Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing in order to express my disappointment about your musical show " Over the Rainbow " . I saws the show 's advertisement hanging up of a wall in London where I was spending my holiday with some friends . I convinced them to go there with me because I had heard good references about your Company and , above all , about the main star , Danny Brook . The problems started in the box office , where we asked for the discounts you announced in the advertisement , and the man who was selling the tickets said that they did n't exist . Moreover , the show was delayed forty-five minutes and the worst of all was that Danny Brook had been replaced by another actor . On the other hand , the theatre restaurant was closed because unknown reasons . You promised a perfect evening but it became a big disastrous ! I would like some kind of explanation and receive my money back . If you do n't agree , I will act consequently . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Last Wednesday Carole received a letter . The stamp was from a foreign country and the address was written in Capital Letters . She did n't recognize the writing . She began to read Dear Carolin. . There was only a person who used to call her by this name . It brought a lot of memories back to her . It was long time ago , when she was fourteen and Paul sixteen . He was her first love and also the first who kissed her . Paul had to move to Mexico because of his father 's work . When they were saying goodbye Paul " I will be the last person who will kiss you " . " It sounds nice but I do n't believe it " she replied . " You only have to wait " he said . But she did n't wait . She got married and had two children . At this moment Carole was living with her husband but they did n't love each other any more . Their love had finished . In his letter Paul said that he had become a rich man and he would come back to meet her again . Her friend Pat had explained the whole story at her husband . What she would do ? 10 June 2000 Dear Manager , I would like to complain about your theatre and the musical show that I saw last week . I went to London for a holiday last week and read the advertisement about ' Over the rainbow ' in the hotel which I stayed . I saw Danny Brook and Tina Truelove were written on the advertisement paper and was very excited . However , Danny Brook did not appear on the stage until the end of musical showing time . I was really disappointed about it . Secondly , starting time was 19:30 but it started 20:15 so I was waited for 45 minutes . It was so long time to wait in the theatre . Thirdly , it mentioned about discounts . Despite of the fact that I am a student , I could not get any discounts . I also visited your restaurant after the show but already closed because the show finished late . Because of the reason above , I , indeed , spent awful last night in London . I would like you to refund , otherwise , I will take an action . I look forward to receiving reply to my enquiry . Sincerely Fashion of the future People will wear this kind of clothes 100 years later from now . If weather is hot then we do n't have to wear under wear because very thin and light clothes will support our bodies . There will be two functions for summer clothes that we do n't need to wear clothes like layer and layer . For example , T-shirts for women are included bra : easy to take it out when you wash it , is very simple and comfortable . What about short pants ? You do n't have to wear knickers . We can just put some thin pads in there . We ca n't feel it and easy to remove and just can wash it . Simplest is the best in summer ! When it 's very cold winter , we just wear light clothes what we want , in our style . Because special warm and healthy material will be developed and use them inside thin clothes so we do n't need to put heavy clothes on our bodies . We can show our body line in winter as well . Most important thing is that we do n't have to kill the animals only for people 's cruel aims . Functions ' clothes are the way to love animals ! DECEMBER 12TH PRINCIPAL MR . ROBERTSON DEAR SIR , I WANT TO THAK YOU FOR PREPARING SUCH A GOOD PROGRAMME FOR US AND ESPECIALLY FOR TAKING US TO THE RIVER TRIP TO GREENWICH . I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF THERE IS ANY CHANCE OF CHANGING THE PROGRAMME BECAUSE WE HAVE FOUND A VERY INTERESTING ACTIVITY TO DO ON TUESDAY 14 MARCH . IT CONSISTS ON VISITING THE LONDON FASHION AND LEISURE SHOW IN THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION HALL . I THINK IT 'S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GREATER USE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE . ON THE OTHER HAND , WE COULD LEARN THE DIFFERENT WAYS TO GET TO THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION HALL . I SUGGEST THAT WE SHOULD GO TO THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY IN THE MORNING AND INSTEAD OF HAVING THE AFTERNOON FREE WE COULD GO TO THE FASHION AND LEISURE SHOW . I WILL BE WRITING ANXIOUSLY FOR YOUR RESPONSE . YOURS FAITHFULLY ( FAMOUS PEOPLE , SUCH AS POLITICIANS AND FILM STARS , DESERVE TO HAVE A PRIVATE LIFE WITHOUT JOURNALISTS FOLLOWING THEM ALL THE TIME ) FAMOUS PEOPLE SUCH AS SINGERS , FILM STARS , ETC ARE ALWAYS THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION . AS SOME OF THEM ARE CONSIDERED IDOLS , THEIR FANS WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY ACT IN THEIR PRIVATE LIVES , WITH THEIR FAMILY OR FRIENDS . AS A RESPONSE TO THIS DEMAND OF INFORMATION , JOURNALISTS FOLLOW FAMOUS PEOPLE DAY AND NIGHT IN MANY DIFFERENT WAYS , FOR EXAMPLE , CHASING THEIR CARS , TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS OR BREAKING INTO THEIR HOUSES WHILE THEY ARE ON HOLIDAYS . THIS SITUATION AFFECTS FAMOUS PERSONAL LIVES BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE PRIVACY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT , ALTHOUGH THEY ARE FAMOUS , THEY ARE JUST NORMAL PEOPLE THAT DESERVE TO HAVE A PRIVATE LIFE WITHOUT JOURNALISTS AND FANS FOLLOWING THEM ALL THE TIME , AND ON THE OTHER HAND PEOPLE HAVE TO LEARN TO RESPECT THE FAMOUS RIGHT TO KEEP THEIR PERSONAL LIVES IN SECRET . IN MY OPINION FAMOUS PEOPLE ARE BEING OBLIGED TO PAY A PRICE FOR BEING FAMOUS THAT IN SOME CASS , COSTS MORE THAN THEY DESERVE TO PAY . To Mr. Robertson I am writing to tell you something about the three-day trip to London . I have seen your programme for the trip and I think it is going to be a great trip . Thank you very much for organising this trip and putting all your spare time and effort into it . Personally , I enjoy looking and learning about new inventions and all the science . That is why I think the trip to the science museum is a good idea . However , my class and I have seen an advertisement about a fashion and leisure show . We are attracted to this show and would like to go . Unfortunately , it is on 14th March , which is the day we will be visiting the science museum . This show is on the 14th March . It is in the Central Exhibition Hall and will start and ten o'clock and finish at five o'clock in the evening . Apparently , this show is free to all students , which means if we went , the cost of the trip will be cut down . I think it is a great opportunity because it is based on fashion . We like to keep up with the rage but I think it will help those who want to become a fashion designer later on . I have a suggestion on how the programme could be changed . The shopping time could be after the show and the free time exchanged for the science museum . If we go to the show , we can do without the free time . Please give this your careful consideration. . Yours sincerely , In a country like the UK , we are all bound to have houses . We either own it , or we simply borrow it from other people . We take our homes for granted . Think about the people in the poor countries ! They struggle to survive . However , as we approach the future , our homes will start to change . Have you ever thought about how the changes will affect our lives ? I doubt it . There will be lots of differences in our homes of the future from our homes now , but there may also be a lot of similarities . For one , the future homes might not be built out of bricks at all ! It may be built out of a stronger substance or a more attractive one , such as glass . Non-breakable glass . Also , due to global warming , sea levels might rise and risk of flooding will also rise . Therefore , houses will be built on high supports . All domestic appliances such as showers , kettles , lights , TV and curtains may be voice activated . Incredibly high security will prevent robbery . The future homes will also have many similarities , such as having a separate bathroom , and not having one in a bedroom , or having two floors or having garages . It has been a pleasure sharing my thoughts with you . What do you think will happen in the future ? Dear Mrs. Jane Clark , Recently I was at the annual international arts festival , that you organized . I 'm writing this letter to thank you for giving a possibility to know more about modern art . I think , it is a wonderful idea to organize such festivals each year , because it is very interesting to learn some news about life in other countries . Unfortunately , only six countries were represented this year at the festival , but I hope that soon there would be much more of them . I extremely liked all concerts , shows , exhibitions , but why there were n't any photograph exhibitions ? I think , you should make some next year . Then , I want to mark , that concert halls were too small , that is why they were overcrowded during some concerts . Then , I want to say , that plays and films were exellent , but it was n't enough of them for me . May be you should make more next year ? And at the end , my opinion is that one weekend ticket for all events is a great idea , because you do n't have to stay in queues to buy a ticket for a show , you want to go to . Yours sincerely , Dear Lucia , I was very pleased to receive your letter . You asked , if there are some school rules in my country . As you know , I 'm studying at the private Academy , so the rules in my institute are different from the rules in state institutes . I 'll give you an example . In our Acadamy we are not allowed to smoke . The fine for smoking on the Academy is territory is 100 dollars . So nobody smokes there . I do n't smoke , so I do n't care about this rule . But some of my friends really would like to change it . You also wanted to know about what I 'm allowed or not allowed to do at home . Well , I have rather modern parents , so they do n't prohibit me to go to the discoes or somewhere with my friends . The only rule for me at home is to walk out with my dog three times a day . I hope it was interesting for you to know about the rules in my life . Look forward to hearing from you , Dear Sir/Madam , I was to Circle Theatre to watch ' Over the rainbow ' musical show , recently . I was trully dissapointed by it . My expectations were high after I 've read your leaflet in which it was advertised as ' London 's newest and best musical show ' . Now , I can assure you it was n't . Firstly , it was Danny Brook who was supposed to star . The substitute was far worse . Secondly , I had to wait fourty-five minutes before the show finally began . Another unkept promise are the discounts . There were n't any ! Lastly , when I got hungry after the delay it appeared that the theatre restaurant is closed . You can believe me it was n't ' my perfect evening out ' and I have no other choice than asking to give my money back . I paid for something I did n't get so it is obvious that I want my money back . I got the £ 15 ticket . I 'd like you to send the money to this adress ; ul Taklowa 10 Skoclow 43-430 POLAND Yours sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . After two days the whole school knew . When Paul entered the school gate , other children began to tease him and laugh . Paul could n't stand it . He ran out quickly , leaving everyone behind . He felt very ashamed and did n't know what to do . Normally , he would go and talk to Pat but Pat betrayed him . They were no longer friends . ' How could he , ' Paul thought ' Now the whole school knows Jean attracts me ' . As he was sitting there , he heard someone walking towards him . He turned around and saw ... Jean . ' What are you dong here , why are n't you at school ? ' she asked . Paul was like paralyzed . He could n't reply . I had heard what you 've said about me , she said , I think it 's sweet . Paul could n't believe his ears . While he was thinking how to reply , Jean took his hand and led him to the school . When they entered everyone became silent . All the children were staring at them and Paul thought that Pat is n't that bad at all . Cambridge 13.06.00 Dear Helen Ryan Competition Organiser I am glad to know about the news that I have received . It is a dream becames true and was really unexpected for me ! I would like to travel on July because of it is more suitable for me . I think I will really enjoy if I could stay in tents it is going to be a new experience and looks exciting . About the activities while at the Camp I would like to enjoy swimming , not because I am good in it , just because I keen on and the other one is Photography . As I never did this in whole my life could you tell me if we have to do our own meals or I can find everything ready to eat there ? If no , what do you sugest ? The same question for clothes and money . How much I have to get in my pocket ? I hope has had your questions out of your mind . Yours sincerely Cambridge 13.06.00 Dear friend Kim Last month , I enjoyed to help at a pop concert in Portugal . Everything were new for me . I had to ( lyd ) tidy up the place where they have to wait until their turn . The group asked me make sure that in the fridge they always could find a big variety of drinks including honey and lemon for throat . Other thing I had to do is keep an eye in the towels , I mean , dried towels because as you know that country is too hot , especially for my liking , as they have to change the clothes and looks fresh ; do n't ask me why . The pop concert happened in a big stadium called " Mararcanã " . I just did not enjoyed when they were making the instruments work for the big day . But what I particularly liked was see and ask autographs from the rest of the others groups . Do n't be jealous , I will make a copy for you , OK ? Love Dear Ms Jane Clark . I am writing to you with regard to the International Art Festival that was held recently . The festival was excenent in many ways , and especially it being an international festival was a challenging , but brilliant idea . I assume that this fact attracted people very much . In addition to that , organising one weekend with special price tickets was particularly good . I personally think that it helped many people who were not able to afford the tickets with proper price to come to the festival . Moreover , most of the events I went to were fantastic . However , I still have some comments to make to improve the festival next year . The festival was supposed to be an international one , but the artists and stars participated in it were from six countries only . Thus , I recommend that stars and artists of various nationalities should be invited . Also , some of the concert halls where the musicians performed were not big enough for the vast number of audiences . I think it would be much better to use bigger concert halls . Furthermore , I found that there were not many genres of neither the films nor the plays . So I suggest you have various kinds , and more numbers of plays and films next year . I hope that next year 's festival will be much more successful that this year 's one . Yours sincerely , The Old Man and the Sea People all have different opinions about books . Some prefer realistic stories whereas others do unusual ones . But I prefer realistic stories such as Ernest Hemingway 's " The Old Man and the Sea ' . Above all , realistic stories teach me something of the life , or at least influence me . As far as I 'm concerned , my behaviour and attitudes towards a difficult situation began to change after reading this book . Here , the fishman is very old , but he is still challenging to everything he faces . When he caught a shark which was bigger than the ship , he never gave up taking it back to his village , even when sharks were around him . Real stories have huge impacts on me , and affect me a lot , often in good ways . In addition to that , realistic stories are more attractive , I personally do n't want to hear stories about very peculiar incidents as I know they cannot be true . But , while reading realistic stories , I just fall deep into the story , into the writer 's own world . Ernest Hemingway 's sentences are precise , but still very powerful and alive . So when I read other sharks eating the shark the old man had caught , I got very angry and annoyed . Realistic stories thus , develop our imagination and creativity , which are essential in our lives . We all learn from reading books , but realistic stories have more influence on me and develop my personality . That 's why I prefer realistic stories to unusual ones . 17th June 2000 Dear Sir , I would like to complain about a musical show . I was very disappointing a week holiday for me because I had got a lot of problem with the show . I had seen the advertisement that the actors were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , but it was not Danny Brook . I was really disappointing because he is my famous actor . The musical should started at 19.30 , but it started at 20.15 . When I went to asked for the discount of ticket in the cashier desk they told me no discount available for this . I had seen the advertisement say that discount available . After the show I decide to had dinner in your theatre restaurant , but I could n't because it closed . It closed at 10 pm but the show finished at 10.30 pm . This was not perfect evening for me , so if you do n't give my money back , I will tell to the newspaper about it . I am looking forward to hear a good new . Yours sincerely , Boo Sersuwan . I think in the next 100 years people will wear the space clothes with small engine in the back. because of the atmosphere . The atmosphere in the earth now starting badly every years . The carbon dioxide are growing very fast and people cut more trees , therefore not enough trees to such carbon dioxide and produce oxygen . The designer will have a lot of idea for how to make very nice and useful clothes . I think if we wear this clothes we will travel to every where easier than we use cars , ships , planes and space ships . This mean the engineering will find the way to useless petrol for it , so it must useful in the future . I think somebody will make a very big area to grow plant because they can sell the oxygen . This is a new business . I think I can win this price , because this clothe will produce in the future soon . 17/06/00 mr. MANAGER MY NAME JAMES CAMIREZ AND I'AM WRITING THIS LETTER TO YOU BECAUSE I HAVE SOME COMPLEINTS FOR THE DISAPPOINTING EVENING I HAD LAST NIGHT . FIRST OF ALL ON THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE SHOW IT SAYS THAT THE ACTOR WAS GOING TO BE DANNY BROOK AND INSTEAD OF HIM WAS A TOTALLY UNKNOWN CLOWN THAT HAD NO IDEA OF HOW TO ACT , IT WAS HORRIBLY DISAPPOINTING ! SECOND I GOT TO THE THEATRE AT 19.20 BECAUSE IN THE ADVERTISEMENT IT CLEARLY APPEARS THAT THE SHOW STARTS AT 19.30 , AND I GOT HEAVILY MAD WHEN I LOOK MY WATCH AND NOTICE THAT I HAD BEEN WAITING FOR 40 ( FORTY ) MINUTES AND THE SHOW DID N'T START YET ... I MEAN I WAS AMAIZING ! THEN I READ ON THE ADVERTISEMENT , DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE , AND I DID N'T GOT ANY DISCOUNTS WHEN I ASKED FOR THEM . AFTER THE SHOW I GOT OUT THE SHOW ROOM DEEPLY DISAPPOINTED AND WENT TO THE RESTAURANT TO DRINK SOMETHING TO RELAX , AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT ? . . IT WAS CLOSED ! I COULD N'T BELIVE IT HOW THIS CLASS OF THEATRE CAN BE SO . . OH I 'M GETING MAD AGAIN SO I'AM GOING TO TELL YOU THE LAST THING , IT WAS THE HORRIBLE NIGHT I HAD EVER GOT SO I DEMEND FOR MY MONEY BACK ! I THINK THAT MODERN TECHNOLOGY HAS AFFECTED ALL THE HUMAN BEINGS . MODERN TECHNOLOGY HAS AFFECT ME IN SEVERAL WAYS , I MEAN THE MORE THE TECHNOLOGY MODERNIZES ; MORE CONFORTNESSCOMFORTABLE WE GET . NOW WITH MODERN MACHINES I CAN MAKE A BETTER USE OF MY TIME , IF I'AM LATE TO GO TO TRAINING AND I HAD N'T IT YET I JUST TAKE MY FOOD AND PUT IT IN THE MICROWAVEOVEN . ANOTHER EXAMPLE IS THE COMPUTERS , I THINK THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST ADVANCED MACHINE IN THE WORLD , YOU CAN LIVE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE IN A HOUSE WITHOUT GOING OUT , BY JUST USING THE INTERNET , IT HAS ALSO HELPED ME IN MY SCHOOL HOMEWORK , I MEAN IT 'S INCREDIBLE THE TIME YOU WAIST BY MAKING THING WITHOUT A COMPUTER . BUT I THINK ALSO THAT WITH MODERN TECHNOLOGY WE GET MORE COMFORTABLE SO THAT MAKES ME A PACIVE PERSON AND NOT SO ACTIVE , THIS CAN BE BAD TO BECAUSE IF I GET USED TO BE CONFORTABLE WHEN I NEED TO DO HARD WORKS I WO N'T BE ABLE TO DO THEM . 1th , June , 2000 Dear Ms Ryan , I am writing to reply your letter and I am so glad to win the prize . Thank you very much ! In answer your questions : I would like to travel in July . I am a full-time student , my summer holidays begin at the end of June and I have planned to work on my grandfather 's farm in August . So July is the only time I will be free . Secondly , I would prefer tents to log cabins . Camping is my enthusiasm and I sleep in tents every time I go camping . Therefore , I am afraid I ca n't get used to log cabins easily . Besides camping , I also like painting . My Dad is an amateur painter , and I have begun painting for 8 years . I 'm good at portraits and landscapes . I would also like to play golf during my holiday , but I have never played it before , will I get any tuition ? Finally , I should like to ask some questions . How is the weather like in California in July ? What kind of clothes should I pack ? If I want to buy some gifts , how much money should I take and can I use traveller 's cheques in every place ? I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Shopping is not always enjoyable Our lives are getting better and better , so people began to go shopping more frequently . It 's always a great job to go home with bags of purchases , but is it doing us good apart from the temporary satisfaction ? Everyone likes sale , but those so-called sale items are not really of value . In fashion industry , sale begins at the end of each season and just lasts a short time , because those owners want to make room for new stock . But you 'll find your ' cool bargain ' soon get out of date and you have to keep buying new ones . Also supermarket owners have put in a vast amount of money to find out the best way to place goods in order to get the most profit . Therefore , we become impulsive buyers easily under these tricks . The result , we feel guilty after spending more than we 've estimated , or even suffer from financial difficulty . Shopping does not just effect us mentally , but also physically . It 's not hard to realise how exhausted we are after a day of shopping . Think of the awful crowds , the busy car parks , polluted air in the city centres and mile-long queues in front of the cash desks . I do n't think anyone would really like to face them . But once you get there , they 're just inevitable , are n't they ? Well , now before you go shopping , think again and you 'll find out it wo n't be always enjoyable . Dear Manager , I 'm a person , went to see the musical show , I would like to know something about " Over the rainbow " programme ? You have informed the actor , times , discount and the restaurant to people , but actually what did you do ? The first , you have changed the actor . The second , the time is late from 19.30 , it started 20.15 . The third , the tickets have not the discount . The last , after show , I could n't go to the restaurant , because it was closed . What 's happened ? This is the good theatre do , or not ? This is the famous theatre . You know , What did people feel ? Everybody attented go to the show , funny , and happ in the end , and what have we go then ? Disapponted ! Thank about that . If you can not managed the programe , why did you informe people before programe start ? I tought you inderstood ; please send money back to me , you know why , do n't answer me ? Thank you , Now we know , our world have developed to new world , becase we have high technology to do . If we came back to the past , we felt everything , it was so difficult to do , we would have plane and done by ourself and last time . In the present , the teachnology is a past of life . It started from got up in the morning , we have the machine help us to cook , iron , cleanning , washing , and then we went out to work , there are car , sky train to travel for help us convenience and quickly . While we worked at the office , there are the computer and equipment for help to work and easy , after we have finished work , we come back home , there are television for get information , news , data by different way and quickly . How has modern technology changed your daily life ? We appreciated the mordern technology changed my daily life for help every easy and quickly , we have time to do many things . Dear Mr Robertson , Regarding the programme you have organised , it is great ideas everything that you have planed , but I would like to suggest to you something that the students saw in an advertisement . It is good start to go on sightseeing by bus on Monday morning , we can se all famous buildings in a few hours . It 's seems relaxing to go to Greenwich in the afternoon looking though the river . The idea about going to science museum is fantastic , I read about the museum , it is really interesting in science history . After all morning in the Museum , it is wonderful and on tuesday doing some shops , whereas the student have another idea for tuesday . On Wednesday after viseted national Art Gallery , we can have a chat about ours next holiday at the free time in the afternoon . The advertisement that students saw is about a fashion show , but to go to the show you will need cancel the tour on tuesday and add the show , because the show is from 10.00 to 19.00 . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Freedom ! Nowadays the main attroction in the newspapers and television is private life of famous people . It is really interesting how people like knowing famous people life . Without someone famous know , photographs take pictures secretly , try to get money on it . Sometimes being famous can get stress , everywhere they go there are people around them , especially journalists , trying to ask millions questions . Famous people deserve to have freedom to do whatever they want , but it is quite difficult to do thing in a public places , because nobody like famous politicians or film stars without asking questions . On the whole , to be rich and famous do n't always bring happeness , whereas the majority of the population wish they were rich and famous . Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to complain about the musical show " Over the rainbow " which was performed in your theatre two weeks ago . I went to see it on 5th June 2000 . First of all that evening there was not Danny Brook but an unknown and not very good actor . Secondly the show started 45 minutes late . Then at the tickets-office I was said that no discounts were available so I had to pay the full prize despite I am a student . Finally I would have had dinner at the theatre restaurant if it had not been already closed because the show finished , obviously , late . I am really not satisfied with the show-organization particularly because in the advertisement you wrote something different . For this reason I expect to receive my money back . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't good at keeping secret . Last week we had another demostration of this . On Monday we decided to organize a surprise-party for Ted 's birthday on Tuesday evening . Each of us had a different task . Anna prepared the cake , Peter organized the music , Heather and I went to buy the present ; Pat said : " OK I 'll phone to some of Ted 's friends to invite them " . Obviously Ted should have known nothing about it and we remembered it to Pat twice : " the party is a secret ! ! " and she said : " Yes , it must be a surprise ! " On Tuesday afternoon we met to prepare the last details ; Pat said : " I 've just phoned to Tommy , Billy and Alison and I met Ted yesterday evening : they all have said ok for the party. . " In that moment she understood that something was wrong ! Dear Mr Robertson , Thank you for organising good programme , especially like sightseeing from River trip to Greenwich in London for three days . I am writing on behalf of my classmates to give the information of ' The London Fashion And Leisure Show ' which we would like to go and to huggest our opinion . We have seen an advertisement of last Saturday The Times ' edition of the show . It will be held in Central Exhibition Hall , London or Tuesday March 14 from 10.00 to 19.00 . Firstly , it will introduce latest fashions connecting Millenium . Secondly , we will be able to see leisure and sports wear about fashion trend of next year . It would be fantastic opportunity to the students who study a fashion . Finally , we can see how to make up and make better hairstyle in the show . Most of all , It is free for students to enter . We would like to know if it is possible to change your programme . We would be grateful if we could go there in the afternoon on 14 March because we are able to go shopping . We look forward to hearing from you . Yours Sincerely , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . Whenever I recollet it , I feel self-confident . When I was twenty years old , I had to go to Army . As you know , my country has been separated into two countries ( South and North Korea ) . However , instead of going to Army , I was able to apply to Korea Auxiliary Police . One year later , I was working in Kang-nam police station in Seoul . Suddenly , the theft signal came into . So , another policeman and I had to arrive at the accident place quickly . When we arrived at the place which it happened , one man started running away . Without any thought , I ran quickly like a swallow . Then , he tried to go over the wall , I held his leg . He fell down and we had to stare at each other . After we fought for a minute , I was able to arrest him . As a result , I could go on vacation . When I said to my mother , she asked me not to do it again . But , I was a police-man . Therefore , I had to do it in spite of it being dangerous . Dear Competition Organiser , I am writing to replay your letter and to ask more details about the competition . Firstly , I would like to say that I 'm very glad to have been choosen and I will do my best for this competition . As you asked in the letter , I would like to travel only on july because I work at the central library and I 'm also having English classes , so I will just have holidays on July . Is it suitable for you ? As you mentioned about the accomodation , I would prefer stay in the tents , because it 's more exciting and I really love camping . I examined all the activities that you listed and I was disappointed to have to chose just two of them because in my opinion I 'm good in almost of this activities . However , I would choose sailing because I am facinating with the sea and it 's misteries and I also like the watter , the wind in my face ... The other one I would choose is basketball becouse I 'm tall and very fast with the ball . Finally I would like to know what kind of clothes are we supposed to wear there , and about the money we are supposed to pay for food and things like that . I 'm looking forward to receiving your prompt replay . sincerely Clara Dear Kim , I am writing to tell you some news and to ask a little bit about you . First of all , I 'm going to tell the good news . Last month , I went to a pop concert with four bands . It was unbelivebly ! ! ! Although it was 5.000 thousand people there , people could walk and dance without any problem . It was very well organised , the shows started in the exactly time and the group were well performed too . I have contributed to the concert selling some tickets to my friends . However the success of the concert , at the end of show some full gays started a big confusion and some people get hurt . It was depressing ... Finally , I would like to know some news about you , What have you done ? Be you studing a lot ? Please write me a letter as soon as possible ! Love from Clara . Dear Helen Ryan ; I have just received your letter which is made me so hapy . I can not belive that I won first prize in your competition , because I always belived I am an unluky man and now I think somethings are changing in my life . I would like to come in July , because I am studying English and we have one month break at July , so please make my log cabin ready by july . I prefer stay in cabin because I have some experience with tents from my childhood and it was not very good experience therefore I would like to stay in cabin . You saying in your letter I could do two activities from the list which is show many exciting activities . I will definitly chose Basketball and Swimming wich are the my dream sport . I used to be play in school team when I was in high school and our team was the one of the best Basketball team in all county and I also very good at swim . I would like to ask a few things , specialy wheather : how is the weather in July in the U.S.A. What kind of clothes I will need and how much money I should take with me , Because I have never been U.S.A. before and I do n't know anything I am looking forward to your reply letter . Your sincerely I have never enjoyed doing shopping , but nowday some people are calling shopcholic . They are just like alcholics and this people are every day doing shopping because they can not stop themself unless they have not got money for spend . I can not believe how they doing this things every day , even when I need something at home I alway try to find out something to use instead of that things . Because nowdays whereever you go there is big queue and I hate being waited . The queue is not only the problem if you go by car there is parking problem , if you go by bus there is again queue and you have to carry many carry bag carrier bags during the your journey and you wo n't be alway luky to find a seat to seat . If you go shopping for ( buy ) clothes that is the worse kind of shopping . Specialy if you want to buy with your girlfriend or if you are already girl you have to be read for hours to spend try on and off . I realy hate go shopping with girls to buy clothes because when they went into a shop they want try on every single cloth and they do not realise to time . Some people says " shopping is not alway enjoyable " but for me definity unenjoyable and I think it will be same rest of my life . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing with reference to the musical show I saw last week in your theatre . I hoped that it would be the most excited evening during my week 's holiday in London . Unfortunately it was n't . I would n't like to be unkind but I must say that the advertisement for the show included a lot of false information . First of all , when I had bought the ticets it appeared that there is no discount available . Secondly , I must complain that the musical show started almost an hour later and in addition to this anyone did n't excuse . Moreover I would like to ask why Danny Brook , which is my favourite actor , did n't play in the show . Furthermore I would like to enquire why the theatre restaurant was closed . Finally , I must say that I had a very disappointing evening and I would like to get my money back . I look forward to hearing from you . Your faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I wish I had know it two days ago ... Exacly on 15th June we were at the birthday party . Dora wanted me to come with Pat because she was in love with him . I really like Dora and Pat and I just wanted to help them to be together , but it was n't such a good idea . I thought that if I said something specific about her he would look at her in a different way . Well , I forgot that it 's just a boy ! I should n't have told him that she was a virgin . It was awful when he started to laugh and everybody was stearing at us . Yesterday I discovered that he told everything to Marl and Tony . I really regret that I was so foolish . The most horrible is the fact that my friendship with Dora seems to be on the rocks and I do n't know what I have to do to overcome the difficulties . Mr. Manager : I am writing this letter to you because when I went to your Musical show I had a very bad time . Firstly when I went to the show it was writing that the starting time was 19.30 but it started at quarter past eight I had waitted for fourthey five minutes . Secondly the stars were going to be DANNY BROOK and TINA TRUELOVE but different people came to the show . It was the first time I was going to go to a musical show but I guess it will be the last one too . Anyway after the show I felt hungry so I went to the restaurant but it was closed because they were having the inside altered . And as last that was the worse night I had ever had so I asked for my money back but they would n't give it so I had an argument with the people Who worked their but I could n't get my money back . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Because last year I started smoking and nobody knew that I was smoking but one day as I was smoking at the back of the school some one came next to me and I noticed that it was Pat . She saw me as I was smoking so that was n't going to be very good . She said that she would n't tell it to anyone but I knew she might say it to someone so I always was with her very minute ever second . But one day as I was walking home like every night I saw Pat at the front of our house door talking to my dad . I just knew I could n't have trusted to her but as I went in the house my dad offered pot to stay for meal I was in a schock thinking why is n't anyone getting angry to me after a while we sat for dinner and Pat just talk my parents that I was smoking and when my family heard they got ever so angry . I could n't go out of the house for a month so now I know how Pat is and ca n't keep any secrets . Dear Mister I 'm writing to you to complain about the musical show you present at the moment : " Over the Rainbow " . As my husband is a native and we live in Switzerland , we apreciate to pass a week in London every year . We are keen on theatre and musical show . Your theatre is known to present excellent spectacles . We were never disappointed so far and especially enjoyed " The Drama " you presented last year . Anyway we had a very disappointing evening . At first , we could n't get any discount , although you mention it on your advertisment . And the only tickets left were at £ 20 . Then the spectacle began 45 minutes later than mentioned . Last but not least , Danny Brook was replaced by a different actor , whose name I probably forgot because of his poor performance . Afterwards we are used to eat at your restaurant which is not only well known for it 's good price value but also for it 's original decoration . Therefore I ask you to give use £ 20 back , because the two tickets were not more worth . I 'm looking forward to hearing soon from you . yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't really good at keeping secrets . The following story will prove it . I left the office at six o'clock . I was free as the air . My husband was following a course all the week in Berne . The kids were by their grandmother , who take care of them . I drove to Ouchy where I took a drink . It was so hot , I decided to go for a swim in tutry , although I had n't any swimming-clothes . I knew a good place . I parked the car and went ten minuts . As I had planed , the place was deserted . I took my clothes of and swam twenty minutes in the lake . Coming back , I noticed that my clothes were missing . I walked back , hoping I would n't come accross anyone and be able to drive back home . The car was missing too . Unfortunately a police car drove by and the policeman saw me standing there nude . They drove me to their office after having given me use of their shirt . There I called Pat who picked me up . I felt so miserable that Pat laughed seeing me . Of course she told everything to my husband . If only Pat could keep secrets ! Dear Jane Clark , I am writing to thank you for providing International Arts Festival . It was absolutely great idea . However , I would like to give some suggestions for next year as I have read the advertisement . Firstly , could you invite stars and artists from more than only six contries ? In my opinion , it might be better to have time with variety nationallites . Secondly , the music concerts were very exciting and had a lot of fun , but some concert halls were too small to enjoy them comfortably . Thirdly , I am expecting to watch more films and plays which were impressive . Lastly , it could be nice to students who are interested in arts , if you help special events , for instance , song contest , writing competition or dance lessons . To sum up , I hope the festival is developed next year with excellent reasonably-priced ticket like this year 's . Yours sincerely , PART TIME JOBS : Find in your place Do you need money ? If you do , make sure why you want to earn money . That is very important to find a way for earning and saving money . Probably the best way you can get money is to have a part time job in your spare time . I am recommending you to check your possible time to work - weekdays or weekend ? - before you request a job . If you just decide to work , you 'd better to find a job in your place . Firstly , go to your school or local council . They will be able to help to find safe and suitable jobs for students like you . Secondly , as your family or friends . As they know about your interestings and personality , it is easy to help you . In my case , I could get a telephone researcher part by my friend 's reference . In conclusion , do n't forget that a job is just spent in your " spare " time . That 's it ! Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to make a complaint about the show ' Over the Rainbow ' . During my stay in London I went to your theatre to see this show . As it is said in your advertisement , the show is starring Danny Brook but there was different actor . It is not the only problem . The show had to start at 19:30 , but it started at 20:15 . You promised that there will be discounts , but when I came , I found out , that they were not available . I wanted to go to your restaurant . I invited a friend of mine and promised her that we will go there . And what I found out . Your restaurant was closed . You promised that if we go to your show we will have a perfect evening . Everything was just vice versa . I am very disappointed , that is why I am asking you for compensation . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was not very good at keeping secrets . It happened at the end of school year . My class was going to a night disco and I wanted to go there too . I asked my parents if I could go , but they did not let me do that . I tried to persuade them , told that nothing will happen to me , promised to do all housework . But all they have done is told me that I am to young for it and I can go there only when I am 20 years old . I had such a desire to go to the disco , that I decided to go even without parent 's permission . I told my secret to my best friend Pat . But she told it to very kid in school , even the teachers heard it . It occured that one of the teachers told my parents about it . At the end I was punished and stayed at home for two weeks . I understood that I must keep my secrets and do not tell anybody , even the best friend . Dear Mrs. Jane X , I would like to make some appoitments about the event that I had been . First of all , the concert hall is too small to have a great concert . I think should be bigger for jazz , rock or still classical concerts . Secondly , I had some ideas for the next year events , such as : - Funny plays and films to spend the break time ; - Dance shows after dinner to have something interesting to do in the night , - Art exbitions to know more things about artist 's lifestyle ; and - talks by writers to say how good is his latest book . In addictions , the ticket 's price is too expensive and difficult to buy another one every day , so , I think is more effective if was one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events . In conclusion , I hope will be better next year if these points was observed for the each year the event to be better than before . Sincerely How are you ? It was nice to receive notices about you . I remember these time in our class when us talking many time about rules and I am missing that time so much . Well , about rules in my contry , is not different than another countries . The rules must be respect for all people if you do n't want get out from scholl . You must to be organise , clean and respect the right of other people. . Dear The Manager of the Circle Theatre , While I was staying in London for a holiday , I went to the Circle Theatre to see OVER THE RAINBOW in the evening . That made me feel disappointed . First of all , the actor was different from your advertisement . I meant he was not Danny Brook . Secondly , it took times to wait about forty five minutes , because it started at 20:15 . It should be on time at 19:30 . Then it had no discounts , which the advertisement said so . Due to being a student , I think I should have got the discount from your ticket with ID card . Besides this , the theatre restaurant was early closed . As soon as the show ended , I went to there for having a dessert . Lastly , I do n't think that it was my perfect evening . I would like to get my money back . I look forward to replying from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Griffin , who is a teacher , was n't surprised at our preparation . It was so close to be on his birthday , so we made a decision to hold a small party for him . She has just learnt with us for three weeks . She is not talkative , kind , and reserved . However , this party she took part in , she was responsible for preparing food . As far as we knew , she 's good at cooking . While she was choosing vegetables in a market , she came across him . When he asked her ' why do you choose deliberately ? ' , she answered without thinking . That caused the secret disclosed . We did n't blame her , because we knew that she did n't intend to do like that . Although he was n't surprised , he was glad and pleased with our party . Anyway , Happy Birthday to Griffin , again . Dear Jean Clark , I recently spent two days at your Annual International Arts Festival and I am writing to express my opinion about it . Firstly , I think the International Arts Festival is a wonderful idea because I have the opportunity to enjoy different arts events . But it is also true I could just see stars and artists on stage from only six countries , not stars from around the world as you announce in your advertisement . Secondly I really enjoyed the jazz and classical concerts in spite of the fact that some of them were taken place in too small concert halls . Thirdly , all the plays and films showed were interesting , In my opinion you should include some more films and plays in your festival next year . Finally , I think it was a good idea the fact to buy only one ticket for all the events since I just spent the time watching and enjoying all of them . I look forward hearing from you . Your sincerely Dear George , Sorry it 's been too long since I last wrote but I 've been so busy at school that I could n't answer you before . As you tell me in your last letter you were talking about rules in your class and you want to know about school rules in my country and also what I am allowed to do at home . First I must tell you that teachers are strict at school . We are n't allowed to eat in the classrooms and in addition to this we must sit down in individual desks . We ca n't chat with our classmates . How boring ! At home everything is quite good , mum and dad are great but there 's one main rule I must tell them were I go and what time I 'll come back . Granny is the problem she 's a bit bossy ! She usually tells me what to do and what kind of clothes I should wear but I do n't care about it . I really must get down to some homework now so I 'll stop here . Give my love to your parents . Write to me soon Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to you as a representative of the class about the 3-day school trip which has been organized for next week . First of all , I would like to thank you for the excellent organization of this trip which seems to be very interesting and useful for the students . Especially I believe that the visit to the National Art Gallery will be a really exciting experience for all of us . All the students are enthusiastic about it . However , some of them have read an advertisment about the London Fashion and Leisure Show , which will take place at the Central Exhibition Hall in London on 14th March . The Exhibition will show all the latest fashion in a very wide range from sports wear to make up and even hairstyles . What is more , the show is free for all the students . We feel that taking part to it would be a great opportunity to us since we will be able to have some information about the world of fashion , which is becoming more and more important in our days . Under the circumstances , I was asked by the class to inform you about the show and to ask if it could be possible to make some changes in the programme if it could to visit the Exhibition . It will take place on Tuesday from 10.00am to 19.00pm , so we could give up the shopping and go to the show in the afternoon . I hope you will consider this possibility and tell us as soon as possible if you intend to accept our proposal . Yours faithfully Being famous and risk is something all of us have dreamt of sometimes . But not always famous people are happy of their condition . Usually if you ask them what they would desire most , the answer is : " I would like to be able to live like ordinary people do " There is no surprise to this answer : famous people can not have their own private life . Whenever they go out they are suddenly " hounded " by groups of journalists and photographers who want an interview or a photo . They can not even have a pizza with friend who stops them and asks them for an autograph . But the worst thing of all is that they are often victim of malicious gossips , which most of the times are not even true . In conclusion , I believe that it is certainly tight that famous people accept their condition , with all the advantages and disadvantages it brings , on the other hand , however , I think that they deserve to have a private life as all other people have . Also the most famous star can be unhappy and depresed : not always , in fact , money and celebrity being happiness . Dear Mr Robertson , Thank you for the programme which you have organised the three days in London . However , some students in our class have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we would like to have an opportunity to go to the show . The show is opened between ten and seven p.m on Tuesday , March 14 at Central Exhibition Hall in London . Latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles are expected to be displayed and studied . We have concerned it as a great opportunity to touch a part of latest cultures , which are concentrated and sharpened in London . In addition , the addmission for students is free . Taking the programme and the show into consideration , we suggest that we can have time to go to the show in the afternoon on Tuesday . We suppose that in free time on Wednesday we can find some time for shopping . We hope that you consider our suggestion . Yours sincerily , The ways of living are always changing . It is no doubt that functions and structures of the home have been changing as well as that of transformation , for example , have been . Thinking about the home of the future , first of all , nuclear families should be expected because of new technologies , which make house-keeping easier and simpler and because of the idea which encourages us to live in cities for convenient life . People may tend to avoid from living in a large number of families in an expected small house in a city . On the other hand , the bond between parents and children should be unlikly to change . People always need their parents , children and so on . The longer and further they live on their own , the more they may feel that they need a family . New materials will surly change the home of the future in any ways . It is just staff 's around us improving and turning into new one . Hopefully , the minds of people will stay peaceful and tender in the future . Dear Mrs. Ryan , Thank you for your letter . I was very surprised that I have won the first prize in your competition . First I would like to mention that I can only travel in July , because I will work in August in a web designer studio . So I am unable to go on holiday to another time . I would prefer to stay in a tent because I like camping very much . I think it 's more exciting to be in a tent than in a log cabin . I was very surprised that you offer such a great variety of sports and courses . I would like to do Basketball and Painting . I played Basketball at school for about two years . I am rather good in it . I also had Painting as main subject at school for five years . I like painting very much , and I think I am good in Painting . I paint a lot in my free time . I prefer painting landscapes and fantasy-pictures . I would like to ask you , how much money will we need ? Which clothes should we take with us ? I hope to hear from you soon . Yours sincerely First I would like to point out , that this was a good idea to present our school in a short film . I think first of all we should film an english lesson , where pupils could prepare some group work or information-boards . I think it is also important to present a comercial english lesson , maybe the pupils could write " offers and orders " or enquiries on the blackboard . Next I would film a BWPM lesson . This subject teachs the pupils how to make good presentations . They go together in groups , then they prepare power point presentations and at least they present it in front of the other pupils and teachers . It would be also very interesting to film the situation during the brake . The smokers in the school yard , the buffett and the other pupils , who are sitting in front of their tables writing their homework . I think then we should film an informatic-lesson . It would be funny to present the computers , which are often overcharged , or often the netserver is spinning . It 's really funny to see the helpless teacher , who wants to go on writing in excel or a word text , while the computers do not work or brake down . I think that would be all for our video . In my opinion this are the most interesting things in our school . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about your entertainment which was advertised in the last edition of " Plays " . I am afraid that reality had nothing common with the things I suspected to meet . First of all , the prices were n't lower in any cases although you advertised the information like that . Then , I expected the show to start on time , but it turned out that I had to wait 45 minutes . Moreover , when the play started at last , I could n't look at the actors . Especially I was disappointed by Danny Brook who made me nervous with his lack of talent . According to your advertisement , there was a possibility to have dinner in your restaurant , but I was surprised when I found it closed . After that , I should also mention , that this evening was dull , boring and the worst in my life . I am looking forward to hearing from you and I insist that you refund my lost money at once . Yours faithfully , Come back to paradise There is no doubt that fashion affects people and makes them obsessed with this subject , but what can be designed more ? Can you imagine the trend which will be as shocking as it has never been ? The clothes is part of each culture and one of these things which expresses our taste and personality . People spend a lot of money to buy something extraordinary , feel comfortable and stand out . They come up with many ideas but it ca n't last for a long time . Nowadays it 's getting obvious that designers sold only details , but significant changes do n't turn up . Styles mix , colours and shapes come back from the past , only the fabrics are different . People look for something new but it is not so easy to be creative all the time . Teenagers are bored with casual fashion and their parents laugh at them because of the fact they wear common clothes . That 's why I believe in the solution which is the closest to human nature and can help us to omit the boredome I am sure that at last we will take off our clothes and in the future we will be undressed and free there wo n't be any problem with being up-do-date . As it was previously stated I am convinced that the reality will turn out to be a paradise where the most important will be body and purity of our soul . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing in connection with the musical show I saw in your theatre a week ago . Although the show was supposed to be the London 's newest and best musical show , I am rather disappointed with it . Firstly , I was really looking forward to seeing Danny Brook and Tina Truelove on the stage . However , you changed actors without informing viewers . As if this were not enough , the show was forty five minutes late . Your leaflet was rather misleading on this subject . According to your leaflet , tickets were supposed to be a bit cheaper , but I was refused being given a discount . On top of everything , the theatre restaurant was closed . You can imagine how disappointed I must be to spent such an imperfect evening . I demand a full refund or I will be forced to take this mater further . I look forward to receiving your prompt reply . Yours faithfully , Recently , we have had a very interesting discussion about how science and technology affects our lives . My life has also changed as a result of modern technology . Thanks to computers , phones , mobile phones , internet I can communicate with other people faster than I was able to do before . My father is a sailor and I meet him only four times a year . But thanks to mobile phone I can contact him even if he is sailing in the Atlantic Ocean . I also enjoy shopping through internet . This way I do n't have to do be queuing in shops and supermarkets and I can choose fashionable clothes . In the future I would love to be a doctor , especially a cardiologist . Nowadays , modern technology is used in medicine more often and it can minimise the risk of the death of the patients . However , I can see some disadvantages of technological progress . First of all , I spend too much time indoors playing computer or watching TV . I know that if I want to keep fit and stay healthy , I must take up some sport . Moreover , modern technology has made our environment more polluted . That 's why we should abandon cars from city centres , closed down factories which produce too much sewage . Although modern progress has made our life easier , it may be also harmful . We should all be aware of these consequences of modern technology and use it considerably . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to answer all the questions that you made me in your last letter . First of all , I wanted to thank you for giving me the first prize in your competition . It is very important for me , because I always wanted to travel to the U.S.A . I would be able to travel only in July because it is the only month when I do n't have to go to school . I would prefer to stay in a tent because as I had never slept in a tent , it would be a new experience for me . The two activities that I choose are : basketball and climbing . I am a very good basketball player because I have been playing basketball since I was six years old . By the other side , I have never climbed a mountain but I always wanted to do it . I wondered which kind of clothes I should take to the camp and I wanted to know how much money I should take . I look forward to knowing the date of the camp . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Thank you for your last letter . It was very interesting and I enjoyed reading it . As you know , I enjoyed helping at a pop concert last month . It was a very good experience and I am going to tell you all about it . First of all , I had to sell tickets for the concert in the street . As I sold all the tickets that the organisers gave me , I won a prize of ten pounds . Do n't ask me how the concert was ! Because during the concert I was working in the kitchen of the stadium bar , preparing sandwiches . I am angry because I could n't watch the artists performing their songs . When the concert was finished , some friends and I went for a drink . It was a very important experience for me because I learnt all about the organisation of a pop concert . Looking forward to hearing from you . Yours , Dear Mr Robertson My name is ... and I am a student representative . I am writing to you on behalf of my class concerning our trip to London . First of all I would like to thank you for organizing the programme . I read it and found it very good , specially , Science Museum and National Art Gallery as I am interested in arts . However , I have a great proposition for you . Students in my class have recently seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . I thing it is a great opportunity for us , as it is at the time of our being in London and is free of charge for students . Girls should like to see the latest fashion , new make-up and interesting hairstyles . Boys are interested in seeing leisure and sportswear . I would like to suggest a change in the programme by giving up shopping and going to the London Fashion and Leisure Show . I hope you will consider this proposition and I am looking forward to hearing form you . Yours sincerely THE HOME OF THE FUTURE Home is an important element in everybody 's life . It gives you safety . I do not know people who would not want to have a home . We like our houses that is why are always trying to make it more comfortable and useful . I think The Home of the Future will be bigger as we will need more room for us , our belongings and interests . The construction will be more simple what will give us a feeling of balance . More houses will have gardens what will make us feel closer to the nature . Many people think that we will resign from a kitchen which is a useless place , as we will spend most of the time at work and will eat outside . I do not think so . Because of computers we will have the possibility of working at home , therefore , home will be very important place worth paying attention . Take care of your home , do not hesitate in it and you will be very happy . Dear Sir/Madam , I went to the Circle Theatre to see the musical show " Over The Rainbow . " Unfortunately , I had a very disappointing evening , because very little of what was offered in the advertisements was provided . Firstly , we were informed that Danny Brook was starring but a different actor was starring in the show and he was really disappointing . Secondly , in the advertisement it was written that the show was to start at 19:30 . However , it started at 20:15 , almost an hour late . Thirdly , it was written that discounts were available but we were again frustrated , seing they were not available . Finally , although we were informed that the theatre restaurant would be open after the show , it was closed because the show had started late . As you can see , most of the offered activities in the advertisements were not provided . We did not have " a perfect evening " as it was written , actually we had an evening full of the theatre 's mistakes and were extremely disappointed . I suppose it will be better for your theatre 's reputation to give at least some of my money back . Yours Sincerely , MY LIFE AND MODERN TECHNOLOGY Here we are , in the 21st century ... We live in a technologically well-developed world , having every opportunity for communication , education and entertainment . Almost everyone has televisions , computers and electronic devices . But how has modern technology changed our lives ? If I were to talk about my own life , my speech would be simple : My electronic alarm-clock wakes me up in the morning . I go to school by underground . When I come home , I cook my meal in the microwave . In my spare time , I watch television , play with my computer , or chat in the internet ... There is no sentence without electronic devices . I wonder what I could do without them ... I do n't go out with my friends or read books . I have friends in the internet and can learn anything while surfing in it . I sometimes get bored or feel isolated , because I know I am living in a virtual world . When I look at my life , I can understand I am dependent on the machines . My daily life is programmed up to the virtual world I created . Modern technology has changed my life completely . Dear Ms. Jane Clark , I am writing to give my opinion about the International Arts Festival which was held 21st and 22nd November . I went to the rock concert by U2 and the Chinese film " Chung King Express " . Both of them were not only really enjoyable , but also reasonably-priced . However , I feel that it would be even better if there were some improvement . First of all , it would be greater if there were more famous people who have various nationalities . Because most of them were from English speaking country this year . In addition , larger halls should be provided for concerts since a lot of people could not get tickets for those by big stars . Moreover , personally , I hope that the number of plays and films will increase . I think they are the nearest arts ' in real life . I would be glad if you consider my suggestions . Yours sincerely , Money - has n't it always been one of the most important problem for students ? Of course , you ca n't afford a luxualy car and a large apartment unless you 've born with a silver spoon . However , there are some good ways for you to earn enough money to enjoy yourself . How about working as a waiter or waitress ? Not only it 's a simple job , but also you can enjoy working with many colleague at your age . It would be great fan to make friends outside your class or club . If you say that the wage is far from satisfaction , why do n't you teach younger students as a private teacher . It 's also really popular job among university students because of the good salaly . If you are interested in teaching and responsible enough , you 'll probably become an excellent teacher . Stop complaining about lack of money and let 's start working to have a new world . You 'll find that your life is becoming more and more enjoyable ! Dir Madam I 'm writing to you in reply to your letter . I was really suprised when I opened it . I look forword to going to the Camp California in the USA . I would like to travel only in July because my family is going to visit me on August and I will have to look after them . I prefer staying in tens to staying in log cabins . Because it remainds me my childhood . I used to going with my friends to the camp , wich was situeded on a seaside . We had always enjoying ourselves . Never had I got such a great time . From your 's list of activities I choose sailing and climbing . I 'm keen on sailing , it is my favourite sport . I find it very atractive . I have been sailing since my father had bought a boat in 1980 , when I was only five years old . However , I have never taken part in any competitions connected with this sport . For me it is only a hobby . Last year I took up climbing and I want to carry on learning this sport . I would like to ask what kinds of clothes should I take with me. and I wonder if prizes are high there . Yours faithfully Angelina I used to like shopping , but recently I came across many disadvantage of this activity . Most people think that if they have got money they will buy everything what they want . It is n't true . Nowdays we have many big shopping centers . We like them because everything is on one place . The most suitable time for shopping is weekand when parents do n't work and children have n't got a school . Because of that shopping centers are over crowded . You ca n't buy something in peacful and calm athmospher . In addition in such kind of shops prizes are very high , of course not all of them . However such centers are very useful and necessary . I my opinion the worst thing which may happened is extremly hugh queu to the changing room . It is really exhausting . Afterwards you are all in . Nevertheless sometimes shopping could be enjoyable . If you bought something goregous , you would be very happy . On balance I think that shopping should be a nice thing so if you have bad mood do n't go shopping . Dear Mr. Robertson First of all , I want to thank you in the name of the class for your good organisation and programme , Especially for the fact that you are giving us some free time . We really appreciate this . However , we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . The show is on Tuesday the 14th of March , from 10 oo to 19 oo o'clock in the Central Exhibition Hall . There will be shown the latest fashions about leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . This is a great opportunity for us , because we have n't been ever before in this kind of show . As well as this , the entrance for students is free . As you can see this is the best time to go there . We have some suggestions about how to change the programme . Instead of visiting the Science Museum on Tuesday we could go there on Wednesday afternoon and instead of going shopping on Tuesday afternoon we could maybe stop at some places during the sightseeing tour and buy there something . To sum up , this is a really great opportunity for us and I do n't think that the changes are so big . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerelly The man is a being that need to live close to other human beings and to create a society around him . As well as this he needs his own free space and privacy . This is also important to him as friendship and family In our society some people are treated like animals in the zoo by the press . Just because they are famous and well known to a high number of other people . The newspapers print everything about them . The yellow press is searching for every little information they can get . The photographers are chasing these people , just to take a picture of them on how they eat or with who the meat . The photos will be on tomorrow 's press and so rumours are born . On the other hand the people have choose to walk on this path . Everything in life has a price . The price for fame and money is the lost of privacy . First of all you have to give up something for getting something else . However , the press should n't create rumours and hunt those people like animals . As well as this , the stars should n't complaint at any time about their fans and their lost of privacy . They wanted to be famous and the had known the price before . The fans and the press are those who have made them rich and famous . Dear Sir or Madam ! I 'm writing to you because of the musical show " Over the rainbow " , wich I visited on Friday the 16th of June in your theatre . There are several points I have to complain wich made the evening not nice at all . At first the show started much later than it was written out . Instead of half past seven the show startet at quarter past eight . I could n't go to have a refreshment because of two reasons , the first one is that there was no information how much time the start of the show is going to be late . The second reason is that the restaurant of the theatre was closed because of building plans for the next two month . After I waited for about 45 minutes the show suddenly started but I had to realize that the main actor Danny Brook , who was the reason why I went into the show had been traded by an other actor , who could n't sing as half as good then Brook . On your ticket information is written out that discounts are available , when I ask at the ticket reception I could n't get any discount for beeng student . To make an result the evening in your theatre and the show was very disappointing and not like promised . For these reasons I want to ask you to get my money of £ 25 back . reasently Miss. Winkler What is the prize ? Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . He did n't want to say what Sarah just had told him , it just came over his mouth , when he talked to James . " Sarah has won in a quiz show ? " James was more than just interested , he wanted to know what she had won . But Pat made a promise not to tell anybody about the quiz show and he already had told enough . After one hour the hohle class had heard about Sarah 's secret . Everybody was interested in what she had won but knowbody wanted to ask Sarah because it was told in a secret to them . Sarah realized that everybody was nice and friendly to her but something was going on in the class , when she turned around a talking and wispering started . Suddenly , she went to Pat and asked him did you tell anybody about our secret . Pat told her everything . Sarah looked at him for a while , than she stood in front of the class and explaind to the others , that she won a prize for 20 people to travel for 1 week to the sea of southern France and everybody of the 19 pupils was invited , except Pat who was n't very good at keeping secrets . Manager of the Circle Theatre 17th June 2000 Dear Sir , I am waiting this letter re fearing to the show " over the Rainbow " you presented the 10 of this month . I read your advertissement five days before , and I was realy impressed by it . But , the quality of this show was n't what you let understand , an I feel realy disappointed by it . I want to give you some details about my feelings . First of all , you presented a starring composed with Danny Brook , but he was n't there ! Secondly , the show should start at 19.30 , and in fact it started 45 minutes late . Then , I am a student , and when I bought my ticket , there was n't any discounts . Finally , I hoped that I could have a diner in the restaurant after the show , but , to make my totally disappointed , it was closed , and I had to find another restaurant at 22.00 . So you can imagine how I am satisfied by your pretending " Perfect Evening " . For all these reasons , and if you want to keep me a costumer , I would be gratfull if you give me some or all my money back . Looking forward to hearing from you , Yours sincerly , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . My marks was n't good enought to obtain my degree in Computer Science , and the exam session was finished . There was no solutions to finally obtain the diploma . You need more explanations about me to understand my motivations at the end of this story . In fact , I did this kind of studies because of my interests in programming . The problem is that I ca n't keep calm during an exam to succeed . That 's why I decided to hack the teacher 's computers to change all my marks . I never talked about this project to anyone , exept my best friend Pat . At the end of the exam session , all students and teachers meet together for a big party , to celebrate it . During this party , Pat drank too much . And when he was totally drunk , he started speaking . Then , the teachers made copies of their file , and my project was n't possible anymore . So congratulation everybody . And I think I will still be there next year . Dear Mr Robertson , Many thanks for the programme you have organised . It is really interesting and diversity at the same time . There is just one thing I want to tell you ; Janine and Richey have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure show and we all would like to go to the show . That is in the central Exhibition Hall , near the hotel , and it is only about fashion : latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . I think it could be very interesting and it is free for students ( what is really good ) . It is a great opportunity because this show is only each two years and normaly it is difficult to go in . And , as you know we all are interested in fashion . In my opinion , I would suggest to go to the show instead of the National Art Gallery because we could go there another time . Or , going to the show on wensday morning and on the afternoon , we can choose between free time or National Art Gallery . I look farward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I went out of the room , ran as much as I could and started thinking what this man was doing here and who he was . When I arrived in the street it was dark , windy , but I could see a shadow at the corner of the opposite street . By the time I arrived here , he has disappeared . Suddenly , I felt very tired and decided to go home . My sister was standing , crying and showing the front door . I took her in my arms and opened the door : my mother was sitting in a chair , reading a book , with blood all around her . I finally realized that she was dead . The police arrived twenty minutes later , took my mother and checked to see what could be interesting to find the murder : lucky , the knife which he used to kill her was still here and in fact they could arrested him . They found hime two months after and six months after he was in jail . To forget everything , I moved to Irkind with my sister in a small house in the countryside . Everything was going on , when one day , I came in the house and found my mother sitting in a chair reading a book , with blood all around her . Dear Sir I write a letter to complain about your advertisement about the musical show " over the rainbow " , wich is misleading in a number of way . Firstly we arrived at 19.15 to be in time for the show , which should have started at 19.30 . However it started at 20.15 and we were all very disappointed . Furthermore , it 's written in your advert that Danny Brook is in the play and that was one of the main reason to why we went . Imagine how disappointed we got when we found out that he had been replaced . Besides , when we wanted to buy our tickets we were hoping that the discounting was available . Unfortunately , it was n't and we could n't afford bying everyone a ticket . Finally , after the show we had planed to eat diner at the theatre restaurant and we were very disappointed when it turned out to closed . Therefor , as you may understand I 'm asking for a refund . These kinds of misadventures can easily ruin your reputation . I look forward to hearing from you Your sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets and the rumours describing me stealing soon reached the director 's office . I was send a letter in which it was written that the director wanted to meet me and my parents . Sweating and affraid I waited out side the director 's office the following day . I was unable to image what would happen to me if my parents knew what I had stolen . ' You may enter ' said the director . Tairs ran down my face as I admitted having stolen . I was suprised that my father did n't watch me but I soon understood that he was ignoring me . Mother , on the other hand , looked at me and seemed both disappointed and betrayed . During the trip home non of us spoke . We just sat calmly waiting for this nightmare to be over . The same evening my father pronounced a few words : ' May this be the end of your thief career we are only ready to forgive if you promiss never to start again ' Dear Mrs Ryan , I am writing to answer to your letter in which you told me I won first prize in our competetion , which is two weeks , I was very happy with this result since I did not think I could win . First of all I would like to tell you that I will be able to travel only in July because in the other months I will be too busy with my work . In the second place I add that I would prefer an accomodation in a tent , even though it is not very comfortable , because I want to put myself to the test by living in a condition I am not used to . Besides this , in connexion with the activities we will have the chance to do , I would like to inform you that I choose swimming and tennis because I am quite good at both , especially at tennis . In addition to this I would like to ask you which kind of clothes and how much money it is necessary to have , since I am undecided about it not knowing the cost of life in California . I look forward to hearing from you soon , Yours Sincerely , Marino Rizzo The aim of this report is to suggest which activities of our daily life at school shoud be filmed to give the other students the idea of what we usually do not only during the lessons but also the rest of the time . Most of the students agree in saying that two are the main features of our daily life at school which should be filmed : it would be very funny to dwell on us working and speaking together without the help of the teacher to show our efforts and sometimes successful and sometimes ridiculous and also to film some amusing moments we spent waiting for the teacher . A little percentage , on the contrary , said it would be very useful to film the teacher when she is explaining us something important , to give the idea of the real life in our classroom. which is the most . Mr. Manager : The porpouse of this letter is to complain about my experience with the musical show " Over the Rainbow " , wich really disapointed me . First of all , there were no diccounts avaible as it said on the anouncement so I had to pay the original price wich was n't cheap at all . Then , I was forced to wait fourty five minutes to see the show because it started at 20:75 in stead of 19:30 and when it finally started , I was really disapointed to see that the actors were n't Danny and Tina as it said on the anouncement . Finally , when the show finished , I could n't visit the theatre restaurant because it was closed for repairs . So , as you can see , it was n't my perfect evening out at all that 's why I demand you to send me my money back . Your really unsatisfied costomer How has modern technology afected my daily life ? Since the begining of human life , people have invented ways to make their life easier . That is not difference from now . We live sorrounded by inventions wich help as through the day . From the vehicle we use to move faster to the light bulb we use at night , we constantly depends on these inventions to be able to make the things we have to do . That 's why modern technology is so important in our daily life , because it helps to make our life easiest and to do what we have to do faster so then we can use better our time . Warsaw , 13th of June 2000 Dear Mrs. Ryan , I am writing in response to your letter which I received two days go and in order to answer all questions I was asked to . First of all , the only month I will be able to visit the U.S.A. is July due to the fact that I have already arranged another trip for August . Second of all , I would prefer to live in a tent . I am used to this kind of accommodation since I have been taking part in survival camps for a long time . As far as the activities are concerned , I have chosen sailing and surfing . The reason of my decision is that other activities are availiable to take also in my county , except climbing , but I have fear of heights so this one is not destinated for people like me . Furthermore , I would like to ask you some questions . What type of clothes should I take and how much money would be enough ? Is this a kind of " all inclusive " holidays ? Thank you in advance . Yours faithfully , Ursula Sobczak Warsaw , 13 June 2000 Dear Kim , I think I told you about my plans of entering a group that helps at concerts , did n't I ? Well , I took my chance and I was chosen to help at Michael Jackson 's concert . Amazing , is n't it ? The event took place a month ago in the Rock Stadium . There was about 100 000 people . We had a lot of things to do . Acctually , they put me very close to the stage , in the middle of the real hell . Many people fainted and some of them , the most serious cases , had to be taken to hospital . The biggest problem was connected with some foreigners who could n't speak Polish or English and we did n't know how to help them . Despite this fact , the atmosphere was terrific . After the concert many people lost their way home , mostly foreigners who did n't know the buses ' schedule . We had to order taxis for them as they did n't have mobile telephones . However , they were very nice people . I did n't manage to meet Michael as I had expected , but apart from that , I really enjoyed time I spent there . You should also try . Best wishes , Ursula . Dear Sir or Madam , I 'm writing to complain about a musical show which I 've seen recently at your theatre . There are several reasones why I was n't satisfied with it . Firstly , it was written in the advertisement that a famous actor Danny Brook would play in the show . Despite it , a different actor stared in the performance , which was really disappointing . Secondly , the beginning of the show was 45 minutes later than it was supposed to be . Thirdly , no discounts were made when I was buying the tickets . Lastly , the theatre restaurant was closed after the show . That evening was n't my perfect one out , although it was promised to be so in the advertisement . This is the main reasone , why I want to ask for a refund . In my opinion , this would be quite fair . I 'm going to visit the Circle Theatre this Sunday . I hope I 'll get at least a part of the money I 've paid back . Yours faithfully , Fashion of the Future . During the centuries man 's clothes has been changing and even developing in some way . People wore clothes made from metal , which were rather heavy , I suppose . They wore enormous luxurious dresses , which , in my opinion , you ca n't feel very comfortable in . Nowadays people wear more common clothes . I think we can make a conclusion : during the centuries man 's clothes have been becoming less heavy and luxurious and more common . People 's clothes have been changing from metalwear to shorts and miniskirts . That 's why I suppose , that man 's clothes will be becoming more and more light . I think , they will be made of universal materials , which will be rather light and thin . People wo n't be embarassed to show the beauty of their bodies . Perhaps , clothes will be rather small . I think , that different tops and mini-skirts will become more popular . Maybe , people will create something even smaller than that . Who knows what will happen in the future ? Perhaps , metalwear will become a craze again . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I am very happy to have won the first prize of the competition , and I am going to clear up some details you asked me in your letter . Firstly , because of my school exam , I would like to travel only july . Moroever , I have chosen this month because I think the weather will be fine . At Camp California , I hope I will be in tents because I like very much this kind of style life : I love the contact with the nature . On the other handDuring my stay in Camp California , I want to go swimming because I practice this activitie regularly and I often do competitions : this is one of my hobbies . In addition to this , I wish I am going to sail : I have never try it , but it seems to be great ! Finally , I have two questions more : I wonder if I can change my french money in the Camp and what kind of clothes I have to buy before coming ? Yours sincerely . Didier Bovie Dear Kim , As you asked me in your last letter , I am going to tell you more about the last month 's pop concert . Firstly , I arrived five hours before the begining of the concert in order to help the musicians to move the material from the van to the scene . As soon as all the conections was made , we tested the nivel of the sound : I found it too loud , so I advised them to regular it , and they listed to me ! Then , there was only one hour left to install the differents color lights : it was just enought time . Thus , it was a fantastic afternoon because I like very much music , even if I do n't play any music instrument . Moreover , I learnt a lot about music , especially concerning the way of using an instrument . Consequently , I hope I will play an instrument in the future , especially because the group promises me to help me to learn any instrument . See you soon . Best wishes Didier Bovie Dear Mr Robertson , On behalf of my class , I am writing to request few changes in our London programme which has already been planned . My friends have seen an advertisement which is the London fashion and leissure show. it will be held on 14th March . We have decided it would be more interesting to see the latest fashions , make up , hairstyles instead of going to do shopping . We would suggest gong to this fabolous show. it is also free of charge for students . We will be given a great opportunity to have fun and look around in London . We would all thank you for the organised programme . I apologise any inconvenience that this cause you . We would be pleased if you could make a new arrangement in your programme I look forward to hearing from you . Yours Sincererly , CAN YOU IMAGINE THE NEW YOUR HOUSE ? We spend most of our life in our houses . We like them show our life style and of course feel ourself comfortable . I can imagine in the future how it would be ? It would be much technological or far less complex. it could be as simple as we think. but the imagine of the life style depends on person . On the other hand , it would not be changed . Somehow I could say that the main appliance would remain the same working structure. it only just might be changed the design of things such as a triangular talking oven . Despite being used in many ways , it could entartian us as well . On balance I would accept whatever could make my life easier. to live . I would n't mind having things talking to around me. it would be enjoyable to have virtual friends in my house . Although I imagine my house in my future , I am sure I would be suprised when I had them . Dear Sir/Madam , I 'm writing to complain about the musical show which I 've recently seen at your theatre . I was enthusiastic about the special event . The advertisement shew two actors but I was surprised to see as the main caracter a different person . As well as this , to my horror , the performance did n't start at 19.30 but forthy five minutes later . In addition to this , the theatre restaurant was closed for lack of servants . No discounts were available ! So , I 'm sure you will understand why I 'm feeling so annoyed by the whole incident . I hope you will give me back the prize of my ticket ! I look forward to hearing from you in the near future . Yours faithfully , Introduction : It seems to me that modern technology has deeply changed our daily life . The computer is everywhere and it 's available for everyone . An usefull help : The personal computer can fastly help you in lots of situations . Moreover , a variety of micro computers are now everywhere such as in your car , on your radio and so on . Have a good feeling with it ! : On one side , the modern technology is extremely important , on the other hand you should n't abuse of it . Conclusion : I do think , however , the modern technology is essential for human being nowadays . Although the world of computers will develop day by day , I lively hope we ( human being ) could mantain our personality of seeing things . DEAR MRS RYAN , THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR LETTER YOU SENT ME LAST WEEK . I 'M VERY PROUD TO BE THE WINNER OF YOUR COMPETITION ! I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN SUCH A CAMP BEFORE AND SO I 'M LOOKING FORWART TO SPENDING TWO WEEKS THERE . HERE ARE THE INFORMATION YOU ASKED FOR : IT IS ONLY POSSIBLE FOR ME TO TRAVEL IN JULY BECAUSE OF MY UNREGULAR WORK . IN JULY WE HAVE GOT LOW SEASON AND IT WILL BE EASIER TO GO THEN ON HOLLYDAY . FURTHER I WOULD PREFER TENTS . I HAVE BEEN IN A SPORT CAMP LAST YEAR AND IT WAS FUNNY TO SLEEP IN TENTS . FROM THE ACTIVITIES I CHOOSE TENNIS AND SURFING . I PLAY TENNIS IN A CUP FOR FIVE YEARS BUT SURFING I HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE . WE NEED SOME SPECIAL SPORT CLOTHES FOR THIS TWO ACTIVITIES ? AND IS IT ALSO ALLOWED TO BRING MY DOG WITH ? HE 'S A SMAL ONE ! I 'M LOOKING FORWART TO HEARING FROM YOU YOURS SINCERELY ESTELLE BRAUER DEAR KIM , YOU KNOW THAT I ALWAYS WANTED TO HELP AT A CONCERT . TO BE IN A STAFF TEAM WOULD BE WONDERFUL , I THOUGTH . AND I WAS RIGHT ! BUT NOW FROM THE BEGINNING : AS YOU KNOW I WROTE TO THAT ORGANISATION WHO IS ALWAYS RESPONSBLE FOR BIG EVENTS . ONE WEEK LATER THEY INVITED ME TO A POP CONCERT WHICH TOOK PLACE IN ZURICH LAST MONTH . WHEN I ARRIVED WE FIRST HAD A MEETING . ALL FROM THE STAFF TEAM AND THE ORGANISATION SPOK ABOUT THE RULES AND HOW TO SAVE PEOPLE . AFTER THE MEETING WE RECIEVED ALL THE SAME CLOTHES . WE WERE A GROUPE ! ONE TEAM ! BEFORE THE CONCERT WE HAD A BREAK TO EAT SOMETHING AND TO TALK TO EACH OTHER . IT WAS INTERESTING TO SEE THAT ALL PEOPLE HAVE OTHER HOBBIES AND WORK . THE CONCERT WAS VERRY LOUD AND LONG BUT WE DID N'T HAVE TO WORK HARD . I WAS HAPPY THAT THERE WAS NO DANGER FOR THE PEOPLE DURING THE CONCERT . AFTER A NICE CONCERT WE HAD TO CLEAN EVERYTHING AND I WAS HAPPY WHEN I ARRIVED AT HOME EARLY IN THE MORNING.. ! GREATING AND HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON Estelle Dear Sir or Madam , I have recently been to the Circle Theatre to see a musical show . It was advertised as London 's Newest and best musical show . However , it had been a very dissappointing evening for me . Firstly , it was mentioned that there were going to be two starrings but , in fact , only an actor were performing on the show . Secondly , there was a delay on the show which supposed to started at 19.30 but , it was actually started at 20:15 . This really upset me as no notice were given before the show . Thirdly , the advertisment said that the discounts were avaliable but , the ticket seller said that there was no discount allowing or avaliable . In addition , the advertisment mentioned that restaurant will be opened after the show but it was closed because , short of cooker . Finally , I would like to ask for money back for the ticket due to the disapointing evening out and unreliable advertisement you have created . I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , Cook Phatosub . Nowaday , modern technology is becomming very essential to our daily life . As it is another important factor which affects our life , apart from money , health , food and house . The reasons it is important to us are , first of all , if you think bout life without computers , communication machines and transportation machines . We would n't be able to sort out informations and datas this quickly . Secondly , no one could communicate on the phone through countries or even through houses as immediate as nowadays . Lastly , it would take people months and months to travel to the other side of the world and also the journey would be much more dangerous than travel by plane . Without all this you life would definately change back to the same position as it were 50 or more years ago . Put it in another words , modern technology has changed our life to became more advanced in every ways . On the other hand , the affects that it has on our daily life is not always good as sometime , the technology went wrong and out of hand of people who control it can cause disaster accidents , for example : plane crashes , trains crashed and explosion of nuclears bomb . If this continue to happen our life would be very misarable as accident happens all the time . Therefore , it is important to get it exactly right . Dear Mr Robertson I am writing on behalf my English class . We have just known the programme you prepared for our three-day trip to London . Thank you very much for many interesting positions in this schedule , especially the river trip to Greenwich , which , we are shure , will be very exciting . I would like to inform you , that we have seen an advertisement for the " London Fashion and Laisure Show " and we have found it very interesting . There will a lot of show for instance latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . I would like to say that it is very important for us to be there and it could be great opportunity , because the entrance is free for students . The even is planned on 14th of March between 10.00 am and 19.00 p.m. If it is possible we would like to ask you to change your programme . We will be able to visit the Science Museum on Wednesday 's afternoon . We have checked that it is open every day . As you know we are the best students in our school and it would be nice prize for our work during this year . I would b grateful if you consider our suggestions . I look forward to hearing from you . Your sincerelly It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . It was night and I was alone in my house . Suddenly I heard a noice from my garden and I wanted to know what it was , but it was impossible to do it . The outside lights were broken down and I could n't see anything . My dog was very angry . I was affraid that someone was near my house and wanted to get to my house . After a few minutes I heard steps near my kitchen 's window . I was very frethend , but I knew , that I should do something . I had no time to call someone and I had to go to my kitchen to check what it was . I stood against the window and I started to listen . I was shure there were someone on the other side of the wall . It was terrible , I thought that it was the last day of my life . Suddenly someone broke my window . I had no time to think , I kept one of the pots and hit him in his head . One moment later I called police . He was a thief , who were looked for for many years . 17th June 2000 Dear Sir or Madam , I am just coming back from a week 's holiday in London , which has been all in all really nice . The only thing which really disapointed me was a visit in your theatre where I wanted to see the musical ' over the rainbow ' , after I read the advertisement for the show . The things that really dissapointed me were that you said Danny Brook and Tina Truelove were suposed to be the actors but they were n't , different actors played and to be honest they made the hole show very bad . Also the show was supposed to start at 19.30 but finally it started at 20.15 and that is such a waste of others people time . Another thing was that you said discounts are available which is very important for students , but no their were n't any . Also after the show your restaurant was closed because their was n't enough staff . To be honest that was not a great expierence and I hope you will see my point . In that case I also want to ask you for my money back . I think you will understand that and looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully T. Herschel How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Since everyone can afford modern technology the life of everyone in the more developed countries has changed completly . We ca n't imagine to live without it anymore because we are so dependent of it . It starts already in the morning that we wake up by the sound of an alarm clock , than in the bathroom we have running hot water and also the hole house is warm due to central heating . Then we can just go to the fridge where all the fresh food is stored ready to eat . If we than want to go to work we do n't have to get our horse , no , we get the car keys and go where ever we want to . At work we have the most important thing in the world of technology , the computer . Without that we ca n't do anything today . So in the last century our daily life changed dramandesly and we became lazy and our life unpersonal , fast and unromantic . Noone can think about a life without commuters or electricity . But we ca n't say the new technology has done just bad things in our life because otherwise we could n't have made such progress in all the sciences and other subjects Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to express my annoyance at your musical show which happened to be inaccurate at the leaflet given . Your advertisement mentioned that the famous Danny Brook would play in this show but disappointingly it was another , unkown actor who starred instead of him . Another point which caused some inconveniences was the timetable of the show . It began 45 minutes later than it should have been . Notwithstanding the fact that I could have expected a discount for my ticket , it occuried to be impossible to have one . Although your leaflet suggested that your theatre restaurant would be open it was not the case because of a lack of available staff . All those innacuracies spoilt what should have been a memoriable evening so I would like to be refunded at least for the price of my ticket . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , T. Gens Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Of course , it was my fault . I should have known better but I had to tell it to someone . It was far too heavy to keep it for myself . So I made a mistake and I told her . The day after , at school , I noticed that everyone was looking at me . I immediately knew that something was wrong so I had a word with Pat . She denied having revealed my secret but she was averting my eyes . From this moment , I knew without the shadow of a doubt that my mother would know it sooner or later . It was only a question of hours before my life would collapse . I tried to take it on my stride but I could n't . I was terrified . My fear turned out to be right . I read the hurt in her eyes . She knew . She knew that I had bought my first bra without having asked her for advice before it . 17-6-00 . Mr. Smith , I write to you because last night , ( Saturday 10 ) , I went to see the musical show that you are presenting at the Circle theatre . I am a great fan of Danny Brook and went to see him in his new show , but , to my surprise , it was n't him who played that night but another horrible young actor . I went with my daughter , a university student , and she was supposed to have a discount on the ticket . We asked for it and we were told that there was not discount neither for her not for anyone else , so I had to pay the full price of the two tickets . Furthermore , it was announced to start at 19.30 p.m. and it started at 20.15 p.m. for reasons anyone would explain to the audience . After the play , we went to the theatre 's restaurant and we found out that it was closed since 1999's spring ! How can you ask the people to go to a closed restaurant ? In conclusion , I would be very grateful if you could send me my money back because , as you have seen , I did n't spend the " perfect evening " you announce . Yours sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Although he had promised Lise that he would n't say a word , when he reached the school he told the secret to Ann . Of course , Ann promised not to tell anyone , but by the lunch-break all the school knew that Lise had stolen the literature exams . Very soon , Lise understood that it was useless to continue pretending that she knew nothing about it , and decided to make a deal with her class mates . She would give them the exam 's questions and they would make all her homeworks during 3 weeks . There was no escape . It was an unfair deal , but if they wanted the questions they had to accept , and if they accepted , they could n't tell anything to the teachers , because , in fact , they were as guilty as Lise . Unfortunately , the perfect plan does n't exist , and a teacher heard two students talking in the bathroom . The teachers started investigating and asking all the students , but it was a secret and they could n't say a word . Finally , the teachers asked Lise and her friends . No-one said a word . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . 17th December , 2000 Jane Clark , organizer Dear Madam , I 'm writing this letter to congratulate you for the excellent international arts festival we could enjoy last November . I found it was a very good idea . However , there are a few things that I personally think can be improved in the following editions . First of all , because of the advertisement I expected starts and artists from all over the world but they came from only six countries . Artists from different cultures may make the festival even more interesting . Secondly , although the music concerts were good , I think that some concert halls were too small . It was a shame to found that some of them were sold out because the short number of seats available . However , I really enjoyed the dance shows and the plays and films . I suggest it can be a good idea to set more projections next year . Moreover , in my opinion two days is a short time for this kind of event , and I strongly encourage you to organise a full week festival . Finally , the prize was reasonably and it was helpful to have one ticket for all the weekend . I hope you 'll attend my suggestions . Yours sincerely , Once upon a time , in a small Catalan village , there was a little boy who loved cheating and making jokes . His father was a shelter , He had one hundred sheeps and one dog , and he used to take the animals to the mountain to feed them . One day , he became ill and was worried about the animals . His little son , called Joan , decided quickly : I will help you . I will take care of the sheeps for you , father . the next day he went to the mountain with the animals . At the beginning he was excited but soon he got bored . " Let 's have a bit of fun " , he thought . And then he started shouting : the fox ! Help me ! the fox ! Some people went to help him , and then realised that it was not true . They were angry . He did it more times , and at last nobody cared of the shoutings . One day , the fox attacked his animals and he shouted as much as he could . Nobody came . Then he learned to say always the truth . Dear Mrs. Helen Ryan . It was so great to hear that I had won first prize . It would be meaningful in my life to take part in your camp . I am writing to reply about your questions . I am wondering that I will be only able to travel in July , because I have to finish my first year at the university . It finishes 29th of June . In addition to this , I have already resistered another course which starts from 2nd of August . Secondly , I would prefer living in tents , I always admire outdoors life . Finally , I would like to surging and golf . In case of surfing , I have never had an experience , I am absolutely beginner . On the other hand , I used to play golf with my father . When I was 14 , I won the competition . I would like to ask about Camp California . Let me know if I have to take which kind of clothes and how much money I need . It would be very helpful . I look forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely Hi . How are you ? I am fine . Thanks for your letter . I want to let you know about my experience as you wanted . Well , last month , I worked at a pop concert . It was fantastic because I could see Madonna . My main job was to tide up her dressing room . Can you imagine ? You are working with your idea woman , I ca n't still belive that I spoke with her . Anyway , the most important thing was that I had good experience . If we had worked together we would have had a good time . It 's pity , is n't it ? Now , I know how difficult to sing in front of the audience and behind the start there are a lot of the people who help the performance . Next time , I hope that we 'll work together . Let 's find some information to get a job . Shall we ? I have to go now . I am fed up with studying , but I have to . I hope that you 'll be alright . I am looking forward to hearing from you . With lots of love , I 'm so happy that I 've won 2 weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. At first I could n't belive that I was a winer I would like to travel at the Camp in July , if is possible . This is just one months which I 've fee . I 'm a student . My school starsts in September and it finishes in June . July is months when I 'm having a rest and I 'm doing nothing . In August I 'm working in the shop which is my sister . If I could go in July would be greate . I can sleep in tent , it would remain me a good time which I 'd spent with my friends a few years ago . I 'm not scared of darkness , rain , cold or hot whether . I 'm sure would be good fun ; sleep next to each other telling scared story . Is good for make friends , you can know them better doing everything together . Also I know that I have the chance to do two activities while I 'm at the Camp . I would like to choose basketball . This is sport which I ,,love . I play basketball since I was 12 . Some of my friends say that I 'm very good player , but I do n't think so . Another sport which I 'd like to do is swimming . In swimming I 'm not as good as in basketball , but I 'd like to practise more and maybe learn something new about it . I would like to ask you , what sort of clothes shall I take with me ? I do n't want take too much ; jeans , jumper , swimming costium , T-shirt , sports shoes I think should b O.K . Know , I can just wait for July Hi Kim ! How are you ? I 'm fine . I 'm so exited . Last month I was helping at a pop concert with a few friends of mine . It was Tina Turner concert ! To this moment when I 'm thinking of it I want shout . At first I was helping to seill the tickets - was n't difficult . Anyway , four hours , before concert had started , I was helping with lights . We had to check evey plug , switch , lights . I could n't belive how big the lamp can be . That 's why singers are hot . When concert had started and Tina cam out I forget about lights , just I was looking at her. fortunetly nothing had happend . Every-thing was O.K After concert we were invited in backstage. then I could see her very , very clear . Just people who was helping and organizating this concert could meet her . Some of them were speaking with her , I was n't this lucky person , but still I 'm happy , that I could be thear . Dear Madam I am writing to answer the informations that you need from me . First I would like to thank you for doing this competition and I would also like to thank you for the prize . Answering your questions , I would like to travel only en July because this is the month of my vacations . In July I will be free to travel anywhere I please . According to your letter I have two options of accommodation , or in tents or log cabins . I would prefer in tents because I think that is something more exciting and new for me . I never stayed in tents in the middle of nowhere , in my life so I would prefer something more realistic and new . Log cabins may be more confortable , on the other hand I think that I will be able to " survive " in tents . Looking to your letter , I can see many options of activities and I realized that I like most of them . I think I would prefer Climbing and Painting . The reason of choosing this two activities is that they contrast itselves , I want one more exciting and that asks for more agility and another more calm and relaxing , that asks only for my ability to paint . Climbing is something new for me and I am not so good on that , however I wish that I can learn about it on the Camp . Painting is something that I love and I am very good doing it . I have some doubts about my prize and travel . Is there a possibility that you send me a list of material and clothes that I have to take ? Is all the travel already paid including food and meals , or I have to bring some money ? Do I have to bring something especial for the tents and camping ? Please answer my letter as soon as is possible . Your faithfully , GUSTAV SOARES . Dear Kim , How are you ? Is everything good in USA ? I 'm writing to you because I had a wonderful experience last month . There was a concert of a famous band here in my city . I vish you were here with me . So , I went with my friend to the concert with a lot of fans . We bought tickets to the show and also to the fan 's bus . Yes , there is a bus that take you to the concert and bring you back . The concert was going to start at 22:00 and the bus arrived at my house at 18:00 . When we entered inside of it , we saw a lot of fans using T-shirts , caps and shouting , " Almendegos , Almendegos ... " ( that is the name of the band ) . AT 20:00 , we stopped in a coffee house to eat . The shouted : " 20:30 you all have to be back because the bus will leave . " We sat and started to eat and talk . Suddenly a man came and started to tell us his adventures . They were very interesting and we liked him so much . After a few minutes ( I fought were few ) I realized that the coffee house was empty . I looked to my watch : 20:45 . The bus had left about fifteen minutes . The man offered a ride . We accept . You can not imagine how dissapointed I were with my ownself . When we arrived the concert had already began . When we were running to enter a man called us . He was helping to put the materials of the concerts ( microphone ... ) on the stage . He asked if we could help . We answered : " Yes ! " We started to put everthing on the stage and after this we realized that the band was entering into the stage near us . By my side the vocal of the Almendegos was and he touched my arm . I will never wash my arm again . After all of this we saw the show in the best place , near of the stage and after , the thing that I most liked , we were convidated to see the group and had their signatures . That was the best night of my life . I wish that you liked my experience . Kisses , GUSTAV . Dear Sir : How are you ? I have been the musical show " over the rainbow " in your theatre last week . I have got a few things to complain about your theart . The first thing is in your note says that you should have got Danny Brook in the show . But in the show , there was a another actor . I was so disappointing , because I came far away to see Danny Broke . In the note also says that the show start at 19:30 , and so I went in at 19:25 . The show was started at 20:15 , which means it has wasted one hour of my time . Note says that tickets has discounts available , but I bought my ticket and your people told me that there is not any discount for thicket . When the show is finished . I deciced to go and visit your theatre restaurant , But I went there and it is closed for some reasons . I was really hungry and I went to other restaurant as soon as I can . The note says that your perfect evening out , I thought I could get my money back , with your poor service and all my reasons , But it was not ask for money back . I was really disappointed about your threat and service , I hope I can get my money back and you can improve it . Than you for reading . Today , science and technology help us a lot . For example . In the pass , people have to go and get wood , make a fire and cook , but now people can cook in a microwave and do not have to do all the hard work . Science and technology can give us a better live style or better food . For example , before people have to walk from a place to the other , but now we can use sciene and technology to produce a lot of petrel transport and we can transport with them faster . We also can produce more and better food or using science and technology. e.g. use science to put all the good part of two plants into one plant . We can also use techlogy to produce more food and help them grow faster . Science and technology can also used for some material e.g. steel or iron , which use for our building , it can make it stronger and not easy to destroy . Science and technology can give us a lot of good thing for our daily life , make us easy to do thing or work . Dear Jane , I have read the advertisement for the festival and I must say it is a great idea . I would like to tell you some suggestions . The stars and artist are from only six countries , and some concerts take place in small halls . I think you should put it in the advertisement . Are there going to be more plays and films next year ? I find the reasonably-priced ticket excellent , because there is a lot of people who went to see only one or two events , and by paying the all events ticket they might see other events and learn about something they did n't expected to find interesting . I would like you to answer my letter . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you , Dear John , Here in Brazil the rules at school depends on the school . In general , the rules at private schools are much harder than the ones at state schools . In mine , we did n't have many rules . For example , nobody said anything when we smoked in the garden or in the bathroom . We were allowed to go out if we did n't want to stay in class . But we had to use the uniform and we had to study a lot to pass the exams . the rules at home are very different . I am allowed to do what I want as long as I studie enough to aprove . I think that my parents let me do what I want , because they trust me. they know that if I go out with the car , I will not drink . It is not allways easy , but there are rules in every home and you have to respect them . I am looking forward to hearing from you , Dear Sir , I have come to watch the musical show called ' Over The Rainbow ' in the Circle Theatre . I was really disappointed because a lot of things were not done . I will explain these now and want to ask to get some of the money I have given you back . It was written that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove were starring in the show . Danny Brook was not there , a different actor was in his place . That was very disappointing for me . The musical show was going to start at 19.30 , but it started t 20:15 . We have waited for 45 minutes getting bored for it to start ! When I went to buy tickets , they did n't accept the discounts . But I had read that the discounts were available . Like it was written again , we went to visit the theatre restaurant after the show , but it was closed . They said that the time was late and they wanted to go home . There was nothing for us to do , the show started 45 minutes later . Now , I think that you have seen it was not a perfect evening at all , a lot of things written were not done So I am asking to get some of my money back . Yours faithfully , DAILY LIFE - MODERN TECHNOLOGY MY daily life . I get up early in the morning , go to school , then come home and do what I would like to do . I go shopping , watch TV , walk around the city , use my computer and get lost in Internet. etc . Modern technology is everywhere in my life . I do n't see it in a normal day , but when I sit and think , its everywhere ! For example , I get up whenever I want using my watch or clock . It 's not a good example for modern technology , but it 's a piece of technology at last ! TV was black and white at first and there were only two or three channels . Now it 's colourful and there are many channels on TV . You watch whichever you want . I ca n't think that I watch the same channels every day . A wonderful example for modern technology : Computer ! It is not a living thing but it has a brain . It knows more than most of the people . And Internet . You can look for everything you want . You can talk to every people living all around the world . You do n't understand the time passing when you are in that world . You can have information about all the things , go everywhere . Everything is near you . You can reach them whenever you want ! You see , our daily life consists of modern technology . It would be hard to live without it . Dear Ms Helen Ryan , I have just received a letter from you and I am really happy to hear the news that I have won first prize in the competition . I would like to tell you something about what you asked me in the letter . Firstly , I can travel only in July because I have no time except July as I am a postgraduate student . I would very much like to stay in a log cabin . I think it is a wonderful idea to stay in a tent only for few days but not over 3 days . It will be more comfortable to stay in a log cabin . Regarding with two activities I will choose swimming and photography . I am not good at swimming but I would very much like to learn how to swim this year . On the other hand , I am very good at photography as I was a photographer in a club while I was in the college . Lastly I would particularly like to know about clothes and money . Is n't it cold at night in the Camp California ? I like ice cram , sweets and beverage very much especially in the summer . Are these expensive ? Could you please tell me about these ? I am looking forward to your reply . Yours sincerely , Shin Parade Do you think shopping is always enjoyable ? Well , it might be true but I think it depends on the situation . When you do shopping , you can see various products even very extraordinary thing . You can also see more graceful and fine thing . You usually visit many shops and compare the quality and the price and select the best one which suits to you . On the other hand , it usually take much time to get what you exactly want . Because you have to visit many shops and see many thing . If shopping mall is not collected , it is physically hard to get what you want . It 's not easy to shop with someone who are not interested in shopping . In conclusion , shopping is not always enjoyable as many people think . It depends on the situation . It even varys with people whom you shop with . London , June 17th Dear Sir , I 'm writing to you to make complaints for the very disappointing evening I had at the Circle Theatre . Firstly , I found that there were no discounts as it was announced in the advertisement . Then , I not only had to wait 45 minutes more than it was expected for the beginning of the show but I realised that the main actor had been replaced by another one ( very bad ) as well . Of course I must tell you that the strongest reason for my going to see the show was Danny Brook 's presence . Finally , after the show , I went to the theatre restaurant just to find that it was closed and the friend I had asked to meet me there was not waiting for me . As if that was not enough he thought I had been kidding , inviting him to a closed restaurant where I did n't appear . Those were the reasons for my asking a refund of the £ 20 I paid . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . yours faithfully Every day we find out new devices that promise us to satisfy our needs . I usually do n't buy a lot of them but I must recognise that some of them are useful . I ca n't remember waking up with the alarm-clock , making a hand-made orange juice or heating water for the coffee . Therefore , I have more spare time to enjoy the one I consider as the most important influence technology had in my life : the computer and Internet . The improvement of electronics and global communications has made it possible to know places , look for information or even keep close contact with friends all over the world . Now , I will never say again that I do n't know where can I find some information about this or that and when on holidays or every time I make a new friend , I just ask for the email and that 's enough to know we will know about each other soon . Dear Mr Robertson I am writing in the name of the whole class . First of al , I want to thank you for the interesting programme , which you already have organised . It is very good , especially the Sightseeing tour by bus . However , we have seen an advertisement in yesterday 's newspaper for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . It takes place on Tuesday March 14 from 10.00 to 19.00 at Central Exhibition Hall in London . There we can see everything about the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . The entrance for student is free . This is a great opportunity because as you know most people of our class are going to work in this sector so it will be very interesting for everybody and also a kind of education . Instead of going to the Science Museum on Tuesday morning we thought we could postpone it to Wednesday afternoon . The shopping could be done after the river trip to Greenwich but only if we have enough time . I hope you will agree with our suggestion and if you have any further questions do not hesistate to contact me . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Will the home of the future really look different ? It 's quite difficult to say , but of course there will be a change . For example if you look back into the forties and compare the home with nowadays you can see that it has become more modern , especially the facilities in the kitchen and in the livingroom . in the future it could be that you do n't have to prepare your breakfast by your own , perhaps you just have to press a button when your alarm clock has gone . In addition to this you may have some roboters bringing the newspaper at the table , tidying up the house , doing the shopping and maybe they are also your living patners . The place to spend the night will still be the bed . The livingroom wo n't get any big changes although the televisions , stereos and videos will become more modern and perhaps more difficult . In general we can say the huge change we already had , but who knows exactly what the future will bring to us ? Let 's have a surprise ? Dear Mrs. Ryan Thank you for your letter which I have just received this morning . I am really appreciated to hear that I have won first prize in the competition - two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. I am writing this letter to inform you more information about myself . I would like to travel only in July because I will have a summer holiday for 2 months at that time . I would prefer the accommodation at Camp California in tents because it would be nice to spend the time living in tents with a nice environment and fresh air . Also I would like to do two activities while I am at the Camp which are swimming and photography . Photography is quite interesting for me to take a photograph in the place where I have never been to . Swimming is quite nice activity to relax and work out . It is really enjoyable to keep my body fit and healthy by swimming . Anyway , I would like to know that how many people are joining at this Camp . Could you please tell me about the clothes I should take ? I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely Boonsri Thanasukolwit . Dear Kim Thanks for your last letter . I 'm really sorry , it 's taken me so long to reply . How are you doing ? I hope that you can get on well with your roommate . Anyway , I enjoyed helping at a pop concert last month . I and my friend - Emma , we helped to paint the scence of the background on the stage . As you known , I like drawing and painting when I have a free time so that why I chose to paint the scence of the background . I really enjoyed painting it and it looked very nice . And I particularly liked the experience that I helped to screen and paint a picture of " Bon Jovi " on every T-shirts which are given to the audiences . I felt that it was a great time in my life . However , I told my teacher that I am willing to give a hand next time . Are you willing to give a hand next time ? If you are , I 'll tell you in advance . I must stop writing now as I have a lot of homework to do . Best wishes Dear Sir or Madam , Ref : Over the rainbow musical show . I am writing to you to mention some problems about the musical show shown in your theatre . First of all , it was supposed to be starring Danny Brook and Tina Truelove but in a real show , it was n't . Because I 'm big fan of them , if was pretty much boring without them and not to mention that it was disappointing . It did n't start at 19:30 and there was a delay for 45 minutes which was quite a long time and everyone got frustrated . The tickets also caused a problem . Discounts were n't available at all . Moreover the testament was till under the construction so that we could n't use it when we were extlemely hungry . Finally , I wonder why you did n't ask for the money back if you have guaranteed the perfect evening . I am therefore writing to you to ask for the money back as I did n't get any advantages or services from you . I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , L. P. Lou Technology has been developed extremely fast these days and as it is still going on , it ca n't help affecting our lives . One of the biggist thing has changed is a change in a method of communications . People have invented such things like TV , radio , telephones and so on which made us enable to hear the news quickly and stay in touch with people easily . There are also changes in biological areas . Nearly almost of the disease have been found the way to cure except only a few like AIDS . It helped us to live longer and make us stronger against them . I have mentioned few changes above but there 's still a biggist one left which is about computer areas . It helped us to be able to work much more quicker and accurately than before with the help of Internet . Basically modern technology has changed our life more comfortably but there are some disadvantages such as lack of friendship , togetherness because of people staying in their house being on the Internet for whole day . But we still have to admit that we ca n't live without them even they give us some disadvantages . Dear Ms Ryan , Thank you for your letter . I was pleasantly surprised that I have won the first prize in your competition . Firstly , I would like to answer your questions . As I am doing my A-levels exams at the moment and they continue until the 30th of June and my further studies start in August , I can only travel in July . I would prefer to stay in a tent . It will give me an adventure feeling and I have always prefered tents to log cabins . I enjoy basketball very much and I am quite good at it . I would like to play this game at your camp . I have never tried out climbing , but I have always wished to do it one day . Would it be possible to do this activity at your camp as a beginner ? Secondly , I would like to ask you for some information . Would you be kind enough to tell me which kind of clothes I should bring with me ? Could you possibly tell me how much money I might spend at California Camp ? Would you recommend me to bring some equipment , like a rope , sticks , with me ? Thank you in advance for your help . I look forward to receiving your prompt reply . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Hi , how are you ? I 'm actually fine at the moment , but have to study a lot because of my exams in English . You asked me to wite about my experience which I made by helping at the pop-concert . And I can say it was terrific ! My job was actually to listen to Tim and do whatever he said . This included to clean up the rooms which were used by the singers and put some equipment on the stage . Tim was in charge of organising this concert . I had never been behind the stage before and you know the rooms , in which singers dress and make-up , are actually small . Can you imagine , I could stay at this concert without paying anything ! And I managed to speak to Ricky Martin out of stage . O.K. , I actually asked him only : ' How are you ? ' and he gave me his signature . He was fantastic , you know that he is my favourite singer . I think this was my best job as a student in Cambridge . Probably it was n't so nice to do jobs which you were told to do , but you see many stars out of stage . And you might manage to speak to some pop-stars . Beside this , I earned some money , not a lot but enough for me . Well I 'll have to close now . Give my regards to your parents . Looking forward to hearing from you soon . With love , Dear Sirs , I refer to your advertisment in the Herald Tribune where you advertised for the Circle Theatre and the recent musical : Over the Rainbow . On Saturday , June 5th , 2000 my wife and I wanted to spend a nice and enjoyable evening and decided to go and see the musical . When we arrived at the theatre we had to realise that there were no discountable tickets available as mentioned in your advertisment so we had to buy the most expensive ones . After that one of the theatre assistants told us that the film would have began at 20:15 o'clock instead of 19:30 o'clock as indicated . So we had to arrest for a while and had a drink . To make the matters worse Danny Brook who was announced as one of the starring person in the musical was not acting this evening . You can imagine how disappointed we were especially the acting of Danny Brook was the main reason for us to see the musical . On top of this we intend to go to the theatre restaurant which was closed because of building activities . As you can imagine we were very disappointed and it was n't a perfect evening out I would like to have 50 % of the prize of the tickets back . I am looking forward to your promt reply . yours faithfully , Heine Bitz What would we wear in 100 years time ? Fashion will always be an interesting and important subject for all ages . Today the fashion industrie has a great importance in the commercial market . In the next 100 years there will be no change in that but the fashion is going to develop in a special imaginative way . Firstly , the material of which clothes are made has a wide range . There are the natural material on one side whereas on the other side the fashion industry produce more and more syntetical clothes , which relay on the production cost . In 100 years most of the clothes are made from syntetical material . Beyond colours will play an important role in the next century for the fashion . Light and bright colours will be very common . Especially contrast will be attractiv . Furthermore the style of the clothes are going to be more crazy and individuell but there will be still enumerous clothes for the solid people . One balance fashion in 100 years time will be confortable and colourful . The fashion industry will deliver a wide range of vararity in style , material and colour . There will be clothes for everyones tast . 16/12/2000 Dear Jane Clark , First of all , I 'd like you to know that the whole organization was nearly excellent . I spent two nice days at the festival full of art . The idea of making the festival " international " was very good . I could find the opportunity to watch the artists from different countries , but there could have been stars from more than 6 countries . The jazz , classical and rock concerts were great despite some of the concert halls were too small . Plays and films I watched were also excellent , but more could be on the stage next year . I joined the art exhibitions and saw interesting pictures . The dance shows made sight for our sour eyes , they were really fascinating . I learned so many things about the writers and their ideas , their life styles by talking to them . Beyond all these , the application of joining all activities by one nice-priced ticket was excellent ; because it saved you from buying one ticket for each activity . Next year , I think you should increase the number of shows , concerts and others , also the time spent at the festival ( for example : at least 5 days ) , then everything would be perfect . Thank you for making a great festival which made all the art activities come together . Yours Sincerely , Dear Jennifer , I 'm glad that everything 's going on well there . It 's the same here . I 've got too many exams nowadays , but that 's all . By the way , it would be better If you wrote quite often to me . The things you wrote about the rules made me think for a long time and I understood that some really do n't make any sense ! The more you obey the rules , the better person you are ! Our school is really very diciplined , especially about our clothes and behaviours . I understand the second part , but I ca n't get the reason of wearing in white an dark blue only . Do we become the " perfect one " then ? Then again , we have to obey all these rules . It can be said that I 'm much more free at home . I 'm allowed to do whatever I want at my room . I ca n't go out at nights easily , but that is not something that I mind about . There are three main things that are very important for my family : respect , honesty and trust . I think I show these three to them . Do n't ever forget to write to me , okay ? Love , Dear Mrs Ryan , I have just received your letter and I am writing in response of your questions . I can travel only in july because is the only month of this year that I will be available because I finish school in june so I will be very busy and in August I start to study at the University , so july is the best month for me to travel . Accommodation for me is not problem . I am very easy going and I will be satisfied wherever . But if I have to choose , I prefer sleep in tents , because when I travel I usually sleep in that kind of accommodation so , for me they seem very comfortable . I would like to do the following activities : - Tennis because is my favourite sport and I enjoy playing it . I play tennis since I was a child and I have won some competitions in my town so I think I play very well . - Climbing because I have never climbed in my life and it is a dream for me to do that . I am a terrible climber but with a little bit of help I think I can enjoy the activity and have a good time unforgettable . I wonder to know what kind of clothes I have to wear because I do n't know how the weather is in U.S.A. Also I would like to know how much money I have to bring to the trip . I am looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely Hello Kim : Thank you for your letter it was great to hear from you . Sorry but I have n't written you because I 've been very busy . Last month I helped at a pop concert , it was marvellous . I have a friend and she knows that I speak English so she offered to me work with an English singer so I said " yes , of course " . But you ca n't imagine who was the singer , it was Sting , can you imagine ? You know , he is my favourite singer . My job was very easy I had to help Sting in everything , for example if he wanted water , I had to give to him water , it was marvellous . He was very kind to me , we talked many things and after the concert he invited all the team to have a dinner , yes I know what you 're thinking , " Dinner and Sting " yes my friend it was the best thing in my life . I understood everything he said and Sting said to me that I spoken very well English . The best thing was I spoke in English because I was forgetting it and I met my favourite singer . I hope my friend call me again to work because I had a wonderful time and it was a great and unforgettable experience . I hope you are O.K. and write soon . Lots of Love P.D. I send you an autograph that Sting wrote for you . Dear Sir , I have read your advertisement for the show and I went to the theatre to see it but I had a very disappointing evening . In your advertisement , said that one of the actor was Danny Brook but it was a different actor . This was very disappointing and I believe that all the people there , were angry . The musical show must have been started at half past seven but it started at quarter past eight . About the tickets , I the advertisement said that discounts would be available but it would not . Also the theatre restaurant was closed and I do not know why . When I read the advertisement , it said that the restaurand would be opened . Lastly , I want to tell you that I had not a perfect evening and I would be grateful if you could send me my money back . I am looking forward to your answer . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was not very good at keeping secrets . Pat was my best friend . She lived next to my house and we went to the same school . I told her all my problems and I could rely on her . One day I heard my mother to tell my father that she want to divorce because she ca n't live with him any more . When I heard it , I went to my room and I was crying . I called Pat to come to my house because I was not very good and to tell her what had happened . Few minutes later Pat came to my house and I told her that my parents are going to divorce . Pat did not believe me and she started to ask why . I told her that I did not know . She helped me to forget it for a few minutes , she made me to laugh and the she left . But before she left I begged her not to tell anybody . The other morning I went to school and all the students came next to me and told me not to be mad because of my parents . Then I realised that Pat told my secret and I felt very angry , that 's why I said at the beginning that Pat was not very good at keeping secrets . Dear Mr Robertson In the name of the class I would like to thank you for the excellent programme you have organised , especially the idea of visiting a galery . However , we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show It would be on the 13th of March from 10.00 to 19.00 . It is a famous exhibition , where are showed latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . We are all very interested in the show because England people have a different kind of life . It is also unusual to have such a great opportunity in our country . Could it be possible to cancel the museum and the shopping time and to replace them by the London Show ? We may go earlier to the Museum or on the 15th March instead of the afternoon free time . I hope you will consider my request . I'am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , My dream It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I had always wanted to swim in the middle of sharks . I lived in a small village on the ocean . My father was a captain on a huge boat . When I was a child , I used to go with him travelling from harbours to harbours . I grew up through the water world and I could n't live whitout it . Once I was fishing , when sharks came all around me . I got the strange feeling I could jump and follow them . Since this famous experience , I dreamt every night about that . One Saturday I got on my motorboat and rode far away from the reef . My father was sitting next to me thinking that I was crazy . Some minutes later I was doing it , spending time with the fish , swimming round the sharks . I had done what I had never expected to do . Now I can die in freedom . Dear Miss Hellen Ryan : I am really happy to get such wonderful news from you . In order to the prize , I would like to travel , if it is possible , on July because I am a student and my winter brake is taking place during this month , July . I would prepare to stay in a cabin because I have not got really good experiences in camping in tents , last time a bear came inside while I was in . I love sports so I would like to play some basketball at the camp , by the way my team and I won the last scholl championship , I play guard on my team , I also like tennis but I am not very good , I was wondering if you could give me some lesson while I am there . I do not have words to express how happy I am , I would like to thanks you and Camp California for this oportunity . Hoping to hear soon from you . Raul Pedro Ybarra S Since the man become man he has had the need of hunting for sourvive , in ancient times he used spears , bows and arrows , and the wemon 's role was to collect items like vegetables and stuff . Nowadays in the year 2000 we still practice this ancient art but in a diferent way , we do n't use weapons for hunting animal in the jungle , we use the remote to hunt TV shows , and we do not collect vegetables any more we go shopping . This activity of shopping has become one of our most important , after all , we go shopping for any reason , we have develop such an instinc for shopping that we can proudly say , that we are some sort of kings in the urban jungle . If an activity has stay with us , the mankind , for so long , it must give us some pleasure and maybe that 's why shopping has become such an important thing in our lives because it gives you pleasure when you find what you have been looking for and if you can get it for less than the price mark on it , that is the greatest extasis . But where is the bad poet of it , well shopping can became horrible in christmast for example when houndred of people goes to the shopping center and it also can take many problems when you become an impulsive buyer . Any ways shopping is with us and it will stay with us for a long time . Dear Mrs. Ryan : I am writing because I received your letter saying that I won first prize , a two week holiday at Camp California in U.S.A , and that you need further information from me . Firstly , I would like to travel on July , because is the only month I have holidays in . Secondly , I would like to stay in a log cabin because I think they 're more comfortable than the tents , also because I do n't like to sleep in tents very much , I think they 're very cold during the night About the activities , I have chosen basketball because I enjoy playing it , and also because I know very well how to play . I used to be the captain of the selection of bascketball in my school , because I was the best to play , and I think I can still remember how to play . The second activity I chose was tennis , I am not so good , but I know how to play , I have played several times with my friends . To finish I would like to ask you for toiletries like for example shampoo , soap , etc. so that I do n't have to carry them in my luggage , I think they would just occupy extra space . Another thing I would like to ask you for , is money . I think it will be an expensive trip and I do n't have enough money to pay for it . Nevertheless I need money for restaurants and souvenirs that I can buy in the Camp . I think that 's all , and I look foreword to hearing from you soon . Yours Sincerely , Santiago Rico S Shopping is not always enjouable because of several factorors . One could be when you go into a shop and you can find something that you like , and you decide to buy it , but when you see the price , you find out that it 's too expencive , and you cannot afford to buy it . The only thing you mostly say is , " If I had more money , I would buy it " , or " I wish I had more money . " Another factor could be when you are in a shop and you are not well attended , the people that work in the shop are doing other things , and cannot help you , so you have to look for the things you want to buy by your own . I think this is a common problem in shops , and that 's why sometimes people leave the shop without buying anything , and I thing the solution would be to hire more workers . The third and last factor would be when you like a certain type of clothes , and you do n't find any of that kind . You just find the type of clothes you would never wear . This cituation is very annoying for most of the people , and that 's what makes shopping unejoyable . Dear Ms Ryan I 'm very much surprised to receive your letter announcing the first prize in your competition and I 'm looking forward to spend the two weeks at Camp California . Just because I 'm studying at the moment and I wo n't have my holidays till July . This is the month that best suits me . The second week of July would be perfect to start my trip . I would rather sleep in a log cabin . I find it will be much more comfortable than a tent . The leisure activities sound fantastic especially climbing and photography . I 'm very keen on climbing . I 've joined a climbing group in my town 2 years and reached the top of several middle-high mountains . The other activity I would like to try is photography . I have no previous experience on it but I wish I 'd learn a lot . However , there are some questions that I want to ask you about . Do I need passport to travel ? What kind of clothes would be appropriate , winter or summer ? Are there any food service at the camp ? I hope to hear from you soon . Yours sincerely This is a report to plan and suggest ideas for the daily life video at school . The activities suggested are write below . The opening time recording the students while they meet outside the school and come in could be a good begining . It would reflect the atmosphere when they meet early in the morning . Filming lessons such as grammar lessons and speaking either theory lessons or practice would give a general idea about a day at school and how students work on their lessons . Why do n't include some sports , for example , voleyball ? The team has been training very hard during last weeks . And they 'll certainly feel very proud of being at the video . The musical lessons and the singing club in the afternoon are very popular among the students of all courses . Practically the whole school would appear on the video . I think that if we mix lessons with sport activities the combination will give us complete success . Dear manager , I am writing this letter to inform you that the advertisement for the musical show was with wrong information . Firstly , the actors were different from the ones written in the advertisement which was very disappointing for me . Furthermore , according to the advertisement I was supposed to begin at 14.30 and 19.30 but it started at 20.15 . Moreover , when I bought the tickets I was expecting discounts available , however , there were no discounts available and the tickets were more expensive than the price written in the advertisement . When the show ended I went to visit the theatre restaurant I could not get in because it was closed as the chef of the restaurant was not there . I did not have a perfect evening out and I would like to have my money back . I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Sincerely , How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Technology has changed our life forever . Nowadays life is much easier than in the old days . Firstly , we can cook our meals an electrical stove or in a microwave and it takes just a few minutes to get ready . We do not need to lit fire in order to cook as in the old days . Secondly , the doctors have found the cure for many diseases and many operations have been done in less time and in a painless way , by using especial machines doctors have be able to save more lives than in the past . For those who need to travel in order to make business with other people abroad can fly by plane and arrive in their destination safely or have their problems solved through telephone . To sum up , technology has been a great help to all of us . In the future , it will be able to help people even more since it has been increasing its capacity day after day . Dear Ms. , I am writing this letter to express my thoughts about the International Art Festival of this year . I was so impressed the exhibitions of the festival that you had organized . Furthermore , it 's worthful experience for people to know the other countries ' arts . But I would like to suggest some requests for the festival . Firstly , it is better to invite more artists not only from six countries . For example , the artists or stars from we have rare chance to feel the atmosphere . Secondly , some concert halls were too small to enter all of the audience . Moreover , plays and films were shown only twice a day so that people had gathered one time . I would prefer to be held more performances next year in the bigger halls . Finally , regards to tickets , it is very wonderful idea because it is more combinient to enjoy the festival for one day among a lot of people . You may consider my suggestion to have the art festival for next year . Yours Sincerely Long long time ago , there were the old man and old woman lived in a foot of mountain . One day , when the old man went into the bambo bush , he found one bambo gritted white . He had never seen such bambo before but decided to cut it down . Then there was a lovely baby in it . He was surprised but was pleased because he had no child . He took the baby to his house and explained what had happened in the bush to the old woman . The old woman was glad to have a baby and they decided to bring up the baby . The baby was named ' Kaguya . ' She grew very quick and was so beautiful . A lot of men asked her to marry with them but she always refused . One full moon night she said to her parents sadly , ' I have to return to the Moon tonight. ' The old man and woman tried to keep her staying their house , but they could n't . The servants from the Moon picked her up to the Moon . She gone away . She was the princess of the Moon . This story happened a long time ago . DEAR MRS . HELEN RYAN COMPETITION ORGANISER THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE NICE SURPRISE YOU 'VE BEEN GIVEN TO ME , I JUST CA N'T BELIEVE IT THAT I WON THE FIRST PRIZE . HERE IS THE INFORMATION YOU ASKED FOR : . I 'M AFRAID I CAN ONLY GO ON JULY BECAUSE DURING THAT TIME I WILL HAVE HOLIDAYS FROM SCHOOL , SO THAT WILL FOR ME THE ONLY POSSIBILITY TO TAKE 2 WEEKS OFF . . THE KIND OF ACCOMODATION I PREFER IS IN A TENT BECAUSE IN A SOMMER CAMP I FIND IT MORE INTERESTING SLEEPING ' OUTSIDE ' UNDER THE SKY WHEN THE WEATHER IS NICE AND WARM . . THERE ARE TWO ACTIVITIES I WOULD LIKE TO PRACTICE : BASKETBALL AND PAINTING . IM QUITE GOOD PLAYING BASKETBALL BECAUSE I USED TO PLAY FOR ABOUT FIVE YEARS AT SCHOOL , WE USED TO HAVE TRAININGS TWICE A WEEK AND AT LEAST TWO GAMES AT MONTH AGAINST ANOTHER SCHOOLS , WHICH WAS GREAT . PAINTING ALWAYS DID FASCINATED ME , EVEN I 'M NOT SO GOOD ON IT , BUT MY FRIENDS THEY SAY I CAN REALLY PAINT AND THEY LOVE THE THINGS I DO , THE TECHNIK I LIKE THE MOST IS WATERCOLORS . I STILL HAVE SOME QUESTIONS : - CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME HOW IS THE WEATHER THEN , SO I CAN TAKE THE PROPER CLOTHES ? - MY PARENTS AND ME WE ARE NOT SURE HOW MUCH MONEY DO I NEED FOR THE TWO WEEKS , CAN YOU GIVE ME A LITTLE HELP ? THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND I HOPE HEARING FROM YOU SOON . YOURS SINCERELY H. PENA . DEAR KIM HELLO MY GOOD FRIEND ! , I 'M SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU AND TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE WEALTHY AND HAPPY . DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW ABOUT MY EXPIERENCE HELPING AT THE POP CONCERT IN OUR TOWN ? , WELL THAT 'S GREAT , BECAUSE IT WAS A TERRIFIC DAY . FIRST WE STARTED VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING BUILDING UP THE STAGE AND THE TENT WHERE THE GROUP WAS GOING TO PLAY , YOU KNOW JUST IN CASE THE RAIN WOULD HAVE COME , BUT WE WERE VERY LUCKY AND THE WEATHER WAS SUNNY AND WARM . THEN CAME THE GUY WHO INSTALLED THE SOUND ( CABLES , BOXES , WIRES , ETC ) AND IT WAS VERY INTERESTING SEEING HIM AT WORK , EVERYTHING HAD TO BE ON THE RIGHT PLACE , PERFECTLY INSTALLED AND PROTECTED TO AVOID ACCIDENTS . AT ABOUT FIVE O'CLOCK EVERYTHING WAS READY AND THE BAND CAME IN , THERE WERE ALREADY PLENTY OF FANS ' WAITING FOR THE CONCERT TO BEGIN , WHICH STARTED AT 7 O'CLOCK . I KNOW THE MUSICIANS FROM THE SCHOOL TIME , THAT 'S WHY IT WAS EVEN MORE FUN TO HELP AND TO TAKE PART ON THIS EVENT , SPECIALLY BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE THE MUSIC THEY PLAY . THE PEOPLE WENT CRAZY DURING THE 2 HOURS CONCERT AND AT LEAST I HELPED AS WELL SELLING CD 'S , IF THEY WERE ON SELLING THAT MUCH , THEY ARE GOING TO BE FOR SURE VERY FAMOUS ..... DO YOU WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING ELSE ABOUT IT ? JUST LET ME KNOW BEST WISHES HERBERTO Dear Sir , My name is Furilo J.M. and last month I spent a few days in London , I visited you theatre . The reason I 'm writting this letter for you is that in my staying in London I felt very disappointed about your theatre . When I went to that theatre I was very excited because I was thinking I would see my favourite musical star , someone actually did n't appear , I noticed there in the show , someone completely different of him so I felt bad . Moreover , this complaining is not only about the actor , who ever , the problem is that the show started too late . I arrived there at 19:00 and the show began only 20:15 . I bought my tickets , I noticed I did n't have any discounts as it was written on the folder . After the show I wanted some thing on the theatre 's restaurant , but it was closed . After all the inconvenients that made me feel really mad . I think I can forgive your theatre , only if you give me a refund of the money I spent there , and some other more for all the problems I had . Yours faithfully , Technology nowadays is something everybody has on your own mind . Every person in the world looks for technology everyday to improve the way they live their own life . We young people do n't remember when technology was n't part of our daily life , but our parents , or grand parents remember exactly when they were young , and everything was made in a different way , for example our parents did n't have computers at home when they were teenagers . Nowadays , it 's very common to have a computer at your house , and when you have to do a homework , you can type it on your computer , print it and bring it to the school , also you can search for new subjects on the internet . Finally , technology is a word that will never get out of our minds , and we do n't know how technology , and in which speed it will develop to the future . Maybe , technology will never stop growing and our life will never work without computers . Dear Ms. Ryan , Even if I worked hard on it , I was very surprised of winning just the first prize . At the moment , I 'm worried of about not being able to enjoy it because I have recently achieved a new job and I started working just three months ago . For this reason I am afraid I wo n't be allowed to chose the period for my holidays . Consequently I hope that is possible to join the camp during the last two weeks of July , when the company I work with suspends its activities . As far as I am concerned , I would prefer an accomodation in a log cabin , but in case there are no cabins left I can stay in a tend as well . As you already know , I am trying to become a professional photographer , consequently I would choose photograpy as the first activities and painting as the second . However I would like to know if by any chance the photograpy activities are only for beginners . In this case I would rather do some climbing , which I have never done before . Yours faithfully - Shopping is not always enjoyable - . In general , shopping is considered a pleasant activity . Actualy most people work hard to earn their money and consequently , the occasion in which this money is spent to buy something useful , or simply something they like , should be considered a very pleasant situation . In fact , the shopping you do for the daily needs is seldom enjouble , as it is clearly more a duty than a pleasure and morover you are often faced with some nasty situations . Shops and markets are often noisy and crowded , you do n't know where to park your car , shop assistants are rude and sometimes they do n't know how to do their job . Anyway if you can choose the time and the place , and if you go shopping just because you like it , and not because you need it , shopping can be a very nice activity . Personally I do n't like dealing with shop assistants and looking around the shops , so I buy all what I can using " on-line " services . God bless the one who invented the Internet ! Dear Manager , I 'm writing you this letter because yesterday I went to the theatre to see the musical show and I had many problems , so I demand my money back . First of all when I paid my entrance they did n't acept me my discount ticket , they said me that the ticket was false , then I enter to the theatre and I had to wait 45 min , the show was suposed to start at 19:30 and it started at 20:15 , " this is a lack of respect " . When the show started the starring was wrong because it said that act Danny Brook and Tina Truelove and Danny Brook did'n act , it was another actor that nobody knew , " Really this is very disappointing " . After the show I planned to go to the restaurant with my wife , but what do you think it happened ? " The restaurant was closed " . Manager I spect that you considered my bad experience in your theatre , so I 'm asking you for my money back , because , it was a very bad evening . Sincerely , Classmate Secret Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets for his classmate . The class had organized a secret party for our friend , Nick that was leaving the school on 2 more weeks . All started when Pat , the best friend of Nick , wanted to make the party in his house , most of the class disagree with that because the house of Pat is extremly little , they started to say him that his house was like a box . Pat got very angree and sad . Pat affected with this situation told Nick all the situation and the secret of the class . At the beginning Nick got angree but then he forgive him because they were friend and each of one can trust on the other . Nick told the situation to the class and ofered his house to do the party , because was very big , with large gardens and a big swimingpool . The day of the party all had fun especially Pat that at the beggining was sad . Dear Ms Clark , I had recently spent two days at your annual international arts festival . It was the first time I went and I was very pleased to go . I , actually , was n't disappointed . However I would like to give my opinion about the festival . First of all , I congratulate you on making this kind of event . It was such a good success that some people were n't able to have tickets ! You should increase the number of places you give . Therefore , you could invite artists from around the world not only from six countries : it would be more pleasant . Although I am keen on classical music , I found some concerts halled too small . I was wondering if you could improve that ? Also , there were interesting films but not enough . Perhaps , you could possibly meet some producers , who come from others countries in order to show different cultures . Besides , to pay one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events is excellent because we could see all that we wanted without paying each time . Finally I suggest to invite important scientists like Hubert Reeves or Aaroun Tazief so as to inform the public about the new technologies or sciences because it also a kind of art ! I look forward to seeing the next festival ! Yours sincerely , Dear Laurel , Thank you for your recent letter . I could n't write sooner because I was very busy last week . I see you are interested in hearing about school rules in France and also about what I am allowed or not to do at home . To begin with the wchool rules we have in fact some important ones . Firstly , when you arrive late at your lesson , you have to apologize you to your teacher . Also when you have forgotten to do your homeworks . What 's more , you had better have done them if you would have to go to the blackboard ! Although our library is very large , we must n't make noise in order not to disturb the students , who work . It may be like that in your library , may not it ? I consider the school rules are good : we should respect the teachers and people who need to work . At home , I have to look after my two little brothers when my parent 's are here . If I do n't make the cooking , I will have to do the washing up . I am sometimes allowed to watch the television when I have finished my homeworks . Fortunately I can play violin when I want even if I have n't done my homework . It is what I like most . I do n't really want to change that , I think it is just like this . I hope this answer satisfies you . I look forward to receiving your next letter ! Best wishes Dear Ms Ryan , Thank you very much for informing that I won the prize . I was very pleased to hear that . I am writing to inform you the information you asked me . As for the date to travel , I would like to go there in July . Owing toe the summer course I take starting in August , July is the only month I have free time . With regard to place to stay , I would be most grateful if I could stay in a log cabin . I never could sleep in a tent in my life . I was also very pleased to hear that I could do some activities . Since I have studied photography for several years , I would like to take some picture of beautiful scenaries in California . As photography , swimming is my best way of relaxation . It would be grateful if I could go swimming during the stays . Finally , I would like to know what kind of clothes I should take there , and how much money I would need . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Although shopping is one of the most popular ways to reduce your stress , this is not always the case . There are some negative points that I would like to make about shopping . First of all , if you want to buy nice dresses , the first thing you have to do is looking around all shops and department stores in a city . If you are lucky enough , you might find them within 30 minutes , but if you do n't , you might have to keep walking for several hours and still could n't find ones ! ! That 's would be so exhausting . Next thing you have to do is trying them on . You have to be patient enough to tolerate long queues for fitting rooms . After that what is waiting for you is the struggle with ill-fitted clothes taking off and putting on . That 's a hell ! ! That 's not the end of the story . You need to go home with bulky bags in both of your hands ! ! To sum up , although there is certainly a good side of shopping , such as pleasures of getting new stuff and spending money on something you really wanted for long time , you also have some unpleasant moments to get through . Dear Sir or Madam , I write you this letter to complain about your musical show . First of all , the show began three quarters of an hour late : it started at quarter past eight instead of half past seven , what of course was very bothering . I went to your show to see Mr. Danny Brook , who was supposed to play the main character , but he did n't appeared . He had been replaced by a really bad actor , whom I do n't even know the name . I was very disappoint of that change , because Mr. Brook is one of my favourite actor . There were supposed to be discounts for the tickets , what appeared to be wrong to . I had to pay the full prize for them , which was quite expencive . My wife and I had decided to eat at the theatre restaurant after the play . It turned to be impossible : the restaurant was closed and we did n't even received an explaination therefor . I had a really bad evening and would like to ask you for my money back . Waiting for your reply Yours faithfully Pierre Gaussier In my opinion modern technology has changed my life a lot . First off all , if computers hade n't been invented , I would n't spend half of the day in front of it ! I use my computer for many things , such as homeworks , games , digital video or Internet . The developpement of portable communication systems , such as mobile phones has greatly changed our way of life . It is now possible to talk to a friend almost everywhere and everywhen , even if we are two thousand kilometers away from each other . Precision industry has changed my life a lot too . I practicate Scuba Diving during the week-ends and hollydays . That would n't have been possible a century ago , because all our material , such as dive computers , tanks or regulators did n't existed at that time . I think that we live easier now ( thanks to modern medicine ) and that our lives will get easier with the time . Dear Competition Organiser : I 'm so happy and exciting to receive this letter about I 've won the first prize in your competition . I 've been dreaming to travel to U.S.A for so many years . The dream happens to me now . So I shall think about it carefully and make everything ready ! I would like to travel in July because I have to go back to my country in Auguest . And I 'm sure about that the weather in July will be lovely ! I prefer living in tents to living in log cabins . I think living in tents is more comfortable for sleeping . Also I am not very keen on sleeping with too many people in the same place . Basket ball is my favourite sporting . It 's one of the most popular sports in U.S.A as well in my opinion . And I was school-team player when I was in High school . So I am good at it . The other thing I would like to do is sailing . But I never try it before . I just think it will be exciting and interesting for me . Maybe I ca n't manage it ! Also I got two questions to ask you . The first one is that shall I take a lot of money or just a little ? And the last one is that do I need pillow or blanket or something else ? I hope that I will enjoy my journey ! Yours Sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable More and more people like shopping now . You can see so many people walk along the business street every day and any time , especially in Oxford Street . Sometimes shopping can relax people and increase people 's working express . But is it always enjoyable ? Of course not . The most obvious example is that when you 're shopping in the shop you 're not sure which one you are going to buy , you turn to the people who sell them , but they sometimes ignore you . So you like them but you do n't want them any more . It makes you angry ! Also for example. you really like some shoes or clothes , when you want to buy them , someone tell you " I 'm sorry , this one is sold out " ! What a pity ! You become unhappy immediately . And sometimes for example , you just bought something last week , but when you go shopping this week , you see the same items but different prices , maybe from £ 50 down to £ 20 , and then you 'll regret wasting money , although you like it very much . If you were rich man it does n't mater , but if you were poor man , you will be sad ! How can shopping be enjoyable at thoese situation ! So I think shopping is not always enjoyable ! Dear Mr Robertson ! Thank you very much for good programme ! We like it very much ! But we would like to go to the London Fashion and Leisure Show . It is on Tuesday . We think , that you also would like to go there , when you 'll know about it better . There will be showed the latest fashions . Also , we will see leisure and sports wear . We know , that you wanted to have another and did n't know which one . If we go to the show , we will see many hairstyles . Maybe it 'll help you choose . Also , you 'll be glad to know , that for students it is free ! So , we think , that it is very good as for you as for us . So , we can change your programme a little bit to the best one . On Monday afternoon we have the river trip to Greenwich , as you have written on your programme . On Tuesday morning we go to the show and after that shopping . And on Wednesday morning we go to the national art gallery , but after that we can go to the Science Museum , in the afternoon . Our class asks you to think about this programme . We 're sure , that you like it very much ! It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . My best friend told me , she met one boy . She liked him very much . She was speaking about him every time . She told me , that he was hansom , kind , well-understanding ( he understood her from a half of the word ) ; the main was he also liked her very much ! I belived everything she has told me . And said just to be careful . But in three days she has n't been at home . She disappeared ! We called the police . They advised us to wait . But we could n't just sit and wait ! We had to do something . In three days of her disappearing the phone has rung . I took the phone . Someone told me if I wanted to see my friend , I must take 5000$ and bring them up to the street . I took any papers , put them to one bag and without saying anything went to my friend to take something like gun . The friend gave me his toy and I gone to the street . There I saw a man and my friend . I showed the man , that I had a gun and money . I surprised that he belived me . Of course , it was better for us . I gave him the bag took the friends hand and we run away . After that she told me , that the man was the boy , which she met . Do n't believe everyone ! Better check , if you are not sure ! Dear Mr. Robertson , I have been asked by my classmates to write to you to suggest a new activity which you could include in the London programme if you liked it . We are very grateful to you for these three days that we are going to spend in the English capital , especially because you planned very interesting and different kinds of things to do for all us . However , all we agree that we would like to introduce a visit to the London Fashion and Leisure Show in the Central Exhibition Hall of London in the trip organisation . I am sure that , if you allow us to go , we are going to enjoy it a lot , to learn new topics about the English culture and have an opportunity to communicate ourselves with all those professional of the fashion . It is a very good chance to join this exhibition to see all the new fashion tendences , the latest hairstyles and make up as all we came from many different countries and have not the same customs either . And another important thing to consider is that for the students the tickets are free . As the show is held on Tuesday from 10:00 to 19:00 we could go there instead of doing shopping in the afternoon . By this way , we would visit the museum as you had planned and n Wednesday afternoon we could use the free time to do some shopping if we wished it . Well , that is all I wanted to tell you . We do hope you like our suggestion and we can have an agreement to join the fashion exhibition . Yours sincerelly , Do famous people , such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time ? Some people think that they should . They are human beings actually and they need to keep a little bit of pirvacity and freedom in their lifes to continue like normal people , to feel that they are unknown and anonymus and they do not have to wear sunglasses , hats or caps every time they want to go out home not to be recognised. . This is supposed to make them happier ... Nevertheless , if the famous are known everywhere in the world it is because of the people , if they appear often on TV or in films it is because of their popularity , a popularity which has given to them by all us . So they need to become famous to be what they want and if the people do n't know them , they are forgotten , they die ... To sum up I would like to say that for me is very difficult which group has the reason but , by the moment , we should try to respect each other and go in the other 's soul to feel like them in those moments we cannot understand them . Dear Helene Ryan , I have just received your letter and I am glad to know that I have won first prize in your competition . Now , I am writing to you to ask some details about these two weeks at Camp California and giving some answers to your questions . First of all , I would like to know if you have some vacancies in July because it is the only month where I am in holidays . About the accommodation , I would prefer staying in tents as I used to during summer holidays when I was a child . Furthermore , you asked me to choise two activities I would like to do . Firstly , I will be happy to play tennis because I used to play this sport with my village club for five years and earned a few competitions . Secondly , I am very interesting in photography because my father is a photographer and we are used to spending time each other . We had a lot of fun during our last holidays and we took a lot of pictures . As the instructions about clothes and money were not enclosed in your letter , I request about it and ask you to include in it . Thank you very much , I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , A lot of people like doing shopping but most of them might tell you that sometimes is not always enjoyable . And nowadays people must do shopping either they like it or not . For people who used to do shopping , going in big stores , I think they like it and they are always looking for fashioned-clothes . But when these stores are full of people , crowded , like the sales period , I am sure that the same people who like doing shopping may think it can be boring . In my opinion , I think people have to do shopping even though they do n't appreciate it very much . If these people have a family with children , they must buy some food to feed them even if a supermarket is full of people . And now for them shopping can be considerated like a contrariety . Dear Mr. Robertson , I am representing an English class , which is going on a three-day London tour . We would like to thank you for organising our programme . We really appreciate your attention . The programme you suggest is versatile and full of interesting activities . We are eager to attend National Art Gallery and Science Museum . But we would like to make our suggestion , if you do n't mind . We have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and would like to go to this exciting show . It will take place in the Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday on the 14th of March from 10 a.m. to 19 p.m . Our students will have a great opportunity of seeing the latest fashion , as this unique show is held only once a year . What 's more , new hairstyles and leisure and sports wear are presented there . And apart from it , this activity is free of charge . We would be very grateful if you could change our programme for Tuesday afternoon . We are thinking here particularly of the fact , that we can go to the show , instead of shopping . We sincerely hope that you will consider our suggestion . Faithfully yours , We tend to think that famous people , such as politicians and film stars are very happy and satisfied with their life . But such an attitude is wrong . It is quite obvious , that celebreties ca n't lead a normal life , as they are constantly followed by reporters , what makes their life miserable . The first point I would like to make is that a private life of a celebrity is open to public . I am thinking here particularly of the fact that every event and action is wildely discussed in the mass-media . It is common knowledge , that such an attention inevitably tells on relationships in the family . Another aspect is that children of famous people suffer a lot from this attention . They ca n't communicate with ordinary children and attend ordinary schools . And last , but not least is the fact that famous people ca n't express their emotions , show their real feelings to public . And it tells on their attitude to life and on their character . I would like to stress that very often famous people become reserved , bad-tempered and angry with the world for interfering into their lives . I would like to sum up by saying that every person , either famous or not , deserves to have a private life without being followed or disturbed . Dear Sir , I am writing to you to complain about the show which I saw last Friday at your theatre . The show was called ' Over the rainbow ' I was not pleased with the way that was set out . First of all , when I went and bought my ticket , there was no discount but in your advertisement it said clearly that discounts are available and as a result my ticket was bought more expensive . Secondly , the show I went was the evening one , which was supposed to start at 7:30 p.m. but it had a 41 minutes delay and ended up starting at 8.15 p.m . Furthermore , the original actor was Danny Brook but it changed to a different actor which acted terribly and was very disappointing . Last of all , it said in your advertisement that there is a theatre restaurant after the show but it turned out to be closed because it was redecorating and no annocement was made . I did n't have a perfect evening out and instead I had a awful evening out . Therefore I would like are refund of my ticket and I would like a apolygists . Thank you from you Your Sincelery , What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? What do you think modles will wear in cat walks ? Will they wear anything ? Who know ? Nowaday , people look at fashion-magesins or get opinions from their friends to decide what to wear in different occasions Will they still do the same 100 years later ? In my opinion , I think clothes will be a lot differente 100 years later compare to now . As new materials are made and new styles are created either by designers or people themselves which leads to changes in fashion but on the other hand come materials will probably still be used such as jeans , which was invented ages ago in America. and people nowadays still use jeans as a common material . If you walk out to the street now , you will probably see more than half the people wearing clothes that are made with jeans which is incredibly surprising ! From my point of view , I think people will wear more clothes that are see-through in particular . As people are wearing thinner and thinner clothings to show off their figure They might as well just wear clothes that are see through to give it a better effect ! so if you want to know what clothes will be like 100 year later , the only thing you can do is to WAIT ! Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing this letter to tell you the informations you need and to ask you one or two questions . I would like to come in july because I work in a big company where you have to take your holiday in this month . For the accomodation at Camp California , I will prefer to have a log cabin because I think it is more comfortable than a tent , and in case it has a big storm with a heavy rain it 's more resistant than a tent . For the activities , I chose climbing because I took cours during 2 weeks last year and now I have a good level , for the other one I chose photography but I am not a proffesional , I just take some pictures in my holiday ! I have a little question , could you tell me if and how money I need to take with me , and which kind of clothes ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I 'm writing this letter to tell you my good experience at a pop concert , last month . When I came , I was a bit afraid because I did not know what I had to do , but a very nice girl told me that my first job was looking for people whose felt bad and to guide them to the nursery . I did that two hours , this first job was sometimes a bit boring but I felt like someone who save people , so I was really happy ! My second was to take the money at the bars and to bring them in a little room where I could see the pop star walked in the corridor . I was very excited when I could see a star ! The next weekend I have an appointment with one them , but I do n't tell you the name because you 'll fell jalous ! Maybe I will tell you on the next letter ! See you soon Best wishes Dear Mrs. Helen Ryan , I 'm writing about the competition you organised . I have just received a letter from you where you say I won the first prize in you competition . I 'm very glad about that and I also want to ask you a few questions . I can only travel to California this July because it will be my winter holidays . Before and after this period is impossible for me : I have classes and I also have to work . About the accommodation , I prefer to stay in tents . I have always dreamed about going camping and staying in a tent . Now my dream will finally come true . I think this way is better to keep in touch with the nature . I would like to do photografy and swimming . I love to take photos but I do n't have techinique . I would like to learn more about it . I have always swam and I can say I 'm good on it . I would like to know what kind of clothes I will need to take , if it 's cold out there and about the money . How much money do you think I have to take to buy food and anything else I will need ? Do you have any idea about how much we spend per day ? I 'm looking forward from hearing from you , Yours sincerely , Raquel Soares Shopping is not always enjoyable We can hear many items people saying that when they are upset or stressed they like to go shopping . Is a kind of relief for them . Of course it is good to buy things for ourselves , like clothes , jewelery , anything . Specially if we do n't have to worry about money . It 's good to walk around looking all the news in the stores . But , sometimes , go shopping can have other effects on you . It can stress you . For example , when the place is crowded and noisy and you ca n't even move easily to look around . When you ca n't find what you are looking for anywhere . When you buy something you were looking for a long time and , when you arrive at home , you discover some deffect on it and have to go back to the store to complain . It is just terrible when the sellers do n't treat us well sometimes we just give up and never come back to that store . And , a really bad thing is , after buying everything you wanted and feeling very happy with all that , you realize that you spent more money than you should ... So , after all this , I suggest that before you decide to go shopping to feel better you should think of all the problems you may have while you are shopping or the big headache you can have after it . It would probably be better if you just go shopping when you really need and , to relax , you can talk to a friend , read a book or listen to good music . Remember : go shopping is not always the better choice . It can be very unpleasant sometimes . Satomi Fukao 12 Dover Street AS3 7GH , London 13 , Jun , 2000 Mrs. Helen Ryan Competition Organiser Dear Madam I have received the letter which tells me that have won first prize in your competition . I am going to write about information which you want to know . First , I would like to travel in only July , because I have got a job and only July is the time I can have a vacation . Secondly , I would like to choose a tent for accommodation , because I have never spent time in a tent , that 's why , I think it is a good oppotunity for me . I would like to choose swimming and photography for activities . I have a planty of experience and knowledge of both aspect of part . Lastly , I would like to ask you two questions . One of them is that what kind of clothes suitable on this camp . Another one is that how much money I have to prepare . I will be greatfull if you could inform me . Your sincerely Hi ! How are you doing ? I had a wonderful time last month . I helped a pop concert as a charity . My jobs were collecting a ticket , saling goods and refreshment , guiding people to a right seat and cleaning up the concert hole after finish a concert . I was n't allowed to help a heavy work , even though I wanted to do , because I 'm woman . What I particularly liked about the experience was the concert had achived by our supports . It seemed that all people , audience , the band and stuffs were delightful . If I have chance , I want to help a concert again . I have never felt such as satisfaction . I really recomend you to help them , I think this is a good oppotunity and I want you understand my feeling well . I 've got lots of things about the concert to talk to you . I want to know your openion . If you have time , drop me a line , please . Bye Dear Mr Robertson , First of all , I would like to say thank you to you Mr Robertson for planning to take us to spend three days in London . Your programme looks very interesting , especially the River Trip to Greenwich , which I always dreamt of . However , we have seen an advertisement on the English magazine for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . It takes place at the Central Exhibition Hall in London on Tuesday March 14 at 10.00-19.00 . The show will have latest fashions from top fashion designers in the world . Leisure show will have leisure and sports wear , new make up style and new hair style for next year . The best thing is that it is free because we are students . We would like to ask you whether we can change some programme . Our suggestion is that we can go shopping on Wednesday 15 March so on Tuesday afternoon we can go to The London Fashion and Leisure Show . We wo n't miss any programme that you have planned and we could also have great opportunity to see the show . We 're looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully . " Famous people , such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time " . In my opinion , everybody wants to have a happy life in our own world , we want to do whatever we want , sometimes we do the right things and sometimes we do the wrong things . We are ordinary people , we work and come home to have activities with our family or go out together . The politicians and film stars also want to have a normal life after work . They want to have a private life without journalists following them all the time . Although , their news on the front page of a magazine can catch the eyes of public so that people will never forget them . On the other hand , their story always make them embarras because most of the journalists create their own story base on the true story just to get attraction from people . I think , if the journalist want to publish the politicians and film stars private life , they should have asked for permission . They deserve to have a private life as everybody . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing this letter to mention all the disappointing events in the Circle Theatre " Over The Rainbow " . I went to see it on time as it was written 19:30 but it started t 20:15 with a delay of 45 minutes . This is nothing , it was said that Danny Brook was starring . However a different actor starred and we were all disappointed . What is more , about the tickets , discounts were not available as it was not said so . The last disappointing thing is that the theatre restaurant was closed so we could not visit it after the show . As well as you can understand I did not enjoy myself and I think I spent my money for a nonsense thing . Therefore , if avaliable , can you play my money back please ? My address is here for any contacts , Yours faithfully , PAT LIKE A BLACK CAT Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . He told everything that Pandora said , to everyone which Pandora did n't want them to know . Pandora had done something very bad like a robbery and one day told this to Pat because she was very shy and regretful . Pat was her best friend so she told to him . However , she did n't know that Pat could n't keep secrets well . One day while all their friends were there and talking , Pat told everyone that Pandora had done a robbery . All of them were schoked by what they heard . As well as this they started to talk about it everywhere . After a week of holiday , when Pandora returned she learned that every of her friends knew that . She became very shy and engry She could n't talk with people and she just was very sad . Finally , she could n't wait and wear to talk to Pat . He admitted that it was his fault to say and told everyone that it was a joke to make Pandora a bit angry . After all they again became good friends but Pat learned to keep secrets . Dear Sir/Madam ; Yesterday I went to the theatre play called " Over the Rainbow " which I saw the advertisement in todays Guardian . I want to tell you that I am very dissapointed about the play . In the advirtisement it is written that Danny Brook was in the starring . However I did n't see him all the night . There was another actor instead of him . And also it should be started at 19.30 , as I saw in the advirtisement , which has started at 20.15 ! And so far there was n't any discounts available which is written to be " available " in the advirtisement . I went to the theatre restaurant after the show but it was closed because of the re-decoration progress inside . You should have written it in the advirtisement . And after all no one can say that I had a perfect evening out ! Absolutely it was very dissapointing. so I want my money back . I hope you understand me and correct your mistakes in the next advirtisement and send me my money soon ! Yours Faithfully Simple Solutions It is over 50 years since the production of the computer and television . Our lifes changed since then Today every 5 out of 10 pupil can use computer basicly . And almost everybody has a television in their homes . These 2 devices make my life easier . I ca n't go out all the time or be with my friends to have fun . So I watch Tv at home instead of sitting in a chair looking out of a window . I play computer more than watching Tv when I get bored . The internet is the world 's largest communication system ever made . I can do anything I want such as buy Cd 's watch film or even buy food . It is really enjable when I chat with pupil . Internet brought a new way to my live since I started to use it . It is easy and very useful . I can reach any knowledge that I want to . Techology is also important in one subject for me . Transportation . I ca n't have to walk to school everyday for 8 months , Cars , busses and trains are very useful in daily life . Lots of thing would be hard and boring in my life I was living in a different time than now . I can easily do what I want . Technology brought simple solutions to my life . Dear Sir/Madam : I 'd like to complain about your ' Best ' musical show that I went to when I 'd a week 's holiday in London . I felt really disappointed because the things you said in the advertisement was n't true . I went there at 19.00 because the show started at 19.30 as the advertisement said but I queued for at least an hour because the ticket machine broke down . Finally , after an hour , when my term came to buy the entrance ticket , you staff said I could n't have a discount and so as anyone . However I bought the ticket even it was more expensive because I 'd been queuing for ages and I really wanted to see my favourite idol , Danny Brook . But when the show started , they said Danny was n't there because of his illness and I felt very upset and dismayed about it because the situation I had was unlike what the advertisement said . After the boring show finished , I was hungry and I decided to go to your theatre restaurant but the restaurant was closed after 19.00 . So what 's the point to say ' visit our restaurant after the show ' ? I 'd a very disappointing evening and my anger influenced me for the rest of my holidays . I 'd like to know if you can give the money back to me or I 'll write letters to all the media departments to show how tricky you were . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . He went to see the headmaster and told him all the truth . Tim was the one who threw the paper aeroplane to the headmaster and Jon was the one who said some bad words behind the headmaster after he punished Jon . The headmaster was extremely angry about it and he gave both students a heavy punishment , which was suspended from school for a week . This happened in the Thursday afternoon . When everyone finished their lunch , they all got into their classrooms quickly because they all knew that the headmaster would walk round the school every Thursday . But some naughty students in my class were throwing paper aeroplanes when the teacher was writting something on the board . Unfortunately , one of the paper planes flew out of the window and hit directly to the headmaster 's head . Everyone was laughing and the headmaster 's face was full of anger . He then punished Jon but the one who did was Tim so Jon was very angry and he said something bad about the headmaster among us . Pat heard that and went to see the headmaster straight after school . The headmaster went to see Jon and Tim and punished their bad behaviours . After that event happened , Pat was Jon and Tim 's enemy . They both got into trouble because of him . They do hate him so much . Dear Sir or Madam , Unfortunatelly I have to complained about musical show in your 's Circle Theatre last evening . When I become your 's advertisment concerning the show " Over the Rainbow " I thought that I 'll have a great evening , but unfortunatelly it was a big disappointment for me . Maybe I start for the beginning . First of all , Danny Brook - the main actor in this musical - was abbsend . The show had a 45 minutes delay - what a shame ! You also offered discounts , whot kind of discounts ? I have n't seen any ! I was with my son ( 11 years old ) and I had to paid a full-prize for his ticket . Becouse the show was very long , we were getting hungry but of course your 's theatre restaurants was closed because of holiday . Hereby I have to ask for money back or another discounts for me . Waiting for you replay . With best regards Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . The stay has begaun last year , when I stated my summer holiday . I had not any money for travelling but my parents were able to give me them if I only had a concret plans . I started talking with my parents that I will be travelling with my friends through West-Europe for one month . I had really a good plan but any good friends . I become quite a lot of money and I left home . During one week I was really travelling with my friends but then I was getting boring with them and I started to travel alone . Now I do n't think that it was a good idea . Sometimes I had to sleep on a railway-stations or under a bridges . After one mounth I came home back and explained my parents how a lot of fun had I with my friends - I do n't know why I was such a lair . My parents belived my word 's untill my younger brother Pat told them the true . Now my parents ' do n't belive my words . But I think , this was a good lesson for me and I lair any more . Dear Sir , The reason for which I decided to write you a letter , will , I guess , surprise you . I hope you will not feel offensed , but I really needed to contest about your theater . I was present at your musical show : " Over the rainbow " . It was very excited thinking about being at the theatre , and I though with certainty I was going to enjoy my evening . Plus , I felt very pleased when I heard that Danny Brook was part of the play : he used to be an old friend of mine in Highschool and perchance I have found him back here ! You can believe I was very disappointed when I saw that he actually was not playing and I was more bewildered that noone made an apologie for it ! How rude ! Moreover ; it was written that the show was supposed to start at 19.30 ; it actually started at exactly 20.15 ! 45 minutes latter : where we had nothing to do , but waiting . We could n't even have a drink , because , obviously , the restaurant you talked about was closed ! Really , what a mess in the administration . Although , I would have felt better if I had had a discount on my ticket , as you mentionned in the advertisement , but unfortunately , these could n't possibly be reached either ! I am sure you are smart enough to think of paying me back , so you do not lose a faithful client . Sincerely yours , If more and more ingenors work on science and technology , it must be that it is really usefull : but in what particular way ? For my part , I know it would be such a pain in my neck . The more I think of it , the more I realise I use modern technology a lot . I guess I could not live without many instruments . The first I think of is internet . What a great invention ! It allows me to learn anything without having to travel through many libraries as I used to do . It also makes me write to my friends by e-mail . I did not to write at all to people until I have got internet . By this procedure , you only type and send , no need to going to the post-office ! Of course this is just because I am lazy , I actually could force me a little , and then go to the library and to the post-office , but internet just makes it easier ! I am also very fond of cell-phones . These are also such a relief . I can go anywhere without being nervous about the fact , that maybe someone is trying to reach me ! Modern technology changed my daily life by making it easier and by turning me into a lazy woman . Nevertheless , this easy life has then offered me to be more peaceful and I think it is essential . Although I am thankful to modern technology ! Dear Ms. Ryan , I am writing to thank you to send me all the details about my prize and I 'd like to give you a complete information about the journey will be done by myself . I would like to travel at the beginning of the month , could be between first and fifteeth of july , because afterwards I have several business meetings and it would be difficult for me to take a trip . Related with accommodation , I 'd prefer to stay in log cabins . Although I like camping and sharing with different kind of people , I 'd prefer a confortable and private place ( if it 's possible ) where I can sleep , or be quiet. . I am not a teenager ! Really , this prize is wonderful to have a healthy life . I want to do two activities ; painting and tennis . The first one is for my mental health , I need a break in my style of life. the second one is just because I 'm fanatic of that sports ( really I 'm not martine hingis ) . Eventually , I 'd like to request to have special food , because and vegetarian person , besides I try to eat just organic food . I hope my reply has been suitable . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , How are you doing ? It have been a long time since the last time I wrote you ... I 'm sorry . However the reason is absolutely amazing . I was training to be a personal assistance to Madonna herself . Maybe , you do n't believe me , but it 's true . I applied to the job and she selected me between hundreds of candidates ( I do n't receive salary ) . My work is to help her during each concert . You know , she has a brilliant performance where she must change her customs , make up , scenery , everytime ; so she needs a lot of people near . My first job was in the Hillsborough 's concert ( I think , you heard about it ) . I was running all the show , my responsability was to get dress her . I was n't alone , I worked with a staff of ten people . We had to take of some clothes and then to put on others ones completly different , in just few minutes ( similar to Formula One ) . I was exhausted when the concert finished , anyway it has been one of my best experience and I 'll remember for life . Finally , I send you all my positive energy and I am looking forward to receiving your letter back . all the best . To : From : I spent two days at annual international arts festival from 21 to 22 of November . This festival was well-orginised . There were a lot of activities for everyone . I relly liked exhibitions . I had a chance to see amazing pictures with wezy painted by Russian painters . There was an excellent jazz concert . The Band " Three Kings " apresented new stily of music . I would like to notice that a dance show was absolutelly marvelous . What 's a greit idea to invite writers there ! I relly liked to speak with them . From my point of view I can complain only on a small concert hall and there were artist from only six countries . Nowadays many people fond of classical music , but this concert was too small that 's why many people had to miss this classical concert . You wrote an advertisment that people from more than 15 deferent countries were going to visit this concert , but there were artists only from 6 countries . It was relly pity because I expected to see artists from France and Italy . The International Arts Festival was organised quite well . I would only recomended you to have more artists and a classical concert should be in bigger hall than it was . One man and one woman lived in small house beside the sea . There names were Ivan and Maria . They were so pour that somitimes they hardly had something to eat . One day Ivan caught a fish . It was n't usual fish , it was Gold Fish and it asked him as human ; ' Please , let me go and I can do for you anything you want ' . But Ivan was so kind person that he let Gold Fish went without any condition . Afterwards he came back home . He told her wife about this story . She was angry and she said that Ivan was just foolish man . She persuide him to go to the sea to ask a lot of things for her . Ivan had to do what she said . Gold Fish did everything what Ivan asked . When he come back home , he was surprise because Maria was more angry than before . She said that it was n't enough what Gold Fish had done for her . Ivan had to beg Gold Fish again and again . In the end , greedy Maria wanted impossible thing . She said that Ivan should bring Gold Fish to home and Ivan could leave this house because she did n't need him anymore . Maria wanted too much and Gold Fish returned everything at the beginning . Maria and Ivan were again poor . This story happened a long time ago . Madrid , 17 - June - 2000 Dear SIR/MADAM , My name is .... I am working as an actor for The Spanish Royal Theatre . I had spent the hole last week in London with one of my colleagues . Sunday night we went to your theatre . We thought that going to the musical show " Over The Rainbow " was ( as you say in your advertisement ) the perfect evening out and the perfect end of our stay in your city . But from the beginning we found a lot of problems . Despite we are actors we had to pay a full ticket because the discounts you promise are not available on Sundays . We tried to complain but the girl at the tickets desk was very unpolite . However , we decided to get into the show . Danny Brook is a good friend of mine and our purpose was to give him a surprise . You can imagine how were our faces like when we saw that it was not Danny , but Peter Fox , who was on the stage . Nevertheless we decided to stay there till the end of the show and to take dinner in your restaurant , where we were supposed to meet some friends ; friends that we never met because your restaurant was closed when we got out . I am sure that the restaurant closed at its closing-hour but you have to remember that the show began 45 minutes late . As you can read it was not our " perfect evening out " at all . I was really disappointed . I realize that managing a theatre is a hard work but I have to ask you the money of the tickets back . Next time it would be a good idea to put the possible changes on the advertisement , before the starting time of the show . I am waiting your answer , HOW HAS MODERN TECHNOLOGY CHANGED YOUR DAILY LIFE ? My composition is going to focus in two main ideas : how the modern technology has changed my home life and how it affects my personal and professional life . Technology makes easier the work at home . I ca n't imagine how my life would be without a washing machine , a drier or a fridge . During the winter , when it is raining , you can have your clothes dry in less that thirty minutes . That 's fantastic . Technology has also been a great help in my everyday work . I am thinking mostly on computers . Being a journalist I have to write lots of pages every day . The computer allows me to change my ideas without any effort and to store a big amount of information in the minimum space . Also , the e-mail system is really hepful . Thanks to the advance of Internet I can contact lots of colleagues all around the world everyday ( and with the minimum cost ) . But , on my opinion , the best thing is that I can stay at home or going on holidays , and send my work to the office everyday . 13.06.2000 Dear Mrs Ryan Thank you very much for your letter . You would like to have some further information from me . I am writing to answer your letter . I would like to travel only in July because I have been working in a bank and I can only go on a holiday in July . I would prefer to stay in a tent because I used to go camping and stay in the tent . Therefore I would like to try some kind of experience . I am interested in tennis but I am not so good tennis player . However I would like to attend tennis activity . In addition swimming would be good activity for me . While I was studying at the high school and the university , I was in the swimming team of the school . I would like to ask you about clothes and the money . Could you tell me what kind of clothes I should bring ? When I go there , can I use credit card or should I have cash ? I look forward to your answer . Yours sincerely , I think all people like shopping . When you ask some people to learn their opinions about shopping they can tell you they do n't like shopping but I suppose it is not true . For example me , when someone asked me about shopping I would say that I had n't liked it . However now if someone asks me the same question my answer will be " yes , I like it " . When people hear this word shopping they only think about to go some stores and try new clothes or shoes and search for their size and so on . They do n't think about other kind of shopping which are liked by themselves . Maybe they like shopping on internet or window shopping does n't matter what kind of shopping they like . There are a lot of shopping style on the world I am sure everybody prefer one of them . In my opinion , even though people say shopping is not always enjoyable , there are always some fun you can find . You only need to discover what you like , and how you can have fun with shopping . Olivier Peissaud The Manager Circle Theater Dear Sir , I am writing to complaint about a very disappointing evening I recently had during a week 's holiday in London . My girlfriend and I read an advertisement about the show " Over the Rainbow " which is very popular . She is fond of the actor Danny Brook so I decided to buy two tickets , provided there were discounts available . When we asked for discounts tickets , we were said there never were discount offers and that we had to pay the highest tickets - £ 20 each - because we were not English students . We were annoyed about it but we paid off . We took our places , and began chatting with other people . We had to wait 8.15 pm before it started whereas the show was supposed to start at 9.30 pm ! Moreover , we were astonished that another actor we did not know was playing the role of Danny Brook . My girlfriend was very upset and so was I . After that we thought we could have a drink in your theatre restaurant but it was closed because the decorations were being changed . Finally we had the worst evening I have ever imagined , it was definitely not the " perfect evening " as written in the adverstiment . So I want my money back for these two tickets - I have included a copy - and I hope you will pay more attention to the way you treat your customers , and avoid false advertisement . Yours faithfully , Your children clothes in 100 years How interesting it is to imagine what kind of clothes people will wear in about a hundred years from now . Fashion is changing so quickly that all our dreams about clothes can become true . But let 's see my point of view . In a hundred years , clothes would certainly be totally differents than ours . Materials , textures and colours change , and are minds too . So I think people will wear clothes made of recycled things , like bottles of aluminium . And I hope colours wo n't be dark and sad but very bright and enjoyable to see . I think men will still wear pants and jackets but maybe not in jeans . Syntethic materials have grown up and become very popular so it would keep going on . But maybe the shape of the clothes will changed : large pants as " baggy " , or trousers with many pockets as we see today . For women , clothes change more than for men 's . It maybe because they are more likely to try new ways of clothes . I guess they will wear a sort of tunique upon a shirt and a skirt , or more male clothes because they want to change . Finally it 's very difficult to say that . Maybe Luc Besson 's " Fifth Element " movie is quite a good example . The clothes were designed by the famous Jean-Paul Gaultier . And it really is an interesting point of view . To conclude , in the end clothes wo n't be what we think about today , and it 's a good thing because we can only imagine and follow the trend of fashion that makes us feel pretty and happy . Dear Sir , I was very happy when your letter arrived , yesterday . This trip will be very important for me , that is why I am interested in travelling to U.S.A as soon as possible . I would like to travel on July because I will be on winter holidays , so I will not miss classes at school . I would really prefer to stay in tents because I love sleeping outdoors and listening noises from outside . I am going to tell you two activities that I would like to do while I will be at the Camp . Firstly I would be happy if you let me play tennis , because I have played it for four years and I do it well , and secondly I believe that singing could be interesting because I really like it and I have a beautiful voice . I was wondering the kind of clothes that I will have to wear and finally could you tell me how much money I will have to take ? I look for ward to receiving more news . Yours Faithfully , Rosario de los Peines ( Mrs ) . Dear Kim , Hello ! How are you ? I 'm writing because I know that you 're interested in listening my experience in which I enjoyed helping at a pop concert last month , perhaps in the future you 'll be able to help too . If you want to help at a pop concert you 'll have to write down yourself in a competition as I did , then , if you win the organiser will phone you and you 'll be able to help them . At the concert I had to clear and organized all the people who were in , but at the end of the night I was able to talk with one of my favourite pop singer . I think that it was the experience I particularly liked most and which I will never forget . Looking forward to hearing from you . Love , Dear Helen Ryan , In response to your letter that I have just received I am writing to give you all the further information you need . According to your letter , I should tell you when I would like to travel and I think July is the best time for me because I will be on summer vacations so I would not have to miss any classes . About the accomodation , I would prefer tents because I enjoy the contact with nature as well as camping activities . As I may choose the two activities I would like to practise during my staying at the Camp from the list given in your letter , I choose singing and photography . I have been taking singing classes since I was ten years old so I am pretty good at it . On the other hand , I am a beginner in photography skills . I would appreciate if you could inform me if I have to bring any money for extra costs or even special kind of clothes for those activities . Thanks in advance for your assistance . Yours sincerely CATARINA PONTES Shopping is not always enjoyable These days people have been shopping more often than they used to . Sometimes shopping can be a stressing experience though people think of it as an enjoyable part of their lives . First of all , shopping can be a good thing if it is a possibility to forget about all the problems you have , even if it is just for a moment . It relieves you from the pressure of life while you are looking for something to buy . On the other hand , sometimes you can get really nervous about shopping like when you have to deal with unhelpful shop assistants . It is a very common fact these days and you have to be patient if you really want to buy something . Furthermore , sometimes you can not find a variety of goods and you eventually buy a low quality product . In conclusion , like all things in life , shopping can be pleasent or irritating depending on your patience and on your mood that day . Dear Madam , At first , I want to say how I am happy to have won this prize and I want to thank you . Concerning the information you want I will give them . I would like to travel on July because this is the only month given to me by my employer . I would prefer to have a log cabin because I can not sleep in a tent ( it is too hot and the floor is too hard for my back ) . Concerning the two activities I have to choose , I would prefer to swim and play tennis ( I have a good level in each sports ) . Finally I would like to know how much money I have to prepare and which sorts of clothes are usually weared in California . Yours faithfully Pablo Fernandez Many classes and activities are important in our school But I have to make a choice in order to select them The class of mecanics seem to be the more important lesson . It use a lot of technics that we learn in other classes . It gives us the knowledge usefull for many school club like the " marathon shell " club or the robotich club . Besides it gives all the areas covered by a mecanic ingenier and it is very important in a school where you will probably become a mecanic ingenier It lets us specify our abilities in the part of mecanics that we prefer . But there are other lessons very important ( like English of course ! ) Actually , I have a regret , there is no ethic lessons , It would show us how use our knowledge . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing you to give you the information you need , but first of all I would say that I am really delighted and I would thank you . If it would be possible I wish I travel in July because I have planned my holidays this month at work and I would not be able to remove them for accommodation , I would choice the log cabin , I am not very fond of " adventure " , that is why tents are not for me . I expect that these two weeks will be as a big rest . Third , you need to know which sport I want to to practise . I would choice photography and tennis . In photography , I am just a novice , nevertheless I have got a suitable camera ... ( I guess that you should n't borrow some ! About tennis , I play for eight years and I am used to sit for competition . To finish , I wonder if I need to bring some money or if all has been already payed and what kind of clothes should I bring ? Yours sincerely Joachim Delerm Our engineer school is specealized in mecanics and thermodynamics . Needless to said that we must faces our attention to these fields . First , we could film fluid mecanics lessons and general mecanics lessons . I wonder if we could not feet between some short view of the laboratories , in which we could show student making experimentations . In order to strike people who will watch the film , we could record student drawing on the big drawing tables . I would do the same for thermodynamics . Nevertheless , we should not forget the extra-life school . We have to show sports at school and all activities that we are offered . There are not only the brain which should be trained . Futur students could appreciate to come if they could still practise their sport . Another point to record woubl be the time we have got between lessons or at lunch time , it will show a part of the way of life in the school . If you want further information or if you disagree , tell me it . Dear Madame , I have received your letter about the competition ' two weeks at Camp California ' - I am very glad to know to have won the first prize ! In the following you can find , I hope , call the information you need to complete the partecipation procedure . I would like to travel only on July because , as you already know , at the moment I am following a doctoral course at the Cornell University : this school is closed on July and so , in that period , I am available for the camp . If possible , the accomodation I prefer is in tent. there are two main reasons for the choice : I am very keen on camping in high mountains and hills and I am very skilled in all the relative activities : building-up the tent , cooking on camp and so on . Furthermore I have several personal objects that play a fundamental role in the camp daily life ( the tent , the sleep bag and so on. ) . Among the proposed activities , I prefer swimming and singing . Indeed , I like the water sport and I am a quite good guitar singer - Some questions : What about the average temperature at the camp on July ? What are the better clothes to use at the camp ? How much money may be useful at the camp ? I will be very glad to partecipate to your camp ! Yours faightfully Steve Galliano Our school , as it is well known , is a technical school and consequently the daily life contains different activities performed in the classrooms or in the laboratories . A short video , showed to the English class , must take into account all these aspects of the life of our school . Here we can describe some lessons or other activities which can be filmed to create the video . The mathematical lessons are divided in two part : the theoretical one where the definitions and the theorems are presented to students and the numerical one where the problems are solved and the applications are explained . Two particular activities are performed in the laboratory of physics and in the laboratory of chemistry . In the former some of the most important physical laws are experimentally verified by the students with the help of an assistant . In the latter many chemical reactions may be reproduced to show to the students the resulting effects and the final compounds generated . These activities are very interesting and they will be surely enclosed in the video . Moreover , many sport activities are performed in our school : swimming , tennis , gym , jogging and so on . Some parts of the final video may describe these additional features of the school . Dear Mr. Robertson , I would like to say " thank you " for this London trip plan . We are really excited about it . Especially the boat trip on river is a good idea because we all want to see Greenwich . We also enjoy the idea of going to the National Art Gallery and sightseeing by bus . It seems it 's going to be a great fun . I do not know if it is possible to make any change in this plan but we saw an ad in " Time Out " magazine last week about a fashion show which we would like to see . The show 's date is very convinient - March 14 - , and it is on Central Exhibition Hall so I do not think it would be a problem to get there . As you know , we all come from different countries and we are keen on learning some other things about English culture besides the language itself . Joining this fashion and leisure show , we will get the chance to see a lot of enjoyable and different things , such as new hair styles and make up ways , or what is fashion in London recently . Briefly , we would be happy if we could see this show instead of the Science Museum . We can find another chance to go to the Science Museum in any other day , but this show is just for this Tuesday . Also , it 's free for students . I hope , it would n't cause a trouble to change the programme . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Although human is a social creature , all people need an area to be able to stay away from other people . This is essential to renew the energy which is necessary for daily life . Also we all like to have some special things and people in our lives to help us to feel different from others . It can be a lover , a hobby or a habit . Thinking about famous people , we generally tend to ignore this need . I believe this feeling sources from a strange though ; when somebody gets famous , whatever the job is they do , we think we have some kind of right over them . Consequently we demand to know every single detail about them and their lives . Press takes this demand as an order , and " but public wants to know " becomes a nightmare for famous people . In fact , what is a need for ordinary people is a more important need for famous people . Because they have to spend too much time in front of other people , they are even more sensitive about their privacy . I am quiet sure , even the ones , who have chosen their occupies just to be famous , do n't like to be pictured when they believe they are alone . The situation much be much worse for the ones who have become famous without desiring this . Obviously , there is no point in saying " famous people have a right to their own live . " Although this statement is absuletely true , it seems there is no way to stop public attention , so they will keep living with journalists . Dear manager , My name is Marcia Fomalar , I am writting to make you know how disappointed I felt when I went to the musical show of the London theatre . I decided to see the 19:30 show so I arrived on time at 19:00 o'clock . I went to buy the ticket and as I like to enjoy the show near of the stage I bought a £ 20 tiket but when I asked for the discount they told me " I am sorry but there was an error in the advertisement , It will be impossible to make you a discount " . This was my first problem . At 19:15 I was very impatient waiting for the show begins and a man anounced that the show will start at 20:15 . I had to wait more that an hour outside the theatre because to make matters worse I could n't spend the time in the theatre restaurant . The reason they gave me it was closed because it was being repaired . Finaly the show started and to my sorprise my favourite actor Danny Brooke had been replaced by another actor . Now what I hope is you refound me my money , it was a horrible evening out Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I would be the best party of the year . Last month was my grandmother birthday and I organised a party for her . My grandmother loves the parties and when she was young she used to organise big parties for all the family and friends . Now she is 85 years old so she ca n't do that but , I can . I organised everything like : the place , the food , the decoration , I sent letters by post to everybody she knows . It seems to be the bigger party of her life . I thought she could have a show in this special party so I talked to Pat , my best friend , if she could help me as she works in the production of T.V. programes . She loved the idea and said she had differents shows so to decide which could be the most suitable . I told her to make me a phone cold . Pat sent to my house a fax with the different alternatives she thought but unfortunately my grandmother was there and she saw the paper so the sorprise was ended . But after all the party was great . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to reply on your letter concerned about the holidays at Camp California in the U.SA as a first prize in the competition which I fortunately won last month . First of all , I want to know if it is possible to travel in July because during that month I will be free from the school 's activities so my parents just let me go if I do not have to miss any of my classes . About the activities that I have to choose , I have to say that it is quite difficult for me because I really like sports , but I think the best option is swimming because I have been practicing it during 5 years so I want to keep on it . The other activity that I chose is painting , I am not as well as I want , nevertheless I think I can inprove my skills during this course . I would rather tends than log cabins for accommodation because the last summer I had the great opportunity to be in a log cabin and now I want to know the other one . I am sure it will be thrilling to stay near the nature and at the same time , it would be a new experience for me . I would like to know how is the weather in California during the summer to bring with me appropiate clothes and the last thing I need to know , is the amount of money that I have to bring with me . If you need more information , please do not hesitate on writing me . Yours sincerely , To : John Weller . From : Raquel Rossell . Re : Suggestions for the film . Introduction To make easier and faster this report , it was necessary to make a questionarie which was gave out in the school . After collecting the answers , I obtained the following results : 1- It would be a good idea to film the computer centre , the listening room room and the library because as everybody knows , they have very good equipment and also they are comfortable places helping them to improve their English on their own . 2 - They also think , that filming some of the lessons that they usually have , known as " one-to-one " lessons , people who see this video , will be interested on knowing more about the school because a few English schools have this sort of classes . 3 - The least but not the last , a lot of students ( almost 85 % ) think that the extra-activities organised by the social programme , has became really exciting , so they suggest filming these activites during the weekend , for example " the full day in Oxford " because for those that did not have the opportunity to go there , could see how great it was and then they can attend the next time . However , 15 % thougth that it was not a good idea because it would be boring to see other people enjoying and they mentioned it as not really important . Conclusion As you can see , my clasemates and almost everybody in the school are happy with the facilities and activities that we have . Despite of being almost 300 students , the answers were quite similar . I do recommend to pay attention to the food in the cafeteria because even though it was not the main reason of this report , they also wrote complaning about that . If you need more information and the sheets that I collected , please do not hesitate on asking me for them . To : Manager of the Theatre Few weeks ago , me and my farmily had a hoilday in London , the hoilday was n't too good ! Because ... During the week we descide where we want to go , we all agree to listen to music so than we descide to come to your musical show and listen to " Over the Rainbow " . That evening we do n't want to have our supper before the show Anyway I though it will be too early to eat and also because the time table or canidates you give me have say : " visit our theatre restaurant after the show " . so we did , but unforturnily it was close and I was so dissapointed about it , nor only that we have expected Danny Brook and Tina Truelove to be the actor of starring . Also I do n't really mind that the show start late but the rute of that evening was rucented . And there were no discounts when you say there is ! Why is it every thing that on the canidates were wrong and different what we had . We do n't expect much bad to happened in our hoilday , but this was perfectic show as well , it was the worstest show and theatre I have never been in my life . P.S. please would you like to explain why ? We would like our money back please because every thing gone wrong , the atmosphere totally chanced ! sincinerly from Ki Modern technology changed our daily life In order to live happily the sciencetist can easily perdict the changes on earth , so than we can have time to perpare or defence our self from the Natural diseasters . Wapons were designed to kill and defences in a fright , in War 1945 so many German were killed , also many people die from other region. e.g. The Englishs . Posin chemical compounds e.g. gases , liquids , are created too , they were use to kill people , most of them give radiration which can disable the person , mostly harm their brain and their bodys and it could also cause deaths . Communication techology e.g. internet ( networks ) , moible phones . In the wars soilors were communicate with moible phones though places to place to get or give information about them self and the enarmys . By using internet we could make new pen friends oversea , creat club , sociatys . Now megsage can travel quicker and it is also world wild. send letters takes about aweek to HongKong from U.K. , but net work eg. E-mail. is much faster. require time is about few minutes . Now we could even create a club in Yahoo , which is free . Modern technology save us alot of times and give us many benifects when we use it in a right correct ways , but some bad way to e.g. send virse to break down network . Dear Helen Ryan I have just received your letter and I am really looking forward to going to this trip . Here is some information you asked for and also a few questions . I would like to travel in July , as it will be summer , and the weather will be nicer . Accommodation in log cabins would be better for me , because they are more comfortable . One of the activities I will do is tennis , but I am just a beginner , so I would like someone to teach me . The other activity will be photography , which I am very good at . I am wondering if there will be anywhere for me to wash my clothes , or if I will have them washed . I would also like to know how much money I should bring with me . I am waiting for your prompt reply . Yours sincerely , Bradley Tudela . Shopping is not always enjoyable Many people enjoy going shoppings meeting friends and mainly spending their money , but sometimes shopping can be a terrible experience . The good side of this activity is that it can be a good leisure , provided you are not in a hurry . On the other hand , when the shops are crowded ( for instance , just before Christmas ) , going shopping can be very stressful , as you cannot walk freely and have to bear endless queues . Another problem is the shortage of trolleys in supermarkets , which is very common when they are full of people . As if these were not enough , there are always impolite assistants , who make your day even worse . Summing up , going shopping can be a relaxing activity if you choose the right day , but be aware of how dangerous it can be for your patience . Dear Sir , Last Saturday evening me and my family went to see the musical show " Over the rainbow " at your theatre . I 'm writing this letter to express the reasons of our disappointment about that evening . The advertisement for the show said that there was discounts available for children so we brought them and when we bought the tickets we had to pay the maximum price for everyone . Then , when we got in , we had to wait because the show started forty-five minutes late . By then our children were very bored . My husband was looking for to seeing his favourite actor , Danny Brook , and when the show started he found out that Brook had been changed by a different actor . My husband was really unhappy . When the show had finished we decided to go for a snack to the theatre restaurant and it was closed without giving any reason for it . As you can see , it was n't the evening we expected and the result was very different from the promises you made in the advertisement . I think it would be reasonable if we could have our money back . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets and this was the reason why the party was n't as succesful as we thought . My and my friends , including Pat , were preparing a surprise for Sam 's birthday . We decided to go to his place ( I 've got a copy of the key ) the evening before his birthday while he was at work and decorate the lounch , then turn off the lights and wait for him in silence until he arrived . Everybody was excited about the idea and we were keeping it in secret in front of Sam . Two days before the event Carol , Albert , Sam and me went to visit Pat in her house and she invited us to stay for dinner . We were having a wonderful time chatting and laughing but suddenly the phone rang and Pat answer it . It was her aunt inviting her for the weekend so Pat said very loudly : " I 'm sorry but I have to go to Sam 's flat and decorate it , it 's a surprise , do n't tell anybody " Sam look at us surprised and said " What 's going on ? " Everybody had to change plans and the party became a normal party . We were a bit disappointed but we enjoyed anyway . Dear Mr Robertson , With reference to our trip in London , in name of all of us , English class in this college , we would like to thank you for your special atention in have organised a good programme to know interesting and cultural points in London . We have been very excited about this and coincidentely we have found another option to add in our programme , certainly if your agree with . We have thought that The London Fashion and Leisure Show would be a great opportunity to give us more information about the main transformation in nowdays in England about fashions , Leisure , sports and style of life . However your decision in changing a little bit our programme , we would suggest just on Tuesday afternoon no doing shop , everything else could stay the same . We are really satisfied in sightseeing by bus , in go to the National Gallery , but the whole class would like to go to The London Fashion and will be free . We are looking forward to your answer . Yours sincerely . I knew , I could die . It was dangerous , but I kew I had to do it . This sad and unlucky day was on Friday 1998 , it was n't 13th even it look liked , but it was my 25th birthday . Everything was going so bad and I knew , I could die . Unfortunately , I 've got a brother who likes to live in dangerous and poor way and I do n't know how , but he could persuade me to go with him to get some drugs , in my 25th birthday . I was at home making me up before to go to a restaurant with my friends and , sudenlly , he rang the bell , he was so nervous with a gun in his hands and no longer I could speak he took me out with him . I had tried to think in stopping him , but he was stronger than me and he had used all his power to scared me and he forced me to buy cocain using my cheques . I did n't want , I 've never approve his deal with the drug , but I could n't do it different . The dangerous man who we 'd gone to buy drugs was upset with my brother and had decided to kill him , but I had killed him first . If I did n't do it , I knew I would die , my option was my life , but now I have n't any chance to live because I 'm in the prison . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to make some complaints about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " , wich you are the manager . I would like to say that there were many problems with the musical show . The first problem concerned the main actor of the show . Although it was written in the show 's addvertisement that the main actor was Danny Brook , it , unfortunately , was not him . The show was supposed to have started at 19:30 , but it only started at 20:15 , so the public , including me , was forced to wait for fourty five minutes . It was also written in the show 's addvertisement that there would be discounts available for the tickets . However , there was not any . The fourth problem concerned the Theatre Restaurant . Even though the addvertisement said we should visit it after the show , it was closed and no explanations were given . In conclusion , the addvertisement promised this would be a perfect evening out , but it was not , so I would like to ask for my money back . I would like to hear from you in the near future . Yours faithfully , Pat was n't good at keeping secrets Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I all happened a year ago , when Pat and I were still best friends and used to tell each other everything . One day , I inocently told Pat that I was dating Philip Smythe , the school 's hunk and most popular boy . I asked Pat not to tell anyone , and she promised me she would n't . I believed in her and trusted her blindly . I went home that day after having told Pat my deepest secret with a weird feeling in my heart . Something was telling me that I was going to lose a friend and a love . The next day , I went to school and found out that Pat had told everybody that I was dating Philip . Suddenly , an enourmous saddness caught me , because Philip had begged me not to tell anyone , so he would definately brake up with me , and I knew I was going to stop talking to Pat , because she had just ruined my happiness and I could n't trust her anymore . Now , unfortunately , I do n't have a boyfriend or a best friend , all because Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you about an incident I had with the musical show which was presented by your theatre during my week 's holiday in London . First of all , I would like to tell you that it was very disappointing for me that the starring was not Danny Brook as your company had published . Moreover , the musical show was said to start at 19:30 but it really started at 20:15 . As the show finished later , we decided to eat something at your theatre restaurant but to our surprise , it was closed . As a result , we came back home in order to eat some fast food . An other thing is that there was any discount available so we spend a lot of money in such a bad show . Before this week ends , I want your company to give me the money back . Otherwise , I will sue your company . I hope this kind of behaviour does not happen again . Your faithfully , Manuela T. Miracola Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . One day , while I was studying maths , one of my friends , called Pat , asked me to have a coffe with her . We went to a place called ' Deli ' where we talked a lot about our school , the exams and , as we usually did , about our friends and boy friends . We asked each other a lot of questions but then we started talking about things that had never been talked about with anybody . Such as the most important thing that had happened to us in our life and that kind of secrets ... The problem started when I confesed her that I had fall in love with Larry , who was my cousin 's boyfriend . In spite of the fact that I told her to keep it as a secret , she went to my cousin 's house and made the retelling of what I had exactly told her . As a result , my cousin went to my house in order to gave her a detailed description of it . As I solved the trouble with my cousin , I understood why my mother had told me that friends ' sometimes were n't as you expected them to be . To the manager of The Circle Theatre Dear Sir/Madam Last weekend I was in London on holiday . I had looked forward to go and see " London 's newest and best musical show " -Over the Rainbow . I must say I was rather disappointed by the experience . I am a great admirer of the actor Danny Brook , who was supposed to be starring in the musical . Surprizingly there was a complete different actor starring . Very disappointing ! According to your advertisement the musical was supposed to start at 19:30 . For some unknown reason it did not start until 20:15 . I was looking forward to take benefit from the discounts available , but when I came to buy my ticket I was told there were no discounts available . After the show I had planned to have dinner at the Theatre Restaurant . Unfortunatly the restaurant was closed . I bought a ticket to have a " perfect evening out " during my holiday . Indeed it was not a perfect evening out . Therefore I think the least I can ask from you is to give me the money back for the ticket . Sven Reitgard The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway Dear Sara I have heard that they will read " The Old Man and the Sea " on the radio P1 on Wednesday next week . It is a book written by Ernest Hemingway . I would really recommend you to listen to it . The basic story of the book is in fact quite simple . It is about a tough old fisherman from Cuba who sails out alone in a small boat to fish . He is only aiming for the biggest fishes and he has been unsuccesfull for 86 days . This day he is lucky . He get a big swordfish hooked and after a long fight the fish is finally catched . On his way back home to port he is attacked by sharks who eats his catched fish pice by pice . The fisherman kills many sharks with different weapons , but when he reaches port there is only head , tail and bones left of the huge swordfish . Mr. Hemingway makes this simple story a real adventure . He make you experience in detail all the struggles the fisherman has when he fights with the swordfish and the sharks . The fisherman is a typical old , strong and lonely hero of Mr. Hemingway . This tale is very amazing and it is no surprise Mr. Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for it . I really think you should take your time and listen to it on the radio on Wednesday next week . Best regards Sven Reitgard Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about the musical show ' OVER THE RAINBOW ' I attended three days ago . I was very disappointed with the performance and apart from that there were many problems . Firstly , the start time was at 19.30 p.m , but the play started at 20.15 p.m. People were fed up with waiting so long and most of them apart from me were rather nervous . Secondly , the well-known star Danny Brook was n't there , but a different actor I had never heard from him . From my point of view I think he was such a very bad actor that was impossible to fine another with the same features . As far as the tickets is concerned no discounts were available , so , moreover I found it expensive . After the show I went to visit the restaurant as it is said it is very famous and apart from that I wanted to have a drink . At the end I had to go home as it was closed because the coffee pot did not work . What nonsense ! The evening was a disaster and I wonder if I have not the right to ask you for returning my money , as I think it is fair . I look forward to hearing from you , Yours faithfully , MARIA GARDENT Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . But this time things have gone too far . I 've know Pat since we were kids . Little by little we were growing up and becaming close friends . I relyied on her and our relationship was excellent . I considered her my best friend and I thought we would never drift apart but now my mind have changed , because she has done something I ca n't approve . She has given away to my mother that I told her a lie as far as the weekend was concerned . Pat told her I had n't spent those days with her , but with my boyfriend in the mountain . My mother was so hungry and she told off me so hard that I will remember it the rest of my life . Moreover I was punished hardly by my father and now we do n't talk each other . Since then I have n't seen Pat anymore and she seems not regret that happened , so I 'll try to forget her and carry on my life that 's all . Dear Helen Ryan . Thank you for your letter . I am so happy to win the prize and come true my dream . I would like to travel to California this July , because I can take an holiday from 14th to 27th of July . I would prefer log cabins . I have never used it and I think it would be more exciting than tents . I have heard that the Camp California is famous for surfing , so I hope that I will enjoy surfing for the first time . Besides , I will take the chance to play golf . It is my only favorite hobby . What about clothes and money ? I do n't know what the weather is like , and you are paid for travel costs , but I am wondering that it is included two activities . Also , I have a dog . Can I go with him . Please , let me know this questions as soon as possible . I appreciate your competition and I look forward to hearing your answer Yours sincerely , Dear Kim I am sorry . This letter is late , because last week I took exams , so I was very busy . To reply your answer , it was realy an nice experience . As you know , I like a pop music so much and singer was one of my favorite singers . Also , in the future I 'll want to be an organizer like this concert , so it 'll be useful the experience to me . I am writing how I got the position and what I did . Firstly , I applied to a concert agency to help , because I had the experience before and I knew how to organize and what to do . In the pop concert , there were many people , so before starting the pop concert , I arranged the seats and carried some musical instruments . It was somewhat hard to me . After the concert , I cleaned all the ground with other helpers and we moved the seats again . If you have some questions , let me know . I am looking forward to hearing from you With best wishes , Dear Mrs Ryan , I have just received your letter and feel happy about winning first prize . I am now writing to give you all information you require . First of all , I would like to travel only in July because I am employed and will be able to finish my contract in June . On August I am going to apply for a new job . Also , I would prefer to stay in a log cabin rather than stay in a tent . From my point of view , log cabins are more comfortable . Another consideration are activities . I enjoy playing basketball and golf . Also I think I am good at singing and at dancing . I would be most greatful if you could let me know some information : - How to get to Camp California from airport ? - How far from city-centre the camp is situated ? - How much money I have to take with me ? - What is the weather in California in July ? - What kind of clothes would you recommend me to bring with me ? - Are there leisure and intertainments facilities close to the camp ? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Report To : Mr Clark From : Sonya Volavkova Attituds to the video about life at our school Introduction:- The aim of this report is to summarize the pupil 's attituds about video they have to be made and to suggest which lessons and other activities should be filmed . The report is based on opinion of more than 300 pupils . What would the pupils prefer to film ? According to the answer there are the most important activities pupils would like to film ( 80 per cent of those questioned ) - lessons in Mathematics and History , because pupils have very good exam 's result . - lessons in dancing , because 80 per cent girls attend the Dancing Club - competition in basketball , because our school 's team won first prize in our gerian . - pupils ' travel to London , during the last holiday , because it was great ! - Also they would like to film the pat corner at school , because they enjoy taking care of animals . Conclusion : It is clear , that the filming of video is very important event for children , and pupils would prefer to film only positive events of their life at school as I have written above . June , 13th 2000 Dear Mrs Ryan , I am writing in response to your letter which said that I won the first prize in the competition . As I did n't expect to be successful , I am very happy about this result . I would now like to answer the information you requested . Firstly , I would be pleased if I could travel in July as I already booked this month as a holiday at work . Besides , I would prefer to stay in a tent since I have never had the exciting experience to sleep in the middle of the nature . I am especially glad about the activities offers , in particular the sports facilities because I was spezialised in sport for my A-levels and intend to become a sport teacher . I have been playing Basketball for many years but I would appreciate to improve my skills , in particular the ball-handling . Furthermore I am really keen on swimming and can therefore hardly await having the possibility to learn the butterfly as a new style since I am already perfect in crawl . I know I have already asked a lot but there is one more thing I need to know which kind of clothes will be appropriate and how much money will I approximately need ? I trust I mentioned all the requested details and am now looking forward to hearing from you to arrange the exact date of departure . Yours sincerely , June , 13th 2000 Dear Kim , how are you doing ? Thanks for your latest letter - I was really happy about your news ! Here , everything is as usual : School , studying , eating , sleeping - but did I tell you about my latest job ? I helped at a pop concert of a newcomer group and you ca n't imagine how exciting it was ! First of all , I helped selling tickets and drinks and there I realized how bad my maths is - I took such a long time to give back the change ! But at the end I handled it almost automatically . Before the performance I introduced the spectators to their seats and then a instructor showed me how to lead the spotlights . I really had butterflies in my stomach when I was responsible for the lightening ! It was marvellous ! But the cherry on the cake was that I met one of the handsome singers back stage ! He asked me what I was doing and so on and finally invited me for his next concert ! Of course I agreed - I would n't want to miss the chance to gain experience while having fun ! Perhaps I could help regularly in the lightening area - it would help me for my studies of photography . What do you reckon ? I can hardly await your reply ! Lot 's of Love , Jun 10/2000 -Helen Ryan- I am really surprise for the information because I won , and I like to tell you thank you for everyting this is why I wrote and send this letter with the information you need , only I can travel in July because it is the only time with I can do it before for my work , really I do not care which accommodation will I can have , I am prefer the accommodation in July I will be avaliabel for the moment , I am really apreciated if you can tell to the people who work in Camp California , I choose the Golf and Photography because I think I am really interesting in that object I am no really really good but I have some of studies . I would like to ask you what kind of clothes I need to take for the place and for the weather follow for the money , how much money I need to take ? I think it is everyting I like to know . Thank you very much for you time . sincerely -Dear Kim- How are you ? I hope you are fine like the same for me . I like to apologise with you , because I did n't wrote to you recently , but I like to tell you what hapend to me in the last weak I had the opportunity to help in one of the most pop concert in my city , so imagen , I fell really really good and exating for that I do n't have words for describe but I try to do it , OK ? They need one girl to put make up to the stars of the group , so I do it , I was talking with the manager and the people inside the group so I meet a lot of people and it 's good for my curriculum vitae as well but the best for my it 's was when one of the group they with me one rose for my work am really proud about them ! I really enjoy that kind of day what about you ? I need to get out know , I keep in touch . loves and kisses . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I am writing to you in reply to your letter about my willing the first prize in your competition . First of all , I would like to thank the jury for chosen my work from all the competitors . Next , I would like to find out some details about the camp . I need to know if my travel will take place in August . If I had known that I won , I would not have arranged my english course in Britain . Before . The next point is the accommodation . You mentioned that it will be in tents or log cabins . I would prefer staying in tents . I am very close to the nature , so it will be a pleasure for me . What 's more , your letter said about the chance to do for two acctivities during the camp . I am very interested in tennis , but I am also very good at photography . It has been my hobby since I was a child . I have even won competion once . That is why I would like to continue doing this at the camp . Finally , I would like to ask about other things like : clothes , money , guide . I would like to know if the ,,travel costs which you had paid for include entrance tickets to the museums ' or any other cultural places , because I would like to some sightseeing in the U.S.A. Furthermore , if there will be cmy tumple dryer or washing maschine to clean our clothes and if there will be a guide who will be responsible for us and the camp . I am looking forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely A. Adamski . Generally , most people like shopping , but there are some advantages and disadvantages . When discribing the advantages , we should remember that most people like doing shopping . It is very pleasant when you are looking for something special or for special occasions like wedding , birthday , Christmas presents . Next , it can be very good for your wallet to save some money , when you will find a bargain or sales . As well as that , some shop-assistance can give you a lower price , because you always do shopping at their shop . What is more , most people cannot live without shopping . It is their way to spend free time . On the other hand , there are some minuses . On top of that , shopping is very tiring and exhausting . Walking from shop to shop carrying heavy bags , takes much of your time . Instead of that you could do more interesting things. such as playing sports or reading a book . Besides that , shopping steal you from money . Very often people go to a shop - usually a big departament store and buy things which they do not need . In my opinion shopping is very tiring and I usually try to avoid doing it . When I have to , I do it , but I think we waste too much time on it that we should . On balance some people still like shopping even if it is not always enjoyable and they have to stand in a long queue to buy something . From my point of view it depands on us if shopping will be enjoyable or not . Dear Mrs Ryan , Referring to the won competition , I would say that I am very happy to be the first . Accordingly I will give you the further information that you wanted . First , you asked abut the travel time and the only possible time for me is in July , because my company only gave me holidays in this period . Second , I prefer accommodation in tent . I want to feel the real nature and spirit of Camp California . Further more , I should choose between two activities and how good I am at each one . I choose singing and surfing , singing because I am a singer in a band and I hope to make my voice more perfect and surfing because I have never surf and I want to learn to . Finally , I have some questions . I would know what type of clothes I should bring with me ? How much money should I take with me ? Is it possible to travel with a friend of mine ? Yours sincerely Marlene Berg Dear Kim , How are you ? I hope fine . Me , fine , because of helping at the concert ' The Dome ' . I can say that this was one of the best experiences of my life . First I have help to cook coffee and make food for popular people like Mariah Carey , Elton John , Backstreet Boys , Echt ect ... Before and after the concert the " stars " are very hungry and I have serve them food , drinks and something like this . Kim , check it in your mind , I have had near contact with Mariah Carey ! I am so happy about it . Different " stars " gave me signatures and talk really nice and normal with me . At the time the concert was running I cleaned the kitchen and the room where the " stars " ate . The after show dinner party was very nice and I have never thought that popular people like Elton John dances on the table if he likes the music and if he have made a great show on stage . It was just great and after this event I can say that popular people are normal humans like everyone ! Love , Marlene Dear Manager , My name is Manu Roddos and I am writing to complain about somethings that happened in the performance of the show Over the Rainbow , wich took place in your stablishment , The Circle Theater , that made me feel very upset . First of all , the show is far away from being the best musical show in London . I was very exited to see it yesterday , but as soon as I arrived at the theater the problems began . I was looking forward on having a discount of some pounds on my ticket , as the leaflet says , however it did not happen . After that , I became even more angry because , as far as I concerne , the show must begin on time , but it started forty five minutes late . Finally , the actors were not Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , but others I have never seeing before , and the restaurant was closed with no advise . At last , for all these reasons my evening was horrible , and that is why I would like to ask you for my money back as soon as possible . Yours Sincerelly , In our days , technology has become a very common thing , even among children . It is such an evolution for human race , however we can not forget that it can cause some problems too . Firstly , the great boom of massive comunication wich happened in the beginning of our decade , with the devellopment of telephones , radio stations , television and even satelites , and of course , the internet , gave common people the chance to take off on a trip all over the world , and this provided health and education researches to increase as well . In the other hand , technology has made the differences between - poor and rich people to grow at a high level , and this is one of the biggest causes of violence in all countries . I addition to that , people will always be affraid of the technological war . In conclusion , from my point of view , people must learn that despite technology being such a new area to explore , we have to use it with a great amount of responsability , for us all to survive in the future . Dear Helen Ryan , Thanks for your letter , I am so glad that I have won first prize in your competition . And thanks again for offer me two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . As you asked , I think I 'd like to travel only in July , because I am quite busy with my job . July is the only free time that I have . And I prefer tents to log cabins , as I know tents better than log cabins . I used to sleep in tent once on my holiday , and tent is more suitable for camping . It is very kind for you to give me the chance to do two activities while I am at the Camp . I 'd like to have climbing and sailing . Actually I am quite good at climbing . I often go climbing in my town . For sailing , well , I have n't try it before , that is why I want to have a try . I think it must be fun . As you said , all accommodation and travel costs are paid for , but I am sure I still need some money with me . How much do you think that I will need . By the way what kinds of clothes do you think I have to get with me ? And is there anything eles I have to get with me ? Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable I think most people will agree with " shopping is not always enjoyable " . Because so far as I know nothing is enjoyable all the time . Some people might say women just love shopping , they could n't stop thinking about doing shopping . Yes , it is true , this is only because nowadays people have more money than even before , and some women do n't earn money , they have no idea how diffcult to earn the money . Women just love spending money in shops . Just imagine if one day their husbands lost their jobs , will those women still thinking shopping is enjoyable ! So it is depend on different case . For me , I do n't think shopping is enjoyable at all . I even hate shopping . I only go to shop unless I really need something . Shopping is just like a nightmare to me , I think I will never understand why people love shopping . How can you face the same goods at the same shop all the time . I think most men have the same opinion as I do . Some women spend their whole life doing shopping , and most of times , they do n't buy many things . In my eyes they are wasting their lifes , they are hopeless . Those are only my opinions , you do n't need to agree with it , but one day you might found out that what I have said is not totally wrong . Dear Jane Clark , I am writing to you to give some opinions of mine abut The International Arts Festival . It was a great idea and I had the pleasure of resting and relaxing , plus of getting some important knowledge from it . On the other hand there were some disadvantages : 1 . Stars and artists wee only from six countries 2 . Some concert halls were too small . So it was impossible to get tickets there . 3 . I think that there were not enough plays and films . To sum up I want to tell you bout my suggestions for next year 's festival . It would be wonderful to buy some books or programms with signatures of all the stars and artists taking part in the festival . Also I think that dance shows should include different styles of dancing ( e.g. national dancing of all the countries ) to impress audience and not to bore with the similar scenes . I hope this letter will help you in organying Yours faithfully Hello Philip , I have just got your letter . It is a pleasure for me to communicate with such a friend as you are . Thank you very much . In our school we have the following rules : 1 . Every puple has to sit alone ( I mean that one desk is given for one man ) 2 . One should have such marks as ,,3 " , ,,4 " , ,,5 " not ,,2 " which is eaqual to fail . 3 . Another strict rule is not to be late for your lessons . Otherwise you are not allowed to come in . These rules are strict and certainly we have endless number of just-so-called rules . I do n't think you will be interested in them . Truely speaking I am not sure about home rules . I think that in our family everything is based on mutual understanding . We do n't have old-traditioned rules or something alike . I 'm afraid I must be going now because I want to send you this letter today . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Love Dear Mrs Helen , I have just received your letter and I want to thank you for all this information that you giving me . Fist of all , it would be a good thing to say that July would be the best time to travel because it is hotest mounth in the year , and the weather shall be really nice . Secondly , I think it is would be better to stay tents , so than we can have a nice time at Camp California and find many interesting games to play in . However , as you asked me to choose two activities , I 'm choosing swimming and climbing , because I 'm very good at swimming and I would like to try myself at climbing . Despite the small expereance in climbing I do want to try this type of sport . In addition , I would like to know how much money do I have to bring with me . I think that it is all what I would like to know . I 'm looking forward to hear from you . Yours sincerely , Introduction The aim of this report is to suggest wich lessons and other activities should be filmed . I have enterwed each student from my English class . Fistly , the English lesson must be filmed as the most interesting lesson at our school because it will give to students an interest to study and improve their noleges . Also you can have a good practice with English with students , who came from different countries . 16 December 2000 Dear Ms Jane Clark , I am writing to express my profound gratitude for an excellent organisation of an annual international arts festival , where I spent two days . The idea of such a festival is really magnificent and I enjoyed various art exhibitions , talks by writers and dance shows . However , the festival could be even better next year . Actually , there were stars and artists from six countries and it would be wonderful if you could invite artists from some others places as well for next year 's festival . Besides , I was fascinated by the plays and films and you could probably organize some more . Unfortunately , I am afraid that some concert halls where jazz , rock and classical concerts were held were too small and perhaps you could arrange to use bigger ones . As a matter of fact , I consider one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events to be brilliant as it offers a unique opportunity to pay for everything all together and be able to attend different events . I believe your festival to be a great event in our cultural life and I am convinced that it is a success . I look forward to coming to the festival again . Yours sincerely , Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë For a start I would like to say that books offer us a wide range of different life stories , both realistic and unusual , they make us thoughtful and form our outlook , they make us feel and think . As far as I am concerned , I enjoy reading all kinds of fiction literature as each masterpiece is unique in its own way despite the fact what sort of book it is . Stories that are realistic help us to understand better our own life and people around us . However , reading an unusual , sometimes fantastic story we could dream about fairy lands and observe our world from another point of view . I consider " Wuthering Heights " by Emily Brontë to be one of the books that wash away from the soul the dust of everyday 's routine . It is a remarkable piece of literature , which portrays deep feelings of love and hate , depicts strong and unique characters , reveals eternal concerns with good and bad , life and death . This book is both realistic and unusual and in my opinion this is the core of its originality . It contributes to the world treasurehouse of literature and arouses irresistable fascination . To draw the conclusion , I 'd like to mention that we should value realistic and fantastic stories equally if we are eager to get to understand the world and ourselves . