array("operation" =>"getRequestsInfo")); $languagesData = postJson($url, array("operation" =>"getLanguages")); ?>

Available translation memories:

tms as $tm) { ?>
Id Name Source language Target language
id ?> name ?> sourceLanguageCode ?> targetLanguageCode ?>

Import new translations

Latest import requests:

requests as $request) { ?>
Id Name Source language Target language Status Type TM id Created
id ?> name ?> type == 0) { echo $request->sourceLanguageCode; } else { echo "N/A"; } ?> type == 0) { echo $request->targetLanguageCode; } else { echo "N/A"; } ?> status] ?> type == 0) { echo "new TM"; } else { echo "extend TM"; } ?> type == 0) { echo "N/A"; } else { echo $request->tmId; } ?> created ?>