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2024-05-10 14:40:58 +02:00
13th June 2000
Dear Ms Helen Ryan
Competition Organiser
I have just recieved the letter , which lets me know that I have won the first prize .
I am proud of winning it and would like to say how thankful I am .
I am therefore writing to give you my further information .
First of all , I am a student and would like to travel in July .
Because I intend to take examination in Septenber .
So I can afford to go on holiday only in July .
Secondly , I would prefer to stay at log cabins rather than tents .
It will be my first time to experience to stay there and I am interested in trying new things which I have not tried .
The next consideration is the activities .
Actually , I used to play basketball for 6 years and am quite confident of it .
And nowadays , I have been practicing tennis as school activity .
Therefore I would like to choose basketball and tennis .
Finally , I am considering about what kind of clothes I should wear and how much I need .
I would be most grateful if you could give me further advicable information .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely ,
Dear Kim ,
Hello !
I hope everything around you is alright .
You might not believe but actually I helped at a pop concert last month and I really enjoyed it so much .
So I 'm now writing to let you know how grateful it was .
All work I needed to do was n't very interesting. which I must have set thousands chairs correctly and after finishing I put them back nicely .
The reason I enjoyed it very much is that I could meet the vocalist on setting chairs just before they started practicing .
I was asked if I wanted to sit down in front of stage .
Naturally I agreed and I could enjoy their gig as audience .
It was absolutely fantastic .
I had ever never sit down there .
Additionally , you could n't believe , but the vocalist said " All the chairs you are sitting down were set from him , " pointing at me ! !
Actually I was a bit ashamed but it will be my brilliant memory .
Anyway it was so interesting time that I did n't even feel tired after that .
Finally , I suggest you should try as I did if you have any opportunity .
You must like it .
I 'm looking forward to seeing you soon .
Can you send me the letter back writing what happend to you recently .
Bye !
Love ,
At the begining I would like to thank you .
Now I am going to give you some further informations I would like to travel only in July because I am a student in High school and this is most important year of my life I am studying to university entrance exams and I have to study until the end of June and then by the end of June I will be having university entrance exam after that in July I am going to be alright .
I would prefer tents because I have never stay in tents before and I am wondering how it is going to be like And among these activities I am choosing basketball and swimming .
Basketball because I am very good at it , swimming because I like to swim very much but I 'm not a very good swimmer .
And finally I would like to ask you some questions .
My first question is about clothes ; what kind of clothes do we need to take with us ? and How much money do we need to take ?
Finally what kind of wheather is waiting for us ?
Thank you for Every thing
Your sincerely
Lausanne , the 20th of May 2000
Dear M. Smith ,
My name is Marie Bouchard , I come from Switzerland .
Two weeks ago , I spent a week in your fabulous city of London with my friend .
On Thursday , the 3rd of May 2000 , we went to your theatre to see " Over the rainbow " .
Unfortunately , we were really disappointed about everything in the theatre .
Firstly , we got our tickets in your ticket office just one hour before the show .
We thought , as usual we do in London theatre , we could have discounts as it 's written on your advertisement .
Surprisily , there were no discounds .
Secondly , the show started at 20:15 instead of 19:30 , it 's a theatre but not a concert hall ! ! ! !
Thirdly , we were astonished about the actors whose we know from others musical .
Why did you not change the name of your advertisement ?
In the end , the restaurant was closed because you did n't have enough staffs , this evening ! !
Nothing was serious .
We really like London , the people , the night-life but this evening was really awful .
I sent to you a copie of our tickets .
Would you pleased return our money back .
In advance , thank you .
I hope we are not the only people to be so upset , but it was the first and the last time that I came in your theatre .
Sincerely yours
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
When her best friend , Scala , asked her an idea to surprise her husband because she 's pregnant , Pat put her feets in the plate just before Scala 's husband got the surprise .
The problem is that Pat works in the Neubathin a little village .
She 's a secretary in an office .
Everybody knows everybody .
Pat and Scala have been good friends for 10 years , their husband too .