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , i am writing to reply your questions about me . Firstly , I would like to thank you abut this big opportunity you give me to visit this wonderful place like California . I would like to travel only in July because my boss can not give me a leaving for the other months of Summer . Also , I prefer to stay in tents because I think it is a good chance for me to live with the nature and to wake up listening birds which singing . It will be nice ! Then you ask me which two activities I want to choose . To tell you the truth , I would prefer to do swimming and singing . I 'm good in both of these . I have been swimming for eight years ! Also I like a lot music and everybody tells me that I have a good voice . I would like ask you about the weather . I want to know if I should bring warm clothes or not and how much money . Your sincerely Dear Kim , how are you ? Thanks for you letter . It was good to hear from you now . As you know this Summer I really enjoy myself doing things I like a lot . Last month , Alice and her friends proposed me to help at a pop concert . The group which was singing was very famous and I was able to meet them and to chat about their plans for the future . All I had to do was to prepare something to eat before the concert and to control during it about the sound . The concert lasted four hours and in the end they wanted to pay me . I did n't want to take any money because I was so happy that I had seen the concert of " Savage Garden " in live and because that night was the best of my life . But the thing I particularly liked about my experience , was the feeling when you are near and when you talk with the people so famous . OK ! That 's all for now . I 'm waiting for your letter . See you soon , Margaret xxx P.S. I hope you will find the spare time to visit my country this Summer . Thuesday 13th June 2000 Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I 've just received your letter , and I am very delighted to be the winner . I thank you. . As regards to the time I would like to travel , I would like to make you aware that I can only on July because I am very tied up this time owing to he exam period which will last until the end of June . I 'd rather have accommodation in tents , it would be a good experience for me especially because I have n't lived it as well as it is more romantic . As you have informed me , there are a lot of activities that we can do . The swimming is my best sport . I was born and raised on a Greek island called Crete . The sea is part of myself . Furthermore I will have the opportunity to play basketball , despite the fact that I am not too tall for this kind of sport . However , I used to play basketball in my school because we had n't other sport pitch except of the basket pitch . Finally , would you mind to send me more information about the amount of money that I should have . Also , what about the life out of the camp ? Are there other places for entertainment especially for the night life ? Could you send me some brochures for the place where we will stay in ? Thank you again , and I am looking forward to your reply , Yours sincerely , The aim of this report is to give some suggestions about the short video which my college is going to make about the daily life of our school . It considers two points : the lessons and activities which should be filmed . I am of the opinion that the morning English lessons with our teacher George are worth filming and showing for many reasons . Above all , they are enjoyable and interesting . All of us participate effectively . Nobody is yawning or feeling bored . I want this opinion wo n't imply that the other lessons of other teachers are n't interesting . I think we are lucky with our competent teachers . Besides the practical lessons of the cooking course level NVQ3 might be interesting with the delicious dishes of meat and vegetables . The pictures will be amazing and wonderful . There are many activities that they could be filmed . We can film our Swimming pool , despite the artificial sunbathing . It is clean , neat and tidy with helpful staff . The gym is good choice for filming with the sophisticated equipments that owns . In addition , we can film the library which possesses thousand of works . Books of various interest , with up-to-date facilities such as computers internet , CD and cassettes . We should n't disregard and neglect to film the buildings and the gardens of our beautiful college , especially when we take into our consideration the fact that it is in the city of Shakespear . It will be a good advertising , and will help to make the reputation of our college even more better . Finally , I hope that my modest report will help the management of our college to achieve their aim . To Whom It May Concern , I 'd like to say thank you for choosing me and sending me the letter . I am extremely excited about the camp ! For the camp , you need some information from me , do n't you ? Therefore I am going to write them down . First , I 'd like to travel on July because my friend , who is French , is coming to Toronto on August . Therefore , I 'd like to show her around and spend time with her as much as possible . Second , I prefer log cabins than tents . The reason is that the camp will be two weeks and log cabins are more comfortable than tents . However , if the log cabins are not available at the moment , I can stay in the tents . Third , I 'd like to choose painting and surfing for the activities . Because I 've started surfing since 1998 and I 'm keen on surfing . Also , painting is one of my favorite things ! And I always wanted to learn how to paint . Lastly , I 'd like to ask you some questions . I know everything is included and I do n't need to pay anything but in case should I bring some money or not ? And if I need to bring some money could you suggest me the amount ? Also , could you suggest me what kind of clothes I should bring , please ? Thank you very much for reading this letter . I really appreciate your choosing me . I am really looking forward this camp . Thank you . Truly , Yoshiko Murasaki Dear Kim , Hi ! How are you ? I 'm fine , thanks . Anyway , I really enjoyed helpying at a pop concert last month so that I 'd like to write them down ! First , we went to this office to apply for this job . The interview was OK and my friend and I was hired ! Then , the day of the concert came ! Can you imagine how excited we were ? Our heart was bumping and we were kind of nervous , however , there were a lot of things to do so we started working . After working 30 minute , a singer appeared . While we were organizing the concert , she was singing on a stage . We could listen for free ! I just imagined what it was like to be a singer . If only I could sing beautifully ! Anyway , by the time we finished everything , thusands of funs came in this concert hall . Everybody looked very excited about the concert . During the concert , we had to stand to protect this singer . We saw some very strange fans but most of them were quite nice . Actually , they were well-behaved . Finally , the concert finished and we were thanked by this singer . Also , we got some posteres as well . It was a great experience for me and my friend . I wish you were there with us ! Maybe next time ! By the way , I think I should go . Please take care and please write to me , right ? Love , Yoshiko . 20 Ibiza Road San Antonio 13/06/2000 Helen Ryan Competition Organiser Dear Madam : I 'm writting to you with reference to the letter I have received from you saying I have won your competition . First of all I 'd like to thank you for the prize , I will enjoy it abosolutly . Your letter encloses an application I have to fill with some information for the travel . Well , as you demand , I tell you I would like to travel as soon as July begins , I 'm going to be able only this summer month because my job responsabilities . Acording to the choice whether I prefer tends or log cabins , I think I will turn to the first one because I have always loved camping the nearest to nature , if it 's possible in front of a lake or a river , if you camping has one , so that I will be able to practise my favorite and skillful hobby : sailing . As well as this one I 'll take painting , I 'm very keen on art and I think I 'm good at making portraits . Finally , I 'd like to add some further questions : what kind of clothes do I have to bring ? , Do I any kind ? , and Would it be necessary to bring money ? , how much ? Thank you very much , and I hope the information above would be sufficient . I look forward to hearing from you Your faithfully Jose Fernandez " Wuthering Heights " by Emile Brönte I think this statement is a very truly afimation in the case of my book because the main character of the story is a very wicked man . Besides that , this character is more interesting than others due to his complex mind and his deep evil manners . It 's the richest character at all , his name is Heathcliff , and he 's the reason of whatever happens to the others characters . They are always suffering the revenge that Heathcliff swear , cause of which is the miserable situation the other character have put him in . From this point of view I think Heathcliff should n't be hated by his bad temper . He 's not good not because he was born with this trend to harm but the others character make him become thus . This revenge links the story so without it we would not have such " Wuthering Heights " . I sympathize with Heathcliff because I think every bad character is a very important point of every book , film or play and if they were missing we would not love those stories we enjoyed while we were reading them . Dear Mrs Ryan , Thank you for your letter of 13 June . I am very happy to have won the first prize in your competition . I would like to travel only in July , because I have only one month holliday this year . I would prefer to sleep in a tent , because I think is a great fun and a bit more adventurous . It is not too much confortable , but it is not a problem for me , I like this kind of holliday . I am keen on photography so I would love to participated at this activity , I am very good at that and it would be a pleasure for me to help the others . I also will take painting , because I always dream about painting , but I never try to , so I think it is a good occasion . I would be grateful if you could tell me what kind of clothes I have to take with and how many money , more or less , do you think I should take . Thank you to ask me my taste and to be preoccupated about it . I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely , Audrey Gillett Dear Kim , Like you know last month , I had helped at a pop concert and I enjoyed it a lot . Firstly I had to make the decor of the scene , so I made in the background a sky with a lot of bright stars . Then I put some blue lights. furthermore I made some stars in paper in argent color . But that was only the begining of my adventure . The most exiting part was when I had to make up the pop stars ! I never had met pop stars before and I was very impresed , but I was too happy to show my shyness . Do you believe that I spoke with Micheal Jackson , my favourite singer ? I ca n't believe it yet ! It was a wonderful experience . I will remember that day for the rest of my life . It was like a dream who becomes tru . I wish you had been there with me . I ca n't explain how supper it was . I stayed with him until the concert begun and after the show I had the opportunity to stay in his private room with him and the other dansers . Well , I have to leave you now , but I will tell you more details when we next meet each other . See you soon . Love , Audrey Dear Mr Brown , I went to the Circle Theatre yesterday , to see the play " Over The Rainbow " and I must say that I got rather disappointed . First of all , the play was supposed to start at 7:30 P.M. but it actually started only at 8:15 P.M. so I had to wait forty-five minutes . Also , your advertisement sign says that discounts are available . What is quite not true because when I asked for it , the woman who sells the tickets replied with a resounding " no " . When the play finally started , and the two actors entered the stage , I could see that the male one was not Danny Brook , differently from what the advertisement sign says , what really disappointed me since he was the only reason that I came to this play . But my complaints are not over yet . After the disappointing performance the actor who replaced Danny Brook , I went to the theatre restaurant , and , also differing from the advertisement sign , it was closed . There was only a small sign stamped on the door , saying that it was " closed for repairs " . So , unfortunately , I must say that last night was one of the worst nights I ever had , and given the reasons , I expect to count with your sense of responsability , so , I feel that I must ask for my 20 pounds spent on that terrible night . yours faithful , How has modern technology changed your daily life ? As we all know , technology had a gigantic improvement over the last 20 years , and today , it affects us in many ways . First of all , we all became much more sedentary than in the past . Most of the modern jobs involves computers , so there is no physical effort , just mental , but , on the other hand , we improved communications with computers and Internet , a kind of communication where there is no need to meet personally , to see the other person , just the need to talk . Also , with today 's machines , factories have significantly increased their production , what brings progress to humanity , but also , with the continous replacement of men by machines , the unemployment is increasing too , and today , it worries every single citizen of the world , specially the ones who lives in third world country . So , men have invented machines to help him on his tasks , but nowadays , we our becoming slaves of them . The most important thing in the future will be knowing how to deal with machines , so , today 's children must be introduced to computers since an early age , so that they could have a chance to compete with the furious emearrence in the future . Dear Sir , After having read your letter , I write to you to inform you that I would like to travel in July . It is the only month where I do n't work . As for the accommodations I would prefer a tent , there 's nothing like hearing raindrops on canvas at night ! Last but not least , I would like to go sailing and climbing . I have sailed some in my youth but have never went climbing . It would be a fun experiance ! Will I be needing any money . Please send me a list of needed clothes and/or supplies . Thank you very much . Yours sincerely , Gilbert Neville P.S . I would like to know if there is a medical staff present during the two weeks ? Does any medication have to be declared to them ? In case of any accidents , will the transport back home be paid for ? Why can shopping be unenjoyable ? First of all , it depends on who is with you and what the other person likes to shop for . Some people are boring to shop with , they do n't talk or comment anything they see . Why would anyone shop with that type of person ? Well , I really do n't know . Women , in perticular , have the annoying habit of always having to touch everything they see . If it is something they like , they always have to try it on . We all know how it is when a woman tried on some clothes ( usually several ) but it 's still better than when we 're talking about shoes ! That has to be the worst . Seeing or imagining a woman in the cloths she chooses can at least help when being bored , but shoes are just shoes . Shopping for them is a very long and tiring experiance . It seems to last forever and just when you think she 's done , she spots an othe pair . Shopping for me is supposed to be a very fast experiance . As soon as someone else is with you , it can become horrible ! Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to complain about the musical show " over the rainbow " . I recently booked a week 's holiday in London to see the musical " over the rainbow " the date was the 9th of June 2000. from your firm . It was said that Danny Brook should play the leading part , but there was a different actor instead . This made me really disappointed . We arrived at the theatre at 19,00 since the play should start at 19:30 but we had to wait until 20:15 then it started . It was also said that discounts was available but this was wrong , because we could n't get any discounts . The theatre Restaurant that should be open after the show was closed because the chief was ill and there was no food in the fridge . This should have been our perfect evening out but it was n't . I am not satisfied with this musical show at all . I am therefor writing to ask for a full refund I am expecting to receive a cheque for £ 20 . Yours faithfully Anne Svensson Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . How should she manage to keep quiet about this . This was the best thing that ever had happend in years for the Fennall family . Pat 's sister-in-law was having a baby but she wanted to wait and tell the rest of the family . She realised that telling Pat was a very bad idea but now it was done . Pat was so happy the whole day and wanted to tell her mother but Maria told her not to . Maria was still a little bit chocked over the naus of having a baby . She and her husband Peter had been trying for so long and now they had succeeded . Many weeks went by and Maria and Pat did n't say a word about it . The rest of the family understood that something was wrong because Pat started to buy baby clothes . Which was very chooking for her mother . One day when they all sat down at the kitchen table for having their lunch Pat said , - " Maria and Peter are going to have a baby " ! The End . Dear Mrs Ryan , I AM REALLY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THE PRIZE I 'VE WON , I 'M WRITING TO GIVE YOU THE INFORMATION YOU ASKED ME FOR AND , IF IT 'S POSSIBLE , TO HAVE SOME FURTHER DETAILS ABOUT THE CAMP . I WOULD PREFER TRAVELLING IN JULY , BECAUSE I HAVE MY EXAMS IN JUNE AND I 'VE SIGNED FOR A CONTRACT AS A SHOP ASSISTANT STARTING IN AUGUST . SINCE I HAVE THE CHOICE FOR MY ACCOMODATION , I 'LL DEFINETELLY GO FOR THE LOG CABINS , BECAUSE I CA N'T BARE THE HEAT INSIDE THE TENT . OUT OF THE LIST OF ACTIVITIES GIVEN I 'VE CHOSEN GOLF AND PHOTOGRAPHY ; GOLF BECAUSE I LOVE THE SPORT ALTHOUGH I DO N'T GET TO PLAY IT MUCH ( I 'M NOT BAD AT IT ) , AND PHOTOGRAPHY BECAUSE IT 'S SOMETHING I 'VE ALWAYS LOVED TO LEARN BUT I 'VE NEVER HAD THE CHANCE . WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU IS ABOUT THE WEATHER CONDITIONS , SO I CAN DECIDE ON WHAT CLOTHES TO TAKE , AND ABOUT COSTS , SO I CAN MAKE A BUDJET FOR THE HOLIDAY . YOURS SINCERELY Angelo Costa DEAR KIM , I 'M REALLY GLAD YOU WROTE TO ME TO ASK HOW EVERYTHING HAD GONE AT THE CONCERT ; SO I 'M GOING TO TELL YOU HOW THINGS WENT . MY JOB MAINLY INVOLVED HELPING TO SET THE STAGE AND TO TAKE IT DOWN AFTER THE CONCERT , BUT I ALSO GAVE A HAND BACKSTAGE WHEN NEEDED . I WAS PART OF THE STAFF , WE ALL HAD A SPECIAL PASS CARD AND THEY ALSO GAVE US A T-SHIRT AND A CAP ( I 'VE GOT AN EXTRA ONE FOR YOU ) ; OUR WORK STARTED TWO DAYS BEFORE THE CONCERT , AND I MUST SAY IT WAS REALLY HARD , SPECIALLY BECAUSE WE WORKED UNDER THE SUN , FROM 8.00 A.M TO 8.00P.M . WITH AN HOUR BRAKE FOR LUNCH AND IT WAS THE SAME AFTER THE CONCERT . AFTER THE STAGE WAS SET , THE REST OF THE THINGS I HAD TO DO WERE QUITE EASY AND ENJOYABLE ; I COULD STAY EITHER BACK OR FRONT STAGE AND GIVE A HAND IF NEEDED , I REALLY ENJOYED IT BECAUSE I LEARNT A LOT OF TECNICAL THINGS I DID N'T KNOW ; AND WHAT I ALSO ENJOYED WAS THE GOOD PAY ! Lots of love Angelo . Dear Sir or Madam , I 'm writting to you to complain about a theatre play I have seen , called : " Over the rainbow " . This show was for me very disappointing for many reasons : First of all , I was very surprised by the no presence of the famous actor , Danny Brook , who was one of my reasons to book a sit . Also , I 'm unhappy about the bad informations of your advertisement , which clearly says , the play begins at 19.30 instead of 20.15 as my evening show . At the end of show , unfortunately for me and the others spectators , the worst thing happened : the theatre 's restaurant was closed without any reasons and nobody went to us to apologise or advice us for an other restaurant opened late in the night . That 's why , in return of all those problems , I 'm asking you to give back some money . I 'm looking forward to have an answer from you . Yours faithfully . BOUCHER Jean-Pierre . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . That 's why all his friends were angry against him and let him alone . It was clear that Pat had to change and show to his friend that they can believe in him thrutly . For those next days , Pat will do his best to be the most sympathic as possible . To beginning , every morning Pat says a pleasant " hello " in adding to that a big smail . His mother always says : " If you are smailing and are nice with the people , the poeple would be nice and would smail to you " . As Pat does always what his mother says his friends began to play again with him , but not just his old friends , every body wanted to play with me . The morality of the story is here very clear : be nice with the people and the people will respect you and will appreciate you as a friend . Dear Helen Ryan , Thank you for the information , that I won the competition . I 'll try to answer your questions . I would preffer travelling in July , I have only these time , because my summer holidays during these days . To your answer about living in tents or cabins , I would like to sleep in a tent . A cabin remember me too much to my home and is too confortable , that is n't what I want to have if I live in a wild area . My favourite sports are climbing and surfing , I 'm very good at climbing but for surfing I need some practise . Yes , I have some questions on clothes , what should I take with me and how much money will I need ? I hope , I was able to answer your questions and you will perhaps soon give me a reply on my ones . Yours , Vadim Titov Dear Kim , You ca n't believe what I did last month . I was given the opportunity to build up the concert and of course I took my chance . First I arrived really early in the morning on the place , but the people were just working and I joined them . My duty was to montage the spot lights on the right places , but it was n't just easy . You had always some problems because like not having enough wire or the lamps were broken by the transport . The experience that I made was , that I had never worked in a such perfect team . I was able to ask anybody , and he answered detailly , althoug he was full of work . After the hard work we took cool drinks , sat down on the ground and enjoyed the pop concert . And as the pop stars thanked us for our hard job we all were a little proud to be here . Love , Vadim Dear Sir/Madam , I 'm writing you followwing our visitting your theatre last night . As I saw from your advertisement in the newspaper , it said ' Starring : Danny Brook and Tina Truelove ' . I was disappointed when I found the actor was n't Danny Brook ! And from your advertisement , the show should start at 19.30 but it did n't . It was 45 minutes late ! And also I could n't buy tickets with my credit card but on the advertisement , it said ' discounts available ' I was really annoyed by that ! After the show , we expacted to eat something in your restaurant , but it closed ! I have no idea why ! We had a really unenjoyable time at your theatre . And I would like to know if it posible to have the money back . Thank you very much and I look forward to hear from you . Yours centainly , Porawek Phowrung . Unfortunately Pat was n't good at keeping secrets . So one week later all student in my class knew that I was an angle . Certainly ! Nobody believed her ... neither me . But it 's true ... I 'm an angle and I wanted to visit the earth . It 's easy to do but the only one rule was I can tell my secret to only one person . And if someone elso knows , I wo n't be able to go back to the heaven unless I kill the person who told my secret . Pat was the only person who I told my secret but now it has become a joke ! I promised to myself ... I would have to kill her ! I started my plan . I went to Pat 's house but her brother told me that she was n't there . I offered to wait ... Her brother and I began to talk ... He 's such a nice boy . I liked him very much and I guessed he liked me too ... We started to go out in the same time as I started to change my mind . I do n't want to go back to the heaven anymore as long as I am with him . Dear Ryan I am writing to reply for your letter about competition . First of all I would like to say that I am very happy that I won first prize in your competition . Secondly you asked me , when I have time for travel , so I can go only in July , because only in July I have holiday . And I would like to go in the first part of this month , socond part I spend with my familly . If you do not mind I would prefer tent , because in tent I will be along . While I will be at the Camp I would like sailing , because it is my favorite sport . I am good at it - I am sailing from childhood . The second activities which I would like to do is surfing - I have never do it . I would like to know , how much money I must have with me ? And what clothes I should take with me . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faitfully Aniela Chmielewski " The Old Man and the Sea " ' This is such a marvellous book you will want to read it again ' In my opininion this book ' The Old Man and the sea ' is the best book which Ernest Hemingway had writen . Thise book is about men who know that he will die soon , he know that he did n't made his dream coom tru . So he decidet to go for last trip in his life . Hes destenation is get Marlin . He is very old , and he is n't so strong that he should be . He need to rest , but he do n't geve up . I the end he make his drems coom tru , he get vast Marlin . In thise book Hemingway is trying to tell us , that if we want something , we can get it , it can be deficult and take long time but we can do it . We must believe in our selfs . People in our ages should think about this . Sometimes they geve up , befor they get something , To sum up I must say that every-one should read this book . Mr Manager : A few days ago I went to London to have a nice holiday . I was expecting to have fun , so I decided to go to the play " Over the Rainbow " , thats now presenting in your theatre . I read the advertisement and I thought it was going to be a plesent evening . From the beggining it was all a disappointment . When I went to buy the ticket I tried to get a discount with my student card , but that was not posible . I let this pass and I bought it anyway , thinking that was posible that it was only a mistake in your advertisement . But the play started fourty-five minutes late , and the star of the show , of whom I 'm a great fan an who was the mainly reason of why I decided to see the play , was changed for another actor , how turned out to be really bad . You will understand how upseting all this was , and I decided to visit your restaurant , thinking that could save my visit to the theatre , but it was closed and I had to go back to my hotel felling mad an hungry . I think you realized why I 'm writting this letter to ask you to give my money back . All the thing that were promised in your advertisement were not true , and it was definitly NOT the perfect evening out . Specting that you will solve this misunderstanding . There 's no doubt that modern tecnology has changed our lives , but how ? I think that some of the changes had been very good , like the impruvement to the medical science , that now can saved millions of persons that one hundred years ago were doomed to die or to live miserable lives . It has changed the ways in how people comunicate . First the telegraph and the radio an now TV , the telephone and the Internet allowed people be in contact with others really quickly and distances arent now so difficult of overcome . But tecnology had not only changed our lives in a good way , giving us thing that can make our lives more confortable , it had also thing that arent bad , but if they are in the hands of the wrong people they can destroy the world . The weapons and the factories are destroing our planet and we need to realized that we have to use tecnology to impruve our lives , but always triying to respect nature . Dear Madam Helen Ryan , I have received your letter yesterday . I really thanks for your organisation has given me the opportunities to go abroad U.S.A . The date that I would like to travel , that will be nice to go on 1st of July . Because my summer holidays break is start at end of June . And I need few days to prepare my stuff . Regarding to the accommodation , I would prefer to stay in tents more than log carbins because I have a lot of experiences of built up my own tents . When I was in highschool I used to be a member of the campfire . The activities that you have listed forms . Some of the them I really interested in it , especially painting . Since I was young , my dad he alway took me out to have live drawings , so now it became my hobbies . And I think , it is nice to draw the beautiful landscapes of the place . Beside drawings , swimming is my favourite as well . When I was in highschool , I have joined in the swimming club . And I also participated in a few swimming competition . Although I 'm not the best , but I have a lot of confident in it . At last some of things I need to clarify , that is , what type of clothes and money do I need to prepared . Thanks again . I agree ! Sometimes shopping is not always enjoyable . For most of the people might think , why would I say that , because shopping is a very good entertainment especially for female , as me . For frank , I like to shopping . Of course not because of buying things . I like to have window shopping that is good to go arround the shopping area . It would help you up to the date . What fashion is hit now . But , when during any peak season , like Christmas , holidays or even during weekends . Then I can say I 'm definatly does n't feel any enjoyable . Because of the crowd . For me I think , it is not shopping that is kind of suffering . Especially , queue up for twenty minutes for just paying the money or waiting for the salesgirl getting your the right size of clothes . So sometimes I do n't think shopping is enjoyable , and if there is any big festival , I would rather stay at home and watch television . 13.06.2000 Dear Mrs. Ryan , thank you very much for your letter . I am happy that I won the first prize and I am looking forward to travelling to California . You have had some questions which I would like to answer now : - Time of travelling : According to the vacations and school holidays in Germany I am only able to travel in July . Due to this fact I hope you can arrange it for me . - Accomodation : Log cabins would be nice for me to stay in when I am in California . You now that we are not used to living in such high temperatures in Germany as it will be then in California . I suppose I will have more fun if there is a cabin which is air conditioned . If there are only tents available at this time it will not be a problem for me , too . - Activities : During my stay I would like to do swimming and surfing . I know it will be hot there and California is famous for its beaches . I am a good swimmer and hope to improve my swimming style , too . On the other side I have no experience in surfing , - I am an absolute beginner with high motivation . - Additional question : Could you tell me how much extra money is usually needed for a two week camping ? I am looking forward to getting further information from you . Greetings from Germany ! Yours sincerely Bruno Aachen " Shopping is not always enjoyable " . Before we can give our opinions on this statemant we have to make sure that everyone knows what we are discussing about . ' Shopping ' stands for buying goods for your daily requirements , e.g. food , clothes . We do not speak here about luxuary goods . In this contest , shopping means a compulsory exercise you have to do regularly and frequently . It is not enjoyable if you look at it as a duty . But if you realize how important it is for your health what you buy you will go shopping with much more consiousness and joy than before . ' Shopping ' could be annoying if you look at it as a waste of time because you do it every day . Reorganize your behaviour of shopping and plan to keep food in stock ! Try the internet and use e-business and online-shopping to order your pants for example . This is even an appropriate way to get around unfriendly service you get to know if you have to buy something in a shop right before closing time . Choose your clothes at home after you have ordered them by e-mail ! Another solution to get a friendlier service is of course to go to another shop . You have been presented some causes why shopping is not always enjoyable . There are ways of behaviour to make more fun of it . It depends on every individual to change your mind and act as a ' smart ' shopper . Dear Madam/Sir , I am writing to say I am not satisfied with your musical show . Recently I am interested in musical shows , because I have never seen it in my country . When I saw your advertisement for the show , it was so attractive for me . So I went to London to see the show . As I arrived there after 5 P.M. , I missed the first performance , so I decided to see the 19:30 p.m performance . However it started 20:15 ! Furthermore there were no student discounts ! The worst one was that the actor and actress were not the person who had been written in the advertisement , because of that I was extremely disappointed . So , I could not concentrate on the show . After the show , when I went to the restaurant it was closed , because it usually opens between afternoon and evening shows . It was a really disappointing evening ! So I am asking for some money back . I look forward to receiving your prompt reply . Yours faithfully Chu Jin-Sun . How has modern technology changed your daily life ? It could be difficult to feel how many things has been changed in our daily life . But if you thought 10 years before you can easily notice . I would like to see the change in an advantage and a disadvantage view , In an advantage . The modern technology is developing toward convenience for human . So , we can be connected other people with a mobile phone no matter where you are and you can correspond to other contry people in real time by using internet . How incredable it is ! However not only this advantage but also there are lots of disadvantages . Although mobile phone is very useful our life , it might be harmful for our brain because of micro wave it can cause the cancer or traffic accidents . In addition the side effect of artificial farm products also ca n't be ignored in our daily life . So I would like to say the science and techology changed our daily life more convenience it also could be dangerous . Dear Ms. Helen . Ryan , Thank you for your confirming about the first prize in your competition . I was pleased as I got it . I 'll confirm about my hopes . I hope I 'll be able to travel on July . Due to the fact that my children have summer holiday from July . I prefer to stay in log cabins , therefore I 'm going to travel with 2 children and my dog . I wonder if I can take them as well . Then I 'd like to join the activities , swimming and Singing . I love swimming and also I 've got a scubar diving licence . I used to enjoy floting on the water whenever I was on holiday . Singing is the most favarite hobby for us . We often go out to sing in Karaoke bar . My son experienced winning the first prize in a Karaoke competition . I 'd like to know that how much monery , how many clothes we need . It would be grateful if you sent me more details I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Hana Soma First of all we ca n't go shopping without money . Nowadays , most product 's prices has gone up with our own country 's economy development . Despite the poor material of product , we have to pay much money , even though we completely satisfied shopping at that time , we sometimes regret buying after the shopping . It sounds like foolish . However it often happen . Secondary the customer 's service often makes us angry . Of couse , the shopkeepers are human being as well . But for their considerations , they 're working in their rutines . So their attitude sometimes seems to be bossy and pushy . I sometimes loose my desire to buy a thing because of their badly behaviers . Moreover , shopping is just a part of life style . It 's necessary to buy something to alive . We have to buy for some thing . For example , for our jobs supecial ceremonys and so on . Even when the risk comes up with shopping . To sum up , shopping is not always enjoyable for us Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about your advertisement concerning the Musical show : " Over the rainbow " . First of all , according to your advertisement , Danny Brook should be one of the stars , instead there was one for me totally unknown actor . To make matters worse the musical started almost one hour later than it was supposed to start . Your advertisement also failed to mention the fact that there was no discounts what so ever and finally , because of a shortage of staf , your restaurant was not available for us . This event was not what I call : " a perfect evening out " , as your advertisement promised . I feel entitled to compensation for this event . I suggest a refund of the full price and I hope you are willing to take your responsibilities . Yours faithfully Carolina Patharius Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . It did n't take long time until my embarrassing story was out in the open . I asked myself how I could be so stupied , telling her my secret after all I been going through to keep it to myself . But now when the story was out , it was just to start to accept it . Maybe it was n't so bad after all ? All of a sudden I started to believe that this was the best solution of all . Now I did n't need to go around and worring about it anymore . At once I felt more assertive and a big smile appeared in my face . I decieded to thank Pat , and maybe , if possible , teach her a lession . That evening I went to her house . I pretended to be totaly miserable . Pat did n't know what to do , she apoligised over and over again and I could really see that she was more than devestated . Finally I smiled . After huging eatch other we promised never to tell others about our secrets . Especially not if it has to do with failing all exams .... Dear Manager A few days ago I went to the Circle theatre to see a musical show which it shows in your theatre now . Also it made me very disappoint . There are several reasons that I was not happy about the musical . The first one I am going to complaint about is the actor . I could not see Danny Brook during the show . There was an different actor instead of him . Secondly , the times , it 's available 14.30 and 19.30 so I choose 19.30 . However it was deleied it started 20.15 . Also I had a student identification card to discount the ticket price but it was unavilable to discount . The theatre restaurant was closed after the show , they said funds are runn out . Those are totally unexpectable so I presume that I would like to get paid for my ticket cost . I ask you to transfor money into this account . Barclays bank 1010-10 1234567 Jon Sun . Yours faithfully How has modern technology changed your daily life ? First of all it 's difficult say what exactly modern technology is now but I can say for sure it 's keep developing and much better than the past . Think about the conputer , the speed of conputer is much faster than before . I even could n't imagine our p.c can be that fast . Also T.Vs , I guess that I was not able to watch colour T.V if I was born in 1960 . T.V colour only consist of white and black . Nowdays the technology is keep develop and the better technology gives us easier life . Another example , the internet . This is revolution which has changed our daily life . You can have a shopping on the internet and it might the fastest way to gather any information you would like to search . However it also can make our life very lazy . This is one other important thing to remember . People who have their car , they do n't attempt to walk on foot even if it is short distance . The improvement of technology can makes our life easy and in the other way it also can makes our life lazy . Dear the manage of theatre , I went to the circle theatre to see a musical show , OVER THE RAINBOW . I really expected the musical show , but it was a disappointing show . At first , you advertisement said there were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , but it had different actor disappointely . Secondly , it said the show started at 19:30 , but it deleyed to 20:15 . I had to wait 45 minutes , wasting time . Thirdly , tickets were £ 10 , £ 15 and £ 20 , and I knew that these were available to discount , following the advertisement . But it was impossible . And I wanted to visit your theatre restaurant after the show but it was closed though they said it was possible to visit theatre restaurant after the show , they did n't prepare at all . Even if one of your woman officer annoyed my question , I asked that why they did n't prepare restaurant , as if they advertised like that . But she was annoyed me . You said it would be perfect evening , but it was n't . It was upset evening . So I ask for money back to you . I could n't be satisfied your theatre . I hope you accept my suggestion . With hopeness you understand me . Elsy Sun . Unfortunely , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat talks others secrets to everyone easily . At first when he had a girlfriend , they talked to each other franckly . His girl friend talked to him everything . Because she believed him . But after they seperated , his told his friends her secrets without considering . And when his friend , J , got big problem , J asked Pat and his friend for help him . It was about his private problem , related his friendship in whole school . If he had told everybody , J would have been blamed by whole school . But he forgot it and told his friends . Actually it was not on his purpose . But sometimes , Pat mistakes to speak someone 's secrets . Though it was not on his purpose , it makes his friends leave him . They ca n't believe him . Pat also regrets about his speaking . It could be difficult for him to change himself . It is like his one of bad habbits . Poor Pat , now he is blamed by everyone such as the people who he talked their secrets to everybody . Dear Sir During my holidays in London I went to see your musical show . It was a very unpleasent evening . First of all , it had read on the advertisement that Danny Brook was starring at this show . But someone else participated instead of him . The other actor was very disappointing . The second problem was the start of the show . It began at 20:15 and not at 19:30 ! That 's almost an hour later . I had read that there would be available some discounts , but I became none of them . The restaurant should had been oppened when I came out , but it was closed because of the hour the show finished . It was n't a perfect evening at all . I hope you can understand my disappointment and ask for my money back . Faithfully yours , In our days , nobody can live without technology . My day , for example , begins with a lot of noise . The timer of my radio wakes me up at half past six . I stand up , go the kitchen and prepare myself something to eat in the microwave . After breakfeast I have to use my car to get to school . Without my car I would always reach late . At school the computer has become an important new tool . I use it to make compositions , to print some pictures or to surf on the internet . After school I relax in front of the TV and talk a lot with my friends per telephone . Without these technology I would get realy bored . Now , I loose less of time and can use the technology to enjoy myself . Dear Helen Ryan : I am writing to answer to the questions I have been asked in your previous letter . I have decided I would like to visit Camp California only in July because I have already organized an other trip for the month of august . I would rather prefer sleeping in log cabins if its possible because I have back problems and I am not allowed to sleep on the ground . I have also chosen as activities the ones of Golf and tennis . I am rather good at these sports because I have practised them since I was a little girl . I am better at tennis that at golf but anyway I have experience in both these sports . I have also several simple questions . I would like to know how much money I have to take and what type of clothes I need . Do I have to take with me my tennis raquet and my golf bag ? I would be very thankful to recieve answers to my questions. thank you . yours sincerely , Dear Kim : How are you ? I 'm fine . I finish school next week . I have to tell you all about the pop concert I helped to organize last month. it was really cool . I got the chance to meet Ricky Martin . Boy , He 's really really handsom ! I was in charge of the lights of the stage , you know , all those colourful lights that go all around the stage . It was hard work because I have been practising for several weeks . I had to learn what part of the stage had to be lightened with a blue light or a green one . Even though I ended terribly tired I really enjoyed myself . It was a strange experience because its something new for me . I had never even gone to a concert before . I even got the chance to take some photographs of ricky Martin with my sister and I 've got one photo of him with me ! ! Well , its an experience I 'll never forget as long as I live . Write to me as soon as possible , please ! yours friend , Dear Sir , I am writing to your to complain about the musical show called " Over the rainbow " As a matter of fact , I waited for seeing Danny Brook who I appreciate a lot and I was very disappointed that he was n't here . Besides , the actor who filled him in was unknown and specially boring . Secondly , the show had to begin at 19.30 pm , in fact he began at 20.15 pm and that without any explainations ! Your advertisement mentioned that discounts were available , however when I asked for them to the staff they replied to me that they were n't discounts ! After the show , I wanted to visit your restaurant and once again , I was disappointed because it was closed . Anybody could explain to me why ! I can assure you that it was n't a perfect evening out and I got very annoyed about this evening which could have been wonderful . That is the reason I would like you to refund my money . I hope you would take notice of this complaint seriously . I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , My daily life changed in some ways when I got the hand of using new technologies . When I started work , I wrote everything I made on sheets and if sometimes I made mistakes , I had to cross out and it was n't very well-made . I had to work out all my figures two times to make sure that my accounts were accurate . Now , I enter datas and I do n't need any more to calculate my figures , the work is completely made by the computer and in addition there is no mistake . If I have to find out timetables , it is very useful to have the possibility to see on the Internet , besides , it is the quickest way ! At the beginning , I wasted a lot of time getting some information I needed because I did n't know exactly where I had to look for . But after a while you gain experience and you get soon used to this kind of research . Another thing that has changed my daily life is the mobil phone . As a matter of fact , if I am stuck in my car in the traffic , I can call my boyfriend to tell him that I would be late . Once , I saw an accident and I could call the police . Sometimes the ring is annoying but finally , the mobil phone is a great handy object . Dear Ms Helen Ryan I am writing this letter as an answer to your request for some further information from me . I would like to travel in July , because I have recently got a new job , which I am going to start in August . Therefore , July is my last free month until much later . I would prefer to stay in a tent during the camp , as I find tents a lot more exciting than log cabins . I am a very good swimmer , so I choose swimming from the activities you listed . I am also very keen on climbing , although I am not extremely good at it . I would also like to ask how much money I am supposed to take with me and I would be glad if you could give me an answer before the camp begins . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Bibiana Krol Most people enjoy shopping . But not me . I think shopping is hard , exhausting work , especially when you are trying to buy yourself some new clothes . The most annoying thing about shopping is that in most cases you have to search for a particular stuff for a long time and visit several shops before you find something that suits you . Eventually , after long seeking you find a skirt you like . But it does n't fit . You get really angry trying to find a bigger one but unfortunately this is the last one . And finally , after a few more hours , you buy the skirt of your dreams . And suddenly you notice the identical but cheaper one in the next shop . Accident like that can really make you livid . At last you come back home , carrying the most beautiful skirt in the whole town . You phone your friend to visit you and your friend come , wearing the skirt not unlike the one you have just bought . But that 's the life . You can always go and buy a new one . Dear Madam , With regard to your letter , I would like to thank and congratulate you for making possible such a wonderful event as your competition is . If it was possible id prefer to pass the two weeks mentioned in your letter during July . In August I 'll be working , so that it will be impossible for me to enjoy my prize during this month . About the acommodation , out of the two possibilities , I choose sleeping in a tent , because I think that a log cabin is n't as authentic as a tent , at the camp . My two activities chosen from the list are climbing and surfing . My skills in these activities are very different : while in climbing , this will be the first time I climb . In surfing learning wo n't be a problem because I have been doing it since I was ten years old . It would be greatful if you could send me further information about details like how much money on what kind of clothes I 'll have to take with me . Yours sincerely Gil Sanchez Dear Kim , Sorry for not having written you in the last month . You know that I 'm a little bit lazy , but the main reason for not writting you has been the accummulation of exams during this month . Do you remember that I had to help in a pop concert ? Well the concert was Friday night and I went there with the Red Cross volunteers , did you know I 'm one of them ? There I got impressed of how a singer can cause such histerism in the teenagers . During the two hours of concert we had to attend thirty-six people , who became inconscious after being trapped in the first line by the other people . Can you imagine ? Thirty-six people in two hours ! If you have to help in a concert and you can avoid it . Do it ! It 's the best thing you can do in this case . Well , I hope you wo n't be as lazy as me and you 'll write soon . Lots of love . Gil Sanchez Dear Mrs. Ryan , I 'm writing you replying to your letter asking for some more information about me , to give you all the information you need . First of all you asked when would I be able to travel . You ought to know that is possible to me to go there only in July because I 'm going to work the whole August . Answering the second question I would prefer my accomodation in log cabins . The reason is that , in my opinion , they are more comfortable , there 's more space and in addition they are warmer . Providing that you give me the chance to chose two activities I would love to do swimming and singing . I attend to swimming and singing classes twice a week so I 'm really good at both . Finally I would like to ask you about clothes and money . Where will we be able to wash our clothes during the camp ? Are we allowed to carry with all the money we wish to ? Do n't hesitate to contact me for any more question . Yours sincerely , Angeles . Nowadays shopping is considered one of the most usual and enjoyable activities , especially if you are a woman and you are out to buy clothes . At first sight it is , but shopping is not always enjoyable . Basing my opinion on my experience I 'm going to talk mostly about clothes shopping . There are some points that give me the reason . First of all , who is your companion ? If you take mum shopping the right day she has been all day doing housework , that will probably end in discussion . In one hand , there 's you . You are feeling sick , angry with your boyfriend . How do you pretend to see in a mirror that anything fits well on you ? In the other , you have always to count on unfriendly shop assistants , no size for you or too high prices . Who would talk now about enjoyable shopping journeys ? I 'm sure there would be plenty of people ready to do it . Sir manager Yesterday I went to " The Circle Theatre " to see the musical show " OVER THE RAINBOW " . I 'm very disappointed of this evening . The first thing was , that it started 45 minutes late . And when it finaly started , there was n't Danny Brook who plaied . There was a different actor and he was really bad . You should have informed us before that you 've changed the actor . On the advertisement you wrote that discounts are available but they were n't . After the show I wanted to drink somthing in your theatre restaurant but when I arrived it was closed because the show started to late ! I 'm so disappointed ! I wanted to have a pleasant evening while I 'm here in London for a week 's holiday . So I ask you sincearly for my money back becaus it was n't a perfect evening out . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I told her that my parents are getting divorsed and that I will move to Chicago with my mother . We are together in High School in California and this is our last year . We wanted to study biology here in Los Angeles with some other friends but now my plans have changed and I have to leave them . One day , Pat and I were going home , when she asked me , if I will give a party befor I 'll go . I had to tell her that I do n't have the time to organise anything becaus we , my mother and I , have to get our stuff ready to move . She was n't very surprised and soon I 've forgotten her question . The year was getting to the end . On Monday in our last week Pat asked me if I want to eat supper at her house . I thought it was a good idea and we went home . But when we get into the hous ther were all my friends ! We had a great evening becaus Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets ! Dear Mrs Helen Ryan : I have just received your letter telling me I have won the first prize in your competition , and I am glad for it . I am writting to give the information you asked me and also I would like to required some information about the prize . First of all I would let you know I could travel only on July because it is the time that I have holidays from my school . Furthermore I would like to choose for accomodation tents instead of cabins because I think could be more exciting and more contact with the enveiroment . Also I would like to response for the activities I had to choose from your list : I would prefer painting and photography because for the others sports I am not healthy at the moment , and I consider I used to do painting and photography very good at the school . Finally I would like to ask if I need a special clothes and Do I need money ? How much ? Please if you require extra information do not hesitate to contact me . Yours faithfully Dear Kim : I am sorry , I have n't written you soon but I still excited for the experience I had helping Will Smith on the freeway the last month . Anyway now I am going to tell you everything about it . As you know I have always taken the freeway on Sundays to go to my grandparents ' house , but that Sunday I was driving when suddenly I saw in the lay-by one excellent car . It was a Jaguar with Will Smith on it , I stopped and I was going to ask if he needed some help and he said " of course " . He had a puncture wheel and he did n't know how to repeared then I chanced the wheel and during this time he was asking me for my hobbies , studies , everything . He was really kind and friendly but really what I really most enjoyed of it , was when he invited me this night for a drink in the most luxury pub I have ever been . Could you believe my luck ? All right that 's about all my news , then writte soon and tell me about you . Lots of love Dear Ms Helen Thank you very much for your letter letting me know that I have won your first prize . I am writting to you in order to give you some details you asked me for in your letter . First of all , I need to tell you that it is only possible for me to travel in July , because I am going to move to Spain in August . About my accommodation prefers , I would really like to be in a tent . Everytime I travel around , I sleep in nice rooms with nice beds ; that is why I think it is a good option to sleep in sleep-bags . From the activities I can choose to do in these two weeks , I would enjoy playing basketball and climbing . I think it would be funny to play basketball after five years ; and since I go out to the mountains once a month , I do n't think I would have any problem with climbing . I would like to ask you some questions : Could you tell me what kind of clothes would be addecuate for these two weeks ? How much money do you think I should bring with me ? Thank you once again for your attention and interest . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Gloria Ortega Dear Kim You are going to be jealous when you hear this . As I told you in my last letter , I worked two weeks ago in Edinburgh helping at a pop concert . The pop group were all young people ( between 23 - 30 years old ) , and all of them were really nice . Our main tasks during those three days ( I worked with 10 other young people ) , consisted in carrying music instruments and loudspeakers , checking the lights and microphones , cleaning everything , ... The job was hard , but from my point of view , it was worthful . I have learned lots of things , earned some money for the summer , and the most important thing : I have had fun . Every five working hours , we had thirty-minutes break to eat something . We also had time to tell jokes and play with water balloons . The most exhiting thing was when we removed all the stuff the day after the concert , and we went to the Highlands to spend the whole day . That was fantactic ! If you have never been there , I enormous recemmend you to go . Even I played the drums there ! I hope your exams are doing well , and you write me back when you finish them . Lots of love Dear Mr. ( ... ) , My name is ... Two weeks ago my family and I visited London . During our stay we saw a bright advertisement of your theatre and decided to see this newest and best musical show ( as it was said in you advertisement ) . Actually . I must say that our perfect evening was n't out ! In your ad was said that in main roles would be Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . Danny was n't there ! Instead there was a different actor whose play was disappointing . The show had to begin at 19.30 , but indeed it started at 20.15 and we had to wait for 45 minutes in a great noise . Some words about tickets : you ad noticed that discounts were available so we did n't have money with us . When we came the administration of the theatre said that discounts are not available . Finally , when we decided to visit your theatre restaurant after the show it was closed ( all the staff went home because the show lasted 45 minutes longer ) . For all these reasons I would like you to give me at least half of my money back . With hope for a mutual agreement , Mrs. ( ... ) . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . It was May , 15 - our english teacher 's birthday . Marion was our favourite school teacher and we decided to make a surprise for her . Month ago we began to prepare for this day and we all agreed to keep it in a secret . We have been discussing for a long time what to present her . There were a lot of proposals from the students : one proposed a vase , another - a good pen ( he said it would be useful for the teacher ) . But we decided to buy a picture , because she has always told us about art galleries with a great exitement . We have chosen the best one with a beautiful nature in it . We also decided to arrange a party on her birthday ( and it had to be a surprise too ) . A day before her birthday we had an English lesson , and after the lesson Pat came up to Marion and told her about our surprise . He was bad-tempered and envious and he did n't want everything to be all right , and besides he did n't like Marion . That 's why he disappointed Marion and us . Dear the manager My name is Sally Smith . I went to see a musical show last Wednesday . I had a very disappointing evening . In the advertisement you said " Danny Brook " is the actor but it was n't . It was somebody else . I went to see the show because I like Danny Brook . The person that played instead of Denny was not very good . The show supposted to start at 19.30 pm but it started at 20.15 pm. It was very late . We had to wait nearly an hour . Staff did not tell us why it started late . When I bought tickets , they did not discount at all . I asked them about discounts because I saw in the advertisement . They ignored me . We bought tickets without discount . I do n't know that they discount for somebody else or not . After the show we went to the theatre restaurant but it closed . It closed at 11 pm. It was not our fault that we went in after 11 pm. The show finished late . The restaurant should open until the show finish . It was not a perfect evening at all . Could I please have my money back ? It was £ 60 for tickets . I was very disappointed about this . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sinecerely Sally . Smith . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She is one of my friend at school . She is very nice , clever , polite and friendly . Everybody love her . If you have any problems , she can give you some suggestion . If you want her to keep it secrets , do not tell her . She is not keeping secrets . This is her bad point . She always tells someone else about it . Last week , Tim told Pat about his serious problem . He wanted Pat to keep it between them but Pat did not keep his promise . She told us about it . When Tim found out that we knew his problem and tried to help him . He was very angry with Pat . He was n't talk to Pat at all . Basically , Tim did not know that Pat was not very good at keeping secrets . She did not know when she can speak or not speak . We so worry about her in the future . She has not a lot of friend because of this point . It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it I knew , I would not come this world again , everyone has only one change to do whatever they want I come from very ruler family . You had never made on your own decision , you always had to ask your family 's opinion . I had always wanted to be a theatre actress . I was saving my pocket money to go to the theatre age 15 . During the this years I had met with Zuhal Olcoy . I had seen her every morning while I was going to school . Despite of going to school by bus easier than riding bycyle I had prefered to going to school by bycyle to by bus . In that way I had been able to see her every morning . The more seeing her I could , the more ambitious I became . At last I met wit her . She had invited me her play to the theatre . When I went to her play to see , I realy would love to be a actress . She was the only person who encourage me to be a actress . I had had a exam for being theatre players without saying my family . Otherwise my father could kill me and not let me to go to school . I would never ever go to school again . Despite of the preparing the exams , I had been continue to my school regularly . Now I am a theatre actress . It was my dream I wish my dady Dear Helen Ryan I am shocked that I won first prize in this competition . It will be a great adventure to visit Camp California . I am writing to inform you that I would like to travel in July . The reason is that I am a full-time student on Cracow University and I have many exams at the end of semester , which is in June . I hope that it is not a problem . I would like you to know that I prefer a tent . I think it is much better than a log cabin . Aspecially in the summer when tempereture and humidity are very high . From the list of all activities I have choosen photography and golf . Since secondary school I am very interested in taking pictures and I have a big experience in it . I have choosen golf because I have never played in this game . Please , send me any information of what should I take with me . Should I bring my camera , warm clothes or any pocket money ? I am waiting for your reply . Yours sincerely Rafael Szymanski Dear Kim Thank you for your latest letter . It was really very nice . I know that you 're waiting for any information about a concert . Here it comes ... My friend offered me a job as a member of techical staff on Sting 's concert . I love his music and I collect his albums so I was very happy that I helped his crew . Our job was to prepare the scene . We 've built it using ready metal and wodden parts . It was really big and impressive . Then we had to plug all electric instruments , speakers , lights and microphones . I was working with a specialist who had to connect all lights together to one computer and prepare a colorful show . It was a totally new experience for me and a real pleasure of working with professionalists . It was a hard and complicated job but we all had a lot of satisfaction during the concert . Even Mr. Sting came to us to thank for our help . I hope that you liked my story . Send me your opinion about that . I wish to see your letter soon Rafael Dear Ms Clark , I think International Arts Festival is a great idea . I spent two nice days watching its events . I was there with my boyfriend . We have similar interests but we have different opinions . For me - dances shows were absolutelly wonderful . I like dancing and I like watching dances shows . Dancers worn nice clothes , the music was very good . Unfortunately there were no Spanish dancers . I prefere them to others . Maybe next year ? You should invite artists from more countries . We also listened to the concerts but in our opinion the concert halls were too small . During the jazz and rock concerts the audience wants to play and dance so it needs more room . I like listening to the classical music in the big halls , too . My boyfriend was exciting about the art exhibitions and listening to the writers . He was happy because he was able to talk to them in person . We had no time to watch all plays and films . We chose some of them and we were glad that we had our reasonably ticket for all evants because we could change our planes during the evant . I suggest to organize next IAF in the summer . We are both students so we have our holiday from July to September . We have more free time in the summer . We 're going to attend IAF any time , as well . Thank you for an unusual event Yours sincerely Dear Monte , I 'd like to write about rules in Poland . They 're horrible . There are many things we are n't allowed to do at school . At first - we have to be at time . Our lessons start at 8 a.m and we are n't allowed to be late . We have to change our shoes . Fortunately we do n't have to wear the school uniforms . We can wear what we want . Most of studenst wear jeans and sweaters . We have to be quiet during the lessons and our lessons are boring because of it . Our school-bags are very heavy because we have to carry our books , notebooks , atlases and dictionaries all day . It is what I 'd like to change . I 'd like to leave my books at school . At home we have to do our homework . There 's always much to do so we have no free time at all . Our parents want us to be clever . When we have good marks at school they let us to go out ( to the disco or cinema , but only on Saturdays and we have to be back by ten ) . On Sundays we have to go to bed early because on Monday our school starts at 8 in the morning . We sometimes help in the house but it is n't neccessary . We are n't allowed to smoke and drink any alcohol . We are n't allowed to argue with our parents and teachers It is also horrible . We mus n't talk to them but only listen to them . I 'd like to change it . Student 's life is hard but sometimes funny . Love Dear : Jane Clark I had been your annual international art festival . Most of the events I went to were good , but I feel that the festival could be even better next year . So , I write some of my opionions and suggestions to you . I hope it 's may help for next year 's festival . The idea of " International Art Festival " was great . But I feel the word of " International " was not really suit ; because you just only got six countrie 's stars and artists came . I think you should invite more than ten countries . The other problem was choosing space . Like the hall of classical concert was too small and crowded . Next year , you should calulate or examine how many people come before you choose a hall , which I feel very good was plays and films . It can show more for next year 's festival . The Dance Shows as well . And the offer of " weedend ticket " was an excellent idea . Because the price was cheaper than buy it sperate and more convience . Look forward for next year 's festival . Yours Sinicerely , One day , a little girls called Sara . She was walking over a bridge . Suddenly , she heart a men voice called her " Sara ... Sara.. look down to the river . " Then Sara looked down the river . She was very scared . Because she saw a golden fish was smiling at her and talking to her . After a few second , Sara felt that golden fish was lovely . She never seen any fish had that wonderful colour and can talk with her . Because Sara has n't got any bother and sister , and her Mon and Dad need work everyday , so she was very lonely . Therefore , she came river everyday and talk everything to the golden fish . They were very close friend . After half year , golden fish suddenly disappear . Sara was very sad . She sat and cry on the river . Then somebody called her name Sara ... Sara.. look at me. . I 'm stand on your left hand side . Sara remembered the was golden fish . She suddenly become a human , a little boy . After a few day they got married . Both together had their wonderful life . This story happened a long time ago . Dear Jane Clark , I am writing about International Arts Festival which I went to recently . I had a great time there because taking a place the kind of festival in my town is very unusual . I think that International Arts Festival was absolutely fantastic and successful . I was also pleased with the weekend ticket because I tend to go out in the weekend due to my work in the weekday so that I had time to go and did not have to care about the ticket price . In spite of having a great time , there were some things I would like to give you my opinion about . Firstly , there was a few stars and artists from only six countries although the advertisement mention that stars and artists would come from around the world . Secondly , some concerts took a place in really small halls . I suggest that concerts should be held in bigger halls than this year 's in next year . Therefore , there will be more people coming the concerts . Finally , food shops should be added in this festival in next year because only plays and films were not atrractive enought to get audiences . I would be grateful if you could consider my opinion above , Yours sencirely , Dear Karrie , Hello . How are you doing ? I 've been also considering rules at home with my friends . Is n't it quite interesting to talk about rules ? At home I 'm not allowed to talk on the phone more than ten minutes , which annoys me very much . I really want to change this . However , I can go out wheneve I want , even in the mid-night . I 'm also allowed to come home anytime so that I can chat with my friends for a long time instead of talking on the phone at home . There is a lot of rules at my school . Firstly , we 're allowed to drive a car to school , which is quite unusual rule in Japanese school because students might crash a car on the way to school or home . I actually love this rule because I do n't have to get up early if I have a car . Secoundly , boys are not allowed to have long hire . They have to cut their hair once a month . Girls ca n't make up on at school at all . I want to at least put lip coluor on . I wish I could change this rule . I 'll be grade if you let me know about your rules at school and at home . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . Best wishes . Dear Ms. Ryan I am writing in response to the letter , which I had yesterday . I am really pleased to win first prize in your competition , and , I am also pleased to give details , which you would like to know . First of all , you asked about when I would like to travel . I am afraid that I am available to travel only on July . Because I have to work all year except one month holiday on July . Secondly , I would be appreciate if I could stay in log cabins at Camp . I feel that it would be fabulos places with western design . Most of all , I am really interested in doing two activities . I am very good at Tennis . However , I have n't had any idea about sailing . So , I would like to try both of them . Lastly , I would be grateful if I could have following informations . I would like to know about clothes , which are suitable for activities . As well as that , I wonder if I have to take some money for extra activities and few more things . Thank you for time and attention . I look forward to hearing from you . yours sincerely Jae Hwa . Kim . There was a meeting to talk about a video about daily life at our school . It was thought that a normal , regular lesson , 3 optional lessons and a great deal of activities should be filmed . Refering to optional lessons , it was recommended that Speaking and listening , Computer and Business English are suitable for filming . I feel that these are what students really prefer to learn . There seems to be a general opinion that sports , art and music activities such as tennis , football , orchestra , painting , photography should be included . It can show how much students are enjoying their life in our school . As well as that , if we filmed famous students and teachers in our school , it would be a fantastic video . In my opinion , students can learn English from wide activities as well as lessons . That 's why they prefer to film a lot of activities . Dear Jane Clark , I am writing in order to give my opinions about the annual International Arts Festival I have visited . First of all , I have to say that the idea of such a festival is great . It gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the cultures ' variety of the whole world . However , at this festival there were artists only from six countries . Whereas an advertisement promised stars from around the world . Despite that , all the jazz , rock and classical concerts were extremely enjoyable . Although , some concert halls were too small for all the guests of the festival . Another disadvatage of the festival 's programme was lack of plays and films which are the best to display the modern county 's culture . I suppose . I hope there will be more of them next year . I must also admit the organization of the festival was perfect . All the guests were offered a weekend ticket for all events . That was an excellent decision as all the events started at different time and there was plenty of them . In addition , it was reasonable-priced . In conclusuon , I would like to say that in spite of the success of the festival some improvements still can be done . For example , the next year 's one may last not for two days only , but for a week . So it will be available for greater amount of people . The programme can be also improved by adding new categories such as folk songs . Thank you for your kind attention . Sincerely yours , Everybody wants to earn a bit of money . Especially young people who are always out of their small budget . Fortunatelly , there are many ways to earn some money nowadays . Of course , young people can work only in their spare time . It mean that a job should be part-time . So , one opportunity is working as a baby-sitter . This job does n't demand much abilities , but a lot of patience though . In addition to baby-sitting you may also give some lessons to small children such as ( tl ) teaching them to read or write or just basic rules and words of a foreign language , Eglish for example . Another way to earn some money is to work as a waiter after classes . This job requires a lot of energy however . But you can earn more . Furthermore , it 's possible to work abroad during a holiday . But if you do n't like children and are not easy-going enough to work as a waiter you may chose a more pieceful job of a typist at home . There are a lot of people not willing to type essays and reports themselves or just not having a computer . So , you can help them and earn quiete enough . To sum up , there is no problem without a solution and if you are an active and broad-minded person , you will surely find a way to earn money even in Arctic . Dear Helen Ryan , I am very happy to have won first prize in your competition . I am very interested in going to two weeks at Camp California in the USA . I would like to travel on July , because it is the summer and the weather is sunny , moreover I am totally free during this month . For the accommodation , I would prefer a log cabin , because I can not sleep in tent . I like to do sports and I would like to do sailing and surfing for speed sensations . I am good in those two activities , because I go to the sea every weekend . I would like to now more information about clothes . I think that weather is very hot and that the nights are not cold , but I do not know if I must take lot of pullovers . Best regards Henri " Shopping is not always enjoyable " is a statement of men in general . Women like to go to do shopping , but not alone and they want to motivate their husbands . Men do not like shopping , because their women buy a lot of clothes and it is very expensive . Moreover , men prefer to do sports , because the shopping loses a lot of time controry to women , because if they have a free time , they will go to do shopping . I think that child does not like shopping because he often waits , and I prefer to play with these friends . He goes to do shopping only if he has not clothes . To conclude , I think that " Shopping is not always enjoyable " is a true statement , but not always for all people . Dear Mrs Clark , I am writing to express my enjoyment that I had at the International Arts Festival the next week . Firstly , I want to say that this festival is really good and I hope it will have every year . Furthermore , the attractions were beautiful such as shows , exhibitions and concerts . I liked all the different kind of atmosphere . Also , for all these attractions , the price was low and it is important for the big family . Secondly , the plays and movies were marvellous . However , I was disappointed by the number of that . It will be great if there were would have more choice the next year . I would like to give you a suggestion about the space in the concert rooms . Considering the crowded , it should have more rooms . Finally , I will be interested in meet artists from everywhere in the world not only Europeen artists . In conclusion , I had an unforgetable time . I would like to eat some different kind of foods , if it is possible . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely Dear Monique , Thank you very much for your letter , I 'm very happy to receive some news about you . I 'm going to reply at your question . In fact , at school we have n't so many rules . So , we are n't allowed to smoke inside - and eat in the classroom . We have to wash the board when it 's our turn . Of course , we must respect the teacher and do what he says . What about the rules at home ? I ca n't remember , because now I 'm 19 , then I can do what I want . I know that I had to ask at my Mum or Dad for going by my friend after the lessons . They wanted that I did my homework before to play . Also , I had to come back at home on time , it was very important for my parents . I want to change nothing , I was happy . Anyway , it was a great time when I was a child . It 's all for now . See you soon , bye I would like to know some informations about the advertisement of the show . First of all , why the show began at 20:15 , not at 19:30 as indicated in the advertisement . I waited quite one hour to see the show , and what happened with the actor ? I came to that show only for see him and when the actor appear , it was another one . There is more ! Where were the discounts that I should have earned ? I was very disappointed with that ! After the show my sun wanted to eat some biscuits and when I see the restaurant closed , I gave up , I told to my sun that we 'll never come back here again . The restaurant was closed because there was n't electricity you should close the theatre untill the restaurant get appropriate to use . I was totaly unsatisfied with the theatre and I would like to have my money back if it 's possible . I thank you for read my letter , I hope you write for me back , and do n't forget my money ! I am writing what I think what kind of clothes will people wear 100 years from now . As we see the clothes are changing every hour . People inventing new kinds of clothes and people buying and wearing differents clothes . It is difficult to say how people will be wearing clothes 100 years from now . In each country , each people wear differents kinds of clothes , like , people in Brazil wear shorts , T-shirts or only without them , in Saudi Arabian they wear strange clothes , if you analyse the point of view who does n't live in Saudi Arabia . I 'm quite sure that people in all world will be wearing very differents clothes in the future because , especialy women , like to be very elegant and beautiful will create and invent all kinds of clothes to anybody and that 's it . Dear misses Helen Ryan , I 'm surprised to read that I 've won the first prize . So I would travel on July because I 've got only there free time . I 've got a lot of work and my boss did n't allowed me to leave my job any other time . I prefer to stay in a tent because it 's more like a camp . And so I can I be better in touch with the nature . I 'm happy to read that I will have the chance to do two activities there . I chose painting and photography . I like painting and I have talent , I could paint all the day . Photography is a relaxing activity . You can photograph all kind of arts you want . I take very good photos ! I would ask you about clothes and money . What kind of clothes should I bring with me ? And what about money ? Do you pay for all ? And for food , drinks etc ? I 'm looking forward hearing news from you . Yours Shopping is not always enjoyable We people are often depressed or have stress . What are we doing then ? We go shopping . That makes often women feel better . They go out with friends or alone . But shopping is not always enjoyable . A friend of mine was depressed because her friend leave her . She phone me and asked me what about going shopping . I suggest and we went shopping . In the time we want to go out of a shop a man stopped us and hold a pistol in his hand . We were scared and so we did all what he told us . We were lucky that we are in life now . The police came and took hi to the jail ( police station ) . You ca n't be carefull because you do n't know what time it will happens . But you can be carefull when you speak with him or her that will stolen your thinks . Dear Ms. Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter regarding my prize that I won in your competition . It was a very pleasant surprise to win a trip to California and I very much appreciate it . I am writing this as a reply for you request to provide you with some information about my preferencies . First off all I 'll prefer to travel in July , because it is the only month I have free . I 'll have to pass several exams in June , in August my family going to visit our relatives in Austria . I am not so keen about accomotation but would rather stay in tents than cabins . It is much more fun and you can really enjoy nature and a company of your friends . It is great I can do something I really like at the Camp . I am really enjoying swimming . We live near the sea shore and swimming is the sport activitie I am really good in . Far the best swimmer in my school . The other subject is photography . I like taking pictures and want to share my interest with the others . I am not a photographer but my family think that my photos are more then just good . Finally I want to ask you some questions . What will be better to take with me , what I 'll need at Camp ? How much money should I take , will it be any guided tours ? And how many will be in Camp in July ? Hope to hear from you soon . Yours faithfully Shopping is not always enjoyable . My best friend is crazy about shopping . She will prefer shopping to everything else . She thinks that it is the most pleasant spending of time , when you going from one shop to another , watching other people , looking at beautiful clothes , getting some fashionable ideas . Somitimes I feel very sorry for her . It seems that going shopping is a sense of living . And it 's so many people like her . Lots of families planing a day out to go to a shopping center , and it is a normal routine for them - to spent the all day just shopping . Not so many people thinking about going fishing or playing sport games with their families any more . They forgot how beautiful could be the countryside , and only tourists you can meet in the castles or museums . People are normally angry after shopping - because it is so easy to get tied . People are not smiling to each other , not talking to each other at the shops . They look like a robotes who have to do their duties - to buy . In my opinion shopping is just to cover our basic needs . Shops are not for spending our lifes in them . Try to give up shopping one day and try to spend your day with friends going to play something together . It feels much more better . You 'll have happy memories and a good mood . Dear Ms Ryan I 'm so happy to received your letter , and I want to tell you the information you need . I would like the travel start only july if possible , because this is my Hoilday start , at the Camp California I would like my accommodation in tents , because I work in Army and in the camp I usually stay in tent at night , so I will feel more comfortable . In those activities I would like to choose Swimming and climbing for my activities in Camp , this two activities I usually do in the Army Camp , I know how to climb up on Rachiat outside and help other people to climp up . Swimming I 'm teach people in Army . And I have a question to ask ? In the Camp do I need any money to bring with and what kind of clothes I have to wear and take ? Yours Sincerely To make a daily life video in school , we should concentrat on the most things we do in a school , the most thing we do in a school is haveing lesson , it is a very useful parts of this video and is the main subject . The lessons we take in the video , should be the main subject we study . In the video I think we should take part to talk about , what we doing in feel time and study period . This is another important part of our school life , and we should make a section to talk about lunch and where are the people go to eat their lunch or what they do ? After we talk about lunch , we should take about activities we are doing and the systems about the activities in school or outside school and make a little section of the School term , and what kind of sport the people like the most . At the end of the video , we should find one or two studen sit together and ask them a few question of how do they feel to study in the School ? this is the suggestion to making a daily life video in school . Dear Jane Clark I am writing to tell you about the festival in this time and I would like to suggest you three things for next festival . First of all , it is great idea to have a this kind of festival . I enjoyed it so much . But , there are three things which I would like to tell you . Firstly . There were stars and artists from only six countries . I supposed to see quite various nationality . Secondly , I actually liked Jazz , rock and classical concerts very much . However , some concert halls were too small for the many people so we could n't have a enough space. thirdly . I would like to you to consider about having more plays and films next year . It would be nicer . Otherwise , the price was really reasonable for all :events the weekend . I was satisfied with that . And if there was musical event . It would be greatful . I hope the next one will be better . And I would like to thank you about making this festival . I look forward to next festival very much . Yours sincerely Dear Lula Hello . How are you doing ? I hope you 're well . It 's nice to hear about your class . It 's quite interesting . Let me tell you some rules at school in my country . Actually . We have quite strict rules . When I was a student , I was n't allowed to wear any fashionable clothes . Only It was like a formal clothes . And we could n't wear any colorful clothes and socks . Also our hair style was the same as everyone . It 's really strict . At home . There is one thing I 'd like to change . I 'm not allowed to sleep at my friend 's house . I really like chatting all night with my friends . But I ca n't it . I 'm pursuading my mum , perhaps . The school rules in my country are more strict than your country . Anyway . If you want to know about something of our country . I 'm glad to tell you more . I 'm looking forward to getting your letter soon . Thank you . Take care of yourself . Loves , Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to reply your letter saying that I have won the competition , which I ca n't believe . I am so excited by the news . I think I can take this opportunity in July because I run my shop all year round except three weeks in July . I would like to have accommodation in log cabins as I find sleeping in tents very uncomfortable thought it may be a new experience . It would be nice to have a chance to try new sport when we are relaxed . I 'd like to try golf because I 'm not good at any other sports . Besides golf , taking wonderful photographs of sceneries has been my dream , even though I am a beginner . I 'd like to ask about what clothes we need , what the weather is like and whether we need some spending money or not . I 'm looking forward to going on this fantastic holiday . Yours sincerely . Dear Kim , How are you ? I know you have been waiting for my letter . But as you know , I have been so busy that I could n't write earlier . Actually I did n't use to enjoy pop music much . My classmate Cecilia persuaded me to try whole new experience of helping at a pop concert . I thought it would be the last thing I wanted , but it was n't . I 've really enjoyed this opportunity . We delivered so many fantastic and gorgeous costumes which had been designed exclusively by top designers . We also helped to make posters and leaflets , which I enjoyed most as I always like drawing and designing . The most difficult work was to arrange coach trip to the concert hall as there were many audience from countryside . It was too complicated . But the rest of the preparation was so good . I 've realised pop stars are just like us , down to earth . They were so kind and modest . Do you know what I liked most from this experience ? I 've found pop music so wonderful , it changed my idea of that classic music is always best . Of course , I 've enjoyed being around famous singers , too . Love Dear Mrs Clark , I am writing in response to your advertisment in Today 's newspaper . I recently spent two days at the International arts festival and I found it very entertaining . It was really a good idea to organize a festival containing such different shows . The idea that I prefered the most was to suggest a reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events because a lot of student or unemployed people could not afford to pay too much money . I went to see a classical concert and , although the music played was excellent , he concert hall was too small . Furthermore , I had expected stars and artists from around the world , but they came from only six countries . A friend of mine went to see the play " Hamlet " and the film " Gladiators " . He told me how great it was and I was thinking that it would be a good to have more plays and films next year . In addition to this , I was wondering if you could organize the same festival in sommer . I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future . Yours sincerly , Two sisters , Alex and Daniela were sitting in front of the fireplace thinking of what they could do . That year , the winter in France was very cold . It was near Christmas and the two girls had n't found any present for their mother . Offering Christmas presents was a tradition not be forgotten and only four days left . Alex suggested that it would be a good idea to go to the city to buy that present . Daniela agreed but she knew that it was snowing and that it was dangerous to walk with this kind of weather . Anyway , Alex was too stubborn to give up and it was like talking to a brick wall : she did n't listen to her sister . After forty minutes , the weather became very bad . It was such a pain to walk in the snow . However , Alex was not worried at all despite the fact that her sister was tired and cold . In deep of herself , Alex knew they were lost in the middle of nowhere , but she did n't want to admit it . Unfortuneatly , Daniela fainted . She was so cold that she could n't move her legs . Alex began to cry and to pray and when Daniela was about to die an angle appeared . He asked Alex if it was more important to bring back a present at home or to save her sister . The answer was obvious and the angel saved Daniela. . This story happend a long time ago . Dear , Helen Ryan Thank you very much for the prize at camp California in America . For the time that I would like to travel must be on July only . This is because my A-levels exams is coming up so I really need times to revise , and July is the only month and time that I am free . An accommodation , I prefer to stay in a tent . This is because it is my first time to see an outside world by myself so I need to gather up new experiences . I have never ever stayed in a tent before but some of the people I know said that it is fun and much more exiting . As I am a person who is love and doing activities , so I would like to choose to do sailing and photography . Once I used to take a photography course at my school and my teacher taught me well about taking photo . Also I tried how to sail before , but I am not perfectly good at it , but I love to sail more . Finally , I would like to ask about what kind of clothes do I need to bring ? and the money , do I need much of them ? Please , give me a suggestion about these . Your faithfully Dear , Kim How are you ? I have written to you to tell you about the greatest experience that I ever have . Last week I offered myself to help the others at the concert and it was amazing . I could n't believed how close I was to the band . There were so many youngsters at the concert , but because I was the youngest in a helping team so I guess that I was the luckiest at that moment . A concert did very well and I enjoyed it so much . Later on the band took a break for ten or fifteen minutes , so I served them with glasses of fizzy drink and chocolate bars , biscuits and sandwiches . You will not believe how close I was to the singers . After a break , the bank have to carried on the concert for another one hour and a half . People at the backstage including me were helping to clean up all the stuff and ready for the end of the concert . The time has come , when the band finished the concert , we have to served them drinks again and helped to clear up the stage . Afterwards , I have a chance to took photos with them and have their autographs etc . It was the enjoyable time in my life and wished that you were there with me . From this letter , I am sure that you should be able to share this experience with me . Lots of Love Dear Mr. Brown , My name is Anne Singler and I have already watched the musical " Over the rainbow " in the Circle Theatre . I 'm writing to you because I was n't pleased with the show ! In your advert for the musical show you promised the newest and best musical show , but it was n't . First I was very disappointed about the price of the ticket because I expected to pay a smaller pice than £ 20 for my six year old daughter . Then the show already started at 20:15 and not at 19:30 ! I was quite bored , sitting in my chair and waiting for the beginning of the show . For me the most disappointing problem was that the starring Danny Brook was n't there . My husband was also looking forward to seeing Mr. Brook as an actor of your musical because he is one of his greatest fans . The actor which acted instead of Danny Brook was n't as good as Mr. Brook . After the show , which was n't really the best I have ever seen , my family and I wanted to get some snacks in the theatre restaurant . When we arrived at the restaurant we had to realize that it was closed because the cook was ill . After this last point of troubles we went home with only bad remembers of this evening . So I want to ask you for giving me my money back because I think I have better spent my money on anything else . I hope you understand my point of view and write back . Yours , The secret Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . One day her best friend Sally told her that she had betrayed her boyfriend . Pat was really shocked to hear this but she had to promise Sally to keep quiet . Pat really liked chatting about others and so she was n't able to keep quiet about Sally 's secret . She told it to her boyfriend Paul . After that Paul got white in his face , he was pale like a wall and it seemed as he would be very nervous . Pat could n't understand Paul 's reaction and so she did n't care about it . Some weeks later when Pat was walking to school she met Sally , which just came out of Paul 's house . Now Pat realized what was going on and could undstand why her boyfriend got so nervous about the secret . He was Sally 's lover ! In this moment Pat wished that she never would have been keen on knowing secrets ! 16th , Dec. 2000 Dear Mr. Clark , I 'm writing this letter to complain and to suggest something about your " International Arts Festival " . I visited the festival for 2 days . I also read an advertisement in " The Times " . I thought it would be interesting and exciting . When I visited the festival , of course , it was really good . I was impressed of the idea of the festival . I could enjoy different culture and also I could expand my knowledge . Moreover , the weekend ticket was fantastic because I spent two days the festival - Saturday and Sunday . The ticket price was not too expensive for student too . However , you said " Stars and artists from around the world " in the advertisement . But there were only six countries ' candidates . It was exaggerated . Besides , some concert halls were too small . Jazz and classical concerts ' halls were especially small . It caused a long queue and I had to waste my time . Except these two things , it was quite good . I 'd like to suggest this - concerned with plays and films . Plays and films qualities were good , but quantities were bad . In addition , most of the people in the festival liked that . In my opinion , you have to run more plays and films in next year 's festival . I 'm looking forward to hearing your answer . Yours sincerely , I 'd like to tell you about my experiences . Before that you have to think why you need to earn money and how you do that . It is really important because making money needs a proper purpose . Firstly , I did newspaper delivery . I could make a bit of money , of course , it was far much than pocket money . Nevertheless , I lost my concerntration to the study and I spent the money to entertainment . I earned easily and I could n't control myself at that time . I was only 12 years old . Secondly , I made brochure for a company when I was in high school . I was studying computer at that time . Also I was leader of the computer user circle in the school so I needed some money for managing the circle . For this reason , I took this kind of part-time job in the company . Despite the fact that it was part-time job , I worked very hard because I liked computer works . I could earn money , also I got a career . Finally , I worked for a factory during the last winter holiday . It was also hard and difficult , but I think that was easy way to make money . I forgot many skills and knowledge during the time . So lose was bigger than profit . In conclusion , if you want to earn a bit of money , then you have to choose proper part-time job . Because you will get some money as well as some career and knowledge . You must consider the purpose too . If you have n't purpose , you would waste money easily and quickly . Dear Mrs Jane Clark , I am writing with reference to the International Arts Festival I have recently been to and I would like to give you my opinions about it . According to the title of the advertisement , which was a great idea , there were stars and artists from around the world ; but they were only from six countries . In addition to this some concert halls were too small to host all the people who were there fro the occasion and , personally speaking the show could be done at the open air next year , so that music would also create a fantastic atmosphere all around . Plays and films had a great success and I would like to ask if there will be more next year because in my opinion people would appreciate it . The other events I went to , dance shows , art exhibitions and talk by writers , were well organised and extremely interesting . Furthermore the weekend ticket was reasonably-priced and this was excellent decision because it gave the opportunity to a lot of people , adults but also students , to take part to the Festival . Yours sincerely , Dear George , I 'm writing to answer your question about rules in my life , at school and at home . As you may know , I attend a Liceo , which is the most difficult kind of high school in Italy . Our teachers are very strick , we have to stand up as they come into class and wait until they say ôDo sit down ! , , . We ca n't talk during lessons and we only have a en minutes break at 10.30 a.m. If we 're late , we have to go to the principal and ask for his signature to go to class . It 's hard to be extremely quite for five hours but I reckon it 's a good way of education . On the other side , I feel free at home . I help doing cleaning or the washing , but I do it because I want to , not because my parents make me do it . I can go out and stay out late , I 've got my car and my mobile , so that they can call me whenever they need to hear me ; but above all I know they trust me and consider my an adult . Therefor I would n't change anything in my home life and neither in my school life . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes . Dear Mrs Ryan Many thanks for your letter . I would like to travel in July because I have got summer holidays from July to August and I work as a bank clerk in August . I think a tent would suit my personal life-style better than a log cabin because I love the nature . I would like to play basketball during my holidays at Camp California because I love this game . I have been playing basketball for 8 years and today I am a member of an Austrian basketball-team . But I have never played golf in my life but with your help I would be able to learn how to play golf and I think this could be very interesting . I also would like to know how much money I will get from you for those two weeks because I would like to spend some money for clothes . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Dear Kim Last month I enjoyed helping at a pop concert and I think you want to hear some funny stories about the experience I made . At first I had to clean the three private rooms of the stars . This was very boring but after I left the third room I met Brunner and Brunner . These two people are stars in our country ... O.K. I am just kiding . I do n't like the songs of Brunner and Brunner because this kind of music is very boring . I also had to clean the washing rooms . I will never ever help anybody to organice a pop concert . But after this serville work I met Eminem . I think you know his popular songs like " My Name Is " . It was one of the greatest moments in my life . I had to bring him something to eat . It was a hard but also a funny work . You should try to called some experience during such a concert you would not regret it . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Dear Helen Ryan , I have just read your letter and it would be grateful if you could give me more information about the two weeks at camp California in the USA . I am a nineteen year old gild who is still attending classes at Saint John 's School . For the past four years I have been playing tennis and I have also done some courses about painting . I would appreciate if I could travel on July because my school gives me two winter holiday 's week . As far as accommodation is concern , I prefer staying in a long cabin . I believe it is better than a tent because this one would not shelter enough . As I said before , I have been playing tennis for four years . I consider myself to be good at this sport . As regarding painting , I know a lot since my grandmother taugh me when I was five years old . It would be very kind of you to let me know about the clothes you think it would be necessary for me to take and how much money I will need . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear kim , I 'm sorry I have n't written to you before but I have been very busy helping at Mano''s concert . Do you remember when I told you that my dream was helping Mano''s group ? Well , my dream come true . All started when I was in Drama Club and my singing teacher told me that Mano''s group were going to have a concert here , in Argentina . She also told me that she have some conections with the people in charge of the lights of the concert . You know that last year I organise the lights in our performance . So , there I was , controling the illumination in Mano 's concert ! ! ! ! I will never forget that wonderful experience . This really help me for our next performance in the Drama Club . It was so exciting to see the Mano group singer that I felt as if I were in heaven ! ! Please write me as soon as you can . Best wishes , I am writing to thank for the letter with the result of the competition and also to ask some questions . Firstly , I would like to inform that I prefer travelling in July to travelling in another month . The reason for it , is that , July is the only month in which , I am on holidays so I will not have to miss any classes . Next , I would prefer stay in tents rather than stay in log cabins because I appreciate having straight contact with nature . Therefore , I have chosen climbing and swimming as the two activities on which I am good at . I can say I am good at swimming , because in the club I used to be the first in all the competitions and climbing I used to climb trees , walls everything in my childhood without falling . Since I am going to travel I would like to know how much money would be adviseable to take and what kind of clothe I should take . I look forward an answer from you . Yours Faithfully Adriana I am just writing to tell you about my experience about helping at a pop concert . Wonderful , Breathtaking , Fabulous , these are some adjectives to describe just a little bit how my experience was . Starting with good points , I could say that you can talk face to face with the pop stars . Moreover , you have the unique opportunity to take pictures with them , to have their names written , on your notebook by themselves . Despite of being tiring , it was rewarding because I noticed that all the singers are ordinary people who want to see their fans happy and satisfied and that is true I experienced that . Another thing is that they pay you for you job and it is a good money . Do n't worry because you do n't pay your ticket it is " free " . From my point of view , there were not disadvantages . Kim , summing up it was the most interesting experience that I have ever had . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Lots of Love XXXXX Adriana Dear Sir/Madam I am glad to hear from you recently and I really appreciate your invitation to California . I would like to tell you about my preference . To start with I would rather stay in a log cabin because two weeks might be too long to stay in a tent and a log cabin would be more convenient for me . When it comes to activities , I would like to try climbing and surfing . I started surfing when I was 12 . So I am quite confident with this . Although I had a few experiences of climbing , my everyday training at gym would retrieve my concerning . In addition to these reasons , both activities are popular especially in California . And I also have to ask you what kinds of clothes will be suitable there . Or approximately how much money would be enough to buy surveniers because this will be first time for me to visit Carifolnia . Finaly , I must choose traveling there in July because I am not allowed to take holidays in other months due to my work . Thank you very much for your time and I am looking forward to visiting there . Yours Faithfully , Needless to say , shopping can cause you a waste of time and money . However some people might be opposed to this general understanding because they believe that they can find shopping enjoyable . Those who love shopping are usually suffer from serious stress and may seek out satisfaction by shopping . However , things which you can get by money necessarily fill your unsatisfaction or even as you buy something more and more , your emptiness might be bigger . And shopping is also a difficult hobby to go along with your friends or your pertners . What you want is often different from what your friend wants . Unless either you or your partner is really tolerant , shopping could result in another stress . So it is advisable not to make a friend whose hobby is shopping . In addition to these , everyone has regretted buying unnecessary things and those things would remind you how silly decision you had done at the moment . On the whole , shopping can be harmful rather than enjoyable because you migh be extravacant , lose your friends and have what you do n't need . Dear Mr Robertson , I 'm writing you because I had been asked to make a little suggestion about the programme your have organised to our English class travel . First of all , thank you for the programme , we think it is very good , especially the river trip to greenwich , we believe we will enjoy a lot going to greenwich . Moreover , in our opinion , this travel is going to be very interesting for us . On the other hand , we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure show and we would all like to go the show . We think it is a good opportunity because london fashion is the most important over the world , and we all learn a lot about London style going to this show . We think we could change shooping for going to the show . The show is free , and it is only on Tuesday 14th of March . It is open from 10.00 until 19.00 , and we could go there on the afternoon . Thank you for your attention . We are looking forward to your answer , Yours sincerely Thinking about the media 's treatment of famous people , I 've realised of some things . On my point of view the media 's treatment of famous people is very bad . The media 's are looking forward to create great expectations about famous people . They are not trying to give information , they are only looking to get money , and to entertain the public . On the other hand , if the media 's are acting in that way is because of the society . The society is who increases the audience of the media , if nobody gave attention to the famous people private lifes , this treatment would finish . But in my opinion , before you get famous you know which are the consequences . As in another you may know what could happen . To sum up , there is no job perfect , and be famous involves a lof money , but also a lot of jouralists following your private life . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing you this letter to complain about you have organized us for our trip to London . First of all , I would like to thank you for your activity programme . I find it really good , specially because of the visit to the Science Museum and the National Art Gallery . But I would like you to know that on Tuesday March 14th in London , there is a show , which is free for students , about the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles called The London Fashion and Leisure Show . All the clan would enjoy going the show , because it is a great oportunity to see an exhibition as the latest fashions . We know that you have planned a very complete programme . But we would like to suggest you to move our visit to the Science Museum to Wednesday afternoon , so that , we can go to the show on Tuesday , which lasts from 10 am to 7 pm . Thank you very much for considering our petition . I look forward receiving your reply . Yours sincerely Nowadays , in our society , there are some people who , because of their work or because of their success in life , has become popular , and by now is known by everybody . But , how does fame affect to their lifestyle ? Politicians , musicians or film starts are controlled all the time , since they wake up in the morning until they go to bed in the evening , by journalists and photographers who follow them and observe all that they do . It is certain that these people have fame , fortune and success , and that many of them are rich , very rich . They usually appear on TV , go to shows , sports competitions ... But I 'm sure that all these things can not give them back one of the most needed things : a private life . And believe me , there is no money in the world to pay that . But obviously , if these people are all the time in the newspaper , on TV and so on , is because , although we do n't want to accept it , we love following their lifes . So now , all we should have to ask ourselves is if their damaged lifestyles is in part our fault . Dear Ms clark : I am writing to give suggestion for the international art festival , which I have been to one weeks before . It was really good , but I feel it could be better next year . Firstly , I want to say it is a great idea to have this international arts festival , it is very interesting , especially for the young people . I went to this festival with four friends and all of us enjoyed our time very much . It was said that stars and artists from around the world on the advertisement , but in fact they are from only six different countries , so I hope there will be artists from more different countries next year . Although the jazz , rock and classical music was great , some concerts and halls are too small , could you consider making them bigger next year . The plays and films were really wonderful , people liked them very much , so could you play more next year The last thing is about the ticket . It was excellent about one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events , because it is convenient and normally young people do not have a lot of money , so I hope next year the ticket will be also like this . I hope that you can consider my suggestions . I really look forward to going to the festival next year . Yours sincerely : Dear Jacob : I 'm very glad to hear from you . I hope everything is ok . I 'm really sorry I did n't write you back immediately , because I was preparing my exam at that moment , so can you forgive me ? We should keep in touch with each other , because you know I 'm very happy to have a friend like you . In your last letter you asked me something about our rules , both at home and at school in my country . I 'd like to tell you that . In school , we have lots of rules , especially in the class and some of them are quite strange . For example , we ca n't go to the toliet during the lessons , we should go there in the brake . And we ca n't eat food or do any sports in our classroom . If you fail three subjects in your exam , you will be kicked out of school . It 's too strickt , I do n't like it . If I can , I would like to change this , because I do n't think everyone can success at once , we should give them second chance to try . Anyway , in my country , generally , children are free at home , but it also depends on their parents . For me , I do n't have rules at home , just do n't take trouble to my family , that 's all . OK , just here . I look forward to hearing from you soon . All the best wishes and good luck . yours : Dear Mrs Ryan , Thank you a lot for your letter , I am very happy of having won the competition . I have several precisions to tell you and some questions about the camp . First , I would like to travel in July because it is the only free month I have in the summer . I have exams in June and a work in August . Then , about accommodation , I would prefer a tent because I am used to . I have already been in different summer camps and I always choose this accommodation , I find it more friendly than a log cabin . I have chosen between the activities proposed to do photography , I have already been part of a photography club so I am experienced . I also would like to practice climbing but I have never done it before . Finally , I would like to know what sort of clothes do advise me to bring to be at ease during my activities and as nearly everything is already paid , do I need to take a lot of money with me ? Thank you a lot for all these details . Yours sincerely Jasmine Martin Dear Kim , I have a lot of different things to tell you about what happened at the concert . It was really an amazing experience . First , I had to spend all the day before the concert in the field where it took place , I had to prepare a little the stage but as I was not a profesional , I did not do much with the instruments . I tried to play the drums but I was expelled from the stage by a member of the group who was in a bad mood . I prepared sandwiches for all the staff during the major part of the afternoon and then I sold tickets to the viewers all the evening . I was very tired but when the concert began I felt excited because there were so many people dancing and singing in front of the stage . As I was a volunteer I did not have to pay to look at the concert and after it I spent the rest of the night with the members of the group . That was the best . Looking forward to hearing from you . Yours , Brenda Sir Manager , My name is Sandre Atos , I am writting to you because this last weekend I went to the theatre , you manage , to see what was called " London 's newest and best musical show " . However , I must say , it was quite the opposite . First of all , Danny Brook , an excellent actor , who ( according to the play advertisement ) was supposed to perform , was replaced for a disappointing actor . Besides the spectacle was setted up to 19:30 , but ended up starting at 20:15 . In addition to all this , the promised discounts in the tickets was not offered . Finally , after the play the theatre restaurant was still closed . Sir , I could n't believe in that , everything that was in the advertisement was a fraud . I was told that I would have a perfect evening , though instead of that I had a terrible one . That 's why I am writting to ask for some money back , I believe I have this right . Some people glorify technology as if it was the best thing could ever happened in their lives . However , since I was a child I have noticed that except for the medical facilities and achievements , it has brought to me more disadvantages than advantages . I still remember the day television came to my house , I was only seven , everybody was exciting about the new " toy " , however what seemed to be only one more way to get together , turned to rule our lives . Unfortunatly my parents did not realize how TV was creating a role among us . Before TV , we used to spend our nights , playing cards , telling jokes , talking to each other . Nowadays , I barely know my parents , but I do know exactly what is happening in the soap operas . On the other hand , due to science development , I am getting better , recovering from ahsma . In addition to this it is wonderful not have to wait too long to eat , thanks for the microwaves invention . Despite all these advantages , I deeply miss the times I had almost no technological facilities , but a very happy and united family . Dear Jane C I have spent two days at the International Arts Festival recently and I am writing in order to give my opinions about it . When I knew it was going to be an international festival , I got really excited because I would finally have the opportunity to meet stars and artists from around the world , but I felt rather disappointed when I found out that was not at all true . Besides this , I think that some of the concert halls were too small that I felt very uncomfortable . However , the one-reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events was marvellous because I was able to attend as many concerts as I wished without spending much money . Although that Festival was not well-organized , I would like you to repeat it next year . I wish you could perform more plays and films , and there should be more varied art exhibitions . But I really appreciate it if you would take into consideration the problem with the lack of space in the concert halls . I hope you consider these pieces of suggestions . Yours sincerely It is really nice to hearing from you and I think we will learn so many interesting facts from each other . Personally , I can not imagine human life without rules , especially those that have to do with respecting other people . Moreover , I am in favour of rules at school because it is very important for children to learn how to cooperate with others . As far as I can remember , I had to respect a lot of rules but the most important concerning wearing the suitable clothes , to arrive in time and get on with every teacher and authority . As a consequence , most mates used to complain about those rules but all of us tried to put up with them . At home it is the other way about . Fortunately , rules are made by every member of the family so that no one complains about them . I must admit that I am able to do whatever I want , such as inviting friends , watching TV until midnight and so on . In fact , the only strong rule is to cooperate with house-keeping and meal . That is all ! Hope you enjoy my experiences Best wishes 17/6/00 Dear Sir/Madam I had a vary dissappointing evining last saturday . I had everythig planned , I and my family where coming to whatch your show and then have a decent meal at your theatre restaurant but it was disasterous . Firstly there was no available discount , as you said on your advertisement so even my 6 year old son was charged adult price . Then everything was going well untill the show did n't start ! Supposedly it was to start at 19:30 well it did n't , it started 45 minutes late , at exactly 20:15 . And By the way may I ask you how up to date your leaflets are because in spite of the ad vert saying the staring actor was Danny Brook , well it was n't . It was an other actor I had never heard of . That was a dissapointment for my whole family , infact all the viewers where very dissappointed . Anyway the show was nowhere as good as it was mentioned to be and it was definately worse than I had expected it to be , I did n't enjoy it at all so I was relying on the food to fill me up and relieve some of my stress . So as soon as the show was over we walked out and followed all the signs for about 5 minutes desparately searching for your restaurants our stomaches rumbling for food . Finally we found the place . The location is far too far away and , what do you know , the place is closed for restoration , and it has been for two weeks ! And your booking staff did n't know this obviously as they took our booking , with no problems whatsoever. they even gave us a table number . What kind of an organasation do you call this , sir/madam ? You do n't understand how dissappointed and angry I was that night . I was expecting a perfect night out but I came face to face with a total nightmare . And I am demanding a refund . Thankyou for your time and attention Yours Sincerely . The Revealed Secret Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . In fact he was one of the main busybodies of his neighborhood and his school so not alot of people in his school liked him. this was a vary bad thing about Pat 's school and also for Pat . Another bad thing about this school was that there where different types of students that formed groups . Some where just friend groups but others took it seriously , maby just a bit too seriously , they gave themselves names and acted as gangs rather than just groups of friends , and started picking on younger people , or mempers of other gang , trying to start fights with them . This whent on and on , got more and more serious but it was so secret that teachers did n't notice . One day one of those groups decided to have a party and although Pat was n't in their group they invited him too but told him very strictly to keep it a secret especially from the other groups . But Pat was so exited that he forgot all about the secret and told all of his best mates. and the word spread like wildfire and by the end of the day virtually everyone knew about this party . But luckily for Pat the word did not return to the group having the party . Everyone in the year was anoyed , but not with Pat , oh , no ! With the group having the party . No one could do anything about it. exept a few phcyco groups , some of the more serious ones decided to raid this party , just for the fun and meannes of it . That night the party commenced . Everyone was enjoying themselves exept Pat who had heard about the raid . So he was thinking up an excuse to go home early . But no excuses where working . Everyone was drunk and they simply would not let him go . Time was ticking away. he new the attack was coming anyminute. now , The time had come the who groups had comdined their forces and where ready to strike . They had water bombs and water pistols at the ready. they started charging down the field towards the fire and once in range everyone thew their balloon as far as they could. they all exploded with loud splashes . The group having the party thought this was a serious attack and started throwing back stones and shooting every one wit BB guns . Lots of People wher injured and even more where suspended the next day at school , when the Headmaster found out what had happened . Pat recieved no punishment at all and he was n't blamed for anything by his teachers or friends . But he felt awfull because he new that all this had happened because of him . Dear Jane Clark , I am writing about the International Arts Festival which has just finished . I congratulated with you because it has been a great idea since the town needed a cultural event . I especially appreciate the weekend tickets which almost everybody could afford , also students like me . However , I think that some concert halls were too small for the musical performances . You probably did not expect such a big audience ! Being very fond of films , I would have appreciate seeing more of them . For next year 's edition , you could possibly add some foreign films , like the Chinese ones , which I most like . Finally , in order to make a really international festival , I think you should invite artists from all over the world , not just from six countries like this year . I hope that you will appreciate my opinions and suggestions , which I have shared with my friends . Yours sincerely , Simply a good idea and that 's enough Are you young and full of life but you do n't have enough money to enjoy your spare time ? Simply let your brain work and you could find out wonderful ideas to earn money enjoying yourself . Are you fed up of looking after the screaming baby of your mother 's friend ? You could move from children to pets and become a dog-sitter , spending your afternoons walking round the park and chatting with a friend . Are you keen on music and you love going to disco ? With a short training you 'll be able to mix songs at parties . You wo n't dance but the earning is guarantee ! Do you like do-it-yourself and your house is full of marvellous but unuseful things ? You could sell them to a specialised shop and finally tidy up your room ! So , what are waiting for ? Work out your own idea and realise it : money wo n't be a problem for you anymore ! 16.12.00 Dear Clark , I am writing to response to the international Arsts Festival , which took place on 21-22 November . I would like to inform you , that it was a great idea and valuable activitie as a social event . However , it was a dissapointment , when I realised that not many countries were attending to the event . I could be fine if I had seen more countries from all around the world , for instance : far east , indonesia etc . It was n't complicated to find the right hall to the shows , I should say it was very well organised . But one thing , I have to mention is that some of the concert halls was too small and it was n't comfortable as well as to fell the great atmosphere . On the other side , I enjoyed to being on of the people to see the plays and films , dance shows which was brillantly performed - art exbitions . Listening talks by the famous writers was a opportunity which I could n't missed . I would like to ask , if you could expend the plays and films more for next year ? I have to add that the weekend ticket was a ideal idea to sell all the events . Finally , I preciate your organisation and look forward to hearing from the next International Arts Festival . 16.12.00 Dear Nico , Its really nice to hearing from you and thank you very much for the letter with photos . Its a good idea to send them to me , because I have to confess that I have lost my camera and also the films . What a pitty ! By the way how is your new school ? Did you like it more than the previous one ? I must say that our school rules are quite different than yours . First of all we have to stand up , when we speak to the teacher and have to pay full attention to the lessons . If you missed a lesson , that could be a trouble for yourself . I think it depends on the school . Privat schools have more relaxed atmosphere that the state school . They do n't have strike rules and students can take extra lessons . On the other hand , in the state schools as I said , we are more respectful to the teacher and bad behaviours are punished . For example , you have to do more homeworks or they are sending you home etc. Of course smoking is n't allowed at any part of the schol . I have a relaxed family and we are sharing all the houseworks . My Father does the cooking , my mother does the cleaning and I do tidying up ! But in many Families women are doing more than men . I ca n't accept that , because you have to share all the duties and spend more time together . Anyway it think that 's it for now . I hope to hearing from you soon . Lots of Love Dear Helen Ryan As you mentioned that I have won the competition - two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. therefore here is the information that you require . I can travel only in July because during this month I am free to go anywhere , actually it is my summer holiday . Apart from that I would n't mind at all whether to stay in tents or log cabins but if I have to choose between these two I 'd prefer to stay in tents because it gives me a nice feeling and relaxation , it is very unusal for me to stay in log cabins while you are camping . The activities that I 'd like to do : First one it would be basketball and to be honest I can play it very well due to I used to be a basketball player in my high school . Second activity it would be tennis , I am not the expert in this one because I 've played it only twice but I know how to hit the ball and basic stuff like ; serve the ball , back hand and fore hand to hit the ball . Finally I have something to ask you about how many people can stay in one tents ? Do I have to bring swimming suit if I want to swim in the camp ? How much money do I need and what else do I need to pay ? This information should enough for you but if you 'd like to know more about anything please ask me and do not hesitate . I 'm looking forward to it and I hope seeing you during this summer . Your sincerely , Sometime when you ask your friend especially girls . What would you like to after the class or during the weekend ? The typical answer would be ' I 'm going to shop because I like it even windows shopping would be fine ' . However , for me shopping is not always enjoyable . Why ? First of all , it 's wasting my time especially when I ca n't find the thing I want , this is very frustrating . In addition , it 's so tiring to walk around the place over and over to find the thing you want . Apart from that , it 's quite annoying when you have to compare or to survey the price in order to buy the cheapest one , if possible . Once you 've got all your shopping list , you also have to carry all the bags that you just bought which is very heavy sometime . However shopping is not a bad thing , only if you plan it carefully what to buy , where to go , how much money you will spend on ? Dear the competition organiser ( Helen Ryan ) I 'm as happy to heard that I have won the first prize . Here is the information you want from me . Firstly , I can only go in July . Because I 'm in the holiday that moment . I think I would prefer the accommodation at Camp California is in tents . Because it is more safety , and I do n't like to be in the log cabins . The activities are quite hard to choose really , because you have a lot of chose which is I like . But I think I will choose Basketball and Photography , because basketball is the only sport I can play well . Photography is a very interesting activitie , and is not too hard to do too . Here have some questions which I would like to ask , what kind of clothes sould I need ? How much did I need for the Camp ? Finally I hope the information I 've gave are useful for you , and hope you can answers my questions A.S.A.P . Yours Sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable Shopping , for most the people it is very important because you need to get the stuff you need or you want . For some people it may be a method to relax themselves , after you have been to work or school . So it is a thing you will enjoy most of the time , but still have something you will not enjoy it . It depends on what is the place and the aim you are shopping . For example some people always shopping to get food or stuff the need in everyday life , they wo n't enjoy this kind of shopping , because it is not getting what they want . The place where you are shopping also very important . For example in HK all the areas have lots of people it wo n't let you feel good of the noise and times when you are shopping . Because have too many people it make you want to stay home wo n't enjoy shopping . After I 've written this composition , I think that you will enjoy shopping most of the time , but still have sometimes you wo n't . London , 20th may , 2000 Circle Theatre Dear Sir/Madam , I am just writing this letter in order to complain about the musical show I have seen last Sunday at the evening . Firstly , I become very disappointed because of the actor , who was different from your advertisement , not Danny Brook was starring . Secondly , I was ready at 19:30 time , as you have announced , and I had to stay waiting in front of the theatre until 20:15 , when finally the show began . Besides of all , at the end of the Musical , I went to the your Theatre Restaurant , in order of taking a dinner , because I have leaft home without eating and so I was hungry at that time . Thus , you can n't believe what was my disappointment when I noted that it was closed , without no explanation . Finally , I would like to say you that I am asking for money back , because I had an evening totally despleased , completely different that you have anouced in your advertisement . So , I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , How has modern technology changed your daily life ? First of all , modern technology have changed my daily life the last five years more quickly than in the anchient time , or even than a ten years ago . I became to notice the difference in my work , since when all tasks have changed to the computer and I needed to learn how to use that machine . In addition , at the University teachers not accepted more written tasks done by hand , but only they should be written by computer . Besides , teachers began asking us a lot of article to be copied throught the internet . From that time , I decided to buy my own computer and every day I was improving my knowledge . Firstly I become to write letters and articles , next I learned several computers plays . When I learned how to use internet , I did n't stop until now . Nowadays , I can n't stay one day without consulting computers communications throught e-mail or internet . I change corespondecies with all my family by internet , my mother and 2 brothers who live in Curitilra City and so with a brother who live in Italy and another who is living in New Zealand . On balance , I can affirm that I could n't without this modern technology today . My life would n't be the same another time without these progress . Rome 16th December 2000 Dear Jane X , I 'm an italian boy who went to the International Arts Festival last November and I enjoyed most of the events I went to but given that I think that the Festival could be better next year I write you these lines in order to make you know some observations of mine about the festival . The Festival on its own is a great idea because there are n't many of these events dealing with art but I think that instead of inviting stars and artists only from six counties they could be invited really from all the world . Furthermore , and for sure it is not your fault , some of the halls for the concerts were too small and that prevented me from enjoying some of the concerts because of the noise but also prevented many people from entering the hall that was often two crowded . I hope next year plays and films will be more and that the ticket will be reasonably-priced as this year in way that people not really interested in arts could come and enjoy the festival . Friendly Rome 16th December 2000 Dear Marie , I 'm going to write you about rules in my country and I have to tell you that life in school is n't too hard because even if there are many rules to follow nobody does it . It 's written in the regulament that we ca n't leave the school during the breaks ; we ca n't smoke near the classrooms ; we had to justify our absences or late-enterings and even if you 're over eighteen your parents have to justify you with the teacher . At my home every rule must be respected . Even if my parents do n't look after me for all the matters like going out on nights or studying you do n't have to think that living in my house is like living in heaven because I ca n't play the guitar or listen to music at a loud volume or invite my friends for a Saturday night party . These are the things that I 'd like to chance ; I 'd like to do what I really want but I do n't know if I 'm really ready for this ! ! With love Dear Mrs. Ryan , I am writing as a reply to your letter , congratulating me to the winning of the first prize in your competition and inviting me to the Camp California in the U.S.A. I was delighted to hear from you and am already looking forward to spend two weeks in California . I am afraid that the only possible time for me to travel is in July because it is the only month I am able to get time off work . As an accomodation I would prefer sleeping in a tent because I enjoy the closeness to the nature while camping a lot . The two activities that I would like to do at the Camp are sailing , which I have never done before and tennis which I already play quite well . I need to know how much money you would advise me to bring and what sort of clothes I should take with me . I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience and to get to know you personally in July . Yours faithfully , Esther Meyer Dear Kim , thanks a lot for your long letter ! It was great to hear from you again after such a long time . You asked me , how the pop concert was like which I told you I was going to go to in my last letter . Well , let me tell you , it was just awesome ! My job was it , to help to keep all the little kids out of the backstage area . Therefore I got to stay backstage all the time and to see all the members of the " Backstreet Boys " . And , you wo n't believe it , I actually got to talk to Nick Carter ! Yes , that was the best thing about the concert but I actually just enjoyed the whole experience to be part of the crew . I sort of felt , like I had done my part to make the concert a sucess . Do you know , what I mean ? Anyway , I 've got to study now , we 've got a maths exam tomorrow . Hope to hear from you soon Lots of love , Esther Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to you first of all to thank you about the good programme that you give us about the trip in London , especially for planning to visit the science museum , which we believe is going to be very interesting . However , we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we would like to suggest to including this point in the programme . The show is going to be on Tuesday the 14 of March from 10.00 to 19.00 and we fained it very interesting , because we will have the opportunity to see mews , firstly about the latest fashions , secondly concerning leisure and sports wear and finally about make up and hairstyles . In addition of this , it is going to be a great opportunity for all of us , because for the students it is completely free . We were thinking that meaby we can go early to visit the Science Museum and than go to the Central Exhibition , where the event is going to have place ! We really look forward to receiving your answer as soon as possible ! Thank you very mutch ! Your sincerely , We have been talking for hours in our class about the treatment of the media regarding famous people . Of course I must agree with the opinion of my class - mates : famous people , such as actors , singers or politicians , deserve to have a private life , but of course it is not always like this ! Almost the time they have journalists following them everywhere and all the time , looking for great news or interesting pictures to put on the first page of the newspaper , and I do n't think this is very nice , but is the price that famous people have to pay , just becouse they are popular . Anyway , this is not always necessary a problem , but it can be a big thing for the famous person , becouse let people talking about him and increase his popularity . In conclusion , I can say that this is not the bigger problem that the world has and -- it is not my problem becouse I am not famous ! Dear Mr. Robertson , My name is Bao-yu Liao . I am representative of our class in your college to write to you . We are very grateful for what you have well-organised the programme going to London for us . It is a good programme , especially National Art Gallery is one of the most places we would like to visit . This is because we are very interested in art . In fact , some of our classmates have seen an advertisement for the ' London Fashion and Leisure Show ' . Concidently the show is in London and on Tuesday March 14 which is during the period we are in London for the three-day programme . We think it is a great opportunity because we are very interested in art and fashion . Of course , leisure as well . Therefore , if it is possible , we would like to see the show in the afternoon on 14 March instead of going shopping . It would be very much appreciated if you could arrange the programme to be changed . We look forward to hearing a good news from you soon . Yours sincerely , Famous people , such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time . We know it does not matter they are famous or not , everyone has his own privacy . However , as human beings , almost all of us are curious . We like to know and chat about gossip . This is why gossip magazines are so popular . Due to commercial value , journalists have to follow them all the time to peep their private lives to satisfy us . There , it is impossible for journalists to stop chasing them . However , journalists should not only think about commercial value , but morality and priciples are also being concerned . Of course , it everyone pays less attention or interest , the situations should be better . I remember in August 1997 Princess Diana died in the car crash was one of the most disarster examples . Although we can not deny it is our nature - curious , we can improve our sence of morality and try to think about the importance of privacy for them . Actually , I am happy to hear that journalists have learned their lesson from the death of Princess Diana and try to let her children and Royal family have more privacy . Lets all leave them more freedom to enjoy their private lives . Basle , 12th Decembre 2000 ( Your English class N3c ) Dear Mr Robertson , We have received the programme . We 'd like to thank you for organising good programme , especially the shopping tour on Tuesday . Our class is especially interested in latest fashion and trends . London is a good place for discovering it . We 've seen an advertisement for ' the London Fashion and Leisure Show ' and all of us are very interested in it . It 's an exhibition of fashions , sport wears , make up and hairstyles . We think it is a great opportunity because there are some people in our class who like to study fashions after leaving this school . And everyone of us is interested in fashions and clothes ! This exhibition is situated in Central Exhibition Hall , London . We 've noticed that the exhibition will be on Tuesday , 14th of March . Could we change our programme ? We 'd like to do our shopping tour on next following day ( Wednesday afternoon ) instead of Tuesday afternoon . What do you think about our suggestion ? Please write back as soon as possible . We hope to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully Basle , 12th Decembre 2000 Dar Oxana , Thanks for your letter . It 's nice to hear from you again . In your letter , you asked me wheter the book I 've read would be a suitable present for your cousin 's fifteenth birthday . It 's my pleasure to write my suggestion for you now ! You know I love reading books , it 's my passion . I 've read all the books of English author Ernest Hemingway . They are great I tell you ! But I think your cousin is too young for it . Why ? Because he especially concentrates on history , social life and politic situation in the time the story is played . That might be quiet complicated to understand , especially for young people . For me , his books are great . But anyway , do you know the book with the title ' The Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie ' ? It 's written by Agatha Christie . She 's an American and her books concentrate on crime and detective stories . Her books are n't difficult to understand . She especially write books for young people . And I think this book is a very good one for your cousin . You wrote that your cousin is quite intered in magic , detectives and sport , did n't you ? I think this is the best choice for him ! I 've send you a copy of the summary from the book and an interesting article about the author and the book . Please read it and write your comments . I hope to hearing from you soon ! Have fun with it and say hello to your cousin ! See you soon ! Love , Dear Mr Robertson , I 'd like thank you to take us on a trip to London and have made such a good programme , especially the river trip to Greenwich . It also will be " The London fashion and leisure show " on the 14th of March , which consist on an exhibition of the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . Indeed it will be free for us as we are students . As you know we are in England to learn your language and also your lifestyle , and we thought this show would be a good opportunity for us to discorve this way of your country ! May I suggest an alternative ? We could go to science museum on wednesday morning and to the National Art Gallery . We only need wake up earlier and take part of the lunchtime to do both the same morning , but that would leave us go to show on tuesday , because we can use the wednesday 's free time to do our shopping . I hope that my idea sweet you and you 'll agree . Sincerely , Tuesday , 12th December Dear Annette , Thank you for your letter , like usual , it 's a pleisure to receive a word from you . I understood that you 're looking for your cousin 's birthday present , and you 'd like give to him a book , which , I think , it 's a good idea . The last book I read was Wuthering Heights by Emilie Brontë . It 's a fantastique book , which I recommend to everybody keen on lovestories . It 's a perfect combinaison between passion and life difficulties . I recone that it 's quite not an easy reading , but as you described your cousin , I think she really will enjoy it , she 's such good in litteracy , that it wo n't be a problem for her . I really think you should choose this one for her , it does go with her personnality . It 'll be a good point for her general culture , Wuthering Heights it 's a classic , which everybody knows about it , even if they did n't have read it , they , at liest , know the story . Let me know what would be your choice . Love from , Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing you to complain about ,,Over the Rainbow musical show which took a place in The Circle Theatre several weeks ago . First of all , advertisement for the shows provided absolutely WRONG information about actors . Danny BROOK , who should play according your advertisement was replaced by an another actor and it disappointed me . The show should start at 19.30 , however , the audience have been waiting for fourty five minutes . Also , in the advertisement you have mentioned discounts which were not provided . The theatre restaurant was closed that evening and I had not recieved the explanations why . On the whole , the evening was boring and disappointing . Based on everything listed above , I would like to recieve £ 10 , which I have paid , back . The ticket for the show is included . Look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , How has morden technology changed my life . New technologies have become the part of our lives . There are a lot of arguments about the weather this influence is negative or positive . Nevertheless , it has affected every person and hopefully in a good way . Personally , I consider modern technologies as a positive innovation . Using microwave oven or vacuum cleaner saves me a lot of time . Computer is extrrmely convenient in writing reports and essays . And , of course , I can not forget about cars and planes that deliver us to all parts of the Earth . However , many people , insist that new technologies affect people in a negative way . I would better prefer seeing my father talking to his family instead of staring at blue screen of TV . But also , I would not be able to imagine my life without the nice way of reciving news with help of it . Counting pros and cons , I tend to think that there are more positive points in working out and manufacturing new technologies than negative ones anyway . Modern girl or boy already would not be able to imagine life without them . 12.12.2000 Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to ask permission to go to the London Fashion and Leisure Show . I would be very greatful if you could let us to go the show . I would like to give you some details about the show that I saw its advertisement yesterday . It is in the Central Exhibition Hall in London . It starts at 10.00 am and finishes 19.00 pm. The date of the show is on Tuesday 14th of March . It is really great opportunity to go to the show when we are in London . We would like to go there because it is very popular nowadays . I 've heard that Leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles are really wonderful . It is also free for students . We all know that you organised everything . However , we can change the programme . Here are some suggestions that I would like to let you know . We have free timer on Wednesday 15th of March in the afternoon so we can go to the Science Museum on Wednesday . We can also do shopping quickly after sightseeing of London . I would be very pleased if you let us to go to the show . I also would like to say thank you for organising the good program for us . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , A DAY OF MY LIFE It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . That day , I got up early because I had n't slept very well . I checked everything again and again . I was afraid of doing it but I had to do it . It was the first time I had robbed a bank . I was her best friend . I promised her to find a money for her operation . She was at the hospital and she was really bad . That time , I could n't imagine how my life would change . After I had had my breakfast I put my clothes on . I did n't want anybody to recognise me . Despite feeling really bad I left home . I got into my car and started it . When I arrived the bank I got out of the car and went into the bank . I told everybody to lie down . They did it . I asked cashier to give me all money . Before I took money one of the cashier had pressed a button to call a police . I quickly left bank . However , it did n't take long that they caught me soon . The policeman arrested me and I stayed in a prison for 15 years . The worst thing was my friend died after 10 days I was arrested . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing about our class trip to London . First of all , I appreciate you well-organised programme , especially , " River Trip to Greenwich " which we requested . It would be the most excising activity in this trip . However , I saw the advertisement of " THE LONDON FASHION AND LEISURE SHOW " in the newspaper today , and told all classmates about it . We are very interested in going this show . So I would like to suggest you to change the part of programme for visiting this show . This show is held in Central Exhibition Hall , London on Tue . 14 , March , and open from 10:00 to 19:00 . We can see the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up , and hairstyles which we will learn next term . Therefore , I think it is great idea to visit the show for our knowledgement . Furthermore , the addmission is free for students . Unfortunately , our programm is fixed but I think we could change the part of the programme . For example , " shopping on 14 , March ' can be changed to 15 , March instead of " Free time " . So we will be able to use the time at the afternoon on 14 , March for visiting the show . I hope that you would give us an opportunity to visit the show . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours Sincerely , Some people said that famous people such as politicians , and film stars , needs to have a private life without journalists following them all the time . I strongly agree with this . Firstly , most people might remember the sad story of " Princess Diana " she died in Paris few years ago while she was escaping from lots of journalists called " Paparach " . If she was not followed by journalists , she would n't die . So , this fact shows obviously that famous people without private life could be the victim . But on the other hand , ordinary people , including me , are keen on watching film stars or super models fashion . Moreover , people are interested in their life style . I think that is the reason why journalists are still chasing famous people after " Princess Diana 's " accident . However , secondly , famous people are not " ailen " so that they might do something , for example , ashame things in public space or argument with partner or family even put on swimming costume like us . So they can be just ordinaly people like us . We have to think about this way . Overall , people should think if we were famous people ... and then we can find the answer that all people , including famous people , need private life and would like to behave in ordinaly life . Dear Ms Clark , I am very glad to write to you . I spent two days at the International Arts festival you organised . I enjoyed most of the events I went to , but I feel that the festival could be even better next year . Here are some opinions and suggestions : Although your advertisement said there would be stars and artists from around the world , I was able to see artists from only six countries . Additionally , some concert halls were too small to relax , while most of them were very comfortable . It was a pity for me that there were fewer plays and films than I had expected . I suggest to you that you should organise more next year . On the other hand , there were a lot that impressed me very much . For example , there was one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events . It is a very good way to increase the number of music-lovers . Last but not last , I would like to thank you for devoting yourself to making this festival wonderful every year . I enjoyed it very much . Sincerely yours , Long long ago , there lived in a province of Bizen in Japan an old woman and an old man . They were eagar to have a child , but they had never been able to . One day , the woman went to the riverside , and found a peach floating in the river . She brought it to her house , cutting it with her husband . To their surprise , there was a boy in the peach ! They named him Momotaro , and looked after him . The boy had grown and had become very strong when he heard that there were lots of devils on Onigashima Island who robbed many people in Bizen of much money and many treasures . He made up his mind to defeat them , and asked his stepmother for some kibidango , one of traditional snacks in Japan . Having eaten the kibidango , he departed for Onigashima with three friends of him : a dog , a monkey and a bird . Reaching the island , he and his friends fought bravely against the devils . They finally succeeded n defeating the devils , and took back all the money and treasures . After that , they went home . All the people in Bizen including his stepparents met Momotaro and his friends with a great joy . This story happened a long time ago . Helen Ryan Competition Organiser . Dear Madame , I have received your good news and I 'm very happy because I have always wished go to California and now it 's real , so , thank you very much about that . First at all , I would like to give you some further information from me and secondly , I 'll ask you for some doubts that I have . About , when I would like to travel I think that my answer will be easy for you , because , I have two months off those are July and August so , my travel should be in between , my accomodation I would like to stay in tent because I remember my holidays in the south of Peru , long time ago , it was wonderful . With regard to the activities at the Camp , I would like to choose basketball and photography , because I think that basketball is very complete sport for training your muscles and I used to play in a league in my country , it 's hard but at the same time lovely . The other selection has been done because I like to much discover different places and with a camera is possible to do it easily . If it possible for you to help me in some doubts I have , I 'll be really greatful . One is with regard to how much additional money you believe will be enough to enjoy the holiday ? Another thing is if the meals are include or I have to paid for them ? Once again , thanks . Waiting for your reply , best wishes . Your faitfull . Daniel Ortiz Dear Kim , I have heard from you recently and I 'm really happy , I hope you and your family are well . I know that my girlfriend told you that I was helping at a pop concert and enjoyed it very much . Besides , she told me that you are very keen to know how was my experience , so I 'll give you some information in this letter that I 'm sure you will be glad , even you have not been in the concert . First at all , I 'll tell you that in the day concert I woke up at 6:30 A.M , very early for me , you know me I 'm lazzy , the work began around 8:30 , was very hard but when the band come for training , since this moment I was enjoining to work until the concert had finished , the atmosphere was wonderful , the musicians were very kind with every one who was working because they understood that a concert is a job to be done by a team . During the concert I listened the band like everybody , besides I earned money so , was a wonderful experience . Looking forward to hear from you . You Sincerely . Dear Jane Clark Hello , I spent two days at your annual international arts festival . I was very impressed and I wish you could make the festival better next year . I think International Arts Festival is a great idea , because you can see how other country 's art is , but I think in this festival , there were too many country 's people . You should pick only six countries , so it wo n't be very busy and another reason is that the concert hall is too small that the people ca n't even dance in classical concerts . This years ' plays and films ' was too short . I was very disappointed about this , but the other shows were great . I felt very good about all these shows . In my opinion , the tickets for all events is a wonderful idea , because everybody has a chance to see everything and the people would think this is a great festival . What do you think about picking five people and give them tickets for ' Art Travel ' ? I think this is a good idea . Generally it was very good and I wish more people would come next year . Yours Faithfully , Dear Tim , I 'm glad to have your letter back soon . Do you want to know about our country 's rules ? I think your country and our country 's rules are the same . First , In school , we are not allowed to run . This is very important , because many accidents happen because of running . When we need to go upstairs , you have to keep left and when you have to go downstairs , you need to keep left as well . You have to do your homework and do your best what you 're asked to do . You ca n't go to the toilet during the class , because you are interrupting the other student 's study and there are more.. like when the class starts you have to keep quiet and you ca n't say anything while the teacher speaks . Second , at home we all have different rules . Some family have rules that you have to put spoons and dishes everyday . I think the main rule is when you can play computer games , because they love computer games . Tell me about English rules . I 'm curious about it . Your best wishes from Dear Mr Robertson : Firstly , I 'm very glad to hear from you . Thank you for being organised the programme for our class , I think you may think about a long time that how shall we study during three days . We have seen your programme , and like all of those , especially the Science Museum , it will good for us to increase our knowledge , and so on . Secondly , I wonder if you know it will have " London fashion and Leisure " be showed on Tuesday in Central Exhibition Hall . In other words , what they will introduce , is most interested in us , I mean it 's conflict with your plan , what a pity ! All of us want to go to the show , the generation who are the same ago with us all like make up , become beautiful , and it 's important that it will free for students and just be showed one day . So , we do n't want lose this chance . Finally , we would like to get your permition to go , maybe if it is possible that you change your programme , we may be going to your college any time after Tuesday . We 're sorry to give you trouble . We look forward to hearing from you again as soon as possible . Best Wishes It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . This story happed two years ago . That was a very hot summer , every people in our city like to swim in the river , perhaps they did n't think it was interesting if they swimed in the pool . Personally , I 'd like to say I was good at swimming . Not only I was a member of swimming team in our school , but also I was tought by my father since I was five years old , So I would understood some skills and how to protect yourself from my Dad , if you had a accident . One day , I passed by a river in accident , I saw there were a lot of people playing in the river . Suddenly , I heard of " help , help " in my distance . In a while , lots of passed-by crowed to the river-side . To my surprise , nobody want to save that boy who was shouting , just stood there , like lots of " champ " . I started think about it , after all , either had I neve done this task before , or trained . I just 15 years old . Finally , I jumped into the river , I really knew that was dangerous , but I have n't think about anything except " justify " this word . I also extremely hated those people who stood there all the time . Thank goodness , I succeed , save that struggled child . When I went the river-side bank , I saw some red-faced . Dear Sir , First of all I would like to say that organising an International Arts Festival was a great idea . I enjoyed it and found worthy to visit . The Annual International Arts Festival , which was held on the 21st and 22nd of November , was colourful with the stars and artist coming from around the world . Although this was true , they were from only six countries . You could have let us get used to more cultures by inviting from some other countries too . The concert halls were not big enough to let all the guests in . So I could hardly participated in all of the concerts . The organisation was very good I found chances to see dance shows , art exhibitions and to listen to writers , but there could be more plays and films next year . It was really a reasonably-priced weekend for me , but you should also recognise new activities like competitions on singing songs , drawing a portrate next year . Then it would be excellent . Thanks for everything . Yours Sincerely , Dear Ana , I have received your letter . It is nice to hear from you again . I 'm in a hurry , so I will directly come to the point . Everywhere and everytime in our lives we face with the rules . Some find them as a source of protection of their rights and others as a limitation of them . For me they are both . At schools we have certain rules like being in the class , sitting in your place before the lecture starts , bringing in your equipment with you , keeping quiet during the lessons and raising your hand when you want to talk . I think these are international rules which help things to go in order . Contrary there are other rules which annoy us like the clothing ones . You should wear the same things every time , no changes and alternations are allowed . It makes us like robots and feel bad psychologically , because we want to be different and free in wearing . Also the attendance rules put a strain on us . If we do n't come to school for 10 days , then we ca n't pass the class . They do n't care if we have problems , exams to study or if we are ill . At homes we have again rules , but more flexible ones . You should be punctual when coming to dining table , respectful , do your home works and watch TV less and not too loud . I would like to change the attendance and clothing rules in school , but I do n't have the enough power . They are against democracy I think . Anyway hope to hear from you soon . With all my love , Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about a musical show that I saw in your theatre . First of all , Danny Brook was supposed to act there , but he was replaced by another actor . This situation made me feel very disappointed . Secondly , the show should have started at 19:30 p.m. , and it began fourty-five minutes later . Moreover , when I went to buy the tickets no discounts were avaliable . Furthermore , I wanted to have a coffe after the show , but when I tried to get to the theatre restaurant , it was closed . A police officer who was there told me that the manager of the restaurant was ill and that he did n't allowed anyone to open it . This was the worst night that I had during my stay in London . For all that reasons , I want you to refund the cost of the tickets and to send the money back to my house . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Her school 's class-matters were going to give their friend Maria a party and it was going to be a surprise to her . They organized everything . The event was going to take place in the garden of Paula 's house . Some of them were in charge of bringing music . The others had to bring food . That day afternoon they arrived at Paula 's house in order to decorate the place . Ballons and coloured lights were put in all the trees . A table was laid with a lot of delightful food and a beautiful cake was in the centre of it . Some time later all the things were finally prepared . The garden was wonderful . The children were very enthusiastic because they thought that Maria was going to be very happy with this surprise . But things did n't happen as they had been planned . Because when Maria reached the house , they realised that she had been told about the party and they supposed that Pat had done this . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am very happy to know that I have won the first prize in you competition . I am writing in order to give you all the details that you need from me . First of all , I would like to travel in July because I think California is better in Summer . Regarding accommodation , I would prefer to stay in a log cabin because cabins seem to be more comfortable than tents . According to your letter , I will be able to take part in two activities at the Camp . Let me tell you that I would like to sing and play tennis . As a matter of fact , I am very good at both of them . Finally , I would like you to tell me if I will need some special clothes . If the answer is yes , could you tell me which kind of clothes I will need . One other thing , it would be useful to know if I will need to take with me some extra money . If the answer is yes , could you tell me how much money I will need to take with me . I look forward to receiving you reply . Yours sincerely , DENIS JIMENEZ Introduction This report is to suggest which lessons and activities should be filmed in order to make the video about daily life at school . Lessons and Activities suggested Lessons attended in the language laboratory . Special lessons attended in the library . Students using the computer and video room Activities connected with the social programme such as international evenings , sing along parties and indoor games . Ordinary lessons attended by students from different levels . By filming ... Lessons and activities which take place in the language laboratory , in the library and in the computer and video room , we can also show the school 's facilities and how students take advantage of them . Ordinary lessons , it is a good way of showing the relationship between students and teachers . Activities connected with the social programme , we can show how students make the most of their time at school when they are not attending their ordinary lessons or using the facilities . Conclusion I would recommend the lessons and activities mentioned above in order to make the video in question . Dear Helen Ryan , Thank you for your letter . I am very happy to have won your competition . In order to confirm my schedule for travel I have won in your competition , I am writing some information to you below . I would like to go to " Camp California " on July because I will have to produce " Mission Impossible III " from August . I will be busy to decide everything about this film and will not have enough time to go there . I would prefer in tents as a accommodation because it sounds thrilling and even ecstatic for me and also I have never tried this kind of accommodation before . I would like to choose Swimming and Tennis . To produce a film is very hard work . I must keep a good condition to make a masterpiece . Swimming is really nice for my relaxing and I can do exercise for a long time . On the other hand , tennis stimulates my body and soul . It is good for my inspiration . I do n't have anything I would like to ask you . I look forward to going to go " Camp California " . Your sincerely , Hi ! Kim . How have you been ? Hope you have n't been working too hard ! By the way , Do you want to hear my experience about pop concert ? OK ! Here we go ! I enjoyed helping at a pop concert last month . There are a lot of people . I conveyed a lot of chairs and looked after the que or people who lost their way . It sounds really bad but I enjoyed this pop concert to my heart 's content . I like " X " . " X " is the musician who sang songs at a pop concert . My aim joining this concert as a stuff was that I could see " X " . I know you like " X " as well . Do you envy me ? The concert was enthusiastic and even made me ecstatic . His voice is also soulful and sometimes even gave us blissful . Sounds good , does n't it ? Hope we join the next pop concert together as a stuff and enjoy our time ! Bye Dear Mr Robertson Thank you for the programme you have organised for our visit to London . We think it will be a very interesting trip , especially the sightseeing by bus . In our class , we have read an advertisement for the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " , which will take place at the Central Exhibition Hall in London on Tuesday 14 March from 10:00 to 19:00 . As we are going to be in London on this date , we think , it could be a great oppurtunity for us to go there because we are very interested in the latest fashions , make up , etc. and it is free for students . Because of this reasons , we would kindy ask you to change the programme , so that we could go to this especial event . We suggest visiting the Science Museum in the afternoon on Wednesday 15 March and canceling the Shopping on Tuesday 14 March . Hoping on your agreement and looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , An especiall invitation It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I was having holidays with my parents and some friends in India and we were enjoying talking to people and eating the local food . One day we were invited from locals to visit a little town five hours away from New Dehli . Although my parents were very happy of having such an especial opportunity visiting a place with no tourists , I was a little bit scared . In this country my parents used to buy water in bottles to have it clean , but in the little town we did n't had this possibility and the family where we were staying with , kindly boiled the water for us . We spent 2 weeks with the family . The first week was find , but on the second week I got very seek . I think it was the water . My mother tried to get a doctor , but they said there was no one . Some days later we went back to Dehli and having being to the doctor and having again bottled water , I was feeling healthy again . 25th November 2000 Dear Mr Clark , I have seen your advertisement in " the Sun " newspaper on 10th November , and I went to the festival on last Friday . Most of the events were wonderful and well-organised . I enjoyed it , but I think it could be even better next year , so I would like to give my inmature views of it . Firstly , the idea of holding this International Arts Festival is great . I made people enjoyed their weekend , relaxed themselves , also it brought the foreign culture to them , enlarged their kownlegth . In addition to it , one weekend ticket for all events was only £ 10 , this was excellent , it made people only spend pocket-money , and then they could watch all the events at the weeked , for them it is really economical to spent their weekend . So my friends told me that was his cheapest weekend . Moreover , the stars and artists were only from six countries , In my opinion , if you can invite more stars and artists from more countries , it will make the festival more exciting , more intesting , and from my point of view , some concert halls were too small , the people in there could n't even go to the loo ! because it was too crowed . Finally , the plays and films were wonderfully welcomed , as far as I 'm concerned . If you can show more play and films It will achieve a good effect . This are only my inmature views , if it is considerable for you , I will be very pleased , thank you very much . I 'm look forward to hearing your replies . yours sincerely , 16 , Dec. 2000 Dear Yasmin , It was really pleased to receive your letter yesterday , you asked me about rules ; both at my home and at my school , I am very happy to tell you about this . At my school , we are n't allowed to smoke inside the building , because the building is made of wood , it tend to catch fire easily , and we are n't allowed to use Internet , there are only ten computers in the school , only teachers can use it , if we used , we would be sent to the head office of the school . At my home , there are many rules , because I 'm careless , so I am n't allowed to smoke at home as well : and I 'm not allowed to use telephone , because last year I made £ 1000 bill for one month , my parents were very angry with it , so they told me I am not to use telephone any more , oh , How poor ! How is the weather like in England , I hope it is n't too wet , please give my regards to your parents . Lots of love , Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to make a complain about your theatre and the musical show ,,Over the rainbow . Firstly , in your advertisement was said that Danny Brook has a part in the show , but there was a different actor in the play . This fact disappointed me a lot . Secondly , there was written in the advertisement , that the show begins at 19.30 , however , it started at 20.15 . According to the advertisement , discounts should be available , but , in fact , I was refused to take the payment for tickets in this way . It was very uncamfortable for me . In addition to this , your theatre restaurant was closed because it was too late ( the show did not start on time ) . Everybody , who came to it 's doors , had to go to the other restaurant in bad mood . I could have understood this if the musical show had been marvellous , but it was not even quite interesting . Furthermore , I would like you to return my money . You promised me perfect evening out , but it was one of the most terrible in my life . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She was 25-years-old secretary in one big company . Her boss was rich man , really rich . His name was Timson White . He was one of the most famous person in his city , but he was n't honest with his clients . Pat had worked for him for two years . Certainly she knew a lot of secrets . One of them was about her boss ' private life : he had got illegal son . Timson 's wife , who was good looking and young , could n't know about this , but one beautiful day she asked him how his son was and where he was at that moment . Timson was really shocked ! He even could n't say a word . He tried to make up who could give his wife knows . Of course , only one person had known this except his best friends . This was his secretary Pat , however , he could n't be sure and decided to check it up . Next day he understood that he was right . Timson had a row at home and also needed new secretary . It was the worst weekends in a last few years . On the other hand , now everything is o.k. Timson has a good close family , his son lives with them , his company makes a good profit ... Only Pat has problems , she should earn her living in other company again ! Dear Sir / Madame , Today a recived your letter , it is the most wonderful news I here in a long time . I am so please that I won this prize , that I can not explain how greateful I am . I wase n't expecting this prize because was to good to be true . My family decide to visit my grandmother in Orlando , because she got some problems with the swiming-pool , she ask my parents to help her in a new swiming pool building . Because this situation I be very busy on the first week of july , and I apreciate if you can give me the choice to start my " Camp California " from July 10th . About the Accomodation I would prefer to sleep on the tents , because I never been in one , and it is a lot more fun than log cabins . Because I seen my father playing golf since I was a child I am very kind on this sport , and also I love photography because I got a great Camara . I am really looking forward to see you soon . When I was a child I never like to go shopping because my Mum spend so much time on the shops that I remember going shopping with her , was a nigthmare . It is ameaising how people change during the years , for example now shopping for me is one of the most entertaining things , and every week I have to buy something . I enjoy so much fashion that my life change completely since I start to study clothes designer and I discover that fabrics , colors , are really enjoyable . But in this days shopping is not always enjoyable , because if you decide to buy a very expensive designer and you pay full price , on the end of the season it is half price , I find very anfair for people who pay a lot of money on their clothes . Anyway , shopping is allways a satisfation for rich people , because they can afforded and they do n't main to spend full price on their clothes . 17/06/2000 Mr Smith , I write you because last friday I had a very disappointing evening in your theatre . I went there because I had read a banner about the musical show " Over the rainbow " , but many informations were wrong . Last week I was in London with my friends and we decided to go to the theatre to see how the famous Danny Brook act . But when we arrived at 2.00 pm to see the show of 2.30 p.m. , we could n't enter in the theatre because the discounts were n't available . So we returned in the evening and we waited 45 minutes until the beginning of the show ! No only : we had the bad surprise that Brook had been substituded by another actor ! I ask you if is it possible to have my money back , please , because I want to forgot that expense . Thank you . Yours faithfully Modern technology ca n't not transforme our daily life . The inventions of the airplane , of the train and of the car , have reduced the distances of the world , so we can go to the other side of the world in half a day . It means that daily life is faster and busier because I 'm able to go to school in the morning and then to play soccer in the afternoon , and after few minutes I can stay in the other side of Lecce to play piano with my musical band , then I can go back home when I want , listening the notices about what happens around the world with the radio of my car . So I have must more interestings things to do in my life . But the most important innovation of technology development is the computer . In everytime of the day I can communicate with people of all nationality of the world , I can have informations about everything , I can buy something which I ca n't find in the shops of my town , so I can do anything just clicking on the mouse ! Sadly , there is also a negative aspect . Sometimes , computer substitudes real relationships between people . In fact , many boys pass several hours in front of their computer and the forgive that out of their houses there are their friends .... In conclusion , I think that modern technology get my life more interesting , but I prefer to stay with my friends and with my girlfriend then in front of a computer ! Dear Manager , I am writing to complain about the Musical Show , I have seen last week . There is some disagreement a between your advertisement and show , which I could see at the Circle Theatre . First of all , I would like to indicate that you put wrong starting and finishing hours . The Musical started at 20:15 not at 14:30 - as you have mentioned . It was very surprising for me and I had got a lot of trouble with coming back home at night - when it finished . Furthermore , there was no Danny Brook at the stage . She is my famous artist and I was coming there mainly because of him . If this made me really disappointed - he was n't playing there . Another point , I want you to consider , is restaurant . The place you have offered was closed and there was nothing to eat inside the theatre at all . Despite changing the hours , you have closed the restaurant without any reason . Could you possibly explain why you did n't provide us anything to eat ? Finally , you have advertised , I would have perfect evening out . Unfortunately , I ca n't say that . I am very disappointed and I would like to ask you for giving my money back . I think , this could be the only , right possibility for me , to forget about my not interesting evening . I would appreciate it , if you could consider my complaint . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully FASHION OF THE FUTURE Try to imagine : the wide , colourful street with many fantastic cars and shinny large shops . Try to think about people in weird black and grey clothes on them . It is n't a film , it is n't even a picture from mysterious books . It 's a REALITY , its the FASHION OF THE FUTURE ... People were wearing almost everything , during more than 2000 years of their living on Earth . Everything was changing : style , colour qual . Fashion . Their clothes were always strictly connected with their lifestyle , climate and money . We saw almost all kinds of skirts , trousers , coats , skirts and even hats - which untill nowadays are the main point of many fashion creatures . What can we suspect then ? What something new has n't been invented for now ? I say it to you - black and grey . These are two powerful colours , which will be expanding for the nearest 100 years . The climate is changing , so we would have only two seasons . And we will need only two colours : grey for hot days and black for cold ones . Women will wear only skirts and dresses but men will be strictly connected with trousers . I hope , there will be times , when women would like to be again thought as delicate and sensible human beings . Showing their figure , they would have possibility to show their sexuality . But , do n't forget , any exhibitionism ! We have too many taken off people around us , now . And it will be the past . Streets of 21st century will be smart . So , are you interested in that style ? Do you agree with me ? If not , you are very poor . This fashion is coming , so think about it . Grey and black - like weather seasons , like people charakters , like all night and dark sourranding us . These are the colours of the FUTURE . Dear Manager , Recently , I had a week 's holiday in London and during my stay , I went to your theatre to see " Over The Rainbow " and I was really disillusioned . In the advertisement , it was told that Danny Brook was starring , but in place of him there was a different actor and he was really dissapointing . I could not see any portion of Danny Brook 's performance at him . Also , in the schedule , the time of the show was written as 19:30 , but it started at 20;15 and , I missed the dinner I was going to have with my best friend in London . Since I am a student and not as rich as Bill gates , I was short of money and I was very pleased to hear that there were discounts available for the tickets ; but I had to give the exact price of the ticket , which I consider as a fault of your theatre . In addition to these , it was mentioned that your restaurant was open after the show , but it was not because there was no food to be served . As you can understand , it was a dreadful time and I went my money back as a solace for the dissapointment I had . Yours Sincerely , TECHNOLOGY AND MY DAILY LIFE In my daily life , I use the facilities of modern technology very often and it really makes my life easier to live . However , I go far away from my family and other people and have virtual relationships . Until 1996 , I used to go to school on foot or by public bus ; but since 1996 ; I take the underground to go to school . It is much quicker , and I do not have to wake up very early in order not to be late . Also , I use my computer and Internet very much in order to reach some information , do my projects and communicate with my friends . To talk to a friend from another city or country instantly online is really nice and exciting . I do not have to wait for a letter for days and I gain so much time again . on the other hand , because of dealing with computers so much , I can not see my family and friends very much , even when we are at the same medium . It is really bad to make your human relations get weaker . But despite this , I am very happy with the facilities of technology in my daily life . Dear Ms Jane Clark , Recently I visited an arts festival , organized with your help . I enjoyed it very much and I think the idea of its creation is great . However , I have some proposals about its improving next year . At first , I propose to invite stars and artists not from all the world , but from only six countries . This change will give opportunity to create some different performance . The second my proposition is about classic concerts . I suppose that some concert halls are too small , so you should be sure about it in advance . This year I noticed that there were only few plays and films . From my point of view , there should be more films because this part of the festival is interesting for people . And , at last , I should congratulate you with the decision of making one weekend ticket for all events . I support this idea which is convinient both for people and organisators . I hope you will consider my proposals . I am looking forward for this festival next year . Yours faithfully , Dear Ana , Thanks for your letter and postcard . It was really nice . The things you wrote about in your letter are quite common for me , because we , actually , have some problems about our rules . At first , about school . I 'm really fed up with our school forne ! It is awfull ! And the problem is that nobody wants to wear it . That 's why our headmaster is really angry . Off course , if we had such pretty forne like yours , we would wear it with pleasure . But it 's impossible at the moment . What should I say you about home ... We are quite friendly family , that 's why we actually do n't have some special rules . However , we promised our perents to make cleaning up every week . This is all I wanted to write you about rules . I miss you very much . I 'm looking forward to see you next summer after my exams . Write me what do you think about it . Kisses to your family , Dear Sir/Madam , During my stay in London I decided to see a musical show called " OVER THE RAINBOW " but , unfortunately I was very disappointed . At first , as I have read in your advertisement , Danny Brook should have stared in this show . A different actor has appeared , but I must say that he was very disappointing . Secondly , you have written that the musical starts at 19:30 . I had to wait for the show for over fourty five minutes , because it started at about 20:15 ! What is more , it has been written that I can get some discounts , but when I wanted to buy a cheaper ticket , it was impossible . You have also placed a note about your theatre restaurant opened after the show . I wanted to drink a coffee but , unfortunately it was closed , because the waiter went out ! To sum up , I must say that this evening out was supposed to be perfect . It was not of course , so I would like to ask you kindly for my money back , because some information placed in your advertisement about the musical was not true . Your faithfully , In my opinion modern technology has changed my daily life very much . At first , there are now a lot of things that most people use at home . For example : a fridge , a cooker or just an electricity . We could n't imagine our life without them . Secondly , thanked to the technology , there are many ways of travelling today . We produce cars , trains and plains which are better and better . What is more , there are many new ways to produce medicines and modern hospital equipement . It can really help a lot to cure people . Maybe it will be a remedium against AIDs or cancer soon . On the other hand , the modern technology has some disadvantages . The main is the ozone hole that affects all the people in the world . The second is the nuclear weapon and many wars , in which modern equipement is used . To sum up , as far as I am concidered , modern technology has changed my life completely . On the one hand it helps me a lot in daily life , but on the other I 'm afraid of the future everyday . Dear Mrs Ryan , Thank you for your letter . I am very pleased to see that I win the first prize in your competition . I am going to answer your questions . Firstly , I would like to travel on July because I have some holidays during this month . I am working the rest of this summer . For the accommodation , I would prefer to stay in a log cabin because I think it is probably more comfortable . I think we are going to be tired so I prefer to sleep comfortably . You also asked me about two activities . I choose singing because I love singing and I am in a choir for 7 years now . I also choose climbing . Unfortunately I am not so good in it . But I would take the opportunity to improve myself . In addition , I have some questions . I would like to know which sort of clothes we have to take with us and also how much money is necessary . I look forward to hearing from you in the near future . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable Our life of today is getting even more about consommation . You always find more shops and they are open even more late . You ca n't live without shopping but shopping is not always enjoyable . Firstly , if you try to do your shopping during the rush hour , it could be very difficult . Everybody is stressed , you have to make the queue . It is not comfortable at all . In addition , everything is now so expensive that you have to compare the prices . You have to find which shop offers you good quality products for a good price . But sometimes some goods are expensive but of a very bad quality . And it is not an easy task if you have to complain about the quality . Most of the time the shop assistant does n't believe you . In conclusion , I can say that shopping is not the most enjoyable task you could find . Of course you also have some good aspects but most of the time it is very unpleasant . You could try to do your shopping via Internet . Perhaps you will find less inconvenience . Dear Manager , Last week , during my holiday in London , I had the opportunity to see the show " Over the Rainbow " at the Circle Theathre . That is why I am writing this letter ; to inform you about the problems I had . First of all , the tickets were too expensive . I was told that there were some discounts to students , but at the moment I bought the ticket , they charged me a full price . The day of the show , we got to the theather at 19:30 . Instead , due to some technical problems , it began at 20:15 . Second , I was really disappointed when I found out that Danny Brook , the best actor I have never known and the reason for which I decided to see the show , was not going to be performing . Third , the theatre restaurant was closed because the cheff did not show up . I was really looking forward to eating at that place . In conclusion , I would appreciate if you could , please , send me my money back because I did not have the perfect evening that I expected . Yours sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was not very good at keeping secrets . Sally , her best friend , had told her what had been happening at her house for the last two months . Pat knew something was wrong because she had known Sally since they were five years old , but she did not why she was acting so strange . Sally did not want to tell anybody about her problem , but she knew she could trust Pat . So Sally started to talk . She had seen her stepfather hitting her mother everytime he was drunk . She did n't want to tell the teachers at school or any other person because she was afraid that if her stepfather find out about that , he would get made and hit her , or even worse , kill her mother . However , she needed to tell somebody . One morning somebody knocked at the door at Sally 's house . It was the police . Sally was so scared , and at the same time mad at Pat because she knew the only person who could have told the police was her best friend . But she knew that Pat did it because she loved her and was afraid something horrible could have happened to her or to her mother . Dear Ms Ryan I am very astonished that I won this competition ! It is great and I will say thank you for the two weeks at Camp California already . I have never been in California yet . Now I will give you the further information : I have to travel in July because I had to make sure that I can have holiday this year and it is the only possebility ! I am sure you can take attention on this . I decided to have the accommodation at Camp California in a tent , because there you will have lots of fun . You can feel the fresh air and listen to animals , this will be a great oportunety ! I am pleased to choose two activities , because now I will be able to learn SINGING and SURFING ! I am not well in both activities , but it will be a pleasure to try it espacially surfing , I would like to feel the air in my hair , and enjoy how quick the board goes over the sea . Another question I have ; the live there , is it as expensive as I think ? And the weather are they only sunshiny days ? In the other hand it is not as important , the main reason is I really look forward to go at this Camp and one more time , thanks a lot ! Yours sincerely L. Schwartz Shopping is not always enjoyable We have recently had a discussion in our class about this statement , we have had a great argueing . Certainly it is great to buy new clothes and have a great variety at home , to wear , but mostly you will have allways not enough . When I decided to go for a shopping , first I will make sure that I have enough time . I am not a typical women because I hate shopping ! I am lucky if I will find something which fits . The main reason I hate , there are too many people who are always standing in my way ( or maybe I think in that way ) and I begin to be angry , normally I am looking those people with evil eyes ! I mean , it is too crowdy , you have to wait such a long time before you can pay , and mostly all the things are too expensive ! Even before you will find a color you like or the right size of the trousers , you were looking for it a long time , has gone ! Lastly , you can see , my opinion about shopping is not very good , then I think shopping is never enjoyable ! 17th June 2000 Dear Sir or Madam , About two weeks ago , I went to London for a week holiday . While there I saw your advertisement for the show " Over the rainbow " and decided to go . I was looking forward to a great evening , but much to my surprise , it was not exactly the case : there were no discounts available , as it was mentionned in the advertisement ; the show started 45 minutes late ; I was then very disappointed to see that Danny Brook was replaced by someone else . After the show was over , it was not possible to visit the theatre restaurant , as it was closed that day . I am very sorry to say it was definitely not a perfect evening out , and I am therefore asking you a refund of the amount I paid , or part of it . You will find the receipt enclosed . Yours faithfuly , Modern technology is affecting my daily life a lot , I can even say changed it . I will take the exemple of the use of the internet . I use it on a daily basis for many different reasons : I do n't write letters to my friends anymore , and wait weeks before receiving answers , I just send an electronic mail through the internet and the person received it within seconds . I do n't need to go to the stores anymore , if I do n't want to : I can just stay at home and buy almost everything through it : books , video tapes , clothes and even groceries . It is also possible to read the news or play games . I also have the possibility of making new friends : I can connect to a special site which will enable me to virtually meet people . Dear Sir/MADAME , I am writting you because yesterday I went to the musical show " Over the Rainbow " and I had a bad evening . First of all , in the advertisement says that the starring were different actors , and there were n't different one , so that can not be . Also in the advertisement says , that the show will begin at 19.30 and it started at 20.15 ; that mean that I have to cancelled a date that I had at 21:00 , because I coud n't make it . If you present a show you must be on time . Another thing that happened was that the tickets did not have discount and the advertisement says the will have . So , how is possible that you present an advertisement and you do n't make what it say ? Finally , it supose to have the restaurant open , and it was n't , because they did n't have electricity to cook , so they close it . I am really made and I want my money back , please call me to the number 23456789 , I will be waiting your call . Thank for your time your sincerelly How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Modern technology have change my daily life in many aspects . First of all at work ; computer are really amazing , you only need to turn it on and start to write ; your work is more clean and you work faster . Also change my free time , they had invented great games like play station , and you can have a really good time with your friend playing . In the early day , on a raining day you could n't play because most of game were outside the house but now with the technology you can make many things in your house . Another aspect is , on the house artefacts , microwaves , laundrymachine , make life easily . In my opinion technology have made human life easily , funier and more comfortable . Dear Sir I had been to London recently for a week 's holiday and I have been to a musical show in the Circle Theatre . When I saw the advertisement about the show I got very excited , because I always wanted to see " Over the Rainbow " , but I had some problems , and I want you to know about that . First of all , when I bought the tickets I had no discount , and in the advertisement it was mentioned that people would have some , and when I got in the theatre to see the play , I had to wait for almost an hour until the show begun . Then , I got very disappointed because the actors in the play were not those ones mentioned in the advertisement . There were unknown actors , and they were not as good as the other ones . Afterwards , I was expecting to have at least a nice dinner in the theatre restaurant , but it was already closed because the show ended too late . I had had not a perfect night at all , so I would like to ask if I can have my money back . Please give me an answer . Thank you for reading this letter . Yours sincerely , We cannot deny that technology has changed our lives . Nowadays , we do not need anymore to spend hours cooking , for example : we just put some frozen food in the microwave , and in a few minutes our meal is ready . We can communicate with people in distant countries in real time , using the internet . There is a lot of other examples of how technology has changed people 's lives . I would not do my school projects without using a computer , because I have to do some statistical analysis that I would not do with a calculator . Also , I can communicate with some friends who live in other countries by e-mail almost every day , and I save some money because I pay for a local call , and not for an international call . An other thing which is very useful for me is my mobile phone , because people can talk to me whenever they need , but on the other hand it is very unpleasant to be interrupted by the phone when I am in an important meeting . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am writing in reply to your letter asking for further information from me . First of all , I would like to travel in July because this is the beggining of my holidays , and I would not like to miss some of my school classes . Besides , I would preffer to stay in tents , because I got used to being in tents since each summer I spent my holidays with my friends at the hills . In adittion , I would rather playing tennis . When I was younger I won the National Tennis Championship . I also like surfing , I think it is a dangerous sport , but I know how to practice it , because of the fact that last year a proffessional surfer tought me . However , I would like to know what kind of clothes I should take and if it is possible for you to tell me how much money I will need . I would appreciate it if you could send me a reply at your earliest convenience . Yours sincerely , From my point of view , shopping is not always enjoyable , because sometimes when you are looking for a special good you never find it . Besides , I do not like to waste my time just seeing at a wide variety of products , that make you feel confused and you do n't know which one fits you , instead of being with my friends or doing something else . I think that when you want to buy something you have to be sure of what you really need , if not the shop assistant has the ability to persuade you to buy something you do not want . Moreover in the shops that sales fashionable clothes . Although it is wonderful to buy new things , there are times that it really become tiring . To summarize , I could say that if you want to buy something , first make sure what sort of product you need and then , go shopping . If not shopping never be enjoyable , but also tiring and boring . MR . MANAGER , I 'M WRITING YOU TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE MUSICAL SHOW " OVER THE RAINBOW " WICH WAS PRESENTED LAST WEEK . YOUR ADVERTISING LEAFLET WAS COMPLETELY WRONG , IT SAID THAT DANNY BROOK WAS ACTING BUT , WHEN I GOT THERE , THERE WAS ANOTHER GUY ON STAGE . IT WAS DISAPPOINTING , SPECIALLY FOR ME WHO IS A GREAT FAN OF DENNY . THAT 'S NOT ALL ! IT STARTED FORTY-FIVE MINUTES AFTER THE RIGHT TIME AND WE HAD TO WAIT OUTSIDE THE THEATRE . THE TICKETS WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE DISCOUNTS BUT THE LADY WHO WAS SELLING TOLD ME THAT I MUST BE WRONG , THEY NEVER GIVE ANY DISCOUNTS TO ANYONE . AFTER THE SHOW , I WENT TO VISIT YOUR RESTAURANT AS SUGGESTED ON THE ADVERTISEMENT BUT WHEN I GOT THERE IT WAS CLOSED . ONE OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE THEATRE TOLD ME THAT IT WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE CLEANING IT TO GET RID OF THE RATS . I 'VE NOT IMPRESSED WHEN HE TOLD ME THIS . FOR ALL THIS REASONS MY EVENING WAS TERRIBLE AND I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE AT LEAST PART OF MY MONEY BACK . YOURS SINCEARLY SINCE I WAS BORN , SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ARE DEVELOPING FASTER AND FASTER , JUST AS EXAMPLE , INTERNET GETS HUNDREDS OF NEW USERS EVERY SINGLE DAY . THIS TECHNOLOGY CHANGED OUR LIFE IN MANY WAYS AND WE ALMOST DO N'T NOTICE IT . IN MY CASE , I 'M COMPLETELY INTEGRATED WITH THEM , ALMOST EVERYTHING I DO I USE THIS TECHNOLOGY . WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I USED TO READ BOOKS , WRITE , LISTEN TO THE RADIO AND , NOWADAYS , YOU CAN DO ALL THIS THINGS USING A COMPUTER . IT 'S ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL TOOLS THAT MEN INVENTED IT 'S POSSIBLE TO DO LOT 'S OF THINGS AND TALK TO OTHER PEOPLE TOO USING A PC . MOST OF MY DAY I SPEND IN FRONT OF ONE OF THOSE MACHINES , STUDYING , RESEARCHING , PLAYING AND TALKING TO FRIENDS ALL AROUND THE WORLD . THIS TECHNOLOGY HAS ALSO IT 'S BAD ASPECT , IT MAKES YOU MORE FAR FROM PEOPLE , ISOLATED FROM TRUE RELATIONSHIPS BUT YOU CAN HANDLE IT WHEN YOU GOT USED TO THIS . Dear Helen Ryan . I 'm so glad to hear I have won first prize in your competition - two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. Thank you for asking me some details . I 'd like to travel in July . Because I am a university student , I have got classes until the midle of June and I have to attend to a ' Development & Research Conference ' at the end of June . Otherwise I have to work at a business department office as a assistant from the beginning of Aguest . So I will be able to travel in July . Accommodation is very important for me as well . I would prefer staying in log cabins . I 've got some skin trouble and I ca n't sleep very well in tents . I have ever slept in tents when I went camping . That time I had to sleep in tent . Whole night , I felt backache ands shoulder ache so I could n't sleep very well . And I 've never stayed in log cabins . It sounds wonderful ! Could I have the chance to do two activities while I am at the Camp ? I 'd very much like to do painting and swimming . I am quite good at painting . Especially I love water-painting . I really want to paint the countryside of California . It will be fantastic experience for me . Actually I ca n't swimming at all . I 'm afraid of water . That why I could n't have swimmed yet . I think this chance is very good for me to learn to swim . I expect to join above two activities . I want to know how much money I need . You pay for all costs . But I think I 'll need some money for clubing or evening events . And please let me know How the weather is . I 'll buy some clothes , shoes and a hat . So I must know if it is cold or hot . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible Your sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . Whenever I walk in the street , I always want to go into the every shops . I always want to buy T-shirts , Jeans , Skirts , cosmetic , hairband , accessories , ring , earings , bracelet , shoes , hats , bags , fancy stationeries , interior stuffs and CD . But it is impossible to buy everything at the same time . I have to chose some of them and I have to give up buying most of them . Before I go out home , I make a plan . What is I want to buy and I decide to buy some items . But when I stand at every shops , I ca n't stand my desire . If I have got enough money to buy something what I want to buy , I can buy them and it will be no problem . However , If I have n't got enough money , I will not be able to buy what I want and it will be very big problem . I feel depressed . Shopping is not enjoyable any more . I 'll think why I 'm so poor . But I can get over . I go window shopping . Insead of buying something , I buy some fresh food and Ice-cream . They make me happy and rich . I can try every shoes , clothes , hats , accessories and jakect on . They are mine ! Shopping is not always enjoyable . But if you think positive opinion about shopping , It will make you the happiest and the riches man in the world . Dear sir , I bought a ticket for the " Over the Rainbow " musical show last Saturday , but I felt very disappointed with it . It was announced that there would be discount tickets available , but there were not . The show should have started at 19.30 , but it delayed forty-five minutes . And , the worst of all : Danny Brook was not on stage . He was replaced by a novice actor who made a very disappointing performance . Last , the theatre restaurant was closed because there was a serious leak in a tube and the kitchen was flooded . I think there are sufficient reasons for money back . I just wanted to have a pleasant evening out and I could ever imagine that there would be so many troubles . I really expect that you consider my arguments and cash me back the value of the ticket , as soon as possible . Yours Sincerely , Several technological advances in the past five years have changed my daily life . Nowadays , I feel myself entirely linked to these innovations , and I would find it hard to live without them . Internet is certainly the most evident of all these innovations . Information is spread quickly and you can access in minutes a wide range of data , that would take a much longer time to be found by traditional means . For a shy person , like me , Internet has another attractive : the possibility of knowing people and making friends worldwide . It 's very exciting . Currently , I exchange e-mails with dozens of people all over the country . Celular phone can be inconvenient sometimes , but it can be very useful in certain situations : when your car is broken on the road , when you need to be found anywhere and at any time ( if you are a doctor , a lawyer or a journalist , for instance ) , and so forth . Modern technology granted other facilities : I can pay my bills at any time and do not need to wait on a big queue to be attended by the cashman , I can exchange photos and videos via computer , I can do business and make money at home , and so on . Dear Sir & Madam Thank you for your letter . I 'm writing this letter to tell you some further information that you need . First of all , I 'd like to travel in July because I have to work except that month . July is the only month that I can be free . I prefer staying in tents because it is unusual experience for me . Also I 'd like to have the chance to play tennis and sailing at the camp . Talking about tennis , I used to play it for about five years when I was a child . I think I 'm much better than a beginner . But I never had a chance to enjoy sailing . I 'd like to try this time . Now , I have two questions about camping . First , what clothes should I bring ? Is it hot enough ? I 've never been to California , therefore please let me know about the weather there . Second , how much money to I need ? I have n't a clue about it . I 'd like to know some examples . I 'm waiting for your reply . Yours sincerely Dear Kim It was so nice to hear from you last time . Thank you very much . As I mentioned before , I really enjoyed helping at a pop concert last month , the artist 's name was " Bonny Pink " who is famous in my country . I could enjoy her music very much . My job was looking after her when she had a break time . I guided her to a rest room and served her a cup of tea , and so on . I thought it was most exciting job . Actually , I could have a chance to ask her about music , her favorite artist and her hobby . I was impressed when I heard that she liked playing puzzle alone . She seemed to be very active woman when she was singing but at the same time she had very gentle attitude when she spoke to me . I became a fan of her . It was very interesting experience for me . I wish you were there . But do n't worry Kim , I 'll send you a copy of her CD for you . I hope you can enjoy . Anyway it 's the time to go to bed . Take care of yourself , Kim . I 'm waiting for your letter . Love Dear Ms Ryan , Thank you for your letter . I am very happy to hear that I have won the first prize . I am writing to inform you about my requests . I also have some questions . First , I was wondering if I could travel in July . I am working at a language school . Due to a shortage of teachers in summer I can take holiday only in July . Second , I would like to sleep in a tent because I have never slept in a tent and I have wanted to sleep there . Third , I have chosen Tennis ' and Photography for my activities at the Camp . I have been playing tennis for over ten years . In addition , I have been teaching children to play tennis for three years . I took up taking photos four years ago . Since then I have entered ten competitions and won the first prize three times . Finally , could you please let me know what kind of clothes I should take with me ? I would also like to know how much money I should take with me . I am looking forward to hearing from you and travelling to the U.S.A . Yours sincerely , Chi Kimura Dear Kim , Last month I helped at a pop concert . The name of the band was ' Dream Comes True ' . This bank is not only in Japan but also in the U.S.A very famous . I am still excited while I am writing to you about my experience . First , I helped to prepare the stage before the band arrived . The music instruments were transported from the lorries ( three big lorries ! ) into the concert hall and I helped to put them at the right position on the stage . They were very heavy and I had to carry them with care because they were very important for the band . After that I helped to test lights and microphones . I almost fainted when the band arrived and entered the stage . I am a fan of this band and I have never seen them in flesh . The most exciting thing about my experience was that the band spoke to me after the concert . The band was very satisfied with the stage and appreciated our work . I was so exited and happy that I ca n't remember what I talked with the band . I want to help at a pop concert again ! I am looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes , 16th November 2000 Dear Sir I 'm writing to complain about an evening I spent in your theatre to see a musical show . According to your brochure , it was supposed to be the perfect evening out ; instead of that I had a very disappointing evening . Firstly , the actors were n't those announced . Indeed , instead of Danny Brook and Tina Truelove ; we had mean actors . As for the times , the show was supposed to begin at 19.30 whereas in reality it began at 20.15 . Likewise , there were no discounts avalaible . To end , in spite of being opened , the restaurant was closed for reparations . Because of all those inconvenients , I ask you a total refund . I 'm sure you will accept my request ; if not I intend to take legal actions against your company . You may contact me at my home address whenever you wish . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . So when Caroline , his girlfriend , told him something personal and very important ; because she trusted in him ; immediatly he came to see one of his friend to tell him the secret . When poor Caroline arrived at school on Wednesday morning all the students of her class knew about what she had just said the day before to Pat . So immediatly she went towards Pat , angry , in order to argue with him , saying that she was annoyed by the way he behaved , and that it was n't the first time that he was n't capable of keeping a secret . After a long conversation they eventually decided to split up . Because of his behaviour , now Pat is alone and nobody trust in him . Dear Mr Robertson I am writing to you about the trip to London . All of the students in my class have read through the programmes that you have set , they are quite interesting , especially the river trip to Greenwich , because some of us may go to the university there next year . So we can walk around and see how it looks like in Greenwich . All of us want to go to this trip , but some of my classmates saw an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show , and we all would like to go there . It is from 10 am to 7 p.m. , it is about the latest fashion , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles , all of us are really interesting , and it is free for student to get in as well . It is a really good opportunity to go because most of us are studying fashion design , and we can learn loads of things in there . So may you please change the visit of the Science Museum to Wednesday afternoon , and we can cancel our shopping and free time , so we can go to the fashion show on Tuesday . Yours Faithfully . It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . It was two years ago , me and my classmates went to a leadership trip in London . This trip was organised by our form tutor , he wanted to test us if we trust each other and worked in a team , and the trip last for 3 days . The first days was going fine , we just had to do some teamwork things . In the second day , we had to climb up a twenty metres hill with our hands . It was so difficult for me because I was really scared to stand in a high place since I was young . I did not want to climb up but I did not have any choice . So I started to climb really slow and careful , and I climbed about 15 metres quite success , so I tried to climb quicker because the destination was not far away . But after I climbed two steps more , my right feet slipped over , I was nearly fell down , but luckly my hand caught a rock , it was dangerous , but I did n't had any choice , finally I did it . 17-6-00 Dear Sir/Madam : I am writing to complain about the musical show : Over the Rainbow , presented in your theatre on 15th of June . I went to the theatre to buy the ticket and expected to have a discount as I was a student . However , the salesman in the box office told me the discount tickets had been sold out . I could not understand why but still bought the ticket because I was crazy about Danny Brook . Then , I went into the theatre on time but became a little bit angry for waiting until 20:15 , forty-five minutes after the expected starting time . Furthermore , I was so disappointed to find out that Danny Brook was not on the stage and the leading actor sang so bad that I left the theatre before it finished . At last , I went to the theatre restaurant but it was closed because it needed cleaning . I think it was definitely not a perfect evening as garenteed in your advertisement . I look forward to having a full refund in the very near future as I did not enjoy it at all . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Now everybody in the class knew my mum was a cleaner and teased me for having such kind of mum . I was so sad about it and did not forgive Pat even though she apologise for thousands of times . A week later , when I was still in a bad mood , my form teacher , Mrs Brown , talked about jobs in our English lesson . She told us there were numerous types of job in the world . Some offered a high salary while some did . However , they are equal important for our society . ' Who wants to be a doctor ? ' She asked . Many students raised their hands . ' Who wants to be a lawyer ? ' Again , many students put up their hand . But when she asked who wanted to be a cleaner , nobody raised his hand and I felt so shameful that I lowered my head . ' Cleaner is a very good job. ' Mrs Brown said with a loud voice . ' If there were no cleaner , who would clean the school for us , who would keep the environment nice and tidy. ' Suddenly , all the classmates applauded and smiled to me with respect . The teacher also grinned and I was so impressed and repeated the words in my heart : ' All the jobs have the same importance . ' Dear Sir , Being on a holiday trip in London , I dreamed to go to the theatre for a musical show . I saw your advertisement last Monday , and thought " It is that one that I want to try . " In fact , your musical show was attractive : actors , time , restaurant , discount tickets , and also the title ! I started to be OK with the " Your perfect evening out " , sure not to be deceived . But all was disappointing ! First , as I am very found of Danny Brook , I have been surprised he totally changed his voice , face , and so on ! It was not Danny on the scene ! Second bad point : beeing not narrowminded , I accept other actors.. but if the show begin on time - he began at a quarter past eight P.M . There were no discount places because it was not planed like this by the theatre . What was written on the advertisement ? The summum was reached when I saw the restaurant was closed for " holidays " . I was terribly ennoyed ! I spent the worse evening of my holiday in this show ! So I need now a " perfect - money back - " for replacement of your " perfect evening out " . I do hope you will accept and understand this request . Yours : " How has modern technology changed your daily life ? " First of all , " daily life " concerns ( as far as I am concerned ) my life everywhere , and more precisely at home , at the university and at work . Up to two years ago , I was working with a written booknote or agenda , and I used to phone with a wired phone system . Nowaday , I organise my activities with an electronic organizer that authorizes me to connect to Internet by infra-red link with my mobile phone to get informations and electronic mails . I am always joinable with my mobile phone , that is also sometimes boring ! Being in an apprenticeship , I go both work and university . At the university , I have learned with computer aided systems . I often go on Internet to find informations for studying a precise subject more accutely ( university technology sites ) . At work my personal job uses two standard PC with specifical softwares plus one workstation with the Stanford University Network ( SUN ) operating system and a particular computer that my firm is developping now . At home , I have got a personal computer for my mails and accounts , and electronic mail plus internet for keeping connected to my friends that are at the other end of France or Germany , Korea and so on . So modern technology has totally changed my daily life ! Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to complain about the musical show which is called OVER THE RAINBOW . I saw the show on 17th of July . Firstly , the advertisement claimed discount ticket was available . Although I have a student card for discounts I could not get any discount . So I had to buy a normal ticket . Secondly , I bought a second musical show ticket which start at 19:30 but it started at 20:15 . As a result , I had to wait over one hour as I arrived there at 19:00 . Thirdly , your advertisement misled I could see Danny Brook in the show who I adore . When I turned up the show , there was another actor instead of him . Fourthly , after the show the theatre restaurant was closed because of it 's problems . But I could go evening out . To sum up , I believe your advertisement completely misled . So I am fully entitled to ask for refund except for evening out . I hope this matter will recieve your prompt attention . yours faithfully BO-PHAT SUN ( MS ) Nowadays , mordern technology has increasingly been developing . We get many advantages which make improve our lives daily , on the other hands , we get also many disadvantages which could harm us . In my opinion , the main advantage is developing of medical technology . For example , if you were hurt seriously like cutting leg , the new medical technology could rebuilit part of your body . Another advantage is sharing information . The more developing the technology is , the quicker and easier international networking is . So at the same time many people can share some information even though they live in different country . In contrast , the technology can cause a pollution . By developing of transport , we can get wherever you want to go easily , however it could cause serious air pollution like acid-rain and smog . Also we should be careful as we could be watched by security carmera which has been combined with mordern technology . In conculsion , I conciderly said we has been charged by morder technology in two way . One is advantage and the other is disadvantage . And it will change our lives , also in the future . Dear Sir , I 'm writing this letter to you , because during my stay in London , I went to the theatre to see a musical show , and I had a very disappointing evening . Last Saturday I went to see " Over the Rainbow " . When I read the advertisement , I noticed that Danny Brook acted in this musical show . I appreciated him a lot . When the show started forty-five minutes later , I realised that the main actor had been changed . That change really disappointed me . Another problem was that I did n't have any discount , and I was n't alone , we were five persons . Our idea after the show , was to visit the theatre restaurant , but it was closed . Nobody could give me an answer . I really had an awful evening . Please send me a letter , with the explanations for all these problems that I told you . Next time , be more careful with what you put in your advertisement . I 'm looking forward to receiving your letter . Yours faithfully , Secrets Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good a keeping secrets . That night my parents went out , so I had to stay home with Pat . I invited my best friends , and I asked Christian to bring some videos . We left Pat in her room with those videos , and we went to the top of the house , the third floor . That room was totally dark . We went upstairs with only a candle , and the idea of planning something crazy . Manuel had a farm , no so long from the town , where we could do whatever we wanted . But what was the problem . We were too young to stay a hole weekend alone . I thought of the idea of telling our parents that we had a camping with the school . We were all agree . We were going to spend a weekend alone , with nobody else , playing football , going to bed at the time we wanted , talking about girls . It was perfect . We were very calm , discussing the last details of our weekend , when we heard a noise that came out from a room that was near us . Manuel opened the door , and there she was , Pat with Ramiro 's sister hearing all our conversation . Dear Ms Helen Ryan , Thanks a lot for your briefly and nice letter . I am very pleased to give you the information required : Firstly , the most suitable month would be in July because I am very busy in my work now , and my children are in holiday then . Secondly , I prefer to stay in log cabins , because they are more comfortable . I confess you that I have never been in a tent and till now I have never had the intention to do it . The activities are really interesting and I would take part on Painting and Climbing . I am not very good painting , but I like it because is a good oportunity to practice it . Personally , Climbing is an interesting activity , where you need concentration and you are working with your whole body . I do n't want to dissapoint you , but I am beginner ! I choose these activities because I love challenges . I would appreciate if you can tell me a couple of ideas about clothes I need there . Thanks in advance . Sincerely , G. Ramos Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë Not only bad characters in a story are more interesting than the good ones , but also this take your attention . In this book , Heathcliff as a child had n't a bad character but the situations lived with the family Earnshaw , where the grown up , made him rude , agresive and noisy . Heathcliff used to play with Catherine . They were good friends but Heanly , brother of Catherine , hatted Heathcliff . Heanley could n't accept the good relationship and love between Catherine and Heathcliff and , for that reason he sent Heathcliff to work in the farm . In the mean time Catherine knew Edgar Linton and at the end she married Edgar because of money and good education . Heathcliff promised himself and worked his whole life taking a revenge . Before Heathcliff died he riched what he wanted . The houses and money of the families Earnshaw and Linton , all belonged to him. and he was buried near to Catherine ! , his great and only love ! Geneva , 13th June 2000 Dear Mrs Ryan Thank you a lot for your kind letter . I was very surprised on the result of the competition . Now I am happy to give you all the information you need . I think it would be better for me to travel on July . I will started an Italian course in August , so it will be impossible for me to leave . In your letter you ask me to choose beetween tents or log cabins , well I prefer to stay in a log cabin . It is more confortable and I am afraid about wild animals . I saw , you offer a lot of activities , that'is fantastic ! It is very difficult to decide which two of these activities I like and I can also do the best . I think I choose singing because I have sung for five years in a church chorus and I do it very well . The other activity I like very muche is swimming . I took part at a lot of competitions . Now I would like to ask you if wee need some money and if it is necessary to take with me special clothes . I hope I have give to you all the information you needed and I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely B. Müller Geneva , 13th June 2000 Dear Kim I am happy to tell you about the experience I made at the pop concert last month . I had to start very early in the morning , at 7.30 . We first had to prapare the stands with food and drinks and buy something which had been forgotten . Then we had to put on the night lights and decorate the whole room . In the afternoon the singers cames in and I also could have an interview with Ricky Martin . I was very excited ! He is very beatiful ! At the end of the interview he invites me to have dinner with him after the concert . I logically accepted . The interview I liked particularly Before the concert started , we had to verify all music instruments . The microphones all had to be controlled . Fortunatly we had no problem . The concert was a success . I was very proude of me and the work I had done . After concert I left with Ricky Martin . We went to a nice restaurant and enjoyed dinner together . I am sure my dear Kim , I will never forget that wonderful experience . Now I hope you will answer soon and tell me a bit of your adventure or experience you had in last time . lot of kisses your friend BM Saturday , June , 17th Dear M. White , I went to the Circle theatre last week on monday and I would say that I had a very disappointing evening , there . Firstly , I 've read in the advertisement that the actors who were playing that night were D. Brook and T. Truelove . Now you can guess how disappointed I was when I saw that there were different ( and worse ) actors ! Secondly , the musical show started at 20.15 instead of 19.30.. so I had to wait forty-five minutes outside and it was raining cats and dogs ! And then I discovered that the discounts were not available for the tickets . Moreover , the theatre restaurant was closed after the show and I was really hungry because I had n't had my dinner that evening in order to be on time for the show . To sum up , It was n't a " perfect evening out " . I 'd rather say that it was a catastrophe ! And I am really sorry , but consequently I would ask you for some money back . Thank you for considering my request . Yours faithfully , Modern technology has completly changed my daily life , which became more comfortable , and easier . For instance , my discman gives me the possibility to listen to music or to the radio everywhere : in the underground , or when I walk in the city . Moreover , it disturbs nobody , and that 's great . Another simple example is my mobile telephone ; A few years ago , I had to buy a telephone card and then to find a telephone box to call my parents and to tell them that I would be late for dinner , or other stuff like that . Yet my hand phone is in my bag and I bring it everywhere . But I think the best technological invention which changed my life is the internet - Thanks to it , I have hundred friends all over the world and I know many different cultures . All these examples are very few demonstrations to show how technology could affect our lives nowadays . In my point of view , modern technology is a great thing unless it is used to serve bad intentions . Dear Mr Robertson , Thank you for the exellent programme you organised for our class . We especially look for make the River trip to Greenwich . However we have send an advertisement for the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " , which will take place on the Tuesday 14th March from 10.00 am to 19.00 pm during our trip in London and in which the follow topics will be showed : . Latest fashion . Leisure and sports wear . Make up . Hairstyles We would like to inform you that we all extremly interested in this show and that it could be a great opportunity for us because the entrance is free for the studends . We would like to request if we could go to this show on the 15th March instide off the visit in the Science Museum . We could make this one on the Wednesday 15th March afternoon . Thank you in advanced for your comprehention and we look forward to hearing for you . Yours Sincerely , The private life of famous people ! Who have never dreamed to be a famous singer , sportman , actor or a politician ? The success of these people is so big that they are known all over the World . I think that this kind of people have a poor life because they never can be quiet because all the poeple know them and want to know a lot of things about them . They have always to be careful about what they say and what they do . In my opinion I think that if famous people is always followed by journalists it is not the responsability of the media but of the huge quantity of people who are interested in famous people life . Firstly , because it is a lot of " scandale magazine readers " . Secondly , because they have admiration for them and lastly because they want dreams and see what a " star life " look like . In conclusion I think that people who are to much interested in other people life have not an interesting life and are unhappy ! Dear Mr Smith , I went to London last week for business and loving very much theatre I had promised my friend to offer her , after work , a very good evening with your musical show : " Over the Rainbow " . I had read about it that was a very enjoyable show ! What a surprise ! Your advertisement was a quite lie and I have to tell you my disappointment . Every point were wrong . ( I wondered if it was a fake ! ) At first , from your advert Danny Brook ( who is a very good singer I appreciate very much ) was not here . An unknown man was singing , not in tone - awful for my ears - ( poor Tina Truelove ! such a professional singer with a beginner ! ) At second , to go on with the beginning , your show started not at 19.30 but nearly one hour later ( 20.15 to be more precise ! ) And for the third point , I would hope to offer a good diner to my friend because I knew your restaurant as a famous place but I was still disappointed . It was closed for some improvements ! I hope you will understand my evening was detestable and you will give me back my money . I join this letter my two tickets . I am looking forward to hearing from you Best wishes Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets ! Poor of I , I thought it was nice to have a friend and to be able to share lots of things ! I was very young when this story happened but though it was a child 's adventure I remember it yet . I was just thirteen years old ! I had read a very good book about pirates and I know I got a very creative imagination . To make to profit my ideas my parents lived in a small village near a wonderful country . Like my heros I would like to live in a ship and decided to build something in a tree . The highest tree near a river I have ever seen . Peaceful place and wonderful view . With my friend Pat ( I put him in the confidence ) I started to work and my idea became real . It was our fortress and every day we could improve it . The tree was our ship and the river the sea . We could play hours and hours without seeing an adult or other children from the village . I prefered it . It was our secret Pat and I. Child 's secret . But Pat could not keep it too long . He had a fault : he talked a lot and told an other friend our story . What a catestrophee ! All children went from the village and wanted to play with us . I accepted them but I was very angry against Pat . Our quietness disappeared and very fast everybody wanted to command my ship . A desaster ! There was lots of fights between us and we were naughty like child could be with other child . The result was my ship was destroyed and never more I could trust in any friend ! Dear Miss Ryan , I am writing in reply to your letter , informing me that I have won the prize in your competition which is two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . I am really pleased to hear that the prize includes accommodation . I would like to stay in a tent , because I have been camping nearly every summer since my childhood and I really love it . I would be really happy if I could apply Singing and Photography as the activities you have written about . Singing has been my only hobby since I was 5 . I could say that I am quite good at it . However , I used to assist my brother , who is a profecional photographer . So that , I consider myself expirienced enough . I would like to ask you whether going there in July is possible . I am afraid that July is the only appropriate month , because I am due to start work in August . Finally , I would like to ask you for further information about spending allowance and the clothes which I am supposed to take . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , I 'm sorry I have n't written for so long . But I 've been quite busy just recently . Last month , I helped at a pop concert which I really enjoyed . The singer , who took place , was n't one of my favourites , but having the opportunity to experience being stuff there , was just amazing . I was just behind the stage . I was supposed to help my friend with the lights , so that I could see all that screaming like made crowd . I even saw crying girls , who were trying to reach the pop-singer . Do you know what Kim , I 've never thought before , that enjoying yourself like this , could be weirdly . I think you never realize this , until you 're not a part of the crowd . But I 'm really happy , that I had even small role in making people enjoying themselves . I mean , all that flashing lights , the changing colours of them , I believe they helped much . Even though I was just telling my friend what the next composition of colours was , I consider myself being very successful . And finally , the greatest news . I was introduced to the singer by my friend , who works for him . This was maybe the best part of being there . He was so nice and he even gave me his picture whit his signature on it . I suppose , I will never forget that night . That 's about all my news , I 'm looking forward hearing from you . Lots of love , Dear Sir or Madam , Last week I spent my holiday in London and I 've seen your musical " Over the rainbow ' in the Circle Theatre and I was really disappointed . When I read the advertisment for the show I was really excited but after the show I was not very happy because of the following problems . The advertisment says that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove would play but in this show there were totally different actors and that was really disappointing because I was looking forward to them . The times were also not alright , actually the show starts at 19.30 but in this evening it started at 20.15 . The advertisment also says that there are discounts available but this is not true , there were none . Usually I go to a restaurant after theatre but this was also not possible because your theatre restaurant was closed because of holiday . Why do you give those information in an advertisment . For me it was really not a perfect evening , I was expecting a nice evening but in fact it was terrible . Because of these problems I had I would like to ask for a compensation , maybe to get my money back . I hope you understand my complains . I wish you answer me soon . Yours sincerely Sandra Eichmann In my opinion the modern technology has changed my daily life not really a lot because I am just 20 years old and I used to play computer when I was young or wash my clothes in the washing machine . I grew up in a world with full of technology and for me the development in the technology is not very big . Of course , it changes , it became normal to have a mobile phone or to use mainly the computer and the internet . It becomes more and more easier to use the computer for everything . You do n't have to go to the shop to buy clothes or to the restaurant to order some food . I can just switch on my computer and order everything . I also do n't write letters anymore because I write e-mails to my friends . That goes quicker and it is easier for me . But I think in my generation it is not a really big difference . In comparison to my grandparents they have really problems to accept these changes in modern technology . Because the biggest developments were in the last 50 years . Thank you very much for this occasion I 'd like to travel only in July , because , in the rest of the year , I 'm working in a bank . The second reason is the weather . I love travelling when the weather is warm . About the accommodation , I 'd prefer to stay in log cabins , because for me and my family 's more comfortable . I have a baby and three dogs , so it should be better in log cabins . I 'd like spend all of time in a swimming-pool because I love swimming . I like also surfing , because I love the wind in the hair and the fresh on my body . Only one question about a baby 's accomodation . May I have a babysitter ? I 'd like to have more free time for myself and my health . I 've never been there , so it will be a pleasure for me . Let me say still thank you . I 'm looking forward to meting you Best regards Irene Venerio Dear Kim , How are you ? I 'm fine . I 'm sorry I did n't write you before , but I was so busy with my exams . First of all , I want to tell you what happened last month . Do you remember which is my favourite group ? So , You do n't believe me , but I enjoed helping at a Oasis 's pop concert . I was a great and wonderful experience . The group needs to found a good microphone for the concert , because the singer lost his microphone last concert . Me and my friend were there to hear the sound-check , and when I understood was happing on the stage , I decided to help them . Of course you know , I 'm a singer , so I came back quigky to my home , I picked my microphone , and I handed it to the singer . The concert was absolutely fantastic . I was so glad , because in the ending of show the singer kissed me and dedicated to me a lovely song . Can you immagine ? Ok , write me soon , huge hug and kisses Yours Irene Dear Sir , Re : The Musical Show Presented by the Circle Theatre With the reference of the advertisement published in the New Strait Times newspaper on the 22nd of MAY 2000 , I , as a consumer , who is a musical show avid and a great fans of Danny Brook , who is said to be stared in the show , would like to complain about the presentation . 1 . First of all , I was really furious of watching a show starring by a different actor , instead of Danny Brook. whose name was stated on the advertisement . Besides this , the show started almost 45 minutes later than what it was said to be . 2 . The Price of the ticket was said that there would be discounts available . However , I was completely disappointed when I was told that there were not any discounts for the show . 3 . I also found out that the theatre restaurant was not opened after the show due to the shortage of food sold . I was really hungry after the show and was pissed off . With all the above points , I would like to ask for some money return . I would consider to bring this complains to the court if I do not receive any agreeable explaination from the theatre . Thank You . Your faithfully , Fashion is one of the most popular topics people discuss about in the past , now and also in the future . However , things re recycling from time to time . So do the objective of wearing clothes . I will imagine that , people in the future , for example 100 years from now , will wear clothes for protection like people did in the past . The people in the past wear clothes to protect themselves from the cold air , hot weather and strong wind . On the other hand , the people in the future will propably wear clothes to protect themselves from the polluted air and water , the harmful ultra-violet rays from the sun and all the dangerous and poisonous gases or chemicals which is result of a developed and full-grown country . I think people in the future will likely to wear helmets with oxygen gas well provided . It is because of the increasing number of population and the shortage of the oxygen gas in the atmosphere . They will also wear water-proof , ultra-violet proof and other dangerous liquid-proof clothes to protect themselves These clothes have to be made of something light , suitable to wear and protective . All the above ideas are needed to make them bare no burden when wearing these special designed clothes . The future is a hope and a dream for everyone in the earth . Therefore , I will suggest that we all nov to keep the enviroment clean and healthy for the next generation . Dear Manager : When I first heard about Over the Rainbow I was very exited about the idea of seeing it , plus when I heard about the facilities that the circle theatre was giving , it becomed the best oportunity I ever had to asist to a musical of that category , but instead of being the best evening I ever had , it was a total disaster and that 's the reason why I am writting to you . Like I have already told you , instead of being the perfect evening , it was the worst I ever had . First , the actors that the Circle theatre publis in their tickets for Over the Rainbow were not , which was very disappointing because , the actors were starring the musical , was one of it mayor attractions . Another point that I want to comply about , is the time that the musical was supposed to start ( 19:30 ) but it started at 20:15 , so there was a mayor unsatisfaction about it , but the last and worst thing was that your theatre restaurant was closed because the British health institute considered that your food was unhealthy , and not considering many other points like unsatisfactory service , and uncomfortable seats . In consequence of the reasons I have already explained , I would like to ask you if I can have my money back , but this is not the most important to me , because I want your theatre to change and become the best . Hope to hear from you : Science and Technology is a theme very discussed nowdays , most of the comunity of our city , and of the world , were technology has arrived , confirms that it has in some way improved their way of life . And I think it 's the same to me , because when advances in technology like computers , internet , etc. were made , it changed my life as a high school student . Answering the question : How has modern technology changed my daily life ? , I can confirm , that it has been in many ways , and the most important one that I can remember was the invention of computers and later the internet , because it was easiest to me , and to every one , to make your home works , school works , and in fact , it was easier to me to search for information that in the past I would have to look at in a library . But not all about technology and computers is good , because many people , and me in a control way , had become computer 's an thechnologic 's slaves , and we can not do anything without a machine , and I am not saying that it 's wrong or bad , and I accept that they make easier our daily tasks , but we have to mantain our independence as humans . Technology , in fact it has made an improvement on daily tasks , but we have to think and work by ourselves because if not our brain will become atrophied . Dear Miss Ryan . I am writing to inform the further information about myself . I was very glad to hear that I won the competition . First of all , I can only travel in July . I have a summer holiday from at the end of June to at the begging of September as I am a student , but I am planing to work in August as a part-time job . So that 's the reason why I can not travel in August . I prefer to stay in tents rather than log cabins , because I have had a camping once and I stayed in tents . It was great to have a fun and also it was very good memorise . As you said I will have the opportunity to do two activities . I am quite good at singing and I have a talent about singing that I can entertain people by singing . In addition I am keen on swimming but actually I am not very good at swimming because I have just started to learn swimming but I have really been enjoying it and I think it will be good chance to improve my swimming . In fact , I have some questions that how much money I will need , what else I have to bring with and if I have a emergency what you can do for . Once again , I am very happy to have such a good opportunity and I hope this letter can bring what you want to know about me . Thank you for your attention . Yours sincerely Lee . Han These days , there are so many people like shopping that it is one of the important part in our life . It is not , however , always enjoyable that there are both advantages and disadvantages . First of all , there are quite many advantages of shopping are that it can be the solvation of our stress and boring . When you are under stress or when you are bored , if you go to shopping , then at least it can be motive to change your mode . Also shopping makes people happier by using a lot of money and it influnce even economic situation more flexably . There are , in contrast , disadvantages at the same time . When we are having a shopping , we often find that the place where people often go for a shopping is too crowed and it makes us more tired . Also there are plenty of dangerous that lots of people have wallet stollen because it is a public place and there are too many people . In addition shop owner often cheat their customers by increasing the cost secreatly . The customer can never know what price is the normal unless they have a same shop or same thing . To sum up , shopping is very important part of our life and we can have a lot of fun , however it is not always enjoyable which means we can not find only advantages from it . Dir Madam ! I 'm realy enjoyed I won your competition ! I 'll give you nessesserly information about me . The most suitable time for me is Jule because in August I intend to go in the countryside , where I have a small farm . In September my school starts a new study year . So , because of that I can only then . I 'd like to stay in the log cabins , because I do n't like wet places like tends after rain . You ofer me a lot of activities . I play basketball and tennis very well . I went to try surfing and climbing because I 've never done it . I 've got also two questions . How much money I need to stay at Camp California and what kind of clothes I should take with me ? Please let me know ! Regards ! Dear Kim ! Thank you for your letter , which arrived this morning . I 'm glad you 're doing well . You 'd like to know how was the Top-Pop Concert , which I helped to organise last month . It was absolutlly great ! I was responsible about a security of one of the sectors . I gave information about correct ways to another places like tooletes and medical points . I was also asked about a timetable of the concert and I looked for drugs , knifes and so on in bags . Although I worked I watched the concert . I was big fun ! People danced , screamed and sung with a singer . I looked very carefully at organisation of the event , you know I 'm interestsing in it . OK . I 'd better stop now because I 'm going to go to a library . I look forward to hear some news from you ! Take care ! Dear Miss Helen Ryan I was so suprise to hear from you . I could n't believe that I had won the first prize on the competition . I 'm so happy because it is the first time that I win something . Here it is all your information . I would like if you could to have my vacation trip on July because is the only time of the year that my job could let me have a vacation . As for the accommodation I would prefer the tent because it is my first time that I 'm going to camping and I would like to see how the real life is . I was so thrilled when I saw that I could do some activities also . I would like to choose swimming and the climbing . I 'm a very good swimmer but I do n't know anything about climbing that 's why I choose it because I want to try something knew . At last I would like to ask you about my clothes and how the weather is going to be and what kind of clothes I must to take with me . That is all . Thank you for making my dream come true Yours sincerely Everyone has likes and dislikes . But noone is doing what he likes all the time . There is times that you have to do something even if you do n't like it , and times that you are doing what you like but not the time you like it . What I 'm trying to say is that I like to shop but I ca n't do that all the time . First because I 'm not so rich and second because I do n't enjoy to shop all the time . Nothing in life is always enjoyable even the things we enjoy to do , and that 's how life is . You say you enjoy shopping I understand but life goes on you ca n't do the same things every day. live your life and try to do different things and you will see that to do different things is exciting and more fun . You do n't have to be bored with the same old things . Because as I said to do what you like is good only if you do it when you like it and how you like it and remember if you have long time to do something the you enjoy it more . Dears Ms. Helen Ryan , I was really greatful when I recieved your letter which informed me that I have won first prize in your competition . I would like to make this trip the first week or the last week of July . Because my school finishes end of June and I will have a month break after that I have to do a computing course which I have already applied for it . Could you possibly tell me , at Camp California will I stay in tents or log cabins . Personily I prefer to stay in log cabins because they are much more comfortable than tents . I really enjoy swimming and playing tennis . Unfortunetley I am not good at both of them . Maybe I will have time to do enough practise as much as I always wanted to do . Could you tell me what sort of clothes I would need to bring with me and will I need any extra money for this holiday . I look forward to hearing from you soon ! Yours sincerly , Dear Kim , I do n't know where to start but I can say it was the greatest time I have ever had . As I mentioned you before Friend of mine , she is a stage assistant and she needed a help for that pop concert last month . I told her if she need help I would be happy to help her . Next day when I went there I have met lots of people very famous and very friendly . It took us almost a month to prepare for this concert . You would n't believe how hard it was. the stage was covered with all sort of light and we made it look like a waterfall . The waterfall made by real rock so that was the worst bit because they were really heavy and we had to carry them , but the end of moth when the concert started , it was all over . I sung and dance all day . I have lots of memory which I could never forget . I wish you were there . I hope you shared my happiness with me . Lots of love , Dear Jane Clark With attendance to the annual international arts festival which you took place on 21 and 22th November 2000 , I spend tremendous two days enjoying some features . Then , I discovered some points and I am writing to express my suggestion and recommendations . Firstly , the title ' International Arts Festival ' is very suitable for the festival , because there were some variety of features in it . Next , One reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events is also fantastic idea , because everyone could enjoy everything by the ticket . However , according to my notes , there are some doubt in the festival . While you stated that there were stars and artists from around the world , they were from only six countries in fact . The number of plays and films were also very few . In addition to that some concert halls were too small to enjoy the concerts . On balance , I feel that this annual festival can be even better next year . Therefore , I strongly recommend that you should collect artists and stars more than six countries and rebuild larger concert halls . I also suggest that more plays and films should be taken place . I would be grateful to support you providing that you would like to make the festival more successful . Yours sincerelly Dear Albert Thanks for your letter , it was great to hear from you . I know you 're fine , but I 've been very busy studying because I have to take exam next month . So this is quick note to tell you what you want to know , as you asked about school rules and house ones . At school , the most horrible one is school uniform . I really hate it , because we 're not allowed to wear casual and fashonable clothes , colourful shoes and colourful socks . We ca n't also turn our hair colour an have to keep hair length above eye blows . Next , we 're not allowed to get driver licences which are for a motorbike and car as long as we 've students . We 're also not allowed to get part-time jobs . If possible , I want to change all of them . However , at home I 'm quite free . Just I ca n't go out after 9 o'clock in the night and I 'm not allowed to play computer games over two hours . These are not so strict that I can stand them . I do n't think I want to change them . Anyway , that 's all about my information which you want . Write soon , I look forward to hearing from you . Love 13 June 2000 Dear Helen Ryan , According to your letter , I am writing to infrom you about the information you need to know for my trip two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . I am very excited and looking forward to the new experiance I am going to have . First of all I must tell you that I only have freetime in July at any day , any week , because I am still having my lesson at college and it will be finished at the end of June and also in August I have a training course for my studies . I would prefer to stay in tents because I love atmosephere of camping , but I would n't mind to stay in log cabins . For the two activities I can choose , I would like to have swimming and Basketball . I have always found these kind of activity make me fell strong and enjoy doing it . I first started playing basketball and swimming when I was aged 9 , and I have been doing it up till now . I also used to be in a basketball team in school for 3 years . One thing , I would like to know is how many clothes I have to take with me and what kind of cloth they are ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Vanida Montri Report on daily life at school Introduction The aim of this report is describ and assess lesson and activities should be filmed in a short video . It is base on information made availble by student from each class at school . Lessons Most student who were interviewed suggested to have a speaking part of the lesson to be on film . It seemed to be the most interesting lesson , because student always make some mistake while they are practising with thier partner , in spite of having told from teacher ten times . It felt to be a good memory to be remember and remind our sleves to speak in a correct way . This lesson will give us to be relaxed and have laugh . We also would like to have a history on . Activities Going out to visit the history town every weekend seem to be the most enjoyable activity for student . Spending time together out of the class is the nice experiance . Having a sport after class it also fun . Conclusion Lesson and activities , which most student suggested are very interesting and it is not seem to be boring for the student . Dear Sir/Madam I am so pleased to know that I have won such amazing prize in your competition . I like to answer the questions you request from me . Firstly , I should say that I would like to travel in July because of this is the month wich I could more likely have off at work for going on holiday . Secondly , I would prefer to stay at log cabins rather than tents . That is because I do not want to seem fuzy but I like to have some comodities when I am going on holiday and I think slepping over the floor without electricity it may annoy me . Finally , I like to choose swimming as activity in the Camp . I love swimming and also I should say that I am very good at this sport because I have been doing that for long time . On the contrary , painting is an activity wich I have never tryied before , so that I have not any skill in drawing but I like start doing that know when I have the chance . So that is my second choice . On the other hand , I would like to know some imformation wich could be useful in my holiday like : which type of clothes could be more suitable for me in the Camp ? Could I need some extra money ? Do I need to bring something else ? If is so , please let me know as soon as possible . to look forward to getting your Reply Yours sincerely Dear friend . I am writting to tell you about my experience in the last month pop concert , where I was helping my friend Nick who was the bouncer of the place . That was a pop concert with lots of famous singers like Madona , Julio Iglesias , and people like them That was a charity concert to save money to poor people of AFRICA . My job it was to accomodate to the people of the main sit of the theathre . Of course those places were reserved just for people well-knowed who wanted to help by joined the concert . So I had to ask them for their identifications and for their invitations . After that , I have to take them to their respective sit . At first , I was a bit scare , I mean I was afraid not be good enough to have a good performance as assistant ; but finally every thing went well . I should say that it was the easiest and more interesting job that I have ever done . I really enjoyed it and also I did not miss the opportunity to ask the artist to take a photho with me . So , I hope to see you earliest to show all my phothos . I think , it was very cleaver of me to record that moment wich I will never ever forget , and that was the think that I more liked of that experience . Looking forward to getting your reply and to seeing you soon lots of love Dear Sir , I 'm writting to you to make a complaint about your musical show : " Over the Rainbow " ... Last week , I , my husband and our two children went to your theatre spend a good time , but we were so disappointed . First of all , I think it 's not professional to change the principal actor in the last minute , the play should be with Danny Brook , but it was n't . In addition to this , the show started at 20:15 instead 19:30 , more 45 minutes in late ... Moreover , there were n't discounts available like writting in your advertisement . There was well a restaurant , even though , it was closed for reparations , also 2 hours 30 without drinking or eating something , was quite difficult for the children . It should be a perfect evening out , but it was the opposite . It 's why , it would be grateful , if you could give me my money back . I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future . Yours faithfully How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Nowadays , I think it could be impossible for us to live like our grand-parents or great grand-parents lived ... we are too lazy , but it 's not our mistake , this revolution is called " progress " ! Every day , like everybody , I watch the TV , see the International news , hear the radio , play games on my computer or get across with American or Asia people without going out to my house . It seem be incredible , but it 's commun habits for us.. we do n't think that there is less of a hundred years , nothing of that existed . I will always said thank you very much to the inventor who has invented the maschines wich make the washing and the washing-up , before this , the women spent a long time had done this tasks . In addition to this , thinking also , to the medicine , science or astronomy progress ... And it 's not ending , I hope that for my thirties I 'll go to Mars on holidays ... The scientists are again ten years to find the solution ... Dear Miss , I am writing to suggest some idea for the International Art Festival next year . I have just been there and noticed some points which could make the festival better . First of all , the festival was a great idea . There were a number of stars and artists from around the world , but from only six countries . Secondly , they held some concerts , but some concert halls were so small that there was not enough space for the people . Thirdly , it was nice to see several plays and films . We would be pleased if you could have more . Fourthly , everyone seems to have enjoyed seeing dance shows and the art exhibitions and listening to the talks . Lastly , the weekend ticket was excellent because it was quite reasonable . However , a ticket for each event is expensive . I suggest you have a oneday ticket or a reasonable ticket for every event . That is everything I have noticed about the festival . I would be grateful if you could think about it . Yours sincerely Dear Sharyl , Thank you for your letter . I really enjoyed reading it . I 'm very happy to know you 're pretty well . Speaking of rules , most of them are annoying ! There 're plenty of rules in my high school . For example , girls must keep the length of the skirt by 5 cm under their knees . That 's so stupid ! It does n't bother studying , does it ? And also we 're not allowed to bring any sweets . I know some rules are necessary to control the students . The school uniform is a good example . And the advantage of this is I do n't need to think about what to put on every morning ! In my house , I 'm allowed to do anything unless it bothers somebody . But there 's one thing I ca n't stand up . I 'm not allowed to go out late at night . I want to go dancing sometimes . You 're allowed to do that , are n't you ? That 's wonderful ! I 'm really jealous of you ! Take care . I 'll write to you soon ! Love , 13 June 2000 Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to give you futher information about me which you need about Camp California . I am delighted that finally , I have won the first prise in your Competition . I would like to travel only in June because I will start working in July that means I will not be able to come there later . Moreover , I would rather stay in a tent than in a log cabin because I always stay in a tent when I am on holidays . It is not comfortable but it still like it . Concerning to the activities which I have to choose I would like to inform you that I am fond of photography and I am quite good in it because I have attended a relevant course for three months . According to my work experience as a lifeguard I will choose swimming as the second activity . Could you please tell me what kind of clothes I have to bring with me ? ( like.. specific equipment or anything else ) . How much money do I need ? I am looking forwards to hearing from you Yours sincerely , " Shopping is not always enjoyable " Is it true or not ? Some people agree with it , some people not . If you do n't work and you have plenty of time going shopping is really enjoyable , because there are big shopping centres in which you can find so many different things . There are new products which you could not imagine that could be so interesting . Shopping is a good way to kill your time and some times you can not realize how fast the time goes . This happens because people enjoy themselves a lot . On the other hand there are some disadvantages. for example if you are a working mother with three children , that means you are always n a hurry , going shopping is really unenjoyable . You go shopping in a big supermarket because you know you will find everything there and you need 15 minutes to find the goods and 20 minutes to pay for them because of the big queue . You need to buy essential items like food and you get tired because it very crowded and you spend more time thank you prefer to . In Conclusion shopping is enjoyable but not when it is too buzy . Otherwise If you are in a good mood it will turn into a bad mood . You should avoid the peak times . Dear Helen , Thank you very much for your letter which said I had won first prize in your competition . I was really surprise to hear that . I am afraid I can only make it on July , because I am taking exams this month . Moreover , I 'll prepare everything for going to University on August . I have no time until Christmas . So , I think the best time is July . The accommodation I prefer is tent . I have n't tied it before . I would like to know how interesting it is to live in tents . If I can only choose two activities while I am at the Camp , I would like climbing and Basketball . I started climbing since I was a child . I love it very much . About the Basketball , I have been played it for seven years . I would like to play basketball with local people at the Camp to see how good they are , if I can . Finally , may I ask some more informations . What kinds of clothes shall I take ? how about the weather there ? Would you give me some pocket-money during the trip . Also , may I take a friend with me , how much will she pay ? I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , JIA LI LO To : Teacher Cheng From : Jia Lo Date : 13/06/00 Subject : a short video about daily life at school As I was asked , I spoke to a number of students about their opinions of this short video . I found that most of them had suggested that four lessons should be filmed which as follow : 1 . Grammer , which is the base of learning English . 