It was a Friday suny afternoon , Scala was really excited to tell her the new .
Despite she knew that Pat could n't keep secret but for this time she was confident maybe too .
Just after Scala told her the new , Pat phoned her mother who worked in a bakery , to tell that Scala is pregnant .
As usual , Jon , Scala 's husband came & bought the bread for the evening .
Pat 's mum was so excited about the baby , she just said " Congratulations for the new baby . "
He was so amazed and asked to repeat .
She just thought it would be a secret , she came really embarassed .
When he went back to his house , his wife gave him the box with the shoes but it was n't a surprise !
Scala was hungry with Pat because she thought she can keep this kind of secret .
Sir manager ,
I am writing in order to complain about what you have written in the advertisement on the newspaper .
I am disappointed because of the horrible evening I have had , I was on holiday in London and I did not have time enough to spend there , but when you said that show was the best I decided to go .
When I bought my ticket I asked for a discount and they said it was not available .
At first it was not a problem because if the show was going to be the best it would cost what they said .
I arrived at the theatre in time and the musical show started later than I expected so I was getting nervous because I dislike very much the impuntuality , but that was not all .
When the show started the person who was acting it was not Danny Brook and he seemed not to be an actor .
Really he was bad .
Afterwards I decided to go for a meal in the theatre restaurant but It was closed .
So you can imagine how I felt because of the irritating evening out I had .
I am letting down because of your behaviour .
You wanted to cheat me , so I will be very pleasure if you could give my money back .
I am looking forward your answer .
Your faithfully ,
I think technology has changed my life and the way of living of almost all people around the world .
First of all technology is very useful nowadays but really I dislike it because in some ways we are becoming machines too .
Since the creation of PCs , people - and me too , of course - are making different things .
For example we can buy food , clothes and whatever we need by internet or by telephone .
I can know what is happening in differents parts of the world in a few minutes .
A very good point of this change is that women have more freedom to have a job because before reaching the technology they have to stay at home doing housework but now we have laundries and a lot of machines like microwave oven .
In my case I dislike computers .
I do n't know how to use them but I know I have to change because they help us to make our lives easier .
On the other hand what will happen with us in the future ?
Our life will be managed by robots and they will replace us in our jobs .
So , what are we going to do ?
Something that I note about technology is that we are loosing green places and there are a lot of pollution , so we have to be careful .
Dear Mr. Ryan ,
I received your letter and I am very glad I have won a two weeks travel to Camp California .
I will give you some information which helps you to know me better .
I would like to travel to camp in July because this is the best time for me and I hope for you .
I will be very busy in June so let me tell you some details about my travel .
About accommodation , I think tents would be great .
Basketball and swimming I think are the best for the children .
Basketball will help children to build team character and leadership .
And swimming is very good for health .
I swim really good and I am a proffesional basketball player .
I count on my experience .
And there are few questions I would like to ask .
First , what clothes should I take with me , secondly. how much money and by cash or by travel cards .
Thanks !
I am looking forward to our meeting .
Yours sincerely ,
Vasiliy Alekseyev .
Dear Kim ,
Last month I enjoyed helping at concert of " Modern Talking '' and now I want to share with you about my experience .
It all started when one of the organizers asked me to help him at a concert of my favorite band .
And what do you think I answered ?
Of course , yes !
I have got very responsible work I had to bring food for Peter Bolen and Tomas Anders .
Can you imagine ?
I came into their room and give hot Cheeseburgers , Coca-Cola and ice-cream to Peter .
It was the happiest moment of my life .
He asked me was the cheeseburger hot and I answered that it was .
I was very nervous talking with him .
He told me about concert programme and gave me his photo with a sign .
I will never forget that summer day .
It was my day , I am sure about it .
Well , I think that is all .
See you .
Yours faithfully ,
Vasiliy .
Dear Sir or Madam ,
I am writting to you about the show .
I was very disappointed after this show .
I would like to have my money back .
At first the show started at 10.15 , and it should be at 19.30 .
After your show I wanted to visit my friends , and because of it , I did n't do it .
Also , you wrote about discounts , but it 's not true !
The woman , who sold a ticket was very roud with me , actually she started swearing at me .
During the show , I was very hungry but I hoped to visit restaurant , it 's a pity , but restaurant was closed because it was too late .
And , I forget to say about actor , I did n't enjoy them .
So , I hope I will get my money back , it was very disappointing evening out in my life !
I hope you understand me !
your sincerely
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , but any way I trusted him .
It 's happened 3 months ago , and during this months I am very upset .
I have a friend , his name Peter , he is my best friend .
One day Peter killed one boy .
They were just playing and be acsident , Peter shoot him .
I was there , I saw it .
I hoped that it , just could see 3 people , but it was mistake ...
Pat saw it !
We spoke with Pat many times to keep this secret , not to tell anyone .
We trusted him .
At first several days , Pat all the time was with us .
He promised to keep secret , in the next morning we had arguiment with Pat , 3 of us were shouting at each other , in shorter Pat went away from us .
Two days later in the morning , the policeman came to Peter ...
So , now my best friend is prisoner .
All the time I am thinking about Peter .
I do n't forget him .
He will be in the prison 5 years .
By the way I do n't see Pat about one year .
Perhaps , he moved into another town .
It 's good that he far away ...
I miss Peter very much , it 's unfair to put him in a prison .
But it 's life , destiny , very cruel destiny ...
Dear Ms Ryan ,
I am writing to you regarding the letter you sent me , about the two weeks at Camp California that I won .
Firstly , I would like to travel in July because I have 2 weeks off in the beginning of the month .
For the accommodation , I would prefer in tents because I like adventure and simplicity .
Concerning the available activities , firstly , I would choose climbing because I have practised it for many years .
Secondely , I am interested in discovering something that I have never done , so I would like to do sailing .
Finally , I was wondering if some special clothes are required and how much pocket money I need for this trip ?
I thank you in advanced and looking forward to your reply .
Yours sincerely
Dear Kim ,
I 'm writing to you to relate my experience in helping at a pop concert last month .
First of all , I would like to tell you that I 've never had a such good time in my life !
The day one consisted in surrounding the festival 's place with fences .
The second day objective was to install the scene , with lights , loudspeakers and all stuff .
This job was quite hard , but we took enough time to be not exhausted !
The last day , in fact the concert day was absolutely fantastic .
The public was so excited to see the concert that we had to place some bouncer front of the scene , to avoid the people coming on the concert floor .
Finally , the concert was exactly that the people were expected .
I hop that the next time you will come with me !
I 'm looking forward to hearing your impressions about this !
See you soon .
Dear Clark ,
I am writing to you because I would like to give my personal opinion about the ' international arts festival . '
First of all I have to say that the whole festival was a greatful success and I also think you chose an appropriate title for the leaflet .
However , there are some points which can be improved for the next year .
To begin with , you wrote down in the leaflet that stars and artists from around the world could be seen in the performance in fact their were only six countries involved .
My suggestion for this point is to invite more people from different countries .
Furthermore is that some concert halls were definitely to small or in other words to many people attended those concerts .
This kind of problem you could avoid when you look for big halls at the begining .
Another point where you could improve is when you show more plays and films next year .
Nearly at the end of this letter I have to say that the idea with the weekend ticket was really good because it gave to the people the opportunity to attemp a whole weekend for a cheap price .
To finish this letter with I would like to give you a good idea for next year .
In my opinion it would be nice if you create an exhibition place where the guests can try to play different instruments .
Yours sincerely
How can you earn money in your spare time ?
I think everybody will ask himself this question one day or has already asked it .
Anyway the people where asked this question probably found out that it is n't so easy to earn money or that it is sometimes to much work .
A traditional way to earn money , in the spare time , is to bring newspapers or magazines to the families in your town or village .
The problems that you have here is the weather .
For example when it is rainy , because then everything get wet .
Another suggestion is that you go to your cinema and ask if they need your help for changing the film rolls , for cleaning the toilets or to do some other small jobs .