2 . Speaking , it makes you more confident when you talk with other peoper . Let you do more pratices . 3 . Listening , it really helpful for improving your listening and understanding . 4 . Writing , this lesson techer you how to organise what you want to write . Also , there are two activities should be filmed . 1 . Students are talking to each other when they are having break . It is important to pratise your English after lessons . 2 . Teacher are helping students with their problems . If you have problem on studing , asking teachers is the best way . In Conclusion , the short video is only 60 minutes . It must show the daily lifes of the English students at the school . It should include all those points lists above . Dear Mr Ryan I have just received your letter and I am really delighted and thrilled to win the first prize in your competition . For the trip to California , I can only go in July , I am afraid , because my English course finishes in June and it starts again in August . In your letter you mentioned that I could choose between sleeping in tents or log cabin , and I would like to sleep in a log cabin please . Because last time I was in a tent , I found it really uncomfortable and when it rained in the night I could n't got to sleep because of the sound of water hitting the tent . I would like to take part in surfing and swimming please . Although I have never done surfing before , I am a quite advanced swimmer . Finally I would like to ask some questions . What is the weather like over there and what should I wear ? How much money would I need ? How big is the camp ? I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerly Shopping can be very exciting and fun . The feeling of buying new things is wonderful . But it might not be the same everytime . We all go shopping , maybe not every day , but certainly at least once a week . Shopping is very important because it 's the only way to get things . For example , food . You will not be able to survive without food . So buying things neccessary is fine I think . But buying things that do not need or you have not planned to might make you feel good at the time , but days or weeks later when you realise you did not need to spend money on them , you might regret buying them . For example you did not plan to buy any crisps , but they are at half price and you buy them without thinking . But after you never eat them and just bin them . I think buying things needed and planned could be enjoyable but buying things you do n't need or unplanned , might make you feel sad after sometime . Dear Mrs Brown , It would be a pleasure to us and to your husband to come at the party . All the students wanted to organise a surprise party for Mr Brown . Next Tuesday is his birthday . We would like you to come and if you can to help us in an important decision . Firstly , we should tell you that it is a surprise party . He must not learn about it subsequently you must not tell him . Secondly , the party will take place on Tuesday 16th of June at College Canteen . We think the suitable time will be 3-6 p.m. You can come earlier , if you want . We would have junky food , some juices and drinks . Moreover , will come some teacher , of course all the students and the Principal . On the other hand , we do not know what to give him as a present . Can you help us ? We want something that it would like him or would be necessary . Please try to come and help us to this problem . We ar looking forward to your reply . Yours sincerely , John said he had some good news to tell me . I am waiting him to come . Suddenly the bell rings . I thought that would be John and was he . We had finished the exams two weeks ago and we were waiting for the results . The first good new was that we both had passed the exams . It was a wonderful new . Then we thought about going for swimming to discuss about some things . The second new was that he had found a job for the summer . He would go to work in a café . He would earn a lot of money , in addition they wanted an another person . As a result I had a work too . We had the greatest day . Then we had an idea ! We would have much money from the work . At the end of the summer we are planning to visit a cousin who lives in Australia . We imagine that would be the best holidays in our life . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing in reply to your letter in wich you told me I won the first prize . It is the first time I won a prize ! As you asked me some questions , here are the answers . It would be very convenient if I could travel in July , because by that time I 'll be on my school holidays . If you agree I would like to have a tent as accommodation , because I have never stayed in one and I wonder this might be a great feeling and that this way I will be in a deeper contact with the animals that live in the area . It would be very pleasant if I could join your basketball team , since I used to play it in my school 's team and I think I 'm pretty good at it . Surfing would be another good option because I have never stepped on a surfboard and I think this is a beautiful sport . I 'd like to know about the kind of clothes I should take , if it 's cold or hot by this time of the year and if I should bring any money . I have butterflies of excitement and I'am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , Carlitos Andrade Shopping is not always enjoyable . Some people usually spend more money than they have and end up broken , with a lot of bills to pay . However , if you do n't have those spending sprees very often , shopping can be a pleasant experience and a chance to spend some quality time with your family . Have you ever spent more money than you could in a visit to the shopping center ? If you answered no , congratulations . But if you took a deep breath after reading the question , do n't worry . Its normal to have spending sprees . Everyone had or will have one while shopping . But do n't be afraid . Going to the shopping centre with you family can be a good experience . It 's a moment in that you can talk to your relatives and use this conversation to know more about yourselves . If you are a good observer , it 's a great chance to know what your son or daughter would like to have for her birthday or for any other special date . In conclusion , if you go shopping reasonably , have a good time . On the other hand , if you think that you 'll be on the red , I 'd better stay at home . Dear Mr. Smith My name is Manuel Olmez and last week I went to see the musical show ' Over the rainbow ' to the Circle theatre . Firstly I want to tell you how disappointing was that night . Everything in the advertisement for the show was wrong . The actors I saw in the show were not Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . I went at 19.30 and the show did n't begin until 20:15 so I had to wait a lot and I arrived late to a meeting I had after the show . There were not discounts available for the tickets and the theatre 's restaurant was closed after the show because it was too late . So I want you to send me some money back for that unpleasent night . I hope you can understand me . Yours sincerely Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . So in very few days all the College knew that me and my friends were who had crashed headmaster 's car . The headmaster wanted to tell the police what we had done so we decided to close him in a little house , we had twenty kilometers far from the village until we could change his opinion . Marc , one of my friends , hit Mr. Heyman with a bottle and he lost his conscience . We put him in my car and we left him inside a closed room . When he woke up he started shouting and we had to make him calm . We took some photos of him naked and told him not to tell this anybody because if he does we will hang the photos all arround the village . He accepted and we left him free . Everything began because he is a nasty person and he forced us to clean the college every day , for not paying a cleaning assistant . We need to do something like that to make him change . Dear Sir/Madam , Thank you very much . I am very glad I have won first prize in the competition - two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . I would like to travel only in July , because in June I have to study at school which has n't finished until the end of June . In August , I have already made another appointment with my friends . We are going to visit the places of interest of China , as usual , our new term begins in September . I only can travel in July Accommodation I would prefer in tents to in log cabins . Tents are very easy to take and go everywhere . What 's more , in my opinion it is very romantic . I am good at singing and photography . I can sing most kinds of songs , such as pop music , folk . I like taking photograph , in my only room . There are all kinds of photos , for example , beach , sea trees and so on . In the end , I wonder what kind of clothes I should take and how much money I should bring with me . I look forward to seeing you soon . Yours faithfully To : Mrs Flame From : Kate Subject : which lessons and other activities should be filmed Instruction : The aim of this report is to suggest which lessons and lessons be filmed into a short video . In order to write the report I interviewed about one hundred students who are studying in our English class . Results : The majority of them said it 's a good idea to make something about Maths and English study skills . Sixty percent recommended that the activity which called make the brain up in the morning class should be filmed . Ten of them said should make the computing . Two thirds said we should film a part of playing football . Reasons : Although Maths is very boring , it is very important in nowadays . English is the most popular language in the world , what 's more , more and more people start to learn English . The activity of making brain up can help us remember new words . Playing football is good for health . Conclusion : It is recommended that should be filmed about Maths , English study skills,make brain up and a part of playing football . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you to complain about the musical show I went to see last Wednesday . I was told I would have the most perfect evening in London , but it was not . When I bought my ticket I expected to be able to take advantage of those discounts you announced in the newspaper advertisement but when I had to pay the most expensive price . I went to see the performance at 19:30 but it did not start until 20:15 ! I was really angry but I wanted to see Danny Brook . My surprise was when , instead of Mr. Brook , a different actor appeared on stage . At the end of the show I decided to go to the theatre restaurant but when I arrived I realized it was closed because the musical show had finished too late ! All I am asking for is a full refund of the money I spent in the musical . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Now Marion was really angry with her . Some days ago Pat met her friend Paul , the editor of the school 's newspaper . Paul asked her some questions about her childhood and her toys because he was going to write an article about children . While Pat was talking she remembered playing with her dolls and spending a good time with them . Then Paul asked her if she knew something about Marion 's childhood . Pat told him some unimportant things such as she learnt to swim at the age of five or that she loved ants . But , suddenly , she started to talk about Marion 's toys . She told Paul she had a special toy called Max and that she slept with him . A terrible mistake ! In the following edition the headline was : " Why a teenager sleeps with a toy called Max ? " Everybody laughted at her . Marion felt really embarrassed . Two weeks later everybody forbade about Marion 's secret and she took into account her relationship with Pat . They became friends again . But Marion would never tell Pat a secret again ! ! . I would like to travel only in July because I will take some hollydays at this time . . I prefer to stay in log cabins than in tentes , because log cabins has much esctructure , that I need to stay for a few days . . I can play well basketball , because I use to practice basketball , when I go to the club every Saturday . Now I am planning to be a good photographer . I will use some photographs to put in one website , that belongs of one magazine , that I had projected. last year . . How much money would like to pay me for five hours a day in two weeks working with children ? 2 Most part of students are very shy when the teachers ask them if they have one doubt in some subjects at the classes . The students at school shoud n't be shy , because they have estercotipie inside in some issues , that confuses them the means of things . 3 When you are ready to shopp , some times you know before what is your priority to buy , because probaly you need one thing than others . But the best thing that we do , when we make shopp is spend the time having lunch at snack bar , watching cinema and play games computer . 4 Hello Kim , Last month , I work like roadie at Rolling Stones Pop Concert , I was responsable of sound that comes from the stage . Now , I have some experience to produce CDs alive of famous band , that would like to do it . I hope so to be producer of shows , as soon as possible . Dear Madam , I was very happy to know that I have won the first prize in your competition and it will be a good opportunity for me to go to the U.S.A . If it is possible , I would like to travel in July . I will be working until the end of June and I am going to start university in August . I would prefer to sleep in a tent , because , in my opinion , it is easier to make friends and I like camping as well . I have chosen photography and climbing for activities . I am a beginner in photography but I am really interested in . I have a medium level in climbing and I would like to climb the Californian mountains . Can you tell me how much money I have to take , if I have to take winter clothes and if it is possible to rent a car there . Thank you for this opportunity . Yours faithfully , I like shopping . Some people when they are tired relax spleeping , reading a book or watching television but not me . Walking along the crowded streets of my city is my way of relaxing . I have been working in a shop for a long time and I have noticed that I am not the only one in this case . There were always , at the end of the afternoon , some well-dressed women coming from their offices and they just spent one hour in the shop whithout buying anything . However it is true that shopping is not always enjoyable for example before Christmas or during some special salles . In these periods of the year , the supermarkets and the shops are full of stressed adults and tired children trying to walk in a warm and noisy place . In conclusion , you have to know when and where to shop quietly but in my opinion spending money in a crowded shop is the most enjoyable thing in the world . Dear Sir , I am writing to you to explain how was my experience in the theatre last Friday . I did not expect to find all the problems that I had . Firstly , I would like to say that the actor who played was not the same one that I read in the advertisement . Secontly , the musical show began fourty-five minutes later and nobody explained me what was happened . Thirdly , I did not receive any kind of discounts when I payed although in the advertisement it was written . After the musical show , I went to the theatre restaurant but I could not have had dinner because it was closed . I think that if the musical show will begin later the restaurant should close later , too ! Finally , from my point of view , I would like to receive the money that I payed because it was not the same as you offered in the advertisement . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I think when you explain a secret you must be sure that you have chose the best person to keep it . In your life you will meet a lot of people and you should choose your friends . When I was a child my friends were my companions of class and , especially my neighbours . In the summers I always were playing with them on the street . When I was fourteen years old some things changed . I prefered going by motorbike with the people who studyied with me in the Institute . But , until you are twenty years old you choose your best friends . When you go to the university you are a person who can begin to make a good friends . You have an experience to know people and now you have an opportunaty to select good friends . You must select well if you want to have very good friends . For theses reasons , I think that you should know well the person who wants to explain a secret and keep it . Dear Manager , I have recently seen " Over the rainbow " and I must tell you that I 'm really disappointed ! I found the advertisement about this show in a newspaper and thought it would be fun . I like Danny Brook as an actor and when I read that he would be starring , I booked the ticket imagetly . But , instead there was a different actor , who I never heard about before ! The show should start at 19.30 , but it did n't start until 20.15 ! So , because of that , I missed my last bus home ! While we were waiting for the show to start , we were thinking of going to the restaurant . In fact , it was closed the whole evening , because of some work . As I 'm a student , I usually get discounts on different things , so I was so disappointed when I could n't get it here ! I 'm really upset and disappointed after all this and at least I want my money back ! It could have been a perfect evening out , but it was n't ! yours sincerely Karol Johannes How has modern technology changed my daily life ? I belong to this generation who had grown up with a lot of different technolgy . For example TV , telephone , micrown etc. But the last few years , it has change and so many new important things had been discovered . What I 'm talking about are the computer , which now can be found in almost every home and of course , the mobile phone ! I tought I would never need a mobile phone , but my mum and dad gave me one for Christmas last year and now I ca n't live without it ! But the discovery that I 'm most thankful to is the computor and the Internet ! Thanks to it , I can easy communicate with my family and friends at home when I 'm here in England . It 's so quick and not too expensive either . To use the mobile phone by the way , is very expensive . I usually use it for sending SMS Messages to my friends . So , I start every day , swiching on my mobile phone , to see if there are any more SMS messages before I go to the library to check my e-mail and that 's just the begining of the day ... Karol Johannes Dear Sir or Madam , Last month I went to the theatre with my husband to see OVER THE RAINBOW . I 'm sorry , but I had a very unpleasant evening . First of all , the play started 45 minutes later . I felt so angry about that . And discounts were not available ( nobody explained the reason ) . Secondly , the actor was n't Danny Brook . I wanted to see him ! He is a good actor but I saw a very bad one . And we could n't visit the theatre restaurant because it was closed . Such a bad night ! I 'm sure you will complain the reasons why I want my money back . If you could n't do that , we will accept to go to another play . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . And Lorca knew it . But Pat was in the wrong place in the incorrect hour . That 's a story of a crime of passion . Let me explain it . In 1874 Lorca was the most beautiful white girl in her city ( a small town near Savannah ) . Her family was very rich and a lot of men wanted to marry to her . But she was in love with a black man , called Jim . And Pat , the maid , saw them in the river . She could n't keep the secret and told everything to another maid . In few hours everyone knew it . Pour lovers ! When Jim 's wife knew it she caught a gun and killed her husband . Then , she cried and cried holding him . ( If she had n't do it , Lorca 's father would had made the same ) . It was a shock for Lorca . She jumped into the river and killed herself two days after . Pat and Jim 's wife lived with the guilty all their long lives . How could they forget it ? Dear Mrs. Ryan : I am writing in reply to your letter , in order to answer your requests . First of all , it would be suitable for me to travel in July only , because that is when I am on holiday from work . Second , I would rather stay in a log cabin , because I tend to get very nervous in small closed places , so a tent would be unapropriate for me . I would prefer golf and surfing . I have n't played golf for a long time , so it will be pleasent to do so . About surfing , I am an amateur at it . I have been surfing for five years and I have competed in two championships . Finally , I would like to ask you what kind of clothes would you recommend me to take . I have never been to California , so I have no idea about the weather there . Also , I would like to know if I will need any money there . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerately , Dear Kim : Hi ! I 'm writing to tell you about my experience at the concert . It was supposed to start at ten , but when the band was going on stage , the leader of it fell down on some wires that gave the power to all the instruments and all the lights ! Suddenly , everything got very dark . The fans started shouting and wistling for the show to begin , while I just stood there trying to see what had happened . Then , a security guard started calling for help . I happened to be near him , so I went to help him . He asked me to help Bono , the leader , get up and to get him some water . I realised he had broken a finger so I had to get a doctor to help him . There was an ambulance behind the stage , so the paramedic came right away and took care of Bono 's finger . Like an hour later , he recovered and the show began . What I liked was that I had the chance to help my idol and to talk to him . Bye ! see you soon , Dear Manager of the Circle Theatre . I am writing regarding to our visit to the Circle Theatre the 17th June . When we saw your advertisment for the musical show , over the rainbow , we immediatly decided that this must be a perfect evening out . There was in our opinion two reasons for that , our favourite actor Danny Brook and the opportunity to visit your theatre restaurant afterwords . However the evening become very disappointing . Firstly , Danny Brook was not acting , there was another unknown actor and he was not good . Secondly , the show was supposed to start 19.30 , but did not start until 20.15 . Thirdly , in your advertisment it says that discounts should be available , but it was not . Above these the restaurant was closed because of water leakage . I am therefore asking for a compensation for our disappointing evening and hope we can reach a sollution as soon as possible . Yours sincerelly Adra Johansson Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . It did n't take more than one day before everyone knew about my decision . I had thought about it for many years but never been able to fulfill my dreams . This year I had the opportunity to make my dreams come through . However I was n't sure if my decision was right and therefore I decided to discuss it with Pat . Pat is my best friend , since we first met in primary school . It is now twenty years ago . I really like Pat , she 's funny , has a good sence of humor and like me she loves to discuss everything . So therefore , my choise to ask her about my decision was the best I could do . She really listen to me and told me that I did the right thing and persuaded me to send in my application for an language course in England . I wanted to keep this as a secret until I received the answer from the School . But it is ok , I still like Pat , even though she ca n't keep a secret . Hello Helen , I have recived your exiting letter , informing me that I have won two weeks at Camp California in the USA . I will answer your questions in this letter begining with the best moment for the Camp . Because of my study I will not be free to travel until july and schools goes on in August again so I hope July will be fine . I much prefer sleeping in tents , it seems more friendly and realy sounds like holydays . Choosing only two activities in such a bunch of interesting ones was quite hard , but I decided to take the two I 've never tried , Climbing and Surfing . I would like to know what kind of clothes should I bring and wether I can wash it or not , and I 'd like to know how much money will I need for extras ? Thank you very much Yours sincerely Andre Michel Hello Kim , How are you ? Excuse me for the long time I left you without any news . I wrote you last time that I was going to give a hand for the installation and preparation of " Garbage 's " concert and you asked me to tell you how it has been . So one week befor the concert I went at " L'Arena " to meet the other worker and receive the instructions . I 've had the hounour to help their sound engeineer and branch the cables for microphones ggitares etc . We realy started to work like ants the morning befor the show . It was exiting looking all three mens working together and building a scene , and it was interresting to help the sound engineer to check the sound and configuring his computers to get the best sound possible . About two hours befor the beginning of the show , we met the band and recieved tickets to backstage , that was wonderful , maybe better than the concert itself ! And the next morning , I was here again to help them folding their stuffs . That 's a great experienc ! Now Kim , tell me about your side of the show Yours Andre I am writing in reply to your letter , which I have received last week , and in fact I am very surprised and please for the prize . First of all I would like to travel in July because is my free month since I am student and I am very busy during all year . Secondly , according to accommodation , I would prefer to stay in a long cabin , due to I used to use the tent on holiday and I have n't got very good experiences . Thirdly I chose photography and swimming because I have previous experience in these activities and of course I have some diplomas which I will send you . In addition , I work every summer as a Monitor in the leisure centre in my town . Apart from this photography is one of my favorite hobbies and I usually spent nearly all my spare time practising it and of course I have some diplomas as well . Lastly I would like to ask you for some questions . On the one hand I would like to have further information about which kind of clothes I need for that area . I do n't know if I have to bring only light clothes or both . On the other hand I would like to request all details of accommodation and if you could specifie what this trip includes , since I need to know how much money I have to take . I look forward to receiving a prompt reply . Yours faithfully Hello it 's been ages since we were in touch , I 'm sorry I have n't written to you for such a long time but I have been very busy last month , with this job . I have to tell you that this experience was wonderful and in fact I enjoyed a lot and of course I knew a lot of people there . I found this opportunity through the Radio in an advertisement . On the one hand at first I was a little insure about if I was able to do this job , because they needed people with some skills and experience . But later I decided to call them and ask them for further information about this job . After a interview I was chosen for it , I could n't believe it . I feel that this was a good oportunity for me , not only for my professional but also for my personal life . Moreover I practised a lot of aspect of my speciality , for me was the most important real experience . According to my job , I had to help the teams with the outlights and of course it had been my first proffesional experience : at the end I felt a member of them , because they were so kind to me , and I could colaborated a lot of and I learnt a lot with this project . Furthermore , I found it very short time and they offered me new project for the summer . I hope to hear from you soon . Dear manager My name is Lisa and I 'm 21 years old . I went to the theatre last Friday to see Over the Rainbow and I felt disappointed about the musical . I expected more from it . First of all the actor was the same since last semester . I would really like to see a new one such as Markin Davis , he is a great actor and he would fit well this musical . Then I was sitted with my friend just waiting for the start that lasted forever and was supposed to start at 19:30 . After the show I felt really hungry , so I meant to go to the restaurant which occasionally was closed . By the time I thought : " I want my money back . " That was supposed to be a perfect evening turned out to be the most hateful musical I 've ever seen . Attencionally Straussburg 17th June 2000 Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Despite the fact that she was my best friend I could never count on her or she would tell everybody in high school all my secrets . Once , when we first met I was about 15 and she was the same age , we started talking and by the time we found out a very good friendship on our conversation . One day she came over to my house and we spoke all night about our lives . Then I told her about my first kiss ( it was terrible , the guy did n't know how to do it ) and things like that . The next morning when I got to the high school I heard what I was n't expecting , Pat had told everybody about my first experience in kissing . People would be starring at me and laughing . I got really mad at her , but nowadays we are friends , not as close as we used to . I do n't tell her my secrets anymore . Cracow 8430 Dear Competition Organiser , I 've already decided when I want to take a part at The Camp California in USA . The most suitable time for this trip is only in July , because I 've planned already the rest of my summer holidays . On June and August , so that 's the only time when I can travel there . An accommodation at the camp that is more suitable for me is in log cabins . I prefer that kind of accomodation because I can have a kitchen or even a bathroom there , but I ca n't have it in tent . I 've also choosed two activities , swimming and sailing . These are my favorite because they have a lot to do with water , but I like them more than surfing . At the end I would like to ask you how much money is needed and what kind of clothes are the best for this camp . Please answer me soon . Otto Zajac . Shopping is not always enjoyable I agree with this statement especially when we talk about small shop in the center of a big town . These shops are usually very crowded and you have to wait for a very long time to buy one kilogram of carrots for example . In such a shops there is usually one or one or two sellers , what is not enough when a shop is full of people . That 's a place where you lose too much of time and health . Shopping is more enjoyable if you go to a big supermarket , because there is smaller crowd and more sellers work there . In these days people prefere shopping at supermarkets than at shops or even shopping areas , because shopping at shop is less enjoyable and you spent the same amount of money . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am replying to your letter for the first prize of the competition , that I won and there are a number of thinks I would like to make clear . You asked me in your last letter when I would like to travel . I think the best time is the first two weeks of July , because I will be free then . I cannot travel earlier because I take an examination and I have to study for it . In addition , I would prefer to have a log cabin , because I am not used to sleeping in a tent , so it would be very difficult for me. at the beginning You state in your last letter that I will have the chance to do two activities . I would prefer basketball and swimming . When I was younger I attend I local basketball team and we became local champions , so I am good at basketball and have a lot of experience . I am also good at swimming . Last year I entered a swimming championship and won the silver medal . Finally , there is one think I would like to ask . Could you tell me what sort of clothes and how much money I should have with me ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Many thanks for your last letter . It was great to hear from you again . As you know , I helped at a pop concert last month. and I must say it was fantastic . Let 's start from the beginning . First of all , I had to prepare the clothes of the pop stars . I had to iron them , put them in order , so that the pop stars , who will sing at the concert , look impressive. and handsome . The most exciting things happened later . I saw all the pop stars , talked with them and realized that they are very nice and always helpful . I had a lot of things to do during the concert . I had to look after the tone that nothing goes wrong . That was very responsible but fortunately I had help from other person . I must say that being in a concert is very nice . But helping in a concert is much nicer . At the end I realized that all your need is co-operation and do n't think selfishly . Hope to hear from you soon . Yours Pantelis 14.06.2000 Dear Mrs Ryan , Thank you for your letter . I was very glad I won the competition . This trip will , undoubtedly be a wonderful experience . As far as the dates of travelling are concerned , the only period available would be in July as I am fully booked for the remaining summer . I really did n't expect to win the trip . I would therefore be very thankful if you could book the tickets for then . Concerning the accommodation choice you have proposed me , please make sure I am sleeping in a tent , as I have never experienced open air camping before . I think it would be nice to try it at least once . Concerning the proposed activities please , accept me for Singing and Painting . The only problem would be that my drawing is pretty bad . Concerning Singing activities , I think I 'm quite good as I have been in my school 's choir for 3 years . Could you please include in your next letter some information about the amount of money and clothes we have to carry ? Yours sincerely 17 October 2000 Dear Kim , As you asked me , I write you about my experience at the Pop Concert . Well , on the whole , it was pretty cool . There was no big stress about it . The only thing I was asked to do was to help carry the lunches of the singers and to help with light and sound management , when the guy there had to do something else . Oh yes , I also had to check the tickets for five minutes . The woman had to deliver something . The problem about this job is that you have to deal with huge amounts of people . There were 963 persons in the " Armaggedon " that night ! But , as I said , the whole thing was fun . You must show a great sence of responsibility . But , Kim , can you see an other way to meet the " New Bentley " for free , talk to them and even get paid ? That was my best day ever , the one I shared a meal with Paul McPartney . I 'm sure you are jalous now . Do n't worry they still organise these " youth work " programs . With love John Dear Sir/Madam ! Thank you very much for your letter . I was surprised because I did n't expect that I could win . Now I study and I 'll continue my study untill the end of June . Then I 'll have holiday which finish in August . That 's why I 'd like to travel only in July . I prefer to live in log cabin because I think it 's more comfortable . There are warmer and drier and I 'm afraid of insects and spiders . It 's really great that you can suggest how to spend the rest time , because I enjoy swimming and it does n't matter where in the lake or swimming-pool . I think it 's very usefull and helpful thing for my health especially when I do it with pleasure . The second my favorit sport is tennis . I 've played tennis for ten years I 'm a profesional and I have to be good at it , in any time . I want to ask you about money . How much money I need and if I have to have them in cash or I can use a credit card . Could you let me know about the weather because I do n't know what kind of clothes I should take . Would you send me your answer as fast as it possible . I look forward to seeing you soon . Thank you Yours faithfully Katerina Petrov Hi , Kim ! How are you ? I 'm fine soon I 'll have my holiday and I look forward for them but now I have a lot of exams and if I want to pass them I have to learn a lot . Now I want to tell you about a pop concert as you have already knowen I helped my father to organize this concert . I was doing a lot of things like redecorating , drawing . Sometimes I gave some advices about suits and dresses . Often we looked repetitions and if something did n't like us we tried to correct it . The most enjoable thing was to smart people . We have a good and rich sponsor , that 's why we could buy a lot of different materials with different colours and we tried to be polite with actors even if they did n't want to wear that part of cloth which we thought was more similar to their style . We always explained them and at the end they agreed with us . These days were so busy . But when we saw our show and heard how loud audience claped them we were proud and understood that we spent a good time . You should try it and feel . I 'll be waiting for your answer . Best wishes . Katerina . Dear Mrs. Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter . I am very happy to be the winner of the competition and I am looking forward to come to Camp California . I hope there will be no problem if I travel in July , as this is the only free period I have . From August , in fact , I will start with a new job and I will not be able to live Rome for a long period . As far as accommodation is concerned , I would prefer to stay in a log cabin , because tents are too hot for me . I am also pleased to have the chance to do some activities and I would like to choose something I am not able to do so . So , I have decided to chose photography and surfing because I am an absolute beginner at both of them . Please let me know how is the climate like at the Camp , so that I can take with me the right kind of clothes . It would be also useful for me to know if there will be some extra expenses , in order to take enough money for two weeks . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Vittoria Santini Being a woman , I naturally love shopping . It is a really great pleasure going in and out from different shops , try on a variety of clothes and shoes , and finally go back home with dozens of bags in your hands . However , there are a few moments in which you cannot enjoy shopping . The first one is the Christmas period . Shops are incredibly crowded . You cannot try on a dress and decide to buy it or not in peace , because outside there is a queue of people waiting for their turn . In many cases , you do not even find the things you want , because shops run out of products very quickly . Moreover , during this period , prices are usually much higher than in the other month 's . Another situation in which shopping is not enjoyable , is when you go shopping with a man . For the majority of men , in fact , shopping is the most boring activity in the world . A man will try to prevent you from trying more than one dress and will refuse to stay in the same shop for more than five minutes . Anyway , apart from these two cases , shopping is always very amusing . Dear Helen Ryan I 'm writing back to tell you that I am happy to accept this prize and to give you some further information that you need from me . If it 's possible I would like to travel on July because of my job . I ca n't leave it until this month and I 'm not able to travel at any other time of the year . As I see I have the chance to choose what accommodation I prefer . I would like to stay in a tent because I 'm used to go camping at weekends but if there 's any problem I could be very confortable in a log cabin too . It 's incredible the large list of interesting activities that you offer . It 's difficult just to try two but if I have the chance I would like to practice sailing and photography . I have never done noon of them before and as a result I ca n't be good but I 've always wanted to sail because I love the sea and now I have the opportunitie . I also think that it would be great to learn photography because it will give me the chance to go sightseeing and find wonderful places to take pictures . If you do n't mind I would like to know what kind of clothes are apropriate for the camp and for the weather of California . And also may I have to bring money ? because I know that all the costs are paid but it could be necessary for other things . I look forward to hear from you . Yours sincerely Luna Juarez . I completely agree with the following statement : " shopping is not always enjoyable " From my point of view a lot of people believe that it 's very fun to go shopping and it 's a great way to spend Saturday afternoons and that 's true but in my opinion go shopping can be stressing and disgusting . First of all we usually go to the shops at the same time than the rest of the world and that 's a little bit complicated because the shops are fulled and it 's impossible to try acurately . Secondly you have to thank before you come in a shop if you 're going to have luck . I mean that you have to wait until the seller came to know if he or she is going to drive you crazy . Thirdly you have to pray to find the right size and once you 've got it you have to think Does it fits me ? And after all of this it 's important when you 're going shopping to have a big amount of money or you will end stressed , disgusted , and depressed . At last but not at least let me give you some advice try not to go with that friend of yours that is crazy about clothes and shoes because she wants you to be like her and that will be awful . 18 June 2000 Dear Ms Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter . I have just received it yesterday . I am very exciting . I would like to go to California in the U.S.A. in July . It is the only month that I can have my holiday in a year and it would be nice in the summer time . About the accommodation at Camp California , I prefer a log cabin . It would be nice and safe for me than the tents . The activities I would like to choose the swimming and sailing . It could be fun for me because I like swimming and sailing could be exciting too . Lastly , I would like to know about the money and clothes . How about the weather in California in July ? Is it hot or raining ? Then I can prepare my clothes , or can we buy some clothes there ? Are they accept the credit card or only cash . I do n't want to take money with me . I would be greatful if you could send me the full details . Many thanks . Yours faithfully , In the following paragraps I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages about shopping . Everyone needs to shopping everyday . It is very important thing for our life . We need food , clothes , book etc. There are many kinds of thing for shopping and they are different for example the price , the quality In suppermarket , shop , department store have many things . We could buy mostly all we need in one store . It is very convenien . On the other hand , shopping is not always easy . Sometime , it 's so many people and they are not friendly at all or you are hurry while you are in the long queu . We have seen then , shopping is very important for our life . Most people enjoy shopping because it more convenien for today but if you found the busy place for shopping or it is not as good as you expect . It would not enjoyable for you . Dear Sir or Madam , With reference to your advertisment regarding the musical show " Over the rainbow " I am writing to with the intention to give you an impression of our experiences visiting the above mentioned show . We were disappointed to realize that not Danny Brook but a different actor played one of the main characters . Honestly it was a less impressive performance than we had expected . According to your advertisment the play should have started at 19:30 . Unfortunately there was an unexplained delay of 45 minutes . The audience had to sit and wait until 20:15 . What made the situation worse is that no explanation for the delay was given ; not even an apologation . We had been told that discounts to the ticket-prices were possible but at the evening of the show no discounts or special offers whatsoever were offered . After the show we had intended to visit your theatre restaurant which was - to our surprise - closed because of the time delay ! So we had to leave hungry and with a certain feeling of frustration and disappointment . Honestly for us it was not that " perfect evening out " . We would like to ask you if there is any chance to get our money back of or if you can offer any other alternative for our convenience ? We are looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully M. S . " The old man and the Sea " Dear Tim , I 'm writing to you regarding the radio programme next Saturday where " The old man and the Sea " by Earnest Hemingway will be read . I recommend you listen to it ! As you know we have already had several discussions about literature and what it can tell or teach us . I suppose you still wonder what the great authors can do for us ? Therefore Hemingway is a very good example . He fought in the Spanish Civil war and in World War II always on the search for answers to questions like " ... what defines a man " , or " ... what happens to us in critical situations " . These experiences influenced him so deeply that he described his feelings in several books . One of the most interesting ones is " The old man and the Sea " . A story of an old seaman leaving his town to proove that he is still able to catch the biggest fish ever caught . The story describes his feelings , thoughts , fears and emotions during a struggle with a giant deep-sea fish . In the end he wins but before he is able to get back he has to " sacrifice " his fish to attacking sharks . So did he finally win or loose ? An interesting story - demanding in a way - which can give you an impression of Hemingway 's work and what he meant by " pace under pressure " . I hope you will enjoy it ! Please let me know ! I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Kind regards M. S . Dear Ryan , I 'm just finish reading the letter from you about won first prize in your competition two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. You had ask me some further information . I would like to travel on the July only Because I 'll be free for the whole month . So any date on the July . I 'd like to accommodation at Camp California in tents . Because i like to sleep in tent when i go camping . Also I would like to choose the two activities that you had gave me on the list . I would like to choose Swimming and Photography . I 'm good in swimming . I used to swim for the school team . But I never do photography before . I love to take a photo but never have chance to do so . But I have chance to choose . Also I would like to ask you some questions . Do I have to bring a lots of money ? I mean do I have to pay for the tent ? What about the clothes do I have to bring a lot ? That is all i want to know . Thank you Your sincerely LINDSAY WATTANA 10/05/2000 Dear Kim , Hi , how are you ? I 'm fine . I just got your letter yesterday . You had ask me a question about my experience helping at a pop concert . You wanted me to tell you about it right ? Well , it quite fun while i helping them to do the stuff before the concert gonna start . I have to get everythings that they need up to the stair . It 's so tried . Then after that I have to help them carry all the clothes for the singer to wear from the bus down in to the stuff room . I saw Westlife too you know they are so cute . Then I can take rest about 30 mins . After that i have to go in to the stuff room again because they wanted me to go and buy some drink for the singer . After i came back i have to help them clean all the make up stuff . The concert begin ... that mean i can take rest until the concert finish . After the concert had finish i have to help them again to clean all the stuff. the carry everythings that I can carry back to the bus . We were so tried but it 's good fun . I think this experience was quite interesting . If somebody ask me to go and help again I would like to go for sure . That 's all i did in the pop concert for my experience . What about your experience ? Do n't forget to tell me about yours okay ... Better go to sleep now . Bye Antonia . Dear Mr Robertson , I was interested in an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and I would really love to go to the show . I am writing to appriciate for the good programme . It was so kind of you to have organised the programme . I would enjoy to see the show , especially a fashion show . I am keen on wearing and drawing some clothes . This show starts on Tuesday in Central Exhibition of London from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM . Especially , students are free ! It will be great opportunity for me . I feel that it is such a nice experience and worthy . I would like to suggest idea and change sightseeing by bus on Monday , because the English weather is so changeable . If it rains , we will not be pleasant . Some of friends would like to go to the British Museum and I have not been there before . Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Dear friend How are you ? I 'm fine . Thank you a lot for your letter and I hope you and your family are well . It 's a good idea to give a book for your cousin 's birthday present . I would like to recommend ' The Old Man and The Sea ' because I 've read it when I was teenager . It was such a wonderful story that I remember the old man speaking about human 's life between the sea and the man . It may make him think of his future and this book could be very suitable for him . Let me know if he likes it or not and I hope we 'll be able to get together before too long . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you Love Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about your musical show " Over the Rainbow " . Last week I was on holiday at London and I was very dissappointed when I visited your theatre . First of all the show was supposed to start at 19.30 , but it was delayed untill 20.15 , and when the show finally began we were supriced to see that Danny Brook who was the star of the show , was not playing and someone else had replace him and he was really disappointing . Moreover , the advertisement says that discounts will be available with the price of the ticket , but when I asked for one they told me that there was not any . Last but not least , the advertisement says to visit your restaurant after the show , but when we went to the restaurant we realised that it was closed because the cook was ill . The advertisement says that it is going to be your perfect evening out , but it was not. it was a complete waste of time and money . That is why I would like to request full refund of my money . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , but she was her best friend and she had to trust her . Anna told her again : " Pat do n't tell it to anyone please , especially to my brother everything will be ruin then " . and Pat answered : " Do n't wory I wo n't tell anyone " . The big secret was that Anna was prearing a suprice party for her brother , John and she did n't want anyone to know about it . She had told it to Pat though and that was extremely dangerous ! Anna could n't do anything though because she needed her help to give the invitations . The party was set up to be in two days . The two days passed really fast and Anna was happy because Pat had n't told anything to her brother , or so she thought ! Pat went to Anna 's and she seemed really unhappy . - " Anna I have a confession to make " Pat told her and she started crying - " What is it Pat ? " Anna asked and she started to worry . - I 've told your brother about the party . I could n't help it ! , I 'm so sorry ! - " What ? " Anna could n't believe it , she was devastated , she started crying and told Pat " Get out of my house , now ! ! ! " Pat left . Everything were destroyed the party and their friendship . Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your lovely letter ? I was really surprise to heared I have won in your competition . With pleasure I 'll give all information wich you need . I would like to book my tickets from the beginning of July . The 3rd of July will suit to me . As far as I know accomodation at Camp California is in tents or log cabins . I prefer log cabins . It 's more convinient for me . I am very glad I can chose two activities while I will at the Camp . I am keen on basketball , I played in my country for 7 years . I am good diffender . I would like to choose surfing like my second activities . I 've never done it before . I 'd like to get some lessons if it 's possible . I 've seen how people do it but I 've never tried it my own . I 'd like to know what temperature in July in California and youre advice about how much money I will need to have an unforgetable hollydays ! Yours sincerely Is shopping not always enjoyable , is it ? We ca n't say that is always enjoyable or is not . Every new day is not the same . But ... I think that good shopping depends on ourself . If we decided to by somthing special and we have enough money for it we have to go and buy it . Probably , maybe not . Some times we have to have deal with not good service or for example could you imagine it on your way to shop you have met wrong people or someone told you bad news . Or quality of your new thing is not so good that you really expected . Situations are variously . Maybe you will spend all your money for a new thing and a few hours later your best friend will invite you to go to night-club but you are short of money . Some people will do crazy things in situation like this . They will hate this new thing because they will miss a party . But I want to wish you have a good enjoyable shopping all your way . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing in order to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the musical show ' Over the Rainbow ' that recently took place in The Circle Theatre . During my prior holiday in London I came across an encourageing advertisment for the show and decided to see it . Unfortunately , I was very dissappointed to find out that there were no discounts available ! Therefore , it cost me more money then usual . In addition , I was very annoyed by the fact that the event had started at 20:15 - not 19:30 as mentioned in the advertisment . My dissatisfaction became even bigger when I had realize that there had been a different actor than Danny Brook performing ! Moreover , I was unable to use the theatre restaurant as it had been closed due to redecoration ! Having noticed that this was not ' a perfect evening out ' I would like to ask for my money back . I feel as if I had been lied to and thus I demand my money to be returned . I am looking forward to receiving a response in the near future . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Everyone had already heard of me getting the secret access code for the ' Secret Society ' organisation . This was the kind of association everybody knew of but nobody talked about . Everyone was aware that telling aloud about ' Secret Society ' could get you in trouble , serious trouble . There had been cases when somebody entered the club but never came back afterwards . I guess it was that thrill that actually made me anxious to know what really was going on inside the dodgy-looking old house guarded by a man with an unfriendly hound . I 've always enjoyed the hazard and this time getting the password was , indeed , a tough coockie . But knowing what these people are capable of makes me doubt wether to use it or not . Especially now , when ' big-mouth ' Pat spread the news to litterally everyone . I would n't be surprised if suddenly something bad happened to me . Therefore , I have to escape . What I 've learned from this situation is to never trust people again . You should remember about this in the future . Dear Miss Helen Ryan , I am writing to you because I am very glad for my first place in the competition , I am going to tell you the things that you ask me on your letter . I would like to travel on July because is the perfect time to go to the camp and is summer . Accommodation at camp I would like to choose cabins because I think I would be protected from the animals and the cold . Furthermore for the activities I want to select Tennis and Basketball because I haves been playing tennis since I was young and basketball because I played for the team in my college like the capitan . I want to ask you one more thing I do not have any idea about how much money and clothes I have to bring would you give me an advice to know how much I need to bring I look forward to heard from you Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I 'm writing to you to tell you about my experience when I was helping at a pop concert , well first let me tell you that my job was helping the artist if they need something , for example give them water or snacks . It was n't very exciting job but you can knew a lot of pop Artists that was the good thing because they gave their t-shirts also I could chat with them for a few minutes. another good thing was that all the people wants to be in your place and they were very jealous about me . any way , this was my own experience working at the concert , if you have any oportunity to help at any concert you should help because you have a lot of fun as well ok . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes Helen Ryan Competitor Organiser Dear Helen , I am writing to you in replay to the letter I have recently recived , to inform you about some details that I am concerned about . First of all I want you to know that I would prefer to travel in July due to the exam I will be taking in June and , afterwards , I will start my university studies in September which means lots of things to be sorted out . Secondly , I prefer staying in log cabins because it is easyer for me to keep my personal belongings clean and tidy apart from the fact that I am terribly afraid of insects such as spiders and ants . In your letter you settled the possibility to choose two activities and I would like to let you know that I would be pleased if I could join to basketball and climbing , as I am very good at both of them due to I 've played in my secondary scholl as leader of my team and due to my long training periods in lifting weights . Lastly , do I need to take with me any special staff of clothes ? Do I need some money ? and if it is so , how much ? I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable Suppose you go shopping with your girlfriend , that means that you will have to spend hours walking behind her from one shop to another and during the time that she is trying the items on , you have to bear with the odds faces of the other women looking at you as if you were an alien into their territory . There is as well the struggle you have to endure when you find yourself into the crowds crambled in the small shops during the unique day-off you have to buy somthing you like . All this can easily leads to a nerve-collapse , particularly when you realise that your money has been stolen either during your difficult way across the crowds or while you were qeuing to pay . If this was n't enough you strength and mental health can be completely destroyed when despite having been stolen , having spent hours walking around and being tired and hungry you finally buy something you really liked with your credit card and after having walked a few blocks you see the same item at half price in another shop . Dear Helen RYAN , I 'm the winner of the first prize in your competion and I 'm writing to you to give some information which was required for you . Your first question was about when I 'd like to travel . Well , it 's only possible in July because of the University 's holiday ( during the rest of the year I 'm attending to the classes ) . If I can choose accommodation I prefer log cabins , because when I 've been in Camps , it always has been in tents , then I 'd like to change and try this other kind of accommodation . It 's really difficult choose two activities from that list . Everyone are very interesting . Anyway , I think Basketball could be the right because it 's the sport that I 'm practising from I was a child and photography because it 's my hobby on my free time , I 'm really enjoy it and I can say I 'm so good in it . I was wondering which kind of clothes we need and what about money and meals , Are they provided ? or can we find some places to buy it ? I suppose it 's everything that you need from me . Any other question do n't hesitate to ask me . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you , again . Yours faithfully , SHOPPING IS NOT ALWAYS ENJOYABLE . I think shopping is a subject really up to date . I can say that nowadays is growing up very quickly in our society like a kind of sport or hobby to waste or spend the free time . And it 's creating a lot of adict people , call " shopalcoholics " . Otherwise shopping is not always enjoyable . You can spend hours and hours going shopping and not find what you were looking for , perhaps because it is not your size or the colour that you like , or just nothing is suitable to you . Another common problem could be the long queue in the fitting rooms waiting stand up for your turn . After that , the unfriendly and sometime 's unpolite shop assistance who breaks your nerves down . But never mind ! the worst arrive when you get at home in the evening and find a chair to sit because your feet are killing you and realize you have spent all the money without buying the stuff that you need to cook tonight . 17th June , 2000 Dear Sir/Madam : Or to whom it main concern : I am writting to you because I had a very disappointing evening at the Circle Theatre . Well I seems to me that you should know what had happened there . First of all , I read your advertisement where it was written that the musical show started at 19.30 , but do you know at what hour it started ? It started at 20:15 ! Do n't you think it is a lack of respect ? Really it was . I forgot to tell you that there were no available discounts . And tickets were too expensive ! Most people could n't afford them . As a matter of fact , when the musical show was over , I was really hungry . But as I had read your advertisement I knew there was a restaurant . So I went there in order to have something to eat . But can you believed it , it was closed . Absolutely closed . So I asked someone who seemed to be in charge , and he told me that it was too late to have a meal . This really disappoint me . I was both hungry and angry . Well I think that is all , but I will ask you to give my money back . Looking forward hearing from you . yours Faithfully Secrets Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Maybe this is how my story begins . Well first of all Pat was a very friend of mine . He was really a good friend , until something had happened . I was attending college , as I normally do . With nothing to lose , at all , but on the contrary , with a lot to learn from . I was very keen on English lessons , maybe because I was sitting near the Boy I loves . Yes , I think this was the only reason . His name was Cody . He was a very handsome and good looking boy . But far from that , he was a very kind person . Pat told me that he was also in love with me . He told me that it was nessary to do something about . But I did n't know what to do . Pat suggested me to talk to him . But I really did n't managed to do so . As Pat was lossing his patience , he decided to talk to him . I can say that I was very nervious or anxious about what was going to happen . He did n't kept my secret . Pat told him that I was in love with him . This was my secret and now it was not . But so , I think it was for the best , he was also in love with me . But on the other hand I will never trust in Pat . Dear Madame , I am writting this letter to informe you about the decisions I have made according to your questions . First of all I would like to travel on July because I will I have finished my exams by the end of June . I will not be able to travel on August because I have found a job for that month . Secondly I would prefer to be accommodate in log cabins . When I was a child I was affraid of all these little insects that they live in the ground and this fear still remain till now . I also think that the log cabin will be much more confortable than the tent . asketball and swimming are the two activities I have chosen . I play basketball since I was twelve years old and I am member of the basketball school team for four years . In swimming I had won the first price of a local competition . Finaly I would like to ask you for some further informations about the clothes and the money we will need . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , As you already know , last month I was helping at a pop concert . It was a very excited experience and I really enjoyed very much . I did n't have to do something very difficult . I was only responsable for the property of the back stages . But if anyone was been asking for some help I was always there . The most exciting about this experience was to meet all these well-known people . I was shocked and terrified the firt time I saw them , but the truth is that they are men like us . They have a very simple life and behavior when they were n't on the scene If I have the opportunity next month I really want to go back . I will definitely apply for a place . Love Kelly . Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to complain about the problems were exist on the musical show . First of all you said that the starring would be Danny Brook but there was not . Another actor took his place . After that , the time that the show should start was 19:30 but it started fortyfive minutes later . People have been started to complain . What about the available discounts . They were not exist . Except of this there more . After the show I went to the theatre restaurant but it was closed , because the chef of the restaurant was ill . This is not an excuse . You have to excuse me but this was a very disappointing evening . I would like to return to me my money back . I am very disappointed with you . I did not expect these problems from you . I am waiting your answer as soon as possible . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . One day Brian , the best friend of Pat told him a secret . An important secret for Brian . He told him , that he was in love with Jane , a girl in their class . Jane was a very good girl and she liked Brian . Pat told this secret to Beth the best friend of Jane . He did n't told the secret because he wanted to heard Brian but because he wanted to help him . Brian was very shame to ask Jane in date . So , Beth , asked Jane if she is in love with Brian and she said that she was . When Pat heart the good news he told to Brian to asked her in date and he knew that she will accepted . Brian learm what was happened and at first he was angry with Pat but then he thanked him . Jane and Brian were very happy . Brian and Pat had a lot of arguments about this because Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you to complain about the unexpected evening I had when I went to see the musical show " Over the rainbow " in your theatre . First of all , the time for the second session was meant to be at 19.30 , but somehow it began at 20.15 , which was a 45 minutes delay . I was also expecting to see the actor Danny Brook performing , but a different actor did , who did not perform as well as Danny Brook does . This was another disappointing thing of that evening . But my complain does not finish here . It was of my understanding that discounts were available on the tickets , as the advertisement showed , but there were no discounts . And what is more , I could not go to the restaurant after the show , as it was closed because the main chef was ill and could not come to work . Definetely , it was not my perfect evening at all and under these circumstances I really believe you should give me my money back . Looking forward to hearing from you , Alessandra Lane . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . As soon as she arrived home , she phoned her best friend Sue and told her everything , all details included . She also told her not to tell anybody about it because it was a secret . The thing was that Mary could n't resist the secrecy and phoned her cousin , who also studied in our school . She was the director of the school newspaper and Mary did n't tell her it was a secret , so on monday at 9 a.m. MY SECRET was published in the school paper and at the end of the day , eventually everybody had read the " news " . I did n't know it was published as I did n't read the paper and no one told me anything , either . But I soon knew it because when I went to the school canteen everybody was staring at me and whispering to eachother . At first I did n't realise what was happening , but then a friend of mine told me that everyone knew that I was going out with the most popular boy in the school and that we had kissed eachother in the park last friday . Suddenly my face went all red and I ran towards the toilet . I had never felt so embarrassed and miserable in my life , but luckily next day almost everybody forgot about it . That day I swore to myself that I would never trust anybody again . 13-06-00 Dear Helen Ryan Competition Organiser I recived your letter about I won two weeks at camp California in the U.S.A . I would like travel July because I will have holidays in this mounth . About the accommodation at camp , I prefer in tents because I love sleep in tents , is more interesting than sleep in log cabins . I would like do climbing and sailing while I 'm at the camp , I can climbing very well I used to climbing ten years ago in my country . I 'm worried about what kind of clothes I will need in the camp ? and how much money I have to carry for the trip ? Could you answer my questions please as soon as you can , because I 'm nervous , and I need your soon answer , and I will have talk with my parents about camp . Yours Sincerely I agree with shopping is not always enjoyable . Nowadays , the people are always buying anythings maybe they do n't need this things , only buy because is in fashion . In the first place , when the people think only in go to the shopping forgot others things : play with their children , talk with than parents , friends . In the other hands , when the people go to shopping spend a lot of money . I my view , is more enjoyable do others things than go to shopping because , maybe " you lose your money " . Dear madame I 'm very surprised about the good news and I 'm sure I 'll really have a good time in California . I 'm happy to answer to your questions . First of all , I would like to travel in July because my boss wo n't let me free in August . Secondly , I would like to stay in tents because I like camping a lot and I do it whenever I can . Regarding to the activities , I choose swimming and tennis . I 'm a good swimmer and I would like to do it in the Californian See . I do n't think I 'll have the chance of doing it again in the future . On the contrary , I 'm an absolute beginner in playing tennis and I 'm not fit in running but I chose it because it is a sport I 've always wanted to learn BUT I 'VE NEVER HAD enough free time . There is something I would like to ask you . What kind of clothes am I supposed to bring with me ? And what about money ? Should I bring cash or a credit card is all I will need ? And what about sanitary precautions ? I ca n't ?look forward to start this adventure . Yours sincerily Carla Reale Shopping is not always enjoyable I 'm a woman and they say that shopping is women 's best activity . But I have a particular problem . I 'm not slim and I 'm a little ashamed of my body . That 's why shopping is not an easy thing to do . In fact I ca n't buy whatever I like and I ca n't follow fashions just like the other women do . When I go shopping I always have to ask for the extra-large size and harder to find it . I see a lot of pretty things but I have to quit the idea of wearing them just because I think that they wo n't look so pretty on me . And if this is a problem to me , imagine how bad a very fat woman ( or man ) should feel . Often they must go in special shops to by their clothes . It looks like a sort of racism and unfortunately our society looks for beauty . Just think about commercials . They 're full of perfect people . The sort of people you will never find in real life . Will this ever change ? I hope so , but , in the meantime , I 'm on a diet . Dear Mrs Brown , I am writing to give you information about Mr Brown 's surprise party . First of all , the reason that we decided to do this party was because Mr Brown helped to the organisation of our trip to France . And we preciate to not tell him about our party . Secondly , the party it is on Tuesday 16th pm at the College Canteen . As concerned the food , our mothers they will help about that . Also , the drinks we will take them from our canteen and there will be a group of mucisians for our entertainment . Moreover , at the party they will be come of course all the class , our teachers and the Principal at our school . Finally , I would like to ask you about our present . We should buy a book or a Cd player . I hope that to have been of some help you about the party . I look forward to seeing you there . Yours sincerely It was Friday morning when I saw John and said me he had some good news to tell me . And it was real good news . It was about a job which I wanted very much . He also tell that I must be the next day at 7:00 p.m. in the company . All the night I did not sleeping at all . I was draw 6:30 p.m in the company . The executive calls me on the office , and he has show me my office . From , that day , every day I was gone to the office 30 minutes before . When I complete a month to this job my executive he tell to John to go to the office . I was surpised because I did not know what he wanted . When I went his wants to tell me that from the next month I will be his personal secratary and my salary it will be the double how the previous . I cannot believe it . Now , my life it is in the best way it would be thought about . And every day when I wake up I think that I live in the dream which I never want to finish . Sir manager of the theatre , I recently had a week 's holiday in London and went to see a musical show in your theatre . With a friend we had seen your advertisement for the show , witch was very attractive . Unfortunatly , the musical show did n't go like the advertisement explained , and that wise I wont ask you some money back . The starring had been changed , the show had started only at 20:15 , and there were no discounts available . Also the Theatre Restaurant was closed for some working inside . And your last phrasal of the advertisement " Your perfect evening out " ! it was n't at all , like I have explain you above in this letter . I thank you in advance an hope for a positive requiere . Bests regards , At the began of my work in a Insurance Company , I had only a old writting machine , witch makes a lot of noise and was very difficult to write with it because the switch were hard for my small fingers . Now I have a new computer , witch is very easy to use , and confortable for my fingers also more farrster . But wen the computer do n't work , I got a big problem to do my work . Also now for write a letter to a friend overland it is better with Internet . It is so practical , in five minuts my friend can read my letter . And he can ansewer me very quickly . I think , it is now the futur for the big company for work with the Internet . Dear Helen . It is so nice to hear the news from you that I have won the first prize . I 'm looking forward to getting sun-tanned under the sun in California . Here are the information which you asked me for . I would like to travel in July , because it is the only month that I will be able to take off days . Also my kids have school holidays during this month therefore I hope to travel in mid of July . I 'd prefer to say in log cabins . Because our family had some bad experiences with using tents . Whenever we used a tent , we had bugs or the rain dropped inside the tent . It was very difficult to choose only two of those fascinating activities , but I made a decision , which is Golf and Photography . Since my hobby is taking photos I am very interested in this field and have studied by myself about it . But Golf is an absolute new trial . I can imagine myself playing Golf in those beautiful Californian golf-courses . Even though I 'm poorly skilled . Especially I wonder what else I have to pack to go there . Inform me if I have to bring special dresses or only outdoor clothes , and also if it is necessary to bring some money for me . Thanks Yours sincerely Dearest Kim How are you ? I wish you are fine . I 'm fine either but I 'm quite busy to find another part time job after the one , which was the concert supporting one . I remember that you asked me to tell you about that job . It was fantastic but a bit hard ! First when I got there I realised that I was the only woman and I had to work in the box-office . It was quite terrible when I had to let people leave , because all tickets were sold out . Then the concert started , I was called from one of the staffs for help , finally I could get into the stadium . The next work I was gives was ironing costumes . Can you imagine that I touched all of the costumes the singer wore ? It was a pity that I had no chance to learn how the sound system works , which I was mostly interested . But it was terrific enough to hear the band performing and to see the audience 's reactions , meanwhile the backstage could n't even join that fantastic atmosphere . What I really liked was that every single person had to be responsible for his role , till we left the stadium . And that mad the concert absolutely perfect . I wish this is enough to express my feeling and I hope someday we can share such things together . Stay pretty and lovely ! Kisses from Dear Sir/Madam . I am writting to inform some problems we had . I want to the theatre to see " over the rainbow " at 17th June . First of all , we went to ticket office to get the tickets . I thought we can buy discounts tickets according to the advertisement . However , we could n't buy them the price. eventually , we got the tickets , Because we would like to see the musical and Danny Brook . After we arrive at the theatre , We were very disappointed . Because the different actor played the musical that day . In addition , It started 20:15 . We had to wait over 40 minitues. and we could n't enjoy dinner at theatre restaurant after the show . I think if the musical start late time , you should open the restaurant until late time . To tell the truth , we could n't enjoy our evening . Would it be possible for me to back money for tickets . I am looking forward to hearing you . Yours faithfully . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . We had a secret . After we finish school , we usually gathered the place . Where do you think ? It was ship ! ! There was beach our town . One day , Freddie found it there. it was old and little broken . But it was most important place in the world . We always played there and it was adventure for us . One day , Suddenly , heavy storm came our town . I went to the sea to see our ship . My friends had come there , too . We worried about it and we tryed to pull it . It seemed to sank into the sea , but fourtunately , storm went soon . Our ship left on the beach . And our parents and teachers , too . Because Pat called them . Of course we could n't play there after that . But now , I am thinking about new secret our place . Where do you think ? It is a secret ! ! Dear sir or madam , I have recently been on a holiday in London . During my stay I went to see the musical " Over the Rainbow " . Now I want to complain about a few things which made me very disappointed . First the advertisement said that there were discounts available but there were not . Secondly I also would like to say that the musical was supposed to start at 19.30 but it did not start until 20.15 . Finally when it started we noticed to our suprisement that it was not the right actor . Very disappointing as Danny Brook is my favourite actor . We saw the musical in sadness . Afterwards we wanted to go for a pleasent dinner . To our surprise the restaurant was closed because the lack of staff to keep it open . It was certainly not a perfect night out . I would be very pleased if I could have my money back . I hope to receive the payment as soon as possible . Yours faithfully FREDA SVENSSEN Fashion of the future What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? In what way will they change ? Of course nobody knows the answer and maybe we should be happy for that . I gave it a thought the other day and when I think about future-clothing I ca n't take my mind from plastic-fabrics . My conclusion is that people will wear less and thinner clothes . I mean when the earth 's getting warmer and warmer because of an pollution that we people cause the world . Maybe in the future they 'll find out a new fabric which protects you from dirt and dangerous sunshine . Maybe everybody will end up wearing shorts and skirts . Strict suits will be transformed into a school-uniform-like shirt and knee-lengthed shorts . Anyway we defenately now that they 're going to change . If we live long enough we 'll be able to find out , so keep living ! lausanne , the 17th of June 2000 Dear Sir , Last weekend , I have been in London with my friend and I saw your musical show " over the Rainbow " . I write this letter to you for explain my very bad evening I have passed in theatre . On the paper it was writting the principal actor is " Danny Brook " but it was n't him , it was a different actor that we have never seen , and heard . I think it 's really not correct . They have n't respect the timetable , the show had to begun at 19:30 and he started at 20:15 how can you explain this fault ? ! But it 's not finish you wrote on the paper " Discounts available " but it was n't true , it was a very badly organisation . After this bad show we had want to go to the Restaurant for drunk and ate something and it was closed and nobody had explained us why the Restaurant was n't open . So , I 'm very angry when I think about this evening , and I want to have my money back . I think it 's the minimum you have to do for me . Thank you in advance . SCHOOLS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MAGAZINE Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , this sentance is very popular in our school . Pat is not an angry girl . She is very friendly but she ca n't keep a secret . Last year , on a Saturday evening my boyfriend phone me at 20 h o'clock and said me , Would you like to go to the cinema with me I asked my parents but the said me No you ca n't go to the cinema , tomorrow you have school . Then I phone to Pat for explain my big problem . Pat said to me You said to your parents that you sleep by me and you do n't go to the cinema . I asked my parents and they said alright you can go to Pat for sleeping . I was very happy , I phone to my boyfriend and I explained him my secret he said allright so at nine o'clock in front of the cinema . I passed a really beautiful evening with Pat and my boyfriend in the cinema , but on Sunday my mother phone Pat 's mother and Pat 's mother explain all the story to my mother . If Pat hade n't say the secret to her mother I would be have no problem . Since this Saturday evening I had never speaking with Pat . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to ask for some queries about your letter which I have received . Firstly , I would like to travel Camp California on Monday , 6th July , because my school 's holiday will begin at the end of June . Otherwise I will not be able to join that camp . Secondly , could you make an arrangement for me to stay in a log cabin , because it seems that living in log cabins is more exciting than in tents . Also I would prefer to go swimming and surfing , because I used to be an assistant in a Korean national pool so that I am good at swimming . However , I have never tried to go surfing . That is why I would like to do that . Finally , could you tell me if I have to bring some clothes , towels and extra money ? I would be appreciated it if you supply some towers , if possible . Thanks for your attention . I really look forward to receiving your reply soon . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , It seems ages since I wrote to you . How have you been ? How 's your new flat ? When I received your letter with photographs of that flat , it really looked nice . Anyway , I 'll tell you about my wonderful experience which I enjoyed at a pop concert . It took place in a Korea national center which was the biggest building in Korea . There were a lot of people , I guess over 50,000 , who wanted to see famous singers and listen to their songs . I helped to guide foreginers who would like to take participated in that . You know , I have studied English for two years in England . That 's why I could attend to that concert as a volunteer , because they needed people who could speak English very well . What I really enjoyed was meeting famous World singers such as Madona , Bon Jovi , Ena and so on . I got Madona 's signature ! Can you believe it ? I 'll show you that and some pictures . I really hope to see you soon . Best wishes , Thomas West 24 Kingsberry place CS4 1XD Tuesday 13th june to Helen Ryan Competition Organiser at Camp California Dear Madame , thank you for your letter , I 've been so happy to receave such a good news that I ca n't already believe it . To answer your first question , I would like to travel on july if it 's possible , because I 'll be on holiday and because a friend would be able to come with me at this time of the year . In the accomodation at Camp California , I prefer to rent a tent , he is going to be more funny , I think , but are the tents singles ? I would be pleased if you could give me details about this question . I can see in the list a lot of interesting sports ! But I think ( it 's difficult to choose ) I 'll choose golf and basketball , golf because I 'm quiet good . I finished 5th at the England Golf tour junior in 1999 , and basketball , because I would like to discover this sport I only used to play at school . I 've got other questions : wich type of clothes do I have to bring ? Can I change money on the campus ? Are some party organized during the holidays ? Is there only one teatcher for each sport , and how many are we in each group of activities ? Thank you for all informations you could give me . I look forward to hear from you . Yours sincerely Report about which lessons and activities we should film . First , I think we ca n't shoot a film only about lessons or only about breaks , because this two elements are representative of a daily life at school are n't they ? First , we should film some lessons because everybody know ( or remember for the growns up ) that it is the activity that to be the most of a student time at school . Just after , to make a contrast , we may film the break , because it 's the other part of a daily school ! It 's the place where you can meet your friends , where you can talk free , there are no teatchers , it could be a good contrast to the serious of the lessons . To come back to a strict ( a little beat less ) subject , I suggest that we film the sport lesson , doing that will allowed the spectator to see how does the students behave when they are all together and in small groups . Finally we should film the lunch , which is also a moment to relax for the students , and for the teatchers , we must n't forget to film the teatcher room because if a school is made of students , it 's also made of teatchers . Dear Mrs Ryan I would like to thank you for your letter you recently sent me concerning the competiton of two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . This august I will start a new job so the only possible month for me to join in the Camp is July . I hope this will cause no problems . I am glad that you offer for accommodation not only tents but also log cabins . Because I am a light sleeper and have problems with my back I prefer to sleep in a log cabin with a comfortable bed . Although it was not easy to choose two activities from your list I decided to do Singing and Surfing . It is difficult to say how good I can sing but I really like it and I think I am not too bad . I never did Surfing in my life but I am a very good Snowboarder and this could be an advantage . I hope I gave you all informations you need . There is something I like to know from you . Should I bring some special clothes ( surfing ) with me ? How much money do you think I have to change and is there a possible to get more ( bank ) ? I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Rosalinde Schulz Dear Kim Last saturday evening I spent a wonderful time . The motor bike club of our town organized a pop concert . A girlfriend of a member of the club asked me if I would like to help at the information desk . I did not hesitate one moment . The only thing I had to do was solving the different problems of the guests and just being there if they have any questions . Some people came from Germany some from Austria and some came from England or the U.S.A . Talking English with the people from England or the U.S.A. was wonderful . They were all very kind and with some of them I spent the rest of the evening and also the following day . That I reached a lot of money for doing something I like very much was very nice but the most important thing for me was meeting people , having fun and using the English language . I will never forget this evening . Love , Rosalinde Schulz Dear Sirs ! First I want to thank you for all the congratulations , and I 'll try to answer all your questions about for instance travel and accomodation . I have to tell you that for me it is only possible to go on holiday in July because my father is very ill and it is only possible for my sister to take care of him in July ( because her small children are in summer school at this time . Another question was about the accommodation . I have to tell you that I 'd prefer tents . For me tents are a kind of back to basic living and I like this very much . In my opinion people should become more familiar with the rules of nature . I was very glad to read that it is possible to do activities at Camp California . I 've chosen singing and swimming . Singing is one of my favourite activities and I know that I do it very well . I 'm also used to sing in front of a large number of people couse I did it several times . I 'm also good at swimming but I do not do it professional . There are two further questions which I have to ask you . First How much money do I have to take with me ? and what clothes should I choose ? I 'd be very happy if you could give me a call and answer this questions . Yours sincerely Dear Kim ! Today I have to tell you something really exciting and also very hard to believe . Last month I received a letter which told me that I 've entered a competition . I was so happy and suprised that I first could not really believe it . But it was true . My price was the chance to meet a pop group and to help at the concert . The pop group which was going to act is called Metallica and I like their music very much ( cause in my opinion the music is a bit different from all the songs you usually listen to . ) But now to the concert itself . It took place on the 10th of June in Salzburg . I started at 8 pm but I had to be there at 11 am . First I had to help with the catering which lasted until 2 pm. After this I met the band members and got to know them while we were having a good meal . The front man felt a bit sick and so he skipped the meal . I was so excited that I also was not able to eat anything . At 5 pm the band members disappeared again and I was responsible for some kind of guiding tour for the journalists . I had to show them the way to the interviewing room . It was a bit boring but more or less okay . At 7 p.m. the first group started . They were unknown and not very good but when I met them afterwards I recognised that they are very nice . At 8 pm Metallica started and I have to tell you , they did a great performance . When I met them after the concert they asked me questions like Did you like the performance ! or How do you think about the first group ? Questions like you and I usually ask each other . You know what I mean , they were not conceited or something like this . They were like any other person and I have to admit that I like them very much . This was one of the best and most exciting days in my life . Hope you answer this letter as soon as possible . Lots of hugs and kisses Dear Helen , I am very glad to hear from you that I have won the first prize in your competition . I would like to reply and ask you some questions . Firstly , I would be available for travelling only in July because my university will finish at the end of June and will start again in August . Secondly , for the accomodation , I would say I prefer living in tent rather than in log cabin because I used to sleep in tent while I was joining a local scout camp in my country . Thirdly , I have choosen Sailing and Photography from the list you gave me because both of them are my favorite hobbies and I have been enjoying Sailing and Photography for several years so I am quite good at both of them . Finally , I would ask you whether I have to prepare any speacial clothes for camping or the camp will provide them for me . I look forward to receiving the details of travelling soon and joining your camp in July . Yours sincerely , Shopping is not always enjoyable . In my opinion , I do agree with this expression . One of the most unforgettable habit of city life is going out for shopping . I used to hang around famous cloth shops looking at the new arrival clothes section . It is not only a good fun to see the new fashions and things but also decrease the money in my pocket . Sometime shopping does n't give anything to you but always waste all your free time . A group of girls can spend their time in a shopping center forever . It seems to me that more people in my hometown tend to go shopping in their free time because the shopping complexs nowadays are more attractive and combine every facilities inside . From my point of view , someone goes shopping just because he/she wants to show off that he/she is wealthy . Keeping balance between daily life and shopping life may give more enjoyable rather than always walking in an air-conditioned shopping complex . Dear Mz . Ryan , Thank you for your letter and I am very pleased that I won the first prize in your compition . However , I am writing to you to ask for more details . Firstly , I would like to go to California in June if his is possible because I will have finished my course in Merton college at the end of June . Secondly , I would prefer to staying in a tent rather than staying in a log cabin in order to have experience , which I have n't had before . I am very knee on swimming and playing tennis so that I have had a part-time job in a sports centre in the evenings . I also have qualifications to teach them . In addition to all this , I would appriciate it if you could let me have more details about clothes and how much I shall be paid for the travel . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely To : Mrs. Sexington From : An Soo Kim Subject : Speaking classes and school trips Introduction . The aim of this report is to describe our English classes in Merton College and suggest that what we should film for making a short video . Speaking class should be filmed . It is suggested that speaking classes should be filmed the reason why is that the more students tend to attend . Another reason is that it will be more useful for forigen students who want to speak English . A number of forigen students have recently been increasing . School trips It is also thought that school trips are to be filmed because it is a wide range of interesting places available . It is believed that one of the most popular activities in Merton College . Conclusion To sum up , it is recommened that speaking classes and school trips should be filmed . Misses Helen Ryan , First of all I would like to thank you for giving me the oportunity to travel . You asked me some questions about the day that suits me the best to depart , the accomodation I would like to have and so on . Travelling in July , I have to say , would be perfect for me because I have got my birtday the 24th of this month and I wish I could spend my birtday as well as possible , so it means there . I also would prefer to sleep into tents which are more comfortable and , because I have been doing lots of campings , I am quite used to this kind of accomodation . The activities I have choosen both represent a pation for me . Painting and swimming are my way to spend a good time especially on holiday . I may have a question for you to answer , please could you tell my how much money do I need to bring with me ? Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . However it is not always enjoyable , people are shopping more and more , it is very fashionable those times . They do not always buy lots of things , but I think most of them do . Even people who have n't got lots of money go shopping anyway . Is it enjoyable to walk around shops , looking at nice stuff , without having enough money to spend on it ? Is it enjoyable to go shopping when it is rush time or when it is very hot in summer for instance ? Enjoying shopping is n't the reason for doing that . I think people either go shopping to change mind because they may have lots of problems or to meet other people , to feel they belong to a group of human being . Dear Sir/Madam : I am writing to you to complain about the musical show Over the rainbow . My wife and me went to The Circle Theatre last Saturday evening because we love the main actor , Danny Brook . We felt very disappointed when we discovered that Danny had been replaced by an unknown and really bad actor . The show should have started at half past seven but we had to wait for forty-five minutes without any kind of explanation . Not only was the show late and awful but it was expensive too . The advertisement said there were discounts available but when we arrived there the woman who sells the tickets told us the discounts were only available on Monday evenings . Despite the terrible evening we decided to go to the theatre restaurant to relax and have dinner , but we found it was closed because its floor was being repaired . As you can see it was n't a perfect evening at all ! That is why I am writing to you . I want you to give our money back because the things published in your advertisement are n't true . There should be no problem as I still have the tickets . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie Dear Matt : It 's been a long time since I last wrote you ! I 'm always very busy traveling from one country to another , you know . I 'm writing to you now because I 've been told that is going to be read on the radio a short story by Agatha Christie . It will be the following Sunday on the local station at five o'clock in the evening . It 's a story titled Accident , and I think you 'll enjoy it . The story is about the life in a small village . The main character is a retired police inspector who recognises a woman . That woman is supposed to have killed her husbands ( at least two ) , because she wanted their money . The policeman lets her know he has discovered her and he wo n't allow another crime . He threatens to tell her husband what she had done . However , she 's a very clever woman and she does n't look worried . In the end , the three of them are having a cup of coffee and one of the cups contains a terrible poison . There will be a horrible accident in a few seconds . Listen to the radio if you want to know how it ends . Drop me a line and let me know what do you make of the story . Best wishes , Dear Sirs We are writting to you to complain about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " , we saw last week in your Theatre . We have spent a week 's holiday in London and wanted to see a musical show . We read an advertisement about your musical show , starred by the well-known Danny Brook and Tina Truelove in a local newspaper We were very disappointed to hear that the actor was replaced by other at the last minute . The advertisement said that it starts at 19.30 , but it started actually at 20:15 due to the probleme of the sound . We were also surprised to discover that the student discounts was n't available for us , because they did n't accept our student indentity card from Switzerland . We were very frustrated to read on the door of the theatre restaurant " Close due to holidays " specially when we were very starving . This evening was a waste of time . So we asked you for our money back . I looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours Sincerely How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Could you figure out how your life will be without all the modern technology ? What is the effect of it in your environement ? Were the people happier in a past than to day ? If you are interested in the question , you will be interested by this article . Nowadays , the technology takes a large place in your daily life and improves the speed of the achievement . For example at work , we look on the computer screen all day , sending e-mail at the other side of the world , doing some searches etc. We gain a lot of time with computer , but if your computer brooks down , you could n't do anything because everything is on it . The technology moves very fast specially in the domaine of transportation . The cars are able to reach 300 km per hours speed and are more reliable than in the past . The major probleme for the industry cities is to deal with the bad effect of polution in the environement . A lot of money are involved in research to stop the increasing of polution . To sum up , all the improvements have a price to pay ; The condition of the environement . We are too reliable at technology today . But we can ask us What will be happen in 50 years ? Our children will be able to travel in the moon as we travel to Japan ? Dear Sir Owing to the bad organisation of the last play that was played in your theatre those last weeks I want to explain you some incorrect information that I found in your advertisement and as a result of it , all the problems that I had . First of all , I think if you go to a play and you are watching to see your favourite actor playing a good play and then appears a silly one , who does n't know what to do , it is disappoint at all . Secondly , all the spectators were waiting the begining of the play at 19.30 and it started at 20.15 then I would like to know why do you say one time in the advertisement why do you do what you want . Another thing that I want to know is why you did n't do any discount if it was showed in the advertisement . Maybe , I could be a good way to get spectators but I 'm going to comunicate that to my travel office . When the play was finished I was looking for your theatre restaurant but it was closed because like on the paper that was on the door was writen , it was too late . I think , that it was n't my perfect evening out so I wait to be payed back . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets so she lost all her school friends . All started when she was fifteen , when started a new course on the institute and met some girls that passed the time they would became her friends . Three years passed and like is normal between friends , she knew a lot of things about them like her friends knew a lot about her When it was time to do the final exam , she became ill and she could n't do it so teachers decided to allow her to pass the course because she had a lot of good marks but on the other hand the principal desagreeded with it and did n't give the permision to pass her . She had to repeat that course and all her friends passed and like is usuall girls from the last course became popular . Pat , to win her new classemates ' friendship tell all what she knew about her friends and owing to what Pat said , her friends broke they friendship with Pat because their popularity was damaged . Pat 's classmates made the same and Pat finished alone . Dear Sir/Madam , Recently I had a week 's holiday in London . During my stay I went to The Circle Theatre to see " Over the rainbow " , the " London 's newest and best musical show . " I have to admit that was my great mistake . Never before had I such a disappointing evening . First of all , there was an old , ugly , and unknown actor in the main part instead of brilliant Danny Brook ! To make matters worse , the show started at 20.15 , although the advertisement was saying it would begin at 19.30 . Moreover , there were n't any discounts , and I had to pay much more for my ticket than I had expected . And on the top of everything your theatre restaurant was closed because of the waiters ' strike , so I had to look for another place to have a snack . You can imagine how upset I am at having suffered such discomfort and disappointment . It was n't a " perfect evening out " at all ! That is why I expect at least half the ticket price back . I hope you will give this matter your immediate consideration . Otherwise I 'll have to apply to court for aid . Yours faithfully , Fashion of the Future . What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? This question is not simple to answer . On the one hand , science and technology have been developing rapidly , and God knows what new materials will be invented in future . We probably will be wearing dresses made of synthetic artificial cloth in 2100 . Of course , those new material wo n't be so harmful for our health as today 's nylon and other things like that . On the other hand , people tend to wear natural clothes today , made of cotton , wool . This tendency may result in turning down synthetics at all . And it is even more difficul to predict how the clothes of the future will look like . People 's fantasy is enormous . Anyway , we 'll give up wearing fur coats as it is cruel and uncivilised . Dear Sir of Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show which was presented by The Circle Theatre last week . I saw the performance and it was not like it was mentioned in the advertisent I read in the local newspaper . First of all , the main actor was not Dany Brook as it was expected so . That was very disappointing . Secondly it must have started at 14.30 and ended by 19.30 . However , it started at 20.15 . I had to wait almost an hour . Then , I was planning to buy three £ 20 tickets because it was mention in the advertisement that there were dicounts available but that was not true , so I just could buy two tickets and my son could not see the show . Finally , I was thinking to have dinner in the threatre restaurant after the show but it was closed due to some problems with the employees . What was suposed to be a perfect and enjoyable evening , resulted in a very disappointing time . So I would be greatful if you payed for a full refund of the money I spent in the tickets . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully Computers , radio , CD 's , sattelite television and a lot of other things have changed my daily life . Modern technology affects the way things are done and many aspects in my life , and it has some advantages as some disadvantages . On the one hand , technology is a great help for me at school . What I mean is that computers are very useful to do my homework ( like some monographies or researching ) . And I ca n't even think about how it would be not having a computer . Another advatage is that , for example sattelite television , which is an example of modern technology , makes me be informed about what is happening on the whole world . On the other hand , I have to admit that technology makes things so easy that when I have to do them without it I find it very difficult . The best example is the homework I have to do for school , I ca n't manage to do it when I do n't have my computer to help . In addition to that , technology does n't sometimes let me develop my imagination and creative skills . My mother says that I 'm always playing with my computer or watching T.V. instead of reading or doing some more interesting activities . To sump up , I ca n't think about how my life would be without technology . June , the 13th 2000 Dear Mrs Ryan , You can guess how an enjoyable surprise receiving your letter was for me . I am glad to send you the items required . First of all , I must precise that I can only leave during the month of July owing to the job I obtained for August . After considering your accomodation offers , I 'd rather stay in a log cabin if possible . I hope you have no doubt about my taste for camping , however I admit I will appreciate a bit of comfort two weeks long . Moreover , I must recognize that the activities offered are really attractive so it 's hard to make up my mind . On the one hand , I own a camera that I often use during leisure times . Even if the photograph made are modest work , I am really interested in this activity . Then , as low my level of basketball is , I have enjoyed playing this sport for fun for a long time . So it will be pleasant for me to practice this activity . Your letter indicates that the pride includes that some costs are paid . Nevertheless I would like you to precise what I eventually need for this travel . Yours faithfully What obviously appears about our daily life at school is that it is hard to sum up all the different aspects it includes . Therefore , the film will manage to be a success if it does n't forget the main times that make our life . To my mind , the class attending a lesson must be shown at first . It evoques the reason of our presence here and it is a cliché ; that can not lack . A philosophy lesson seems quite appropriate in that the pupils take part in it . Next , students during the pause in the yard should be filmed . It would not only emphasize the sharp contrast with the classroom atmosphear but also show how they are as young people . Students chatting , laughing , eating and even smoking must remain in the video . Furthermore two moments could have a role . First of all , the arrive of every students , namely the picture of the school without anybody at first , and then with the crowd of students increasing gradually is typical of its life . Then , the opposite situation , that is to say the scene of this crowd disappearing at the end of the day can make a parallel . Dear sir or Madam , I have recently had a week 's holiday in London and , during my stay , I went to see the musical show ' Over the rainbow ' , which was shown at your theatre . At first , the advertisement said that there were discounts availables , but when I went to buy the tickets there were not any discounts . As if this was not enough , the show , instead of starting at half past seven as the advertisement said , started at a quarter past eight and one of the main actors , who was supposed to be Danny Brook , was someone else . On top of everyting , the restaurant which was announced in the advertisement was closed because it was being arranged . You can imagine how dissappointed I felt after that evening , and I am writing to ask you for a further return of part of the money . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully I think modern technology has n't changed my life a lot , but it has in some things : I work with music and with graphic design too , and computers help me a lot in this things . In music , before having a computer I could only write my compositions and ' listen ' to them into my mind , because , of course , I have n't got an orchestra to play them , but now I just can record one part , and then another part , and then another one.. and I can get the sound of every instrument controlling it with a keyboard , or even create new sounds . In graphic design , before having a computer I just could draw , but now I can create pictures pixel by pixel , develop ideas more easily , or take photographs into my computer and transform them or mix them . But , in other things , I think modern technology has n't changed my way of living too much : I do more or less the same as I did some years ago : I get up in the morning , go to school , have lunch , study and go out with my friends without being afected by microchips or nuclear energy . Dear Helen Ryan , I have happily received your reply letter and I want to thank you for this marvelous prize you have given me . Now to answer your questions , I can only travel in July because that 's the only period of the year I can get out of working for more than two weeks . I would like a log cabin because I think you should give me a good accommodation and not just a tent to sleep in , with no electricity and entertainment . I would like to play basketball and tennis for you . I am a regular basketball player . Most of the time I play as a slammer and I do feel that I 'm reasonably good in it . At tennis I 'm the best player of my whole school and once , I got to the top 10 of my country in tennis . I would like to ask you what type of clothes should I bring ? Money , how much should I bring . Would $ 200 be enough ? Well that 's all for now and I hope to hear from you soon . Yours sincerely Basilio Romero Dear Kim , How are you ? I have just received your letter and let me tell you what you missed over here . You should have been here , it was amazing . The concert began at 8:00 p.m but my friends and I had to be there by 2:00 pm to help set up the stage . We started by putting up the lights . We had to climb up to 15m to put up those lights and afterwards the band did n't even use them . Well , we also had to carry all the instruments up to the stage and believe me , that was the hardest bit of all . They were extremely heavy and there were a lot of them on the bus . After helping to do that and many other things , my friends and I watched the concert and before Green day ( the group ) left , they came up to us an thanked us for all the hard work we did , and shoke our hands . I 'll never wash my hands again . Well that 's all the time I 've got for you now . Hope to hear from you soon . Basilio Romero Dear Mr Redford , I 'm writing to you to complain about the problems which were shown at the " Over the Rainbow " musical show . In the advertisement I read that Danny Brook started in the show but when I got there I realised there was a different actor in his place whose acting was n't good enough . I have also read that the show was supposed to start at 19:30 but it did n't . It started at 20:15 leaving us writing for fourty five minutes . You have also advertised that there would be discounts available but there were n't and that we could visit the theatre restaurant after the show but it was closed because they were redecorating it . In the advertisement you write that it 's the perfect evening out but all these problems made my evening in the show very unpleasant . As you are the manager of the show , you should try to avoid this sort of problems in future shows . I also ask to return me some of my money for the unpleasant evening I passed at your show . In the future people will wear clothes made of polyseer and nylon because cotton and wool will be rare and expensive . Clothes will be bright coloured and loose . I do n't think anyone will wear a suit as it will be old-fashioned . Also I think clothes will have many gadgets on them like a small oxygen mask in case someone goes in a place with extended pollution - I think there will be many such places in a hundred years - and a hat designed to protect people from the strong sunrays of the sun at midday because the ozone layer will be destroyed in a hundred years and the sunrays will make damage to the human skin . Also the clothes in a hundred years will have the ability to cool down the people who wear them in the summer and the same clothes will keep them warm in cold winters ' days . As you can realise I think future 's clothes will be adjusted not on only in fashion and the seasons but in the needs of every on as to protect from the earths pollution as well . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing you in relation to our next programme in London from 13th March to 14th March . First at all , it is a pleasure to say that the programme which you so kindly have prepared is very interesting , especially the visit to the National Art Gallery on Wednesday . On the other hand , our class has recently read an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show which takes place during our visit to London , on Tuesday 14th . This show is a good opportunity to know the latest fashions in several topics like make up , Hairstyles and leisure and sports wear . We think that it could be a great chance in order to know British fashion and probably it would give us good information for improving our studies . We would like to know if it could be possible to introduce a little change in our programme . Our question is : instead of going to the shopping on Tuesday , in the afternoon , could we go to the London Fashion and Leisure Show ? I hope you will consider our suggestion . I look forward to hearing your reply . Yours sincerely , Classroom 5 How will be our future homes ? Believe it or not , our lives are changing and becoming more complicated every day . The reason of all of this things is the impressionable introduction of the " new technologies " , such as Computers , Internet or WAP technologies . Of course , this new facilities will be introduced at home . Now , it is already possible to send our shopping list by the computer , and this opption , in the next years , will become the most common once . The new technologies probably will produce a considerably revolution in some essencial parts of the house . For example , we will have got computerizated ovens , microwaves and freezers , or we will probably have got central heating controled through Internet from our office . Despite all of this facilities , there are some home activities that will remain the same , fortunately . Who do n't like to prepare a cup of tee with traditional kettles , waiting for the boiling watter ? And to read the newspaper at breakfast instead of watching TV ? Some pleasures must be untouchable ! We are human beings at least , not " new technological " machines ! Dear Sir/Madam , I was very pleased to receive your letter which informed me of my winning the first prize in your competition , namely two weeks at Camp California in the USA . To begin with , I would like to travel in July . This is the only possible time for me , as the school holiday starts on the 29th of June . And from August on I planed to do some part-time job in order to earn some pocket money . Referring to the possibilities of accommodation , I 'd prefer log cabins to tents . Firstly , log cabins are more comportable than tents . Secondly , I do not like tents . Last not least , I always have backache after sleeping in a tent for a couple of days . As I had been asked to choose two activities I would like to during my stay at the camp , I chose Golf and singing . I have never played Golf actually , but I would love to try something new . As for singing , I am very keen on singing as I get lessons in it . I just love singing . I would like to know whether there is some facilities for washing the Clothes . Especially in summer , clothes get dirty very easily . Lastly , does the prize include pocket money ? If not , I will have to bring some with me . Is there a possibility of exchanging different currancies to US dollar ? I ask you to enclose the answer in your reply . I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience . Yours faithfully Mee-Yon Areum . Shopping is not always enjoyable . When you think of shopping , it reminds you of going out ( mostly ) with friends , looking for new things like clothes , accesoires etc. and buying them . It sounds nice and shopping is great fun - or it should be . Nowadays shopping can be very stressful . It all starts with the search of an appropriate parking-space which can last annoyingly long , especially at weekends . Nevertheless , the nightmare starts when you enter the shopping mall or the passage , which is terribly crowded . You cannot make a step without " touching " the others . It gets enormously unbearable in hot summer days , when the temperature increases . In such a situation your friends or the people you are shopping with get lost very easily and looking for them can be very tiring . But the worst moment comes , if you cannot find the thing you were looking for , because it is no longer trendy or because it is sold out . Of course , shopping is not always so unpleasant , but sometimes it is simply better to stay at home . Dear Mr Smith , Last week I and my family had a holiday in London . At the end of a holiday we decided to go to the theatre . I insisted on going to your theatre , to the Circle Theatre , because I have heard that it is one of the best theatres in London . That days you presented ,,The over the Rainbow . how you have written at the advertisement : it is the London 's newest and best musical show . But I and my family had a very disappointing evening . Because , at first , at the advertisement was written that in this music show would play Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , but it was n't so . Danny Brook did n't play at the performance , there was another unknown actor . And he played awful , I could n't hear him . Then at the adverstisement stood that performance begin at 19.30 . I and my family came to that time and had to wait till 20:15 , because the show started only at that time . I was very nervious . What is more you wrote that discounts available , but it was also lie . After the show I was very disappointed , because I spent a lot of money for nothing and my husband decided to make me a pleasure . He suggested to have a supper in your theatre restaurant . But when we came to it , we saw that the restaurant was closed , because it was reconstructed . But why do you mention about the restaurant at the advertisement , if it is closed ? So this evening was terriable . It broke all my impression about London . And now I requere my money back . Because of nothing what was mentioned at the advertisement I did n't get . There are a lot of new modern technologies around the world , which appear not long ago . Among them a mobile telephone , computers , telefaxes , different mashiens for kitchen , mashiens which helps housekeeper to do any work about the house . All of them play a very great role in people 's daily life . The first change is that they very simplify the life of people . For example , now women do n't spend a lot of time at the kitchen , preparing the meal or washing up dishes . They can only push on their dish mashiens and go to do something what they think more pleasant . So with the appearance of new morden technology people have got much more free time . The computer also plays a very important role in daily life of people . Some years ago people especially students had to run to lubraries in order to find a book about something . But now they can use Internet , where you can find any information you need . Very often I use Internet , and I must say it is very convienient . The another modern technology that I use is a mobile telephone . If I need to say something important to my parents or my friends , of if something terriable has happened with me , I may not run somewhere to find a telephone box . I just use my mobile phone . Finally , I can say that modern technologies very help people at their works . With them people do their work more quikly and successfully . Dear Sir , During a week 's holiday I had in London , I went to see your last musical show called " Over the rainbow " at The Circle Theatre . I saw an advertising which seemed very atractive to me . I have to say , it was not the best musical show . I think it was pretty bad . I had a very disappointing evening for many reasons . Firstable , I decided to come see your show to be pleased by the act of Danny Brook as I was so sad to find an other actor on the stage . Another thing was the hours . In fact , the show started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 . It 's enbelievable to be late with 45 minutes . When I got to the tickets desk before the show to buy my ticket I asked for a senior discount , and the woman told me there were no discounts available as I read on the advertising . After the show , I went to the restaurant to have a drink after all of these disappointments , but the doors were close because of renovations . I think you will understand it was not " my perfect evening out " as you said , but one of the worth . For all these reasons I am asking you to give my money back . Best Regards , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , in fact she was so bad at that she put me in such trouble . Once I was on vacation with her in America , in Chicago to be exact . We stayed together in a host family in the surburb of the city . We spent three weeks over there , the weather was great , the people we met very interesting so everything was perfect . We had mostly a wonderful time . We went there 3 years ago and I had only 19 years old as everyone know that the majority for beeing able to go out in the USA is 21 years old . If you do n't have the majority your are n't allowed to drink or smoke , or even worth to go in a bar . So one night Pat , who was 5 years older than I , and me decided to go out in a bar even if we knew I was n't allowed in it . At the entrance , the security guard asked for identity card , Pat gave hers and told him that I 've forgot it home . The man said it was OK for this time and we get in quite easely , we 've made it . It was such a fun , we met a lot of different people , we danced , we had a wonderful time . After a few hours of dancing we started to be thirsty . We went at the bar and ask for drink with alcohol . Of course by the time we get in it we forgot all the stuff about the majority . The barman asked me my age and Pat told him without thinking any time 19 years old ! Then she realized but it was too late . The manager came , he called the police and the beginning of a great evening , ending with a night in jail and an expensive fine ! Thank you Pat for keeping so well a secret ! ! Dear Helen , I 've just seen your letter and I 'm really delighted to have won the first prize in your competition . I would like to travel in July because it 's the only month I have two weeks holiday during the summer . I would prefer to be in log cabins because I feel insecure staying in tent . While I 'll be at the Camp , I would like to play tennis and swimming . I 've done it for many years and I want to do both once a day . I 'm very good at swimming and my level is medium at tennis . If possible , could you let me know what I 'll need for example which clothes I must take and how much I can expect to spend . I 'm excited to go on holliday there and thanks to you , I will realize a dream that I always wanted to do . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I want to tell you about my good experience I had last month . I 'd enjoyed helping at a pop concert and it has been fabulous . At first , I 'd helped them to carry the material and we had fixed everything in the good order . They were so many pieces that we had spent a whole day to prepare the scene . At the end , we have had a beer and we talked together . I was astonished to see so friendly and funny they were and we got good friends . During the show , I was behind them and I could see the spectators shouting and jumping with their and up . It was unbelievable to realize that I 'd worked with stars and that they were my friends . It is difficult to explain what I 'd particularly liked about my experience because the most memories are in my heart and I 'd never thought that I could get on so well with a group of people which I 'd known only for few days . If possible , I would like introduce you to them , they are very nice guys . Best wishes Dear Mr Manager of the Circle Theatre During my last holiday week in London I went to the Circle Theatre after reading the advertisement of the " Over the rainbow " show . I wanted to spend my leisure time well by taking in that cultural event . How stupid of me ! I felt really disappointed . First of all in the advertisement was written , as I had read that before , that Danny Brook would be starring in the show . Unfortunately , the different actor stood in for in it . The time of the beginning of the show was written at half past two p.m. and at half past seven that evening , again . Lack of my time made me to go at the evening show . And unfortunately again , from some reasons it was postponed to quarter past eight . Another problem - in the advertisement was exactly written some of the discounts of the tickets . No , alas in reality it appeared a mistake . According to the advertisement , after the show anyone could go to the theatre restaurant for a drink . That appeared impossible , because the theatre restaurant was closed . The reason was unknown . That was n't enough yet . At the end of the advertisement as I noticed it was said something of perfect evening out . It was n't truth . That 's why I write my letter to you and I ask for my money back . I was expecting something really better . Mr manager , I warn you , if I do n't get my money back , we 'll meet at the court . Yours faitully I believe , living in a modern country , that science and technology affected any aspect of my daily life . Looking back in the past , I can see , how big difference is between life of my grandparents and mine . People living in the past could n't travel so far as we could now and could n't express the news around the world as we do it now , at present days . They could not communicate with someone living in other country , often located far away from his own . Using mobile phones , e-mails or internet , we have a better access to a lot of different news . So , we are in better situation now . But there are some drawbacks , which appeared last years . For example a lot of pollution has raised . We now breathe worse air in our lungs , then our grand-parents breathed . I think , we are more addicted to do some things , which are not concerned with human nature . For example , people are addicted today to watch TV or often using the mobile phones . I do n't really mind them . But I think and strongly believe , that we are the part of wildlife . And the modern technology that we use in our everyday life might not only help us , but determinly might destroy us . Dear Mr. Robertson I am a student from your class and I would like to thank you first of all . It 's a good programme , especially the visit to the National Art Gallery . A few students and me have heard about a fashion and leisure show . That show takes place on 14th March from 10.00 - 19.00 . They show the latest fashion , leisure and sportswear ands something for the women : make up and hairstyle trends . That show is free for students , so it 's also a big advantage . We have it already discussed and we think it would be a great opportunity because a lot of students a very keen ongoing . I know that it is a change . But I have thought about it . On Monday we could first go to the Sience Museum and in the afternoon to Greenwich . Then we could go sightseeing by bus on Wednesday after lunchtime . I think there is no need to go shopping because we can do our shopping in Cambridge , as well . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely Who would like to be famous ? Are you dreaming of being a Star ? It must be wonderful when you have a lot of money and everybody seems to know you . Really ? I think the main problem is that you would lose your private life . That 's the price you have to pay nowadays . But you need all the journalists to become famous so the only way is to accept that there are journalists and that they are just doing their job . No one told you to be famous . If you are famous it was your choice and therefore is a price to pay . Of course you have fame and poverty . But then everyone will recognise you when you are walking on the street . To sum up I think , if you well-known you have to deal with that . There 's no other way . Everone knows you because of the journalists so ca n't just ignore them , can you ? Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing , on behalf of the students in my class , to thank you very much for the trip to London . Besides , we would like to go to the London Fashion And Leisure Show , which was advertised in the newspaper " Metro " yesterday . This show takes place at Central Exhibition Hall in London on Tuesday 14th March from 10:00 to 19:00 o'clock . All my classmates are very interested in this show , which includes latest fashions , Leisure and sports wear , Make up , and Hair styles . Moreover , one of the important thing for us is that entrance fee is free for students , because students are generally short of money . We would like to suggest you change shopping date to Wednesday afternoon , because we have free time on Wednesday afternoon . We would be very pleased if you could consider our recommendation . Yours sincerely Private Life For Everyone . Everyone deserve private life . However most famous people , for example football player and film stars , have not got any privet life . They feel exhausted to be followed by journalists Even they have an argue with journalists as they sometimes write unreal news . On the other hand , some people need journalists to be more famous , because people can have news who are famous through journalists . As a result , journalists should respect their life and always write real news . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to you because of the unpleasent evening I have spent recently . I have always thought that plays of the Circle Theatre are worth of seeing , but two days before I was very disappointed after visiting yours theatre . Ealyer I had seen an advertisement for the show but the informationes on it caused fals . First of all I have not seen my favourite actor Danny Brook . The second think is that the play did not start at 19:30 but at 20:15 ! I could not get a discount . The last think is that it was unpossible to get the theatre restaurant because it was closed . I was told that it had been painted but nobody had written it on an advertisement . At the end I would like to say that my evening out two days before was not perfect and I wold be glad if you could pay my some money back . Yours sincerely Modern technology is changing world every day . I would like to write how it has influented my daily life . I am a student of a technical univercity . Some time before I did not know the internet . When I neaded some informationes I had to go to liblary to find it in books or newspapers . Now the only think I have to do is to go to computer room and turn on the computer . The computer is helpfull when I want to contact somebody very fast . I just send an e-mail and that is all ! The second think is that when I neaded a phone card to call somebody I had to stay in a long queue . Now I just only put some money into a machine and I can take the card from there ! The last example is that I have in my house a lot of modern equipment like TV set , fridge or microwaves which help me for my living . It is obvious that modern technology has changed my daily life . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing in behalf of my class- maid about the programme you had organised for us . We all want to thank you for having choose such good places in London . We are especially excited about the river trip to greenwich which will be in the first day . I would particularly like to talk about the second day . We really liked the programme , but we have seen an advertisement for London fashion and leisure show that will happen on tuesday and we are very interested in go . As you know our class are composed by girls and it would be very exciting for us if we can have a look on the latest fashions , make up and so on . Although we would like to visit the science museum , we can leave it to the next opportunity , what we suggested to do is intead of going to the museum in the morning we go to the Leisure show and keep the afternoon programme the same . We hope you accept this change for good . We are looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible Yours sincerely , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . Last summer I went to amazon on an expedition with other 10 people , such as a guide , a doctor , a scientist & all the rest as me were just curious . We walked all day and took rest in the evenings . We were not allowed to leave out tents during the night or until the day start , because of the dangerous animals which leave there . But for me it was the most exciting moment . One can be really amazed by the view . One day at five o'clock in the morning I stepped out of my tent without seen and started walking towards the river , because I want take some photographs of the sun rise . The view took my breath of when suddenly something took my breath . It was a panther . I was petrified because it looked as she was very hungry . I knew I could not do any moviment for my safety but I did and for my surprise It run away . Dear miss Ryan , With reference to your letter of 13th of June I would like to thank you for the prize your organisation is offering me . I am pleased to provide you with the following information . Since I am a student I have to follow the vacation programm of my school , which means that I would only be able to travel during the month of July . I would be grateful if you could book a tent for me at Camp California because I am a nature lover and the idea of outdoor-sleeping really makes me happy . Concerning the activities , as a matter of fact tennis is my favorit sport and I am very keen on it , for the second activity I would like to enroll surfing , because my husband , who is already a proficient , keeps telling me about the excitement of this sport , and I think it is worthwile trying , therefore I 'd love to be in the beginners group . I would like to know if you would be kind enough to send me some information on weather conditions for that period of time , the kind of currency I should take with as well as the vaccination requirements . I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your help . Yours faithfully Abril Botella Benoni 's school is a recognised school for tourism located in the heart of Brussels , Belgium . It offers a wide choice of courses from cooking , computer , make up , languages , geographie to culture and civilization . Students start their day at the Gym , where they learn the importance of being fit , that is way I suggest to film this activity . Once students have taken a shower after a hard physical training they come to real life , depending on their levels they have to study for instance languages wich I personally find very important for a person working in the tourism field because these enables stuff to communicate with clients in a proper way , students have to manage to speak at least three languages . Another important lesson to film is culture and civilization , therefore people will know that the hostessess prepered at this school are not only , as French say , pot-au-fleurs , beautiful faces to show off but also well read persons . Last but not less important is the class called " know-how " wich shows students how to cope with unspected problems even if they are in stress . I would also take an outdoor lesson " training " . The school works together with known companies of the branch as Mariot hotel , Air France Princess cruise among others in order to provide students with high qualified training . To whome it may concern , I am writing to tell that I had a very disappointing evening regarding a musical show at your theatre . There are some things that I was not completely satisfied with and I would like to point them out . Firstly , the advertisement told that Danny Brook was going to starr in a musical but it turned out a completely different person which was very disappointing . It was very unprofessional of you to had printed a wrong starring name on the paper . Secondly , according to the advertisment , the musical was supprsed to start at 19.30 but it actually started at 20.15 which caused me a trouble . As for my ticket , I was expecting to get a discount as a student , as it said so in the advertisement , however , it was not actually available which was very disappointing again . Then , I was hoping to have a meal at the theatre restaurant which was recommended in the advertisement , however , it was not possible for me to do so as the restaurant was closed due to the stuff vacation which I thought was very unprofessional . With all the dissatisfuction above , therefore , I would like to ask for some of my money back as my evening was not what it would have to be . I hope that you will consider this letter seriously and try to improve your service . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . How did we know that she was that kind of person ? Well , it all begun when Pat 's friend , Molly , went down to London ... Molly went down to London for shopping and as she was walking the street . She found familier faces on the other side of the street . It was Vance and Sally whom she had not seen for ages . Pat , too , are friend of them and has seen them time to time . Molly , Vance and Sally had a quick chat and said good-bye to each other as , to Molly , they seemed to be in a hurry and as Molly knew that they have been dating , she wanted them to enjoy their own time . After Molly went back home in Aberdeen , she told Pat that she had met Vance and Sally in London . Then suddenly , Pat 's face turned to look confused and said in a small voice , Have n't they broken up long time ago ? Sally must have a new boy friend . As Molly did n't know this , she was so surprised and tried to ask more about it . Then , Pat realized that it was supposed to be kept as a secret but it just came out of her mouth ! She did n't mean to do so , but this kind of thing happens a lot . Now Pat is feeling so guilty about what she has done because Molly is n't good at keeping secrets either ! Everyone is going to know that Sally has been cheating both on Vance and her new boyfriend and the Poor Vance is always the last person to know it . Dear Sir/Madam , Thank you for informing me that I have won first prize in your competition two weeks at Camp California in the USA . I will be pleased to send more further information which you need . In addition , I would like to travel on july because my school will have finished that month so I will be able to go on holiday . And if it is possible , I would rather be accommadated in log cabins because I would not like to share the bathroom facilities someone who I do not know well . Thank you for asking me to choose the list of the activities . Either I am in the school swimming team and I am intered in photography professionally . Therefore I would like to improve my skills and knowledge about the subjects during my holiday . Could I please know which kind of clothes I should bring with me and the company offers us some expensise money to spend ? Once again , thank you for sending me information . I feel , it will be the best holiday , I have ever had . I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience . Yours faithfully Shopping is not always enjoyable Who does not like shopping ? Perhaps just men or anybody who has lack of time or if you are looking for something to buy particular and shop has not range of variety . Frankly , if I had a lot of money I would have spend my entire life to do shopping . Although I am the one who loves shopping , I can not stand on the Easters , the Christmas and Sundays , because those days are suitable for anyone to consume the food , buy some presents etc. However , everyone prefers to do the same thing and the same time. it causes over crowded shops , high-pitch noise , lack of parking place and if you have to go shopping with a child , the whole matters just enough to drive you crazy . Despite knowing the difficulty we do not resist to do shopping in those days . On the other hand , some companies offer special service such as sending your order with the post or on telephone . It could be the solution , avoid busy hours or days , do not bring your child with you , choose the right shop which has park . 17th June 2000 Dear Sir , I am writing to inform you about the bad experience I had last evening going to the theatre . According to the advertisement , one of the actor who had to show was Danny Brook but for some unknown reasons , there was another disappointing actor instead of him . By the way , the musical show started at 20:15 , when it had to start at 19:30 : it was n't in late , it was to much in late . We waited an hour to not see what we were waiting for . And what 's more , there were n't discouts available and the theatre restaurant was closed : the only people who could enter in were the actors and the staff . Well , it seems that it was n't my perfect evening and for all these reasons I pretend to have my money back , I waisted £ 20 to see a show which does n't respect the programm I payed for . Looking forward to hearing from you soon Your sincerely Science and technology have changed man 's life : that 's true , I do n't need to look how they affect the lives of the others , I have only to see how they have changed my life . Radio , television , stereo , CD , computer : it 's hard to believe , but every day I 'm using something that borns from the technology . Science and technology can be useful : see for example the use of tv in the school or the use of the radio to learn a foreign language or the use of the computer to have further information about something intersts you . But they can also have a bad influence on people 's mind . Since I went to school , I 've seen my way of thinking has changed : in my mind all must be in order like in a CD-rom of a computer . It 's incredible but if I think of the key-word of mind , the only one I can think of is ORDER . Then there are television , radio , stereo : another bad aspect is that every day , consciousness , I 'm using these instruments . They are objects which take part of my life . In the afternoon I stay two hours listening to the radio or watching television instead of going to the city centre : it seems I prefer staying with objects without an aim and that ca n't speak with me , in order to meet new people , to speak with them to have a contact with the " human world " . Am I crazy ? No , I 'm only a daughter of the technology . Yesterday my grandmother asked me what will I do without the computer . I answered to her saying I probably will die . Dear Mr. Robertson Thank you for your good programme for English class , especially it is well-organised and has many different places we can go and we can see . All of us in English class look forward to visiting these places . However , we 'd like to ask about London Fashion and Leisure Show that we 've seen an advertisement on this week college newspaper . We would appreciate it if you could give us a chance to go there while we are visiting in London . It should be a great opportunity for us because we can see the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and Hairstyles , As you know , this year is our final year and most of us would like to get a job straight away after this course . We 've been worried about our future career and we believe that we need some preparation for it such as dress and hairstyle for an interview . And mostly , it should a great opportunity for the Art students who are attending English class . Most of students in our class are studying Fashion as full-time . Especially , it does not cost at all for students . But the only problem for the show is the date which is on Tuesday 14 March from 10.00 to 19.00 . As we 're considering your programme we 're supposed to go Science Museum and shopping . We 're thinking that we can go to these place the next following day . But Mr. Robertson , these our suggestions are depended on your programme , we 're just suggesting . Again we 're so sorry that we give you an inconvience for your plan and thank you for considering us . We are look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely , The Home of the Future . Have you ever thought about our future home ? Living in a high building ! But we could have everying we want to . Home might be a mixture with moden styles and natural view as well . These days a lot of contries have been worried about lands that ca n't have enough place to build houses . The prises for lands are getting increasing it 's because of this reason . So I think that the future home could be considered this points . I mean most of home are going to be in a building like a flat . Maybe it is right say that in a flat instead of a building . I believe there are a lot of high buildings now in Japan . Most of them are flats which have at lest 20 Floors . It means Japanese are planning for the future home . But what my imagination is that these flats 'll have many functions such as offices , leisure centre , shopping centre even school . Because we are living in computerlised life , so we 'll able to do most things at home or these flats 'll have these places as well . But one more thing , I believe these flats 'll have a park for people who 'll be living in there . And because it 'll be a big building we 'll able to see a whole view through the window . In conclusion , our future home will have a natural view like these days home and give people a new technological home life . Dear Mr. Robertson , I have heard you organised such a nice programme especially river trip and museum for our class . I would like to thank you for doing that on behalf of my classmates . By the way , our classmates have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and leisure show . It will show us the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear . In addition , make up and hairstyles shows will take place at the same time . We think it would be a wonderful chance to have a new experience . What is better , all students can participate without paying . It takes place at Central Exhibition hall in London . And it starts from 10 to 19 on 14th of March . So we would like to suggest you to put this programme into the morning time on Tuesday instead of Science Museum and put science museum into free time on Wednesday . I hope you will consider our suggestion . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Much safer but still at home Our homes have change with many comfortable things compare with the past . As many inventors made lots of things , we can live in good facilites houses : But do you think no more comfortable homes will be built ? Our homes will be different in the way to protect our family from theives . For example , now we have a security safety like a bell or button . But in the future , we 'll use our eyes or finger prints through the special space to enter inside . That is , our security system will be much stronger . On the other hand , what migh still be the same is to have good places to take a rest at home , such as a beautiful garden , a small terrace . Because it is a instinct that people prefer comfortable place and want to take a rest in a peaceful place . To conclude , while our homes in the future will be much safer than before , they will still have good spaces for us to be at home . Dear manager , Last week I went to the Circle theatre , of which you are responsable , to se the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . The advertisement outside the theatre explained a lot of interesting things to enjoy . I am writing this letter because I have had a very disappointing evening . Everything in the advertisement has been done in the Wrong Way . Firstly there was a different actor in the starring ; you have written DANNY BROOK and he was absent . I had joined the show because I like DANNY BROOK a lot , but you have changed the program . Moreover the advertisement said that the show time was 19.30 ; on the contrary it started with 45 minutes of late . Another thing that was wrong is about discounts : you had written they were available , but they were not and so I had to pay the whole ticket 's price . But the worst thing was that after the show the restaurant of the theatre was closed and so I had to go to another place to have dinner . So it was not " my perfect evening out " and because of my disappointment I am here to ask you some money back . I think modern technology has changed human 's life a lot , expecially starting with the last century . The changements brought by modern technology are so important that today no one can live without this technology or with a part of it . In my situation for example cars and motorcycles are a necessity to get out : I live on a little mountain at 160 metres of altitud so I cannot go to the city using a bycicle . Because of my " isolation " telephone is very important and I need a good personal computer with a modem and internet so study or do researches , because there are not book shops to buy or borrow books in my little town . Moreover without a cellular phone my mother does not let me go out with my friends to the city because it is too far and she is worried . Another thing that I appreciate a lot is the electric guitar ; I like very much play guitar , and in my free time I prefer play electric , than acoustic or classic guitar using distortion and gain and the highest volume possible . Dear Helen Ryan , I have received your letter : I was very glad to know that I have won two weeks at Camp California . I have to take part in basketball competitions all year long , except during July , so it is the only month in which I can travel . I would be grateful if I could have the accomodation in a log cabin : I would prefer not to stay in a tent because of my height , I am so tall that I could never stand up . I would like to play basketball because my trainer said that it would be suitable not to stop practising it during July . I can play basketball very well I would be grateful if you could teach me to play golf . I have never practised this sport , so I ca n't play golf at all . Would you mind sending me some information about the kind of clothes I will need ? I would like to know how much money you suggest to bring . I would be grateful to receive some information about the meals at the camp and I hope that it will not be a problem for you if I am a vegan . I am looking forward to hearing from you , Yours sincerely , Elena Pabori I think that if we want to show the good points of our typical school-day , we should film the large number of sport activities that this school organises because students are compelled by them to come to school with enthusiasm . Only who gets good marks can take part in theese activities , so sport activities are seen as a prize , so while the students are playing basket ball , tennis , volleyball ... or they are swimming you can see satisfaction on their faces , and our volleyball team is excellent . It would be nice to film an Ancient Greek Poetry lesson because Ancient Greek teacher is very good at explaining ; she is excellent at catching our attention and she wants everyone to tell the class the impressions and emotion they have reading Saffo , Alceo , Alcmone .... In my opinion we should film science lesson , so that our teacher , listening to her own statements could realise that they make no sense ! Saturday 17th June Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about your musical show . I am not really satisfied about it . Lots of information in your advertisement are not correct . Some problems of organisation seem to be appeared . Firstly , I hoped to have a relaxing entertainment with your musical show but it was not the case . In your advertisement you announced the actors were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . They were replaced by less famous actors . Unfortunately , the musical show was annoying . I was terribly disappointed . Moreover , it started at 20.15 instead of 19.30 as you had written on it . I had to wait for 45 minutes without nothing doing . I would you informed us before . Secondly , furthermore I had to pay full price whereas you granted us some discount prices . I was very interested in visiting your theatre restaurant after the show but it seemed to me it was closed . Your assistant prevented us from visiting it because it was too late and he was so busy . Finally , you thought that you could grant us a perfect evening but it was not true . Consequently , I would like you refund my bill . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Nowadays , we need modern technology to improve on daily life . In my opinion , science and technology will have consequences on my behaviours . First of all , as you also know , lots of technology have boosted since few years . For example , without using internet I could not put me through to foreign people . This interactive way of communication allows me to reach everybody everywhere without restrictions . I feel free as a eagle . I can take advantage of those technologies as mobile phone , lap top computer , television , to have contacts with different cultures . Secondly , technology has changed my daily life because it allows me to do much more things than before . Unfortunately , it could have an inconvenient for me because of pollution from cars , factories . I ca n't go to the towncentre of big city . There are links between the greenhouse , technology and me . To conclude , we must not forget that science and technology is a tool to live better . Be carefull , my own technology can kill me . I can use it but with some limits . Dear Sir or Madam , I have received your letter about the prize I have won in your competition . I would like to thank you and give some information you asked about me . Re time : I am a student and have examinations until the end of June . The only convinient time to travel is in July . I hope you can arrange this . Re accommodation : I would like to stay in a log cabin . I have had sleeping and breathing problems in tents which were serious . I hope to avoid these this time . Re activities : During the two weeks I would like to do tennis and swimming . I regularly play tennis since I was nine years old and I entered several competitions . Swimming is another sport I learned when I was six . I have a few questions about the camp . Are the meals free or do I have to pay for it ? Do you have a choice of food ? I 'm vegetarian and ca n't eat any milk products . What kind of clothes will I need ? Are there any special clothes you suggest ? I 'm looking forward to your reply Yours faithfully Dear Kim , Thank you for your letter . I 'm glad to hear that you have found a job . I want to apologize for writing so late , but I had a lot of work to do . Do you remember the concert I helped at . It was absolutely amazing . My job was checking the entry tickets and the bags of the fans . We started at 7 am. to let them in the concert area . I had to tear off a part of every single ticket . This part had to be saved for later because the concert orginazer wanted to know the exactly number of visitors . After two hours of tearing tickets I changed my place and went to help at the security section . Here , I had to check the bags and couts of the girls . Fans were n't allowed to take any sharp things with them , like knifes or scissors . So I looked into every bag and found some forbidden things in some of the bags . I really felt like a security guard . It was a great experience . I had a serious duty and also a lot of fun . I met new people which I still see . I would like to introduce them to you . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Love Hello , I 'm so glad I won this prize , but I have some questions for you , and of course , the answers you asked me . Well , at first , I would like to travel only in July , because it 's my holidays here in Portugal . And if it 's possible I would like to go after day 10th , because I 've got some things to do . And for me , I think tents would be better , I do n't know why but , I feel more comfortable . I think it 's because the last time I travelled ( with my friends ) , we stayed at log cabins , and when I was sleeping felt some thing moving in my skin , then I work up frightened and when I openned my eyes , I saw lots of big ants ! After that day , I 've never stayed at a log cabin . Yeah , I think that 's why ! About activities , I enjoy most painting , because I am a plastic artist since I was nine and I 've won lots of prizes with my art . And the other activity is singing . Everybody says I have an excellent voice , I like to sing when I painting too , it 's so relaxing . Is that enough ? I would like to ask what kind of clothe I probably will use there ? And how much clothe ? A lot , or few ? And what about money ? Will I spend much ? If you could tell me about this , I 'll be glad ! Greatefully Teresa J. Pereira Dear Tina , You wo n't believe what I 'm going to tell you ! Remember when I told you I helped someone important ? Well , listen to this . I was walking down the main street looking for a gift shop . ( I had to buy something for a friend , it was his birthday ) when I found a beautiful store , I stopped in front of it and start looking at the window ( outside ) , then I thought interesting and came in . Suddenly , I saw a man with a cap covering his face . I tried to look again to see him better , because he seemed to be very handsome . And then he said " if you promise me you wo n't get out of this store shouting and screaming and telling everyone that I 'm here , I take this cap off of my face " . I did n't know what to do , I was sure he was a Robber , or even a murther ! Then I said " OK , I promise ! " ( frightened , of course ) . Carefully , he took off the cap . Tina , guess WHO was he ? Ricky Martin ! ! Can you believe it ! And there 's more ! He asked me if I could help at his concert here in São Rafael . Because the store manager told him that I was the best hairdresser in the city ! And his hairdresser was sick , so he and his producers were looking for one . Is n't that amazing ? I met all the staff , and Ricky took lots of fotographs with me and gave me an autographied Record . Tina , I 'm the luckiest girl in the world , do n't you think ? I 'll send you some photos . Love , Teresa . Dear Ms. Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter . I was really amazed to have actually won first prize after years of unsuccessfully entering competitions ! In connection with the questions you asked , please find my answers as follows : - I could prefer to travel in July as this is the only time I can take my annual leave . - As far as accommodation is concerned , I would prefer the log cabin due to the fact that I am not a teenager any more and crawling in and out of a tent has become cumbersome to me . - My choice of sports are swimming and tennis . Swimming has always been my favourite sport and I can say that I have become an excellent swimmer over the years . Tennis I only started four years ago , but have found that I am quite talented at it , having won several competitions during the last two years or so . Please let me know if meals are included and if not which facilities are offered in the way of restaurants or self-catering . Looking forward to hearing from you , I remain , Yours sincerely The book Cry Freedom by John Briley is certainly one which will take its place in South African history . Therefore , I think it is a time document which will remain of interest and which will be read again and again , also by non-South Africans . Generations of young South Africans black , white or brown will be reminded of one of the worst times their country went through . Steve Biko and Donald Woods will be remembered always . Steve Biko for becoming a martyr to the black freedom movement of these dark years . A peaceful man who was caught up in the wills of the apartheid regime , dying such a violent death . Donald Wood for literally jumping over his own shadow and risking his life and that of his family in the process of reporting the vile crimes of the SA. police force . In the end he had to leave the country of his birth to escape imprisonment . It is my firm believe that this book will remain a piece of literature which will not lose its actuality , in a world where people are hounded for their colour or religion . Dear Ms Clark , I spent two days at the last annual international arts festival and I would like to congratulate on the organization . I am also writting to make a suggestion and to give my opinion for next 's year festival . An internation arts festival is a great idea , but at the last die there were starts and artists from only six countries , and it could be more interesting to have the possibility to meet artists and stars from more than six cultures . In my opinion some concert halls were too small . I could not listen to one of my favorite classic concert , " La Moldava " by Smetana . Most of the plays and films were brilliant but I think that if there is money enough , it will be better to have the possibility to watch more movies . I am glad to tell you that one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events is an excellent idea because also people who do not have a lot of money can enjoy the festival . I would like to give a suggestion . I think that meeting writers , dancers , musicians and artists could be very interesting for anybody . Yours sincerely Dear George , Thank you very much for your recent letter . I 'm very happy that you are well . When I read your letter I was surprised because I did n't know that you have so many rules both at school and at home . In Italy there are n't a lot of rules at school and they are n't very stricht . Nobody has to be late in the morning because it is important to respect class mades and teachers ' effort of getting up early . Nobody is allowed to speak to a friend during the lesson . I ca n't have my mobile on and drinking and eating in the classroom is a bad beheviour . There is n't a kind of punishment for people who do these things . My parents are very good . The most important thing for my parents is that I do n't tell them lays . It 's important for them that I tell them where I 'm going if I go out and what time I think of coming back home . I can do what I like doing but I have to study . This is the only condition to do what I prefer . There is n't anything that I 'd like to change . Write soon Love Dear Helen , Thank you very much for your letter telling me about the first prize . It seems so exciting . I really look forward to taking part at Camp California . I would like to travel in July because my examination will be finished on June 15th . And I have a plan to go to visit my parents in Bangkok , Thailand , in the middle of August . So , I think July is the best time to go for the Camp . In addition , the weather may be nice at that period of time . For accommodation , I would prefer tents because I get used to it . Because I 'm not good at sporting , so I will choose singing and photography as my activities . When I was studying in the university I joined the Photo Club where I got the knowledge a well as a wide variety of knowhow in taking photo . As I love singing and always spend my free time in Karaoke to practise , I think my singing is not too bad . I also have a couple of things to ask you . What type of clothes and how much money do I need to prepare ? I would be delightful if you could recommend me . Yours sincerely , " Shopping is not always enjoyable " . I strongly agree with this sentence . I used to do shopping a lot when I was in the university . I was 19 years old but I spend over 200 pounds in some weeks just to make myself up-to-date all the time . I bought lots of new fashion clothes , bags and shoes . Four years in the university I never had saving money . Now , I hate shopping because I spent a lot when I was young as mentioned so it came to the conclusion that shopping is a way to waste the time and money . I found that it 's not worth when I went to the southern part of Thailand 3 years ago where I met an old man and his little grandson . They are very poor . The money that I spent on shopping can help them a lot if I would not do it before . Little grandson tried to help his grandfather who was 70 years old by hiring himself out as a gardener after school , though he was only 10 years old . This thing tell me shopping is not enjoyable any more . Dear Mr. Smith , I am writing to you in order to describing my last visit in your theater . Unfortunatly I am a very disappointed about organisation in your company . Firsty the musical show started not at 7.30 p.m. but 45 minutes later . I paid for this performance the full price £ 20 because discounts were not available although on your advertisement there were . And the biggest disappointment for me was that the grateful Danny Brook , the best singer in London , was n't present and it was singing a mother unknown person . And last but not least I recognised after the show that your theatre restaurant was closed because waiters did n't come ... I do n't know it is a typical situation in the Circle Theatrer that is promised much more then the people can get for their money , or it was on June 7 ( my visit ) only , but I am not agree with such situation and would ask you for my money back - my bank account number is enclosed . I am looking forward for you answering . Yours faithfully In my opinion modern technology changed our daily life tremendously . First of all it changed our life-style . For example ten years ago it was very common that almost all people visited cinemas and today they prefer watching films at home because they have relatively good video-recorders and TV . Because the people have fast and comfortable cars , they are much more mobil and can spend their free-time more aktiv - they can often visit their friends and travel much more . People today are more open for the world . Secondely we can do our jobs today more efficient . We have modern equipment for communication - phones , faxes , E-mail . We can communicate with our partner faster and better and offer them better service . The ordered goods can be deliver in shorter time by train , trucks and modern ships . If we are more efficient we can earn more money and spend it more for our daily life - for better clothes , furniture , spare time . I am a fan for modern technology . Dear Sir/Madam During my holiday in London I decided to go to the theatre . I found your advertisement in the tourism officis and how the musical " Over the rainbow " seemed to be a good option I choose it . The problem is that there was some differences between the advertisement and the show I 've seen . First , Danny Brook was n't the star that night , he was replaced by an actor that seemed a rookie . Another problem , the show started at 20:15 in the place of 19:30 and when it finished I could n't have a dinner because the theatre 's restaurant was closed ( it closes at 22:00 ) . Moreover , there was n't any discounts availables ( I 'm student but I paid a full ticket ) . How it was explained above , I 'm not satisfied and I want to be refund . yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She 's the sister of my ex-girlfriend which is called Eingrid . She was a really nice person and loved me a lot . We 'll understand why I 'm writing in the past . Last weekend we diced to go to the bach with Pat and Nick ( her boyfriend ) . When we arrived there Eingrid and Pat decided to take a sunbath while I and Nik walked in the sand . Lyter a long time walking we decided to return and how the weather was so hot we found a place to drink something . Then I found an ex-girlfriend that Eingrid hates . We had a little conversation and suddenly she kissed me , but I refused to continue . I called Nick to go search the girls ( he was in the WC ) and said goodbye to she . When we met the girls Eingrid was furious , she said me that Pat had saw me kissing another girl and our relationship was over ! I 'm really very unlucked . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing on behalf of my class to thank you about the programme you organised for our trip to London . We all think it is a good programme , especially the fact that it combines leisure and culture . However , we saw an advertisment for " The London Fashion and Leisure Show " and we would all like to go and see it . First of all , you might not know what this show is . In fact , it is a big exhibition of the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . It would be interesting for us to see all that " live " , rather than on TV . Furthermore , it is a great opportunity for us because the entry is free for students so it will not affect the budget . The show takes place on 14th March from 10 o'clock to 7 o'clock . We all think that it would be most enjoyable to go to the Science museum until about 11 o'clock and then move to the show . It would be a good idea to leave at about 5 or 6 o'clock so that we can go shopping for a while . We all hope you will be able to find a good solution without causing too much trouble . Yours sincerely , Terror in the Alps It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . We had been trapped in the snowy , almost vertical slopes of the " Tête Blanche " for more than ten hours by then . We were there , alone , my friend with his broken leg and myself . We had decided to climb that more than 3'700-metre-high mountain near Arolla in Switzerland two weeks beforehand . We had been preparing the trip for several days when we started to climb the mountain , on that 4th of September 1995 . It all went as expected and we reached the summit in six hours . However , it started to go wrong after one hour of downhill walking . My friend fell down and badly hit his leg against a rock . We could immediatly see that it was broken . He could n't move any more and my mobilephone was not able to find a proper network . We were trapped ! I finally decided to carry him on my back on the way back to the rescue chalet . It was dangerous because of the steepness of the slope and we risked falling down all the time . However , we would have frozen to death if we had stood where we were . After ten more exhausting hours of walking we finally reached the chalet , from which we were able to call a helicopter . We were safe ! Dear Sirs , The Circle Theatre was so far the best theatre in my opinion , but now , I must change my opinion . I visited your Theatre yesterday . I would like to see the best musical show with the best artists . Unfortunately instead of Danny Brook we have seen unknown actor . We have disappointed . Moreover this show did not start at 19.30 , but 45 minutes later . Another problem - the tickets for students according to your advertisement should be available with discounts - unfortunately I could not buy such ticket . During the interval I would drink coffee in theatre restaurant - it was closed . I do n't know , why ? I no thought , that so serious theatre makes such mistakes . In accordance with , I would like to ask you to return me my money . I hope that your answer will be positive , and in the future in your theatre all will be O.K . Yours faithfully What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? " Fashion of the Future " - it is good question . Fashion are changing every year . During the next fashion shows we observe new clothes . In my opinion in the future people will wear clothes made of a natural fabrics ; silk , cotton , leather , wool . All syntetic material will be uncomfortable for these people . Women will prefere the long skirts and short blouses and jackets . Of course , it will be smart clothes . Young people will wear jeans and T-shirt . Such clothes is comfortable and easy in using . Teenagers have not free time to go to a washing-cleaner . Men will wear as usualy - a suit . Fashion colours - it will be earth colours : grey , blue , yellow , brown . For special ocassions , for example - the party , the concert , people will wear very smart . I think that it will be : dresses , suits swewed by the well-known tailors . All materials should be thin , delicate and soft , because of the warmly climate . I think that , we will observe a little and slow changes in fashion , but I hope that new clothes will be always pleasent for people . Dear Mr. Robertson , As you are probably aware of our English class is going to spend three days in London . The programme has already been organized by you and I have to say you have made us a very nice schedule . The river trip to Greenwich is certainly something we are all looking forward to , but due to the London Fashion and Leisure show , my class asked me to propose a change in our schedule . This show consists of a big fair in the Central Exhibition Hall in which we will have the opportunity of seeing the latest releases on sports wear , make up , hairstyles . I believe it could be an enriching experience for all of us . We would be having fun , meeting the locals and practising our English at the same time . Furthermore , we would be speaking English outside school . The event will take place on Tuesday , 14th of March , so instead of going to the Science Museum and then going shopping , we could spend the day visiting the show . Our free time on Wednesday could be spent in the Museum . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie Dear Sarah , I 'm sorry it took me so long to write you back , but I have being very busy lately : Anyway , on your last letter you asked me whether . Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie would be or not a good present for your cousin . Well , having read the book before , I can say it would be a great idea ! You told me your cousin likes suspense books and stories , the ones you keep trying to figure it out who is the killer . Agatha Christie 's stories just could n't be more suitable for your cousin . Specially because there is n't just one story , but a whole lot of them . Personally speaking , I think they selected the best ones to be published . Now , tell me more about you . Are you already on holidays . My school has finished , but I 'll need to sit a big exam at the end of this month so that I can go into College . My parents and I will spend our holidays in Australia and I just could n't be happier ! I just ca n't wait to go abroad for the first time ! I think that 's all about it . Write soon . Merry Xmas and Great New Year ! Love Dear Mr. Robertson , As we have seen the advertisment of the programmed the school set for us as a farewell activities , we are very appreciate and would like to thank for your kindness , as all of them are very interesting and give us a chance to meet and join the other class which we hardly done it before . However , on the March 14 , there is the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " , which is also interesting for us . As you know all of us in this class are preparing to go in for the art & design school in the next semester . So this is a great oppotunity for us to get used to the real world of fashion design , because in this show there will have a fashion show , a demonstation from make up artists , and a contest for hair stylist . Furthermore , most of the famouse brand of sport were companies will join in this exhibition with their new product for the coming season . We would like to know if all of us can join in this event . We all agree that we are going to join the school trip to Science Museum , which is the most interesting trip for us . Anyway , intstead of go shopping in the afternoon session , we will attend the show . This is the solution that we all think it will be the less effected to the other students , as the school do not need to re-arrange all the trip just because of our special interesting . We hope much that you understand , and would like to thank in advance for your cooperation . We looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , I had never wanted to be a hero It was dangerous , but I know I had to do it . Even though all of my friends who were with me in that day all said Just let it go , it 's just only a puppy . Why do you have to take a risk ? It seemed that all of them did n't have any sympathy to that lovely blue eyes puppy that somebody who have no mercy just left it there , in a highway . If you imagine how dangerous you were while you had to stop your car and got off the car on the highway where there were only car at least 120 km/hr running along your side . It was true that small dog were in danger , but your life was in that situation as well once you decide to do that brave thing . All my body was shaking , and I would almost have turned back to my car if I did n't here that small creature cry as if he wanted me to be his owner . So I just crossed the road , and jumped , picked him up . I feel like I was a hero at that moment , even though I 'd never though of it before . Dear Mr. Robertson . I and all of my college have read your programme , which you organised for us , for our three days trip to London . We all think the programme is organised well , especially we 're so keen on the idea to go to the National Art Gallery , to see work of the bigest painters on the world . I 'm writing to you , because we saw a great advetisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we really would like to go to see that show . The show will be in Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday , 14th of March between 10.00 pm to 19.00 pm . I think it 's a great opportunity because , we will have a chance to se the latest fashion , leisure and sport wear , and as well the way to do the perfect make up and hairstyl . In my opinion , we can have a great time there , and entrence is free of charge for students , what is very important as well . I 'm wondering if there is any possibility to go on that show on Tuesday afternoon , and move our shopping to next day . I hope you 'll think about our proposition and consider to change the programme . Your faithfully ' My perfect holiday ' ' It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it ' My story began on my holiday . It was nice , hot summer so I and two friends of mine have decided to go for holiday this year to the see side . We thought with that beutiful weather the seeside is just perfect for relax , sunbathing and joy . However the truth was a little bit diffrent . The things started happening from the first day we arrived . The weather had changed suttendly , and there was no more sun , but strong wind and rain . Despide of that we were still thinking optimisticly . We were thinking is so many other activites to relax and enjoy ourself then sunbathing on the beach . We went to few Exhibitions , night clubs , restaurants around area and we really had a fun . In the end , the weather got better , so we decided to go to the beach . Everything was showing , today was going to be a good , sunny day . We went for swimming . Then again in a few minutes the weather changed and strong storm begun . The sky went completly black , so at first it was difficult to see , where everybody is . I look around and I relised one friend of mine is still in the see , and fighting with storm , trying to get to the side . I did n't think just went to save my friend . Everything was looking so dangerous but fortunetly ended good . That was the end of our holiday , and next year for sure we wo n't be going to the see side . Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about the musical show " Over the rainbow " performed at " The Circle Theatre " on the 20th of May . To begin with , the show was supposed to start at 19:30 but , due to a " technical problem " , as they said , it started at 20:15 . However , it would not have been such a great problem if the show on the proved to be as good as they promised but it really was not worth seeing , especially because the first actor was not Danny Brook as we expected but an unknown , clearly an inexperienced young actor , named Tom Douglas . What is more , there were no discounts available for the ticket fees nor we had the opportunity to visit the theatre restaurant , as it was closed for mourning reasons . I am not satisfied with the service we received , I am therefore writing for a full refund and I expect to receive by post a cheque for £ 20 . Yours faithfully , LIKE BLIND SHEEP In the 21st century , people will all the wearing the same clothes , the same shoes , they will be buying the same accessories . We 'll get out in the morning and find out that our neighbour wears our same jacket and he 's boasting about a pair of shoes which are too similar to ours . The thing is we are too fashion conscious , too fussy about our appearance and we 'll end up forking out for smart clothes only because the people next door are doing so ! ! The reason why we 'll do this is that we need to be accepted by the elite group that decide who you must be and how you must behave . They make you think there 's noting left to do but to surrender and do what you 've been told to , like blind sheep . Anyway , I do n't really mind what people will be wearing in 100 years ' time . As for me the only thing I care for in the morning is that I do n't have my socks mismatched ! Dear Mr Robertson , Firstly , I am being the representative of my class to thanks for organising a good programme in London , especially the visiting of Science Museum and National Art Gallery . We know that it is a good chance for us to learn more different things and can widen our knowledge in the Science Museum . In addition , we can appreciate and enjoy the art in National Art Gallery . Unfortunately , I know that most of the students have already visited this two places before . So we decide to choose the other programme which have seen as an entertainment . It is the LONDON FASHION AND LEISURE SHOW . The show is hold at Central Exhibition Hall , London . The date is on Tuesday March 14 , from 10.00-19.00 . It shows the latest fashions including leisure and sports wear . In spite of these , there is also make up and hairstyles which attract girls most . Secondly , the show is a great opportunity because it holds only 1 day which is Tuesday March 14 . And , it is free for students . So I think it is worth visiting . Personally , here is my some suggestions about how the programme could be changed . We can join the programme that you planned as usual and we go to that fashion show on Tuesday . Finally , the above information is my opinion and I hope you can accept it . Thanks for your kind attention . Your sincerely , How is the home of the future will be ? Remain the same , as usual or have a great difference ? For me , I think people 's home may not be built on the ground . The home will be built on the sky - so as to save more land to build the other buildings . As the home is built on the sky . It will save a lot of electricity as solar energy is used . And , there should be a electrical servant in everyone 's home . So there 's no need for people to do the household work . There should be no beds at home because some pills are invented to make people not sleepy . If you 're tire , the pill can give you vitamin , protein and make you refresh For electrical goods , there will be no any kind of electrical products except computer . People will do anything on the computer , including watching TV , listen to music , chat with people . As the computer is being as a multi-functional products . on the other hand , there 're some ways that remain the same . The toilet should remain the same as people need to use daily and nothing can replace it . Second , there should be friends and family members in the home to provide joyful and fun . Since friends and family members wo n't change and replace , by anything . These are my imagination . I really wonder how the home of the future will be . Dear Sir ! I am writing with reference to your theatre . I would like to apologise you for my controversary opinnion but I feel really disappointed . Firstly I would like to explain you where the problem is . I came to London for a short journey to meet new poeple and to have a meeting with an English culture . I 've seen your advertisment which had recommended the play ' Over the rainbow ' and I enjoyed it very much . I decided to go to the Circle Theatre with hope that your show will provide me all these emotions that I have been looking for in Great Britain . Please forgive me but you did n't do your best . I heard about Danny Brook in Poland and I wanted to see him on the scene but it was n't hardly possible . There was a change of the leader-actor what annoyed me indeed . Further more the show was to begin at about 19.30 but it didi n't . You were 45 minutes late . Waiting was horrible . On the advertisment was written ' DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ' shall I ask you one question ? - Why they were n't available ? Everybody were schocked and I was trying to keep the faith . I didi n't expect more surprises at your Theatre . Nevertheless after the show I was very hungry so I went to the theatre restarrant and what I 've seen ? A poster : " Closed because of the illness of the chef . " There were some more disappointing situations about which I do n't want to write . Eventually - you offered a wonderflul evening but I must say that if I had known that it is going to be like that I would n't have wasted my time . I feel honoured to write this letter and I feel the oportunity . I would like to recieve back my money . I am looking forward to hearing you from you . Your faithfuly How has modern technology changed your daily life ? The entrance in to the new millennium brought us a lot of changes . Many things have been replaced by the others which are more helpful and useful . The most important thing for me is using a computer . The main adventage is that , it provides you all the informations that you need . For example you have to write an Essay about 2-nd world war . You get into the internet and you 're looking for those facts and informations which will help you to do your homework . Searching in the computer 's memory takes about 1 minute so it is very fast . Further more you can play with the computer , and unfortunetly this advantage has especially changed my life . Playing the games takes me a lot of time and it became a bad habit . I have no time for learning and for domestic works . On the other hand playing games and using a computer wide my brain so as you can see this modern staft has got many advantages and disadvantages . The next thing that has changed my life is a mobile telephone . This little thing brings a lot of satisfaction . It is very useful either . I have got a steady contact with my parents and friends . I have no problems with changing the time of meeting because I can always phone . But actually it is boring when you 're almost always under observation . The modern technologies brought to my life a lot of changes . It is even seen in the domestic works . For example I 've got at home a very modern and special machine which irons hardly itself . My mother is happy and I am happier because I do n't need to put an effort to iron the clothes . I only press the button and everything is going alright . These are the main reasons why I admit that technology has changed my life and other people 's life . I admire people who made those machines and I would like to give them the tribute . They made my life better . Dear Ms Clark , I saw the advertisement for the International Arts Festival wich is a great idea . I 'm writing to you because I want to give you my opinion and some suggestions for next year 's festival . As I saw on the advertisement , there were stars and artists from around the world but this year there were only six countries . It would be better if there were more than six countries . I noticed that some concert halls were too small . I wonder if you could offer outside concerts . Furthermore , I think there were too few plays and films . Do n't you think you could create dramatic courses ? Visitors could learn plays with professionals . Finally , the idea of a reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events is excellent because we pay only once and we can see all the events . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerly , Dear George , Thank you for your letter which I 've just received . You ask me to tell you about school rules and what we are allowed to do at home in France . I do n't think the rules are so different between England and France but I 'm going to try to give you examples . Firstly , at school , we missed a course , we must bring a medical attestation . Furthermore , when we failed an exam in June , we can have it in September . And if we are interested , we can spend six months abroad but we must pass the FCE . At home , we must wash our hands before the lunch . And we must n't speak during the lunch . I think it 's not a good thing because we ca n't discuss with our family . There are so many rules but it would be too long if I had to explain all of them . l 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Best regards , 16.12.2000 Dear Jane Clark , I went to the " International Arts Festival " on 21-22 November . The festival was generally good but I have some suggestions for the next year 's festival . Firstly I want to congratualate you for the festival . It was a great idea . However there were things that I did n't like . You said that stars and artists would come from around the world but there was only starts from six major countries . I suggest you to increase this number for the next year . By this way we can meet other stars and artists , see different cultures . Another thing that I will point on is , the concert halls are too small . Some people could n't enter the hall and they missed the concerts . There were some plays and films . They were excellent so can you show more plays next year ? Last thing that I will say is " one reasonably-priced weekend ticket " . It was very good idea . I hope you will make the same thing next year . These are the my suggestions . I hope you will listen my suggestions . This will make the festival better . I hope we will meet next year in the festival . Sincerely 16.12.2000 Dear Emily , I 'm glad to see your letter . I 'm fine thanks and my parents are also good . How are you and your parent ? I hope they are both well . I have a suprise for you . I will go to this summer . May be we can meet there ... You asked some questions about rules in school and homes Let me answer this question . In schools we are n't allowed to speak in classes . Also we must go to school by our uniforms . However we are allowed to eat , drink during the breaks . All the time we must be kind to our friends and teachers . We must n't forget the books for the classes . These are the rules in school . In our home there are some rules too ! I must be in home untill 11pm . I am not allowed to listen high volume music at home . I must be kind to my brother and my parents . When the guests come to our home , I must be clear . Other things are allowed to me . I want to change school uniform rule so everybody can wear what they want . Other rules are O.K. I want to hear some rules from you . Next time write the letter quick ! I do n't want to wait another 2 months . I 'm waiting for your next letter . Take care and be careful not to break any rules . Your friend Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show advertised in your latest leaflet . First of all , I would like to say that it was the worst performance I had ever seen and it disappointed me very much . Although your advertisement stated that the main actor would be Danny Brook , it was not him and a different man was not prepared for the role . Secondly , you advertisement stated that the second show should start at 19:30 . It was not true because the audience had to wait until 20:15 . Then , I did not get a discount and I had to buy a full-price ticket , although I am not adult yet . Finally , I was hungry after waiting for the show and wanted to order something to eat . It was , however , impossible because the theatre restaurant was closed for unknown reasons . I would like you then to send the money back to me because I did not enjoy the show at all and the ticket costed a fortune . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She heard from her friend Jon that Paul , the worst pupil at school , had thrown an enormous frog inside the desk of Miss Colston , their English teacher . Miss Colston was an old woman , who wanted her pupils to understand and admire English novels and poems . But the children were bored during her lessons and Paul was very disappointed that she did n't read any funny stories . So he decided to scare the old woman away from school . Now he thought it was stupid to tell Jon about it , as he was the best friend of Pat . " Oh , that girl will cause some problems " - he thought when Miss Colston entered the classroom . She approached the desk and wanted to open it , but suddenly Pat shouted - Miss Colston , please , do n't do that . There 's a frog . The teacher stared at the whole class and calmly whispered - " Who did it ? " " Oh , God " - thought Paul - " the next time I will throw a frog inside Pat 's rucksack . " 13 . June . 00 Dear Mrs Ryan , I have been the happiest woman since I have got your letter . I could not believe my eyes . This was the first competition which I took part and I have won the first prize . It is incredible ! I would like to give you some information . First of all , I would like to travel on 19th of July and come back on 2nd of August , because I have to work until 19th of July . Secondly , I would prefer to stay at Camp California , because I have been at log cabins before and I did n't enjoy it . This time I want to try something different . I would also like to tell you about my free-time activities . I like painting and climbing . I am actually not so good at climbing , but I like the fear of risks and dangers . My painting is not bad , but many people do n't like the way I paint , because I use only pencil . I am happy` , , because I will have the chance to do this two activities . Finally , I would like to ask you if I should take a lot of clothes with me , because I do not know what 's the weather like there . My last question were ; how much money do I need ? I hope , I have answered all questions . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Shopping is not always enjeyable . If I had the possibility , I would never go shopping to the big supermarkets . You can lose your way if you do not follow the signs , or you can not find the items what you want to buy . When I was at supermarket last week I suddenly decided not buying from a supermarket at all . First of all you need a lot of time , because the market is so big . Secondly , you have a lot of choises and you do not know which one to buy . Lastly , there is a recyling problem which many people do not care about . You buy a lot of items without thinking where should go so much rubbish . For instance , I think a lot about this issue , and sometimes I do not even want to spend water , although I should do it . I think I am too sensible . I 'd prefer to go the markets which are open and outside . So you can ask about the qualities and prices and get immediately your answers . In my opinion , small and the markets outsides should be supported , on the other hand the big supermarkets should think more about the recyling problem , which will be the most important problem in the near future . Dear Sir , I am writing to complete about my being to the Circle Theatre during my last week 's holiday in London . I have seen a musical show and it was not my favourite time . I am confusing because of playing different actor in place Danny Brook . Secendly , the show started at 20.15 . This is why I was feeling invited to your restaurant after show . Unfortunately , I found closed doors and any information about the reason . I would like to add that being a student I find discounts very important for my budget . Neither without any reason it was not available . I will gladfull if you will send my money back . Your faithfull , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . This was the reason whe we were horrible troubles with police . What is more , our friends did n't want to talk with us . Let 's back to the beginig of this story . I with my friends had holidays and decided to spend a few days on a " island " . We called this place like this , because it was a land in the middle of our lake . We tried to survive there without returning on a land - to our town . There was no light during nights so we had to find some wood to make a fire . I was a walking with my friend Pat in a forest when we discovered a gold . This is no joke ! There was a secret place when robber keept stolen gold from bank . We found the solution of this deceperous situation - to say nothing to anybody . So we tried to keep our secret for 2 days but ... I think you are able to imagine what was happen later . Dear Mr Robertson , I 'm writing to you to thank you for the organising our programme for a trip to London , I 'm student at College of Economics and I was chosen to write to you about this matter . Our class really appreciate for preparing this programme , especially for Monday 's atraction . We are extremaly interested in wisiting London . The idea of sightseeing by bus would be a great possibility for us to know better our wonderful capitol . Although we are excited about the scientic , I would like you to ask , if it would be possible to change our schedule a little bit . In last edition of London 's Guide we saw an advert of The London Fasion and Leisure Show , which will be held on Tuesday and it lasted from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The offer mentiones latest fasions ' , which we are incredible interested in . In addition it recommends also ' Leisure and Sports Wear ' . Thing which attract us the most are : Make up and Hairstyles ' . We strongly recommend it , because students ' admission is free . I 'm convinced that you agree with us and we take part in this show . We would be terribly grateful , if you accept our offer . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Nowedays famous people do n't have an easy life . They are always attacted by naughty journalists , which have aspiration to earn big money for writing an extremaly good report , or article . To begin with , we enjoy reading gossips about famous stars and politicians , although they sometimes are n't truly . In addition we are fascinated in their marriage , children , holidays etc. What is more it was their own choice to become popular and well-known . By chosing this style of life they should realise , how their life would look like . On the other hand , their life has no privaty . In spite of being incredibly famous , they might feel very anxiously and lonely . They are always under high pressure in their every-day life , because they are afraid of being recognise . Some people may argue , but I think , that politicions and films-stars belong to the public . In conclusion , I belive that we have right to be informed about their life , providing that journalists respect some important rules . Dear Mr Robertson Our class is looking forward to going to London next week . The programme which you 've organised we find very interesting especially the river trip to Greenwich . Thank you very much for it . There is only one thing that we 'd like to change , if you would n't mind . We 've read an advertisement about London Fashion and Leisure Show which will take place on Tuesday , March 14 from 10 oo to 19 oo . The latest fashions will be shown there and many useful tips about make-up and hairstyles will be given . According over programme we have a free time on Wednesday , March 15 . So we 'd like to go to a disco and this fashion show would be a great opportunity for us to learn something about styling . As we are from the small town we do n't have any possibility to learn about this . We suggest to visit the Science Museum on Monday after the sightseeing tour by bus . We think we 'll find one free hour befor the River trip . It would be a good solution . We hope you are agree with us . Your class In every country there are the famous people who are in the middle of the public attention . They are always expected to be beautiful , intelligent , good-looking . This is very stressful . That 's why it 's very important for these people to have a private life without journalists where they can relax and where they do n't need to be superstars . To have a private life is the natural desire of everyone and the famous film stars or politicians have a right for it . Otherwise they can get soul problems , fall in deep depressions . I think that it must be awful to know that you are observed by journalists or other people , your fans for example all 24 hours in a day , and the all things you do in your life are published and the whole world knows who is your friend , where you go shopping , who you love in and who you sleep with . On my opinion this is the worst thing that can ever happen . I think we should have a little bit respect for the famous people and let them some time for their private life . Mrs Ryan , It had been a real joy to receive your and I still ca n't believe it . In answer to your letter , you will find below the informations you need . I start my first job on August 1st , that 's why I must travel on July . I ca n't change anymore the date of umployment because I signed the contract a month ago : I hope it will not make problems to you . For accomodation , I would prefer to have a log cabin , it would be better to let money or anything without thinking of theft . I 've always dreamed about climbing but I never have the opportunity to discover this sport . When I saw you propose this sport , I was really excited . So I choose climbing as a beginner . For the second activity , I will choose sailing . I 've done sailing for more than ten years and I really enjoy it . Moreover I was sailing teacher on summers the past few years . Does Camp California provide all clothes for sailing ? Do I need to bring money from Home ? Or can I retire some at Camp California ? Thank you very much . G Morin Life at school is made of several things. first , lessons are the most important part of what school wants to provide us . But there are also a lots of clubs and activities that take part in the daily life of pupils . That 's why they both have to be taken in account in the video we will make . The most interesting lessons for pupils are lessons in which we can do something real , concrete. for example , the lessons of mechanics or physics are very interesting . And especially the practical work . It would be great if we show it in our film , it might be also very interesting to watch it . For other activities , we could probably show a training one of our sport team . For example the team basketball which has won the student regional tittle ( we can also say it ) or the team of football . After all , it is not important the one we will show. but I think we must give a good picture of the school with sport . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing with reference to the trip to London on the 13th , 14th and 15th March . Firstly , I would like to thank you very much for the good programme you have organised for my class . We are especially looking forward to join the river trip to Greenwich and the sightseeing by bus . Secondly , I have seen an advertisement in the times about the London Fashion and Leisure Show . It will be attended in the Central Exhibition Hall in London on Tuesday 14 . My class and I are all interested in it and we would like to go there to have a visit . It will be great opportunity for all of us because they will show the latest fashion , the leisure and sports wear , the make up and the different hairstyles . Furthermore , the admission for students is free . I have alredy thought about a changing of the programme . On Wednesday we could enjoy our free time doing shopping , so on Tuesday afternoon we moved have time to go to visit the London Fashion and Leisure Show . I hope you will take my proposal in favoreable consideration . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely It was dangerous but I knew I had to do it . What was so dangerous and why I had to do it ? Now I will tell you in brief what exactly happened to me . It was a fantastic sunny day of August and my friends and I took a day off from work . There were just four of us . We all decided to go to have a day by the seaside not far away from Portsmouth . When we got there we were wearing our costumes . We lied on the sand under the sun , we had funny beach volley matches , interesting chats , but after two hours there , my friends decided to go swimming . For me , it was a big problem because I had never had swimming lessons before and my friends did n't know about that . I did n't want to tell them because I was sure they would have started laughing of me . So I took the decision to go and join them also if I knew that it would have been dangerous for my life . I walked very slowly through the water and I was very scared but I had to do it because if I did n't go my friends could understand that something was wrong with me . In the end fortunately everything went well as I did n't sink in the sea . After that day , I decided taking up swimming , so that I would have had no embarrass in the future trips to the seaside any more . To the manager of The Circle Theatre ! I have been recently in London and I 've seen the art " Over The Rainbow " at The Circle Theatre . I have to say that it was a very disappointing evening for me . It should start at 19.30 and it had at 20:15 ! There were no discounts available and the theatre 's restaurant was closed . But the worst thing in " London 's newest and best musical show " , as you called it , was the abscentness of Danny Brook . The actor wich was " dancing " was horrible . He had been mistakeing all the time . At the advertisement , there was written " your perfect evening out " . Well , it was n't perfect ! I want you to give me back my money , I hope that in future you will corect all this mistakes . Yours sincerely Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I told him my worst love story . One day , I was going to school by bus and I do n't know why I went to the end of it . I looked up and I saw her , standing next to me with her friend . Every time when I looked up at her my legs were shaking so I could n't come up and talk to her ! But with help from my friend who convinced me to do this , I 've met her . Her name was Sue and she was so beautiful that I still ca n't find words which could be good to describe her . I was constantly seeing her but my shyness made my mouth close so I could n't say anything ! I was in Love but that was n't nice . Few days later someone told me that Sue was actually a boy ! That was supposed to be a joke from my " coleagues " ! From that moment I feel like I have been in front of a video camera and the operator of it is me ! I could n't speak to anyone . The worst thing in this story is , that Pat told this to everyone at school . From that moment I live alone . Thanks to Pat . Dear Miss Clark , I have recently taken part in your International Arts Festival . I enjoyied it and here are some feelings and advice for next year . First of all , it was a great idea to put together different countries to organise this Festival . However , there were only artists from six countries , not as written in your add . Then I had pleasure listening to your variety of concerts . Each one was fantastic and fill in with euration , but I 'd appreciate more place , because unfortunately some concert halls were too small ! You certainly saw that plays and films had a lot of success . So , I wanted to know if there will be more films next year . It could be an advantage ! An other excellent thing was your choice for the entry . That was a great idea to have just one ticket for all events . That was simpler than an other way of selling tickets ( practical and attractive ) . Finally , I want you to make a suggestion for next year . It would be better if people have had the possibility to let their cars very near to the Festival during the week-end ! I am sure you 'll pay attention to my suggestions and advice and I am looking forward to seeing you next year . Yours sincerely , Mark and his family decided to go for a walk in the Alps . So , her father prepared the car and her mother took some food for the journey . That was a Sunday and , as always , Mark was very excited . He was very keen on going in the mountains . Suddenly , the father stopped and said : " Here we are ! " They were near a little house , built in wood and began walking . The sun was shining and Mark was really happy to be outside with his family . They ate with the owner of the little house , whose name was John . It was very quiet because they were in nature ; they could just hear cows and John 's two dogs . Mark was very interested in building small things with John . He was able to make different objects in wood . After that , marks father who had fluent traditional Swiss language spent time with an old woman he had just met near the house . After eating old cheese and Swiss chocolate , that was high time Mark 's family went back home . Mark was such happy but very exhausted to recognize this story nevertheless this story happened a long time ago . Dear Ms Helen Ryan , Thank you for the letter . It sounds great . I ca n't believe it but I 'm really pleased to hear that I won first prize . Firstly I can travel only in July because I 'm studying at college until the end of June and in August I 'm travelling Greece for one months . Secondly I would like to stay in log cabins because it would be more spacious and comfortable than tents . I 'll tell you two activities I chose . I would like to play tennis and swim . I 'm belonging to a tennis club and it is the most favourite sports . I sometimes have a match with friends . I go swimming once a week . I like swimming because I can relax in water . Lastly , could I ask you something ? How is the weather like in California ? Do I need clothes with long sleeves ? How much money should I bring ? Can I change money for US dollars there ? I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , ' Shopping is not always enjoyable . ' Is it true or not ? Generally women like shopping . They like looking for fashionable clothes , bags , shoes and so on . In the bargain season , all shops are full of people who keen on finding stuffs which are good value for money . You can see battles between two people who want the same thing sometimes . The most interesting thing is that many men are waiting for their wives or girlfriends outside the shop during shopping . They do n't fancy going into the crowdy shop . It is very boring and tiring to be kept waiting . For the women , too . If they ca n't find things which they expected , they go there just only to get tired . Shopping is enjoyable when you find exactly what you want in a calm shop but not always . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan ; I recieved your congratulations letter for having won the first prize in your competition . I am very greatfull and I want to thank you very much for letting me do this trip . I think it is very kind of yous to ask me what my preferences are for the trip . I ought to let you know that I can only travel the second week of July , because that is when my winter holidays starts . Answering another of your questions , I am more likely to stay in a log cabin considering that I will be to weeks in the camp . They are much more confortable than tents . While I am at the camp I would love sailing and climbing . I have not done any of these activities before , but now that I have the chance I want to take advantage of it . I would be very glad if you could let me know what kind of clothes should I take , and how much money do you think I will need to bring with me . I want to thank you again for letting me have this unique experience . Looking forward to hearing from you soon . Dear Kim ; How are you ? I 's been a long time since I last wrote to you . Anyways , do you remember my last e-mail , where I told you that I was going to help at a Pop Concert . Well , I 'm going to tell you about that awesome experience . The band played at my school so we could raise money for our graduation trip . I asked them if they could play at our school and they told me it would be 350 pounds . " The Moicznos " are so popular that we sold our every ticket and end up wining 2000 pounds . Appart from calling them , I also helped building up the stage , and took care of the lights . After the concert the whole class helped cleaning up the mess the people left . I can tell you that it was a wonderfull experience . What I liked the most about it is not the fact that we raised a lot of money , but that we enjoyed of an amazing show in which I took active part . The band thanked me very much for calling them and having everything so well organized . I hope you liked reading my story . Hope to hear from you soon . Love , 17/6/2000 Saturday Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to inform you about my disappointing evening I spent at the play " Over The Rainbow " presented by The Circle Theatre . The problems started at the beginning . Although it was written 19.30 in the advertisement , the play began at 20.15 . In addition , a different actor was starring instead of Danny Brooks and this was the most disappointing thing that evening for me and my friends . I was told to be able to get discounts , however , I could not get any . I also went to your theatre restaurant after the show , but it was closed because it was being redecorated . As a result , I could not have my perfect evening out . For all the reasons I have mentioned above , I would like to get at least half of my money back . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , 17/6/2000 SECRETS ' DAMAGE Unfortunately , Pam was n't very good at keeping secrets , and this made her lose her friends , her job and everything she had . From the time she began the university , the problems began . She was telling secrets of her friends to the others . One day , her friends got fed up with this and ended their friendship . Pam was sorry but there was nothing she could do about this . Then she began to work at a company . One day , she again told the secret formula or a production to a friend of hers . Unfortunately , this friend told this to some other people and when it was understood that Pam was guilty , she was fired . Life and harder than anytime for Pam then . She had no friends . Nobody wanted to talk to her either . One day , she moved to a farm and nobody has heard from her since then . Dear Sir , I am writing to explain to you what the problems were at the musical show " Over the rainbow " at your theatre . On your announcement foil I read that the actor was Danny Brook , but in the show there was a different actor : this is the first disappointing thing . The second problem was that the show should have started at 19:30 ; but it did not ; it started at 20:15 ! On the announcement foil I read that we could have had some discounts , but it was not true . This is a very disappointing thing ! Then your theatre restaurant after the show was closed because the staff were not there ; so we could not visit it . I expected you to prepare " our perfect evening out " for us ; but you did not for unknown reasons . So , now I ask you to send my money back , because I really did not enjoy that night . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Kim , her friend , used to go camping at Sunset Village every year , and that year Kim , asked Pat to come with her . She accepted . In the evening Pat and Kim used to walk along the beach and they used to stop and turn at the Main Rock , a very big rock . But one night , with the moon light , they felt encouraged to continue their walk . Pat was a little bit afraid , but Kim convinced her to follow her saying that she knew the street . But , when they heard a scream , they stopped and , when they saw a shadow coming forward them , they started running , hearing a voice saying : " Our secret ! " When they returned to Caan , their town , they promised to keep silence about that . But Pat , coming back hom , told her mother everything . That night Kim heard another scream and the day after she ran to Pat to tell her what she heard . But Kim , and no one else found Pat . Dear manager , I am writing to complain about the musical show that has recently taken place at the Circle Theatre . The advirtisement I had read did not match the performance . First of all , Danny Brook was not starring and was replaced by a different actor . That was very disappointing . The performance started fourty five minutes later . Moreover , I was unpleasantly amazed no discounts were available . Furthermore , I would not have complained if the theatre restaurant had been open . According to the advertisement , I could visit it after the show , but it was closed because of the lack of customers . My " perfect evening out " was not so perfect and could not satisfy me in any way . From my point of view , the partial refund of the cost of the tickets , which are enclosed with this letter , would completely satisfy my interests . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , How has modern technology changed my daily life ? Modern technology has variety of uses and its possibilities are being widened more and more . Today it is used practically in all spheres and its influence on people is not unnoticable . Personally I feel the greatest influence from the side of personal computers . Their popularity could be explained by their comfort and easy use . With the help of " Internet " it is possible to get much objective and useful information you are interested in . Computers take the major part of my free time and this is the reason of disagreements between me and my parents . They would like me to go for a walk more often or to help them in their daily routine . I am completely satisfied with the way I spend my freetime , but they have another opinion . In conclusion , modern technology affects everybody , but in different ways . The only effect on me is more often disagreements with my parents . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am delighted to answer you back to give you more informations about me since I have won such a nice price . As I have already planned my holiday for August , I will only be available in July , after my exams . It would be nice to have a tent because I have never been camping and would like to try it , at least once . The list of activities that you have is very interesting so my choice was very difficult to make but I have finally decided to chose sailing because I have been sailing for five years now and enjoy it very much . My second choice is climbing because I have never climbed and would like to have a go at it . I do not have any idea of what the weather is like and what kind of clothes I should take . Also , I would like to know if it is better to exchange my money in England or in the USA . I hope you will be able to answer these questions . Yours sincerely Like most of the girls I enjoy shopping but it can be either a great moment or a nightmare . What you expect when you go shopping , generally with a friend or two , is wandering around and looking at everything . Having money and be able to spend it in anything you want is brilliant therefore you try to turn it in an enjoyable moment . The nightmare starts when you find out that the items you like the most are also the most expensive . Then , you decide to wait for the savings but it is even worse as everybody want to do their shopping at that time and the streets are so crowded you cannot even look for your favourite items . You are hot in the shops , feel annoyed and most of the time cannot find anything you wanted . To conclude , I would say that to have a nice moment shopping you had better to save a lot of money and buy something as soon as you see it or be very patient . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to tell you that the students of my class have seen an advertisment about The London Fashion And Leisure Show . First of all I would like to thank you for making such a good plan , for us , so we could have a good time . Then I would like to explain to you about The London Fashion and Leisure Show . Finally how the programme could be changed . The London Fashion And Leisure Show is taking place in Central Exhibition Hall in London and happens on Tuesday March 14 . From ten o'clock in the morning till seven o'clock in the afternoon . The reason that I suggest that we go is that it is a great opportunity because we can see the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear as well as make up and different hairstyles . In addition to these we will not have to pay anything since it is free for students . I suggest that we should transfer our visit to the Science Museum on Wednesday afternoon in our free time that we have . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , It was dangerous , but I had to do it . I did not have any choice since my brother was in trouble . I had to become a burgler again and steal jewelry from the jewelry shop near by . As I knew the teknics to break in a place without being noticed , I should not be afraid but tonight I had to steal the most precious diamond in the country which was very well secured . When I got close to the shop , I checked if anyone was around and luckily was not . Then I approached slowly the door , broke the lock and opened the door . However , my adventure was not over yet . There were laisers all over the place , with which I had to be careful with . Suddenly something went wrong , the alarm was making noise . I ran towards the diamond grabed it got out quickly , ran out of the back door . By surprise I saw a car waiting for me outside . I got into the car gave the jewelry in exchange of my brother , took him and left the place . Dear Mr Robertson , We would like to thank you for the programme which you have prepared for us . We really like the variety of our trip to London . The programme contains enjoyment and education , what is very esencial for young people . However , we would like to say , that recently the advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show has been seen by one of your English class student . The show will be about latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . In our opinion , we should go to the show . Firstly , because we are keen on fashion . Secondaly , because we do not have to pay for the tickets . We have already orgonised our visit new programme . The show is on tuesday and we could go to see the show in the afternoon , instead of shopping . We think , that we may shopping next day , on wednesday , in our free time . We are looking foraward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Students . The Home of the Future The future is unexpectable and human beings are afriad of dangers , such as tornado or earthquake . Thinking about home like a place to live , is not already worth . We must think about home from other point of view . We need to make our home a place where we want to come back after the work or school . It has to be pleasure to be there for us . What we really need in the next millenium is love , that is what will keep all family together and forever . Do we care about a new carpet or a fashionable furniture ? No ; I do not think so . Live is too short to think about the poscesives . The houses will change because of new technologe , what may make our live more comfortable . Everything will be faster . We will used to that . What depends on us , is how atmospher we will have in our houses . The home of the Future , for me , is a place of hapinest . We cannot aware future technologe , but we might still have some feelings to eachothers . Dear Helen Ryan , It was grateful for your message . I can gladly give you some information which you need . I would be able to travel only in July because I have a job at the moment , but it will be my vacation in July . I would prefer to be in tents , so that I could enjoy a nature life more than being log cabins . Moreover , it would be more exciting for me . It could be nice for doing two activities while I am at the Camp . I am interested in sports . Especially , I am wonderful at swimming . I have swimmed since I was in primary school . I would like to learn playing golf at the Camp . I have never played golf in my life . Is it possible to learn playing golf , although I am not good at golf ? Would you mind giving some answer whether I need some clothes and money at the Camp ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , I 'm sorry that I have n't written to you for a long time . It was nice you wanted to hear about my experience , and I know you 're looking for a job which I did . It was a wonderful chance for me . As you know , I love music . Before the concert started , I cleaned the stage for singers and I gave some drinks to singers . Finally , I cleaned the stage again . My works were for singers , so I could meet singers and talk together . Do you know " Radio Head " ? It is my favourite group . I was able to have some signatures of them . It 's brilliant , is n't it ? Especially , I liked cleaning the stage , because I could stand a famouse singer 's stage and I could feel his enthusiasm , even though I had to clean it . I want to hear about your school life , and your part-time job . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes , Dear Helen Ryan : My name is Julia Sanches and I have won first prize in your competition . I am now writing to tell you the information you have asked about me : I would like to travel on July because I will be on my school vacation , so I would not miss my classes . About the activities , I would like to do Basketball and Surfing . I play Basketball at school twice a week and I enjoy it . Although I do not play perfectly , I play quite well , but I would still like to practice . I go to the beach almost every weekend to improve my surfing - it is the sport I like best - and I think it would be a nice oportunity to practice surfing too . There are some things I would like to ask : the tipe ( and quantity ) of Clothes I will have to take , if it is necessary to take some money and any additional stuff ( like raincoates ) . Well , that would be all . I look forward to receiving your letter . Yours sincerely , Julia Sanches IS EVIL INTERESTING ? Since we are kids people tell us stories with two sides in conflit : the good and the bad side . The good always wins , and we are told that the other part is bad , and that is the end of the story . But is n't evil interesting ? On the tale " It 's a good life " , the author gives much more emphasis to the Witte Anthony than to anyone else in the story . He is the main character , although he is mean , cruel and uningative . He controls the other people using the power of his mind . Although the other people on the story are the good ones and suffer with his domination , they are quite poor and empty , not interesting and not well described , meanwhile Anthony is a very interesting and different person , and all his thoughts are told us by the author . In conclusion , even though we know that this character is good and this one is bad , sometimes the good ones are quite boring , and we find the bad one much more interesting . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about The Circle Theatre which is very different from what it have shown . I will let you know about what I have in mind . I went to your theatre last saturday , about 7. p.m. I asked for discounts . But a clerk said that time for discounts had been finished . I did not care about money and I rushed into and then took a seat with some food . I was waiting for the show that was supposed to start at 7.30 p.m. But it started at 8.15 . I felt nervous . When I saw an actor , he was a different actor . I was very upset and disappointed . After the show ended , I was on the way to the theatre restaurant . What was more , it closed because of refurishing . If you were me , how would you feel ? So , I could not help to writing to you and would like to take money back . I enclosed the receipt of theatre . Yours faithfully , Bying Kak - How has modern technology changed your daily life ? I was born in 1973 . At this time , our nation was under a developing country . Almost all the people had a Television which provided events around our county very quickly . As I growed up , T.V was one of the mysteriest things like a telephone and a bus . When it comes to modern technology , I grately appreciate it . First thing is a computer . When I was a university student , I had to find out some imformation about my homework . I could not get them. but a computer made me get them from internet . Second thing is an airplane . I have been imagining where another contries are like England . Now I am in England . I know a ship but an airplane made an arrival to here be quick . Third thing is a telephone . It saves time . Whenever I do not know about something , I phone and ask it . All in all , I have been having many benefits from modern technology which is very useful . But it might be a problem , making me lazy . Now , the world is one end and I have to take advantage of modern technology for my future . Dear Sir , I am writing to you because I have recently been at your musical show at the Circle Theatre but I 'm sorry to say that I had a very disappointing evening . I was in London for a week 's holiday and I decided to go to the theatre . I saw your musical show advertised in my hotel and I decided to buy a ticket . I am still a student and I saw in the advertisment that there were some discounts available . I asked for it but the answer I received was that there was n't any kind of discount . I arrived at the theatre at 19.00 and I thought I 'd have waited only thirty minutes . I waited more than one hour because the show started at 20.15 . But , at the moment , I thought that these things can happen . When the musical show started I had the third bad surprise . The male actor was n't Danny Brook but an actor that I 've never seen before . At the end of the show I was very hungry and so I had the brilliant to decide to go to the theatre restaurant but , of course , it was closed ! I think that if there had been only one or two problems I would n't have written to reply but there had been only problems . I 'd like not only to reply but also to have my money back because my evening was n't " perfect " as you advertised but it was a big disaster . I am looking forward to hearing you as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , Every aspect of our daily life is influenced by technology . I 'll give you some examples describing how technology affects my life every day . The first thing I do every day , when I get up , is to prepare fantastic cappuccino with my coffe machine . Then I go to work by motorbike . The first thing I do when I arrive in my office is to switch on my computer . During all the day I speak with the majority of my collegues by telephone or e-mail . Sometime I stay alone all the day but I have contacts with many people . When I have to book a holiday , to buy a book or to control my bank account use Internet and I do all these things , and many others , without moving from my office . When I finish to work I come back home . If I have n't enough time to cook I prepare my meal using my fantastic microwave hoven . If I 'm too tired to go out with my friends I finish my day looking a programme on television . I know that it can appear a sad day but it 's what a lot of people do every day in every part of the world . To conclude , I think that technology has improved many aspects of our daily life . But it 's also true that sometime we are n't able to make a step without it . Dear Mr Robertson I 'm writing to you concerning the London trip that my English class is going to do in March . First of all I want to thank you for the good programme that you mack for my class in such a short time . The students are especially very happy about the visit to the Science Museum , which we are going to do on tuesday morning of 14th March . The point of my letter is that students in my class have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and they would appreciate if they could go and see the show . The show is going to include latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles and best of all it is free for students to get in . The only problem is that the show is going to take place on tuesday of 14th March , so I 'm wondering if you can make some changes in your programme . My class think that it is a great opportunity for them to see the show , because tuesday is the last day that the show is going to be showed . We suggest to swop shopping on tuesday and free time on Wednesday , so we can see the show on tuesday afternoon . I 'll hope that this matter does n't going to cause you any problems and we hope for an answer as soon as possible . Thank you The home of the Futere In what ways do you think people 's homes will be different in the future ? That is the question , which many people ask themselves and other people quite often . The technologi is changing very fast and at the same moment as I 'm writing my article about the future maybe technologists have made a new owen which co-operate with your refrigerator and has in the programme to make dinner for you every day without that you have to do anything . What about rooms which can feel your mood and acting after that , if you are tired for example then your stereo might put some relaxing musik on and turn down the light a little bit . Next step might be a robot , which would do all your housework , but what would happened to the people ? I think that everyone should not think just about the positive sides with technologi but also the negative . The technologi is good as long as it gives people more free time , but what would happened if freetime became your life ? Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about a musical show I saw at the Circle Theatre on Wednesday , June , 14th which was titled " Over the Rainbow " . First of all , the advertisement I got layed emphasis on Danny Brook 's starring , but eventually , a disappoint unknown actor played his part , and I wonder whether he had real skills to . To make matters worse , not only was the restaurant closed , without any appearant reason , but also the discounts that were said to be available were not . On top of everything , the performance began forty-five minutes late . I find it unbearable to witness such a lying advertising and to pay even ten pounds to spend such a disappointing evening . Consequently , I ask for money back , and I will not obviously go back in the Circle Theatre . I join my receipt , and I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Over the last five years , she had caused many arguments because of unkept secrets , but she could n't help speaking to everybody . This time , as Katie , her cousin , had told her their friend Bobby had stolen a great camera , but that this was confidential , Pat reacted violently ; why was she told secrets she was unable to keep ? However , she was interested in it , and decided to lead her own enquiry about this case . Bobby did n't use to commit such acts and the story looked very strange . Despite Katie 's warning , Pat reached her purpose by questioning carefully her friends , and realized Bobby had been forced to rob this camera unless he wanted to be hurt . Pat knew there was no solving the problem without the adults ' help . Katie and Bobby would be furious , but anyway ... She convicted the two criminals , and had the calm gone back within the school . It was the first time she had saved someone telling a secret , and she realized she had made the good choice . Dear Mr. Robertson ! Thank you for giving us the chance to visit London . We all are exited about the programm you 've prepared for us , especially about the visiting the National Art gallery . We have seen an advertisment for the London Fashion and Leisure Show in a newspaper . We think it could be great opportunity for us because we 'll see the fashion show might shop for leisure and sports wear and all girls in our class are intrested in new styles in make up and hairdressing . And it is free for students ! If you do n't mind , we 'd like to change the programme a little bit . Instead of shopping on Tuesday afternoon we 'd like to go to this show , which will continue till 7 o'clock in the evening . We all expect the trip to London to be exiting and hope to get unforgettable memories Best regards your students The Home of the Future Our life is changing every day . New technological inventions bring us new cars , new planes , new houses . Future is almost unpredictable . But what if we 'll try to imagine how our house will look like in the next 50 or 100 years ? Will we all live in countryside in house surrounded by forest full of animal life ? Or would be our house itself alive ? With new computer technology nothing is impossible . The scintist could invent the 4'th dimention and we 'll get unlimited space inside the house . It is already predictable , that very soon all house appliances will be voice controlled . You could tell your wardrobe what clothes you 'd like to wear , your hob will cook your preferable meals and your refigerator will send orders to the supermarkets to buy the food . Lots of changes could be done in the future , but the main purpose of the house - to keep comfort and safety , to place for you to relax and feel at home , - will remain . DEAR HELEN , I AM WRITIN TO YOU IN ORDER TO GIVE A REPLY TO THE KIND LETTER I RECEIVED FROM YOU . I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW THANFUL I AM FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL PRIZE . FIRS OF ALL , I WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU THAT THE ONLY TIME I WILL BE ABLE TO TRAVEL IS IN JULY , BECAUSE BEFORE THAT I HAVE TO TAKE SOME EXAMS AT THE UNIVERSITY . IN YOUR LETTER YOU ASKED ME WHETHER I WOULD PREFER , IF A TENT OR A LONG CABIN . WELL , THE ANSWER IS A LONG CABIN , BECAUSE I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY BACK . THAT IS WHY I CANNOT SLEEP ON THE GROUND OR IN A SLEEPING BAG . BY THE WAY , YOU ALSO MENTION THAT I WILL HAVE THE CHANCE TO DO TWO ACTIVITIES . WELL , THE TWO ACTIVITIES THAT I WOULD TO CHOOSE ARE BASKETBALL AND SINGING . I HAVE CHOOSEN THOSE BECAUSE I AM QUITE GOOD PLAYING BASKETBALL AND I SING EVERY WEEKEND IN THE CHOIR OF THE LOCAL CHURCH AS WELL . FINALLY , I WOULD APPRECIATE IF YOU LET ME KNOW IF I WILL HAVE TO TAKE SOME CLOTHE OR MONEY . I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF I WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR ANY OTHER EXTRA ACTIVITY . I HOPE YOU WILL ABLE TO ANSWER ALL MY QUARIES . I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU . YOURS SINCERELY , DEAR KIM , THANKS FOR THE KIND LETTER YOU SEND ME LAS WEEK . THE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE VERY NICE AND FUNNY . BY THE WAY YOU ARE A BIT TALLER , ARE N'T YOU ? WELL , THE FIRST THING I WANT TO TELL YOU IS ABOUT THE POP CONCERT WE HAD , LAST FRIDAY , HERE IN OUR CITY . BUT TO MAKE THE THING BETTER I WAS CHOOSEN TO HELP THE BAND AND THE ORGANISERS OF THE CONCERT . GREAT ! AS YOU KNOW , I AM A SOUND TECHNICH , SO I HELP THEM TO PUT THE SOUND EQUIPMENTS AND THE INSTRUMENTS PROPERLY . THEN SOME HOURS BEFORE THE CONCERT , I MET THE BAND AND THEY LET ME STAYED IN THE SOUND TEST . I WAS ALREADY SPECIAL TIME FOR ME ! THE MEMBERS OF THE BAND WERE VERY NICE AND FRIENDLY WITH ME . THEN , WHEN THE CONCERT STARTED ; THE ORGANISERS GAVE ME AN IDENTITY CARD , ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF THE STAFF . THAT CARD WAS THE BEST THING THAT SOMEONE HAD EVER GAVE TO ME , BECAUSE I WAS UNABLE TO BE IN THE SCENARY WITH THE WHOLE BAND ! IT WAS THE BEST TIME IN MY LIFE . I FELT REALLY LUCKY . SORRY IF MY EXPERIENCE WAS BORING BUT I KNOW YOU WILL ENJOY IT AS MUCH AS I DID . I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU . I SEND YOU SOME PHOTOGRAPHS OF ME WITH THE BAND . LOT OF LOVE , Saturday , 17th June , 2000 Dear Sir , I am writting you in order to obtain you my money back , concerning the musical show : OVER THE RAINBOW . I live in France and I recently spent a week 's holiday in London . I decided to go to theatre to have a nice evening . I saw your advertisement in a newspaper . It seemed to be very attractive . But in fact it is not ! I had a very disappointing evening . First of all : actors were mentionned are not the same . I supposed to see the famous Danny Brook , and what a surprise it was not him . I was very disappointed . Secondly the show had go on 19.30 pm. In fact it started at 20.15 pm without any explanations . Thirdly it said that " discounts available " . This is not the truth . After that it suggested to visit your theatre restaurant , but the restaurant was closed ! It is a shame . And you write , I quote " your perfect evening out " , excuse me but I do not agree with you . It was awful , the worst evening out of my life . So please , it would be fair , that you give my money back . I am looking forward to hearing from you in a near future . Yours faithfully . " What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? " In my opinion , clothes will not change so much , because fashion is an eternal cycle . You will find always basic clothes , but I think that it will be the materials which will change . We will find the same kind of clothes with gadgets included . For example : a short very classical inside of it could be included a mobile phone , or we could find too some buttons , to have.. fresh air , why not ? Or special flying shoes , and maybe on your watch you would have a screen to watch your favorite soap operas . Everything is possible , but it would be fun to see this type of gadgets with old clothes , like a dress of the middle-Age . Do not worry about this , it will not happen ! Fashion is always the same ! Dear Ms Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter which informed me that I have won the first prize for two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. Here are some information as requested . Please noted that I can only travel in July because of summer holiday shut down . It would be any day but please let me know nearner the time . I would prefer the log cabins than tents . I think the log cabin is more fun & exciting . The activities that I would like to do are painting and playing a Golf . I have won a first prize for painting when I was at High School , and won a third prize of playing Golf for a Charity . Could you please tell me for what sort of clothes do I need and how much money to take . I look forward to hear from you and if you need more information , please do not hesitate to contact me . Yours sincerely Sunee Boonliang-Hampson Shopping is not always enjoyable . Shopping is an ordinary way of life . We always need fresh food such as vegetables , fruits , milk and etc. At least most people will do their shopping twice a week for a fresh food . You might think shopping is enjoyable but I do n't think it always enjoyable . You have to try to park your cark first which sometime the space are fulled and after you have parked your car and went in the supermarket the product you wanted have run out so you have to changes your plan for dinner or going to another supermarket to facing a long queue. that make you whole day for shopping which was not fun at all . Dear Manager : I reciently was in London , in my sister 's home , and I went to se " Over the Rainbow " . I had a lots of problems and I would like to tell you about them . Early that day I went to buy the tickets and I decided to buy the expensive ones , like the promotion paper said they made discounts to people that worked at the British Institute . I mentioned it , but they told me that promotion had ended a long time ago . Why do you put on the paper then ? In the evening I got a flat tire , and because of this I got late to the show , when I got to my place , it was used ( it cost a lot ) and they took me to the cheapest seats , where I could n't see a thing . After waiting a while in this uncomfortable place the show started , I waited 45 minutes and then the actors appeared , but I find myself that the main one was n't Danny Brook , it was an impostor . And finally when the show ended I decided to go eat something , but the restaurant was closed because the chef was sick . Sorry , but all these stuff are not proffesional , and I am going to make a demand exactly because you do n't have that , if you do n't give me my money back . I hope you understand me Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Yesterday I decided to go to the " blue disco " because the guy I liked was going to be there . But there was a little problem and it was that my parent 's did n't let me go alone to disco 's , so I had to go illegaly , and I decided I would do it . That night I waited until my parents were asleep and I went out my window . I had told Pat to pick me up , she was the only one that new my plan . I made her promise she would n't tell anyone my secret . So when we arrived to the disco there was my guy waiting for me . To sumarize the night I am going steady with him , and he took me home . The next morning Pat came to my house , I was sleeping so she talked to my mom and she suddenly asked her : At what time did Catana arrive last night ? ... All the truth was then told , and now I am grownded for life . She defintevely does n't know how to keep secrets . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about the terrible evening I spent in your theatre . Just to remind you of which show I am talking about , it is called " Over the Rainbow " . There were couple of things I noted down during the show . One of the reasons that I chose to see this show was to see Danny Brook live . But there was a different actor instead of him . I am very disappointed . Another problem that bothered me about the show was its late start . Instead of starting at 19:30 pm , it started at 20:15 pm. I had a meeting straight after the show but I was late and made fool of my self by arriving late and all those people starring at me and whispering . Then I found out that the discounts are not available but on the notice board , it said that they are available . After the show , I noticed that the theatre restaurant was closed because it was closed that day . The evening that I spent there was terrible so please may I have my money back . Yours faithfully , Raulet . Well , for instance people in Roman times ( Roman soldiers ) did n't have any sort of transport to move them from one place to another . The only way they could move was their feet . They could walk over 4 km per day without any breaks . But people in nowadays like me ca n't even walk 1 km. And also what is the point of walking when you have cars and buses or even bikes . Phones also affected my daily routine . If I wanted to find one of my friends , I had to run around our hood finding him but now , I just have to phone on his mobile phone and just ask him where he is . Computers changed my daily routine because when I was younger , I was spending most of my days outside playing basketball but now , I just play on the computers all day . E-mails are also one of my examples . When e-mails did n't exist , I was writing letters and it took longer to get to the person I am writing to but with e-mails , the person could receive my message within few seconds and you do n't have to count in how many days he will receive it . So in my opinion , modern technology changed my daily routine quiet a lot . June 13 , 2000 Competition . Organiser Helen Ryan Dear Madam : I would like to travel to Camp California only in July because during June I am very busy with my tests . I will do F.C.E in University of Cambridge and other tests in several subjects in my high school . I prefer my accommodation at Camp in tents because it reminds me my first school . It was great . But the way , I do not like to stay alone . I would like to have lots of people near me . Among those activities that you told me that I have to choose I prefer singing and painting . I have just attended classes about them . My father was a great singer and he has been helping me . Painting is my challenge because it is very hard for me . But I love to paint and I intend to know everything about it . I want to know what kind of clothes I have to wear there and how much money I will spend . I want to know if I can take my celular phone , too . Sincerely MARGARET BORNETE GOODS Shopping is not always enjoyable . Women love shopping . I am a woman then I love it a lot . All weekends I and my boyfriend go to B.H Shopping Center . I live in Site Belo and he lives near B.H. Shopping Center . I retired four years ago and my live is very bored . When I am very sad I like to buy something and sometimes it makes me happy . I bought a lot of shoes , clothes and books last week . He was with me and suddenly he became very angry . He told me that I was very stupid . I tried to buy a handsome suit for him but he shouted and abandoned me with my bags . I took a cab and went to my house . I cried very much because my life is really very stupid . I decided to stop buying those things that I do n't really need . I intend to continue studying and return to work because when our life is empty everything looks ugly and sad . I know in deep of my heart sometimes shopping is not always enjoyable . But I am a woman . We are different . We need different things than men . Yesterday he called me and told me that he loves me , anyway . I believe him because he is a great man . I hope that he forgets my shopping . And I decided I will go shopping alone . At last I am really a great woman and I love myself . Dear Miss Ryan , I am very glad to hear that I have won the prize and thank you very much about that . Here is the information you want , I hope they are useful . First of all , July is the only month I can travel , because I have got exams at school and I wo n't finish them until the last day of June . And in August , I have to go back to school to do some classes work and I have got a camp to organise . So I would like to travel on July . Secondly , I would prefer the accommodation in tents . Since I have n't been camping in tents so I would like to take this chance to feel and experience what will it be . About the activities , I chose swimming and climbing . I am in swimming term a school and I won a prize last month . Although I 'm not good at climbing , I want to experienced myself . I would like to ask what is the weather in USA like and what kind of clothes should I wear ? And I was wondering how much money do I have to take ? Also , if I can join climbing , what do I have to bring ? At last thank you very much for answering my questions . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , It was lovely to hear that you want to hear about my experience . I helped the concert which was my favour singer 's concert . I helped with the piano part in that concert . At the concert , I had to play 4 songs and I had never played in a concert before , so I felt very nervous before the concert . But it was a good experience for me because I learnt how to claim down and play well in front of the audience the concert . And also I have never played the piano with the singers before , and after that it makes me more confident and improved my skills a lot . When the concert finished my favour singer talked to me & they invited me to play the piano in their next concert and they said that because I performed will in that concert . They taught me a lot about playing piano as well . At last thank you for sharing my experience . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes Yours sincerely , Circle Theater To Mr. Smith , Circle Theater 's manager 20th June 2000 Dear Mr Smith , By the following , I would like to inform you that I 've assisted your new musical show , which name is " Over the rainbow " , last Saturday evening , 10th June . I 'm writing you to make a complaint on your advertisement , which I consider like a lying advertisement . Let me explain you why I 'm now so disappointed . I 've spent one week holiday in London with my husband for our honeymoon . We had preparred quiet a long time ago , this travel to the capital and spared a lot of money as well . We are both very keen on musical shows . We 've already attended " Cats " , the " Phantom of the Opera " , " les Miserables " , " Grease " , and so many others . When we saw your leaflet mentionned " London 's newest and best musical show " , we were so enthusiastic and curious that we bought immediately the tickets . On the waiting evening , at the entrance stood people , who were shouting at you because there was n't any discounts available . One thing that you promised on your leaflet . We did n't have trouble to find our seats , but we found very annoying to have waited 45 minutes before the show goes on and more that your famous actors were n't absolutely Mr Brook and Mrs Truelove and we can also add that your restaurant was n't opened because of hygienic troubles . I can say now that " It was n't my perfect evening out " and I request now some money back for all these disagreements . Yours sincerely , To International Post magazine Application for the shopping trip to New York Dear Sir or Madam , Please find enclosed my thinking about the fashion of the future . First of all , I think we should consider the manner actually how the people are dressing to see how it 's going to be developped into the future . Everyone has is own style but it 's obvious that many of us is wearing the same clothes like others . We all follow the new collection on the market . Today it 's wearing short-trousers and yesterday was wearing broken-jeans . What we wear is also influenced by models , medias , or new collection , which come from Paris , London , or New York . These new clothes are often very expensive that 's maybe not everyone can afford to buy himself the newest clothes on the market . In 100 years , it 's possible that each people will developp his own style using all the new materials like plastic , latex everything possible , in a way to create own clothes . In my opinion , I think that people will wear no clothes anymore , just being natural , nude and feeling free , like many many years before . Because , I think that people need to find again their authenticity . I wish that my article comes in your magazine . With Best regards . Dear Jane , I am writing to you to give you some advice about the International Arts festival . I think it is a great idea to organise this sort of festival because most of people enjoy it . Firstly , concerning stars and artists , they came from only six countries . For musics like jazz and rock it was excellent but for classical concerts we had a problem . Because some concert halls were too small . If you have any ideas about bigger halls , it will be better . Secondly , about plays and films it will be good if you make more because the children like it . The dance shows was very wonderful like art exhibitions . Do not change about talks by writers , because it is a good idea if people can talk about their owns books . Finally , concerned the price for the weekend tickets , I think it is excellent because people are less stress , so they can visit more longer . It will be better , if we can make this festival at the end of summer . I hope to give you enough information . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , It began when my parent sand I were going to the South of France for holidays . We took a car . When we were near Geneva , my father who was driving the car , had been flashed by a radar and the police stopped him . After that , it maked a long time that he drove , so we decided to stop to an area . We were going to the toilet and ate something to the snack bar . Suddenly , my father realised he forgot to close the car . He ran but it was too late , somebody had stolen the luggages . We called the police but they said us if you did n't close your car we did n't make something . It was the worse holiday in my life but we continued . When we arrived at the flat , it was eleven o'clock . The agency was closed and we had n't the key . We went to an hotel , it was expensive and uncomfortable . Finally , the life in France are crasy , this is the tradition . This story happened a long time ago . Dear Sir or Madam I am writting to complain about I am really disappointed your musical show which is " over the rainbow " . on last week . I could compare between the advertising of musical and actual musical show last week . First of all , the advertising shown us starring , which is Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , however , when I had seem it , starring of musical completely diffarent actors , I really disappointed about it . Secondary , the advertising shows as the musical start 14.30 and 19:30 , but the musical started 20:15 , it 's 45 minuts late , and also , I 'd asked discount ticket in the ticket counter , but there are not available any discount tickets . Finally , your theatre restaurant was closed after show , it is because I saw it was opened at break time for musical , but afterwards , the people of staff for restaurant were closing . Now then , how was this advertising , it was completely diffarent , I am really disappointed your musical , I am ask you for money back , because I was n't enjoyed your musical . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Your Faithfully , from I am writting composition about " How has modern technology changed your daily life " , this is our question . All at the technology developed about every day , not all of them , but still a lot of modern technology changed our daily life . First of all , I thought more than half population of British has " mobile phone " , it is small and compact , much lighter than home telephone , and one of the biggest advantage is you can carry it , so that easy to contact your friend or someone who other , even they can easy to contact you as well , so you can phone anytime you wants , whenever you wants . Secondary , Personal Computer ( PC ) , these " Desk Top " and " Lap Top " computers developed each year , however , most important thing is " Internet " , Mobile phone could easy to contact anyone in your country , " Internet " easy to contact world wide , you can send E-mail anytime , anywhere you wants , it is most popular thing all of the world . These modern techonology get closer between person to another person , get close between worldwide , so that , these modern technology changed our daily life so diffarent . from . Dear Sir/Madam ; I am writing to complain about the musical show " Over The Rainbow " , which as organised in your theatre . Firstly , I had been looking forward to that show since Danny Brook was to be one of the main actors ; however , there was other actor instead of him , which came to me as a great disappointment . Secondly , as for the times , instead of 19.30 it all started at 20:15 , which involved being stranded in the theatre for such a long time . Added to this , I had brought very little money in the hope that I would get a discount . Nevertheless , there was not any available . Finally , as regards the theatre restaurant , it was closed due to problems with the pipes . As you may realize , it was not a perfect evening out but a complete disaster . I am asking you a full refund or at least part of my money back . I look forward to hearing from you , Yours faithfully ANDREHI LISA DANZELLI Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . What is more , every time I trusted her with my secrets , she always let me down . It was always the same ; she would meet with her neighbours afterwards and give my secrets away . To make matters worse , people gossiped about me and tried to find out more and more about my private affairs , which made me feel embarrassed . The worst point was that she started to make up false stories about me , which soon spread all around the neighbourhood . Needless to say , I could n't put up with that situation any longer so I determined to fall out with her . Since then , I hase n't talked to her again , despite the fact that she regretted doing all that and really wanted to make up with me . Of course , I became aware of her feelings since a friend of mine overheard a conversation between Pat and other girl . In spite of that , I found it difficult to forgive her as she had hurt my feelings ; that 's why the only thing I could tell her since we had quarrelled was : " It serves you right , I 'll hate you for the rest of your life ! " 13th June 2000 Dear Ms Ryan I received your letter and I am writing to give you the information you asked . First of all I would like to travel only in July because I am going to work in Aougust to earn money and after ( from September to June ) I go to university as usual . About accomodation at Camp California , I would rather be in a tent than in a log cabin because in July the weather is really good and when I am in a tent I feel closer of nature . I choose climbing and sailing for the activities . Although I have never climb ( so I am a complete beginner ) . I am very interested in learning Climbing . But I sailed a long time ago so I am quite a beginner too . Finally I would like to know what sort of clothes I should bring and also if I should bring some money . You can contact me for further information . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Astrid de Martel Perrault 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , I was happy to receive your letter and , as you asked me , I will tell you how my experience was and how great it was . The most exciting thing when you help at a pop concert is that you can meet popstars , and , indeed , I met OUR favourite popstar ! I talked to him and we ate a sandwich together talking about his album . I will never forget this moment . But do n't worry , I thought about you and he signed an autograph for you , you will find it with this letter . On the other hand I worked very hard because the concert finished very late and after the concert I had to clean up the room and you ca n't imagine how dirty the fans are ! But I could stand up on the scene and talk with the musicians . When I receive the photos I took , I will write you again to give them to you . Looking forward to hearing from you Love , Astrid Dear Sir or Madam , I am a foreign woman who had a week 's holiday in London and decided to go to the theatre to see a musical show . That show was n't as it supposed to be and it is for that reason that I am writting to you . One of the problems is that a couple of actors , Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , were the ones supposed to act and a different actor took Danny 's place , it was disappointing ! The second show was supposed to start at 19:30 , but to make the matters worse , it started at 20.15 , so after the show I could n't got to the cinema . Apart from that I could n't visit the theatre restaurant after the show because it was closed for holidays . On top of everything the tickets did n't offer any discounts , so the last day I could n't buy the present for my neighbour . I am writting to ask a refund of the £ 55 which I spent on the ticket for the miserable show . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully . Jane Smythe I am going to write about how has modern technology changed our daily life . First of all I think that technology has been one of the most important inventions of human and that without it we could n't be where we are wright now . One of the best examples is the car : in a lot of cities around the world , cars can be seen in the streets all day long . During the last decade the number of people who has a particular car has increased very fast . On the other hand people who has n't any cars , can also be helped by technology : they can use the public transport like the train or the bus , which is also a comfortable form of travelling . But if you want a fastest transport , the plane is the perfect one ! But technology can also help you at home if you use modern machines for cleaning your house , clothes or dishes . Apart from that , technology also helps in hospitals . Every time more machines help doctors and nurses with their difficult tascs . In contrast , technology is very bad for the nature : if we use cars we contaminate , and many cars are being used every day ! On balance I think that evidently technology has got more advantages than disadvantages . I feel very happy to be the winner of your competition . I would like to travel in July only because they will need me at work in August . I would prefer to sleep in a tent because I have never done it and I think it is an experience not to be missed , a very original adventure ! I would like to do singing and swimming . For the first activity , I must tell you that I am very keen on singing but that I have very few experience in it . Concerning swimming , I practise this sport once a week on myself , so I am just an amateur , not a great swimmer ! Otherwise , I would like to ask you which clothes I will have to take in my luggage . What is the weather like in July ? Is it worth to take a raincoat ? Should I take trainers ? Finally , how much money must I bring with me ? Is it necessary to ask for Travellers ' Cheques ? Or is it better to take only an international credit card ? Going for shopping is a good thing when you do n't know what to do but it has also many disavantages . First of all , shopping is tiring because of the people who are doing the same thing as you the same day ! Especially If you go shopping on a Saturday , when people are on week-end . Streets are crowded and you ca n't walk easily . You are embarrassed with the people who are so close to you that you ca n't walk as fast as you want . Secondly , shopping is stressful , especially if you had to find a cloth for a precise day , and nothing fits you . It can be discouraging . Or if you look for a present and you ca n't find it . However , shopping is entertaining if you do n't know what to do . You can discover a lot of things if you are abroad and learn a lot about the life of local people . Moreover , it is pleasant to try many clothes and to see what you look like in various clothes , especially if you are in a foreign country . It can be funny ! Finally , shopping can help you to feel happy if you are down in the dumps , if you feel horrible . For instance , if you try a cloth which fits you well , it can contribute to make you feel better . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writting to complain about the musical show at the Circle Theatre . Firstly , the actors who starring was not Dany Brook as it was advertised but one other actor , whose performance was very bad . That made the show disappointing . Secondly , the show should began at half past seven. despite these fact the show began at a quarter to eight . Also , there was not available tickets and after these bad musical show the restaurant of the theatre was closed . My evening was not very pleasant as you advertised . As a result of that I demand to have some of my money back . Yours faithfully , If I say that technology has not changed my life I would be lying . If fact technology change in a major point my life . Can you imagine your life without a car or a television ? I do n't . Technology so much my life which I could not live without it . But technology does n't only makes my life better . By the use of car I do not only get an easy way to move , but I destroy my enviroment . Also , if I use the car , in small distances when I can go on foot , I destroy my physical situation . Could you imagine your life without a television or a computer ? I could not . Althouth with the computer I can contact with my friends and with the television I relax , I could not find another way to relax and contact with others . Technology is very important for my life . It makes my life more easier , and it would be much more difficult to live without it SOLES LEDIA CI HACIA DE LOREDES MADRID THE CIRCLE THEATRE LONDON Dear Sir , I am writing you to complain about the musical show which took place the last 1st of May in " the Circle Theatre " in London . Your show was supposed to be one of the best that I had ever seen . At first sight the theatre was gorgeous , I was surprised of its facade and also I was anxious for the beginning of the performance . My friends and me thought that it would be the perfect night in London but everything changed when the show had been delayed more than forty-five minutes . Although we had problems at the entrance with the tickets , we looked forward for that marvellous night . The prices that our travel agency confirmed us were not the same as the theatre , we asked for our special discount for be students with less than eighteen years but we only obtained a rudely answer of the woman who sold the tickets . In addition to this , we realized when the show began that the main character was not Danny Brook . At top of everything the restaurant was closed and we could not eat on the theatre . You can imagine how upset we were and we asked you for our reward for the night that we spent . Yours Faithful Nowadays we think in the modern technology as something usual in our lives . For instances with the arrive of Internet , the new digital television or the researchers in the medecin ; we are discovering how we can change our lives only with press a botton , or look for something new with only think about it ... we realize that the new technology it have just begun , and lively in a few years we will be very avanced in this way . In my point of view the new techincs have more advantages than disadvantages , my reasons for saying that is because furthermore we can live better , we can also have more ways of know now to live healthy and how to spent our free time . Although the technology also is used for create new types of weapons and also for killing people , it is only the worst part of this . But however it is a good idea to spend out money in make new enterprises which pay the researchers and they could investigate how to improve ourselves . Dear Sir or Madam , I 'm writing in order to complain about your current musical show which I saw last week . It did n't go on as I had expected and I was really let down when it finished . Firstly , it was to start at 19:30 a I bought my ticket for the evening session . However , it began at 20:15 . I would have understood a little bit of waiting time , but everybody agreed that this was too long . Second , instead of being starred by Danny Brook , the musical was starred by another actor , who I found really disappointing . Although he sung quite well he danced terribly and that spoiled part of the show . I asked for the discounts available as we were a group of 15 people , but the answer I was given was that nobody had ever heard of them . In addition , we had planned to have dinner at the theatre restaurant but it was closed as it closes every Thursday . I think that there 's no point in having a restaurant which closes the day of main audience . Finally , I just want to say that the perfect evening that the advertisement said and that we all wished turned out to be a regret for the wasted money . That 's why I 'd like to ask if you could give me some money back . I 'm including my ticket and this list of complaints as the reason for returning some money . I 'm looking forward to receiving your decision . Yours Faithfully , My daily life has changed quite a lot with modern technology . I live more comfortably and even more carefree than some years ago . I 've been able to improve some things that could have annoyed me some time ago , and although they 're mainly little changes they make me notice that my life is easier . At home , for example , my waking up is no more a surrounding sound that breaks the silence and peace of my dreams , it is now the good-morning of my favourite radio program , set to start at seven o'clock . Then , when I was younger I would have to put the milk on the fire and wait until it was warm enough to drink . Nowadays , almost everybody have a microwaves oven , where you put your milk less than two minuts and it is ready to delight your mouth . Another thing are the fifty-two steps which take me to the street . They have become as easy as calling the lift , without feeling tired or even breathless , when I was in a hurry . Thanks to my mobile phone I can go out until later at night , as my parents can know where I am whenever they want . Also , with the development of Internet and its arriving to a great number of homes , I can have any information I need at any time I want . In brief , my life is taking the most out of the discoveries in science and technology and it ca n't be hidden that I 'm really glad of that . Dear Helen Ryan , Thank you for the letter you wrote to me to inform me about the prize I won . I was so happy ! I could n't believe it . If it is possible I would like to travel in July because school is finishing on the 28th June and I have already excepted a job in August . I think it would be fun to stay in a tent those two weeks , I have never done that before , by my friends told me that I would enjoy it . As you offer many activities it was hard to choose which ones I want to do , but I dicided to take swimming and photography , because I am very good at swimming and because currently I am attending a photography course in Vienna . I am not very experienced but I think that I will find a lot of beautiful motives in the USA . I would be very kind if you could inform me about how much money I have to take with me and which clothes I will need . Yours faithfully Dear Kim , Thank you for the card you wrote to me , I hope you enjoyed your holidays . I spent some great days in Vienna where I had the chance to help at the concert of " pearl jam " . The first thing I didwas to controll the tickets of the fans who visited the concert together with a friend of mine . There always was a lot of security stuff around us to make sure every thing is ok , because there really were thousends of persons . Then we had time to listen to the music . The other thing I had to do was to make some sandwiches and drinks just before they returned behind the stage to rest a little bit before they continued playing . It was amazing to be in the same room they were . Edi Vedder even talked to me about their programms ! I think that I will never see them again personally , but I will never forget those two days - being so close to them , unbelievable ! Hope to see you soon ! Yours Dear Ms Ryan I 'm writing to reply to your questions about Camp California . First of all , thank you very much for giving me such a good opportunity . I 'm very pleased and I 'd like to go to the States as soon as possible , however I 'm free only in July . Currently I 'm studying in England and the school finishes at the end of June . After that I will go back to Japan and continue studying at College , but it stats at the beginning of August . As for the accommodation I would prefer log cabins . I 'm not a kind of person who can easily fall a sleep and it gets worse when I am in a tent . At the Camp I 'd like to do climbing and golf . I belonged to a climbing club at my highschool and I 've got a lot of knowledge from my experienced teacher . I often climbed mountains when I was in high school . My golf teacher is my father and I 've only played in a practicing centre , but my father and his friends say I have good talent of golf . Lastly I 'd like to ask you some questions . That is how many and what sort of clothes I need and how much money I should bring . I 'm looking forward to your reply . Yours sincerely , I think we should follow our time table if we make a video about daily school life , but we cannot film every lessons so I picked up some interesting ones . Firstly we should defnitely put the news review lesson , because we start every morning with that class and it is where we have a lot of discussion . Secondly I think the FCE class should be filmed . Most of us ( students ) came to our school because they wanted to study English , so it should be the important part . In addition if we film the class , people can see how interesting or funny the lesson is . Then why do n't we film our lunch time because it is also important , is n't it ? I think we should film it at the very crowded moment so that people can see we have to wait patiently before we reach our foods . I think nextly we can film either the development class or the society class , because in my opinion they are the most interesting classes apart from the FCE class . For the very last part why not filming our faces when all the lessons are finished ? Dear manager , I recently had a week 's holiday in London . During my stay I went to your theatre to see a musical show which was OVER THE RAINBOW , however , I had a very disappointing evening . There are a lot of differences between the details of the musical show on the advertisement and the ones it actually was . Firstly the starring on the advertisement were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , while there were different actors on the musical show . Secondly time starts at 19:30 on the leafet but it actually started at 20:15 . Thirdly it said there were discounts available on the advertisement , however , there was not any at all . Finally it said we could visit your theatre restaurant after the show but it was colsed because your excuse of being used at that moment . It said on the leafet that your perfect evening out , while it was not at all . I felt very disappointing after seeing the music show in your theatre . As I said the reasons above , I want to ask for money back ! I look forwards to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . He was so kind that the could n't stop telling Janet that she was going to be killed by Mr Brown After finishing that Pat left this room . Janet was so nervous that she could n't stop her heart throbbing quickly . She went quietly downstair and closed the door as soon as she went into her room . At that moment a lot of things appeared in her mind which seemed as just happened yesterday . " Why did Mr Brown want to kill me ? " She said to herself " I am just a servant in this castle , I loves him so much and I do n't want anything from him although he is the owner of this castle. " while it seemed as a shadow came in from the window and disappeared quickly . Everything in the room is quiet except the sound of the clock as if everything is going to die . She was so frighten and sad that she had no energry . She fell down onto the floor and wept , while nobody could help her . Dear , Sir/Madam I am Writing this letter to say my dissatisfaction of your entertament . Last week I was on holiday and I went to The Circle Theatre to see over the rainbow musical . I was really looking forward to seeing it , because I like musical and also I like Danny Brook . However , the reading actor was not him ! Of course , I was so disappointed . The actor was not famous for his acting . Also the musical did not start on time , it was late thirty minuts . We just sat on the seat and nothing to do . I was going to a restaurant with my friends after the musical , but the musical finished at ten thirty . It was too late and we could not have a dinner . If the musical had started on time , we could have eaten in the restaurant . Fathermore , discounts was unavailable . Even though we had a student card . In the advertisement they said that tickets discounts available . I think it a bombastic . Anyway I was so unpleasement . It was not marvellous evening . Could you back my money please ? You have responsoiblity for the audiences . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully How has modern technology changed your daily life ? My life have been changed by technological improving . Nowadays . We have so many technological things . For instance , TV , computers , telephone , air-conditionings . These things are very convinience on the other hand , there lots of disadvantage point . I have my own TV in my room and I enjoy watching TV everyday . However , I need balance . If I watch TV too much I might not speak to my family often . It will lack of communication . In addition , it is difficult turn it off . I think I should cut down watching TV . Sometimes it waste of time . What about computers ? It is very useful too . I am living in London , but my father lives in Taiwan and my mother lives in Tokyo . I sometimes want to hear their voice on the telephone . Unfourtunately it is not so cheap . If I use e-mail much easier and cheaper . And I can send e-mail anytime . If I addicted on internet , it will be problem . I do not want to spend much time with computers . In conclusion. people include me need balance . We must be good at using computers . Dear Helen Ryan My name is Steven . I'am very serpride when I get the letter from you . And heard that I have win the prise . Goging on a camp California in the U.S.A. for one week . And you need some imformation from me . About when would I like to go ? And I think I love togo on July . Because is good time for camping and the weather is lovely at this time of the year . And the most important reason is because I am still a student . And I study at London International School . So July is my end of year holiday . So I be happy to go on july . And about the accommodation at camp . I like to stays in tent because it have more feeling about adventure that 's call camping . And in the letter that you send to me also whant 's me to choose two activities to do while I was at the camp . So I will choose two activities that I good at and not good at . The first one is the one that I good at is Basketball . I use to play basketball at school and play for school team . And the second activities is the one that I not good at or I never try it before is surfing . I love to try surfing because it is a very interessting sport and use a lot of power and enigy so now is the end of the letter . And I want to know more about the money can you give me more imformation about the money that I need to bring whith me Thank you for every things Your sincerely Frank Steven . Shopping is not always enjoyable . Now let 's start whith shopping at Beverley Center . Beverley Center area is the place that the teenager like to go shopping the most . But some teenager like to go to Bolton-Market . Because every one have different thinking like beverley center if you there every day or every week for a shopping you well get very boring because some time is to much people every where like in the resturant and shops . It 's make you feel want to go home . And about the traffic some times it makes you feel do n't want to go out because of the traffic . And if you never know money or you have less money shopping is not enjoyable for you I'am choue . And shopping in the market is one think that I am not going to do . Because all the smell in the market is alfrell is the smell of the meat and durty water black and smely water all over the market street . I think of it it 's make my shopping enjoyable . And that 's why some time shopping is enjoyable . Because the place and people . Dear Mrs. Brown I am writing to inform you about a party that we decided to organise for Mr. Brown 's birthday . I want to ask you to come to our party and also to help us about what present shall we buy for Mr. Brown . To begin with , I must explain to you that the party is a surprise for Mr. Brown and it would take place on Tuesday 16th of June from 3:00 to 6:00 pm at the college canteen . Some of the children will bring food and also there would be nice music too . Also , I want to mention that all the class will come , all the teachers will be there , and the Principal will come too . Finally , I want to ask you about Mr. Brown 's present . We dont have any idea what to buy for him . Can you help us ? I think that a good present could be a CD or a book . What do you think ? We hope to see you at the party and have a wonderfull time together . I will look forward to hearing from you soon . My favourite season of the year is summer . I think that most of the people love summer , especially the people in Greece . I dont know why but the summer it is the most beautiful season . All the scenery with the lovely sun , the wonderful beaches , the green mountains and the smell of the sea , make me feel great . I live in Greece , and especially in an island , so I know very well what summer means . It means swimming at the wonderfull beaches , tasting the delicious foods ad having wonderful time every day and every night with your friends . Also it means to meet other people , to have fun together , to travel at all the places of the island . I think that the summer makes people to feel great , to have fun , to enjoy themselves . I believe that the summer is a season for everybody who wants to have wonderful time and wonderful memories wherever the go . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show , OVER THE RAINBOW , and also about the servic . When I went to London , during my holiday , I decided to go to the theatre to see a musical show , OVER THE RAINBOW . During and also after the show lots of disappointing thing turned up . Firstly , it was not Danny Brook and Tina Truelove who acted , it was someone else . Sacondly , in your advertisement I read " Times 14.30 and 19.30 " . In fact the show started 20:15 Thirdly , I also read " Visit our theatre restaurant after the show " , but the restaurant was closed because of painting . Last but not least , it also says " discounts available " , but there was not any staff there who could do it . So I am sure that you will understand why I feel so frustrated and disappointed about the whole thing . I look farward to hearing from you in the very near future , to offer me the money back . Yours faithfully Maris Svensson " Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . " I was reading when I suddenly hard a big bang . I looked out through the window and saw a big strange " thing " . It looked like a floating potato , a brown potato . After that a being climed out from the potato . It looked at me and said . I am hear to help you . I only need to touch your teacher and you never need to do any homework again . I could not belive my ears . It was the happiest moment of my life . I went back to my chair and when I looked up I saw my main-teacher walking through the door with the being after him . The being moved its hand farward and ..... Then I felt a big pain in my head and heard " You ca n't sleep in the lesson " . I looked up and saw my friend with the coursebook in her hand . Immediantely after I heard " And do n't forget your homework " . I looked at the book and read : " Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets " Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to thank for your interesting and excellent programme , that you has organised , especially concerning the opportunity to visit the National Art Gallery and the Science Museum . I am also writing to ask for your permission to go to the London Fashion and Leisure show , which would be on Tuesday 14 March . It will be a presentation of the latest fashions and about the leisure and sports wear . Moreover there will be a demostration of a modern make up and new different , shaking hairstyles . I would like to add that it could be definetely a great opportunity because the tickets will be free for students . Finally , I would like to suggest that we could attend the show after visiting the Science Museum , instead of doing shopping . Many thanks in advance for your cooperation . I look foward to hearing from you in the near future . Yours Sincerely " It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it " Peter whispered smiling at me . it was a cold , stormy , winter 's night outside . The wind was blowing and the heavy rain was drumming agaist our bedroom window . I could hear a owl hooting in the tree nearby . My husband and I were sitting on our bed . Peter , my husband , was a tall , strong man in his mid-forty . We used to remember our daytime before felling asleep . As a postman , Peter , had to deliver letters aroud our little village . He knew everybody , especially Mrs Rilke , an elderly , eagle-eyed teacher in retirement , who lived in a old cottage with her five bad-tempered dogs . She has never received any letter , since that morning . She was very angry when I arrived . She stared suspiciously at me through her glasses on the tip of her nose . After I had opened her gate , she called loudly her five , horrible dogs . I realised I had to run away , but I had still her letter . Suddenly I made up my mind , and running as fast as a champion horse I reached her hands and left the letter , then I went away quickly and , fortunately , just in time to close the gate between me and the dogs ! To the manager , Lately , I had the oportunity to go to yours Circle Theatre event . Unfortunatly I never thought it could be so dissapointing . It started when I received the advertisement on the street . According to that , I thought I 'd have a wonderful night . The first problem happened at the box office because there were abosolutly no discounts available . Well , I bought a the ticket anyway . The show supposed to start at 19:30 but it actually started forty five minutes after it . When the show began had my biggest disappoint , instead of the great Danny Brook , there were another actor , totally unknown . After the show I was so nervous about the whole thing that I decided to eat at the restaurant and try to relax a little . From my surprise , it was closed . According to all this , what was supposed to be one of my best nights turned out to be definatly one of the worsts . I 'd like so , to reiceve my money back . Yours Faithfully , Techology is always getting better . And it is responsable for many changes in my life , and I think I would n't be able to live without it anymore . Nowaday , with Internet it had became easier to do the school works and I also like to chat with other people or maybe read the latest news about my favorite football team . I also got recently a celular phone and I do n't now I lived so long without one - because it help to solve the problems so quickly , it 's really amazing . But for me , the best thing is definatly the microwaver . And there is a quite good reason for it . I live alone , so I have to cook my own food , and I 'm the worst cooker in the whole world . There are some of the modern techonologys that most help me but there are some others which are also very important for me . Dear Ms. Ryan , Thank you very much for the kind letter you have sent me . I am very pleased and very excited that I have won - I ca n't wait to go to the Camp ! At present , I am taking my exams and am fully occupied with studying . However I will be free in July - but please not that this is the only time I 'll be free to travel to California . For the accommodation , I would like to stay in tents as I have never slept in one before . It would also be a chance to try it out for the first time in my life . I would also like to take tennis and painting activities while staying at the camp . I 've played tennis for eight years now and have competed in many matches . I take painting as my hobby as well , even though I have never took proper lessons . Also , can you please be kind enough to tell me what sort of clothes I should take ? Would the weather be quite hot ? Would you recommend me to take an extra bottle of sun block ? Lastly , can you please tell me how much money would be appropiet to take ? Would there be a bank near the camp ? Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , MIDORI FUYU Dear Kim , Hi ! How are you ? Thanks for your letter . You want to know everything about the concert ? Okay - here it goes ! Two hours before the concert began , I arrived at the hall . God , I was so excited ! Already everything was set up , the groups instruments , lights , microphones ... I quickly helped others to decorate and to ' polish ' off the hall - we blew up as my balloons as we can and sprayed them with gold and silver . The concert went terrific , too ! There must have been hundreds out there - dancing , laughing , shouting.. and I was having a time of my life ! I handed out refreshment to the pop group 's members during breaks - my friends were so jealous of me ! At the end of the concert , when it was after midnight and everyone had alread left , the group came up to each of us ( who helped out ) and thanked us personally ! I mean , is n't that really nice of them ? We shook hands and they even wrote ( scribbled ? ) their signatures on my T-shirt ! I guess this was the best part of the night ! Really , Kim , you should try this out some time . Even though I was exhausted , it was really worth it ! Anyway , now I 'm back to the real world - I have exams next week , wish me luck ! Best wishes , Dear Sir or Madam I am writing with regards to the musical show ' Over the Rainbow ' and I am going to complaining about it . I saw it last Friday and it was disappointing me because the actor was not the same man as the advertisement ad I had expected to see him so I could n't enjoy myself at all . Secondly , it did n't start at seven thirty . I do n't know if there was some problems but I had to wait for forty-five minutes . I could not believe it ! In addition to this , I could not get a cheaper ticket so I wonder why the advertisement mentioned about the reduction tickets . Moreover , despite there were some restaurants in the theatre , they had already closed because it was too late , I wanted to have a coffee but I could not . I should not have gone to see the musical . I do not want to think you told a lie but I felt to waste my time and money . I would like to refund all the money and I recommend to thinking about the advertisement . I hope you understand me and the show is going to be succeeded . Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets and because of her nasty habit , I lost my best friend and boyfriend at the same time . She was one of my friends and I could n't trust her at all because she was a truble maker . One year ago , I had a boyfriend and he was a perfect man for me . I was happy at that time and I met with him almost every day . I believed that I get married to him although my happiness did n't last . One day , Pat gave me a ring and she told me that my best friend was going out with my boyfriend in secret . I could n't believe her because my best friend was a boy ! I was too shocked to eat anything . I tried to avoid thinking about it but I could n't . I dared to ask him and he told me his truth . It was true ! I should n't have asked him ! And then I asked him to split up with my best friend but to make matters worse , he chose my best friend ! If I did n't hear from Pat anything , I could have got married him . I could n't do anything and two month later , my boyfriend got married to my best friend . I felt sad and miserable . Dear Helen Ryan , First of all I would like to apreciate for your generous award . I was dreaming of a holiday for such a long time . Now I have the opurtuanity so I shall inform you fully . I would like to travel in July because , I will be working for the rest of the summer . I would like to stay in a log cabin , since I ca n't sleep in tiny , narrow areas . I have been sailing in the Mediterennean for eight years and I have been playing tennis for four years so I would like to choose sailing and tennis activities . I would like to ask you the sort of the clothes I am supposed bring . I know that I will need sports equipment such as ; tennis shoes , a few sport shirts and shorts . Also deck shoes and a waterproof jacket for sailing ; but besides that will I need any thing else ? What 's my fund limit ? I would really appreciate if you could write me back . Yours Sincerely Dear Kim , I received your letter . I do not want to keep you curious any longer . The oppurnity of being able to help in the concert knocked on my door by chance . I heard they were looking for volunteers to help at the pop concert . I , ofcourse jumped into it . The idea of meeting a worldwide known pop singer ; just made my heart punch my ribcage . The concert was all ready filled up with thousands , although it was really early . We , the volunteers first unravelled the cables , set the microphones and some instruments . Then we , were told go to the back stage and make sure everything was perfect . After a fantastic concert I actually had the chance to meet Britney Spears . She is a very nice person I managed to scavange an authograph for you as well I will put it in the envelope . Waiting to hear from you Take here ! Melina Dear Mrs Brown , I am writing you because my class want to give a surprise birthday party for your husband Mr Brown . We need your help for the details . First of all could you let us know if the date of June 16th is all right with his timetable program . We have organised to do the party between three to six o'clock in afternoon in College Canteen , about food we organised a buffet , but could you also help us with the music which he prefer , if prefer something especialy . We have invite the student , the teachers and the Principal of school but we appreciate if you are coming . At last would you tell us which is the best present for him a compact disk or a book . We want say thanks again for your help and you must be sure that your opinion it would be valuable to us . I am looking forward to receiving your answer and do n't forget that it is a surprice birthday party . Yours faithfuly , Family life in our days is very important because both of parents work and they have n't any time for children . In addition childrens have so much lessons at school that they does n't have enough spare time to see their parents , when they are in home . In spide that fact there are of course many families especialy in small towns which eat lunch all together and they they solve their problem all together . Parents play with children and have fun . And the difference in that children is effectivily when they grown up and want to make a family they do the same with their parents and make a happy family . Besides that the most importand is that this children have an easy teenaties and they have n't go pshycological problems and they are useful in sociaty . To sum up family life is the most important think for childrens phycological wold which help them in their education , job and their married in future . So we also try to make our time creative when we are with our children . I 'M WRITTING THIS LETTER BECAUSE TWO WEEKS AGO I WAS IN LONDON AND I WENT TO THE THEATRE TO SEE YOUR MUSICAL SHOW . AND FOR SEEING IT MY FAMILY HAD A VERY DISAPPOINTING EVENING AND SO DID I FOR IT YOU CAN READ BELOW MY POINT OF VIEW ABOUT IT . FIRST OF ALL , WE COULD N'T SEE THE FAMOUS ACTOR " DANNY BROOK " BECAUS HE WAS ILL . I THINK THAT ONLY FOR IT THE MUSICAL SHOW HAD TO HAVE BEING CANCELED . ON THE OTHER HAND WE THOUGHT TO VISIT THE THEATRE RESTAURANT BUT IT WAS CLOSED BECAUSE THE MUSICAL SHOW DID N'T BEGIN AT 19:30 AS WE COULD READ IN THE ADVERTISEMENT IT BEGAN AT 20:15 . IN CONCLUSION AFTER OF ALL THESE MISTAKES THAT HAPPENED IN YOUR SHOW I ASK FOR ALL MY MONEY MUST BE RETURNED TO ME . PLEASE GET IN CONTACT WITH ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE . YOURS FAITHFULLY NOWDAYS THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE HAVE A COMPUTER IN THEIR HOME AND SOMETIMES WE WONDER OURSELVES HOW WILL MODERN TECHNOLOGY CHANGE OUR DAILY LIFE . FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUSLY " YES " . FROM OUR HOME WE CAN USE IT FOR DOING A LOT OF THINGS LIKE TO BUY FOOD ; TO WORK , TO READ NEWSPAPERS AND MANY MORE THINGS . ALTHOUGH IT MAY BE BAD BECAUSE WE NEED N'T TO GO OUT FOR DOING THE MAIN THINGS AND FOR IT WE DO N'T KNOW NEW PEOPLE AND WITH THE TIME WE HAVE LESS CONTACT WITH THE PEOPLE . IN CONCLUSION I THINK THAT THE MODERN TECHNOLOGY WOULD BE BETTER IF WE KNEW HOW IT MUST BE USED TO . Dear Helen Ryan , I am very happy to answer your letter , which I received this morning . I am very exiting with the wonderful news . Well , I start to make a plan for my travel , and the only time I have is on July because I will be finish my course of language at St Jame 's School . About accomodation I would prefer cabins , because I suffer alergic , and I think tend , would be not very suitable for my health . I am very happy to have the opportunity to do some sports . I 'm very good in swimming and surfing . Swiming I won last summer competition in the school , although I 'm not very good at surfing I like , and I always practis in my holidays every year . I would like to know if is necesary for me to bring some money , or if we will have time to visit the City , about the clothes I have to bring some winter clothes ? Im very greatful to hearing from you . Your sincerely Dear Kim , I was very happy to receive your letter . It 's wonderful that you are going to listen a pop concert . I 'm sure you will be enjoy . You asked me to tell you about my experience to help in the concencert last week . Well , let me tell you , first of all I was very nervous you know was my first time in such event . I was asked to put in order all the chair for the singer , this was only in the begining , after that I need to control all the microfons . However I was not very sure in this I enjoy . After that all the singer arrived and I was in charche to greeting them and give them something to drink . You immagine how existing I was specially because I always wanted some photograph with them and this was special moment and I realice I did n't bring my camera I was very sad . Well Kim , remember if they asked you to help go you will see how wonderful experience . Write to me and tell me about your concert . Give my regards to your boyfriend . With Love . Dear Mrs/Mis Last night I went to your theatre to see the musical show " Over the rainbow " and I would like to tell you that it was n't what I expected to see . Actually this happened because the most things I saw were differend from what the advertisement had been written . First of all it had been written that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove were starring , but Danny was n't there and somebody else took his place . This was the most disappointing thing I herd . Also you wrote that the show it was going to start at 19:30 but it started at 20:15 . You ought to know that all the people hated to wait and started the complains . The discounts were n't available and your theatre restaurant was n't open , because the owners were for holidays . At last you wrote that it was our perfect evening out , but like I said before it was n't . Actually it was terrible and I would like to have my money back . I am looking forward to taking your answer Yours senciarly Unfortunatly , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . After we had had an argument she told all the school my secrets . She had really let me down . I met her before a year and from the first time we talk to each other we became friends . It took us a few time to became best friend and after that we were always together . Every day after school she went to my house or I went to hers . Always we were laughing and having great time . I loved her a lot and I thought she felt the same about me , but I had wrong . Anyway , always I trust her my secrets , because I was sure she would n't tell them to other people , even if some say we would be apart . But I was wrong again . One day , we went to a party , where she met some of the most pobular girls in the school . She started to act like them and speak like them . When I told her , she became very angry. and she left without saying nothing . After when I saw her , she laught at me and the next day all the school knew everything about me . I started to cry but later I got over it Now the only thing I care is that she could n't keep secrets and all the school is looking down on me . Dear Ms. Ryan , I am so glad . I have won first prize in your competition ! It was a really big surprise for me . I will join The Camp California in the U.S.A. with pleasure . I would like to travel there in July , because only in July I can have holiday . In June and in August I will have to work , so it would be rather impossible for me to join Camp California then . I would like to have an accomodation in log cabin because I think it is more comfortable than a tent . So if I could choose I would like to stay in a log cabin . Being at the Camp I would like to swim and to play tennis . I have swam for 10 years and I have played tennis since I was 9 years old and those activities I like best . I thin I am the best in horse riding ; I even have my own horse , so if it is possible I would like to ride horses at Camp California . I am looking forward for hearing from you . Yours sincerely Felicia Zajac It was a bright , shinny day . I woke up early in the morning and I decided to go shopping . Warsaw 's , , Clif is my favourite shopping centre so I went there . I saw a beautiful , long dress . I decided to try it on . - What is your size - said shop-assistant . - 36 - I said . - Och , I am very sorry , but we have run out of 36 size . I was going to the chemist to buy some eye-shadow , when I saw black , suede shoes . Those shoes must be mine ! - I thought . I went in and I asked the shop assistant if I could try it on . - Yes , of course- she replied- but what is your size ? - 38 - I said . - I'am very sorry but we do not have 38 . I was very angry . I had some money , I wanted to spend them , but ? ! Everything did not suit me ! It was enough ! I came back home - tired and angry . Surely it was not the best day for shopping . I did not buy anything , although I tried . So as we can see - shopping is not always enjoable . Dear Miss Ryan : I received your letter about the two weeks at Camp California . I am writing back in response to your requests and because I have some questions also about those two weeks . First of all , I would rather travel in July , and if it 's possible , during the first two weeks because I will be starting college at the end of the summer and therefore I have a lot of paperwork to get done . About the accomodations I would rather stay in a log cabin . I am not that much of a " nature " person and besides I have been feeling a little sore for the last few days and it would be better for my back than a sleeping bag . I would like to play tennis and surfing . I must say I am quite good at tennis . I started playing very young , and I 've never stopped playing it since then . I could n't say the same about surfing though I 've done it only twice in my entire life but I really enjoyed doing it . And one last thing I would like to know about which kind of clothes should I take , if I have to take some money with me and if there are any expenses I have to pay at the camp . If you have any questions , please do not hesitate about writing or calling me . I will be waiting to hear from you Sincerely , Lolita A.S . Dear Kim : Hi ! How are you ? How has your family been ? I hope you are doing fine , I am and so is my family and everything around here . You are not going to believe last month ! ! ! I helped Korn in a concert they had at the Auditorium . I met this guy in a party . His name is Jimme , he is a really nice guy . Maybe , you will meet him one day . So , it turned out that Jimme was organizing the concert and he asked me and three of my friends if we wanted to help at the concert . Our job was to make the band feel comfortable and to give them anything they pleased . The guys from Korn were really nice to us and we had a great time with them . We even took pictures with them and they gave us their autographs . It was so much fun , we had a great time that night . Well , I have to go , I have an exam tomorrow and I have n't studied at all . Please write back . Love , Lolita . Dear Sir or madam For weeks I 've been planing to go to this threatre with some close relatives and friends but the problems that we had made this perfect night a disaster has all of us . To begin with on your advertisment you say that Danny Brooks will be starring the show but instead their was a different actor which made us very disappointed . Another thing that is written on the advertisment is that the night show will start at 7:30 but instead of that their was forty five minute delay The crowded got really upset and we were going to leave with the first chanse we had To make matters worse the restaurant of the theatre was closed . You can understand how that made me feel , and when the tickets had no discount To top of it all , this was n't the perfect evening out . It was the worst night of my life . So I expect nothing less than a full refund of the money I paid to see this so called show . If you do n't do as I say an article in the biggest newspaper will deffenetly change your ming Yours sincerely What are going to look the clothes in a century from now ? Are they going to be the same , are they going to have colours , are men going to wear long skirts and women boxershorts ? This is something that has trabled many people , especially those who work in the fashion industry . Fashion has made a big progress since the ealary beggining of the world . The variety of new fabrics , colours and quality , make new fashions statements every day . Although the clothes are getting more and more smaller . In the early 90s it was in fashing the women to wear only skirts . Long ones actually and men to wear trousers . In the sixties people worn clothes with flowers , big glasses , jeans , and men should have had long painted hair . Nowdays women were really short skirts , short t-shirts , short tops , and cut their hair short just like men . Boys pearce their bodys just like girls do. and the other way around . If this continues the two lives will turn the one to the other and soon men will wear skirts . Clothes will get smaller ( ;practically people wo n't be wearing any clothes ) People will were extreme . Clothes which will be really Lanky . People will wear all those clothes that expensive designers designe but nowone wears them . Dear Sir/Madam , I take the dissision to write to you because I would like to complaine about the theatre . I write to you because last night I expected to pass a wonderful evening and unfortunatly I was disappointing a lote . Me and some athers friends we disided to went to the theatre to see the musical show . We are saw excitment . We are in holidays and we desited to came . We never went in musical show and we thing that was nowe oportunite . The title of the musical show was OVER THE RAINBOW The actors was 2 actors that I can say they play very well . I believe that some ather actors mabe made the hole store to be more interesting . You had to times that you can people go . The first was very early at 2:30 and the ather at 7:30 . We went at 7:30 Finally the musical show stard at 8:15 . We wate one hour . I can say that I want to go. but I stay finally . When we went to bay the tickets there no discounts and we are 6 people all . When the show finished we went to the restaurant and was closed because the people who whork ther they do n't wark if they do n't pay first . I dissapointing so mush because all went wrong that night . My and my friends we were abrisled if you gave us some of the many we pay . I would expected your answer Your sincerely , We are in the 2000 year . People past 1000 years from the day that excisted in the earth . Humans past many things Throu the years made posipole many things . They invended so many things that made the life more interesting and more ezier . Now we are in a 20th centure were people went to the moun and discavered madesons aboute siriale illneses , In that year I live too . I believe that I am lake that I belong to that centure . I could n't ever thought my self to live same years before wear people do n't travel with plains , ships and cars . I believe the modern techonology can changed everyone especiale now with computer and all the athers machins . Personally modern technology change me a lot . First I can say about the combuter . Before I used same ather ways to take information or play or comunicate with people . Now all this I can do it from the computer . I can spend so many ours because day by day I discavered new things . Maby is not good because you do n't have the oportunite to meed people and talk face by face Exepted from computers we have telephone , T.V , gymnastick centers . All this are in my life . About the T.V. I ingoing spend many ours in T.V. It makes me to relaxe and stay same hours along . Exactly happend and with telephone . About the gymnastick centers . I found it very well That place have so many machines that you can eazy loose fat and made a wonderful body . In that places you can meet people . Now if we made a conclution we can see or I can see that mapy I do n't be so sociaple person bad I can do what ever I want and take what ever I want only throu the technology I can say that modern technology changed my life . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the musical show I had seen yesterday , called ' Over The Rainbow ' . Firstly , I was disapointed , because the actor Danny Brook did not appeared in the show . Then , another thing I would like to mention is that the time advertised was wrong , because the show started at 20:15 . Another thing is that there were discounts on the price of the tickets , and I did not have any discount . It also puts that there was a restaurant to eat in after the show , but it was closed because it was not completely built . Finally , I would like to know why would have a perfect evening , because I did not have one , so I would like to have my money back . I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future . Yours faithfully , Juan Almo Dali Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . One day , when Peter and Pat were alone in class , he confessed her that he was gay . She got very surprised when Pat told her that he was gay . During the week Pat and Peter talked about the problem he had and the consequences that will occured if he told it to his parents . On Saturday Peter , Pat and some other friends went to the cinema . When they saw the film , Katy and John approached to Peter and told him that they will continue being his friends . Peter got very angry and told Pat why did they say that to him . Pat did not answer to him . The next day all the school knew that Peter was gay and even though he did n't mind what happened he did n't talked with Pat no more in his life . Dear Sir/Madam I am writting to complain about what it says in the advertisement is not true . I was really disappointed . Here are the following points , which I do not think that you have realised what you have put down . 1 The advertisement says the show starts at 19:30 . Unfortunately it started at 20:15 . And I think I could find something worth to do than just writing , doing nothing during this spare time . 2 I was expected that there would be discount available for people who have student card as it says in the notice , but there was not . 3 You recommend that there will be the resturant after the show . However all I can see , the light was off and the door was locked . This is because they are rebuilding it again . 4 I have also thought in the show there was no different actor . 5 Never the less , I took my headmistress with me and I have recommened how wonderful this show was going to be . It would be greatful if you consider to return my money for the tickets back as soon as possible . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Your faithfully . Sapawadee Prisuntha . Fashion of the Future - F.O.F. - These 3 F could tell you whether you are up-to-date . The first thing for fashion what is called " clothing " or what they wear . 1st " F " is from " fast-food " , something fast and easy to be spotted , which is ancient wearing style . This is not nomally what people wear everyday . 2nd F is ' fulfill ' wear ever you have under your mom 's cupboard . For example long baggy troossers , which cover your bright brick shoes . Wherever you go every one would love you because of your troussers , would clean all the rubbish that are on the road . 3rd " F " could not be anything else apart from something that could make you look " fool " . Having holes all around your body ( including unsuitable place ) , which could make you look like an animal such as having a big metal ring in your nose etc . If it is not these 3F booming in 100 years from now , so what else could you think of ? Dear Sir , I believe that you must be the manager and I would like to point some complaints of mine about the play " Over the Rainbow " Firstly , in the advertisement you said that Dany Brook was going to be starring in the play , but you 've placed another actor in his place , which was very disappointing . Moreover , the theatre 's play was expected to start at half past seven in the afternoon , however it started at quarter past eight ! We had to wait all that time without someone to explain us the reason for this delay . To make matters worse , your theatre restaurant was closed and one of your assistants said that it was being under construction for the expansion of that place . This so-called " Perfect Evening " was so disappointing as well as discouraging of coming to your Circle Theatre again . After all I 've been through , I would like a refund of my money . Thank you for your interest . Sincerely yours , Nowadays , the technology has expanded its " legs " to almost every part of our interests , jobs and even hobbies . Therefore , our life has changed a lot since a hundred years ago , as well as mine did . The biggest achievement of modern technology has broken into my house as soon as I was at the age of ten . This achievement is the personal computer , which has grown very fast , because of the help it can provide . My computer helps me in my studies , homeworks and projects for school . With the Internet , I got more socialised using the Relay Chat clients , but also got a kind of boredom , which is known as " Internet Freak Disease " ! I use it a lot so sometimes I feel pain in my eyes or my hands . Moreover , fishing was affected by the modern technology . Fishing is my hobby and that 's why I bought these plastic worms and fish , that are not so good - it 's better to use alive worms ! To sum up , my life is surrounded by modern gadgets . Sometimes these gadgets are for the best and - more often - for the worst ! ! It only depends of your judgement and the way you 're about to use technology . Dear Helen Ryan , I received your letter , so I write you to give you some informations from me . I would like to travel on July because I finish school on June and I go to Great Britain on August for one month . If I can choose my accomodation , I prefer living in tent . I prefer this accomodation because I think it 's more easy to met people when you live in tent , near them , than when you live in log cabin . I want playing tennis and swimming . I did n't play tennis before , so I am not good . I go to swimming-pool two time by week , so I am good at this sport . Could you tell me what sort of clothes I will have to wear to play tennis ? Could you tell me if I will need money for paid my dinners ? Yours sincerely . Eric Durand There is a lot of activities and lessons at our school , so I think it 's difficult to chose some of them . I think the best choice is to show many types of activities . We could show team spirit of our school with sport activities like soccer , basketball or handball . We could also show cultural activities : there is a lot of clubs of music or painting in our school . I think it could be interested to show how students work to write the new paper of school . At the end , we can also show where we can be relaxed . We should filmed our pub and room of students . All this activities which should be filmed , are our daily life at our school . Dear Sir/Madam . I 'm writing to complain about the theatre show you did last week because there were too many irregularities during the show . Firstly , the guests stars who were supposed to play were different and very disappointing because they stopped the show twice . Secondly , the show started 45 minutes late when it was supposed to start at 19:30 and anyone explained to us , the public , what was happening . To make matters worse when we bought the tickets , they were too much expensive and there were n't any discounts for young people or for groups . But the worst happened when the show finished , because we ( my girlfriend and I ) were hungry and the theatre restaurant was closed . Maybe , this was the worst show I have ever seen and for this I 'll wait for the refund . Your 's Faithfully . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets so we could n't explain her what happened that night . Jon had crashed with Pat 's boyfriend car and he told her that someone had kicked the car with a metal stick . Pat 's boyfriend could n't believe that story but Pat trusted in Jon and she thinked that he was honest . However , Jon felt very disappointed and he told the truth . At the beggining they did n't talk to each other but yesterday they both took part in a radio programme and she forgave him . Now Pat is angry with us because we did n't explain her what happened that night , and because she has left her boyfriend . It could be worse than it was and for this we are happy , but now we ca n't hide anything to her . 13/JUNE/2000 DEAR HELEN RYAN , FIRST OF ALL I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME NOTICE OF MY PRIZE . ABOUT YOUR QUESTIONS I WOULD RESPOND THAT JULY WOULD BE THE MONTH I COULD GO TO THE CAMP , ALL THIS IS OF BECAUSE MY JOB FINISHES AT THE END OF JUNE . THAT WAY I SHOULD HAVE PLENTY OF TIME AVAILABLE FOR THE CAMP . ANSWERING TO YOU 'RE NEXT QUESTION , I RATHER STAY AT A LOG CABIN , THE THING IS I HAVE FOBIA TOWARDS INSECTS AND MY DOCTOR RECOMENDED ME I SHOULD SLEEP IN A CLOSED AREA . FOR THE QUESTION YOU MADE ABOUT ACTIVITIES MY ANSWER WOULD BE CLIMBING AND SWIMMING . I CHOOSE THIS TWO ACTIVITIES BECAUSE I USED TO PRACTICE THEM LONG TIME AGO AND BESIDES I WOULD SAY I HAVE THE SKILLS AND ABILITY TO MAKE THEM . ONE MORE THIN THAT IS OF MY CONCERN AND YOU DID N'T MENTION . I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU IF IT 'S NECESARY TO TAKE MONEY , FOOD AND CLOTHES WITH ME . WITH NOTHING FURTHER , I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN YOURS SINCERELY AMIDIO S . STUDENT REPORT NOW THAT THE STUDENTS HAVE GATHER UP THIS YEAR TO MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT THE BEST LESSONS AND ACTIVITIES THAT WE HAVE IN SCHOOL , EVERY THING POSIBLE OF COURSE WITH HELP OF TEACHER MS . WESTBROOK . IT WOULD BE MY SUGGESTION TO THE PRODUCERS OF THIS VIDEO THAT THEY SHOULD GET FOUCOSED IN OUR WRITING AND CULTURS LESSONS . FOR CULTUR LESSONS WE DO N'T NEED TO GO SO BACK IN TIMES , FOR THE LAST 60 YEARS OUR CULTURES HAVE BEEN CHANGING ENORMOUSLY WE CAN TALK ABOUT COMPUTERS , WARS , CARS , WEAPONS , ETC .... STUDENTS SHOULD BE AWARE ABOUT WHAT 'S HAPPENING WITH THEIR LIVES ; DO N'T THEY ? MY NEXT SUGGESTION WOULD BE SPORTS . ALTHOUG LOTS OF PEOPLE DO N'T BELIVE IT , SPORTS ARE THE IMAGE OF OUR SCHOOL , I THINK THE VIDEO WOULD ENCOURGE STUDENTS TO DO SPORTS AND BE GOOD ATHLETS . BESIDES THAT WOULD KEEP US OUT OF DRUGS , DO N'T YOU THINK SO ? THANKS . AMIDIO S . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I have received a letter from you saing that I have won the first prize in your competition and you need some information from me . I would like to travel on July because my hollydays are only on it and the wheather in California is better . I am that kind of person who enjoy to have a wild and simple life , so I prefer to be accommodated in tents . About the activities , the first one I would like to do is play basketball which I have a lot of experience . The second one is sailing , but I am not so good in this sport . I would like to know some more information about the Camp , before I left , which clothes are more appropriate and how much money should I take with me . Yours sincerely Augusto Roy Dear Kim , How is everything ? Is your dog better ? Well here I 'm very fine . I bought a new T.V. , it 's very big and I love it ! In your last letter said that you want to know about my experience at the pop concert . I enjoy it very much , it was great ! There I helped with the special effects and the sound . They liked me so much and invited me to be the responsable with lights and sound . I told then that I will think about it but I belive I will accept the job . The most increible part was the laser show . They were drowing a lot of things in the sky during the concert . Next time I 'll take you and your friend Monica . I 'm shure that you are going to love it . Please write back Love and Peace Augusto . Hi Helen , Im very excited because I won the first prize and my family is very proud of me . about the things you asked me in your letter I would like to go to camp California on july because that 's the month when I go out from school and I have my vacations and I think it would be much easier that month . About my acommodations in the camp I would prefer to stay in a log cabin because it 's safer than being in a tent and because you sleep more confortable . The activities that I would like to do are signing because my friend told me that im good at it. and the other activitie that I would like to do is climbing because I thing it very exciting although I have never tried climbing. because in my city there are no mountains . I just want to ask you for something else . How many jeans , Pants , sweater etc ... do I have to take ? and how much money would I need to bring in my pocket ? I appreciate that opportuniti that you are giving to me and Im very thankful to you guys . atte . Henrique Aguilar Dear Kim Im having a great time here in brazil , I have been going out with some friends an now I have a girlfriend . Shes very nice and very Pretty too. , Well on march 11th there was group here in brazil named " Los Jagoares " they sing pop music. and its one of my favorites and as you know I have a cousin that works as a organizer for all the bands that would like to have a concert in brazil and when my cousin knew that my favorite band was coming he called me and told me that if I would like to help them to install the speakers , microphones etc ... and I said " sureman " . That night I went to the stadium and I met the singer his name is saul Hernañdez and he is very funny that night I had a lot of fun with them and of course I was on the first line in the concert . It was the best day of my life . I hope you are having fun and that you are OK . Your friend Henrique . Dear manager of the Circle Theatre Last Sanday my friends and I saw that advertisement about the theatre you were supposed to present . We thought that it was a good chance for us to watch it . " Over the rainbow " was supposed to start at seven thirty . We went there on time . We waited ther for forty five minutes for it to start ! We could n't believe it . We really got bored as all the other peaple there . We were very disappointed because before this happened we pouded the tickets but there were no discounts available . And then delate forty five minuites to present the show . Then we expected to , see Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . We did see Tina Truelove but we did not see Danny Brook . That was very disapponted . Fortunately the show finished . We decided to visit the theatre restaurant . But it was closed ! ! That was bad organized evening we thought . When we asked why was it closed the people there told us that they did not organized it before I must admit that , that evening was n't the perfect one out for me but I and for my friends either . It was the worst evening that we all ever had . My friends and I demand our money bacck real soon . And please do not be very suprised If you recieve more letters about this Unfortunately ; Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I did a big mistake by trusting him . What a fool was I . Last Wednesday my sister told me that our grandmother had a serious illness and she was going to die . She told me to tell none . We did n't want out grand-mother to find it out at that moment so we was trying to keep it secret . I knew Pat , my cousin , loved our grandmother very much . She and Pat had a special relationship . Despite the fact that I had to tell nothing I thought it was right to tell Pat the truth . After a lot of thought I told it to him . Pat started screaming and shouting . I knew he could n't stand it . But I was sure he would tell nothing . I was wrong . He told me that he had to tell it to my grandmother . I could n't do anything . Just as Pat left my house he went right away to the hospital . He found her there . And the worst happened . My grandmother was very sensitive and bored life and when she heart it her condition became more serious . After two days she died . Pat my sister and I felt very rensposible . But there was nothing we could do . We knew we had lost her for ever . Dear Mrs Brown , I am one of your husband 's students . My fellow students and I know that your husband has his birthday on Tuesday the 16th of June and we would like to organise a party for him . First of all I would like to suggested you to come to our party and we would like not to tell anything to your husband because the party is a surprise . The party will be organised on Tuesday the 16th of June at three to six pm at college Canteen . We will have food and drink and we will have music because we know that Mr Brown loves music . At the party will come his students , the teachers and the principal . My last question is about present . My fellow students have suggested to buy a CD or a Book . We would like to tell us which is the best present for him . I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely , John said he had some good news to tell me . I did n't beleive him at the first time . But I could se that his face was happy and he did n't tell lies . I stopped talking to my friends and I followed him . We started walking and walking . When we arrived at the bus-station I could n't understand why he wanted to come there . But I did n't ask him . We wait there for an hour , and I was really angry . I wanted t know why we were there . At that moment we saw the bus to come , it stopped and one man come and sit near of us . I could recognise him . He was my father . I could n't beleive I have to see him for five years . I though that I was dreaming but I was n't . It was true my father has come at his country after five years . Now all the problems will finish and we will start a new life . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing in order to give you some further information that you enquired for the Camp California . First of all , I would like to travel only in July due to my work commitment . I am allowed to take holiday only in July . Concerning accommodation , I would prefer to stay in log cabins . Log cabins are bigger , more stable and usually more comfortable than tents . As requested , I have choosed two activities - sailing and surfing . I am quite experienced in surfing - I have participated some competitions - whereas not at all experienced in sailing . I would like know if I need any particular clothes or if there could be any extra expenses for the camp . Also , I would like to know if there is going to be qualified instructor for activities since I am a beginning in sailing as mentioned before . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Kan Seo Dear Kim , How are you ? Thanks for your last letter . It was great to hear from you . I 'm sorry I have n't written before , but as you know , I 've been very busy because I was helping at a pop concert last month . I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience . I helped people setting and decorating the concert hall which was great help for my major subject - You know that my subject is design . I also had to distribute the flyers . What I particularly enjoyed was meeting the famous musicians I have been dreaming to see . The day I shaked their hands , I though I was over the moon ! I will never forget that day . Write son and let me know what you have been doing . Lots and lots of kisses , Mr. Jones , How are you ? I 'm not so well , and that 's the reason why I 'm writting this letter to you . Because you are the manager at the theatre , you have to know , the problems which it has . First of all and the most important for me is that you lie to your audience . I did n't see anywhere Danny Brook , but another actor . That it was a big mistake . Unfortunatly your advertisment said that the show starts at 19:30 but it started 45 minutes later . Also there were n't any discounts . Oh ! I as almost forget . You restaurant was closed because your cooker was ill . What can you say about that ? So , that 's why I 'm asking you to give me , some of money back . The perfect evening out I was waiting for , it was finally one of the most disappointed , of mine . Yours faithfully How has modern technology changed your daily life ? That 's a good question ! I know that , each student gave its different answers , but some of us will have some opinions . I think that , the big ' improve ' of technology the last 30 years helped and still helping us a lot in our daily life . With T.V we can learn , what is going on all over the world . With the telephones , the aeroplanes , even the fast ships there are no big distances any more . Eve summer I 'm going with my family abroad . We can see new countries , learn about their history etc. With my computer ( internet ) I can speak with my friends , as far they are . All these may be sounds great , but they are n't all . With a lot of using of T.V and computer , make people more close . You might not know your neighbour because all the time your in the house . Children are not studying as much they have to , because they are watching T.V , speacing on the phone or even playing computer games . That 's why my marks this year were bit low . And ofcourse my parents were very angry with me . This is also another reason of heard attacts . Dear Sir , or Madam , Your advertisement for the musical show , Over the rainbow , said it was London 's newest and best musical show , I agree with that because it is a wonderfull show but , it said that Danny Brook would be starring in it . I was really excited , but it turned out to be a different actor and I thought that was quite disappointing . The show started at 20:15 when it actually should have started at 19:30 . While I was waiting I thought I should inform myself about the discounts available , the shocking thing was there were n't any ! On the advertisment it also said , you could visit our restaurant after the show , and that is what I did , but when I got there it was shut for no reason . What I 'm trying to say is that this was n't my perfect evening out and that I should get at least some money back ! Yours Faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . As we know , Carla and Pat were good friends so Carlotta would tell Pat anything . This time she told Pat that she thought her dog , Churls , was going to die . Pat could n't resist herself and told her brother Jacob , he was quite shocked about the news because , he missunderstood . He understood that ' Carlotta wants to kill Charles but she is still thinking about it. ' Jacob runs as fast as sound to get to Charles 's house . There , Jacob aproaches to him slowly and tells him . " Charles , you ca n't be with Carlotta anymore , she 's evil . " Jacob whispers " What , you 're crazy . " Charles responds . " She said she was going to kill you ! " Jacob shouts . " I 'll talk to her . " Charles exclaims . When Charles told Carlotta what he knew , Carlotta started crying . It was all a missunderstanding . They managed to sort everything out and Carlotta never had anymore secrets . Hello ! My name is Alois Blau and I 'm very happy that I 've won this competition . Unfortunately I can only travel in July , because I have to attend school until June the 30th and in August I have to work in an office for experience . I hope , that 's possible . I would prefer living in a tent during the two weeks because I think a tent is more natural . A log cabin does n't sound like a camp holiday . It sounds like a summer-holiday at the beach of Italy . From the activities I want to take Golf and Surfing . Both activities I 've never done in my life , so I am a complete beginner in playing Golf and in Surfing . But the reason I want to try these two activities are their image . Golf play the wealthy people , the upper class of a town , and surfing sounds like freedom . There is only one more question I want to ask : Can I take my girl-friend with me , of course with paying ? I hope all my wishes are realizeable . Yours In my opinion shopping is not always enjoyable . Very often , for example on Friday afternoon or Saturday , there are so many people in a shopping centre , that you ca n't move yourself forwards or backwards . Many people say that this is real shopping , when you queue for hours to pay only a pair of socks or a bottle of mineral water at the supermarket . I think , you ca n't really enjoy shopping when there are hundreds of people and everyone wants to buy something . I like going shopping during the week , when I can look at each good a store sells . But for me it is better , when I go at the weekend because then I do n't spend so much money because I think , before I have to queue for half an hour I buy nothing ! Dear Sir : I am writing to you this letter because I would like you to know about a musical show which I went to see to the Circle Theatre . First of all , I wanted to see this musical ' Over the Rainbow ' because the actor Danny Brook was acting in it . But when the musical started I got very disappointed because Harry Smythe , a not very famous actor , was acting instead of Danny Brook . Then , the musical did n't start on time . It supposed to start at 19.30 pm in the evening but we had to wait for more than half an hour . All the people got very angry . Also I bought a £ 20 ticket because in the advertisement for the show was put that discounts were available for £ 10 £ 15 , £ 20 tickets . I could n't have my ticket discounted because when I went to buy it they told me that was untrue . Furthermore , in the advertisement was put that the theatre restaurant was opened but when we went there after the show , it was closed because the chief of the restaurant was ill . It was ridiculous ! In conclusion , I did n't have my perfect evening out , in other words , I had a very disappointing evening so I am asking you for my money back . I would like to have my money back in ten days , in the other case , I would have to sue you . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I 'm telling you this because I had a big trouble a few days ago because of her . Pat used to be my best friend but a few days ago I knew all the truth . I used to tell Pat everything about myself - my problems with my parents , my problems with the school , friends and more . I was always talking to her and she was always listening to me but she did n't talk to me very much about herself . At first , I thought it was a bit strange but I did n't care too much about that and I easily forgot it . In other words , Pat knew all my secrets . I started to get along with other people and had new friends but I continued telling Pat my secrets . My new friends sometimes talked to me about Pat and they asked me once if we were close friends . I asked them why they had asked me that . Their answer surprised me too much . They told me Pat used to be a close friend of them and she used to talk about me and my problems . So , they had already knew all my secrets for a long time ! I got very angry and immediately I went to talk to Pat . At first , Pat denied all the things my friends told me about herself but she finally agreed with that . I asked her why she could n't keep my secrets and she told me that it was impossible for her keeping secrets . She was very sorry about that and few days after she moved in to another city and actually I do n't know anything about her . I thanked my new friends for not to tell anybody my secrets though before the trouble they and me were n't very friends . Now I 'm very happy with my new friends and I have learnt that I ca n't trust anybody too much because you do n't really know how the person is like . Mr. Circle Theatre 's Manager I am writing to you complaining for the Play you are advertising as the " London 's Newest and Best Musical Show " in newspapers and leaflets . To tell you the truth , it has been the most disappointing experience in my whole life . I cannot bear when somebody says something and then does just the opposit way . To begin with , I would like to inform you , in case you do not know that the play does not start at 19.30 as it says . What is more it lasted 45 minutes of waiting to start and did not supply all the expectations people had . On the other hand , despite the fact that you said that it was starring by Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , I must tell you that Danny Brook did not appear at all . Instead of him there was another actor who neither act nor sing , and , even though , it was a Musical Show . The last thing I would like to complain for is that the Theatre Restaurant was closed because , as it said , of " VACATIONS " . If in the advertisements and leaflets says " VISIT OUR THEATRE RESTAURANT AFTER THE SHOW " there are not reasons for being closed . It should be opened at least until all people gets out of the place . It must be our decission whether to stay and eat there , or not . To make it shorter , because of everything I have said before , the correct thing to do for me is to ask for my money back , and for you is just giving it back to me because of all the troubles and disappointings feeling you made me suffer . I am looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible . HOW HAS TECHNOLOGY CHANGED OUR DAYLY LIFES In times of our grandparents life was so different , that we cannot beleive that this huge change to our day life happened in only one hundred years or less . First , we have to admit that technology has really increased the access to communication , traveling and geting information . You can now know what happens on the other side of the world , at the same time it is happening . What is more , you can get the information you need in just one second by pressing the " enter " key in a computer . Furthermore , as we all know , day life now a days is quite simplier and an example of this is that instead of buying a peice of ice to cool drinks ( as our grandparents used to do ) we not only have a refrigerator but also a freezer in case you want it faster and cooler . Strange as it seems , we now can have every machine or especialized technology to make our dayly life more confortable and less workable . Things that human beings used to do , now are being done by computers and machines more efficiently and rapidly . One the other hand , despite the fact that technology make things easier in our day life , the same happens in industries and companies where they use computers and machines instead of people . As people do not get a job because is not needed they get into poorness , criminal activities , being isolated and without the possibility of getting a good education . This is the most terribly disadvantage technology has . With advantages and disadvantages , technology is in our life and may represent an advance for some and a bad thing for others . Things and technology changes every day our life , our jobs , our way of face the world , this is what differences both centuries , our grandparents ' changes lasted to long to change human life . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to thank for noticing me about the competition and I would be very grateful in giving to you the information was requiered in your letter . I regret to inform you that I have had some problems in my full-time sales assistant job so , I would rather travel only in July than other months . About the Accommodation I would like you to take careful consideration that I am ashmatic so , I would appreciatte it if you could reserve a bed in log cabins . Your letter also mentioned some kind of activities in which we can involve through the camping . I would like to choose painting and photography which are my favourites ones . I have recently finished a three year course of painting and I always be fascinated by the photography . On the other hand , I would also like to know some about further details like wether we need to bring we us some clothes or it will be provided to us and if we need some money in case we have to afford something . I hope to see you soon . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Hi . How do you do ? You may be asking why I have n't written to you before . Well , I 've been very busy you know . Two weeks ago I enrolled in a group to help on building a stage for a concert of a famous singer star . Activities lasting almost 2 days and a half . The first day we have to move to the airport to bring all the equipment by lorries to the camp . It was really awful and hard . I finished the day too tired . However , the second day was less heavier than the first one . We just worked in building the stage and all those of thing . Putting the instrument in the right place , testing all the microphone as well as the sound was the rest of the job . At the end I must confess that it was really amazing hang up and down all the equipment which varied from small microphone to a marvellous huge large black screen of TV . If you had this oportunitty one day , you had better buy the ticket to the concert or just watch it on TV but never do something like just to get a free pass . My regards to your family . Write me soon . Dear Sir , I would like to show you how disappointed I am about the musical show you manage . As I had a whole week holiday I decided to spend it in London . At first I though I would just make a bit of sight-seeking all around the city . But when one night I saw your advertisement I decided to spend my last night in the city watching a musical show . No sooner had I seen the starring actor than I could n't believe it . Danny Brook was one of my best friends while I was at University . But as the show began , I realised that the actor was someone different , his name was Tim Paradise . If this had been my only disappointment nothing would have happened , but I had to wait stil quarter past eight in order to watch the show , instead of beggining at half past seven as you had written in your advertisement . Although I found the tickets 's prize too much expensive I though that there would be some discounts available , but there were not . As a conclution of that horrible evening I decided to visit your theatre restaurant once the show had finished , but what a surprise when I found it closed . For all of these reasons I have to ask you for having my money back . Sincerely : a disappointed user ! Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . All began when I decided to take part in that school project . It consisted in having to memorisize a whole book of 250 pages in order to pass a final exam . Although this project could seem a very though work , I had to try it in order to rise my low global mark . One day as I was talking with my teacher about the project I saw what it could be the final answer sheet exam on the top of his desk . Suddenly , when the teacher went out of his office , I quickly copied the answers on my notebook , I could n't believe it , that would be the easiest exam I would had ever done . As I went out of the office I found walking down the corridor Pat , my best friend . As she was also making the project I decided to let her copy the answers . I told her she had n't to talk about that to anybody . She agreed and went home very happy . When night came I could n't believe what was happening . Almost all my class mates were in the front door of my house asking me if I had the solutions of the exam . I could n't believe that my best friend had told everybody about my secret . In the exam day everybody anwered correctly to each question . And after having corrected all of them , our teacher told us we had to repeat the exam because he realised we knew what the answers were . It was the last time I trusted in Pat . Dear Helen Ryan Thank you for your letter informing me that I have won the competition . Below are the question that you have asked me . Firstly I will be able to travel just in july because my class starts the month after this . Secondly , although the long cabins appeal to me , I would prefer the tents because I think it is more comfortable and atractive . Finally I would like to practise basketball and swimming , because in my school I used to train those sports a lot . Even now in a sport center , but not much . Let me know which kind of cloth I have to carry with me as well as the money that we will need . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable Nowadays most of the people are atractted by shopping centers , which is not always enjoyable . So , I have some opinions to this , which I would like to tell . First of all I think people have to be careful in the things that they buy because probably are not a good quality , this is very annoyed . Secondly , people have to look after their money in the shops , and do n't spend it in the thing that they do n't need because by the end of the month they wo n't have money . Finally I think the product of the shops are in a good quality and reasonable price , but sometimes the staff of the shop is not very friendly with you , I think is not very nice to buy the thing there , with these people . Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about the musical show I have seen last Friday in your theatre . Unfortunately your advertisement about it was n't true ! Firstly , it 's written that it will be played by Danny Brook , but in fact it was n't . I was very disappointed when I saw someone I 've never heard about it . In addition to this , the timetable 19.30 was n't correct . We 've lost our time waiting outside in the cold that the doors would get opened 45 minutes later . Secondly as a student I was hoping to get a reduce . Again , it was n't true . When I enquired about the discounts , at the cashier they told me that they did n't have any information about it . At least , after all my disappointments when I wanted to visit your restaurant , it was closed because it was too late . I think that you are not a good manager . Therefore , I should be grateful if you would send me back some money for all the disagreements I 've had in your theatre . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat is my best friend . We spent all our childhood together usually driving our parents mad . As we grown up , we were getting closer and closer sharing all our love stories and even more . I 'm certain , that our friendship is stronger than other people . But I do have a problem with her . Pat is n't good at keeping secrets . Even worth , she is not able to keep anything . For instance , I was organizing a party for my sister 's birthday asking all . friends to close their mouths . All did except one : Pat . Last year , Pat and I were driving back home and unfortunately driving too fast I drove through the front gate . I was wondering how to tell my parents and I asked Pat if she could keep it secret till I found the way to tell them . Of course , the following day all my family had heard about my odd story . In conclusion to this , why do I still go on with her , it 's the fact I love her as well as my sister and I know that she can change it if she would because last week , she organized a huge party for me , without telling me . Dear Helen Ryan I am very impressed that I have won your competition . As the letter said that all questions you would like to know , I 'm going to give you in the following : Firstly I would like to travel in July only because I have two months holiday which are July and August , I choose July because it is the only one month that I think I 'm free . In August I have to work so . Secondly I prefer the tents because I 've never been in that tent so I would like to try . Thirdly for the activities I would like to chose climbing and photography , I have never done them before . The only reason is I would like to try and I think they are matching activities , when you climb up the mountain then you can take the photograph of the views . Eventually I would like to ask you , are about money and clothes . How much do I have to bring the money ? And what is the weather like ? which I could bring them to be match the weather . Yours sincerely Sintawichai Chaow Shopping is not always enjoyable Shopping is when human goes to the shop and buy what they went , however I think this word is for women because they like beautiful clothes all sort of things . Anyway shopping is not always enjoyable as the title because firstly you will get tied because you have to walk out and in the shops . Secondly you will get angry on bad treatment of the sellers in the shop . Thirdly if you 're fat you wo n't find you size . Forthly that product is too expensive for you and the last problem is you buy to much things but you have not got your own car so you have to carry big boxes by your self . I think if you have lots of money and do n't know what to do with it , do not go shopping give the money to charity , that is better than shopping . For me my opinions on this one is true it is boring , it might because I am a boy . Dear Sir/Madame , I am writing to complain about your musical show which performed last Friday . I was interested in your advertisement and I booked the friday show while I had been on holiday . However , this theatre made me disappointing from starting the show until finishing . First of all , I saw that the discounts were available , but there were not any discounts and advantages for the audience . Also the show started at 20:15 delaying for more 45 minutes than the advertise mentioned . I could bare it by the time . Moreover the show was awful . I like Danny Brook and Tina Truelove 's acting but he actors were changed without mentioning , also the restaurant was closed by the excuse to be repaired . In fact , the notice had been showed since last winter . It means that the theatre have not made any efforts for the people . In conclusion , I was very disappointed in a whole of the show , furthermore , I could not enjoy my holiday after the show . Therefore , I would like to refund some money . I look forward to recieving your prompt reply . Yours faithfully , Sun-Young Lee . Fashion of the Future . Return to the Nature . The World is being Changed rapidly by developing technology and industrial . It affect lots of ways . One of them is fashion area . people think that we will wear a simple , practical , light clothes . For instance , we can see that kind of clothes in sci-fi films like Starwars . however , in the other hand , there is a different idea . People like designer 's clothes like Armani , Chanel.. so on . They prefer new original style in order to show them more attractive . Moreover , most designers prefer to use natural material . They have used animal and fish skins , some plants and herbal things than chemical one . In my opinion , people want to wear special and original clothes to show their own characters . Also countless fashion will be shown . People will prefer to use more natural than chemical things and wear more beautiful and attractive clothes . I think that showing their beauty is one of animal 's basic instincts . I ca n't stand wearing a suit or kit like which has been showed in Starwars ! Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about a number of points . I went to London on holiday and to The Circle Theatre to see Over The Rainbow . Although , this musical show was not as good as I expected . First of all , was the show suppossed to start at 19.30 , but it started first at 20.15 . To make matters worse , instead of Danny Brook performing you had another actor , which was very disappointing . Secondly , it says in your advertisement that discounts would be available , despite the fact they were not . On top of everything , you recommended to visit the theatre restaurant after the show. however this was closed due to lack of personall . According to your brochure it says this would be the perfect evening out . According to my experience it was not . I am expecting a full refund and compensation for the discomfort I have suffered . I am looking foward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully Carley Agda Nilsen Fashion of the future . Designers are improving their skills all the time . Nowadays , there are more and more people who wants to become designers and the competion is increasing . Everybody wants to be the best . Due to this the quality of clothes is getting better and in 100 years we will be asking for a bigger variety of clothes . Although , the price of clothes is increasing , people still buy them . We give other things priority so we are able to afford our clothes . On the whole , people nowadays , do care more about their appearance and will be continuing to do . It appears that people are more aware about clothes and also work . I think people in the future will begin to only wear fashionable clothes . If you feel nice , in an outfit your confident will be likely to increase and this might also help you to get a better career in your work , something which is very important today . Dear Helen Ryan Thank you very much for the prize two weeks at Camp California in the USA . On the following there is some further information from me . I would like to travel only in July , because I have so many assignments to finish before the end of June . I do not think I have enough time to prepare somethings to travel before of July . In fact , I really do not mind to stay in log cabins , but I have never stayed in a tent before . I think its might be fun to try to stay in the tent this time . I would prefer to choose tennis and swimming . I used to be a tennis player when I was fifteen . I won first prize two years ago . The other activity is swimming . I started to learnt when I was five years old . I was a swimming teacher for a year in a sports club . Now I own a swimming school and have trained the staffs every week . I think both activities I have chosen are suitable for me and I am sure I can do well . What type of clothes I should bring with me ? and is there any equipment I need to bring with me . I would like to know how much money I need to spend during a camping . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely ( Mali Ratana ) 13th July 2000 Dear Kim Thank you very much for your letter that I just got last week . How are you ? I hope you have a nice summer time now . I wondered who had told you about I had helped a pop concert last month . Anyway , it is does n't matter now who had told you , but I was very happy and enjoyed it . Well , I am going to tell you about it . First of all , I had to been train by the concert 's staff for a day . Before the concert started I had to help the staff prepared a stage , like put the instruments where they should be on the stage , . And then , I had to help the singer to do some make up . I was very frightening I might put too much make up on their faces , but everything was allright . After that , I had to help them to prepare some lunch when the concert had started . I was running around to find something I could do , like serving some drinks for staffs or the singers . After the concert finished I had to help them cleaned up everything . I was so tired , but enjoyed . I really like to help people without something back . This experience I was so prond and very enjoyed . I think I did n't waste my time at all . I spent my free time to helping them its made my life a little bit busy . I think I have learnt a lot from this experience . To helping people you should not expect anything back to you , except happiness and enjoyable . Well , I think I must stop writing now . I hope you are enjoying with my experience . I hope to see you sometime next month . Love 13.06.2000 Dear Mrs Ryan , Your letter which says I won first prize in your competition has just been arrived . I love to come the camp California . Thank you very much for making my dreams real . I always want to go and se USA ! I would like to answer your questions about this trip . Before everything , I 'm living in Leeds and also studying English in a college . Such being the case , I need to wait until my college 's lessons finishes . If it 's possible for you I would prefer to come in July . Before this time , I usually stay in log cabins , But I never had chance for staying in a tent . According to me , to say in the tents is mor exciting than to stay in the log cabins . That 's why , I would love to choose tents for living for 2 weeks ! On the other hand , I 've just learnt from your letter that I can have some sport activities during the camp . I 'm very happy about this . Because , I spent most of my scholl life for sports , specially for basketball . But , after staring to work , I had n't any chance for playing basketball . Now , you gave a opportunity . As a my second activities , I would like to choose photography , because my education was including photography , I love to take some photographs about nature . Meanwhile , I 'd like to ask some questions to you . When I 'm coming , what king of clothes could be able to wear in there ? And also , what do you think how much money , I 'll need to spend for two weeks . I 'm looking forward for your answers . Thank you very much . Your sincerely . Elif Dear Kim , Hello ! I hope you 're fine . Because , in these days I 'm very happy . I would like to write about a pop concert which I went last week . It was very good experience for me . Because it was very different kind of pop music . They mixed up the our traditonal and pop music . I also helped them before the concert started . I learnt how to be ready for a big concert ! Lots of people came this area , and I also learnt how to arrange something . Then I was very tired but I enjoyed with the music very much . I hope next time , if you come hear , we can go together , may be you can help me ! I would like to learn , what 's happening in your life , as well . Take care ... Loves Dear Mrs Ryan , In reply to your letter recieved the 13rd of June , I first would like to say that it is a great pleasure for me to have been choosed . First of all , you 've asked me when I wanted to travel . In fact their would be only one possibility in July because I will end with my exams session at the end of this month and beginn a practical trainning the 1rst of August . To continue with the others information you need , I would prefer to sleep in tent because of the proximity to the nature . Furthermore , I 've choosed two activities whose are Sailing and Climbing . I 've climbed for 3 years as I was at school and I think that my level is still not too bad . In contrary , I 've never sailed in my life and would enjoy to start with at Camp California . To end with , I would like to know how much money we will need for the free time and what kind of clothes and materials do I need to practise the activities I 've choosed . I would like to thank you for all , and am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future . Yours sincerely Victoire Bouchard Dear Kim , How are you ? I 've well received your last letter and want to thank your for the pictures you 've joined with . You 've asked me how was the Leysin Rock Festival , but I still cannot find the words to explain how fabulous and unexpectable it was . As you know , I was there to help for the good running of the concert and there was a lot of different things to do . First , I had to control the tickets at the entry . In addition , there were some VIP 's to place . Then , during the concert I 've helped to serve the beers at the bar . I 've met a lot of interresting people while I was serving . Furthermore , I had to make announcements at the loudspeaker for the children who where lost . All was very interresting , but what I particularly liked about the experience is the human relations . I 've met a lot of different people and they all have learned me something new about behaviour or compation . I hope we will see us as soon as possible and am waiting for your answer . Love Victoire xxx Dear Ms. Ryan I refer to your letter regarding the prize I have won in your competition . I was really pleased to find out that I have an opportunity to spend two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . As requested in your letter please find below some additional information about me and my plans . I would like to travel in June as I have already arranged for a part time job later this summer . I prefer to stay in a tent as I go campping every summer and am used to slipping in tents . From the list of activities , which was provided by you , I 'd like to choose photography and swimming . I 'm very good at swimming as I have been a member of different swimming clubs since I was 6 and I chose photograthy because I have a new camera and want somebody to teach me how to use it . At the end I would like to ask you to let me know how much money & what kind of clothes I have to take with me . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Report Subject : Video about daily life at our school . Introduction : To support an idea to make a short video about daily life at our school I have spend some time discussing it with other students , observing and analaising an avrege day in our scholl and came up with some suggestions . Places to video : We should try to video not only class rooms but also our playground , cafe , sport hall , art club & library . Most students spend a lot of their time in such places and they are very important part of our school life . Activities to video : We should show students during their formal studies as well as after lessons . I think it is a good idea to include a record of one of our big events such as anual sport turnament or wellcoming evening for new students . Conclugen : To sum up the above I 'd like to suggest not to film anything longer than 1 or 2 minuts and have a nice mixture of places , faces and events . If you have any further comments or questions regarding this case please let me know . King Regards Dear Miss/Mrs . Ryan , I have just received the excellent news about the prize I have won and I am writing to you in order to give you all the details you need . Firstly , I can only travel in July , as it is then when I get my holiday from my present job . Secondly , I would rather stay in a tent , because when I was a child I used to go to a campsite and stay in a tent with my family for two weeks every summer and I thoroughly enjoyed it . About the activities I can choose from , I would be delighted if I could sing , because it is something that I have always loved and , although perhaps I should not say that myself , I think I have a nice voice . I am also very fond of photography , so when I have seen that it is among your options it has been a wonderful surprise . Finally , I would like to ask you which kind of clothes are more suitable for that time of the year at the camp , the amount of money that more or less I would need to bring with me and if there is any cooking equipment to cook the meals ourselves . I am looking forward to receiving your prompt reply . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Thanks very much for your last letter . Because I could see how anxious you are to know about my experience at the Radiohead concert last month , I 'll tell you something : it was fantastic . I friend of mine had been helping at a few concerts before , so that time the agency rang him and asked him if he could bring someone else , because they 'd run out of stuff . He asked to me to go and when he told me the group was Radiohead I felt the luckiest person in the world ( you know I 've always been an enthusiastic fan of them , so you can imagine how excited I was ) . I could n't wait for it . When we arrived there we had to prepare the stage , clean everything and put a number on each seat . But the most amazing thing happened later , when ten minutes before the concert began , my friend told me we could see it from the backside of the stage . For a while I thought it was a dream . The playing was excellent , the public enjoyed it very much but , above all , I was there , at ten metres from my favourite group . I even got a few friendly words from the singer in a piece of paper : I hope you 've enjoyed it . And his signature . I 'll always keep it like a treasure . I 'll show you the photographs I took next time you come to visit me , O.K ? Till then , take care yourself . Love , Dear Sir : I am writing to let you know the disappointed evening I had seen your show with the worst services I have ever seen . First of all , in the ticket for entrance says that the actor was Danny Brook and realy he was not . In the show apears a different actor , so I was very disappointed . Then , in the ticket says that the show started at 19.30 and , I do n't know why , it started at 20:15 , very unpolited of your side , and also , make me lose time . Other thing is that in the ticket apears that discounts were available but when I asked for it , there was no one . The last thing is that you invited us to visit your restaurant after the show , but it was closed because the food was not already done . I thought you were a good theatre , were people can go and have a good evening alone or with somebody else , but realy I am very disappointed and I want to ask for my money back . I 'll never return again because of the bad service you ofer . Please , let me know your answer . Truely . All of us know the technology and science has affected our lives . Seen my hole life I can say the moden technology has changed my daily life in many ways . The first way is that it has changed my family 's relationship . It has , in some way , separated the family 's life , making all of us be worried about ower own things . We work all separated , making grow the individuality and forgoten we has to talk all together to know about the other 's life . The second way is that it has make easy my life . The comunications in the world are faster than ever , so when I need something , I can have it in only a minute . It allowed me to worry about other things of the life . The last way in that the technology has allowed me to have a better health . It has descover many instruments that help me to have a good health . To finish , I can say technology has changed my life in good and bad ways , helping the things be easier but making me develop a big independence . Dear Helen I have just received the letter with the result of your competition . I feel really enthusiastic about spending a couple of weeks at Camp California . Unfortunately , as I will be on traineeship in August , I hope this could occur in July . Besides I would prefer staying in a tent . It provides me a feeling of adventure which is very exciting . I 'm also very glad to see such a variety of activities at the camp . It 's quite difficult to say wether I prefer painting or sailing . All in all I have never practised Golf nor surfing , so let 's try it ! Eventually , I would like to know where the camp is located . Will I have the opportunity to visit San Franscico or Los Angles ? I would love it ! Moreover , how much money will I need if I want to go out at night ? These are some further details I keep wondering about . I 'm looking for your answer . Yours Sincerely Ignace Cloutier . Daily life at school : What should be filmed . First of all , I would like to lay the emphasis on the fact that this report can be seen by the director of the school . Therefore it must be objective . Then it may improve our day life at school . It would be interesting to film a math lesson . As it is very boring , everybody would understand how difficult it is to get good marks at the final examination . Then I would like to film the computer rooms . Sometimes there is so much people that you have to wait half an hour to get one computer . If only we could get some new ones . Eventually , it would be nice to make a sequence with lots of sports activities . It would bring some rhythm to the video . Moreover it will show of healthy the students are . These are some ideas we could discuss over . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about your musical show . We had a very disappointing evening yesterday . We thought that we would like to let you know all details which it did n't make us happy . First of all , we went to the theather to pick up our tickets . We were thinking to get some discount on our tickets , because we had already read from the advertisement but they did n't discount the prices so we had to pay complete money for the show . We were ready for the show at 19.30 . We sat out sits and waited for the show but it did n't come out on time , it started at 20.15 which was redicoulus time . We waited for 45 minutes . Secondly , when the show started , I was looking for Danny Brook , because this actor was the most important reason for me to come here . I realised that it was different actor playing instead of Danny brook . I was very disappointed . After show we went immediately to the tickets office for asking money back , but they were to strict and close-minded . They just said , " we do n't give money back . " However we wanted to eat something at the Theatre Restaurant , but it was again same with the others , because the restaurant was closed . Finally , we had a totally unhappy night with your show . You ca n't take this bad feeling back but you might give us our money back . This would be the first good memory for us from your show . We look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Mr. and Mrs. Smythe People , who lives in the city , use lots of technological stuff . They make their life style much easy more fast because they need to catch up with the other people . In the twenty first century things are changing very fast . If we look at a family life . They have typical this time life style . Children have own televisions , computers and telephones in their room . Mother and Father have own cars and mobile phones . Sometimes even the children have own mobile phone as well . Full of technological tools and instruments in the house . Fire alarm , burglar alarm , house temperature checker , automatic garage door many of them . They use all of this because they want to do their work , and leisure activities with this helping kits . In the other hand , thy use all this too much . For example a mobile phone ; People talk with it on the street , in the car almost everywhere . Some of them necessiraly some of them not . Just wersting time on it . They do n't even think how they take the communication lines are busy , how many people on the phone at same time . Too many Anyway technology is the most important thing for our life . It developes day by day . The problem is " Do we really use it properly or not ? " Dear Sir or Madam Thank you for the letter . It was great to hear from you . I was surprised that I have won . By the way , I would like to travel in July , because just I have free time in July . Moreover , I am keen on in summer . As can be seen from your letter , I can choose Accommodation . I would prefer to stay in tents . One reason why I choose tents is that I can feel wild life more than I stay in log cabins . According to your letter , there are 10 main activities which I can choose 2 and play while I am on the holiday . I would like to play Basketball and Golf . Both of them I am not as good as you expect , but recently I have been intrested in those . Finally , I would like to ask some question such as clothes and money . What kind of clothes are much to the camp ? Furthermore this is first time I have been to abroad therefore I do n't know how much money I should bring . I am looking forward to hearing from you yours sincerely Dear kim How have you been doing recently . I have been busy anyway . I want to tell you how much I enjoyed helping at a pop concert . It was begining of this summer . One of my friends suggested that we should have had part time job which was that . Both of us are keen on pop music . Although at first I did n't wand to do it , because it was in summer . It must have been hot . Howeve , we decided to have the job , because of good money . Howeve it was great job I have n't hade such experience . I could see a great number of pop stars in front of us . Can you believe that . My job just prepear drink for them . Moreover one of famous stars gave me a sign . I will never forget at that time . I must sign off as I want to catch the post . Could you being in touch and send back a letter . A big hug from me Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to make a complaint about the Circle Theatre . I recently went there to see the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . I was very disapointed to find out that most of the things said in the advertisement for the show were not true . For example , the advertisement said that Danny Brook would be the lead actor , but he was not . Instead , there was this unknown actor with a very bad performance and a terribly annoying voice . Moreover , the play did not start at the time it was supposed to . I had to wait for forty five minutes . All the waiting made me quite hungry , so I was expecting to have good meal at the theatre restaurant after the show . However , it was closed for cleaning . All these problems spoiled my evening and frustrated me , since I was expecting to see a good play , so I expect a full refund . By the way , why were n't any discounts available for the tickets , as it was said in the advertisement ? I look forward to hearing from you and having my money back . Yours faithfully , The New Modern Life Modern technology and science have changed my life in many ways . The easy access to information and the new ways of communicating with other people help me save time that I can spend doing whatever I want to . Of all the recent technological advances , the one that had the great impact on my life was the Internet . It provides you all the information you want . I do n't watch the news on television anymore , because I can use my computer to read only the things that interest me . Mobile phones are another thing that is making my life much easier . They allow you to talk to other people no matter where you are . This can be very useful when you have a problem that needs an immediate solution . All these things save me lots of time . I get to rest more and spend more time at home , and so they make me a happier person . For the next years , we can expect many more technologies that will continue making our lives easier . Dear Helen I 'm very happy for winning the first prize in the competition . I think it would be a very good experience for me . I 'm realy excited about it . Fist of all I 'm going to give some informations about me . Actually , I 'd prefer to travel in July , because I 'm working at the moment , in a company , and I 'll only have two weeks off in the period between the fifteenth and the thirtieth of July . I 'd love to come earlier , but I realy ca n't because this job is very important for me , and I 'll need it as a work experience , for my further studies in the University . I will also appreciate , if you would offer me accomodation in a log cabin , because of some health problems that I have , which are not allow me to leave outsid on the ground , and to be honest with you , I never liked camping . I 'd also like to choose photography and painting from the list of activities , because I 've studied Arts for three years , and these two are my favourite hobbies . I 'd also like to ask you how much money I 'll need for these two weeks , and what kind of clothes should I take with me , because I 've never been to the States , and I do n't know how the weather is in California during the summer . I 'm looking forward hearing from you . Your sincerely Shopping is an obsession for all of us . We all like going out to the shops , and spend hours , looking all sorts of products and comparing the prices , until we decide which one is the most suitable for us . But shopping is not always enjoyable . Especially if you are going with women or children to the shops . That is my worst nightmare . I never go shopping with women and especially with my mother or my sisters . And that 's because they spend hours trying on any kind of clothes , everything you can imagine , and at the end they are not buying anything . They also like going to loads of shops , in different parts of the city . At the end I feel very tired and angry , because I spent the whole morning doing nothing , except from looking at them trying diferent clothes , and that 's not enjoyable at all , in fact it 's realy annoying . Also , you have to be careful when you go for shopping with children . Children always ask for something and they want to have all they toys which they see and that 's not very enjoyable for the parents , because sometimes they spend more money , from the amount of money that they have planned . Dear Sir . Thank you very much for informing me I 've won the prize . To let you arrange the details of your programe , I 'm going to give my answers to you . Firstly , I 'd like to travel in July because I 've already resistered another summer course which starts in the end of July . Sorry about that but I can make that travel only in July . About accomodation , I prefer in tents to log cabins . Because I have n't used tents for ages so this time , I want to have tents for 2 weeks which will remind me of my childhood with my family . I 'm very keen on photography , especially while I 'm staying in Sates . I might have lots of chances to take photos of beautiful nature . So I 'm longing to take part in that activity , photography . Actually I 've been in amature photographer 's organization for 3 years . And I 'd like to choose swimming as the other one . I learned swimming at my age of 8 for 5 years and I still love swimming . At that time , I took the course which covered all the 4 kinds of strocks . Finally , could you let me know how the weather is like in July in States ? Then I can prepare my clothes suitable for that weather . And please tell me how much money I am supposed to need excluding transport and accomodation . Thanks loads Yours sincerely Kyon Chwa All the students in my class are excited about that work and now we 're in the process of discussion about what will be filmed . Some students suggested very brilliant ideas . We 've been thinking about the plot , at first , and we decided it would be the best way , the flow of time . The lessons we have in the morning does n't attract us very much , but this bit will show you routine scenery of a lesson . Spoken English lessons which is in the afternoon are quite interesting . Every students keep talking about he theme and give their opinions . So we 're going to organize about 10 minutes ' short debate just for this video , but we have n't decided when it will be and the subject . After the class is also very essential part of school life . Because we go to the pub which is situated near to the school quite often and we talk more about personal stories that make us closer , the pub after the lessons will be interesting . If you do n't mind , we want to film teachers ' room as well . Your preperation for lessons , everyday chats and so on . If you allow us to film those things , we 'll be very happy . When things become more obvious and more things are decided , I 'll report again . Dear Mrs Ryan , I have just received your letter and I 'm writing back to tell you how much it made me happy to win this prize and to give you the answers to your questions . I would like to travel in July because I can only see my family during the month of August . Concerning the accomodation , I prefer to live in log cabins finding them much more comfortable than tents ! Finally , I decided to choose singing and basketball because my friends say I 'm good at both . Singing has always been a hobby and takes an important part in my life . Singing relaxes me when I am stressed before exams or competitions . Basketball is simply my favourite sport . It makes me feel very free and makes me forget all my daily problems . I actually have won a basketball prize when I was young ... ! to finish off , I would like to ask you how much money is needed for my personal shopping and what kind of clothes I should take . I hope I have n't been too " demanding " . Yours sincerely , Marthe Ouellet Making a short video about daily life is an enjoyable but difficult thing to do . We would concentrate on students imagination , creation and talent. to do that , it is more interesting to go to art , music and drama classes . Effectively , in these classes , students express themselves more than in other classes . However , it is important to observe students attention and therefore we should film them during an exam ( but only for a short period of time ) A school teaches you how to be polite and respectful . The cafeteria is an interesting place to go because one can see if students respect food and if they remain polite towards each other . It is important to remember that short shots should be taken for each subject . Students walking and talking in corridors should be filmed so that we also show how students relax between two lessons . I think these are the best advices I can give and hope that one understands the main idea which is to concentrate more on students attitudes than on lessons . Dear Mr James , My name is Paula and I 'm one of your latest visitors of your show " Over the Rainbow '' , this is also the reason of my letter . Last week during my holiday in London , I found your advertisment in my newspaper . This looked very good to me , one of my favourite actors , the time did suit me and for the tickets was a discount available . Everything was just perfect . But , suddenly the whole evening changed into something , we did n't expected at all . The first disappointment confronted us on the main entrance , there was no discount for our ticket available . Despite of this we have still been looking forward to the show and Danny Brook . Your state in your advertisment that he would come on stage , but instead of him someone else turned up . Actually , this guy was not half as good as Danny Brook . The other thing was the time , the show was supposed to start at half past seven , but we have been waiting for 45 minutes , before the light turned off . Till then we have been very upset about the evening and decided to go for dinner . Eventually , the restaurant which belongs to the theatre was closed . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I really do regret that I told Pat about my feelings for the new girl in class , but who else can I talk to , if it is not your best friend ? . Her name is Carla and she just changed school , she is so beautiful , with long legs , blond hair and a voice which makes me melt . I 've never been so fascinated by a girl and so I knew it must have been real love . Luckely I could keep my secret for a couple of days but then , it became urgent and I needed someone to talk to . Pat , he was my friend , and he knew girls . I thought he would keep everything like a thing between him and me , but he disappointed me . He actually went to Carla and told her every thing . No doubt she would never ever look at me again . But she did , she asked me out . The horrible thing about this is , I 'm still in heaven , but out with the wrong person , because Pat mixed the persons with their names . There are two Carlas in my class ! Dear Mrs. Helen Ryan : I have received your letter bout the competition and I am very glad about it . I would like to travel on July , please , because that when I am in vacation . That is really the only time I have , unfortunately . I would love it if I could be accommodated in a tent . I 'm looking forward to learning how to take care of myself in dangerous situations , such as getting lost in a forest , and I think being in a tent will be very usefull for that . I 'd also like to get in touch with nature , and that is a great way . About the activities listed on your letter , I choose basketball and singing . I have played basketball for six years , and I 've in competitions for five years . I have good singing skills too . I have sung in the church 's choir for three years , and I have had singing classes at school since first grade . I have recorded a demo tape , which I can send to you if you will , in which I also play the guitar . I would like to know how cold it is up there , for me to know what kind of clothes I should bring . Yours truthfully Benedito Alencar Dear Kim , There was a huge Madonna show in a soccer stadium here in São Paulo . The most amazing thing is that I helped on it ! I helped setting up the sound equipment , programming the light system on the computer , tidy up Madonna 's room ! I helped with the selling of the tickets , with the security , with the designing ... But the unpredicted was that I actually got to meet Maddy , and talk to her for almost one hour ! The Material girl 's the sweetest person in the world , totally unlike the media says . Mo told me everything about her new album , Music , and how the single with the same name had slipped into the Internet in the UP3 format . She sang to me part of the album 's second single , " How it feels like for a girl " ! Her daughter , Lourdes Maria , is such a pretty little girl , that I could n't take my eyes off of her . Her boyfriend , Guy Richie , was there too , and he 's a really good person . This is something I will never ever foget . The show after was great . I could n't believe that I had met that superstar that was dancing in front of a crouded soccer stadium . Hope you enjoy the pictures , got one autograph for you . Yours faithfully , Benedito . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to share with you some feelings I have after watching a musical show , which was played at The Circle Theatre last week . Unfortunalety my feelings are rather bad . I had a week 's holiday in London last week , when I saw your advertisement concerning ' Over the Rainbow ' musical show . The advertisement looked pretty interesting and I dicided to go to the theatre to watch this musical show . Especialy due to the fact that I wanted to see Danny Brook - my favourite actor . I was really disappointed when I saw a different actor . The ' theatre ' even did not appologize for this range . To make things worse the show started 45 minutes later than it should have been ( started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 ) . Despite I am a student and the advertisement said that discounts were available , I was refused to buy a half-a-price ticket , and the explaination ' why ' was n't sufficiant . I tried to relax after the show , so I made my way to the theatre restaurant , which according to the advertisement ought to be open at that time . Unfortunately it was not , which made me even angier . There was no information why it was closed and if it would be open at all . The advertisement say ' your perfect evening out ' , however it was the worst evening I have had in London . I would like you give me my money back . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I told her about my plans on Monday , however on Friday almost half of my class knew what 's going on . I was the only boy in my class who did n't have a driving licence . I wanted to tell them about this after I would pass the exam . Saturday morning I went to the driving center for my first lesson . I had never driven a car before . I hope that nobody would watching me . Unfortunately Pat was there and half of my class . I felt terrible . The instractur opened the car and asked me to sit on the drivers sit . It was the worst time I ever had . At the beginning I could n't start the engine . Then I drove very slowly very ofen crossing the white line on the road . I looked at the mirror and I saw how my friends were lauthing . It made my crazy . I started doing stupid things : turn right instead of left and so on . Next day , I decided that I do n't want to go to school any more . I was afraid that everybody would comment my first lesson . I wish I had n't told Pat about my plans . Eventually the things were n't so bad . I went to school and everyone was very friendly . Pat appologized me for not keeping the secrets . At the begining I was very angry but in the end I said that everything is O.K . We are good friends nowadays , however I will never tell her my secrets . Dear Jane Clark , I spent two days at the International Arts Festival you have organized . I enjoyed it very much and I think you have had a great idea . I went to all the events , they were really good . I liked all the stars and the artists who came from around the world , even if the number of countries was very little , only six . Why do n't you let more countries to participate next year ? I also liked the concerts . But , can I give you a suggestion for next year ? Try to find bigger halls , because this year they were really too small ! I enjoyed all the plays and films , but they were fewà why do n't you broadcast more at next Festival ? I also went to the dance shows , the art exhibition and the talks by writers , they were really very nice and interesting . I also agree with you about the ticket 's prize . In fact , it was really a reasonably-priced ticket , excellent because you could go to all the events only with it . And that 's the reason because lots of people came . An admiree Capua , 16/12/2000 Hi Jane , how are you ? I received your letter yesterday , and I want to answer you soon ! I think the discussion in your class was very interesting . In my country there are different rules at school , but I think they are , more or less , the same in England . You have to begin your lesson at 8.25 and wait for the teacher of the next lesson in the class . You have a break of ten minutes , that you would have to do in class . You ca n't speak during the lesson or outside the classrooms . You ca n't write on walls and desks. . I have some rules also at home , but they are few . I can do everything I want , except going out with the car during the night . My parents are afraid of it because I took my licence only in September . My parents also like eating all together , but it is n't a rule , only an habitude ! I do n't think there is something I 'd like to change ! I like my life , both at school and at home ! Write to me soon Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to inform you about the differences between the advertisment and the real show . I am also expecting to get some money back . First of all , the show started 45 minutes late . We all had to sit and wait because there was nobody to explain the reason of the delay and excuse about it . If there was someone to do so , we could have gone out to eat something . Then , as we were told that the show was begginning , the second shock of the evening faced us . Instead of the famous actor Danny Brook , a very bad and disappointing actor showed up . Watching the show plus the 45 minutes of delay made us hungry of course so we decided to eat at the theatre restaurant . As it was too late , the restaurant was closed and we starved till we got to our homes . We were also disappointed because there were no discounts ! ( As I mentioned above ) I was very disappointed and I am asking for some money back if possible . PAT AND SECRETS .... Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Knowing that he decided to not to see Alison until the birthday party . Everybody was given a job , and Pat 's job was buying the cake and the candles . The best bakery was at the other side of the town so there was no danger for him to see Alison and reveal the party . He went out of his house and got on his bike to go to the bakery . On his way he saw lots of places he could buy the birthday cake but knowing that the safest one was the one which is as andy as Alison 's house he kept on riding . When he reached the bakery , he was quite relieved and he almost forgot that he had a secret to keep . Picking the best cake he was preparing to go back . He suddenly saw Alison and said " Did you like the cake , it 's for your birthday party " . After the conversation was over Pat still was n't aware of what he had done , and he did n't find out till the party took place . To the Manager of the theatre Dear Sir/Madam I am writing in order to tell your some things that happened to me at the theatre , at that moment I felt astonish thinking about : " How an important theatre have problems like this . " But , Yes . First the starring was going to be Danny Brook , but then another man took his place , I could n't believe it , you could n't change Danny Brook , a very important artist , and put a begginer one . It was very disappointing . Secondly , It was supposed to start at 19:30 and it started at 20:15 . Yes , 45 minutes , I want to see you in that case . What would you do ? I felt like a dumb , and all the people felt like me . And well , do n't talk about the discounts , because they did n't exist . More than that , the restaurant was closed because it was on repairing . At end , I could see that the advertisement said " Your perfect evening out " , it was n't the perfect evening , now I 'm looking for a layer , because I want my money back , if do n't well you know the end of this story . Faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , because one day when Maria , her sister , was walking to the school , a car stopped at her and a man said " I know who is your love , it 's Peter " . Maria passed all the day thinking about who told them that , there were two posibilities : one her best friend Becca or his sister Pat . But the problem began to increase because all her friends knew her secret . It was like a " chain reaction " , until Maria did n't want to go to school any more , her mother talked to her , but there was no case , she was very angry and hurt . One day , at his house , she listened Pat talking with a friend and Maria realised that Pat said everything , because they were talking about a secret of another friend . But there was a problem , how to said it to Pat , in a good or in a bad way , she decided for the good one . Obviously , Pat first refused , but then she accepted that she was wrong , and apologyse Maria , after then Pat never again talked about someone within his or her permission . The End . Dear Sir , I am writing you to know about some comments and suggestions from some students about the trip you have already organized to London . First of all , we would like to go to the London Fashion and Leisure show which takes place from Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th . It is opened from 10:00 to 19:00 and it is for free for students . This is a great opportunity because we can know more about leisure and fashion from this city . If you allow us to go we could change the programme in this way . Firstly , on Monday morning we can visit the presentation of the latest fashions and in the afternoon we could take a sightseeing by bus . Secondly , on Tuesday morning we can watch the Leisure and Sports wear and in the afternoon we can go to the Science Museum and finally , on Wednesday , we can go and see the presentation of different hairstyles and makes up spending the afternoon in the National Art Gallery . We hope you consider our suggestions letting us know your answer . Yours faithfully The home of the Future If you think in the future you could think in faster and better machines , advanced technology or better life . All this will happen in the next 50 years , how can we be prepared to receive all these things in our homes ? The next 50 years . Nowadays , our home life allow us to have more free time to spend doing leisure activities like practising sports or going out . In the close future we will be able to do nothing because everything will be done by computers and machines , ( washing-up , hovering , ironing , gardening , cooking , etc. ) The question is , will it be better life ? On the one hand , we will be able to spend more time with our family and not to be worried about anything . No more housework , no more stress , nor more illnesses ; everything will be perfect . On the other hand , life will be boring , a large amount of workers will be have redundant and housewives will not have anything to do which will be extremely boring and tedious . What do you prefer ? Do you enjoy doing nothing or do you really enjoy what you do ? It is your desicion . 13.06.00 Dear Mrs Ryan , I would like to thank you for first prize . I am really surprised that I have won . I have not expect it . I would like to send you some futher information which you need . I can only come in July because I am working in the office and I cannot take two weeks off in other month . I am greatful that I have the chance to choose an accomodation . I would rather stay in a tent if its not problem for you . I would like to experience a reall camp again . I used to be a scout . I need relax after year in the office thats why I choose photography and painting which are not very active . I am very shy person and I would prefer to stay in a small group of people , if its possible . I have to questions . I would like to ask you which kind of clothes I should take and I would like to know your opinion how much money I should take . I would like to thank you onc again for this great opportiunity . I am looking forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely , Apolonia Gorski We would like to belive that shopping is the most wonderful part of our life . After working all week , finally on Saturday we can do shopping . We love spending money , but spending money is not always enjoyable . Problems start when we cannot find any space to park our car . When we finally do this , we cannot go confortable because of crowd . Why its always the same ! The answer is that we choose the same street ( usually the most popular ) and the same time as six hundrets other people . We become customers who want to do their shopping with pleasure . I think we can achieve pleasure at home with our new goods . Jane Clark , The organiser , I am writting to you to give your my opinion about your festival . It was great , but I think it could be even better next year . First , it was an international festival , it was a great idea , but only six countries were here . So , if you can have more than six countries , it could be great . This idea is in relation with the number of plays and films . If there are more stars and artists from around the world , there are more plays and films and it is better . My second complain is about some concert halls which are too small . It would be better if you have some large halls , like your " Arena " hall . To conclude , I was very happy to have a ticket for all events at one reasonally price , because for someone who do not like especially art , it was very attractive . A least suggestion for next year 's festival is to invite some " salsa " band , It would be great to listen and dance in the same time " salsa " music . Yours faithfully , Dear Jimmie , I was very happy to receive a letter from you . I am writting to you to answer at your question about school rules and what I am ( and I am not ) allowed to do at home . Firstly in the school it is not permitted to smoking in the no smoking area or in the classroom . But , I think it is the same in England . Secondly , when you want to ask a question to the teatcher , you must to put your hand up , and speak when the teacher ask you . In my home , the only things I am not allowed to do are things which can disturbe my familly . For example , put the music too hight when my syster is working . But there are also some life 's rules , like do not put legs on the table when we are eating or eat with my fingers . There are not really anything that I could like to change , because , as you know , in France , there are not really strict rules like in China or other countries . It is just polite 's rules . I hope I answered to your question . Big kisses , 16.12.2000y Dear Ms Clark , I am writing to you in connection with the advertisement in newspaper . I would like to express a couple of thoughts that I have after the festival that I have recently seen . I believe that it was a great idea to organise such a festivel , connected with art and culture . Especially the date was very suitable for me , as I have a lot of free time . What is more there was a wide vareiety of music Although the artists were supposed to be from all counties , there were only six nationalities . I hope that next year there will be much more possibilities to enjoy films or plays and that the halls will be bigger , as they were overcrowded . However I was really suprised that the entrence fee was so low . I have also one suggestion , if I may . Maybe next year the festival could be ended with fireworks show . Thank you for your kind attention and I hope that my advices would occur useful . Yours sincerely Dear Tom , Just I got your letter and sat straight away to write you a few sentences that will illustrate my opinion . To begin with , I 'd like to show you how are my obligations at school . Although we have to change our boots , we do n't need to wear special uniforms . Our clothes should be in a good taste . We are also allowed to have jewellery and a make-up , what 's especially crucial for girls . When it goes to my home , I think I have usual duties I have to clean my room , wash the dishes or vacuum the carpets , but they 're not exhausting things , as I share them with my sister and brother . However my parents are n't demanding , I have to be home at least at 11 o'clock and tell them where I go out . In my opinion there 's nothing special that I 'd like to change , maybe only this , that I would n't have to change my boots . I hope that it 'll claryfy your questions and doubts . So , that will be everything as for now . I 'm looking foreward to hearing from you . Yours Dear Mrs Clark , I am writing with reference to the international arts festival that you organise every year . I would like to express my opinion about it and give you some suggestions that may prove to be useful . First of all , from my point of view the festival itself is a wonderful idea . That also refers to the weekend ticket you offer ; in addition to being rather cheap , it allowed me to see so many interesting events in such a short time . On the other hand , I would like to notice that the festival would be able to appeal to more people if a few improvements were made . Firstly , you had said in your advertisement that artists from around the world would perform . Actually , they came from only six countries . What is more , some concert halls were too small . As a result , it was impossible for al the audience to fit in there . Finally , I suggest you should think about giving the audience the opportunity to see more plays and films . Yours sincerely , Dear Kathy , I 'm really happy to hear from you again . I 'm sorry for not writing earlier . Unfortunately , I 'm quite busy so do n't worry if I happen to delay answer to some of your letters . In your last letter you wondered what the rules of behaviour at school and at home are like in my country , so I 'm going to give you some information . In Poland rules that refer to the ways of being dressed at school are n't very strict ; we do n't wear any uniforms , but our clothes have to be clean and nice to look at . We can neither eat nor drink during the lessons . We are supposed not to be late for the lessons and , of course , students must n't smoke at school . At home young people should help their parents do some houseworks . Generally , we are supposed to treat our parents ( as well as the teachers at school ) with respect and not to argue with our brothers and sisters . What I 'd like to change at school is that the breaks are too short ! Give my regards to your family , Santiago , June 17th , 200 Dear Sir , I am writting this letter because I am very dissapointed with your musical show . I recently went to London on vacation , with some friends . We were told that this was a great show , and we decided to see how it was . If the show was as good as we were told we should save our final night for it , this was going to be the end of our vacation , a great one by the way . When our final day arrived , we went shoping in the morning and then we went to the hotel to change our clothes and get ready for the show . When we arrived , the were a lot of people , the pace was beatiful , all seemed perfect . When we entrance the place our problems begun . First , there were no discount on the tickets but that was fine . Then , the show had a great delay , almost an hour , we deal with that too . After that they changed the principal actor , the one that replaced him was very bad , that made us realy angry . But that is n't all , to complete this tragedy the restaurant was closed . I hope that you understand that I want my money back , or at least some of it , because this were n't my " perfect evening out " How has moden technology changed my daily life ? I think that technology have change my life and everybodies life in many ways . Nowadays , technology is everywhere , all over your house , your school , ofice or any place you can be in a city . This technology has help to made my life easier and more exciting , but like everithing had some negative thing . This technology has help in many fields , like medicine , entreteinment , work and other thing , so it has obviusly change the life of many people . The bad things that this could have are unimportan , in comperison with all the good things this have done , so let 's do n't focus on the negative aspects of it . I think technology has become a part of our lifes , so we have to learn how to live in this new world , that is changing as fast as computers change . This is a new era , an era for a new tipe of people , the feuta people Dear Manager I 'm writing to complain about poor administrations of your theatre . Because the advertisement for show and the real show were completely different . First of all , as you can see Starring was Danny Brook and Tina Truelove on your advertisement but when I sat my seat , different actor and actress appeared . I was very disappointed because I was longing for seeing them as a fan . Moreover , the show did n't start in time so I had been waiting for ages . In addition , when I entered into the theatre I could n't have discount in spite of student and I could n't use in your restaurant either after the show . In that time , it was closed because it had been being repaired . It 's nonsense , was n't it ? Anyway , it was not " My perfect Evening out " but I think that it was a kind of " contract infringement " so I would like to ask for my money back . I look forward to hearing from you soon Yours faithfully How has modern technology changed our daily life ? Of course , our life will be completely changed . However , we have to consider about our nature and human-being . First of all , the developed technology and science will make our life more convenient than now . All your stuffs will be performed by the computers . For example , if you watch " The Star Trek " - science fiction programme on TV , you will realise that you just can say " Do it " and then the computers will do it . However , there are some problems . If all your staffs are fulfilled by the computers , we might be idler than now . Moreover , we have to consider about our nature . As you know , even now , science and technology are destroying our environment , for example weird temperature etc. If we do n't protect our environment , our daily life will not be convenient . Rather our daily life will be deteriorated . To sum up , future civilization is important for us . If there is no our good nature , our daily life will be unhappy . Dear Sir/Madam I went to see ' over the rainbow ' presented by the circle theater . I was really disappointed therefore I am writing a complain . Firstly I bought the ticket because I like Danny Brook 's acting but in the show someone was acting his part . Also the person was not really good at acting . Secondly the time on the leaflet is totaly wrong . It said it will start at 19:30 . Infact it started t 20:15 . I was waiting for 45 minuts . Thirdly the ticket was no discount and after the show I visited theater restaurant but it was close because the show started too late . Finaly last nigh was not perfect evening . ( Therefore ) I want to have money back and I hope you will think about these problems . Your faithfully I am writing an article about fashion of the future to the international student magazine . Fashion are always changing therefore it is really difficult to say what sort of clothes people wear in future . But when I heard the word of future , I have image of metalic colour so that my imagination they are wearing metalic or bright colour cloth . May be they have more different types of colour than now . However I think the style of fashion will not have big differences because I believe that fashion is in a circle . The mean of this is all our fashion styles come from history . For example our fashion style at the moment is comes from 70's fashion . We always repeat the fashion with adding some new fashion at that time . I think the people will wear clothes which are metalic or bright colourful colour with mixture of history and future fashion style. in future . Dear Helen Ryan . I 'm very pleased to hearing from you , and I 'm glad I 've got this chance to go to the Camp California in the U.S.A. for two weeks . Firstly I must say that I 'll be able to have two weeks free only in July , since I started work and intitled to have a holiday only in July . Secondly , I 'd prefer to accommodate myself in one of the log cabins , as they are more comfortable , usually have central heating and other necessary facilities . Despite my appriciation of all kinds of sports and activities , I 'd choose my favourite ones , which are swimming and tennis . As I was a champion of swimming competition in Russia in 1997 , I 'd like to continue to practice my skills . Also I like to play tennis , which is beautiful " game " itself and good for figure . In the conclusion I would like to ask if I need to take some money with me and how much ? What kind of clothes will I need in the U.S.A. in July ? Probably summer clothes mostly ? Your sincerely , Hope to hear from you soon . " Is shopping always enjoyable for you or not " - my English teacher has asked me on the class discussion about shopping . Sincerely , I must admit , that I do n't like shopping in supermarkets and big stores . There are always too many people there . As I 'm not keen of being a part of the crowd , I prefer a calm atmosphere in more isolated small shops . Furthermore , it takes too long to find something you need in unfamiliar stores . Despite I like to go to nice clothes shops I usually return home with nothing in my hands , as prices are usually to high , unfortunately not affordable for me . Sometimes I go to the local market , but not on my own . I ask my husband or mother to come with me , as I had bad experience in the past , when my bag with all my money was stolen . Another thing I dislike about shopping is some annoying shop assisstants which try to sale any products to the " victim " entring the door . Otherwise shopping is not so bad , as you get what you want in the end . Dear Miss and Mister Thank you for the letter that conformed first prize . I am happy to receive it . Of course I will able to go to Camp California in the U.S.A. However , I only will able to go to there on July 2001 because I have a job which is extreme busy work . Our department , which is sales department , have to make good sales result befor end of June because of financial month . So , if I can choose days , I would like to go to the U.S.A on July 2001 . About accomodation , I prefer stay log cabins because I do n't like to stay in tents which are unconfortable for me . I am not also keen on preparing it . This prize , I can choose two activities , ca n't you . So , I am going to choose Golf and Tennis . In Japan , I often play Golf but as you know Japanese weather condition is not enough enjoying play Golf but California has good weather which are every day sunshuin , hopefuly . I used to play tennis when I was university student . I am interst playing tennis very much . Finaly , I have some question . When I join this camp , what kind of clothes should I carry ? Moreover , how much money do I have to need ? Please reply for me as soon as possible Best riger . Dear Kim . Hello Kim . How are you ? I am well . I have a big news . I could enjoy helping at a pop concert in last week which is " The Max " . As you know , I am big fun with " The Max " . Can you believe it ? I have got good experience and fantastic memory . At the same time I have got a small money but it was not important for me . I was so happy . So , my templary job was sound engineer but I was not main engineer . I 've just helped for staff . When I was university student , I studied sound effect but I hae n't used effect equepument whole my life because our school dose n't have it . I used this equepument during concert but I was so compricate system . At first I could n't understand this system but our staff was very kind people . They teached me paticulaly . After that I was able to understand this system , time after time . Now , I able to use sound effect system . Of course , I could enjoy this concert , as well If I got a chance , I would like to work for creative companies , I hope . Any way , Take care of youself . I am waiting your letter Your sincerely , Hellow ! I'am very pleased that I have won the first prize in your competition and I want to tell you that it would be better for me to go to your Camp in July because this month I usually have a rest and now I am thinking about it . So your advice of going to a camp suits me very well . Answering on our first question about where would I prefer to sleep , I prefer tents because it is closer to nature and I like sleepping in sleepping bags ( =BV bags ) . Now let me tell you about my sports preferances . From your list of activities I have chosen swimming and surfing , because all of us went out from water and we have to go back there . Of course it was a joke , but as I have chosen swimming and surfing I will tell you why . I have chosen them because I am candidat to masters of sports in water polo . And only out of that reason , but also because I like water very much . Also I would like to have a t-shirt with your signature . Yours scinerly Fedor Gapon . In our lyceum we have listem of " double lessons " . It means that every day exept Sunday we have four lessons and each of the lessons lasts for hour and a half and it means " double lesson " . I think that is more convinient than seven lessons every day and each of the lessons lasts fourty five minutes . It is convinient , I mean " double " lessons because you have more time to understand matherial what is givven and because you have to prepare only four subjects for " tomorrow " and it is less then seven subjects . As a student of economical form I think I should tell you about one day in time table of our form . For example Tuesday . On Tuesday we have such lessons English , Math , Economics and Phisics . All of these subjects are so important for us that we have never missed them . Especially English and Economics because we are going to become famous economists . Not only these subjects are studied by us , but also Latin , Russian , Ukrainian , Biology and Phisical training , but as we study them we understand that they are not so important as our main subjects . International Arts Festival Dear Jane Clark , I am writing to you for your advertisement for the festival . I am student at London College and studying English . I have always been interesed arts and festivals . It was great that you organised Art Festival in this City , because people realy needed this kind of sochibal activities here . I have spent two days at the International Arts Festival with some of my friend and I must say we realy delighted , it was great idea to do that in London . We all liked Jazz , rock and classical concerts . However concert halls were too small and lots of people could n't get in to concert halls and there were only six countries stars and artists . I believe plays and films should be more than it was for next year and stars and artists should be from round the world . One reasonably priced weeker ticket for all events was excellent because its alway busy for the weekend and people prefer to go any week day . I hope , you will concider about my opinions and my suggestions would be helpful for the next year . Look forward to hearing from you . Your Sincerely Dear Freddie I received your letter just this morning . It was very nice to hearing from you . We never like rules , do we ? However there are lots of rules in our lives , both at home and at school . In my countries school we are not allowed to have an argument with class-mates and not allowed to eat at class . We ca n't listen music at class as well . We alway have to keep clean every where , but this kind of rules are not very strict I believe . At home is completely different , my mum is quite organised , so she always puts new rules . Firstly I 've to keep clean my room and hoover once a week . I 've to cook myself and worst thing is I 'm not allowed to listen loud music in everywhere at home . I 'm not allowed to stay out after midnight . When I groue up I 'll change all rules in my life and I 'll make my own rules which are not going to be too strict . Love to hearing from you soon . Love Dear Ms Ryan , I am writing to you in reply of our letter , that had let me know I am the winner of the first prize of your competition . First of all , I am very happy to spent two weeks at Camp California in the USA . Yet , I could only travel July because I am a student and so my holidays begin on July . In addition , I would rather sleep in a tent since I like being near nature and especially singing birds . Thus , I enjoy sports and I would like to practice swimming and climbing . I am not too bad at these sports . To conclude , will you kindly let my know if I need some money and what sort of clothes I should bring with me . Yours Faithfully This year , our English class has decided to make a short video about daily life at our school . ( It is a graduate engineer school where we are studying mecanics and energetics . ) That is why we have to single out wich lessons and other activities should be filmed . On one hand , we should be interested in the lessons . At first , the research and design courses are exiting since we are studying how cars are built . Secondly , we should interview the teacher of heat transfert since his courses are rally breathtaking . That seems to be quite surprising , yet this teacher manages to convey his knowledge . On the other hand , we should be interested in the other activities such as sports wich could appeal more students in our school . For example , our basketball team has won a local championship . To conclude , in this short video , we must show that thanks to our school we are able to make come out the best of ourselves . Dear Sir , According to the evening I have passed in your theatre , I was supposed to see " Over the rainbow " ( as you wrote on the publicity paper ) . However , it was absolutely not like you described ! First , there was a big late about the time . The show begun 45 minutes later than supposed ! To make matter worse , we have never had the oppurtunity to see Danny Brook because , instead , there was a different actor ! How can you explain that big mistake ? At the top of everything , you proposed us to visit your theatre restaurant after the show . How could we visit this place , if it is not open ? ! You wrote so persuately that it would be our " Perfect Evening Out " ... I am really disappointed about this experience . I spent £ 20 - and not as you wrote " discount available " . I will not make troubles but I ask you politely my money back . I hope , you will agree and share my disappointement . I am looking forward to staying in contact with you . Sincerly yours , Fashion of the Future Future , Everybody ask how will our world look like . What 's about the fashion in 100 years ? I think we have to take in consideration our enviroment : The pollution makes more and more the atmosphere warmer . In fact , winterseason will be rare or will maybe even disappear . The ice will smellt , the weather will be warmer . People wo n't wear warm clothes anymore and they will certenly be sinthetic , because there wo n't be enough place to cultivite cotton and to let grass sheeps . Community : Another very important point ! Electronical community takes more and more pace in our habitual lifestyle . We see , the objects will come smaller . So small that I can imagine , they will be introduce ( maybe like chips ) in our clothes . Our feelings will be transmit electronical through our clothes to other people . I think at internet. " Internet on our body " . . I 'm shure that is not impossible ! Clothes will take a very important place in our future . They will be like a second skin . Or do you think , an icetime will come ? To : The Principal of Westminster College , Mr Robertson . From : Eirini X FCE Student Dear Sir , I am writing to you with a request for a change in the scedule of our trip to London . But , first of all , I would like to thank you for the time and the effort you have made to organize the entire programme . Everything seams very interesting and I am sure that we will all have a very good time . Unfortunatly I have to suggest a change for the programme of Tuesday the 14th of March . That 's because the " Fashion and Leisure Show " takes place that date in London . All of the students - including my self , think of this as a great opportunity that would be pitty to be missed , especially when students can enter for free . According to the day 's programme , we are visiting the Science Museum in the morning and we are going shopping in the afternoon . My suggestion is to use Wednesday 's afternoon free time as an alternative solution of the shopping . This way we will be able to visit the Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday evening , and see the show . I hope that you will find this possible . With best regards It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I had to try my limits for once again . This is my nature . I had to see how far I could go this time or , to be more specific , how high ! I 've always wanted to taste the freedom that birds have , always been interested in listening to my blood pumpping in my vains , full of adrenaline , tolet myself free to shake , from excitement . There were my thoughts when I first saw the advertisement for a " Sky Dive " . I did n't hesitate much . The same afternoon I picked up the phone and I gave them a call . That was it . The following Sunday I fint my self on a plain flying 20000ft from the ground . When the time for the jump came I had some second thoughts . But then , I thought of the birds again - of how nice it would be to share their world for a few minutes and , I jumped ! Well , danger is in my nature an Life is nothing but an adventure . Dear Mr Robertson , I 'm a student of your college and I write this letter for my class because I 'm the class chief . On the hall of our classroom we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we would like to go to the show is it possible . We know that we will spend three days in London in a with a determinate programme . First of all we make thanks for the good programme especially for the Science Museum on Tuesday 14th About the London Fashion and Leisure Show we are very excite to go because it 's on extravagant and unusual show with leisure , sports wear and hairstyles . As I see your programme the shopping is at the same time of the London Fashion so I 'll make you a suggestion : we 'll start in the morning with the Science Museum and immediately after we 'll go to Central Exhibition Hall without doing shopping . It would be a great opportunity because for students it 's free . If you do n't have problems we attend yours , we hope good answer . Thank you I think that my house is n't of the future . It is comfortable , not too big with a lot of carpets and antiques components for example potterys , my bed , and a wardrobe of my grandmother . Think people 's homes will be different in the future about the new materials of structures , they will have a lot of computers for doing recipes and making shopping while you are staying at home . We will have a relaxing room , with soft light , music New Age and a lot of essences . I think that we ca n't stop the progress but if we want we can conserve traditional things . The home of the future will be very impersonally and the atmosfear will be cold and very essencial . 1/3/2000 Dear Mr. Robertson . I 'm a student in English class which going to spend three days in London ( 13th-14th March ) and I 'm a representative student from my class to thanks you about your programme that you 've already organised for us . It 's really wonderful especially the River trip to Greenwich . We feel ca n't wait until that time . However , the students in my class , we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show which will be on 14th March between 10.00 to 19.00 at the Central Exhibition Hall , London . The show has many interesting parts such as latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and Hairstyles and we are all agreed that it 's a great opportunity for us because most of us are going to study Fashion and Design course in next term and the other students are also interesting in new fashion . So we think that it will be useful for all of us . Anyway , we still want to go to the Science Museum and shopping as well but we think we can go shopping on the last day afternoon of our trip . So we will have free time on the afternoon of the 14th March and we can spend this time enjoy the show . I 'm also include the show 's leaflet on the back of this letter . What do you think about this plan ? I 'm looking forward to see your programme . I believe that everyone in this world have curiosity . We 're always want to know about others ' life especially the famous one even the one that we hate . But we have to accept that everyone has their private life for example when we get married or when policeman stop us on the highway , we do n't want any stranger notice that what is happening to us . Famous people are also the normal people like us just because their jobs are known by every people , it does n't mean that we can invade their privacy . They also want to have special time with their family or their friends . It 's not fair for them to have journalists following them and take their photographs and some journalists write the news that not true . We also ca n't deny that the journalists ' job is to know what 's going on with these famous people . But it does n't mean that they have to follow these stars all the time , they should give them some privacy . On the other hand , these stars should accept that they are famous people so everyone wants to know about their life . The best way is they , the famous stars and the journalists , should compromise and respect each other 's rights . Dear Sirs , I am writing to complain about your musical show which I saw last Saturday . According to your advertisement , one of the stars was supposed to be Danny Brook . However , a different actor play the role instead of him . You can imagine how upset I felt , as I really wanted to see his performance . To make matters worse , despite the fact that the second show of the day was scheduled to start from 7:30 p.m , it started from 8:15 p.m. What 's more , the theatre restaurant was closed , because the chef suddenly took a day off . On top of everything , although your advertisement told me that I would receive some discounts , there were no discounts available . I was really disappointed at your show . I expect a full refund plus compensation for my dissatisfaction and discomfort which I suffered . I look forward to receiving your response within the next seven days . Yours faithfully , In these days , young people prefer wearing shabby and scruffy clothes to wearing neat and tidy clothes . In other words , their fashion has become more casual . I think this tendancy will become more common in the future . In general , their parents do n't like their fashion . They want their children to wear clothes neatly . When they were young , they judged the other person by his appearance . They also were asked to wear clothes which was in accordance with the occasion . In my opinion , this is still correct . However , people noticed that what is important is not their clothes but their mind . If someone does n't have enough knowledge about the event which he attends , even if he wears clothes neatly , he does n't look like a gentleman . What I want to say is that people do n't mind their clothes if he has enough knowledge about what he needs . To sum up , people can wear clothes more freely , in the future . What is important is not their fashion but their knowledge , attitude to everthing including fashion . Dear Mr Robertson . I am writing to express the deserve of all students in my class to visit the LONDON FASHION AND LEISURE SHOW at Central Exhibition Hall , on Tuesday 14 March . All students have seen an advertisement for that and they would like to go to the show . I think that will be very good programme. especially the part of the Latest Fashions , because is something which affect the people of all ages today . But also the rest parts of the show seems to be very interesting . Leisure and Sports Wear is very interesting . I think that young people are affected from that in the way they dressed . Make up and Hairstyles are also very important especially For our class , because the most students of our class are girls . The girls are interesting more than boys , For make up and hairstyle. and they want to know all the latest news about these . I know that for Tuesday 14 March you have already organise the programme which including for morning a visit to Science Museum and For afternoon shopping but we can change that as Follows : Tuesday morning until 15.00 visit to Science Museum Tuesday afternoon from 1600 to 1900 visit to THE LONDON FASHION AND LEISURE SHOW . Thank you very much . I am apologise For any incovenience. and I am waiting for your reply . Yours sincerelly Famous people , such as politicians and Film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists Following them all the time . I think that they have right because , they are also people like me or like you and they should have private life . Private life is very important to anyone , because your job create you stress and you should rest , charge your batteries For the next day . If journalists following you step by step is difficult to have a private life . On the other hand . I believe that Journalists doing their work , but sometimes they try to impress their boss and always . Following the Famous people in order to discover something new of their lifes . Another thing is the pressure . From media owners and the difficulty For someone to Find job in our days . Media owners want to maximize their profits and always press the journalists to Find something new . To conclude journalists should doing their work but without annoyance to the other people . Private life is right to anyone and all we should respect it . Miss Helen Ryan : Last week I recived your letter in wich you told me that I won first prize . I am writting in response of it . First of all , I would like to travel in July , because I can arrange 2 weeks in July with my school holidays , in order not to lose classes . I think I would prefer to be in tents , because I think it is funnier and you can be in more contact with nature , but if I do n't like the tents can I change my mind ? You told me to choose 2 activities and I chose surfing and singing . In both of them I am very good . I did a surf course last summer and I have gone to singing lessons almost all my life . I have a few questions . How much money should I take to spend in those two weeks ? and also what kind of clothes I should take ? Please , when you recive this letter give me a call so we can arrange everything . Looking forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely We are going to do a video about daily life at school , the following classes are the ones I recomend to film . ENGLISH : the classroom is beautifull , and in the same day we do a lot of diferents activities , so it wo n't be boring watching it because we can have a great time there . CHEMISTRY : We do a lot of experiments and the materials we use are very good . I think that if we film that class the people that watches it will be impress with the equipment we have got . SPANISH : We are doing a play now . We could film it and produce it , instead of uniform we could wear costumes , the ones that are animals could pain their faces . I think that if we do it properly we could have a great spanish play . Those three classes are my choises , I hope we could do them and make a very good video about our school . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about some problems I had when I went to the Circle Theatre two weeks ago . Firstly , Danny Brook and Tina Truelove were supposed to perform in the show but instead of them different actors performed badly . Secondly , the show should have had started at 19:30 but it started later , at 20:15 . The Theatre also promised discounts , which were not available , so I had to pay the full amount . I also wanted to visit the Theatre Restaurant after the show , but it was impossible because it closed at 20:30 and the show finished at 21:00 Finaly , I would like to ask you £ 20 back as I was not satisfied with your services . I hope you pay attention to my complains . I would not like to take legal action , as it would not be convenient for both of us , but I will if I consider it necessary . I will be looking forward to hearing from you . Yours Faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets but she was my best friend and I had to tell someone what had happened to me . So I phoned her and told her the whole story . Last weekend in the Local Festival , that is held every year in our Town , I was walking with my little sister , who is three years old . She started running and got lost . So while I was looking for her I saw the Director of my school , Mr Smythe , stealing money from a small shop . I could not believe my eyes ! When Mr Smythe saw me there , he told me : " If you say a word you 're going to be in serious trouble . " But Pat could not resist the temptention of calling the police . We were at school when she told me this and Mr Smythe went to our class and said to me " May I talk to you ? " . In that moment I felt so nervous and terrified that I faint . When I came around Mr Smythe was under arrest and fortunately , thing finished well for me . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I am writing to you to give you some further information about the competition I won . I am very pleased that I won your competition . First of all I would like to travel in July because I already made an arrangement with my boss about my free days . I would prefer to sleep in an log cabin . I am not just to sleeping in an tent and I think it mabey ruen my holiday . I hope it 's possible to sleep in a log cabin but if it 's not , you can also put me in an tent . The two activities I would like to choose are : Photography and Surfing . Photography I never realy took pratice in , yes I have made some holiday pictures but I would like to learn more about this . So I am not very good in Photography . Surfing is my passion . I live nearby a beach and whenever I have the time I grape my bord and go surfing . I would like to have a surfing contest with other surfing nerds , if it 's possible . I would like to know if I have to bring my own wetsuit for surfing and how much money do you think I need ? I am realy looking forward to this holiday . I hope I have informed you enough . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , How are you ? I 'm doing great esspecially after my experience with helping at pop concert . It was fantastic . You also would have liked very much . I had to help back stages . I had to take care of that every artist went in the right dressing room and not in someone elses . Every artist could scream at me whenever they wanted . The realy thing was that I had to look after them because without me they would have been lost . That was a good feeling for me . I had to tell them when they had to go on stages . What kind of clothes they shoot wear . I also had to give them drinks and food and help them to relax whenever they were nervous . The thing I realy liked , was helping the artists and talking to them . Oke , they screamed at me all the time because they were nervous and excited about their concert . Afterwards they talk to me and thanking me for helping them in those exciting moments . I realy got to know them after the concert . They also took me to a after hour party and they asked me if would like to do this again . And of course I immediately said Yes ! ! Mabey next time you can come with me that would be a lot of fun . The will call me next week , so I write when I talk to them . Talk to you soon . love Dear Sir , Last week I had the chance to spend time in London and this is why I decided to go to the Circle Theatre to see the musical show . Firstly , I would like to tell you I had unfortunately a very bad evening . Indeed , I was very surprise to ear when I asked for a discount that it was not possible to have one . In spite of that , I finally decided to take one ticket . The other bad point was the time when the show started , it was already 20:15 when the first star entred on the scene , but your advertisement sayed 19.30 ! The worst was when the actors were presented to us and the starring names were completely different than I expected . Finaly , I did n't understand why you pushed people to visit your restaurant if you do n't open it after the show ! This is why for all of those good reasons I am asking for some money back . I am sure you will understand my request regarding my complaint , your credibility is depending of . I look forward to earing from you . Your faithfully . Our century is a century of changes , of evolution . Since the end of the 40's which is the period where the technology started , nobody can say that nothing has changed . Every day , from the morning to the evening we are completely dependent of the technology . In fact our life style is based on the technology , now , if we want to stay at home without having contact with other people , we can do it , we just need a computer and a modem and that 's it . If I want to discuss with friends or order a Pizza , I can do it easely as I want , when it want . In spite of that , I think the technology is improving my quality of life . A good example is the celular phone , I can contact my family without problem , I can inform my company if I had an accident with my car . If I compare my life now with the life of my grand parents , I think both are comparable , I say that because without knowing the technology , it 's difficult to imagine a best life , in fact , you leave with your time . Even if the technology is important for my quality of life , I am not able to say if it will continue to be the case in 10 years . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing with reference to the three day trip in London . Thank you very much for organising the programme , which seems extremely interesting . Especially , sightseeing by bus must be enjoyable . However , my classmates and I also found another fascinating thing about the trip . It is ' The London Fashion and Leisure Show ' at Central Exhibition Hall in London on 14th of March , which shows the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . We all found it exciting and exhilarating . It must be a great opportunity to see the show because we are keen on fashions and clothes . In addition , students can go without paying any fees . Therefore , I wonder if we could possibly change the programme slightly on 14th March . We would like to see the show on Tuesday afternoon , instead of shopping . We can go shopping on Wednesday afternoon at the free time . I would be grateful , if you could understand our concern and change the programme on 14th of March . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Famous people , such as politicians and film stars , are always followed by journalists . Do they have to give up their private lives ? First of all , I think they should accept the fact that they are well-known and they should be observed all the time , as we are curious to know what they do and we love to gossip about others . Moreover , it might be a good thing that scandales usually increase their fame , even if they did anything wrong . On the other hand , it is also said that their private lives must not be intruded , as they are the same as us , human beings . It does not seem possible that we can live without any private life . To sum up , although I think they ought to abondone their lives partly when they entre the world of fame , they should take some actions against journalists in order to protect their human rights . Dear Sir , I am Carlos Gregore and during my last holiday I stayed in London for a week . Then , I read the advertisement for the show of your theatre and I decided to see it . Unfortunately , I noted on the advertisement , a lot of wrong points : An actor was changed and the pubblic were no informated . The show started 45 minuts late without valid reasons ! There were no discounts available like the advertisement had written . At the end , the theatre resturant was closed for holiday ! At the bottom of the advertisement was wrote : " YOUR PERFECT EVENING OUT " but I think I had a very disappointing evening ! So I decided to write you this letter to note that wrong informations and to ask for the restitution of the price of ticket or a part of that . I hope you read this and write me to know somethings about my money Your I think the modern tecnology is very important to my life . I also think I am lucky , because I live in a period of tecnologic boom . In the last fifty years the human tecnologies are growed up exponensially . First the conquist of the space , then the computers , and now the new biotecnologies have changed , and are changing , the face of the word . My daily life should be changed by these innovations ! At the present day , for ecsample , a lot of people have a personal computer at home , and a very big part of that have also internet , the new frontier of computers evolution . If I look back in the past I can find that computer is following the same street of television , telephon and a lot of other things , that now the biggest part of population have at home . So , in my opinion , new tecnology has changed , is changeing and will change my daily life , I hope that after my life is better . 12th December 2000 Dear Mister Robertson , The whole class and I would like to thank you for the good programm , which you have organised for our trip to London . The reason why I 'm writting to you is the class and I have seen an advertisment for the London Fashion and Leisure Show on Tuesday March 14 from 10.00 am - 19.00 p.m. It is a show about latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . We all are interested in fashions and hairstyles and it is a great oppurtunity for as because students have not to pay and we will know what we can buy on our shopping tour . I would like to suggest you how the programm could be changed . Instead of a shopping tour on Tuesday afternoon we could go to the show and do the shopping on Wedensday afternoon in our free time . What are you thinking about this suggesten ? I hope you will unterstand this kind of matter and the class and I looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , In the next few years the people 's home will be changes a lot . First point we will use more often new technologies like telecommunication or internet . In the future they both getting closer and closer . That means for exampel while you are sitting in the office you are able to controll your home with the computer . You can open and close the windows and switch the light on and off . Your freezer tells you when you have to buy some milk , eggs or chees . Or never living the office you are able to heat the wather for a hot bath . So in fact people 's home became more confienence and comfortabler . I think also housewifes will receive more help with a robotor in the household . But the form and the rooms of a building will still be the same . And of course the furnitures of people 's home will not change as well . Dear Mr Robertson My name is Gabriel and I represented our class . We have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we would particularly like to go to the show . As representant of my class may I kindly ask you to change partially your plan during our visit in London . The Monday 13 March would be fine . The morning visiting interesting places in the City and on the afternoon make a trip to Greenwich , which is excellent . Because the London Fashion programme takes place on Tuesday , I would suggest to change your plan . There is a very interesting programme for young people like we . There will shown the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , several additional attractions . It will be beutiful if you would agree to change your plan . The last day , the Wednesday 15 March will surely very interesting because the National Art Gallery is very famous place in London . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it. , It happened on a very lovly day in summer . The sun was shining , the Chanel was clear blue and I was walking by the Sea . Suddenly I heart somebody crying for the help . Not studying for too much I ran as fast as I could direct there I heart the voice . I knew , I ca n't swimm then I realized it might be dangerous for me as well . But in this particular moment it was n't important for me . The most important things was a little boy about ten years old , who was in the watter without parents and could n't swimm . It was diffucult for me because I am afraid of watter . Although I went quickly to him and took him on my hands . He was exhaused and could n't breath . In the meantime a man told me he were a doctor and could help the boy . I was very happy that I managed to save the live of the boy . Now , when I consider about the events it 's clear for me that if I got a few minutes later probably would be to late . You should ignore the dangerous if you convince you can save somebody his live . Dear Ms Ryan , I am the person who won your competition and I am writing in reply to your letter . First of all , I can travel only in july because that is the only time when I am free from my examinations . I prefer staying in a tent as I am used to it and find it more comfortable . The two activities I would like to do in the camp are swimming and photography . I am a good swimmer and I had some expirience in photography however I have very much to learn . Finally , I have got two questions to ask you . How much money and clothes should I take with me ? I am very grateful for your prize and looking forward to visiting the camp . Yours sincerely I think that bits from the whole school day should be filmed . This will show how the school lives . In the morning prefects make sure that everybody is awake and already up . At the assembly students are told about changes in the timetable and activities for the whole day . In the computing department student learn about informational technologies . The main job of the head of the computing department is not to teach but to keep the computers working properly . Maths is the most popular subject in the school . Mathematics teachers do great deal of work and have almost no time to prepare lessons . In the chemistry lab experiments are often set up . The teacher looks after the pupil while they are investigating the topic of the lesson . Meals are very important . Kitchen staff works hard to provide students with variety of food . The video can be finished with a view of the school from outside . Dear madame Jane Clark , I am writing this letter in order to make some suggestions for the International Arts Festival that took place a while ago . I was there two days enjoying it and have found some points I would like to change to make it a better one next year . I personally think it is a great idea to gather all different types of arts from all over the world . Well , here are some of my opinion and suggestions . First of all , I think there should more stars and artists from more countries because this year , I believe there were artists only from six countries which , in my opinion , is not quite from all over the world . The jazz , rock and classical concerts were really entertaining except that there were some concert halls to small for the audience : I 'm sure that you can find bigger halls for next year . By the way , I was also wondering if it was possible to have more plays and films for the coming up festival as the reaction of the people was excellent . Actually , the price of the weekend ticket was excellent ! I , myself , was expecting a more expensive ticket as there were so many magnificient events . Well , I hope you found my suggestions reasonable as I deeply congratulate for the great sucess in the festival . yours sincerely , Dear Emily , Hello ! It 's been such a long time since we wrote to each other . Well , in the letter you wrote me , you asked some questions about school and house rules . Even though , I do have less than you , I 'm still willing to change many things . In our school , you 're not allowed to eat during class . You must have a permission to get out of your seat or leave the classroom . My school 's an American school so you 're not supposed to talk in Spanish during the classes either . At home , there are less rules . My parents do n't really like putting rules in the house . But still I cannot go out of the house without telling my mom where I am going and when I 'm coming back . But it existed since I was very young . I would like to change the rule not to speak in Spanish at school because most of us feel more comfortable speaking in Spanish but I guess to learn. we should speak English all the time . Well , that 's all . I hope one day you get to change what you wanted . I miss you and let 's keep in touch . Bye. . your Pal , June 13th , 2000 Dear Mrs. Ryan , First of all thank you very much for the good news that I have won the first price in your competition . I am very delighted and already looking forward to spending two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. . As regards the time that I can travel I must tell you that my holidays at university are only in July . I hope that it would n't be a problem for you and that I can go to the Camp California at some time in July . I would like to stay in a log cabin as I have an allergie against grass . Then you asked to chose two activities from the list you sent to me . I would like to do surfing and photography . I am a total beginner in both activities , but I think that these two weeks will be a good opportunity to learn something about them . Finally I have also some questions to you . Firstly I would like to know what kind of clothes will be appropriate for the camp , secondly how much money I should take with me for the two weeks and lastly if there are any possibilies for cooking . yours sincerely , ' Shopping is not always enjoyable ' If you have to go shopping again , because the fridge is empty or you need some new clothes , a lot of time , patience and straingth are needed . All kinds of shopping have more and more become to a rather stressful activity than an enjoyable on . I often begins with finding a parking for the car , which can take more than 15 minutes . Leaving the car at home is also not a good ideas you often buy so much that you ca n't carry it in plastic-bags . The next stressful factor begins in the shop : Everywhere people who are in a hurry and push you from one side to the other . Consuming has become a very important thing for them . And if you are not quick enough they wo n't leave anything left . But there occure also problems if there are products left : either you ca n't decide between two things or your favourite product is too expensive . Having finally decided and got what you wanted to , the next torture comes at the cash-desk , when you have to pay . You have to wait at a long queue for more than 15 minutes . So even if it 's nice to have food or new clothes at home , without patience , time and straingth you should better stay at home or try to find the most convenient time for shopping . 2 Desember 2000 Dear Mrs Clark : I am writing to suggest a few things that could be changed or added in next year 's International Arts Festival , wich in my opinion has been a great idea to create . Although I have read that Starts and Artists came frome around the world , I have realised that they only came from only six countries . I spent a good time in the jazz , rock and classical concerts in spite of the fact that some concert halls were too small . I think that if you want to enjoy music you must be comfortable . All my family liked the films and the plays that there were very much , but I personaly think that It would be better to add more because there were only five plays and seven films . The rest of the activities were very interesting for us , we learnt a lot of things and we met a lot of interesting people , and all of this without being expensive , I think that ticket was exellent for us because of its price . I look forward to hearing you as soon as possible . Yours sincerelly 2 Desember 2000 Dear Andy : I 'm sorry I have n't written for so long , but I have been very busy with my exams . It 's good to hear that you have passed all of them . In your letter you told me something about rules . I imagine that you want my opinion for your homework ?Do n't you ? You know that I 'm studing in a hard school , and as you can imagine you have to work hard and you have to do homework everyday . The other day I arrived five minutes late and the teacher ordered me to go home. ?Do you understand this ? She might be crazy I have friends that are studing in other schools and they are very happy with their freedom . At home it 's very different , as you know I have a very good parents that let me do a lot of things. they let me go out with my friends every day , but they make me do homework and I hate this ! ! I hope that it is what you wanted from me . I 'm looking forward to seeing you soon . Yours 12.12.0 Dear Mr Robertson ; I am writing in reference to the programme for the English class , that is going to spend three days in London . I have already read the programme , and I agree with that , I think that the class will like going to Sightseeing by bus and in the afternoon going to River trip to Greenwich , Also , they can visit Science Museum , and they can going to the shopping , on Wednesday 15 March they going to visit The National Art Gallery , really , I think that is good programme . However , I think as well , that the class would like to visit " The London Fashion and Leisure Show " , is on Tuesday from 10.00 AM until 19.00 pm. They do n't need to pay . In addition , I think is a good a idea , because they could go after shopping , when they have a free time , I am sure about that , they will like to visit that place . However , the programme could be changed just for a few hours , it is a great opportunity for everybody . Finally , I hope that you understand my personal opinion about the programme , I will understand accept you personal opinion as well . I look forward hearing from you . Your faithfully 12.12.00 My personal opinion about famous people , is good in one way and bad in another way . I think that they live their life like hat , because they want to live this life . They doing everything just for money , sometimes , they can make theirs life easier than they normally do . It is true , they deserve to have a private life without journalist following them all the time , however this news give them money , and confortable life . Famous people , such as politicians and film stars , they live happy , because they know that the famous mean to be rich . They can travel around the world , buy everything , it is a good life , but at the same time , they must be a very good peaple , because " the Famous " is just for a few time , nothing is forever in this world . My personal opinion is that , I think they are n't really happy , and they are selfish as well . I do not really like will be a famous person , because you are not really yourselfh , and for me is the more important thing . Your faithfully To the manager of the Circle Theatre . I am PINAR xxx. One week ago I watched your show . I was so disappointed because I did n't find what I expect at your show . The first thing that dissapoint me was the starring . I expected to see Danny Brook because at the paper that you have given to me it wrote that Danny Brook came but there was a different actor . Then you wrote that it start at 19.30 but it started at 20:15 . You wrote that discounts available but they are not available . You wrote that " visit our restaurant after the show " so I did n't eat my supper , to eat at your restaurant. but the reastaurant was closed because the show started 20:15 and finissed at 00.15 and the restaurant was opened until 00.00 . Finally you wrote that " your perfect evening out " but after all this problems how would you expect the to have a perfect evening out . After all this problems I became dissappointed . Because that was only a week holiday in London . If you would give me some of my money back that would be a great excuse for the loss of time and my dissopointness . Unfortunately , Pat was n't good at keeping secrets . I know that before but I thought that he may change . I trusted him and told about the reality . It was about Marine , who was our clase friends . The reality was Marine 's parents are not her real parents , they found her in their houses garden . They try so many things to find her family for one year they did everything to find her family but they could n't find . In this one year they spend most of their time with Marine and they loved her so much and they want to be her parents . When Marine was three years old a man came to their house and sad that he is Marine 's father and wont to take her. and he added that he leave Marine because her mother was dead two days after Marine 's birth. and the police thought Marine 's father did this so they put him on prison he had nobody that he can give marry so he leave her on their garden . The Marine 's real father want her back but the other cuples did n't want to give her because they loved Marine so much . They give a lot of money to Marine 's real father to take her . After that Marine 's father take the money & left her . The cuples could n't say the reality to Marine because they were afraid of losing her . After I told the reality the Pat . Pat said this the Marine . Marine said to Pat that " I had knowed that because I talked with my real father every month but my parents does n't know that because I am waiting for them to say me the reality " . 13th June 2000 Dear Helen Ryan I was greatful to hearing about I have won first prize in competition . I would like to tell you which are some further information you given to me . I would like to join the camp in July because I could get holiday from my company from 1th July to 28th July . Secondly , I would prefer to stay in tents . In my experience , I 've never tried to stay in tents during the holiday . That 's why I 'd like to feel adventurally . It could be good memorable thing for me . And I am interested in swimming and singing . When I was 17 years old , I could be able to won swimming competition which is held in local stadium . I had won second prize . And also , I have been joining music bend in my school . I 'm responsible for lead vocal . Every Monday we 're having a practice time . What I would like to know about what kinds of clothes are suit the season in the U.S.A and how much money do I should bring the camp . I look forward to joining the camp . I 've been always wanting to go U.S.A. It must be good chance to join the camp . Thanks for accepting . Yours sincerely Ae-Sook Pak To . Director of teacher From . Ae-Sook Pak Subject . Some suggestion to make a video about daily life at our school . INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is about suggesting which lessons and other activities should be filmed and why are suitable to make a film . EXPLAIN According to reactions of students . Most of the students are taking a morning class for 3 hours , and middle of the lesson they 're having a break time . After morning class they have a lunch time for 1 hour and continue to study for afternoon class . It 's the most common daily life at our school . And according to the interviews , the most interesting class is the " upper intermidiate " class . They are joined with different countries and with good teacher . SUGGESTION The point of " upper intermidiate class " . They are having special time . Every Friday , they enjoy a special game for check vocabulary . And they are always doing best their homeworks . CONCLUSION I strongly recommend that making a video about " Upper intermidiate " class . They must be shown the most well-class in our school . Dear manager I went to the theatre to see a musical show " Over the rainbow " and had a very disappointing evening . According to your advertisement , the actor should be Danny Brook , but infact it was different person . My ticket was for 19.30 , but it started very late , it started 20:15 . When the show finished , it was too late to catch the train to home . I had to take taxi . It costed me £ 30 . What a waste ! , , By the way , I did n't see any discounts for buying tickets . One more thing , the theatre restaurant was closed when I get there for a glass of drink , I do n't know why , there was no written notes or information about that . I am not sure that I did have a perfect evening out . Would you consider to give my money back ? If the refund is available , it would be grateful . I would look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat is one of my colleges in the office . She works with me . We get on very well . She is a single mum . She always talks about her private life to me , and I thought we understood each other , because when I talked about my private life to her , she seemed very understandable . Last week , I missed work on Tuesday , so Pat had to work harder because she was all alone . I appreciated her and she would n't mind . I told her the reason that I had to miss the work . My son was in prison . I had to go and see him . I still do n't know how it really happens to him . All I know is about drug smuggling , that he involved . I asked to her not to tell anyone , because I did n't want others know about this . I am very private person . Yesterday morning , I went to toilet , I overherd two people talking about my son I felt pity on myself and I burst into tears . I quickly got out of toilet . I do n't remember how I finished work that day . Nowadays , it is hard to trust people . No one is perfect . Everybody make mistakes . I decided to forgive my friend Pat . June 17th 2000 " Dear " menager of the Circle theatre , I went in London for a week of " pure holiday " thinking to have some fun coming to see your musical show . On the advertisement it had been written that there would have been Danny Brook too . ( I like him very much and , truly , I came to the theatre just to see him ) When I entered I did n't get the discount ( as it has been written ! ! ) The show had to started at 19:30 and I arrived before , frightened not to find a good place to see " my hero " . I have waited for the show beginning until 20:15 ! ! ! ! Is it a correct thing ? I was getting angry , but , finally , the show started and I became quiter . BUT.. when I saw that the actor was n't Danny Brook but a different one , I was very disappointed . So , after the show , I would like to have a good meal in the " famous theatre restaurant " ( that , of course , was closed for a free night ! ! ! ! ) At the end , I asked for money back ( and paiment for my orrible night ) : do you think anybody give me back something ? ! I hope , that in the future , you will understand that it is n't right to write false things on an advertisement . Thank you for your attention . Faithfully Science and technology characterize our moder society . They have taken a big progress in our every day life and they have always become more important for us . If you think that fifty years ago , when there were n't cars or any sort of comfort ( born just in the " industrial age " ) everything had to be done by hands or by animal work : I think in that time life was really harder than now ! We have to say that technological searches have taken in our society " their good fruits " but , at the same time , negative aspects too . Walking on a city street , it 's difficult to find parks or " green " places with trees and clean air : actually pollution , traffic and noize are the main problems of our society . I know I 'm " daughter of this techological world " and unluckly I think I could'n stay without it : it 's rather strange that today there 's already somebody without phone , dishwasher , TV ... But , sometimes I ask myself if the " ancient world " , without science , technological discoveries and industries was more authentic than the our one . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to you concerning our three days which we are going to spend in London . I would like to thank you for the programme which you have organised for our English class . It sounds very promissing . Especially the trip to Greenwich . But there is something else which we would like to see . We have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we all would like to go there . It would be a great opportunity for us , because we are all interested in fashion particularly in sports wear . The show is going to be in Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday 14th March from 10.00-19.00. . The entry for students is free . I would suggest to visit the Science Museum , which was planned for Tuesday , on Wednesday afternoon . So that we can go to the Fashion Show . And if there is anybody who wants to go shopping , he would be able to do it on Wednesday evening . We are looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . It was dangerous but I knew I had to do it . For just one day in my summer holidays I planned to do something adventurous . The moment I saw the advertisement about one of the seven world wonders , I knew , I had to see it . But this was also the moment when my nightmare started to come alive . My friend and I had just arrived at a small airport in the middle of the Californian desert . One man came out from a small building . It was our pilot . He introduced himself and we walked towards a small plane . The doors of the plane were so thin , that I thought I could torne them . We went inside and the plane took off . It was horrible . I could feel every movement which was caused by clowds or winds . I thought we would die . But then , finally , we reached the Grand Canyon . I did n't know what to feel . It was amazing . We were so near that , I thought I could touch the sides of the Grand Canyon by reaching out of the planes window . I swore to myself , I would never ever take a plane like this again . It was too dangerous , but I knew deep inside I had to see it . I 'm pleaseant to win the first prize in your competition - two weeks at Camp California in the USA . As I 'm an artist student in a particular College , I only can go to your Camp California in July , because in this month I got no class , and I 'm free to do whatever I want to . I 'd like log cabins as my accomodation , because it 's safer and cleaner than tents and I would n't share it to anyone . Painting and Photography are the activities good for me . They fit to myself because my art work develops itself in these areas . In Painting I talk about human beings in this world , in big canvases ; and in Photography , with Collages , I talk about anger and guilty in the families ' lines . So in Camp California I would like to keep me on touching to these areas . I 'd like to ask you to send me $ 1000 for my art knowledge . With this amount I could buy a lot of art books , and records . In summarize , art and music need to be kept with me throughout these two weeks to not forget my artistic life . Shopping is something made , which do not need to be enjoyable . We can analize when shopping is enjoyable , when it is not . There is joy in shopping when it is made by ourselves to ourselves . It means buying whatever we like , just like clothes , records , rings , and books . What we like is based in our relationship to another people , in the work or in the family . So we have enjoyable when we buy what we like following another people 's views . On the other hand , sickness in ourselves our relatives made us unhappy to buy . It is an obligation shopping medicines , clothes to winter , doctor visites , and so forth . A death in the family is not also an enjoyable shopping experience , because it is the highest point of the sickness . Buying coffins and graveyards to bury relatieves is not as enjoyable as buying clothes . In summarizing shopping can be enjoyable or not depending of our healthy state . Giving examples : we are healthy we buy clothes and Records , we enjoy ourselves ; we are sick , or our relatives , we buy medicines we not enjoy ourselves because it is an obligation . Dear Ms Clark , I am writing to thank you for organising the International Arts Festival , in which I participated this year , and to give you my opinion about it . I think that organising this event was a great idea . I was very pleased when I read your advertisement for the festival . One reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events was also an excellent idea . It encouraged me to take part in the festival . Despite all this I would like to complain about some detailes . First of all stars were supposed to come from all around the world . Apparently there were artists from only six countries . All the concerts were great , but some concert halls were too small . There was a terrible lack of room and fresh air inside them . I would also like to suggest you to try and make more plays and films available next year . I trust you will give this matter your great attention . I look forward to visiting International Arts Festival next year . Yours sincerely , Dear Mary , Thanks for your letter . I 'm sorry for not having written earlier , but I 've had an exhausting exam session at school . It was very interesting to hear about rules in England . The rules in Poland are quite similar to those discribed in your letter . We are not allowed to talk during the lesson and we have to do our homework every day . Usually we do n't have to wear school uniforms , but there are schools , in which there is such obligation . In most of the schools students have to change their shoes in order not to make the floor dirty . If I could change anything , I would probably lessen the amount of homework . It 's hard to find any spare time sometimes ! What about home rules ? Well , we both know that parents are the ones who rule at home . All the things we 're not allowed to do depend on them . Anyway , I must finish now . Has your dog already recovered ? I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . Lots of love , Dear Sir/Madam ! I 'm a student from St. Petersburg , and I 'm studing in a theatre acodimy . My freind & came to London for an excursion . We were lucky to get tickets to the ,,Over the rainbow show in your theatre . Danny Brook is my favorit actor & to see him was my dream from my childhood ! It was a suprise when we were told there will be another actor . Also we expected to get a discounts as a students , but international students cards are not available in your theater ( that is very strange - even your advertisment has an information about discounts ) . Another problem - we were very hungry that evening because the show was postpone 45 minutes ! so we were late to our supper in the hotel and theatre restaurant was also closed without any risons . In the advertisment it was written ,,your perfect evening out ! , but it was n't . And I think , I prooved you this . I 'm waiting for your anser and hope I can get my money back ! How has modern technology changed ( your ) my daily life ? Our days I would call a days of great technologycal progress . You can find changes everywhere . Industrial weel going faster and faster . Im dealing with a mobile communication - mobile phones and papers . I can see how different firms produces more & more new mobile phone . They got more differet functions and form . It is very intresting for me how new works , there possiblyties . My job , I think is a good way to become a profesion in the future . And I hope to find a realy good job in a good company . Communication business is a very progressive . More and more people buing mobile phones , because it is very usefull , you get a lot of possiblyties like : use an internet , buy different goods , book tickets , control your home technic and many authers . Mobile communication is a key to sucsess in all professions that we have ! And I think that I made a right choice in the profession - it is perfect combination : very progressiv way of a modern technology , and the most important thing - it is extremly interesting for me ! Dear Sir or Madam , Thank you for your letter . I 'm very happy that I have won . You ask me when I would like to travel ? I can travel only in July because I have holidays from my work only in this month . So it would be very nice , if it 's possible . By the Accomodation at the Camp , I would prefer the tents , because it is something different wich you do n't make everyday ! Then the activities that I would like to do are Singing and Swimming . Singing because it 's my favourite hobby and I grew up with it and Swimming because I like water and the feeling that you have when you are in it . Another reason for swimming is that I 'm good at it because a few years ago I had lessons , where I learn very good swimming . Finaly I 've got a question : What clothes must I bring with me and how much money ? I 'm looking forward hearing from you . yours faithfuly , Everybody likes shopping ! To look for clothes and shoes is for every women one of their favourite hobby and if it were possible they would stay the whole day in the shopping-centre . But shopping is n't always enjoyable . Sometimes it is n't so easy to find what you need . For example : you have in your memory a great pair of shoes that you have seen last week in a shop . Now you will by it but it 's nowhere to find ! That 's a pity ! Sometimes it 's very awful when you have to wait very long until it 's your turn to pay or to try some clothes on . Another thing that makes you fourious , is when you see a great shirt in shop and somebody else take it away or buy it before you can react . That things had happend to everybody , had n't they ? So you see that shopping is n't always enjoyable . Dear Jane Clark , I am writing about an annual international arts festival with a good impression . I have spent two days on it which was exciting . However , I would like to make a suggestion that you could consider for it . The name of the event , International Arts Festival , is great idea actually , but there were stars and artists only from six countries apart from your advertisement . I suppose more countries are going to be informed even during and after the events . The second point I would like to make is about the concerts which showed people Jazz , rock and classic , which were fantastic . However , there were some concert halls were too small . Quite few seats were available for audience , so a few people had to stand and watch concerts . I see you might not have had much time to be well-organised . As well as that , I expect you plays and films are performed more . Even if the majority of my friends had a good time there I saw some people would anticipate it , because there were many people who were impressed in it . Finally , I would like to see the good side of things about the weekend ticket . It is a excellent price because when I am tempt to watch some festivals , obviously it costs much more money . At that time I was lucky and also , I would like to recommand other friends . That 's how I am feeling about that . I expect you can be organised even better next year . Yours sincerely Dear George , Thank you for your letter . I could be interested in your letter . But it is quite different rather than you . Becoming more strict gradually at home that at school is true as you said . Nowadays while my country is developing , most people are very busy , so they ca n't bring up their children . I think the rule of school has many thing stoping students doing . For example , if students behave wrongly at school , they will have some punishments even up to now . What else , unless they pass the exam they have to get extra lesson or test . But most teachers consult with their parents , so it they behave wrongly it is true teachers call their parents . Apart from that , at home , children are not allowed to use impolite words and on weekend they have to help parents to do some chores . But people would like to change life style in their house because there have n't been convenient appliaces in their house yet . Looking forward to hearing from you . Yours Dear Madam/Sir , I 'm writting to you to explain my problem that I have had in your theatre . I recentely had a week 's holiday in London , and during my stay , I went in your theatre to see " Over the Rainbow " because I have seen an advertisement about this show and I was really interrested to see it for many reasons , one of this reasons it is that I love the starring Danny Brook . And I would like that you know that I have had a very disappointing evening , due to the differences between the advertisement and the show that I saw . First of all , the actor was not Danny Brook . Secondly , in your advertisement the time of the show was 19:30 and in reallity the show has started at 20:15 and the discount was not available . Finally , I wanted to visit you theatre restaurant after the show but it was already closed . So , I had a very disappointing evening and it would be very kind of you if you give me back the money . I'am looking forward to hear you as soon as possible . Your faithfully , I think it is very good to have a science and technology because it can really affects our lives . For example 20 years ago , people who were affected by the AIDS Virus could n't live more than two or three years , but now with the new science , there is several therapi and now people affected by this virus can live many years . I think you can do a lot of think now than before with the techonology . You can travel around the world by train , by plane or by ship and maybe one day you can fly by car . Why not . I hope that you will find this composition interesting . best reguard . Jane Clark Organizer of International Arts Festival Dear Sir , Mine name is John and I have been in the latest International Arts Festival . The purpose of this letter is just to let you know my opinion of the event . First , I would like to congratulate you for the success you have been having year after year . Nevertheless , I have some suggestions that may be profitable for next year 's Festival . The artists you brought were only from six different countries , so I think you should next time try to offer us people from more different nationalities , to make it more interesting than it is already . Moreover , I have been thinking about changing the location because , as you probably already know , some concert halls were not big enough to let everybody who wanted go in . Finally , I just would like to recommend you not to give up showing movies , during the Festival because the crowds were amazed with that , and keep on offering the current prices , one of the best deal for us , the spectators . If you would like to talk about my suggestions , please , do not hesitate and let me know . Yours faithfully , Independent Student Magazine Here is my article . There are many ways to earn money , specially in a big city , like the one where we are studing all year around . Some examples could be delivering pizzas or newspapers , working as a bartender throug the nights , cleaning services , etc. I usually call these jobs non- cualified positions . I think , as a consecuence , that there is no difficulty in finding a job for our spare time . What it really makes us , the students , upset , is to find the perfect job . To be more technically and specifically , we need a very flexible job , wich gives independence and allow us to stop working when we are not able to , for example during the exams period . Moreover , and I know that that point is not easy , although we are still students , the most suitable job for us should be a position related with our carreer . Next year I expect myself finishing my studies in LAW . And by that time I will have already some experience , so that I will more easily able to apply for a really good job . So , Why do n't we think more about the future , instead of being upset of how to get some money to spend next party ? Dear Mr Manager With reference to the show last week . I am writing to complain about the show , which was very disappointed . In the advertisement , it state that the actor for this show is Danny Brook and TINA TRUELOVE . As a result I asked my acquintance to come with me to the show . As soon as the show started . I realised that the actor was n't DANNY . I was very disappointed . In addition the concert did n't start on time . It was quarter of an hour late . If I knew that the show was going to be late , I would ask my mom to come with me , because her working hour ended at eight o'clock . The restaurant was closed after the show ended . On the other hand there were no discounts available , as a result I had to paid extra money for the tickets . In conclusion it was n't a perfect evening , I did n't enjoy it at all due to the failure advertisement . I would like to ask for my money back . Your sincerely Thatt Chitchee Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . As a result Mallory had been arrested by the police two years ago . In addition he had to serve a life sentences . The story began in 1989 in New York . Mallory and his partner , Pat had planned the best plan in the world , which was to steal the diamond from the national bank . As a result the only way to get into the building was at the top of the build . Their plan was to cut the alarm from the top of the building . The alarm was situated at the top . So they could take their time , rather than going in at the front door . As soon as Mallory stole the diamond . He ran away . Unfortunately the guard saw him . By the time he got out of the building , the cops was ever where but as long as Mallory is alive , he wo n't be arrested , with his unpredicatable mind . He ran into the old build , and hidden a diamond in there . Unfortunately the building was a police station . To the attention of the Circle Theatre Manager : Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about your show " Over the rainbow " and the conditions in which it is held . I was having a week 's holiday in London when I decided to go to the theatre and see a musical show . I had read your advertisement in a morning newspaper and the show seemed very attractive to me . Moreover an English friend of mine had told me that it would purely be a good show as Danny Brook was a very good actor . So on Saturday , June 7 , I was there for the 7:30 pm show and here are my reasons for complaining . Firstly , there were no discounts available as stated in your advertisement , not even for students , and I had to pay for a full-price ticket . Secondly , we had to wait until 8:00 pm before being able to have a seat and the show finally beginned at 8:15 ! No need to say how much I was disappointed to see that another actor was performing instead of Danny Brook and the actor did n't seem to have rehearsed the role very much . At the end of the show , I decided to have dinner in your theatre restaurant and I went there ... just to find out that it was closed because it was being newly painted . To sum up , it was not the " perfect evening out ! " you advertised . So I am asking you to pay me back at least half of the ticket price for the inconvenience that was caused to me . I hope that you will understand my request and reply to me in a positive way by sending me a cheque to my address in France ( see the letterhead ) . Looking forward to receiving your reply very soon . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . That 's what I learned from my own experience . We were both in the same class in high school and used to spend a lot of time together ; we were actually very good friends and had no secrets for each other . At that time , I used to buy a lotery ticket once a week and I sometimes won small amounts . One day , while I was checking my weekly ticket , I found out that I had five numbers out of six so that I would surely get a substancial amount of money . I had to wait ten days before the lotery head office would give me the cheque and one week before I could learn how much I had won . But I was too excited to keep it secret so I told Pat that I had won a prize for five correct numbers and had her swear not to tell anyone . But soon everyone in the class was looking at me smillingly and I find out that I had many unsuspected friends ... No longer after , they were asking me to pay a coffee or lunch for them ; some proposed to go shopping , others to go to the cinema and the restaurant . Well , they all seemed to be so different and behaved in such an unusual way each time they saw me that I began to think that they knew something about me . Endly came the end of the week and I went to the lotery office to check the amount I had won . I was very disappointed to learn that I 'd only won three hundred francs for many people had found five numbers like me . SO I told my friend Pat how much I had won and the following day at school , everybody were just the same as they ever were with me ... Dear Mr Robertson , I am Margherita X from the class 3C , which is going to spend three days in London . We had the opportunity to read your programme and we are happy because it is very good organized . We especially like the National Art gallery . Thank you . With this letter I would ask you if you wuld change it because we saw in the London Advertiser an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . The Show is Tuesday , March 14th from 10.00-19.00 in the Central Exibition Hall . They gona show a latest fashion , leisure and sports wear , make up and new hairstyles . We all think that it would be a good opportunity to see this show . We are young and we all are interested in fashion . For the students it is free . We thought that we could change the programme this way : we could go to the Science Museum Wednesday afternoon instead of Tuesday . I really hope that you gona consider our request . Yours sincierly , My dear brother It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . It was a normal Saturday morning . My mam was cooking and my dad was sitting in his chair reading a book . I knew that my brother was at home , althoug I did n't know where . I was doing my homeworks when I heard an explosion . I came out of my room and I saw my brother n fire . He was playing with fire and alcohol in the bathroom . My first reaction was to put him on the floor so that the fire could stop . He was screaming because he had such a big pain . We were shocked , we all did n't know what to do . I called a taxi because my father was n't able to drive . We went to the hospital and they cured him . He had to stay there for three long weeks . Since that bad experience he never playied with fire again . I really like my brother and I would do anything possible to save him . Dear Mr Robertson , I 'm writing to you on the name of all the students who will go to the London 's trip . First of all thank you very much for your programme , it 's sounds very interesting and everybody is looking forward to it . However , we do all have a request to ask you . We saw an advertisement about the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " in the Central Exhibition Hall in London . This show is going on all day on March 14th . As teenagers we 're all very keen on fashion so it will be a great opportunity to go because in our countryside , we 'll never get a chance to see a show like that . What we are suggesting you is to change the programme on the afternoon of March the 14th . Instead of going shopping , we could go to the show . Anyway , as students we do n't have much money to spend on shopping and the good thing is that it wo n't affect your budget at all as the entrance fees are free for students . We hope you consider our request which would be very appreciate in the class . Yours sincerely , Why medias are so interesting in famous people ? Because of us ! I know that everyone is excited about what happened to Michael Douglas ' wedding or what kind of life the President of The United States is living but sometimes it 's going a bit to far . Those movie stars or politicians may have a lot of money , may do whatever they want but what is the price to pay ? Would you like to live a life like that , every time you make a wrong step , the whole world is looking at you , judging you . It must be very exhausted to have the medias around you days and nights because you ca n't be yourself , you have to show your best side and character . In my opinion it should be a rule which let the medias approach famous people almost anywhere except in their private home to leave them at least one place to feel safe . Dear Sir or Madam , Last Saturday I went to your theatre to see the new musical show ; " Over The Rainbow " It was writing on the advertisement that Danny BROOK was going to play with Tina TRUELOVE , but it was not him who played . That disappointed both me and the people who just went to see him . And the Times ; the show had to start at 19:30 , however it started at 20:15 . Therefore , people there had to wait for 45 minutes . Also , there was said to be discounts for the ticket but I saw nothing like this . All people there gave the same amount of money . After the show , I went to the restaurant in the theatre to eat something but it was closed because it was being cleaned that day . I had a horrible evening , just the opposite of what I expected , so I want my money back . Your faithfully , THE BIG FAULT Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . It was a big fault to gave her a secret , especially an important one . It all started two years ago . Rod was a happy man at that times . One day , while he was gardening , he saw an old lady being kidnapped by some strange man , who he ran after and caught one of whom . Just then , the strange man took out his gun . Rod jumped on him and the man killed himself ,by his own gun . Nobody saw or nobody heard what had happened . Rod told this to nobody , except Pat , his best friend . One day , when they were arguing , Pat was very anxious and told what she knew to police . Rod was arrested that day and was sent to prison . He then was killed by the other man who escaped that day and was caught soon afterwards . Rod 's grave is now in prison . And these lines writes on his gravestone : Here lies the poor body of Rod , Never give your secrets away , This is why poor Rod died . And everyone was surprised . Mrs/Miss Helen : Thank you very much for your letter . It is excellent to have won this prize . To be honest I had doubts about winning the competition , because in spite of I think I did well , I had to play against a very strong competence . The idea about going to California for 2 weeks make me feel very excited . According with your letter , July is the period of time suits me best . My job is less demanding in July . About the accommodation I would prefer to stay in a tent . I have never done it before , so I really fancy the idea . I am really surprise about how many activities can be practised in this place . If is possible I would like swimming . I am very good at swimming . On one hand I think that climbing sounds very exciting , but on the other hand it scares me a lot , so I will play tennis . I am not so bad at tennis but I would like to improve my style . By the way , I would like to know if the level of life in USA is similar to UK . How much money should I bring with me ? Another point is about the clothes , could you confirm me that I 'll need summer clothes ? I would be very pleased . Please if you need further information from me , do n't hesitate to contact me again . Yours sincerely . Normally I enjoy really much shopping . In fact when I do n't feel very happy I decide to do shopping to try to cher myself up . And really , it works . But not everything about shopping is enjoyable . For example , I hate when I get into a shopping centre and it is crowded . I do n't like when I have to try on differents sizes because the small does n't fit on my body because I have got weight . It is in this moment when really I realiase I am getting fat and it is a horrible feeling . I think women , in general , are very impulsive purchasing things . Many times we buy things that in fact , we do n't need and , sometimes you surprise when you check the balance of your bank account and then you need to cut down your expenses for 2 months . But from another point of view , it is silly to be earning money and do n't spend it as you want . At the end of the day money is just money . Dear Mrs Ryan : Thank 's for accept me in the competition . I hear that the competition there are very good , and the Camp California is very famous for his competitions . I would like to travel on July because before it 's impossible for me and in July it 's my birthday and I wish to spend my birthday at the camp , also cause in August the planes are full . Another thing is my accommodation I prefer to have log cabins because it 's easyeast for me . I will choose for activities tennis and swimming , I 'm good on tennis because I play since 1990 and I loved it and swimming because I like to swim and I 've been two competition and I won both . I would like to ask you for money and clothes because my parents are travelling and it is impossible for me to have money because my sister does n't want me to go because I 'm only 14 , but when I get there I promise to return you all the money because I do n't have cash at this moment . Thanks for all , and I will be there the next month . Your sincerely Lola Villanueva . " Shopping is not always enjoyable . " For me went to shop it 's not the best thing I can do . Well I think the opposite like a year before but recently I think this because I see all the people to go shopping they do n't realised that they are outside in the real world poor people who need that money and they are only spent on material things , you would put you money in the bank because you do n't need it now , but tomorrow you do n't know . I like to shop sometimes but not always and not spending a lot of money on things that I do n't really need . At the rest of you who do n't understand this it 's on your memories to keep shopping and spending all your money on things that you do n't really need . And sometimes I get bored when I 'm shopping because now I do n't really enjoy it . Bye and think on this . Your Friend Lola Villanueva J . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan With reference to the letter from you . I would like to inform some further information as follow . First of all , I am able to joy the camp only in July because then will be my school holiday . I would prefer tents to long cabins because I think it will be more interesting and exciting than live in long cabins . I am also interested in swimming and sailing , I am always go to swimming pool when I have time , our family used to live near the sea side , we would go sailing on the weekend and I miss it very much Finally , I do n't know much about there , is there anything should I bring with me ? What is the weather going to be like ? Because I want to know what kind of clothes should I bring with me ? And how much meney should I have ? I look forward to hearing from you . yours sincerely RATTANAKOSIN AREVA Shopping is not always enjoyable Most people believe that shopping is the most entertaining way . Some people when they are in a sadness , they will go shopping to forget every thing and the fact is that every body knows how to shopping . If you have chilldren , you will know it very well when you are busy doing something and the chilldren see something they want to have , they will do everything they can do to make you buy it for them , sometime they even cry or shout to you and it is really anoy you . However they are happy after they have it . Anyway , even in families they usauly have this problem that when they bought a new one , suddenly they have a problem that where the old one is going to be and that is the begining of argument between mother and farther or parents and chilldren . Eventually I like shopping to and I beleive every body like shopping , but before you buy something think before you will not have any problems after that and the most important thing is make sure you have enough meney for survive . Dear Mrs/Ms Ryan , I am writing you because I would like to answer the information that you ask for . Firstly , I would like to travel there in July because it is the only month that I have free in my job . It will be impossible another choise , but if you have any problem you will be able to advise me , although I prefer to go there in July because I think is the best month to travel , the weather is nicer and warmer than in other seasons . Secondly , my choise is the accommodation in tents , I think it could be more interesting , I could enjoy my time with other people playing , eating and talking outside , in my opinion if I choose the log cabins it will be like be at home . About the two activities I need to select , I think the best one are swimming and painting . I choose swimming because I really love doing it , I used to swim every day in the sea a few years ago , I felt really healthy . My other choise is painting , I paint since I was ten years old , I used to go to special classes and I do n't mind if you need me to help in the class . A thing I would like ask is if I need special clothes , I do n't know what kind of camp I am going . It should be a dry place , I think but I would like to make sure my guess , as well , I would like to know how much money I will need , because it is also all paid I do n't know if there will be some gift shops . I look forward hearing from you . Yours sincerely Patricia Reyes - Shopping is not always enjoyable - The most popular " sport " that all the people do it 's obiously shopping . This is the thing that move hundred and hundreds of people in the world and we do n't have to go to Japan we have the evidences here in England . But the question is : Is shopping always enjoyable ? Some people think that going shopping can keep you away from depression . You can enjoy your time spending all the money you have , buying clothes , jewells , furnitures , etc. and you could have a real great time . But other people do n't think like this , for example , there is a case of a woman who was shopping with her little daughter and without inttetion the girl get lost . The mother was shock , she did n't know how to look for her because all the shops and streets were full of people going out and in the places , it was nightmare but fortunaly the police found her . Sometimes going shopping can be stressful . Can you imagen be in Japan or China and have to go to the shops ? I do n't thing that I 'll enjoy it , all the people knicking you , you ca n't walk properly or buy something , and also there are lot of cases which show how people can be in shops , I mean that some people can fight to get something . Where we are going ! ! In my opinion shopping is not the thing that I would like to do in my free time . I think that it 's too stressful , too many people in the shops , so I prefer spend my free time go swimming or painting and I go shopping in the days that usually there are not too many people . Dear Sir , Thank you very much for your nice letter which informed me to have won first prize in my competition . I'am really surprising and happy about it . In your letter you needed some informations about me . Unfortunately , I have only the possibility to travel in July because in August I will start a new job for six months . I wo n't be free , however all July I am at home . For accommodations at this camp , I would prefer being in a tent to being in a log cabin . It is more amusing and friendly . It will allow me to make friends more quickly . Two of my best activities are swimming and photography . The first one is a needless for me . I go every day swimming one Mile . The last summer I won a prize in competition of swimming . The second one is more a hobby . I like go in nature and make photography . I started it two months ago . I do n't have any material . Could you tell me if you would lend me some material for photography ? What sort of clothes will I need for these two weeks ? How much money will I take with me ? I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Henri Devereux Dear Kim , I 'm so happy with the experience I lived last month . I told you that I have helped at a pop concert last month . I was really great . Firstly I was designed to sell the tickets . I was already happy to help in such a big concert than the Mylene Farmer 's concert . I was starting to sell the tickets when a person who organised told me to go into the lodge . They needed one person for putting the clothes into a wardrobe . It was the lodge of Mylene Farmer . Are you thinking ? I was so exciting ! Unfortunately , I did n't see her but it allowed me to talk with her manager John and her musicians . All were very kindly and pleasant . It was a big moment for me . Finally these people are like us , they have just a special job with special times . The next year , if it will be possible , I would like go back with you . They will organise a same concert pop but with an other singer . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Love , Henri Dear MANANGER of the theatre I 'm writing just for the reason , to inform you how bad became the present , name " OVER THE RAINBOW " . First of all in the describing of the show , the starring sould be Mr. DANNY BROOK , and it was n't . Another thing was the started time , the show started forty five minutes late . So try to imagine my situation , I had paied a lot of money and I could n't saw a good show , I am really disappointed . When the play " over the Rainbow " finished I tried to eat something , but the fact was that the theatre restaurant was closed , because your personal were cleaning all the troubles that a old dog did . But , the principal reason of this letter is to ask for some money back . I think that could be the best for everyone , and I 'll like to give you an advice , if somebody pay you for a ticket , try to give the best you can . Hope hearing from you . Unfortunatety , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . So , I 'm going to tell about my grandfather and his friend Pat : Many years ago , more or less seventy years a young man with a exellent capacity of thinking and to invent materials things , started building a big thing called " time machine " . He worked day and night . Every day after having dinner Pat , his best friend , and my grandpa met to talk about their problems , but my Grandpa never told Pat about his new project . One month later , his worked was complete , but he was afraid of testing his machine , so he called Pat and spoke about it . The only thing Pat should do , was to choose a date , the one he likes and to press the starter botton , and you know , what , he did it ! The machine worked really good . The fact was that Pat choose to go to the year 2000 , and when he arrived , he told every one that he was the inventor . That 's why Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . THE END . Dear Ms. Helen Ryan I am very happy to here from you that I have won first prize in your competition - twe weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. and I am writing for my information to tell you . Firstly , I will be able to travel only in July because I go to univercity and I normaly spend the most of time for work. to do. and I have holiday only in July . Secondly , It is accommodation . I prefer in tents . When I go to camp , I stay in a log cabins all the time so I would like to try different way to stay , this time . And I choose phtograghy and tennis from the activities list . I am taking photograghy courses at univercity and I started tennis , when I was 10 so I am good at bouth of them . Endly , I have questions about clothes and money . How much money should I take and should I take only casual clothes and trainers ? I am looking forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely Dear Kim . Thank you for your lovely letter and I hope you are well . The other day , I worked at a pop concert to help . It was really interesting than I expected . My job at behind the stage was helping make-up , hare and clothes staylist . It was very hard . The singers often changed them clothes and them make-up was easy to be off because of the sweat . It was different from I did at college . There was no time to rest . But I met a lot of famous singer and spoke to them . In front of the stage was so many people and they could n't see them very well , but I was at very near from the stage and I could see them just there . You like pop music , do n't you ? So , do n't go to a concert ! Work at a concert ! That 's much more exciting . Anyway , shall we meet sometime ? We have n't met each other so long time and I 'll tell you more story of this . Write soon , Bye Bye . Dear Helen Ryan , At first , I am very happy to win this first prize and as expected I 'm following your instruction . I can enjoy this gifted prize only after 7th of july , because before this date I will be in Jamaica doing a English course . I have been traveling around Jamaica for a year without any conpert due to an inclination for adventure , so I would rather you provided a tend , I do n't mind . From the 10 opitions that I have to chose I will chose two , climbing , wich I have been praticing for three years and because that I know by heart how to do it , and swimming wich I have also been doing every day in my daily rotine in Portugal . I would like to know about wich sort of close I have got to take ? And I also would like to ask how much money I have got to take . I hope that after jully wo n't disturb the Camp California 's plans for me . Allreggards School days As known , every body have to spend all the childhood and youth at the school , because that everybody have a similar daily life such as , wake up , got to the school , study and the best , meet all the friends . A survey has been done , and the issue is , wich subjects ( lessons ) and activities the students thinks are the most enjoyables . Someone says it is maths , pratical , usefull but the majority says it is boring , unless you 're chose a job which charges all your math 's knowledge as accounting , otherwise you can use a calculator or a computer . The majorite has chosen History , which means a big journey around the world , either at the Roman life style , or in the midle age , when a revolution happened with deaps and new lands . People must get some rest often , and as a result they look forward some happiness at the free time such as , party , games , and every one loves party , it should have been filmed . At all schools there is a similar daily life wich must be filmed , this is a important part of our life , wich is full of emotions in development . Dear Sir , I 'm writing this letter to complain about the show which I saw in your theatre . During staying in London , I had read your advertisement and planned to enjoy seeing the musical show . I had expected that I could have spend a wonderful night . But it was completely different one which I had expected . I had been looking forward to seeing Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . Can you imagine how disappointed I was when I saw the different actors on the stage ? According to the advertisement the show is to start at 19:30 . However it did at 20:15 . We had to wait for 45 minutes ! Could you understand how boring it was just sitting with nothing to do. ? You mention about discounts , too . But no discounts were accepted . In addition your theatre restaurant was closed because the chef was sick ! I felt so uncomfortable and the night was not perfect at all . I insist you should refund all the money that I wasted in your theatre . Yours faithfully , Modern technology has really changed our daily life . For example , we do n't have to wash our face with cold water even if it is freezing morning . We can live in a clean and comfortably air-conditioned house . The housekeeping work does n't take much time thanks to electrical equipments . And we can speak to anyone at anytime on a phone even if he or she is abroad . Further , we can get many information as you like at a moment with internet . In addition , we can travel to anywhere in the world within a few days . These are advantages which modern technology has brought to us . But I must accept that there are some disadvantages caused by the technology , as well . The biggest disadvantage is pollution . In these days , many kinds of pollution have been caused by our modern life . Air pollution by cars , Soil pollution by industrial wastes . The sea is also polluted by oil and chemical detergent which is used at home . Even food is polluted . All these facts mean that our modern life gives big damage to the earth . All of us must notice this fact . And we should keep our attention paid in order save our precious earth . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about your advertisement which inform me wrong information . While I had a holiday in London I went to your theatre to see " Over The Rainbow " , but I had a very disappointing evening . Firstly , I am a fan of Danny Brook so your advert attracted me but when I went there a different actor was in the musical show instead of him . I was so disappointed . Secondly , your timetable was wrong . It said the show started at 14.30 but , actually , it started at 20.15 so we had to wait for about six hours . Thirdly , I saw " Discount Available " on your advert but your staffs said it was just for Mondays . Your advert made me misunderstood . Finally , we visited your theatre restaurant after the show . However , it closed because it was being decorated . Your advert promised me " Perfect evening out " , but it was terrible evening to me . So I want you to give me a refund . Looking forward to hearing from you soon Yours faithfully , Ko Hyu Tung How has mordern technology changed my daily life ? When I was young , I used to play sports such as football , basketball and tennis with my friends but , these days , I am getting used to sitting in front of the computer and watching TV . When I bought my computer , I was n't interested in it but when I started studying about internet and playing games , I found it interesting . Sometimes , I think I am a computer addict because whenever I come back home , my hand go to computer swich , automaticaly , even though I do n't want to use the computer . I usually spend my time on playing computer about three hours a day . After that , I go to the sofa for watch TV . Although there are n't programmes which are interesting , I just watch TV , so my mother calls me " Couch Potato " . As a result , my health is getting worse . I know I need to excercise but it is difficult for me to start . Modern technology has changed my daily life from physical activity to mental activity ( ? ? ) Mr. Jones : I write this letter to informed you about the bad experience I had last week in one of the shows your are presenting . I recive a paper where I was told about a play you are presenting and of the advantages I would recive if I go to see it , think that never happend . I am realy desappointed , and I want to have my money back . First of all , in the sheet I recived , it says that DANNY BROOK was one of the actor , thing that is not true , because insted of him , there was another actor , that I do n't know what 's his name is . Second , it says that the play would start at 19:30 , and it realy started at 20:15 . Third , I was told that I can have some discount , and when I was buying my ticket , the lady in the cabin told me that that discount does n't exist . After that , when the show was finished , I was going to the theatre restaurant , and a man that works there told me that it was closed , and he do n't want to give me reasons . You can see that you promise me I 'll have a good evening and I realy do n't have it . So I suggest , you give me my money back , or I would go to the police , because you lie to me and you know what it means . thank you . Cry Freedom - John Briley Dear Anna : I write this letter to tell you about the program that tomorrow starts , about that exelent book I have told you to read . This exelent book tells the story of a man of 25 years that have a little boy , his son , that lives in very bad condicion . The story shows you the life that many people have to deal every day . Shows you how they affront it and what is life , real life . The book is very easy to read , but if you do n't have time I recomended to listen the program . I have been told that they will interview a lot of people of different part that have read the book , and tell their experience . Also , that they would invite psicologist , the Autor of the book and may be the president would talk so I recommend you to hear it . I hope you listen to it , because I thing that if you want to become a M.P. , it will teach you a lot of thing , and you would learn more about England reality . your friend for ever . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing this letter to let you know my decision about your letter , which I have received recently . I would like to thank you for competition which was organised by your agency and I must say that I was very surprised when I received the result of the competition . I think , I could have an holiday just in July because I will have been working in my previous company for one year by the end of the June and I will have a one month holiday period from my company . I would rather prefer to stay in the tent than to stay in the log cabin because the tent is more enjoyable . I might say that I am really good at swimming and sailling because I have been joining these kinds of activities for five year and I had really good training about sea-sports . Should I take my clothes with me or are they arranged in the camp placement ? Also , how much does it cost . I am looking to hear from you . Yours faithfully , Dear Kim I hope you and all your family are well and everything is ok . I 'd like to tell you about what exciting experience I had last month during a pop concert . I wish you were there and saw the concert , it was really brilliant . As you know I 'd never been to any activities like to be a valunteer before . The concert tickets were very expensive and I 'd seen an adversitement on the tv. It said , " be a valunteer for our concert and get a free ticket " . After that I applied and they accepted my application . You should have seen , there was really terrible rush before concert and everybody was runing around to do something . I helped to carry huge speakers to the concert venue . Than I was told to stay in front of the entrance door and check the tickets . Some people tried to enter without any ticket but they were n't allowed by police . Finally , I helped them , in return I had good experience as well as enjoyed listening music . Love Dear Mrs Brown , I am writing in connection with a surprise birthday party for your husband , Mr. Brown . We are writing to invite you and to give you some information about the party . All our class love Mr Brown very much , so we decided to organise a surprise party for him . The party in on Tuesday 16 of June . You should come on 3 pm in college Canteen . We have bought some snaks to eat and three students will sing for him , also . Besides this , we have invited all other teachers and the Principal of our school . Of course all the class will take party to this party . Furthermore , we do n't know what present buying for him . So we would appreciate if you help us with this matter . We have thought to buy a cd or a book . He loves to read books . What do you believe ? If he needs something else , we are happy to buy this . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon especially as I am concerned about this matter . Yours sincerely Nowadays people 's life has many problems which need some solutions . Especially younger 's life has been very difficult the last years . The only appropriate to solve people 's problems is the family . Teenagers usually think about a matter which is drugs . Their family could explain them how they avoid things . They know the way to do this . And the way is love . Apart from this , parents could be very helpful to their children with difficulties of school . They help their children with lessons and give them some useful advice with their relationships . Because sometimes they are upset when they lose a friend . On the other hand , friends are not suitable to do this . Definately , they do n't give real solutions and advice . There is a chance not to be so good friends and imitate that they are . The way which family comes in contact with the members so easily is love . So we should trust only our family when we need help or solutions of our problems . Dear Sir/Madam . I 've just recived your leter , and I must say that I am so surprised , I was n't expecting to win it . I still studing at the moment I will finish at the end of June so I will be able to leave at the begining of July . About the acomodation , I would prefer a log cabin instead of a tent so as to get a better rest . I 've got some problem to sleep and a log cabin will be more peaceful than a ten . You are asking me to choose just 2 activities . It 's quite dificult for me because there are 4 of them I like a lot wich are climbing , tennis , surfing and photography , but if I have to make a choise , I choose climbing and surfing . I 'm rather trained in climbing , I have done it once a mounth since I was 17 . But in the other hand , I have never done surfing , I am a completely Beginer but I am dieing to do it . I 've got just one question to do , I know it is all include , but is there anything I will have to pay for ? If there is , please let me know . I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon , and please let me know if you need any further information . Yours Faithfully : First of all , I think we should have a protagonist for it . A good idea to start will be a clock alarm ringing close to his bed , because that 's the way everyone get up in the morning , ( unless the people who do n't do anythink ) After that , we should have a morning view of one of the most busiest London tube station in order to show stressed people going in and out , Including our protagonist going out peacefully with a couple of books on his hand - then the school 's door , and him going in . After all this introduction , will be the time to show some of the acitivities every one can join in the school , such as lesons or others like the library , our protagonist having a cofe with some coleagues in the cofe bar , the reception service. . And finally a view of all the students leaving the school would be a nice end . Dear Helen Ryan Thank you very much for your letter . I was very glad to hear that I had won first prize in the competition . Anyway , to participate in two-weeks Camp California in the U.S.A I readily give you my personal details and information . First of all , the most favorable time for me to travel is July , because I am in the final year of University , so I have to attend classes for a thesis almost throughout the year apart from July , when I can take a relatively long summer holiday . Second of all , I would prefer to stay in log cabins to staying in tents , since I have had a horrible experience being attaked by a herd of midges , when I camped out . Additionally , I am very happy to be given the chance to do some activities during the stay . I would willingly like to choose swimming and painting . I used to belong to a swimming club and practise swimming a couple of times a week . I have also gone in for some competitions . Painting is one of my hobbies as well , although I do not specialise in it or anything . I 'm looking forward to painting beautiful landscapes of California . Last but not at least , what sort of clothes do you think I must bring with me , and is there any laundry system there ? Also should I take some money just in case ? I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon , and I would be very grateful for your help . Yours faithfully Introduction The aim of this report is to describe and assess daily life at this school and suggest which lessons and other activities should be filmed . This is based on a questionnair conducted in the school and our English department 's investigation . Lessons According to statistics based on the questionnair , the majority of students feel the most enthusiasm for an English class . This may be thanks to native speaker teachers who came to the school last year . In fact , I visited some Englishe classes to find out that most students tried to answer questions and speak to native teachers . Furthermore less numbers of students were nodding off comparing with other classes like Maths . Consequently it might be a good idea to film the English class so that the vibrant and active atomosphere may be able to be filmed . This may also contribute to the promotion of English department . Extra activities It was found that hockey is the most popular sport among students . As the record says , our hockey team has been on the top of the league for three successive years . The girls ' football team is also famous for its reputation of keeness on practice . Although every school has a boys ' football team , our school is the only one which possesses a girls ' team . Team members can be interviewed . Conclusion To sum up , our school is famous for achievements in several fields as well as academic achievements . The whole point of making a video is to tell people that we are not only bugs of books but also enjoying our school life . It might also be a good idea to film our computing rooms and sports facilities that we can be proud of . London 17 June 2000 Dear Sir/Madam , I recently had a week 's holiday in London , so I went to the theatre to see a musical show ' Over the Rainbow ' at ' The Circle Theatre ' , where you are the manager . I had a terrible evening , so there were a lot of faults in the event of last Saturday : The first point , the show started at 20:15 ( it was too late ) . The second point , the principal actor was changed . The third point was that the discounts tickets were unavailable and finally , the theatre restaurant was closed because the oven was broken and we could n't enjoy there after the musical show . I would be grateful if you could send a money back because it was a horrible evening for my family and it was n't a perfect evening out . I hope to have news about you as soon as possible Yours faithfully , JUAN SAN SEBASTIAN The science and technology have changed my life every day . The modern technologies are used all the time at home , at school or working . When I was a child I did n't use the computer because I did n't know what is that . Actually , I can work with it in my office and visitting some web-place using the new technologies such as internet . The live is more comfortable with all the new machines you can use at home , at the office or it is helful to live with all the new medical machines in the hospitals . The new invents have transformed my life , so it is easier with the modern technologies ( the mobile , the car , the plane , the coach , the train , the medical advances and domestic machines ) , they have done more confortable and pleasure . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show I went last week . I spent a week 's holiday in London and I had been looking forward to watching a wonderful show in your theatre . However , I was completely disappointed with that . Firstly , although I bought a ticket for 19:30 the show started at 20:15 . It would never happen in my country I must say . Secondly , there was no discounts despite you showed it was available in your advertisement . Furthermore , your theatre restaurant was closed because the employees were on the strike . On top of everything , the main cast , Danny Brook , did not appear on the show . The actor who played instead of him was terrible . In fact , I expect a full refund plus compensation for the dissatisfaction suffured . I trust you will give an immediate attention to this letter and I look forward to receiving a satisfactory responce in return of post within a week . Yours faithfully , When we think about clothes in the future , we should think about the enviroment first . What will it be like in 2100 ? It is not pleasant to say the earth is now facing some serious problems . But it is the fact . Air-pollution might become more serious than now in the future and destruction of ozon-zone could not be stopped in 100 years . Considering these elements , we should wear clothes which can protect us from certain kind of sun rays and air pollution . I suppose they would be like a arm-suits . Of course , technologies will have developped enough to invent new material for those kind of clothes . So we do n't have to worry about how heavey they will be . We will feel as if we put on nothing . In conclusion , clothes after 100 years will not as fashionable as they are now . We should consider wearing as in more practical way . Dear Sir/Madam , I have just returned from my holiday in London . During my stay I went to see a musical show in the Circle Theatre and I have very disappointing evening . Firstly I expected Danny Brook and Tina Truelove but I felt very angry when I saw diffrent actors . What is more you advertize there were discounts available but it were not . You said that the musicial show started at 19.30 but recently it began at 20.15 . I was very bored because I did not have anything to do when I was waiting for your show . Additionally I felt very hungry and uncomfortable because your theatre restaurant was closed and you did not give us any reason why . You promised us a big show and perfect evening but it was only an average show with unknown actors . In my opinion you are not very respectful and responsible . I will never trust you again . I would like you give me my money back as soon as possible . I am looking foward to hearing from you . Your faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . As I remember I have known her for ever . She had always been my best friend and I had said her everything . We lived in the same street and the weekends we spent together . When I had 16 years old I fell in love with the most hundsom boy in our school . Paul was older than me and he was playing basketball . Only Pat knew about my lover . One day he invited us for his party . I was very happy and nervous . Everything was great . But when Pat drank some beer she told him everything about me . Everybody started to laught at me . I was angry and I run away to the forest . ' She was my best friend , how can she do it to me ' - - I was crying . When I was walking through the forest I saw a very tall man who was staying in front of me . ' My name is Jon ' - he whispered - ' Do n't be afraid ' . We started to talk . This alien was so intelligent and funny that I forgot about my troubles . We talked for all night and I fall in love with him . We met again and again and now Jon is my husband . Maybe it was good that Pat was so talkative . Dear sir , I 'm sorry to tell you , that I 'm really disappointed of your advertisment for the musical show in the Circle Theatre . First of all , I was really looking forward to see one of my favourite actors Danny Brook in the show , but you had a different actor , what disappointed me very much . Also , the show did n't start in time , it started half an hour later . And you have written in your advert , that there would be discounts available , what was n't possible this evening . After the show we wanted to visit the restaurant , but it was closed because of painting-works inside the restaurant . Finally we had no perfect evening at all ! And of these circumstands , I would like to have a part of my money back . I hope you understand my concern . Yours Faithully , Brigitte Beschle Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Because he likes to tease people . So , it was last summer , we were on a short trip with our class to a adventure-park . We had a lot of fun . Until we came to a big cave , where you could walk through . It was quiet scary for me , but I said to myself , come on you can do it . I walked first with Pat and two of my friends . But suddenly , there were only Pat and I left . We lost the others . So I tried to get not in panic , but no chance . I was so worried not to find the way out , that I started to scream and cry . First , Pat started to laugh , but as he realized , that I did n't stop crying , he comfort me until I was calming down . And after a while we found the way out . I ask him , not to tell anybody that I cried . He said , ' shure no problem ' . But next day , back in the classroom , some of the students looked at me and started to laugh . After that was all clear , Pat and secrets . 