But in the case that you really want to do some interesting work in your spare time you should try to sell something where you 're good at , I mean if you 're interested in computers you should try to provide your service for other people .
Of course in the begining it is hard but you can learn a lot and if you 're good at you 'll also earn some money .
Okay do n't wait , there where you 're good at and begin .
Dear Sir/madam
I am writing with regard to your advertisment .
During my 2 week 's holiday I would like to attend a musical show .
It was my favorite play .
I was very hopefull that I was going to have a good time .
But there were many things which went wrong .
Firstly , I have had no discount at paying. secondly there was delay which got me into trouble , After the show I could n't catch my train .
Because I did n't have any plan I decided to have a lunch in theatre restaurant .
But it was closed .
The worst thing is that I could n't watch my favorite actor .
I was so dissapointted with that .
I could n't consentrate on the play any more .
Contrary to the advertisment everything was disapointing .
I regret to demand all my expenses .
I hope you are going to be take into consideration my terrible situation .
I am waiting for a satisfactory answer
Yours faithfully
Technology has developed increasingly in recent years .
As a result of this our society has changed a lot .
On the one hand technology has made our lives more comfortable and easier .
On the other hand we have faced some problems , such as social and environmental problems .
Nowadays students have much more facilitis in education than before .
Although in those days the only way of learning was reading .
These days we can use computer , television and some sophisticated equipment. which were unusuall before .
Than to technology we can reach any place in the world easily .
We can get some information more quickly .
Technology has a huge effect on our spare time activities as well .
Children play wit computer instead of usuall plays .
Despite the huge facilities technology has affected our lives negatively .
There has been change relatinships between people .
People are getting more and more lonely .
We have noticed the environmential damage in recent years .
While we are using technology , we should take into consideration environment .
We should n't allow to be exploited the world .
If we want to leave a good world to the next generations , we should behave more respectfully againgst the nature .
Dear Mr. Clark ,
I 'm a italian student who has come to the last International Arts Festival .
I think this festival is a great idea because it 's a possibility to see and to love the art , but , I think also there are some things thas could be changed .
I noticed that the artists were from only six countries insted that from around the world .
This choice does n't give many artists the possibility to expresse themself .
Some concert halls were too small and often people could n't see the performances .
There were many events that I think there were a few plays and films .
Maybe it would be better put more of them in the programme because they like so much to young people .
The very about young people , the choice to offer a reasonably-priced weekend ticket is a excellent idea because it brings them to have a contact with all what it art .
I hope that my opinion can help you to set fro the next year a great internation arts festival alone to young people .
Thank you and greetings .
I think a good way to get money it 's work in a fast-food .
Maybe the first impression is n't positive but from my personal experience , I can say that this kind of job is right for get some money .
For six months I 've worked in a McDonald 's restaurant in Italy and I 've got lots of money .
I worked eight hours every day but in every fast-food you can work part-time , four , three , six hours every day .
It depends on what you need .
This kind of job is perfect for the young people who want get money and in the meantime they have to study .
If you work in a fast-food you can work in the afternoon , or during the night and so you have time for yourself .
In the staff you can also find young people and getting fun with them during the work .
What do you want more ?
If you need money and you need time for yourself try a job like that .
17 June 2000
Dear Sir/Madam ,
I am writing to complain about a musical show on 10 of June , and I was very disappinted .
I was promised that the starring was Danny Brock but when I was there I saw just other starring that was completely difference from your brochar .
To make the matter worse , I was travelling to London to see this famous starring but I did n't see any shows of them .
It make me a bit angry .
According in your brochour , it was started to show at 19.30 p.m. but it was started at 20.15 p.m. I wanted to sleep and very anoying .
More than that , when I bought the ticket I did n't get any discounts .
I had to pay full prise .
I was promised that after show I could go to theatre restaurant but due to started late we aslo finished late therefore , when I went to the restaurant they were deffinately closed .
I was very hungry and tired .
You said that it was a perfect evening out but it was n't like that .
I would like to refund some money back .