13th june 2000 Dear Ms Ryam , I was very happy to receive your letter since I was eager to spend some time in the USA . I would like to reach the camp in july , and spend there the last two weeks of the month because in August I must start studying for my examinations . As to accomodation I would like to choose a tent because I am used to travelling with my sleeping bag and my tent all over Europe . As far as activities are concerned I would prefer Basketball and Climbing . I am very good at basketball , and even if I am not a tall boy , I am a good playmaker and I play in a local team . As to climbing I am almost inexperienced but I would like to improve . I would like to ask you some other things . Which kind of clothes have I to put in my case ? I would like to know , for instance , whether the evenings there are cold or hot . Please let me know if the Camp California accepts credit cards I look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely Fabienne Mull 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , I was very happy to receive your last letter . As you know I had a great time helping at a PoP Concert . I was at the concert when I met a friend of mine whose job is to organise shows like that . He told me He needed a boy who could help on stage . As you known I can do a little of everything so I accepted . I connected wires , I caried loudspeakers , and so on . When the show started I was on the stage close to famous singers , Bono Vox and David Bowie . Towards the end of the concert I hansled a bottle of wine to Poolo Conte . I could n't believe in it ! Poolo Conte asked me to drink with Him . As you know He 's my favorite singer . We started talking about music and I asked Him many things about His texts , which are beautiful but sometimes difficult to understand . I think I wo n't never forget that evening . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . With my best wishes Fabienne Dear Helen Ryan . I am writing to reply your letter about my first prize in your competition and give you all information for my two weeks at Camp California . First of all , I prefer travelling in July , because it will be my school vacation and I 'm not allowed to travel during school times . It 'd be great if I could be accommodated in tents , because I 've never slept in tents before , and I think it is an interesting experience . Secondly , the two activities wich I 'd like to pratice during the campsite are sailing and surfing . I have already surfed when I was travelling in Brazil , but since them I have had n't a chance to do it again . Although I know how surfing , I have no idea about sailing , I just only read about it and I am very interested to practice . Is there any problem ? I 'd like to ask you some questions : Is necessary bring money to the Camp ? How much ? And about clothes ? What is more appropiated ? Finally , I want to thank you for the great opportunity I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely . Camila Beatriz de J. Branco A programme not often good . Shopping is said that an enjoyable programme in all situations . However sometimes it is n't so wonderful as it seems to be . When you go to a sale shop it is dificult to find what you look for without a help of the shop assistant . The problem is find a shop assistant who hear your problems and can help you . After that you have to wait a long time in the qeue to pay and many times is n't possible pay with your credit card and you do n't have a money in cash . So you had lost hours to buy nothing . You ca n't talk to manager even to give him suggestions to improve his business , because he is always absent . And do n't try to complain to someone else because they wo n't hear you . To conclude , although you can have good moments while shopping all of us know that it is not always enjoyable , is n't it ? Dear Manager of the theatre : I am writing a letter to complain about the musical show I saw last week when I was in London . I thought that I would have a great time there , but I was really disappointed in that evening . You said there would be stars such as Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , whose music is my favourate , but the musicians were actually some other people whose names I had never heard of . In the advertisement of the show , you said it would begin at 19.30 , actually it was 45 minutes delay . The discounts of tickets that you mentioned were not exist . It could make things worse that the visit to your theatre restaurant , which had already been closed because of lack of customers , was canceled . However , what a let down ! I would be grateful if you could give the money back . If I cannot get your satisfying reply within a month I shall go to the consumer protection organisation to sue you . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully . How has modern technology changed our daily life . Our life has been influenced by modern technology . Five years ago , you could be proud of your 486 computer , which can only be put inside a museum as an antique now . Then how does it changed our daily life ? I have been an enthusiast of music for a long time , I used tape player and I felt it was excellent . Today , there are multi-choices such as discman ( CD player ) . MD walkman and MP3 player , which are considered to be more portable and have better timbre . Communication has been more conventional , we can simply make a phone call , sent e-mails or faxes instead of writing letters and waiting for a long time . Especially the improvement of personal computer has greatly helped the spread of information by using internet , you can book newspaper , magazines , even go shopping online . Therefore , our life has been influenced and changed by developing of technology . In conclusion , we should work hard to learn knowledges , making the future better and better . 13th June 2000 Dear Helen Ryan , First of all , I would like to thank you and your organisation for giving me this opportunity . I 've just received your letter this morning . I am very happy an exciting about it . I can only travel during July because I have many A-levels examinations to take during June . I would prefer staying in a tent because I have n't done it before and I would like to give it a go . I also would like to chose basketball and surfing as two activities to do while I am at the Camp . I am very keen on basketball . I am a captain of school 's basketball team and we have won many competitions . However , my surfing skill is very average as I have only been surfing for three months . There are two questions I would like to ask . First question is how many and what type of clothes do I have to take with me ? Another question is how much money do I have to take with me ( roughly ) ? I am really looking forward to take part at Camp California . Yours sincerely , Duangkamol ( Denis ) Saowaluk 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , How are you ? I am fine . Remember I have told you that I have been selected to help at a pop concert of a local band ? Well , it turned out really well and everybody had a great time . It was last month that I was selected . I had to help the director writing a script of the concert and design the background of the stage . I have also been told that they were going to make a music video from that concert , so I tried as well as I could . I did n't get involved that much in writing a script because it was very hard and the director wrote most of it but the main idea of the background of the stage was my , and I am very proud of it . Everything has been finally planed two days before the concert . On Saturday night , the concert began . Everything went really well , the music was great and the fans were loving it . When they 've finished singing the last song I was surprice when they called me up on the stage and said thank you to me in front of hundreds of people . I am sure that I 'll never forget that moment . Love , Dear Helen I am writing to thank you for the first prize in your competition and reply to your letter . First of all , according to your letter you asked me my prefered travel dates . If it is possible , I would only like to travel in July because I am going to go on my holiday in July . On your letter , you are going to provid me one of tents and log cabins with accommodation at Camp California . I would like to be in tents because I can find it being in tents more comfortable than being in log cabins . I am very happy because I can have a chance to do activities while I am at the camp . I would like to take part in the Golf and the sailing . I am not goot at both of them . I have been interested in them so I would like to turn up them on this chance . Finally , I would like to know something about travel . Could you let me know whether I need extra money or what sort of clothes I need . I would also like to know whether someone will be at the airport for me because this will be the first time in the U.S.A . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Dear Kim I was happy to get your letter . I have n't writen a letter to you for ages . I 'm sorry about that . On your letter , you want to hear about my experience at a pop concert . I 'll tell you my experience about helping the pop concert . At first , I applyed for the volenteer at the pop concert and then I got a responsibility for control the audience . I had to make the fan to keep a queue . I also make them find their seats . It was very hard working . For example , I always spoke loudly and run fast . However , there was something good to me . I saw a lot of singers and entertainers . I did n't need to pay enterence fee because I was working there . Plus , I got a authography from a popular singer . I 'll give you the authography for present . It is valuable of keeping on your suvinier . I 'll tell you more experience on next letter . Looking forward to hearing from you . Best whishes Dear Mrs Clark , I am writing to you to give some opinion about the International Arts Festival that you have organized last November . First of all , I believe that it was very interesting , but there were few artists than I have expected . In fact they came from six countries . I wonder if it is possible for next year to have more artists and also bigger concert halls . In fact I have noticed that some concert need to more space . I would be grateful if , next year , you could put more art exhibitions ( with more pictures ) in the program . I was very interested in the ticket of Festival . It was not expensive and easy to use , because it was only one for all the events . I would offer you one suggestion that concers the classical concerts . I think it would be interesting to invite young compositors to hear news from the classical music . I look forward to receiving your reply Yours sincerely . Dear Magda , how are you ? Well , I hope . I 'm O.K. I 've just received your letter and I 'm going to reply to your questions . In my country there are some rules that are the same in all schools . For example , we have to wear in appropriate way , not talk to each other during the lessons and pay attention to the teachers . At this time , in my school there is a new rule . We are n't allowed to use the mobile phone in class . Before this rule it was funny ( new sound in class , phones ring or sing. ) , but not for our headmaster . And now about my home . I have to arrive in time for dinner , because it is the only time in which my family can eat together . For me , it 's very stressfull and I usually run a lot to do it . In fact ( you know ) I like cheat with my class mates after our lessons . I 'd like to change a rule at home . I 'm not allowed to listen to music after 11 p.m. It 's a boring rule . Neighbours have complained about loud music . Write to me soon about news in your life . Love Dear Helen Ryan In response to your letter that I received last Saturday I am writting to answer your questions . I am very happy that I won this competition . I would like to travel as soon as possible because now I am on holiday . My holidays will finish in the begining of September and will be good to travel during this time . ( August-September ) . The accommodation I would prefer to stay in tents because I like adventures and also I will have more contact with the nature . For the time that I will spend there I would like to chose more the two activities but I know is not possible so I chose swimming and singing . I usualy sing in my spare time and my friends love when I sing and about swimming I was champion last year in my city . So , I am quite good . I would like to ask you some questions like which kind of clothes I have to go with ? Will I need to go with how much money ? Is necessery tablets ( for headach , insects ) ? Can I go with a friend ? Thank you for your attention . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . yours sincerely Introduction This report is going to give us ideas about which lessons and other activities should be filmed in our daily life at school . Why to film the school ? Firstly we should film our school to show how important it is for our growing . Secondly , parts of our life like breaks , lunch time , spending time with friends will be good to make the video interesting . Suggesting places to film . A good place to be filmed is our Geography class . The students in this class have lots of freedom to speak and we can travel around the world in one hour and fifteen minutes . Is wonderfull how the tecnology make things so easy . Also we should film our sports class because with this we will show how important is to be healthy nowadays . Conclusion To conclude we could film our teachers life too . Will be great because teachers are part of our life and they have to receive all our attention and friendship because if are not them we will never grow and learn how to live our lives more confidents and with lots of good experiences that we will never forget . Dear Mrs Clark , The discovery of the ôInternational Arts Festivalö was a pleasure for me because it gave me the opportunity to enjoy onto a really nice environment . The proposal of reasonably-piced package including tickets and accomodations , well supported my personal organization : comfortable rooms easy to reach and booked tickets can help you if you decide at last minute . As far as the Festival itself is concerned some small improvements could let it works better . Different kinds of music is a good idea but some of them need special features . Larger concert halls can allow people to better enjoy the quality of performances . Also the introduction of different cultural experiences is a good idea but six countries ca n't be really considered as world wide representative . The aim to satisfy different interests should not let the quality decrease . Just a final note : why not more plays and films for the next year ? Thanks in advance for your attention Regards Are you young , are you a student ? Do you want to earn money ? You are not alone ! There are ôseveralö opportunities for you : - ask for money to your parents ( mum is better ) , is the most traditional way but also the safest one - emprove your kindness and ask for works in restaurants or pubs , is a good training period for real life too ( be patient with demanding people is always required ) - test your health and ask for an outdoor activity ( seting as sandwich-man can also hep to test your pride ) - check your pal wallet and if you have enough money ( a very small amount ) you can arrange a trip to reach countries like Phili , Cuba , Zambania , Morocco where people ( poorer than you ) will offer small wages for ôsmallö jobs.. you might enjoy your summer holidays and ôfind yourselfö Anyway , the best suggestion is always the ôbest ideaö , the famous ôsuch a good ideaö that might change your lifeà . O 'm still looking for it . Good luck ! Dear Miss Helen Ryan , Thank you for informing me that I have won the first prize in your competition . I am writing to give you some of my information and I would like to have some further information on the camp in California . Firstly , I would like to start my journey on the second week of July because I will have a 3 weeks holiday in July . I could not travel in June and May because I will have my standard grade exam during these two months . As for the accommodation I would like to stay in a log cabin because I hate sleeping in the tents . I stayed in a tent once when I had my Duke of Edinburgh walk . I felt really uncomfortable in the tent . Secondly , I would like to have a chance to do singing and swimming while I am the Camp . I am keen on singing and I have won sevral singing competitions at school . I have chosen swimming because it is my favourite sport . I enjoy doing it very much . I note that all accommodation and travel costs are paid for , but does it include my expenses in California ? Lastly , I would like to know what the weather in California likes and which type of clothes I have to bring . Would it be possible for you to send me a map of california so I know where the camp site is situated ? I would be grateful if you could send me some information . I look forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely Annabel Koh Dear Kim , Hi ! How are you ? How are you getting on with your school work ? Do you enjoy your schoollife ? As you know I had a wonderful experience in last month so I am writing to tell you . I was chosen to help at a pop concert by chance in last month . At that time , I was so nervous because I did not know what to do . However , I was excited to meet lots of people and the pop star , Kelly Chen . When I first entred the concert hall , I was given a pass for working here . There were five other students , like me , who were waiting to help . We were sitting at the back of the concert hall and chatting with each other . I found that they were all Kelly 's fans . We were told that we were responsible for decorating the hall . There were lots of decorations and I had to put the decorations to the right place . It was a tiring work because I had to run from place to place for hanging the decorations . After I had finished my work , I saw Kelly Chen walking into the concert hall . She smiled at me and said thank you to me . I was very happy at that time and I thought it was the happiest moment that I ever had . At last , the concert was started . There were many people at the show and I was sitting on a good seat to watch the concert . I had a really good time in this experience because I could meet my favourite singer . Could you tell me what your happiest moment is ? I look forward to hearing from you . Your faithfully Dear Mr Robertson , At first , all the students and I would thank you for this great idea of a trip in London during three days . The programme is very exating and interesting , especially the river trip to Greenwich . Otherwise , all the class have seen an advertisement for the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " , and we are all interested to see this show , this is why I am writing to you . In fact this is a great opportunity because we certainly will not have again the chance to take part in a live show , like this one . Even more , the students do n't pay the entrance . The show is on the 14th from 10.00 to 19.00 , so I suggest to go to the Science Museum on the afternoon of Wednesday , and just have two or three hours free time after the museum . This is the arrangement that we fouded with the other students and everyone had agree . I look forward to hear news from you . Your Faithfull , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . The survive of my family depended on me . We were a poor family , living in one room for five persons . My father died during the war and my mother stayed alone with four children . We have n't enough money to buy food , new clothes and the worse was that my youngerst brother was terribly ill , and without money we could n't bring him up to a doctor . So , a day I decided to steal the bank . During weeks , I had prepared my programme , trying not to forget something important . Everything was ready and me too . So I knew that the day after would be the good one . I get up very early . All the city was sleeping . The weather was cold . When I arrived in front of the bank , my heart was going faster . A few days before , I had founded a little window at the back of the building , so I entered by this way and by chance I just arrived in the monney 's room . I had n't never seen so much money . I took it , the most of possible and went out by the same way . I ran to my house and went back in my bed for sleep a little bit . When all the family get up , I told us the true and all promised to say nothing . It was our family 's secret . Thank you for that information . I do n't expected that I can win in your 's competition . I like to travel only July becouse now I 'm studying at National Academy of Defense and I do n't have a time for enything else . When I will arrive . I would prefer accommodation in Log cabins . I prefer that becouse I will travel with my wife and she always prefers that kind of accommodation . I tell you in sicryt that , I do n't know whay she do that . You said that I will have the chance to do two activities , sou I choose swimming and sailing . I Love all kind of water sports . In summer I always goes to seaside or some kind of lake to swim . I like to catch fisch too . I think that I 'm good at swimming . When I was young I had been swimm in many competition . My live record is 27.66 for fivety meters . I would like to ask you about weather at California 's Julay . What kind of clothes I should bring with me . Are there any discoteks or something I would like to know if my wife can come with me , becouse withou't she I ca n't be there . Daily life at my school I 'm studying at National Academy of Defense . There is about two thousands students at my school . There are only men . Everybody gets up at six , and first things they do it is run for about two thousends five houndred meters . Then they take a schower and everybody goes for breakfast . Usually I have eight lessons . Two times a week I have W-F . This is very important , becouse every soldier schould be strong . Today there was the sport competition in Basketball . My group of students won that competition for second time . I 'm not playing basketball well , but my friends do . After this competition there was a mathematic , and two houers of biology . I do n't like biology , sow I sleept on the desk in a class-room . I think that competitions should be filmed becouse my school is a kind of sport 's school . On video there schould be howe we get 's up . Houe we run , houe we eat breakfast . Then you should schow houe ouer school looks from outside . There schould be an intereview witch students and with profesons . Daily life at my school that is not only school and teachers and mathematicas problems . There is a military problems too . We spends a lot of time outside the school during the military things . We must knou haue to use a gun , or have to drive a tank . That kind of thinks should be filmed somehow . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to you to complain about my unpleasant experience of visiting your theatre on May 21st . I had dreamt about visiting the Circle Theatre to see Danny Brook 's performance for a long time . As soon as I saw your advertisement in the ' Tourist Guide ' issue 46 , I decided to go at once . However , all my expectations failed to become true . First of all , I found that no discounts for tickets were available . Although you mentioned it in your advertisement . Next , the show started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 . And , finally , right before the starting they announced that Danny Brook woud not be in the show that evening . So he was replaced by another actor . After the show I was not surpised at all to know that the theatre restaurant was closed for redecoration . As a whole , I have to say that I got something completely different from what I had expected to get . In connection with that I ask you to refund the money I paid for my tickets . I really hope it will not take you long to settle the matter . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Undoubtfully , modern technology changed my daily life . And the best word I can describe all the changes with is " drastical " . Every aspect of my life is being constantly influence by achievements of science and technology - health , work , household , interaction with other people , etc . Among the greatest inventions of man I came accross dayly are telephone , computer and automobile . At any time of a day I may contact any person at any part of the world over phone . It takes me less than a minute to get in touch with my friend Nigel living in Australia - thousand kilometres ' from me . Computer , probably the must versatile invention , allows me to get an access to huge informatonal sources through the internet , to make shopping without leaving my house , to do my work more effectively and quickly . Automobile saves my time when I 'm travelling . All the above and many other achievements of modern technology make my life more convenient , comfortable , effective and fun . But it is not the end . Scientists continue researches into new technologies , such as lasers , digital technology , gene engineering . And I 'm sure all those will set new better standards for my way of living . Dear Sir or Madam , I have seen the advertisement for the musical show and I realised that there were some mistakes . First of all , it is written that the stars were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove but the actor was not Danny Brook . The show should have started t 19.30 . However it started at 20.15 . We kept waiting for 45 minutes . The tickets were sold for £ 10 , £ 15 and £ 20 . We were told that the discounts were available but they were not . We were planning to go to the theatre restaurant after the show but when we got there we saw that it was closed because of the cleaning . We had expected a brilliant show but we were very disappointed . I think the people who came there should be paid back . Faithfully , If we compare a person who lived a very long time ago with another one who lives now , we will see a very big difference between their clothes . People used to wear very diffrent things from the clothes we wear now , we would n't even say that they are clothes ' . We would probably think that these things they wore were just to cover and protect themselves . Nowadays the aim in clothing is not just for covering and protecting ourselves . People try to look nice and clean by wearing good clothes . The things that people wear are changing every time , everyone tries to be diffrent in the public and very different sorts of clothes are being created . The things we wear may not seem as if clothes ' to the ones who will live 100 years from now . I belive they will wear very diffrent things . Dear , Mr Robertson . I am writing to ask some information about the programme which our class would like to join . There are a few questions which I have wondered . First of all , Would you give me an explaination about the London fashion and Leisure show ? We regard that the show might be great opportunity for the most of us who are interested in fashion and leisure . In addition , I would like to get your suggestion how programme could be changed on the second-day of the trip. so that we could enjoy going to both science Museum and the London fashion and leisure show . I am appreciated you for offering a well-organised programme , especially , the London fashion and leisure show which is difficult for us to take part in . I am looking forward to getting your reply . your sincerely . In the middle age , Nobody expected to have a electric goods which have been helping to do housework . It made woman to be free from drudgery , so that they could utilize time for improving themselves . As the result , we can observe that the home of the present have a lot of machines which make home like a factory . By contrast , In the future , I guess we would rather go back to the acient time , owing to have natural life style . We will be unwilling to give a housework away . Being at home with doing housework , taking care of their children , might be purpose of the future life . Dear Mrs. Ryan : Thank you very much for your letter . I am so glad to know I won the first prize . Regarding your questions , the following are my answers . The only time available for me to travel is July , any time during the month suits me . I need to insist in it , because I am not able to take holidays during the rest of the year . I will love to be in a log cabin . They are more comfortable and really match with the enveiroment . It is not easy to chose from the list of activities , all of them look interesting . Although this is a new experience , I would prefer climbing and Photographe . The first one sounds like a great adventure , while the second will allow me to capture all the unforgettable views . In addition , I would appreciate if you let me know what is the kind of clothing required for the Camp ; if I need some money there and for what ; and finally if the prize is just for me or if I can go with somebody else . Yours sincerely Dear Kim : Finally I 'm writing to let you know about the most exciting experience in my life . Can you believe that I was helping in the last Britney Spears 's Concert ? During the day I helped preparing her room , then she arrived , and I was there to continue helping . She was so kind with all of us , of course I asked her for an autograph . I hope to see you soon , I ca n't wait to show it . The concert was a big success , lot of excitment . Everybody sang and danced , and I was there to see everything from the best position . Each time , when she comes back to the room , she asked for something to drink , just a diet coke , because she 's always looking after her weight . Then she eat something small and she looks full of energy all night long . At the end , she took the time to say good by to all of the people helping her . I really think she 's the best . But now , tell me about you . Do n't be lazy and write more often . Dear Mrs Ryan , I received your letter last week and I would like to thank you very much . I was really surprised and happy to hear that I won the first prize On your letter you ask me some questions about my wishes : First of all , I would prefer travelling during the month of July , because I have already booked a holiday with my cousins in August . Secondly , I would prefer sleeping in a tent because I am very active person who loves the outdoor life . Thirdly , I am keen on sailing and I have been lucky enough to practice this sport , moreover , I passed my licence last year in Port Camargue in France so it means that I can teach this sport . I also choose the Golf I have never played this sport but I am sure I will enjoy it . Would you be kind enough to tell if I need special clothes or equipment ? Furthermore could you give me an idea about the pocket money I need ? Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information about me . Looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Brigitte Bourgeois From : Brigitte Bourgeois To : Mrs Darley - teacher Subject : short video about daily life at our school . The purpose of this report is to identify which lessons or other activities should be filmed . In order , to prepare this report I visited in many occasions the classrooms and talked to the students and teachers . It seems to me that it will be a nice idea to show our library because according to the librarians , the library has a welcoming atmosphere and is also well-used , moreover the range of books and newspapers is very large and useful . The students mentionned that it would be very interessting to show the English course because some foreign students will probably join our college next year and it is the best way for them to discover our English course . To sum up , I would suggest to film our library because it is a pleasant place that students really like and the English course which will help foreign students for their future choice . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show , which gave me a very disappointing evening , while I was staying in London . Firstly , there was a different actor instead of the famous actor , Danny Brook . That made me so disappointed . Secondly , I suppose the show will start at 19:30 , but it started t 20:15 . It caused me missed the train and I went back to the hotel nearly in the mid-night . Another problem is , I realised that the discounts were available . However , there was n't any discount . Additionally , the advertisement said I can visit the threatre restaurant after the show . When I arrived , it was closed . That is so annoying that everything had been changed without any notice . I expected to receive the money back within these two days . Otherwise I would like to take the other action . Your faithfully , Silvie . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrects . I told Pat everything even my secrects when we were still friendly . However , we are not friends anymore because of a secrect in the past . It was a very long time since I was in Year 7 . I told Pat that my father and mother were going to seperate . I told her because I wanted somebody to share my feeling . May be it was a wrong decision to tell her , she began to spread that secrect to everybody including the teachers . They tried to contact with my parents . My parents were very angry when they realised what happened . All my friends were trying to kept a distance with me . That was all because of Pat . At last , I decided to go to the other school and I will not tell any secrect to the others . Mrs Helen Ryan , I have just received your letter where you stated that I won the first prize of the competition of which I need more information . To begin with , in your letter you asked me when I would like to travell . Well , I would be only available in July , because at that time I would be in winter holidays . Also , I prefer sleeping in a tent than in a long cabin because it is easier to clean . You mentioned the chance to choose two activities from you list . I would like to do tennis , because I used to play when I was at school and swiming because I like water sports and because I am good at it . Could you also let me know what kind of clothes and how much money I would have to take . Thanking you in anticipation for your help , I look forward to hearin from you . Yours sincerely , KA . FELIPA MUNOZ To : The Teacher From : Ka . Felipa Munoz Subject : Suggest lessons and activities to be film . INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to suggest which lessons and other activities should be filmed to make a short video about daily life at school . HISTORY It is very interesting lesson where you can learn about the past things that happened in your country . Also you can compared the differents cultures of all the countries and sometimes there are planed visities to historical places . French In this lesson you can learn how to speak , write and read this foreing language with teachears that are well prepeared . GYM There is a well equipated gym where students of all ages can practise any kind of sport in their free time . theater This is an extra activity where you can take part in a play . You can sing , act or just help with the backstage . CONCLUSION To sum up , it is a big school where you have a lot of interesting lessons and some optionaly activities to do in your free time . Dear Madame Helen Ryan Competition Organiser I 've just received your letter and I thank you very much indeed for that . I did n't expect to win the first prize in your competition , I am very happy . It was always my dream to spend two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. Now it 's become a reality . If I can choose the period , I would like to travel only in July because in other months I have a lot of thing to do . As accommnodation at Camp California , I would prefer to stay in log cabins because I think it is safier than in a tent . I 've red that I will have a chance to do two extra activities while I will be at Camp . I think it would be a good idea to practise my photography , because I 'm not so good a photographer and I would like to learn swimming as I ca n't do it . Taking part in these two activities would be very useful for me . There is another thing I would know , what kind of clothes have I bring with me ? And how much money can I take with me ? I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely - Shopping is not always enjoyable . This is true . Some days ago my class had a big discussion about shopping . In that occasion I had n't the opportunity for giving my opinion about this task . Now , my English teacher has asked me to explane all what I think . In my opinion , nowdays , shopping is very easy and in the same time very hard . It is very easy because there are a lot of things to buy , shops are plenty of every kinds of things . You can chose the price more suitable for you . Choosing from a lot of things and choosing the prices too are very enjoyable for me . Shopping is not enjoyable when you have not enough money to buy what you want , or when you are not sure about what you would like to buy . I remember very well two people who thought very different about shopping . My grandmother thought that shopping was a terrible thing , she had n't enough money to buy even the bread . My mother , whereas was very keen on shopping everything . Dear Mrs. Ryan , I am writing to you in order to collect further information about my trip to Camp California and to make some things a bit more clear for you . Firstly , since I 'll be very busy during the next three months due to my job 's demands , I would like to travel in July . Although the weather may not be friendly , it is the only time I have to see the beauty of the camp . I 'll choose to stay in tents , considering that I want to feel the country in a more raw way . And being a photographer during my spare time and a swimmer since I was a child , these will be the activities I 'll like to do while at the camp - I think I am fairly good at doing both things ! I would also like to know some more details about what sort of clothes I will have to bring with me and about the amount of money which will be necessary for me to take . I 'm looking forward to joining you in July and hoping for this trip to be an amazing experience . Yours sincerely Pablo Picasso Shopping can be painful As a child , I would be taken to the mall and be forced to go through all the shops and establishments just to please my mother , whose desire to buy , without any sort of control , all kinds of clothes and gadgets was something unbelievable . And due to these bizarre situations I went through as a little boy , everything related to shopping seems like a bitter liquid which I 'm forced to drink . It is difficult to see any enjoyment in shopping : facing the crowd , having to withstand the rude clerks and shop managers , trying desperately to choose the right thing - these burdens form the dark side of shopping . Certainly , buying things can be a pleasant activity , especially if you are acquiring the goods for yourself . But situations in which you do not need to move carefully in order to avoid stepping on someone 's feet are quite rare and , when they do happen , time passes by very fast . However , if you are another fool standing amidst the crowd , waiting for the queue to move , time slowly melts . Believe me , shopping can also be painful . Your feet will turn into pancakes after a long day out in the streets and your muscles can get seriously injured after carrying all those bags which contain loads of objects . Amazingly , doctors tell people to look after their bodies during Christmas time : shopping can cause you a large variety of undesireble pains . Nonetheless , people still find some obscure pleasure in putting their mental health at stake . They keep claiming that there 's no such thing as shopping . In spite of our decadence , some cheap souls still have the courage to say that , by shopping , they 're filling their empty spaces . Dear Helen Ryan I am writing to answer the questions you asked me in the last letter you sent me . Firstly , I can only travel on July because that 's when I have vacations from school . Secondly , I prefer to stay in a tent . I have stayed in tents a few times and I have not had any problems . About the activities that I can do at the camp , I chose to practise Basketball , which is my favourite sport , because I want to do some excersise while I am on vacation . I also chose Fotography because it is one of my hobbies . I am very good at both activities because I have practised them all my life . I would like to ask you a couple of things about the prize I have won . Firstly , what kind of clothes I have to take to the camp , clothes for hot or cold weather ? . I also wanted to know if I have to take some money to buy souvenirs and food or that will be paid for me , too ? Those are all my questions . I am looking forward receiving your reply . Please write me soon . Yours sincerely Eleonora Jimenez . Dear Kim I am writing to tell you about my experience at a pop concert last month . As you know , I am a member of a BSB fan club , and last month we had the opportunity to help at a concert they gave in the city where I live . Firstly , I helped selling the tickets . That was n't difficult because everybody wanted to go . The day of the concert we helped to clean the place where the concert was performed and to have everything in order so the concert could be a succes , which it was . What I particularly liked about this experience was meeting my favourite pop group and talk with them about their lifes as a pop group . I also enjoyed being able to work as a team with both all the members of the club and the BSB . It was one of the best experiences I have had in all my life I am looking forward hearing from you . Please write me soon or call me . My new phone number is ( 958 ) 1217653 Yours Eleonora Jimenez Dear Mr Jane Clark , My name is Rosa Santor . I 'm 24 and I 'm student from Poland . I study architecture at the Polytechnics in Krakow . I 'm very interested in art , specially in paintings and goings to galleries . I 'm writting you a letter , because you are the organiser of an International Arts Festival . I recently spent two days at this festival . Most of the events I went to were good , but I feel that festival could be even better next year . It 's very good that you organised an International Arts Festival in our country , but in my opinion if this is an international festival , it would has more stars and artists from around the world , not from only six countries , like it was this year . It was great idea for doing something like that . There were jazz , rock and classical concerts , but some concerts hall were too small for all people , who took a part at that festival . There were also plays and films , dance shows , which I liked the most , art exhibitions and talks by writers , but it would be good to see more plays and films next year . Also a great idea was , that it was one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events . I think , as a person , who in this festival took place in , that this is excellent , because we can spend a lot of time with art . There is only one bad fhing , that this festival was too short . In my opinion next year it should take place much longer than two days . I 'm not looking foward to received letter from you , because I know , that you are busy , but please look at my suggestion for next year 's festival . Yours sincerly , Dear Kathleen , I 've been just receiving this letter for you , so I 'm writting you . I hope that you feel good , because I have n't seen you for two years . You wrote that in your class , you 've been talking about rules , both at home and at school . So now , I would like you write something about school rules in my country and also what I am allowed to do at home . As you know I 'm not a secondary school 's student , I 'm now a student of architecture in Krakow . I have lessons from Monday till Friday . On Sathurday and Sunday we do n't have lessons , but it does n't seem that we do n't have work . We are allowed to prepare for the next week 's lessons . At my school there are a lot of drawings , paintings and some other subjects doing by hands . We also learn how to design the interiors and buildings . It 's very interesting . We usually have lessons at the morning , till afternoon . We do n't have tests during the whole student year , only at the end of the class . There are also some exams . After a few months we go somewhere with all class , for example next to the lake , and there we are paintings the nature . I do n't have troubbles with my education , my friends and teachers are nice and friendly , but there is one thing I 'd like to change in my school . I 'd like to have more tests during the whole study , not only at the end , because it causes that I 'm getting very lasy . I 'm looking forward to received a new letter from you . I think , that you do n't forget , & will write me soon . See you soon , your best friend Dear Sir , I recently spent a week in London and during my stay I went to the theatre in order to see " Over the Rainbow " , - the musical show - . At first , I thought I would have a wonderful night out since I had read the advertisement of the show , nevertheless it has wrong information . First of all , the advertisement of the show said that Danny Brook was going to be on stage . However , he did not appear during the show ; that disappointed me a lot . Appart from that , the show was delayed forty five minutes , consequently , everybody there lost control and became angry . Another thing I would like you to know is that there were no special rates on the price of the ticket , which cost me £ 20 . Besides , the theatre restaurant had closed down before I went out of the show . Finally I would like to inform you that I had never spent such an umpleasant evening in my whole life . Therefore , I would be very grateful if you - the manager of the theatre - could send me the money back , at least the money I spent on the ticket . Your faithfully LUCCA CALZARI Unfortunately Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . He was one of my best friends , but all secrets told to him spreaded throughout the school in a matter of minutes . The worst was that he did it unconciously . When we were in the primary school , my teacher wanted to surprise Tom ( a school mate ) for his 10th birthday by preparing a fancy dress party in the school . We had been preparing it for three days , we hired fancy dresses , had a cake made by a cook and decorated the gymnasium . Unfortunately , it was me who had to tell Pat about the surprise . Later , I realiced it was the worst thing it could happen to me . On the day of the party , half an hour before it started , Pat came across with a gang of boys from another course . Since they were going to beat him , he desperately told them everything he knew about the party . Afterwards , all of them were around Tim telling him what Pat had confessed . Both Pat and Tim were very disappointed that day . Dear Sir I 'm writting to express my feeling and opinion about the International Arts Festival which held a few days ago . When I found the advertisement of International Arts Festival , I was very excited . It is great to hold an annual international arts festival in the place . Then I spent two days at the festival . I enjoyed it very much . There were so many exciting things I saw , such as stars and artists from around the world . Jazz , rock and classical concerts , plays and dance show etc. The specified thing is worth to remind here is the reasonably-priced ticket for all events , it is excellent because most tourist could offer what they like . Although how I enjoyed it , there were still something needed to be improved . For example , there were some conert halls which was too small to hold so much people , the stars and artists were just from six countries , which is not enough for audience . In the addition when you organize the next year 's international arts festival , could you arrange more plays and films . Thanks for reading this letter , I 'm looking forward to the next year 's festival . Yours faithfully Dear Magda It is lovely to get your letter so soon . You mentioned the rules at home and at school in the letter . This remind me of what I experienced during my teeenage . In my country the children go to the secondary school when they are at the first year of teenage . Your know , this age is the trouble age , boys have too much energy and girls want to fall in love with someone . These always annoy the school teacher and parents . In a result of these the teachers make very strict rules at school , such as students are n't allowed to speak each other in the class . They had to finish homework in a limited time . They cannot oppose to the teacher , girls are not allowed to make up and wear any accessories . At home , in my experience , my parents did n't allow me to go out in the evening and gave me much amsh homework to do , even in the holiday . They also forbidden me to make a boyfriend . I think it is not just what happened in my home many of my friend had the same experience . Now I 'm a mother of two children . They are all in the school . Comparing to my experience , I want to give them more open attitude about everything . I want to be a mother of them and a friend of them . But at school , although I hope the teacher do n't give students so much homework , do n't forbidden the opposite voice of the students , there are nothing I can do because of our culture . It 's quite sad . I 'm looking forward to receiving your next letter soon . Best wishes Dear Mr Robertson , one of the reasons that we write this letter to you , is because we would like to thank you for this short trip in London . We believe that the programme is very cood and well organised and we would like to thank you one more time especially for that . The other reason as I mention earlier is because of a request off all the class . We 've seen an advertisement in the newspapers , about a Fashion exhibition in London on Tuesday the 14 of March . That is one of the 3 days that we will spent in London as a college . So we had this great idea if it is possible of course to include this exhibition in our programme . The exhibition is caud the London Fashion and Leisure Show and it taking place at the Central Exhibition hall , in London From 10.00 till 19.00 . The class is very exiting about that because the Show conteins the latest Fashions , leisure and Sports Wear , make up and hair styles . We believe that is a great opportunity because is one of the best shows of the year , also a majority of the class never had the change to visit a show as this and the most important and best part is that the admission is Free for Students . And that we found it very good as otherwise we could not afford it . So please if it is possible to make a small change to the programme and to move the activities of the Tuesday 14 of March to the 15 of March as to try to make a combination of the 2 days . We hope we do not cause any problems to your programme and hope that you will except our request . From all your class Thank you " FAME " What a word ! ! I 'm sure that the people that had decided to meet this word they did not realised that there is a price to pay . I believe that any famous people such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time for a various reasons . First of all they are humans like everyone else , so yes everyone want privacy in their lifes. is the same right for all of us as a human be . Of course on you are on the public eye , the reasons are different when you want privacy . Becaues if you are a politician as an exmaple , you fear for your life . You need to protect your life of any danger . Becaue Dear manager I am writing you because of your new musical show " Over The Rainbow '' . I have spent my holiday in London recently and it is like a tradition , we went to a musical . After reading your programme I was very impressed and I was looking forward to see it . But firstly when we bought our tickets , we did n't get any discount , we had to pay the full price . And then the show started at 20:15 p.m. , although it was supposed to start at 19:30 p.m. , so we 've had to wait quite long in this crowded room . And when the show finally started , I realized that it was not Danny Brook acting , instead there was an unknown , not very talented actor . After the show we wanted to go to your theatre restaurant , because we were very hungry , but then we saw that it was closed , because of staff illness . I would like to ask you to give us our money back , because it has been a very disappointing evening for us . Yours sincerely , Sara Schmidt Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . We sometimes tried to make surprise parties , but it never worked because of him . Two weeks before his birthday he started asking us what we were gong to do . That annoyed us so much , that we started making something up . We told Pat we could n't have a party on his birthday , because everyone except me had something to do . Of course , that was n't , we had actually organised a party for him with all his friends since a long time go , but he was n't supposed to know that . On his birthday all our friends were at my place , waiting for Pat . I had invited him to opened the evening with me . But half an hour before he should have been there he phoned me and said he was too tired to come . I could n't change his mind although I 've tried everything . In the end I just told him the truth . He was very sorry that he had not want to come and arrived quite soon then . But I know now , that it is always better not to lie even if it should be for good . Dear Ms Ryan Helen , thank you for the information , I am glad I 've won first prize ! I would like to go in July for it 's the only month I can choose . In July I 'll be on my vacation . As for accomodation I prefer to live in tents . In my opinion it 's the best way of joining nature and fully enjoying it . I 'd be glad to choose painting and singing . And I 'm good at both because I used to attend to a painting studio when I was at school . I also used to join the school choir and was one of the best sopranos . So I 'd be happy to do the activities on two reasons . First I am good enough at both of them . Secondly I truly love painting and singing . I would like to know what the weather is like in California in July to be aware of what clothes I should take . Another thing I am interested in is general information of prices in the USA . I would greatly appreciate your soonest answer . Yours sincerely E. Sidorov . I enjoy shopping like any woman . It is amazing and sometimes amuzing how charming and strong the spell of luxurious supermarkets and cosy little shops is . And still even this strong spell can be easily shattered . Who can prevent me from having a good , probably not for my purse , time in the magic world of shopping ? The assistant of evil power which frustrates the long-looked-forward-to spell is a shop assistant . Or I would rather say he or she might be or might happen to be such . It 's all very nice to be met by a helpful assistant with a radiant smile , ready to help you . But sometimes I really get annoyed at his or her , persistent in nature and polite in structure , questions or suggestions . To say nothing about his or her giving advice ! I always make my own decisions ! Like any human being I am not delighted to feel guilty , especially when I am not . But I do feel ill at ease when I see dissappointed or angry assistants ' faces on leaving the magic world without any remembrances of it ! Dear Helen Ryan I 've just received your letter saying that I have won the first prize in your competition 2 weeks at Camp California in the USA . I am very glad to hear that and would like to tell you all the informations you need to know from me . I would be able to travel only in July because it is my summer holiday and I assumed that it will be long enough time to fit the trip in . Also I cannot go on other holidays because for Easter holiday I need to attend Tennis competition in the name of my school and we need time to practise . In Christmas holiday I would like to go back home and be with my family . Also we are going to a ferry trip with my relatives . That are the reasons why I cannot go on your trip at any other times . I do appologize about that . I would like to choose these 2 activities , they are Tennis and Climbing . As I say before that I have to attend tennis competition so I think I am quite good at it . I started playing tennis when I was 9 , now I am 18 years old . I was in the tennis county player I was 12 . I attended 15 competitions already . I have lost 5 games and won 10 games . My dad influences me to play tennis and enjoy it . For climbing , I started to be interested in it since it was 14 . My family live near the sea so we have got quite a lot of chance to go climbing . I 'm not scared of height and I think it 's challenging . My sister loves nature and climbing so she is the one who influences me . I would like to ask you a few questions . How hot is it in California in July ? so I know what kind of clothes I need . Do I need a lot of money , will we have time for shopping . What kind of food do we eat ? This is because I cannot eat Pork . If there is any unconvenience , please feel free to tell me . Thank you very much . Yours sincerely Dear Kim How are you ? I am sorry that I did n't write any letter to your during last month . I really wish you were with me last month . Quess what I 've done ! I 've been helping at a pop concert that happened at my school . That 's why I have no time and wanted you to be there with me . I will tell you all about it ! As you know I took art for my GCSE and fortunately I like it and get quite good marks for my project , about light and sound . So my art teacher came to me and my best friend , who is really good at art too , and asked whether I can be able and willing to help for the concert in two weeks time in the concert hall . I immediately say " yes " and also my friend . I really think it sounds so interesting . I have never done light and sound for the real pop concert before and I think it will be a good experience for me . Actually I 've just done light and sound in drama 's day in my school at the end of last term . But this time it 'll be different , I thought . Do you know that this concert will be on television . The preperation days came . The first day we started to work for this concert , the real professionals came . Their jobs are preparing concert . I had a chance to talk to them about their jobs and it was amuzing ! It sounded very interesting to me . Then we started to talk about what we have to do for this concert . I have learnt lots of things about preparing stage , light , sound , background . I felt like I 'm one of those professional too because they always called me and my friend to help them and that made me learn lots of thing from doing the practical work . All of them were very nice and friendly . Another exciting part was , I had to climb to put the lights up . Can you imagine the real concert , and how high the lights always like ? It was good fun though ! , but my friend did n't like doing that at all . She did n't seem to enjoyed it as much as I do . At the end of the day , my ambition is to be like one of the professionals . I really do hope I can be like them . My teacher was very proud of me because after the concert , all the staff were saying how helpful I was and so on . Do you know , my ambition make me to try to work very hard and this term I get A for my art and design . It encouraged me so much and I think I can be good at it , if I keep on working hard . I think the concert has changed me so much , now I have my aim about what I should do in my life . I feel like I have to work harder . I hope you will feel like me one day . I will write to you again soon and tell you how I getting on . Lots of love 12th December 2000 Dear Mr. Robertson , I would like to thank you for organising a nice programme for us . Especially , going to the Museum and the Art Gallery would be a great oppotunity for all of us , as they are world-famous places in London . However , there is something I need to ask you . Everyone in the class wishes to go to the London fashion and leisure show which will be held on Tuesday 14th March from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. In the show , we will be able to see the latest fashion , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . It would be essential because many people in the class are thinking of studying fashion in future . The entrance fee is free for students so the show is well worth seeing . To go to the show , we need to alter the programme . The show is on 14th and takes a whole day . So , if we could go to the Museum by using the free time on 15th it would be okay although we could not go shopping . I look forward to hearing from you shortly . Yours sincerely , Story It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . Three years ago , when I was in Japan , my parents were both working and neither of them were at home by the time I get back from the school . I always had my own key and unlock the door by myself . It was a horrible day , the day I had left my key at home ! There was nobody to let me in , noway to contact with my parents . What I decided to do was getting into the house by climbing up the roof because I knew one of the windows was unlocked . First , I climbed the tree in the garden . It was okay , beause I was quite good at that , but the problem was that I had to jump onto the roof ! It had been raining , the previous day , so the roof was slippy ! I managed to do that although I cut my knee ! I walked on the roof carefully , not to slip . I was extremely happy when I got into the house . It was a scary , but thrilling and exciting incident ! 16.12.00 Dear Jane Firstly I want to tell you that the idea of the " International Arts Festival " was a really great idea . I enjoyed the festival pretty much . However I think that it could be better if you could rearrange little details . I think that next year you should have more artists from different countries , so that it can be a real International Festival . This also would take more attraction to the festival . Another point which I think was ennoying , are the concert halls . The concerts were great but the hall was too small for so much people I hope that next year the concerts will take place in a bigger hall . The plays and the films were really great . I enjoyed all of them . I hope to see much more films next year . The best thing about the festival was the price I think , because it made a really big effect on the attraction , that of course made the festival much more enjoyable . I again want to say that it was really nice to be at the festival . I believe that next year will be better if you consider my ideas . Your Sinccerly 16.12.00 Dear Andrew , I just received your letter and decided you to write back now ; because of your questions which were about the rules . I 'm really tired of the rules in school ! Actually not all the schools in Turkey are so strict but unfortunatly the school that I 'm going is like a military camp . The uniform , we are wearing has to be perfect . No one is allowed to wear anything which is n't written in the school rules . The general rules which are used in all schools are n't so strict however there are a few things that need to be changed . For example if you do n't come to school 10 days in a year we fail that year . Thank God it is n't so strict at home . My family allows me almost every thing except smoking and drinking alchol of course , which I do n't do anyway . I am allowed to stay up late , I 'm allowed to bring my friends home and stuff like that . However there is one thing that my parents do n't like me to do . They hate it when I listen to music loudly . I think they do n't like the music I listen to . This is all that I can tell you about my school and family . Rules are every where and you ca n't change them . So just do n't think about them . Your Best Pen friend 13th June 2000 Dear Ms Ryan Thank you very much for your letter which I have received it this morning . I am so pleased that I have won the first prize in your competition . Firstly , I would like to go to Camp California in the U.S.A in July because I still have got an examination in my college until June , 20th . So if it 's possible could you arrenge it for me please . And also , I would prefer the log cabins to the tents otherwise I have never slept in the sleepin bag before . I imagine I could'n sleep at all . Secondly , I would like to play basketball and tennis at the Camp . They are my two choices of activities . Because I used to play tennis and basketball for ages . Finally , could you give me your suggestion about money and clothes . What kind of clothes are suitable to take with me and could I have any benefit from you for my trip or not . Could you please send me more information about this . I am looking forward to receiving your reply soon . Yours sincerely , Yumi Nakamura 13th June 2000 Dear Kim Hi ! How are you ? Thank you for your kind letter and I am glad to hearing about your news . Kim , I would like to tell you my wonderful experience last month ! On 5th of May which was national holiday in Japan , I had a part-time work at a pop concert in the Tokyo Dome . The pop singer called Hikaru Utada , she is only seventeen years old but she is the most popular singer now in Japan . The concert was start 7.00 p.m. At that time I was in the second floor where I had to work is . I did a part of gard job . I stood up in front of audiences and I had given an attention to them . I could n't see ' Hikaru ' but I still could hear her songs . I thought if you were here I could really enjoy with you . All of her funs were stooud up the whole concert and dancing . I was so exciting night . Some of funs were not good at all because they shouted and argued , but most of people were very good . I had enjoyed so much with my wonderful experience . I am looking Please give my regards to your family Love 13 June 2000 Dear Mrs Ryan : I am very glad I won the Competition to go to Camp California . I must say though , I would have to travel on July because it 's the summer holydays for schools and I would like to spend some of them in California and visit a few friend if it is possible . Log cabines will be ideal accomodation , presumably they are more spacious than tent and it would be easier to keep tidy . It 's always nice to have a warm , clean place to go to after sailing which is one of the activities I would like to do . And I 'm quite good at . Climbing would be my second option , for this I 'm afraid I would need some instruction for I 've only done it a few times . I would like to know how much money do people ussually take and how many clothes . Sincerely Yours 13 July Dear Kim : Well , you want to know what I did in the concert ? Help. . I know it sound extremely boring and that is exactly what I thought when I was asked to help , but to my suprise it turned out to be much more fun that expected . About 20 people were helping apart from me , we had some kind of rotation system so that all the volunteers could also enjoy some of the concert . Of course there was the cooking and bar-tending for anyone who was hungry during the brakes . The hard work , though , started when everyone left at the end of the concert . It was in fact more fun than the concert itself ; believe it or not , all the popstars came to help us clean up and we all had a food fight with the left-overs ! It was so fun , that I enjoyed it a lot . If you ever know of a concert that needs volunteers tell me , I 'm in ! ! ! Write back soon Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about a musical show presented in your theatre . Indeed , I recently spent a week 's holiday in London and I went to the theatre to see " Over the Rainbow " . It was really a very disappointing evening . I was disappointed to see that Danny Brook , announced on your advertisement , did not act in this show . Indeed , he was replaced by a different actor for this evening . Additionally , the show started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 , and I had to pay the full price for my ticket as no discount was available . However , the worst was to come as it was impossible to eat something after the show . Indeed , the theatre restaurant was closed because the chef was ill . I hope you can imagine my great disappointment . Therefore , I would like to ask you for refunding me my entrance fee , as this evening did not correspond to your advertisement . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Science and technology have played an important role for the last twenty years and the development of the modern technology has especially affected our lives . To take my personal example , I would be no more able to live without some of the most recent discoveries , which make my daily life easier . For instance , I ca n't imagine living without using a computer to write my scholar works , to play a game or to order some goods on the Internet . This latter is a new media which has changed my life , as it is a marvellous tool to communicate , learn or have fun . Another important change related to the modern technology are the credit cards . Until I have had one , I was often run out of cash and had to go to the bank . At the present time , thanks to my credit card , I can really buy what I want , when I want and where I want ! To sum up , there are many other discoveries in relation with the modern technology which affect my daily life . However it would be too long to list them all , and I am quite sure that you also know them as they do n't change only my life , but everybody 's daily life . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am writing to provide you with the information you require . First of all , I want to inform you that I would like to travel only in July , because in California at that time of the year is very hot and I prefer going on summer to going on winter or during other season , because I can do lots of activities that in winter would be impossible to do . Secondly , I would rather be accomodationed in log cabins than go in tens . In my opinion staying in log cabins is funnier and much cleaner . Thirsthly , I would prefer to swimming and playing tennis , because I have been practising them since I was I child , and I think I very good in each other . Finally , I would like to ask you if I have to take some money , or everything is provided for the organisers . Furthermore , I would be grateful if you could tell me what type of clothes I have to take . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Sorry for not writing you before , but I have been so busy , because last weak I went to a pop concert to help the singers . First , when I arrived they told me to go to a big room , where the singers try on their clothes and they are made-up . There , in the room I had to helped them , I mean the singers , to put on theirs clothes , and I had to make-up them . A few minutes later the show started and the grup appeared on the stage . While they were singing a man told me to clean the room , where the singers get dressed . Later , when the show had finished , I stayed with the grup in their room for a few minutes . Then , they went to the airport , and my dream finished . What I really liked doing was to helped them with their clothes and to make-up them , because I learnt how to make-up a person and I spend a few minutes with the most popular grup of the world . Write me soon . Love , Dear Sir/Madam , Having seen your musical show last Sunday , I am writing to complain the problems and to ask for some money back . Firstly , concerning actors , in your advertisement you stated that DANNY BROOK AND TINA TRUELOVE would perform in the musical , but in fact different actors performed . I was so disappointed ! ! Regarding starting time and the theatre restaurant , to see the musical I had to wait about 45 minuits because it started at 20:15 . As well as this , after seeing the musical I went to the theatre restaurant , which you referred in your advertisement , but it was closed already . I was really angry ! Lastly , with reference to ticket prices , your theatre had n't any discounts even for children . I had to buy an adult ticket for my child and spent more money than I had expected . I am sure you can imagine what I felt . It was not perfect evening for me and my child at all ! I am also sure you can refund my money . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Kwa Phat Sun . Dear Tae , How are you getting on ? I 'm fine . Having talked with you a couple of weeks ago , I 'd like to give you some information . I know you are always interested in detictive stories especially Agatha Christie 's . Do n't be surprised ! Her best detective stories are going to be read on the radio this Sunday evening at 18:00 . I 'm sure you 'll be pleased . You are supposed to listen to them . As well as this , the stories are going to be read in English . It 's good chance for you to improve your English . You can not only listen to her best detective stories , but also learn English automatically . It will be fantastic ! Where the stories are concerned , they will not be difficult to understand because you already know the stories and naraitors are going to read clearly . What I 'd like to say is you should listen to them . I hope you 're happy to receive my letter and am looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes , Kwa Phat Sun Dear Mrs. Ryan , I am writing this letter , concerning the information you have asked me to give you . First of all , I would like to thank you , for giving me the chance to visit Camp California . As far as I am concerned , my exams at school will have finished up to the middle of June . To be honest , I would like to spend some days with my family , before I go to California . Therefore , it would be better to go there in July . July should be the hotest month ! The best season for holidays . About the accomodation , I would be pleased to stay in a tent , because this reminds me the holidays with my family . According on the table with the activities , I will choose singing and swimming because I am a very good swimmer and very fanatic singer from very young . I joined my choir , when I was eight years old and I have sung solo in two concerts . I would be grateful to tell me how much money I will need with me . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Dear Kim , I am really impressed from your interest about my experience from the concert . I thought that you did n't like pop music and things have to deal with that . Anyway , I 've enjoyed it very much ! It was the best experience I 've ever had in my whole life . I was trying to be with the singers all the time . It was fantastic . I wanted to touch them , as the only way to convince myself that I was with them . I did n't really have to do anything special . I should just take care of them , serving some drinks and food during the rehearshals . That 's the advantage of being a volunteer . You get good experiences which you 'll never forget ! You have to try once in your life and if you do n't like , do n't do it again . Regards , Dear Manager , I wright to complein about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . I had a very disapointing evening because of many things . First the actor was a wery common actor. then it start 's 45 minutes lent . Also in the advicement they talk about discount tikets . Well they did n't accepted when I pay with my £ 20 discount tiket why ? And at last I could n't visit the theater restaurant after the show , it was closed , why ? I do n't know . Alslo I wanted to tell you that the show was very borring . It was alwais the saim . And it was to slow . Because all these things it obiously was n't the perfect evening as it 's seid in the advicement . So I wrought this letter to ask for my money back . Your 's faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , because after I told her that I have a new girlfriend , all the school knows it in lees than 2 hours . I have to explain to every body that , I formaly dond't have a girlfriend , I explein them that it 's was a good posibility , nothing els , but noone belive me , because Pat has told them that I have a formal girlfriend . This problem with Pat had a lot of consecuences , because I had a very hevy discucion with her about that , it was so heay that one of ower teachers had to calm me , because I was very angree with her . The teacher send me to talk with the principal , who suspended me for discus in bad maners with a girl . So I was suspended , I had a fight with one of my best friend , all because she was n't very good at keeping secrets . Dear Helen Ryan , I 'm really happy to know that I won in your competition . And first of all , before to ask for informations about the travel , I want to tell you thanks a lot . I would like to travel in July because is the best period to take a break from my work . For the accomodation , if is possible I would like to stay in camping because I think is a relaxing place where to stay . Further because I like to live in contact with the nature . Also is possible to meet a lot of people , and chatting during the night , might around the fire , playing a clutone and singing I think is a nice way to have fun . I 'm really happy to know that is possible to play sports . I would like to play Tennis , and swimming . I choose tennis because is a sport that you can play with others people , also because I like the competition in the sport . The other sport that I would like to do is swimming . Swimming is my favourite sport because you can relax your body and your mind . I would like to ask you for further informations about this travel . First of all which kind of clothes I have to bring with me ? How much money I need to do this travel ? Also , if is possible I want to know if there is the possibility to organise a trip around the most important cities near the camp ? And if during the nights there are entrotenements ? Thanks for all these informations , I 'm looking forward to hearing you again . Yours sincerely , After the discussion that we had in the english class , I understood that a lot of people sometimes do n't enjoy during the shopping . I ca n't understand these people because this situation never happen to me . By the way usually the people that do n't like shopping are men or children . I think is difficult to find a woman that does n't like shopping . But I have to admit that sometimes I do n't really like shopping above all when I 'm tired or when I 'm not in the right mood . In fact if I 'm not in the right mood I become nervous because I ca n't find anything . For me , the best moments for the shopping are two opposite situations . For the first situation happen to me , when I 'm hungry with somebody really close to me like my boyfriend or a component of my family , so for relaxing my mind I go to shopping and usually I enjoy a lot . The opposite situation is when I pass my exams and I really need to buy something for me as a preseant for myself . Dear Sir , Last week , I had visited your theatre and I was very disappointed because I did not have a perfect evening out like what advertisement said . I would like to complain four things about your theatre . Fist thing , the actor is very horrible so I recommend you to change the actor because he will make an audience who visit you theatre disappoint . Second thing , you should open the show on time because if the audience have to wait , they will not feel happy but I think you know that . According to the advertisement , it said tickets £ 10 , £ 15 and £ 20 discounts available but when I bought the ticket , the discounts did not available After the show I was very hungry so I went to the restaurant in the theatre but it was closed for decorating that make me very angry and disappoint . To conclude , your theatre is not good like what advertisement said so I would like to ask for some money back . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , ( Chan Suntavee ) Nowadays , science and technology are very important to our life . The technology make my daily life change a lots compare to the past . For example , when I was young , I used to walk to school everyday but now my father has a car so I do n't have to walk anymore , because my father gives me a lift everyday . At home , I have a video game so I play it all the time and I 'm very enjoy that make my daily life happy so it 's excellent but on the other hand I did n't do any homework or study at all . Another example is computer , I do n't have to watch television or read a newspaper because I can know the news by using internet in the computer . To sum up , the modern technology has changed my daily life in bad ways and good ways . Therefore my daily life will change to bad ways or goods ways , it depends on how I use the technology . Mr Robertson ; I am glad about three days trip to London . I have seen your organasation for the trip . That is really intresting . Me and my class friends have seen ad advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we really want to see that . This is the reason that I 'm writing to you . The show is in 14th March on tuesday . It means on second day of our trip and it starts at 10.00 in the morning untill 19.00 . My friends told me that if we wake up early on tuesday we can go to Science Museum about 8.00 in the morning . Your afternoon plan is shopping but we can do our shopping on Wednesday afternoon because we will have got free time on Wednesday . I 'd like to tell you something about the show . It is in Central Exhibition Hall and it is free to students . It is great opportunity for us because when we go there we will be aware of about latest fashions news , we will see leisure and sports wear , all new make up designers ( especially for girls ) and different hairstyles . We are also enthusiastic about your sightseing in bus and River trip to Greenwich on Monday and visiting to National Art Gallery on Wednesday . I hope you will consider our suggestion about your trip . Your student Futuristic Designs Of People 's Homes Technology has been improved by human being rapidly . This technologic improvement is changing people 's lifes , behaviours even their homes . Can you imagine ? What people 's homes will it be like in fifty years time ? I guess there will be more gadget to do some housework easier . Maybe there will be some robots to do our ironings , washing our dishes , cleaning everywhere , hoovering , etc. Will it make life easier ? Maybe yes , maybe no. Of course these gadgets will do our hard houseworks but otherwise we will get lazy , we will lose our abilities that we have now . Now IT ( information technology ) is in our life . We can get everything we want to know from computers . It means we wo n't need to go somewhere to get some information we need . We 'll be stuck to our computers at home . Whatever we need we order from to computer and someone will bring . It means we 'll lose our social lifes . But we ca n't stop to technologic improvement . We should use it in positif ways . When people use to the technology they should know that is not everything . They should seek to other lifes outside their homes . I guess that with technology people will spend their life much more in their homes . It does n't seem to me alright . Our homes should just protect us dangeres from outside . But I believe human will never forget what they used to be . Mankind has been always seeking different things . We'are learning a lot of things about life. and we are practicing these . In the future life will be more artifitual than I had been before . Probably our homes will be smaller than now . Because human population is growing quickly and people prefer to stay big cities ( like London , New York , Paris ) . It means there will be too many people in small areas . Then there will have been built smaller houses , flats , buildings , etc. Outside big cities there wo n't be any people at all . That areas will just use for agriculture . Beyond the near future may be our homes will be outer space it will be a spaceship . We 'll travel around to space . It is just an imagination . We live in changeable world . Like everything our homes will change as well . Dear Madam : How delighted I was when I receved your letter ! About the information required , I would like to go in July because is my half term at University and summer time would be ideal . For accommodation I would rather go in a tent , I want to enjoy wild life and admire the landscape . In relation with leisure activities , my favourites are Basketball , which I have been playing for two years because I have been selected for my University team and I think a time practising with players from different countries will help me develop my skills at international level . Secondly , I would like to practise tennis , which is my hobby and I think it helps my mind to keep working . I would like to ask you how much money do I need , how is the weather in order to pack the necessary clothe and wheter I need something else . Yours sincerely . Dear Kim : What a fantastic experience I had helping my favourite group ! You would n't believe it ! I was working helping to mantle and dismantle the stage , sometimes I had to check the sound by saying something on the microphone , that was my chance and I always pretended to be a singer and that I sand in duo with the vocalist of the group , it was such a great fun ! But the most exciting part of my job , and the one that I was looking forward to , was the last night of concert , because all the staff were promised to have a party with all the members of the band . That night was the best of my entire life . I send you some pictures , the best ones because there were some quite embarrasing . I hope you like them and I am already waiting for your next letter . Yours faithfully Dear Mrs Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter informing me that I have won the competition and that I have got a prize for a two week holiday at Camp California in the USA . Due to my business , I am very busy and that it is the best moment for my business so , I ca n't manage my time to go on holiday but I 'd be able to travel at anytime in July . I would prefer to stay in a tent as I feel that it would be more exciting than staying in a log cabin . As you offered me two activities , I would like to go on swimming . I am not a good swimmer yet but soon I will be . I have been learning swimming for the last eight months and I really enjoyed it . Another sport I experience is Basketball which I used to play for a school 's team when I studied at secondary school . I have not been practising it at all recently but only wish I had . This trip will certainly be a good opportunity for me to start playing it again . I wonder if you could answer me some questions ? Have you had any recommendations what type of cloths should I take with me ? Do you suggest me to take cash or can I used my credit card ? Will there be any tour-guide during the trip ? I thank you again for your assistance and am looking forwards to hearing from you soon . yours sincerely , Prasert Charoenkul Dear Kim , It has been quite a long time since I last written to you . I hope you are well . I have something really exciting to share with you . There was a concert of Michael Jackson in my city last month . It was a charity concert which was organised by a university I am studying . My classmates and I , we were asked to do decorating the stage , cleaning the concert 's area . But guess Kim , what was the most exciting for us was , we were asked to be the singer 's interviewer . It was n't a spokeperson Kim but just asked him a couple of questions behind the stage . I was so nervous that I could n't remember what to say . If you imagined yourself talking to the most famous pop singer such as him how would you feel ? But what I really enjoyed on that evening was when we took a photographs with him after his concert and he signed it for us on the back side of each picture . We had a wonderful evening . His concert was absolutely brilliant . Everyone was screaming , shouting and dancing while he was singing . I wish you were here with us . Are there anything wondering happen over there ? Please write me when you have time . I am looking forwards to hearing from you . Love , Prasert Charoenkul Dear Mr Robertson I 'm sorry about writing the Letter For you . I need some information about programme more . Because in my class want to go London Fashion and Leisure show in your programme we need some timetable and frieds . For go their. your do n't tell any detile about how must coses For ticket for go in siend . In my class room somary people stay out sied London about 50 % in my class room and everyone verry about How can they can stay in three days in London . Can you tall us about this. and we 're very exsciting about you programme. and then we want too know about Fashion and Leisure in your information For Students Free. we do n't play any ticket and in your information tells about on Monday morning we go by bus could you tells detile about morning more , and we want to know about on Tuesday Afternoon you tell For shopping we do n't know about where about shopping in London . Becauses in London got a lot shopping place can you tall us about shopping and the time For spend or day . Thanks you For any detile more I think we go with you and enjoy and Fantatics programme . your sincerely In my college butty It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it If I tall someting in the college baby someone like or dislike about my story but I think my story it very good for someone . In my college have got a new student every Monday and very big college around heir. and we got three buillding and we got alot of teacher the teacher have got experied about teaching I think somebody come in my college you fried want to studdy in my college and you want tall anyone for your college you ca n't tell for something but you know yourself about college you know just you love it and very like it nobody dislike it somebody tall about class rooms it very big and comfortible . For study my college it very amazing . I think my story can tall you about my college and you think you want come For visit or you want come For study in my College It up to you I think if you came you know If you do n't come you do n't know. about something very good in your life . 59 Gorham Drive St Albans AL1 2HW 17th June 2000 Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to complain about the musical show of " OVER THE RAINBOW " which I saw on 15th of June in your theatre . Firstly , I wanted to see DANN BLOCK playing as your advertisement already said , but there was a different actor instead of him at that evening . In addition to this , the show did not start on time , 19:30 , so I had to wait for 45 minutes . Another disappointing thing was that you did not explain the reason why it was delayed by 20:15 . As for the ticket price , you promised to provide discount tickets , but they were not available . Furthermore , when I went to the restaurant after the show , I found it was closed . Because its opening time was from 10:00 to 17:00 . I do not need to tell , either , that I had awful evening and you are responsible for that . So I am asking to refund all the money . Thanking for your prompt attention . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours Faithfully Tyung Kwa ( Miss ) THE REVOLUTION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY I am checking my e-mail everyday using the Internet , I am talking to my friends who is far away connecting to network systems , and I am taking my mobile phone . For recent years , as Information Technology has been improved highly , communication methods have been changed to a different way , which is not same as before . A few years ago , I did not know what Internet was , how to use it and so on . But , while those have been spread all over the world , I and all the other people who I have known became to use them . I can find out some information at home , although I do not go to library . I am able to meet my friends quickly in Internet just clicking the mouse . In addition to these , I can contact to anyone who I want to talk at any convenient time in case I need him or her , or I am needed . It is causing some changes to me . So , now I would rather send the e-mail than the letter , and I prefer to surf the Internet when I need to find something . As it has given me different kinds of communication systems , my daily life is more comfortable , relaxed and faster . 13.Jun . 2000 Dear Sir or Madam , I am very pleased to hear that I won the first prize in the competition . It would be great for me to go to the U.S.A as the prize and to stay for two weeks . Below is the information you requested me . Firstly , I would like to travel in July because I have got a prior plan to teach the Korean children in Brighton about Korean and Korean history in the early August . Secondly , I would like to stay at log cabins which would have a good smell of nature in them . Also if I have to choose two of the activities , I would like to play tennis and to go surfing because playing tennis is my first choice and I am very good at it . And also the reason why I would like to go surfing is that I am always dreaming of surfing on the coast of California like on TV , but I have never tried to surf yet , which doe n't mean I am bad at swimming . Finally , I would like you to let me know which clothes would be suitable for the weather at that time and how much money I should take . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Haneul Gay Kay . When you spend money on goods and services , it gives you satisfaction and happiness but going shopping is not always enjoyable . There are a few reasons . Firstly , you cannot always get the right one although you scour about all the shops to find something you want . You may only get tired on your feet . And also you would have to thread your way between the shoppers because there are too many shoppers , especially , on the special occasion like on sale . Secondly , you cannot exclude that you might get a pick-pocket which would make you upset and irritated when you think of that you could avoid it and that you could take less money in your wallet from home . In addition to this , even if you buy something you would like , you can change your mind at home . Sometimes , a moment comes up that you would like to buy something you have not wanted because while you are shopping , you might get something beautiful or good to you . So you would spend more money you have expected . To sum up , you should spend money as your plan and you should be cautious and sensible to make it enjoyable . 13th June 2000 Dear Edouard , Firstly , let me thank you for your nice letter of June 10th . I was so surprised but so glad to read that I won the first prize in your competition . In response to your question and if you do n't mind , I would prefer to travel in July because I 've already chosen my holiday and my boss wo n't give me another one . I would be grateful if I could accommodate in a log cabin . I 'm no more a young girl ! and do appreciate a little bit of comfort . As you asked me , my favourite activities would be painting and climbing . I like very much the moutains and would particularly enjoy painting them after a walk . Would you be so kind as to write me as soon as possible because I need the accurate date of the journey . I 've got four children and have to organise their time without mother . Furthermore , I would like to know exactly which kind of clothes I have to take with and how much money I 'll be supposed to spend there . I 'm really looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Edith-Marilyn Piaf Shopping is my everyday life . I 'm a mother of four children and you can easily imagine how many things I have to buy in a week . It starts with food ( monstruous ) and goes on with clothes , pills , games and so on . It never ends ! But unlikely to what you could think , I love shopping . I find it a very relaxing moment . At home , you have to work hard and you 're often stressful because of your children always asking you for something . When you 're shopping , you can finally relax , just admiring what you 're seeing . Your only work consist in choosing what suits you or buying what you prefer for dinner for instance ; furthermore you 're not disturbed : it 's a dream ! To be fair , I must say that I 've noticed one disadvantage on shopping : you need money ! You 'll understand , I 'm sure , that I prefer shopping at the beginning of every month . In order to change this situation I could win the lottery : a dream too ! Dear Mister Robertson Thank you very much for organising the programme of our three days visit to London . The programme looks very good , especially the river trip to Greenwich . Our English class has an additional wish concerning the programme of our trip . We have seen an advertisement for the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " and we would all like to go to the show . We think it is a great opportunity because it only takes place once a year and it is free for students . We would suggest to replace the shopping part on Tuesday afternoon by the visit of the show . We think we would all have another chance for shopping in London sometimes later . Please think about our suggestion and the proposed change of the programme . We are sure this is suitable to all of us . Thank you very much . Best regards The home of the future The view from outside will mainly be the same . The houses will look like the houses today . A simple and well-proofen architecture . The difference will be inside the buildings . The doors would be the entrance to another world .... The fridge , the television , the stove and the Hi-Fi equipment will be attached to a computer network . Every electronic gadget in the futur home will be able to comunicate with other machines or computers . It will be possible to connect to the Internet from nearly everywhere in the house or flat . I 'm sure all the things which are based on electronic parts will totally change . Also the aspects of security within people 's homes . But I think there will not be many changes concerning the furnishing of the future homes . All the big and small things which are defining people 's personal environment will be left nearly unchanged - the furniture , the pictures on the wall .... I suppose our future homes will be a mix of new technologies and good old tradition . It has always been like that . Dear Mrs. Ryan , I received your letter last monday . I want to say thank you that I was the lucky person who won that competition . It will be a great opportunity for me to see the United States and I am so happy about that , I can not explain it . You want to know some further information from me . About the date , when I want to travel can I say that it is only possible for me on July because I have to do some exams at the school . I would prefer to the accommodation at the camp a tent , the reason is that I like to live realy natural and it is more enjoyable to live in a tent then in cabins . As activities I can say that I like every sport , but basketball and tennis would be perfect for me . In basketball I have more practise then in tennis . I play every weekend on competitions with my local team and about tennis it is that I tried but it is not like my basketball experience . Also I want to know how much clothes and money I would need for these two weeks . Please write me your answer as quick as possible . I hope I can hear from you soon . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , How are you my lovely penfriend ? I hope good . You want to know how was it to work and help at a pop concert ? It is marvelous . You see the stars so near and also you can chat with them . On my first day I should help to bring the staff for the band , things like guitars , drums and others . It was maybe hard work for a while but I was so happy about that to help on a real big pop concert I ca n't decribe it . On the other two days I helped to prepare the breakfast , lunch and diner for the band . You are always so near to these people and after a while it is normal to stay and chat with Brian Adams , for example . I realy enjoyed that and it was one of the greatest , when not the greatest experience in my life . On the other hand it was a good paid job with 15 pounds per hour , what do you can say . The organizer of the tournement have spoken with me and asked me if I want I could do the same work in two months at the concert by the Rolling Stones is that not fantastic . I could n't believe it but he gave me the contract to fill it out . I hope Kim you was not too jealous about that , sorry . Please write me soon , I 'm waiting . Loves Thank you very much for the prize . I turned crazy when I knew I was the winner of your competition . I am just looking forward to going to Camp California . I 've never been in the States before and having the chance to do it so makes me real happy . So let 's answer the question you told me to in order to make that two weeks there as funnier as possible . You asked me when would I like to travel to California . Definitely , in July . That 's my only month for holidays in the whole year . If possible , I 'd like to spend my time there in a tent . I hope just the sleeping one . That 's the best suitable accomodation for a camping . It just keeps you in touch with nature . That 's what camping is about , is n't it ? I 've found the list of activities you sent me very interesting . If I have to choose two of them I 'll take tennis first . I 'm an expert on it and I 'll have a good time beating everyone there . Ca n't say the same about golf . It will be my first experience with the putt . I just hope not to get injured . One thing you have not told me is weather I have to pay all things by my own in California or not . Please , let me know . Waiting for your answer , José Dear Kim , As I told you in my previous letter I finally had the opportunity to take part on the Sting concert here in Segovia . No , not as a singer . Not yet . My only role was to carry things from one place to another . Very heavy things , those which Sting uses to make his show even more spectacular . Have you seen the giant screen behind him in every concert ? I was the one who put it there in Segovia . Well , some others helped me in the task , but that did not make it much easier . Any way , it was a great experience and I enjoy it very much . The part I enjoyed most was the one when they paid me . It was n't much but that means nothing when you have the chance to take part in an event like that . They also gave me a ticket to wotch the concert live . Great show . Next time come with me . I think Ernestina is coming to the city very soon . See you then ! José 17 May 2000 Dear Sir or Mam , Last weak , I went to London to see the musical " Over the Rainbow " . I was realy happy to see the " Best Musical Show " in London . But what I saw was exactly the opposite I expected . In other words , it was a disaster . Maybe you could explain to me , what the problems were . By problems I mean , that the show started at 20.15 and not at 19:30 or why were no discounts avaivable ? But these are only little problems . The most disappointing thing was that there were diffrent actors which were not very good in acting . And after the show we did n't know what to do with the rest of the evening , because we actually wanted to go to the Theatre Restaurant after the show , but it was closed . It was n't realy a perfect evening like you promised on your flyer . I was very disapointed and I would like to have my money back . Some people might be silly enough to pay for such a bad show . I will tell everyone I know how bad it was . Yours faithfully , Franz Morell Hand How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Unfortunately , modern technology made the life for many people easier . If you think about the early days , when no cars were on the roads and noone had an opertunity to fly to another country for holiday , people had to walk or go by horse and ship . Today , everyone has the opertunity to just get into a car and drive to where ever they want to . Modern technology also allows you to go into the Internet to get any information you need . Every production is much faster and cheaper than before , because you do n't have to pay for worker anymore . Every thing is controlled and produced by machines . This also is a very big disatvantage because many people are losing thier jobs . The only and simple advantage of modern technology is just taking the work from us so we do n't have to do anything anymore . Another disadvantage is that every one becomes a bit more lonely because they wath TV or play or work with the Computer and do n't see each other any more because they do n't have to . You never get bored . Santigo , June 17th , 2000 Mr. Manager of the Circle Theatre , While I was staying in London , I went to see one of your musical shows , " Over The Rainbow " , because I had read the add on the newspaper , and I thought it would be an interesting experience . Let me tell you now how everything really was . One of the reason I went to see that particular show , was the starring actor announced in the add , Danny Brook , but when the show actually started , with forty five minutes delay , I realized that Danny Brook was not in the play . The add also mentioned discounts , but that was n't true either . After the play , which turned out to be just as bad as I thought , I wanted to relax in the Theatre Restaurant , but it was closed , and for no reason ! It is for these reasons that I expect a full refund of the ticket prize , it is my right as a paying customer to get what I have paid for . Looking forward to hearing from you . We can hardly imagine life without compures , T.V. sets , microwaves , and so many other things , and yet , none of these things existed seventy years ago . I think that the life we live is easier than our parents , thanks to technology . We can do things our grandparents could only dream of . Internet , I think , is one of the most important inventions in the history of humanity . My life has not been affected or changed by technology , because when I was born , most of the things that I use in my daily life already existed . But technology is becoming more and more complicated , and new things are invented every day , so I think that our life will be completely different in forty years . And , since all these new things only make our life easier , technology is welcome . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am really surprised about the free journey to California , because I 've never ever won anything before . My summer holidays last for two months , but I just have time in July . In August I am going to work in an office , so there is not possibility to travel away this month . I would prefer the accommodation in a log cabin . For one night it would not disturb me to sleep in a tent , but for a period of two weeks it would be too uncomfortable . At the Camp I would like to go sailing a lot . Once my family and I went to Greece and rent a sailing boat for three weeks . Because most of the work did my parents , I do n't know exactly how to handle a sailing boat . As the second activity I have chosen to make photos . I 'm used to be the photographer at the holidays with my family and I know how a camera works . Finally I have some questions concerning the clothes I am going to need and how much money I should estimately take with me . I just want to know , what I will have to pay alone . Thank you very much for giving me the chance to discover a new type of landscape ! Yours The statement mentioned is perfectly suitable to my opinion . If you want to buy new clothes for summer the biggest difficulty is to find a shop , which sells what you are looking for . Once you 've found you should take everything you like and go into the cabin . It 's a big advantage to go shopping with a friend , because he or she can bring you all the clothes in a suitable size if the one you took does n't fit . Often it happens that the salesman has n't got the size you need and that 's always a pity . After trying on about twenty different tops , dresses or jeans your legs and your back start to hurt terribly . At the end you may have found only two or three things you really like , but they are all the work worth . Dear Sir As I thought your advertisement was interesting , I went there but it was not good as it should be . First of all , the actor was not Danny Brook as you wrote . Secondly , it ought to start at 19:30 but it really started at 20:30 . According to the advertisement , the discounts were available . In fact , I had to pay the full price which costed me £ 15 . After the show I intended to visit the theatre restaurant but it was closed because as you have known that the show started late , therefore the restaurant had closed before the show finished . As I have informed you all the fact , I think the show was not worth the money I paid , so I want the refund for £ 15 . I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Your faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . The story begins when Jan , who was Pat 's best friend , told Pat that she saw Tim when he was cheating the exam . The next day , Pat told everybody what she had heard from Jan , so when the news came to teachers ' ears , the teachers decided to give Tim grade F in that subject and tell his parents ! ! Tim , who was the most powerful bully , was punished by his parents and of course by the teachers . He was furious with Jan , so what happened was Jan was bullied but not because of her fault , it was Pat 's . Actually , I think it was right to tell the teachers but not in Pat 's way . It would have been better for both Pat and Jan if they had told the teachers privately and secretly because Tim would have n't known who had told the teachers . Now , Jan has still been bullied nearly everyday . Her parents have been so upset that they have asked the school to help thier child and that is the reason why I 'm writing this story . If all of us try to help her , I 'm sure that we can make her a better school life . Miss Helen Ryan , I was receveid your letter concerning two weeks at Camp California in the USA . So I will answer you about this different points . I would like to travel only July because I think , it 's the best month for enjoy my holidays . About my accommodation , I would prefer a log cabin because it 's more confortable than a tent and less hot with the sun . Nevertheless , I hope , there are water and light inside this log cabine . Between your different activities , I will like to practice : 1 . Surfing because I never do it and I will like to learn it . 2 . Photography because during my freetime I make some pictures about persons , country , -- - So , I will want to have more experience and a better technique to succed at a good level . Nowthere , I would like know if it 's possible to change my activities during my sejar . Can I change some moneys in the Camp or near it ? Is it possible to come with another person ? And know the different prices for the same holidays ? Thank you for answer my different questions . Salutations . The shopping is great when you have lots of moneys , times ; you can buy clothes , shoes , make-up ; CD , whatever . But , it 's not easy for workers , because the shops close their doors about 5.30 pm ( half past five ) . When you work in a office , a manufactory , a society , you have the same planning to them . So you just can go to do a shopping during your lunch break . If not , you can go the Saturdays but badly , there are too costumers . You ca n't walk , try clothes , it 's very hot . The salewomen are too busy and have n't a moment for give you a counsil service . In England , there are n't paper for make a present . It 's different than the other European countries . Sometimes the sales women are n't friendship , because they have some stress or they are n't the sale feeling . Finally I think , it will be better if the shops stay open until 7.30 pm ( half past seven ) . It will be a good service for their costumer and more cool for them . Dear Ms. Ryan , I have just received your letter and I am writing to give you further information about myself . First of all , July is the only month I can travel in because I will have to start working from August , and I would like to stay in a tent when I am at the Camp so that I can enjoy the great atmosphere which tents only can make and I love . I would also like to tell you which two activities I am keen to do at the Camp . One of them is basketball , which I have been playing for over seven years , and I am the captain of my university basketball team . The other one is tennis , which is also my favorite sports and I have been playing for several years . I go to elementary school to teach children how to play tennis every Wednesday and Friday . I am therefore writing to enquire about some things . What I would like to know is what the weather is like so that I can bring appropriate clothes and also how much money I should bring . Lastly , I would like to know how many people are comming to the Camp I will go . I sould be grateful if you would send me further information that I asked and I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Makoto Tanaka For a short video Introduction The aim of this report is to summarize the results of a survey about lessons and other activities which should be filmed . This report is based on a sample of over 80 students of my school . Favorite lessons Interestingly , over half of the students who were asked enjoy attending history class , while 30 per cent are keen to take an art and music class , and a small number of the student ( less than 15 per cent ) like to take social studies class . Favorite activities Not surprisingly , football was well-preferred as an activity which students do after school generally ( over 30 per cent ) and also about 25 per cent preferred baseball . Amazingly , over 20 per cent of the students would like to take up handball from next year . Conclusion To sum up , it seems that there are so many interesting lessons and activities at our school , Dear Mr. Robertson , I am writing to you , in the name of all the students in my class , to tell you about our wish to change the London 's programme . I would also like to thank you for the good programme you made for us , especially the river trip to Greenwich might be fascinating . I would like to tell you about the show which we would like to see : It is The London Fashion and Leisure Show , which is going to take place at the Central Exibition Hall in London , on Tuesday the 14th March , between 10.00 and 19.00 . The latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles will be shown in this occasion . We think that this is a great opportunity because it takes part only once a year and , on top of all , it is free for students . We suggest to go to the show on Tuesday afternoon instead of going shopping ( thing that we can do on Wednesday afternoon , in our free time ) . I hope you will consider our request yours sincerely I was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I had absolutely no choice . We had walked for three hours ( my mother , my two brother and I ) through the humid and noisy jungle , looking forward to reach a small but clean house where a nice and friendly family , old friends of us , used to live . The path we were walking in was quite clean and I was feeling really happy and relaxed ... until we reached a river . There were nor bridge nor a canoe , the only way to cross it was walking on an old big trunk which was lying down , peacefully , making the only connection between our side and the other . My mother and brothers had already crossed the river , and they were encouraging me to do the same from the other side of it , but I was paralysed with fear . Then , I suddenly realised that I had no choice , so I took all my courage , a big deep breath , and crossed it ! It was easier than I had thought ! . That day , I learnt that I can do even things which , at first sight , seem impossible to be done . I 'm very please to recived these prize . Thank you very much . The only time I can travel to U.S.A is in July , because that is the only time I can leave my work . Other worker are taking on other month so there is only July that is availible for me . About the accommodation at Camp California , I would like to stay in a tents . I 'm a very out door person , who like to go camping and hiking , so staying in a tents is like a second home to me . The two activities that I could like to do are Tennis and Climbing . I 'm very good at tennis , and I was a profeshional tennis player . I won the U.S. Open and the French open in 1986 and 1988 . Unforgivly , my climbing skill is no where like my tennis skill , but I alway love climbing . I 'm afrade of hights and eversince I alway want to conqure that fear ! At this point , I would like to know which air line I will be traveling in and if it possible can you send me more information about the Camp California . Also I would like to know how long I will be staying at this camp so I can prepare how much money I 'm going to need and how many clothes I 'm going to take . I would like to thank you again for the prize that you give me . Filming about life at school mean filming students acts and behaveare . We need to show what students interests in and which subject are interested . I think Science are one of the interesting subject in school . It is very interesting and fun with the experement . Lot and lot of experements which give out quit an interest and amazing results and I think Science is very useful in life . We can see a lot of interest faces on the students wile we filming them . Also it not a very easy subject so we can capture other students faces in confuse and puzzal . Also drama is one of the most fun and interest subject . We can see students expressing their feeling , wonderful and excitting story that the student made up or from a will know story . Another excitting subject which most of the students likes very much is P.E. Many students like to play sports . ( I 'm one of them ) . It a good idea to have that in . Plus you can use me as a main person because I 'm very good at it . We can also film life after school . After school activities is one of the main thing in school . There are lot of interest activities doing on such as , painting , swimming , football , basketball , reading , drama , and much much more . We can capture bits of each activities and used it as a finish clips for our film . Dear Helen Ryan , I would like to thank you for your letter ! I went in for your competition and I was really anxious about the results . I am surprised that I won the first prize but also very happy about it ! Therefore it would be my pleasure to reply to your letter . Firstly , I would like to arrive at the Camp in July if that is possible because I am working and I will not have spare time before this month . Secondly , you are mentioning " tents or log cabins " as the accommodation provided . I would rather live in a tent than a log cabin in order to be close to nature I adore the sound of the wind , trees , animals and everything which is surrounding . I could feel the environment . Thirdly , as far as the activities I have to choose , I would prefer swimming as well as tennis . I have gained some experience in playing tennis due to the tennis court that we used to have at home . I do sports a lot so apart from tennis I am a member in our local swimming centre . I can reasure you that gradually I am improving my sports skills . Finally , I would like to ask you which kind of clothes do I have to bring with me . Is the weather changeable ? I was also wondering if I will need any money . I would appreciate if you could let me know as soon as possible . I hope the information given will be of use . I have tried to be as helpful as possible . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , I am writing to you about my previous experience . I know how impatient you are about it and I just want to let you know that it was something amazing ! As I 've told you , last month I went at a pop concert and I really enjoy helping with the preparation . It took place in a huge stadium which had over 4.000 seats for the " spactetors " if you can call them like this . Can you imagine ? There was a large stage which we had to clean by sweeping . That was a little bit odd but and funny at the same time . Another thing we had to do was help the staff to tranfer some equipment . The musicians brough it in order to achieve a high standard of quality sound . We had to be very careful . Have you any idea how much does this stuff worth ? You do n't even want to know . Apart from these we were mainly helping the singers to be prepared for the concert . They had to chose their clothes , give one last performance before the big night and everything had to be perfect ! Even if I could use 100 sheets it would n't be enough to describe my experience and the things that I 've gained through it ! I 've learned the meaning of the words " reliability " and " responsibility " . Anyway the result of the whole preparation is far more enjoyable and relaxing . Looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes Dear Sir/Madam I have visited your theater and I was very dissapointed because of the number of reasons . I 've read your advertisment and in reality to what was written there was different . There was no Danny Brook but instead of him was a different actor and I 'm very dissapointed about it because I 'm his fan . The show started much later , on 45 minutes later than it should be so I was late for the bus . There were no discounts availible so I overspended the money . The theater restaurant was closed for no reason availble to me . It was a realy bad evening and because of it could you possibly give my money back ? Because it was just a waste of money to go to your show . Yours Faithfully Vaisili Solatov Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . But when I came to this school a few months ago I did n't know this . We are in the same maths set so I met him rather soon . He was one of the first people who I get know . After a few days he was already my best friend . Everything was going perfectly befor last month when I met a girl from the other school . Her name was Marine . I saw her as a perfect girl with who I fallen in love with . So one day she offered to me to come to her house at night and to do so I had to run away from our boarding house and that was illigal . I had decided to go . So I woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning and climed out of the window . Unfortunately for me Pat at the time went to toilet and saw me . So I asked him to keep it in secret . I came back at 6 o'clock in the morning and went to sleep again . Next day my best friend went to headmaster and told him about me so he gave me a sespend . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to your advertisement about the " London Fashion " and " Leisure Show " . Thank you for organising this good programme , especially the Leisure show , which very interest us . So all of our class would like to go to the show during the three days in London . But there is a problem which I hope you can solve . According to your advertisement , we were pleased to learn that we can do some different activities in London , which included in sightseeing by bus , River trip to Greenwich , Science Museum and National Art Gallery so on . The point is , The London Fashion and Leisure show will be fantastic . From these we can see the latest fashion , imagintive make up and hairstyles . What is more they are the Leisure and sports wear , which we are keen on seeing it . In your advertisement , you had written The show will be help in Central Exhibition hall in London , it starts from 10 am to 7 pm on 14th March . I think it is a great opportunity because I am sure we will enjoy ourselves . But I wonder if the timetable could change , which will be perfect . As you know , all of us want to join the programme , so if some students go to Science Museum , they will miss the wonderful show . For that reason , I suggest that you could change the activities . In my opinion , we had better go to show instead of science museum and shopping , also we can go to Science Museum on 15th March , which instead of the free time in the afternoon . I am sorry to make your inconveint . I hope it does n't make some trouble if you accept my suggestion . I look forward to receiving your apply as soon as possible . your sincerely , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . Because ..... Last night , when I went into my house it was quite scilence . I felt there might be something has gone wrong . I found my parents sitting in a armchair . I could see sadness in my father 's eyes . My mother came over to me and said softly , ; my dear , your father 's company has jut gone bankrupt , then she could n't help crying . When I hear this bad news , I was very depressed because father worked quite hard for his company . My father always remembered his responsibily was giving good salary to his worker , which is the view of his life . So I must find out a solution which can help my great father . One day , I suddenly got a good idea . ' Why not go to sock exchange ? ' I said to myself . Almost every day I stayed in there and research the exchange decline-line , which give me lots of information from there . Finally , I decide to join the dangerous game , which will lost everything or suddenly become millionaire . With luck , I was won by chance . When I with mixed mood went home I found my parents were stooding at the door looked like very cheerful . ' Surely it does n't mean that they have learnt the exciting news ? ' I said to myself again . Much to my surprise , they told me in high voice that they never went bankrupt , they wanted to give me a opportunity to do something impressive by myself . Now , they are both prouding of me ! Dear Mr. Robertson . I am writing on our class behalf to thank you for organising our tour in London . Our class is very appritiate you for the good programme . Especially , we are interested in the sightseeing by bus on Monday morning and the river trip to Greenwich at the afternoon . It is a good idea to include the visiting of the Science Museum and the National Art Gallery at morning time on Tuesday and Wednesday respectivelly . However , the students in our class have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show at the Central Exhibition Hall of London on Tuesday from 10 am to 7 p.m. All of us would like to go to the show . It is a great opportunity because of the following reasons . Firstly , there will be leisur and sports wear and the latest fasions . Secondly , there will be exibitions about makeup and hair styles . Moreover , the entrance for students is free . We suggest changing our programme a little bit . Instead of Wednesday 's afternoon free time we could visit the Science Museum . And on Tuesday we will enjoy the London fasion and Leisure Show till 19.00 . After all we will be able go shopping . I am looking forward to recieving your positive reply . For the further details you can contact me my phone number . Yours sincerely Famous people . What does it means ? From my point of view , these are the people , who stay all time in our sigh . We intrsted in politicians 's and film stars 's wear , hobbys , passions and the intrigues . The lardge numbers of the journalists following them all the time , even in there private life . In my opinion , each human being has rights to be free . We can go for a wolk , go shopping go to the cinema , marrige or devorce . Why famous people could n't do all this things ? Why everybody must know and tolk about their private life ? The most important thing that the famous people are also normal people as us . They live as us , they brief and eat as us , they even following in love as us . I think , they must have a normal , private life without journalists following them all the time and without any exact details about them in the different newspaper 's curiouses . 17 June , 2000 Dear Sir or Madam , I visited your theatre a couple of days ago in order to see the musical show titled ' Over The Rainbow ' . I was not satified with the show at all because it was very different from the information your advertisement had stated . First , I expected to see Danny Brook but a different actor appeared without any explanation . Secondly , although the show started at 20:15 , your theatre restaurant closed at the usual time and I was not able to eat dinner . I had planned to have dinner there after the show . What is worse , the ticket price was not reduced despite the fact that I showed my student ID . Visiting your theatre should have been the most pleasant time during my holiday in London . I do hope you will understand my feelings and send some money back . Faithfully yours , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I had known that but I told my secret to her , which was a big mistake . It was just an usual day . Somehow I felt like sharing my secret with her and told her that the new pop singer who was very popular among girls was my cousin . Pat was very surprised but soon she began asking me lots of questions about him . I did n't mind telling her about my cousin , actually he is n't different from other boys at all , he just has sweet-looking . Next day , I went to school as usual and got agog at a large number of girls waiting for me around my rocker . They all seemed to want to be my best friend , and only Pat seemed to be happy to be my best friend . Now I 'm asking my cousin either to meet my friends , or to quit being a singer right now . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing this letter to you to complain about your Circle theatre . First of all I must say that " over the rainbow " is not the London newest and best musical show , for many reasons : In your advertisement I read the times , it was 14.30 and 10.30 , however it started 20.15 ! So I 've been doing the nothing for a long time and I do n't like to lose my time , and what about Danny Brook and Tina Truelove ? , where were they the last weekend ? the last weekend in the theatre was a different actor who was disappointing . To make the evening worse the tickets were not discounts available , and the theatre restaurant was closed after the show because it was so late when the show was over . I want the money back , if you do n't give it to me back , I will intend to write to the press and explain everything , and of course I wo n't be the only one . I am so furious because when I asked for money back that day , the sir was n't able to give it back because he would be sack . yours faithfully , the secret lover Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets and he usually makes up some extra information . On day we decided to write a special letter to Pat ; in the letter we told him that we felt in love , we were a beautiful girl with long hair and green eyes ( as Pat likes women ) . The only problem was that the girl was to shy to speak to him , she wanted to keep her name in secret , and if Pat tells someone something about the letter , she wo n't say who is . Poor Pat , he was so happy because a girl loves him and so nervous at the same time , even eating his nails . As I said at the beginning Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets so he told us that he had a love letter but we could n't read it . Three days after we sent him another letter , and Pat told us again but we said , " oh Pat do n't tell that lie again " , so Pat got furious and showed us the letter . We laughed and explained him that we were who wrote that letters , and made him promises that when he gets a secret lover , a real one , do n't tell anyone because he wo n't meet her . Dear Sir , I am writing to explain some aspects about your show . It was a desaster and I am telling you why . I went to see my favourite actor , Danny Brook , but I had a bad surprise ; he was not in the show ! How could you change the actors without saying something to the visitors . The show was supposed to start at half past seven and started a quarter past eight . Forty-five minutes later ! It was incredible . Apart from that , the advertisement mention that there were discounts available , and there were not . It mention that visitors could visit the restaurant after the show , too , and we could not because it was closed , and the person who was there said that it was very late and he was not allowed to open the restaurant for us . I am very disappointed , and if it is possible , I want you to return my money back . I hope that the next time you will do a better show than the last one . Yours faithfully , For me technology affects me a lot may be more than science , because my daily life is plenty of objects with technology , such us television , radio , transports , etc . But it has advantatges as disadvantatges . On the positive side , if I am bored , the first thing that I want to do is watching television or listening to music . Or if I want to go shopping or to another city , it is necessary to use the car or the public transport . On the other hand there are disadvatatges , too . Firstly , the enviroment is polluted because of technology , although is our fault . Secondly for us is a disadvantatge because the pollution affects us indirectly , and because I do n't do anything but watching television , and it is n't very good at all . And finally , because I spend a lot of money buying games for the computer , that it 's a very good technology , too . To sum up , technology it 's the best thing around the world , apart from T.V . Dear Sir , Madam , I am writing to complan about your service . Last Sunday I went to the Circle Theatre . I watched a musical show which called ' Over the Rainbow ' . I was very disappointed it . Because there were other actors which played too badly . I do n't understand why you changed them . I hoped to see Danny Brook and Tina Truelove as was presented in an advertisement . You had to start the show at 19.30 p.m. but you started too late at 20.15 p.m withour any ecxpenetion to people . Why did you put into the advertisement ' Discounts Available ' ? It wase n't ! ! ! Any kinds of tickets were original prase . After the show many people wanted go to your theatre restaurant , but it was closed because there someone has fixed something . I had the very disappointing evening so I would like to ask for return my money . I got the ticket for £ 20 . I am hearing to looking fermards from you . Yours faithfully , Ilya V . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I knew that but I needed someone who could understent and support me at that moment . I told to her about my pregnency because she has friend who works in a hospital as a doctor . I asked her for hepl and she promised me do everythings what she can and keep my secret . Pat gave same advise for me and I disayded to have an operetion . In a week time my classmates and teachers started to toking from me . I understand who told my secret to everyone . I got the big dipress but my parents supported me . We had a big conversation . They stopped me to do the operetion . Then I was 15 years old . Now I am 16 and I have got nice baby boy . My family very love him and support us . I still go to school and I have plan go to a college on next year . I would like to tell to everyone , do n't be naive when you share with sameone your big secret or promlem . First tell to your parents . I am sure it is the best way . Ofcoure secrets can be different ... Dear Sir or Madam , I am glad to hear that I have won first prize , two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . I would like to travel in July because I will have my off in July . I would rather stay in a log cabin than a tent . I think it would be more comfortable than a tent . I want to join swimming and tennis courses . I have been swimming from my five years of age until 1993 as a member of school team . I am good at timing on swim . I am also good at playing tennis . I won a prize in a competition in 1999 . I would like to ask about the money . Is everything free ? Do I need to bring money for anything extra ? but also I would like to learn about clothes . Do I need any special clothe ? Will you provide it ? and Do I have to pay for clothes ? If you reply my letter until 28th of June I 'll be pleased with it because I have to give information about my holiday dates to my company . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours Sincerely , - SHOPPING - Who does n't like shopping ? Everybody likes from a child to an old lady in sixties but it is not always enjoyable . When you get home tired after spending all your morning and afternoon at shopping you 'll want to go to bed because you were looking for only a suit during all day and you could n't find the perfect one . The only thing is we need to know what kind of thing do we want to buy and where could we buy cheaper and more quality stuff . We have few possibilities . We can look up a magazine or a booklet which deliver with newspaper weekly . We can order a free book from big shops or companies monthly . We can also watch some special channels on the television . The easiest and latest way is the internet shops recently so you do n't need to see long-face staffs in the shops . You wo n't wait in the quee . You do n't need to go out to buy something . You can order everything on the computer . I think you wo n't be tired and bored end of your shopping on the computer . Think about that way for enjoyable shopping . Dear Mrs. Ryan , I have just received your letter and I would like to thank you about the two weeks in California I won in the competition . California has always been in my dreams . I will be leaving university in a few month 's time but is in my plans to continue my studied at another University trying to do a master of two years . Having decided to take a month off between University and course it would be great to have my holidays from 1st to 15th July . I have always wanted to spend my holidays in tent but my father has never given me the permission , and this would be an ideal opportunity for me to learn about camp life . I am a good swimmer and also well at golf ( handicap twelve ) I took a certificate as Teachear in both of them six years ago before I went to " CROARA GOLF " in Milan where I organised evening 's entertainment for customers . I hope that you can let me know , before I will live , how many degrees there will be so that I cannot make a mistake choosing my clothes and how much aproximately I will spend in money . I look forward to reading from you . Please do not hesitate to contact me at ( 0297 ) 8245123 in case of need . Yours sincerely , Bonfilia Conti I do not agree that it is preferable to phone at the shop and give them a list of items you need instead of going to the shop and choose whatever you want . First of all , I belive that if someone has time to go to the shop has the possibility . Dear Misses RYAN I am writing to inquire whether there is possible to have more details about travel and to give my preferences about travel . Indeed I would rather to travel only on July since I 'm going to work in august in order to earn money to pay my studies next year . Moreover I would prefer being accommodate in log cabins because I ca n't put up with mosquitos and other insects which risk coming into tents . Besides I 've chosen two activities from the list : Tennis as I practice this sport regularly and I 'm very good in this activity and Golf because I ignore all about this sport and I wish I will discover it thanks to you . On the other hand , I would obtain some details about the kind of clothes that I should carry with me and how much money to take You do n't hesitate to contact me in order to have further information . I hope quickly hearing from you Yours sincerely Dear readers As you have already know , your English class is going to make a short video about daily life at your school , that 's why I 'm writing a report suggesting which , lessons and other activities , should be filmed . First of all , he seems obvious that we should , at least once , film a lesson with our English teacher who have had the idea to make this short video . Besides I would suggest filming a lunch to the restaurant at twelve o'clock in order that people are aware of the high level of noises inside the restaurant because of babbles . At the end , to my opinion , It would be interesting to film a course of sport in order that our parents realise that we improve our body 's abilities , and not only our brain 's abilities at school . Dear Helen : I am very please to receive you letter , and read all the question you ask me , now , I answer the question . I would like to go travel in July , because at that moment , is stay my summer holiday , so I had more freedom time , and I want to live in tents more than log cabin , because when we live in a tent , usually we are in the countryside. at that moment , I think it should be suitable for me . Do you know , I am amuzing to play tennis ? I am tennis first team in my school , so I can show my highly tennis skill during the holidays , and I can play Basketball as well , but not very good , you can say I only know how to play . Do you mind tell me what is the weather , when I during the holiday , what kind the money I should bring with me and what language I should know in there ? Please write back. take care From What do you think about shopping ? Very Fun , very happy , if go with your girl friend will feel romatic , you should think something like this , but do you know is not always like this . When you go to shopping with your girl friend , she want to watch every clothes in the shopping centre , but you are not interesting of that , romatic , no ! I think you will feel boring . If you interesting of the clothes as well , but you need to remember , one is male , but one is female , they should had diffence fashion , at that moment should be had one is boring or have some bad chat , so at the last you both two will feel unhappy or angry to each other . If you go out with your same sex friend that should be fine , same fashion , but everytime go to the same place , everyone will feel boring . Shopping is enjoyable , but not very offer , so do n't say to everyone shopping is always enjoyable ! Mr. Maneger , In this unconfortable situation I am writting to tell you about some irratable problems . I went today to see Over the Rainbow , and I am very disappointed with the organisation of your theatre . First of all , when I went to buy my tickets I discovered that the advertisement was saying false things because there was n't any discount available , but in anyway I bought the ticket . Then , the time marked to the beginning was 19:30 and unfortunatly he began at 20:15 . I have already , saw others versions of this musical and Danny Brook is a bad actor , who ended with the musical . Closing this facts , when the musical finished I was very , in the fact of the wainting for the start of the musical and dissapointed with this version of Over the Rainbow , every body went to the restaurant wich is closed without any explanation . I am very dissapointed with this evening and with the desorganized way of deal with problems so I am asking my money back . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . He has a bestfriend , that was more like a brother for him . They always done thing together , and they were the most popular boys in school , both were very hanson , played football they were the example for everybody . Before one day , when Pat discovered that his brother was gay , after this their relationship has change . Pat was very frightened with this situation . Pat and Ted , had always competition , and Ted used to be the best , he never had failed and people in general constums to like more Ted , I do n't now why . This secret was an opportunity for Pat be the best without competition but it is a secret who involved his best friend sexuality , and if Ted was a normal person it will be fine but he was the example for all school . Unable to keep a secret he told for everyone , ended his friendship with Ted , now Ted is rejective for everyone , no one talks to him and Pat is the example , but without his best friend and his honestity . I prefer be nothing than bun like Pat Dear MRS HELEN RYAN . I am very pleased with the prize that I won and I would like to give you more information about it , because I would really really like to go to California , I have always wanted to go to California . First of all , I 'm very ill at the moment and I need about a week to get better and I would like to travel within the next few weeks if is possible ( July 2000 ) . In accodance with what you have told me about the accommodation I would prefer to go and stay in tents , because I think their unusual and is not something that you do everyday . You have also asked me to give you two activities ( sports ) which I would like to do while I am at the camp . The kind of activities that I like from the list that you gave me are Basketball and Swimming . I would also like to ask you about the weather to see what kind of clothes shall I take with me . On the other hand I do n't know how much money I should take . Is the food paid for ? What about all the other expenses like gas , electricity , water and all the others . May I ask you to bring me some more information about the question that I have asked you ? Thank you very much about your letter Yours SINCERELY Dear Mrs Andersen I would like to give you , and the others in the class my opinion ( for the video that you are going to do ) about which lessons and other activities should be filmed and why . Well , in my point of view the most interesting lessons that we do at school but in real life are useful , are maths because everything we do is all about maths . The other lesson that I think is very important is physics because of the same reason as maths . On the other hand I think that geography is important as well because we must all know WHERE we live , what are the problems that we have in this world , what problem does every different country have and where does the petroleum come from and what are the advantages and disadvantages for it and the gold as well , there are loads of thinks about geography that we MUST KNOW . In accordance with all that I have written to you above I think that there is something else you must put in the video film . You can put a few activities ( sports ) like basketball , football , tennis , but only those because their are very popular and people will have interest on them . My advise for you is : " Do not put to much subjects , just put a few subject and make them look interesting " Yours SINCERELY Dear manager , My name is German Schmidt an in the last week I went in your theatre to see the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . There are some problems , we have to speak about . At first , the actor was not Danny Brook there was a different actor , who I do n't know . In the advertisement of the show was written that the musical will be start at 19:30 , but it started at 20:15 . After the musical show I want to spend some time in your theatre restaurant but it was not open , because all of your cooks and waiters are in holidays . And this not perfect evening in your theatre was very expensive for me . I 've payed £ 160 for eight people and there was no discounts available . In my oppinion you have to give some money back to me . I think 50 % ( £ 80 ) are enough . If you give no money back , I will go to the newspaper . faithfully At first I would say that our technology level , in this time are very high but in the future it would be higher . With the help of some modern technology our daily life would not so difficult . One point in my life is home banking . With the help of my home computer I can do all thing , about money , with my bank . Some years ago I have to go to the bank . The new way is very easy and faster and I can spent my time with other things . An other point is the modern technology in my car . Because of the modern technology , the safety level in my car is very high . At the end I would say that everybody of us can not live without the modern technology , because the modern technology is necessary for us in all parts of our life . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am very glad to hear that I have won first prize in your competition . Here are some further information you need from me : I would like to travel in July . It is the only time of the year I have two weeks holiday . I would be grateful if you could give me a log cabin . It is more secure and there is no problem if it rains . As for the two activities , I would enjoy climbing and playing tennis . I have been climbing for more than 7 years . It should not be a problem . On the other hand , I have never played tennis in my life . But I watch every tournament on television . I like this sport very much . I would like to know if I need special clothes , extra money or any other things . Could you please send me more details about that ... I look forward to hearing from you . Charline Cholmondeley Shopping is not always enjoyable . There are two kinds of shopping ; the first one is shopping for fun . You often see young ladies looking for the nicest dress , the most beautiful shoes and so on ... They are all excited when thinking about the party they have been invited to . This is very nice when you can do your shopping like that . The second kind of shopping is not enjoyable . It is when you have to buy what is necessary for you : bread , butter , milk etc ... It is always the same . You have to find the best article for the best price . You are among thousands of people , but at the same time , you are alone . Besides , when you want to pay for the things you have taken , you can believe that the ladies behind the cashdesks are unable to smile . After that , you have to carry your bag ( of course far too heavy for you ) to your car . When you are at home , there is no reward except that your husband or your children notice that the fridge is full again . Shopping is annoying but also necessary , it is why it is not always enjoyable . Dear Sir . I 'm sorry to say it but your musical show was very disappointing to me . I was very disappointed . Lot of things that you have written at the advertisement are not true . You writer that the actor was going to be Danny Brook but he was n't there . A different actor was played and this was very disappointing to everyone . Also the show did not start at half past seven o'clock as it was said but at eight and fifteen o'clock . Everyone get bored until the show start . About the discount that we are going to have . Why it does not make to us ? I am also wondering why you told us to visit your theatre restaurant after the show. as it was closed . Everyone after the show run to take a good seat at the restaurant but everyone disappointed when they see the sight which said " Close for today " . That evening was n't my perfect and I have to say that I want my money back because the show was a disaster . I 'm really sorry I am saying this but is the true . I am hoping that you will not make such mistakes again . Yours sincerely Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat is a friend of mine and we are friends for almost a year . She is a very good girl and she can deal with every promblem she has . It was Saturday when I called her and told her to go for a walk at the park , which was not very far away from our houses . I had never told her a secret before but this time , I was going to tell her . The secret was about our friend Maria who was very kind with everyone I told her that I have heard that Maria had concern . Pat told me that she would not told that to anyone but the other day I learnt that all the school had known about Maria . I was sure that was Pat who told it to everyone . After that I had an argument with Pat and then she told me that she said it only to one person . I was very sad with what Pat do and I did n't speak to her for a long time . But now we are friends again but I will never say to her a secret in my whole life . Dear Helen Ryan . My name is Agripina T. I just recive your letter and I would like to answer and ask some questions . I would like to travel only on July because it 's the only month when I 'm free . On June I have to take some English lessons . I would prefer to live in log cabins because I think they are more comfortable than tents . I do n't really like living in tents . If it 's possible to live in log cabins I 'll be pleased . While I 'm at the Camp , I would like to do two favorite activities which are basketball and singing . I love to play basketball . I 'm not good at it but I try my best . Before I was in a basketball team and I enjoyded a lot . Also I like singing . In future I would like to be a singer . I like this kind of activity . There is something else I would like to ask . At the Camp , is there a free uniform or we will have to wear something spessial ? Also I would like to ask about money . How much money should I take with me ? And is it nesessary to bring money , will we need them ? This is all what I wanted to ask . Thank you for everything . Yours sincerely Agripina Tymoshenko . I suggest to film our English lessons and Math lessons . From activities I suggest to film sport lessons. and music lessons . We have very interesting English lessons . They are always funny and nice . We always learn something new . At some lessons students are always work , but us we work , joke , discuss many topics , tell some stories about our life . Students think that we do n't do anything and we do n't learn anything spessial . It 's not true . We practice our English and I think we have to film our English lessons , so others can see that to study this way is better than to study the way how they do . Also Math. lessons are so interesting . Many people do n't like Math because they think that it 's boreing subject . I think it 's all depends of teacher . Our Math. teacher knows how to teach so we do n't get tired of his lessons . I think we should film the Math. lessons , so students and some teachers will change their opinion about Math . For activities we should film sport lessons because we always do something new . We do many competitions with other schools , and we always have fun . Our music lessons are speccial . We try to play on many instruments , sing even if we do n't know how . And it 's always interesting to wach others while they do something like that . Report by Agripina Tymoshenko . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I received your letter this morning . I am very pleased to hear that I have won first prize in your competition . You can find futher information from me about Camp California in the USA . First of all I should go to Camp California only July because I will start working in our local leisure centre as a swimming instructer And I would like to swimming activities at the camp . My second chose is painting because I love water colour painting and I am a member of the our water colour painting club in my town . I would like to stay in log cabins because I have bad experiens about tents . I do not like to stay in such a small place . Lastly , I would like to know how much money I should bring with me and could you give me clue about what I must bring as a clothes and what I do not need it . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Shopping is Not Enjoy Anymore We are all costemers of the big supermarkets They have all what we need it . They are a bit far from town but they have huge car park . They give us lots of chose to buy what we need it and what we can try for . Also they give lots of sale for everything even you can join their club for extra discount . It look wonderful does not it . But when we thing properly shopping is not enjoyable for example if you forget something that need for salat . You have to go back this supermarket and find nearest parking space then before someone takes the their last fresh lemon for your salat you must find where was the lemon section before because they love change the store again and again . When you get your lemon you have to go to queue to lemons money . At it shows shopping is become our dislikes , because of the huge supermarkets . 13/6/00 To whom it may concern , I have recently received a letter saying I am a first-prize winner for your competition . I was wonderful news and as you have requested , here is some further information and details . I would like to travel in July as it is my summer holiday and is the most convenient time for me . At Camp California , I would preferably like to stay in a tent as I think it would be more enjoyable . The two activities I would like to do are Photography and Sailing . I think they are a good contrast . I have not done sailing for quite a long time so I might find it difficult but I am looking forward to it . As well as a good exercise , I would also be able to learn something new . I have never done Photography before . I also have some enquiries concerning the trip . I would like to know what the weather would be like at that time of the year so I am able to pack the essential clothings . I would appreciate it if you also advise me on how much money I should take . It is all new for me as I have never been to the USA before . Please send me additional information soon . Thank you for your time and your kind effort . Yours Sincerely , When you think of the word ' shopping ' a smile always comes onto your face . Shopping is thought of as enjoyable . Teenagers go shopping for leisure and to socialize . There are more than one kind of shopping though and one particular kind is window-shopping . I would say window shopping is the reason why I have no money now . Sometime last month , I was just the same as I am now , with no money . My friend wanted to meet up with me so we made plans to meet up at a high street to go shopping . For me , that was window-shopping . When we went into the first shop , I caught sight of a long black dress . As I had nothing better to do , I tried it on . I fell in love with it . I knew thought that I could n't get it - not yet anyway . I went back everyday just to eye that dress because I just could n't get over the fact that I had no money . When I received my monthly pay , I rushed down to the shop and without thinking , bought that dress . I went back to where I was before - with no money ( and a black dress ) all over again . When I think about it now , shopping is not always enjoyable . Dear Manager , I 'm writing this letter to you because I had a very disappointing evening to your theatre. and I would like to explain what the problems were . Firstly , as I read at the advertisment , the actor would be Danny Brook and this is one of the reasons why I came to the theatre . But at big suprise I saw that the actor was different and I was very disappointed . Secondly , on the article the times were 14:30 and 19:30 . I prefered to come at 19:30 because it is better at night and it would n't finish late , but the theatre started at 20:15 and we got bored waiting to start . Another reason why I was disappointed was that you said there would be discount available but there was n't . At last I was waiting to visit your theatre restaurant after the show but it was closed because a machine was broken . This was very disappointing . As you can see there were many problems with the theatre and I would like to ask for some money back as an alternative Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . The next morning at school everybody was looking at me with a strange way . Nobody was talking to me except the ten persons who I invited to my party . At first I did n't know why but after a few seconds I realised that telling Pat about my party was n't a good idea . I was very ungry with her , I did n't know what to do I was afraid that I would have lost all my friends . After a few seconds of thoughts I went straigh to Pat . " Why , why did you do that ? " I said she looked as if she did n't want to talk to me . I ignored her I could n't do anything now . Everybody knew about my party and I had invited only ten persons . I was confused . I wondered why I made the mistake to invite Pat . I guess I did n't know that she would have said it . After a big confusion I decided not to make a party for my birthday so I could had all my friends back . And that 's what I had exactly done even if I stayed alone at my birthday . It was much more important to me to get all my friends back . With this story I learnt that there are a few friends who are real friends and who you can trust . Dear Madam or Sir I am writing this letter to complain how terrible the show performed in your theatre was . I was interested in the advertisement about the musical show so I went to the theatre to see it two weeks ago . However , I cannot help saying that it was really nightmare . Firstly , you advertised that Danny Brook , who is the my favorite , is a main-actor but there was another actor insted of him . Furthermore , his performance was really poor . Secondly , it started at 20:15 which was 45 minutes later than on time and there was no discount for the ticket , which is different from the advertisement . Thirdly , the only one restaurant in your theatre was closed because of renovating it . As a result , I had a totally disappointing evening during my holiday . So , I hope that you should have my money back . I will looking forward to your reply . Yours faithfully , TYUNG , SURIPHAT It is certainly true that the modern technology has been changing our life a lot in these days . But how it affect to my daily life ? I get up in the morning with the soft sound of radio program not the sound of alarm clock and eat my breakfast watching TV news . In the bus or even in the tube , I can talk with a friend with a mobile phone when I feel boaring . Sometimes I even do some games with it . In accordance with study or work , I use a internet , which is the easist way to get informations all around the world . Furthermore , I can write a letter to my friend who is abroad in such a short time . Without it , it would take more than one week . After comming home , I can make myself relaxed with the smooth sound of classical music from the Hi-Fi . In conclusion , modern technology affects a lot to my daily life as well as the whole society . And in my opinion the amount of it 's affection to the human life would be more than this in the future . 13 , June , 2000 To Helen Ryan , Hello , how are you ? I 'm fine . Thank you for the letter . I got it today and could n't believe it ! As you asked me for some further information . I will write it down . I 'd like to travel in July and this is the only time I can travel , because I am busy with a school project until the end of June and I am to work in a hospital for the summer holidays in August and September . For accommodation , I prefer log cabins , because I believe I can meet more people if I stay in log cabins and it 's a lot of fun to talk with them . I 'd like to play tennis and basketball while I am there . I have never played basketball , but I have played tennis for 6 years and I am a good player . I have never traveled abroad and do n't know if I should bring a credit card with me . If you have suggestions , can you write to me again ? Thank you again and take care , Yours sincerely , 13 June , 2000 . Dear Kim , Hi ! How are you doing ? I 'm fine . As you asked me about the concert , I 'll write about it today . First of all , we cleared all the seats . There were so many seats that it took long to finish clearing . Before the concert started , we sold some snacks and drinks and after that , we stood in front of the audience to prevent them from moving forward . During the concert , all the fans try to get closer to the singers , jumping , shouting and so on and some of them faint when they get to excited . We move them to a safe place so that they wo n't be kicked or stepped on by other mad fans . By the time it finished , I was exhausted , but I certainly enjoyed this experience as you can meet many people at a time and what I liked most was that you can see famous stars very close and listen to their live music for free ! Have you had an interesting experience ? Please write about it in the next letter . I hope to hear from you soon . Yours Dear manager , During my stay in London , I visited all the most famous place and I enjoyed a lot during this days . I love London 's musical shows and I read the advertisement for the show called " over the rainbow " . I 've gone to many musical shows where the main actor was Danny Brook and I can say that he is really good . It was my last night in London and I decided to go to this musical show . When I asked for the price I was surprised becaused the seller told there was n't any discount available . I showed the advertisement to him and he said it was wrong and I paid the normal price . I bought the ticket for the second session and I went to the theatre at seven o'clock . I had been waiting half an hour outside the theatre and finally it started at a quarter past eight . I was angry about all of this problems but I was disappointed when I realised the advertisement was wrong with the actor 's name . When the musical show finished I went to the theatre 's restaurant and it was closed because it was too late , so I could n't have dinner there , as it was announced . I was n't a good evening and I would like to have my money back . Waiting for your answer . Modern technology has changed my daily life and I 'll try to explain it . We have been using personal computers for nine years and it 's one of the most important changes . Last year I spent ten hours looking for information for my homework . The subject was " What 's happening in Irak ? " I started my research in the town 's library and all the information I collected was from a local newspaper . After two hours I thought that all of this information was writted from a foreign point of view and it was n't the native opinion . I used my computer for collecting reports from internet and I can promise I found so much information that I could n't analize it in two weeks . Internet has changed our daily life : you can find whatever you want . Do you want to have a different lunch ? Do you want to organize a different holiday in a strange place ? You can find there all you need and more ! I ca n't imagine my parents playing in the street without watching the TV . I could n't life without modern music . I 'm not interested in films without special effects. . And what about mobile telephones ? Changes wo n't stop it 's caming the WAP technology ( you 'll buy a cake in a corner 's machine without any coin , only one call ) , digital TV , virtual reality and more ... Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " I went to see at your theatre in London two weeks ago . According to your advertisement , Danny Brook was involved in the show , but to my disappointment there was a different actor . To make things worse , the show started at 20.15 instead of 19.30 . Besides , there was a problem with tickets . According to the advertisement , discounts were available , but in reality it was n't so ! On top of everything , when I decided to visit your theatre restaurant after the show , it turned out to be closed . When I insisted on the explanation of this fact , I was told that the chief cook was on holiday ! The perfect evening out you promised to provide turned to be really boring and disappointing . In connection with this I think you should give me some money back . I hope you will note this and I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat was my classmate and I should add , that he was one of my best friends . I loved and respected him very much , but there was an unpleasant thing about him - he talked too much . My sister 's birthday was coming . Her friends and I decided to present her with the thing she had been dreaming of for a long time - a puppy . We knew it would be a great present and she would be extremely happy . But the most important thing was that it would be really surprising to her , because she could hardly ever think of such a present . We bought a beautiful puppy and were waiting for the holiday probably even more impatiently , than Susie . But unfortunately Pat did n't manage to keep our secret . He told her about the present as soon as he saw her . I 'm sure he did it not because he wanted to spoil everything , but because he was so happy and excited , that he could n't act in a different way . Susie liked the puppy very much , her eyes were shining , but friends were a little bit sad and disappointed , because they were expecting a completely different ending . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show " OVER THE RAINBOW " which I saw in your theatre the 5th of June . I have been very disappointed by the quality of the show and the lies in your advertisement . Firstly , I was looking forward to seeing Danny Brook , as written in the advertisement , but his part was played by another actor , without information or excuse from the direction . Secondly , I coud n't get a discount with my student card and the show started 45 minutes later . In addition , the theatre restaurant , where we had planned to eat , was closed because the cook was ill . I am therefore asking for a complete refund of my ticket and I hope you will improve the quality of your services in the future . Yours faithfully H. Coulez Unfortunatly , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . The poor boy was only 5 year old and at this age , it 's very difficult to keep your mouth shut knowing an important secret . So when he heard at random that my parents were planning to offer me a trip to San Fansisco as present for my birthday , my little brother ran in my bedroom wherever I was studying and whispered in my ear the wonderful news . I knew they wanted to send me to America because they did n't want me to spend the summer with my boyfriend Fred , whom they did n't appreciate . But Fred booked a place on a plane to San Fransisco and that 's why , even if I did n't look delighted when my mum gave me my ticket for America , I had been looking forward to going with Fred for already one month . Dear Helen Ryan I had received your letter , I am very happy to have won the first price . I would like to go in July after taking my examination at the college in the end of June . So it is impossible for me to go before . I would prefer to stay in a tent to a cabin Because it is something I feel mores familia I used to go camping with my family every summer . I am quite good at swimming . I won the first price at the Regional Championship six years ago . But I think I 'd rather do other activities what you show me in your letter like tennis . I have been playing this game with my friends and I like it . I would be please if you give me some more information about the accommodation , and some advices about the cloth ( shal ) I should wear and how much money I should take with me . Your faithfully Shopping is not always enjoyable , even no healthy for your pockets . I just wonder how much time we spend shopping at the supermarket or how much time we spend buying cloths . Me for example , I do n't particularly like shopping , when I go on my own , it can be bored . My sister loves shopping , she could stay trying clothes on all day in a shop . I am agree that the most of the people enjoy buying cloths , food , something for the house presents . Because is something it goes with their culture . Sometime you can stay all day out just to buy a present for someone , it stard in the morning , and of course you have the breakfast somewhere , and it get later and you still looking for it so you have the lunch , so finaly you spent more money than you thought Dear Mrs H. Ryan I am writing with reference to your letter and I would like to give some information which I have been asked . Because my course finishes at the end of June and I am going to work for a Hotel in August and September , I would like to travel in July . It is the best time for me . As far as accommodation is concern , I would like to say that I prefer to stay in tents . I like staying in tents because when we go on holiday with my friends , we always stay in tents , so I am used to staying in tents . Moreover , I have also been asked to choose some activities . I would like to choose basketball and swimming . When I was at school , I have been playing for the school team and I am good at swimming . Finally , could you let me know what sort of clothes would be better to bring . It would also be useful to know that how much money will be enough to bring . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , To : Mr. J. Y Head Teacher From : Re : Short Video About Daily Life at I.S.O. School . FINDINGS I have discussed with my friends and school teachers about this subject . Here are some information about daily life at I.S.O . Morning Lessons : Although there are a lot of classes , there is special FCE class in which students are being prepared for FCE exam . There are special methods and materials for students . Afternoon Lessons : The aim of the afternoon lessons is to be able to give ability in speaking . There are some discussion groups , so students may have discussion on any subject . Break Time : We have a lot of facilities for break time . These are computer , video , and sports . RECOMMONDATIONS In my opinion we should choose break time activities . Because there are a lot of activities which students take part in . It would be much better for video film . Dear Mrs Ryan , I have just received your letter informing me that I won a two week holiday at Camp California , so I am writing to you to indicate my preferences for the travel and the accomodation . I have no particular needs but one : it will be necessary for me to travel in July because my work will keep me very busy in all other months . About the accomodation , I have no problems , but I would prefer staying in tent , so that the holiday may be more adventurous . During the holiday , I would like playing tennis and golf . I can play tennis quite well , but I have never played golf , so , if it is possible , I would like taking lessons with a teacher . I would like to know also what I will have to pay with my money and how the climate is at Camp California , because I have to decide which clothes to bring . I look forward to your answer . Yours sincerely , Clara Mancini People often have very different opinions about shopping . Most women and girls like it , especially when they want to buy clothes and shoes . A man usually is less interested in shopping , maybe because he frequently has to pay what his wife has bought . In my opinion , shopping can be interesting in big stores , where you can find everything , or in shops which sell something special or strange . On the contrary , I do n't like going to shops where you see only common things , and I hate it when there is a lot of crowd . In this case , you have to stay in long queues , you ca n't walk without being pulled or pushed , and you often have to spend a hour to buy some soap or a packet of biscuits . Even if you are with a friend , you ca n't talk , because of the noise and the confusion , and you may find it difficult also to walk close to each other . The better thing to do to skip queues and crowd is not to go shopping on Saturdays , but it is not always possible . Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to express how I was dissatisfied with OVER THE RAINBOW which was presented by the Circle Theatre . First of all , the reason why I bought the ticket was Danny Brook , who is my favorite star , and was going to play for the show . However , there was a different actor instead of him , and this was most my disappointment . Moreover , as your advertisement , we would get discount price for the ticket , but it was not available . Although the show was supposed to start at 19=30 , it started at 20=15 , so I had to wait for an hour . To make matters worse , because of the late starting , the theatre restaurant had already closed after the show finished . I wonder if you could give me a refund for that , because the show was extremely different which I was expected . I hope you would take immediate action for that . I look forward to hearing from you in the future . Yours faithfuly Our daily life with modern technology Science and technology are necessary for our life . I could say that we can not servive without them . Nowadays , especially computer technology is improving , therefore , we can get any kinds of information as much as we require . It is getting more convinient and useful than our past life . Further more , it is possible to cure many patients who have serious desease more effectively , if we use modern technology for medical science . However , if we rely on modern technology too much , it is difficult to be independent , otherwise we will tend to not consider or solve a problem by ourselves . From my point of view , it is great that science and technology improve for our life . Because of convinience , we can spend time more effectively , but we should not be rely on these too much . Dear Sir Last week I attempted the musical " Over the rainbow " , and I am writting in order to complaint about things that really disappointed me . First of all , I want to say that in the play appeared a different actor despite that in the advertisement appeared the name of Danny Brook , that actor was very bad . Another thing I want to add is that the musical started 45 minutes late , it was planned to start at 19.30 and it really did it at 20:15 . During this time we had to keep seating in the theatre and it was boring and tiring . Thirdly , when I bought the tickets , I asked for discounts and nobody know anything about them , so it is false there are discounts available . However , we enjoyed the musical , but while going out to have dinner , we saw the restaurant closed and we had to take the car and come back home very hungry . It was a very disappointing evening and I hope you will give us some money back . I am waiting for your answer . Yours sincerely Hello . I 'm Robert and I 'm writting for the article about clothes in the future . In my oppinion , in a hundred of years , we 'll wear the same kind of clothes that we wear nowadays . What will change in clothes , will be the comfortability of them and the way they protect us and our body from temperature and physical agressions . I think they will cold us in the summer and makes us hot in the winter . Clothes will be more personalized and they 'll make us feel better and more free . Wearing them we 'll be able to dive underwater with a high pressure , and we 'll have freedom of movement . Technology will take part in clothes development , scientists will search the way to reduce the weight of clothes and they will become very light and comfortable , so I want to be in the future to enjoy the clothes . I wish I win the trip ! Dear Helen Ryan , I recived your letter and I 'm very happy because I did n't expect it , so first of all I want you know that I really fancy going at Camp California in the U.S.A during two weeks , and specially because I 've never been in this country . On one hand I would like to travel in July because I 'm working in a school and the lessons finish at the end of June so if I could go to this extraordinary opportunity in July it would be better for me because in August I will have to be ready to begin preparing the exams of september . If it is any problem let me know as soon as possible because I 'll try to sort it out . On the other hand I think I would rather not sleep in a tent because I had a bad experience once and I would like to try log cabins. although it would n't be a problem if I finally have to sleep in a tent . Another point is that I have already chose two activities that you asked me while I am at the camp and are basketball and golf , they are the best for me because I think I am good at both and I used to play them before . Finally I want to find out about if is any supermarket near the camping and if there are any facilities in washing my clotches into the camp . I look forward to reciving a reply from you . Dear Kim , Last month I had the most exciting experience in my life , as you know I was helping at the pop concert and it was amazing ! The concert was in the University in the middle of the field and at the begining when we arrived there were n't many people , only those who had to prepare the stage and the sound and of course us who had the job of serving drinks during the concert . We arrived quite soon because we had to organise how we went to serve people did with which order , so we started putting all the stuff in appropiate place . I was very nervous because I 'd never been in a concert before and an hour before everything stated the singer and the musicians were there and I could n't avoid it and I started crying - you can imagine , they were so handsome that I could n't belive it - I tried to calm down because I had to work , and later I began feeling more comfortable and when the concert started everything was such exciting that the time ran very fast - although I was working - and it was like a dream . Well I think I 'm going to remember it all my life and I 'm sure that if you had been there you would have enjoyed very much . See you soon . Best wishes . Dear Helen Ryan Thank you for your letter . I 'd like to go on holiday for two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. I can go only on July because I 'm a student . It 's summer holiday during that time . I want to know if it is avaliabile during that time . First of all I would be pleased if the accommodation is in log cabin because I 'm afraid of insects and it 's wet in the tent . It 'll make me like at the village . I like painting , and once I won first prize in the university competition . I think I 'll have chance to draw the pictures , and I 'll show my friends who have never been there before . Another activities I would prefer is sailing . My father was a sailor when I was child . I was draged to learn sailing . I 'm good at it . It would be exciting . Fathermore I would like to ask you which kind clothes I need to take and how much money I 'll spend . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Recently we have a class discussion about shopping . All of the students agree with that shopping is not always enjoyable . Women always enjoy shopping . But a lot of incovenients anoy them . So they said they do not always enjoy shopping . First of all the car parking is not convinent and expensive . Sometimes you ca n't find a place to park your car . Sometimes you have to park your car in a futher place then walk to the supermarket . Futhermore when you look aroud the supermarket , you ca n't easyly find the goods which you want to buy . It 's very confusing without right singho . Sometimes you get lost in the supermarket . Otherwise men always do n't like shopping , while their wives are doing shopping they sit in the car or read newspaper . They would be happy if there are sports and leisure facilities in the supermarket . They 'll change their mind . Instead of hating shopping they will enjoying shopping . In my opinion nowadays shopping is not always enjoyable . I have just received your letter and , firstly , I would like to thank you about good news . I will give you the information which you asked me in your letter and also will ask you some questions . As I understand is very imortant to confirm the date of travelling . I would rather choose July because it is only one month when I have got holiday , long enough to spend it by travelling abroad . Now about accomodation . If it is possible I would prefer to stay in tent . As I am young I would like to be a romantic person and to be closer to the nature . I think it will be the best way to understand what California means . Ansering to your question about activities , I am going to choose tennis and swimming . I am quite good in tennis , especially plaing in two pairs . Also I like swimming and I 've got two year experience in teaching swimming in lesure centre . Could I ask you some questions about clothes and money . Should I take some clothes for cold weather ? The last question - could you tell me some idea about how much money could I need . Your sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . As a women , as a mother and , finally , as an ordinary person , I am doing shopping quite often . Do I enjoy it ? If I told you " yes " or " no " , I 'd tell you nothing . Shopping is part of my life . Sometimes I hate it . I ca n't be concentrate in a shop , but I ca n't relaxe as well . I am looking on the shelfs but I 'm not able to find anything from my shopping list . Everybody are pushing me and I think that I came in a wrong place . On the other hand , I understand very well that it is really nesseceraly . I also understand that nobody will do that at my place . However , everybody in my family will open their mouths and wo n't just ask to eat , they will ask me something special and testy . To be honest , sometimes I like shopping . I think it is an opportunity to meet different people ( even if they are pushing you ) , to understand what they like and what they do n't , because even some kind of food could be in fashing . When I am with my children I can lean them reading , counting , if they only do n't run away from me to educate themself in the huge world , which name is " shopping " . Sir/Madam , I am writting this letter to inform you I had a very disappointing evening during your musical show " Over the rainbow " at the Circle Theatre where you are the director . First of all , the actor was expected to be Danny Brook . He is my favourite actor and the most important reason I went to your theatre . But finally , without telling us anything , there was a different actor . This was very disappointing . Secondly , your famous restaurant was closed . That was very displeasured because I had planned a romantic dinner with my wife . If you had told me your restaurant was going to be closed , I would have made a reservation anywhere else , but you did n't . And finally the play started with a delay of forty-five minutes and there were not discounts available . Both things do not agree with what I read on your advertising sign . Due to all of these reasons , I hope you could give my money back . Yours sincerely , MANUEL ALMODAR Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . But I did n't know that when I told her I was thinking in going away from home . This was a very difficult decission but I had to take it because of my personal situation , all the time shouting and fighting will all my family . Therefore my girlfriend lived alone so I could have stayed with her or just have gone on travelling around the world . I was thinking a lot about this problem and how to solve it so I needed someone to talk to and Pat had always been my best friend . But it was a big mistake because she told it to her mother and I do n't know how but now my mother know it , and she is very worried about me and my future . And my father thinks a year travelling and living by myself will be very good for me . Finally , my parents are all the time argueing about differents solutions to my problem , and this all thanks to Pat . Dear Mr Brown , I 'm writing this letter to you to make a complain about the " Over the rainbow " musical show which I saw yesterday . I have to say that I 'm very disappointed with what I saw because by seing your advertisment I expected more That show was entirely different to what it says on the advertisment . I arrived at the theatre at 19:30 , found my seat and waited for forty-five minutes , with two hundred other people for the show to start . When it finally started I noticed that the famous actor Danny Brook was replaced by someone who was not as good as him . Danny Brook was the reason that most people came to see the show . After some time a few of them started to leave the theatre . I was a little more portient so I stayed to watch the hole show , which by the way was the worst I had ever seen . I do n't know why I payed £ 20 with no discounts as the advertisements said it woul have . Then I thougt that I should go to the theatre restaurant to have a drink or eat something so that I could n't say that I wasted my time by coming here . I became furious when I saw that it was closed because there were n't any employees to work . So , I went home as fast as I could to write you this letter . I do n't care what you will do about the theatre but I want my money back because this was n't the perfect evening out you promised it would be . The last forty years , technology has been growing very fast. first it was used only by the military or by scientists but the last twenty years modern technology is found in any house , rich or poor and it helps people do hard work . Most houses have many electric devices like microwave machine , an oven a mixer , a dish washer and many other things which can do a job by the press of a button . The last ten year computers had entered almost every house , especially in rich countrys . Competers entirely changed people lives . Children can play games on it or watch a film . There are millions of things you can do with a computer . You can listen to music and generally use it for fun but the primary reason that computer were invented was for communication . There are hundrets of prograns which help you communicate with your cousin in Australia or with a complete stranger which you wanna meet . Millions of people use computers for this reason . The general conclusion about computers is that they help people to have easier lives by doing hard work and helping them . They are important to people who like to have fun with games and they are , maybe the best way to communicate with someone you know or a person you want to meet Dear Sir , I am writing with reference to an arrangement I made for your theatre show last week . I have to admit that it was not as I expected ; First of all , the main reason I went to see " Over the Rainbow " was its actor , Danny Brook . It was very disappointing when I realised he was n't in the scene . Beside this , I had to wait three quarters of hour before the show started . During this time , I decided to have a drink in the restaurant but , as well as being closed , there was no nobody from the staff that could help me . I could n't believe it ! I would never have imagined this could happen in such a well-known theatre . Furthermore , you talk about discounts in your leaflets and they were no available , so , it was an expensive evening ! I know you will understand my frustration and that 's why I would like a total refund of my money or at least another ticket that goes with my wishes . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . However , she was a close friend and I could n't accuse her of nothing else . I wo n't never forget the day the doctor told me and my Mum the thruth of my strange disease . He just said there were n't resources to face it at that moment but ... I bursted into teas as well as my Mother . It seemed the end of something lovely step by step . I got conscious of my problem and despite being a personal matter I decided to tell it to Pat . I still remember her words : Do n't worry about anything . My lips are sealed . I do really trusted her when three days after I went to school and I could appreciate I was catching the eyes of everybody . I could n't stand being watched and my furious led me straight to Pat . She tried to apologise but it was n't enough for me . My best friend had let me down . From that moment , I denied being with anyone until I met Cold , a sensitive dog , the one who would keep my secrets forever and would be near me until the end . Sure ! 13 of June , 2000 Dear Helen I am really happy to receive letter about Camp California from you . I am exciting and looking forward to doing camp there . I would like to travel in July because I have an important exam in September . Plus , it may be lovely weather at that time in U.S.A . I would prefer log cabins . To tell the truth , I want to stay in both , but I have never stayed in log cabins before , so I would try new style for me ! I would like to choose singing and tennis . I used to go to KARAOKE with my meats in Japan as I really like to do that , anytime . On the other hand , I have played tennis for nearly 7 years and it is also one of my hobbies . If possible , could you please let me know information about the way of getting there , e.g. airport information ? ? Thank you very much . Yours sincerely Dear Kim Hello , Kim ! It 's been ages to write letters to you . How was your exam ? I believe it went well ! By the way , last month I was in that pop concert which you mentioned in your last letters . Can you believe it ? Actually I helped and support to sell tickets at the reception . I 've sold tickets before but not in that kind of big pop concert . Before it was packed into by audience , we had to clean around the reception , but totally it was really exciting although I was just a staff in the small reception , because I felt great excitement ( especially girls ! ) from people queing . I liked that especially . I do n't like to tidy up , you know ! ! I like to face people whom even I do n't know . Foremost , after finishing my work , I could meet singers by chance ! ! That night was brilliant and class ! I keep that in my mind , ever ! Anyway , hope to hear from you shortly . See you . Love From Dear manager , I am writing to complain about the musical show which was held last week . I feel disappointed because it was different to the advertisement . First of all , the performers should be Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . However , there were two unknown actors in the show . I feel most disappointed about this . The show was started at 20.15 but actually it should started at 19.30 . Moreover , I bought a £ 20 ticket without any discount even the advertisement mentioned discount is available . And after the show , we went to visit the theatre restaurant . Unfortunately , it was closed because at that day was their day-off . But I am wondering why it said we could visit the restaurant if you know it would be closed . I am afraid it was not a best musical show because all the things above was not an accurate as what we had been told . On the whole , I feel disappointed about the event and I would have my money back . I look forward to hearing your reply . Thank you . Your faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I say this because of the experience I 've had from her . Actually , we were quite good friends before the event happened . Pat has been studying in the same class with me since this year . She is sitting next to me , we started to chat more and more , then we became good friends . One day , we were sitting in the dinning-hall like usually . Suddenly my heart was thumbing so quickly because I saw him ? - A boy who is a new student . I know this is one right love , I 'm absolutely besorrted of him . Then I told this to Pat and told her to keep it secret : I did n't want people gossip behind me then everyone would know I fancy him . But the thing which I 've never expected is Pat betrayed me . She told everyone that I fancy him and everybody always make joke on it , that makes me feel so embarrised : I was very angry at that time ! Now , I do n't talk to her anymore because I ca n't stand a person who I trusted betrayed me . I hope she would know that was her fault and do n't do it anymore . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show " OVER THE RAINBOW " which I saw in your theatre yesterday . I had really expected the show because it was the first time I had seen it in London and I was attracted by your advertisement which looked very exciting . However , I found it very disappointing . Firstly , the show started at 20:15 not at 19.30 so I had to wait for 45 minutes on the seat so it made me upset . Secondly , I was very disappointed as soon as the actors showed up on stage because they were not actors who you advertised . Thirdly , you state that there are discounts available but I could not get any reductions at all . Finally , to make matters worse , your restaurant had already closed after finishing the show so I could not eat anything . You mentioned that " Your perfect evening out ! " in your advert. but it was not absolutely true ! So I must insist that I want to have a full refund . I look forward to receiving your cheque as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , For many years scientific and technological break throughs have changed our lives . I think that the more technological developments we have the more comfortable lives we enjoy . Amaisingly , we can find that computer users are getting more and more . So the life is much faster and more convenient than before . My daily life has also changed a lot through the use of computer or mordern technology . First of all , using computer is the most important for me because I can store my personal records such as diary or expenses and I send E-mail to my friends who live abroad . I used to write letters but it takes time to arrive there or sometimes disappear so E-mail is brilliant for my life . In addition to this , doing internet is quite useful and helpful to have information from all over the world . Before I go on holiday I use internet to book or get details from travel agency , which means I could save my time and physical energy . In conclusion , in my opinion , there are many advantages in my daily life at present and I would recommend people learn computers and would like to say " Enjoy your lives " . Dear Helen Ryan , I 'm writing to you with regard to the letter I 've just received as I wish to give you some further information about myself . I would rather travel on July because I 'm not as busy as on June or August and because in my opinion during July there 's excellent weather . Regarding the accommodation I would prefer a log cabin because in my opinion tents are very uncomfortable to sleep and they are n't very cozy . Regarding the activities I 've chosen swimming as I 'm very keen on it and I 'm fairly good at it , but I expect the water to be as crystal clear . I 've also chosen singing . I 'm an awful singer , but I would like to learn . I would like to ask you for vegetarian food for me as I am a very extrict vegan , and to suggest me what kind of clothes to bring . I 'm really looking forward to my stay at Camp California and to your response in this regard . Yours sincerely , Nuria Valverde . Have you ever asked yourself which lessons or activities should be filmed in the school video ? Well , I 've just polled some students and here are their responses . 70 % of students think we should film the Speech and Drama lesson because is one of the lessons they enjoy the most . The vast majority say Maths and History should be filmed too , because they love these subjects and think they are very interesting and are also great fun . 60 % of students say breaks should be filmed too , because they want to show in the video they can also have fun at school . Most of them said Science , English and Literature should n't be filmed because they are not very interesting and are also very boring . In my opinion I think basketball should be filmed too because is one of the activities the students are very keen on doing and they usually enjoy it . But I do n't think we should film breaks , because in my opinion everyone knows how breaks are and what students do during them . In a nutchel I think Maths , basketball , Speech and Drama , and History should be filmed . Nuria Valverde . Dear Madam , I have just received your letter and I am glad to be the winner . Firsty , I would like to thank you warmly for this great prize . Here are some information and details you requested : Concerning the dates of the stay , I will only be able to come during the first two weeks of July , because I am starting a new job on July 15th . Since I have some serious back problems , I would prefer a cabin for sleeping . About your activities , I have picked basketball , because I love it : I am a player in a local club and I have been playing for twelve years , so I guess I am a " good " player . I have also chosen photography in your list : that part of California must be beautiful and I would love bringing some " well-taken " photos of the area . Lastly I need to know if all meals are included in your package . I am looking forward to joining you at Camp California Yours faithfully Zacharie Gibson We decided to make a short film about our school being seen and showed through the eyes of an imaginary student . It will be called " A day in the life of the mysterious student X. " It will be shot just as if the viewers were student X , not seeing him but being him . He will have breakfast , take a shower , get dressed , etc ... So viewers will . Student X will meet friends on his way to school and start talking with them . Actually one of us will hold the camera while another will stand next to him , as the " voice " of X . At school we want to show " sights and sounds " from all lessons ( about 5 minutes each ) . Student X will answer questions , speak with his classmates , even cheat at an exam ! During the chemistry and biology classes , " we " will make experiences . Of course we will also show other activities such as PE the lunch break and the theater workshop . The main purpose is to show the " real " life of an unreal student . Therefore we want this film to be informative and funny as well . We expect to show our production during the graduation party . Dear Sir/Madam My name is Alida Fanetti , and I 'm writing you about the musical show which I saw during my stay in London recently . One evening , while I was walking around the city I saw a very interesting advertisement , which was about a musical show . I 'm a fun of Danny Brook so when I read in the advertisement his name I immediately decided to go to the show . The tickets were a little expensive but I was with other TEN people , so when we read " Discounts Available " we expected that the theatre had organised a special discount for group of numerous people . It was n't true ; there were n't any discounts . The show started at 20.15 and not at 19.30 so we waiting for long time . Before the show started , a man said that there was n't Danny Brook because he was ill . It was a disaster . After the show , which was n't as good as we expected , we decided to go to the theatre restaurant . It was closed because people in the kitchen were n't ready with the food . It was n't a " perfect evening out " like you said in the advertisement , so my friends and I , would be gratefull if you will give us some money back , if it is possible . I hope to receive an answer . Your faightfully " the old man and the sea " BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY Dear Sandro , I 'm Alida , how are you ? I 'm writing you because I have an important thing to tell you . I read in the newspaper that in the next days some book of short stories are going to be read on the radio . A few days ago you told me that you have to read " the old man and the sea " by Hemingway for school ; well , on friday is going to be read , on the frequency 96.7 , this book . I suggest you to listen to it because it 's a very interesting book and you can relax while someone else is reading for you . I think it 's a very good thing that people read books on the radio because it 's a possibility for " busy people " to know important and beautiful short stories and books . Well , I think you will be happy if I tell you something about this book . I read it two months ago and I liked it very much . It 's a sad story but it makes you know a tipe of life that you ca n't imagine that really exists . The old man is a sad person but he loves his live and lives on the beach because he ca n't stay without see the sea for a day . I think you will enjoy it . Now I have to stop writing but I 'll write you more letters . I hope you will listen to this book on the radio . Write me back soon and tell me about your impression ( I mean if you enjoyed the story or not ! ) Love P.S. Remember 96.7 on friday at 15.30 p.m . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing , on behalf of an advanced class , to you to thank you for having organised our a three-day programme on 13th to 15th March . We discussed the programme . It would be great to take a trip to Greenwich by boat . We all would love to do it . However , we have seen an advertisement about " The London Fashion and Leisure Show " recently . It will be held at Central Exhibition Hall on 14th March at 10 a.m to 7 p.m. . According to an advertisement , a lot of events will take place during the show such as make up , hairstyles , latest fashions and leisure and sports wear . It would be a golden opportunity to know up-to-date fashion . In addition , it is free for students . After consideration , we would like you to reorganise the 2nd day programme . We are politely asking you . It would be grateful if you can reorganise this matter at your earliest convenience . I look forward to meeting you to discuss this matter . Yours sincerely , Hide and Seek ! Nowaday , a lot of celebrities , such as pop , film and sports stars , suffer from being intruded on the privacy of their lives . Undoubtedly , their the first enemies are " Journalists " . Some people are in favour of covering famous people 's in-depth stories . Because it is interesting and they can forget about their own problems by imagining celebrities ' luxurious lives . Moreover , they think that celebrities do not have to hide from publicity because it means that they are extremely popular with people and being loved . On the other hand , other people are against following celebrities and photographing them every moment . They claim that it is absolutely intrusion on the privacy . What is more , they insist that before celebrities , they are also human-beings who want to live without being disturbed and watched . In conclusion , there are both advantages and disadvantages of covering celebrities . Taking everything account , the drawbacks far outweigh its benefits . Thus , I think that journalists should consider celebrities ' lives and be in celebrities ' shoes . Dr Mrs Ryan , With replay on your letter , I would like to say that I was really pleased with the first prize . It was the real surprise for me . I would like to travel just in July , because I am going to study at my university untill the end of June . I hope it will not be any problem for you . I am glad that all accommodation and travel costs have been paid . I would prefer to live in the tent cabin , I think it is more comfortable . I see people who run the camp are very good in organize a social life of their guests . I have a lot of posibilities for spending my spare time . The climbing and the painting are preferred by me the most . Generally I paint some landscapes by using the watercolours , but sometimes I try to paint like during the impresionist by using blobs , oil paint and canvases . At the end I would like to ask what kind of clothes I have to take with me and how much money I will need for the normal life at the camp . I am looking to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Report on making a interesting video film The aim of this report is to suggest which lessons and other activities should be place at video film about daily life at our school . In order to preper it I visited some clasrooms during the lessons and I interviewed a number of students from our school . Some of the teachers are very good just profesionalists . Their lessons are valuable , rich in knowledge and funy . For example , the teacher of history and polish language is able to interest students about the subject in differents ways . According to students ' oppinions the most popular activities are the basketball , tennis , swimming and as well the photography group and the painting team . It is surprising that 45 per cent of the students questioned frequent one of this sport 's group and 30 per cent of people go to the photography group . On the whole our school have a lot of different possibilities for the students what we can show on our film . It can maks the video more interesting . I recommend to show our teacher of history . It can show that during every day we have a big fun and we recived a good , important knowledge . If we take under an attention this things our film is going to be very interesting Dear Sir or madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show called " Over the Rainbow " that was advertised in this week 's newspaper . According to the advertisement , Danny Brook would be starring but it was a different actor . It was really disappointing ! Furthermore , the show started at the wrong time . It was said that it would start at 19.30 but it was not . It started fourty five minutes later . And if this were not enough , I had no discount in the ticket as was written . Beside this , we where invited to visit the theatre restaurant after the show , but it was closed because it was being redecorated . So why you make this invitation ? On top of everything , I am on holidays and you can imagine how disappointed I am . It was not a perfect evening out . I suppose that you are understanding my situation , because you did not say the truth . I believe that you will be direct to blame and give me my money back . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully Caesara Rodrigos Los Arnos Nowadays the modern technology is increasing and it was really affecting our daily life . Sometimes there advantages but there some disadvantages too . Firstly , one advantage of it is that you can do things faster . Beside this you can talk with a person in the other side of the world by a computer . It is interesting ! Furthermore it helps in house works , at school and you can travel to places very quickly . So the main advantage of the modern technology is that things are becoming easier and easier . On the other hand , there are certain drawbacks . First and foremost is the pollution and big cities are suffering with it . It can cause lots of problems to our health . A further disadvantage is that children are growing up very lazy . They have everything they want very easily and it is not good for their future . To sum up , there are both positives and negatives aspects of the modern technology , because it can makes our lives easy but at the same time it is causing lots of problems for us . Dear Sir/Madam , I have received your letter and I would like to reply for it . To begin with , I can join the camp only in July . My school starts a summer holyday from 1st July and I am going to take a summer course from August . Therefore , I would like to travel in the middle of July . I also would like to prefer log cabins for accommodation . It seems more comfortable than tents . Secondly , I would like to choose Swimming and Tennis for activities . I have been belonging to a swimming club and I got second prize in a competition last summer . I am good at tennis as well as swimming . Finally , I would like to ask you about clothes and money . What short of clothes should I prepare ? According to your letter , all travel costs are included in your service , however , how much pocket money do I need ? I would be grateful if you would give me more information . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Rie Tanizaki Shopping is not always enjoyable . Most people like shopping . Especially it is one of the hobbies for women . Basically , shopping is fun , but is it always enjoyable ? There are some advantages when people go shopping . They can refresh , reduce ther stress and they are happy when they find the thing which they wanted . Moreover , if they buy some nice things at sale , they must be very satisfied . However , shopping sometimes make them stressfull . People often waste money for unvaluable things . Then , they really regret it . On the other hand , after they buy something , they find a better one . In addition , a shop assistant gives them a wrong advice . To sum up , there are many disadvantages as well as advantages . If people want to enjoy shopping , we must consider before buy something - do I really want it ? I also recommend a window shopping . It is the best way to enjoy shopping . You do not have to waste money at all . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to say how happy I am to be able to take part of " Camp California in the USA " . I would like to inform you that I am able to go there only in July . I am finishing my study in June , then I have a month off ( July ) and on August 1st I am starting a new job . I would prefer to live in a tent during your camp . I have always dreamt about sleeping in a tent , in sleeping bags , but my parent always took me to expensive hotels , so it would be a nice adventure for me . During the camp I would like to pratise my swimming ( I have attended swimming lessons for 3 years ) and also I would like to learn how to do some good photos . ( I have no experience ! ) I would be really glad if you could tell me something about clothes I should bring with me . ( Do I need any special garments ? ) and could you tell me please , if I need some extra money to pay for anything like trips or photo-paper . I am looking forward to hearing from you Yours faithfully , Shopping could be fun ! Sometimes I like doing it during long Sundays . I like going between colourful shelfs and picking some nice things for dinner or for decorating our house with . I love talking with my mum during shopping , meeting new people or old friends . Sometimes unfortunatelly shopping could be very annoying , especially at Christmast or Easter time . Then , all shops and supermarkets are crowded . People are trying to buy as many things as they can , and everyone wants to be first to the check-out - you have to wait ages to get there ! People are pushing each other , they are not as kind as usually . You have to be more careful and hold your bag tightly because this is a good period for all thieves ( they know they can steal something without having been seen ! ) At Christmas or Easter time all shops have usually an unpleasant smell ( because of the crowd ) and are very noisy ! Another period when I do n't like doing shopping is when there is a huge sale ! I always go absolutely crazy when I have to do shopping then ! You cannot breath , you cannot see anything apart from a bulk of shouting women and men who want to get something cheaper ! Next , not very enjoyable thing about shopping is spending money ! When I go to the big supermarkets I always spend more than I was going to . You just cannot refuse buying another bottle of body lotion or another box of soap because they smell so nice can you ? ! I always become very angry with myself afterwards , but I cannot help it . In my opinion , shopping could be really enjoyable ! The only advice would be : " Do not do your shopping at Christmast or Easter time " - but it will not make any sense , will it ? So you just have to get used to it , and enjoy your shopping for the rest time of the year ! 17th June 2000 Dear Sir , Having seen with two of my friends your musical show last week-end at The Circle Theatre which called " OVER THE RAINBOW " , I am writing to complain about our disappointing evening . First of all , in your advertisement you refer to discounts that are available , but when we bought our tickets , one of the employees refused to give us ' tickets student price ' . Despite being forced to buy adult tickets , we still were excited and took our seat , and waited for the beginning of the show . Usually , the show starts at 19:30 , but this time we had to wait until 20:15 ! In addition to this , it was not the famous actors that you have mentionned in the advertisement , so we were disappointed . Concerning the restaurant , it was closed due to transformations . In the result , I am sure you will understand our annoyed and frustrated , so it was not a perfect evening out that your advertisement stated was . Finally , I am writing to request a full-refund for my friends and I , because I felt your advertisement was misleading . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , H. Boulard What do you think about what will clothes be like in the future ? I 'm sure that anyone has already thought about it , because fashionable clothes have always been really important for almost all of us . Let 's have a look at different points . From the past until now , we have wearing several different fashionable clothes , but why ? From my point of view , almost all humans would like to be more and more attractive , so we always think about it . As a result , clothes are the easiest way to be more attractive . In addition to this , anyone will agree with me that clothes are the best invention ever . Furthermore , it 's one of the best way to make money . Anyway , do n't you think that nowadays , fashionable clothes is quite similar than 20 years ago ? It 's evident that whatever we wear look like clothes , and I think we should stop being so stupid . We ca n't wearing peculiar clothes like in science fiction films . I bet you that in 100 years , humans will wearing exactly the same clothes as today , because we love the actually fashion of clothes which is wonderful . The last survey about fashion shown that people feel really comfortable with those now ! Manager of the theatre : I 'm writing to you because I 'm very disappointed . I 'm not from here ( this city ) , so I wanted to know everything about it : it 's culture , history and the famous musicals . Everything was perfect and beautiful till yesterday . Yesterday I wanted to go to the theatre to see a musical show . I went to the theatre to see at what time was the show , 19.30 , it was O.K. so I bought a ticket . In that moment my problems began . I could n't get any discount ; that mean , that the advertisement was wrong , but I bought the ticket anyway . Then I had to wait 45 mins , the show started at 20:15 . Then Danny Brook was n't acting , it was a different actor . In that moment I was realy angry , so to calm down I went to the theatre restaurant , but it was closed , because of its bad cleaning and food . That was too much . " Dear " manager I hope you to understand me , so I ask for money back and I hope this wont happen again . By First of all I think we have grown with the technology . It 's difficult for us to realize the changes in our live , but we can think about it . How has it change my daily life ? Well , in one word it made my life comfortabler . Now I only used to push a button , and things or mashines work on their own . Homework is easer to find in the cumputer than in a book sometimes . Everything is faster , and sometimes technology go so fast that I 'm unable to follow it . Modern technology showed us that we could do anything we wanted to , and it make us thing more about my future job . Maybe , I wo n't be able to understand how the things worked and that scare me , I will be useless , because a mashine will do all the work . Dear Manager , I am writing to you about the musical Show ' Over the Rainbow ' I saw in London last weekend . To begin with , it was not Danny Book who acting in the show , as you wrotte . Secondly , the time in your advertisement told that it should start 19:30 , but it did not start before 20.15 And then about the tickets , you wrotte that they were discounts available but they were not . Finaly when we had seen the Musical , we went to the restaurant and it was closed because they done some dekoreting , and you wrott in your advertisement " Visit our theatre restaurant after the show " We are very disappointed , it was not a perfect evening out for us , therefore we would have your money back . I looking forwart to hear from you . Yours faithfully , HELGAR Svessen , Clothes in the future Clothes is very interesting subjekt to study . If you travlling around you can see lot of different still from different culture . At first I think that in the future we are going to wear less clothes because the climet are being warmer and warmer . Secondly I think we have more mixing clothes from all over the world , because we are traveling more and more around . And that is nice if you can pick up the best thing from all over the world , but on the other hand it is not so nice if every country wear some type of clothes . Finaly about my oppinion I wish we are going to dress us more as in the past with nature matrial , we most think more about the eviorment and leave closer to the earth . Dear Sir , I 'm writing in order to make you know how angry I am for having gone to one of your shows . I went to London for a week 's holiday with some friends and every evening we decided something to do in order to enjoy our staying in that beautiful city . I wish we had never chosen your show . In fact , only after having going into the theatre , I realized that the advertisement I had read was probably about another show . First of all , when I paid my ticket I noticed that nobody could obtain the discount you 'd written about . But that would be nothing if I thought to dinner I had to cancelled because your show started at 20.15 , although it should have been at 19.30 ! Besides , when we decided to spend the evening in the theatre restaurant , we were informed that it was closed because the chef was ill . At that point , even if there had been Danny Brook as the advertisement announced , it would n't have been a less disappointing evening . According to all these things , I ask my money back . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , but I realized it only when it was too late . What have moved me to this discover were the facts that happened last month . I had just quarreled with Jon , who is my fiance . In that period we were n't getting on with . So , when Peter , who has been a friend of mine since we were children invited me for a pizza , I accepted without thinking at the consequences . And there would have been no problems if I had n't talked to Pat about that evening . It was only a dinner with a friend and in fact we 'd spent all the time remembering our childhood , but probably Pat can have thought that Peter and I were n't only friends . So she ran to Jon in order to make him know the terrible mistake I had made that evening . He became very angry no matter how hard I tried telling him the truth . By the way , I 've understood I had better trust in nobody . Dear Mr I 'm writing to complain about what it happened me two days ago , during you musical show " OVER THE RAINBOW " . A friend of mine went to see it the last May . He told me to go because the actor 's performance was good . So I decided buying a ticket , but no discounts were available . Then with my disappointing I noticed that there was different actor instead of Danny Brook . Nobody informed me about it . And why did the show start at 20:15 instead of 19:30 ? After the show , my friends and me decided to go to your restaurant , but we were amazed to find it close . In conclusion , I ask for my money back because it was n't a perfect evening like your advice showed . I hope that you understand me . Awaiting your reply , Your faithfully It 's true that modern technology has changed our daily life . In the pass , for example , we used to write letters to comunicate , but now we surely send an e-mail , a fax or make a phone . Certainly it will be easier and faster than write , but it was nice when you were waiting for a letter . Nowadays , you have all things immediatly and soon , but will it be good ? I think no . Everyone have to use modern technology carefully , because too much technology could be dangerous . It could n't allow us to think and to do freely . Today there are children that do n't know nothing about nature and its things . Probably , because their parents have n't enough time to go out the city and show them nature . So they prefer leave their sons wecting TV . Modern technology ? Yes , but we must n't loose the values and our free time to stay with our family . Dear Helen Ryan , Thank you for the amazing inform about the competition . I am really glad to be able to win the first prize and travel to the U.S.A. which I used to dream . Now , I would like to reply some questions you need , willingly . At first , I would like to travel only in July because I study at University at the moment . However , they will give me such a long holiday enough to travel for two weeks in June . I would prefer staying tents to log cabins , as I 'd like to observe nature and stay in outdoor as much time as I can . I 'm very happy with the activities you organised . I am good at playing basketball , swimming , tennis , surfing as they are my hobbies for donkey 's years . I would rather play golf and go sailing , than the others so as to find new hobbies in my life . Finally , what I would like to ask is what sort of cloths are suitable for the travelling , and also , how much money I should prepare for the travelling , approximately . I would be grateful if you could reply my letter with some further information soon . Yours sincerely Takashi Oshima . Dear Kim , How are you going these days ? I 'm fine as usual . Anyway , I joined the team which helps anything at a pop concert last month as you know . In my view , it was extremely interesting and satisfing for me all the concert long . Talking of my work , I had to mostly make the concert stage with some fellows . If you choose the post , you would be exhausted throughlly in the end of the concert . However , there was a particular thing I really liked during the concert . As I could take a rest beside the concert stage while someone was singing a song , I saw a number of famous musicians nearby . Although I can not explain any more about the thing I felt during the concert in this letter , I 'd like to recomend you to help at a pop concert or the other . It must be a good experience and a special memory for you . See you and write me soon . Best Wishes 13th June 2000 Dear Mrs Ryan , I am satisfied to have received your letter that informed me that I have won the first prize in your competition . I am very happy to spend two weeks at Camp California , because I have never gone to U.S.A. I would prefer to travel only in July , because I have not to work and because I would prefer to have accomodation in tent and so I think that july is the best period to spend two weeks in tent . I have just been in tent and I think it is always a beautiful and interested adventure . During the journey I would do surfing and photography . I like very much to be alone with nature and when I was a girl , I had gone to a surfing-course for five years and I won a lot of prizes . I like also doing photography because they can be memories IN my future . I would receive further information about which kind of clothes I should put off during my holiday and I would know if I should bring with me a lot of money . Looking forward to spending my holiday in the USA I wait your letter . Your sincerelly Guillelmina Farina . Dear Kim , I am afraid that I could n't write you immediatly , but last month I enjoyed helping at a pop concert and so I am very busy . Even if the job was so hard , it was an amused experience . I woke up at six a.m. and I worked until nine p.m. but it is n't a problem for me , because I like spending my time with other people . I particularly liked to know people of different countries and some pop-stars , which were friendly with us . I was surprised of the co-operation that there was during the job , because it was as a big family , where each member helped others . There was a lot of work to do but we were happy to do it with glad people and at the end we had the possibility to take part in the pop concert . It was wonderful ! Looking forward to meeting you as soon as possible . I greet you . Best wishes Guillelmina Dear Mrs Helen Ryan Yesterday , I received your letter . It made me happy and I would like to than you for the opportunity you offer me First of all I would like to travel in July . I think that this is the most ideal month for a trip to California . This period the days are sunny and the weather wo n't prevent me from doing a lot of activities . About the accomodation I would prefer to stay in a cabin . I think that the combins are safer than the tents and they can protect you better in case the weather changes . The two activities I have chosen is swimming and climbing . I selected swimming because this is one of my hobbies and I 'm good enough t this sector . In addition I would like to swim in a sea like California 's because it is clean and beautiful . I chose climbing because I 'm intrested in this sport even if I 'm not experienced . I like it because it offers you a lot of adventure and action . As a conclusion I would like to ask you about the money and the cloths I must take with . Please drop me a line Yours sincierly Dear Kim Yesterday I received your letter and it made me happy that you and your family are healthy . As you asked me I will write you about the experience I had helping at the pop concert . All the children helped as much as they could and that 's why the result was beautiful enough . Before the concert I helped in carring and putting in order some chairs on which would sit some special persons . It was very hard and at the end I was very tired . At the concert , what I had to do was to give out refreshments and drinkings to the audience . I also helped to clear up the place after the concert . It was really a very beautiful experience . It offered me more pocket money and besides this I had the chance to make a lot of friends because there were many children who wanted to help too . In addition I had the opportunity to talk to the singers and have a lot of autogrammes by them . I will never forget these days and for sure I will take part in activities like this in the future . Yours faithfully Alexander . Dear Ryan , I have received your letter and I so happy because I have won the holiday in California . It will be a pleasure for me give you the information that you need . First of all I would like to travel in July because I am going to Ibiza with my parents in June and in August I start to work part-time , so I am afraid but I can go only in July . With reference to the accommodation I would prefer log cabins to tents . I think the log cabins are more comfortable and I have never slept in a tents . I am very good at playing basketball . When I was a child I used to play daily with my classmates and now I am playing at least at the weekend . I have taken a Photography course and I enjoy taking photos to animals . I would like to know , how much I need and what type of clothes I should take ? Could you tell me about the weather , please ? I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I hope you are very well . I am writing about my exciting experience at a pop concert . First of all I was too busy but it does not matter because I enjoyed a lot of this experience . I was doing different activities from designering flier to selling tickets . I had to search in the internet pictures that could be used for the flier . We booked the accommodation for the group . I was responsible for checking the light and sound . In addition I checked the e-mail dialy and answered the phone . As you know I sold tickets in some schools and pubs , too . Anyway , it has been one of the most wonderful experience in my life , but the concert day was really amazing . I think this was the best of all . I feel really happy that I participated in this event . If you have the opportunity of involving in something like this you do not hesitate . Yours sincerely 17th December 2000 Dear Sirs , I am writing to complain about my awful evening at the Circle Theatre . I am very disappointed . Last week I went to see a musical show called ' OVER THE RAINBOW ' at the Circle Theatre . I was first , very excited to see the show , because on the advertisement it said that it is the best musical in London . Also it said that I can have a perfect evening at there , but it turned out to be a very disappointing evening . I went to see my favourite actor Danny Brook acting in the show , but he was not there . I was shocked . There was another man acting . The show started late then I expected . It should be from 7,30 p.m , but it was from 8.15 p.m. ! I want to complain about the ticket . On the advertisement it said that discounts are availble , but when I asked a staff in the theatre about the discount he did n't offer me one . After the show I went the ' THEATRE RESTAURANT ' to have dinner , but the restaurant was closed . It was because they closed early than usual . I think they should keep the times correctly . I am very disappointed with everything what happened last week . I would like a refund . I excpect this will be possible . Yours faithfully , Fashion of the Future by XXX 17/6/00 My article is about fashion in. future Right now in 2000 many people are wearing modern clothes . Like wearing T-shirts , trousers , skirts , coats , long-sleeved shirts , jumpers , etc. They also wear little items on them to go with their clothes . Like earings , necklaces , bracelets , rings , glasses , hairbands , hand bags , shoes , watches , etc. They like designers clothes and everyone wear different modern clothes in size , in colour and in shapes . The fashion gradually changed from the old days and it is still changing to the future . Maybe in 100 years from now , fashion will be totally different . Everyone may think that in future people will wear silver clothes like in space movies . I think everyone will wear balloons for clothes in future . Every one will wear very colourful balloons on them . With balloon clothes they will be able to fly up in the sky . Everyone will not walk on roads . They will bounced on roads with there balloon clothes . In future they will wear balloon clothes , because to make people fly . They will use a special gas inside balloons to make them fly . For the special gas they will mix carbon dioxide and some chemicals . This special gas will be not dangerous . If we use up carbon dioxide with balloon clothes there will be less carbon dioxide on Earth , so there is no worry about Ozone breaking . This is one more reason to wear balloon clothes in future . It is to save our Earth . Would you like to wear balloon clothes and bounce around the world ? If yes , wait until 2100s ! 17.06.2000 Hello Sir , Um very unpleased that I have to write you this letter . I have to do this because things happened which I ca n't ignore and which disappointed me very much . On the 12th of June this year I went to London to visit a friend of mine . We had a great time together until we decided to visit the musical " Over the Rainbow " in the " Circle Theater " . We went there at 19.00 o'clock to get some tickets , but when we arrived , a long line of people were standing there , waiting to get tickets . After we waited for half an hour to get two spare seat tickets , we had to wait 45 minutes until it started . One of the points because , I wanted to see the musical was my favourite actor Danny Brook , but he did n't play ! So when the miserable musical came to his end , we were happy to leave the theater room , but we both wanted to have dinner in the theatre restaurant , because no restaurantes were opened anymore , because it started too late . So we went upstairs to find the restaurant , but we just a big empty hall , with nothing in it , with a short sign on a door : " Sorry , we are closed because of renovations " ! We thought it would be a joke , but it was n't . Because you are the manager , I think you are the only person who can change something . I would prefer getting my money back , instead of taking a lawyer . I will never visit your theatre again ! Sincerely Hedwiga Heinkel Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . And we knew that from the day on , that he knows anything about our secret we will live in danger being caught . We , that were Tim , Gudrun , Paul and me Hedwiga had founded our own mafia , we were the kings in our small town , and we had a lot of people paying us money , so that we wo n't attack them . We had this idea first , when we watched a movie about the Italian mafia in an English lesson in school . It was love of first slight and we were fascinated by the thought , building a kind of the same organisation in our town . Pat was my big brother , who had heaed of some people paying , " safty-money " , but never know the reason , until he found a big amout of money in my room . His thoughts combined and ready to go to the police he went out of our house , where me and my homies were just hanging aroud . He saw me and tolled me into my face you are a thief and a burglar and I will go now to the police , I did n't know what to do ,but then I had an idea .... Yeah fokes , that was the point I got interupted by my parents in this beautiful dream , but when you will hear the end of my story than buy the " Rossall-School-magazin " , net time again , and you will hear the end of this unbelievable story . Dear Ms. Ryan , It was wonderful surprise when I received your letter . Thank you very much for this great opportunity . Now , I am writing this letter to reply your questions . Firstly , I would like to inform you that I will be able to travel only in July , which is the only month I can take holiday from my work . Secondly , for accomodation , I prefer to say in log cabins , as I have no experience staying in a tent , I hesitate to try . Regarding to the activities , I would rather choose singing and painting , as unfortunately , I am not good at sports . However , I enjoy singing . I used to join the singing club when I was a high school student and once we won the contest , moreover , painting is one of my favorite hobbies . I normally bring blushes , paints and paper instead of camera when I travel . Finally , I would like to ask you wheather anything I should bring to this travel such as specific clothes , extra money etc . I look forward to receiving your reply . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Thanks for your letter . Yes ! It was a privelage to help at a pop concert . I really wished you were there with me . Believe it or not , it was a concert of " the Rolling Stones " ! I did various things for them . At first , I helped stage setting , as you know they use lots of unique tricks in their concert . So it was very interesting to know how they are made . Then , I helped tuning the instruments for the back band . Actually , as I know nothing about instruments , the only thing I could do was just turning the volume up and down following to the musician 's instruction . My dear friend , if I tell you this , I am sure you will get jelous . This was the best experience . I could give the members " Shiatsu massage " just before the concert to make them relax ! ! Can you imagine how much I appreciated that I am qualified in massage ? Well , Kim , I have to go now . Hope to hear from you soon . Love , June . 13 . 2000 Competition Organization . Dear Sir or Madamme , I 'd appriciate for giving me the first prize in the competition . It 's my pleasure to give you some information and I 'd like to ask you about the Camp California . First of all , I 'd like to travel only in July because I 'm supposed to be a volunteer in the Music festival , held in August . Additionally , I 'd rather stay in tents as I 've never slept in tents before . Therefore it 'll be a great experience for me . I 'd like to choose swimming and photography as activities . I go swimming three times a week so I have no problem with swimming . I 'm also the member of photography club at my university and really keen on taking a picture of nature . By the way , I 'm wondering what kinds of clothes I should prepare and how much much I should bring with myself . I 'll look forward to hearing answers from you . Yours faithfully , YEUN-Ja . HONG The suggestion about making a short video . Introduction The aim of this report is to summerize the result of the survey , which is about making a short video . The survey was done to 300 students , who are between 18-28 , at our school . Prefered lessons . The 70 % of students said that the acting lesson should be filmed as the students , attending this lesson , are not only excited but also very active . Additionally , 15 % of students answered they want the presentation lesson to be filmed . The reason why they choose this lesson is that every student in their turn of presentation does his or her best . Prefered activities . The soccer game , played every Monday , was ranked in the most favorite activity by 45 % students . They said the soccer game enable them to get together and have fun . However , the girls 'd rather play table tennis or badminton . Hicking activity was chosen by 20 % students , followed by the soccer . Conclusion . To sum up , according to the survey , it 's obvious that more than half of students want acting lesson to be filmed . Moreover , it seems that the students prefer the soccer play to be filmed . Dear Sir , I 'm writing to you to complain about my deceiveful experience at your theatre last Saturday night . What I thought it was going to be a wonderful night became into the worst night at the theatre I 've ever had . Firstly , I must admit that when we realised the main character had been changed we felt really disappointed . This is because I had been waiting to enjoy Danny Brook 's performance since I saw him the first time on television . Secondly , despite of your advertisement of the possibility of discounts , when I showed my student identity card to one of your employes she angrily told me that I had to pay the whole prize . Moreover , not only had the actor been changed but also the musical show started forty five minutes late . In my opinion you ought to be more serious because of the commitent you have with the people who comes to your theatre . Finally , at the end of the night we felt a bit hungry but we could n't eat until arriving home due to your restaurant new cooker illness . The truth is the night was n't my perfect night out as you have announced so I would appreciate if you could give my money back . I wait to receiving a prompt answer from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I had always thought that I could rely on her whatever my problem was . Yet , one extremly hot day while I was pacefully walking by the sea and thinking about my own problems I discovered my elder brother 's girlfriend with another boy . At first I felt really annoyed and disappointed so I run to my brother in order to explain him what I had seen . Nevertheless , when I found him studying harder for his final exams I realised I would rather her girlfriend explained my poor brother the truth . But the thing is I needed to speak to someone about the fact so I could feel more relaxed . I did n't know who explain it to but actually I decided that if I needed to tell someone a secret I would trust an my best friend Pat . So , the next day , I nervously came to Pat 's appartment where she had been living on her own since she was eighteen . After that , she felt completely sad because of the love she had been feeling for my brother for several years and she swore me that she was going to tell it to nobody . However , the truth was that not sooner had I arrived home than my brother asked me crying why I had told his girlfriend 's affair to Pat instead of discovering him the truth . Dear Helen Ryan , I was really glad to receive your letter and find out that I won the competition . I am writing this letter to give you all the necessary details . First of all , you have asked me when I would like to travel . Actually , I could only travel in July , when I am having my school vacations and I will be totally free . As you have asked me about the accommodation , I would be grateful if I could stay in a tent - as it seems to be more practical and comfortable . Among the activities , I would choose painting - which I am keen on and I have done several courses - ,and Photography - from which I know just the basical skills . I would like to know if I should take winter-clothes , and I would be grateful if you could tell me how much money is necessary for the trip . Thank you for your attention . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Natalia Lopes Shopping is not always enjoyable With the increasing of violence , more and more people are leaving the streets to spend their free time shopping - usually in shopping centres . Shopping may be very enjoyable , in fact , as people get in contact with new products , take a look at shops , buy some things or just walk around . But it can also be dangerous . First , most part of shoping centres uses artificial illumination and refiguration , which are bad for our health . Queues and lots of people going round can be stressful and tiring . Besides , it was confirmed by scientists that consumism may develop to a compulsion . There are cases of people that can not spend one day without buying anything . After all that we can notice that shopping can be a good option as long as we can choose other enjoyable activities for our free time . Dear Sir , Last week I stayed in London for holidays . During my stay in that beautiful city , I thought it was a good idea to go to the theatre to enjoy a Musical show , so I decided to go to your theatre to see " over the Rainbow " . It was a very disappointing evening not just for me but for most of the people who was in the theatre . First of all , I was looking forward to see one of my favourite actors , Danny Brook , and it was very disappointing for me to see a diferent actor instead of him in spite of his name was writen in the advertisement . In the advertisement for the show I also read that it was going to begin at half past seven p.m. but , in fact , it began at eight fifteen . I also , found out that no discounts were available . In spite of it was said in the advertisement . Another disappointing thing I found was that the restaurant was closed because the cooker has had an accident with hot water when he was boiling some vegetables . In the advertisement there 's no mention about getting any money back but I think it was such a disappointing evening that you should give it back to me . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Last summer , I was spending my holidays in a little village in the southern cost of Spain with my friend Pat . We usually went to the beach to have a bath and to enjoy the fantastic whether in that part of Spain during the summer . One day we found out a beautiful little beach next to the big one where some people were taking a sunbath and some children were playing football in the sand . At it was so beautiful , we decided to come back to the beach at night to see the moon , the see and the stars . When we arrived at the beach , we saw a suspicious light and two persons doing something we could n't see very well . In order to see it , we got closer to them and , at the end , we saw that they had robbed a lot of money and they were trying to put it in a safe place . As it seemed dangerous we agreed that we should n't tell it to anybody . It was our secret . Unfortunately Pat explained the story to a friend of us and I do n't know how , but the robbers knew that we had seen all they had been doing . So , now we are in danger because of that . Dear Mr Jones , I 'm writting this letter to inform you about the disappointing evening I had when I visited the Circle theatre . Firstly In the advertisement you said that the actor would be Danny Brook but there was a different actor in the show and I was really disappointed , because I was really looking forward to seeing Danny Brook which I personally admire . Secondly the play did n't start at 19:30 as we were being told but it started with a delay of 45 minutes . Also when I visited the theatre 's restaurant I found it closed because of renovation . Finally there were no discounts available in the tickets . All the above made my night terribly disappointing and I must say that the advertisement is nothing but a business fraud , so I 'm in the unpleasant position to ask my money back . I 'm looking forward to your reply Yours sincerely Mrs Lemmings . Technology is an essential part in people 's life . It 's something absoletuly necessary for every action people does It effects us both positive and negative . It 's a part of our lifes . Firstly technology has created a bond between myself and my computer . I got used to spending 2-3 hours in front of the computer . My relationship with my family and friends does n't even exist . I 've end up being a T.V addict Also the need of doing simple things as a family is no longer the case . Why going to the countryside if you can sit there with a bowl of popcorns and watch T.V . Despite the negative effects , technology can effect with a positive way a person 's life . Air conditions , watches , computers , and many other things have made my life easier . There 's no need on going to the shops when I can order things by the computer . Air conditions also makes my life easier In addition technology has made my life easier but it 's also an intrude in my life crating a distance between myself and my family . In my opinion technology is the least thing I could use in my life . Dear Mr. Robertson : I 'm writing you representing all the english class in order to let you know how exciting we are about the trip to London and to give you some ideas of other things we are interresting on doing in London while we 're there . First of all , we 'd like to thank you for the programme you all ready arrange it 's wonderful , because it covers most of our interrests . But also we would like to visit The London Fashion and Leisure show that will be held at the Central kExhibition hall on Tuesday March 14 from 10:00 - 19:00 . So we suggest to put it this way on Tuesday 14 , in the morning go to the Science Museum and instead of shopping , we could attend the London Fashion show , because will be the latest fashion , leisure and sports wear , make up , and hair styles , and as you know us , we love all those topics , and it 's a great opportunity while we are London . Thank you for your time , and We 're looking forward to hearing from your opion . faithfully yours IT WAS DANGEROUS , BUT I KNEW I HAD TO DO IT ... BECAUSE Since always I 'd gotten the idea of travel abroad and experiece others people 's life and cultures , so I decided to go to Paris as soon as I finished university . I arrived in Paris for New Years Eve 2000 without a place to stay , not speaking any French , alone and with a little amount of money . But eventhough all of these desadventages above , I was folling my dreams and objectives and inspite of everything I was going to do it . So suddenly , a week later I found me a job as an au pair , taking care of two little girls that only spoke french at that moment . It took me three months to overcame the languages and after this time the whole familly falled in love with me , that when they decided to move to London , they invited me and now we all live here and I feel like part of the familly , eventhough It was very hard at the beggining . Dear sir or Madam , I was one of your customers who had a very disappointing about Over the Rainbow show at your Circle Theatre yesterday . First of all , these starrings of the show were not Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . The only one reason I bought your ticket was because of Danny Brook and Tina Trulove , as your advertisement had shown . But your starrings were not . I bought a ticket for the 19.30 round and the show was very very late . It started at 20:15 and that waisted my time and made me feel bad about your service . And also the ticket discounts were not available . That was not your advertisement had shown . And finally , your restaurant was not available after the show . From every singular things I have complained , it was totally different from what your advertisment said . And because of this , I would like to ask for my money back . If you see that this is a good reason , please telephone me . My telephone number is 123-4567 . Yours Thesedays we are living on a high-technology world . Modern technology has been growing rapidly and it has effected me a lot . Indeed , I have to save more money for upgrading my personal computer . Computer technology keeps improving all the time and consumes like me and you definitely have to pay our money to keep our personal computer up to date and able to work with new computer softwares that require more and more performance of computer hardware . Anyway , modern technology such as the Internet changes me a great deal of life-style . Using the internet , I can search for almost all information I want to know . And I can send e-mail to my friends via the Internet fastly and cheaply prepared to the old-style mail-services . Finally , I think modern technology makes me do my business faster , smarter with much more efficiency . Dear sir , I 'm writing you to complain about the disappointing expirience I had with your theatre . First of all , I arrived at about 19:20 because advertisement said that performance begins at 19:30 , but it was n't till about 20:15 that the begin of the show and I had to wait entire hour which was not very amazing . Secondly , I was supposed to have a discount but there were no discounts , although the advertisement said there are . Thirdly , the disappointment made me a bit hungry but the restaurant was closed without any sign saying why . And at last , the most disappointing point , the advertisement again said that there would be Danny Brook , my favorite actor , but there was someone else instead of him . So , the show was not good at all and my evening was spoiled in spite of all that advertisement promissed . As things went that way , I want my money back . Sincerely Yours , I shall have a look into the place I believe no one can avoid - the kitchen . How much effort and time it took about two decades go to chop vegetables or prepare coffee or how hard it was to deal with fridges ! But today the mixer or some more complicated kitchen-device will chop and mix anything for you from fruits to meat , and modern coffee machines can make even cappuccino or whatever you want on their own . Those devices made our life easier like old fridges had to be defreezed to melt out and new fridges use different kind of cooling and will tell you if your forgot to close the door ! The modern cooker will turn off itself if something goes wrong ! Personally , my life became much faster and I have much more time for many other things during the day thanks to devices modern technology offers us . Dear Mr. Robertson , I am writing on behalf of students in your English class . Firstly , we are please and would like to thank you for your arrangement to taking us to London for 3 days . Unfortunately , some students have seen an advertisements for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we all like to go to the show . This show will be taken place at Central Exhibition Hall in London on Tuesday 14 of March at 10.00 - 19.00 , which include the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . It is a great opportunity to visit because it is shown only twice a year and the entrance is free for students . Furthermore , most of us are designers so this might help to up-dated their knowledge as well . Therefore , I would like to suggest that on Monday 13 and Wednesday 14 of March , we still stick with your plan . We might change the schedule on Tuesday 14 March , from visiting Science Museum to The London fashion and Leisure Show . I would appreciate if the matter can be settled down easily and look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , I was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I remember when I was in secondary school . At that time , my friends and I was so daring and full of energy . One day before exam , we were so excited and frighten because we were n't ready for exam . We knew that our teacher kept the exam papers in her desk . One of my friend came up with the idea that we had to steal them . The question was who would be the person do this action so we tossed a coin , and the result was me . I was so scare and frighten because if I was caught I would be punished . However , I had to do it otherwise my friend would call me a chicken and they dared me to do it . So , that afternoon in lunch time , I went into the teachers ' room and opened her desk and took the paper out quitely and calmly . Finally , I was succeed in doing that . I took it to copy and returned it back without anyone saw me . That was the most scarely and daring thing that I did in my childhood . I would n't have imagined if I had been caught . Dear Mr. Smith , During my last holiday in London , I was visiting your theatre in order to see " Over the rainbow " . You wrote some things in your advertisement and I was disappointed that was n't true . First you have written that the starring were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , but the real actors were different . It was a disappointing for me , because this actors were recommended by my friend , because he knows Danny and Tina . You have also written in your advertisement that it would started at half past seven but it started at 20:15 ! So we had to wait more than a half hour . It would n't be mind if the restaurant had pressed in order to eat or drink something , but it was closed , and it had n't also opened after the show , because the waitress had to clean up the theatre room . Over these the tickets were not discount available as you have written in your advertisement . So it was n't a perfect evening for me and I think about it , if I can have my money back . If it 's possible , please write back . Sencerely ... Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets and so his hole schoole knew from Sara 's experience . Sara was a very good puple . She did n't learn a lot but she knew all important things . She was a very nice person and she helped always if somebody need her help . One day she had to make the shopping for her mother . She had to buy a lottery-ticket and other things for her . After she had done this she went home , but she did n't buy the ticket because she thought there are n't no change to win . She spent this only for a magazin . After she came home her mother was sitting in front of the TV and looked after the lottery-numbers . Suddenly she jumped out of her armchair and shouted : " I have won the jack-pot " . Sara was out of breath and after she had told her mother , she had n't bought the ticket . Her mother get angry but some hours later she was friendly again . Sara could n't understand the fact , that she did n't do the right thing . She had earn a lot of money , so she would be more careful with doing things . Dear Ms J. Clark , I am writing to you to thank for so good organisation of International Arts Festival , where I 'd spent two exellent days recently . I would like to inform you whed the idea was great and I hope that so needful for people events would become a good tradition in our country . I think that providing such festivals could help people to be in the centre of cultural life of the world and to have enough information about the new art styles But I hope that next year visitores of festival would be able to introduce with more art groups from all over the world . I suggest it would be very intresting to meet artists from far and exotic countries . Also , if I were you I would make your concert halls a bit larger , because of too many people would like to spend their holidays with their families on your festival next year Event this year some halls , which I had visited were overcrowded and there were some problems with ventilation during some shows Finishing my letter , I hope what my notes could help you to make next-year festival more intersting and comfortable for public Yours sincerely , Want to be independent ? Earn yourself . Everybody knows that common students are not the richest persons in the world . But then you are at the university you need money more , then anybody else want . It is so because you are young and need to make your life as intrestng as it can be now . All that discos , concerts , touristic trips have to be paid by a different sum of those small coloured pieces of paper , called money Of course , the easiest way to have them is to ask your parents for help , but a great number of young persons want to be independent . So thy need to get a job that is very difficult when you have n't any special education and experience yet . Most common way to earn is baby-sitting . Many young people earn their pocket money so , helping neighbouring parents to have a bit more spare time . Other students work as house or office managers , make promontion of different goods or even as a bouncer . Naturally , it 's easier to get a job then you were good in foreign languagers or computers . When you can find yourself as a tourist guide or as a secretary . Sometimes small groups of students organized their own small business . For example , they can design furniture or clothes , make web-sites and so on . In two words , if the young man want to earn a bit of money by his own hands , the luck and success will find him Dear Jane Clark , The reason I am writing this letter is to congratulate you for the International Arts Festival . I think the festival was fine but in my opinion there must be some improvements to make this festival better . Firstly , there were stars and artists only from six countries . This number may be increased to attract more and different people . Also some concerts holls were too small for this much people . In contrast with the halls , the concerts were great and I saw everybody enjoyed then . I must admit that you are very successful about finding good stars . The films and plays were not so many . As a result of this the kinds of films were not enough . In order to attract more people with different interests , the films and plays should be increased . I have nothing to say with the dance show , art exhibitions and talks by writers . They were excellent and they attracted any kind of people . Another paht is the tickets . The weekend ticket is excellent because it is not so expensive and it allows to see everything . But I was disappointed that there were no competition between the films performed I think there should be an Oscar-like competition in order to make people more ambitious to make better films . Dear Elinor , I 'm so glad to receive your lost letter because I 've started to think that you were angry about me for not writing for a long time . I promise I 'll write more The school rules are horrible here . We are restricted to do nearly everything . The school is like a dungeen here . I do n't went to be so evel about school but the rules are rules and they are limiting us with the borders of our school . We must wear the uniform-like clothes all the day and week They do n't even let us to wear different sweaters - etc other than dark blue . It is boring . We are not allowed to compare our thoughts during the lessons becase the teachers think that we are chatting . How poor their imagination are ! ! However we are free at home . You could do anything you like as long as you have good grades . If you do n't , you hear the same word every day , " Study , Study , Study " ! Nobody likes to study but we have to . You ca n't imagine how happy I am and I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon Love , To the manager of the Circle Theatre . I went to see Over the rainbow Show , Friday evening the 16/6 . The musical had been advertised to be London 's newest and best musical , but all to my disappointment . I had been looking forward to see my favorite Danny Brook , but he had been replaced by some other actor . I was not too happy about that and why did n't the theatre start when it was suposed to start ? ( 45 min late ) , and where were the discounts which were available ? Your advertisement was ful of false advertising . In the end of the show I was looking forward to have a nice dinner in the restaurant together with my boyfriend , but it was closed , because you were short of staff . This was not my perfect evening out . I want to have at least half of my money back . I hope you preciate my letter and that you 'll try to improve the disadvantages. / Sally Svenssen How has modern technology Changed my daily life ? The modern technology like internet for example has changed my life a lot both in good and bad ways . The advantages with internet are that I can do all my shopping from internet . I do n't have to stress around in the supermarket a friday evening , when I 'm tired from school , I just get all the groseries I need delivered to my door . Instead . I buy all my clothes on internet as well and it works brilliant , but I have to admit that there are some disadvantages with internet too . I do n't get as much exercise as I used to get . Nowdays I spend 2 hours intent of the computer every day , shopping or chatting to people . I have got friends over the whole world now . I 'll go to Japan next month to visit one of my internetfriends . The modern technology open new and exciting ways for us . I do n't think that I had been going to Japan if it was n't because of internet . Internet has opened a whole new world to me . Sally Svenssen Dear Mrs Ryan It was a grate pleasure to hearing from you , that I have won first prize in your competition . I am very glad that all accommodation and travel costs are paid , but even though I would like to know how much money do I have to take with me . I would be glad to travel only in July because of family reasons . Other point is accommodation . I would be more than happy if you could have provided me with tent . The reasons as following ; better relationship with nature , and grate opportunity to improve my health . Also I would like to tell you which activities I would like to chose and why . I like swimming and photography because it will be very interesting to improve my skills at both activities . The last thing I would like to know is which clothes do I have to take , even though the weathe in July will be good . Yours sincerely . Shopping is not always enjoyable . Almost all of us like shopping ! Going in and out of the shops , buying clothes , food and presents , but a few of us who is very happy to spend money . Money is a very important thing in shopping , if you have money , is not a problem , but if you do n't ? So , let 's imagen that your credit card is not working , or some one stold your cash from your pocket . We will say unlucky , but no one will help you in that situation . Also it is very difficult to shop if you are handicapt . Staying in a que or croude is also unplesent . All people are shouting , stepping on your feet and it is very likely that you wo n't get the product you need . After words you are tiered and have no power to do things . After all things that I have mentioned it is clearly seen that shopping is not enjoyable . The Manager of the Theatre Dear Sir , I am writing to you so as to express my great disappointment about the Musical Show " Over the Rainbow , " I attended to , a fortnight ago . To begin with , never have I been so upset when I realized that the expected famous actor Danny Brook , did not show up at the performance and that he had been shamefully replaced by an unknown actor whose performance was , quite mediocre . Your advertisement for the show contains further inaccuracy ; this entertainment did not sart at 19.30 p.m but only at 20.15 . More over , I was looking forward to getting a reduction on the pricing as , indicated on your adverts , but I , once again , fell flat . Indeed , it happened that this was not the case at all . Additionally , I could not even enjoy having a drink , after the show , in the Theatre Restaurant as it was simply closed for renovation . " A Perfect evening out " ! ? Not at all . Under these circumstances , as your Theatre did not fullfil its commitments , I ask you for a full refund and I expect to receive a cheque of £ 15 , as soon as possible Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I had made my own experience with her so far and I would be always careful not to tell her anything important when ever we met . As , Pat had recently made a new friend with Olga , my sister , I warned my sibling about Pat 's failing : " Do n't ever rely on Pat for keeping a secret , Sweet-Heart ; she just ca n't " ! Mind what you may tell her ; she can make the worst of it ; gossiping around is her favorite leisure activity ! However , I guess that Olga turned a deaf hear to what I had told her . This is the impression I got . A couple of weeks later , my sister called me as I was at work ; completely devastated and weaping scalding tears , she could , hardly pronounce a word . I did n't say anything and let her go on grieving over herself . After a while , she pulled herself together and paused for a minute . I could then , feel her , upset as ever . I could get her as well simmer for a second or two then she suddenly sarted shouting uncontrollably : - " Never have I met such a poor cow like Pat " , hurled Olga at me , through the phone . Then I woke up ; well , I shall never know what happened to the " poor cow " ! Dear Miss Ryan , I have received the letter you have sent me . I am writing to let you know my answers to the questions you asked me on the letter . First , I would like to travel in July , because I am a university student and I have only one month summer vacation that is in July . I appriciate it if it will be the first two weeks of the month . Next , I would prefer to stay in a log cabin , because I need to have a time to relax when I travel . Therefore , I would prefer a log cabin . For activities , my first choise is basketball . I have been playing it since I was nine years old . In high school , I was in a school team and I enjoyed playing it with my team mate , even though we were not a strong team . My second choise is golf . I had never played it until last month . However , I could enjoy it , even though I was a biginner , so I would like to practice and have fun at the camp . Lastly , I would like to know whether I should bring some money and what kind of clothes I should bring . Thank you for giving me this great opportunity . I will be expecting to hear from you . Yours sincerely , Hideo Kojima Dear Kim , I 've got your letter yesterday . I enjoyed reading how you spent time with your family and had fun at the Park . Thank you . As I have told you , I had a chance to help at a concert of Majesty , a local band in which one of my friends played guiter . He knew that I 'd wanted to work at a concert hall , possibly as a lighting technician . So he suggested me to help their concert so that I could know behind the scenes . When I arrived there , the staff were already busy . At first I just helped setting up the stage ; setting microphones , and tuning guiters . When I was doing it , one of the staff called me and brought me to a room . He explained me that it was to controll the light . It was fun practicing how to move the lights and change the lights . However , when it came to the real concert , it was very hard . When the concert was finished , I was exhausted but happy . I 'll write you back . Friend , Thank you for your answer . I 'm happy I can join you at Camp California in the U.S.A . I 'm sorry to say that I can attend your camp only on July because I just started my new job and I got one month of my holiday , which are on July . You wrote to me that I can choice my accommodation . I would prefer stay in log cabins because I have a problem with my back it is a reason that I ca n't lie on the ground . Beside that I 'm alergic , that make me problem when I 'm close to the nature . You wrote to me that I have a chance to do two activities , which I can choice . I 'm quite good in paiting and I play tennis . I 'll be very happy when you can give me a chance to use the camp 's art studio and you 'll be able to prepare some paiting 's materials like oil paints canvas and bruches for me . The size of the canvas is n't so important . I have my own sports equipment to play tennis . I hope I 'll have possibility to improve my ability in it . I 'm champion of my town , so I think I can find a right person who can play with me . Could you write to me , because I do n't know how much money I need and what type of weather do you have in this time of the year . Your sincerelly Dear Kim ! Last month we had the pop concert of our favourite polish group " THE CULT " in Warshaw . I had the chance to help at the concert . You ca n't imagine how happy I was . I got money for that job and I enjoyed the work a lot . You know I 'm good in mace-up and I have done many times scenography . They were pleased that I can do two of this job that 's why I got the work . I was working like crazy but I enjoyed a lot . I did n't sleep two nights because I was preparing the stage where they made the concert . Could you imagine that they asked me to make the summer scenography . I heard , the atmosphere of their concerts is very hot but I did n't know they like to create this even by scenography . Could you believe that two nights I was cutting paper 's flowers , grass , the sun and thousands of birds . I did n't have many people who was helping me that 's why I was working 48 hours without stopping . I think the result of that action was marvelous . Everybody was very suprise that you can create such amazing things , using a sizors and papers . I like a lot the mountains which I made . From the distance they looked very real . I just rulled a paper and I painted a little white colours on the top . In front of the stage I put the grass and a lot of flowers . The light on the stage was very bright and very warm what 's made the scenery very pleasent . After that I prepared the group . I done mace-up for them . I was very happy because on this time I had a chance talking to them and to know more about them . They are very nice people even Audrey who seems very stupid . She is very intelligent . I really do n't know why she behave herself so badly during her interview . I got their address so we can visit them one day . I told them about you and they said we are very welcome any time . I told them you are full of live and they are yours favourite polish group . They like to know you a lot . We 'll speak about it when I come to see you . I hope to see you soon . A lot of kisses . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing with reference to your letter , which I have just received . I am very happy to hear that I have won the first prize in your competition . I am really excited to travel at Camp California in the USA because I like to know people of other countries . As I only have holidays on July I would like to travel on this month . I would prefer to have accommodation in log cabins because I like to be comfortable and I do n't like to be lied down on the floor inside a tent . I would like to play basketball because I love this game . I used to play when I was at high school . I think that I am a very competitive player , as well or a technical player . Also I would like to do swimming . I think that I am very fast swimming but I do n't have good style and technic . I would be grateful if you could send me more information about what clothes and money I must take . I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely , RAEL MEDINAH Dear Kim , I have been helping to organise a pop concert in Dublin . As you know I love irish music so I was very happy when the organisers of the concert phone me to help them . The organisers paid for my acommodation and travel to Ireland . I arrived at Ireland on 2th July . On my first day I did n't work . On the next day I helped them to built the scenary and I had enough time to visit a museum in Dublin in the evening . On my third day I helped them to install the sound system . While we were installing the sound system we listened irish music and suddenly we saw to U2 , which is my favourite group , going inside the stadium and they played music for us . I could speak to my favourite singer ' Bono ' , I could meet him and I helped him to repair his guitar because it did n't sound very well . The rest of the days I was n't doing anything especial , just I helped to organise the rehearsals of the differents group who were going to play in the concert . Best wishes , Dears sirs : I would like to travel in July , before is not possible for me , I 'll have to finish my exams ' , the lastest of them will be on 30th of Juny . About my Accommodation I prefer the tents , I like them , every year I go 15 days out with my tent and some friends . I like to sleep outside on the grass . The weather will be no cold does n't it ? I 'd like to play gold and tennis , I practis both since I was young , and I like them , but I do n't have enough time to play , and my level is n't as good as I 'll like . In order to know what sort of the clothes I have to take , please can you inform me about the normal weather for this periode ? I 'm not used to hight temperatures , I do n't like so much the hot weather . How expensive the live is there ? I have a Master Card , it 's possible to use it in your country or it 's better to take American Express or Visa ? I wait your answer Your sincerely One of the most important think we have to film is our bycicle classes , our school is now the best of the country in all ages We are prest with this , we can show what we do in order to be the best . If it sould be possible we can make an interview to the last winner . Should be good to show the swimming poole , the gim , etc . And an other hand we have also a very important museum , and very beatiful building in the school , bowls them ! ! We can also show one off de youngest classes and at the end one off de oldest , with this , the people who see the video will know the progres of our students . At the end of the video we can show , in front off the principal building all the students an all the teachers like a old photo . 17th June 2000 The Manager The Circle Theatre My wife and I are very keen on theatre , especially of the funny actor " Danny Brook " . When we saw your advertisement in the " Evening Post " we made a reservation . Unfortunately , the next evening , one hour before the beginning of the show , we learnt that actors have been changed at the last minute . In addition , there was no discount available , the show started at 20:15 and not at 19:30 . After that , your restaurant was closed whitout reason . We are very disappointed . It was not a " perfect evening out " but " a dreadful evening out " . It would be nice from you if you could refund us some money or send us two new ticket . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , To : the manager of The Circle Theatre From : Subject : complaint Dear Sir or Madam , I was at the show of your theatre three days ago . Unfortunately , my expectations have not been realized because of many problems I had during the show . First of all , there was another actor instead of Danny Brook ( as it was written in the advertisement ) . Secondly , the show was delayed and started at 20.15 so I had to wait 45 minutes doing absolutely nothing and wasting my time . No discounts were given and , what is more , your theatre restaurant was closed all the time . I was not able to have a dinner after the show . On the whole , I was very disappointed having left the Circle Theatre . All the impressions were destroyed by many problems . I ask you for returning my money back . Or I will have nothing to do except for going to the court . Faithfully , Fashion of the Future Three hundred years ago fashion changed up one time in each hundred years . One hundred years ago it was one time in 50-25 years . And now we have to change some of our clothes every 6 months because they are not so fashionable any more . Fashion is one of the most important parts of our image and everyday life now . Fashion is becoming more useful , all the new inventions and technologies are going to play an important part in the fashion industry of the future . It is very difficult to predict but let us try to imagine what will clothes be like 100 years from now . With no doubt , the influence of modern technologies will be great . Future clothes will be very useful and incredibly comfortable , we can see the progress in the fashion even now . It seems that the decorative role of clothes will have disappeared by the year of 2050 . So all the fashion industry will work to make clothes more useful , practical and comfortable . What will we have ? Breathing jackets and shirts with air conditioning . Dear Miss Ryan , I am very glad received your letter , and very happy won first prize in your competition . I am writing to answer your question and ask further information . First of all , I am a high school student , so I only have four weeks vacation on July . I would like to travel on July . Secondly , for me , the best way to live in outdoor is in tents , because that will be a good chance to learn a lot of knowledge about planets and animals as well . Moreover , I am good at play basketball , in fact , I am the captain in basketball team which is one of the best teenagers team in my city , and I also like singing . I play piano very well . Two of my friends and I have a band , we sometimes perform in my school club . Could you tell me something about clothes and money which is I need to take with me . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Suitable lessons and activities To : Mrs Oliviar From : HUA TANG date : 13th June Introduction : The aim of this report is to summerize the suitable lessons and activities be filmed . Lessons : 1 Music Music is traditional lesson in our school , everyone in our school can play at least one instruments , so music lesson should be film and to express music is one of our school daily life style . 2 . Maths According to some survey which have done by another students . Every student in our school has one math class everyday . So , maths lesson would be filmed . activities . Basketball Our school basketball team is one of the best teenagers team in our city , and every afternoon students are all play basketball in playground . So , basketball should be filmed . Conclution Sum up , the daily life in our school should film music class , maths class and student playing basketball . Dear Mrs Ryan , Thank you for your letter and congratulations ! I have always been interested in visiting other contries . In fact it did n't want to ask my parents for money , and going on holiday with you would be an ideal solution . I will be having my exams durind this month , so I ca n't travel before July . Also I 'm going to meet a director of Smith'th Travel Agency for interview concerning possible work with English-speaking tourists . As you can see , I will be available only in July . As regards accommodation , I would like to stay in tents , because I used to going on holiday with my friends and staying in tents . It is just wonderful . In my spare time I like to play basketball for a local team of which I have recently been made captain . I would now like to learn how to play tennis and golf , if it is possible . Could you please let me know what kind of weather will be there in July , what sorts of clothing I 'd better take with me . Is there an extra charge for some trips , which might put them beyond my means . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Raisa Sharapova To : Dinara Safina From : Raisa Re : Daily life at our school . As requested , it has collected some information about the school . Below is a summary of the most important relevent points with some recommendations . 1 . The fully-equipped computer centre in the main building is extremelly good . Lessons are very interesting and full of fun . Our teacher is friendly and he encourages us to study well . However , there are no enough computers and sometimes we have to study in pairs . I suggest to increase the number of them , because it will be more exiting to film . 2 . The school arranges an amasing range of activities , such as excuintions , sports and different kinds of trips . Although there is plenty for us to do during the day , the most funny events happen while we are playing basketball and football . I must say , I think this is the best time for making a short video . Conclusion . Our school is an ideal place for making a short video . There are many interesting lessons and other activities . I do recommend , however , to make a short video about a ) lessons in the computer centre b ) basketball and football games . Dear Helen Ryan , I have just received your letter where you inform me I have won the first prize in the competition and now , I 'd like to express my opinion about the questions you have written on it . First of all , I would like to travel only in the month of July , because during the month of June , I 'm going to work and in September I have to study a lot , because school will start . Speaking about accommodation , between tents and log cabins , I woul prefer tents , because I love the adventure and also because I can be freer . I know I will have the chance to do two activities , so I have choosen two from your list : Basketball , because I have been playing it since I was eight and I have been taking part in a strong team for three years . The other one I have choosen is swimming ; for the same reason why I chose Basketball . But , what about clothes , money , food ? I hope you will take my answers into consideration . Thank you for now . Yours faithfuly Simone Pausini Many people " see " at shopping like an amusement , but I think it 's not always a good translation to give it . In my opinion to do shopping is often funny , above all when you can enter without difficulties into a shop . For exemple , if the shop is full of people , is not enjoyable , because they will create too confusion , too noise with the risk of leaving time . Shopping is a funny thing to do , not when you are in a hurry , but when you have free time and when you can relax yourself . Another thing that regardes me , is that I enjoy my self more when I know I have to do shopping for me than when it 's for my parents or for somebody else ! ! ! 17.6.2000 Dear Sir , I am writing for explaining some problems your theatre has got and asking for some money back . I saw your advertisement and I expected a discounted ticket for students . But in a ticket office I realised I could n't get it . Another problem was the time . The play was supposed to start at 19.30 but it was delayed so at 20.15 a curtain of the stage was pulled up . As soon as the play had started I noticed another problem . I am a big fan of Danny Book and it was why I chose ' over the rainbow ' . When I saw a different actor playing his role I was really disappointed . Las problem I would like to tell you is a restaraunt there . After the show I went to the restaurant according to your advertisement but it was closed because of decoration . When I booked the ticket I really expected the show . Unlike my expectation it was so disappointing and annoying . So I would like to ask for some money back . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , TA HYUN PHAT I remember some sientific cartoons when I was younger I watched on television . They describe the future world where people would travel to the moon . But it is coming true now . Modern technology has been changing even my daily life in positive and negative ways at the same time . First it helps my social life to be convinient . I have got my own computer so it is easy for me to send e-mails to my friends very often . Second I can save time . If there was no public transport like underground in a big city I could n't imagine travelling on time . On the other hand , modern technology could affect my life in a bad way . Because of computeres or telephones I could have less chances to meet my friends than before . It could make my emotions fade . Another problem is pollution . I think a car is one of the most common products of modern technology . The more cars there are on the street , the more difficult it is for me to keep myself fit . To sum it up , as technology is improving my life itself is becoming convinient . In spite of its good sides I think my life could get worse . To live in this world needs somebody else to contact and health . But I am loosing chances to meet my friend face to face and I feel I am getting weaker . I suppose people including me should keep themselves in a limited their own space in near future . It will be caused by technology . Dear Ms Ryan , I was so surprised and delighted as well receiving from you such wonderful news ! Thanks the God , you did me really happy . From your letter I was pleased to know that all accommodation and travel costs are paid for . But could you , please , let me have more details about my award . What kind of people will be invited at your Camp in this summer ? I would like to know with whome I 'll share sach a wonderful days with the sport activities . About sport ... I must be honest : I 'm not very keen on sport . But I will be glad to swimming and sailing for some weeks . I have been learnt to paint . And I would prefer to have a nice audience for my poetry as well , I 'm a poet , yeas . I would be choose a month July , because I 'm free in this time from family 's duties . What about another camp conditions - it does not matter for me . I can stay in tents or log cabins , how you wish . Sent me , please , news about July . Yours sincerely Fu-Su Harp Dear Kim , I hope that you still OK and now are preparing for me a new nice letter ! I hope so ! I have been written to you that my life in London was a little bit boring for me . It was true . But now all things became absolutly changed ! I found the kind of activity what I looking for four ages . My Russian friend ivited me to set up a new exiting business . We established a firm which has a deal with musicians and contemporary pop stars . Can you imagine ! First of all , in order of our firm purpose I wrote an inventation to my favorite idol - a poet and a singer Boris Grebenchekoff . We were renting for him a special hall near Piccadilly Circus . The hall was crowded . His one-week concert programme was so succsessful that we decided to invite him else , as soon as tickets would be sold . I had a nice expirience as manager too . I would like to be a professional in this stage , yeas . Do you share my idea , Kim ? Is not it a brilliant idea ? You know , Kim , I 'm always looking for purpose of human being . Not only - to LIVE , but to have something to LIVE FOR . Now I did my choice . Good luck to you as well ! P.S. Your present , a small toy , a white hose - I always keep with me , it helps me to pass my exams . With Love - Dear Helen Ryan I am writting about this letter that I recently received from you , which is about a competition that I have won the first prize . I would like to know if is possible for me going on July , because I have school on the others months , and it is impossible for me going on December or January . About the accommodation , I would prefer log cabins instand of tents , because is safer and more confortable . The two activities that I prefer will be Basketball , because I had the experience to play in my school 's big for almoust a year , and Photography , which is a hobby that I am good at and I practice since I was ten . On top of everything , I would like to ask how much money should I take , and which type of clothes are the best to wear in the competition . Yours sincerely Elisa F . Shopping is not always enjoyable If you are used to go to the Shopping very often , maybe is because you do n't know about all the others good things you can do on your weekend . People are used to go to the shopping because it is easier and familiare , it is one place where you can have lunch or dinner , watch some movie after that , and if you want buy something at the shops . On the other hand , everything at the shopping is more expensive , because the people that buy on it usually do n't compare prices or look for cheaper shops , because all they need it is already at this place . Instand of going to the theather , which is more cultural , or even do a picnic on the Ikurapiura park , people prefer spends all their money at Shoppings . So , why do n't we try to change our customs and start to do knew things to enjoy ourselves . Circle theatre 's Manager : I am writting you because I felt dissapointed after seeing the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . There were many things that were wrong in the advertisement I saw . First the actors who were suppoused to star in this show were not the ones put in there . So when I saw the show I felt horrible , because I was expecting to see Danny Brook . But the problems started while I arrived the place . I had a discount for it , but they refussed it and I had to pay the full price . Appart from this , the show started fourty five minutes later . I think this reasons are suficiently enough to ask for my money back . So I hope that you will understand my point . Please be comprehensive and realize that your show was not cheap . I 'm a student , so I do not have a lot of money and I need it back . I also had to tell you that the theatre restaurant was closed because there were few people there and they take me out of the place , so I was very upset . I will go to your office this week . I hope to see you there . Pat 's secret Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . He had talked to Caroline days before the secret was known . She had told him about the relationship with her boyfriend . Everybody knew that Caroline and her boyfriend John , loved each other so much that it would n't be rare to find that they had have sex together . The point here is , that Caroline choosed the worst friend to told this . She was also concerned about being pregned , but she was afraid to told John about it . So she decided to ask Pat what to do . When she finally told him , Pat react in a very wrong way and told rapidly to John . He could n't belived what Pat had told him , so he broke Pat 's nose . Pat 's father had to pay a very expensive operation . But as every story this has a happy final . John and Caroline still love each other , and she was n't pregnant at all , it was just her fantasy . And Pat understood that secrets should die on your own . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter . I am glad to be informed that I have won first prize in your competition . I am now writting this letter to give you further information about myself with pleasure . Firstly , the date I would like to travel on would only be in July . Since I am a full-time student , I will not have finished my lessons until the end of June . In addition , I will be busy with my cousework in August . Regarding to the accomodation , I would prefer to stay in tents because I think it will be closer to the nature . I am sure I will have a lot of fun and release myself from the busy study totally . I am pretty good at painting . I have won several prizes in the competitions which were held by my college . On the other hand , I started to play tennis at the age of six . Tennis is my favourate sports evant . So I would like to choose these two activities while I am at the Camp . Lastly , I have some questions to ask you . Since I have never been to U.S.A , I know nothing about it . Would you like to tell me how much should be taken with me as pocket money and what shall I wear at that time ? I will be grateful for your help . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Best wishes . Yours faithfully Shopping is not always enjoyable Shopping , is becoming a popular way of killing time nowdays . In some peoples ' opinion , shopping and spending money is a kind of fun and they can even get self-satisfaction from it . However , more and more people are now asking , " Is shopping always so enjoyable ? " In my view , the answer is , NO . Firstly , since more and more people go shopping , shops are always so crowded , especially the popular ones . Try to imagine the scence : twenty or thirty or even more people are keeping a quel outside the fitting room . Would you say that shopping is enjoyable ? Would you be patient enough to wait for half an hour or more just because you wanna buy a T-shirt ? Secondly , the cost is also a problem . It will be really an annoying thing when you are keen on something but you ca n't afford it . One of my friend , Emma , happened to see a fantastic jacket which costs £ 105 . Then she spent all her spare time doing part-time jobs to earn money . After a week , she had got enough money and rushed to that shop . But it was just not there ! She felt really badly after that . So , would you still say that shopping is enjoyable ? More and more people find that there are a lot of nicer things they can do rather than shopping . Shopping is not always enjoyable . Sometimes it can be a waste of time . So , let 's have a new life style in this new generation ! Tito Torres Vargas ELIZABETH GASKELL COLLEGE Manchester , UK Helen Ryan Competition Organizer Dear Madam , Thank you for this great opportunity to travel with you for free ! I entered the competition you organized but never expected to be the lucky winner . I could only travel on the first week of July because I have to join my parents on their trip to Italy , due to start on the 20th . The accomodation that best suits me is in log cabins , as the space in tents is very limited and I am not used to have all my belongings in order and packed at all times . In respect of the activities you offer , it is difficult to choose in such a hugh variety , but I prefer to do those I better know as climbing . I 've been studying Photography on my own , and I am looking forward to practise new techniques and take pictures of new landscapes . Please send me a list of the items I many need there , including the most appropriate clothes for the american weather . I would also like to know in advance the amount of money I need to bring for expenses that will not be included . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable Most of us would agree on that . Who has never had a bad experience related with an unsatisfactory product ? Moreover , who has the freedom to buy with an unlimited budget whatever they need ? And finally who has all the time needed to do so ? There are many things that can go wrong in the process of adquiring a product or service . And whenever money is involved , some problems are likely to happen . Thieves will try to put their hands in our wallets and purses , and even the so called ' plastic money ' is not always safe . Hunting on the High Street , or the Shopping Malls , for the desired bargain - because we cant afford otherwise to buy - becomes often a desperate atempt to reach a living promoted by the new consuming society . And nobody can say they would rather go back to the caverns ' age where money was not even invented . With more free time and more money to spend than ever , shopping is a great activity , but when this creates bad habits as overspending , could lead to serious problems . At the end all depends in our attitud to life , including shopping . I particularly enjoy making lists of the products before going shopping . But even without money to spend is fun to rush from time to time in the sales that seasonaly appear , or simply look at the superb displays that shops have in their showrooms . Shopping may be enjoyable or not at all ! Dear Helen Ryan , I have seen your letter for Camp California in the U.S.A and I would like to travel in July because I am pretty busy with my studies and I am working with my dad in his office now . First of all , you state in the letter that the accommodation at Camp California is in tents or log cabins . I would prefer to stay in tents because I like being in contact with the nature life . Secondly , from the list of activities that you are also state in the letter I would prefer swimming because when I was a child I practised this sport for 8 years . In addition , I would prefer photography too because I love taking photos . Finally , it would be grateful if you could clarify what kind of clothes I must be taken and how much I will spend during the stay at the Camp . I look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerelly Dear Kim , Many thanks for your last letter . I 'm sorry I have n't written for so long but as you can imagine I 've been pretty busy with my studies . Anyway , the reason I 'm writing is that you asked me about my experience with the most famous pop group in America : " Mana " Jane 's grandfather was the organiser of the pop concert and Jane had invited me to help in the event . First I did n't accept but finally she conviced me . It was the most excited experience I have ever had ! I helped with the lights and I was in charge of the food and drinks . I did hamburgers and hot dogs and I prepare orange juices . It was grateful because I knew a lot of people and the most important person was Alex , the baterist of the group . You know he is my love ! He 's good-looking . I enjoyed very much . Give my love to your family Write soon Love , Dear Mrs. Ryan : Having won the trip to California delights me and I am providing you the further informations you asked for : I only have two months of vacation that are July and August and since I must visit my grandparents in August , the only time possible is July . I would prefer a tent rather than a log cabin because I have been told that the Californiai summer is hot and dry so because a tent 's wind circulation is better , it would create a confortable coolness . The two activities I would like to do are basketball and surfing . I have played basketball during 5 years in an amateur franchise and still play on a playground regularly so my skills are good . On the other hand , I am a complete debutant concerning surfing . This sport has always attracted me due to its contact with the sea and the great sensations it provides and I believe this is the perfect occasion to initiate myself to the exciting sport , I still have some questions to ask you : Do I need to bring particular clothing like a surfing suit , for instance ? Is any " pocket money " required in case there is something I need to pay for ? And finally , is somebody going to fetch me at the airport or am I supposed to get to the camp on my own and get refunded afterwards ? Best Regards Chi Chen Shopping seems to be a true pleasure at first : spending money for yourself or people you appreciate is very satisfying and enjoyable , but it can also be a real nightmare . You often enter a shop and see people everywhere so you have to squeeze yourself through the alleys to take a look at a product . After long hours of hesitation , you decide to buy a product but discover that it is out of price . Frustrated , you nevertheless pick something cheaper and advance towards the cashiers . There , you find an enormous queue waiting for you but you still have to stay up even though your tired legs demand a seat . It is finally your turn and you reluctantly hand the money over to the hypocrital cashier . Then , you can rest a little and examine the product a little closer but unluckily , it does not provide the satisfaction you may have wished for . Instead , you keep thinking about the initial product you could not afford , resulting into more frustration and tiredness . So there are several plausible reasons why shopping is not always enjoyable . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am writing to enquire about the competition that I won and give some details to you about myself and my interests . In the first place , I prefer to travel on July because my school will not be closed before this date . Secondly , a tent holiday is always attracted me so I would like to stay in a tent rather than in a log cabin . In my spare time , I enjoy playing basketball with my friends and I also like swimming . When I was in primary school , I was one of the members in swimming-school team . I am not really good at basketball but I think it is a good fun . Because of these reasons , I choose basketball and swimming from the list which were given . I would like to know what types of clothes I need and beside this , how much money I need during my vacation . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , It 's ages since I 've heard from you . I hope you and your family are well . Last month , I had a great time at the concert of " Dragon " which is the most popular hard-rock group all over the world . They had a concert in my hometown that 's why the organizators were looking for young people who can speak English . I applied and They took me on . I took part in the security department . The staff in that departnent are really friendly and helpful and they are also huge like giants . Basicly , I helped them connecting with the local police and getting some electronical equipments that they needed . They treated me as if I was the private secretary of the department , because of this sometimes I felt that the power was in my hands . By the way , I have already been invited their next concernt . They gave me two free tickets . Would you like to come with me ? Looking forward to hearing from you soon . Love Dear manager of the circle theatre , Two months ago I went to see your musical show . I got very angry because you are liars . It was one of the most disappointing evening of my life . The advertisement said that the actors were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove but the actor was different . Who can believe it ? You are really a funny theatre . And the time too . You wrote that at 19.30 the musical started . I was waiting for 45 minute. the show started at 20:15 . I paid 20 pounds without any discount . You said that some discouns was available . Nobody took a discount . When I went to the reastaure I was really suprised . It was closed and I steel do n't know why ? In the advertisemen you wrote " your perfect evening out " , that 's very funny . It was Just a disappointing night and I want you to return to me some of my money , a very angry man The modern technology has changed my daily life in many ways . The modern technology help me when I do my homework , to some games e.t.c . First of all the computer . It helps me when I studie . I can find many things from the internet or to write my compositions on it . The car has changed my daily life , like everyone else . I can go from one place to other very fast Most of the machines which you have at home help me , too . I can find cold water in the refrigarator but 50 years before the did n't have the refrigarator , so our life is easier , today . When I stay home I can watch or listen to the radio e.t.c. so the modern technology help me to spend my free time . As you have seen the modern technology has changed my daily life a lot and I believe that it has changed it to the better . 13rd of June Dear Helen Ryan , I was really happy when your letter arrived and I node that I won the first prize in your competition . I have never been in the U.S.A . Now I will give you the informations which you asked for . For me it is only possible to travel in July . That is the only month where I have time because after July I have to start with the University . I would prefer to sleep in a tent because I am used to it . When I was a child my parents and I spent a lot of time at camps . You wrote that I should choose two activities . I have chosen golf because I playing golf sine 1998 and I want to improve it and then I decided to start a new kind of sport and I would like to start with climbing . I could play in the first week golf and in the second I could start with climbing . What about money and clothes ? You know what kind of clothes I need and could you give some advices how much money I will need ? Yours faithfully Shopping is not always enjoyable I think it depents if you are a man or a woman and now I have to say I am a woman and I enjoy it . Honestly I had never a shopping tour which I did n't enjoy when I was alone . I can remember one shopping tour which I had with a man and it was nightmare . It was a fantastic sunny day and we went to Frankfurt and I really needed shows and it is not easy to buy shoes you have to choose carefully . I tried ten pairs of shoes and with every shoe his mood got worse and worse and at the end we had a big fight about everything . We left the shop without shoes , in horrible mood and we went home . Now he is my ex.boyfriend ! Two days later I went back to the shop and I bought the shoes which I still wear . This was for me the only shopping tour which was not enjoyable . To sum up , my advise is that the women should go alone or with a female friend . Ms Clark , I am writing to you in order to give you some advice about the annual International Arts Festival . Last season I spent two days at the Festival . I enjoyed myself very much , but I think that the organization of the next festival could be better . First of all , as I see it the idea of an Arts Festival is great because in this way many people can know artists who cames from different countries . Unfortunately , in the last edition there were artists who cames from only six countries , so I think you should invite artists from other countries , for example from Africa . Secondly , I appreciated the fact that there were concerts of different kind of music , but in this case the main problem was that some concerts hall were too small , and because of it I could n't see one of the concerts in programme . In my opinion , one of the best things of the last Festival was that there were not only concerts . I saw films and I played ping-pong . In the next edition will be more or less ? I hope more . The thing that I liked much more than others , was that I had to buy only one ticket for all events , and it was no pricey . It is clear that for me the last Festival was really great , so I have only one suggestion to give you , I think you should do a baby-parking , in fact a certain number of women could n't see the Festival because of their sons . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully I like read very much , because every book that I read shows me a different world . What I try to explain is that in every book there are characters or situations really different . So we can read realistic stories or fantastic , it depends from what we prefer . I always prefer read books that are inusual in some way , because they give me the opportunity of escape from the everyday reality . One of my favourite books is without doubts , Wuthering Heights a famous book written by Emily Brontë . The attention of the is focused on the unfortunate love of Heatcliff and Catherine . They are the main characters of that book , and what caracterize them is the violence of their passions . In this book you can find only good or bad characters , everything is good or bad . If you look at this book like a painting you ca n't see afumature of colours , you see only primary colours . In other words , when I read a book I want to go in a world where I can find something different from my everyday life . Dear The Manager of the Circle Theatre , I went to the Circle Theatre to see the show , " OVER THE RAINBOW " a few days ago . I am writing this letter to tell you how I felt disappointed with it . There are some differences between the advertisement and the real show . With the advertisement , you mentioned Mr. Danny Brook and Ms. Tina Truelove were going to play but actually different people were playing , whom I have never seen before . And also it said it was going to start at 19:30 but it was not started until 20:15 . To make it worse , neither discounts or restraurants were available at that night although they were said to be available . According to the owener of the restaurant , it was closed because the plugs of some lights were cut off . As I am writing , it was not a perfect evening at all but horrible , so I would like to ask for money back and compensate for my special 20th birthday . I am waiting for your reply as soon as possible . Faithfully yours , Fashion Of the Future There have been already a variety of fashion style nowadays . Some are in formal others are in casual . Especially in big cities such as London , New York and Tokyo , you can see a lot of people in various clothes , so I do not think there will be such big differences in outlooking of clothes even 100 years from now . However , I think , there will be some diffences in quality and materials of clothes . For example , speaking of sports , a lot of remarkable progress has been made in especially swimming costumes and athletes ' costumes for Olympic . In addition , I think the earth will be warmer and warmer than now and 100 year from now will be an Area of Space . So clothes for space will be necessary and clothes for warmer climates will be necessary . In conclusion , 100 years from now , I think , better quality in clothes will be created in every field , such as sports , office , leisure , building site , school and space. although outlooking such as , shape and color will not be changed so much in fashion . Dear Mrs Ryan , I am writing to give you further information about the two weeks at Camp California . First of all , I would like to express my joy for having won that prize . I am very happy . Secondly , you would like to know when I will be able to go there . Actually , I have asked my boss and he gave me two weeks in July . We have a lot to do at work so it is not easy to have weeks off . Thirdly , I prefer staying in a tent than staying in a log cabin . I think it is more fun . Concerning the activities , I would choose tennis and sailing . I am very good at tennis . Last year , I took part in a competition and I did it well . I have also a licence for sailing but I have not done it for a long time . I need to know what kind of clothes I should take with me . I do not know if things are expensive there . Therefore , could you give me an idea of how much money I should bring with me . I am looking forwards to receiving more information . Yours sincerely , Sofia Jordana It is Saturday . The car park of the supermarket is full . No more trolleys for shopping . All the shops are crowded . Some people are in a hurry other are agressive and most of the other are very stressed . It is not always like that but we often see such a scene , even though shopping is becoming an entertainement not only for teenagers but also for adults . We have more and more shops everywhere and they sale everything . Because of that , people 's need has increase a lot nowadays . It is also the reason why we have all these new supermarkets . In the one hand , it is very enjoyable to go shopping because we can find a lot of things . Sometimes we need them and sometimes we do n't but it is fun to buy new clothes , furniture and so one . In the other hand , the service in the shops or supermarkets has decrease a lot those last years . The shop assistants are not always nice and sometimes they do n't even know a bit about what they sell . In my opinion , shopping is not always enjoyable especially when there is too many people in there . Dear Sir , I am writing to you to complain about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " which I went to see last week . First of all , the actors that played the show were differents to Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . Besides of this they were not good as actors , so I am quite disappointed . Then , the show had to start at half past seven and I had to wait fourty-five minutes because it started later . But it is not all because in the advertisement appeared the possibility of discounts available and it is false , I had to pay £ 20 for each ticket . Finally , I wanted to visit your theatre restaurant and have a good dinner after the show but it was impossible . The restaurant was closed because most of the employees was on holidays and there were not enough people to attend the demand . In conclusion , it was not the perfect evening that I expected , so I am therefore writing to ask for a full refund of the tickets . I will be looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , and now my best friend knows that I will go to visit her next week . Alice is my best friend and we met twenty years ago . We went to the same school and we had the same hobbies . It was perfect because we always were together and doing interesting activities like snow board . One day her mother died and she had to move to Germany where her sister was living . But she was very sad because she knew that it will be very difficult to see eachother in the future . After that , we wrote letters and she phoned me once time a week but it was n't the same . I could n't explain all my problems to her and her voice had changed . Finally , I decided to visit her but I wanted that it was a surprise . I worked hard during one month and I could save money to buy a ticket for the plane . I decided to explain all my plans to Pat and she promised me that she did n't say anything but it was n't true . Yesterday she phoned to Alice and explained all . In spite of this I am very happy because I know that Alice is preparing many activities to do together and to spend the best week in our lifes . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writting this letter to complain about the treatment that we have received when we went to the Circle theatre in order to see the musical show " Over the rainbow " whose actors were Anthony Keens and Tina Truelove . When we arrived at the Circle theatre in the evening , we were waiting during a long time , because that you advertisement noticed that the musical show would begin at 19:30 , and eventually it began at 20:15 . Moreover , the actors were not the same of the advertisement . Finally , after the show we went to the theatre restaurant but it was closed because they were on holidays . This evening was the worst evening of all my life . I would like that you give me back some money of the tickets . I look to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully . PEDRO REZ SORAN Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She told our parents that we were going to get married in Brazil . Because of this , Sally 's parents and my parents went to Brazil rapidly . Sally and I had bought a nice big house beside the sea in the outskirts of the city . It had three bedrooms , two bathrooms , one dining room and one kitchen . Indeed , it had a big swimming pool and a beatiful garden . When my parents arrived in Brazil and found us , our dreams were erased . We had to come back to Spain . Because of this , we had to sell the house and left our jobs . When we arrived in Spain , we had to explain our parents all our adventure . That day was the worst day of all my life . Nowadays , Sally and I are married , have three children , a marvellous house and both of us are working in a big company . Dear Mister Muller , I address this letter to you because as the manager of " The Circle Theatre " I hold you responsible for the most disappointing evening in a theatre I had in years . I went to see the evening performance of your production of " Over the Rainbow " on saturday the 2nd of June . At first I was irritated that contrary to your announcements no discounts were availlable . I bought one of the most expensive tickets . Although the show was scheduled to start at 19.30h , it did not begin until 20.15h . To my greatest disappointement Danny Brooks was not in the show , but his part was played by an actor whose ( lack of ) singing and acting skills did not make him a suitable replacement . After the show I had to find out that the theatre restaurant , that had been recommended to me , was closed because it had been booked by a private party . Contrary to your advertisement I had no " perfect evening out " and I think that you should return to me at least half of the 20 £ I paid for my ticket . faithfully yours .... Best detective stories of Agatha Christie That exciting stories always describe people in difficult situations is true of Agatha Christie 's " Witness for the prosecution " . This short story is about a man who is accused of having murdered a rich elderly widow who inherited her whole fortune to him . He had befriended her without telling her that he was married . The accused is defended by a famous lawyer who tells his wife that a loving wife 's confirmation of her husband 's alibi will not convince the jury To help her husband she works out a plan : She is willing to be witness for the prosecution and states that her husband has not been with her at the time the crime was committed . She then gives letters to her husband 's lawyer that seem to prove that she has been unfaithful to him and that she tries to get rid of him with the help of false accusations . The plan works : The jury thinks that the wife is a notorious liar and her husband is found innocent . After the trial the lawyer is told that the man was indeed guilty . Dear manager , I am writing to tell you that I stayed very disappointed with the theatre . One of my reasons to travel to London , was this theatre . I knew that " Over the rainbow " was horrible ! I thought that it was the best musical show that London had . I was wrong , very wrong . In the propaganda had written that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove are supposed to be the actors , and in the theatre had totally differents actors . I bought my tickets fuee days before the theatre thinking I will have discounts . But it happenned the opposite . I payed the same as who bought the tickets ten minutes before the theatre . Other thing I have to complement is about the time of the theatre . It was supposed to starts at half past seven , and it started only at fifteen past eight . After all this , I want to know if I will have some money back . I hope so . yours sincerelly It is true that science and technology affects our lives a lot . The technology is essencial to our life , we need it on each minute , on each second . It is rare the schools that do n't have a multimedia centre with many computers to the students use . But it is good and bad in the same time . Good because you can have acess to a lot of informations , and it is bad because the computers are getting the people 's work . Nowadays we have teachers , and tomorrow ? Who have the certain that the computers will not get the place of the teachers ? It is interesting to starts to think about this point . Another point is that the television is taking the childhood of the children . For example , our parents had time to played with dolls or toys , and the new generation do n't have time for this , because they spend a lot of time in front of televisions that only shows silly programmes . We need this technology , but we have to know how to control this . Sir Robertson , We are really appriciate about giving very nice program , which is organised by your this time . Especially River trip to Greenwich makes us very excited and we are really looking to forwold to his . By the way , on 14th of March LONDON Fashion Show and Leisure show will hold at Central Exhibition Hall . We are very interested in this . We have a great opportunity to learn latest fashion free because of students . Therefore if you could change the program on 14th , we would be very happy . Could you consider this for us ? We 're looking forwold to your reply . Thank you . Faithfully , your students . The Home of the Future . As developing modern society , we will become to have more material than now . Invent glass was very eventuly to architect . Architecuture with use of grass brough us the modenism in 1980 . In the future we can expect having new material and it will make our living more confortable and convinient . In Japan , crime of minority is increasing . It said that as one of the reasons small separete room makes kids unsociable and dissapointed . Therefore Japanese architect consider designing of use many glasses as much as they can in house and try not to create speparate dark room . Otherwise as producing new electoronic , our home of future will be more convinient . On the other hand inside of the house will be too simple . Although high might be still same . Because human high wo n't change so much , unless 10000 years passed . Cambridge , 13th June 2000 . Dear Miss Helen Ryan ; Thanks for your letter . I am very happy for the news . Also to know about the all accommodation and travel costs that is including in the first prize . I am going to give all the information that you need . I would like to travel only in July because I am free from my college and also it is a very good time for me . Regarding of the accommodation at the Camp California I would prefer in a tent , because I have very nice experience and I love to share with other people . In addition I would like to choose for singing and photography because I am good at singing and taking photographies . Please could you let me know if a need a especial clothes and also how much money I need to bring ? Finally is it possible to have some map regarding of the area ? Yours sincerely ELENA PANER ( MRS ) . Cambridge , 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , I hope you are fine together with your family . I am going to answer your letter just now . Last month I enjoyed a lot to help at a pop concert , really it was a very intresting experience , particularly to had deal with a young group of children from Latin America . It is increible ! ! , because I learnt some spanish words such us Hello , How are you ? good bye ? , What is your name , house , dog , cat , boy , girls etc , I am very happy that I promed to myself learn spanish this sommar at the Huntingdon College . Also another interesting things was to know about their culture , because all of them come from Peru , Bolivia , Ecuador , Chile and Uruguay . At the concert they were very susscceful because they were very confident and I helped with the sound system and our equipment was extraordinary and the audience were fantastic . I hope one day you and me can travel to South America because I would like to introduce you my new friends . Now I have to end this letter , so please call me if you want to see me next week . Take care ! ! Love Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to you to tell that I saw your musical show ,,Over the rainbow and there were too many disappointing divergences between the advertisement for the show and the show itself . The main problem was that Danny Brook did not take part in the show . However , I bought a £ 20 ticket mostly because I saw his name in the advertisement . Furthermore , the show started only at 20:15 , although , it had to start at 19:30 . Moreover your theatre restaurant was closed all evening , I think you should know that ticket were sold without any discounts . It seems to me that all these failures were your falt , because you were responsible for the arrangement of the show . I think you ought to have postponed the show and have reimbursed me a ticket price . However , conserning that I saw the show , I would like to get a half refund . Please reply at your earliest convinience . I look forward to receiving your reply . Yours faithfully , Modern technology changed my daily life completely . When I saw modern technology I mean Internet . For example , I live in Kursk , and I can get a letter from my friend after some hours since he has written it . My friend lives in Kresnodar . My grandmother lives in Orel , which is much closer to Kursk than Kresnodar . And it takes 3 days to her letter to get to Kursk . That is because my friend uses e-mail , but my grandmother uses post service . So with Internet I can make friends all over the world and it does not take lots of time . Another change in my life is that I use Internet as a library when I write my course papers . So that I can get books which is impossible to get in libraries of my town . That is why I think that modern techology helps me in my daily life . June 5 , 2000 Dear Ms. Helen Ryan : I am writing this letter because I would like to express my happiness . This is the first time I won a prize in these kind of competitions so I would like to clear some doubts . First of all , I would like to travel on July because I have a lot of work and my parents wish to see me in this month , so if it is possible to arrange the date it would be very nice . Second , I use to go to Camps where they only used log cabins so I prefer if it is possible to be in tents , because it would be a original experience . Third , I love playing basketball , I am a great player and I play with my University and I like to be playing all the time so this activity I will not missed . The other activity would be surf . I think is very cool and I want to learn . Finally , I want to know what kind of clothe I will need and if have to take money for shops or markets . Looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerly , Jason Andre . Shopping is not always enjoyable . You have to be all the time walking , so your legs will feel pain , hurted at the final of the day , you will be very tired and you would want to hang around for two months . If I go alone is very fast and I enjoy it but if I go with my mother it would be horrible , I will have to do a sacrifice . I will have to be waiting until my mother decides which is the best place to buy her dress . She will see if it is pretty or not , if it is in discount at other store we will not buy the dress and we will have to go to the other store to see the other dress , but at the final of seeing all the stores and looking all the dresses she will decided for the first we saw . It is horrible . Is like a nightmare . Dear Helen Ryan , I am very pleased to hear that I have won first prize in your competition and writing to you to offer additional information , as requested . First of all , I would like to travel in July because I am planning to visit my Mum in Korea in August . I also prefer staying in log cabins to tents . I have once experienced to have been soaked while I was sleeping in a tent dut to heavy rain several years ago . Once more reason is that I do not want to miss the chance to stay in a log cabin , which I have been dreaming for a long time . How romantic it will be ! As for my activities , as I took up playing golf since I was a child and now , I am a single-handicapped player , so I want to have chance to play golf at camp . Moreover , I am very good at singing as well as playing the piano . In fact I have been playing the piano for children 's choir for 5 years . Additionally I would like to know which kind of clothes I should prepare . What 's the weather like in California ? How much money should I bring with me for two week stay ? I would be really greateful if you could send me some information or any relevant brochure . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , How are things these days ? Sorry not to write you for a long time . I 've been busy preparing English exams . You remember I helped people at a pop concert as a nurse last month ? You ca n't imagine how happy I am to have had such a wonderful chance . As you know , I 've not been keen on pop music - I 've always thought it was not only noisy but also even rubbish . It was not until the concert that I became a pop mania . It was really great to have talked with famous pop singers , bands , and TV stars . When a member of Venga boys came to the emergency center for the treatment of electric shock on his finger , I felt I was short of breath . We usually are apt to think famous stars to be arrogant and nasty , but they were n't at all . It was absolutely our prejudice . They were very kind , soft , well-behaved , even modest . Their attitudes towards people , their costumes , their songs - everything was really fantastic . Fortunately there were few emergency accident so I could enjoy the concert without a hurry . I was definitely over the moon ! I hope you can go the next concert with me . Longing for hearing from you . Love , Dear Mr Jones : I 'm writting you because I wanted to tell you what a bad experience I had during my holidays when I went to see the play on your theatre . To begin with , the actor you publised was going to perform , did n't . To make things even worse , the play did n't start at 19:30 as it was supposed to but instead it started 45 minutes late , at 20:15 , and there were n't even your famous discounts available . As it was n't enough , after the show , I took the risk of going to your restaurant and not very hard to guess I was n't able to enjoy it , as for it was closed because it was n't clean enough to sell food , the perfect ending for the perfect evening . Considering all this , and especially the fact that I did n't get a discount on my ticket , I think the least you can do is give me my money back to make it up to me , and so I can go an spend the money in a good play when they do what they 've promised . Waiting for your to write back Yours Modern technology is , nowadays , not only a " tool " for every day life but also a lifestyle . People are getting more and more adicted to this , because helps every day life to be easier and more confortable . In my own personal experience , technology is something I ca n't live without . From a simple domestic appliance , a TV or a radio to a cell phone or a computer , my life is much better now than it was before . For example , whenever I go out by myself , my father gives me a cell phone , to call him in case I need anything . Another thing I depend on is the computer . Not only to play or use the Internet , but also to write my papers for school . I think that anything that can make our lifes better , should be done , because that way we would n't have so many things to be concerned about , and we would be able to live a happier and more relaxed life . Dear Sir , I 've been recently to one of yours musical shows called " Over the rainbow " in the Circle theatre in London thinking it might be a good idea but it was desappointing . I 'm writting this letter to explain you what had happened and look for a solution . To begin , the organitzation of your collegues of the theatre was awful becouse of diferents problems . Despite saying it will start at 19:30 , it done at 20:15 which I think is to much late for a good theatre like yours . After , you say in the advertisement to visit your restaurant , however it was close , how can you explain that ? Secondly , there were some false information in your advertisement that made me angry . You say it would be Danny brook the man who was going to sing but it was n't . And to sum up , there were n't discounts on the prices of the tickets . For all of that , I want my money back , at least 15 of the 20 pounds I 'd paid . Looking for forward hearing from you . Your faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , so without want I knew that it was going to be a concert on owr city of , from my point of view , the best group of the world , Oasis . And she had planned with my friends went there without me . At first I got angry with Pat more than with the others friends of the group , becouse Pat was and is my best friend . However , a couple of minutes later , I calmed down and asked she why . She answered to me becouse all this year I have been so irritated that I got angry with every person who tried to talk to me , and the others friend had convinced her to let me out . The I realised that she got reason , I was irritated becouse my parent was going to divorce , but Pat would always be my best friend so I told her that I was n't angry with her and I was not going to go to the concert becouse I had to go to the court to solve my parent 's affair . I asked her to look photos of Oasis for me and she accepted . If Pat had been good at keeping secrets , I would n't have known anything about the concert and I would n't have got angry for not being able to go . And that 's the history of how I lose the oportunity to go to the only concert that Oasis had done in my city . Dear Mr Robertson , On the behalf of all the students , I thank you for organizing our trip to London and for the really interesting programme you propose to us as well . It is likely to enrich our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English culture ... However , we would like to suggest you something : A few days ago , we saw an advertisement about " The London Fashion and Leisure Show " which seems to be very attractive . Therefore , after having talked about it , we all concluded that we would be pleased to go there . Let me explain you what it is : It must be an exhibition which takes place in the " Central Exhibition Hall " on Tuesday and deals with the latest fashions , the different leisures , make up and so on ... What do you think about our jobs ? It would be all the more interesting for us as fashion is a great interest for people from our age . Moreover , you would n't have to worry about the price as it is free for the students . If you agree , we will only have to change the programme on Tuesday afternoon : I mean that instead of shopping , we would go to this exhibition . But I guess that neither us nor you would be against the sacrifice of a " Shopping-Afternoon " - that we can even put on Wednesday during the free-time - so that to enjoy the Fashion and Leisure Show ... Please , Let us know . Yours faithfully The respect of Famous people 's private life has always been a hot topic ... On the one hand , those people are equal to us in the way that they had a childhood , thy got married and built a family ... The only difference between them and us is the kind of job they are doing which is literally a " public job " . Therefore , why do we have to talk and gossip about them ? ! But on the other hand , the aim of a " public job " such as politician or actor is to be known and appreciated by the population . And here comes the paradox : Do we have to reveal someone 's privacy to judge his work and appreciate him ? Well , some people would agree whereas others would desagree . I guess this is an unanswerable question ... As far as I 'm concerned , I would say that famous people made the choice to be followed and tracked by journalists all the time , when they chose to be famous . That 's as simple as this ! Everyone is aware of the celebrity 's consequences so , if they really wanted their privacy , why did they choose a " public job " ? ? Even if anyone deserve to have a private life , famous people know and might have made a mistake ... However , I would add that journalists - being aware of that hard topic - should try to modorate what they write in order to respect altrui 's privacy ; since they would probably not be glad to have their own private life revealed ! But to solve this problem , we may think first about its origin ... " Reading the gossips " : is n't it what anyone of us love doing ? ? Therefore we should try to educate ourselves so as to respect altrui in his privacy . Why not ? To conclude , I would say that " privacy " and " celebrity " ca n't go together . It 's just a matter of choice : being aware of that problem , everyone is free to become famous or not ... ! Dear Sir , My name is * * * . Recently I spent a week 's holiday in London. read the advertisement and I found it interesting so I though that it would be nice to spent one of the nights I had in London at your musical show . But I was completely wrong . It was an awful experience . I had come with two friends on the 21st August , and one of the reasons was that we were big fans of Danny Brook and we were looking forward to watch his show . You can imagine disappointing was to find out that he was replaced by another actor not so popular . We were there at 19:15 as the show was starting at 19:30 for getting our tickets . We asked for the discounts you were refering at your advertisement but the counter told us that they were not available because it was Sunday . That was terrible but we did n't want to make a big deal of it so we went inside and waiting . The show started forty-five minutes later . We got really bored waiting . After the show had finished we went for dinner at the theatre restaurant but it was closed because the owner was ill . From all these reasons you can understand how unpleasant our evening. was We are asking you to return our money . Hope you 'll understand Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . From the time she was a child she could n't keep anything for herself , she always shared her thoughts with other people She was about sixteen years old when she moved to another city with her family . She went to a new school and she had no friends . She was not very sociable and she could not create relationships very easily . By the time she became close friend with Kim , who was really strange to other students and everybody disliked her . Pat was wondering why and one day she found out . Kim explained her that she kept the distance from the other students because her father was in prison and did n't want no one to find out . Pat Kept this a secret for two months but one day told it by accident to a boy from her class . In a few days all school was familiar with Kim 's story . Kim was terrified because everyone was making fun on her and very angry with Pat . Pat had to make up . She had to find a way to make Kim forgive her . She had found the perfect way . She stand up infront of the whole classroom and explained that Kim 's father actions did n't influence Kim . That she was a great friend to her and if someone owed to be punished that was her . Kim forgave her and all the students understand how wrong they were and were very sorry . They all got to know the real Kim know . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you for explaining some problems I had when I went to the theatre to see one of your company 's musical shows called " Over the rainbow " . I would like to say that the information given in your advertisement was not true at all . First of all , the main characters had to be Danny Brook an Tina Truelove . I got very disappointed when I discovered Danny Brook was not going to play and a different actor would play instead of him . Another problem was the start of the show . When I finished working I had to hurry up because the show started at 19:30 and it was 19:00 . For my surprise , when I arrived to the theatre the show still had not started . All of us , who had paid a lot of money for those tickets , had to wait long time before the show started , because it started at 20:15 ! You should review the advertisements you do because you give wrong information . For example , the advertisement said we could buy tickets with discounts , but when I went to buy it your employees told me there were no discounts available . When the show was over I went to have dinner to your theatre restaurant but I found it closed because your company is lacked of employees . In conclusion , what I expected to be " my perfect evening " , as you said in your advertisement , was a very disappointing evening due to the problems I had . I would like to know if I could have some money back for these problems I have told you . I advise you to pay more attention in your shows and look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , MANUEL SANTOS Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Two days ago I thought I could trust Pat because she was not going to tell anybody our secret , our important secret . I wish I had never told her anything . All began when , three days ago , I was doing homework in my class . I was alone because Pat had to go with her parents to the cinema . Suddenly , I heard step noises that were getting closer to me . It was Paul , my teacher , who came to see what I was doing there . After a few words which I did n't pay attention to , my teacher went out the class . I was boried , so I decided to follow him to discover where he was going . He was going down the stairs wearing his blue jacket . " See you tomorrow ! " I cried , but he did n't listen to me . Then , while I was going back to my class I saw he had n't switched off the light of his room . I went to switch it off . As soon as I entered that room I realised he had forgotten our exams there . I could n't believe my eyes ! The exams we had to do next day were there . Without thinking it twice , I took one of them and went quickly home . I had to phone Pat to tell her which were the questions of the exam . When I told her this piece of news , she got surprised . We thought we should n't tell it anybody else . Next day in the morning , before the exam , we were going to put the exam back with the other exams . But my plan did n't work well . Next day , everybody knew about my great finding because Pat had n't kept our secret . The problem was that my teacher also knew it because someone had told him " the story of the exams " , as he called my big problem . He told me I had done wrong taking the exam but I think the only thing I did wrong was telling Pat my important secret . Next time I will get sure who I 'm telling my secret to . Dear Ms Ryan I am writing in reply to your letter on the 15th May . I would like to provide some further information you are asking me for . First , I am able to come only in July , because my examination session is due from the 24 June till 26 June . I would prefer to be accomodated in a log cabin as do not like sleeping on the mattres and I get allergy to rubber . From the listed activities I would like to choose singing , because it is my hobby and I also sing in local chorus . Photography is my second favourite subject . I won third prize in competition organized by our college . Could you , pleas send me some extra information regarding the ammount of money I should take to cover any other expenses , and also , what kind of clothes I should take . I am looking forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely Is shopping not always enjoyable ? There are different opinions and points of view . I like shopping very much . Firstly , you have a wide variety of shops you can buy food . For example , large supermarkets with dishes ready to eat . Even if you do not have any cooking skills you can enjoy exotic meals . On the other hand , some people complain that there are a lot of artificial products , which are quite unhealthy , but very expensive . The second thing I like about shopping is the possibility to find your own style buying clothes in the small boutiques . You can always ask for good advice from the experienced shop attendants , which does not necessarily cost you extra money . However , someone else may say , it takes too much time . The third reason I enjoy shopping is that I never go alone just to buy a thing I need . I always take my friend with me so we can chat or have coffee in the shop 's cafe . Although my brother thinks the better way to have fun is to watch TV than to be pushed in crowded shops , I do not agree . To sum up I agree that shopping is not always enjoyable , but for me it is and I like it . Dear Helen Ryan , I have received your letter today and I would to thank you for the first price . The best dates for me to travel , would be in July because actually I work in the communication firm and I must ask to my employer when I can take holidays . But I think it will be from the 7 July 2000 to the 21 July 2000 . For the accommodation at camp , I prefer in the log cabins , because few years go , I went camping with some friends and every night it rained and in the tent , it was impossible to sleep because the ground was so wet so for this fact , I choose the log cabins . For the two activites that I chose are at first swimming , I am in the Swimming Team and I must go two times per week to entretain me because I have competition every weekend . My second choice , it is Basketball . I have played basketball at school and I was one of the best player after that , I decided to coach a team but I should stop because I have started swimming competition . For these two weeks , what kind of clothes I must take ? It is including the transport and travel , but for the food and extra hobbies I must take some money . Could you tell me approximatively Your sincerely M. Bruni Dear Kim , How are you ? I 'm fine . You know last month I helped at a pop concert as like security . It was a very good experience . The concert sarted at 6:00 pm until 2:00 am , and I started to work at 12:00 pm to prepear the scene with the musicians . After that , at 2:00 pm , when people arrived , I was at the entrance to take the tickets and you know it was incredibale because some people slept all the night in front of the stadium to be in the front row . There were maybe 50,000 spectators for this show , it was amazing . When the concert started I had to look round if anybody threw bottles or something else on the scene . I also helped to serve people who would like drink , I was like a barman . I saw old people , child .... and for me it was very strange and it was very interessting , because I met a lot of people and the best thing was that I knew the pop group who sang , it was fantastic . If I had an other opportunity to do that I think that I will do . Write me as soon as possible . Dear sir , I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the musical show which the Circle Threatre has presented . I recently had a week 's holiday in London and during my stay I came to your threatre to see the " Over the Rainbow " . My evening was very disappointing . In the advertisment , I had read that Danny Brook was starring but she was not . A different actor was playing durring the musical and he was very disappointing . The play should start at 19.30 but it started forty-five minutes later , we were waitting over there with out doing anything . We got very bored and tired . After the show had finished I went to the theatre restaurand to hav something to drink and get relaxed but it was closed because the stuff was on holiday . Moreover the discounts were not available as you say in the advertisment and I paid £ 20 . I would like some refand because It was one of the worst evenings in my life it if this matter does not solve I will go further . I hope that it will be solved properly Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was not very good at keeping secrets . He and his friends got in trouble because of this habit , last week . As they were watching T.V at Nick 's house last Sunday , Sally noticed that their cut Curly was hurt , she could not walk . The children were very unhappy and sorry about the pet . " Somebody had hurt her and had let her without help " Mourk said angrily . " We have to find him and make him pay for his action " Sally told them . Everybod agreed with her . Suddenly Pat cried : Oh my Lord , Bad Jon had done this . Yesterday as I was arriving home I saw him in your yard Mack , he looked very satisfied , Curly was laying on the grass and ... " Yes , Oh Lord he did it because we won his team at football " Nick said . He is so bad . We will make him pay . Hey Listen guys we will take his dog which love very much and we will sell it to Sally who wants one . We will pay Curly 's doctor with these money that we will earn Pat said . Next morning as Pat was going to school met Bad Jon. and told him Hey , you . We know what you have done and your dog will be sold . Bad Jon understood and talked immediately to his father. who was the school minister about the children plan . Of course they were punished . Dear Mrs. Helen Ryan : I 've recived your letter and I 'm very happy to know that I won the competition and the first prize . In answer to your questions , I will have to say that I just can go to the campament on July because of my job , they only gave me that month free . In the camp I would like to stay in log cabins because I hate to sleep uncomfortable and , I will if I stay in a tent . Acording to your letter , you asked me to choose two of your activities . I prefere to do some climbing because that 's what I do in my spare time and I do it quite well . Apart from that , if you give surfing classes I would love to take them ; surfing is one of my chilhood drems that I never came true . I have a few questions that you might be able to answer me . I do n't know what tipe of clothes do I have to take and the amount of money that I 'm going to spend , so if you please could help me giving me this information I would be very pleased . Im looking forward to go to the camp and hearing from you soon Yours sincerely Carmen Garcia . Shooping is not always enjoyable . We all have been shooping once in our lifes and sometimes it probably has not been very enjoyable , why ? we had a class discussion and we all agree in some points . For example if we go to a big mall we will probably never find what we were looking for , and instead of buing what we came for we will go out with lots of things that we liked but we will never use . And that will be waste of time . Sometimes we have to take our little brothers with us , because our mother is n't home , and then is where the problems begin . Most of the times one get lost , or they start plaing around , making noise , bothering people , etc ... And when this happens you get on a bad mood and you 'll have a bad shooping day . So if you want to have a good relaxing shooping day , we recommend you not to go with your little brothers and to go with enogh time to look arround for what you really want . 13th June 2000 Helen Ryan Competition Organiser Dear Madam , I am writing in response to your letter , in which you told me I am the winner in your competition , and my intention is to try to give you all the information you may need according to your letter . I would like to travel in July because I had another trip to Spain in August , that is the perfect month for me , otherwise I would not travel to Spain . About accommodation , I would prefer tents instead of log cabins and the reason is I have never used tents and this could be a very exciting experience for me . The two activities which I find better for me are swimming and sailing . I love the sea , that is why I became interested in those activities since I was ten , therefore I have a lot of experience in both . Could you give me some advice about the weather in California ? Thank you very much for everything . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , ION GAYARRE 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , Thank you for asking about my latest good experience , I let you know what the important details were . As you know I helped at a pop concert last month , I did things as unusual in me as cleaning instruments , organise people , and also look after the clothes of the artists . In fact everything was very easy , the instruments were already clean , and with the clothes my job was only wait there and give them what they asked for . Organise people involved , just a couple of things , say to people how to do the same as me and when . The most exciting thing was to be able to speak to the singers , the whole environment , and of course to the listen to the Concert in the very first position . All that I can say now is that I would do it again , I will never forget that day . Looking forward to seeing you , Best Wishes Dear Jane Clark , I 'm writting to you because I 've been in the International Arts Festival and it was a pleasure . Let me introduce myself : I 'm Mary , I 'm nineteen and I 'm studying arts . As well , I want you to know my opinion and I 'd like to give you my suggestions , because it would be useful to you for the next festival . Firstly , I want to congratulate you for the idea , I think that it 's very important the development of the arts and that everybody could assist without paying too much . Having a ticket for all the events is a great method because it 's an organised way of paying and you win time . On the other hand , I must tell you that some concert halls are too small , so you ca n't be enough confortable to apreciate the event . Other thing , is that the artists come only from six countries , so do n't cheat the people by saying that they are from all the world . In my opinion , you should call more artist from other countries and have some concert halls bigger or may be change the distribution . Well , I think that everything is told but could you tell me , if it 's possible , if there will be more plays and films next year ? I 'm waiting for your answer . Faithfully , Dear Jane , Thanks for your letter , it was nice to hear from you again . I 've recently started the classes so all the rules were given to us , like you know , the first day . As you want me to tell you how about the rules are here , I 'll start . Firstly , in our classroom you ca n't shout , you must be quite and sat . You must pay attention always because you do n't know if the teacher will ask you some question . In exams , you ca n't talk to the teacher , either you must n't eat chuingham or take a walkman with you . In my home I can avoid that rules . My mum only does n't want me to arrive late . However , I can go dancing whenever I want but telling her previously . My mum is a lovely woman and she does n't know how much I love her because most of the day I 'm outside , but that 's the true . My father is a bit jealous but agrees with what my mum says . So , I 'm free when I 'm out of the school . I 'd like it would be nicer going there . Lots of love , Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about a musical show , which I have seen in your theatre , in London during my holiday . According to the advertisement , which appeared in one of the London 's newspapers , I would like to present you some of my complaines about your musical spectacle . Firstly , I would like to say that the cast , which you " offered " has been changed . The man who played the main male role was different than this one , who was mentioned in the advertisement . Secondly , the time when your musical should start has been changed , making your show delayed for nearlly one hour ! In your offer I noticed an information about discounts which were supposed to be available - no , they were not ! Another " defect " in the advertisement was an " invitation " to the restaurant after the show . For unknown for me reasons , I found the restaurant closed ( there was no information telling about a cause of closing it ) . Finally , you guaranteed " a perfect evening out " , but for me it was the worst visit in theatre in two years time . To sum up , I am very disappointed about the musical in your theatre . Neither beautiful surranding near your theatre nor comfortable sits will not recompansate my horrible evening . Therefore , I would like you to send my money back , because I think I deserve it as a viewer . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Technology is very important in our life . Mainly , because it makes it easier and more comfortable . Nevertheless it has some advantages and drawbacks . In my opinion my daily life is full of modern technology . I meet her " at every corner " : at home , at school , in the backyard and so on . It also changed my life-style for better - I think . Every morning I use a toaster to have my sandwiches done , washing machine which makes my clothes clean again . Recently , modern technology means : mobile phones , computers , internet , super-fast cars etc. These improvements helps me with my ordinary dutes . I can do my homework on computer , prepare for the class test by searching information in Internet and use a mobile phone every time when I want to connect with one of my parents . However , technology has a bad influence on us , generally on our healf . Couple of months ago , some foreign scientists noticed that mobile phones make a possibility of getting sick with cancer . Also fast and well-improved car increase a risk of pollution of our air and mainly lead to very dangerous accidents . In conclusion I think that modern technology makes our life easier , nevertheless , we should avoid any possible risks connected with these improvements . Then we will be able to say that technology is something we should be proud of . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to you because I went to The Circle Theatre some days ago and I regret to inform you that it was not a good experience . According to the advertisement Danny Brook was the male actor . However he did not act , and his sustitute was not very good at acting . Secondly I had problems with both tickets and time . The play started at 20:15 instead of 19.30 . Furthermore I could not get a discount although I think I was entitled to it . ( I have a special youth card ) . In addition the theatre restaurant was not available because of the waiters ' strike . In conclusion , not only my evening was horrible but also expensive . That is why I ask you for refunding my money , or at least part of it . Faithfully , Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie ( Accident ) Dear Nigel , I was pleased to hear from you last week . Now I am writing to you because a story of Agatha Christie is going to be read on the radio . Its title is " Accident " I know you are interested in the author and I think you 'll like the story . Firstly the main character is Evans , a retired police captain . He is not as well-known as Poirot or Miss Marple , but his personality it quite interesting . I am sure you 'll agree with me . Secondly the plot . It is about a woman who poisoned her first husband . At least this is Evans ' opinion . Not only is the plot interesting but also it catchs your attention since the first moment . Finally , you should pay attention to the ending which is surprising . I hope you will spend a good evening listening to the radio . The story is going to be read next Friday at 8.00 p.m. Have a good time and write soon . Love , 17th - June - 2000 Auda . Lolas 44 MADRID 23456 SPAIN Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about the show " Over the rainbow " taking part the 15th of June The last week I have been to London for a holiday . There is saw the advertisement for this show and I decided to go there . I went to buy the tickets but when I paid there was not any discount avaible . In the advertisement you told me I would have discounts . This was not the worst thing because when I arrived at the theatre I was waiting fourty five minutes because the show should start at 19:30 and it started at 20:15 . When it started the main actor Danny Brook was not in , another worse actor was taken his part . In my opinion when the main actor can not do the show it is better not do the show than do it with a horrible actor . When it finished I arrived at the theatre restaurant but it was closed because they are going to do a new better restaurant . In my opinion you should refuse my money because the evening and the show were so terrible . Your faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . But I did not know it , and I told her my secret : I have fell in love with Paul a friend of us . No one know it else her . The wendsday Pat phoned me and told me that Sally also love Paul . I had also told Sally my secret . The thursday Sally phoned me , because we are also friends , but she did not tell me anything about Paul . The weekend started and this Friday we went to the dyscoteque . I spent there a good time but at the end , when we were going to come back home , I saw Sally kissing Paul ! ! It was terrible ! ! When Sally came out the dyscotheque I was very nervous and I started to shout her . She hit me and I decided in this moment that I never should speak with her . Paul ask Pat what had happened and she told him my secret . One friend of mine told me that Pat had told Paul my secret and I went to speak with her . Now we are friends but I know that I can not tell her any secret . Dear Manager of the Circle Theatre I recently had a week 's holiday in London . During my stay , I went to the Circle Theatre to see your musical show called ' Over the rainbow ' . It was actually very disappointing and I have to say that I want my money back as you said ' your pefect evening ' out in your advertisement and I rally do think it was not the perfect evening out . Here are the problems of your show . In your advertisement , it says that Danny Brook will act but he did not . It was a different actor and I was very disappointed . It says that the show starts at 14:30 and 19:30 but the show started at 20:15 which was 45 minutes late . The price of ticket was another problem . Your advertisement says ' discounts available ' but it was not available . I did not get discount . I really liked your idea of visiting your theatre restaurant , but because of the late start of the show , the restaurant was closed by the end of the show . I really do think you need to organise your show a bit more carefully so you do not make these mistakes in future and it will be kind of you if you give my money back . Yours faithfully Ring T Lun How has modern technology changed your daily life ? I believe that modern technology has changed a lot of people 's daily life . My daily life also got affected by modern technology a lot . The modern technology which changed my daily life most is a personal computer . I can do a lot of things using the computer . I can play games , listen to music , and I can do my course works in the computer . The main advantage of modern technology is getting more informations in shorter time . I can go on internet in my house using computers or from outside using mobile phones . I do n't have to go to library and read hundred 's of books to find informations anymore . I have TV 's and radios so I can watch or listen to various newses and I do n't have to go to football pitches to see how the players are playing . There are , of course some disadvantages . Nowadays , it is too easy to get lazy because of modern technology . I do not have to walk or run a lot to go somewhere . There are plenty of trains and buses . I have to spend my time doing some exercises or I will get really lazy and unfit . I sometimes think that it might not be a good idea to use modern technology a lot . I think modern techonology has changed my daily life a lot and I hope it will develop even more to change my life even more . Dear Sir or Madam . A few days ago I went to your theatre to see a musical show . Unfortunately I was very disappointed with it , I was expected opposit . First of all the advertisement where you have advertised your program and what the theatre was providing for you is totaly wrong . A came to look at my favorit actors Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , but whom I saw were another people . Another thing is that I took a particular amount of money to buy a tickets and when I apeared infrant of casses I found out that the cost of tickets on your advertisement and real price was n't the same , real price was much higher . Also show started very late compere to what was writen on the advertisement . And I think you know how it is just sit and wait for 45min. befor the beggining ? So , after all of that , I wanted to have a nice relaxing diner in your restaurant , I was very angry when I apeared infrant of closed doors and there was a notice , that the restaurant was n't working . In fact writing to you just with one main reason . I 'll be really delightful to resive back the money for my ticket . I 'm looking forword hearing from you . Faithfuly yours Lena Jarova Begin at the begining . Look at historical books 400-600 years ago , or even in time of First and Second World War , how are sociaty changed , just because we did step up in the science and technology . In one hand scientist discovered a lot of medisent from different illneses , but in an enother hand they discovered many illneses about which we have n't herd before . I think this side of the question is balanced because before effect on our health was less than it is now . More and more people died from some illness wheres long time ago less people died from illneses , dispite that fact that they had less medisent . However technology nowerdays impoved so much and it changed our life a lot . Today we ca n't even think how we could possibly leave without computers or without airplanes . Computer it is our way of with outside world comunicat , wheres with airplanes we can rich our parents , friends easily and much faster , then if we would use bouts or trains . Everyday scientist and technologyst discover and produce more and more new things and it is good , it has to be like that , we have to do forword not behind from the point where we are now . Society has to go forword not to stop on one place . Monday , the 5th of June 2000 To the Circle Theatre 's manager Dear Mister , I recently had the opportunity to see " over the rainbow " which was played last week in the Circle theatre . I 'm writing to you because I 'm very disappointed by the bad evening I spent there . Actually , I read the advertisment for the show and there were a few mistakes on it . In fact , Danny Brook did n't play or appear on stage last Tuesday , the role was played by another - a quite bad - actor , less famous than Danny Brook . I 'm also sorry because I had to wait 45 mn before the pieces started . I ca n't accept waiting so long for the result I had . I was in London with some friends ( we were students ) and no discount was proposed or made for us . We had to pay £ 15 each for seeing a miserable pieces . After the piece , we waned to eat at the theater restaurant but we could n't . It was apparently closed and I 'm asking you why . As you can see , there are some ( volontary ? ) mistakes on the advertisment you made . We did n't have a " perfect evening out " at all . That 's why I 'm asking you for giving us money back . I 'm sure we 'll find a compromise and I 'm really looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully An unusual part of life . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , and half a week later , all the school knew about me . I had a strange feeling then because it was just amazing to notice how money can attract so much people . I started to have a lot of new friends , they all wanted to be my best friend . Actually , my best friend would still remain Pat , even if he failed me . It 's not easy to keep such an enormous secret and I could n't keep it inside of me . I became quickly bored by this hypocrital attention they had for me . They did n't stop giving me advice or telling me what to do with my money . I always has been involved in many differents associations , which are fighting against AIDS or cancer . I knew at this moment what to do exactly and finally , I could refind my ordinary life as an unpopular student . Kowloon , Hong Kong . July 17 , 2000 Dear Sir , I am writting to complain about a musical show last weekend when I was in London . I felt very upset about you advertisement was totaly different between the musical show . Firstly , I could not buy a discount ticket as you mentioned . Secondly , the show started at 20:15 p.m instead of 19:30 p.m. Thirdly , a theatre restaurant was being closed . But the worst thing is the actors were not Danny Brook and Tina Truelove. , It was really let me down ! ! How dared you could show " You perfect evening out " in you advertisement . It was very rediculous ! To be honestly , I would like you could return the money back to me . And explain what had happened . I look forward to hearing you return back . Thank for you patience . Your faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Although , Pat is very smart and intelligent . She like to talk with other people . She has a open-mind . So , she got many friend Lily was one of her best friend before three year . She enjoyed sharing everthing with Pat whatever what it was . Nick was Lily husband . Her husband was being fried last year . Lily felt very nervous about their financial problem and their future . As they went to getting a baby . She told to Pat about what had happened in her family . And what she was worried . Of course , she knew Nick did n't like her to tell other what about his private . She told to Pat that she did n't want other people know it except her . Pat also promised not to tell other people . But in one gathering party , their friend want to show their concern , they went to ask about Nick and send him sympathy . This let Nick very embrassed and got hurt . Finally , they got seperated . Today , Pat and Lily still are friend . But Lily never tell her what she really want and what her really thought the thing . Pat felt very sorry about that was too late . 1st . March , 2000 Dear Mr. Robertson , Thank you for organising the programme about the trip to London . There are a lot of activities that all of my classmates are interested in and especially they are looking forward to sightseeing by bus and visiting National Art Gallery . However , I am writing to suggest a special activity while we are in London . The students in my class have just seen the advertisement for a show in today 's edition of The Times . There will be The London Fashion and Leisure Show in Central Exhibition Hall on the 14th of March . It starts 10:00 am and finishes 9:00 p.m . All of my classmates would like to go there because it is a great chance to see the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . Besides , students do n't have to pay entrance fee because it is free for students . The fashion show is only on the 14th of March , so I would be grateful if you could allow all of my classmates to go there after visiting Science Museum instead of going shopping . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours Sincerely , Many people think that it is natural for famous people to be followed by journalists all the time because they are famous and everybody is curious about their life . However , in my opinion , famous people , such as politicians and film actors , deserve to have a private life . First of all , everybody has rights to keep their own private life , especially when they are in serious situations such as divorce and a family member 's or the closest friend 's death . It is too cruel for them to be monitored their feelings at that time . Another reason that I agree famous people deserve to have a private life is that if journalists followed them all the time , it would result in their death . For example , if Diana , who was ex-wife of Prince Charles , had n't been followed by paparachi when she was dating with a guy , there would n't have been a car accident which caused her death . To sum up , nobody wants to be revealed their private life on public . Therefore , even famous people need their own life apart from the media . Dear Mrs or Miss Jane X , I am writing to thank you for the annual international arts festival which was organized on 21st-22nd November . I had spent at this festival for two days . It was a great idea to organize such festival . I am a teacher and I love music . Most of the events which I had seen were good . I enjoyed dance shows , jazz and rock concerts . I visited art exhibitions . There were a lot of nice pictures , sculptures and other creative works . I was impressed by them . At festival I could talk with writers . It was an excellent idea to make one reasonaly-priced weekend ticket for all events . A lot of people could visit as many events as the they could . I was very surprised when I knew that stars and artists were only from six countries . It was too little for this festival . It was pitty that too small halls were used for classical concerts . I like going to classical concerts but at this festival the sounds of music were terrible . I have some suggestion for next year 's festival . Firstly , it will be great if you invite more famous singers and bands . The second one is to include more musical films and plays . I would like to help you in your interesting job . I look forward to your answer . Yours sincerely Traditional Folk Stories of the World There are a lot of folk stories in the world and there are a lot of folk stories in Estonia , I would like to tell you one of them . This story is about a man and his three sons . This story happened a long time ago . The man was old and his sons were young . One day the man quarreled with his sons and they left the house trying to find work . They were successful . And they had lived far from their father for two years . They grow up and became wise . They decided to return to his father because he was old and he needed help . When the sons were old they began to tell about their life beginning with this story happend a long time ago 17th Juni 2000 The manager of the Circle Theatre Dear Sir , I 'm in London first time and I wondered what is interesting on yours stage : I read in newspaper the advertisment about best musical show . In advertisment starring was very interested - Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . I desided to go to your theatre but at the beginning was the tranbles . In advertisment was - " discounts available " . I 'm teacher and in Polan I have discounts but in England no , I know this is other country . I was disappointed because you wrote about it ! Otherwise , the musical show started too late at 20 15 not 17 30 ! This was a waste of time . I was very suppresed when I saw different actor , it was n't Danny Brook . This musical show was n't " the best " . I went out earlier but the theatre restaurant was closed . I had very disappointing evening . I would ask you for money back . Yours sincerelly " Fashion of the Future " What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? This is very interesting question for us and maybe very important too . We think and speak about it in our families . I saw one week ago on TV ( the 23th annual ) the fashion show in Paris and I was very surrprised because of this style . All models had a very strange long shoes made from black skin , the trouses was quite short and the jackets was elegant with blazzend materiell . I think the fashion of the future will be very different but suitable for all people . The people will wear clothes from natural materials like silk , comfortable and elgant . The colours will be very good quality and the fashion will be changed very quickly like now . Because the world is now a global village the people will wear at least one part of traditional or national clothes ( for example peasnt jacket or hat ) like now in rural areas from time to time . Dear Mrs. Ryan , I was very pleased to learn that I had won the first prize in your competition ! To answer your questions , I 'd like to travel only on July , as it is the only moment when I can take my holidays . I 'd prefer to sleep in tents rather than log cabins : sleeping in tents seems to correspond to a " spirit of adventure " to me , what I particularly like ; in the opposite , log cabins are more " traditional " and a less interesting experience . I 'm very interested in basketball and sailing , which are both team activities . As I was a child , I was very good at basketball , even one of the best of my class . I like playing in team and deciding quickly what to do next . These reasons are why I 'd also like sailing . Sailing means an ever renewed adventure as you cannot control the atmospherical conditions . Please , do n't forget to tell me how much money I need . I think you very much in advance for your kind assistance . Yours sincerely , Shopping is not always enjoyable The first idea about shopping is that buying something will make a pleasure to the buyer and for that reason , will be enjoyable . But this is not always the case : at first , you see a very pretty item which you 'd like to try . When you ask to , the seller offen answers that your size is missing . Hopeful , you try to find the same thing in another shop . You ask the seller for your size . His answer is : " Everything is here , Madam ! " As you understand that you wo n't get any help , you waste your time looking for the right size . Finally , you find the right one but you do n't have enough money . At the time you realise it , you also realise that the shop is closing in five minutes . So , you run to the bank but have to wait for the queue . There is only one minute left ! It 's your turn and you do as quick as possible . You run back to the shop and get your item . But now , you are very tired and need a good rest ! Dear Sirs , I cannot express how happy I was reading your letter about the prize I won and about 2 wonderful weeks I am going to spend at Camp California in the USA . With regard to your questions . First of all , I would be very happy if you could arrange my trip and stay at the camp for July . I will still be at school in June , and I am going to spend the whole August on a training camp with my club . July is really the only available time I have . If possible , I would prefer to stay in a log cabin . I spend 3 weeks in a tent last year and it was n't the best experience of my life . I would like to avoid tents if possible . You offered me a really wide range of activities to choose from , but I would have to go for basketball and tennis . I can say it with confidence that I am quite good at basketball - I play it for my school 's team and I am going to train it in August as well - I do n't want to loose touch with it . Tennis is just something new that I recently discovered and I am still on a beginner level . It seems like a good oportunity to practice it . Finally , I would appreciate if you could send me some information about the weather in California at this time of year . I am a little concerned about the clothes that I should take . Does it rain a lot there ? Another thing is money . How much money do you think I should take with me ? Will you arrange a place where I could keep the money secure during my stay at the camp ? I look forward to hearing from you and I ca n't wait going to USA . Yours sincerely , " Shopping is not always enjoyable " In my humble opinion , shopping is one of he most stressful and boring activities people do in life . If I was asked to choose the least attractive thing that I have to do on everyday basis , shopping would most definitely be placed somewhere on top of the list . If it would be possible I would rather have someone else doing shopping for me . First of all , I do n't like and do n't enjoy spending endless hours pushing my trolley ( which , by the way , has it 's own idea of where it want 's to go ) between other desperate people baskets , just to find that perfect tin of beans or a toothpaste . Especially that it is so hard to find anything in a modern , huge and stuffed with lots of merchandise department stores . Secondly , if you happen to forget something , you will have to force your way back through crowds of other shoppers , and that can take up even more time . But the worst thing comes at the end . Your visit to the shop conludes in a long queue to the checkout ( where you can easily spend another 30 minutes ) where they will suck out some money from your account . Where 's the fun in that ? No. Most definitely shopping is not an enjoyable activity and I can easily think of many , nicer ones . Dear Ms. Helen Ryan : I am very happy to know I won the prize for two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . I think I would like to travel only in July because at that time I am going to be free to travel because of my holidays in the school . I would rather to stay in tents , because I have stayed in tents before and I liked , it is more pleasent than stay in log cabins and it is such a wonderful experience . Refering about sports I would choose swimming and basketball , because when I was a child I used to swim a lot , I won a lot of prizes and I went to a lot of competitions . About basketball , I would say I like it to play as well because it was my favourite sport in highschool , I was not as good as in swimming but I like it . I think I do not have anything to ask you , I just want to thank you for everything . Yours sincerely . Shopping is not always enjoyable . I agree that shopping is not always ejoyable because a lot of things could occur you . I remember when I was younger I used to go with my mom shopping to the stores but I did not like it , because I found boring to buy clothes spending a lot of hours in a commercial centre . Another bad thing could be the enormous queues in the supermarkets , it is incredible how many time you can spend in there . The last month was a robbery in a commercial centre next to my house , somebody stole a lady 's purse with all her identifications , credit cards and cash , even more her flight ticket . Therefore she had to do a lot of tramits to cancell their credit cards and to change her flight ticket . Unlucky lady . To sum up I would say that even when shopping is not always enjoyable we have to do it because we do not have another option . Dear Helen , I received your letter the other day , I was very happy to find out that I won two weeks at Camp California . Well , to answer to your questions , I would prefer to attend at this camp during the month of July because it is the only time when I can get vacations . It is because I am an apprentice , so they let me have my vacations only in July ! ! Well , for the accomodation at Camp California I would prefer staying in a tent . I think it is more fun sleeping in a tent than in a log cabin . It is more like adventure being in a tent , and you are closer to the nature , and the animals ! For the activities I think I will choose swimming because I love swimming and being in the water . And I am really good at it , I used to do some competitions when I was younger . And for the other I will chose tennis , I really enjoy this sport , I am not really a good player but I like to practice tennis during my free time ! Since I 'm coming during the month of July what kind of clothes should I take with me , and I have another question , it 's about money . How much should I take ? And is it better to have change or checks ? Best Regards , Helen Shopping is not always enjoyable Well this is abosolutly true , espacially when you go shopping on Saturday . Everyone goes shopping on Saturday so the mall is always crowed , and most of the people are stressed , it 's crazy . For exemple you go into a cloth shop , you see all those women running around trying to find the shirt that would fit their new skirt , so they are looking every where , pushing you because they think that you will take the shirt that they want . And then they have and you have to wait to try on the pants or the skirt you choose . And you have to wait after to buy it , so finally you waited so long that you are getting late , so you get stressed to . So it 's really not enjoyable to go shopping . Plus most of the time , you see all those mothers looking after their kids , and yelling their name 's kids into the shopping mall because they lost them . So you are getting a headache because you hear the kids crying , the mothers yelling , if I can give you an advice : DO N'T GO SHOPPING ON SATURDAY ! ! You get headaches , you get stressed , and finally you get bruses because of the woman that pushed you to get the pretty skirt before you ! ! ! June 13th , 2000 Dear Mrs/Ms Helen Ryan , I would like to thank you for the prize I won . My name is Manuel P. Martinez and I won the first prize in your competition . I have been informed that all accommodation and travel cost are paid for the company . I can only travel in July because I am working as a receptionist in a hotel and they would only let me have two weeks off in that month . I would prefer to stay in a log cabin rather than in tents , because I find it more confortable to sleep in beds , but it would n't be a problem if I have to sleep in tents . I would love to do climbing and surfing just because those are sports I have never praticed before , that means I do not have any experience on the subject . Please let me know the kind of clothes we will be wearing , would I need to take a suit ? Are there going to be any formal parties ? It is important for me to know if we need money and in that case , how much money would you recommend me to take ? I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Manuel P. Martinez June 13th , 2000 Dear Kim , As you already know , I was at a pop concert last month . It was great ! The concert was organized by the community so everyone who wanted to help was welcomed . The concert lasted for four hours as a lot of small local bands played . My job was to set the stage where the bands played . It was hard and it took me the whole day . I was there at seven a.m and did n't go home until seven a.m the following day . Of course I did n't do it alone , we were a group of about ten guys . After the show we had to stay and clean the park , which was full of empty cans . The part that I enjoyed the most was that I felt I was doing something worthly for the community and also that I got to meet a lot of people . I made great friends with the group I worked with . I think it was a great experience , and I hope we will organize another concert soon . I am looking forward to seeing you . Best wishes Dear Sir/Madam . I have just recieved your letter saying that I have won the competition , I must say I was really surprise and happy to have the oportunity to join the Camp for two weeks . I would like to travel at the end of July , because at that time , I will be finishing a degree in Arts . I am concerned that you offer me the chance to choose two activities , while I am there , because of my studies , I will take painting as this is the subject which I am finishing at the College , allways with important cualificaitons , and photography subject which has been my hobby since I discover that I can mix in practise paint and photo . Concernet to acomodation . I would prefer a tent since for me if I go to a camp or and excurcion it wo n't be the same if I slept in a cabin . Finally I would like to know if I will have any extra cash for expenses , I mean food , or will I have to bring it with me ? Will I have to bring my own clothes or you will give it to us ? I look forward to hearing from you . Your faithfully Shopping is not always enjoyable . Some people seems to enjoy going shopping and spending money , it makes them happy but what about the ques you have to make to pay for something just to realise , when you get to the front , that they have to close that till and they ask you to move to the next till , what a waist of time . It happened to me once that I wanted to go on holidays , so I went to the travel agency. in the front there were some good advertisement about holidays which were very cheap . I really liked one of them concernent to Spain for 3 days with hotel and breakfast included , but for £ 250 . I went inside to asked for that packet but they told me that it was gone , therefore , I went to many shoops just to find the same answer. any of the adver. in the windows were available . However , the most important thing is when I asked them to take that adver. of the did n't do it . As and advise try to go shopping in the out pick hours , and do n't waist your time asking for promosion advertised in the windows of the shop . Dear Mrs. Ryan , in your letter I received a few days ago , you asked me to give you some more information concerning my journey to the U.S.A . I 'm a teacher in Vienna , my holiday starts on July 1st . For August I booked a journey to Greece with my wife . That 's why it would be great if I could make that journey to the U.S. in July . I 'm not quite a young man and during the past years of my life I gothave become accostomed to some more comfort . Tents remind me of the time when I was at the army - I would prefer log cabin for my stay in the camp . Swimming is an activity I do since I was a boy , I still enjoy swimming especially when it 's in the sea , although I never took part in competition , that means I do swimming just for fun . The other activity I choose is Photography . Usually I take just holiday pictures to look at when I 'm back home but when I have enough time - sometimes - I like to take pictures that have a slight touch of art .... I think there are no more questions I 'm looking forward to seeing you . Yours I 'm the teacher of that class . The children are seven to eight years old . The video that will be made should demonstrate how day in school is like . - I start the day by greeting the children and they answer - in English , of course . Then I tell them to sit down . - The first lesson will deal with animals on a farm . I will show pictures of animals and the children will tell me the name of that animal . - Later on we 'll go to sing the song of " Old McDonald had a farm " . - The third part of the film will show the children 's painting work " Animals on a farm " . - Some sequences of the gym-lesson should conclude the part of the film showing the children at work , but there should follow another short part that presents how children have their lunch and spend their free-time , what games they play in the school-yard and how they have contact with each other . Each part of the film mentioned above should not be longer than 5 to 10 minutes . The whole film when it 's finished will last for about half an hour . Dear Sir or Madame , I was on week 's holiday in London and I went there to the theatre to see " Over The Rainbow " . I must say that your musical show was very disappointing for me . " Over The Rainbow " was looking very interesting on your advertisement but organisation and play was almost terrible . First of all I expected to see Danny Brook , but I saw different actor and that was big disappointment for me . Secondly the show started at quarter past eight . This is fourty-five minutes delay . Moreover there was not any discounts and all of the tickets had the same prizes . Out the end your theatre restaurant was closed from unknown reasons , but on an advertisement was clearly sign : " Visit our theatre restaurant after the show " . That was cruel , because I was very haungry after the show . At the end of this letter I would like to ask if you can refund my money . I will be very pleased if so . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfuly Twentieth century was a century of inventions . Some of them are big and some of theme are small , but they effect our lives in the same way . Technology maked our life different than life of people for example living in nineteenth century . Modern technology makes our lives different , maybe better . Often people do not see how it effects our life style . Useful things like TV sets , radios , computers , Hi-Fi stereos and cars - we are dealing with them every day . They help us with daily life and make it more pleasant . Transport and communication without cars , trains , planes and telephones will not exist . We know our world from TV screens and computer monitors . Without these , and newspapers of course knowing our world could be hard . On the second hand people are suffering from modern diseases like addiction to television or computers . On the end we must mention modern medicine . It saves our lives from ancient and modern diseases . To sum up modern technology changed our daily life . Mine too . I think that I could not live normal life without these inventions . They are like air I breath . I am questioning myselfs - am I sick man ? Dear Mrs Ryan I am very happy to know that I have won the first prize in your competition . Now I can realize one of my dream . I can give you all the information that you need . I prefer to travel in July because it is the only month I can have two weeks holiday . For the accommodation I prefer to have a log cabin because I have some problems with my back and I need a bed to sleep in . I can do two activities during my stay at the camp . The first one I choose is swimming . I have a good level in swimming and I have done some competitions last year which I have won . For the second activity I choose photography . I have take a photography course the last two years so I am able to do some beautiful pictures . One question , I just want to know what kind of clothes do I take with me ? And how many money do I need ? I thank you in advance . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , You want to hear about my experience in helping at a pop concert . You ca n't imagine how funny it was ! You could do so many things because you received a free-pass which allowed you to go where you wanted and it was what I had prefer about this experience . I really enjoyed to serve the drinks to the pop-stars . You could speak to them and you could see that a lot were very cool and the other ones were still in the sky . And you heard the concerts too . After the concert I had to clean the area and it took a long time because people were like pigs . But I was chatting and laughing with other workers . One more word ! If you can have the chance to do it too , do it ! It was a very positive experience . I did n't regret it and I want to do it again ! Write me soon . Love , June 13th , 2000 Dear Mrs. Ryan , I am writing concerning the journey I have won in your competition . First of all I will try to answer your questions . For me it is only possible to go to the USA in July . The reason for this is that I have to work in August and from September to June I have to go to school . I would prefer long cabins and I hope that then I will have enough place for all the things I will carry with me . The activities you offer are really interesting . I would like to take part in a painting course and I would like to get to know how to handle a camera . Unfortunately , I do not have an own camera . In spite of this , I have got all equipement I need for the activity painting and I am painting very well . Could you please tell me if I will need some extra money for the two activities . Secondly , I want to know if I should take any warm clothes with me . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , It was nice to hear from you recently . I am writing to tell you about my work at the pop concert . I went there a 10 o'clock in the morning . Then a young man told me what to do . First of all I had to carry all the bottles into the bar and later I helped some other people to get the instruments in the right position . It was really hard work . At one o'clock I had a break . At this time I promised that I would never do this awful job again . The food was deligious and fortunately I do not had to pay for it . In the afternoon I was sitting around , waiting for the pop groups . Then at five o'clock my favourite band " Tristania " arrived . I talked to them and to many other groups that arrived later . In the end I was happy that I had done this job . It was really a wonderful day . I think it would be a good idea if we two did this job together the next year . Give my regards to your family . Best wishes , 13 June 2000 Dear Ms. Ryan , I am very pleased to be the winer in your competition . I almost could not believe it when I received the letter you had sent . I have never won a prize like this . Thank you indeed ! I am working as a Mechanical Engineer for a well-known car company and I would like to travel in July because this the only month I can use my annual leave . During this exciting holiday I would prefer staying in a log cabin . The reason for this is that I have got a difficulty in sleeping in tents . When I was at the Univercity I was very keen on basket ball and I was playing in Univercity 's team . In 1998 we were the champion of the First National Leque . Also I am a quite good swimmer . I think that is because of my long legs . So I would love to join Basketball and Swimming activities while I am at the Camp . There is something I need to ask you ; I don know exactly what is California 's weather lime . What kind of clothes I need to bring with me ? Also , what is the currency in California and how much money I need to take with me ? I am looking forward to your reply ! Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . Novadays our shopping habits seem to be changed . I can clearly remember my childhood and our only local shop . Yes ! There was only one shop in the area where I used to live until we moved to Oxford . I was really astonished by all these shopping centers like ASDA , HOMEBASE , ex . One day I decided to go to the shopping center which is only 40 meters from our house . Firstly , I could not find the entrance . I 'd walked arround about 15 minutes until I found the door . I realized that I 'd walked so many times in front of the entrance but the door had looked like a window . When I entered into the shope I was a bit angry . I was holding a peace of paper which my mum gave to me . There were written all things I had to buy . But no way ! I started looking for the food products written on the paper but I found only the eggs , milk and bread . Nothing else . So what was all that about ? ! I wasted 2 hours to buy food which you can find in every local shop . Later somebody told me that I had to look at the labels on the top . 14th June 2000 Dear Miss Ryan , I am really pleased to be the winner of your competition and I cannot help thinking about the two weeks in the USA . First of all , I would like to travel only in June given that my wife will come with me : her holiday are only in June . Concerning accommodation at Camp California , would it be possible to live in log cabins ? Indeed , my wife is afraid of sleeping in tents . Moreover , I practice Basketball in a famous French Club : That is the reason why I would like to choose the Basketball . If I had to chose an other activity , I think I would do Photography . In fact , this activity seems to be very interresting . Unfortunately , I have never practiced but I feel to like discovering that . Finally , I would want to ask you whether we had to bring money : Life is so expensive there ! Furthermore , what sort of clothes must we have for the different activities ? I hope my answers will satisfy you . I thank you again . Yours sincerely Tom Turner After having thought about this video and asked different people so as to know what they suggested , I reached the following conclusions : we must film the lessons which are the most important and the activities which take a great part in a day at school ; this being in three parts . the morning That is why I propose to start our film with the beginning of the day , when all students come in class . Then , we should film the English class so as to show who makes the film . Furthermore , as Mathematics are the main lesson in the morning , we ought to film a time where we are in MathClass the lunch After that could come the lunch which takes two hours per day . The better to do would be to present the cooking personnal for they are very nice . the afternoon We could begin the afternoon with the sport , showing the different places with surroundings ( near the wild ) : it would give a good impression . I advise to finish with a lesson of Chemistry so that people see the laboratery . Before that , I would have showed the break at 3 o'clock which is important for us . 17/06/00 Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about the show " Over the Rainbow " which I saw at your theatre two weeks ago ; as a matter of fact our evening turned out to be very disappointing . First of all I was really looking forward to the performance of the leading actor Danny Brook , but sadly he was n't there , he was filled in by a different actor , who was instead rather disappointing . Furthermore the show should have started at 19.30 but instead it began at 20:15 which was really unpleasant . At the ticket office I also asked for a discount but they told me this was n't possible , instead your advertisement said clearly there were discounts available ! At the end of the show I was so tired that I decided to eat something at your restaurant , but surprisingly it was closed due to some unreasonable technical problems ! The advertisment assured us a perfect evening but it was n't , so I would highly appreciate if you could refund completely our tickets . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets : he always wanted to know everything about everybody and after , of course , he would give away all he knew , but one day he had some problems ... His best friend Paul could n't put up anymore with Pat always revealing his secrets , so decided to play a trick on him . Since Paul ran a very popular hotel in London , he told Pat that on Sunday the superstar Madonna was supposed to be staying there with her new misterious lover . Paul told Pat not to tell anyone about Madonna and especially to the press . Pat obviously could n't help being silent about this so , since he also needed some money , he decided to reveal everything to the scandalistic press , not knowing that Paul had made up all the story ! On Sunday all the english press was waiting for Madonna in front of Paul 's hotel and when they discovered that it was all an invention , they got so angry that they wrote on every newspaper that Pat had made up everything ! Paul finally had his revenge ! ! Dear Sir or Madam I 'm writting to you to complain about the musical show that I saw when I went to the theatre on my holidays in London . First of all I had read in the advertisement that it would start at 19:30 and that I would have some discount , but it started at 20:15 , what means that I had to wait for forthy five minutes , and there was n't any discount on tickets . For my surprise Danny Brook never apeard . There was a different actor instead and it put me very nervous . He is my favorite actor and I pay to saw him not to saw a different actor . Finally at the end of the sow I decided to went to the theatre restaurant but it was closed because it was n't been repeard yet . I think you must told people about this in the advertisement . I was a bit disappointed because you told that it would be a perfect evening and it was n't . I enclose my postal addresses and I will be looking forward to a completly refound Yours faithfully Fashion of the Future We could see all over the human being How the fashion change in its colours and styles , Since the first men on the earth started to wear kind of clothes because they were a bit cold Asking people about the Fashion of the Future you realise that there are different opinions . Adults think that new coloured clothes , that young people wear are horrible an very untraditional . Most of them believe that they are kind of crazy or ievel . They think that in the future they will change and start to wear more formal clothes . On the other hand young people believe that in the Future things 'll be very different . Carol , 16 years old girl , said I imagine clothes in the future very strang . May be they would have many colors and they would be very thight . They would be sinthetic clothes , I think made of plastic or something similar . Most young people as Carol believe the same and use their minds to imagin the variety of clothes in the future . After wear they 'll be the ones that dicide How the Fashion of the Future will be like . Dear manager , My name is Joseph and I am writing this letter to complain about the mass that the adimnistration of the Circle theatre presented to me . Last week my son and I went to see Over the rainbow at the Circle theatre . We paid to see Danny Brook , my son 's favorite actor , but we seems quite disappointing , my son was very happy because he would see for the first time his favorite actor . However it 's just the begining of the problems we had . Expecting the britan pontuality we went to the theatre at 19:00 to wath the 19:30 section but it only starts at 20:15 , it finished later than it was suposed to and then we missed the train . I have n't seen any discounts available , I though my son would payed less than I. As we had alredy missed the first we went at the theatre restaurant that is famous for the good food , however it was closed . In spite of this , less you can do for us is to give my money back and work hard so that this theater that is famouis about its beauty and pontuality do n't become famous about it desorganized shows . Thanks , People have seen in the last 10 years how diferent our clothes had become to . Clothes that used to be made of coton , but nowadays we can see shirts , pants socks .... made of almost everything . It is a revolution in the fashion that is starting now . Nowadays we have drifit a kind of clothes that keep the temperature of our body , clothes that do n't get wet or even dirty . Computers that make some little things for us nowadays , but at the speed at tecnology goes in the next century those clothes will tell our doctors our healt at any moment , any time , any where , people will be able to locate us arround the world . In the future we wo n't by clothes by size or even color , our clothes will adapt to our body , the weather , our fit so , our necessities . It already started and do n't have limites to go . Dear Sir/Madam , I saw the musical show in your advertisment in my holiday . I was disappointed with it . I would ask you to my money back . First of all , I was really looking forward to seeing Danny Brook but actually , starting was not Danny Brook but another person . Besides her acting did n't make me satisfied . Secondly , starting time was not 19:30 but 20:15 . Because of it , I was waited for a long time , Also , there was no system that ticket can be discounted . Finally , I went to restaurant in your theatre but it was closed , I could n't eat anything . That 's nub of my complaints . Thus I spent terrible time - it was waste of time . I 'm expecting for your reply soon . Yours faithfully , Fashion of the future , I think after 100 years , at least something will change in the point that design , material , color , etc . If I pick up the example , Kimono ( Japanese traditional cloth ) will wear on not only Japan but also another countries in generally . Also it will be only wear but its design , shape might take in casual cloth . If it came true , imagination to make cloth would bigger and could think various design and format . By one country 's traditional cloth taking in those of another country , it can born different type and new kind of fashion . On the other hand , there might vanish personality ( character ) of each country . However , thinking way that simple is the best will not change . Also , comfortable cloth for person will maintain in the future . I guess the good things will not change forever . Dear Mrs Ryan , I have recently received your letter informing I won a two-week-holiday prize at the Camp California . Enclosing information you asked for , there are some points , I want to point out . First of all , I will not have finished my university course until the end of the June so I can only travel in July . I would prefer to stay in tents than log cabins . Since I was a child , I have been intrested in camping and sleeping under the tents . If I can participate on swimming and photography groups , I will be grateful . I have been swimming for 8 years for a club and enjoying a lot . I am afraid , I am not good at photography but I want to improve it . I need some more information about the camp life and also I would like to know what I need to take with me . For exemple , how much pocket money will be enough and which kind of clothes I should wear. . I hope to receive your reply soon . I am really looking forward to going this camp . Yours sincerely Subject : Suggestion about lessons and activities should be filmed . A - Lessons English It is one of the most popular subject in the school . Also , because this video is their project , it should be filmed . Drama Seeing that this is the first year of the drama lessons , it is not very well known . Also they are showing their first play on the 2nd of July . Part of the show can be filmed . Maths Regarding that the school 's maths team won the this year 's city 's maths competition and is going to the national school 's maths championship , it will be good idea to film some of their training course and also ordinary maths lesson where the majority of the students attend . B- Social Activities To show the life at the school is not only lessons and exams , the video should be inclued the annual summer Fete , school 's weekend trip which is on Friday 7th of July and also the dance which is organized on the last day of the school year . Dear Mr Robertson , We would like to thank you for all the time you have spend for us in order to organize the programme that we should follow during three days that we are going to spending London . We all believe that is a great programme which concludes both education and free time . We would like to inform you that we notice an advertisement for the London fashion and Leisure Show . This show is going to take place in the Central Exhibition Hall of London on Tuesday , March 14 between the hours 10.00-19.00 , and we would like to ask you if it is possible to go to that show . We think that is a great opportunity and we are all very interesting to go because we can see there the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , lot kinds of make up and some of the famous hairstylers . The show is absolutly free for students . As a class we suggest to go to this show on Tuesday , March 14 morning and to visit the Science Museum on Wednesday afternoon during our free time . If that of course is possible . We all like to thank you again . In the year 2000 media is one of the most powerful things on the planet . The media is everywhere , televisions , radio stations , newspapers , magazines all have one goal , to inform the citizens . Some of them , however are not doing their job probably . They do n't inform people about news , education or documentaries . They just published gossips about famous people , such as politicians , musicians and film stars . I believe all the people famous or not , deserve to have private life without journalists to following them all the time . They are humans like all of us with their problems , their good and bad times and of course they do n't want to be publish them in front of millions of people because a journalist thought that this is right . And good for his pocket . I think the only way of change that is , the people , If the people shows no interest the journalist would have no goal of publish any gossips because is not going to be watch or read by anyone . So the power is to the people . Dear Mr Robertson Thank you for the good programme which you have organised . There is only one thing we do n't agree with you , it is the Tuesday 14 March . We have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show. and we would all like to go to this show . It would be very special for us because we have n't seen something like that before . There are four different shows . First there is a show with latest fashions , after they show us the leisure and sports wear and then there are the make up and the hairstyles shows . The show is not as expensive as the Science Museum because the entry of the show is free for students . You see , the programme has only to be changed on Tuesday morning . In the afternoon we go shopping how you have organised in your programme . In our opinion ; it is enough to go one time in a museum and it is on Wednesday . Thank you in advance for your trouble Yours sincerely your English Class 4A The Home of the Future Now , we are in the 21th century . Most of us live in houses or flats and it is most very comfortable . But in which kind of homes will people stay in the future ? What will be different and what wont change ? We can need our imagination for answering these questions but we will never know the right answer . I have further ideas : In the futur , maybe in 2113 , there will are houses like now but only with more technical things . The life at home will be more easy because a refrigerator which fill up itself or a bathroom which clean itself . So , people wont have to clean their houses because there are machine for all works . But I think that people will altough need a bed and a table with a chair . These things and a lot more went change or wont be forgotten . So , I think. houses only will be more moderne and more practique but not very different from our home in the present . This is my idea and we will see ! Dear Sir , Last night , me and my family visited your theatre , and we had a very disappointing evening In the advertisement the time when the show should start was 19.30 but it started 20:15 . When I arrived to theatre and ask for the discount , it was n't available . In your adv. starring was Danny Brook , and on the stage plaied different actor and his play was very poor . The whole show and acting was an profeccion like scholl theatre . When we decided to visit theatre Restaurant after the show it was clouse because same of decorating was n't finish . It was last poin to get me angry . After evrything what happend we went to hotel tipped and very affect . It was n't perfect evening out , how you did promise in your a advertisement , and I want ask for my money back . Yours faithfully Alexy Pasimov For the last one hundred years science and technology did big step if we looking to back . Same thing more then 100 years ego the people have n't got the light . They were used just a candle . Nobody can thinking about the Telephone , and telegraph . From small village to town was very long way becouse the people used horse and wagon . And look at now . Evry family has now T.V. , to travel for long distance we using not just car and elso train and airplain . Before we have phantasy about how people travel to other planets , and what we see now spaceship cruising in the open space . In the most part of our life entering computer . Before it was only emegination . New techology more our life more comfortable and esee . Evrything what we do now we do with : it help , looking after house , make very difficult operation , becose the computer can think much faster then human . And I can continue my list on this way ... becouse science never stop on one place . June 13th , 2000 Dear Mrs Ryan , I am very glad for receiving such a wonderful surprise , that I have won first prize . What a lovely opportunity to go to America ! About the information you asked me for , the most suitable month for me to travel would be July , since it is when I am free for traveling due to I wo n't have classes at school by that time . In the matter of accommodation I 'd rather prefer log cabins , because I consider them better for resting and know people . I also want to mention that it 's great you have so many activities . The ones I consider I 'm good at are painting and photography . I love nature and I 'd like to record the Californian landscapes . I have something I 'd like to ask you . Do I have to take any special clothes with me ? How warm is California in those days ? Another thing , should I have to take my camera with me for the activity at the Camp ? I 'd appreciate any further information you can give me . Looking forward to your repply . Yours sincerely , June 13th , 2000 Dear Kim , It was quite nice to hear from you and your family in the last letter you sent me . Hope everybody is fine . And , yes ! I helped my friend Jane at the concert ! It was such a wonderful experiece ! When Jane asked me to help her with the organisation of the publicity and specially with the inverviews , I just could n't believe it . You know that I love going to concerts , but being beging of all the show and in the staff as a member , was something I was always interested in . I never imagined how many people is involved in the organization ! In the area of publicity we were about 50 guys , all of us investigating , calling to radio stations , organizing the reporters , specifying where the press would be for the interview that took place afterwards ... yet , it was an incredible satisfation when everything finished just fine ! Wish you were there ! But , I heard you went on vacations to Bermuda . Cool ! How was it ? You have to tell me everything ! Looking forward to hearing from you . Love , XXX Dear Mrs. Ryan , Thank you for the letter which I have received with a great delight and excitement . I am writing in order to let you know about the further necessary information you have required . First of all , I would like to travel in July as it is my summer holiday and I believe the weather would be best for camping in July . And if it is possible I would like to stay in a log cabin rather than in a tent because I find tents uncomfortable to sleep in . The two activities I would like to do at the Camp are Tennis and surfing . I have been playing Tennis for many years and it is my favourite sport . However , I have never done surfing before but I have always wanted to learn how to do it and I believe this would be my best chance to do so . Before I go to the Camp , I would like to know what type of clothes I need to take and wheather there is anything I should take in case of any emergencies . Also the amount of money I need to bring ( is there any shops ) . And finally , I would like to ask you to send me some pictures of the place as I am dying to know what it is like . Thank you . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I was few of the lukiest people from my school to be picked up to help at the pop concert which took place in my town . The organiser of the concert asked my school for about 15 people , who does art , to help decorate the stage . Me and my friends were very excited , not because of the stage decoration but because of the pop sigers and bands whom we will be able to see ! Everyone was so jealous in the school . When we got there , there were very many people . People were carrying big boxes around which contained electrical equipments for the concert . We were all given different sort of jobs to do . Some of us had to paint and some of us had to cut some materials and fabrics out into special shapes . It was very interesting and we enjoyed doing it very much . However the best part was watching and listening to the singers and bands practicing on the stage . At the end we were given free concert tickets and got autobiographies from our favourite pop singers . It was the best day of my life and certainly for others , too . I wish you were there . It was fantastic . I will be looking forward to your reply . Love from For the attention to the manager : I am writing to complain about the organization of the musical show that the Circle Theatre presented . Firstly , it was said that the stars who were invited to the estatement were Dany Brook and Tina Truelove . However , Dany Brook did not act and was replaced by another actor who was terribly disappointing on his performance . In addition , the event was supposed to start at 19.30 but we could not enjoy the show until 20.15 . The advertisement for the show announced that we were able to visit the Theatre restaurant after the show but it was closed due to the Chef who leaded the Restaurant did not remember to bring the keys to open it . Also , the advertisement said that discounts for the tickets would be available , but it was not . To conclude , I would be grateful if the organization of the theatre bring my money back. yours sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets and she told her mother what had happened during the concert . Peter had a terribly problem with drugs . He started to consum the stuff at the age of twenty . He had problems at home because his mother wanted to settle down to Australia , but Peter was used to live in New York , overcrowded and surronded by people . Australia is a country too calm for him . We invited him to enjoy the concert of Texas but he started to make nonsenses because of the drugs . Firstly , he began to run around the crowd and also to hit the advertisements which announced the concert . A security guard saw it and put his attention on him . Pat stared at him and asked for help . The security guard heard her and agreeded with Pat that if Peter continued acting on this way he would obliged us to go out of the concert . He did it . When we arrived at home , Pat told to his mother what had happened . Dear Mr Ryan . Thanks for you letter . I am so exciting that I have won the first prize . I will give you all information you need and ask some questions . I could only travel on July . As you know , I am a student and the nearest holiday is summer holiday . But I have booked a flight to home at the beginning of Auguest . And also I would like to go on summer . The accommodation I would like to live in tents . Because I never live in tents before . I think it is great and I want to try it . I like doing sports . I would like to play basketball and golf when I am at the Camp . I play basketball a lot and I am a member of our college term . But I am not very good at golf . And also I want to ask some questions . What clothes should I taken ? How much money should I taken ? And how could we meet at the airport ? I am looking forward your reply . Yours sincerely . As our class is going to mark a short video about daily life at college , I write this report to suggest some lessons and activities which should be filmed . 1 . English lesson . Because all students in English class are from all over the world . We can talk everybody 's feeling living and study at a foreign country . 2 . Computing lesson and computer room . Nowdays internet makes us closer and closer . We can get all what we want on internet . It 's one of the most important things in our life now . 3 . Liabrary . We not only borrow books from liabrary but also study at liabrary . Library is very important in our daily life . 4 . Canteen . Everyday we go to canteen have lunch , no matter you bought food from there or you take your own food . 5 . Football . What do you do after class ? Joging or doing some sports ? You ca n't forget football . These are what I think should be filmed . If any of you have other suggestion , we can discuss again . But I think these five lesson or activities are most common in our daily life at college . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I am writing to you about the first prize I won in your competition . I am very pleased and I include the information you asked for . I prefer travelling in July because I am taking some important exams in September and I have planned to study in August . With reference to the accomodation I would rather stay in tent because I think it is the best way to socialize . For what concernes the activities I think that swimming and climbing are the most suitable for me . I have been swimming since I was three and I did a lot of courses . On the other hand I have never had a course of climbing even though I would like to take up this hobby . I would like to ask you something about the weather and clothes I should bring not to have to buy anything there . In addition I need to know whether meals are included or not in the accomodation so that I could decide how much I must have with me . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Mafalda D'Accatino Dear Kim , I bet you want to know everything about my great experience at Luna Pop 's concert last month . Before that I had never thought I would play with a famous group . But maybe you want to hear the story from the beginning . As you know Luna Pop is not my favourite group and I went to their concert only because Ake needed being accompanied . When we arrived she persuaded me to go the backstage because her boyfriend was the electrician of the band . It did n't sound very exciting to me but I accepted above all because I was curious . Unfortunately what I found was n't what I expected . Everyone was upset , worried or angry and Lucre , Ake 's boyfriend , explained that it was because their pianist had broken his arm and could n't play . In that moment Ake exlaimed that I could play the piano . After that I tried to tell them I had just begun but within five minutes I was on the stage and I was playing that , luckily , easy tune . I think you ca n't believe in what I 've told you but I wo n't forget this experience . This has been the first time I have realized that , maybe , playing the piano could be my future and , even though I was really frightened , I enjoyed staying on the stage with all those eyes on me . I wish you had been with me but I 'm sure you understand what I felt . Love Mafalda Dear Mrs Ryan : I am so happy to know that I have won first prize in your competition . As you asked me to send you further information about three points , I am sending you my preferences as follows : 1. - I would prefer long cabins rather than tents , because it is much more comfortable . 2. - I have chosen singing and painting as activities , because I love painting moreover , I am very good at it , and singing because is one of my talents . 3. - I would prefer to travel only in July because at the moment I am alone at home and I have to take care of my little sister . I would like to know , what kind of clothes do I have to take with me and How much money will I need as well ? Thanks in advance for you advice . yours sinicrely Bety Dear Kim : I am writing to you to tell you what an impressing experience I have had , helping at a pop concert . I will start telling you how crowded it was , the people was so excited that they were screaming from the beginning to the end . I could n't even hear my own voice . I cleared the stage before the concert , but you do n't imagine how it looked like after it ? ! ! ! full of flowers , T. shirts , hats , underwear , etc etc etc. I did n't feel my feet the next day , I was very tired. ! ! Anyway , I also laughed a lot , the music was fantastic , and the stars were really nice to every one . I tried to take a photo of everyone , but sometimes it was not possible . I will send you a copy of the best pictures the next time . bye-bye . Bety 17th June 2000 Dear Sir or Madam , I 'm writing to complain about the musical show ' Over the Rainbow ' I 've visited it last evening in your ' Circle Theatre ' . By the way I would enquire about some money back . I read your advertisement for the show and I decided to have a wonderful evening by visiting it . I believed in the phrase by which the advertisement ended : ' Your perfect evening out ! ' But nothing was perfect . The show should started at half past 7 pm but nothing happened . I waited and it becomes 8 o'clock pm - nothing happened . At quarter past 8 pm the show started and I was looking for Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . But I saw some foreign actors I did n't know . I was very wrong and afraid about it and I remember that this was the third problem this evening . By arriving at the theatre there were no discounts available . Now I asked myself if there will come another problem . The problem came . The restaurant , which I decided to visit after the show for eating something , was closed without any explaination and the perfect evening was completely unperfect . I think this are reasons enough for enquiring about some money back . I would be gladly to get an answer from you . Faithfully , Bergut Hunrtner What will we wear 100 years from now ? Fashion changed every year . Do you remember what people wore 100 years ago ? And by the way do you believe that they also thought the fashion never changed ? But the fashion changed . 100 years ago the people wore long clothes and large robes . You can say they wore a lot of clothes at one time . Nowaday people wear lesser clothes . Often you causes very litte and short robes and tops . Often you show your skin because its popular and everyone do it . So it 's possible to wear nothing in the future . A lot of thinks will be easier to do . But in the winter there 's still a problem which is to solve . In the winter you 'll freeze . But this problem is solving by itselfes . The sommers and winters get warmer . The season for this is the global warming , which is the salvation of the problem and another reason why this idea is possible . But by some situations you have to wear something . The clothes you 'll wear will be very extraordinary because of their special kind of producing . So do n't laugh about this idea . Think about this idea and perhaps you 'll understand it . It 's possible . 17th June 2000 Dear Sir or Madam , On 14th June 2000 I went to see your " Over The Rainbow " musical show and I have a few points which I would like to bring to your attention . Your advertisement was featuring " Danny Brook and Tina Truelove " as the main characters but in fact some other people replaced them that evening . The time mentioned on the tickets was 19:30 however the show started at 20:15 . As I came to London on holidays and purchased " The London City Guide " I saw your advertisement explaining that people could buy discounted tickets for £ 5 in advance . Well I tried to do so but the lady at the desk told me that they were quotas available at that price but were already sold out ! After the show we tried to go to your restaurant but unfortunately it was closed for renovation ! I was very disappointed of my supposed " perfect evening out " to your theatre and due to all the above-mentioned reasons I am asking for a complete refund on the two attached tickets . Yours faithfully , MODERN TECHNOLOGY " Technology " is an appealing as well as an interesting word for me . From ancient times up to now this science has allowed the world and human-beings to develop positively and negatively . Egyptians , Mayas , Incas , etc. were civilisations with great knowledge because they were mastering most of the science fields we deal with today . Back in the 30's the different governments invented guns , battleships and all kinds of weapons for their armies . The military technology has affected our lives more than what we think because most of the equipments we use were originally created by those people . The fast and growing computer industry is giving us less and less physical work due to a mechanical concept . Biotechnology is providing us with the latested discoveries to heal or improve the human body to its most efficient state . Transport means are also part of the overall technology and allow us to go faster , further than before with less effort . Besides all those improvements and confort I ca n't stop thinking where all this will lead us . I am keen on technology because I believe it should improve our lives however I dislike the idea that such a science might fall or had already fallen in wicked hands . Dear Sir or Madam : I am writing this letter I order to complain my unpleasant experience in your theatre . Two days ago , I went to see the musical show " over the rainbow " at your theatre . The advertised beginning time is 19:30 . But due to some unknown reasons , the play did n't start until 20:15 . The audience were anxious and bored . What made things even worse was that the leading actor Danny Brook did not appear at the stage at all . A second-class actor took the place of him . We felt totally disappointed and cheated . After the show , I was hungry and tired . As your poster suggested , I intended to rest for a while at your restaurant . But when I got there , it had closed . In addition , the conductor did n't offer me any discounts as you had advertised in the poster when I bought the ticket . I am sorry to say that I do not enjoy the evening at your theatre at all . I hope you can pay me the money back as compensation . I am waiting for your reply . Yours Faithfully Modern technology has changed my daily life in two ways . First with a lot of advanced techniques being put into practical use , our living condition becomes more and more convenient and comfortable . When we look around in the house , it is easy to find things like these : microwave oven , TV set , computer , etc. All these equippments are the applications of modern science . When you are planning to travel , you can choose train , car or even plane as your transportation . Without the development of modern technology , it may take your several years to reach the destination . Second , Modern technology makes communication much easier and more enjoyable . With the spreading use of Internet , people living in different parts of the world can chat with each other through the web . And , we can also share important informations with other people . The development of information technology has changed the world into " an earth village " . Modern technology plays an important role in our life . I am hoping to devote myself into the development of it . Dear Mr. Helen : I hope you be well . Thank you for this prize , I 'm really ecited and emotions . Answering your reguest you asked me , I would like to travel only July because , in fact . I ll be on vacation until August and I think this is the best month to travel . According to my great experience on climbing , I prefer accommodation in log cabins because in tents we ca n't sleep or being well with such cold ! Never the less in summer we ca n't resist such hot ! In base of your activities option , I would say that climbing is one of my first option , as I 've mentioned and I really think that photography will help me in my other adventures . I would like to ask if we need money for paying or baying something because you did n't specify what is included in the trip , such as food . I really apreciate this kind of trip and I 'm really thank your truly attention . Yours sincirely : Camila Playhouse . The truth of Shopping Shopping ... a great and emotion statement , do n't you think ? Every one think that shopping in the best way to carry off your problems and , in fact a big solution of many problem or estrés , boring , or only for distraction . But the question is : Why shopping is not always enjoyable ? . For many people , shopping had always been only for one kind of elite , or social class ; not all people can go shopping and buy hundreds and thousands of stuff in those big malls as distraction . Let 's talk about women ; nightmare ! women ca n't resist the fact of shopping and they are dissapointed when they do n't have the wants to shop . The shopmania is really unstapped . I know women that make everything they can to buy only a dress , or even worst , women that buy things that was nothing to do with them , for example , snap , esculptures , kitchen tissues , or eveything on telemarketing that really are unuseful , but the fact of have it " there " they can resist There are many facts to prove that shopping is not " pretty and armonious " , but believe me , is not always enjoyable . Dear Ms . I am writing to you becaus I was very disappointing with the presentation you have made to attract people to come to your theatre . First of all I came to see a play just becaus my faivourite actrice shoud of been part in it , but she did n't . The evening time on a tiket was 19.30 and actually it started at 20.15 which made visitors stay in a plase for 45 min , waist of time . The tickets discounts was not available under any subconstanses and the theatre restaurant was closed . I strongly do recomand your to pay minimum 50 % of the full price for what I 've payed . Your faithfull Mr. Farydone . Fashion of the Future . I think that in 100 years from now , the clothes fashion will be totaly different . In my apineon the world by it self will be different in temperature cased by global warming as well as people become more niceer , less will take place , so the clothes will mainly be maid from cotton with smooth colours like dark grean or gray . It will be comfotable close becaus the main point for any caind of clothe is to be comfatable . Also there will be no leather or fethers used in maiking clothes becaus by that time the population of animals will foll and Green pease will very strong community , much stronger and pouful than it is now . So as we can think the Future Fashion can be pleasent or unpleasent for different people . The stile will be more or less simelar to each other and everyon will be setisfaid with its needs . writen by H. Farydone Dear Miss Helen Ryan , I am writting to reply your letter and comenicate my aceptance of the first prize in your Competition . This summer , I am available on July because on Agust my family and I are going to go to Canada and on September I will go back at university . If there is no chance to go to California on July , I could wait untill next summer . About accommodation , I would like to a long cabin because last year I had an accident and my back is enjure , so sleeping in a tent it would be painful for me . I play basketball at university and my level is quite good but I am really enjoying is being a referee . Due to my back enjure , this year I could not train and play with my team , so I am not fit , it would be a good aidea to be a referee . I would like to swim everyday if is able . Althoung swimming is so bored , it would be a good help for curing my back . Could you please let me know where will I eate ? if will there be a vegetarian menu ? and how much is it ? how many money you think will I need for those two weeks ? And please could you give me details about how does the weather like there and what type the clothes will I have to bringh ? Looking forwards to hearing from you Yours sincerily Dear Kim , It was brilliant ! I had the best month in my life . It was a hard month because my job was very hard , I worked 12 hours per day but alwalys with funny people . My job was cleaning the ground after the concert ; " it was very dirty " . It was n't a nice job but I had all night for drinking and dancing of course , I had not to pay for getting in . I felt in love with a beautiful girl " Calen " , she is from Spain and was selling " hot dogs " . She will come to Liverpool next week and I 'll put her up . Probably she 'll come with a friend if you want you can enjoy us . Helping at the pop concert has been a great experience because I 've done a new friends and I know that in the concert there is n't any drunk just funny and wonderful people . I am looking forward to next summer because I 'd like to go to Spain to help in " Doctor Meesee " that is the best concert in the world , I hope you will come there . You have to save up money because Spain is too expensive ( beach , beer , discos.. ) . Love Dear Sir : I 'm writting this letter to complain about the musical show I saw during my stay in London . This show was supposed to be a perfect event but actually I had a very disappointing evening . First of all I want to say that I 'm very keen on Danny Brook who was one of the main reasons why I decided to come . However my favourite actor was not there . How could that happen ? I also would like to know why the musical show started at a quarter past eight instead of half past seven . I spent a lot of time waiting for the show to start . I really do understand that problems can always come up but it would not have been a problem for me as long as I had been informed about it . Of course discounts were not available either , and the restaurant where we were supposed to eat afterwards was closed without any explanation at all . So , what should have been a nice evening out came to a nightmare . I guess all my reasons are more than enough to get my money back . Thank you very much : Yours faithfully : Modern technology has actually changed my life quite a lot . Firstly I would like to talk about computers . A couple of years ago I bought a new computer and I had to learn all about them . Even though it was my first one I managed and I got to know pretty fast the way they work . Now , I 'm just fascinated by Internet and I spent at least half an hour every day surfing the net , visiting lots of webs and getting all kind of information for free . I 'm impressed by communications as well . If I want to communicate with a friend in Australia I just have to send him an e-mail which is going to get to my fellow in a while . Is n't that amazing ? I should not forget mobile phones . If I feel like talking to a friend I just have to call him and whereever he is I will be able to get through to him . Several european companies like Nokia or Ericsson are focusing on mobiles and I have been told that in a couple of years it will be possible to send and e-mail either from the computer or from the mobile which is going to be great . Finally I want to explain that three weeks ago I started working for a new company and my job is all about new technologies . I 'm extremly happy because not only do I earn a lot of money but also I 'm learning a lot . So , as you can see , modern technology has had influence in my life . Dear Helen Ryan , First at all , I 'd like to thanks for the prize Won . I 'd like to know USA. this prize came in a good time . I 'd like to travell in july because I 've got an examination at USP in Roo Cohelo in July . For it the only one that I can travel is July . And I 'd like to stay in a log cabins because I ca n't bear sleeping in a tent , I hate this kind of accomodation . But I love sports . I 'd like to play Tennis and swimming these are my favourite sports . I can play tennis better I can swim , because since I was I child I 've been practising it . I 've already Won three prizes about it . And I 'd like to know about what kind of clothes to take and how much money to take too . I 've never gone to USA before . I hope I will have a good journey . Yours Sincerely , ALBiTO . Shopping is not always enjoyable . We had a class discussion about shopping , for it I 'm writing to tell about my opinion . I love shopping mainly when I am alone on when I am angry because I think it can help me to relax . When I got plenty of money sometimes I like spend a bit of it with some friends or buying a good present for my girl friend . But if I have n't got enough money to spend or if I am sad shopping is not always enjoyable , because without money and sad is not a good idea to go to shopping . Normally I spend money buying some new clothes that I like more and shoes I love new shoes . One good idea to go to shopping is when you got plenty of money . ALBiTO Dear Helen Ryan , the competition Organiser , I have recently recieved your letter that I have won the first prize in the competition . It was very fortuanate of me . I would like to go to Camp California in the USA only in July as it is my summer holidays . It will be convenient for me then because I have two months holiday . I would like to do Tennis and Photography . I am in the team for tennis at school and I have played against different other schools before . I also enjoy photography . I am doing this subject for my G.C.S.E. so it would be very helpful for me to practise . About the accommodation at the Camp , I would like to stay in tents because I love to be outside and I like dangerous adventures . I can also then wake up in the morning and take photographs of the wonderful sceneries . I would like to ask you about what kind of clothes I have to bring and how much money I have bring . Will there be any shops ? Please could you send me an itenerary of the trip ? Thank you very much . Yours sincerely I think that shopping can be both enjoyable and unenjoyable because sometimes the shops are full of people , especially at the weekends which normally is the only appropreaite time ! Not only shops are crowded with people , the changing rooms have enormous queue . The clothes are quite expensive and they are never your size . These things can be very annoying but there is a good side of ' shopping ' . I , personally enjoy shopping very much . I like to look at the beautiful clothes and I dream of wearing them . I find that shopping is a very good exercise as well ! By the time you have completed the whole High Street , you will be out of breath . I do agree that shopping is not always enjoyable because of crowded shops and the price of clothes but I am sure that the majority of people do like shopping and I am sure that in the future , there will be no more crowded streets because of the ' internet ' which you can order onlines . Maybe we will have robots to do the shopping for us in the future ! We all just have to wait and see ... Mr/Mrs ... manager I am writing to you about your musical show " OVER THE RAINBOW " . I have come and see the theatre but I am very disappointed . I have come to see a good theatre but I did not . Danny Brook was going to be the starring actor but he wasn not , actor took his place . That was very disappointing . The play was going to start at 19.30 but is was very delay It start at 20.15 . And this is not all there is more . In the advertisement you write that there is biscount available but It was not . Also the restaurant was closed because there was not left any food . I think the next time you write an advertiment you write it with the right information . I did not have a perfect evening with so many proplems . So I am asking to retern me some money back . I hope to hear from you soon Yours fouthfouly Techology is a bad or a good efection ? What does it offer to us ? How people use modern technology ? Let see if we use the modern technology we may have good and bad results . In 18 cetury technology started to grow more and more 20 century named the century of technology . During that time technology made a great step . Thechnology helps people . It informs people , hospital use modern technogoly computer helps staders help people do their job . But modern technology do a lot of bad thinks . A lot of county buy gans for their safty as they say but they buy them do kill people . Modern technology is effecting people good and bad way . We have to be very careful with technology . Technogoly ca n't never stop going forward so people always go farward but with same effection of modern techology . Technology is in our life . Matthias Hähnel 104 Mühlenstrasse 09111 Chemnik Germany The manager of the Circle Theatre Dear manager , During my stay in London I went to your Circle Theatre to see the musical ' Over the rainbow ' . In the advertisment you promised a perfect evening out , but it was n't . So with this letter I want to ask for some money back . Now I want to explain the problems . It was very disappointing for me that the actor was n't Danny Brook , how it was told in the advertisment . It was also told that the evening shows are starting 19.30 , but it started 20.15 . I had to buy a £ 20 ticket because discounts were not available . After the show I wanted to go to the theatre restaurant with my friends , but it was closed because of illness . So I want to ask for my money back , also because I had to pay for but cancel the arranged taxi because of the wrong starting time in the advertisment . I hope you will answer my letter and correct the problems in your theatre . Yours faithfully Adolf Schmidt At first you have to define what is meant by ' modern technology ' . For me modern technology are things like personal computers , mobile phones , keyboards , video recorders , Hifi sound systems , television or even cars . But are they are usefull in every situation and everywhere ? My oppinion is that modern technology can help you to save time . In my case for example my car is very time-saving . If I want to go to training I need not wait for the bus , and so I need not start one and a half hour before training I start a half hour before . So I save one hour , which I can use for other hobbies or for homework or something else . The same problem with mobile phones , if I got one I need n't go to the public phones , I save time . If I got Internet I can send e-mails , I need n't go to the letter box , I save time . In my daily life I can save time , but I think every body should use his saved time for things like hiking , walking , swimming , for a " natural life " and not for a life in a technical world with stress and sorrows because we are humans and not robots . We should also move our body and not only use our brain . Dear Sir or Madam , I recently visited your theatre to see the musical show " over the rainbow " . I was very disappointed because the actors was n't Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . Instead of them you had different actors . Then the show delayed , it started at 20:15 , not at 19.30 . I had to wait 45 minutes ! Another point is that the discounts was n't available although I could red it before at your notice . After the show was finished , I decided to drink something , but as I arrived in the restaurant it had been closed . But in your advertisement you wrote that people can visit the resaurant after the show . I ca n't understand such kind of mistakes . You wrote also that the evening would be perfect . For me it was n't and because of that I ask you to give me my money back . If you ca n't give me all the money back then do it particularly . I give you my phone number , you can reach me from 8 o'clock till 12 o'clock : 08532143251 Please call me back soon . Yours faithfully Carolina Schwitt How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Modern technology has changed my daily life in the point that all I do is becoming more comfortable . For example when I have to write a letter or do my homework , I always write it on the computer . If I search something like a telefonnumber or an adress I also look it up from the internet . I use also the internet when I need any informations for example I need them for school or private for myself . A few years ago I had to go in a library and look it up in many books . Most that took a long time . I think the advantage of modern technology is that all I do goes very fast and I have more time for my hobbys or for friends . Another important point for me is that things like listening music or watching TV sounds better and the pictures on TV are being impoved , because the machines become more better . And also a good intention for me is the Handy , because everywhere I go I can talk to other people . Dear manager of the Circle Theatre , Last night , I cam to your musical show , " Over the rainbow " and I was very disappointed because it was n't what you writed in your advertisement . For example , your advertisement said that the starring were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , but at the show they were not them ! They were Kevin Starr and Jessica Richmond . For me , this a big mistake . This event was not the only one because another problem was the respect of the time . Your advertisement said that the show will start at 19:30 PM , but it has started at 20:15 PM . I do n't like to have such big change in time . The third problem was that it was writting that the discounts were available , but when I get there it was not true . The fourth problem was that the theatre restaurant was supposed to be open after the show , but once again it was a lie because the restaurant was closed for renovation . After that , I can tell you that I spend the worst evening in all my life at your show and that one more time your advertisement lied about " You will have a perfect evening ! " After all these explanations , I am sure that you will understand that I would like to have my money back and that I was disappointed last night . So I wish to hear soon about you . Yours sincerly Leia Beroni How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Modern technology , such as computer , car and other else , changed my life in many different ways like communication , traveling and working . For example , a car , which is used from everyone everyday , changed my daily life in the sens that I do n't need my dad or my mum to go to ice-skating or to go to work . I can do it by myself and for me it is important not only because of the technology , but because I can show that I am responsable . With this car I can see the world , not exactly , but I can travel and visit other countries that Switzerland . Another technology that changed my life is the computer because you can do many things with it like homeworks , works , photos , but the most important at my eyes is the communication with my friends from different parts of the world by the web . This a big walk in the technology and I can say that it is the most important for me because I like to have a lot of friends . So I spend almost one hour every day on the web . At last technology that I would like to bring out is the TV . This is a good one because you can see what is happening around you and everywhere else on Earth . Naturally technology is everywhere even in the kitchen , for example a special plate or else , and I could talk a lot about them , but I think that the one here are the most important in the change of my daily life . Dear Mrs Ryan Thank you for your information . I am very happy to win this prize but also I have some questions about this Camp . I would like to know if it is possible to travel to this Camp on July because for me it is the best time and I can not travel before or after according to my employer . While this two weeks I would like to stay in tents because you can be nearer to the nature as you are on log cabins . I like to go camping . From the activities I choose Basketball and Golf . In Basketball I am very good , because I have played in a Basketball-Team for ten years . But in Golf I am a beginner . I would like to know if it is necessary for me to take some clothes with me for the sport activities ? Also I would like to know how much money I should take with me . If you could tell me this answers it would be very nice . Yours sincerely Aydo Ackermann Shopping is not always enjoyable I think shopping is not always an enjoyable thing because there are a lot of things which are not good . For example : you need a lot of money each month for shopping , and a part of this money is only for buying the necessaryiest things like bread and other things to eat . I enjoy shopping when I can buy some clothes . Also a problem while the shopping is that most there are so many people and a lot of traffic in all shopping-centres . All the people are there most on the same day because there are not a lot of other possibilities for shopping while the week for the employees . I think one possibility is to buy your things on the internet , because then you have not to invest a lot of time for buying all this things , and they bring you the things at home In the end I think it is the best if you have the possibility to shop when there are not so many people because then you have enough time and you are not stressed . 13 June . 2000 Dear Ryan , I am so marvellous about winning the competition . I am answering what you would like to know some information from me . At first , I am able to travel only in July because I will have on holiday in July , furthermore I have a important exam in November . Secondly I would prefer to stay in tent as it will be natural life while I am at the Camp . Thirdly I keen on playing tennis and taking some photography . In spite of the fact that the weathe is bad , I play tennis . I collect strange photography by myself . Finally I am wondering that how much money I need for myself and what kind of clothes I need . I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely Bae Ki Seul Title : Speaking activity I like speaking activity while I am in the class . During that time I can talk some secret things or private with class-mates . After that we know each other more than before . In addition speaking activity include everything to learn English such as listening , speaking , grammer as well . Other lesson , the teacher teaches lots of things which are grammer , English culture ... etc. It might be good . However all students are passive . So it can be boring. give a topic and then discussion about it . I know that what my friends think and like . It is real life who we are . Also the film must be funny . If a film is boring , nobody will see it . During speaking , there are lots of happening such as , some students ca n't understand what the other students say and their culture . Having fun and knowing new knowledge . It makes us laugh . So I think that speaking activity should be filmed as you can see and know real us and funny as well . Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I am writing in reply to your letter that I have just received . I am very happy to win first prize in your competition. - two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. I am also very excited about it . If it is possible I would like to travel in July . This is the only month that I will be free . Because I am studying the Management and Finance at university and it will finish at the end of June . I will be in italy in August . Because I need to improve my italian and I am taking a very important exam next year . I would be appreciate it if I could stay in tents at Camp . Because I usually go on camping-site holiday , with my friends . It is great fun . I really like staying in tents . It is also written in your letter that we will have to chance to do two activities . I am really good at playing tennis and singing . I have been playing tennis for five years and I love it . I play the classicial guitar and I also sing songs . I have been playing the classicial guitar for three years . It is quite difficult but I like difficult things . I wonder if you could tell me about the wheather and what kind of clothes I have to bring with me . I would also like to know how much money I need . I look forward to receiving your reply Yours sincerely , RIGHT TIME FOR SHOPPING Why do people like shopping ? First answer is that they need shopping . Second answer is that the shopping makes everyone happy . If I get bored I ca n't stay at home and I feel going shopping . When I do shopping I do n't think about any problems I have . It 's very relaxing for me but if it is possible to do shopping . Sometimes it can be nightmare if you ca n't find something that you are looking for . I think the weekends are not the right time to go shopping . I went shopping last week with my friend she needed to buy a nightdress . We spent for three hours and we could n't buy anything . It was incredibly crowded . We could n't even move and the most people were just looking and were wasting of their time . If you are in a hurry , do n't go shopping ! It is not really good idea to go shopping if you do n't have enough time . Imagine you have three children and you are going shopping with them . I can tell you how bad situation you are in because when I was a child I always had an argument with my mother about shopping . I can remember how upset I was if my mother did n't buy what I wanted and how much I cried . It was very ashameful for my mum . She was also very angry . Because she never managed to get me out from the toy shop . As you see shopping is not always enjoyable . Always make sure that is right time to go shopping . Dear Mrs Ryan , Thank you for your letter . It was a wonderful surprise ! I 'm writing to give you the information you wanted . Firstly , you asked me about the period I 'd prefer to travel : For me , the only solution is July , because I 've already something planned in August . Concerning the accommodation , I 'd prefer to spend my nights in a log cabin , because I 've great difficulty sleeping in a tent . You also mentionned the activities I 'll be able to do . I chose tennis and golf . Althoug I 've been playing tennis for five years , I ca n't say I 'm a very good player . And I 'm even worse at golf , because I 've never been playing it before . But I enjoy discovering new activities ! In addition to this , I would be grateful if you could send me information on these few details : what kind of clothes is required ? How is the weather at this period of the year ? And should I take some money with me ? How much ? I hope you will be able to answer my questions . I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours sincerely Hermine Damien " Cry Freedom " If you are used to reading a lot , you know there are only a few books about which you can say : ' This is such a marvellous book I will want to read it again ' . " Cry Freedom " , from John Briley , is one of these books . But why should we read this book twice ? Firstly , the story takes place in South Africa , during the period of the Appartheid . The political and historical background is very interesting , but also complicated . I think that you ca n't understand all the links between the events whitout reading the book more than one time . And by understanding the book , you 'll also be able to better understand what happens nowadays in a lot of countries . However , I think that the main reason why someone has to read this book twice is the strength and depth of the two main characters : Donald Woods and Steve Biko . Both of them symbolize courage , love of justice , fight for freedom , which makes them look like heroes . Just as the Greeks and the Romans , our modern society has mythes , and " Cry Freedom " is one of them . To sum up , I think it 's worth reading this book twice , both for a better understanding of our world , and for the symbolical meaning of the story . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing in order to complain about the show " Over the Rainbow " , which was played in the " Circle Theatre " , because the information which was given in your advertisement was not true at all . First of all I would like to say something about the starring : I went to the theatre because I wanted to see Danny Brook , but once there I found an actor who I had never heard about . So the main point of my visit had dissappeared . Another point is the time when it started , exactly 45 minutes later . A serious theatre ca n't miss such an important thing , the starting-time . I had to wait all that time in the street , because the hall was not big enough . Moreover , once I was going to pay for the tickets , I found another thing : there were no discounts avaible . In your advertisement you informed us about their false existence . But there is still another point : the theatre restaurant where I had decided having supper was closed , without saying the reason . I had to go back to the hotel , because all restaurants in the area were absolutelly crowded . Summing up , you might have noticed that that was n't " my perfect evening out " wich you promised , so I would like you to give me the money I paid for the ticket back . This might be the only way I keep on relying on your theatre . I hope I will receive an answer . yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , and because of this Pat caused a big , but stupid problem . It was late in the night , and Pat was thinking about something Nick had told her that afternoon : - " Do n't tell Marie I was here " . Nick was Marie 's boyfriend , and Marie a very good friend of hers . They were in the shopping centre , and the problem was that Nick was n't alone , he was with a very beautiful girl . What could Pat do ? That morning Marie had told her that Nick could n't go to the cinema with her because he had a lot of work to do in the afternoon so.. what was he doing there with that girl ? In the end Pat phoned Marie and told her : she was a very good friend . Marie was so shocked that , as soon as Pat had stopped speaking , she phoned Nick and , without letting him say anything , she broke up their relation . But the truth was very different , because what Nick was doing there was something which had nothing to be with what Pat had thought . Nick was there because the following Sunday would be a very special day for him : he would have been going out with Marie for three years , and he wanted to buy a present for her . But..what about the girl ? She was his cousin ! She works as a model , and she was advicing him about which clothes , etc , ... buy for her . Pat could n't keep that secret , and in spite of helping Marie , she made a couple disappear . London , 1st of June 2000 Mister Jones , I 'm Omadar , a spanish male of eighteen years old who is spending in this town a week holiday . I decided to enjoy a play at the theatre wich you 're the manager to see the " London 's newest and best musical show . " My opinion ? I had a very disappointing evening . First , Danny Brook does n't play " Over the rainbow " his paper was played by Danny De Vito . Also , the play started fourty five minutes late than the starting hour . I can understand that a play can start fifteen minutes late , but not fourty five . Second , my wife and me payed £ 20 for the tickets and we asked for discounts . The receptionist who gave me the tickets told me that no discounts were able that night . After a boring play , I decided to go an theatre restaurant , but uncertainly it was closed . I decided to go home and prepare some sandwiches . The principal reason for I 'm writting you at the moment is that I want my money back , because I felt so disappointing with the theatre and also with the play . Your sincerelly , It 's a good question , because I never had asked it to myself . I think modern technology is changing so much my daily life and also is changing the life of others like me . Before modern technologies arrived , you ca n't comunicate as easy as today we can do . An example could be the Internet . It changed my life , because with it I can discover more information than a newspaper , and also information of all around the world , that possibly never I can access without Internet . But , is not only news or information . You can comunicate with people from place were you never can imagine to have a trip because it will be too expensive . An extract could be the popular chats , where people write with the keyboard what they want to tell . But , if you do n't like to use the keyboard to tell something or comunicate , you can use video conference , a sistem wich you can talk with other people simply with a microphone and speakers . Also is the possibility of download things to your pc like software , pictures and also , music . The modern technologies make me able to listen the music I 've downloaded with the same quality as a CD , and if I buy a reproductor , I can wear this music to everywere . Also computers and mobile phones had evolutioned thanks to modern technologies . Without this evolution , we probably still get on the ancient times . Who wants to return to the ancient times ? No electricity , no canalized water , no healthy water , no TV 's , no phones , no PC 's . . I 'm afraid that the people on the ancient times lived although they do n't have anything of these things , but me and everyone of this times , I 'm afraid that we would n't like return to this life . As well , I think that modern technologies are necessary , but also I think that are so expensive , but with time , the price goes down . So , if the price goes down is because anything new is at the moment for sell . Is like a round tour . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to reply to your letter . I 'm very glad to hear that I have won first prize in your competition . Here there are the informations you require . First of all , I 'm available for travel only in July because in August I 'm going to attend a language course in France . As far as accomodation is concerned I would prefer to stay in a log cabin because I think it is more comfortable , and , therefore , I have never stayed in a tent . The two activities I have chosen are basketball and tennis . I play basketball very well , although I have never taken part in important competitions ; however , I am not very good at tennis , and I would like to improve it . Moreover I would be grateful if you could tell me how much money I have to take , and which clothes are better to be put on during the holiday . Yours sincerely Rita Pizzi This report shows which lessons and activities are better to be filmed in order to make a short video about daily life at our school . It is based on interviews taken from over 80 % of my classmates . First of all , according to the majority of them , latin and greek lessons should be filmed . In fact they find it difficult to take them in and , in their opinion , these lessons are the most important so as to show their daily life at school . On the other hand , about 3 % of students suggest that also chemistry lessons should be filmed , because they often take place in the laboratory that the school has lately built ; in fact some experiments might be filmed . Furthermore , some students would like to film the football school team , because football is the most practised activity by the students . To sum up , it is clear that not only should the film be about the subjects they study , but it should concern their sportif activities as well . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show , which I have seen in The Circle Theatre on 6th June . On that date , I decided to spend one evening seeing a musical show as I was on holiday in London and was interested in musial show . But things started to go wrong from the beginning . The first problem was the price of tickets . I expected to buy ticket cheaply but no discounts were available . Another problem was that the show started forty-five minutes late . I found the theater rather noisy as I arrived very early to sit in the front row . Although I got a bit annoyed , I tried to have a good time . However , something wrong came up again . The actor ' Danny brook ' , whom you advertised in the brocher , did not play a part in the show . And I really disappointed from the different actor 's performance . He kept forgetting his lines . Finally , I went to the restaurant to have something for dinner after show , but it was closed because it was refurbishing interior . I am not satisfied with your show as it was compeletly different from advertisement . I am therefore writing to ask for a full refund . I expect to receive a cheque for £ 20. look forward to hearing soon . Yours faithfully It 's comletely different ! Have you ever been to fashion show named " New trend , New Millenium " ? It 's completely different ! How can we go our wearing thouse clothes ? This is what my friend said the other day when she went to see the show with me . These days , new designs and new trends are coming out every day , sometimes we are shocked by them in comparison with the days we were young . However , It does n't seem to take long for most of young people to get used to it , so we can imagine what clothes will be like in the future . In my opinion , I believe that clothes indicate individual 's creativity as well as social situation . We never know whether we might look like robots because it will be the electronic age . On the other hand , some people refuse to wear that sort of clothes so they prefre to wear nothing . Let 's face it . Clothes are always changing . But the question no one answer is what is fashion in 100 year 's time ? Sir , I 'm writing to you because I want you to give the money back for your " London 's newest and best musical show : Over the rainbow " , presented in the Circle Theatre . In fact , unlike the perfect evening out that you promised on your advertisement , I had a very disapointing evening . Firstly , I expected to see Danny Brook in the show , but he was replaced by another actor . Why was he not here ? Moreover I had to wait forty five minutes to see the beginning of the show . And I hate to wait ! There was also the discounts wich were n't available . And to finish , the restaurant was closed , for any reasons you did n't take to us . So I could n't eat this evening . Hoping you 'll satisfy my request . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . So the surprise we prepared for the Leon 's birthday had failed . However , we 've started to search an idea for it for one months . In the beginning , I wanted to bring him in my house where everybody would wait for him . But he wanted to stay at his home . So Sigone found the greatest idea . We would pretend to have bought for him a dog . Leon hate dog , and I do n't know why . So we had to find a dog that Leon would n't recognized . And I found one . I had a friend who had just received a little dog . But he was a Pat 's friend too , and Pat explained everything to Leon . No luck . Dear Sir/Madam . Firstly , I would like to say that I am surprise to received the letter from you . I read the information as you gave to me , it is very interesting . It is very good due . According to Camp California in the U.S.A. I expect to traveling on July because I will have a long holiday break on that time and my children have to go to France with student 's school on July as well . I think , it will be very good time to traveling by without worries . How is about an accommodation . I prefer to live in tents because I feel very natural . Can you imagine how exsiting when we stay in the dark and very quite and we can hear a sound of animal . How 's amazing that ? When I arrived there , I would to painting and take a photography because both of its was my hobby . I have been doing a lot of them when I have got a free time and when I feel empressted where I have been . I think I can do it very well . Fainally I would like to ask you about I have to spent any money over there without my shopping and how is the weather over there on July because I will prepare the clothes as usedful . By the way I have to say thank you very much for everything that you was offer me and I look forward the further information from you . your sincerely ZITA ZALAI Dear Kim , How are you ? It was very long time as I did n't write the letter to you . I hope , you will feel better when you finished my letter . Today I going to write about the experience of helping at a pop concert as I went from last month , it has got a lot of thing to talk about . Firstly it is about the hall which they used for concert . It is very big hall including the sound system and the light at the steat . It was brillian . Secondly it is the super star as they came to show at concert . They are very cool . By the way I had done many thing in that concert . I had to connect with people who responsible about ticket . They had to check when people came in the hall and I was the one who checking the tickets as well . You know , you have to very strongly when you have to do that because when people came in they could n't weait to go at frount and they are try to go over very quickly . So you have to explaining too many time to make people clamed down and standed in the row . It was very hard for me and I wo n't do it again . In the further more if you want to go there . miss you , Dear Helen , Thanks a lot for giving me the prize . I am so happy because of that . Thank you very much for treating me in that way . Appart from that , here you are the repplies that you asked me for : - concerning to the date : I can go in July because it 's my holidays month . That was my boss told me . - About the accomodation , as I read , you can offer me log cabins or tents . From my point of view , I think tents are better than log cabins , so please , could you accomodate me in a tent ? - Activities : I am very keen on surfing because , where I live , I can pactice it every day . I also want to " book in " singing because I love singing very much and I am always singing in my house . Thank you so much for your attention . Yours faithfully Javi Fernández Why do n't you buy the green one ? Oh , no ! That 's horrible , mum ! This is one of a normal scene when a mother and her daughter are buying and getting clothes from the shelves . That is what most of the women love . They love going to a shopping centre and put lots of clothes on . That 's so good when you have money for joy it but , appart from that , there are many problems . On the one hand , a big problem are the children . When they go to shopping with their mothers , they want to buy all the things that their sight reach : doors , little cars , films ... but , when their mothers see a good thing that they want to buy , there are the children : crying because they are tired for shopping all the day . On the other hand there is a big problem : the mony . People buy and buy unnecessary things but , when they arrives in their houses , they can see an empty wallet . So , do you believe that a shopping bag like this one is an enjoyable shopping day ? Dear Helen , I would like to thank you for the letter I have just received . First of all I would like to point out that it is a great pleasure for me to take part in your competition . I would like to assure you that I would do my best to be the one of the winners in your competition . Now , If I would like to state some of the information that you may need . Firstly , I have to say that I can travel only in July this year . This is mostly because I have a job and I have made further arrangements for the other summer months . Secoundly , I would be very grateful if you can accommodate me in tents rather than long cabins . It is mostly because I like fresh air at night . From the list of activities in which I will have a chance to compete I have choosen : basketball and swimming . I am very good at those kinds of sports and think that I could be the winner . Finally , I would like to ask you how many clothes and how much money should I take with me . I will wait to hearing from you , soon . Yours sincerely , Piotr Kaczmarski I do agree with the opinion that shopping is not always enjoyable . Nowadays many young people like to do their shopping . But , is n't it a kind of entertaintment ? In the first place , I would like to point out that to go shopping does not always mean to buy something . A lot of people , especially women , go to do their shopping only for fan . In such a situation they are looking for something that they might buy . But , what about real shopping . I mean shopping with a real purpose . For example , emagine that you are a bride and you have to buy an appropriate suit . It 's a real nightmare when you try to match everything : from the size , the colour to the sawings of the suit that is acceptable for everyone . On the other hand it is a great achievement for you when you buy the suit that is perfect for everyone . To sum up , I would like to say that shopping is enjoyable when you are going only for fan . But , when you want to buy something special it 's a real nightmare . Dear the Manager I am writing this letter to complane about the Circle Theatre . I went to the theatre last weekend to see " Over the rainbow ' . I read your advertisement . However , it was different from the fact . I had a very disappointing evening . Firstly , Danny Brook did not act as you had said . A different actor acted in stead of him. it was disappointing . Secondly Discounts did not availabe . Even though I brought discount taken which I was given by travel agency . What 's more , the theatre reastaurant had been closed , when the show finished . Because the show started 20:15 . It should have started at 19:30 as you said at advertisement , or you should not have closed before the show finished . It was not perfect evening whatoever . I would like to ask for money back . I look forward to hearing from you . yours faithfully Fashion of the Future . My grandchildren will wear fish-liked-suit 100 years from now . As you can imagine , people will be lazier than now . Everything will be usefull and combinient , even fashion . More or less The clothes will be more comfortable but less decorations . People will put on fitted-suit such as diving suit. or perhaps nothing to wear . For instance , people would not care about what other people see . Or maybe we will not need to meet each other no longer . Male or Female Between male and female will be not important for clothes in 100 years time . The most important things is the fugure , such as long legs or pear-sharped . Traditional or Comtemporaly Even though the clothes become so , the traditional clothes will be continue . Because the fashion has repeated many times in the circle . In concrution , the clothes will more interesting than now. for everybody Dear Mrs. Ryan Thank you for your informing letter and your congratulations . I was very delighted to hear about my success in your competition and me winning the prize . I 'm very looking forward to it as I 've never been in the U.S.A. before . Unfortunately , the only month I can travel is July because I 'm doing my final exams at university in June and then starting a job in August . Any two weeks during July will suit me perfectly . The best term would be from 17th July till 30th July . As for accommodation at Camp California , I prefer tent . I 'm used to sleep in tent from my previous holidays and I always injoyed it . I 'd just like to know if the tents at the camp are based on sharing and how many people is there in one tent . I really appreciate the choice of activities at the camp . It was hard to choose only two . I 've chosen tennis and sailing . I 've played tennis since I was eight years old and I 'm very good at it . I 'm also good at swimming and surfing but I 'd like to try sailing . I was always attracted to it but never had an opportunity . Is it possible to start to learn it at Camp California ? I 'd also like to know how far is it to the nearest village and how much cash do I need for two-weeks stay at the camp ? Do I need to bring with me some special gear or equipment ? I 'm looking forward to hear from you again . Yours sincerely Dear Kim In my last letter I promised to write you about my experience working at pop-concert . The job came unexpectedly as my friend , who was supposed to work there , broke her leg just two days before the event . So she asked me to fill her position . Even I had planned something else to do I agreed because she 's my very good friend . The concert was due to start at 7 o'clock but we had to be there two hours before the beginning . First I was supposed to help at the refreshment spot for the fans but some 15 minutes before beginning I was told to go to the backstage and help with the refreshment for the musicians , technicians and others who worked there . It was very hectic there as everyone was a bit nervous but I saw the main stars and even managed to talk to them . When they started to play I was told to change my post again . This time I was helping the medical workers who had full hands with fainted teenage girls . First , it seemed to me odd because I did n't understand why they faint , but as the concert went on , the heat in the air was increasing and so was the number of the fainted . It was n't funny anymore and I did n't know what to do first . I was really shocked by the view of crying and shaking but absolutely happy girls sitting or lying on the floor . However , I manage to listen the music and I must admit that I liked it . I actually injoyed it working there and I would n't hesitate to work there again . As I know you like this Tuesday , 13nd June 2000 Dear Ms Ryan , I 've just received the letter telling me that I 've won first prize in your competition . I guess you can imagine how happy and excited I am at this time . Here are the few information about my stay at Camp California , that you asked my to complete : For the date of the travel , I wonder if it would be possible in July because I 'm going to pass a very important exam at the end of June . Two weeks in the USA would be a great occasion for me to relax after that . You asked my to chose my accommodation between tents and cabins . I prefer sleeping in a log cabin ( I made a very bad experience with tents while I was camping with friends last year ) The activities listed in your letter seemded to be all interesting . I choosed to do baskelball ( I play in a club , I have a good level ) and photography ( there must be beautiful pictures to take in California ) . Talking about California , I suppose that the weather is hot there in Summer . Could you please tell me if I have to take special clothes with me . If it 's not two much to ask , could you also tell me how much money I should take with me for food or evening activities at the camp Looking for you to receive those information , Dominique Last week I had planned to change my old basketball shoes . So I took the train to Lausanne ( I live in Lavaux and it 's impossible to find a corect pair of sneakers in this whole damned city ! ) to buy a new pair to play outdoor this summer . After having visited shops during 10 hours and tried at least 2,000 shoes , I finally found what I was looking for . The shoes of my dreams ( well designed and not too expensive ) So I went back to the station , very proud of me with my sneakers in a white plastic bag and a great smile on my face . I stayed that happy during the travel , thinking of how cool I would look on the playground with my brand new shoes on . As I jumped off the train , I met a friend of mine . I immediately wanted to show him what I had bought to make him jealous . I took the white plastic bag and ... Oh my god ! There was no more plastic bag , I had forgotten it in the train ! How stupid I am ! It seems like I will have to play with old shoes for one more summer ... Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I received your letter last week and was surprised to see that I won a competition . It is the first time it happens to me . Unfortunately I 'm free only in July . Actually I will be busy working abroad until the end of June and will be on holidays with my family in August . You asked me which accomodation I would prefer . It 's ages since I have been sleeping in a tent and I would be happy to experiment it again . It will remind me some wonderful experiences . According to the activities , I would like to do some painting , which I am quite good at . The second activity I chose is sailing . I went two times on a sailing ship without doing anything , therefore have I got no experience at all . May I ask you how much money do I need and which sort of clothes do you advise me to take ? I look forward to your answer and to the camp , naturally . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , Thank you very much for your last letter . As you asked me in your letter , I will try to explain my wonderful experience at this pop concert . First of all you have to know that it was n't a common pop concert , but a real open air festival . It is n't the first year that I work there . However this year was n't like last year . My job was as simple as selling ice-creams . You might say that it is quite boring , but it was so funny . Everybody was so relaxed ; we were singing and dancing while selling ice-creams in our little van . Byran Adams himself bought me an ice-cream . It was amazing experience . What I particularly liked about it was that the staff was like a big family . Everybody was ready to help each other . I was really impressed by this solidarity and friendship which is quite rare in Switzerland . I look forward to hearing from you and wish you all the best . Love from Dear Mr Robertson , Thank you for organising a good programme for us . All of my classmates are expecting to go to London . I am satisfied with your programme . However I would like to suggest a good idea as a representative of our class . We have just sen the advertisement for ' The London fashion and Leisure Show ' . The show include the latest fashions , sports wears and make up . We are very keen on the fashions and make up . Moreover , the admittion fee is free for students . It would be a great opportunity to study the latest fashion trend . It is held at the ' Central Exhibition Hall ' on 14 March. , from 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. Therefore we could go there after the Science Museum . If some students want a shopping , they could go on 15 March . Because we have a free time on 15 March afternoon . I hope you will consider my suggestion . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , A robot wakes me up at 7 A.M. every morning . I am served breakfast with fresh coffee . Washing and cleaning have been already done by my robot maid ! Everybody might dream about this kind of situation . It would be come true in the near future . Our robot maid will do all of house work instead of human . In addition to this you will be able to control all part of house by a computer such as temperature or vacume cleaning . However , this robot can not replace of mother or wife . They can clean the house but they can not give the affection to the family . Children need parents love and support all the time . To sum up , modern technology will bring lots of changes and our daily lives would be more convenience . But these robots can not be replaced of warm-heart human . Dear Helen Ryan I am writing to provide you with the information that you require to arrange my two week holidays at Camp California in the U.S.A I would like to travel in July because , as I am working , this is the only time that I have to go on holidays . About the accomodation , I would prefer to stay in a log cabin rather than in a tent because I have bad back and I think that to sleep in a tent could be not just uncomfortable but also painful for me . You also told me that I would have the chance of doing two activities . I would like to go climbing , because it is something that I have been doing since I was a child , so I could consider myself an expert in it . And I would like to try golf because this is a sport that I have never practised but I have always wanted to try . Finally , I would like to enquire about how much money I should take with me and also what kind of clothes would be most suitable to wear . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely . It is said that shopping is becoming a new way of life for more and more people in the developed countries . Many people leave so many other activities for the pleasure of buying as many things as they can afford . Let us then ask : ' Is this activitie always enjoyable ? ' Nobody can deny that the main advantage of going shopping is the fact that , to do so , you do not need to make any effort . Far from the strengh that practising a sport or even going to work require , going shopping is something you can do either on your own or with all your family and it could not be easier ; you only need a good pair of shoes and a wallet full of money . However , this apparently quite and relaxed activitie can sometimes turn into a living hell ; you may only be able to go shopping at the weekend and then , if you do go , you will find yourself in the middle of a huge crowd of people , unable to get to any product or even shop and feeling dizzy by the mixture of smells that come from the people . Nevertheless the worst will come when you lose the youngest member of your family and you have to spend the whole day looking for him/her . On balance I would say that although it is true that shopping it is not a difficult activitie , it is also true that is definetly not an enjoyable one . Dear Sir/Madam , I received your letter this morning and I was very suprised it . It was absolutely fantastic prize . I am writting you about your questions . First , I can come there only July because of my examination , I have to take it in June , and my new turm will also start in September . I would like to stay at long cabins because I have stayed at tents many times in my childhood . The most exciting offer is your activities . I have been interested in Painting but I have not had a chance so I would like to do it , and I would like to do climbing . My grand father used to do it when he was a student . After he has got a job , he became busy . However , he retired his job last year so he has had his own time . If I know how to climb , I will enjoy it with my grand father . I would like to ask about my clothes and money . How much do I need to bring them ? I wish I could see you soon . Your faithfully , Dear Kim , How are you ? You want to know about my experience at a pop concert , do n't you ? It was so exciting ! My main working was take people to their seat because of a concert hall , which was the millenium dorm . Do you know it ? It 's the hottest place in England . Most of people were first time to come there , so they 're lost . I had also never been there before . It 's a huge building . I also sold a panfulet of that concert , CD and T-shirts . The most exciting experience was that I could met a lot of people . I told you before that concert was performed by Elton John , so there were a lot of famouse people . When I saw Jullia Roberts , I was socked . She was abusolutelly beautiful . I have never seen that kind of long legs in my life ! Did you enjoy my letter ? I ca n't explain you very well . Anyway , it was a wonderful time . lots of love , São Rafael , 13/06/00 Dear Helen I 'm pleased to receive your litter and realy happy that I won the first prize . I would prefer to travel only on July because it 's when my vacations start . I could even think about skyping 's school . July is also good because the wethear is warm and I could enjoyed mor the time that I will spend in the camp . I would prefer the tends because I 'll be in touch with the nature and I could listen the sounds of the night . The two activities that I 've chosen are Climbing and Photography . I 've already climbed for four months on walls , indoor climbing . I think I can handde it very well . I 've choosen Photography because I love to take pictures ! I 've never chose any classes or training but I think I can take very good pictures . I would like to learn more about developing films . I have some questions myself , I would like to know : . if I have to take special equipement to the activities that I 've chosen . If I have to take lots of clothes or is there a service to wash them . . What kind of chosen do I have to take . If is there a phone , a fax or e-mail so I can be in touch with my familie ? . If I have to take any money . If yes how much ? I hope I 've answered all you questions and I would be please if mine could also be answered . your sincerely , Sabrina Rodriguez São Rafael , 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , How are you ? What have you been doing there in New York ? Did you find a girlfriend ? Yesterday was Valentine 's day here in Portugal , In particurely I had to spend it alone ... again . I 'm writing to you to tell you about a pop concert that happend here in São Rafael . Red Hot Chilli Pepers came here for a short time and they played at the " Chedicard Hall " . It was realy cool because I did some backstage job . I helped with the clothing with some paperwork , with the microphones , with the computers . I was everywher . I was kind of a " handy girl " . I did a little bit of everything. . The best part was when the band arrived . I took lots of pictures , asked for authographs and I even gave them my cel phone number ! They promissed me that they would call me some day , what I particulary doubt . Some thing that was also great was to watch the show from the back stage . It 's an unique experience . I wished you could be there with me . I hope you answer this letter as quik as possible with lots of thing to tell me . Lots of kisses and hugs Your pen friend Sabrina Rodriguez Dear Manager : I am Angela Ounis and I am writting to you because I went to see ' Over the Rainbow ' , London 's newest and best musical show . I am very disappointing at this evening 's show . First of all the starring that was supposed to be ( Danny Brook and Tina Truelove ) were n't there , I was so enthusiastic about your starring , when I realized was a failure , even though they do good , it was n't the same . I arrived there , at 19:15 , the show was supposed to start at 19.30 , but started at 20:15 , it cannot be possible that a schedule for a show have had a big change . You go there to see a show and have a good time , not to wait forever until you want . Also was said that Discounts will be available , but I did n't received any discount as you were cheating us . I know that you have a big responsability but if you told something to people , do it . On the other hand , the theatre Restaurant was closed because they 've got a problem with the schedule 's organization . That was so uncomfortable , people was starving . I am so disappointed with this , that I am in all my right to ask for some money back , your theatre show was n't expected . Please let me know . sincerely yours How has modern technology changed your daily life ? I am 17 years old , and my life has been very normal . Since I 've got a computer with Internet , my social life has changed . Now I have more friends and I have more fun . This has helped me a lot , because I can talk with my friends that are living in other countries . Technology has a lot of programs that lead you communicate with others in a more easy way . ' Speak Freely ' is fantastic , you do n't pay and you can hear the voice of the one you miss . This has opened another world to me , distances are n't so sad , they are more close . I have learned a lot with Internet , it gaves me the posibility to know more about things I 've never knew . It is incredible how it opens to you another reality , a different view of life . Now I have a different style of life , I am more open to world 's problems and progress . I am interesting in reading articles and developing myself . Technology had gave me another life , has helped me . My knowledge has been developed and also my life style . I think that modern technology is our future , we do n't have to depend on it , but we have to work for a biggest improvement . Mr Jon Stevens , Last month I have been in London for a week to visit your wonderful city and with the intention of seeing at your Thetre the famous musical show Over the rainbow but in all my life I have never had such a disappointing evening . First of all my cousin , who lives there , had had many problems with the tickets . The starring changed and this was the worst surprise I could have . My greatest wish was seeing Danny Brook 's performance ; you know it 's the best singer . But instead of him there was a unknown young actor . What a pity , I thought . I arrived there in time , 19:15 in fact you wrote that the show would be starting at 19:30 , but I had to wait until 20.15 . What an absurd thing , do n't you think so ? The quality of the show was n't as high as I expected . I had n't tought for a restaurant to go to after the show , because if the advertisement had been right , there should had to be a luxury restaurant where I could eat . But it was closed because it was under construction . Because of the quality of the evening I spent , the only thing you can do is giving me back at least the half of the cost of ticket . To apologise and give the impression of being a serious theatre . I 'd rather I had been at home seeing on TV my Italy ! I hope that my wish is being accepted . Your Sinceraly We are in the ages of the technologic development it 's out of doubt . What could be out of control of technology ? Since the scientific revolution and the Industrial Revolution , between 17th and 18th century there have been sudden changes in our daily way of living . Nowadays especially in the west area of the world science and technology have done great , enormous steps in directions of the progress . Not only for the great nations , but also for every their inhabitants . Today it 's absurd not knowing how a computer works , or how to use Internet I can buy , today , a book being comfortable at home , can communicate with other friends faster than before . I can have my homeworks done by a calculator etc. In future I wish I could fly on my own ! For me it 's very important to have my mobile and computer never broken . I think I should become crazy without them , not only me but the majority of us . But sometimes I 'd rather to switch them off and think of what I could waste , like love and friendship . I wish all the world would do the same . Vico says that progress gives up when Man have noticed that he have been wasting those values . I am writing this letter because we saw your programme for our next trip to London and we would like to suggest you just one thing . First of all , we would like to say you thank you very much for organised our tour around London and our programme wich is considered for us especially good for the places we will visit . Secondly , we saw last Saturday in the Oxfor News one advertisement about the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we would like to know if could be posible to inclued this show in our tour . The show is going to take place in the Gernal Exhibition Hall in London , the thurday 14 of March , so could be a good idea to see this show intead of go to Science Museum . We think that it could be great opportunity because in one day we can see every thing about fashion clothes , new makes up and hayrstyles . Furthermore is student free . I you would like more information do not hesitate to contact me . I am looking for you reply . Yours , sincerely Dear Ms , I have just received your letter which inform me that I have won two weeks at Camp California in the USA . In this letter you ask me some further information for my conveniance for this trip . Firstly , I can take my holiday only the two first week of july because of my work . Secondly , I would prefer sleep in a tent . I am going every year camping in the countryside of France . The activities that I have chosen are sailing and climbing . I have never sailed but I am a well swimmer . Last summer I took a course of one week in Switzerland of climbing so I have good knowledge of this sport . Finally could you please tell me wich kind of clothes shall I take with me and if the camping furnitures are provided . I also wondering me how much money I need and if there is a safe place where I can put my money and passport . I look forward to earing from you soon and if you could send me a brochure of this holiday I would be grateful . Yours sincerely Laura Demoriane Shopping is not always enjoyable A lot of people like shopping and everybody goes on saturday because for lots of people they do n't go to work and is the only day off of the majority of people . If you do n't get up enough early you ca n't find a parking in the town centre , all of them are full before 11 am . In the street is so crowded that you ca n't walk like usually and if you go with some friends you can be sure that you will lost them . In the shops is worth , if you are lucky and you find a clothes with your right size you will wait 20 min. at the fitting room and after that 20 min more at the cash desk . In the supermarket is the same . When you buy food or drink they give you plastic bag for carry it and this bags broke every time . At the end of the month when your husband will receive the bill from you visa card he will have an heart-attack ! Why not buy with internet or if you have a nice mother at home enjoy this time because shopping is like go in the jungle . Dear Mr Robertson , The reason of my letter , is that our class would like to suggest a few changes on our programme of London , because we have seen an advertisement about an interesting activity that we could include in our programme . First of all , we want to say thanks to you because we know the effort you have done organising our good programme , but we would really like to go to the London fashion and leisure show we saw in the advertisement . We think that perhaps in Tuesday March 14 , we could change the time of going to Science Museum , and ( we ) go earlier to the Museum , such as half past eight on the morning , so we could go after , at ten o'clock to the show , and we could also delay going shopping on that afternoon , because the show lasts til seven o'clock on the evening . And we have thought that we could go shopping the next day , because we do not have nothing to do on that afternoon . Finally , we would like to say you to think about our suggestion , the show would be fantastic , we would know about the latest fashions , the Leisure and sports wear , and also learn about how to make up . It 's a great opportunity to know more about fashion . Please , let us go to the show , for students are free . I Look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely I think that the home of the Future would probably be better than it is now . In the future , our homes will have the most advanced technologies . Computer will take a important part in our daily life , so that we wo n't go shopping , because in the computer we would buy whatever we want . Books will gradually disappear , and instead we will read all the things we want in our computer . We wo n't have the necessity of going out from home , because computer will give us everything . Although computers will give us all the material things , it could not give us things like the feeling of being in your home , have , etc. That things wo n't change in our home . We will live in our homes with our family , who will give us love ... , that kind of things will never change . In conclusion , in the future home our conditions of life will approve , and computer will be very important for us , but is wo n't control us , because we still have the most important thing of a home = have , that will be the same as now . Dear Mrs Ryan , I received your letter which says I won the first prize in your competition - two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. I apreicate it and I thank you a lot that you have chosen me as a winner . I acxepted it and I want to inform you that I can travel only on July because I have booked my anual leave that period . Also , I prefer to stay in tents because I have memories from my childhood . Every years my parents used to sent me for holidays at Camps on the mountains so I would like to stay for a while in the same accommodation , and environment . Also , I prefer swimming and painting . I started to learn how to swim when I was 7 years old . My parents brought me to the sea side every weekend so I was used to be inside the water all the seasons . I have taken part in races twice in my life , where I was successful . Also , I like painting from young age , and I have taken part in a public exhibition , where I won the first prize . I would like to ask how much money I should have with me , where can I keep them ? What about the clothes , you do n't mention anything . Do I need something special or ordinary clothes ? Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I would like to write about my experience that I had , when I enjoyed helping at a pop concert in my neighbourhood . I am a member in the council team so I decided to help them at a pop concert that was organized in the last month . I helped them to prepare the room for the bads and I decorated the place for the singers . Also , I assisted them to choose the right instruments and to test them . It took a long time to testifite the speakers and the microphones . Unless this preparation , I also took part to the concert . I helped them to the music and to the songs . It was a quite difficult assiment but I got very good experience . I understood it when the concert had finished . The audients was excited and I cannot discribe my happyness . It was some thing that I did n't expect . Also , it happen first time in my life . I still have the sound of the music in my ears and the voices of the young people who were accompaning our songs . I enjoyed very much and I want to tranfere my enjoyment to you though this letter . yours sincerely Dear Ms Ryan , I am writing to you to give some requiered information . First of all , I am glad to hear that I won the first prize in your competition . I am happy to visit the United States under your organisation . Actually , I would like to go to Camp California next July because I have got two weeks holiday then . I also will be pleased to stay in log cabins . My experience in camping is not so huge to stay in tents for 2 weeks . Therefore , you asked me what activities I would like to join . Surfing is something that I have ever wanted to try . As you can see , I have abosolutly no experience in it . Will it be possible to join a surf school ? For the second activity I have chosen photography . I enjoy taking pictures of landscapes , I have also visited a photography course . So that my level is not beginners anymore . Moreover , could you please tell me what kind of clothes I should take with me ? What kind of money is used ? I am looking forward to going on holidays . Yours sincerely , Mr Oliver Herre Brighton , 13th June 2000 Dear Kim , Excuse me that I did n't write you sooner . As you know , I was fairly busy with my studying for my First Certificate . The concert was absolute marvellous ! So many happy people in the crowds , that the atmosphere was infectious . Anyway , what you wanted to know was what has been my job . Actually my job was not really stressful , but I had contact and access to all the famous Pop Stars . I had to bring them refreshments . That has been my dream since my childhood . I was a little bit disappointed about their attitude . They did n't really appreciate my service . Some of them were quite rude . Apart from that , it was an amazing experience . Whatever , if you ever will have the opportunity to do something like this then do it without hesitating . I liked to see their way of life . I hope you will write me very soon and I hope you know more about my concert experience in the backstage area . Lots of love , To . Mr or Mrs Manager of Circle Theatre . Hi . My name is Taeron Jon . And I would like to inform you that something is not right and unfair about your theatre . I recently had a week 's holiday in London . During I stay I went to your theatre to see a musical show and unfortunatly I had a very disappointing evening . The advertisement that you distributed through all the magazines wee totally untrue . Which so called " Rip off " . First of all you said Danny Brook is in the play but different actor was in the roll . It was just unbelievably disappointing because the reason I mean main reason which made me to go was to see Danny Brook . Secondly about the time . If it 's delayed you should have told us before . Not waiting there for almost 1 hour doing nothing . Due to late start it finished at 1 AM and my taxi which I booked just left so I had to wait out side for another hour to get a taxi . It was freezing out side and I got horrible cold for that . lastly about the ticket advertisment saids ' Discouts Available ' but no way I had to pad full £ 20.00 and restaurant was closed because of rebuilding something . How ever the point that it am trying to say is you just ruined my hoilday . For me , It 's not easy to have holiday and your play just blew my precious time away . Let me make it clear , you blew my time and money . I do n't thing your play worth £ 20.00 . Your advertisment was un fair . As you are a manager , you have resposbillity to justify this problem. and I have right to get a fair treatment as a costomer . So therefore I would like you to pay some money back . I am not asking for full payment but minimum 50 % that it paid for nothing but the disappoint . Thank you . Yours Taeron Jon Fashion of the future . Fashion , what is fashion ? Popular design of cloths . In particular time ? Maybe . But I say fashion is Artistic insperation which expressed by fabric and all sort of material . In some way , fashion is combined with science as well . Now a days fashion play big roll in our daily life . Million kinds of fashion magazines and News paper tells you how much people are interested in fashion . What about after 100 years ? I believe we 'll be more into fashionable stuffs . As I said before , fashion is somehow influenced by science and insperations that we get from all sort of enviroment . Development of science produce new materials like water proof or fire proof fabrics . For example Castum of Astronuts . These days we are very intrested in space and millenium and things and many designers showed millenium looks recently . But we do n't wear them . Frankly we ca n't because we think it 's too odd or strange . But what about 100 year later ? I expect human being 'll live in the other planets and trevel around under sea . I think people 'll wear those spacy and Ciber looking cloth after a centry . What do you think ? Can you imagin you and your friends going picnic to the Moon with silvery skirt with Astronut boots with fire coming out at the bottom of your boots ? It could be more facinating . Endless imagination and development of technology will lead us to future fashion . Dear Mrs. Ryan , Thank you for your letter letting me know that I 've won first prize in your competition . It came as a nice surprise . I would like to let you know that I can only travel in July because that is the only time I can take leave from work . I would prefer to stay in the log cabins as I would be afraid of insects or any crawling animals if I have to stay in the tent . For activities choices , I would like to choose Tennis and swimming . I used to play Tennis at tournament level and now I play it for enjoyment instead . Swimming is my best way of excercise and keeping fit . I 've a few questions to ask . Since all accommodation and travel costs are paid for , Are there any other expenses that I have to pay ? How much money I should have with me in order to cover all other expenses ? Furthermore , what type of clothes I should bring ? I would be grateful if you could let me know the above information as soon as possible . Thank you once again for giving me good news ! Yours sincerely , I find shopping is the most time consuming . If I want to buy a nice pair of shoe , I 'll have to go into a city centre and browse around from shops to shops until I find the shoes I like . If I 'm not lucky enough to find one , then I 'll have to take a train trip to a larger shopping places such as London . Whilst in London ; I 'll be facing crowds and people will be rushing everywhere . To walk around London streets looking for a pair of shoe can definitely be a tiring task . As I 'm a compulsive buyer , I 'd probably ended up buying other things as well . At the end of the day , I would not only be carrying pile of shopping bags but also trying to squeeze in between other passengers on the train on my way home . By the time I get home , I would be completely exhausted . As you can see , shopping is not always enjoyable . DEAR SIR I AM WRITING IN ORDER TO COMPLAIN FOR THE TERRIBLE NIGHT I HAD IN YOUR THEATRE . FIRSTLY I WANT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT WHAT YOU WROTE ON THE BROCHURE . IT WAS COMPLETELY WRONG ! I WAS DISAPPOINTED TO FIND OUT THAT THE ACTOR WAS NOT THE ONE YOU WROTE I DISCOVERED THIS ONLY WHEN THE PLAY STARTED , AND IT WAS VERY LATE ! SECONDLY , AS I WROTE BEFORE , THE PLAY STARTED LATE , AND FOR ME IT WAS TERRIBLE TO WAIT FORTY FIVE MINUTES . THIRDLY , I WAS VERY EMBARASED TO DISCOVER THERE WERE NOT DISCOUNTS AT THE ENTRANCE . FINALLY I COULD N'T EAT TOO . IN FACT THE RESTAURANT WAS CLOSED , VERY FAR FROM MY THOUGHTS . FOR THESE REASONS I WOULD LIKE TO ASK FOR MY MONEY BACK . BECAUSE FOR ME IT WAS NOT A " PERFECT EVENING OUT " . I AM SURE THIS LETTER WILL RECEIVE YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION . I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU . YOURS FAITHFULLY UNFORTUNATELY , PAT WAS NOT VERY GOOD AT KEEPING SECRETS . THIS WAS LIKE AN ILLNESS FOR HIM . SO MANY TIME HE WAS TOLD : " PAT I SAY THIS SECRET ONLY TO YOU " . PAT COULD STAND THIS SECRET ONLY FEW DAYS , AFTER THE SECRET COME FROM THE DEEP INSIDE , AND HAD TO BE SAID . THIS WAS TERRIBLE FOR HIS FRIENDSHIP : HE ALWAYS LOST HIS FRIENDS . HE WANTED TO DIE FOR THIS . THE WORST THING IS THAT HE COULD NOT IMPROVE THIS BEHAVIOUR . ONE DAY THE FORTUNE HELPED OUR POOR PAT . ON THE BUS HE SAW A ROBBER WHILE HE WAS STEALING A WALLET , HE WANTED TO SCREAM , BUT HE WAS ASTONISHED . WHEN THE ROBBER UNDERSTOOD HE COULD BE DISCOVERED HE SAID " IF YOU DO N'T KEEP THE SECRET I WILL KILL YOU " . PAT , AS HE ALWAYS DID , COULD N'T KEEP THE SECRET , EVEN IF HE WAS SCARED . EVENTUALLY THE ROBBER WAS CAUGHT BY THE POLICE , AND FOR HIS BRAVE AND HONESTY HE HAD A LOT OF FRIENDS . Dear sir , I 'm writing to express my complaint about the organization of the musical show I went to last Saturday evening . According to your advertisement , there should have been Danny Brook , starring all the scenes . Instead , you changed actor without any warning , so I did n't find my favourite Danny Brook , with my total disappointment , as his substitute could n't catch him up at all . And what about the starting time ? I had to wait for about an hour , as the show started at 20.15 instead of 19.30 . Another thing that made me angry was that I could n't have a discount . I was very annoyed about it : I only expected the discounts you had promised on the advertisement and , as I am a university student , I would have a right on it . At the top of everything , your theatre restaurant was closed because it was being restructurated , so I could n't have my dinner either ! It was a terrible evening out , so I ask you for a refund for all the troubles you caused me . Yours sincerely , Most people think modern technologies are n't so positive as they are often showed . My personal theory is completely different . I have always a good approach with all of the most recent invenctions or any other kind of modern applications . We live in the age of personal computers , of internet , of the mobile phones , and now for me it 's impossible to think of a world without them . It already four years since I bought my first cellular phone ( then I changed it many times ) and it is always very useful for me : everyone can speak with me wherever I am . When , for example , I go abroad I feel closer to my friend and to my family than before . Anyway , the thing that has most changed my daily life is the personal computer and , expecially , internet . For example , now I 'm writing my thesis , but I use my pc everytime I have to write a document in a perfect form . Then , surfing in internet is becoming my passion : it 's incredible how many unthinkable activities you can do with it . It 's simply fantastic ! Dear Sir/Madam , I would like to point out the problems when I went to watch your musical show ' Over the Rainbow ' at the Circle Theatre . On your advertisement , you have written that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove would be performing . However , I noticed when I was watching it that a different actor was performing . I have expected Danny Brook to perform and it was extremely disappointing . Also , the times printed on your advertisment was 14.30 and 19:30 . I went to the 19:30 show , but it did not start until it was 20:15 . I had my evening planned out and I was not pleased that the show started forty-five minutes late . On your advertisment , it said that discounts were available for the tickets . However , when I was there to buy a ticket , there were no discounts available . I was rather thirsty and hungry after the show and on your advertisment , it made a cup of tea and some cakes in your restaurant sound rather inviting . However , to my disappointment , the restaurant was closed because it was being redecorated . It was not my ' perfect evening out ' , as your advertisment said it would be , and I would like some refund back . I hope you would give these problems your immediate attention . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . One minute I told her the biggest secret of my life , the next she had told someone all about it . I trusted her ! How could I have been so stupid , so blind not to see her disability to keep the biggest secret about my biggest crush ever ? When I overheard girls from other forms gossiping about me and my latest crush , I was furious . I was seething . From that day onwards , Pat and I stopped being friends . I moved away that year , away to a whole new place and a whole new school . Once in a while my old schoolmates came and visited me and we had lots of fun together , just like the old times . However I felt I could not talk to them about the problems I was having , the one problem about my parents getting a divorce . When my parents told me the news , I was stunned , dazed . My dad began packing his things the very next day , to his new apartment where he would live while waiting for the divorce papers and signing them . That period of my life was one of the worst . I went into a depression , and not matter who tried to make me feel better , I only felt worse . However , the person who helped me through this hard time was , surprisingly , Pat . She showed up on my doorstep just when I was having one of my worst days . She told me she heard about my parents ' divorce and wanted to help . When she was comforting me I noticed she had changed . She was a person I could turn to , I could trust . She let me pour out my feelings , a thing I did not do to anyone . Ever since , she gained my trust and told her my feelings and secrets . Unlike a year ago she did not tell a soul . She kept every single one of my secrets well , and not surprisingly , she became my best friend . Eventually , I got over my parents ' divorce and lived like a normal , happy teenager . My happiness was short lived . When I came home from school one day , I received a phone call from Pat 's mum , and in a voice chocked with tears she told me that Pat had died in an accident . She had been killed by a speeding car . The news shook me to the very core . I cried for days straight , eating and sleeping very little . I fell into a deep depression , and took an extremely long time to recover . I am still missing Pat , but my pain is nearly over now . I could only comfort myself by reminding myself that at least she died knowing I had forgiven her for telling my secret . Dear Mr Robertson , I wanted to thank you for allowing us to have this great opportunity to visiting London . I have read the programme and I find it very appealing , specially because of the River trip to Greenwich . However , I have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and I was wondering if we could visit it . The show is going to be at the Central Exhibition Hall the 14th of March from 10.00 to 19.00 . There will be shown the latest fashions , leisure and sportwear , some make up and also different hairstyles . The students are free so we wo n't have to pay for the visit . We all think this is a great opportunity to learn more about London daily life and what people like to wear . I suggest visiting the London Fashion and Leisure Show on Tuesday morning and visit the Science Museum on Friday afternoon . We all hope you would consider our suggestion . Yours Sincerely , Almost everyone hates other people gossip in their private things . It 's a natural reaccion to be angry with somebody you do n't trust for gossiping and bothering your personal thoughts . So I think famous people , no matter if they are politicians or films stars do n't deserve being followed by journalists every time they are trying to have a good time . I thing that journalit 's only aim is money , be cause they know that if they publish famous people 's private life they would earn lot 's of money selling the magazine or the newspaper . But they do n't consider the problems the romours may bring to the famous family or couple . Sometimes the journalit 's aim is n't the money : there are some journalists who may try to spoil the politician 's or film star 's career only because they are jealous . In conclusion , no matter which or what the journalit 's aims are , famous people deserve to have their problems , their affairs , their private life just as normal people have . Dear Manager , I saw your advertisment of your show in the circle theatre , over the rainbow . I went to it , but I was really disappointed about some thing . First the musical show , Over the Rainbow started at 20:15 , and in the advertisement was written at 19:30 , then also was written that the actor was Danny Brook , but in the show appeared a different actor , that was really disappointing . Also was written in the advertisment that some discounts were available , but there was n't discounts . And because of the time that the show started I could n't went to the theatre restaurant because it was closed . Mr , I was very disappointed with the show so I want my money back , and I am sure you will understand my reasons . Yours Faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , and she went to her house to speak about the things I had told her . First she said to her father , then to her mother and finally to her brother , that I was from another planet called Orion , that was a billion kilometer distance of Earth and that I was so ashamed because I have been his boyfriend since I have came to Earth . My confession caused a disaster in the life of her and her family , and they called the police to take me out of the planet or arrested , so that I ca n't see her again . The police caught me , when I was peacefully in my room , and put me covered with something , in a car . After they caught me I think they brought me to the Area 57 , were the police do experiments . Since then I live in Area 57 , and this is my diary life . I do n't now when I and going to be free , for going to my planet . Dear Helen , I have just received the letter from you . I would like to thanks for chossing me . On the letter is asking when I would like to go ? The most suitable month is July . Because my pen friend is going to visit me on June . Also I prefer the Camp California because I have just finish my military service and I got use to live in the campus . Their is two activities . I am good in Basketball and tenis . I was playing Basketball in the university . During the university I atend for two years tenis lessons . Finaly I would like to ask you . If I need to get money and clothes with me . I look forward to hear from you ! Yours sincerely Dear Kim , Last month I had a great time in Derby . I went with Big Brothers the name of the band . As I told you two month ago I saw the advertisment in the newspepper . This group was looking for Manager . I went for interview and I got the job . They did not new each one . They just meet each one a month ago . During the time before the consert I had to look if every one was present . Also I had to look for dried place in case it was raining . I really liked . I had to run all the times . This was my job and I like what I am doing . The consert was briliant . I am looking to hear the new from yours group . I hope all the best for you ! With Love Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I received your letter congratulating me on having won the first prize in your competition . I am extremely excited about the opportunity to go to your camp in the USA . Firstly , I have to say that I am studying at University and I wonder if I could travel on July because of the exams I have on May . Apart from that I would not be able to travel there until the end of June . It does not matter to me whether I stay in tent or log cabin , but I would prefer tent to be much more in contact with wild life and nature . The activities I 'd like to do most are playing basketball and Climbing . The first one because I have been played basketball since the age of twelve and the second one because there are not many places where to go climbing in my city . Finally , I would ask you if I have to take my own clothes with me or you will provide me with some , and the amount of money needed . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours Sincerely , Dear Kim , I received your letter last week in which you told me that you want to hear about my experience at the pop concert . It was terrible ! We have a lot of problems from the beggining . The first one was the security . People in charge of security did n't arrive when they were supposed to . If it were n't a calm and quite public , we would have had troubles . Another problem was the band . They did n't want to play until the room were crowded . So that concert started an hour and a half latter . Everything was all right during the perform of the band , but at the end some espectators came up to the stage and made some damage to the band 's instrument . The singer and the guitarist were so angry that they went out immediately leaving the public without the last part of the show . As you can see , hardly anything went well , but the lights and the sound - both in wich I helped carrying things - were appropriate for the concert . Althought all these things , I gained a lot of experience and I could be near one of my favourite pop stars , which was the better experience I 've ever had . Looking forward to hearing from you soon . Love , Dear Mrs Jane Clark I 'm writing to express my dissatisfaction with International Arts Festival , which was organised by you last year . However I think that International Arts Festival is a great idea and I suggest you prepare it better . Firstly , it was written on the advertisment that there would be stars and artist from around the world I believe that it 's difficult to arrange meetings with foreign stars but there were artist from only six countries and in my opinion there should be more . Secondly , the concerts took place in concert halls , which in my opinion were too small . That was the reason why some people were complaining . Thirdly , I suggest you should put more plays and films next year , because watching them is a very nice way of spending our freetime . Fourthly , I have to admit that a big advantage was your idea about giving one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events . That was excelent because it attracted peoples ' attention Lastly , I 'd like to give you a piece of advice . I suggest you invite some film stars , because they are very famous and people like them I hope you 'll look into these matters and improve the festival next year . I look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerly Nowadays everybody wants to earn money . Young people know that money make the world go round , so they always look for a job with big salary . Some people say that the young should n't be independent and earn on their own , but I am sure that it 's better to work in your free-time than waste it . In my opinion the young should work rather than wait for their pocket money . There are a lot of possibilities to earn some money but of course the young are not able to get well-paid job , because they are not enough experienced and educated . They have to think about some season jobs . Firstly , the good way to earn money is , to help the old . They often are not able to do shopping or walk the dog . If you help them , they may give you some money as a reward . Secondly , you can find an easy job in a shopping centre . It 's better paid and permanent job . You can work in storage , look after the goods or catch shoplifters . If you are good mathematic you can be a seller . Thirdly if you are good looking you can apply for a job in restaurant and become waiter . Maybe you 'll not get a big salary but think about the tips , which in the posh restaurants are very high . Lastly , if you like playing instruments and you do n't like working you can go busking . If you are good musician you will get a lot of money . Dear Helen Ryan Thank you for your letter . I 'm pleased to that I 've won the first prize at camp california in the U.S.A during two weeks . First of all , I would like travel on July because I am going to finish the college at the end of June and I will work the first of august . Second of all , About the accomodation , I would prefer a log cabin , I think that will be more safety about all my stuff . I 'm very keen to have the chance to do some activities , I 'm very attracted by the golf . I will be a beginner because I 've never done this sport before but I will have a try . Also , I choose surfing , I love this sport . I 've been practicing this sport since 5 years , so I 'm quiet good . Finally I would like to know if I need a lot of money about this excursion and if we are going to visit some building . I 've know idea what kind of weather it is in USA could you let me know what type of clothes should I bring with me . yours Sincerly Dear Kim , Thank you for your last letter , I 'm really envy you holiday under the sun . Last month was amazing for me , I was helping at a pop concert . All right , I was n't able to do all the stuff like the lights the stereo , the sound but I 've been helping to built the stage and the installation of micros . The stage was gigantesque the crowed could be all around . I really enjoyed to be next to the pop stars I got a lot of autographes , that was the first time I 've seen like Jagger a lot of well know pop stars was there . I mean It 's still inbelivable , can you imagine that was like a dream I was checking their hands . I keep a very good souvenir about this experience . I think I will go back the next year . Do you want join me ? I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible Love Dear Sir , I address this letter to the manager of the theatre . I want to talk to you about an evening I had in your theatre : OVER THE RAINBOW . Your advertisement was excellent and it gave me a lot of enthousiasm . But I had a very disappointing evening and it was because many points . First point , I did n't see Danny BROOK as starring . I was coming to see him but there was a different actor . Second point , the musical show had to begin at 7:30 PM but we have waited for fourty five minutes to see the show started . Third point , your advertisement told about " discount available " about the ticket 's price but it was n't . Fourth point , after the show , I wanted to visit your theatre restaurant but it was closed and no one did n't know why ! Well , as you see it was n't a " perfect evening out ! " and I think that you could give to me some money back because I really have the impression that your advertisement is wrong . I 'm waiting about your news , Yours FAITHFULLY , We live in a society where the technology grows up everyday . We can find some everywhere . Then , I think it 's interssant to answer the following question : How has modern technology changed my daily life ? My plan will be very simple : a description in a first time and an analysis in a second time . Everyday at 7:00 a.m , I am woken up by my radio . After , when I take my breakfast , I use my toaster for my bread and , as I want a hot milk , I use my modern oven too . When I go to school , I can see in many stores the new tools they 've just received . But I think that the most important is my cellular phone : I can give a call or receive a call from everywhere . This little paragraph shows that I depend of technology and , more over , because I 'm in an electronic eegenering school , I 'm keen on technology . I do n't know if it is good or bad but we are a generation who 's grown up with technologies progress . Modern technology does n't changed my daily life , it just allows to evoluate in this new world .... Dear Jane Clark , the organiser of International Arts Festival I 'm one of the citizen that enjoyed the last International Arts Festival . Most of attractions are excellent , but I 'd like to point out that quality is high , but quantity is not enough ! . First of all , the only " six countries " does n't mean " around the world " . I suppose you had difficulty to manage the schedule . Second , some concert hall were too small , so some audience could n't concentrate to listen to the music . And others could n't enter the hall . But " All in one ticket " was a good idea . In fact queuing up in front of every ticket office is wasting time . I pressume if the term becomes longer the festival become more excellent . Because it 's easy to manage the artist schedule and audience can enjoy the live . I 'd like to go to the Festival again ! Thank you for your letter . And I 'd like to answer for your question . AT first , in Japan , generally school rules are more strictly than home 's . The gap between them is tremendously big ! I can say the action which is prohibitted at school is no problem at home . Because the purpose of school rules is not only discipline but also unify . Here , I write down one of the rules at my school . " Whenever the students wear an extra cloth ( because of cold or something ) his or her ( not students ! ) parents write down an application form with their authorized signatures " . You will ask me why , the reason is the above ... " unify " . In addition " the students must not use any commercial paper bags ( received at department store etc ) " . Now you know the reason ! Needless to say I 'd like to change such ridiculous rules , because such rules are not for us . They are for teachers ' ! Do n't you think so ? Do you have any rules at school that make you upset ? If you have please tell me . Yours faithfully Dear Mr Robertson I am writing to thank you for the good programme , especially on Wednesday , because the other student and I like Art Galleries . But , the last Friday , we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . Now , we want to know if it is possible to go to watch this Show . It is on Tuesday 14th March in the Central Exhibition Hall between 10.00 and 19.00 . We think that it is a great opportunity because it is just one time per year and it is free for stundents . We suggest you to change the programme . We think that Monday and Wednesday are good , but we ask you to change the programme on Tuesday . If it is possible , we want to go to the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " and do n't go shopping . We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . yours sincerely It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . Last July , I went to spend two weeks with my best in a beautiful village in the south of France , near Saint-Tropez . We lived in my aunt 's house who was in the center of the village . In front of my aunt 's house , there is a house with swimming pool , garage and garden . My aunt told me it was the famous French singer 's house . One night , I heard a strange sound . I loocked outside and saw two men go into the house in front of mine . They went into the house through a window . I though it was some rubbers . I said to my friend that I wanted to go to see and he must phone to the police . I went near the house and waited to look what it would happen . After ten minutes , one man came out with a big bag and went into his car . When the other man came out , I caught him and fighted him . The first man went away , because a police car arrived . The policeman came to take the bugglar and thanked me to catch him . Dear Sir/Madam , I 'm writing to complain about the show , that I have recently attended to at your theatre . During my visit there occurred some problems , that made my evening completely disappointing . Firstly , as I wanted to buy a ticket , I was informed that no discounts were available . However , the serious problems appeared later . Not only the play started 45 minutes after it was planned , but as the actors eventually appeared at the stage , have I also seen , that Danny Brook was replaced by a different actor , who was very disappointing in his role . To make matters even worse , the theatre restaurant was closed after the show , without any information given about the reason of it 's closure . As you see , my evening in your theatre absolutely was n't perfect . I hope I will get a full refund . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully Have you ever thought of a year 2100 ? Do you think , that world will be different from current world then ? I would answer " yes " for both questions . And if I were asked , what will be completely different in year 2100 , I would say : clothes . Most of the scientists , when asked about the Earth in a hundred years claim , that it is going to be absolutely scorching here then . In my opinion , if the weather is so good people will very quickly forget about any winter clothes . What is more , ground will be so hot , that going will only be possible in huge shoes , which should be massive , but not heavy at all . Another effect of the scorching weather could be , that people wo n't be allowed to get out of the building unless they wear specially designed caps or hats , made of materials , that are n't known yet . On the whole , we can only predict what clothes will be like in year 2100 . But in case my predictions are right , maybe you should buy a new pair of shorts ? Dear Jane Clark , I am writing this letter to give my opinion on the last International arts festival . Firstly I found amazing the number of starts and artist who came to the festival although they where from only six countries around the world . The concerts and the dance show were incredable , except for the classical concert that halled to small . Secondly the plays and films were very good organized despide being short number . I suggest to do a couple more next year . The art exhibition and the talks by writers were great . The art exhibition showed us a new life style and society , it was totaly different from ours . The talks by writers were very tecnic but it could be understood by all the people who were in the festival In conclusion , I am impresed on all the good organisation , the service and the cost of the weekend ticket for all events . The price has been excelent because there was n't any limit of hours . I hope that you organice this festival for all the following years . Your Sincerely Dear Alice , How are you ? I 'm pleased to hear from you . As you already know I go to an English school , Bear House , in Spain . The rules in my country are standart , I mean , the rules are very similar to other countries in Europe . At school you are n't allowed to bring connected movil phones although there are more than one student that does it . Teachers will take it from you if it rangs during school hours . As well you are n't allowed to bring drugs or arms , to smoke or to drink alcohol inside the school . You have to respect other peoples opinion , teachers , school 's material and people who works in the school . If you broke one of these rules you could be expulsed for a week , a month or for ever . At home I 'm allowed to do what I want if I 'm respectful with my parent 's time table . I can go out at night once a week if I tell them were I 'm going to be . In case I lie them or do n't explain my plans that my friends and I have I want be able to go out . As well have the responsability to look after my brother in case they are n't at home . Answering to you question I wo n't change nothing because I think that these are the minimum rules that a theenager have to have to be responsable in a future . love Dear Mrs Ryan , I 'm writing to give you the information you requested in your letter dated March , 31st , in which you informed me that I have won first prize in your competition . I can only travel in July , because the Hospital I work for has accepted my holidays on that month . I do n't mind if I travel during the first fortnight or during the second one , although I would prefer travelling during the second fortnight , if it is possible . Regarding the accommodation , I would prefer staying in log cabins . I have never liked staying in tents because I think they are uncomfortable , especially if the stay is going to last more than two or three days . It 's difficult for me to chose two activities from your list , but I think I would like to play basketball . I have never been good at team sports , but I really like basketball and I think it can be very interesting to meet other people by means of this team sport . I like swimming too , because I think it is one of the best sports to keep you fit and healthy . I would be very grateful if you could give me some aditional information . What type of clothes must I take ? Is it necessary to take dressed cloth for any formal events ? Must I take cash money or can I use the credit cards ? Thank you in advance for your help . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Thanks for your last letter . I can understand why you are impatient to hear about my experience at the concert last month . I have met our favourite singer , Celine Dion ! She is wonderful . But , first of all , let me explain to you what I did during the concert . We arrived at the stadium the previous evening . The team of volunteers was a great one , and all of us were willing to help in anything they needed . Firstly , we were asked to clear the stadium , especially the seats and surroundings . When we finished clearing , some of us offered our help to enter the sound equipment into the stadium . They said that it was n't necessary and we sat down on the grass and observed how the scenary was being prepared for the concert . And then , when all was prepared , Celine appeared in the scenary to make some sound tests . I was astonished . It was incredible ! I was so near her ! When she finished the tests , I went to meet her , I told her I was very happy for staying there and having helped at the concert , and I asked her an authograph . She gave it to me with a great smile and gave permission to take a photograph of both of us . And she dedicated the photograph to me ! I still believe it has only been a dream ! I am willing to show you the authograph and the photograph . Please , make sure you can come next weekend . We will be able to talk bout the concert and we will listen together to the last Celine Dion 's C.D . Let me know if you are going to come so that I prepare the bedroom to put you up . Please , come ! Best wishes , Dear Sir , I am from Brazil and I recently expent a holiday in London . During my stay I read an advertisement of a musical show being held at The Circle Theatre . As I was reading the advertisement I got very excited , because I am a great fan of Danny Brook , and he was going to be performing in the play . As I got to the theatre I asked for the discounts shown in your advertisement , but they were not avaible . Anyway , I decided to buy my ticket , since I thought the play was going to be good . So I sitted in my chair and waited for 45 minutes until the show started , that is an unacceptable delay . Even though I was still excited about the show , but then I sudently realise that Danny Brook is not performing , he had been replaced by an extremely disappointing actor . The night had been terrible , but it could be saved by a nice dinner in your restaurant , but it been closed because the heater was not working due to leaking . As you can see it was not the perfect evening out your advertisement talked about . Then , I would be glad if you could have my money back . Yours faithfully , How has modern technology changed your daily lief . Modern technology has brought many discoveries which have made our daily lives much easier . For example , internet has given us the possibility of acessing reliable information very fast . I guess science is about solving our daily problems with technological advances . That is exactly what happens to me . When I was younger I remember that when I had to study or to work on a school project I would take a lot of time researching on libraries , looking for old books . Today I can connect to the Internet and find all the information I need faster than you can imagine . But technology is not just about studying , it is entertainment too ! I can watch pay-per-view films without having to go out to rent one . I can also listen to cds , play the latest games , watching concerts.. everything in a zap . You also have fast food , or food made in the microwave within a few minutes . As you can see , technology is about saving our time , so we may have more time to do what we like . In my opinion , technology is making my life much better because of that . Dear Mr Robertson . I 'm writing you about our journey which you have already orginesed . First of all , thank you for your good programme . We saw your details and enjoyed them . Especially River trip to Greenwich and visiting National Art Gallery . All the students in my class are excited about one more thing . We saw an advertisement about Fashion And Leisure Show . It will be at Central Exhibition Hall , London . The date is Tuesday March 14 . The show can be seen between 10.00 - 19.00 . This show is about latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and Hairstyles . One more thing about show is , it 's free for students . Is n't it a big opportunity for us ? As you know , there is a free time in your programme if you do n't mind , we can go for shopping in this free time . This changing , give us an opportunity to go to show on Tuesday afternoon . We hope you an accept our suggestion . It will make us so happy . I look forward to hearing from you . Sincerally , A PRIVATE LIFE All people have some difficulties about their job but some of them have more than the others . Reason for this ; they are famous and everybody wants to learn about them . Having a private life is important for everybody . I think , people want this. if you are a famous person , for example singer , film star , politician or well-know footballer , you have n't get any choice . Because people want to learn about you everything. so journalists are following you all the time . I know , they are not like us . They are famous , but I think they need to be alone sometimes . They nead to be with their family in silence . This is important for everybody and I think this is important for them , too . I think media must be more understanding . We do n't have to learn their every second . We have to remember that , they need a private life like us . We can love them without disturbing too . Dear Sir , I am writing to you because of the latest musical show you played in Circle Theatre . I am keen on musicals and I have seen many of them in different parts of the world . Unfortunately the one I saw a week ago in the Circle Theatre was one of the worst . Here are some argeuments telling why me and many other people from the audience are so disappointed . First of all the musical should have started at 19.30 but unfortunately we had to wait forty five minutes . It is a wasting of time . Moreover the advertisement for the show says that the main role in the musical plays great Danny Brook . I must admit I 'd been looking forward to see him . In fact at the stage appeared compleatly different person . Also discounts for tickets was n't available . After the show together with my friends I went to the theatre restaurant to have a romantic supper , unfortunately it was closed without any sensible reason . At the end of my letter I would like to ask if it is possible to have some money back . I would be very pleased if you answered my request soon . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Besides this little thing she is actually perfect . But to make everything clear I 'll start from the beggining . It was two years ago . The school finished and we , I mean Pat , Tim and me , did n't know what to do with plenty of spare time . I did n't wanted to spend that holiday with my parents in the country . I was old enough to go somewhere only with my friends . Tim gave a proposition about going at the sea by his new car . It seemed fantastic but we knew our parents would never agree . We had to find another way out . We planned to tell them that we were going for a summer camp in the mountains where we would practise French . Parents were very pleased and happy we are so ambisious . Of course we did n't wanted to go there , it was just a " cover " . We prepared tents and other relevant equipment and we were waiting . We promised to keep it in secret . Two days before going Pat was packing her luggage and asked her mother to help her . During chat Pat mentioned about sea and her mother found out that something was wrong . Pat started to cry and told about everything . As a result we were grouded for all holidays and all because our almost perfect Pat . Dear Mrs Clark , I am writing to you because , as one of the visitors of the International Arts Festival which took place two weeks ago in our city , I would like to let you know some of my opinions - and suggestions , as well - related with what I saw in the festival and what I could not see , but I would have liked to find . First of all , I must congratulate the people responsible of this good idea . It is known of all the lack of art festivals and cultural activities in general that shows our city . And what a belter thing to solve this than to give the festival an international character . But including only six countries in the festival does not seem enough , in my opinion . I think next year you should invite more different countries , because the festival would be more multicultural . Secondly , there were some problems of accommodation in the classical concerts because some concert halls were too small . Another important thing is that , despite the number and quality of films , there were , from my point of view , not many plays . In addition , I would like to talk about the success among most visitors of the weekend ticket , due to its economical price and because of its comodity in use . Finally , I would like to suggest that , in next year 's festival , you include different kinds of music , as ska or ethnical music . Yours faithfully , Who does n't want to earn some money ? The topic says that young people have a lot of problems , but without any doubt , money is one of the most important of them . If you still do n't have economical freedom from your parents and your studies do n't permit you to have a full-time job , these are some suggestions that maybe will help you . One possible thing is to display in a public place what you can do best , and , then , " sell " it to the people . For example , you can dance folk be Hamlet in the street , or even sing with some of your friends a nice song from you country . You must be aware , anyway , of the difficulty of this kind of things ( bad weather , no attention from the people and so on ) But maybe you are too shy to do this . In this case , you can cook some cakes and sell them near a school or in the centre of the city , as well as other traditional products : cheese , honey ,chocolate ... Another thing that can be useful is to make some pottery or do original paintings and sculptures . You do n't need to be a Picasso , it 's enough with a bit of imagination . If you do n't feel like doing any thing of this , you have alternative solutions . If you like fishing , you can try to colaborate with the local market or some shops , in order to sell them the fish you can achieve by yourself . Finally , if anything of the above result , you can prepare the classical parties in discos or work as a babysitter It does n't matter how , the aim is always money . Dear Ms , Ryan , Thank you for your letter to inform me for the prise I had won . I would like to answer to you question , please notice that I can travel only in July because only then I can take holidays from my work , after the busy time of month May and June . I prefer to staying in cabin because never before I when on holidays in tent. , so I think is more corfotabel to sleep in bet instand of outside in tent . The activities I would like to do durring these two week it 's basketball and swimming . Basketball I think I can playing well , because few years ago I was mamber of the scool team . Swimming it 's not my favorite sport but I prefer swimming than golf or tennis . Please could you informy what do you meen when do you said all the accommodotion are paid for , that is including foods and drinks , so I know how mutch money I have to take with me , and what kind of wather it 's during this period of the year so I know what kind of clothes I have to take . I look forward for this competition . Best Regards Dear Kim , I would like to inform you about my experience of the last pop concert . It was very nice for me to help because I have seen so many people and I have goten a lot of experience of things that I never had done before . I was the assistent of the responsible person for the clothes and make-up of the pop-group , realy I was very nervous about that because was the first time with so famous people , but I am very happy that all the things went very well Kim what realy particularly liked was when I was asked to do the make-up on my on realy I was very nervous but at same moment very happy , but every thing when well and everyboby was very hapy with my work . Realy I think you have to tray to do the same things the next summer , I realy had enjoyed . Best Regards Dec. 16th , 2000 Dear Ms Clark , I am writing to mention my opinions on the International Arts Festival that you have organised this year . It was a great idea , but I think I need to make some points about the things that I found unsatisfactory . First of all , I was disappointed that the artists invited were from only six countries . Next year 's festival will be much better if artists from places other than Europe and the USA take part in it . Secondly , despite the high quality of the concerts , some of the halls they were given in were too small for the crowd of audition . They were cold and moist , too , because the air-conditioning system was insufficient . Thirdly , I think more plays and films should be shown next year . However , I found the idea of a single ticket for all events of the weekend excellent , as the price was reasonable and access to a wide range of events was provided . Finally , I should say that I had a very good time in spite of the flaws and I would like to thank you for it . I wish to enjoy an even better festival next year . Yours sincerely , Dec 16th , 2000 Dear Mary , I 'm glad to have received your letter and I 'd really like to talk about the school and family rules here . Firstly , the weirdest rule in our schools is that we must wear uniforms all the time . This is especially bad for us girls , as we are obliged to wear skirts and we cannot climb the stairs or run like the boys . But apart from this , I think most rules of the school are quite reasonable , like addressing to the teacher using the second plural person ( it is different in Turkish ) or standing up when s/he enters the class . As we are a developing country , teachers are quite respected . Another thing different from your schools is that we do n't change classrooms between periods . We stay in the class in which we have been registered for the whole year , and a different teacher comes in every period . Let me talk about the rules at home . We like chatting on the phone so much that most of us ' parents have limited the talking time down to five minutes , threatening to cut off the wires otherwise . Also , as most of us live in flats , we 're not allowed to listen to loud music or run or play ball games in the house ! But we are legally allowed to play instruments like the piano until 10 p.m . I 'd love to write more , Mary , but I 'm in a real rush nowadays . This month has been full of exams and there are still ones coming up next week , so I must be a swot as you see . Anyway , I 'm looking forward to hearing your comments about our rules . Take care ! Dear Mr Robertson , First of all , I would like to thank you for the lovely programme you organised for our trip to London , especially because we will have both cultural trips and entertainments , like shopping . I can tell you that we are all looking forward to going there . However , I have been asked by the class to propose you another visit . We all would like to go and see the London Fashion and Leisure Show which will take place on Tuesday 14th March , from 10.00 to 19.00 , in the London 's Central exhibition Hall . This show is about the latest fashions , the leisure and sports wear , the make-up and the hairstyles . Everybody in the class is interested in this show , and it would be a great opportunity for us to see it , especially because many of us would like to work later in the fashion . Moreover , this show wo n't cost anything because it is free for the students ! Consequently , I proposed to change the programme as follows ; on Tuesday afternoon , instead of shopping , we could go to this show and we could go shopping on Wednesday afternoon , during our free time . What do you think about that ? Hoping to hear from your decision soon . Yours sincerely , ( class 3CD ) " Famous people , such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time . " Nowadays , most people think that famous people have a so good life ( lots of money , comfortable house ) that they have to stop complaining about he media 's treatment , because they have chosen to have this kind of life . On one hand , it is true because famous people have to do their jobs , that means being interviewed , giving news to the audiance , and soon . Moreover , especially for film stars , lots of people are hoping to see them on the Tv or in the newspapers , and this is really good for their fame . However , on the other hand , it must be so annoying to be followed by journalists or photographs all the time . You ca n't go outside quietly , and there is all the time a crownd of people who stands in front of your house waiting for you . The question you have to ask yourself is : would you like to have all the time people around your house who are watching at you or people who are following you everywhere ? I am sure that nobody would like this . That is why I think that famous people deserve a private life , like everybody , and that journalists should not follow them everywhere . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to tell you that my class is interested in going to the show which takes place in central exhibition Hall in London in 14th March . We have seen it in the advertisment and I would like to go to the show . I would also like to tell you that it is very interesting programme because it includes all the latest fashion about leisure and sports wear make up as well as hairstyles . It is great opportunity for us because the fashion is fashinating and free . I should be more grateful if you could change the programme so as to go to the show . For example we shall be able to putoff our visit at the science museums in Thusday morning for Wednesday afternoon . The fashion show starts at 10 oclock and finishes at 19 o'clock . I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours Faithfully , All the people have the right to have a private life without others people to disturb them following all the time . The journalists follow the famous people , such as politicians and film stars , in order to take fotos and other information about them . After that journalist sell their information in the newspaper and magazines in order to earn money . I thin that it is very dangerous because the famous peple cannot have you private life and on the other hand they may suffer from deppresion and sadness which may be lead them to suicide . I think that the goverment have to protect them and their private life from the journalist , punishing them . I think that the government I responsible for the private life of the people . All the people have the right to live free without to be disturbed by other . June 17th , 2000 Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about the Musical Show ' Over the Rainbow ' permormed on the Circle theatre last week . To begin with , there were no discounts available , and nobody seemed to be able to explain the reason . Second , the musical started forty-five minutes later ! and , to make matters worse , the actor was not Danny Brook as the advertisement said . The new actor was not as good as Danny Brook , and he did not perform the show as he should have done . Finally , I found that the theatre restaurant was closed because there had been problems with one of the ovens . What was suppoused to be a perfect evening out turned to be disappointing one instead . I am afraid something should be done about this , and I urge you to refund my ticket . I am looking forward to receiving your response . Yours faithfully , It is often said that technology has changed our lives in many ways , and that we live better now . However , technology has also brought many problems to Society . Technology brings me a lot of new possibilities every day , and it also makes everything easier . If I want to know how a friend is , I just have to phone him ; I can see how the world is going on only by switching on the television , and I can cook in some minutes using the Microvelle oven . However , there are a lot of negative aspects in the way that technology affects my life . As technology develops so fast , there are always new things to buy , and it also reduces the amount of jobs available , so it is getting hard to find a job . In conclussion , I think that technology has two faces which affects my life as well as everybody else 's life . I believe that we should try to change this bad aspects , or learn to live with them . Dear Mrs Helen , It is great to hearing from you . I cannot believe I 'm the winner of your competition . I 'm really very happy . As far as some further information you need from me is concerned , I am very glad to give you all the details of the matter . I would like to travel on July ; that is for me the only possibility because I will finish my course a University at the end of June and I will start to work in September . As far as accomodtion is concerned , I would like to live in tents at Camp California . I prefer this type of accomodation because I am used to living in tents during my summer holidays . As I am an athletic swimmer and a good surfer too , my choice from your attached list is naturally swimming and surfing . I like to travel with light logguage and I have no idea about the weather ; could you suggest me what kind of clothes I have to bring with me ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours Sincerely Hi Kim ! It 's great to hearing from you ! The last month concert ! The singer was fabulous and the musicians played fantastic songs . I was employed in the security service . I did it for free because it was a non-profit concert for helping the poor people . It was the first time for me and I consider this experience the best of my life . I had to look after people near the stage . The organiser gave me a radio and I had to advise the other staff members in case of disorder . At the same time I could enjoy the music ! I think this is what I particularly liked about this experience . I suggest you to try this kind of experience . You should be pride of you helping people who suffers , and at the same time you may enjoy yourself ! I am looking forward to seeing you ! Love Dear Madam , First , I would like to thank you for offering me this wonderful prize . For a long time I wish I came to Camp California , and now my dream is about to become true . There is no much time left in my timetable in August since I will have to work then , so I would rather come in July . Concerning the accomodation , I would prefer to sleep in a log cabin , because to sleep in a tent would remind me of the bad experience I had in Ireland because of the weather ... Since this stay at Camp California is a good occasion to discover new activities , I would like to sail and climb , but I am a beginner in both activities . Then , I would like to know what kind of clothes I will need there , and if I have to bring a lot of money . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Richard Amelin Dear Kim , I apologize for not having written this letter sooner , but as you probably now , I was actually really busy because of the pop concert . What a great experience that was ! I will remember it for a long time because of two reasons . The first one is that the band I have helped , although it has n't met success yet , is really good . When they are on stage , during the repetitions , they are able to play a music that completely moves me . In a few months , when they are famous , I could say : You know . I already know them , I have even helped them at one of their concert . Moreover , the work I 've had to do , apart from carrying material , was essentially to sell tickets for the concert , which has allowed me to meet a lot of nice people and to become friend with some of them . Even though my entire body aches ( material was quite heavy ) and I am tired , I would n't call it a work ! I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Richard Amelin Dear Mrs Ryan I 'm writing concerning your letter about my win in your competition for two weeks at Camp California . I 'm very happy to be the winner from your competition . Because I 'm working in an accountant office , I 'm very busy . The only month I could go to holidays is July , when we have n't got a lot to do . Moreover , because of the accommodation , I would like to be in a tent , because I want to spend my holidays different than usually . And in my opinion , when you live in a tent , you have more from the nature and the adventure . I like a lot from your list for the sport possibilities , however I will choose swimming . I used to be a member in a swimming club for about 10 years . Additionally I 'm keen on taking pictures . But until now I only took pictures on holidays and some family celabrations . Lastly , I would like to ask if I have to take a lot of money with me , for example for the food . And also if the weather will be good at this time . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . I would like to begin this composition by saying that , not for everyone is shopping the same . For some people it 's great fun , but for some other it 's a " must " . In my opinion , shopping is like relaxing . I like to go very often , to look around and to buy some new clothes . As long as I am not searching for something specific . When I must buy something , I usually ca n't find it and then the shopping become a nightmare . On the other hand , when you go with someone else shopping , and you both want to see and buy different things , it can also be boring and uninteresting . Then it is perhaps better , when you make an appointment in one hour and everybody enjoys the shopping alone . To sum up , I would like to say that for to have an exciting shopping , you have sometimes to plan it or just be in the right mood . Dear Mr Robertson , I am a student of the English class . All my class mates are looking forward to go to London . Thank you so much for organising such a great program . I am writing you about changing our plan on Tuesday 14 March . The students in my class have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and we would all like to go to the show . The advertisement saids it is taking place on Tuesday 14 March from 10am to 7pm . Since the London Fashion and Leisure Show is not taken place so often and also they will offer the students for free entrance fee this time , if we joined in this show , it would be great opportunity for us . For these reasons , we would like to suggest you to go to the show instead of going shopping on Tuesday afternoon . I hope I will hear from you soon . I am sure that our travel is going to be great . Thank you very much Sincerely , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . Otherwise I had to keep walking untill the train start . Have you stayed at a park during the night ? When I did that , I was traveling around Japan . It was the very last day of my trip and at that time I was in Kyoto . Although I intended to stay at youth hostel , I could not find any place to stay , and also it was too late to buy a train ticket to go back home . It was a windy spring day . I was sitting under a full-bloomed cherry blossam tree . Inside the dark , I was alone and only the moon light helped me to see the things . I was regretting I risked staying at the park alone . Suddenly , strong wind blew up the thousands and thousands pieces of flowers . It was like a dream . I saw the pink colored snow there . Sometimes when we risk a great danger , it turns into a great experience . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to give my opinion about the musical show called " Over the Rainbow " . I recently had a week 's holiday in London and during my stay , I went to the Circle Theatre to see " Over the Rainbow " . To tell the truth , it was a very disappointing evening . When I read the advertisement first , I thought that it would be fun . In the advertisement , it was written that the show was London 's newest and best musical show . Well , it might be the newest one but certainly , it was not the best one . I thought that the actor of the show was Danny Brook , but he was not playing in the show . The actor was somebody else and this was something disappointing . The show should have started at 19:30 but , it started at 20:15 . Which means , I had to wait there for 45 minutes . And also , it was written that the discounts were available but they were not . After the show , I decided to visit the theatre restaurant but it was closed . On the door , there was a note saying that the restaurant was closed because of the illness of the cook . I had given £ 20 and now , I would be pleased if you give some of my money back . It was a terrible evening out for me . I hope the next musical show would be a better one . Yours sincerely , MODERN TECHNOLOGY In the past , everything was very different . People had completely different life-styles . People were using candles to see around them . In winter , they used to fire some woods to keep warm , " Computer " was a word that nobody had known the meaning of it . As my mum told me , when she was young , only a few people had televisions in their houses . And of course , they were black-and white . Their hobies were listening to the radio , reading books or sitting on a chair without doing anything . Modern technology has changed our daily life a lot . We are using mobile phones so it does n't matter if we are in a crowded city or on a desert . You can communicate with other people any time you want . Nearly 90 per cent of people know how to use a computer and computers are used in every section of our lives . We also have " internet " , by which you can learn something about the world in less than a minute . Modern technology is very important for all the countries . It has a very big role in developing a country . When you look around , you can easily understand that modern technology is used in everything . I think , we are all very lucky people that we are n't using candles or black and white televisions anymore ? Dear Jane Clark , I had a wonderful time at the International Arts Festival . I think this festival is a great idea to enjoy arts from around the world , but I also have some complaints . First of all , I got disappointed when I found that there were no artists from Indonesia . There were stars and artists from only six countries . Secondly , the concert halls . The performances were great , but some halls were too small to accomodate so many people there were that day . A crowded hall is not good to enjoy musics . Overall , however , the festival was definitely a great success . I liked plays and films , and want to see more next year . The special tickets were excellent because we could enjoy arts without worrying about money . So all you need to improve is to have larger concert halls . I also suggest that you should make it easier to find out where and what is being held using more notice boards . I have no doubt that you will succeed in next year 's festival . Sincerely Yours , I would like to recommend the job , a home teacher . It is a job that you become a teacher and visit your student at his or her house . The best advantage of this job is the payment . It is very good considering how less time we spend on it . It 's about 3,000 yen per hour in my district . It is also attractive that this job rarely affects our university studies . Students who want home teachers are usually primary school , junior high school , or senior high school students , and it means they take lessons after school , not in a daytime . So , in a daytime , we can focus in our studyings . It is not so easy for every student , though . Because teaching requires a lot of knowledge . You have to be much smarter than your student , and you also need to prepare for lessons , for it is your responsibility to provide your student right information . As you see , teaching is a hard work in some respect . But I am enjoying it and getting a lot out of it . Dear Mr Robertson , I would like first , in the name of my whole class , to thank you for all you 've done for us and for our trip to London . We 've just been told about your programme and I must say that we all like it ! What I am most looking forward to , is the River trip to Greenwich ; but I would also really like to visit the Science Museum as well as the National Gallery ! This will be very enriching for us ! You must wonder why I 'm writing to you , them ! ... well actually we 've must received an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show , and the vast majority of the class would like to go and see it . This will take place in the Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday 14th March . We thought it would be a great experience for us since we quite do n't have such opportunities in our everyday life ! Moreover , the entrance is free for the students so that wo n't raise the cost for the trip . I thought we should visit the Science Museum on Monday afternoon so that we could do the River trip on Tuesday morning just before going to the fashion show ! Anyway , we were to go shopping on Tuesday afternoon so that wo n't be a problem to my mind ! I hope you will take account of our request , Yours faithfully , It was dangerous but I knew I had to do it . George was about to be linched on account of his colour skin . Someone had to react ... I had to react ! ... otherwise I would have felt responsible for his death , for the rest of my life . George was leaning on the floor , surrounded by his own lake of blood . He had just been beaten by a ground of white men . And yet , he was too weak to resist the rats , coming from everywhere and eating his face , his legs and his arms , waiting with great impatience for his death . He had been chained and no way could he escape from his fate without some help ! The place where I was hidden was overlooking the house where he was kept prisonner . No one was garding him . They were all celebrating their victory with a gorgeous dinner around the fire place . I tiptoed as far as the house , carefully opened the door , and headed to George . At the very moment when he say me , his eyes began to shine and I could feel that he had recovered some hope . I delivered him and we were about to flee , taking back our dignity and freedom overwhelmed with join , when we saw a whiteman , targelting his gun at us , and about to shoot ... Dear Ms Jane Clark I am writing to you because I have some suggestion about next year festival , and if it is possible I can give you some opinions about this year festival . Firstly , in your advertisement states : stars and artist from around the world , and this year one only from six countries It would be great if there was more artist not only six . Secondly , the concerts are fantastic , especially rock concerts . I very enjoy on it , but some of the halls are too small . I saw that a lot of people were unsatisfied . Another thing , plays and films . I saw only 2 plays and 3 films . For me it is too little . One of the reasons that I have visited your art festival was to saw a lot of plays In future I supposed to be an actress and that 's way I want to learn something from professionalists . I hoe that next year I will . The last thing is that I was very surprised when I read that you have weekend-price . This is excellent idea because during the week people do n't have too much time to go to the festival . Now they can visit it by whole family at the weekend and see all events in reasonaby-price I believe that you consider my opinions . If you ca n't consider all of then , I would like only one : more and once more plays ! Yours faithfully Dear Annabel Thank you for your letter , and I 'm sorry I did n't write . I have examinations , but now I have plenty of time and I can write a letter to you . In your letter you ask me about rules in school and home I have . I think that they are the same as yours , but I 'm not sure at 100 per cent so I vrite : Rules at school are : we must be on time at lessons , always have make homework . Everybody must be present at lessons . If someone is ill must bring a paper from a doctor . And the main rule is that everyone must be nice to teachers At home I must clean my room and vacuuming home . I often go shopping and help my mother clean windows . I like clean my home , and I like when there is clean and fresh . However I 'm the only child and I do n't have do too much but I want and I like it . There is one thing I like to change , the treatment students by teachers . They want too much forstudent and are unkindly for them . That 's all , I hope that I give you answers for all questions you have . Give my best wishes to your family Bye Dear Mrs Helen Ryan , I 'm writting to you to answer the letter in which , as you probably know , you congratulated me for having won first prize in your competition and tried to encourage me to travel to California and attend that Camp . I 'm going to give you all the information you need from me . I only can travel I July , because it is when I stop playing basketball to rest before starting the new season . I do n't mind staying wherever you want me to . However , I prefer log cabins to tents . They 're more comfortable . According to the activities I would love to play basketball . I 'm used to playing it , and I 'm quite a good player . The other activities do n't appeal me much , but I 'm quite good at Golf . I like surfing and playing tennis , such as sailing and climbing . Please , do n't make me sing or paint , because I 'm not very keen on it . there'are no more questions . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I 'm writting to you to tell you how much I enjoyed last Saturday . It was such a beautiful night ! Unforgetable . I had always dreamt of being near " The Cranberies " , but I had never thought that the dream could became reallity . During the afternoon , Tim and me spent the hours before the concer laying on the park next to the sport hall where the concert was to be held . AT seven o'clock on the dot we went there for starting queueing . We bought the tickets and then we sit down to rest . After a few minutes the dream happened : Kare - the guitarrist - appeared over there . At first we both thought we were dreaming but when we realised it was true we went there and ask him some questions . And then we bring his guitar for him . It was great to help him . Finally he said how thankful he was and alowed us to stay with them till the concert started . That 's all . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Aladdin Dear Mrs Ryan I am writing in connection with the competition I entered a month ago . I received your letter , and I was delighted to know that I won it . As requested , below are some further information and some enquiries . I would be able to travel only after the end of my exams which are taking place in June . So , I think that July would suit me best . As far as accomodation is concerned , I would prefer sleeping in a tents . I have been travelling every summer since I was eighteen years of age and this type of accomodation is part of the ritual . I would enjoy a lot playing tennis because it is a sport I love and I am really good in it . In addition I would love to follow the photography classes eventhough I have never tried to take a picture before . I hope I gave you all the information you needed . From my part , I would just like to know what sort of clothes should I bring with me and also how much money . Thanking you in advance , I am looking forward to your prompt respons to my enquiries Yours sincerely Dear Kim I got your letter yesterday and I was really glad to hear from you ... it 's been ages since you last wrote to me ! I 've done so many thinks and between them I went to Glastonbery ( as you know ) ! It lasted three days and I 've had the best fun of my life . I went as a voluntier staff in order to go for free . I had to help the Green Peace teems to recycle everything we could . We were more or less two hundred students doing the same job . Our duty was to work eight ours each day and then we were free to enjoy the rest of the day as we liked . The accomodation and the food were part of the contract ... everything free . They provided us tents and also a VIP pass in order to get food . Oh my God ! ! ! It has been the best experience you can Imagine . I met lots of nice and cool people , and what I most enjoyed was the crazy atmospher of the hole thing . No matter how hard we had to work , everyone had always humor and a positive mood . So , I 'll sign off now and I hope you 'll write soon . Lots of love Irene Dear Sir/Madam , I am very glad to hear that I have won the first prize from you . I appreciate all about this . I am writing to you about my information which you need . Firstly , I am afraid that I am just available to travel only in July because it is difficult to get my own holiday from my work a the moment . I prefer staying in tents to log cabins because I have really been interested in making tents and staying there . Finally , if I have any chance to choose activities , I will choose Basket ball and Sailing with no doubt because I would love to make friends from these kinds of sports . Both could be exciting for me . I would like to know more about clothes and money . I have got not idea about them . I would be grateful if you could send me some information of them . I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future . Yours faithfully , KANG OFF WOO Dear Kim , I am happy to write a letter to you . What I really want to say is about my recent experience . Last month , I helped at a pop concert by chance . I have just as a normal worker but I have met so many famous singers who I ever seen on TV . Of course , I could listen to all their music which were so cool . After the concert I had got an opportunity to join them to the party . The best thing was that I have learned how to control their expensive instruments and I have sung my favorite songs with them . Especially , Mike who is a member of Metal Potato told me I had got a talent to play the electric guitar . It is impossible to explain all my experience without this word , " Brilliant ! ! ! " . I would like to invite you to their next concert and share my experience with you . Please let me know if you want to come as soon as possible . Best wishes , KANG OFF WOO Hello , Firstly I would like to thank you for your prize . This travel enjoys me because I never go to USA . Secondly I am going to answer your questions . I can travel only July because I study in an ingenior 's school in France and in Summer we have holidays since July . I prefer to live in tents , where it is easier to make contacts with other people than in log cabins . When I travel I do n't often sleep in hotel , I prefer tents and also I can meet people , who lives in the country . For the activities I would be very happy if I could play golf . That is a sport that I always want to practise but in France it is to expansive . So if I have this opportunity , I do n't want to fail it . I would like to photograph too . There are so much monuments in California and so I will remember these holidays with my photographies . Could you send me more informations about clothes to take with ? Finally I would like to ask you , if I need some money because you say all accomodation and travel costs are paid for . Thank you for your answer . Charles Dumaux Hello Kim , Last month , I enjoyed helping at a pop concert . It was marvellous ! ! ! I was in the backstage , so I could speak with the singer before the concert . During half an hour he explained me , how he feel in France . I had to serve glasses of water to the group before and during the concert , so I had a lot of contact with them . They are very gentle . After the concert , I went to eat with them in a restaurant near the stadium , where they had played . What I particularly liked about this experience is that I saw that famous people are like us and have the same interest . I think that this experience is something that you have to live too . Perhaps in the next concert we will go together . I will give you news about it . I hope you will answer my letter and say me if you are interesting in my proposition . I send you with my letter a photo of the singer , what he give me . See you later . Charles Dear Helen Ryan , Thank you very much for letter which I received last week . I was delighted to heard that I won the prize for two week at Camp California in the U.S.A . I would be able to travel in the first week of July 2000 , because my college will finished on 28 June 2000 . I needed 1 - week to prepare all I needed to take with me , It said that about accommodation I would prefer to stay in tents to log cabins . Staying in tents more interesting than in log cabins and I always dream of sleeping in tents so my dream coming true ! I always interested in sport , so I am very happy to do sport activity particularly Basketball and tennis . When I was at secondary school I used to play for a school team and I am very good at them . The last reason I love to watch basketball and my favourite team was Chicago also my favourite player was Michael Jordan ! I would like to know more information about clothes and money . Do I need to take a special clothes such as , warn clothes , jumper . Finally , How much money to I need to take with me ? Is there any cash machines nearest where we staying ? It would be very grateful for you to give me more details as soon as possible . I looking forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely , Alak Liyana Dear , Kim , How are you ? I have n't heard from you for such a long time . I hope everything is alright with you . Sorry ! I have n't written to you since last two months , because I have been very busy to helped and organizing the pop concert which took place near my town . Let me tell you more about what I have done last month . I have had a wonderful experienced with helping pop concert last month . My duty was helped them cooking for all of them during the concert , as you know I 'm very good at cook and everybody loved my good I cooked ! Secondly , I helped them to prepared the clothes and the custom during the concert , although I never experience about clothes and art before , but I enjoyed it very much . What I liked most about my experienced from the concert was a great atmosphere behind the state and live music made me felt great and happy , what 's more , I have opportunity to meet a singer who I loved and I dream about . He also gave me his adress and telephone number if I need help from him in the future . I 'll show you when you come around to see me . Anyway , I 'd better go now . I have some homework that needs to be done . Write to me soon when you have time . Give my regards to our parents . Take care ! Best wishes , Dear Sir or Madam , I saw your advertisement yesterday . I have visited the circle theatre . I would like to say that I am not satisfied of it . First of all , there were any different actor . I was disappointed . The other point is that the organization was very bad . For example , it is said the show starts at 19.30 but it started at 20:15 . I have waited around one hour . Now I have a cold because it was so cold evening . Thirdly , I would like to enquire is about the tickets . Firstly , twenty pounds are a lot of money for such a organization , on the other hand it is said that discount is available . It is false , I have paid twenty pounds . What other I would like ask is that why it is said this is the London 's newest and best musical show . I can mention it is the worst musical show . And I was invited to visit the theatre restaurant after the show . But it was closed because there were not anything to drink or to eat . Finally it was not the perfect evening out . In conclusion , I really did not like it . I want to ask if it is possible to give me money back . I look forward to your letter . Yours faithfully Modern technology has changed my daily life very much . At the present , the technology develops rapidly . In my opinion , World can not do without it . Firstly , I would like to mention is that in our daily life we always use some technological machines . For instance , TV-set , stereo , microwave oven and others . Another point is that with the help of the technology we can communicate with the whole world . Without doubt , discovering of the computer is the most important technological event . It is very useful . Almost everything is connected to the computers . For example , education , researching of the Universe and others . Another thing I would like to say is that modern technology help us to go anywhere rapidly . The most suitable examples are the planes . What other I would like to mention how important the modern technology is . We research our plant , other planets and many other things with the help of it . Finally I think that at the present the life is more comfortable . In my opinion , no one can do without modern technology . It go on to develop and always will be the most importand think in our life . The Circle Theatre 17th Jun 2000 Dear Sir and Madam I am writing this letter to want you to know that what I think about the musical show which you ( The Circle Theatre ) present . I bought group ticket for the show . Because we were 7 people . I saw " discount available " in the advertisement . When I asked something about " discount " , your staf said that it is impossible . I ignored it . Becouse I wanted to see this show . Becouse my favorite actor plays in it . We went to the theatre bulding at 18:30 . We waited to start the show about one hour and fourty-five minutes . The show started late ( about 45 min . ) We were bored and we wished that this is last mistake During the show , we could n't see Danny Brook who is my favorite actor . An other one played in the show . We were really angry . Becouse you said lie to us . If Danny Brook does not play , you have to say something about this to people who there are in the theater This is your unforgiven mistake . After the show , w were still angry , we wanted to eat something in your theater restaurant . When we came to the restaurant , we saw that it was close . I was sure that we can visit it after the show is writing on the advertisement . We were hungry and angry in this time . This is too bad evening for us . We were bored to waiting . We could n't see Danny Brook in the show . We were hungry after the show . But we could n't eat something and we could n't use discount . They are your mistakes . I hope that you can understand me and you will do something about mistakes . When you do something , I went to see your new shows . But , now , I want to ask that you could pay my money back . Thanks for reading this letter Yours faithfull CHANGING LIFE When I went to school , I wrote a letter to my friends . Becouse I had n't got a mobile-phone . Now I have got a mobile-phone and I always use it . It 's fast and easy . But sometimes I miss the letters . I miss to wait the postman every morning . Before we had a computer , I played game with my friends in our garden or in their garden . We played a lot of games during day . When we had a computer , I started to play computer games . I did n't want to play outside games with my friends . Becouse the computer was more interesting than my friends . I use internet now . I do n't buy newspaper . Becouse I can read my newspaper in the internet . I can buy something from internet. for example , I send a flower to my mum in mother 's day by internet order . My daily life is changing . Everthing is easy now . I can send a mail to my friend who lives in Canada . I never forget important days . Becouse I have got a data-bank . When the important day is coming , it says to me . Life is really easy . You need to learn how you can use the technology . But , sometimes I miss past days . I miss to play in the garden , post a mail to my friends , forget the important day . Sometimes I want to go to somewhere without technology . BRASILIA ( DF ) , JUNE 17th 2000 Dear Manager , I 'm writing this letter to express my disappointment with " Over the rainbow " , the musical show which I watched last evening . First of all , according to the advertisement , one of the main actors would be DANNY BROOK who I love . Instead of this , I had to watch the performance of a different and unknown actor who was n't so great as I expected . Secondly , the show started one hour late and I hate waiting in a queue more than it 's necessary . I felt very upset and my enjoyable night became a stressed and very expensive one , too . There was n't discount avaiable for the tickets and I went to the theatre with my three cousins from Brazil . In addition to this , after the show , we looked for the theatre restaurant which has been closed for repairing since one month ago . In conclusion , last night definitely was the worst experience about entertainment I 've ever had in my life and that 's why I ask you my money back as a compensation . I 'm looking forward to your reply faithfuly , Modern technology can affect our daily life transforming our relationship and the ways to comunicate to other people as well as our life expectancy . With the introduction of the computer in our civilization we can access Internet to comunicate with our relatives and friends living abroad or far from ourselves . Despite of the distances , we can keep our friendship closely and with a cheaply way . Besides of this , the information goes faster than it used to know and it 's avaiable in the same time to every part of the world . On the one hand , our time is taken to learn how to deal with the new technologies . On the other hand , we can feel more comfortable with them providing us support to our hard tasks and letting us free to apply our attention and efforts to more important things . For instance , we can research new manners of improving our quality of life . In conclusion , we are able to feel or to recognize the benefits of the modern technologies but we should be aware about how they are introduced in our lives to avoid the dangerous side of the TECHNOLOGY . Dear sir , I 'm writing to you , to complain about the musical show " OVER THE RAINBOW " , that I came to see during my holiday in London , at your theatre . Unfortunately that evening was n't as good as I expected . First of all in your advertisment for the show you wrote that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove were taking part at the show . And I was so excited about it ! But I was very disappointed when I realised that another actor was taking part . And the worst was that he was n't so good in his role ! Another thing was that the show I went to was starting at 19:30 but it started at 20:15 ! The people who were there to watch the show were very ungry and they were shouting because they were waiting for too long , And I absolutely agree with them . Also in the advertisment you wrote that discounts were available , but they were n't , And also that people could visit the theatre restaurant after the show , to eat some thing or to have a drink . But when I went there , it was closed . I do n't know why and I 'd like you to tell me , the reason . Finally , you said that it would be our perfect evening out . Well it was n't and I ask for my money back . I 'd like you to return them to me . I 'll wait to hear from you soon ... Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . So , the next day Pat went and told to his sister Sally that her friends were organising a suprise party for her birthday . When Sally heared that , was very suprised and very excited . But because she did n't want to disappoint her friends , she was acting as she did n't know anything . She let them to organise it ! But although she was acting like this she was very ungry with her brother Pat , because he did n't keep the secret . The party was on Saturday at Sally 's house . All her friends were going to meet there , while she was at her swimming lesson . When that day arrived they all went there as they planned . When the clock showed 8:00 they hide themselves under the tables and the furnitures . After a while the bell rang . It was Sally ! Suddenly they all shouted " suprise ! " . Sally although she knew it , she seemed very suprised ! So her friends did n't understand that she knew about the party and they were very happy because they believed that the suprise party had succeed ! But although Sally knew about it , they had a really great time . They danced a lot and they had pizza for dinner . It was an unforgetable night ! ! ! Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complaine about the evening at the Circle Theatre presenting " Over the Rainbow " . It was n't at all like what the advertisement for the show had promised . I will try to explain below : To start with , the show , which was supposed to start on 19:30 started on 20:15 so you can understand that we were 45 minutes late getting out as well . Then , they were not any discounts available for the tickets as it was written on the advertisement . What 's more the theatre restaurant was closed for some reasons and we could n't get anything to drink or eat after the show . On top of everything Danny Brook , the star of the night , was absent and his role was performed by a different actor . You can understand how disappointing this was for all of us . I am sorry but this was n't my perfect evening out . I would like to ask for some refund because the whole evening was very disappointing and it did not worth the money given Yours faithfully As we can understand by observing the fashion of each century , the style of dressing changes rootly through the years . So we can easily understand how different the style of dressing will be like 100 years from now In my opinion , there are two possible fashions for the future . If humans turn to be more free from social rules , I think that their dressing will also be very extreme and unlimited . There will be a variety of colours and fashion styles . Everybody will wear anything he/she likes , choosing clothes from any century they wishe without this being strange . On the other hand , if human society turns to be stricher and more limited , there will be only 2 or 3 types of clothing , formed by the needs of the society . All people will look about the same and mostly dark colours will rule around . Perhaps the style of their dressing will indicate their position in society too . This is how I think fashion of the future will be like . The most exciting about this is that people wo n't think that their clothes are strange as we do n't think about ours . Dear Sir or Madam , A few weeks ago , I went to London , and I decided to go to the theatre and see a musical show , called " Over the Rainbow . " I 'm very sory to tell you that I had a very disappointing evening . First , I got there at 7:00 pm , because the show was about to start at 7:30 pm , and I need some time to by the tickets , I by two tickets of £ 20 and when I ask for a discount , they did n't give it to me , then I keep waiting for the show to start untill 8:15 pm . Then when the show finally started I got very disappointed because , I really wanted to see Danny Brook , but instead of him there was any other actor . Lately when the show finished , I planed to go to the restorant and get some food , but I was close , because it was being repaired . I will be very thankfull if your could return me half or some of my money , or even to make the corresponding discount . Your faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , every time I tell something to her , finally everyone knew about it . But this time it was something more important that any other time . I was in love with a friend 's boyfriend and we were about to have an affair , but when I made the big mistake of telling me little and terrible secret to Pat , everithing started going wrong , Katrin my friend , and the one I was being bad with , was very upset with me , and she was right , but I really do n't know what to do , I was in love with Brett , but I love my friend too . So I decide to talk to Brett . We both decided to finish with all this stupid affair . It was difficult , but I was the best for everyone . Then I decide to talk to Katrin , I was very sory of all I have do , so I apologize with her and promise her that this will never would happen again . Now I 'm very happy because I learned that friends are the most important thing in the hole world . Manager Date 17-06-00 xxxx Dear Sir , I 'm writing to complain about the performance , Over The Rainbow at The Circle Theatre on the 14th of June . It is always a great opportunity to enjoy a musical when you go on your holiday to London . London is one of Europe 's biggest centre and you can always get the best in show business . Rescently I decided to watch Over The Rainbow , a very famous and wellknown show . Firstly , the night performance was 45 minutes late and there were no discounts available as the advertisement told . Furthermore , I was shooked when one of the main persons entered the stage . He was n't Danny Brook , one of the resons for my choice . Finally , the Theatre Restaurant was under reparation so we had to find another one for the evening supper . This was n't " my perfect evening out " , as said , and I 'll make a claim for half the money back . I 'm looking forward to receiving you reply as soon as possibly . Yours faithfully , Kim Nissen How has modern technology changed my daily life . A century ago , when a farmer took the horses out of the stable and put the plouge behind them , we 've got the word " time " . Why not talk about the social life just sitting around a table without no rush . In modern days we have to wear a mobile phone . I visited an airport some days ago and in nearly every crowded corner , I could see those busy people always on their way . I heard the different phone signals , and what a miracle you can change them on the train when you are restless . A new word has appeared in those days , a technical proof of this is the computer . I can send and save information and the possibilities are uncountless . In nearly every home you can find it and the users now and in the future are the new generation . I must say a few words about the new electrical cars which surely will have a central role , exspecially today when fuel is so expensive . Watch out highly advanced technologies are appropriate and helpful for me and others if we only remember the importance of time to be together . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you to complain about the differences between what the advertisement of The Circle theater said about the musical show called ' Over The Rainbow ' and the things I noticed when I was there . First of all , the most annoying thing for me was the absence of Danny Brook because in my country I do n't have the chance to enjoy his excellent performance . Another actor standed for him , without any advice . Another thing was the confirmed hour of the show which it started forty-five minutes later without any factual reason . In addition to all this , there was no discount in the price of the tickets , for students either , contrary to what I was told by phone when I asked for more information . Moreover , as I had read the advertisement carefully , I had planned to invite some friends to have dinner at the theater 's restaurant . But for our surprise , it was out of order . At the end of all these circumstances we were so puzzled and disappointed that we decided to make a complaint . So , due to the things I have mentioned , I think I shoul be given some money back . I look forward to recieving information from you . Yours faithfully , " How has modern technology changed your daily life ? " Owing to the great speed of technological development , people need to lead a faster life . When this technological aspect changes so quickly , I obviously feel that my life changes too in many fields . I would say that the worst thing of this development for me is that more and more I experience stress in almost every aspect of my life . There is no enough time to do a lot of things ; and if I want to do them , I realize that my life passes devoted in my duties without time to pleasures . Apart from this , another disadvantage is the pollution we all live with in the majority of cities , being able to breath fresh air several days a month when we go to the country . In addition to this , there is less comunication between members of my family , because when we arrive at home after an exhausted day racing with the time , the only thing we want to do is lying in the sofa while watching television . Apart from this , computer 's advanced technology allows me to contact anyone at the moment that I want to , while five years ago when I did not have a computer , I had to write letters which was a slower way to contact with people . On the other hand and as a conclusion , I think that this development has made my life more comfortable living sourrended by lots of gadgets with differents functions . Dear Manager , I am writing in order to complain about the Musical Show , OVER THE RAIN , I went to see to the theatre . In the advertisment for the show you said that one of the starring was going to be Danny Brook , and to my surprise it was a different actor , and it realy disapoint me . Then the show was suppost to start at 19.30 hours but it started at 20:15 , more than half an hour later . I cuold read in the advertisment that there were some discounts available but there werent . And the restorant of the theatre was being pait , so I could not go as you said in the advertisment . As you may undertand it was not a perfect night and I am not pleased with the show on eaven with your services . That is why I am going to ask you my money back . I am look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , Tecnology , are we prepeared for those advances ? It change every days and I do not know if we will be able to understand it . Tecnology improves our lives , we have tecnology for cook , for work , for study , well hardly for everything . Mostly all of us , today know what is internet about , but one or two year ago we did not . And when we understand internet , we thought that meeting people from other countrys and could " chat " with them , was the top of the tecnology . But now we can eaven watch his face , Internet is amaizing. and now of courese there will someone trying to improve it . Tecnology change our daily life , it makes our life easily to live and of courese more confortable like with computers , televitions , radios etcetera and some times more secure like in medicine . Definitly we should try to understand tecnology , if we know how to use it , tecnology will improve our way of life . Dear Mr Robertson , Thank you for organising the school trip in London . I am really looking forward to participating in the programme , especially the visit to the National Art Gallery . However , I am writing to make a suggestion about the trip on behalf of all the students in my class . Could I suggest that you consider changing the programme ? The London Fashion and Leisure Show is going to take place on 14th March in the Central Exhibition Hall in London . According to the advertisement I have seen , it is supposed to show the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles . It is also free to enter for students . It might be a good idea to fit this visit in in the afternoon on 14th March because I strongly believe that it would stimulate our interests in London so that we could study English with strongest motivation . Even if we do not have enough time for shopping after the show , we will be able to go shopping at a free time on 15th March . I sincerely hope this letter will be of some help . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , I believe that famous people , such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time for some reasons . First of all , they are the same as ordinary people even if they are treated as celebrity . Therefore , they should deserve to lead a normal life as we do . Secondly , noone has the right to look at anyone 's private life even if they are journalists . Some people might say that we all have the right to know everything happening in the world as one of the human rights . However , I think that they mix them up and that they should think about the right of privacy . To sum up , famous people are the same as we are , and we all have the right to lead a private life and no right to break into their privacy . Therefore , I strongly believe that famous people deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing in connection with the musical show your theatre company has presented recently , and , I want you to know , it has really disappointed me . To begin with , the actor the advertisement showed did not come , which I found it in very bad taste , disappointing . Moreover , the show started at a quarter past eight , forty-five minutes later than it might have been . I paid twenty pounds for my ticket because , as you may know , there were not discounts available . It is for this reason , I think you should return me some money back . To sum up , I would like to make my point about what happened in the restaurant after that . It was closed because its owner had decided to go on holiday . However , nobody told me . I think you would have to take it into consideration to avoid it happens again . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . If I had know it before , I would have never told her , because then , that was really important for me , but , anyway , presently , it does n't really matter me . By the time , Pat and me had a close relationship . I explained her everything it happened to me and vice versa . We had many points in common and we knew each other as if we were sisters . However , one day our friendship was broken down . I told her I was falling in love with my best friend and she decided to explain it everybody in our group , despite knowing that must be a secret . When I met Caballos , my best friend , I felt embarassd and disappointed and I could n't say anything . I was at a loss . Now I wish all of this had never happened , while I try to forget it laughing with Caballos and Pat . Dear Helen , I was very glad to receive this great notice . I am very excited about it . I entered in this competition because I have always wanted to do these kind of things . In your letter you asked me when I would rather travel , I will be able only on July because I have to work and I can take some days off on this month . If it is no problem I would rather stay in a lab cabin because I do not like much sleeping on the floor , but if you can not put me there I will be fine anywhere . About the I have to choose I would like to tell you something . I am very good at tennis and photography but I would prefer to practice new ones , if it is possible . I am keen on water and risk sports so I would choose climbing and surfing , I think it would be great if I learn them while I am there . Finally , I would like to ask you if there is any place where I can buy some souvenirs , so to take some money with me and I would be very grateful if you could send me a list of clothes . Thank you for everything . I am looking forward to travelling . Yours sincerely Every woman in the world likes the word shopping . It is like if they lose their concience while they are shopping . You can do shopping alone , with friends or with your kids , but the best thing of it is that you feel that you have all the power while you are buying things . May be it is not for you , may be it is a present , but buying things at least for me it is the best . But all this power and all this excitement could turn into something that you could start to hate . When you go shopping and there are a lot of people in the same place , all trying to find the best prices and not carying about anybody , this could get crazy to anyone . The long queues , close places , hight prices , sales , all these things conbined could make shopping an enjoyable thing for people who like doing it . But my advise for people , who like it so much that can not help doing it , is to try shopping in the afternoon , at this hour no-one do shopping and if there are some shops that are closed you can always go to a shopping mall . Dear Helen Ryan , I am so glad that I have won this competition - two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. I would like to travel in the middle of July because my summer holiday starts in the middle of July . Is it possible to travel in July ? And also I like to camp in a tent , because it will be more interesting than log cabins . You need to do everything by yourself . Taking a photography during the holiday is very good memory for me , and I can share my adventures to my friends . So while I am at the Camp I like to take many photographies and climb a mountain . Fresh-air , flowers and meeting some interesting people while you are climbing you have . By the way , I wonder if I need a lot of money and what kind of clothes I should bring . Finally , thanks for giving this opportunity to me I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely 13/06/00 Shopping is not always enjoyable Shopping sounds very enjobleable and fantastic for women . You can find a lot of interesting things which you unexpected . Some people enjoy window shopping , but some people enjoy spending their money on their clothes or shoes . Nowadays in a family shopping is n't women 's job . In other hand , after shopping you 'll get tired and maybe you ca n't afford your credit card . For instance , you want to buy everything which you saw , and after that , you do n't know how much you have spent . If you are going shopping someone can easily steal your wallet which you are looking at some interesting things . It will be very awful . However , shopping has pros and cons , it depends on personal thinking . I enjoy shopping very much , it can let me know what 's going on in the world . But it is a good idea to have a break during the shopping , you wo n't feel so tired . Dear Ms. Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter with reference to the competition . Here are the information you required . Firstly , I would like to travel in July , because it is the only month that I am free . Secondly , I prefer cabins . The main reason is that I love wood . In addition , due to my height ( 185 cm ) , I think cabins may be a better choice . Thirdly , from the activity list , I chose swimming and tennis as my favourite ones . Although I have played tennis only twice , I really enjoyed it . With contrast to this , I can swim when I was six . Furthermore , I once have been trained in a swimming centre , so I am quite confident with it . Lastly , could you please tell me what kind of clothes and how much money I should prepare and do I have to buy insurance myself ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , The aim of this report is to suggest lessons and some activities which should be filmed in the video from my school . In my opinion , maths , politics , chinese , English and painting lessons are the most interesting ones . They are also the lessons which English and other foreigners are particularlly curious in . As far as I know , English people are really surprised about Chinese students ' advanced level in Maths , as well as the knowledge in politics . This is a good oppertunate to see how they learn in class . As it is expected , painting lesson is an amazing one . You can find students use traditional chinese ink to draw and write . In spite of lessons , there are all kind of activities such as sports meeting , racing competition , and countryside activities . Some are held once a year and some are held every term . You will experience a different life in them . In conclusion , besides all mentioned , I highly recommond you video students ' daily life and interview them . That will make it defenitely a successful video . Dear sir , I 'm writing to you to complain about the show presented by Circle Theatre last Tuesday . In fact it was quite different from the one I had expected to see . First of all , Danny Brook was n't the leading actor , though his name was printed on the brochure . I had been looking forward to seeing his performance for ages , so as soon as I realized there was a substitute on the stage , I was really disappointed . I was angry because the show started at 20:15 instead of 19.30 , too . Considering that I had to buy a full-price ticket ( even if I had read on the brochure that discounts would be available ) , I think you can understand my anger . I suggest you should solve these problems quickly . If I were you , I should keep open the theatre restaurant , because I heard people saying it was a pity it was closed . Thanks to you , I 've had the most dreadful experience of my life . If you do n't give me back my money I 'll never go to your theatre again . Write back soon As Modern technology is changing the world rapidly I think we are all involved in the revolution it 's causing . New technologies have affected people 's way of living for ages , by offering them better tools to survive I think people do n't realize how much technology rules their life . Neither do I. In particular I 'd like to talk about Internet . I think that Internet has changed my daily life most of all . In fact , now I can write to friends who live in foreign countries , for exemple in the morning and receive back their answer in the evening or even just a minute after writing . Therefore I regard Internet as a quite powerful tool and I believe it has given more strenght to relations among people . In fact people meet on the Net ; they learn many things ; they stay in touch with friends who are abroad ; and sometimes they even fall in love on the net . I can say such things because I use the net in the same way and I 'm really astounded by its way of changing my daily life . 13th JUNE 2000 Dear Miss Helen Ryan , I am really glad for reciving the first priec in your competition , I will be very plesant joining the holliday . According to your first question , I would like to travel only at July because it is my school holliday so I would not miss any class . I rather prefer to stay in tents because I like to stay as closest as possible to nature , it makes me feel better . As a regard for activities I would choose singing and surfing , surfing because it is my favourit sport , I have been surfing since I was a child so I am pretty good on it , and singing because I really love it , I am not as good on singing as I am on surfing but I like doing it . I would like to ask about somethings which might be necessary for me to take with , like what kind of clothes should I take , should I take my own surf board , and what about money , should I bring some with me ? I am looking forward to hear from you . Yours sincerely 13th JUNE 2000 Dear Kin , As you know , I had a great experience last month giving a helping hand for the band called RAMONES . It was a breeze to help them and was very cool as well , those guys really know how to play rock . I had only to stay behind the drummer suppling them with water whenever they wanted . When the band had just started to play , lots of girls started to jump the faints getting very close to them , some of the girls started to take their clothes of , which was the best part for me , but some of securities went there and took them away . Afterwards , the Ramones had a short break and when they went back from their break they 've just went of . I had a really nice time with them even tought I would 've prefered to stay at the front with the others people , but anyway it was a great experience for me , I holp to be able to help them next year . I holp you 've enjoed my experience , and I hope to hear from you soon . See yah mate Dear Helen Ryan , I received your letter and would be glad to travel two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. but I will only be able to go in July for in June I will be in Austria with a friend and in August I have rented an appartment with my family . I would rather be accommodated in a tent because I already have the necessary material for camping . While I am at the Camp I would like to play tennis and do photography . I play very well tennis since I have played it since I was a child but I am a novice in photography and I would like to try it as I have always been interested in it . I would like to ask you a few questions : What kind of clothes should I bring ? Will you give clothes for activities ? How much money should I bring there ? Faithfully Yours , Pascal Fritz Although many people enjoy shopping , shopping is not always enjoyable . You can fall on a very disagreable sellor and if you find what you wanted , you will not want to pay him or her for it . Sometimes the seller might even ignore you as he or she is talking to another sellor . For example , you walk into a shoe store . Two sellers are talking and although they saw you enter , they continue their discussion so you have to interrupt them . Then , one of them serves you but half listens to you because he or she is still talking to the other sellor . There is nothing more disagreable than that . Also , when you find a nice sellor and he shows you lots of objects , when you do n't find what you want , you feel sad for him or her because you made him or her lose his or her time so you feel obliged to buy something . All this to say that shopping may seem enjoyable but often is not . Dear Sir/Madam , Further to the umpleasent fact that took place last week I am in my right of complaining about the musical show I saw when I was in London . First of all , when we arrived we went to pay and we gave a discount ticket . It was not available but the worst thing was that nobody explained us the reason . The show had to start at 19:30 and it did not start until 8:15 , then I felt dissappointed because the main actor had been changed . It had not been such a terrible thing if the new actor would have acted as well as the other one . If it does not seem enough , after the show by boyfriend wanted to invite me to eat something in the theatre 's restaurant but the umpleasent surprise was that it was closed because all the waiters were on holiday . After explaining you my complains I hope you to send me some money back . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . It was our last school year , so we decided to organize a trip to celebrate we had finally finished it . We knew that our parents would n't let us to travel alone so we had to invent a story to avoid they could realize what happened . Kim , Kate and Pat told their parents they were going to travel with the school and so , did I. We were excited and we started to organized everything . We booked some rooms in a hotel , next to the beach and we bought all the useful things we were going to need . It seemed the perfect holiday but it was n't . Pat was in love with my eldest brother whose name is Jon ( I have never got on well with him ) . Pat told him our idea . Pour Pat , she did n't know my brother , she did n't know how he was . Jon told my parents what we wanted to do . We lost our holidays . To Competition Organiser Helen Ryan Thank you for choosing me in your competition for first prize . I feel very happy a I answer immidiatly to your letter . I would like to travel only in July , because I will have holiday that time . I 'm always having holidays in July it is my favorite time for holidays . For accommodation at Camp California I prefer tents , because I use to go tents holidays , I like it . From activities which you offer to me I choose swimming and tennis . I am very good in swimming . I do this sport since I was child and I really enjoy it . I 'm not so good in tennis but I would like to play it for practise . Also I find that it sport is very usefull for my health and does me feel better . It is all about me . I would like to ask you something . At first , which kind of clothes I need take with me , because I do n't know anything about the weather in California , and at tend how much money I will need . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . Some people likes to do shopping . I hate it . I never liked shopping . It always was trouble for me . I do n't like to have many things in my house , I do n't like to have many clothes and shoes , and I do n't know what else . Just nesseccary . I think the people who are enjoying shopping they are greede for materialistic things and they hav n't interests for spirit ( ? ) , intelect life . They are loosing time of their life for nothing . In my opinion we must spend more time for more interesting than shopping things like sport , reading , chating about ideas which make our lives better . We must do something for help other people to feel better and usefull . Dear Madam Ryan , I am very happy to have won the first prize in your competition . It is a wonderful surprise . I can go to the Camp California only in July , because I have school in June and I must work in my father 's bookshop in August . At the Camp I want to live in a log cabin . I do not like the tents ; one can find insects in them and they are not as comfortable as log cabins . For the two activities I can choose , I would like to play tennis : I have some experience in this sport , because I played tennis during seven years and it is still my favourite activity . I would try to do some painting , too , but I have never painted . I would like to know what sort of clothes I have to take ( if it is going to rainy or to be sunny ) and how much money I must have with me . Could you tell me what sort of material I will have to bring to do the activities ? Yours sincerely Odette Douai Luna Dear Kim , Do you know last week I have been to a pop concert to help my uncle , who is the director of the stadium of Lugano . It was very interresting , because I did different things . I cooked a meal for the artists , I spoke with the manager of Bruce Springsteen and I helped a technician to install his material : the lights . The best part of the day was after the concert , when I met the group " U2 " . I was very excited , because this is my favourite group : I 'm always hearing their songs . I took some photographies and I 'll show them to you when you come next week I had a talk with Santana , the best guitarist in the world , too . He 's quite old , but very attractive . I would like playing guitar like him . What a great day it was . The next concert is on 19th June and I will be here . See you soon . Yours Odette Dear director of the Circle Theater ! Last week I was in London . On Friday we , my friend and I visited your Theater to see ' Over the rainbow ' . It should has been my best evening that week , unfortunatly it was n't . The first thing that happen was that the show did n't start on time . Instead of 730 am as your advertisment said , it started 815 am . In the meantime we tried to get our money back to do something else , but that was impossible . When the show started Danny Brook was not acting , witch was a great dissapointment for us both . We are both big faan of him When the show was finished we went to the resturant to have something to eat . But then it was cloesed because of reparations . Due to all this troubel I think we should have our money back . We both have £ 15 tickets . And to an other time , make soure that your advertisment is correkt ! Yours Mrs Anna Schulsson Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She was my best friend for several years as a child . But I have n't seen her since we were 10 years old . When were nine years old and were in thired grade we had a ' House ' where we used to play all afternones . In fact it was n't a realy house , it was some stones between the trees in the littel forest neear our house . But we used to call it ' Our House ' . It was a secret place and we had promissed each other not to tell anybody about it . Useally we were cooking flower-soup , and talking secrets . One day when I were there alone , I heard some other kids aproting , I sat down behind one of the stones so they shoulde n't see me . One minute later , Pat and half our classe stod in ' the House ' looking and laufing at me and my flower soup . Maby she did it to get friends . But in fact that day she had loosed my friendship . Dear Sir , I 've recently visited London for holidays and during my stay I went to your theatre to see the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . I am really sorry to say that I am very disappointed about the whole organisation of the musical , starting from the advertisement . Firstly , in the advertisement it says that the main actor was supposed to be Danny Brook . An actor that I admire and I wanted to see him performing . Unfortunately instead of Brook I saw another actor , totally stranger to me . Secondly in the advertisement the starting time of the musical was said to be at 19:30 , but the theatre started at 20:15 . I do n't want to be rude , but this is not proffessional at all . Another thing I would like to mention is the discount that we were supposed to have on the tickets . There was n't any discount . Lastly I would like to inform you that I wanted to have dinner at yor restaurant but they told me it was closed because it usually closes at 11:00 o'clock. and the musical finished at 11:30 . And I am asking you : Why do you adverstise it if is not going to be available for the audience ? I am closing this letter by saying you that that night was the most terrible night of my holidays and that I would like to have my money back , please I hope you will reply to my letter . Regards XX How has modern technology changed your daily life . We are living in the 21st century where everybody is surrounded by advanced technological methods . As a result of all these advanced technological methods , I became one of the daily users of modern technology . Of course using modern technology has both advantages and disadvantages . The first thing that came to my life and changed it completely is the computer . I spend most of my time in front of the computer , either working or playing . Of course this sometimes is an advantage , when for example the computer helps me to do my job easier , but some other times it is a great disadvantage because it keeps me away from my friends . But unfortunately I cannot live without a computer . The first thing I do in the morning is start up my computer , check if I have any new e-mails , check my electronic calendar and then go to work , where I always work with a computer . The computer has become my second nature . And not only the computer . Everyday I use the microwave for heating my food and of course . I always carry with me my mobile phone . One of the greatest technological achievements and I am afraid to say that I cannot live without my mobile phone . In conclusion I would like to say that modern technology is offering to the humanity to many things , some of them are good and some others are not so good . It 's up to us if we can use those technological achievements in the right way , and make our lives easier . The only thing I really support is that if you know how to use technology is a benefit for you . If you do n't is going to destroy you . Dear Sir/Madam : I am writing you to show my disagree about the musical show Over the rainbow . First , I am very dissapointed with the starring . I went to the musical to see Danny Brook acting and singing , but he did n't appear . Instead of him , there was an unknown actor , who I dislike . Also , the musical did not start at 19.30 , it started forty-five minutes later . That is why , it finished later and I arrived late to a basketball match . Another thing is that there were not any discounts in the entrance fee . Finally , the theatre restaurant was closed because it was sunday . It is closed all sundays , you have to say it . That is why I will be pleased if you give my money back . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . That 's why I did n't want to tell him that I had failed my natural science final exam . I was worried because if my parents knew that I had failed , before we were on holidays , they will cancelled the trip to Africa . But , I need to say it to someone , so I told it to Pat . The next day , all the class knew it . I was n't too worried because if someones is going to see my parents , I would tell them before not talk about the exams . But , when my mother was talking with Pat 's mother and she mentioned it , my mother cancelled the trip to Africa . It was n't Pat fault , it was my fault because I was the one who failed the exam and also , I knew that Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Dear Mrs. Clark , The International Arts Festival was very interesting including the fact that Stars and artists had also come from around the world . I enjoyed it tremendously . Later I found out that the stars and artists had only come from six countries . Not only were there Jazz and Rock but there were clasics as well . The only thing that distracted me was the size of the concert halls . They were very small and I was pushed by everyone . There were wonderful plays and films which I hope that there would have been more . All the other shows such as dance shows , art exhibition and talks by writers were very amusing . I was happy at the end as the weekend tickets were reasonably-priced for all events . I thought it was worthwhile to have spent two days in the Arts Festival at the end . Yours Sincerely Once upon a time there was a widow and a widower . They treated each other as if they were husband and wife . Around two years later there was a meeting . By that time the widow could not walk and the widower could not see . When the widower sensed that the widow badly wanted to go , the widow clung on the widower 's back and set off telling him where to go . On the way they were thirsty so when they looked into the lake , they saw a long bar of gold . The widower told the widow leave it alone as they could n't share it when the widow told him . They kept going on until they met a fat , small man . He came and said to the widower that he was to bring him on his back . The widow who was afaid told the man of the gold . When the man hurriedly ran to the lake , all he found was a long snake . He was just able to kill it by cutting the snake into half by using his knife which was as sharp as a sickle . The man went back to the widower and kicked him . The widower was confused and they went to the lake . They were very surprised when they found out the gold was cut in half . They lived happily ever after . This story happened a long time ago . Dear Manager of The Circle Theatre . I 'M WRITING TO YOU TO EXPLAIN MY DESAGREABLE EXPERIENCE IN YOUR THEATRE THE LAST SATURDAY , IN YOUR SHOW " OVER THE RAINBOW " . FIRST OF ALL , I WANT YOU KNOW THAT THIS SATURDAY WAS MY HUSBAND 'S BIRTHDAY AND I WAS PLANNING THIS DAY DURING ONE MONTH . MY INTENTION WAS TO SPEND AN SPECIAL NIGHT WITH HIM . AND IT WAS REALLY SPECIAL ! ! ! YOUR SHOW STARTED ALMOST ONE HOUR LATER AND WITH ANY DISCOUNT FOR US ON THE ENTRY . BUT IT WAS N'T THE WORSE , BECAUSE I CAN UNDERSTAND THE TROUBLES TO PLAY ON THE THEATRE . BUT WHAT CANNOT I FORGIVE TO YOUR COMPANY IS TO CHANGE THE START AT THE LAST MOMENT , MY HUSBAND IS A DANNY BROOK 'S FAN AND HE FELT REALLY DISSAPOINTED . IT IS N'T ALL . WHEN THE SHOW WAS FINISHED , WE WANTED TO GO TO DINNER , AS YOU PUBLISHED ON THE PROGRAMM , BUT THE RESTAURANT WAS CLOSED BECAUSE IT WAS ON PUBLIC WORKS ! ! ! YOUR ORGANISATION WAS A GREAT DISASTER . NOBODY TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT THE CHANGES , AND WE WANT THAT YOU GIVE US BACK THE MONEY . I FEEL YOU LIE ME AND YOUR COMPANY IS NOT SERIOUS . I WAIT YOUR ANSWER , AND OUR MONEY BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE . Your 's faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat was n't the most popular boy in the school . He was shy , reserved and a very closed person . He enjoyed himself reading , playing piano at home . Despite his way of live , his best friend was Anna , the most popular girl in the school . She explained everything what happened in her live to Pat . When Pat was 16 , he decided to change his way of live , spending more time with friends , but what he could do to have some friends ? Definately the worse . He started to " sell " the secrets of Anna to all the boys of the school who were interested in her . All the boys of the class went to Pat to know what Anna was doing in every moment , and Pat was becoming ' friend ' of all the boys . He was very happy , because he felt that everybody loved him . Everyone , less Anna . She did n't tell him anything more , and Pat did n't have any secret to sell to his " new friends " . At least , Pat did n't have any friend , because he did n't have anything to sell about Anna . Is it moral , to get some friends destroying and hurting another people ? I think NO ! And you ? Dear Sir/Madam . My name is Veronika . And I visited your theatre to see a musical show " Over the Rainbow " . I am writing to you to say that it was a very disappointing evening . And I 'll try to explain why . First of all , there were the different actors in a show , but you did n't say anything about it before the show . The other point was the beginning of the show . It started at 20:15 , but it was said that it starts at 19:30 . As a result I missed my train . The third problem was the discounts . There were no ay discount at all . But I am a student and I know that I can get tickets with the discount . And the last disappointment was your restaurant after the show . It was closed because of the lack of stuth Of course I want to get my money back , but I know that I will never get it . So as a conclusion I want to give you one piece of advice - try to organise your shows more carefully . With the best wishes How has modern technology changed your daily life ? We know that everything is changing . And of course the technology is also changing . Not so long ago we had to do many things by our hand , but now there re a lot of machines to do the same . And it makes our life easier . Now we have free time to do anything else , while machine is doing our work . It 's connected with our house , our workplace and e.t.c . For example , earlier I used to wash my clothes by hand , but now I have the last version of wash machine and now there are no any reasons to do it by hand . Earlier it took me 3 hours , but now it is my free time and I can go for a walk with my friends . Another example is that earlier we had to rewrite some documents by hand just to make a copy . Now we have a scanner and a printer to do it . And it takes bout 1 minute to make a copy but not 1 hour . So , I think that modern technology gives us a lot of opportunities to do the really important for our life things . Dear Mr Robertson Thank you for organising the trip to London . It is very fantastic especially the programme on 13th March that we are having a river trip to Greenwich . The purpose that I am writing due to the fact that my class has seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . It is worth visiting exhibition and we would like to go there . The show is established on Tuesday March 14th at Central Exhibition Hall London from 10.00 to 19.00 . In the hall , there are four important themes ; latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up , and hairstyles . This is great opportunity for the student to learn the changing in fashion and leisure and it is free . I was wondering if you would consider our suggestion about changing the programme . We agreed all that the programme on Monday March 13th is wonderful . However , we would like to change the plans on Tuesday and Wednesday in the morning . On Tuesday morning , we will visit the London Fashion and Leisure show instead of visiting Science Museum and we will go there tomorrow morning . Visiting National Art Gallery should be cancelled because it has a similar idea comparing to the programme that we would like to go on Tuesday morning . That all I would like to recommend you . It would be greatful if you could consider our suggestion and please inform us about your decision as soon as possible . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely The discussion about whether or not the famous people deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time is the controversial one . There are people from both side of agrument who have strong feelings . There is evidence that these people 's life should be advertised by the media . Obviously , they have a lot of fans and their fans would like to know what happened to them . In addition , their life may be the good example for other people to follow . Sometime , many people do n't know what to do and they should the person who they admire to immitate . However , there is other disadvantages that we should consider . Firstly , the famous people would like to do anything they want without being concentrated by media . I think it is annoying if you did something and tomorrow your performance would be known by the public . Eventhough , the famous people can be the good example , they should be the bad habit for public . A lot of people try to be like people who they admire , For example , buying the clothes that famous people wear . The reason that they know what kind of clothes that famous people wear is these people have a public life . To Prevent many people from copying too much we should n't inform all aspects of life of famous people . I agree that the famous people life should be in private . It is the benefit for themselves and the public . Dear Sir or Madame , I 'm so glad to get the news I 've won the prize . Many thanks for giving me a chance to stay at the Camp California in the U.S.A . I think I could leave for the camp in July . Because I 'm supposed to attend an English course in Weymouth , England until June and then I 'm going to travel in Europe with my sister who came from my country 4 weeks ago for this trip . We are planning to spend 2 weeks travelling . So I can go to the camp in the middle of the July . And I 'd like to stay in a log cabin . I 've had unpleasant experience from my last holidays when I had to stay in a tent . In addition as I have n't stayed in a cabin , I look forward to staying in a cabin . Most of all , I 'm so happy that I could choose some activities . I 'd like to practice golf and tennis . Both of them are my favorite sports and I 'm quite good . I think I should ask you about something more . How 's the weather there ? Which kind of clothes I have to bring and how much money I will need ? Could you tell me about them ? I 'll be grateful if you could send me further information . I 'll look forward to your reply . Yours Sincerely When I was asked what I do in my free time , I 've never hesitated to say , " I enjoy going shopping . " I 'm very extroverted . So I like spend my energy doing sports or some kinds of energetic activity . I thought going shopping was suitable for me . Especially when I visit somewhere for the first time or I have nothing to do , but lots of time , I naturally and automatically look for a decent shopping centre . But nowadays I found shopping is not always enjoyable . Since I started living in England , I 've worked two part time jobs as a cleaner . I ca n't make enough money for my living expense . I have to control my expenses on the budget . It 's not easy for me , as I used to depend on my parents before I came here . Anyway I must check and even compare the prices of different supermarkets . What makes me desperate is a nice summer dress I 've found in a department store . I really wanted to buy it , but I could n't afford to buy it . I realised that shopping is not always enjoyable . Austria , 13th June 2000 Dear Mrs. Ryan , I refer to your letter in which you informed me that I have won the first prise in the competition . You asked me for some further information and hear are my " desirs " : I would like to travel only in July because in August I have to study for an exam . Further I would prefer to live in a tent at the Camp , because I am already used to that , because I often spent my holidays in tents . I would like to do painting , because one of my greatest hobbies is silk-painting and so I think I can improve my abilities . The second activity , which I choose is playing basketball , because I love this wonderful sport . We always play it at school and I am very good at it . I am in our school-basketball-team . I hope that you are now well informed and I would like to ask you which clothes and how much money I should bring with me . Thank you very much , I look forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely Austria , 13th June 200 Dear Kim , I hope you are fine . You know , last month I helped at a pop concert and I am sure you want to know some details . My first task was to open the doors to let in all the fans of Britney Spears . I stood at the entry and theire I had to check the tickets . Two girls came together and they wanted to go in with only one ticket for both ! I had to tell one of them , that she had to leave . She started crying . Such a poor girl . At this moment I did n't like my position . My second task was that I had to look in all the bags of the fans to collect " dangerous " items , I saw really funny things like teeth-bruches in the bags . This part of my work was really funny and I enjoyed it . Summing up I can say that it was a fantastic day , because Britney sang so beautiful and the performance was also super . I hope you can imagine how a wonderful day it was for me . Yours Dear Mr Robertson I am writing , on the name of all my English class , to thank you for the opportunity you give us to spend three days in London , but also to suggest some modifications in the programme . The programme you has already organised is very interesting , especially because it provides a good combination between cultural visits and more relaxed activities . But , in another hand , we have seen an advertisement for the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " , which includes a range of different stands . The only day we can attend to this show is the Tuesday 14th March from 10 am to 7 pm in the Central Exhibition Hall . We are really interested in visiting this unhabitual show and the main advantage is that the entry is free for students . In conclusion , I suggest that we go directly after the Science Museum to the show . We all agree that we have enough time in Wednesday for shopping . I hope that you will agree with this suggestion . I am waiting for your answer . Yours faithfully Famous people , such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists fellowing them all the time Famous people have always been the center of interest for number of people . Their wedding , their holiday , their new haircut and so on . But do we think enough about the right to have a private life ? We can watch this problem from two different points of view . From one side , this people chose to become public people . If we do n't want to be in the newspapers , we do n't do politics or movies ! But from the other , everybody has the right to have a secret garden , the right to be with his/her family without be disturbed by journalists and photographers . The case of the Princess Diana showed how this problem can reach such extremities . In conclusion , I would say that both parts , famous people and journalists , have to respect some rules . As public people , stars and politicians have to accord some time to their public but fans and press people have to respect their private life and to stay polite and respectful . Dear Mr. Robertson , I am writing you to thank for your program which will be for us in the next three days in London . Especially , sightseeing by bus in the morning and river trip to Greenwich in the afternoon are exciting activities . On your program of Tuesday is very interesting . Fortunately , there is the London fashion and leisure show which is held once a year . This show give us a lot of informations about current activities , fashion and what is happened here in London for example lastest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up , hairstyles . It is a great opportunity because we will be able to learn london culture . We can be part of this show and be up to date with style and fashion . The admission is free for students . The show starts at 10.00 and finishes at 19.00 so we can change our afternoon program to go to the show at Central Exhibition Hall instead . If you agree , after Science Museum , we can have lunch at restaurant near the musuem , then we go directly from the restaurant to Central Exhibition Hall . We will be on time for the second show at 13.30 P.M and we can enjoy the show until 19.00 P.M . I'am looking forward to hearing your opinion on my suggestion . Your sincerely , The Home of the Future " Home " has so much meaning to the people . It does n't mater who they are , where they are coming from , which color of their skin they have . Home is institution that create human and make them as a person and a good member in their communities . When I think of " the Home of the Future " . I want to have a home which is built with a new material . Home made out of plastic also windows made out of plastic therefore we can have our home for a long time . The door it is broken , we can replace it rapidly and it is not expensive when it is plastic . We have more time to stay together at home , watching TV , playing games , etc .... because we can access to internet at home we can have all informations from internet . I think it is the best way of education and working when we can stay and learn or work from home . We have more time for the family who need mostly care and love . It will be a numer of Developments in Technology in the future , which can make our life easier to live but what should remain the same is feeling of being together and love . This 2 feelings can not be replaced by any Technology but we can use them to make a better home of the future . Dear J. Clark , I 'm writing in response to your advertisement about the annual international arts festival . I really think it was a great idea to organize such a festival in our city as there are lots of people fond of art over here . I 'm sure they are all very grateful to you now . I 've already been to the festival and I think it 's really important to let people see artists from all over the world . It would be wonderful if there were stars from more than six countries next year , the festival would be even more interesting then . I also think the places you have chosen for the classical concerts were not good sometimes , some of the halls seemed to be too small . But your idea about the weekend ticket is just excellent , people from the whole country get the opportunity to visit your festival and see all the events you are offering . I 've got just one more suggestion for next year 's festival . You could probably show a little bit more films and interviews with the most interesting artists . I 'm sure it would attract lots of young people . Well , thank you very much for this festival , my friends and I have enjoyed it a lot . Yours sincerely , Dear Dave , Thank you so much for your lovely letter , it 's always great to get something from you . Howe are things going over there ? It 's quite difficult to talk bout our school rules actually , but I 'll try to help you somehow . Hope it will be interesting for you . Bu the way , are you allowed to smoke in the school ? Our teaches do n't let us smoke of course , but you can always see some students smoking outside , so it 's not that strict to be honest . We 're not allowed to drink alcohol as well and quarrel with any of the teaches . As for our rules at home , it 's always different and depends just on your family . My parents are not very strict as you know and I appreciate them for giving me freedom . They understand that I can make my own decisions , but I know they will never leave me and they will help me and my brother nay time we need it . I think the only rule in my house is to care bout each other . I hope to hear from you soon Dear Mr Helen Ryan , I am writing to you and reply the answers from your letter . I was glad to hearing the news from you and thank you very much ! When you mentioned the period of my travelling I 'm afraid I only free in July . Because I go on holiday in July naturally , and I have two terms in June and August . Therefore , I hope that you could make suitable arguement between you and me . Furthermore , I would like to stay in log cabins which I could feel more American style of the accommodation . In addition , there should not too hot inside during July . If I get two choices , I would like to go swimming and take photographs . Because I grew up in my home town that is a seaside city . I was starting trainning since 1996 , and I have never give it up . Esepically , it is really good for my healthy during the growth period . Photography is my hobby that is taken in my spare time . I can remember that I used to take photographs on the exhibitions or during the holidays . It must be nice for my memories when I am older . In addition , it could showed people how nice the places are and the views I have got . Therefore , I would like to do those two activities . Finally , I would like to know the weather in California . Do I need take too much clothes ? Could you tell me that the amount of money I can bring during the holiday ? I look forward to hearing from you ! Your sincerely SHE DUNES Shopping is not always enjoyable Shopping is concerned that people exchange from money to their demands . There are more and more retailors are opening to customer . Therefore , people used to shopping weekly or monthly . In my opinion , women are really enjoying shopping . It seems a human activity during their spare time . However , we are going to change traditional system to the " e-shopping " . It is new for customers by technology they can switch on the computer and click everything they want . Therefore , it looks like a service and also boring for customer . I think most of gentlemen dislike shopping . They are always waiting for a long time after women finish their shopping . I believed that most of busy people want go shopping by the easy and quick way . Because they do n't like waiting for payment and waste time of life . Therefore , they would like to use " e-shopping " which is getting better for their time . The life style has change already from past . Shopping is common activity in their life . We must focus on the specific life style , which will make us enjoyable . In conclusion , I believe that shopping only waste time for human life . And you could n't get back any more . Dear Sir or Madam , I have recently been to the Circle Theatre and watched the musical show - over the rainbow . I am writing to you because there were deviations from the advertisement which is published on the newspaper . According to the advert , it says clearly that discounts are available , but when I was buying the tickets , I did not have this offer . As a result , I had to pay the full price of £ 15 . The second point is that the show had a delay of about 30 minutes . Although I believe there must have been problems , I expect your company managed to sort it out in the quickest way . Apart from that , the most disappointing fact is that there were different actors instead of Danny brook and Tina Truelove , for whom I was coming . After the show we went to the Theatre restaurant , but it was closed due to the refurbishment . I am not really satisfied about the show and I certainly believe that it was not a perfect evening out . I therefore would like to have a compensation of £ 30 which I spent on the tickets . Your Sincerely Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . My story had already been spread out the next day . Although failing in the exams was n't really a big deal , it was awful that people kept mentioning it . I thought I was not going to survive after failing the exams and my best friend had been untrustful. but this idea was soon be put off since I noticed on the newspaper that I had won the writing competition . I could n't believe my luck , I was really sure that I won a return ticket to the Meditarenian Sea . During the trip , I made friends with other people who had also won the competition in their towns . They were so kind to me that we soon became good friends . The last few days , we spent our time on sightseeing and shopping . I must admit that it was the greatest time I have ever had in my life . On the last day when I was packing and getting ready to leave , I realised I had lost my passport and tickets . A horrible thought suddenly came into my mind . My bad luck had never left me . It had only hidden away from me and when there was a chance , it was going to give me a ' surprise ' . Dear Sir/Madam , Last week , I had a week 's holiday in London , where I have n't been for 2 years . I prepared everything for my family and wanted to enjoy it , we were happy all the time , but , unfortunately , the last day was the worst thing we have got , which was your musical show . At first , you said that , if we had bought 5 tickets , we would have had a discount , but we did n't have anything . Secondly , we booked the show at 19:30 , but it started at 20:15 , what 's wrong with your clock ? . Thirdly , someone on stage was very strenge for me , because I expected to see " Danny Brook " , but I did n't . The last one , we wanted to have a dinner in your restaurant after a terrible musical show , but we could n't have it , because a waiter said your chef had gone home . I have no idea what your business is , I have never seen something like this . By the way , I want you to pay my money back for the waste time , and I think that you understand . Yours faithfully , Have you ever been in the Countryside ? Try it , it does n't need to take a long time to live in that place , but it will give you many things , which are different from your lifestyle in city . Nowadays you wake up in a morning , go to school or work by the sky-train , start your lessons with the computer , go for shopping in a store which has an air-conditioner , watch cartoons on TV , or cook by a microwave oven etc. Do you really enjoy it ? Althoug the modern technology gives you many comfortable things for living , can it gives you natural , peace and fresh air ? How much the technology gives to you , it take from you more . Have you heard about the environment pollutions , the healthy problems and the moral problems ? These all happen from human who want to live with science and technology , not the natural which the world gives it to us . Mr Soren : Let me express how disappointed I feel at this particular moment , or I should say angry , better sad . I would never expected that I could be so decepted . This is not the firt time I have been in your theatre and I have to tell you I have enjoyed many other plays , but be sure " Over the rainbow " will be the last one . As I am specially fond of musicals , I even travel abroad to see what 's new , I am probably one of the most devoted customers . I know this word is not the best but you have demostrated that the theatre can be just as cold as any other business . We both know this is not true , or shoud n't be . When someone comes specially to see Danny Brook acting , one of my favourites singers , whose career I have been following since the begining , and never appear , and nobody give any reason to the audience , how should one feel ? There was no reason either for the delay . Almost an hour ! Can you imagine how many things one can do instead . Even listening some music to help us take it easy would had been better than nothing ! None an announcement , not an invitation ... oh , yes , I forgot . The bar was closed . Well , I will not comment that point . That terrible place definitively needed a renewal . Well , this is not my idea of a perfect evening out , as you can realise . Each time I see the advertising I get mad . Of course , you shoud make a refund of the money , not only to me but to all the public . But I can say that you will never be able to give my appreciation for your theatre back , at least till you continue as its manager . Expecting your news , It is almost true to say that fashion is one of the most exciting human activities nowadays . How can we define this crazy and continuous change of colours , shapes , patterns , and uses ? New fabrics create new textures , all kind of accesories are added to create new versions , to refresh old ideas , to make new proposals that will last , like always , just some weeks . All in fashion pass away in a couple of months and has to be created again . Fashion is a part of our lives , even for those who will never reconize it . Have you notice that all the classic gentlemen wear same tipe of suit ? And what about this kind of intellectual and progressive people , do n't they wear all the same model of ugly but confortable shoes ? I am sure that fashion will survive for ages , even it will change to become easier to use and clean , because we all need to feel a part of our society , comunicate our way of living and thinking , be part of a group and , at the same time be different . The future will bring to us new concepts , adapted to our lives . Dear Sir or Madam : I am writing to complain about the show that I saw the other day in your theatre . I am afraid but I think that the show was not as good as I expected : the reason were many . - Danny brook did not play and I wanted to see him . - the show started at 20:15 and not at 19.30 . Please check your times because many people had to leave at the middle of the show . - When the musical finished I was terrible hungry so I decided to have something to eat but the restaurant was closed and the advertisiment said that it would be open . In conclusion that evening was not " my perfect evening out " so I want you to refund me the money . I look forward to your reply . Yours Faithfully , Manuel Juan Sargo The modern technology has changed my life in many difents ways : But this " modern technology " has advantages and disadvantages . In on hand we have the advantages the new technology permits you many things like fly , see in the dark , or even save your life when you are almost dead . But in the other hand we have the disadvantages . The technology makes your life easier but , until when ? For example , the car was developed by the modern technology , it makes your life easier but also " dangerous " . Why ? Because too many cars mean too much CO2 in the air . And all people know that CO2 is a very dangerous gas for all kind of animals . To summarize , the modern technologies give and permit you may things wich would be impossible in other times but also gives you many problems . June 17 , 2000 Dear Manager , As for the " Over The Rainbow " presented by your theatre last night , I would like to inform you of the following problems . Firstly , the starring actor was different from the one who had been mentioned on the advertisement for this musical show as " Danny Brook " . As I was so looking foreward to seeing Danny 's stage , I was very disappointed . I think you should have informed us of changing starring before starting of the show . In addition , I 'd like to know the reason why the actor was changed . Secondly , the show started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 mentioned on the advertisement . As the third point , our tickets were not discounted at all ! The Ad. says that TICKETS : Discounts Available . Lastly , your theatre restaurant had been closed already when the show was finished , because the time of begining of the show was late . As above mentioned , it can not be a " perfect evening " . There are lots of reasons why I was so disappointed , and could not enjoy the show , you see ! ! Therefore , would be grateful if you could give me back some money . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She told about our plan , indeed our " secret plan " , to Sally ! How foolish ! But , Mark , Pat and I were planning a birthday-party for Sally on June 2 at her own home . It should have been " surprising " . Sally 's husband is now in Singapore on business , so she had to spend her birthday without him . Considering her loneliness , we made every effort to please her and to encourage her ; because she was loved by everybody for her gentle , kind and lovely character . She was not so lucky in her life . Her parents already died when she was in the high-school . She has no brothers and sisters . After marriage , Sally and her husband Nigel realized that they would not be able to have their children . In spite of such difficulties , she always shows a pretty charming smile to us . On June 2 , because of Pat 's fault , Sally already knew our plan . We were enjoying at home celebrating her birthday . Suddenly , the door was opened . " Good Evening ! " Oh ! You came back for me ! Nigel Sally cried with pleasure . Nigel himself was a big " surprising " present for Sally . I never forget her happy face ..... We spent a brilliant night . Dear Mr. Robertson First of all I would like to thank you for organizing this trip to London , and for taking care of the programme . It is a very good shedule , especially because you have considered different activities for us . However , we saw an advertisement , and we are keen on the idea of going to the London Fashion and Leisure Show . It will take place on Tuesday March 14th at the Central Exhibition Hall , from 10.00 to 19.00 . Personally , I think it can be a great opportunity because it is something we all want to attent to , and we are all fond of the latest fashion . We noticed that it is free for students so the price of the trip will not rise . We discussed about the programme , and because the show will take the whole day , we would not mind going to the Science Museum on Wenesday instead of having free time all afternoon . I am looking forward to having your answer . Yours sincerelly It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . It was a new challenge , and not only for me , but for everyone there . Nobody thought I was capable of doing it . I was n't sure of what to do , and the pressure of everyone watching me , was driving me mad . Finally , I managed to move my right foot closer to the edge . I could listen the crowd shouting ' Go , Go ' . That was my only chance. . Only few more seconds , otherwise my time would be over . I did n't even think of boking down . I was already paralysed , and that would n't help me at all . Then , by some ' strange power ' my left foot was moving and I wanted to stop it , but it was too difficult . The clock was running.. tic , tac ... And suddenly everything stopped . I felt an enourmous peace . Somehow I managed to jump out of the airplane and I was flying ! Those minutes , up in the air , feeling the wind in my face , were fantastic .... And then I was terrified when I could n't open the parachute ! Fortunatelly , I was n't alone . Dear Mr Robertson , Thank you for your effort , which you have made to organize this three days programm in London and I am sure that we will have a great time there especially in the National Art Gallery . Nevertheless , the students in my class have some suggestions for you how to make it even more interesting . The thing is that we have seen an advertisment for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . It will be held in Central Exhibition Hall in London on Tuesday , 14th of March , from 10.00 to 19.00 . Naturally , all the students are interested in it because the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles will be shown there . Futhermore , students can enter free ! We are concerned that this is a great and the only opportunity for us to see this show , as it takes place only once a year and only in London . Certainly , we do not refuse to take part in other activities in London . Probably , you will agree just to put London Fashion and Leisure Show instead of Science Museum and shopping on Tuesday . Thank you for your attenlion and understanding . Yours sincerely The Home of the Future Dear Reader , I have decided to describe my home of the future or , in other words , the place where people will live in 100 years . Well , I suppose that almost everything in future house will be automatic and will obey to what people say . Perhaps , there will be personal computers , which will control every thing , every item of furiture , light , temperature . Moreover , they will be able to create a special climate for each room . But , on the other hand , people will still have to programm them , as they have to do nowadays . Maybe children will not have to go to school , they just will stay in their rooms and study from computer , some kind of on-line education . All the rubbish , dust , dirty dishes , plates , caps will be washed and cleaned automaticly . It is possible that only one computer will do this all and it will have its own personality , voice , eyesight. . This will be your home , another member of your family and your house or flat together . This is my opinion of the Home of the Future and I wish I could live in it . 17th JUNE 2000 . DEAR SIR , I AM WRITING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE PROBLEMS WHICH OCCURRED IN THE LAST MUSICAL SHOW OF THIS THEATRE . FIRST OF ALL , DIFFERENTLY OF ADVERTISED , THE MAIN ACTOR WAS NOT DANNY BROOK , BUT OTHER UNKNOWN PERSON . TO MAKE MATTER WORSE , THE SHOW DELAYED STARTING AT 20:15 . AS IF THIS WERE NOT ENOUGH , I DID NOT OBTAIN A DISCOUNT IN THE PRICE OF THE TICKET , ALTHOUGH THIS WAS POSSIBLE ACCORDING TO YOUR LEAFLET . ON TOP OF EVERYTHING , I COULD NOT VISIT THE RESTAURANT OF THIS PLACE , BECAUSE IT WAS CLOSED AFTER THE SHOW . I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED , BECAUSE THAT EVENING OUT WAS NOT PERFECT AS I HAD PLANNED . SO , I WOULD BE GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD REFUND OF ALL OR PART OF MY MONEY WHICH I PAID FOR THE SHOW . I LOOK FORWARD TO RECEIVING YOUR PROMPT REPLY . YOURS FAITHFULLY , MARCOS ALMO BRAS DE BARODO . IT 'S UNDENYABLE THAT DURING THIS CENTURY OUR WORLD HAS BEEN CHANGING . NEWS INVENTS HAVE BEEN INVENTED AND THE SCIENCE HAS BEEN IN QUICK PROGRESS . AS A RESULT OF THIS PEOPLE 'S DAILY LIFE HAS BEEN CHANGING AS WELL . AS FAR AS I 'M CONCERNED , I FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT , IT 'S WORTH TO POINTING OUT THE FOLLOWING : FIRST AND FOREMOST , IT 'S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT TODAY IT IS EASIER TO TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD BECAUSE NOWADAYS THERE ARE LOTS OF GOOD AND FAST WAYS OF TRANSPORT . IN THE SAME WAY , WE CAN TRAVEL INSIDE OUR COUNTRY QUICKLY AND SAFELY . CONSEQUENTLY , WE 'VE GOT FACILITIES TO KNOW MANY DIFFERENT PLACES AND TO CONTACT DIFFERENT PEOPLE , TOO . SECONDLY , WE CA N'T FORGET EITHER THAT ALL OF US HAVE CONDITIONS TO COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE BY MOBILE PHONES , BY INTERNET , WHO LIVE NOT ONLY IN THIS COUNTRY , BUT ALSO ABROAD . FINALLY , WE CAN CONSIDER , TOO , THAT THE TECHNOLOGY HAS BEEN PROVIDING US WITH IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES , MAINLY IN MATTERS ABOUT HEALTH , ENVIRONMENT AND SO ON . IN CONCLUSION , I REALLY BELIEVE THAT OUR DAILY LIFE IS VERY DIFFERENT THAN IT WAS IN THE LAST CENTURY AND EVEN IN THE BEGGINING OF THIS CENTURY . THE SCIENCE AND THE TECHNOLOGY ARE THE MAIN RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS . Dear Sir/Manager , During my visit to London , I had the opportunity to visit the Circle Theatre and to see ' Over the Rainbow ' . To my dismay the musical was nothing compared to what I had expected , as it completely contradicted to the advertisement . Firstly , despite the advertisement stating that Danny Brook was starring , another actor was starring in the actual show and his performance was literally horrible , and disappointing . Secondly the starting time of the show was far from punctual . I had gone to the show which according to the advertisement was supposed to begin at 19:30 , but the show did not start until 20:15 . In the advertisement , it said that discounts were available . Despite this the ticket vendors explicitly told me that there were no discounts to be offered . According to the advertisement , the audience were free to go to the theatre restaurant after the show . However by the time the show had ended the restaurant was closed . I was further humiliated by the irony of the advertisement stating that it would be my ' perfect evening out ' , when it was totally the opposite . I hope you understand my disappointment . In addition , as a way of compensation , I would like to have a refund , and justification for such a show . Yours Sincerely , How has modern technology change your daily life ? During these past few decades , or rather , the 20th century , there has been a significant developement in modern technology . One of the essential developement is the form of transportation . The invention of cars planes , trains and other similar forms of transportation have enabled us to go from one place to another with no time . This enables us to save great deal of time and effort . Quite recently , in my country electrical bicycles have been invented . This compared to the traditional bicycle is less physically painstaking and less time consuming and therefore lets me travel to my destination in small amount of time with hardly no effort at all . This has made my life easier . On the other hand , I feel as though I am becoming lazier and exercising less . Another significant technological developement is the creation of electrical appliances . There are many indispensable electrical appliances such as television , radio , fax machines , and microwaves . What changed my life most is portal computers . They are particularly useful for someone like me who travels often . Before I used computers generally , It took so much time for me to looking up words in a dictionary and looking up for information . With a computer however , all this is done in the matter of seconds . This again enables people to save time . The modern technology helps people in many ways and is indespensible . However if we rely on it too much , we could become lazy and apathetic and as a result , would not be able to live without them once they are gone . June 17th , 2000 Dear Sir , I am writing this letter to show whom disappointed am I with the musical show " Over The Rainbow " . First of all I was expecting to see Danny Brook starring but I felt very disappointed when a different actor appeared . When I saw the advertisement of the show it was written that the show will started at a half past seven but started at a quarter past eight . Then when I was buying my ticket I asked for discount but they were n't available . When the show finished I was eniting to visit the theatre restaurant but it was closed . I was expecting a lovely and perfect evening out but it was the most disapointed experience I have ever passed . So because of this horrible evening I want to ask for my money back . yours faithfully , Modern technology have been changing the human life since the first many was born . When I wake up I take a shower using eletricity then I prepare my breakfast in the oven then I go to school by bus , when I arrive at home I put my lunch in the microwave than I watch t.v. and do my homework using a pen , when I come back from jiu-jitsu I eat something that was cooked in the oven then I go to bed . About a millenium ago every thing was different the people did n't have electricity , they did their food on the fire and they did n't have pens . Comparing these too realities the reader can notice that modern technology changed very much our daily life . Dear Helen Ryan I am replying in response of the competition I won . As you asked in the letter , I will write everything I need to know about the travel . First of all , I would like to travel on July , because during the other months , I will be studying , preparing myself for other exams or I will be out travelling somewhere else with my relatives . I have been thinking and I decided I would prefer to stay in tents , simply because it 's a new experience and I would like to try everything new . Also , it seems more dangerous . For the two activities I have to choose , I decided to choose a new activitie that I have never done before , which is Sailing , so I am a totally begginer at this . The other activitie is Photography , I am not an expert , but I know how to use a camera , all I want is to improve my knowledge . Finally , I need to know what kind of clothes and how many I should pack . Is there any place that I can wash my clothes ? I also needed some information on the money I will take . Do you have any kind of souvenirs that I can buy ? Do I need to take any money at all ? I will be waiting a reply . Your sincerely , Sara Todi Dear Kim , I 'm sorry it took so long for me to answer your letter , but I 've been too busy with my school , papers and everything . But now I found some time to tell you everything about the pop concert I helped . There were about a hundred people that wanted to help , but only two would be chosen . When they said my name , I could n't believe it ! All I could think was " Oh my god , I 'm gonna be talking and helping the most famous pop bands ! " I was so excited that I could n't believe . When I arrived to help them , they welcomed me and were so nice with me that it seemed we had known each others in ages ! They were n't those kind of people that think they 're gods . I helped them organizing the stage , cleaning everything , fixing what was broken and they even let me play with their guittars ! That was so great ! I do n't know exactly how I felt , sometimes I wake up and think it was nothing but a dream . I hope you liked everything I said and I hope an answer as soon as possible . Best wishes , Sara JUN 17th , 2000 Dear MR SMITH , My name is Volencia Vardez . I am writing to complain about the services that you are offering during the shows at your theatre . Last May , I had a week holiday in London , and during my trip I decided to buy tickets for OVER THE RAINBOW , the MUSICAL SHOW . I was really excited with the idea of seeing that show . First of all , when I arrived , I met a note stuck on the front door that informed about changes at actor 's staff . Danny Brook was ill . He was replaced by another actor whose abilities were bad . Secondly , I want to tell you that the show started forty five minutes later . In order to the tickets , I want to say that they are very expensive . I had put some money aside for a month , thinking about the discount , but when I want to buy them they said that discounts were not avaible . To sum up , the restaurant was closed . I will appreciate if you could send me my money back . Looking for your repley . Yours Faithfully . Unfortunately , Pat was not very good at keeping secrets . That is why she could no be a spy . When she was a girl , Pat used to play spies and detectives games . Her mother gave a book about how to become a spy for her birthday . She had watched all Mission Impossible and gadget , the inspector series . When she finished the school , she went to study to the Agent Trainning Agency where she learnt about guns , clues , agencies , etc. She was the best student they have ever had . But things changed during her first mission . She was sended to New York to discover how some people from government gave money to the merchants because they want to build a Trade Center there . At first she walked around the bayside market looking for all the people who were there . When she saw a man , different for the rest , talking with one of the sellers . Immediately she interrupted and told to the man that she was a secret agent . Obviously the man realised that she was looking for him and said that she was really crazy ! You can imagine what had happened with her cover as a spy . Dear Ms Helen Ryan , I am very pleased about the prize I just won in your competition . Thank you for choosing me . Here is some further information about myself and a few enquirement . First of all , I am sorry to say that I could only travel in July . As my family 's new restaurant is about to open in August , I need to help with the restaurant , which is expected to be rather busy . Secondly , I would like to live in log cabins while I am staying at the camp . I had bad experience last time I lived in a tent . I was terribly attacked by a been and it still gives me nightmares ! As for selecting two activities , basketball and surfing are definitely on my list . I spend one third of my spare time playing basketball . As a result , I have an important position in our local basketball team . Surfing was a fresh sport to me which I took up recently . It is really fasinating to challenge waves . I wish I could learn more so that I could enjoy it more in the future . In addition what kind of clothes shall I bring with me ? How much money is appropriate to carry ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , I really wish you were there with me at that one of the exciting nights in my life . Now I ca n't wait to tell you every detail . Are you ready ? That was a pop concert of Steps in M.E.N Arena . And I was initially employed to be an entrance assistant whose job was to keep the queue under control as well as keeping the area clean . A few minutes after the concert began , a backstage assistant called in sick who was responsible for checking wether everything is going well according to the timetable , if something comes up , she should inform other staff . I was then taken in to cover her job . I could n't find my feet at first as I was so nervous . I was given lots of paper with many different time on it . I did manage to " study " them though , thanks to other staff . They were very helpful and nice . They patiently explained to me my job even so they were fairly busy themselves . Then I found it was not as complicated as I though before . And I guess I did a good job as everything was getting on quite well . I saw all the members of the band backstage , how did they change their make-up , hairstyle etc. They were even talking jokes with me and other staff . I was impressed when they kept saying " thank-you " to the staff . Indeed , they can not succeed without their help , can they ? I was lucky to have this chance and able to know how they work behind the scene . All in all , it was a once-a-lifetime experience . Yours , Dear Madam , I am very happy to hear that I 've won first prize in your competition . Below I provide you with the information that you asked me for . I would like to travel in July . I already have plans for my holiday and July suits me the best . As for accomodation I would prefer log cabins , because I belive they are more comfortable then tents . The activities I would like to do during my stay are golf and surfing . I never tried those sports , because they are quite expensive . I have two questions . Could you tell me what are the weather conditions in California at that time of year , because I want to know what clothes to take . Am I supposed to take an outfit for sports as well ? The other question is about money . Will I be given any pocket-money or do I need to bring my own money to cover additional expences ? Yours sincerely Adalbert Turnau First I would like to say that doing a video about daily life at our school is great idea . Some people may think that school is boring and nothing interesting ever happens there . I hope that after seeing this video most people will change their view on that topic . To make that happen , we have to find some interesting activities to film . Below are my suggestions of what should be filmed . The first thing to be filmed is our English lesson , because our teacher Mr. S. has a lot of weird ideas and we could get a lot of fun moments on tape . The chemistry lesson should be filmed because we do a lot of interesting experiments there . The computer class can be also there , because program and internet surfing is quite interesting . As for other activities , there is a Jiu-Jitsu class after regular lessons . Martial arts are realy exciting and are a great thing to film . Mr Manager , I 'm sorry of writing you for such a bad thing , but my evening at your theatre was n't as perfect as you announced : it was n't perfect at all ! I was pleased to see Danny Brooke , he 's my favourite actor , so you can easily imagine how disappointed I was when I saw a different and unknown actor on the scene ! By the way , what really upset me was the time of starting . According to your advertisement it was at 19:30 , and , what a surprise when I had to wait almost an hour until the show started at 20:15 ! Now let 's talk about the tickets . You had promised discounts on the cost which was from £ 10 to £ 20 , but despite my thoughts I had to pay £ 20 without chance . In the end , I thought I could enjoy myself visit the theatre restaurant but it was closed because of something they did n't explain to me . As you can see it 's not a perfect evening , is n't it ? I 'm asking you my money back , you can do it , ca n't you ? Wondering your comprension your sincerely THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA - Ernest Hemingway As I see it , the Old Man and the Sea is a really exiting book . It describes a challenge , the challenge of life . The major characther is the old man who has to fight against the sea to keep alive . It could be his last adventure . This old man with his old boat goes too far away from the coast to try to fish something good . By surprise he comes across the biggest fish he has ever seen , a beautiful marlin . The man keeps immediatly in contact with it . They are going to be one thing linked together . They 're fighting for the same reason with the same strenght , the man has to kill a brother , as he calls the fish . I think they 're really brothers , they feel the same pain and fear during the battle . If the marlin could speak it would have told the old man 's same thing . When the old man won the fight he felt sorry but pleased . He respected and still loves it . But , afterwards , the life 's rule is MORS TUA VITA MEA and that 's the most difficulty to face to . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to giving information about myself . Even though I would like to travel , I am only in July , because I am a high school student . Thus I have not got long holiday . I just have one month left . Personally , I would rather stay in log cabins than in tents . On accound to stay in log cabins are as much more interesting than in tents . As far as two activities are concerned I would choose singing and photography . I used to win a number of competitions in singing . I can sing a plenty of songs. which include the english song and the japenese song , and I have part-time job for sining at restaurant . Although the photography is not as good as the singing , I am very interested in it . I have been learning since I was 15 year old . I got third prize in it competition last year and I level is professional now . Futermore , I am going to have competition next year . I would like to asking some information about that what kind of clothes I have to wearing and how many your are charge . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , Shopping is not always enjoyable , sometimes have a long quare or a mechine was broken . A lot of circumsenses will have been happening . I have unpleased experience . It was in lunch time . Everybody were went to by luch in supermarket , in fact , nobody liked crowe and quare , expecially in the summer time . I was quare in the middle of row . I choose this row because I though it was quicker than other . Although there were finished two people , next was me , something was happened . Suddenly the customer though the receipt was not truth , she did not buy a lot of things but the shop assistant did not make mistake , they argued about this thing . The shop manager was coming solution it . Abviously , I have to chance other row . I was long quare , I have never had . Shopping would be enjoyable , if you were good luck . Even though I think it most of time is very interesting , sometimes make people upsent . Ideas to improve the Festival Dear Jane Clark , I went to the International Arts Festival and saw some interesting things , but many points could be better . That is why I write to you , to give you some suggestions that you can take into consideration or not . Firstly , it is a good idea that the Festival is International . But in the advertisement it was written that the artists were from all the world and I saw only six nationalities . Secondly , the classical concerts were excellent and the halls were so crowded that nobody could walk . In my opinion , it would be important to rent bigger halls next year . Thirdly , I noticed that the plays and the films were a good entertainment . It attracted a lot of people and they were really joyous after that . Finally , the reasonably price of the tickets for the weekend was a good point , because all kind of people an afford to buy it . I also think that you should put a Snack-Bar or a little restaurant so as the people are not too hangry and morever you can realise big benefits In conclusion , in the whole the Festival was a success , but these suggestions can maybe help you to improve . I hope you will not take this letter as a complaint and I look forward to going to the next festival . Yours sincerely Home and school rules Dear Andrew , I receive your letter and thank you for it . I am very happy to hearing from you and I hope that you are fit . As expected , I want to talk at first about my school and then about my home . As you know , I finished school two years ago . This year , I started a private school in Dijon . So the rules are clear , you need to participate to the lessons and also be successful at the exam of June 2000 . In our class , we do n't have problem with students who dislike to work , because we are all there for the same reasons and nobody wants to say there years and years . It is also expensive and I ca n't afford to stay there too long . In my sweet home , my parents let me do what I want , because I am an adult now . But when we are in society , we have to be careful not to disturb the other persons . It is the same in our family and for example my parents dislike hearing music in the whole house or that I let dust everywhere . When I go out , they do n't give me an hour to be at home , because I do n't exagerate . In conclusion , I do n't want to change something in my house or at school , because I totaly agree with the few rules that I have . I hope these few information can help you and I look forward to hearing from you Best wishes 17th June 2000 Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing with reference to Over the Rainbow musical show which I went to see at the Circle Theatre last night . Being a theatre lover , I am always looking forward to seeing new musicals , but unfortunately , this particular one was very disappointing . First of all , Danny Brook was not starring , even it was stated in your advertisement , but the main role was played by an unknown actor . Secondly , I had to wait for forty five minutes for the show to start , and it was 20:15 ( not 19:30 ) when the curtain went up . Another disappointing thing was that I could not get any student discount , even that your advertisement promised them . To make things even worse , the theatre restaurant was closed after the show , because of the roof repairs . As you can see I had a very disappointing evening - the worst one during my week 's holiday in London . I would like therefore to have my money back , so please send me a cheque for £ 20 to pay the address above . Yours faithfully , Katja Menan . Fashion of the Future . Almost everyone is trying to be fashionable and look modern . Every season we can see arrival of new styles , fabrics and proportions . Let 's try to imagine , what will clothes be like 100 years from now ? I think in the future people will express themselves by wearing appropriate clothes . There will be mixture of styles from different times of the past , so if you feel like a medieval princess , you can dress like one . A new technology and science will change fabrics , so they will change their colour during the day . In the future people will be even more concerned with pollutions and harmful UV-rays . So their clothes will have built-in protective filters to help them keep healthy . With so many choices shopping for clothes is going to be even greater fun than it is now . Fashion of the future will not be the same as today 's , but it will be more exciting and fun ! Dear Helen Ryan , I am glad that I have won first prize in your competition . I have been very surprised winning . You ask me in your letter when I would like to travel . The answer is the following one : I only can travel July because I have to work all August . I can take holidays only the month of July . You ask me if I prefer to sleep in tents or log cabins . I prefer the tents because I never use such kind of accommodation . I have choosen the two following activities . First one is Tennis and second one is sailing . I played tennis for many years . I have even done competitions . I like a lot this game . I have choosen sailing because I would like to try a new sport . I love water but I never try this sport before . I would like to ask you two questions . How much money do I have to take with me for these two weeks and what kind of clothes do I have to bring with me ? I 'll be very happy to see you soon . Yours sincerly . Yves DUTEIL Shopping is not always enjoyable . Shopping is not always enjoyable because of different problems . The first thing is the place of shopping . Sometimes you have to go far away from home to do your shopping and it takes a lot of time . The second thing is that you need to go shopping when the supermarkets are open . Many people work late and they do not have enough time to go for shopping . The third thing is the trouble of full shops . Everybody do their shopping at the same moment and often in the same place . It is almost a battle to buy different things and to go paying those things . People are often nervous and agressive . Sometimes you can see fights between two men or women . There is one more thing . When you are a man and your wife asks you to come for shopping , be patient ! Because women loves shopping and you have to follow them everywhere and always giving your opinion about clothes , music , parfums ... Dear Helen Ryan : I am writing to give you the information it was ask in the letter you had sent me . Firstly , the best date for me to travel will be the second week of July because I will be very busy in any other date for reasons of work . Secondly I would prefer sleeping in log cabins because I fell much more comfortable . One reason is the cold , and the other is that I cannot sleep on the floor because I have problems in my back . Finally , the two activities I would like to do while I am camping are Singing and Basketball . The first one because I think I am good at it and also I love singing loudly with other people . The last one I have never tried it but I think I can do it well because I am very tall and that could make things easier . I would like to know if I must take some money and what kind of clothes I will need . I look forward to hearing from you . your sincerily Dear Kim : I 'm very sorry I have n't written you for such a long time but I had to make a travel to my parents house because my mother was operated on ; do n't worry she is all right now . Last month I went to help at a pop concert where Rolling Stones were playing . It was a wonderful experience but at the same time I had to work very hard . The things I did were : Prepearing and controling the equipment , I had to clean all the stadium , make sure that all the lights were in perfect condition , that the singers were confortable and relaxed , etc . The most exciting thing was talking with the band , asking questions to them and of course listening the music and enjoying the incredible show . It was the most exciting experience I 've ever had in my life . Best wishes . Dear Helen Ryan , It would be a great plessure to spend two weeks at Camp California and I ca n't find any suitable words to express my enthusiasm . First of all , as a reply for your letter , I 'd like to say , that I can only go on this camp in July because I have a full-time job and it is essential not to leave it for a long time . In July I can make an exception . According to accomodation I would prefer log cabins , as they are more comfortable and I like convenience . As to the list of activities I choose climbing and surfing . I like new challenges , even when I 've never done them before , and I 'm really looking forward to gaining this new kind of experience . If you do n't mind I would like to ask you some vital questions . Do I have to take warm clothes ? How much money would you recommend me to take ? I would appreciate if you send me a reply for my Questions as soon as possible Yours faithfully Tadeusz Ochman ,,Shopping is not always enjoyable . From my point of view it is a very controversial issue , and we ca n't just easily claim whether it is enjoyable or not . It only depends on the person who is actually doing it and some convenient circumstances like a huge amount of money on our bank account . Some people do n't like doing shopping at all and they can well explain to everyone why it is n't enjoyable . Luckily , I 'm one of these people . First of all , shopping is a waste of time . People just run from one shop to another and they just ca n't decide what to buy . During the rush hour , shopping is almost impossible due to big queues in every single shop in the nearby area . I just ca n't understand people who with smile on their faces spend their last money on unnecessary but expensive things . They are ready to sacrifise all their savings to get something that will make their neighbor jelous . So , as a conlusion , I might say that shopping is n't enjoyable at all and I 'd rather stay at home instead . Sir , Madame I passed one week in London and during my visit I had the fortune to visit " Over the rainbow " in your theatre . But I was not very satisfied after my " perfect evening " out . The advertisement for the Musical Show was very good , but the information was not correct . You wrote that the favourite actor will be Danny Brook but there was another one who was really disappointing . In the advertisement was written that the show will start at 19.30 but it started 45 minutes later , at 20.15 ! Because of the advertisement I thought that I can discount the tickets available but I could n't . After the show I need to drink something in the theatre restaurant like the advertisement it concieved , but it was closed . And there was no reason why . So you can see that it was not a so perfect evening for me then I thought . Now I hope that you can understand my question for some money back because of the trouble I had . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secretes . This was the only reason why that she had not a lot of friends . When Pat came new into a class or a groupe of teenagers there were no problems . But after a few time the others have seen that Pat ca n't keep secrets . So they stopped nearly immediately to tell her something important . Sometimes it finished like this that the others only said : " Hello , how are you ? " and then went away without listening the answer . This made Pat sad and she became very quiet . During the day she worked hard that she had not to think too much . But at night , when it became dark the dreams were coming . She dreamed about good friends , time that was long passed by and she dreamed from someone who she can tell her own secrets . Then one day she met this person . It was Katha , a girl who had the same problems like Pat . So they found both the person they dreamed from . Dear Sir or Madam , I recently went to The Circle Theatre in order to see Over the Rainbow , and it has been quite deceiving . I am writing to you to complaint about five or six utterly outrageous facts . In the advertisement for the show , which I have picked up in the hall of the theatre , are there about five points which were not respected . To begin with , as far as the starring is concerned , Danny Brook should have performed the main character , and I saw at the very beginning of the show that he did not . Insofar as I came here especially to see him play , I have been very deceived , and this could be the understatement of the year , inasmuch as he is my favorite actor . Apart from it , the show should have begun at 19.30 and it started at 20:15 ! Could you explain me the reasons of such a huge late ? Thirdly , the ad mentionned possible discounts . Personnaly speaking , I did n't saw it and even did n't heard of it : I have asked about it , but nobody seemed to know anything concerning discounts . On top of that , the restaurant was closed for renovations ! How can you dare putting an advertisement for a theatre restaurant if you obviously know that is closed ? To put it in a nutshell , and quite honestly , I would like to emphasize on the fact that I did not spent a " perfect evening out " at all , as it is mentionned in the ad . For all these reasons , I would like , dear Sir or Madam , that you give me my money back . I am looking forward to hear from you . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . If only Paul had knew it before ... Everything had begun when Paul went downstairs of the Heavy Sleep . As he closed his eyes , he started to travel across the dark paths of his councience . He went through valleys , plains and mountains of the Dream Landscape . He finally arrived in Faerie , a country of elder elves and strong white-bearded dwarves While he was wandering in the depths of the forest he felt a little tired and sat on a grey huge stone , on top of which he could stare the whole woods . All of a sudden , a weird creature popped into his dream . She was taller than a dwarf and as thin as a dying tree . Paul was wandering wether this beast could be offensive when the creature said these words " I am glad to meet you , Paul . " The boy could not beleive to what he was hearing . How did the beast knew his name ? You see , I am a mere product of your mind , but I would like to go out of the Heavy Sleep . Please , bring me with you , in your reality ! At these words , Paul suddently awoke . Relieved , he thought that bringing the creature in his world would have revealed the existence of Faerie , and with it , threatened the ecology of the Dream Landscape , when he heard a creepy sound under his bed . He jumped out of his room , locked the door and found his brother , Pat . He told him about his adventures and asked him not to repeat it . Unfortunately ... one our after , a local zoo arrived and caught the creature in order to put her in a cage . There she died because of not having Faerian food necessary to her survival . This is how human destroys what is good and burns the Woods of Dream . This is how mankind ca n't be relied on . This is how secrets are betrayed , and the result of it . Dear Madam or Sir , During my recent holiday in London I visited one of your shows in the " Circle Theatre " . The show was called " Over the rainbow " and should be , in refer to the advertisment , London 's newest and best musical show . But I was very disappointed . I was very pleased that the main actors listed on the advertisment were Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . When I saw that you had changed Danny Brook to someone else I was very disappointed . Moreover I would like to tell you that the show should begun at 19:30 but it started with a delay of 45 minutes . I do not think that this delay is acceptable . Furthermore you have mentioned some discounts in your advertisment , but I had to pay the full price although I am a student . Even your theatre restaurant was closed for repairs . The perfect evening you promised in your advertisment was the complete opposite and that is what I want to get some money back from you . I am looking forward to an early answer . Yours faithfully Herman Ruter Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat and I have been friends for a long time . We have had a lot of fun together because we had the same interests . When we were 15 years old we decided to drive with my mother 's car on a day when my parents were absent . I told Pat to keep in mind that my parents would be very angry if they got to know that . Pat promised me to tell nobody about our purpose . Two days later my father asked me whether I had thought at any time to drive a car without a drivers license because he had heard that from some parents of my friends at school . He told me two hours what could happen if I would do that . I was very surprised because Pat and I were along when we decided to do that . The next day Pat told me that he wanted to be admired by some girls and so he had to tell them our secret . I felt very disappointed in this moment but I have learned something new about humans ; is you can only trust yourself . Pat and I have still been good friends but we have never had an other secret together . Sir , I have seen your musical show " Over the Rainbow " in London . I have been very disappointed when I had read your advertisement , I was keen on your show , but I have not seen the same show , I have seen one which it looked like , but not be . First of all I have been attracted by the actors - Danny Brooks and Tina Truelove - and not by the actors who played effectly that evening . This actors appeared with fourty-five minutes later refering which is written on your advertisement . This late forbid me to dinner in your restaurant because it was just closing ! For all this reasons I do wish that I would not have been gone see that show , for which the tickets were not available . And as a conclusion I want you to give me my money back , ( I have still the advertisement if you want the prooth what I say ) . You have the choice , either you make what I want , or I attack you in justice . Yours sincerly " The old man and the sea " E.H . When I have read this book , I have been fascinated by the will of the old fisher . This will is so amazing , he has all the elements against him . His boat is so small and poor , he is old , it is hot and he is alone without any chance to meet someone who could help him . But I do n't think he would want to . He doe n't want because he wants to prove the little and himself that he is not really old , even if he has a big age . I think this are the reasons of his will . Although the fish is eaten by the sharks , he is the winner , the winner of himself . He could have triumph othe fish because of his knowledge of the sea but principally because he has known research in the deeper of his mind . To conclude I think the difficults situations allow us to discover ourself getting out of ourself . Dear Helen Ryan , I have just received your letter with congratulations and I am writing to you in order to provide you with information you need . First of all , I would like to start with the time of the travelling . I would prefer to go to the Camp on July . The reasons for my choice are that I am having my graduation exams in June and my entrance exams in August . As regards accomodation , I would rather choose staying in tents . That is because I am keen on hich-hicking and I amused to living in tents . It is quite romantic , I think . As to the activities offered I would love to go in for swimming and photography while camping , although I am not quite good at the last one . Actually , I would like to take up photography as a hobby and if you can provide me with an opportunity to study in this area , I will accept it with pleasure . As regards swimming , it is my passion from the very childhood and I have been going in for this kind of sport for five years now . In the conclusion I would like to ask you if you could send me some additional information . I wonder what kind of clothes I should take with me . I do n't know much about the weather down there , in California , so I am rather puzzeled about what to wear there . Besides , I would like to know how much money will I need and which expensies will I have to pay for by myself . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely XAVA SURGANOVA Subject : to suggest what should be filmed for a short video about daily life of our school . Introduction . The aim of this report is to find out what are the most important things people should see watching the short videofilm about the daily routine of our school . The Area Around the School : I have made a little survey on the subject of my report and I have elucidaded that most of the pupils of our school consider that the region and the area around school should be filmed first . Personally I agree with their statement and think that it will be interesting for viewers to learn about the surroundings of the school . We should film our gardens around school and a pitch with the playgrounds for volley-ball and tennis at the back of the school in the very beginning . Classrooms , Lessons and Breaks . Next things to be shot , by the majority of students was said to be the teaching process and the breaks . Obviously it will be interesting to find out what methods are used by our teachers to help pupils understand their subject better . Here I should also mention the decoration of our classrooms and atmosphere in them . People should see all the renovations that have been made during the last years and all modern conveniences that were made for both students and teachers . And as regards breaks student consider them being a very important part of school life , despite all their mess and noise . Outdoor Activities And the last but not least thing we should include in the film are the outdoor activities , which our student are provided with in our school . We can make some short shots about the school theatre and it 's performances and also about the sport-clubs and their competitions and awards . Conclusion In the conclusion of my report I would like to say that the suggestions were made according to the survey made among the students of our school . I hope you will consider this information . Dear Mr Robertson , First of all I would like to thank you the chance to do such a gorgeous trip . We are really looking forward to visiting the city and going to the Museum and Gallery . However , there is one point that we would like to change in the programme . We are interested in visiting " The London Fashion and Leisure Show " during our travel . The show is very interesting because we could see the latest fashion , hairstyles and make up , and also leisure and sports wear . Furthermore is totally free for students . All this exhibiots are really important and exciting for us because , nowadays , fashion has a huge influence in our lifestyle and we would like to know more about it . We think that we could go there next 14th of March , in the eveninng , instead of going shopping . This one could be translate to 15th evening . It is also possible to go to the show in the morning but we are totally agree that we do n't want to lose our visit to the Science Museum . We truly believe you will consider our change . Please contact us if you have any question . Yours faithfully Almost everyone relation famous people with photographers , articles , money , fans , ... Normally , one people 's dream is to be famous and rich but without that stuff of being without privacy Nowadays , there is a lot of people that life only with the money they get in advertisments , reports about their last romance , ... but not everyone does the same . On the one hand you find the ones that are well-known and never talk about their privacy . They use the publicity exclusive for their work . On the other hand , are the ones that are also respectabled but , appart from their relation with journalists because of their work , they really need to be constantly seek by photographers . I mean , they enjoin being the point of view or the center of everyone , even though it means to see their lifes . Communications move the world and famous people use them to improve their work , politicians for their campain and film stars to make famous their last movie . Nevertheless , sometimes communications disturb their lifes in a wrong way . Dear Miss Ryan , I have safely received your letter bringing the good news . I wish that I could describe how ecstatic I felt when I found that I won the competition . Here I enclose some information which you requested in the letter I received . I think that the best and most convenient time for me to travel would be in July . This is because it falls on my semester holidays and that it is also summer in America . This trip will give me a chance to relax during my holidays , as well as allow me to gain valuable knowledge and experience . Between the tent and log cabin , I think that I would prefer the tent . It will let me get up and close with nature , and experience life in the wild . Living in a tent will also enhance my survival skills , making this a trip to remember . Camp California certainly has plenty of activities to do . However , among all of them I like swimming and tennis the best . I have much experience in swimming and have represented my school before . As for tennis , I find it very enjoyable and have gone for proper lessons . Last before least , I wonder if you could inform me of the clothes I should bring to America . As I have not been there before , I am rather unsure of what to wear . I am also trying to decide on the amount of money I should bring . Will I be going out much , or just stay in Camp California all the time ? I hope that I have n't taken up too much time . Thank you for this exciting news . I ca n't wait to go on this adventure of a lifetime ! Yours sincerely , ( Au Kwan Ming ) Dear Kim , How are you in London ? I hope the weather is holding up . I hear that it can be terrible at times . Guess what ? Last month , I got to help out at a pop concert . It was a fantastic experience . The concert was held at our school hall . All the students had to help to brighten up the place , and boy did we work . I helped to decorate the walls . My friends and I managed to paint a smart navy blue on the old , faded green . It was n't as easy as I had expected , there are special equipment and techniques which must be used to ensure a good result . Besides that , I also helped to do banners and signs to inform other people about the concert . It was hard work , I had to saw wood and paint all day long . Several other students helped me out , and we managed to make some eye-catching advertisements . I also helped in the lighting and studio equipment . I fixed the lighting on the ceiling and attached several spotlights to the walls . This produced a stunning effect during the concert . I also got to fix new speakers so that the music could be heard clearly throughout the hall . I enjoyed fixing the studio equipment in particular . It gave me the chance to expand my knowledge and gain new skills in electronics . On the whole , it was a fun experience to work with friends , fixing bulbs , attaching lights and adding speakers . I really enjoyed myself and I hope that you can have the chance to experience this too . I hope that you can write to me soon . I look forward to reading what you have to say . Bye for now ! Yours faithfully , ( Au Kwan Ming ) Dear Ms Helen Ryan Thank you for your letter 2nd of March . I am writing to give you some information about myself . I am very keen on joinning Camp California in the U.S.A . I will have graduated from university by the end of June and I will be available for this travel only in July because I will have to start working with my parents in August . I m always been intents when I went with the university camps so I prefer log cabins at Camp California because it would be a new experience for me and I would also learn how to live in there . According to your activities at the Camp , I would choose singing and painting because I am a lead singer in the university band and I think I will be good at this activity . Also painting is my hobby because I have always been painting when I have a spare time . I would be grateful if you could tell me some details about what type of clothes and How much money I should bring . Once again , thank you for giving me a good opportunity . I look forward to going with your camp in the near future . Yours sincerely ( THONGCHAI ENPHENO ) Most people enjoy going shopping every weekend but some think that shopping is not always enjoyable because of different reasons and places . In the first place , some housewifes do n't like to go to the supermarket because it is not fun to go shopping with a long list and decide which one is the first and the second . To make matters worse , you forget to buy something when you get back home . It is very frustrating . Moreover , if you go with your children , you will have to control them and remember things on your list at the same time and sometimes they cry when they want something in the supermarket . It is a tough chore ! Another point of view against shopping is a lack of the items that you really want . Sometimes when you meet a nice dress and you think you are going to buy it tomorrow but when you come back it is sold out or there is no your size left . I cannot imagine anything worse . The other disadvantage is that you enjoy going shopping too much and pay everything buy credit card . When a bill comes to £ 1000 , you would be shocked and regret what you had done . In conclusion , I believe that shopping is not always enjoyable if you accidently meet a bad situation or you can not control your expenditure carefully . Dear Mister , I am writing from Paris where I live . My wife an I spent a couple of days in London two weeks ago . We were really pleased because it was our first time in England . We asked our travel agent to organise our trip . My wife and I are both found of theatre , musical shows especially . It is so rare to see musical in Paris that we decided to book two seats for " Over the rainbow " . We were very disappointed ! Of course , the show did n't start on time . No reasons or excuses were given . Our travel agent told us that it would be cheaper to purchase our tickets directly in the theatre . But , in fact , there were no discounts available . And we had to pay £ 20 each seat . The worst was to come . The great Danny Brooks was supposed to be the main character . But , instead of him , we saw an unknown actor ( who really need singing lessons ) . After the show we had planned to go to the theatre restaurant . But it was closed . Perhaps it was a luck ! So we want you to give us our money back , the show did n't worth the price . Yours faithfully , And now , I was wondering if I had not made a mistake . My brother was too talkative ! Two days before , I told him that our father was about to buy a brand new car . And he did not want our mother to be informed . It was supposed to be a gift for twenty years of marriage . A car only for her . The first thing Pat did was to tell our young sister the secret . And , less than five minutes later , our mother knew the whole thing . Her reaction was not the one we were expecting . Apparently she was not surprised , but she was surely angry . Really angry ! ! She thought it was a stupid idea , and also an expensive one . According to her , this car would have been useless . She suspected our father to want to please himself . Then , we decided to offer her a red bicycle . It was the colour my father had chosen for the car ! 13.6.00 Dear Hellen , Thank you very much for your letter that I received yesterday . I am very happy that I won the first prize in your competition - two weeks at camp California in USA . Also I am pleased , that I do n't have to pay any expenses . I would like to travel end of July . In June I have other arrangements , such as my school exams and my birthday . It is convenient for me the last two weeks of July . After my school exams I will have time to prepare myself for the trip . In your letter you are asking me to chose which accomodation I prefer . I would like very much to stay in tents . Last year I stay in tents with some friends in England and I really enjoyed it . Summer time the weather is good and I do n't see any problem anywhere I will stay . During my time in California , I would love to have the chance of some leisure activities such as swimming . It is my favourite sport . I am good and fast at swimming . Another sport I love is basket ball . Hopefull I will meet some other girls in the same sport . So we all play as a team . My final question is this . Can you let me know if there is any facilities for washing my clothes If not I will bring with me enough to last for two weeks . Please give me a rough idea how much spending money I will need . Please write soon Yours Sincerely Shoping is not always enjoyable . As a housewife I have a good idea about it . Once a week I go shopping . Sometimes I go two days We all have to do our shopping . It is unavoidable Sometimes it is pleasant , and sometimes it 's not . I often shop with no problems , but on Saturday is not the same . Shops are so crowded and it takes long time to find what we want and what we need . Also we got to face a long queue in order to pay . Spending long hours shopping it is tiring for some people . I find it very tiring sometimes . Shopping is not always enjoyable because we spend money . Usually much more money we spend than we expect . We ca n't do anything about is . We have to face it - it has both sides . Sometimes shopping is very enjoyable but not everyday . Dear Sir or Madam I have just received your letter . I was glad to know I had won first prize in the competition and I am writing to reply for the camp . First of all , I would like to travel in July because I have to return to my University in the middle of August . Your another consideration was accommodation . I think it is more comfortable to stay in log cabins than in tents , so I would prefer log cabins . According to your letter , I can choose two activities to do at the Camp . I would like to choose painting which I have been doing for 12 years and tennis . However , I am not very good at playing tennis , so could you tell me if I can learn at the camp ? Please could you also let me know if I need to take special clothes with me ? I would be grateful if you phone me or send me a letter again at your earliest convenience . I look forward to the camp in the U.S.A . Yours faithfully Cry Freedom ' Cry Freedom ' is about the blacks and whites of South Africa . The main characters of this book are Stephen Biko , a black leader , and Donald Woods who is a white newspaper editor . Woods is thought to stand for all of white peope and this book could have an influence on them . In the first part of this book it can be seen Woods is not on the side of the blacks although he did n't approve of the government 's attitude to them . In some ways , he did not agree with " Black Consciousness " which is Biko 's organization because it was too much against the whites . Woods thought he knew the black society quite well and understood their ordeals , but after he had met Biko and visited a black township , he realized he had been completely unaware of the way they had to live . The people and the circumstances he experienced in the black township were such a new world to him . Finally he changed his ideas and started to work for the blacks using his skill as a journalist , in other words , he became an activist for the black people of South Africa . Although Biko was killed and Woods himself was declared a banned person , I would dare to say their sacrifices were worthwhile because Woods succeeded in escaping from South Africa which would enable him to publish his book revealing the truth about South Africa to the world . In short , Cry Freedom deserves to be recommended and once you read it , you will want to read it again . Most of all , this book will make you think about the prejudice you have . Dear Ms. Ryan , I am writing to you , in reply for your letter . Firstly , I would like to travel in July , because it is summer season , and it is nice weather to enjoy in California . Secondly , I would prefer my accomodation to be in log cabins , because I am alergic to some insects that might go in the tent . In regard to the activities , I would like tennis , because I have some experience playing , and my spin and volley are very good , and painting , because I have some techniques , that I would like to put on practise . Lastly , I would like to know if I need to bring any special clothes , and where can I change my money to American dollars cheaper . I would ask for your prompt reply , so I can start organizing myself . Thanking you , Yours sincerely , Carmen Dolores Rossell Dear Kim , I hope you are doing fine , I am writing this letter , to tell you about my experience of helping a pop concert . Firstly , you need to know , and be counscious of what you are doing . I spend two weeks preparing all the stage , speakers , background , michrophones , everything with all the staff , and every night , the artists came to rehearsal their show , I could see how they really improved , and how nice they were with the staff . The day of the concert , everyone , including the artists and managers were nervous and were tired , however , when the concert started , we saw that all our efforts were worthy , the crow and artists thanked the staff . What I personally liked the most was all our teamwork . I could see the staff , managers , artists and even the director , all like a big team , working together . That was what made it mostly special . Try it , I recommend it . Write back soon , Love , Carmen Dolores Rossell . Dear Sir , I am writting this letter because I had a week in London last month and I decided to see your show called " Over the rainbow " with my wife and children . We were disappointed because your advertisement was a misleading one . First of all , the most important singer , Danny Brook , was not singing . You should have at least informed the public because most of the people came to see him . However the man who took his place made a good performance , we enjoy listening to him because his voice was amazing . The times were not respected : the show began 45 minutes late . The children could not stand waiting outside in the cold . As it started later , it finished later and people missed the train they wanted to take . Furthermore you did not apologise as if it was usual ! In my opinion , the tickets were a little bit expensive and not many people could afford the price . We did not see any discounts ! Finally your restaurant was closed because too few people came before . I understand them . After such a bad show you do n't want to eat in the same place . For these reasons I would like to have my money back because it was not a " perfect evening " as you said . But I think that if you take care more of the public , your show would catch on because the singers and songs are really impressive . Yours Faithfully Modern technology is everywhere in our society . We use it daily and sometimes do n't realize that things are changing in our daily life . The ways of transport are improving a lot this times . The cars are really useful and a lot more faster than waking or cycling . But cars created pollution : for exemple the green house effect . But it is also the technology which try to resolve this problem with new way of transport as subways or busses so as to have less cars in the cities . Technology allows us to improve our knowledge in sciences like medecine so as to cure more illnesses or to make people live older . I think there is a link between technology and sciences because they need each other : sciences discover technologies and technologies make possible new searches in sciences . Technology also improved the communications with the phone of course and also with Internet . Every evening when I come back home I go on the internet . I chat with other people in order to exchange our points of view or I look for informations I need for my studies . In my opinion it 's a lot better than the dictionnary because it 's faster and you really find what you need . Furthermore we can find everything all the time . Technology is necessary to our society but I think it could be also dangerous if we do n't use it in the good way . Dear Mr. Smith , I am writting you about an enjure that I had in your last musical Circle Theatre . I went to see " Over the rainbow " last Saturday and I had a very disappointing evening . First of all , I was surpprising that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove did not played . Anybody told us why they was n't there . I read on your advertisment in Friday 's edition of the Times that the show should start at 19.30 but the representation started at 20.15 . I was waitting 45 minutes for anything ! I am studiant and I did n't find any discount 's ticket . I do n't understand the problem between your advertisment and the reality . And finally , after the show , I wanted to drink a coffee but the theatre restaurant was closed ! Like mentioned in the newspaper I did n't have a perfect evening out and I ask you to give me back my money . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Your sincerely How has modern technology changed your daily life ? My life change everyday with the modern technology . For exemple , if I do n't have time to do my shopping after school because I have to do my homework , I am going on Internet and ask for what I need . The day after I get everything at home by post . In my point of vue , Internet is the most important discover of the 2000 centery . You can book tickets for theatre , sport , etc. , you can find all informations you need for yourself . You have a lot of things to do , to see , to learn . It is too big to tell everybody about what you can do ! I use all the time Internet for my homework and in the futur , I hope , I will be able to use it for my own work . Technology will not stop to grow up and help people in the futur . I hope I will help them , I am sure I will ! Dear Sir or Madam , I 'm writing to complain about your musical show " OVER THE RAINBOW " , which I recently saw at the Circle Theatre . It was the only disappointment during my holiday in London , since several points did n't worked out as promised in your advertisement . First of all , there were no discounts available , and having payed £ 20 I had to wait 45 minutes longer than expected since the show began at 20:15 and not at 19:30 . As a second point , the actor was not Danny Brook , as displayed , but someone else I 've never had heard of before . His acting and singing was horrible . At last , after all these disadvantages , I was not able to have diner in your theatre restaurant . It was closed of some reason I still do n't know . You see , it was not the " perfect evening out " , as you had promised in the advertisement . Therefor , I would like to ask for at least half of my money back . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon , Yours faithfully , Ewe P Meier The pressure of secrets Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . And if he had been able to keep one , the following story would n't have happened . Pat was a teacher for english as a foreign language . Sometimes he had liked to surprise his class with a test to see how good they would be when they could not have learned for it in advance . And always , every body made it surprisingly well . What was the reason ? Pat used to show the test to his friend Nick , when he had finished it to get his opinion . Nick now had taken a copy of the test to archive it . And the girlfriend of Nick happened to be in Pat 's class . She was quite clever and had known everything about this , so she had taken copies for her classmates and everybody was prepared . You see , each little secret is a kind of pressure to Pat , and he only feels free if he can tell someone about it . And this is the same for everybody , is n't it ? Or can you keep a secret ? Dear Mr. ... It was n't the first time for me to visit this show in your theatre , but it was the worsed one . At first it was a great plessure for me to get a ticket therefor becauses I 'm one of the greatest fan of Danny Brook . It 's not that problem that there was no more discount available - but I had choosen it , because I 'm ( alowed ? ) . When musical started at 20:15 ( not at 19:30 as showed ) I was realy shokked when I realised that a different actor was playing . I could n't stay any more and had to leave the theatre . You have to know that I am very sik because of my blood presure and so I was laying down the hole weekend . In my opinion it 's a simple way for you to pay me the money I left back . Otherwise I have to contact my lower . I am waiting hearing of you . For me as an scientist it 's a main problem to show how the inovations of the last century goes up with the environment and natur . In past new technologies mostly followed by ground- , water- or air pollution . A nowadays simple thing like a computer include so many possible ways to destroy different environmental compartiments . On the one hand there are the materials from which the PC 's are made of , on the other hand is the uge waste problem situated . Now I try to show , in my daily work , how the airborn chlororganics , which are degased from plastics , will be seperated and damaged by green plants . Sometimes it seems to me like joke if I remember all the daungerous materials I need to do my job . Nevertheless , in my opinion , the only way to find a better kind of living with the nature is to check out the problems we have . Therefore it make sense to use the inovation which are standing for environmental destructions . Dear Helen , I am writing to answer your letter , which I have recieved yesterday . First of all , I would like to thank you for accepting me and I am very appreciate that all costs are paid for . I could travel only in July because my exam will be finished in the beginning of that month and it would be great if I could set off my journey on 15th July . I would prefer to stay in log cabins because the weather is going to be rainy according to the forecast . Therefore , I have chosen golf and tennis from the list . I have been playing them for more than 3 years in which I have been trained , 3 years for tennis , 1 year for golf by the professional coaches . I 'm enjoy playing both of them regularly . In addition , it would be nice if you could send me an address which I am going to stay , so that I can keep in touch with my friends and family . Finally , thank you again for everything and I am looking forward to accompanying you soon . Yours Sincerely , " Shopping is not always enjoyable " . I think this statement is true . In my opinion , shopping is not suitable for children whose age is under 18 ! This is quite a strong opinion , but I know it from my real-life experiences of shopping . When I was 15 , I was starting to look for new clothes , shoes , and everything I could find now unneccessary . I 'm not dare to culculate how much I have spent for those things without thinking . However , it was not bad , my mom always told me that I had n't have earned enough money so that I should n't have spent it in the wrong way . Therefore , people who is over 18 can think of more reasons than young children for shopping and buying such tempting objects . To sum up , shopping is not a wrong thing to do as long as you can earn money yourself and know what you are spending it for ! Ireland , 16 December 2000 Dear Mrs Clark , I am writing to you about the International Arts Festival which took place these 21 and 22 November . I think it is a great idea to have this kind of festival in our region and I really enjoyed most of the events I went to . However , I feel that it could be even better next year . Firstly , according to your advertisement , the ' Stars and artists from around the world ' came from only six countries . I felt quite disappointed as everybody knows that " our " world is full of different cultures . Maybe not enough were represented . In spite of the fact that the classical concerts were really good , I think that some concert halls were too small and so not everybody could appreciate the good quality of the music . I really enjoyed the plays and films , I wonder if there would be more next year ? I hope so ! Finally , I would like to tell you that the idea of one reasonably-priced ticket for the weekend is excellent , we can go where we want to , see what we feel like to . However , I think a weekend is really too short . May I suggest you to think about doing the festival over one week . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Dear Magda , Thanks very much for your letter . As you asked me in it , here are some school and home rules in my country , France . First of all , and I think it 's a big difference with England , children do n't wear uniforms at school . I was very surprised when I saw them in your country . It was a bit funny for me . Of course when you 're in class you have to behave yourself , be polite with the teacher and the other school children . During the break too , usually some teachers stay out and keep an eye on you . I think nowadays , children are more free and heard , I mean the contact between them and adults . Usually they know what they 're allowed to do or not and if they do n't respect it , the teacher not only punishes them ( not always ) but also speaks with them . At home is different , each family has its own rules . As I am concerned , when I was a child , I was not allowed to stay very late with my parents and sometimes I wanted to because I was not tired . But I was a wise child , so ! Usually , at home , like at school , you have to behave yourself but differently , because you 're at home so you feel more confident . There are some rules like " do n't speak with a full mouth " ; " do n't put your finger in your noise " ; " say please and thank you " ; " do n't fight with your brother " ; and so on , but I think it 's the same everywhere . Well , I hope I 've helped you a little and I look forward to hearing from you soon . With lots of love , Dear Sir , I am writing to you in reply to your letter . First of all I want to give you the thanks for this prize . I am very excited because I have never won a prize . I have never been in the USA , so I think that this travel will be an unforgetable experience . Secondly , I will like to tell you that I can only travel in July because in June I have to take my final exams at school . In August I have to be in Madrid because I am going to work as a trainee in a travel agency . After august I must return to school , so I can only go to California in July . I would prefer to stay in a tent because I like very much the nature and camping , so I think that I will be better in a tent than in a log cabin . Although all the activities that you mention are very interesting , I prefer swimming and tennis . I think that I am very good in swimming . I won a local competition when I was seventeen . I am not so good in tennis because I began to play only two years ago . Finally , I would like to ask you how the weather will be in July and which kind of clothes I have to wear . Furthermore , I would like to know the money that I have to take and which amount of money is normally spent in the camp . I look foward to receiving your reply . Yours sincerely , Silvia Torroja . In my opinion the statement ' Shopping is not always enjoyable ' is totally true . An argument in favour of this statement is that shopping is very tiring . You can be walking for hours and finally you ca n't find anything that you like . Also , you can spend hours trying to decide between a wonderful blue trousers or a beautiful black dress , for example . I think that shopping is even more boring when you go with a friend and you have to give her some advice . It can be a very stressful situation because in some moments you do n't know what to say . In my opinion shopping could be a dangerous ' activity because you may spend more money in some clothes that you can afford . I know people who are overdrawn because of shopping . Despite shopping is boring I think that it is necessary because it is important for people to have several clothes and also suitable clothes for a very important meeting or appointment . So , shopping is not enjoyable , but necessary . Dear Mr Robertson , At first , thank you for your programme . It is very various and interesting . We all enjoy it . But last week we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show . This presentation will show the latest fashions and the leisure and sports wear . We would be very interesting in seeing the english fashion . At this show we could see different new make up and hairstyles . The event is a great opportunity because it is on the 14th of March and it is free for students . For pratical informations , this show start at 10.00 and close at 19.00 . It will stay in the Central Exhibition Hall in London . It is not too far and the openning hours fit us . About the programme , we suggest to see the show on the Tuesday morning and after to do shopping . As far as we are concerned we prefer seeing the Science Museum rather than the National Art Gallery . We also suggest to visit the Science Museum or Wednesday morning and the afternoon , if some one of us is intersted , we could see the National Art Gallery . I hope you wo n't be too angry for this changing but we would all like to go to the show . Waiting for your answer , receive our greetings . For the class General speaking , homes will change considerably . They will become less dark and more confortable than today . People 's homes will build more economically by using natural energies like solar or wind energy . This improvments will be involved by the lack of petrol and unrecycling energies . About the size of hous , I think that in cities houses will be more and more little because of the over population . We also will see very high buildings which contains a lot of narrow flats . In opposite , in the suburb or in the land , more and more rich people will build big houses . Homes like this will be build with the latest technologies and very luxurious . But about differences between rich 's and poor 's homes will be the same in the futur . New technologies and facilities wo n't improve the relationship between people . I think that people will be as alone and julous as today . Mr./Mrs Manager , I am writing to complain about a musical show I went one week ago . Firstly , I was really disappointed when I realised that the actor Danny Brook was not performing due to personal reasons , I like this actor very much and it was not the same without him . Moreover , the musical show was supposed to start at 19.30 but it started at 20:15 making all the spectators wait for nearly an hour . To make matters worse , there were not ticket discounts as you advertised . Because of this I had to buy the cheapest and worst seat available . As if this were not enough once the show ended I had to walk twenty blocks to find a Restaurant since the theatre Restaurant was closed for mainteneance . I , therefore , request an immediate refund of the £ 10 I spent on your musical show as I believe your theatre is directly to blame . Looking forward to receiving your prompt reply . Sincerely , How has modern technology changed my daily life ? Well , it 's pretty simple to answer this . Everything started when I was eight years old and my family bought a Personal Computer , I did n't paid attention to it at that moment but as soon as I grew older I started to like and play Computer games . The years went by and after buying a newer , faster and better PC I found myself writing letters , doing School homework and evening learning with my Computer . In spite of my family telling me to turn the PC off and talk with them , I kept on stucked in front of the screen . Nowadays it is a fact that my life would n't be the same without my PC . After I got connected to the Internet my life has completely changed . I spend my free time building my Personal Web Page with which I intend to earn money in the future ; and I also check the weather forecast , buy food and pay bills through the web . My daily life would be harder without modern technology . Mr. Robertson : First of all our class would like to give you our special thanks about the programme you gave us yesterday afternoon . After reading the hole organized programme , we all agreed about the sightseeing by bus around London wich will give us the knowledge about this fantastic city we all want to meet since time ago . The main purpose of our letter it 's to explain about the London Fashion and Leisure Show . We found the advertisment in a local newspaper article and have been thinking it could be such a good opportunity , because the show consists on these topics : . Latest Fashions . Leisure and sports wear . Make up . Hairstyles . On the other hand , and the most important , it is free for students . After being discussing , we want to suggest how we think the programme should be re-arranged . Instead of going to the science museum , we could go to the London Fashion and Leisure Show wich is opened on Tuesday , march 14 from 10 am to 19 pm. After that we could continue our trip as it had been arranged previously . Yours sincirely Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie - Agatha Christie . A good book should interest , amuse or teach the reader something . Agatha Christie always was my favourite writer . Not only because she 's famous or wrote lots of books , but she knows how to introduce caracthers or how to tell a good story us though decieving the readers . One of her most interesting and famous work is a novel called " The Orient Express " . It 's a detective story , like all the stories written by her . In our words the story is settled on a train wich tooks a trip along the orient . On the train , all the passangers seem to be involved in a crime . This is such a fasinating story or it 's the way Agatha Christie tells it . The mistery is kept until the last page of the book . I read it and I have really enjoyed it . It has been fabulous experience so if anybody would like to read a good detective story , try to read Agatha Christie 's detective story and you would n't regret it at all . Dear Mr Smith , I 'm terribly sorry but I would notice you about a very disappointing evening . I 'm sure you 'll read this letter , with the intention of explaining the problems had during the musical show of his theatre . One of the causes of my disappointing was the different actor that played the show . I like very much Danny Brook , and his unaspected absence caused on me a big sadness . Then , musical show had to start at 19,30..why at 20:15 there was also the light on ? You 'll be agree with me that 45 minutes to waiting for the starting of the show is a too long time . The advertisement for the show indicated discounts available and open restaurant after the show but it was n't in this way . The restaurant was closed cause of illness.. of who ? It 's strange thing ! For those reasons I ask you for some money back , sure of my good reasons . Greetings Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . It 's for this reason that now I 'm in this terrible situation . I ca n't believe she said that , I was at the Maria 's party and cause of my distraction , I said Pat that I had lost the Jon 's shirt . I was agree to buy another one , of the same style , but now he 's angry with me , cause I did n't say anything to him . I do n't know how to do . He 's my best friend and so he wanted from me all the truth I can give him . It 's all right , but I also think that he 's too exagerate . I do n't think of having done a so bad thing to broke our friendness . I feel sad and shocked . I like his company , and we are happy when we are togheter . I ca n't finished cause of a girl that ca n't keeping a simple secret . DEAR " CIRCLE THEATRE " MANAGER , I AM WRITING IN ORDER TO EXPRIME MY DISAPPOINTMENT AT THE SHOW " OVER THE RAINBOW " PERFORMED 2 WEEKS AGO ; FIRST OF ALL , I READ ON THE ADVERTISEMENT THAT DANNY BROOK WAS TO ACT IN THE SHOW , BUT THE ACTOR THAT REALLY PLAYED WAS DIFFERENT , AND THIS WAS VERY DISAPPOINTING . THEN , THE SHOW WAS TO BEGIN AT 19:30 , BUT IT BEGAN ONLY AT 20.15 ! AS REGARDS THE TICKETS , I READ THAT DISCOUNTS WERE AVAILABLE , BUT IT WAS NOT SO , AND I HAD TO PAY THE WHOLE PRICE . MOREOVER , AFTER THE SHOW , I HAD INTENTION TO VISIT YOUR THEATRE RESTAURANT , BUT IT WAS CLOSED AND THERE WAS NO EXPLANATION FOR THAT . EVENTUALLY , YOU PROMISED ON YOUR ADVERTISEMENT A PERFECT EVENING OUT ; AS IT HAD NOT BEEN SO , I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MY MONEY BACK . I HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON , BEST WISHES FASHION : THIS TERM EVOKES TOP MODELS , STYLISTS , COLOURS AND THE GREAT EUROPEAN CAPITAL CITIES , LIKE ROME , LONDON AND PARIS . BUT IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DEFINE IT OR TO FIX THE RULES WITHIN WHICH IT DEVELOPES ; NOWADAYS THE FASHION WORLD INCLUDES ( AND IS CREATED BY ) STYLISTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD , EACH ONE PRESENTING A DIFFERENT MODEL OF BEAUTY , SOMETIMES ONE OPPOSITE FROM ANOTHER . I THINK THAT FASHION IN THE FUTURE WILL DEVELOPE ACCORDING TO VERY DIFFERENT LINES : THERE MAY BE A RETURN TO THE FASHION OF THE PAST , AS WE CAN NOTICE YET NOW , OR A MORE FANTASCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPEMENT . SURELY , ORDINARY PEOPLE WILL NOT FOLLOW ONLY THE MODELS PRESENTED ON TV , AS REGARDS EVERYDAY LIFE , I THINK THAT IN THE FUTURE ATTENTION WILL BE FOCALIZED ON COMFORTABILITY MORE THAN ON ELEGANCE . BUT IF IT IS DIFFICULT TO FORECAST THE DEVELOPEMENTS OF THE FASHION WORLD , IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO FORECAST THOSE OF THE COMMON PEOPLE , THAT IS A TOO VARIOUS CATHEGORY . Dear Madam , I am very happy to have won first prize in your competition and want to thank you for that very interesting competition . I am only available in July because I am studying in an engineering school and I 'll work until the end of June . But no problem for July ! You asked me which accommodation I would prefer between tent and log cabin . I am used to spend summer holiday in tent and I like it , but why not try log cabin ? But it does n't matter if there is no log cabin available ... Now let 's speak about the most interesting activity : sport . I would be very pleased if I could practice tennis and surfing . In fact , I soon practice tennis and I am quiet good at , and it will the occasion to train myself surfing is completely unknown for me and I hope that I will like it . But if I do n't try it I will never know if I like it or not ! Finally , I wanted to know if I need money and how many , and if there is a dry cleaning . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully Anis LACOSTE We know all what shopping is . Sometimes it is necessary and sometimes not and overall it is not always enjoyable . When you got to the supermarket because you want a particular thing and have driven a long time only for that , you look for it but there is no more of it . You think that shopping is not enjoyable at all . Sometimes it is necessary but you spend four or five hours in the supermarket because there is too much people . You do n't like shopping but you must go shopping to eat ! But sometimes you go shopping for pleasure and you have all your time ( the girls know what it is ) . finally , when it 's for pleasure shopping is enjoyable , but most of time it is n't enjoyable ! To conclude , if you do n't want to go to the supermarket to spend four hours there , send your girlfriend and it will be more enjoyable ! Dear Mrs. Ryan , First of all , I would like to thank you for this prize and the fact that you wrote me asking for my preferences about the Camp . About the information you needed , I have to tell you that I can only go in July , because of work reasons . Once there , I would prefer staying in tents , because that is a way to remember my childhood as a boyscout and go against the routine . From the list of activities you sent me , I stay with the , from my point of view , most relaxing activities available : painting and photography . One of my hobbies is the photography , so I think I am rather good at it , but I will take painting only to learn , because I am not very talentive at it . I also would like to know if I have to take money and what kind of clothes are suitable for that location . Please reply soon . Yours sincerely David Brian Dear Kim , You are not going to believe what I am about to tell you ! A couple of months ago , I was told that Britney Spears was coming to perform in our city . When I knew this , I managed to get a job as one of the kids that prepares the stage during the concert . I was really excited . The day of the show I worked so hard that I could n't see the spectacle . And I did n't even got paid . But it was worthy . I found my reward when the concert finished . After been carrying stuff like lights , microphones , wires and some other equipment for about three hours , I was eshausted . But when Britney came out of the stage , she passed by me , saw my tired face and invited me to her personal changing room . We talked for about half an hour and when she said goodbye she gave me a kiss . I wo n't forget that moment ever . Write me soon to tell me your impression about what happened to me . Bye . With love David Brian Dear Helen , I have received your letter this morning and I 'm very happy for this first prize . It 's a great opportunity for me participate in your Camp California because normaly I work a lot and I ca n't spend money to travel , moreover , I have to maintain my big family because I 'm married and I have three children . I would like to travel in July because before I have to work with my father because he 's ill . For de accommodation I prefer a long cabin because it 's more comfortable . I recognise that I would like to sleep in a tent but in this moment I have a little problem with my right leg and it 's better for me to sleep in a bed . I know that I have the chance to do two activities during this time . I have to choose painting and the photography therefore . I would prefer surfing or climbing but I have to think in my helth . In your letter you explain me that all accommodation and travel costs are paid for but I need to know if the life in Camp California is expensive or not because I have to bring money . The weather I hope will be good so I suppose I have to bring short clothes . I 'm very enthousiastic and I attend your answer as soon is possible . Yours sincerely , In our society the money is one of the most important aspect to have power . If we thing about , we will realise that we need money all the day . Not only for the basic needs but also for the rest of the activities . There are a lot of people who spend a lot of money because they like shopping . Sometimes , they have to buy something that they need but frequently , they buy only to spend money . This is a big problem because a lot of families have n't money , however spend going shopping . We have to teach to our children the value of the money , to explain the difficulties to earn money in a job , because we have to work eight , nine or ten hours a day , for example . It 's a first step to educate the youngest and to help our society . The money is important but we have to know how to spend it : shopping is not always enjoyable . AUTHORITIES OF THE CIRCLE THEATRE : I 'M WRITING YOU BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED LAST WEEK , WHEN I WENT TO THE CIRCLE THEATRE AND I SAW " OVER THE RAINBOW " . IT WAS REALLY DISAPPOINTING . FIRST OF ALL , IN YOUR ADVERTISMENT SAID THAT DISCOUNTS WERE AVAILABLE , BUT I COULD N'T FIND THEM ANYWHERE . SECONDLY ... THE PLAY STARTED AT QUARTER PAST EIGHT : FOURTY-FIVE MINUTES LATE . WHEN IT STARTED I COULD SEE THAT DANNY BROOK WAS N'T IN THE PLAY , AND NOBODY TOLD US WHY . THE ACTOR WHO WAS ACTING HIS PART IS THE WORST I HAVE EVER SEEN , REALLY TERRIBLE . HE HAD BEEN IN A PLAY BEFORE ? I DO N'T THINK SO .... FINALLY , WHEN THE PLAY FINISHED , WE WENT TO THE THEATRE RESTAURANT TO HAVE DINNER BUT IT WAS CLOSED . I DO N'T KNOW THE REASON ... AS YOU CAN SEE IT WAS N'T A " PERFECT EVENING " . I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME A COMPLETE REFOUND . MY ADRESS IS IN THE ENVELOPE . I 'M LOOKING FORWARD TO HEAR FROM YOU IN A VERY NEAR FUTURE . YOURS SINCERELY . UNFORTUNATELY , PAT WAS N'T VERY GOOD AT KEEPING SECRETS .... AND WHEN SHE KNEW THAT MARIA WAS GOING OUT WITH TIM ( A CLASSMATE ) , SHE TOLD IT TO EVERYONE SHE MET . IN FEW DAYS MARIA 'S FATHER ( WHO IS VERY JEALOUS ) HAD HEARD THE RUMOUR . HE ASKED MARIA IF IT WAS TRUE AND SHE COULD N'T LIE . HE GOT VERY ANGRY AND HE DID N'T ALLOW MARIA GOING OUT FOR A PERIOD OF TWO WEEKS . MARIA TALKED TO HER FATHER AND TRIED TO EXPLAIN HIM THAT TIM IS A GOOD PERSON BUT HER FATHER SAYS THAT SHE IS TOO YOUNG TO HAVE A BOYFRIEND . MARIA MET TIM AT NIGHT , WHEN HER FATHER WAS SLEEPING . WHEN MARIA COULD TO OUT SHE TOLD TO HER FRIENDS WHAT PAT HAVE DONE . NOW NOBODY TELLS HER NOTHING . MARIA IS STILL GOING OUT WITH TIM . HER FATHER ACCEPTED WITH THE TIME . Dear ... Thanks for your letter . I am very happy that I have received the first prize in your competition . I am looking forward my holy day begins on first of july to twenty-first july so it is possible to take the travell in this time . I like to sleep in a tent under the free sky since I have done the military-service therfore I would prefer a tent as my accomodation . My favourite activity are swimming and singing . It is important for my health that I swim an hour a week because I am overwight . I like to singing a song when I am alone . Singing is good for my emotion . Also I choose singing and swimming as my activity . I am a beginner in swimming and also in singing . Can you say me which cloths I take away for two weeks . Which kind of weather have you in this time . Do I need a lot of money etc. for different excursions Thanks for your answer . Your sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable What does means the world " shopping " ? I live and I need different goods for survive . I need material for drinking and eating , that is the basic fact that I must go shopping for food . It is not enjoyable to see that the prize for food are going more and more higher . My salary are going lower than lower . When I have enough money the price is n't important , then I can buy a lot of goods whitout take care on my money . Despite I have enough money shopping is not always enjoyable too , because I do n't know which goods I will buy in the future . Also I will buy goods which I do n't need . There are many goods which quality is bad in this way the environment pollution will be more and more increase . This is the fact that shopping is not enjoyable . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to let you know our unbelievable experiences which we had when we went to the theatre to see the musical show ' OVER THE RAINBOW . ' First of all , I am a fan of Danny Brook but he was absent because of sick . It made me disappointed very much . Moreover , he made many mistakes . Secondly , although we had booked the tickets 3 days before we went to the theatre , we could not be given any discounts only because we had done at a travel agency . Finally , I am going to write about the theater , the Circle Theatre . The show supposed to start at 19:30 , but it started at 20:15 . Because of that , we missed the train and we had to stay one more night in London . It was your responsibility . We would like you to pay back the fee of the show and pay us that hotel 's fee as well . I would recommend you to show that the restaurant is closed on Monday . I could not have dinner . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully , Fashion of the Future If you asked the young people what they spend their money the most in , most of them would answer clothes ' . In these days , new fashions have been passing by very quickly . From my point of view , young people tend to wear the clothes which they can show their skin . For example , short skirts and tops like an under-wear . I think young people would wear smaller clothes which they look like almost naked even in winter . I suppose that a scientist could invent new kinds of materials which are warm and thick . It could be happened that people wear the clothes which ancient people used to wear , like skirts made of leaves . Next , I predict about patterns of clothes . The animal-pattern is catching up now . It might be possible that the fish-pattern come up in 100 years . However , fashion changes too fast to predict . I think fashion changes very quickly so that people are interested in those changes . Dear Mr Robertson I 'm writing to you to complain about three days programme . Thank you very much for your good programme , especially for visiting The National Art Gallery . All our class like to see the beautiful pictures which were drawn by brilliant artists and painters . We saw an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and our class would like to go to the show . It starts on Tuesday March 14 and we can go there instead of visiting the Science Museum or go shopping . Anyway we can go to the Science Museum on Wednesday afternoon because we have a free time . So on this show there will be the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and even hair styles . All our class and me would like to see this show . You know what else ? We do n't need to pay , it 's for free because we are students . It 's a great opportunity because in our fast developing world we have to look fashionable and this kind of show happens quite rare . I think you 'll agree that we have changed your programme . As I said we can go to the Science Museum on Wednesday instead of having a free time . I 'm looking forward of recieving a letter from you . Thank you very much . Bye Hello I 'm going to write about " The Home of the Future " . We ca n't say straight away how the people 's homes will be different in the future but we can always imagine and create the unbelievable things about future life . Of course there will be differences between todays homes and the future ones . I think the houses will grow up on twenty floors up to the sky as more and more people will occupy it . I think more and more people will have at least one flat , does n't matter if you are rich or not . The rooms will be designed in a future fashion like less furniture and everything is compact , even TV-set will be on the ciling . The rooms will be much bigger and wider than now , and you can have up to twenty rooms in your own flat , and even swiching on the light by saying only ; " light " . If course if you have enough money to let your self live in such apartments , then you can afford it . Now what 's going to be the same . Well as I said if you 're poor , the government still give you the flat but very ugly one , probably with rats in it . The same problem will be with homeless people who does n't have money at all , even to buy a food for themselves . They will have to stay on the streets as streets is their home . I hope and I wish that the future will bring us a good moments of life where everybody will have home and a warm , friendly family relationships . Bye . Elise-Lune 48 1093 La Conversion 17th June 2000 The Manager of The Circle Theatre Dear Sir , Last week , I went to London in your theatre to see " Over the rainbow " and I had a disappointing evening . There problems were ; Firstly , the famous actors Danny Brook and Tina Truelove were n't there for your musical show , I was unhappy to constat that it was different actors this evening . Secondly , the show of 19:30 only started at 20:15 ; Thirdly , your advertisement said : " Discounts available " ; but it was n't the case . Fourthly , the restaurant was closed for renovations and you do n't have to propose us to go . Like you can see , I 'm very disappointed for this evening out and I think it was a waste of time and money . That 's why I ask you to give my money back . I ask you give me £ 20 , back by check . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . How has modern technology changed your daily life ? The technology is the future , and the present . For instance , internet . All the world is now connected on it . Internet is the " new " revolution of the communication and knowledge . It is now ten years that Internet exists , but we only used it for army and government . Now , everybody who work in commercial companies use every day Internet . The technology means too , every electrical machines , which do n't stop to be developped . Another example , computers , every six months , something better is discovered . The modern technology has changed my daily life in every day . For instance , the meats , we do n't cook our meals , everything is already done . Five minutes in the micro-waves and it 's ready . The machines have replaced the work of the humains . We use every day technological machines without to know . All our life is symplifying by the machines for not waste the time to work on their developpment . Dear Ms Clark , I write you this letter because I want to tell you my experiences of the festival . I have spent two days at the " International Arts Festival " and I have to say that it was a good event but I think some details could be better the next time . For example , on the leaflet it was written that there will be stars and artists from around the world but they were only from six different countries . That was disappointing ! Some concert halls were really small so that there was bad air and not enough place for everyone and you could not enjoy anything ! What about plays and films ? It was a small offer ; I hope it will be larger the next time . But do not worry ! There have also taken place very good attractions like dance shows , the art exhibition and listening to talks by writers , The reasonably-priced weekend ticket was a very good idea . This was a clever way to attract people 's attention At last , I would like suggest a " pony-ride " for children , to attract families . Please tell my your opinion about this . Best regards I think there are some possibilities for earning money . I would say the simplest way is to give lessons to pupils , for example , maths or english . There are also some schools which offer such a job . To teach pupils is not easy , of course . But I think that after some lessons the pupils will see that it is better if they sit down and learn their stuff . So it would be easier for the teacher ! It is also not a dirty work , I mean you do not have to clean rooms or toilets of other people ! And you do not need to carry heavy things or have stress with customers if you are working in a shop . To be a good teacher you especially need patient and good nerves ! Not everybody has the ability to understand everything at once . And the money you get is not less So , if you like to b with people and help them and if you have talent to explain good then it would be the best , if you offer your help to the people ! Dear Helen Ryan : Thank you for letting me know about my prize to Camp California in the USA . Here I will answear all the questions that you ask me , and I will ask you other things that you dind't mention . I 'll like to organize my trip in July because is when I have vacations , also because is summer time in U.S.A , about acomodation at Camp I 'll prefer tents , because it 's a new expirence for me and I 'll like to sleep in tents to have a great time at my new adventure . In my free time I like to play golf and swim , so I think that I 'm good playing golf . I play every saturday and Sunday after that , I usually go to the pool because I love swimming , I think that those sports I will like to practice at the Camp . Helen I will like to ask you how many money we have to take to the Camp ? What kind of cloth we have take ? Thank you very much for your colaboration. sincerely Teresa Reina Shopping is not always enjoyable Most of the time when we go to the shopping Center we have a lot of fun , we go to stores to see cloth , we also eat something like ice cream or French Fries , but not all the time shopping is enjoyable . Sometimes when we go shopping with someone who is not a good company , we usually do n't have a great time , or when we know what we want to buy , but when we get to the store they do n't have what we want , in that moment we neat to shop also when is an important day like Father 's day or christmas every where we want to go and buy something is very crowd so we ca n't find what we are looking for with calm because everybody is pushing you to the other place that you want to go In that cases is when we do n't enjoy shopping because we ca n't find what we are looking for and we have a bad time in the shopping center . Dear Sir/Madam First of all I would like to say thanks for your letter and your care about your customers . I was absolutely threaled to resive news about my win in a competition . Your letter contains few questions about detailes of my holiday which I would like to clarify for you . The first is time . I am only able to go on holiday in July , because the other time I have college , which I ca n't be missed . The second is accommodation . I old rather prefer stay in log cabins than live in tents . I do n't like night cold and moscitos . I so glad , that I will get chance to do activities in the camp . I play basketball and at tennis . I quite good at tennis . What about basketball is . I played in school team , and was one of the best players by the end of this season . There is one more thing which I would like to know about . It is clothes and money . Should I have any special , if yes what kind of wear it is . And of course there will be expenses . Can you inform me how much money should I have and can I have some information about prices to visit local places of interests . At the end I would like ones more to say thanks for your letter and I look forward to hearing from you by post with all detailes about holiday . Yours faithfyly I hate shopping but in the other hand sometimes you can have fun at it . In my opinion , it dependes on your mood , your financial ability , off course where you are going to do shopping and what you are going to buy . Usualy people do n't have time for shopping . You 've just finished your long hours at work , you tide , you had row with your boss but you are still going to do shopping . And what you have . There are huge queus to tills , noise , hussle , poor custumer service . You 've got more stress , you feel fed up and finaly when you got home you think that shopping is not that enjoyable as you thought . For example a lot of people do not like to do shopping in big stores . It takes hours to buy something . There are so many varaity of products , different prices , different quality . You should walk miles around store to find what you wanted . Yes , there is big plus for big store of course . You can find everything in one place , instead of small shops which is specialised on one product . And people spend all weekends walking around shopping cities and high streets in trills to buy something . Nower days tecnical progress gets close to us , to usual custumers . Internet is one of the issue at this problem . Without any hussle , seating in your chear in front of your computer you in second can get in at any shop who has internet site , most of the big companies have it , get all information about product , get cheaper price and buy it . Dear Ryan Thank you for your letter and I am very pleased to hear from you about my winning of the competition . I am writing to inform you my preferences and ask a few questions about the camping . First of all , I would like to travel in July because I can apply my holiday only in July . I have discussed it with my boss but he allowed me to go on a holiday only in July . And about accommodation , I would like to stay in a tent . I know that staying in a log cabin is more convinient but I just want to feel wilder experience . While I am at the camp , I would like to enjoy swimming and photography . It will be a wonderful experience to swim in a lake and I can relax and enjoy fresh air . Photography is one of my hobbies so I want to take nice photos in the camp area as many as I can . I would like to know about the weather in the camp area because I do n't know what kinds of clothes I have to bring . And I want to know how much money I have to carry for personnal expences . I also want to know if I can have a time for shopping . Thank you for your kindness and I look forward to your reply . Yours sincerely , Clark . Dear Helen , I have just received your letter which made me so happy and I am writing to apply your questions . First of all , I can travel only July because my son 's school is going to finish at the end of June , so it is impossible for me to travel during on June . Apart from that I work in an international tourism agency and August is the busiest month of the year so July is the best choice for me . I would rather stay in tents because I used to go camping when I was a teenager with my family . I have always loved camping . My favourite hobby is photography and I think I am very good at it . I have been taking photographs since I was 17 . I took some lessons and after that I have really improved it . Beside this , I am very good at playing basketball . I used to play in high school 's team . Also , I have some questions . I have never been to California before so I have no idea about the climate . Could you please give me some information about it and what kind of clothes should I bring for my holiday . Besides , I really would like to know , approxiametely how much money should I take with me ? Is it an expensive city ? I hope all those information will help you . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , I am so sorry that I could n't write you last week . As you know , I was very busy and excited about a pop concert which I worked as a director 's assistant during the last week . First of all , it was a very successful concert and probably you have heard the singer 's name before who is called Tina . As a director 's assistant my job was arrangement of the audience 's seats and tickets . All seats were brought from a sponsor company . Everyday I worked for two hours in a shop to sale tickets . It was quite enjoyable because everyday I met different people who like listening the pop music so we had lots of things to talk about . I also helped the singer 's some special demands which were n't so difficult to do . She was very nice and friendly . At the concert night , I worked as well . After the concert I was absolutely exhausted but the thing is I will never forget this experience . I met lots of people who were very famous . The best thing was of course Tina . We promised each other to keep in touch and she has invited me her next concert ! So , my news are finished . Write me back soon . Love from , Dear Helen Thank you for my prize ! I never been in the USA and I should be glad to spend two weeks at Camp California . I can only have some holidays in July from the 3rd to the 17th with my husband at the same time , that is why I would like to travel during those two weeks . For the accommodation I would prefer to have tents because I used to travel in Campsites and I love it during summer , just to change the customs ! ! Concerning those activities I have choosen two of them . I enjoy swimming and anytime I have opportunities to swim I go . My second activity is painting because I love art and art history and I think that is better to join one sport and one " soft leisure " and I do not really want to involve myself in a new activity that I do n't know for my holidays . Please could you tell me about the weather if I need special clothes and about the money for the change if you do n't mind . See you soon ! Yours Sincerely " Shopping is not always enjoyable " " Shopping today ! " You decide to go in town or during holidays to move in a " shopping destination " , that is mean that you need something special for you or someone else . You have the money and the time as you want . That 's why it should be a great day ! Save some money to go for shopping in Paris or Roma and see how is the French or Italian fashion on yourself ! and after that you can make a stop in the Duty-free and buy some chipper souvenirs . Singapoor and many places in Asia are famous for the shopping , and it is really nice to go there with money to buy that you always wanted to . But even if shopping can means dream it can be boring sometimes . If you have no money and a friend ask you to come for shopping , it should be boring ! and you become jealous against him and want him to do that quickly ! or you are going to get nervous ! And you can find too much people in shops , it is too hot or you can not have your right size or the right colour or flavour -- - then you get angry ! or you decide to not spend money in shopping today , but in front of the shop . What is going on ? ? So , you 'd better to stay home today ... Dear Madam and Mister I am writing to you about your theatre : ' over the rainbow ' . I went to a performance and I am very disappointed . Firstly , your advertisement said the actor would be Danny Brook , but it was not . It played an other one who played very bad . Secondly , the musical should start on 19.30 , but we had to wait until 20.15 ! It was boring that nothing happend such a long time on the stage . Did you know that you have no discounts on your tickets ? I could not believe that . Why do you write things on your advertisement when nothing is true ? And finally , I would had my dinner after this disappointment musical and thougt I go to ' Theatre restaurant ' . But how can it be , it was closed ! This are too many negatives points for one evening . I am afraid , but I want my money back . I hope you do not disappoint my in this point . Your faithfully Pica Landen ' Fashion of the Future ' ! This is not a tabu by me and my friends . We have discussed about it a lot of times . I think it is important and necessary to think about it , because our children will live in the future . I have dout when somebody said , that the fashion of the future would be different . I think it is very difficult to change the clothes and the fashion so much again . We have so many kind of clothes and fashion behind our old generations . Maybe , the skirts will be shorter and the colours brighter , the shoes moderner so that you can not walk in them anymore . Maybe in 500 years , some people will live on the Mars and then , they have to wear other kind of clothes . But I do n't think this clothes are going to be a fashion on the earth . They just look funny ! See you in your next life ! Dear Helen Ryan I am very happy and excited because I have won first prize in our competition . It is a pleasure for me . I am writing to enquire you about some doubts and to give information that you need about me . I have been working hard here in Portugal and I will be on holiday just in next july . Because of it I believe it is the best date for travel You asked me about accommodations or Camp California . I would prefer to stay in tents because I suppose I will have more contact with natural things than in log cabins . Another question that you asked me was about two activities I will have the chance to do there . I would love play tennis and basketball that I 've been playing for six years . About tennis , I just started to play last year and I need to increase my technique too much . I would like to know something about money and clothes . Are they inclued in the prize ? How much money I can spent during this time ? I 'd prefere if you give me this information as soon as you can . I am look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely Rui Veloso Dear Kim , I am very happy with your letter that I received last week . I 'm too excited and I have to tell you about a fantastic experience that I had last month . I suppose you know about " Portugal Pop Concert " that happened here in Rio de Mouro last month , are n't you ? It was a marvellous concert and there were about 100,000 people there . I worked as a receptionist in the Vip room and I needed to look very happy during all time , what was n't very difficult . You will ca n't believe how many famous people I known . I met Madonna and could talk with her for ten minutes . It was a dream and she was amazing with me . I did n't tell you , but I helped in this concert just by a chance . A friend of me gave up one week before and asked me if I would like to go in his place . I said " yes " and I am sure it was the best decision of my life . Of course I was very tired at the end of five days because of some stressed situations . However , these days were unforgatable to me . Hope to hearing from you soon With best wishes , Rui Dear Mr./Mrs : I have just received your letter in which you inform that I won first prize of two weeks at Camp California . I am very excited about it ! I would like to travel on July , since I am studying and that is the only month I have for vacation . Fortunately , I have heard that weather is beautiful in California during that month . I 'd rather sleep in tents because I want to enjoy this wild experience ! I will take my sleeping bag with me , just in case . I would love to participate in the singing and photography activities . Singing is something I have enjoyed since I was a little child . In fact , I took some singing lessons . I am not very good at photography but I want to make an album to share it with my family when I come home . Could you please tell me what kind of clothes do you recommend for the camping ? How much money will I need ? Is it better to take cash or a credit card ? Thanks for your attention . Cordially yours , Shopping is not always enjoyable The best way to go shopping is when you think in advance what you really want to buy and you know how much money you estimate to spend . If people would think about it BEFORE going shopping , they would not have a headache when they go home and realize they did not want what they bought . Shopping can be an awful adventure when people want to buy all their presents the day before Christmas , for example . There is no way to find good prices ! Shops are crowded , items are of bad quality and people are buying without thinking . The worst time to go shopping is when people feel under stress or when they feel unsatisfied in their personal lives . It may seem relaxing at the beginning , but if they take their credit cards with them , the stress will increase when they have to pay for the bills ! ! Recommendations ? Wait for a sunny day , take a look into your wardrobe , some money , ask a friend to go with you , and enjoy an exciting shopping ! 13 of June 2000 Dear Helen Ryan : I will be very happy to travel on july because in that date I am going to have my holidays , so I will not have to ask permition from my work . At the same time , on july is my birthday , so it would be nice to celebrated there . I will prefer to have my accomodation in a tent , couse in that way I can feel more clouse to the nature , and I can remember when I was a scout girl . Sleeping in tent is much more exiting and clousy than a log cabin . At the camp I will like to choose two activities , Painting and Singing , I love painting , in the university I studied art for two years , but now I do n't have much time to paint couse I work in a bank and I have a baby . So I will be very happy to improve my art in the camp . The reason of my option for singing is couse I feel embarrest about my voice , so maybe I could get it better . I will like to have more information about the prices of the clothes and souvenires . Thankeaw for givin me this oportunity . Yours sincerely Dear Kim : You are never going to believe what I did last month I was walking with my sister in Oxford circus , when sudently a man stop us saying that he was looking for people to help in a concert and they was going to pay us five pounds an hour . We sed yes inmidiatly , I nearly shouted of happines when they told us that , Luis Miguel was doing the concert , he is my favorite singer . The concert was on a sunday and we had to work on the back of the stadge , doing all sorts of things like colecting rubish and helping other people that was working there . We was so close to him , I did n't have the chance to talk with him but I do n't mind , I will never forget that day . Since then , me and my sister talk about Luis Miguel every day . I hop you write me soon to tall me youre opinion . lots of love Saturday , June 17th , 2000 . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " that has been presented in the Circle Theatre . As I was very anxious to see that show , I planned to go to the theatre in the last holiday , and I am completely disappointed with that . First of all , I have to say that the advertisement was totally different of what I saw there . For example , the actors that were announced to take part in the show were not Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , the discounts were not available and the principal point : it started forty five minutes later . Then , to complete this terrible night , the restaurant was closed . I wonder you could explain me why . Due to my huge dissatisfaction , I would like my money back , as you do not make what was advertised . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , MANUELA REVES RAVERNO The influence of modern technology Every day , the growth of the modern technology increases in the whole world and it is becoming essential in everybody 's life . Today , almost no one can live without , for example , a television , a radio or electricity in their homes . The huge growth of technology has brought lots of good aspects to my life , like the facility to be informed about everything that is happening around the world with the best image in my cab TV and in my computer . Without leaving my bedroom , I can go anywhere using the Internet . On the other hand , the excess of comodity can led us , in the future , to a completely " cold " world , because of the distance between people that can be caused . Another bad points can be mentioned , like the polution for example . Despite the bad aspects that the modern technology can bring , in my opinion , if the governments tryed to do the best , and if everybody contribute with a little bit , we can solve the main problems and only take advantage of the benefits to our lifes . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writting to you to complain about the musical show , wich everything was completely different from the advertisement . Firstly , I would like to say that I am very disappointed and upset with the show I saw . To begin my complains I can start with the actor - was a different one , not Danny Brook . Tina Truelove performed marvellous , but him I think he is a " street actor " from Covent Garden . Even worse it was the delay , the Show started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 , that drove me mad . I am a student visiting London for one week only and I asked for discount ticket , I could not get it , it was really unfair , I paid normal price . Also there was another problem , I planned to visit the Theatre restaurant after the show , I could not , was closed because it has been refurbished and redecorated . Anyway , I expected to have a perfect evening out however I had just a terrible time , everything went wrong . The only thing to do is : to compensate me , send my money back , I am sending my ticket for that : Hope you 'll be fair with me otherwise I am going to take this further . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully Márcia " Techno life " Twenty first century - technology , technology , and technology . Modern life it has been full of science and tecnologies . I am very pleased that I born under such good tecnologies like my parents did n't have the same luck . My life is much easier with all these stuffs above mentioned - tecnology and science . Computers have changed people 's life , many of them can work from home , they do n't need to go to their offices . Internet is very handy , you can buy , send e-mail messages , or even have sex , that is really funny . There is ambiguity about technology - can bring good things and terrible things as well . One good side is making life easier - computer , mobile phones , vending machines , etc .... The bad side is to use tecnology for war - missiles , weapons , etc .... Indeed tecnology has changed our lives , we have become more scepitical and cold . I believe that people should take just good advantages that . Sometimes I think tecnology is not a good thing .... Dear Mrs Ryan , Thanks for your letter . I have reading the letter and I was very surprised that I have won the first prize . About the time when I like to travel is only July , because in the summer is it very busy at work . People where I working with they are going on holiday in Juni and August . So hey need me at work in that months . Further the accomodation I prefer at Camp California is the log cabin . Because , at first when I was a little child we were staying every holiday in a small house and I like that . At second , I do n't like tents and I do n't get used to it , so I prefer log cabins . About the different activities we like them all , but If I choose two I take sailing and tennis . In the summer I 'm sailing races almost every weekend and I have my own sailing clothes . I 'm not very good in Tennis but I can practise on my travel . Finally , I have one question about the money . Which things I must paid for on my travel ? Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Thanks for your letter . How are you ? With me is everything fine and the pop concert was great . I enjoyed helping at the popconcert , but it 's very stressful work . You always walk from side to side to move things and there 's no break . Some other work what I have done was to lead the people to there places . We have worked the whole day and luckily at least we had some food . The most beautiful things were that we saw famous singers and I spoke with Robbie Williams . He 's friendly and very handsome off course . If you see the famous singers in reality they are different and the most singers they have n't time for you . Another thing I have done was the make up only for about fifteen minutes . That was very nice , because I did n't expected that . There were some people they gave me some advise to clean the face and etc . Finally , it was a very nice day with great experience . Loves Dear Helen Ryan I am writing to inform you about your question . At first , I would like to go travel on July , because before them I do n't have time to travel . I have to finish my study . Secondly , I want to stay in log cabin . I think it is more convenient than in tents . And I would like to have a chance about painting and photography . I am not so fit and well condition , so I do n't like to do activitily . However , to draw some beautiful sceanary and to take some picture are very good experience for me . I hope so much . Thank you for your invitation . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . Do you like the shopping ? Generally many women would like the shopping include me . Even the young girl wants to go shopping with mum . However , whenever you go shopping , are you usually satisfied with your choice and do you always enjoy the shopping ? Perhaps you have an experience unpleased . You could go shopping for some rest to the high street or a department store . Then you could find the cheapest good and in that case , you probably buy it needlessly . Moreover you bought something then you could find it is a little bit expensive than the other shop . Both cases are often happened in shopping . If you do n't want to regret about shopping , you have to make a shopping list firstly before going shopping . Then you should check the price and the quality of the good . If you remember these two things at least , you could enjoy the shopping . One more thing I recommend you is to leave your credit card at home if you are going only a window shopping . To the manger of the Circle Theatre Mr Smith Caen , Saturday June 17th Mr Smith , I have recently been to London on a holiday trip so I decided to spend my free-time going to the musical show you were advertising for . It seemed very attractive and the different informations on the ad pushed me into going to it . Unfortunately , I 've been really disappointed . I 'm not keen on liars Mr Smith and I think that you 've lied to such naive tourist like us : some brilliant actors were supposed to play the part and we only had different and pityful ones . Moreover the show was expected to begin at 19.30 but it was delayed of forty-five minutes . It is a shame ! I ought not to talk about the restaurant closed for no apparent reasons You had promised a perfect evening but I spend an horrible one and you ruined my holiday ! What are you mistaken us for , Mr Smith ? Foolish idiots ? We did not deserve such bad show . That 's why I want my money back ! Now ! Otherweise I 'll have to put some others ads in London saying that your show is just a fake ! How modern technology changed your daily life ! To begin with , I 'd like to underline how the place of technology has increased since a couple of years . With the end of the Second world war and the economic prosperity many goods like TV , washing-machine , etc. became cheaper and available . Nowadays , the Internet and the mobile phone with the developpment of satellite seem to take the lead . Do they affect my daily life ? As far as I am concerned , the first way modern technology influence me is in my work : the internet has become such an incredible tool , I can make research about everything I want , find informations for lectures for example or exercices . The internet is really the widest source of knowledge . Nevertheless , new technology has made me become more lazy . I spend a lot of free time watching TV , or surfing on the Internet or playing the computer . Maybe it change me into a kind of self-centered person , a loner . But the positive way new technology have changed my life is in way to communicate . It made it possible to discover , to talk with new people on the Internet but also to join and to be joined by my friends or parent . I can send e-mails or use the mobile phone . But we should not forget that it 's only tools and emphazise human relationships . Bernard Moreau place de la Madeleine 87022 PARIS Competition Organiser Helen Ryan Dear Mrs. Ryan , You have sent me a letter about the competition first prize I have won . You asked me about some further information . First , I 'd like to travel on July at any time from the first to the 30st because of my vacation period . I 'd rather have a few days at the beginning of July to prepare me . Second , I 'd prefer have a log cabin where I could let some stuff . Finaly , I 'd like to practice tennis and to try climbing . Is there any ability required ? Could you send me a note about travelling in California which could help me ? Yours sincerely Bernard Moreau The Old Man and the Sea This book stays one of the best american litterature book . It is classified as one of the ten books that should figure in your own library . But it is also the most famous short story from Ernest Hemingway . Based on a very simple story , the story of an old man fishing , it allows a deep reflexion about oldness . A veteran fisher takes his boat and goes fishing to convine himself and other mans that he is still able to do that . Then , Hemingway paints a marvellous description of fishing act and of the great fight between the fish and the old man . The 24-hour fight is described in a so peacful , faithful way that it callas a though about life and death . I recommand this book a lot both to discover Hemingway and american litterature . Dear Mrs. Ryan Before answering your letter ( which I have just recieved ) about the prize of the competition I recently won , I 'd like to tell you thank you very much for giving me the chance of gong to the USA . It is just a dream come true ! I have been asked to say when I would like travel . There 's only one month for that : July ( as I am working all the year round and I am not available to leave my job ) . About the accomodation ; I rekon I would prefer to be in a log cabin instead of a tent , since it is more comfortable . During my two week sat Camp California , I 'd like to practice climbing and surfing , whose basics I know perfectly well . I am quite good at both because I do usually practice them . Furthermore , I love to go through such sports ! In addition to this , I would like to know the ammount of money I should bring , as well as the kind of clothes that i could need and the sort of people that I will find there . Do n't hesitate to contact me if there 's any problem , and thank you very much again . Yours sincerely , Bola Hi Kim ! How are you ? It has been so long since I wrote to you for last time ... Hey , guess what : I gave a hand to a friend at a pop concert ! It was great , and I got my entrance for free ! It happened by chance : I was walking down the street when I bumped into Jane , my old friend , who asked me if I wanted to join her and a couple of mates to help at the concert . I agreed unwillingly , as I could n't imagine how a pop concert looked like ... but when I came in I changed my mind ! None of the groups were known nowadays , but I belive they are well on their way to becoming famous bands . My tasks were serving drinks and some other stuff , and stay there after the concert to clean everything . This was the best part because when everyone was gone , Billy Joel arrived to give his support to the beginers ! ! ! What was a fella like that doing in such a place ? I could n't belive my very eyes ... Jane took a photograph of us toghether . I 'll send you a copy as soon as I can . Lots of Kisses from Bola xxx 17 June 2000 . Dear Sir and Madam I am recently spending a week 's holiday in London , and I have just visited your theatre to see a musical show and I would like to complain with couple of things . First , I like to complain about the main features which is an actor , he might have been well known in England , but on the night , he performed abysmally . Secondly a lot of people were not very impressed with the time , because all of us at least have to wait for almost an hour until the show start . Also , a lot of people were enitieising about the facilities which said to be serve in an advertisement . For example , the discount for the tickets were not available , and especially a lot of people were disappointed that they can not visit the theatre restaurant because it was closed , due to the cleaner forgotten to clean up the mess from the previous party . Lastly , I think I could not call this as my perfect evening , so I would like to ask for a refund , and I hope as a Manager of London 's newest theatre , you would handle the situation favourbly . Yours faithfully . Seung Phittikhun . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , although he 's one of my best friend , but sometimes , he 's a real pain in a butt . Pat and I knew each other very well , because we are neighbours , so since we 've met , Pat and I always got on very well . We always go to the same school , and he 's often make more friends than I do , and everytime he 's always introduce them to me . Even though Pat has got a great sense of humour and wonderful personality , he 'll never be able to keep any secreats for anyone , even himself . Although , we are great friends , but sometimes people can make such a stupid mistake , and so there was one time when Pat and I had a fight , it all started when once I accidently , took the wrong bag back to my house , and there was lady 's knickers inside , I was so nervous and embarassing , so I tell Pat and there he goes , he tell every single students in the school that I 've stolen girl knickers , and everyone started to call me a pervert . So that 's when we had a fight . Anyway Pat eventually apologized to me and we still being best mates as ever . Dear Sir I am writing to complain about a terrible performance in your theatre . I had expected to see the fantastic musical show . However , everything was not performed as you had advertised . Firstly , there was a different actor/actress who I have never heard their name before . Even though they performed their parts excellently I was very disappointed about your incorrect advertisement . Secondly , the musical was not started on time . It was going to start 19.30 . However , It was started 45 minutes later . Afterall , I lost my find return train after show . thirdly , there was no discount about my ticket and the theatre restaurant was closed because of being repaired . Finally . It was perfectly terrible evening out . So , I want you to give my money back to me . If you do n't do that , I will tell public what you are wrong in your advertisement . Your sincerely . Yeung When I was a yong child , I used to be interested in reading a scientific fiction . Interestingly , nowadays , I live in the scientific world which I read in the book . Probably , I started useing mobile-phone 5 years ago . Before using mobile-phone , if someone wanted to talk to me immediately , they could n't find me where I was . However , nowadays , it is easy to find me because of mobile-phone . I used to write a letter to my friends . However , After appearing Internet , I 've sent e-mail to my friends . It takes just a few minutes to send e-mail to some one . I just check my e-mail before going to bed everyday . In conclusion , Because of modern technology , I 'm very comfortable and do something effectively with computer and mobile phone . Mrs Ryan When I received your letter , I was very surprised and happy because I do n't remember that I did this competition . First I can travel only in July because , I will finish school at the end of June and I will pass my exam in Septemeber ; so I have to repeat it a lot during the month of August . To answer your second question , I choose the accomodation in tents because I like to sleep outside . For the activities , I choose the Golf and the Surfing ( that was n't easy to decide which activities I will do , cause almost choice interested me ) I tried the golf twice , I 'm really bad but I hope to do much progress . I never did surfing , but every time I see surfing on television I find this magic . I have just two questions . Can I wash any clothes there ? How many money will I have to take with me ? Please phone me to answer my two questions . Thanks for all Mar Hello Kim I 'm sorry I can only write now because last week I have too much work . As you asked me I will tell you about the pop concert of last month . With my friend Miko we looked for a little job during a week-end and one evening we met a guy who wanted to buy some drinks in the pop concert and so we told him that we were agree to help him at the bar . It was a wonderful week-end : we were opposite to the singers and we have seen every concert without buying any tickets entry ! ( we were include in the staff of the concert ) At the end we have 1200. - of benefice and each us take 400. - for himself I particulary like seeing all this people , and I meet a lot of new friend there . For next year we search for a new barwoman . Write to me soon and tell me if you want to join us for 2001 . Love Mar . I would like to travel only July because I would be in schools holydays and the weather is hot and the sea 's temperature is less cold than in winter . I would like to travel in July to be sure it would not rain during the trip which is boring ? ! And when the sun is shining you are relax and you feel good . . I would prefer tents to sleep at Camp California because it is fun to sleep in tents to compare in a house . You are in communication with the nature and you can hear the insects . And we only need to sleep and not to cook or watch T.V ... It is very nice to stay in tents wich are strong and confortable . . From the list below , the two activities I will choose are Tennis and sailing . Tennis because I play Tennis and I am classed 15-5 . I like very much Tennis because it is a technical and physical sport . And you need strategie to win the match . It is nice to play tennis outside in the court when the weather is hot . But you ca n't play if there is too much wind , the ball becomes incontrolable ! Windsurfing because I pratise it for a long time . You can do it alone . I like windsurfing because it is a sport of speed and slide like skiing , surfing. you need technics to move the windsurf . You must know how to use the wind and you have great sensations ! I would like to ask you questions : Must I take with me my clothes ? Is there a washing machine at Camp California ? Do I need some money to pay the meals ! you have recently had a class discussion about shopping . Now your english teacher has asked you to write a composition , giving your opinions on : " shopping is not always enjoyable " In fact , shopping is not always enjoyable because sometimes you want to buy articles but you do n't have enough money ! You do n't find anything interesting in the shop . You can hesitate to choose an article . Which is the best article to take ? The seller can be not very nice and watch you all the time . You do n't find your size or the good color in the article . The article can be too expensive . It looks fragil and it could break easily . Your must test several shops and compare the price , the quality of the articles . So you must walk all the day or go by car . And the weather must be fine if you walk in the town . Shopping is not always enjoyable if there is a lot of people in the shops because you ca n't move and choose the article and be cool ! Dear Madam , I am very glad that I have won first prize in your competition and I can go to the United States . It has always been my dream to go there and to be able to see that beautifull country . Now my dream will come true . I will try to give you some information about me . The best time to travel for me is July because I am working and only then I can have holidays . I would be pleased if it is possible . About accommodation , I would prefer a tent because I have never slept in the tent and I would like to try it . It will be very interesting for me because normaly I have not a lot of time to do activities . I would prefer swimming because I very like it and I am trying to swim anywhen I have got some time , and painting because I have finished painting course and I have some practice with this . That is very nice that every costs are paited for but I would like to ask you how much money I should to take with me because I do not now anything about prizes in the U.S.A. and please to tell me if I need anything to paint because it would be difficult to take it with me , so if I will need to take everything I will just change this activite . Thank you for the letter and I am looking forward an answer . Yours sincerely Hallo Kim , Thank you for answer on my last letter , I hope your sister 's health is better than on last time and she is all right . My life is a little bit changed after that concert on last month . I will try to explain you why . As you now I was helping to make every decorations before and during the concert . It was realy wonderfull new experience for me . I have never before met so many people and I did n't now that is so hard to keep everything in order during the concert . Now I now that everything need patient , time and hard work before someone will sing any record on scene . The people were wonderfull , they was helping each other with everything and it was a lot of easier to do . It is very nice feeling when you need help and is so many people which want to help you . I will never forget this concert and those people . It was good experience which I will never forget . I hope I will be able to do it again . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you , because I would like to disagree with your advertisment for the show ' over the Rainbow ' . I would like to tell you that I was really disappointed with my evening I your theatre . At first when I came I hoped to see Danny Brook on the stage , but there was totally different actor . As it is said in advertisment the show starts at 19.30 but I had to stay outside for 45 minutes , because by the programme it started at 20.15 , but that was not the end of the story , in your advertisment it is clearly said that you have discounts available on tickets , that was not true ! I was not still very disappointed , because I hoped that I will have a good meal with glass of wine in the restaurant , according to your advertisment but what did I realised , it was closed , because the chef was in the hospital . I did not have a perfect evening at all and I would like to ask you to return my money back . Yours faithfully , Sasha Comatova . Everyday we keep in touch with technology . We have microwaves that help us to do our meal quickly , we have hairdryers to dry our hair in 15 minutes , we have different things that made our life easier . I use different technological things everyday . Such as mobile phone that helps me to communicate , with anyone in the world , even if I am not at home , I use stereo , if I want to listen to my favourite music , I use tapes , CDs , hairdryers , ect . I think that all these things made my life much easier . Many years ago people did n't have an oppotunity to use all these things and they had to work a lot . I am very happy that with all technology that we have we do n't have to work as much as they did , like to wash plates and cups after meals , my dishwashing machine will do that for me , and I do n't have to wash my clothes my washing machine does it better . Of course it is a bit sad that machinery is taking over humans and of course it makes me lazy . However now I have more freedom , free time , and privacy . Dear Helen Ryan ! This is just a note to confirme you , what I had recive your letter . I am so happy to have won this first prize in your competition . I will be happy to be for two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A . I am understud from your letter , what all accommodation and travel costs are paid for me , including transport to and from the airport . To answer your questions , I would like to tell you , what my travel can be possible only on July , because I will have the Cambrigge exam till 1 July . Would it be possible to have accomodation at Camp California in a tent , because I did n't have chance to sleep into it . And would it be possible to do swimm and surf . I am very good swimming . I done it since I remeber me . In surf I am not good at all . I have been driming about this activitie since I had 10 years old . I would like to know about how many peopl will stay with me into the tent , and have a take with me special clothes for doing serf . I will contact you , if I will have more questions . I look forward to beeing at Camp California in the U.S.A . Your faithfully Shopping is not always enjoyable . I like shopping . I love to do shopping . But if only I have money ! ! Ore some money . Shopping ca n't be enjoyable if you do n't have money to spend . It is better to stay at home and read a good book . I 'm thinking do shopping in the big spaise like Harrodss it 's not plesure . Because it 's crowding of people . I 'd like to be in small boutiques , and I would rather go to shopping along and during the weekand time . Because I do n't like to give some advise it 's can be willy boring . And go to shopping at the end of weekand it 's not for me . I do n't know what I can tell you more ? I 'm sorry . Drop me a line or give me a call if my writing will not so good for you . Because I 'll be out next week . And I 'll mees your lessons . Madam , I am sending you this reply with the informations that you need . I would like to travel on july because I am a studant therefore I only have holidays in this part of the year . About the acomodations I would like to stay in a log cabin because I am used to stay in it when I travel . The activities that I want to do in the camp are Basketball and Surfing . Basketball is the sport that I really like because I am very tall as well as I use to play it very well . On the other hand I do n't know almost nothin about surf but I would like to learn and to practise the sport because I think it cool . There is one thing I would like to ask you . It 's about how much money I will need to go out at night , to spend with food and this kind of thing . Yours Sincerely Adriano Tudela Shopping is not always enjoyable There are people that loves going to the shopping . They live , work and only think about it . They are addicted in buying things . Some doctors say that buy without control is a disease and I agree with them because I have a friend who is a compulsory buyer . He ca n't stop buying things , he spend all his money buying things that he sometimes do n't use . I think this one bad side of shopping and many people have this problem . Sometimes , shopping can be really bore especially in important dates when the shop are absolutaly crowded and you ca n't see somethings as you wanted with carefull . Mrs Helen RYAN Competition Organiser USA 13th JUNE.2000 Dear Mrs Ryan , I received your letter in this morning and thank you very much for your kind letter and chosing me . I can only travel in July because I had already booked and fully paid for a middle-east holiday , from 25th of July till end of August . If you can arrange my departure time from 1st of July it should be convenience for me . I would like to stay in tents because I had much great times in tents during my previous holidays , if it is suitable for you . I want to do this two activities while I am at the camp : Sailing and photography . I have great experience for sailing . I used to work for a sailing company in Turkey . And I have done certificate for using radio ( VHF ) . I have knowladge about navigation , engine , ropes and knots and sails as well . My other passion is photography , especially I like black and white photography . I have a camera which is a called Minolta X300 . That is a manual camera . I know to develop films and print them . I have doubt about clothes , money and immigration rules of the USA. please could you write me how is the weather like there , what kind of clothes I need and how much money I should have . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours Sincerely . Shopping is not always enjoyable . I like shopping but I had a bad experience about my recent shopping . I went out for shopping and to get some ideas about new brand computers and products . First of all I went to a local shop but I could n't find enough selection of products . Then I visited another one , in Cambridge Street . It was very crowded , I could hardly walk in the shop . I decided to by a CD room driver for my old computer . When I approached to the cashier I suddenly noticed my wallet had gone . My money , travel card and credit card . It was a nightmare there were pickpokets in the shop . I went to the shop assistance but it was useless . As soon as possible I phoned to my bank for cancelation of my credit card but they had already used it. it costs me about £ 500 . This experience has changed my shopping habit , now I do all my shopping on the internet . But I 'm not sure how it is safe . But you must be always award against to pickpokets . Dear Helen . I have received your letter which is make me happy . The first time in my life I have won competition . I would like to attempt your invite in July . I only able to take my holidy in July , rest of the year I work . I would prefer to stay in tent . I think it is more enjoyable . I do n't know why but I have feel toward to tent from my childhood . When I was kid I used to ask my mum to buy me a tent for my bedroom to sleep in there instead of bed . I 'm crayz about tennis and swimming . I used to take tennis and swimming lesson when I was high school . I have good talent and skill about them . Most of the weekend I go for swiming and tennis . That is the fun for me to doing it . Do I have to bring some cash on me ? Do you think travel chaque would be more secure ? I also would like to get some information about weather . What does it like in July over there ? Your sincerely , Shopping is part of our life . I do n't like shopping . Can you imagene friday night . Most of the people get pay on friday night then they go to shopping . I ca n't stand on the long queue . All day you had worked hard , on the way home you want to pick up some milk from shop you have to waite on avarage ten minute . It is not good . Your time have been stolen . I ca n't cope with that . I prefer go home without milk . There are a lot of tile in the shop but most of them are close . It is annoyed . There are a lot of option and item make our chose difficut. it is hard to make decide which suitable for you . After shopping you have to carry havy bag long way to home Dear Sir Brown , I 'm writing this letter to complain about the musical show that I saw . I had n't a good time ! Firstly , Danny Brook did n't act . There was an other actor , James Kee , but I did n't like him ! I had gone to the theatre to see Danny Brook but he was n't there . In addition to , the show did n't start at 20.15 ; so it ended at 23.45 and I could n't go to a meeting . I 'm very disappointed for all these problems ! Your theatre is very disorganized ! The ticket 's price was £ 20 and there was n't any discount ! After the show , I wanted to eat something , but the theatre restaurant was closed because the chef was in Italy for a special course . I had n't a great fun , so I ask for money back . Your faithfully In fact , some days before Karin , a friend of hers , had told Pat that she had fallen in love with John , her science 's teacher . Pat was astonished , and did n't know what ( she ) had to tell Karla . The teacher was 40 years old , and Karla was only 16 ( years old ) . This age 's difference was too big ! Besides , Karla was a shy , polite girl that Pat wanted to help . So she decided to tell Hill all the story . Hill like Pat very much , but only as a friend . He was 19 ( years old ) , so Pat thought , that he had to know what was the best thing to do . But the situation was n't simple , so Hill decided to discuss it with Mary , the teacher 's cousine . They agreed that Karla 's love was only a dream . So they went to talk with her about the situation , but when she knew that they had know her feelings to Mr. Beek , she decided not to tell Pat anything forever . Dear Sir or Madam , I write to you to complain about the dreadful evening I had when I went to see your show at the Circle Theatre the 9th june . To start with the famous actors Danny Brook and Tina Truelove did n't perform as told . They were replaced by some unknown actors who had certainly never performed a musical . If I had only one reason to ask you for my money back ; it would be the latter . But to add to this I had to make a long queue to get a full price ticket when instead I had brought my student card on the purpose of getting a discount which had been advertised but did n't in fact exist . The show which was to start at 19.30 only began at 20.15 and therefore me and my friends were n't able to find a restaurant when we had to because the theatre restaurant was closed on sanitary reasons . For this deceiving and uncorrect advertisement and for all the given reasons , I ask you for an average refund of five pounds per ticket . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . This feature did n't allow you to tell him much about yourself . He was n't really wicked , he merely did n't understand to keep his mouth shut , especially at school where every little unimportant thing about your so called " private life " runs three laps around the schoolyard before you learn it although you are the most concerned about it and did n't even know . Well , some people just do n't care , some are bothered and feel ill at ease . But small drama can grow up as children are very sensitive . There is one point I want to make clear , I do n't begrudge Pat anything . I believe this is a rule of society , it 's a sort of group behaviour , and belongs to the childhood and the teenage . We all speak or have spoken of our neighbours , family , classmates , workmates , friends in bad terms . That is only human . According to me what is more to regret is when now we full-growns continue to act with this bad habit . The criticism spirit has to be preserved but we must keep our secrets . What allows us to reveal parts of someone others privacy , nothing . Dear Ms Helen Ryan , Thank you very much for granting me the first prize - Camping in California . I really look forward to it because I have never been to the U.S.A. before . I would like to have my two weeks with you in July , as it will be during my summer holiday in addition that it is said to be the best season there . I will join in the swimming group and the photography group . Both of them are my hobbies , I have won some prizes in my school competition of them . Therefore , I am quite confident about them . I would be grateful if you could put me into the tent side of accomodation because I have had all holidays with my parents in luxury hotels before . I would like to try it this time . As all the travel expenses are paid already , I would appreciate it if you could tell what kind of clothing also how much pocket money I need . I look forward to hearing from you in due course . Yours sincerely Dear Kim , The concert I helped last week was the greatest experience I 've ever had . I mainly gave them a hand in setting up the stage . You know , although I 'm a pop music fan , I 'd never had any idea how it was prepared for opening . First , they asked me to put those instruments on the stage . I left the hi-fi system on the left side ( it should be on the other side ) . Before opening , the pop star found the mistake , otherwise it would be a disaster . The performer , Paul , is a big music name at the present . But I 'd never met him before . This time , I saw him in person . I told him I loved his songs , he was very happy . Then , we stroke a lovely conversation . Afterwards , he gave his pen for my enthusiasm . Anyway , how are you ? Write soon , tell me how you 're getting on in your new job . Best wishes , London , June 17th , 2000 Dear Sir , Last week I bought some tickets to the musical show " Over the Rainbow " , thinking that I would have a perfect evening , like its advertisement tell us . Unfortunately , I had a terrible evening . At first I became worried because there was n't any discounts available , like your advertisement say . And I became even more angry to have to wait 45 minutes for the show to begin . It 's necessary to start on time , and your paper was informing that it would begin at 19:30 . It did n't happen . To complete my sadness , the main actor was replaced by another one who I 've never heard anything from , and did not have the same talent that the one shown on the advertisement do . I 'm writing to you to complain about this show , and to ask for my money back . It is n't fair not returning the money for a person who bought tickets to watch a show that was supposed to be great , but actually was a shame . I 'm looking forward to your answer . Cordially , Secrets between friends Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . And because of that , everyone at school happened to know that Ali was dating Nick , that used to be Caroline 's boyfriend at the time . Pat was Ali 's best friend , and because of that , Ali told her that she was going out with Caroline 's boyfriend , but asked her to keep the secret . One week later , everyone at school started to laugh at Caroline and look down on Ali and Nick . Caroline discovered everything , and argued with the infidel couple . It was a big quarrel , people that were many meters distant could hear it . Pat entered the fight , and it became more loud and agressive . One more week has passed , and things became calm : Ali decided to never look Pat on the fact anymore . They have turned themselves into big enemies . And Nick told her that his real love was his girlfriend Caroline , and that they were n't going to break up . Poor Ali. . So , it 's very important to be a person than can keep secrets , even your own secrets , or a friend 's one . One of the most beautiful things on the world is the true and loyal friendship . Then , we have to be as best secret keepers as possible , or we will end like Ali and Pat . Dear Sir/Madam , I 'm writing this letter to complain about a musical show which I 've seen on last Saturday . I went to London to see this musical but I was absolutely dissapointed about the show . I got to the theatre at 18:30 because I wanted to drink before I get to the hall so I got there earlier . The show was supposed to start at 19:30 but it started at 20:15 . It was about fourty five minutes later than original starting time . I was just a bit upset but I was n't that upset much at that time . The thing which made me really upset was the actor . The actor should be Danny Brook but it was another man who I have n't seen before . I liked Danny Brook so much and I was expecting to see him but you did n't even mention about that actor was going to change to another guy . This thing should n't be happened . After finished watching the show I went to the restaurant which you advertised . It was about 21:00 , I thought it was bit later but it was n't my falt anyway . The show was finished at 21:00 . When I went there the restaurant was closed . We could n't even get any sandwiches . I 'm so upset to say anything anymore and I want to get my money back which I paid for the show . I look forward to hearing from you before I do my futher reaction . Your faithfully Ann Kim . Fashion of the future . Nowadays , we have millions styles of fashion and every single person has their own fashion . Fashion became a part of our life and some people think that what clothes you wear is most important thing . We spend lots of time to choose clothes or shoes . A 100 years ago , people wear much more diffrently . Women worn dresses and men worn suits in England . It was very formal fashion , but now people wear more sexy clothes than 100 years ago . Fashion keeps changing . Therefore , in the future fashion might be changed a lot . I think people will wear metal clothes like Robotcap . The enviroment will be very polluted and finally we 'll get desease . We will need helmets to cover our head and we will also need air-supplyer . May be , science will be developed and make our enviroment clean , we will not wear anything at all ! ! ! ( except under wear ) . I hope that the enviroment will be better than now in the future and our fashion will be changed but nobody knows how it will be . We should try hard to create new fashion and suitable fashion in further days . Dear Jane Clark I went the international arts festival which you organized . Most of the events were good , but I felt that the festival could be even better next year . So , may I give you my suggestions and opinions ? I think the International Arts Festival is a great idea ! But the stars and artists who are from around the world were from only six countries . You had better invite more nationarities ' people . And some concert halls were too small , so you had better have larger concert halls and also you had better have more plays and films in the next year than this year 's . I think the idea of one reasonably - priced weekend ticket for all events is excellent ! Because it does not complex , also we do n't confuse . If you can improve these points , your festival must be better than this year 's . Yours faithfully Dear Johnny Thank you for your letter . Anyway , you want to know about rules at home and school in my country , do n't you ? My school 's rules are n't strict . We are allowed many things . For example , we can wear any clothes and shoes whatever we want . And it does n't matter if we enter the classroom in any time . Of course we can go out the classroom in any time . But some schools in my country do n't allow many things . One of the rules of my friend 's school is not to drink and eat something during a class . And the students have to wear the uniforms , so they ca n't chose their clothes . Also , there is one strict rule at my home . It is that I have to come back my house until 11 o'clock at night . I think it 's a stupid rule ! I really want to change this rule . Many of my friends have this rule . How about in your country ? Love Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing with reference to a musical show I saw recently in your theatre . The advertisement promised there would be my favorite star Danny Brook , but there was an other actor who could not play his part as well as Danny Brook In addition , the performance started 45 minutes later , so we could n't visit your theatre restaurant after the show because it had been closed already . More over , when I was buying our tickets , there were n't any discounts in spite of the fact that my wife and me are both on pension . As a result our evening was completely spoiled . So I am sure you will understand why I so annoyed and frustrated with the whole incindent . I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future to offer me a partly refund . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Two days ago her best friend Maria told her that her parents were going to devorce , Maria was so upset that she could n't keep it herself . Her father had met another woman who had not been as pretty as Maria 's mother but worked in a bank and had a good salary . One day Maria and her mother returned home and found a letter . All fathers things were missing . They could not believ their eyes . They read the letter and slowly went onto the kitchen . Maria bought his favorite food and she throw it away into the bin . How he could have done it to them ? They had been so happy for 15 years . They had gone everywhere together and laughed a lot . Now everything was over . She went to skool , but she could not pick the material up as easy as she used to . So she decided to tell Pat , her lovely Pat . She was so understanding . Now everyone knows about her sad story that makes her feel even more worse . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about your music show entitled " Over the Rainbow " Which I saw during my holiday in London . Firstly , I expected to see the play by Danny Brook who is my favourite actor . However , without any announcement , a different actor was playing his role . Secondly , according to the advertisement , the show would have started at 19:30 , but it started at 20:15 . Moreover , the theatre restaurant was closed because of the equipment mentenance . You should have let us know such information in advance . Finally , although I heard the student discount ticket was available , the ticket salesman said I should have bought it at least one day before the show . I was not satisfied with your show at all . Therefore , I think you should pay some money back for me . Please let me know how you think of my complain and request as soon as possible . Yours faithfully , Thank you for modern technology . I think modern technology has changed my daily life , especially in communication with my best friend who is studying in Britain . We had seen each other once a week before she left Japan for Britain . I used to think I would miss her . But now I can communicate with her every day by e-mail . Furthermore , we can talk on the phone . I feel no distance as if I was speaking with a friend in Japan . Without a computer and a telephone , I could n't contact her easily and I may lose touch with her . in addittion , I could go tot Britain to see her by plane . Before the plane was invested , I suppose it might take several months to visit Britain by ship . In present , it takes just 12 hours by plane . Thanks to such modern technology , I can improve the relationship with my friend , even if she is living away from me . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing to you to thank you very much for the price you 're giving me . This is the first time of my life that I won anything like that . When I recived your latter , I could not belive it . I am glad to replay your latter . Unfortunatelly , I will be able to go only in July because the restaurant where I am working will be closed for this dates . My last holiday in tend I had very bad experience , the mosquitos nearly killed me . I would prefer log cabins . With reference to the activities , I have never been climbing . I would like to try this sport . I am a lover of risk sports . I am really good singer . I am enjoying a lot with karaoke . I am in doupt which kind of clothes I have to bring with me . And also ask you , how much money I have to take with me . Please if you could help me with this I will be very glad . Thank you one more time for everything . Your sincerely Hi Kim , You cannot imagine what I 've been up to . I had the best expreience in my live . I 've to relax myself to expleint to you this very well . The company I work , works for Los Svaves , it 's a very famous group from my country . Can you guess whe they chossed for the work , " me " , yes me , I could n't belived it . At the moment just I went just to one concert . My job basequily consisted in before and after the actuation , make everything ready . I 've get used to do it very soon . To be honnest the most exited part of all this was to know the group . The singer is very nice gay , as the rest of the group . If this happen I 'll write you to tell you more . Your friend Dear Mrs. Ryan , I am writing you to give you the suitable information you need about me. but also I would like to thank you for the very nice prize . Here are some of the information : I would like to travel in July because then the school year ends and I will be able to go on vacation . I would prefer to stay in log cabins because I ca n't sleep outside in a tent . I would be very pleased if I could practice basketball and swimming I am very good at basketball and I am playing in my school 's team . I know how to swim and dive from high places . I am very keen on both sports . Of course there are some things that I would like to ask you , if possible , I would like to know what kind of clothes shall I take with me . And finally how much money will I need to have with me . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Thank you again Yours Sincierly , Dear Kim I 'm writing to tell you about my experience last month . You know that last month I helped at a pop concert and I 've enjoyed it very much . I did many different kinds of things . First of all I helped with the decoration of the place where the consert would take place . Then I helped the dancers with their dance on stage . After that I helped the singers perform and dance together and finally I helped with the lights for the show . It was amazing ! ( the show ) I had a really great time working with all the pop singers and dancers and decorators I even met some very interesting people with who made really good friends . What I liked the most was working with the singers , teaching them how to dance and follow some footsteps . This is an experience , I 'll never forget . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you very , very soon . Your friend Dear Mr. Robertson , I was asked by my class to write to you . First of all , we want to thank you for having organised a very good programme for the three days trip to London . Indeed , we are especially interested in the sightseeing by bus . The river trip to Greenwich is also a marvellous idea ! Moreover , we could n't go there without visiting the Science Museum and the National Art Gallery . However , could we make a suggestion ? Having seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show , at the Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday 14th , we would particularly like to go and visit it . How wonderful it could be to see the latest fashions and leisure and sports wear in this city , so famous for it ! Besides , as there are more girls than boys in the class , they would certainly enjoy attending on live make-up and hairstyles . Lastly , it is free for students , which is fantastic ! So , instead of going shopping on Tuesday afternoon , we might go to the Show . We may go shopping on Wednesday afternoon , as we should have had freetime . What do you think of this suggestion ? We are looking forward to receiving your reply . Yours Faithfully , For famous people , having a private life is difficult , especially because we are all interested in their lives . On the one hand , I think that some famous people are looking for the media attention . Indeed , it can be useful for their career . The more they are in the media , the more they will be famous . According to me , some of them need to be appreciated by fans , they need to be loved and see themselves on television . However , some others only use the media to come back , because they cannot find a job anymore . They need to be famous again . Besides , I consider that some stars sometimes call journalist to tell them where they will be , in order to have free advertisement . Moreover , according to me , it is also a good way for them to earn money . Famous people are so often asked to give interview that the outcome is that they want to be paid for it , either in the newspapers or on television . On the other hand , for other famous people , being followed by journalists is the worst element of the fame . In my opinion , it must be so stressful to endure the pressure they have to be perfect all the time because they could be followed by a photograph . They cannot go to public places , unless they make-up themselves and they are ready to sign autographs . They would really like a normal life , either because it is their temper , a regarding to their children . Nevertheless , they are never let alone , which is a shame . We have to respect them as human beings , what we often forget they are . Dear Mr Jane Clark I am writeing to you to " help " you with your festival next year , last year was n't very good so maybe we can make it more atracite this year ? the first I think we shoul rent biger hall for that so we could make better sound and give more space for viewers ! If we will make one reasonably-priced weekend ticket for all events we can make intrestede more people . We can inaute stars and artists from around the world who will make and prisentspresent all kind of music like jazz , rock , classical ect . It should be done show so people can see how people in every corner of the word make theyr own fun . Art exhibitions is good idea too , to introdus how the music is making and show how the instruments lode . Afterward we could let people talk with artists so they can get knoe theyr privacy . Mr. Jane if you want get more of my suggestions and opinions about it pleace contact with me on my calle phone Sincirley Dear Simona ! Thank you for your letter it was so nice to hear from you gain and I am glad you have meant this subject . It 's believed that English schools look different and have different rules then Polish schools but may be we might find sth incomon ? ! What rules do we have in our schools ? The first of all it dipends what kind of school it is ? Primary , highschool or university ! I think that now Polish schools are going foward but they still have lots of bad habits . Polish students have to study a lot with books and they have less pracite lessons , sometimes it 's hard to get a books or other neaded things to study . Conneat between students and their teachers or principals is very poor ! During the lesson we are not allowed to have food or stg drink , we ca n't be late to school School supose to be our second home but it 's not we work hard and for the end our education we still have nothing . You asking me what would I change ? I would make schools more unstressfull , added fun cause it 's easeyer way to learn and I would gives students more chances to share yo with their fantazy at school . Maybe Polish system is not bad , but it 's conftyble too . I know that that letter will not change anything but you can see how compliated is Polish studen 's life Your Dear , Helen Thank you for the letter . I was very please when I knew that I had won the first prize . I would like to go there only in July , please . Because I have a holiday in July . For accommodation I would rather prefer log cabins because it 's more comfortable than tents . And I do n't have to worry about the weather . For two activities , the first one can I have Tennis , please . Because I 'm very good with tennis . I used to play a lot when I was a student . The second one can I have Photography , please . Because this 's my hobby . And my dad just bought me a new camera . So this 's will be my first chance that I can use it . Can you tell me what sort of clothes do I need to bring , please . I 'm not sure about the weather in California in the daytime and in the nightime . And any idea of how much money do I need to bring . Thank you very much for your offerring . I hope to hear back from you . Yours sincerely Hi , Kim Thanks for the letter asking about a pop concert . It was really good . I 'm glad I went . My responsibilities are selling the tickets and making sure that everything is right . It was good to work with a lot of people and shared experiences . I met a lot of famous pop bands for the first time . I would feel sad if I did n't go there . They gave me a concert printed T-shirt . I 'll show you by photographs . From that time I had a lot of friends also some of them are old friends from college . So we are still keep in touch . And next concert we were promised we 'll be there again . I wish you were there with us . Because sometimes you would n't have known the experience until you had done it . Any way I will sent you some photographs . I hope to hear back from you . Take care and do n't work too hard . Please send my love to your family . Best wishes Dear Manager , I am writing this letter to remind you some faults of your theatre . I think this will help your organization to improve itself . From my point of view , your organisation has to be careful to orginize an activity . Last week I was in London . I attended to your activity . I 'm sorry but I did n't have a good remark of your activity when I left . I know the quality of your organization . That 's why I wanted to write you . First time , when I saw the advertisement on the newspaper , I really appreciated . I wanted to see the play as quickly as possible . Coming an hour earlier is the proof of my feeling . Finally , time passed and it was supposed to begin . But it did n't . I waited 45 minutes more to see the play . Anyway , it was n't important for me . Because , I believe that if you want to get a satisfaction you have to sacrifice a little bit . But it was n't all . On the other hand , I could n't see the same actors whose name were written on the advertisement . I was really shocked . Because from my point of view the buildings of a play are the actors . It was unpleasent for me to see different actors on the stage . In addition , you did n't keep your promise which Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . But Beatrice did n't think so . That 's why she came across with so many problems . They were best friends . Beatrice was thinking so . When she came to school , first , we wanted to warn her . On the other hand Beatrice and her family were our next door neighbours . I knew her family better than everyone else . Her father never let her to have a boyfriend . Yes , it was a strange behaviour . Beatrice was 18 and she could manage . But her father did n't have the same opinion . That 's all I knew about her . Days passed . Beatrice and Pat were going everywhere together . Pat had a boyfriend . That 's why Beatrice 's father never liked Pat . One day Beatrice came me with some tears on her face . She was crying . I could n't believe . Because I got used to seeing her every time cheerful and laughing . But this time the situation was inversed . When she came , I was studying for my final exam . She asked if we spoke a little bit . We went out and she told me all her story . I was shocked . She had told Pat that her father had n't let them to be friends anymore . After that , Pat had told everyone that Beatrice 's father Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing this letter in order to express my disappointment about your theatre . On the advertisement , that I have received , it was written that the show would start at 19:30 but I kept wainting for it to start for half an hour . And there were no discounts available either , unlike it was written in the same advertisement . Another disappointing point was that I wanted to watch Danny Brook so much and it was written that he was acting in the show , but unfortunately the man on the stage was not him . And the actor 's performance was terrible . And finally , after the show I went to the theatre restaurant to have something to eat , but it was closed because of restoration . There was no notice about it in your advertisement . Because of all these reasons , which I have listed above , my evening which should have been perfect , turned into a disaster . So I would like to have at least some of my money back as soon as possible . Yours sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . And now the situation was becoming harder to get on with . On one side it was her best friend who wanted her to keep this secret . But on the other side it was her best friend 's family , that she must lie to . Her best friend was going out with a boy that night , And she told her parents that she was going to stay at Pat 's house , in order to get permission . So Pat could not decide what to do . She did not trust the boy , and it was very hard for her to lie to people , that she liked so much . And she realized that if something happens to her best fried , it would be her fault and her best friend 's parents would blame her for it . She knew she would be very sorry too . So she decided to call the parents of her best friend and tell them what was going on . Of course , her best friend would never trust her again and never share any secrets , but she was doing this for her best friends sake , was n't she ? June 17 2000 Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you about my complaints of mine about the musical show of your theater , that I have watched a week ago , during my stay in London . That evening , the problems started with the tickets ... On the contrary with the advertisement , that was published on the Guardian , there were no discounts available , although I had an International Student Identity card . Secondly , the show has started with a delay of 45 minutes , and because of this all my arrangements for that night were delayed . Another problem was the starring male actor : the well known and talented actor , mentioned in the advertisement was replaced with another one , who was really very disappointing and after the performance , I visited the theater restaurant , which was said to be open and available for meals after the show ; but it was closed . So , I did not have the " perfect evening out " as stated in your advertisement . I think you owe me an excuse and a full refund . I 'm looking forward to hear from you . Yours faithfully , Clothes of the Future Have we ever seen a naked person in the streets ? Except some very extraordinary cases , no. Tell me , why people care so much about what they wear and what others wear ? Because , the clothes have a crucial part in our everyday lives . Maybe because of this , just like living things , the clothes have evolution . This evolution has never stopped and it will continue . How about the clothes of people , a hundred years later ? In my opinion the clothes of the world , after a century , will be styled in the Japanese way : minimalist and naturalist . Throughout the history , we have observed that people get rid of everything that is not natural , such as corsets and in the future belts and ties might be " out " . Of course , the technology will change too . Maybe , new kinds of fabrics , that are capable of insulating light , or heat will be used . Actually , some clothes like that are being developed today ; but only as prototypes and it is possible to see that they will be widely used in the future . Finally , it seems to me that , the clothes of tomorrow will be quite naturalist and minimalist and also , the fabrics that are used will change too . In fact , we can not know , what will the time give and take away , so let 's wait and see : the clothes of the future . Dear Ms. Ryan Thank you very much for your letter . I appriciated to this big news . Please , let me tell you my answer now . First , I would like to travel during July . Because my college will finish in the end of June and I am going to go back to Japan in August . Second , I prefer to stay a log cabin . I usually stay a tent during camping . Actually , I do n't like tent so much . Therefore , I am interested in staying a log cabin . Third , I chose painting and golf as activities . I learned painting when I was school student . Specially , I like water painting . Also , I belonged to golf club when I went to university in Japan . Finally , I would like you to advise about clothes and pocket money , which I will take . Thanking you for your time . Yours sincerely , Shopping is always enjoyable for me . I love shopping . I never feel tired during shopping . Especially , I prefer to go department stores . They are heaven ! I can spend in there all day . In fact , they have many kind of products which make me happy . To be honest , I do n't always buy these products but I can be satisfied with just looking them . Some people does n't like to go shopping with a friend who takes long time to decide . Even in this case , shopping is fun for me . I believe there are lot of why to enjoy shopping . By the way , shopping is a sort of therapy . I sometimes go shopping when I have stress . Shopping helps me to cheer up every time . I think many people , specially women , had same experience . But the most important things to enjoy shopping is not to use every money which you have . Dear Miss Helen Ryan I am writing in reply to your letter . I am absolutely delighted with the news . It really took me by surprise this prize , I did n't think I would be so lucky to win . First of all , about your enquires , the only time suitable for me to travel is in July . The reason is that my academic year starts in August therefor I need to be here . Secondly , I would rather stay in a tent , there 's no further reason is just that would be a new experience for me and I 'm very excited about it . I am very keen on photography so I definetely will choose this as one of my activities during the camp . The other thing I 'd love to do is sailing . I have got some experience already and I 'm used to any weather conditions , furthermore I simply love sea-sports and their chalenges . Finally I 'd like to ask you some questions , there are mainly small details . I am not sure whether I will need some special clothes , if not what sort of clothes I should bring , and also how much money roughly I will need for my daily expenses . I would be very grateful for your help and advice in this matters . Thanks for the wonderful news . I 'm looking forward to it . Yours sincerely Dear Kim My dear friend I hope you are very well and just as happy as I am . You must remember me telling you about the pop concert , well now that it 's over I have time to tell you everything about it . The concert was a huge success , lots of people came and enjoyed the music . I am very proud of myself because of the way I managed the whole experience , although there were moments when I thought I was n't going to be able to cope with all the pressure . Especially when the musicians arrived , they can be very demanding people and sometimes they came up with very odd requests . For example once they wanted mineral water of a certain French label , which was impossible to get . My tasks were very especifics . I had to help with the layout of the stage , which was very complicated , because there are so many cables , and weir and things going on at the same time . After that part was fully-functioning I moved on to work in the back stage . I really enjoyed working with those people , they are all very professional although they may look a bit eccentric sometimes . However , what I liked the most about it was seeing so many people dancing , jumping and enjoying frenetically of something that I had been part of and helped to make it happened . Looking forward to hearing from you soon . Best Wishes Dear Sir , I am writing to complain about the arrangements for the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . I was spending some days in London and enjoyed a lot the idea of seeing this show . All my disappointment started when we noticed that there were no discounts available for the tickets , but as we wanted to see Danny Brook 's performance , we decided to buy them anyway . We got really upset when we realized he was being substituted . The show was scheduled for 19:30 but it only started at 20:15 . Besides the boredom of having waited for forty-five minutes , we were not allowed to visit the restaurant after the show , since it was already closed by the time the show finished . As it was not our perfect evening out , as you suggested in your advertisement , we would like to know if it would be possible for us to get a refund . I look forward to your response . Yours faithfully , Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie Dear Ted , I 'm writing to tell you about a great book I 've just finished reading , and which I 'm sure you would like to read too . Its name is " Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie " , and I really got impressioned with the coherence of the stories . Agatha Christie presents situations that make us break up our minds . The crimes she describes seem so perfect that we brainstorm a lot trying to find out who is the criminal . I thought about you while reading the book because I remembered you have booked a place in a Detective course . I 'm sure you 'll find this book an interesting object of study . Agatha Christies stories are simple , but very well written , and , as I told you , very coherent . It 's estimulating to read them . One of the stories will be read on the radio next week . I 'm sure that if you listen to it you will start reading the book immediately , and find out there many challenges for your new carreer . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . Best wishes , Dear Mr Robertson I would like to congratulate you for the excellent programme that you have prepared . I think that is such a good programme especially because the places that we visit , like the Science Museum , are very interesting . However , the rest of the students and I have heard about the London Fashion and Leisure show that will be celebrated at the Central Exhibition Hall in London where the latest fashions will be shown . There we will have the chance to be maked up or to try new hairstyles , too . And it has free-entrance for the students . We think it will be a great opportunity because it will take place while our visit to London , the 14th of March . We think that , if you do n't have any problem , we could visit the Science Museum on Wednesday after visiting the National Art Gallery so that we can go to the London Fashion and Leisure show . We are wating for your decision and we will accept it whatever it be . Yours sincerely " THE HOME OF THE FUTURE " From any point of view , the home of the future will be very similar to the homes that we have today . I think that it will has a similar structure but it will include some new technological advantages like having all the house controlled by a computer so that , for example , we can turn on the lights of the bedroom just pressing a button while we are watching the TV sitting on the sofa . Although many people think that the home of the future will be something like an UFO , in my opinion the changes wo n't be very important , they will probably consist on making the houseworks easier . The cleanest example is to compare a house from the beginings of the 20th century with our house Both are very similar but now we have new technologies . In balance then , I think that the houses that we can see on films wo n't really exist . Dear Sir or Madam , Thank you very much for the prize . I am writing this letter to inform you that I have recieved your letters and I am going to the trip . I would like to go to the trip in July because my school , which is Berkeley International School , is going to arrange the end of term break both for staff and students . Other reason is I think in July the weather is not so cold . The weather condition will be suitable for camping . I prefer to live in tents to log cabin because sleeping in the tent makes me more comfortable and I can get closer to the nature . Every night I would like to come out of the small tent to the nice enviroment outside the tent . Although , living in the tent is more comfortable . I 'll have to be aware about insects so I 've bought so many insects repellant . I can choose to do 2 activities so I would like to play tennis and swimming . When I was in fourth form , I got the first prize in swimming competition and third prize in tennis . I was a bit disapotted with the result because I was expected to win the first prize or secound price . Lastly , I would like to ask you questions . First , how many clothes do I have to bring ? And do I have to bring some money . It will be very kind of you , if you can answer my questions . Your sincerely , Seua Thanapol . Dear Kim , Hi ! How are you . I am fine and I hope you 're fine too . I have an interesting story to tell you . I 've been asked to help by the well known band called Westlife . At first I was surprised but in a few secound later , when I relised that , I did n't allow to go , I tried to persuade my teacher to let me go . At last , she allowed me . I had to help them behind the state , while they were get dressed . I had to keep things in place and cheakd that the microphones was working properly . Although the work was not heavey , I gained a lot of experience . They gave me their signature and when the concert started , they told me to come up on the state and dance with them . I was really embarassed because I had to dance in front of a lot of people but that is the very good experience I have ever had . I was really enjoy at the concert . Thing that I particularly like in the concert is I got a free ticket from Westlife to go to the A1 concert which is another well known band . I really want to have that experience again . That is my story . Tell me yoors . I want to know what experience you 've had when you were in England . Best wishes , Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to you inconnection with your programme of spending three days in London . I would like to inform you about The London Fashion and Leisure show on Tuesday 14th March at 10.00 - 19.00 . I would be greatful if you could arrange these shows in your programme . It is very thoughtful of you that you are taking all of us to London . This is great oppotunity for me to explore and experience London myself especially , The London fashion and leisure shows . Most of the shows are about fashinable things for the students in my age . I think it is a good programme and suitable for all of us because there are many different kinds of the shows for instance latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , how to make up and how to have propiate hairstyles . In my opionion , I think you should organised this programme in the afternoon instead of going for shopping and move the shoping time in the afternoon on Wednesday . I hope this information will help you to understand and put it in your programme . I trust you to pay immidiate attention to my suggestions . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerily , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I closed my eyes , tooke a deep breath and jumed out of the tower . There were hundrend of Thai students were waiting for doing this test . I was very afraid of the hieght and was very nervous . I was given the lists for doing the activities while I was going to the adventurous school schems at the solder camps in the north of Thailand . There were many tasks that I had to complete for instance , clime up to the mountain , how to used some kind of guns , and how to survive when I got lost in the forest . The last task I had to do was jume out of the hight tower . The assistants were the real solder and they were very kind and helpful eventhough , they looked very strick and unkind . It was the hardest time for me to do thing like this because I lived in the city most of my life I had never known about how to survive in the forest and how difficult to work as solders . I eventaully managed to complete all tasks that I had given I was very proud of this . Dear Helen : I have just received your letter , and I am very happy about this . Thanks very much ! I think I would like to travel only on July because I 've just finished my course at that time , and I can have a short holidays in these days . It will be very nice for me . Accommodation at Camp California is in tents or log cabins , I think I prefer both of them , because I 've never been there before , and never heard of these two places . I am very interested in both places but , I can just choose one place , I think I will choose log cabins , it 's sounds good and if I have time , maybe I can go to tents next time ( maybe next year . ) When I am at Camp , I will choose singing and photography I can sing classic music and pop music , seem like rock & roll . Maybe TITANIC . My mum liked me singing this song . And I can also make very good photography , because I learned this in China two years ago . Another thing is I would like to ask you some questions about journey , What 's the weather like ? What kind of clothes shall I take ? and how much does it cost per night live in a Hotel ? Thanks for your help . Yours Shopping is not always enjoyable A lot of people enjoy shopping very much , me too . But sometimes shopping is not very enjoyable . Firstly , I am a student , I do n't have job , so , I have to asked money from my parents . I ca n't asked too much that 's very bad for my parents . When I go shopping . I alway feel shame because I spend my parents money. ( although I got part-time job , it just enough to pay my rent . ) Secondly , if you live in a big city , the things always expensive . You should spend more money on buying clothes and food , you will very happy when you buy it , but , when you come back home take out you purse , you must be feel sad , you purse nearly empty , ( when you do n't have enough money . ) Sometimes , when you shopping on the street , you will see a lot of things that you like , and you ca n't buy it once , you will feel very sad maybe . And then , you may save money for the things you like , nothing to do , just for the poor things what you like so funny is n't it ? Another thing is when you shopping in a busy street , seem like oxford st in London. a lot of thief there , they will steal you money , that 's so dangerous . So , in my opinion shopping is not really enjoyable all the time for me . It will stop when I get a good job . Maybe I will feel better and enjoy it . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing this letter to you to show the difference between your advertisement for Over The Rainbow and the real life . When I saw your advertisement on yesterday 's newspaper , I thought that I would have a perfect evening as you have written on your advertisement . But now I am thinking that it was a waste of time . I am a fan of Danny Brook and he was one of the reasons why I chose seeing Over The Rainbow , but I did n't even see him on the stage . Moreover it was written that the musical was between 14:30-19:30 . Suprisingly the show started at 20:15 . That destroyed all my plans . Then I decided to have a dinner at your Theatre Restaurant after the show , but unfortunately it was closed . I think , all of these disappointments are too much for one evening . After all I am sure that you understood it was n't my perfect evening out and you will give my money back . I am looking forward to hearing your good news Sincerely , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . That was also my fault . I do n't know why I told this to Pat . But I thought Pat and I were best friends . Yesterday Larry suggested going to cinema after school . This was the most wonderful suggestion I have ever had . Going to cinema with the boy I love . It sounded really good . Of course I accepted immidiately . I was like walking on the clouds the whole day until I saw Pat running towards me . I suddenly remembered that I promised Pat to help her with her history homework . She came near to me and said Ready for this evening ? Do n't forget bringing your history books . She was very nervous because she was about to fail . I told her that I want to tell her something . Then I explained what has happened that morning . She was about to cry . I see . You choose Larry , but I thought that I was your best friend . After hearing this , I told her that I am deeply in love with Larry . I told her not to tell this anyone . She said OK angrily . After school Larry and I went to the cinema , but on the enterance there was a beautiful girl waiting for us . Larry told me that she is his girlfriend and then I told them I had to go home . When they asked me the reason I told that I promised my Mom to be with her . They said OK and I went home . When I closed my bedroom 's door I burst into tears . I do n't know how long I cried ... Next morning I went to school again . Everyone at the school was knowing about my love to Larry including him . Pat was the only person who knew it . That showed me not to trust anyone . Dear Helen Ryan , Thank you very much for your letter . I 'm very surprise , to won this prize . About the information , I like to travel on July because it 's only the month I have vacation . It 's very difficult to change it . About the accommodation at Camp California I will prefer tents because I like the nature and I like to listen the birds . At the camp I will like to practise tennis and golf . My level in this two activities is medium , I never practise them all . I would like to ask you some question . How many money take us ? or is necessary ? What can of clothes met it ? In the first prize you including a second person like my husband ? It 's necessary for the activities to wear special clothes ? Thank you another time for this first prize two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. I 'm very happy . Yours sincerely Shopping is not always enjoyable . Last weekend I went to Barcelona with some friends to shop . When we arrived to the shopping center , I saw a lot of people . I do n't understand why they was a lot of people . My friends and I , I went to a fashion shop " Mango " to buy some clothes . Nobody at the shop came with us to help . There are four gays , in this shop . We asked them if someone of them help us . Finally , a girl very friendly came with us . We bought some trousers , tee-shirts , and one pair of shoes . My friends bought some things like a red trousers and white tee-shirts . After this , we returned to Andorra . But not always it 's the same history because I like shopping and I think I 'm enjoy . Not all the time the people are not friendly in the shops . Dear Mr. Robertson , I , as a head member of the students who participate in this year 's trip to London , would like to thank you for the excellence of the programme you have developed for us . Specially , I would have to name the great opportunity you offer to us with the visit to the National Art Gallery which is one of the most important art galleries all around the world . Being London one of the most multicultural , multiracial cities , we cannot avoid the fact that is these days The London Fashion And Leisure Show takes place in the Central Exhibition Hall ( Tuesday March 14th ) 10:00-19:00. ) . Based on this I would like to suggest minor changes in the fabulous Programme you have offered . These changes will not affect the contacts of the programme itself . The suggestion is to move the Tuesday shopping to Wednesday afternoon , which is free , and place there the visit to the London Fashion And Leisure Show , that is , on Tuesday afternoon . I also would like to remark that this change does not increment the cost of the trip , because the London Fashion And Leisure Show is free for students . I want to thank you Sir for your time . Best Regards , The London Trip Group " It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . " Nowadays I remember those exciting days in which danger is knocking at your door every day . It was 20 years ago we were friends since 10 . In those days we decide to be friends forever and work for the NASA . I remember it as if it were yesterday . We were both 18 , and we had the university access test already done . The problem was that both of us wanted to go to the same university , the NASA university in Houston ( Texas ) . Of course we had n't got enough points in the test to do it so . So , that , we decide to access our school Main database and change our test results . This way we could obtain seldom places at NASA university . The task was not easy , with 18 you do n't know too much about cryptographic algoritms and databases but anyway we decided to do it there was nothing to lose . It took us two weeks to modify the results in a very complex operation in which we should take care of hiding all our fingerprints . The operation was successful . Both of us went to the NASA university and nowadays we work for the CIA developing secure system and new encryptation algorithms . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to confirm that we have received your programme for our class for the three days , during our stay in London , and would like to thank you . Firstly , the whole class is very pleased with the programme , especially with the visit to the National Art Gallery . As we have been told , there are a lot of interesting paintings and ancient sculptures in which we all are keen to see it . A couple of days ago , my classmates made the suggestion , that they would also like to see the London Fashion And Leisure Show in London , Central Exhibition Hall , which was advertised in a school magazine and there is free entry for students . The show includes the latest fashion wear , sports wear for spare time , make up and hairstyles . At the same time it would be a great opportunity for most of us because we are going to study " Art and Design " next year . We agreed in the class to visit this show on Tuesday 14 March in the afternoon after lunch instead of shopping . Do you think it is possible ? We would be grateful , if you could consider our suggestion and hope to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , To be famous or not to be famous ? Well , first of all , I think it 's quite difficult to be a musician , film star or a politician without being followed by journalists all the time . In my opinion , most of these people are aware of the consequences like not to have a " private life " anymore . As soon as they are famous , they are surrounded by their fans and reporters in every place . I can imagine , how annoying it can be sometimes . Just think that you 'd like to go shopping , clubbing or to a restaurant with friends . There 's really no way to be together just only with your friends or relatives without being disturbed by these paparazzis . On the one hand I can understand how important it is for the journalists to take pictures for the newspaper or magazines they work for . It is the way how they earn money , of course . But on the other hand I have to mention that they are going too far sometimes to take a picture . For example Lady Diana . Do you think she would have been still alive if she and her boyfriend had n't been followed by these nosy paparazzis ? Well , this will be an open question to anyone . Dear Helen Ryan , I am amazed with the prize in your competition . I am looking forward to go to Camp California in the USA and I am writing to give you further information . I would like to travel only in July because this is the only month that I am on holiday each year . About accommodation , I would prefer to stay in tents because it will be a new experience for me . I like to get new experiences specially when I am on holiday . I am pleasant to have the opportunity to practice sports as well . I am good at swimming and playing tennis . I would like to know how much money I need to have to spend there and if I need to take with me my sports clothes . Will the Camp California provide the clothes for swimming and play tennis ? If you need some more information let me know . Yours sincerely Rita Fernandez . Shopping is not always enjoyable In my opinion shopping is a very good practice that 's give you more opportunity to enjoy yourself . I do n't understand why men do n't like shopping at least they say that . Despite the fact that it love shopping I have to agree that it is not " always " enjoyable . Sometimes you go out and you ca n't find something special or there are a lot of people there . It 's boring . You should n't go shopping when the shopps are so busy because its so boring . If you want to buy a Christmas present buy it some days before Christmas . Another point is now you do n't need to go out just for shopping . You can buy a lot of products by Internet . I believe if you choose the best way or the best day to go shopping you will love it . In conclusion I think there is boring time and enjoyable time when you are shopping but for me there are more enjoyable than boring time . Dear Sirs , Two weeks ago , I came to London for a week 's holiday . During my stay in your city , I had the opportunity to assist to your show named ' Over the rainbow ' after having read an advertisement in the magazine ' Going-out ' of the 1st of June . I 'm writing to you in order to complain about this show . The problems started when we arrived at the Theatre : my 6 year old son had to pay full price . Then , even if we could enter in the room , the show did n't start before 20:15 , which is 45 minutes later than expects . Indeed , we are still waiting on Danny Brook who was not in the piece . And last , at the end of the program , we would like to have a drink in the theatre Restaurant , but it was already closed due to the poor attendance . As this evening was for my family and I a wasted one , I permit myself to ask you for refund . I 'm looking forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully JANN BRUL There is no need to be a genious to notice that technology has evoluated so considerably during the last decades that our everyday life has changed . From my point of view , modern technology has first permit to me to find a job as I work as a computer engineer . In this domain , you have to afford everyday the development of new technology . And as new discoveries bring new discoveries , progress is going faster and faster . The advantage of this is that you need to interest yourself in all if you do n't want to be put on the side . And so , your life is not boring at all as you learn new things everyday . In the other hand , you cannot stay quiet for 2 week as some new inventions come out every day . Finally , new technology have a great influence on my life as it permits me to live on . But , who knows , may be one day I will develop technology that will send me right to the unemployment office ! Dear Helen Ryan i was so happy when i knew that i won first prize in your competition. i 'm hope that it will be good gift for me from your organization . You asked me when i like to travel ? i like to travel. only in July because in august i must go to my grandmother and help to her to gather a harvest of fruits. i 'd prefer take a tent because it is more romantic and exciting spend nights in the tent. and with the tent i can go to enougher place of the camp . But when it is going to rain it is not comfortable , but I like it. i 'm want to do such activities likes basketball . Because i think it is teenagers game. and i 'm like painting because i like to paint the nature , sea , moutains. i 'm often go to an exhibitions of paintings of modern artists . But i like different stiles of art. i 'd think I 'll enjoy this travel . i whant to know some questions about it . Can i say more then two weeks if i like it ? In what day i can start my travel ? in what conditions it will be spend ? and the last one . How much money i should take there ? i 'm realy lookind forward for your answers. and i hope to see you soon . Bye yours sencerely Gubin . Shopping is not always enjoyable . i 'm absolutly agree with it . Because i have my own expirience of shopping . For exsample resently i was shopping at the market , which located in the center of our town. end what do you think ? When i was there i saw very beatiful T-shirt. i asked my mother to buy it . But my mother said : " i have n't enough money to buy it " . i was abset of it . Our goverment very burocrative . Our ministers very criminal they are often breake the law , stole money. for example Paul Kozin had stole 800000000 dollars . Because of it our stare ca n't pay money to workers of schools , hospetols , builders. in our country high nomber unemploeers . Usual people ca n't buy a piece of bread. and they ask for money to enougher people. my parents ca n't buy me all what i want our society our full. each man think only about himself. quality of life very low . But i hope that i will be time when each person can buy to himself everything that he or she want. and shoppings will be allways enjoyable . 13th June 2000 Dear Mrs. Ryan , I am writing with reference to your letter about the competition I won , in which you required some additional information . I am very happy to have won a two-week trip at Camp California , but for me it is only possible to travel in July because it is the only time when I can get holidays from work . Therefore , it is essential that you take account of my availability when booking the trip . As I am an expert camper , I would prefer to be accommodated in tents than in log cabins . What concerns activities at the camp , I would be highly delighted if I could play basketball and tennis . The former because I am an excellent basketball-player and the latter because I am interested in taking up a new sport as I am a complete beginner at it . I am a little unsure about some things and I would be very grateful to you if you could answer my questions . I would like to know if I will need to take some special clothes and how much money would be suitable to bring with . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , REPORT ON DAILY LIFE AT MY SCHOOL , FOR MY ENGLISH TEACHER Introduction After our English class ' decision to make a short film about daily life in my school , I have been asked to write a report about interesting lessons and activities that should be filmed . The aim of this report is to inform my teacher about them . Here are my findings . Best lessons to film As all the students are different from each other , it is essential to show many aspects of the school . Therefore , to show the good aspects , I suggest to film Mr. Clark 's English classes , because they are highly educative and because the students participate a lot . On the other hand , to show less pleasing aspects , it would be adequate to film Mrs. Morrison 's French classes , as they are extremely boring and sub-standard . Interesting activities One event that should not be missed to film , is the weekly football game between teachers and students , which shows how well they get along with each other . Another event that should absolutely be captured on film is the preparation of the meals in the canteen . The cooks are very friendly and excellent . Conclusion In conclusion , I suggest that our English class seriously takes into consideration my suggestions when making the video . Because the above mentioned events are the most praised or criticised ones by all students . INDIAN DEMURO Dear Helen Ryan , I have just seen the letter this morning and I am very happy for win the competition . I believe I have the appropriate qualification to stay two weeks at camp California . It could be wonderful to see you as soon as possible . First of all , I will be able to travel in July because I have not finished school . Althoug I wich that my accommodation at Camp California it must be in tents . I get experience in the last summer . Secondly , I am very keen at sports . Specially at sailing and swimming . Anyway I am hard working for the word cup at sailing . Finally , I would like to know how is the weather in July ? Because I have to prepare all my staf and I am sure it would be a great experience despite the cost of living . I look forward to hearing for you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Hi , how are you ? I 'm fine . Thank you for my birthday 's present . Sorry about my last mail but I 've been traveled . I did n't tell you about my last job , you remember last moth I 've helped at a pop concert . Anyway , it was fantastic you ca n't imagine how was the concert like ? However , I was responsible for check in for the entrance then I must gave a sit to everyone . Anyway I enjoed so much . I have n't been to a concert before so the atmosphier was really good . I should n't forgot my experience in my life . Did you remember the computer curse that we took together it was very useful to clasifay each person in the concert . So keep in touch . A lot of love , Dear Ms Jane Clark , I am writing to you to tell you that I enjoyed the International Arts Festival held on 21-22 November this year . I liked the plays and the films most . Some films were really wonderful . You had picked up unknown but talented directors ' films and they were really worth watching . And the concerts were also excellent . Especially , I enjoyed the jazz concerts and could see some famous jazz musicians I adore . However , I found some things which I think I should point out . Some concert halls were not big enough to have the audience . For next year , I think you should take this matter into consideration , And I think it would be much better if you had more plays and films . I will definitely go to the festival next year , too . To make it more enjoyable , I would be grateful if you could welcome my comments on it . Best regards . A Japanese folk story " a bamboo princess " There was an old married couple . They had no children . One day , the lady went to a river to wash clothes and the man went to a mountain to cut trees . In a bamboo forest , he found a shining bamboo . When he cut it , he found a beautiful baby girl in it . She was named bamboo princess . The princess grew up beautifully . Some princes proposed her . But she said to them , " if you want me , you have to do this. " and asked them to do impossible things because she did n't want to get married . One day , the old couple saw the princess crying . When they asked her , she said " I am from the moon and I will have to go back soon " . They really loved her and they asked a prince who loved the princess to protect her . But , one the day , the princess went back to the moon with guards from the moon although the prince and his army tried hard to protect her . This story happened a long time ago . Dear Mrs. Ryan , First of all , I would like to thank you for the letter which brought me such good news . I enjoyed a lot participating in your competition and hope to apreciate the travel I won . Secondly , I will give you with pleasure some information about myself you need to have . To be honest , the only suitable time for me to travel is in July because my session at the University will have finished only in the end of June . As an accommodation at Camp California I prefer a tent because I have been doing camping for years and enjoy it very much . As I have a chance to do 2 activities while I am at the Camp , I will choose singing which I am very good at and swimming which I am fond of but unfortunately , not a professional . In the end I would like you to tell me if I should take some special clothes and also the sum of money I will need ... during my vacation . I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing from you soon . Sincerely yours , Lena Kazanova A lot of women would never agree with me and almost all the men of the world would never believe that in my opinion , shopping is really not always enjoyable . Eternal crowds , high prices , long hours of choosing a suitable thing , that is what shopping means to me . Especially , I ca n't support to do shopping with my mother : it takes so much time that later I regret of agreeing to go with . When I am on my own , everything is fine : I do my shopping quickly because I never have to spend hours to choose what I really want either for myself or someone else . Shopping is a personal art and everybody has his own way to do it . Some go just to kill the time others - to look at something new , I am in the third group - previously I think of what I will buy and go straight to the department I need . But sometimes I have to forget my opinion and spend all the day looking for my mother in a huge department-store . Mrs. Jane Clark , I see your advertisement about Internal Arts Festival now . I think that 's a great idea . As we need some good activities . Advertisement is written that you invite stars and artist from around the world . This is very incredible but from only six countries you wrote . I think you should invite from ten countries because there are more and more stars and artists in the world . If you invite from more countries to stars and artist , your festival will be unbelieved . Second point is there are some jazz , rock and classical concerts . It 's a good idea but some concert halls are too small . Because of these , people are bored quickly . You show plays and films . I congradulate you because it 's perfect . The most important thing is dance shows . As more people like dance shows , me too . That 's the real knowledge for us , art exhibition and talks by writers . I think we know a writer life or how is he writing it ? it 's very significant thing . Lastly , you said one reasonable-priced weekend ticket for all events ' . It 's excellent . If you can pay attention to my small suggestion , next year I hope it will be unbelievable festival . THANKS ! Yours sincerely ! Dear Edmond I miss you very much and sorry about did n't write you some letters . I hope you forgive me . What are you dong today , how is your school ? My school opened yesterday . As you know I am a new student . It is very difficult because I do n't know anybody . However ; today I used to my school , I have got two sweet girls . But this school has got a lot of rules and in our class , we have been talking about Rules , both at home and at school . It is very boring . For instance ; you must not argue with your friend or you must not argue with workers . The most significant rule is you must not smoke in public places , or in the toilet . You continuously must study hard . I feel very bad because what you are allowed I are n't allowed to do at home . Are you understand me ? Can I change my school ? Please you will write me a letter quickly . Lovers ! Dear Sir ! I am writing to you because of the musical show " Over The Rainbow " I saw in your theatre last week . I looked forward a perfect evening but it was the most disappointing one I have ever had . Firstly , you did not tell the truth about starring . The advertisement of the musical said that it was going to be Danny Brook , unfortunately there was someone else - an actor which I do not like and if I have known that he was going to be I woud not have come to see him . Secondly , it was supposed to start at 19.30 but actually started at 20.15 . Forty five minutes later ! You also have mentioned about the discounts and there were not any . Lastly , the restaurant which was going to be opened was in fact closed without a reason ! Keeping in mind all these arguments , I want to ask you for some money back . I think it could be your nice apologise for all my problems and disappointments . Your faithfuly , Contemporary modern technology is a very important aspect of our lives . It is always with us : in our homes , in the places we work and learn . It affects our lifes , my too . In fact modern technology was already very popular and comonly used when I was born , so I cannot say that it changed my life rapidly . But I am also sure , that my life would be different without it . All these products of science are with me since the very beging of my day . For example I am woken up by my electronic alarm-clock , then I go to the bathroom and there is hot and cold water , next I eat my breakfast and listen to the radio . All these things are the ideas of the technology . On the other hand , I am aware of all these disadvantages of the modern technology ; pollution and dangarous it brings . But I think it has more advantages than disadvantages and it is O.K. I am really glad that I am a child of my centuary - the age of modern science . Finally , I think that we cannot talk only about changes which the modern technology has brought to our lives . That 's because that I think that we are the one who change the technology as well . I think that our lives are lives with technology , they sometimes mean the same as science and affects not on at each other but together . So how has the modern technology changed my daily life ? I do n't know how it would be like without the technology . Dear Ms. Ryan , I am writing to answer about your invitation which I have receved as a first winner . I am very delighted to visit the two weeks Camp California in the U.S.A. . This would be an ideal opportunity for me to visit the United States to learn the American way of life . First of all , I would like to travel on July because I have a lot of work in my company at the moment , so my boss said I can have my travel-holiday only on July . Secondly , I 'd like to prefer to stay in tents , that would be the first chance for me to sleep on the outskirts of California . It could be very enjoyable . And I would like to choose my activities Golf and painting . I used to play Golf several years and I like to paint the composition . Last , I have no experience in abroad . Therefore I 'd like to know about the weather in California on July . Which clothes should I take ? May be there are some occasions which I have to pay myself . As above mentioned , please take care to give me more information , and if you 'd like to know more , please telephone me for further discussion . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Yuna ARNISTON Seoul is the capital city of Korea . It is a largish city and has a population of over eight million . I went to school there for twelve years . Many people are saying : When you have a son , send him to Seoul to get a job and to have the chance at the best opportunity . There are all kinds of facilities what you can imagine . Most of the people , they like to go to centre of City that 's Meong-Dong where is the uderground acade and several businesses have their head quarter there . There are also many kinds of take-away restaurants , where I can taste my favorite foods . That does n't cost much . If I go to visit my family in Korea , I usually walk along the Meong-Dong streets , and am enjoying to have eye-shopping . But there are alwalys a lot of traffic at all times , and the air is so polluted that I ca n't even breathe . I always feel very tired after the shopping because of unfrendly people who are too busy . Shopping is not always enjoyable . Yuna ARNISTON Dear Mr Robertson , First of all , I am writing to thank you for organising school 's trip to London . The programme seems to be really interesting , especially visiting the Science Museum . However , the students in my class have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show , which is going to take place on 14th of March at Central Exhibition Hall . Visitors will be able to see the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear and also get some help with make up or hairstyle . It would be great opportunity to see this show , because we are all very interested in fashion subject . What is more , admittion for students is free . Do you think that it would be possible to change the programme of our trip ? In our opinion we could join the show on Tuesday , after visiting the Science Museum . It would not be a problem to go shopping on Wednesday in our free time . I look forward to hearing from you . Your sincerely , Famous people , such as politicians and film stars , deserve to have a private life without journalists following them all the time . In these days , when we can see picture of famous person almost on every first page of the newspaper , it 's a quite common topic . First of all , I think that famous people deserve to have private life . Journalists should not follow them all the time , trying to make an interview or taking an ' interesting ' picture . Secondly , I can really understand how annoying or depressing it can be . I think that deep inside famous persons are just ordinary people and like for all of us having a private life is important for psychological condition . On the other hand , we could say that they decided to have such kind of life . Maybe they need to pay the price for being rich and popular ? Maybe sometimes they need to sacrifice their privacy ? In conclusion , I think that it is very hard to find an answer to this question . However , everyone needs to have some part of his life being a secret . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to your about the trip in London . Thanks for your programme , we are all looking forwards especially for the Monday 13 March because we will discover all the monument in London . However , we have got a suggestion : we saw an advertissement for " the London Fashion and Leisure Show " which is going to be on Tuesday March 14 from 10:00 to 19:00 . For all of us , it sound like a great opportunity because we though that this event would makes us learn about the way of life in London , the english style .... Moreover , the big advantage is that it is a free show so you will not have to worry about the budget . Our request is to change the programme , either you can cancel all the Tuesday and we can enjoy all the exhibition or if you cannot cancel the Museum , we can go there right after because we will have full of time to shopping during our free time on Wednesday . Hoping that you will think about it carefully because we are all very exciting . thanks in advance Yours Faithfully Since always , medias has been keen of famous people life and it 's becoming worst and worst , you can find everything in " gossip " Newspapers . Does famous people deserve to keep their own life secret ? According to me , you ca n't deserve to have a private life when you 're famous because when to start you career you know that medias will be hunting you everywhere and more famous you get worst it is going to be because that the life style people wants to know everything , for instance , about their favourite actor or about their president.. they saw them many time on T.V. or Cinema , So people wonder about them . And famous people like it because if you 're a star or whatever it 's because you like to show yourself . therefore , even if I agree sometimes Medias are going too far and write really bad things. if you 're famous you cannot have private life because all of this is a part of their job . And if Medias are too awful they have got law to protect themself . Dear Ms Helen Ryan ! I was pleased to recieve you letter ricently . I feel very happy with my results , and I ca n't wait to go to California . Now I 'm going to give you some information , you asted about . I 'm sory to tell that , but the only time I will be able to take this trip in July , according to our team 's shudule . The next thing - I would prefer to spend all nights in tent , so I can move it to the place will better suite me. - I like to wake up with a view to mountains , wich remind me about my 5 years experience in climbing . Also I enjoy walking and photography . I made two albums about birds and flowers life . So , is it posible , I would like to continue doing my favorite hobbies in the Camp . And the last question I have - Do I need to bring any special clothes or gize ? And how much money should I take ? Thank you , Yours sincerely Elina Shoping is not always enjoyable If you need something you have a choice to borrow it from friends or library , or to bye it . Let 's speak about shoping . As in all there are some advantages and disadvantages . Do you think it 's enjoyable spending of time ? If you would ask me , I prefer my friends to do all shoping for me . Because I aware of big lines to check point , crowds of people , noise ... And of'course not all shops have good conditionering . In my opinion the better time for shoping is weekdays , preferably in the morning . Otherwise , you either will not find what you are looking for , or you will , and spend the rest of the day in bad mood , because of bad maners of sales people , that not every time you ask can give you any advice . It can be boring , it can be not . Summerise all , I will recomend to spend less time indoors , shopping during the weakdays . To Manager . My name is Sam . I would like to inform you that your advertisement mentions so many different things , so it spoilt a part of my journey . Then I want to receive my money for the ticket . After reading your advertisement . I went to your theatre to see ' Over the rainbow ' last night . I was excited to see it . But everything was terrible and different from your advertisement . First of all the actor was different . So I was disappointed . I had wanted to see Danny Brook in the show . The movie started 20.15 not 19.30 . You wrote ' discouts available ' but they did n't discount . After the show , I could n't have my dinner in your theatre restaurant . The restaurant was closed because of being repaired . You advertised for my perfect evening out . But I was unpleasent because of these things . So I ask you to return some money back . If you have something to ask , please call me . I will stay until the end of this month . The number is 577-6277 . ( Hotel number ) . I wait to hear from you soon . I think there is nothing not to be influenced by science and technology affects in our daily life nowadays . I would like to answer how modern technology has changed my daily life as a housewife . I have much housework to be done from early morning until late evening . I always use many electric products ; washing machine , dish-washer , vacuum cleaner , blender , juice , fridge . I think I can have my spare time owing to these thing . For example if I do n't have washing machine , I will have to wash all clothes myself . Then it takes about 1 hour or one and a half to wash . During the washing machine is whirring , I can get my time . So I can read my book or do another thing . Also I ca n't imagine my life without car . It would be terrible . Now I ca n't live without them . Owing to all of them , I can live very comfortbly . These things provide me all convenience . Dear Sir , I am writing to you because I receive your letter concerning the prize of two weeks in California that I have won . I would like to travel the first two weeks of July because in June I will be working and at the end of July I am planing to go to Paris to attend a course of French . I would prefer to be accomodated in tents because I love camping but I do n't mind also the second possibility . In your letter you wrote that I will I the chance to do two activities ; First of all I would like to play tennis because I have been plaing for seven years , secondly I would like to attend a course of surf but I have just some elementary knowledge . I would like also to have more information about the cost and which kind of clothes you suggest to bring with me . I am looking forward your reply Your faithfully First of all I would like to say that I think it is important to concentrate this video in few but interesting part of our daily life at school Interesting will be to show how the lessons are organize , saing that we are never doing just one activitie during the class . We should speak about our library that it is well furnished of several books , tape and video . After that we have to make sure that we explain how is it the relationship betwen teachers and students , showing the several time that we have been out together . In addition I think should be reported in this video some personal opinion about the school asking students and teachers . Finaly we should give some information also about our courses concerning tourism , buisness and computer . Dear Mrs. Ryan , thank you very much for your letter . It is great that I could win the first prize in your competition , which means that I will have the possibility to spend two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A. I am sure it will be an exciting experience for me . As request following you will find the information you need . First , I would like to travel in July because my company is going to close for holiday at that period and it would suits me very well . Secondly , I would prefer an accomodation in tent because I enjyoi being outside close to the nature . Thirdly , what the activities concern , which I can choose , it is a little bit difficult to decide because I would like to try all of them ! As I am very good at tennis and swimming I will choose these . I have won various little tennis tournaments in my country and abroad. and I am able to swim every style . Finally , I have two questions . Please let me know which clothes do I need then and how much money in cash and as travellers cheque shall I take with me . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely E. Elmo . Sometimes the bad charachters in a story are more interesting than the good ones . I completely agree with this statement . Recently I have red a short story written by Agatha Christie . His title was : " The Mistery of Hunter 's Lodge " . The charachter which I liked most was that of Mrs. Havering , the mistress . It was very exciting because she could play at the same time two people : herself and the houskeeper . Although from my point of view she planned the murder of his uncle and was able to do it . I think that her husband only followed what she ordered him . She was the head in this story . The plan was almost perfectly and the police had n't discovered the murderer without the help of Mr. Poirot . In my opinion Mrs. Havering was a extremely intelligent person in addition to being a very good actress and this made this story full of suspense . Moreover she must have had an " ice blood " and strong nerves to handle in that way . As far as I am concerned I would appreciate to have myself some of her characteristics , like take a decision and handle . Mr. Manager , I went to the Circle Theatre to see a musical show called " Over the Rainbow " , and I was very disappointed after it . First off all I would like to say that it has started later than it should to , I had to wait for about fourty-five minutes . Then I realized that Danny Brook did not appear in the show which was very disappoiting for me because I like this actor very much , and I think that I was not the only one who was upset . Another disappointing thing was that that discounts were not available , which made me a bit angry . Why did you write that they were available ? I think that the most disappointing think was that theatre 's restaurant was closed . I would to add that I was hungry after the show . It was not such a perfect evening out . I would rather say that it was a very disappointing evening , and I would like to have my money back as soon as possible or we will meet at court ! Yours sincerlly , First off all I would like to say that modern technology has changed my daily life very much . Every day when I get up I am checking if there are any messages left for me like e-mail or SMS in my mobile phone . They are very usefull things which sometimes are nessecary to survive . Modern technology has got a big influence on our life . It is easier . We can communicate with people by using mobile phones or telephones which are the best things ever made . I use them very often in my daily life . I THINK THAT TELEVISION HAS the biggest influence on our daily life . I watch about four hourers TV a day , I even eat my meals in front of the TV . We can see PEOPLE 'S LIFE in other countries which is very interesting for me and my friends . Also Iternet has influence on my daily life , beause I can find there many interesting things , or I can meet with people from all over the world which is exciting for me . I think that life with out modern technology would be simple and borring that 's why I am using it in my daily life , I am happy that there is such thing as modern technology . 13 , June 2000 Dear Sir or Madam , Firstly I would like to thank you for the two weeks that I am going to stay in the Camp California Secondly , I will be able to travel on July because I am a manager so I can not travel another time . Now I am going to answer a few questions : I think it is better for me to stay in a log cabin because I have terrible backaches so I can not sleep on the floor . I would like to sing and photograph , I 've done a course about photography and I think that I am very good on it . In the other hand , I can not sing very well but I would like to do this there . I would like to know which type of clothes I will wear there , would you check the weather forecast for me , please ? And how much money I am going to need to have there with me ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely . Maria Sophia Candoso . the lost wallet A long time ago , when I started working , I received my first pay and went to a shopping center to spend my money with my credit card . I bought everything I wanted . Finaly the day to pay my credit card arrives and where was my money ? I started to look in everywhere . I 've asked my mom and my friends and everybody did n't know where it was . My mom said : ' You 've told me that you were going to put it in your wallet . ' I started to look for my wallet and I could n't find it , lighter . Now I was without my money and my wallet . What could I do ? Suddenly the door bell rang . I went to see who was there . It was and old woman asking who was Maria . ' It 's me ! ' I said . That 's when she showed me my wallet and said she had found it on the sit of the eating-place of the shopping center that I went that day ! Dear Mr Robertson , You may be surprised to receive a letter from us . All the students are happy that we will have othe oppurtinatey , to visit London for three days . This trip would gives us the change to see London and to improve the english language . We all agree to the daily programme during the three days . In the morning , we will have the change , to see some of the sightseeings of London by bus , For example the Science Museum or the National Art Gallery . In the afternoon , the River trip to Greenwich would also be a fantastic experience for us . The reason I write to you , is that we have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show , for a fiew days . It would be exciting , if we had the possibility , to go to the show . The show includes the latest fashions in the sports clothing and the most fashionable make up and hairstyles . We all think that the London fashion and Leisure show will be a great opportunity for us . The show is free for students and we can see the show instat of having free time Wednesday in the afternoon . We all thank you for your help . We send you our regards . The student Ourdays , with the help of the media famous people , like a politician or filmstars , plays an important rule in our community . It is also normally , that the journalists are after them . They want to get from them all the details of their life , especially from their private . Who got married , who got divorsed or who had a remarkeable changing of his complexion , these are questions , who most journalists are interested in . But what life is it , when you even ca n't go to a restaurant being afraid of , the journalists , will be waiting outside for you ? It is sometimes a real fight who will take the first picture of a film star or a politician . Famous people diserve also to have a private life . It is a right like everybody from us has . That fact should be respected by the journalists . Is it normally when you are a star , that everybody wants to know all about you . We shoud n't forget , that for this reason the stars want to keep their private life away from the media ! I think nobody have forgotten , where curiosity from the journalists end . For example the hunting about Princess Diana and his friend . I hope that they will punished for what they done ! Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to complain about a musical show called Over the rainbow , that took place in the Circle Theatre . There were some problems that were not displayed in the advertisment . The first problem was about the actors . In the advertisment it was clearly written that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove would play main roles . But I was very disappointed when I did n't see them on the stage . The second problem was the time of the play . The advertisment said that the show would start at 19:30 but it started at 20:15 . I was waiting for the show for a half-an-hour ! The third problem were the discounts . The advertisment said that they would be available but they were not . The last problem was the theatre restaurant . It was written in the advertisment that I could visit your theatre restaurant after the show , but unfortunatelly it was closed . To conclude , I am not satisfied with the show I watched in your theatre and I would like a fully refund . Yours faithfully , There are many different creatures on Earth : animals , insects , plants . But the most developed creature is a human . He lived nearly 10 000 years . During this time men had developed and now are the leading creatures . They built huge cities , destroyed forests , got into space . Now , modern technology has changed our life . And , naturally , it has both advantages and disadvantages . The modern technology , on the one hand , made our life easier . We use different electric kettle . We build big cities , there are hot and cold water , electricity , gas in particulary every home . We use different transport that makes our moving faster , it fastens our life . We communicate with other people by telephone , mail , we read newspapers , we watch television , get different information from internet . But , on the other hand modern technology destroyed our life . Factories polluted the air we breath , shops polluted the water we drink . Many different uncureable diseases appeared . For example : cancer occured in Africa after American nuclear tests All in all , technology made our life better by destroying the environment . In future possibly the technology would n't destroy the environment , but we have to do something now , because tomorrow can be too late . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to reply your letter in which you let me know I had won the first prize in your competition . I would like to travel in July as it is the only month in this year when I do not have any exams . I am currently attending University and I have exams all term long . For accommodation I would prefer a tent , as I love nature and I like going camping a lot . About the two activities I have to choose I will take surfing and basketball . I know very little about surfing , it is almost something new for me . I have only practised it once . But , on the other side , I am a good basketball player , and I practise it three or four times a week as I play in the University team . There are some things I would like to know first of all , the kind of clothes I should take with me . Then , if I need to take any money to the camp . And finally , if you could tell when would I be leaving and coming back . Yours sincerly Dear Kim , Hi ! How are you ? How are you doing at school ? I have a terrible cold but I feel OK anyway . I got it two weeks ago in a concert , but although I 've been to the doctor , I ca n't get over it yet ! Well , but I do n't regret going to that concert . It was wonderful ! You know I love designing clothes , and there I had the chance to make a dream come true . A friend of mine was organising a pop concert , and as he knew me well , he asked me if I 'd like to design the clothes the pop singers would wear in the show . Of course , I accepted immediately very pleased . It was a marvellous experience , I really enjoyed working with such a nice team , they were really kind with me . And , as if it was n't enough , doing what I love ! It 's something I will never forget . And tell me , are you planning coming back to visit me ? Please let me know if you have some days free so as to organise a little journey together . Well , I think I 'd better close now . Write back soon ! love , Dear Sir/Madame , I 'm writeng with reference to your letter . I 've being very thrilled , when I 've known , that I won first prize in your competition . I always dreamed about going to the California and now my dreams are coming truth . If it 's possible , I would like to travel only July , because my school wo n't be finished earlier . I could n't go August , either , because I promised to go to Masurian Lakes with my friends . If I had a choice , I would prefer to live in tent then in a log cabin . I ca n't imagine real holidays without a tent . It 's one of the most important things for me , to have a chance to forget about all my present , luxurious life and try doing something different . I would be very grateful , if you gave me a possibility of singing . I 've always wanted to learn singing professionaly , but I 've never had an occasion . I 'm very keen on swimming , too . Normally , I live in the seaside and I could n't live without this sport . Last year I was even champion of my school in crawl for one hundred meters. distance . I would like to ask you what clothes should I take with me ? My mother told me , that when she had been there two years ago it was really hot . Should I take with me a lot of money ? You know , I 'm only a student . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Halina Lipnicka Hallo , Kim ! Thanks for your last letter . I 'm sorry I have n't rewritten sooner , but I was very busy . I must tell you that helping at pop concerts is very exciting , but very tiring too , so I had to rest . You asked me about my experiences . Well , it was the best time of my life ! I worked all days , but I did it with pleasure . We lived here in rush , but there was a lot of fun , too . I was very surprised , when I saw that singers are n't so sophisticated and self-confident as they are written in the newspapers . One day I was talking to Stenkovska , because I had to go to buy something to eat for everyone , so I should ask her what did she want . When she tried to answear me , one small child made her a picture with flesh . Imagine , she were n't angry ! She said he should do it again , because she had stupid features ! If I were she , I would kill that boy , but she was nice ! Trully , my work here was n't very important , but I relly enjoyed it . I 've met here so many new people ! Sometimes somebody should on me , but I have to say they are often right . Well , I made couple mistakes . The hardest was , when I brought a pepperoni pizza for kubulska , but she does n't eat meat ! But , for luck , it was n't achieved with succes of our concert . You have to admit , that the show was magnificent . I hope you had a great fun when you was watching us at the TV set , did n't you ? O.K. That 's all for today . I 'll write you again tomorrow , because now my Mom is angry , the I'am not sleeping yet . Write soon ! I ca n't hardly wait . Give my best to your parents . Hugs and kisses Halina . Dear Mr Robertson , I 'm writting this letter giving some opinions about the three days that the class will spend in London . I see that you has already organised the programme . However , the students in my class have seen an advertisement for " the London Fashion and Leisure Show " and they would all like to go to the show . So I 'm writting this letter , asking , if you can change the programme . The London Fashion and Leisure show is a special event that is realized once a year , there are the latest Fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hair styles , all things that a young people wants to see . There is a great opportunity to go there because the students need not pay anyting . I 'm suggesting how programme could be changed . The fashion starts at 10:00 am and ends at 19:00 p.m. and will be realized on 14 March , so we can change the shopping with this event that is realized in the afternoon , and put the shopping at night . There will be a great success ! Your sincerely , X teacher . The Dangerous Mission . " It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it " ... That was my situation at the moment . The story had began two days before ... " The Honorable men 's group " , Dick , Nick and I , has formed this group . Our mission was , stealing the women 's panties , I think that it was very stupid , but it was the most difficult thing that the humanity can do . It prove our bravura to be a man . Our first chalenge was stealing Dick 's girlfriend 's pantie , but it failed . And she broke up the relationship with Dick and we had a conclusion that stealing panties from young girls was very difficult . So we tried to stole adult 's panties . Nick and Dick could prove their bravure stealing from their mother 's panties . I was the only one that could n't stole any panties . So I decided to go to my grand mother 's house and try to steal some panties . But she was a very angry woman . " It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it " , to prove my bravure to all . I had quickly , entered in my grandmother 's room and started to get some panties . I was very nervous that I forgot my shoes . Next day my Grand mother come and she gave my shoes to my mother . That was the most dangerous mission of my life . DEAR MS . RYAN , I 'M WRITING THIS LETTER TO EXPRESS THAT THE RESULTS CATCH ME ABSOLUTELY BY SURPRISE ! I WOULD PROBABLY ENJOY MOST TRAVELLING IN JULY BECAUSE I HAD TO PASS MY LITERATURE EXAMS BEFORE AND I 'M TAKING IT IN JUNE . ANSWERIN TO ANOTHER OF YOUR QUESTIONS , I PREFER TO HAVE ACCOMODATION ON LOG CABINS , BECAUSE OF MY COLUMN PROBLEM WHICH DO N'T LET ME SLEEP ON THE GROUND ( OR ON A SLEEPING BAG ) . DURING MY STAY AT THE CAMP I 'M REALLY FOND OF KEEPING MY TENNIS AND SWIMMING ROUTINES . I USUALLY SWIM THREE TIMES A WEEK IN ORDER TO MANTEIN A COLUMN TREATMENT WHICH MY DOCTOR HAVE RECOMMENDED ME TO DO . ALSO , IF I HAVE ANY LEISURE TIME BETWEEN SCHOOL AND PIANO LESSONS , I PRACTISE TENNIS . SO , AND IF IT POSSIBLE , I WAS INTERESTED ON THE POSSIBILITY OF COVER MY ROUTIN THERE . LASTLY , I WOULD LIKE YOU TO TELL ME IF I HAD TO CARRY SOME MONEY WITH ME TO BUY FOOD OR DRINKS AND HOW THE CLIMATE OF THE CAMPING AREA IS FOR PREPAIRING MY LUGGAGE PUTTING ONLY THE APROPPIATES CLOTHES . LOOKING FORWARD TO HEAR FROM YOU YOURS SINCERELY , ' THIS IS SUCH A MARVELLOUS BOOK YOU WILL WANT TO READ IT AGAIN ' . ARE YOU A SCIENCE FICTION HISTORIES LOVER ? ARE YOU LOVE THE IDEA OF KNOW HOW A MARTIAN IS ? IF YOU REALLY FIND READING THIS KIND OF BOOK INTERESTING , YOU WO N'T MISS THIS BOOK . DURING , THE LAST MONTH I 'VE BEEN READING " A WINDOW ON THE UNIVERSE " AN OXFORD BOOKMARKS COLLECTION BOOK . THIS BOOK CONTAINED NINE STORIES WHICH WAS WRITTEN BY WELL KNOWNS WRITTERS LIKE RAY BRADBURY . BUT THE MAIN PURPOUSE OF THE BOOK IS ALLOW YOU TO FLY WITH YOUR IMAGINATION AND HAVE A LOOKING OF HOW A LIFE GOING TO BE IN THE FUTURE , WHEN , PERHAPS THE WORLD WILL BE COMMANDED BY MACHINES . I THINK THAT THIS IS A MARVELLOUS BOOK TO READ , BECAUSE YOU ARE ABLE TO PUT YOUR MIND UP AGAINST THEMES LIKE " HUMAN RACE EXTINTION " AND ALSO OBTAIN A COMPARISON BETWEEN HUMAN-MIND AND COMPUTERS . SO , IF YOU ARE LOOKING THROUGH A " REALLY SPLENDID SCIENT FICTION BOOK " I WILL RECOMMEND YOU TO READ " A WINDOW. . " AND I 'M SURE THAT WHEN YOU FINISH READING IT YOU WANNA READ IT AGAIN , AND AGAIN ... ! Dear Helen Ryan ; Thank you very much for your letter and for this competition . First I would like to answer your questions . I am only available on July , is it fine for you ? Because , the only time I can take holiday is July . I would prefer log cabins , I think they are more comfortable and safer than tents . About the two activities I choose swimming and painting . I choose swimming because I am very good at swimming and I like it very much . I took swimming courses for four years . And the reason I choose painting is it 's being very exciting to me , I am not very good at this subject but I would improve my painting . I would like to ask whather you have competitions or different activities ? Do you reccomend me to take only summer clothes or some winter clothes as well ? Is it very expensive area ? I mean would £ 700 be enough for me for one week ? Thank you very much for your interest I look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely Dear Kim , It 's been a long time not to write to you , I 'm really sorry but I was very busy . I worked untill midnight everyday . Actually I do n't work , you know , I had been decorating a concert hall for a pop concert . It was very important for us because we really wanted people to enjoy it . It was very enjoyable I met lots of friends We 'd been together all day , painting the walls , cleaning putting some baloons and other staff everywhere . And at the time of concert we wore a big funny costume , and danced with people . Everybody liked it very much , Anyway we worked for that . The most I like was meeting with the band . Guess what the name of the band is ; Back Street Boys . Oh , my God they 're so nice , talkative , funny , people . But you know they 're a bit spoilt . I have to finish or I 'll miss the last post . Bye for now , write to me soon love , Dear Mr. Robertson , I am a student of the FCE class and I am writing to you in name of my class to thank you for the programme about the three days trip to London that you have prepared for us . We have discussed the programme in our class and the students are very happy about that especially because we will have the possibility to visit the Science Museum and the National Gallery . Last week some students of our class have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show that will be on Tuesday the 14th of March . We would like to go to this show . There will be the latest fashions and leisure and sports wear . In addition we will have the possibility to see the newest make up and hairstyles . We think that it will be a great opportunity for us to see this show because we are all interested in fashion . For these reasons I am asking you if we can go there on Tuesday 's afternoon . You can give the possibility to the students too choose between go shopping or go to the show . The show will be at the Central Exhibition Hall and it will be opened until 7. pm . It is even free for students ! ! I hope that this change will not cause to you too many problems . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely I agree with this statement . I think that famous people deserve to have a private life like all the normal people , without journalists following them all the time . A famous person should have the chance to go on his own for a walk without having the annoying impression of being followed . In my opinion the journalists should have more respect for the private life of the famous people . They should understand when it is too much , when they are going too far . For instance , the tragic death of Princess Diana is an example of what a journalist must not do . In this occasion we can say that the journalists have , of course indirectly , caused her death . On the other hand , the famous people have to understand that the people are interested in their lives . If one is famous it has to accept also the disadvantages of be famous . The famous people must enderstand that the journalists are doing their work . In my view Prince Charles is a good example of how famous people have to deal with the media . When he goes skiing in Switzerland he always stops for a while to talk with the journalists and to give the photographers the chance to take pictures . After this break he continues to ski without be annoyed for the rest of the holiday . In conclusion I think that there must be more compehension and respect between famous people and the media . 13/06/00 Dear Helen Ryan I am really pleased to hear from you I won first prize in the competition . It is the thing I really want . How I am going to answer the questions you asked me in the letter . First , I am afraid but I can travel only in July . I 've got three-month holiday from June to August but I 've already promised my aunt , who runs a small nursing home in Andover , to help her during June and in August . I have to work to get my next-term tuition fee . So July is the only month I can take part in your activities . Second , regarding accomodation , I 'd like to stay in a log cabin . I am very sensitive to noise especially at night and tend to catch a cold even in summer . And I love to learn surfing and painting . I am quite good at swimming but I never tried to do surfing . So this time I am really keen on learning that . I also love painting . I expect you have lovely nature in California for me to draw on my canvas . Let me ask a question about clothes and money . What kind of clothes do I need and how much money do I have to take . I am really looking forward to going there and your reply . Yours faithfully Yun Sandra Shopping is not always enjoyable I love shopping . But I ca n't help accepting it is true that shopping is not always enjoyable . For example , any shops are too busy to enjoy shopping in at weekends . Sometimes customers ' trolleys run into each other and they have to wait ages to go through check-ins . What 's worse , there is usually traffic jam around or along roads to a big supermarket and a shopping mall . And if an accident takes place on the roads , it can be a nightmare . So I prefer shopping at weekdays unless I am busy or have an appointment . However , people ca n't have a good time even at weekdays while shopping . Shopping gets them tired as they have to walk for a long time to find the things they want to get . In addition , they can get angry with a shop assistant because of bad service . For the handicapped , going shopping is not easy and it can be very bothering unless shops have facilities for them . Despite all these things which show that shopping is not always enjoyable , people have to go shopping . Otherwise they can have lots of problem and difficult to live . Dear Mrs. Ryan , Thank you Very much for the letter you sent me . I am Very happy in winning this prize and I hope my stay there will be great ! First of all , I can only travel in July because I have tests at school and they are Very important to me and I hope you Will understand my problem . And I Will like to be accommodated in a log Cabin , because I do not like sleeping in tents , because of the bugs and insects . For the activities I would like to chose the Tennis activities , which I am not too bad at , and climbing , Which I have never done but must be interesting . I Would like to Know if I need to take any clothes , and , if yes , What Kind of Clothes ? I also Want to Know if I should take any Money , or if all the expences are payed by You . I am looking forward to your reply . Yours sincerely , Santiago Shopping is not always enjoyable Sometimes people go to the mall to look at products and do n't even buy anything . But of course , there are some exceptions . For example , when you buy something , you might lose it and never again see it , or you could be robbed , or even if the product has something wrong with it , then you have to swap it and that takes time . And sometimes the credit card machines do n't work , or they do n't accept your card or even if you have exceeded the limit of your credit card . Another bad thing is that people want something very badly , and they ca n't afford it . That makes those people frustrated and they do n't enjoy theirselves . Dear Mr. Ryan : I am writing in connection with the information requested , concerning the two-week trip I have won in the competition . Firstly , I was asked the time my trip would be and I have come to a conclusion that the only time I will be able to go is in July because during this very month I have my winter break both from work and school and that is when I will be free to go . About accomodation in tents or log cabins , I would enjoy much more being in tents as I believe is the right type of accomodation for going camping ? Another point mentioned was the choice of activities . I would like to try sailing as I have never sailed before and also climbing as I enjoy hiking a lot . I actually have much resistance and balance so that will help me in both activities . Now , I would like to request some information about clothes and money . What type of clothes and how much money should I take with me ? I look forward to receiving your reply and hope the information above will helpful towards the preparation for the weeks in subject . Yours sincerely Gabriela Matos Right size , right colour Men tease women as being shop-cravers and for having shopping as the nicest passtime . However that impression is not always true . Everyone enjoys wearing nice new clothes , however do we really like the process of chosing them ? At times , it is not only the matter of having to make a choice but the trouble of finding something , which can kill a lot of time and specially when your does n't fit with the in fashion . The colour along with the style and size , blue or red , long or short , medium or large . What is more , we can say that price is often very off-putting as well . Most people usually go shopping for something which is affordable , and many times they find , for example , a dress , they like a lot but they cannot buy it because it is terribly expensive . Then , I consider a pain having to go around some more still thinking of that same dress . Finally , you always talk yourself into some piece of clothing but that ended up being a tiring day of going in and out of fitting rooms and figuring out discounts. etc . Is that enjoyable ? Dear Jane Clark , I 'm writing to you to give my opinion of that great festival you organiced the last 21 and 22 of November . I want you to know how extraordinary moments I passed with my friends in the festival . Your work was brilliant because you brought stars and artists from around the world with only that reasonable-priced ticket we paid for all the weekend . The festival was very well organiced with a lot of alternatives like concerts and dance shows . On my point of view the hall of the rock concets was too small , you 've to consider make a big one for the next year because these kind of events are concurred by a lot of young people . In conclusion , I wanted to say thanks for such an special weekend . Yours Sincerely , Dear Miguel Thanks for your letter . I got it a couple of days ago and I 've been thinking about what you said . I 'm going to tell you what I feel . In my house rules practically do n't exist because I have 18 years old now so my parents only wish is that I study a carrear and be a good man . They only want to know where I am and when I go out at what time I came home . At school is complete different because the teachers do n't foregive you nothing . You have to be quiet an attention in class if you would n't to be punished . I 'm happy because my parents allow me to do a lot of things . I would n't like to change anything because we all need some dicipline to make the right things . When I 'd time I will write you again Love , Dear Sir : I 'm writing to you to complain about last evening musical show . I was very happy to see your musical show but I have to say that it has been a very disappointing evening . At first my favourite actor Danny Brook did n't perform without any explictions , and the show should started at 19:30 instead of 20:15 ! ! I was sure that discouts were available because I have read it , but at the tickets office they did n't accept them . What a terrible evening ! So I payed the ticket . After the show I was hungry so I went to the restaurant but it was closed ! It was n't my perfect evening out so I 'd like to have my money back ! Yours Faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets so he told his mother how his brother Jim lost her suit suitcase on the train . Jim 's mum did n't want him to take her suitcase , but he did it . So a morning he reached Victoria Station with the suitcase and take the train for the countryside where he had to work . But when he walked out the station he realised that he have lost the suitcase on the train . Then he waited for the next train to London and he caught it . He was worried about his mother 's reaction , but when he arrived he went to the Station Manager 's office and he found it on the table . He was so happy ! All this story was a secret but Pat realived to his mother . She was so angry and confused because Jim have n't told her the truth . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to you because I am really dissapointed bout " Over the Rainbow " which I saw the other day in my stay in London which your company organized . I put off everything to watch this performance but everything that was written in your advertisement was n't true at all . In your advertisement said the show will start at 19:30 however it began at 20:15 . I can understand that a musical show has to be prepared and it takes time . Even though , I ca n't understand the actor of this play Danny Brook and Tina Truelove does n't appeared in the play and there was another actor instead of Danny Brook . After all this I wanted to make my evening pleasant however for my surprise the theatre restaurant was closed because some problems of sanitary . I explained to you every detail about what happened in the musical show and I want you refund my money and send to me an apology for what happenned there . I hope hear from you sooner as possible and thanks for understand my situation . Yours fainthfully Phat Cheung How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Many years ago human beings or whatever we called was another animal species but when they tried to use rocks to make a fire we changed everything . Modern technology changed our lifes in many ways , when I have to wake up earlier I use my alarm clock , if I have to wash my teeth I use my toothbrush with a little of toothpaste . I use my desk to study which was made with trees cut down and emsamblish by machines more powerful than handwork . Even though , this is not enough the technology created a better way of communication , first there were letters , after telephones and now we can write letters and receive them through internet . It is not necessary to imagine things , you can travel all around just making a click with your mouse and you are there . If I am hungry I open the refrigerator and take foods and cook it with a microwave . When I have a headache I ate pills , made by technology . I think everything round us is thanks for technology but we ca n't forget that this things was made by us . The human being . Everything has advantages and disadvantages but the most important thing is how we use it . If we creates guns to protect our homes , others will use it to steal our homes , take advantage from the indefense people . However , the technology never stops , we always search new things because we are made to compete , discover , think things which we do n't know . Dear Ms Helen Ryan , Thank you for first prize . I was glad to win your competition . I look forward to coming soon . I would like to travel in July . Because it is the only free time I will have . I was very happy to hear that all accommodation and travel costs are paid for . And I would prefer tent to log cabin . Because I have had experiance to leve in tent and I like it very much . Thank you for chance to do two activities . I would like to choose Tennis and Photography . I play tennis since I was ten years of age . In my opinion tennis is the best sport I have ever plaed . Another activity what I have chosen is photography . I have just finished profesional photographer course and I would like to continiew my education in this activity . I would like to ask some questions . First of all what kind of clothes I have to take with me ? Also , how much money I have to take ? Look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Thank you for your letter . I was glad to hear from you . Like I said , I 'd helped at a pop concert . I liked it very much . It was very interesting and enjoing . A pop concert had ten pop bands . Each of them must sang two songs . After all they chose three best bands . While this concert I saw a lot of popular singers . For example : Maraya Kary , Tom Jone ; Madonna . I saw the " Boys on " . I knew you love them and I took two autographs for you and of course for myself . Afterwards " Boys on " won the first prize . I was shoked because I had alredy spoken with them and I had taken two autographs . Another part of my experiance at pop concert when we will meet each other . Look forward to hearing from you soon . Love , Dear Sir or Madam . I went to the Circle Theatre , three weeks ago , to see " Over the Rainbow " , the musical show that was played at this moment . First of all , the actors mentionned in the advertisement were not those who played the show . Not that I was very disappointed not to see the good actors ! The , if the show had started on time , it could have been much better , but it started forty five minutes late , it is too much for me ! Plus , it is mentionned , on your advertisement , that discounts were available , in fact , no discount were done to me , whereas I am a student and as a student I was allowed to have a discount but I paid £ 20 because the cashier had never heard about any discount for this show . Finally , I think that this evening was very far to be perfect , and I ask you for my money , I spent for this horrible evening in your theatre , back . I hope you will understand my disappointment and the reasons why I ask for my money back . Your Faithfully Modern technologies are part of our daily life , everything we do is simplified by these new technologies . It is faster with new technologies to go from one place to another , for example , we can us a car or public transports such as trains or buses instead of walking or riding as in the past . Our everyday activities or family activities are simplified too , washing the dishes or clothes by hand is rarely done , some specific machines are made to do this stuff , it helps us to spend much more time in extra activities like sport , relaxing ... New technologies allow us to work more efficiently , with computers , complex operations can be achieved in a close time and with the insurance that the result is correct . Internet is a good way of meeting people that are far from us , we can also inform ourselves on what happens in live , or search for special leisure with a quick result . Finally , new technologies help us to save our free time and to work more quickly and more efficiently . Dear Miss Clark , I went to your annual international arts festival . I really enjoyed it , although I feel it could have been better . But firstly I want to congratulate you for organizing such a huge festival , people need this kind of events . Secondly I would like to make some remarks about your festival so that you can improve it . As it was written in your advertisement , artists should have come from around the world but only six countries were represented , I was quite disappointed . However the concerts were great , but unfortunately , some concert halls were too small and it was as hot as a micro-wave inside . Plays and Films were good and I liked them , but there were only a few , I hope there will be many more next year . One of the most positive aspect of your festival is the price of your weekend ticket . As a student , the low priced ticket certainly athacted me a lot and gave me the opportunity to see and hear wonderful artists . Finally , I would like to make one big suggestion : you should find a place for a camping so that people who come from a long way do n't have to spend money on accomodation . Anyway , I 'm looking forward to coming to your festival next year . Yours sincerely , Money , Money , Money Young people always need money , specially students who do n't earn their life . They need money to pay their studies or for going out , but how to find a job which is good and not under-paid ? One of the best is working in a big supermarket . Some can find it boring but it is well-paid and not too tiring . Furthermore departement stores are always looking for students who would like to work . Another solution could be working as a barman , the problem is that you go to bed very late , but it 's very exciting because you meet a lot of people and enjoy your night . Unfortunately it 's not possible unless you can rest in the morning . If you are a really good student in one subject , you can provide private lessons which is one of the most prolific job but do it only if you like teaching . Otherwise you should try to find another job . The main thing to remember is that there many possibilities but you have to try to find them and not just say : " I want to work and earn money " . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to thank you for the well organised programme you have done . It will be a good opportunity for visiting London and its interesting places like the Science Museum . In addition it is properly to mention you that all the students of my class are interested in going to The London Fashion and Leisure show , which is taking place on Tuesday 14th in the Central Exhibition Hall . The London Fashion and Leisure show is an amaizing show because there are parades with the latest fashions , we could know some famous top models Besides there are a variety of clothes either sport wear as elegant desings . Not only we could see the latest trend in make-up but hairstyles performed by important coiffeurs . With your agreement we could change the programme . Maybe we could go on shopping on Wednesday afternoon and on Tuesday we could go to The Show . We would like to have reply to became making the arrangements . Many thanks again . Yours faithfully , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I have never imagined I had to face this situation . I joined with an expedition team in order to explore the Rocky Mountains . We planned a programme . We arrived to the place in the morning and started to walk . Every thing was marvellous , I got on well with all the partners . The landscapes were the most beautiful that I had ever seen before . The weather was delightful , except this afternoon when started to rain and we decide to stay during the night inside a hole in the wall of the mountain . I realised that my bag was outside and I went out to look for it , when a rain of stones covered the entrace of the hole . I was terrified , I knew that the only solution was to ask for helping . I walked alone a long distence until I found a telephone , I called the police and they ask for a rescue . Thanks to God everything finished in a good way. and my partners were successfully rescued . Dear Sir , I 'd like to explain you the problems I have had when I went to the theatre . The main problem I had was the actor , because he was n't Danny Brook . Although Tina Truelove was there , I went to the theatre to see Danny Brook . Another problem I had was the time . I was going to begin at 19.30 but It began at 20.15 and the problem was that It was raining . I 'd like to explain too that I did n't see that you made discounts to no one . I was queuing for a long time and I did n't see it . And I went with a lot of friends and we did n't have any discount . Another question is that in the advertisement you advised we could visit your restaurant but as it was closed we could n't do it . And we were very hungry after being three hours in the theatre . And that are all problems I found . And , because of these faults , I 'd like to have my money back . If you do n't mind , of course . Yours , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I met Pat when we were children . We went at the same school and at the same class . I liked a boy who was in the same class . I told her that and she assured me that she would n't say it to him . When we finished our primary school we went at the same secundary school too , but we were in different classes . We went out every weekends . And when we finished the secundary school , I decided go to a foreign University . I spend five years there , although I came all summers and we continued going out as we did before . When I finished I return to my city to find a job . A day , Pat told me that we was talking with this boy and that he told her that I like him and immediately she told him that he liked me too . A week after that I found him in a coffee and he asked me if I would like to be his girlfriend and I accepted . Now , five years later we are going to get married . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " . Firstly , the actors were supposed to be Danny Brook and Tina Truelove . However , Danny Brook did not appear in the show , it was another actor . This was really disappointing . Secondly , the show was really late . It started at 20.15 , not at 19.30 as it was supposed to be . And , although you have promised in your advertisement , there were no discounts available . To make things worst , the restaurant was closed . The manager said it was closed because they had not been informed that there would be a show in that date . To sum up , it was not a perfect evening out . And , I would appreciate if you give me a refund . I look forward to hear from you . Yours faithfully , What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? In my opinion , the clothes will be more colourful , funny and confortable . I think that we will not use formal clothes anymore . People will prefer to use confortable clothes , even to go to the office . The clothes will be more colourful and consequently more funny . We will not use black clothes as we are used to do . People will use yellow , pink and green clothes . This way , people tend to be happier . However , the clothes will not be as teenagers use to wear nowadays to go to " raves " . It will be more beautiful and clean . Mainly , people will not be so fashionable as they are nowadays . They will wear a clothe only if they feel good wearing it . Actually , I think that the clothes will be really simplier in 100 years and I hope to be alive until then . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Now all the town knew my secret . This is a very embarrassed situation . I have to leave this town . My god , I never should have told my sister this secret . This story started when I arrived to this town with family . We come here to build our own house because my father had been fired and we had to sell our house in Buenos Aires . My mother suggested to come here because one of her brothers was established here and he could help us . I had n't known all of us ( my uncle , my aunt and my beautiful cousin ) up to that day . My uncle , called Paul , offered us to stay with his family up to we could build our house . Cassually my cousin had the same age as me , sixteen , that 's the reason for we started a friendly relationship . We spend all the time together . This " friendly " relationship was starting to make hot . I never had a boyfriend and I felt in love with him . One day in the , he kissed me . It was wonderful . I felt that I had discovered other ways . In fact , I did . We made love ... But one month later , something surprised me , I was pregnant . Dear Mr Robertson , I am writing to express my pleasure about the successful programme that you have prepared for our school , especially the excellent idea to visit the National Art Gallery . In addition , I would like to inform you about an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show , which my classmates and I have seen . We are really interested in latest fashions and new hairstyles , but also we are keen on knowing about leisure and sports clothes and especially girls enjoy seeing the different kinds of making up . Furthermore , we have been informed that students are allowed to see this exhibition without paying money . This event takes place in Central Exhibition Hall in London , on Tuesday on 14th of March . I would be grateful if you would consider my suggestion . If you agree to visit this exhibition , we will spend our day there , thus we should cancel the shopping , but we will be able to purchase some presents next day , as you have not organised a specific plan . I look forward to your answer . Yours sincerely , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I had to hit a human being and unfortunately , although I respect every form of life humans , animals and plants , I managed to hit a burglar . Three months ago , I cannot forget this day , my parents visited my aunt at hospital as she was ill . On this day I was really exhausted as I had been studying for 8 hours . I decided to stay at home and listen to music . I switched off the lights and I was sitting in bed . While I was listening to my favourite cassette , I heard a strange noise . Immediately I opened my door and ... I could not believe my eyes ! A short man stood in front of me ! Without any warning he pushed my arms . I shouted as I pained . I realised that he was very strong . But I was faster and more intelligent than him . I ran quickly and I managed to escape from him , I found one hidden wooden spoon and while he was passing in front of me I hit him . To my relief I managed to survive ! Dear Sir , My name is Yakimo Nashoto , I study in France and I went to London just to see " Over the Rainbow " because all my friends told me that it was " great " . However , when I saw it , I was really disapointed and I ask you some money back . The reasons why I was disappointed were : First of all , Danny Brook was not there , I was very upset because he is my favorite singer and it was one of the reasons why I wanted to see this show . Then , the show started t 20.15 pm instead of 19.30 . My Euro Star was at 22 pm. As you can see , I missed my train to go back to Paris . On the developpement , they also said that they will be a discount for students who are between eighteen and twenty-five years old but it was totally wrong because I paid the full price which was £ 20 . Finally , I wanted to buy something to drink , the restaurant was closed because it was on a bank holiday ! As a conclusion , it was the worse evening I have ever had in my life so I ask you for money back . Your faithfully , The modern technology has changed my daily life a lot . First of all , Internet makes my life easier . Some of my friends live in overseas , we keep in touch by e-mails , it is a very good way for communicating because it is much cheaper than a phone call and we can re-read mails and keep them forever . Then , nine persons out of ten have a mobile phone in our society . I have one too ! It is very useful for several reasons : when I want to call someone , I do n't need to look after a phone box . people can phone me at anytime they want from everywhere when I go out , sometimes my parents are worried so they phone to me if everything is going alright . Finally , there is a TV in my parent 's car . We can watch TV , there is also a map so when we get lost , it is very east to find out the place . As a conclusion , I agree that modern technology has changed my daily life but I am sure that in the future , my life will not be the same as now because more modern technology will appear . Dear Mr. Smith : I am writting in order to complain about the musical show " Over the rainbow " . At first , the advertisement said that the show was starring by Tina Truelove and Danny Brook , that was not true , Danny Brook did not act in the show , it was a different actor and I got disappointed with him . In order to the times , the show was supposed to start at 19.30 and it started at 20.15 , nobody likes to wait 45 minutes just watching empty scenary . Another thing , the tickets . The advertisement said that there were discounts available , that was false , there were not any kind of discounts . After all I just wanted to go to the restaurant of the theatre and have something to eat , but it was closed because the police had closed it . They had closed it because they had found the food in bad conditions . Just to finish , the advertisement said that the show would be a perfect evening out , let me tell that it was n't not . I paid a full ticket without discounts to wait 45 minutes , to see a musical show with a bad actor and after all could not have a sandwich because the restaurant was closed . I think the theatre should give me my money back and I hope you do it . Yours faithfully . Technology . The technology has changed , is changing and it will change our daily lifes . Technology is improving every day , soon everything will be done by a machine . Now we can cook in a easier way than ten years before , we can talk with somebody who is 10000 kilometres from us and we can know what 's happening in the other part of the world . Another thing is changing our life is the computer , especially Internet . More and more people are connecting through the net . Soon we wo n't need to get out from our homes . Now we can buy everything by Internet , we can see what 's happening in Wall Street , we can send mail in a easier way , by e-mail and many people has started to work at home by their computers . Technology has changed so much our daily lifes that we wo n't be able to live without it . Nobody can imagine to live without a T.V. , a computer , a microwave , a telephone . There are machines for everything , to write , to cook , to go from one place to other , to talk with somebody who is not with you . Our lifes are very different from our grandparent 's lifes and that 's because the technology . Dear manager , I am writing to complain about a musical show which is called " Over The Rainbow " and ask for money back . This show was presented by the Circle Theatre . First of all , the poster told me that this show was performed by Danny Brook and Tina Truelove but there was different actor . I am so disappointed . Secondly , the show was expected to start at 19:30 but it started at 20:15 . I have been waiting for 45 minuties . The poster also told me that I could visit the theatre restaurant after the show . As you know the show started late , so , I was not able to go to the theatre restaurant because it was closed before the show has been finished . Thirdly , there was no discounts available but it was printed on the poster . If there was no discounts , do n't write it on the poster . I got confused and disappointed again . Finally , I would like to have my money back . I am looking forward for your prompt reply and improvement . Yours Faithfully , How has modern technology changed your daily life ? The world is changing every day . So , modern technology is needed to meet the requirement . In an every single day , many modern technology is produced and it really affects or changes our daily life . The most important development is the internet system which is connected to the whole world 's computers by some telephone liens . You can send a letter to your friend by an e-mail but not writting it on a piece of paper and send it by post . It just takes you a few minutes . How convenience it is ! There are also much more advantages , you can buy somethings in a supermarket by only a mail order , you do n't need to go out of your home . Other than the internet system , there is also many modern technology which is changing our daily life . For example , we can go to the Mars and do some invesgation . So , we know much more about our universe . Some modern technology is also put into the transport system . For example , trains can go faster and aeroplanes can travel faster . The modern technology has changed our daily life . It aims at improving our standard of life and makes us live more comfortably . So I think the changes are good . Dear Sir , I 'm writing this letter to you because I 'm very disappointed and I believe you have to hang me some money back . Last week I was in London to see your new musical show . Before I bought my ticket and booked train and hotel reservations I 'd read a lot good reviews about that show and I thought it was a great moment to share with friends . But that evening became a real nightmare ! Firstly your advertisement is a real lie . Discounts available ? ? False and not true ! Then the show was late , we had been waiting for a long long time before it started . But finally it started.. and what ! ! Danny Brook was n't on the stage ! I saw a young actor who I 've never seen and who seemed not to know by heart his role ! Shame on you ! After that " show " we were starving and we had planned to eat in your theatre restaurand but what a surprise ! It was closed ( of course ) and why ? A general strike ... It was n't at all a perfect evening I 'm not pleased . I would weep if I was n't so angry . To summarize I want that you hang me my money back and very quickly . Your faithfully. . How has modern technology changed your daily life ? Modern technology had changed human being 's daily life long before I was born . Nowadays according to me the most important revolution is connected with new technologies . Let 's take the mobil phone . Our parents used the phone to make an important appointment . Nowadays everybody has got a phone which is " mobil " . And I 'm not different I 've got one and it has changed my everyday life . I always can be reached , I can phone friends when I know I would be late and thanks to that appliance I feel less nervous and now I 'm sure I could n't live without it . It 's the same with Internet and that 's a very new thing . I send and receive more mails than letters ! I can chat with my sister or friends without speaking when I 'm working because it take up just some minutes . With Internet and according to me the world is become smaller and bigger at the same time . Smaller because I can visit an American library without leaving my desk and bigger because it seems to be endless . Yes my daily life has been changed and it 's a good thing . Dear Sir , I 'm writting this letter to complain about your fake advertisement . You are the theatre 's manager so I suppose you are the right person to complain . First of all in your show advertisement sais that Danny Brooks starts in the play . But a different actor has started and that was very disappointing not only for me but for all people there . The show has begun later , much more later than your advertisement writes , at about 20:15 . The show started 45 minutes later . This made me get bored . You also refer to your advertisement that there are some discounts available but there were n't any . At the end you have written that there is the theatre restaurant after the show but there was n't . It had closed because of the late start of the show . At the end because I ; had n't have a perfect evening but a very disappointing one , I have the right to ask my money back . Modern technology changed not only my daily life but also the life of many people . Now let 's talk about me . First of all I do n't have to worry n the morning if I miss the bus because I have my alarm clock to wake me in time . Usually When I return from school the food is a lit of bit cold so I put it in the microwave to become hotter . When I go to sleep after I eat my lunch in my country especially in summer is too hot . So I turn on the aircondition with timer so when I get sleep to turn off by itself . When I wake up if I do n't have homework I sit on my computer and play different games to spend my time . At the evenings before I got to bed I sit in the living room and watch TV through the sattelite . When I go to bed because there are many mosquitoss I turn on a special machine with pile like thing in it which kills them . I belive that modern technology has effected possitive our lives . Dear Ms Helen Ryan , I am really pleased hearing from you , I won the prize . So I can go camping for two weeks . It must be great . As regards your questions , I would like to travel in July because at the moment I am a student and my summer holiday will start on 27th June so I can go to U.S.A in July and I prefer staying in tents because I have never experienced camping in the tent . So exciting ! And I would like to have chances to play tennis and go swimming . In case of swimming , I am really good at it but I just started playing tennis before 3 weeks . However , I am very enjoying playing tennis . Further , I have a question . Actually I have never gone camping so I really have no idea about that . I wonder which clothes are suitable for your camping . And How about the money ? Do you think if there is some occasions to spend money or not ? I am really expecting going camping Yours sincerely JAE KWAI Dear Mr. Robertson , We would like to thank you for this London trip and your programme related to it . It is really good programme , especially visiting Science Museum and National Art Gallery would be great opportunity to learn about art and latest improvements in science . However , my classmates and I saw the advertisement with regarding the London fashion and leisure show , which is enclosed , and want to take this opportunity to visit it , if you allow us . It takes place in Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday 14 March . It will be great opportunity because it is free for students and we will be able to see the latest fashions in leisure and sports wear , new hairstyles and make up industry . Although according to your programme , we will be visiting Science Museum in the morning and shopping in the afternoon , we would like to make a suggestion which can help us to be able to stick to both . Would it be possible to visit Science Museum and go shopping in our free time on Wednesday in the afternoon , instead of it to go to the London fashion and leisure show , because it is between 10.00 and 19.00 hours . Thanking in advance , we very much hope that you will give your attention to our requirement . We look forward to hearing from you relating to this matter . Yours sincerely , One of the most important subject of the media is to inform people bout famous people such as politicians , films stars or successful musicians . In order to fullfill their readers ' requirements they always follow them . This kind of people are known as paparazzi . it is not important whether they are working for media foundation or not , they just try to find the best pose . After taking their pictures in the way that these famous people would not allow them , they sell the pictures and make a fortune without asking their permission . This is the most argueing point . Do they have to ask for their permission or not . However , if they would ask , obviously they can not take the kind of pictures , which show them naked or when they are having shower . May be they have to pay for this kind of pictures . On the other hand , famous people have point , if they do not allow paparazzis to take their pictures . Because , althoug they are famous they have also their private life . Unless they do not want to share it , it must be acceptable for us . I think the best example would be Lady Diana . It was said that while they were trying escape from paparazzis they had that accident , which caused of their lives . This can not be the way in finding information for the readers . Dear Mr. Robertson , Thank you very much for your programme but we have another plan to go to the London Fashion and Leisure Show which unluckily on the same day as the day we would visit the Science Museum so we would like you to change the plan a little . Your programme is very good , especially that we can go to visit the Science Museum which I heard is very good but a visit to the London Fashion and Leisure Show would be a good opportunity for us to see the lastest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hair styles and it is free for students too . So we think we should change your programme by going to the Science Museum on Wednesday afternoon and to do the shopping after the show . Thank you very much and we look forward to hearing from you . With great respect , It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it . I climed up the tree . My friend was looking at me from below . I went on climbing until I saw my friend 's model aeroplane . If I had n't borrowed it from him , I would n't have been here . No , it was n't the time to regret , just get it and it would be all over . I stressed my arm , the branch I was standing on broke and I fell down on my leg . It was very hurt , my friend rushed to me than ran back to my house and called Mom . I ca n't remember anything else until I woke up at a hospital , lying on a bed with my leg in plaster . The nurse sitting beside me said to me , ' Your mother would like to have a word with you , ' then she went out . Mom came in , looking very angry , I prayed for a short conversation . Dear Sir/Madam I want to complain about your advertisment about the theatre ' Over the Rainbow ' I had a very disappointing evening . First of all I wanted so much to see my favourite actor Danny Brook as he was supposed to be in the show , but he was n't . Secondly the show did n't start until 20:15 but it should have started 19:30 so we had to sit and wait which was very boring . There were no discounts on the ticket available either . After the show we wanted to have something to eat in the theatre restaurant but it was closed because rebuilding . In the advertisement it says " your perfect evening out " but it was a real disappointment . I would like to have the money back that I spent on the tickets I bought . I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible . Yours Faithfully Svetlana Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . She had always been like that , said my best friend Ann to me when I told her that I had told Pat a secret yesterday . The secret was that I was in love with Peter in my course . I should n't have told her , but I was so sure she would n't tell anyone . Yesterday when I arrived to the college , I saw Pat standing with Peter and a lot of other boys and they were looking strange at me and laufhing . I felt how I started to blush . In the classroom it became even worser . People started to whrite things on the board and pointing at me . In the lunchbreak I went to Pat and asked her why she had told him the secret , but she just ignored me like she did n't know me . After that I never went back to the course again . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing this letter to complaint about the musical show that Circle Theatre company played few days ago . Anything the advertisement said was correctly done . The first thing that annoyed me were the forty-five minutes we were waiting for the beginning . It is a great fault of responsability for a theatre like yours to have a delay like this one . Secondly , an other point that disappointed me was the actor that played the main role . He was not Danny Brook , and the main reason that I came to see this show was the possibility to see him acting . I am a fan of him . When I went to get the ticket , and the women said me that the discounts were not available I knew that it would n't be a good night . Finally , the restarant were I would like to have dinner with friends after the show was closed against what was announced in the advertisement . Nobody told us about the reasons of the problems . These are the reasons why I am complaining , and I would like to know if there will be some money back . I will be waiting news from you . Yours faithfully Perhaps , modern technology has changed my life style but I do n't think so because I was born in the period of modern developments . Since I was born I have lived involved of technological instruments like personal computers , mobile phones , television , etc. And the development of them does n't worries me , like people against technology . The only thing I can say about technology is that has driven my life . Modern technology attracts my atention , and this is the reason why I have chosen an electronic caree . I think technology does n't change the life style . Is the life style or necessities from people what make technology develop . All kind of industrial machines are created to solve problems , improve other machines or to do n't waste so many time . But these ones bring new problems that must be solved by others . Dear Helen , I 'm writting to answer your questions but , first of all , to thank you for the prize . I would like to travel in July because it is school holliday here in Portugal and I will have the entire month to travel , so I have no preference for the weeks . I do n't mind staying in log cabins , but I prefer camping because I want to be really near the nature . Well , about the activities , I love Photography , I made a course and I would like to take beautiful photos of the Camp . And I always was good at swimming , now I 'll be at the Camp during the summer I think it is a good idea . I do n't know how much money I 'll need to the trip and what kind of clothes I 'll need . Do you have any night plan , like going to discos or night clubs ? Can you give this informations ? I 'm looking forward to receving your letter . Your sincerely Daniela . Nowadays shopping is one of the activities that makes our society lives . The cities are the main commercial centre , our streets are full of billboard advertising many things and . Despite this shopping culture , shopping is not always enjoyable , when you need to buy something you have to look for the best price , what is always a work of time , and if you find a shop where the price is cheaper , it must be crowded . The solution can be in a alternative way of making shops like Internet . You can by anything without problem , this is a good thing although this prevents poor people from shopping by Internet , because you have to have a computer . Anyway , other alternatives of shopping are being created and we can choose for not waste our time shopping . 17th June 2000 The manager of the Circle theatre . Dear sir or madam , I am writing to you in response of your advertisement about the show of the Circle Theatre . I have to say that I am realy disappointed bout your advertisement because you mentioned some points that are not true . Firstly I 'd like to complain about the actor of the show . On your advertisement you say that Danny Brook and Tina Truelove are starring in the play but I am sure that they never appear on the stage that night . Secondly another ploblem was about the starting time , according to your advertisement the play starts at 19.30 and instead it started on 20:15 , this is about almost an hour delay . Moreover , there were several prices about the tickets and an available discount , Something that was n't true . We did n't get any discount . Furthermore On your advertisement you say that visitors can visit the theatre restaurant after the play , but the restaurant was closed and I 'd like to know why . I am very disappointed about the whole situation and I am not happy to ask for a money refund . Looking forward to hearing from you . The 21st Century is also known as the gold century of high technology and science . And I must admit that this is true . Many thinks have changed within the last 100 years . Technology - along with science - has made huge steps and has turned into a growing monster which does n't have an ending . Every single day we hear about new products , new methods , new technological miracles which have turned up side down our daily lives . The simpliest example of modern high tech is the introduction of the computer - or better known as the P.C - . Reserches have shown that almost every single house owns a P.C. Some people use them for their job because they do need it , but others , like children , use it just for fun . Other examples that may not look like huge technological miracles are the T.V , the microwave , the video the satelite , the cd player and hundreds of others . All thease play a serious role in our daily life with out ever understanding it . All of us have turned into pathetic , technological , robots . Those things can and do make our lifes easier and more comfortable , but the call us away from our friends , our families and more over they lead us to madness and cut any relantionship with everything that suround us and keep us in life . Carola Hidalgo 34 Kingfield Road Brighton GC2 8AS 5th May 2000 Helen Ryan Competition Organiser Dear Madam Thank you very much for your letter of 1/6/00 I was really amazed with the new that I 'd won two weeks at Camp California in the USA . Respect to the date that I would like to travel must be only on July 15th because my classes will finish at the end of June and I 'm going to be with free time to do so since this date until early August that I will start to work . I would like to spend my time at your Camp site in log cabins . I think is going to be more confortable for me due that I'am very sensitive to changes of temperature and I ca n't take the risk to catch a cold as you know I 'm going to start to work . The activities that I would like to do there are the followings:- Singing ( I 'm very good singer ) ; swimming ( I 'm not good at all at this one ) but I enjoy to spend time in the water I really do . Would you be so kind to let me know what kind of weather do you have on July in order to choose the right cloth to bring and also I would like to know approximately the amount of money that I should bring for the items that are not cover . Looking forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Hello Kim , How are you ? I 'm fine and I writting you because I know that you want to know my experience at a pop concert ; I have to tell you that I did to help there and was a very hard work you ca n't imagin all the work that mean to prepare a concert . I really enjoyed the opportunity to talk with well known starts and to learn how to set up everything for a concert . If you have the opportunity to do this do n't missed out . I hope to see you soon to tell you more details . Bye . Dear Sir/Madam I am writting you for complaining about the last saturday evening performance in your theatre . I was very disappointed ! First of all , the principal character was not Danny Brook , but a substitute , and the theatre had not notified the audience about this changing before . Secondly , the show started 45 minutes late . We would not have had discounts on price and any worker wanted to give us an explanation for that . After the show , we decided to go to the restaurant to dinner , but it was closed for work . Everything was completely different from what you had announced on the advertisement I am sure you understand why I am so upset and you will do your best to give me satisfaction , I mean , refunding me exactly what I had paid for this terrible evening . I look forward to hearing from you very soon . Yours faithfully Modern technology has changed my daily life , making it easy , with less effort and time spent . A simple example , we can at the same time wash our clothes with a washing machine , record a tv program and talk to someone on the other side of the world . All this in one morning , and the day just begins , what doing next ? Technology allows to have more time to distractions or to other things we really like to . We can take care of whom we love and give them more attention , time is not a really problem . We will see people differently , with more calm , because we have no stress and we are not in a hurry to do something else . We will be more comprehensible with others . It is the first step for a true fraternity . Of course , everything can not be completely perfect . All this modern technology increase the level of polluted products that can not be easily destructed . Living better , people live longer and it is necessary to product more food , but more food means chemical agents on earth , the circle never stops . In conclusion , modern technology allows me to live better and to have more time to do what I really like , although I know , all this has a price . Dear Helen : Thank you for sending me this wonderful news . I was really happy when I knew I won the first prize . I am writing to give you my details and ask some more information . Firstly , I would like to travel in July because I need to stay at home in August . I am a college student and I am going to study in university this year . I will take my exams in June and have the result in August . So I shall stay to prepare for my university . Secondly , I prefer staying in log cabins so that I can have more chance to be with other people , then I can make more friends . During the camp , I will do sing and climbing activities . I enjoy singing all the time and I want to share my music with the others . I also like climbing because I like the view on the top of hills . Finaly , I want to know what the weather is like in California in July . Do I need some special clothes for the camp and how much money shall I bring for other expenses . I am looking forward to hear from you . Yours Sincerely . To : The teacher of English class From : Jolin Subject : The lessons should be filmed Date : 13 , June , 00 Instruction : English class is going to make a short video about school daily life . The aim of this report is to give the suggestion of which lessons and activities should be filmed . Lessons and Activities Speaking and Listening class should be filmed because the purpose of this class is to encourage students talk about some topics they choose and discuss with others in order to prove their speaking and listening skills . Topical class is similar to speaking and listening but the materials are more up-dated . The teacher use video , pictures to show students about festivals , sports , museums , ect . It is popular by the students . Canteen is the place students stay together apart from class . Quite a lot of students spend their free time there for relaxing and talking . Basketball is the most popular activity , whick takes place between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm from Monday to Friday every week . Not only the students who have activity play but also a lot of students watch . Conclusion The lessons and activities above are the suggestion should be filmed . Dear Helen Ryan , I have recieved your letter and I am so glad I have won the first prize . I have answers to your questions . I would like to travel in July because it is the perfect time for me to go on holiday because the 12th July is my birthday . I want to sleep in tents because I think it 's more adventurous better scenery , and atmosphere . You also asked me about the two things I 'm good at , well , the first one is basketball . I have been playing basketball for roughly about 4 years . I love basketball because I 'm good at it and it is my favourite sport . The other thing I 'm good at is tennis . I have been practcing tennis for 2 years and I won the Under 16 U.S open tour last summer . Last of all I have questions to ask you . Would I have to bring many clothes e.g. would we do a lot of outdoor activities , get dirty etc. Would I need a lot of money . Looking forward to see you soon . Yours sincerely This composition is about shopping . People today shops sevendays a week with their family , friends etc. But I think shopping is not always enjoyable . This statement is due to the great amount of rubbish we are providing for the world . The more stuff we buy the more we throw away . Shopping with some friends may be fun but you must also remember that you are spending money . Therefor you should think more carefully about what you are about to buy . You can enjoy yourself in other different ways . For example , you can do sports which is enjoyable and good for your health . Would you rather spend money on something which is destroying the world or do sports which is for your own benefit . You must think about your children who would be living in the world you helped to destroy . The ozone layer is being punctured when plastics or foams are burnt . I think this is all I have to say to make you think that shopping is n't always enjoyable and change your view in looking at shopping . Dear Sir , I 'm writting to complain about your theatre and its last night show . Firstly I would lice to say that I am very dissappointed with the show and that I did n't have the perfect evening out , as you had advertised . I have no idea from where to start . The main character of the musical show , which I 'd like to say was n't the " BEST " , was awfull . His act was not good and he did n't seem like acting Even my son could act better . After the horrible act of your star , it comes the starting ours . I was sitting and waiting for forty five minutes until the play started . You advertise that the show begins at 19.30 and not at 20:15 as it did . And then , when I arrived at the theatre I expected to have a discount but unfortunatly I did n't . Among all these the theatre restaurant was closed , because the shef and the waiters where on holiday . You could hire other to do the work . I was very dissappointed what else can I write . It was suppose to be my perfect everning out . But it was n't . I will ask my money back . In Conclusion I 'd like to recoment that you should , first , know what you have to offer and the advertising it . Yours sensirly Helena . Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I should n't have told her that my dad had physcological problems . I knew that she was going to spread it around and tell it to my brother . It all started when I was about 10 years old , like my brother now , and I overheard my mother talking about my father and his problems , to my aunt . I was hurt inside and cried till my tears run dry . I could n't accept it . All these years I believed that my father was killed in a car accitend . I was leaving in a lie . Now in the age of seventeen I made the huge mistake to say , this problem to my " friend " Pat . I knew that she is close to my brother and that she loves him a lot , so I never thought that things could turn like this . When , one day Pat came over to my house we started arguing about common things and in our fite suddenly came about the subject of my father and his problems . Pat started shouting and screaming , saying what was realy going on . My brother could n't stay away . He stand outside my door and heard every single word . When I realised it , it was too late . The secret was revilied . And now I try to help my brother beaus I 've been there , in his place , and I know how it feels . 13th June Dear Ms Ryan I am so grateful and I ca n't believe I am so lucky to receiving your letter in which said that I have won the first prize in your competition , for two weeks camping in California in the U.S.A . I am writing to inform that I can only go in July , the summer holiday , because I have got a place in the university and it will start in August . Is there the time I request available ? I would also like to ask accommodation you offer are in tens or log cabins . If I can choose I would prefer tens . I like to sleep on open land and see the sun come up in the morning . In addition , I choose painting and sailing for my activities . I can wait to do my painting for the rising sun , and ca n't imagine how wonderful sailing along the rivers . Finally , can you tell me what kind of clothes I should bring with , and how much spending money will be need . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely JUAN LILY LEE 13th June Shopping is not always enjoyable . I do n't really like shopping . Sometime when I 'm boring and ca n't find something else to do . I go look round shops . When I see some clothes in the window I like , I would go in and try them . But I always finds it not look nice on me . The other thing I do n't like going shopping is in the weekend . All the shops are full of people , and people treat the articals like rubbish . Hang them every where after they tried and that was not suit them . Also in the weekend shopping . You do ca n't find some where to sit down comfortaly to have a cup of tea . Mc.Donnals , K.F.C , the all full of people . However , shopping is nice to spend you leisure time and give yourself to relax sometimes , but suggest that never in the weekend . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to express my great disappointment about the musical show I attended in your theatre last weekend . According to your advertisement , it stars DANNY BROOK AND TINA TRUELOVE , but surprisinggly , it was proformed by a different actor who I even did n't know the name . In addition , the show was supposed to be started at 19:30 but it was half hour later , until 20:15 . To make the matter worse , I had expected the ticket with some discount , but when I went to the ticket box , there was no any discount available . The last thing is the theatre restaurant was closed after the show , because it only opened until 9 o'clock at night . You can imagine how disappointed I am when spending money on such a terrible evening . I would like you to look into the matter immediately and I insisted on some money back . I look forward to receiving a satisfactory reply as soon as possible . Yours faithfully Nowadays , we use a lot of modern technology both at home and office but it has its aventage and disaventage . The first and most important thing is that modern technology have made our life easier , for instance ricer cooker is a great invention , all you have to do is putting rice on it and switch on , it makes cooking more effeciently . Furthmore , we can use computer and telephone a lot . Wherever you are , you can get in touch with people whenever you want . It is often suggested that , modern technology makes the gap bigger between peoples , they get used to communicating with the machine then forget how to deal with human beings . To sum up , I believe that modern technology could help our daily life but we should not alway rely on it . Mr Smith , Spending a week in London for holidays last week , I had decided to go to the theatre in order to see your wonderful musical show . Unfortunately , I had a really disappointed evening ! Indeed , firstly , the play did n't start at 19:30 as it was planned on the advertisement but 45 minutes later ( 20:15 ) . Then , the actors ( Danny Brook and Tina Truelove ) who were mentioned and supposed to play were n't present . There were different actors who took the role . Thus , the musical show was n't as good as it should have been . I was very disappointed because D. Brook and T. Truelove are so great actors and I was very excited to see them . Furthermore , on the advertisement I got , was written that the theatre restaurant was opened . I told myself , I could eat over there and maybe spend a better evening than at the begining but I was n't lucky because the restaurant was closed ! The customers were n't told why they could n't have a meal . No reasons were indicated . As you can notice , my perfect evening I had supposed , was a nightmare ; that 's why I would please you to give my money back because I cannot tolerate such a thing ! From the begining of the century to now , modern technology has changed and has made our daily life easier . Indeed , the modernism helps us to lead a confortable and better life than before . For example , cars , planes are a wonderful invention ! A few centuries ago , it took many hours ( even several days ) to go to a city to an other one or to travel abroad . People could n't think of such innovation in our world and yet , it was created . Human being became more and more clever and built wonerful things thanks to his thoughts and his hands . The communication has made many progresses too . Everyone gets a television at home . " A machine which talks and shows pictures ! " It 's a revolution , something which was unbelievable a few centuries ago . Although there are new machines etc , the health makes many discoverts thanks to the searching on different diseases in order to make the population lived older . Thus , the modern technology seems to be a positive way in order to improve our daily life . Dear Mrs. Ryan , I have won the first prize ! I am extremly happy about this . I am writing because of same information that you need . I have only the possibility to take holiday in July because I am going to start a new education at the beginn of August . Of course I would like to stay in a tent . When I was a child we were often camping . To stay in a tent will remind my of a unforgottable time . There are a lot of interesting activities and it makes hard to choose only two . Given the circumstances I would like to learn more about Photograhy and Painting . I have same skills in drawing landscape but I have no idea about photography . Taking picture is a new experience for me . I have never been I California . How is the weather there in July ? What kind of clothes would you recommend taking with me ? Is it possible to pay by credit card or should I prefer to take traveller queckes ? I am glad to hear from you . Yours faithfully Artemis Hi Kim , How are you doing ? I could n't write you because I was very busy . Last month I enjoyed helping at a pop concert in my town . I applied for a job at the ticket office because I hopped to see a lot of diffrent people . You know everybody has to cross this spot ! Given the circumstances they asked my for helping in the kitchen . You can imagine how disappointed I was . But it turned out as a funny and interesting job . I had to prepare the ingredians for every meal . It means I had to read the recipies very carefully . And I had to controll that nothing will be missed . The best thing was that I learnd a lot of new cooking ideas and I could observe new cooking tricks . On the other hand I had a lot to do and I was never bored . The people were all really funny and we were a good team . The time was quickly over and it was a great experience . And what about you ? I am interested to hear about your new dog ? Warm whishes Your friend , Artemis Dear Sir or Madame , I am writing to you to complate about the show " Over the Rainbow " at your theatre " The Circle Theatre " . I am deeply disapointed with the service and the unrealiable notice , at your theartre . I 've attened your shown on one of the evening , during my stay in London . In your advertisement you 've mention " Danny Brook " would be starring and as it turned out it was a different Danny Brook . I am very disapointed by this . You also mention that your show would starts at 19.30 but to my knowleage it started at 20:15 and that is fourty-five minutes of waiting . It also mention other services would be availalde to the adicne . For Example there were no discounts available and the theatre restaurant were closed after the show , when it was mean to be open after the show acording to the advertisement but was closed dure to the delay of the preformane . Lastly your advertisement mention clearly that this would be " Your perfect evening out ! " but sadly it was a real waste of time for me . And I would like a refun , You have wasted my evening and money . I hope to hear from you soon . Your faithfully , ( Rumgopol Rinsook ) . For the past 100 year , fashion has change a great deal . Now a day clothes is designed to be more comfortable . You can just " pop down the road " and go shopping . Material and coloures of your cloths has changed since the early 1900's to 2000 . Synethetic was created by scientis . Clothes are now mass producted and desing by desingers . Desingres are unique in the way but their desings are some times more , a pirce of art and not for realistic perposoe . It is hard to imageine what people would were in 100 years time , because since the 1900's clothes have reduce into smaller item and more preticle . May be it would contine reduceing in 100 years to come . Scinetis might discover a new way to make clothes more fixalde . It could be that you would carry a small round box . It would provide you with a new type of material to cover you body and you can chosse what you want to wear by pressing bottons . This would be very easy to mantage but that mean no shopping for girls . It would be scarly to live in the new 100 years , but it would be interesting to see what will happen . Hopefully it would n't be verybody walking around neaked . Dear Sirs , Thank you , it 's great to hear for about my winning . You ask me for some informations - here they are . First I can do the travel only in July , because I ca n't get freetime in any other month . The next thing is , that I would prefer a log cabine . I do n't want to sleep in a tent , because I 'm afraid of snakes and similar animals . About the activities during the Camp I can tell you , that I like to play Tennis and I do it very good . Another thing I want to try , if possible , is to play Golf . It 's a very favourite sport also in our region ( area ) , but I did never found time to do it . I 'm a beginner in Golf you have to know . Now a question from me to you : Is it possible to pay the different things with credit-card ? Another question - what sorts of clothes shall I bring with me ? Is July a hot and dry month or is it raining sometimes ? I think , this will be all I want to know . If there is any other question from your part , please call me or write again . I 'm looking forward to hear from you , yours sincerely Hi Kim , sorry , I 'm late I know , but now I will tell you something about my experience last month . The concert started on the 15th of may and it was a real great session in our valley . I was so happy when they told me to help them with the organisation . I was responsible to the advertisments and I had also to invite the " important persons " from our governement . It was realy a new job for me , but I think , I have done good . I 've learned a lot about management and especially - how stars are living . One evening we went all together out for diner and after we visited our new disco . We arrived at home early in the morning - it was great . Now Kim , I will finish my letter but I promise you to write again as soon as possible , maybe if I 've developed the photos of the concert and the stars and the .... A good idea at least - you come here and I tell you some other story 's . In the meanwhile enjoy your life - love 17.06.2000 Dear Sir/Madam , I have recently been to your musical show ' Over the Rainbow ' . To my regret , the evening totally failed to live up to my expectations . The advertisement provided false information , e.g. the names of the actors were incorrect - Danny Brook was not performing . I have to say , this fact disappointed me very much . Moreover , the show started late : instead of 19.30 ( time in the advertisement ) people were allowed in at 20:15 , resulting in waiting time of 45 minutes . There were two other problems : there were no discounts contrary to the information in the advertisement , and the theatre restaurant was closed because of the repairement works . This evening , as you can see , proved to be far from perfect . Therefore , I would like to have my money back . Please contact me for more details if necessary . Yours faithfully , Miss Nitya Ramel We are living in a technologically advanced world where we are surrounded by all sorts of devices , which would seem fantastic to our ancestors . My daily life has been changed much by modern technology without me noticing it up to this point . Just looking around , I realise that modern technology has crept into every area of my life . I would rather type some coursework up than hand-write it . This made my life easier , and at the same time saved some trees in a rainforest from being cut . When I am too tied to go out but want to meet some new people , computer technology provides me with this opportunity . Using the Internet , I can meet people all around the world not going anywhere . With all the resources on the Net I do n't need to go to the library as often as I used to . I guess I have n't realised until now how much my daily life has been changed by modern technology . This leaves me wondering how beneficial its influence is for me . Dear Mr Robertson I am writing to request your permission for us to visit the London Fashion and Leisure Show on 14th March . First of all , I would like to say thank to you for this good programme , especially the decision of going to visit in London . All of us is appreciated that we could have this opportunity . Because most students have never been to London before , also we could visit some famous places which we wanted to go . However , we would be grateful if you would arrange a time to visit the show additionally . This show takes place at Central Exhibition Hall on Tuesday from 10:00 to 19:00 . In this show , not only can we see latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles , but we also can enter for free . Moreover some students think that they would like to do fashion studies in future . If you would accept and would n't mind this idea , we would like to visit it instead of shopping in the afternoon on Tuesday . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely Nowadays , quite a few famous people suffer their private life from disturbers such as journalists or reporters . I would like to think how media effect to famous people . Few years ago , we had a terrible news of death of Lady Diana . She was always been aftering by media . She had no private life even though she wanted to be alone . Finally , after chasing for long time , she was dead because of car accident . It must be a good example of media disaster . I understand she had a good reason to be chased by it . However she definetely deserve to have a private life as one of citizen . Human right must be existed for all people . On the other hand , there are few famous people desire to be watched by media . If media stopped focusing the people , they would think as if they are put in a bin like rubbish . Moreover , many people love to watch a gossip programme on TV or in a magazine . It is one of fun in our life . On balance , Dear Sir , Thank you for your letter and for having inform me about the results of the competition . I also want to congratulate you for your exellent competition , thank to which I have the opportunity to go to California , a place that I always wanted to go . About the travel , I think it would be preferable to do it on July , which is a holiday periode and so I wo n't have any special obligations . While in California I would prefer to sleep in a tent , so I can live closer to the nature . Anyway the accommodation is not a big problem for me , because I will be away most of the time . Stay a lot of time in the same place in my opinion is the worse thing to do , specialy during a trip ! Moreover would like if it is possible to have an opportunity to play tennis and basketball . Any little tournaments of this kind would be greateful . Before ending my letter I would like to know and be told specialy in what kind of clothes should I have to take with me and also if you could change some money of mine in Dollars . I look forward to hearing from you Yours faithfully Dear Kim , As you know last month I went to help at a concert , the one that I told you in my last letter . I wanted to go very much there and so go there for helping was for me a unique chance . Moreover instead of bying a ticket I entered there for free , as a helper . From the first time that went there I understood that I was going to have a great night . OK in the beginning the other helpers and I had a lot of work to do , so as cleaning the stage and so some decoration work . But as the correct started and we finished what we had to do , we were free to do what ever we wanted . So the party started ... The pop concert was exellent and I had a lot of fun . Do n't ask the time in which I come home because I do n't remember ! Some of my friends who were also helping told me that we returned at six o'clock in the morning ! It was really an unforgettable experience . Best whishes Giannis DEAR SIR , I AM WRITTING IN ORDER TO COMPLAINT ABOUT THE SHOW THAT YOUR THEATRE OFFER . I WENT TO YOUR THEATRE WITH THE IDEA OF HAVING A GREAT TIME , UNFORTUNETELY , THINGS WERE VERY WRONG . FIRSTLY , IN THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE SHOW IT SAID THAT THE STAR WAS DANNY BROOK , AND THAT WAS FALSE BECAUSE THERE WAS A DIFFERENT ACTOR . THIS WAS VERY DISAPPOINTING . SECONDLY , THE SHOW WAS SUPPOSED TO START AT HALF PAST SEVEN IN THE AFTERNOON , BUT IT STARTED AT QUARTER PAST EIGH , THAT IS FOURTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER ! IT IS ALSO ADVERTISED THAT THERE WERE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE , HOWEVER , THAT WAS ANOTHER LIE . LASTLY , AFTER THAT AWFULL EXPERIENCE I TRIED TO VISIT YOUR THEATRE RESTAURANT , OF COURSE , I COULD N'T DO IT BECAUSE IT WAS CLOSE . AS YOU CAN SEE , THAT WAS N'T MY PERFECT EVENING OUT ( AS YOU PROMISE IN THE ADVERTISEMENT ) , SO I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK . YOURS FAITHFULLY INGO SANOU UNFORTUNETELY , PAT WAS N'T VERY GOOD AT KEEPING SECRETS AND I DISCOVERED IT TOO LATE . IF I HAD KNOWN THAT BEFORE , I WOULD N'T TOLD HER THAT I HAD DISSAPROVE MY MATHEMATICS EXAM . LAST WEEK I HAD AN ARGUE WITH MY MOTHER . SHE TOLD ME THAT I WAS SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME WITH MY FRIENDS , SO MY QUALIFICATIONS WERE GOING TO BE VERY BAD . I SAID THAT I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING AND THAT MY MARKS WOULD BE GOOD . AFTER THAT PAT INVITED ME TO GO TO THE CONCERT OF CHARLY GARCIA . THE CONCERT WAS PLANNED FOR THE FOLLOWIN FRIDAY , WICH WAS THE DAY AFTER MY TEACHER GAVE ME MY MARKS . I REALLY WANTED TO GO , AND I KNEW THAT MY EXAM WAS NO GOOD , SO I TOLD MY MOTHER THAT I WOULD GET MY QUALIFICATIONS THE NEXT MONDAY , SO MY MOTHER ALLOWED ME TO GO . THAT FRIDAY , I KNEW THAT I HAD DISSAPROVED THE EXAM , AND PAT KNEW IT TOO . OF COURSE , I DID N'T THINK ABOUT TELLING THAT TO MY MOTHER , BUT PAT CAME TO MY HOUSE AND TOLD IT TO MY MOTHER , WITHOUT ANY INTENTION . AS A RESULT , I WAS N'T ALLOWED TO GO TO THE CONCERT , BUT PAT TOLD ME THAT IT WAS GREAT . Dear Mr. maneger of The Circle Theatre : I 'm writing to you to explain some problems about your theatre 's show , first I have to say to you that there was a different actor starring the act . I expect that starring the act was Danny Brook and there was another man . I 'm very disappointed with the hour that the act started . I had been waiting for more than half an hour . About the prize , the paper that I have at home tells that there were discounts availables , if these discounts are true I could n't use them . When the show had finished I could n't visit the restaurant of the theatre because it was closed . The reason they gave us , was that they had n't got any waiters . For all those reasons I give to you , I ask for the money I had payed to you back . In my opinion it was n't my perfect evening out . I 'm sorry if I make any problem to you , but I 'm very angry and it was your fault . Thank you for your attention , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . I was fourteen-year-old and I was with my bestfriend , Pat . We were in a private school , that looks like a castle , in London and we had been staying there for two months . Our parents took us there because they wanted that we became good and polite girls . The life in the school was very boring and sometimes we organized games to get funny in there . One day I discovered a secret path in the school , this path went from our bedroom to the director 's room . I thought that was good idea told to Pat because we could use to look for exams , and then we could pass all of them . When I told to her , she promised to me that she kept the secret . But in a few days she told the secret to all the class . All our mates wanted to enjoy our fantastic and secret path to look for exams . Then somebody told to a teacher and the teachers went to talk to our parents . They were very angry and disappointed with us . Nowadays , I remember this story like a bad experience . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing this letter to you in order to complain for the musical show ( ' Over the Rainbow ' ) that was performed at your theatre last week ; concretely on Friday evening . First of all , I should say that I had read fantastic reviews of it in several newspapers , specially regarding the starring actors ' superb performances . These were in perfect agreement with my previous opinion about your company , which is said to be the best exhibitor of musical shows in Europe . With all these considerations in mind , I attended the referred day to your theatre with the aim of having a perfect evening . However , nothing was further from what really happened . In the beginning , it was impossible to obtain any of the offered discounts , even though I presented an official ISIC card . Then , the audience had to wait 45 minutes over the announced timetable for the show to get started . And finally , when it went on , we realised that there was not Danny Brook performing , which was really disappointing . I hope you realise this was totally different from what you advertised , and I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future offering me some money back . Yours faithfully , Jaro Santoquez Nowadays we can see a very different world from the one our grandparents , or even our parents , were living in . Actually , whereas they used to talk about how their daily life had changed in comparison with previous generations ' , we remain astonished looking how our lifes are changing frenetically . We have hardly assimilated a new technology when it is replaced or modified by another . Electronic devices and gadgets ' make our daily life more comfortable and easier , but does it means that we live better than ever ? Of course , they have liberated us from a lot of tough routines , giving us the chance to have more free-time . However , instead of enjoying this fantastic opportunity , people have become hooked on technological advances , feeding back their development in an accelerating , non-stopping race . Machines do now most of hard work , but this does not mean that we are working less . People spend more and more time working , searching for new inventions that will make life easier , but then fail to profit all the obtained benefits . Dear Mr Robertson . Thank you very much for taking us to London . This is a big opportunity to discover the capital . Thoug , a few of us would like to consider the " London fashion and leisure show " . This is going to take place on tuesday march 14 at 10.00 to 19.00 . Could you , if we may ask so , re-organise our visit to the museum and also to the shopping center . However , none of us wishes to miss all the attractions planned in forecast . Perhaps , we could spend our free time at the museum before going to the shop center . This is a very important stay over three days . Every one hopes to enjoying himself and comes back with a lot of knowledge . I thank you very much for hearing my request . I apologise for any inconvenience it could make . I am certain you would think over about that particular visit to " the London fashion and leisure show " . On behalf of all the students . Yours truly . What do famous people wish ? Do they want to be famous and ignored ? Or do they want to be persecuted buy the media ? There are plenty of good things about being famous . You do not have a precarious life . You are rich and be-loved . Of course , it does not mean you deserve to be persecuted all the time . Perhaps we could call it the " rough of the smooth " . However , to have his photos taken and showed on television and newspapers increases your popularity . It is the way you may consider magnificent wages as it should fit your fame . I might also miss the point . You might be a Princess , a politician or a footballer ; but are not doing it for any fame . You were born with the talent , sometime with the title . You never wished to be famous that much . Whateaver you do , the journalist should not follow you every second . Every one deserves to be given the right of a private life . Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to you to complaint about the problem that happened in the play called " Over the rainbow " , and for this reason I would like to get some money back . The problem is that most part of the advertistment had mistakes . First of all , there were not discount on tickets ' price , and it was advertised . Secondly , the play was advertised at 19.30 , but it started at 20:15 . Despite of this fact , that I did not care about it at the beginning , when the play started I did not see Danny Brook , who is my favourite actor , I saw another actor who was not Danny Brook . Besides when I went to the restaurant it was closed , and I could not see it . But the main reason of my complaint , is that in the advertistment said it would be my perfect evening out , and it was not . Therefore for all things I would be happy to get some money back . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours faithfully , How has modern technology changed my daily life The technology has affected so much my daily life . If I had not it , I could not do most part of the things that I do today . First of all , if I had not it , I would not be able to move out of my city because I would not have car . But we have it , and the thing that have changed more my life has been the internet . Nowadays with my computer , I can travel everywhere in the world , just with it connected with a modem. internet have changed my life because with it , we can do everything at home . For example if someday I forgot the book , with the internet I can find the book inside it , and more information . Another thing apart from the internet and the car that has changed my life is the TV . With the TV I can know all the information at the moment , moreover I can see films throw it . And the best thing is that it entertaints me alone or with people . In conclusion I think that without the technology we could not live as good as we live know , and our lives would be so much boring . 13th June 2000 Dear Sir , I have just receised your letter and I thanck you for your invitation and congratulations . I am really proud to be the winner of your competition and I would like to express my satisfaction for your perfect organisation . About the information requested from me I have to say that I can travel only July because of my job ; I am busy until the end of June . As regards accomodation , I prefer a longer , Canadian tent in a quiet place because I am fond of nature and I would like to feel free in an informal setting . My favourite sports-activities are playing tennis and basketball . I like competitive and changelling sports , I enjoy myself comparing my skill with other players and , if possible , I rather practising sports-activities not indoor , but open air . I would like to know if special clothes are needed and how the weather is in this period like . The one last thing that I would like to know is if I have to bring with me money for expenses not included in your invitation . Let me know this information as soon as possible . I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely Ramona 13 June 2000 I have been asked to write a report about the lessons and other activities that should be filmed to make a short video . I have given a questionnaire to other students of my class to know their preferences about this choise and we all believe that the first lesson that should be filmed is Philosophy . The reason is that all students are interested in it and the teacher is so good in explaing problems that the whole class takes part in discussions about specific aspects of the subject . Also the sports-activities should be filmed ; they express an aggregative and social way of living school-life and can be useful to see and check out the moviments of the bodys during the atletics-school games . Also the dancing lessons should be filmed , specially for the fascinating beauty of the girls and the elegance of their moviments . I hope that these my suggestions can be accepted and appreciated . 17 , June 2000 The manager The Circle Theatre Sir , I returned very unhappy from my holidays . The reason is that the musical show that I had seen with my wife , first of all , started late . We bought tickets for the second show , that was at 19.30 and it started at 20:15 ! We were interested on see the actors that appeard on the tickets and I was very disappointed when , in the show , we saw another actors . The tickets were more expensive than we had expected , but we did n't care because we saw in the tickets that will be discounts for it , but , they did n't make us discounts ! With all this problems , the only thing that led us , was to eat something . When the show finished we went to the theatre restaurant and it was closed because people did n't arrived to work that day . So it was the most badly evening that I had ever spend . I asked you to consider all my reasons and turned back my money , I think is the only thing you can do . Thank you for your comprehension Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . It was saturday night , and I was , with my sister Pat alone in my home . That night I was invited to a great party , but I was punished , and I had to stayed at home with my sister . My parents were out for the weekend . When it was time to go to the party I decided to escape home without telling my sister , unfortunately when I arrived she was waiting me in my room . When I enter my room she was very happy , because my father will punished me again , of course , she will tell him , but I decided to pay her if she beheaved quietly , she accepted and I payed her a lot of money . At sunday night , when my parents arrived , they asked her if I had stayed at home on saturday , my sister beheave silence for a minute and then started laughing ; so my parents , with her laugh , know that I had go out that Saturday ; and punished me for a year . Dear Jane Clark , I would like to congratulate you on your wonderful " Arts Festival " . You have a really great idea to create this sort of Festival . I had a lot of fun to go there . I would like to come next year with a great pleasure . I hope you will not angry if I give you some advice ? At first , I would like to talk about your section " Stars and Artists " . This section is really great and attract a lot of people . From my point of view , it will better if you have some " Stars and Artists " from only six countries . Because the spectators will probably more interested in your festival if they know the celebrities . I also would like to talk about your concerts . The concerts are fabulous but the problems are the halls . They are too small for all the people . Could you do something for these problems ? All the sections of your festival were great but I think there were not a lot of " Plays and films " . I love films and Plays also , and I 'll hope to have more films or Plays next year . Concerning the tickets , I think your price is reasonable for this festival . It is a good idea to have reasonably-priced for weekends . I 'm looking forward do hearing from you , Yours faithfully , Dear Phil , I 'm really happy to receive your letter and I hope you are fine . I 'm fine but I have a lot of work to do for my school . My exams start the next month that 's why I have a lot of work . In your letter , you want to know about my school rules in France and you also want to know what I am or I am not allowed to do at home . Alright , I 'm going to answer your questions . At first ; . You are not allowed to smoke , drink or to take some drugs in my school . You must to be outside during the break . You must sign your notebook to your parents every week . You are not allowed to argue with your teacher after you receive an exam . You must to be on time at school or you have a punishment . I have so many other rules but these are the most important . At home , I 'm not allowed to watch television after 8 p.m. I must do my home work when I come back at home . I also must to help my parents in home activities . For example ; to clean my room and the other rooms , or to cook , etc .... I Hope these information will help you , Keep in touch , Love . Dear Helen Ryan , I am writing you in order to answer your questions and to get some information I would like to have . First of all I want you to know I am really happy about the prize . The only problem is that like I am a student I can travel only during holidays , in July . Refering to accommodation I would rather to stay in tents because I have never gone on camping so I would like to have the experience . I am not really keen on art that is why I prefer doing some sports like surfing and sailing . If I have to be honest , I would say I have never practised none of them . Yet , I would like to try them because my city is too far from the sea so I do n't have many opportunities of doing them . I would appreciate if you could tell me what kind of clothes and how much money I should take . Besides , I wonder if I will share the tend or not and if I have to take it from here or if it will be provided by you . I am looking fordward to hearing from you . Yours Natalia Lorena Kraus Dear Kim , I 'm really happy because I 've finally received your letter . If I did n't told you the experience of the pop concert in detail in my last letter was because I did n't have time . Please do n't be angry . I will tell you everything right now . As few months ago I chated , by internet , to a nice guy from Buenos Aires , who happened to be one of the member of " Los Pericos " . We started mailing each other and became good friends . They have to make a concert in my city so when they arrived here my friend phoned me and invited me where they were preparing the concert . The problem was that one of the technics was from England and nobody there spoke nor a word in English so I was asked to be the interpreter . It was so great ! ! Not only because I learnt a lot about concerts and music , but also because I practised my English . I hope you are not angry any more after this letter . I 'm looking fordward to hearing from you . love , Dear Miss Helen I have just recived your letter and I 'm very happy for it , especially becouse the competition was so hard . Being at Camp California was one of dreams of my life and now I can relaized it . Firstly , I could to pass this two weeks during next July only , because , before and after it , I have to working as a waiter here in my town . However , about accommodation , I 'd prefer a log cabin , becouse it is more confortable than the tent . All the activities indicated in your letter are great for me but I prefer tennis and surfing , because I 'm used to playing tennis during every weekends and I 'm very keen to surfing . I 'm a good tennis player and a big surfer too . Lastly , I 'm interested about the law 's schools in California , they are very famous here . I would like to know if I will visit at least one of them . I look forward to seeing you soon . Yours faithfully Dear Kim This is a precise letter that I write you now . I 'm very happy and lazy at the same time . Last month I visited Tom , another old friend , and he told me if I had worked with him like musician at the XZY pop concert . " This is extraordinary " , I said . Firstly , I was very embaracing during the concert , but all the staff were very kindly with me and Tom too . This is the most important experience in my life , I knew all the people , in a particular the famous singer " Kos " . He is funny and easy-going . During the concert , I was near the and opposite there was " Pipe " the biggest of the world . It 's very difficult describing all emotion I felt . I can only tell that had been an important experience for me and for my new songs . Excuse me Kim , but I 'm so nervous that I ob n't be able to write oben this letter yet . I hope to hearing you soon Your best friend TO THE MANAGER OF " THE CIRCLE THEATRE " AFTER FINISHING A STRESSFUL YEAR AT SCHOOL , I TOOK A SHORT HOLIDAY , WHOSE " SPLENDID ENDING " WAS A WEEK IN LONDON , WHILE I WAS THERE , I SAW A VERY ATTRACTIVE SIGN : THE " OVER THE RAINBOW " MUSICAL SHOW WAS BEING PLAYED AT YOUR THEATRE , MOREOVER , THE WONDERFUL DANNY BROOK WAS THE PROTAGONIST OF IT . SADLY , I DECIDED TO GO , ALONG WITH MY GIRLFRIEND , BUT THE PROBLEMS STARTED EVEN BEFORE THE SHOW , WHEN WE WANTED TO BUY THE TICKETS . WE ASKED ABOUT " THE DISCOUNTS " THAT WERE OFFERED IN THE ADVERTISEMENT AND THE ONLY THING THAT THE LADY WHO WAS SELLING COULD SAY WAS : WHAT DISCOUNTS ? THEN , WE MOVED INSIDE THE THEATRE AND WE HAD TO WAIT 45 MINUTES UNTIL THE SHOW BEGAN ! ! , WHILE WE WERE WAITING , WE THOUGHT WE COULD GO TO THE RESTAURANT AFTER THE EVENT , AND THEN , WE REALIZED IT WAS CLOSED . BY THE TIME THE SHOW STARTED , WE WERE SO ANGRY THAT THE ONLY THING I REMEMBER IS THAT DANNY BROOK WAS N'T ACTING . I THINK YOU HAVE ALREADY REALIZED THAT IT WAS N'T A PLEASURE FOR US TO SEE THE SHOW , SO I HOPE YOU COULD GIVE ME OUR MONEY BACK , IF YOU CA N'T , PLEASE , AT LEAST GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION . YOURS FAITHFULLY HOW HAS MODERN TECHNOLOGY CHANGED YOUR DAILY LIFE ? THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BEING IS THE HISTORY OF THE CONQUER OF THE WORLD , THAT SAID , TECHNOLOGY HAS ADVANCED CONTINOUSLY SINCE THE BEGGINING OF MAN 'S EVOLUTIVE PROCESS , FURTHERMORE , DURING THE LAST TWO CENTURIES , THERE HAS BEEN AN ENORMOUS TECHNOLOGICAL EXPLOSION , WHILE THE XIX CENTURY GAVE US THE STEAM MACHINE , THE FACTORIES AND THE ELECTRIC BULB , THIS CENTURY HAS GIVEN US THE NUCLEAR ENERGY ( AND SADLY THE ATOMIC WEAPONS ) , THE COMPUTER , INTERNET AND THE TELEVISION . TODAY , I CAN TAKE MOST OF MY SCHOOL 'S HOMEWORKS FROM THE COMPUTER ENCYCLOPAEDIA AND IT DOES N'T WEIGHT MORE THAN AN APPLE ! I CAN READ ALL THE NEWS AS SOON AS THEY HAPPEN AT THE VIRTUAL NEWSPAPERS AND I CAN TALK WITH MY FOREIGN FRIENDS THANKS TO THE ICQ PROGRAM , I HAD NEVER USED INTERNET BEFORE , BUT IT HAS CHANGED MY ENTIRE LIFE , AND IT IS MUCH BETTER THAN IT USED TO BE . Dear Sir , A few days ago , as I was having a week 's holiday in London , I read your advertisement which convinced me to go to see your show : Over The Rainbow . I must tell you that this show was the worst one I had ever been to . First of all , I was very disappointed by the fact that the actors who played were not the ones who were supposed to do it ! I was all the more angry as the show started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 as it was written in your ad ! Another problem : there was no discount available ! Finally , at the end of this very disappointing evening , I decided to go to the theatre restaurant - which was also mentioned in your ad - but I was told that this latter was closed because of a private party ! To put it in a nutshell , contrary to what was explained in the advertisement , it was not my perfect evening out and that is why I would like to get my money back . I look forwards to hearing from you Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . When you told her something important , she could not help telling it to someone else so as not to be the only one to know it . Actually , even though she was seventeen , she still behaved like a ten year old child and it was very difficult for her to know that she could not do or tell something - like a secret for example . Thus when Sally explained her that she had fallen in love with Kevin , Pat felt very embarassed . In fact , she knew that even if Sally was her best friend , she would not be able to keep such a secret . It might seem a bit strange but if Pat had been able to choose whether she wanted to know a secret or not , she would have prefered not to know it . Pat was totally upset . She felt all the more ill at ease as Sally trusted her . Thus when Sally asked her not to reveal the secret , Pat ran away , when home , locked herself in her bedroom . But when she saw the phone that she used in order to call her friends , she started to cry since she knew that she would use it . 13 june 2000 Dear Helen Ryan , I have just received your letter and I am so pleased with the news . I 'd like to tell you that the best month to travel to the U.S.A is on july because I will be on hollidays in this month . I do n't really worry about the accommodation at Camp California , but if I can tell you wich one I prefer I 'll choose in tent . This is because is more exciting and fun than not in log cabins . From the list of activities to do at the Camp I will enjoy singing and swimming . I used to go to a swimming pool twice every week and also I love music and sing all the time . I 'd like to ask you about how much money I 'll need for two weeks in your country and what sort of clothes I have to bring to Camp California next july . I am looking to hear you very soon . Sincerely , Dear Kim , How are you doing ? I am so glad to know that you and your family still well . I am writing to you to explain what I did last month at a pop concert . It was great , believe me ! I went with a group of friends to help and organise a gig of a pop band . It was so easy , a mean we just carried all the instruments from the musicians to the Club and we put it on the stage . After this , we helped to the service bar to put into the fridges all drinks and refreshments . And that was it ! I enjoyed a lot doing this and at least the gig was free for all of us . The concert was in a massive club and the tickets were sold out . Marevellous ! Well Kim , I hope to see you soon and take care . Love Dear Sir/Madam , Last night I went to the Circle Theatre to see the show " Over the Rainbow " , and I have to say that I had a very disappointing evening , even though I heard that the show was exciting . Two days before I read the advertisment for this show , where Danny Brook was starring . Unfortunately last evening there was a different actor and that was very disappointing . Apart from that the show started at 20:15 not at 19:30 , as it is written in the advertisment and the theatre restaurant was closed when the show finished . I am in London for a week and I had to say that last evening I had an awful time , so I want some of my money back . I am looking forward to receive your reply with my money . Yours faithfully , Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . Pat and I had been friends for a long time and as my best friend he knew all my secrets . Yesterday afternoon , when I went home , my mother want to talk me for something , so I went in her bedroom to speak with her . She told me that she knew that last Saturday I went in a party without asked her and that she had to punish me for that . She told me that I had to stay at home for that weekend and not to go out with my friends . When I went in my bedroom I reliased that Pat had told my mother for the party , because noone else knew that my mother did not know that I called him and we had a big argument . Pat is not a reliable person so he is not my best friend anymore . Dear Sir , I am writting in order to complain about the musical show which name is Over the Rainbow that I could see in your theatre recently . I like very much this musical and while I was spending some days in London I could see you advertisement so I decided to go to see it . First of all I had problems with tickets because I could not get the discounts that you mentioned in the advertisement . It was a pitty but it did not annoye me because I thought that the musical was good enough to pay £ 20 . So I entered to the theatre to enjoy the musical but I do not know the reason why it started at a quarter past eight ( three quarters delayed ) . Then I got nervous and I thought that the organization was very bad because nobody explained us the reasons . Finally , when the musical started I realized that Danny Brook , my favourite actor , was not there . In your advertisement his name was in main letters and in the musical the actor was different . After the show I decided to go to drink a coffee and to smoke a cigarrete to try calm myself and suddenly I could see that the restaurant was closed because it was the free day for the barman . I am very indignatged because I wasted my time and it was a horrible evening so I would like you return my money and take notes of all these problems . If you do not return my money I will send a letter to a lawyer . I look forward to hearing from you soon . Yours faithfully HOW HAS MODERN TECHNOLOGY CHANGED YOUR DAILY LIFE ? A long time ago technology was n't an important element for people because they did n't appreciate it . Change were n't a normal situation and Governments did n't invest enough money on it . Nowadays , technology is changing our life every day . For instance , modern technology is changing the way I work . My computer is faster and it is able to do a lot of things on that I wasted a lot of time before . Not only are the computers useful for keep information but also computers can give you a lot of information due to Internet . On the other hand , I realized that modern technology not is as good as people think : I hate mobiles . I know that some people need them to work but I ca n't understand why teenagers need it . To sum up , modern technology is changing my work , my life , and my friends . Maybe it would be a nice idea to analize these changes and to put limits to technology , because I think that the most important is our life and no the ways we improve it . Dear Sir or Madam , After I had read your advertisement I went to " the Circle Theatre " looking forward to watching your musical " Over the rainbow " . In the end I was very disappointed . Firstly , the show did not start on time but fourty-five minutes later . This made me a little bit angry because I already had troubles with buying a ticket before : although it was proclaimed in the advertisement , there were no £ 15 and £ 10 discounts available . But I did not mind anymore because I knew that a show with Danny Brook would be worth this . That was why I was really shocked recognizing that there was another actor playing . This actor was not almost as brilliant as Danny Brook and I would not have paied so many money if I had known this before . At the end of the musical I decided to " rescue " this evening by visiting your theatre restaurant . Like everything had gone wrong that evening , the restaurant was closed because the cook had fallen ill ! I hope you can see that this was no " perfect evening " and I was very disappointed , mostly because this was the last night of our stay in London . I am convinced to have the right to get some money back from you because none of your promises was a carried out . Yours faithfully Gabe Grumman ( Mrs ) " The Old Man and the Sea " I heard somebody say " Exciting books always describe people in difficult situations " . Well , I would not agree that this statement is always true , but it is true in the case of the book " The Old Man and the Sea " by Ernest Hemingway . The context of the book is easy to understand and not very spectacular : an old fisherman is alone on the vast sea , fighting with a strong fish he had caught . What makes the situation difficult is that none of the two characters wants to give up . It becomes a fight about life or death . The excitement is not created by bloody fights but by the strength of the protagonist . He is old and he wants to win this last competition between him and the nature . So he bares everything : the days and nights on the sea , without any food or water , the terrible summer sun , the being injured from keeping to the line where the fish is on . The reader feels with him , wants to know if he will win or wonders why he will not give up . Although this situation might not very difficult or important for anybody else , it is for this old man and I found it very exciting to follow this story until it 's quiet , sad end . 17th of June of 2000 Dear Sir , I am writing for complaining about different points which I am very disappointing . I was to the theatre to see the musical show called ' Over the Rainbow ' . There I was many problems. first of all , I bought four tickets for £ 20 each and discounts were not available . Secondly , I arrived at the theatre at 9:15 because the start time was at 9:30 . However , the show started at 20:15 . I was fed up to wait . The worst thing of all was that at the beggining of the show I realized that the actors were totally different . They were worst than the previst actors . After the show , my friends and I were very furious in spite of that . We decided to go to the theatre restaurant to eat something and to relax . The surprise was that the restaurant was closed . I am absolutely annoyed . In my opinion , you have to give back money because everything what you wrote in your advertisement was not true . I hope your answer soon . Finally , I want to say you this is the last time which I come to your theatre . Thank you . Yours sincerely CAROLINA RODRIGEZ . FASHION OF THE FUTURE I am going to write about what clothes will be worn in the future . I have gone out to the street and I have asked to people for this question . I have recollected all answers and I have made this article . Most of people think that character people and clothes are together . They believe that people in the future will wear confortable clothes because they will be outgoing , amused , etc . I really think that living in the future will be like living in the moon , very exciting . And people will wear cibernetic clothes but in the same time comfortable clothes . I believe that they will wear colourful jeans , T-shirts , mountain boots , etc. And all of this with a lot of colour . From my point of view , they will be more enjoyable than people now because they will have many things to do . On the other hand , most of people in the future will wear glasses . It is because sunlight is very bad . At the end all people will be short-sight . In conclusion , I would like living in the future to check which clothes exactly they will wear . It is a point very interesting . Dear Ms. Ryan I recived your letter recently , and I am really happy learning that I won the first prize . So , I am writing to you to answer your questions . First of all , I have to tell you that my only chance is go there in July , it does not matter the dates , but it is important for me to be back before the 1st of August , because that day I will start a summer job . About he acommodation during those two weeks , I would rather staying in a log cabin , as it is really difficult for me to be in a little and close room . Your next question is about the activities that I could do at the camp , after browse through the list , I would like to take part in climbing and photography activities , as these are my favourite hobbies . I had a induction climbing course two years ago , and I still going to climbing regulary , I can do a V+ level climb . On the other hand I had a photography course five years ago , and I took part in several competitions . Finally , could you tell me how far is the nearest town or village ? Can we get there by public transport ? Looking forward for your answer . Yours sincerely Shopping , what an exciting thing ! Going out to spend a day shopping is something very popular , the shopping centers are always busy , people going up and down carrying bags and looking at window shops , seems everbody is happy . Really ? Sometimes things can be wrong and the situations changes and becomes a nightmare . Firstly is the parking problem , if you go to shopping late at weekends for instance , it 's really difficult to find a place to park your car , and when you get the place , pay for it ! Then the search for a nice cloth starts , and when eventually you get it , it is n't your size , but also the colour that you like is not available . Finally you 've found out something really wonderful , time to pay ! With the hurries you 've forgotten to bring any cash , but you can use the plastic money , the shop assistant pass the credit card through the machine , after few seconds again , and another time more , suddenly his face changes and says you that the card is fault ! No choice , you have to leave your nice clothes and go away feeling bad and sad . To sum up , shopping is not always enjoyable , but do n't worry , the shooping center still there waiting for you ! Dear Helen Ryan . I can only travel on July because these is the mounth when I have holidays . I 've already talked to my manager , and she said that that 's the only mounth I can have my holidays . I would prefer to stay in log cabin because it must be cold to stay in a tent . I have some problems with my kidneys , so I ca n't stay in on of the tents , and it also must be very comfortable to stay a log cabin . I 'm really good at Golf and Tennis , so I would like to choose these two activities . I 've been doing these activities for a very long time . I 've been playing Golf for five years , and I 'm a handidate cup of sixteen , but the problem is that I have n't been playing Golf for a long time because I work every day . I 've been playing tannis since I was seven , and I 've been studying how to play tannis for a very long time , nine years . I would like to know what kind of cloths do I need to take with me , and can you write me back what kind of weather it 's going to be there , for the time I will be staying there . Also I would like to know how much money should I take with me , because I 'm not sure how much I 'll need to spend there . See you Mrs Helen Ryan , and please write me back , Ivan . S . Dear Kim , I wish you were there with me helping at a pop concert . I just loved it , I was working with these music system . You know how good I 'm at music , anyway I was helping to these pop concert to get the corect sounds , at the bigging I was conecting all these wires into spekers , music system , guitar etc ... The particularly bit that I liked about the experience was when I was standing next to the singers and playing a guitar , you know how much I love playing guitar , and all these video cameras were just filming us . I asked on of the camera man when they 're going to show these show on tv , and he told me they 're going to show it on 10 of June , so turn on your tv on these date chanel three , and must seem me there playing with these guitar AH it was lovely . These singers are going to come next year so I want to invite you to my house for one or two weeks to see these pop concert , beleave me you 'll love it and you might use the drums , I told them that you 're really good at drums so they want to try you too . I 'll write you soon Kim . Tell hello to your parents ! Dear Helen Ryan , I would like to thank you for your first prize in your competition two weeks at Camp California in the USA . I would be grateful to except this prize . As you said , you need some further information . First of all , I would like to travel in July , at present , I am doing an art course at college . So I wo n't be able to have a holiday until then . I would rather stay in log cabins than tents . I have some pain on my back therefore I ca n't sleep in the sleeping bag on the ground . Furthermore , I would love to do Basketball and Painting activities while I am at the Camp . I am a member of college Basketball Team which became the best Basketball Team of last year . Secondly , I want to do painting which I am really interested in and as a student of Art College . Lastly , I would like to learn that what kinds of clothes I have to bring with me and how much money ( American currency - dollars ) I 'll need to have while I 'm there . I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , I would like to thank you for your letter which I received yesterday and I wanted to reply as soon as possible . I know you want to learn what I did and how I helped people at the pop concert last month . As you know , our college was chosen to be there and help the singers and the musicians out . When I first arrived there I was pretty nervous and excited . My friends and I have been taken to the backstage where we met the members of West Life , Elton John and Robie Williams . I even go a bunch of flowers from them with a " thank you " letter . What we all did was making many cups of coffees and help to find their missing socks or any other clothings . What I realised was they were not different from any of us but they were called celebreties . I particularly liked listening their musicians when they played the piano , clarinet , drums , violen etc. Which was unbelievably great and also to be able to meet these famous singers made me realise we can achieve whatever we want . Lots of love , To the manager of the Circle Theatre - London Dear sir , I write to complain about the show " Over the Rainbow " I saw last night . Firstly I was very disappointed in finding out that not-ever-heard actors were playing instead of the ones we all expected . Besides this , no discounts for students were available . I 'm very sorry to let you know that not only was the show really boring , but it started also 45 late - This should n't happen ! In addition to this , I heard bad singers and noticed a numertable lack of variety in ballets . Furthermore I could n't drink a cup of coffee after the show in the theatre restaurant . I 've been told it was closed because of a waiters ' strike . I know this is not up to you , but it was very annoying . This show might be the newest in London , but not the best at all . I do eventually think it would be fair to give the spectators their money back - So ask you a complete refund ( cash ) of the ticket price . Yours faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . We all know that she is n't good in keeping her mouth shut at all , but it should have been better this time . Her brother Philip had just passed his last exam at the university and was going to graduate in a few days . Their parents were so happy that decided to give him a fantastic present : the brand new car he had always dreamed of . This should be a big surprise for him : the car was bought and everything was prepared in a very hush-hush atmosphere . Pat promised not to speak to anyone about the car , but one evening Philip overhead her speaking about this with her boyfriend It will be delievered on Thursday ! Can you imagine Philip 's face when he 'll see his favourite car out there ? He could n't believe his ears ! The great day came . The car was already parked near the rear door and there was an unusual activity all over the house . Everyone seemed to be looking for something . " Are you looking for these ? " asked Philip showing the keys of the car . And disappeared heading for the rear door . 13 June , 2000 Dear Helen . I 've been thrilled eversince I received your letter indicating my luck of having won the first prize in the competition that you organized recently . In response to the letter , I am sending mine to state the options and choice that I have made concerning the date of the trip , the place where I will be staying and the two activities that I have chosen along with some questions . Firstly , I wish to travel on July as I already have plans for June which is to visit France for 3 weeks as soon as my summer vacations commences . Secondly , to the question of lodging , I have chosen tents since I enjoy camping in them very much . Among the numerous choices of activities , I am considering taking those of golf and surfing . I have been playing golf since the age of 8 , therefore I am certain that I will not require help of any sort . However , as this will be my first time to go surfing , I am willing to take classes for beginners . Lastly , I 've been struggling with the question of money and clothing and would lie to be informed about the climate there so that I will be able to pack the clothes that I need and I would be thankful if you would consider sending me an estimation of amount of money I will have spend in the camp . I am looking forward in being received in camp California . Thank you in advance . Yours sincerely , Regina Kong 13 June , 2000 Dear Kim , Hi Kim . How are you ? I am fine and so is my family . I was glad to receive your letter from you and after having heard that you are interested in helping pop singers have a concert , I started writing as soon as I could . I thin it 's a wonderful idea and my advice is to take it if you have an offer ! I had so much fun helping my friends ' band having their concert . At first , they asked me to decorate the stage since I like drawing , but as I wanted to get more involved , they said that I could also help them set up the lights , the microphones and the instruments . I have to admit that it was n't always easy , but my effort was worth every penny . The concert was a hit and the stage looked fabulous ! The audience seemed pretty impressed as well . I thought it was a great opportunity to see how things turn out so well when you put everybody 's different talents together . I 'm not sure of what part you 're interested in , but I think drawing the background for the stage was the best , and I suggest that you try doing it too . If you have any questions , please write to me . I wish you the best of luck and hope you have fun helping the singers as much as I did Lots and lots of kisses , Regina Dear sir , I am writing to draw your attention to the musical show that was place last evening . None of conditions was fulfilled : firstly , Danny Brook , who was going to perform in the show , was changed by another actor . As a result it was a disappointing performance . Furthermore , the show started at 20:15 while the advertisment said that it was going to begin at 19:30 . On the other hand , it there was n't any discounts in the sell of the tickets . To make matters worse , when the show finished we could n't visit the theatre restaurant because of the fact that it was closed ( since it was being painted ) . I am very surprised that such a reputable theatre like yours has been able to break all promises that appeared in the advertisment . Of course , what it was going to be a perfect evening out turned into a very disappointing evening , and I would very greatful if you refund me a compensation . Yours faithfully What will clothes be like 100 years from now ? I imagine it will be very different . Sciencist will invented new materials that will keep the temperature in a suitable range . In that way people wo n't feel cold or hot , they will be always at the same temperature . In addition these new material wo n't weight hardly anything . As well , people wo n't be as worried about fashion as nowaday , however it will be very important that clothes are comfortable and suitable for your work and daily duties as well as sport or everything you have to do . For that reason clothes will be simplier and more practise . Besides , everybody will be able to afford to buy then that 's why the prize of this sort of material will be very available . Of course , the resources used and manufacturing will be completely harmless for the enviroment because people will be more aware of the neccesity of taking care of the world we live in . Dear Sir , I write this letter because I find there were too many problems concerning your musical show : " Over the rainbow " . At first , I expected to find Danny Brook as the main actor , but she must have been changed since the actor was different . I was so disappointed that I was thinking of leaving your theatre . Nevertheless , I stayed since I had paid . I also want to put the stress on the fact that the show started at 8.15 pm instead of beginning at 7.30 pm. It is a really a shame ! In fact , if I had knowned , I would have probably stayed at home . We can see on the advertisement that discounts are available . Nonetheless , there were no discounts available at all . And , we were not allowed to visit your theatre restaurant in so far as it was closed . Indeed , there was a little paper on the door which informed us that the restaurant was closed due to illness . Consequently I ask you for some money back seeing that I think : it 's not worth the bother to loose money for such a show. , Thank you . I think that modern technology change my daily life . Indeed , daily life is easier thanks to technology . For example , if I want to buy something , I have to go on my computer and buy it . But it will make me lazy . On the one hand technology is a good thing seeing that we 've got more and more possibilities to enjoy ourselves since she invents a lot of products . But on the other hand , technology 's products are sometimes cheap and I ca n't afford it . In fact , I like technology but sometimes I wish it had n't existed since there are too many things on market . Indeed , when you want to buy a television , for example , there are a lot of different marks . And it 's all the more tyring since you often wait during two weeks before buying it . I 'm bound to feel nervous . To put it in a nutshell , I would like to say that technology can be a good thing , but it creates many problems too . Dear Sir or Madam : I 'm writing this letter to complain about some aspects of the musical show " Over the rainbow " that was held in your theatre . It was a very disappointing evening so I ask for my money back . The first problem we had was that the discounts announced in the advertisement were not available and we had to pay the full ticket . Another problem was that the show started 45 minutes late and I had a surprise when I saw that the main character was not played by Danny Brook , who is one of my favourite actors . Finally I want to complain about the theatre restaurant . We read that we could visit it after the show but it was closed because the waiters were on strike . I think that all these problems could have been avoided and that asking my money back is the best way of forgetting that evening . Yours sincerelly Fashion news are followed by lots of people . We want to know what we will have to wear next year but we want to know it now . But have you thought about what kind of clothes we will wear 100 years from now ? People have always looked for the most comfortable clothes for they daily life . I think that this tendence will not change but what will change is life . We tend to a society that wants more free time so people will need more comfortable clothes to enjoy it . Another important thing will be the use of technology . Scientists are looking for new materials that will made our clothes more comfortable stronger . Clothes will have a strong relation to the new technologies and modern devices will be included in our daily clothes . Fashion reflects the way we live so we can expect that fashion will be connected with technology and society . Dear Mrs Jane Clark , With regard to your International Arts Festival advertisment , I would like to share with you the pleasure I had to be part of the event and some suggestions for next year 's festival that you might take in consideration . The International Arts Festival is a beautiful idea . I enjoyed most of the events and I found your prices excellent considering that I am a student and that I do not have much money . In your advertisment you mentionned that there is artists and stars from all around the world coming , unfortunately I found out only six countries were represented . I would like to suggest that more countries should be part of the Festival if it is possible . It is a very good opportunity to listen to different kind of music and to discover different culture . Hoping that I did not offend you in any ways and that you might take in consideration my suggestion , I wish you all the best for next year 's festival organisation . Yours faithfully It 's a story of a special person who was born in my country and who is now known worldwide . The night he came into this world , was one of grater even if for the habitants of the country or even of the town where he was born , it was a casual night . The sky was so clear that the moon and the stars were lighting up all the land . Only the one who knew how to read stars could actually tell that a great king was born . When the three men saw him they fell on their knees to worship him . The mother was pride because she knew he was sent from above and he was going to be the one to set people free from their sins . This little man from Israel died as the hero of all times . His message is still as impacting today and will always be even if this story happened a long time ago . Dear Sir/Madam , I am writing to complain about the musical ' OVER THE RAINBOW ' . There were some unfortunate incidents . To begin with , according to your advertisement , discount tickets were availabe . However , I could not get them . So I could get a good seat . In addition to this , the show was supposed to start at 19.30 , but it started at 20.15 . As a result , I could not visit the restaurant since it had already closed when the show finished . To make matters worse , it was the different actor although Danny Brook should have starred . I was really looking forward to seeing his role , but on starting the show , I found it disappointed . Can you imagine how upset I was ? Finally , I would like to ask you to give some money back to me . I look forward to receiving your satisfactory reply by return of post . Yours faithfully , In my opinion , modern technology has changed my daily life greatly . To begin with , I think the mobile phone is very useful because I can make a phone call wherever I am , without looking for a telephone box . When I meet my friends somewhere but cannot arrive there on time , I can tell them about it with the phone . On the other hand , when I do not want anybody to disturb my time , the phone annoys me . Secondly , as far as I am concerned , the computer is a great invention . With internet and E-mail , I can get lots of information from everywhere , and I can get in touch with my friends who live in abroad . Since I bought a computer , I have been checking E-mails from my friend almost every day . Finding them , I feel happy even if there is only one . On balance then , I think that modern technology really affects my life even though I feel that it improves too rapidly to catch up . 17th June 2000 Dear Sir , Last week , I was on holiday in London , and reading the advertisement for your musical show , I had planned ( like it is said ) " a perfect evening out " . But it turned out , it really was n't a pleasant evening , and I did n't enjoy myself . On top of this , the advertisement was n't correct at all , or I must have been to the wrong show ! According to the advertisement , the show should have started at 19.30 , but it did n't begin before 20.15 . That 's nearly an hour later ! The tickets were rather expensive , and the discounts mentionned in the advertisement were n't at all available at the theatre . They had never heard of such a thing ! The actors were not the ones expected : there was no sign of Danny Brook , and the person who played his part was very disappointing . I was a little hungry after the show , but then again , I had to find another restaurant since the theatre restaurant was closed with no further information . In conclusion , I was n't at all satisfied , and I would like my money back since the show was n't worth it . Yours sincerely Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets. . But I found out afterwards and it was too late . Pat was my friend , I trusted her and we got on very well untill she had repeated to everyone the secret I had told her . There was only one thing I did n't like with her : she could do anything to have friends , even betray me . No one knew apart from me and my mother . I kept lying when somebody asked where my dad was . " He 's travelling around the world " I would say , and everyone would admire him . But know Pat knew , and because of her , so did everyone else : he was in prison because he had killed a man . Since everyone knew the truth , things were n't the same . Everyone , even my friends , looked at me in a strange kind of way . As if I was guilty . What did I have to do with this ? I was n't the one who had killed the man , but it seemed people did n't want to talk to me anymore . I knew , now , why I wanted to hide the truth . Dear Madam I 'm very happy to have won in your competition . I 'm never going in the U.S.A than I 'm very exciting to travel at Camp California . I can to come only July because I have to work the other months of Summer . As accomodation I 'd prefer to sleep in tents becaose I like beeing outside and earing the noises of the sea . My two activities 's choices are Climbing and Surfing . I used to climb and I want to try still because climbing is good for the fit . I want to do surfing too because I like snowboarding and I think surfing make similar sensations , but I have never practised that sport . I have one question to ask you . I have a little brother and I want to know if I could take it with me . He does n't like stay alone at home . Yours faithfully Anton Chevalier I purpose that we should be filmed five topics : A math lesson , an english lesson , a swimingpool lesson , the break and the staff room . - At the math lesson and the English lesson we could show how the teacher learn at his students . We could be filmed the class room too . - In the swimingpool we could been in the water and doing a party of water-polo and then Allan could done acrobatics stands , because he make competitions . - During the break we could show the activities of the students. for exemple students who play football or volleyball . We could asked some students about the school . - Before the end we could visit the staff room . We could known how this room is and what the Teachers do in this misterious room . In the end we could show a comment of each student of our class . Anton Chevalier Dear Mr. Ryan Thank you for your letter . I have just received the letter from you . I am really pleased that I have won first prize in your competition at Camp California in U.S.A . I would like to travel in July this year because I think the weather will be nice and I can take a holiday . I would like to use a tent for my accommodation . I think it is more interesting than log cabins . I can be more next nuture and I have never used tents before . It seems to be exciting . I choose swimming and painting for my activities while I am at the Camp . I really like swimming . When I was a child , I used to go swimming with my family at the weekend having a chat , making a barbecue , playing games . It was such a good time . I enjoy painting as well . My mother told me that I 'm good at painting . When I was in high school , I won second prize in a painting competition . My parents were very pround of me . Could I ask you some questions ? I would like to know which kind of clothes I should bring to the camp . How much money should I bring there and can I use my credit card at the camp ? I look forward to hearing from you . Yours sincerely , Dear Kim , Thank you for your letter . I 'm sorry that I 've taken such a long time to reply your letter because I 'm really busy and I have to study harder . I 'm taking the final exam next month . Lucky me ! I 've got some great news to tell you . Last month , I worked as a part-time job . I really enjoyed helping at a pop concert . As you know , I 'm crazy about pop music . Before the concert I was really exciting . I could n't sleep well and I did n't know what I had to do in the concert . It was such a big concert . There were lots of singers and band . Of course , there were lots of spectaculars . First , I was in front of the entrance door . I had to check tickets . I was really exciting . My hands were sclumbling but I did it very well . After that , I went to the back stage . I could see lots of pop stars . I 'm sorry that I did n't ask them to take any pictures for you . I was really busy . I had to take care of them and did everything they want . For instance , taking them to toilet , making coffee for them , helping them find their stuff . It was really busy but I really enjoyed it . I learnt lots of thing from here that I could n't learn from school . I had to be more patient . I knew lots of people from different job . It was a great time . I 'd better close now . I 've got lots of homework to do . Take care of yourself and I look forward to hearing from you . Best wishes , Dear Jane Clark Hello ! My name is Yuna Kimber who attended this annual International Arts Festival . I 'd like to say something that I felt during the festival , and give my opinions that would be helpul for you to prepare for the next festival to you . First of all , I appreicate you for organizing such an exciting festival . It was a great idea , and I enjoyed myself to this festival so much . By the way , according to the advertisement , lots of stars and artists from around the world were supposed to be invited for the festival , but I was able to meet them just from only six countries . And another thing is that some concert halls were too small , so when I went there for Jazz and rock concerts it was so crowded , and during the concerts people felt stuffy . I hope you 'll get much bigger concerts hall next year . On the other hand , plays and films were excellent . I expect that much more various kinds of plays and films will be on next year . Finally , I 'd like to mention reasonably-priced weekend ticket . It was brillient , because if I had to pay all things each I would n't have attended it , because it was very expensive for me . Thank you very much about that . I hope it will be helpful and useful for you . Bye for now Faithfully yours Long time ago , there were two brothers , whose parents were dead . Their parents were rich , so when they passed away they left a lot of money . By the way , the elder brother , Nolbu was a so greedy man . He did n't want to share the money with his brother , Hungbu so he took all of the money , and said to Hungbu to go away from the house without anything . Hungbu had nothing but his twelve family . But , even if he was so poor , he was so good and had a lot of affection about the people who were much poorer than his family , so he looked after them . But , Nolbu always made people annoyed , and enjoyed other people 's misfortune . One cold day , Hungbu saw a bird that had a broken wing , so the bird could n't fly to the warmer county during the winter . He cured the bird to fly with love , and the bird was able to fly . The following year , when the bird returned his house , he gave him a message . It was a kind of map that showed the place for a lot of money which robbers hid . Therefore , Hungbu became much richer than Nolbu , and he lived happily with the money helping the poor . People belive that the bird was sent by heaven . This story happened a long time ago . Dear sir or madam , My name is Molly Menbrook . I have seen your new musical , ' Over the rainbow ' . I am sorry but I must admit it was a bit disappointing . I bought the ticket for the evening performance to end the day with a nice musical . But the time was n't kept . I had to wait 45mins to get in ! So in order to keep myself occupied for a while , I went to the restaurant except it was n't open . I could n't see anyone inside either . No one . The show it self was quite disappointing . The show was OK though I suggest you hire different actors . I think Danny Brook does n't suit the role he plays in this musical ... Also you mentioned a discount . For tickets . Well no , I did n't get a discount ! And the tickets were pretty expensive ... Anyway , after watching the musical , I felt a bit peckish so I went to the restaurant again with hope that it might be open , but still , nobody was in . Then a person appeared , walking towards the door to the kitchen , I guessed . I asked him why the restaurant was closed . He said it was because the runner of the restaurant had gone out to arrange the food supply for the next day . They had been closed for 3 days according to him . So you see my point . It was n't very pleasant . So I am going to ask for a refund ... I hope this is n't affending you too much ... Or asking you for too much . Reply as soon as possible , best regards , I think the clothes in future will be similar in shape as the clothes that exist now . Just like sweaters , shoes , t-shirts etc ... But maybe not . When it comes down to color , I think it 'll be much brighter and maybe glittery . Like shiny and plastic kind . Maybe silver and gold , glittery red , purple and blue . As well as bright yellow , orange and green . All suitable for discos ! Shoes will be high heeled and modern . Colors to match the clothes . Still , comfortable . I think they 'll be based on some kind of space theme and aliens . But I think I prefer the clothes now . I 'll stick to baggy t-shirts , jeans , baseball caps and trainers . They 'll do for me instead of all the silvers and golds . Al the spacy theme . I think I 'll be fine in the clothes we have now ... I mean , I wo n't get sick in them ! Though some people may fancy the glitter and the spacy feel , I do n't like it and I hope it really is n't the style for the future . It 's just not my cup of tea ... Dear Mrs Ryan , First of all I would like to thank you for the perfect organisation of the competition which I luckely won , I have been really very impressed . Unfortunately I became your letter with two weeks late so I can travel only between the 5th and the 20th July . In fact I will finish my university 's exams only on the first July and after the 20th is impossible because I am going to do four weeks volontary in India for UNICEF . If it is possible I would prefer to stay in a log cabins , because , in spite of my love for nature , I am terribly allergic to pollins . So stay in a log cabins will probably evite me a lot of problems . Choose two activities from the list has been very difficult but I think I would like to do climbing , sport in which I have many years of experience , and surfing despite I really have any experience . Unfortunately I had ever been in the US so I have any idea about how much money I will probably need and about what kind of clothes I have to take with me . Thank you very much for your attencion on my regard Your sincerely If you ask at twenty womans what is their favorite hobbies probably the most of them will answer " shopping " . But why is shopping so popular and loved by so many people all over the world ? Why so many people have been contaged by this " psychologic virus " ? The verb " have " is probably the most used and loved by the human species . We are always trying to have more things , that in spite of care after us family , us future , or other things which are probably more important than a new perfum . Always more people , everywhere , are becoming shopping-addicts . Maybe you can think I am excessive but recent studies prouves that this mania can be really dangerous . Certenly the only fact of have something can helps people to be more sure of himself . In fact if you have the new Kalvin Klein model for a certain kind of people you are cool , but it is really so important ? Probably when Oscar Wilde said : " Superficiality is the suprem vice " he was right . We still look at what people look like and not at what they really are . Dear Mr. Smith ; I am writing this letter to make you know the bad points of the theatre . First , it did n't start at 19.30 . It started at 20.15 . We had to wait for 45 minutes . I got bored . Not only me but also the others got bored . It was wrote in the newspaper that Danny Brock took place in the play . But it was not Danny Brock , it was a different actor . If there had been a problem , it would have been told us . I wanted to see him but I could n't see . This was very disappointing for me . When I was buying a ticket , there was no discount . But in the newspaper it was wrote to be a discount . I paid £ 20 to the cashier . I was hungry and I thought I could eat something at the theatre restaurant after the show . But it was closed without any reason . It was very rude . For this , I want my money back . Because I did n't enjoy at the theatre . I hope you would not continue like this . Yours sincerely , TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANTAGES Technology is the thing that makes our life easy . Technology is in every part of our life . We use cars , trains , ships or planes when we want to go somewhere . But if they were n't made , we would have to walk or go by a horse or donkey . With the help of technology , we do our works in less time . For example ; in the past people used horses to go another place . And their life passed in the ways . But now we use planes to go far places . It takes less time than going by horse . And computers , the most important product of technology . In the world , people spend the whole day by playing computers . Not only as a hobby . They use computers for their works . They connect with other businessmen and do their jobs with the help of computers . Sometimes they do n't go to their offices . They write their secret notes into the computers . Computers hold them in their memory . But in the past people had to use lots of note books and they also had to find places to hide them . But it has also bad points . For example ; wars . Using technology scientists make lots of powerful guns . It is bad for the world 's piece . I think we should use the technology for the piece and use it for our fortune . Dear Sir or Madam , I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the show you presented two weeks ago at your theatre . As I was spending a week-end in London I took a chance too see the performance of one of my favourite actors , Danny Brook . Unfortunately as soon as I came to the theatre I was told that there had been a change in the cast and Danny Brook was not part of it anymore . Besides , since my girlfriend and I had really to hurry up to reach the theatre on time we had n't had any dinner , as we had been thinking to have it at your restaurant . You cannot imagine our disappointment when we realised that the show had been posticipated at 20.15 instead of 19.30 and that the restaurant was closed because of restructuring ; as a matter of fact , after the show we only ate an hamburger in a fast-food . In conclusion , I would like to have the two tickets refunded considering also that there were no discounts available , as instead it was stated in the advertisement . Yours Faithfully Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . In fact this was the main cause of Mr White 's resignation and suicide . Pat was not a very clever teen-ager and while she was attending the Secondary School she had many troubles with Chemistry . I could actually say that if it had n't been for Mr. White she would have never passed her exam to enter University . Mr White came to our school when he was 40 year-old but still well-looking and all my girls school-mates fell suddenly in love with him ; he was always so kind and generous towards his pupils that any girls felt herself loved by him : Pat certainly was one of them . One day while she was walking in Central Park she saw a man and a young girl sitting under a tree . Immediately she recognized her beloved teacher kissing one of her class mate and she run away as fast as she could . She was so angry and felt so betrayed by Mr White that without any exitation she went to the school Headmaster to report everything she had seen . The next day Mr White was charged for abuses and obliged to resign . The trial was long and had a wide coverage by media . We live in a small and old fashioned town and Mr. White was considered a monster : loosing his job was hard for him , but even harder was the loss of his beloved pupils who were not allowed to meet him ; so , on a bright summer day he took his final decision and died terrified by the darkness which was nearing .