I paid for the show £ 50.00 I also have a recite to prove it .
I would like you to give my money back as soon as possible .
I am looking forward to hearing from you .
Yours faithfully ,
Phukana Najee
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
I have a really good , freind , Pat who I was trusted and counted on her .
I have know her for five years. and we were love each other very much .
One day , I was falling in love with closest freind .
I went out with him sometimes and we were happy .
My boy freind was very handsome , clever and very polite .
We were stedy at the same class at school and he also knowed Pat as well .
Personally , I wanted to keep serets because I afraid that we might have splited up .
And I would like to make sure that he was relly love me .
My boy freind told me that he wanted to surprise his freind in his class when the times comes .
To be honest , I wanted to share this felling to someone else but I needed to keep very secret .
I felt unhappy sometimes .
One day I decided to tell my best freind - Pat who I realio-on her .
I told her everything abat my boyfreind and when we were met each other and evertauly we were falling in love .
After I told her I felt my feeling had been released and I was happy .
I also told her to keep very secret did n't tell anyone in the class .
On Monday morning , I walked into the class and all of my freind was shouting at me and called my name and my boyfreind .
I was absolutely ambaressed and I wanted to ran out of the class .
I felt very angry to Pat and I should n't have told her about my boy friend .
I felt regret but too late it was n't secret any more now .
13th June , 2000
Dear Mrs Ryan ,
I recived your letter and I am very excited about the camp .
I would like to go in July I do n't mind wich two weeks but it has to be that month because in June I still in school and in August I'am going on holiday with my family .
I would prefer to sleep in a tent because I think it 's different from where I sleep every night so I would apreciate it if there are still tents available .
One of the activities I would prefer to do is Climbing , I have n't done a lot of it but I 've always found it interesting and I think this would be a good opportunity to become better in it .
The other activity I would like to take is tennis , I 'm quite good at it and I have been practising for four years .
I would like to know what type of clothes I should take and also if I need to take money with me .
Thanks for your attentions .
Yours sincerely ,
Ma .
Anni Soler
13th June , 2000
Dear Kim ,
Hello girl how are you doing this days .
I am great especially last weekend in the concert of Backstreet Boys .
It was so exciting .
They were giving two concerts one in Friday and the other one in Saturday they invited me to go on friday .
This is what happened : when I arrive they told me that I was helping in backstage with the scenery , then the group arrived , we chat for like 15 minutes then they had to go on stage .
Here is where the good part starts , I was doing the courtines ( opening and closing ) when Nick came to me and ask me to go on stage with him , my heart started beating very hard .
The next second I was in front of more than 2 thousand people dancing with The Backstreet Boys .
I had a great time that day .
Well I have to go now .
Hope to hear from you later on .
Love ,
Anni .
Dear Sir/Madam The Circle Theatre manager
I am writing to complain about your product .
I would like you to back my money because that was not same as your advertisement .
I was planning to spend my holiday in London when I found your advertisement .
In the advertisement , you mentioned actors , time , price discount and equipment .
DANNY BROOK is one of my favorite actor so I decided to buy a ticket even if I cancel my apointment on that day at 18=30 and aslo notice of price discount impressed me .
However , when I went to the theatre , you did n't anything not only discount but also apporogize us for dalay of starting musical .
In addition different actor appeared on the stage and I could n't have dinner about the musical because the restrant had been closed .
It made me so dissapoint and angry .
You should back my money immedeastry because that night was far from parfect .
I look forward to hearing from you soon .
Faithfully ,
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
He always tried to say nothing and did .
But everyone always noticed he had secrets from his face .
Whenever he has secrets , his nose moves quickly .
He had not liked this habit and had thought it was wrost of him until he solved a big crime .
When all money had gone from a bank , nobady there except Pat .
Bank robbers said him if Pat told the fact somebody they killed him .
So .
Pat did n't say anything .
But his nose moved quickly when police showed a picture of bank robbers .
Then police realized who were bank robbers and arested them .
Although bank robbers complained to Pat , he said nothing to anybody .
He just moved his nose ! !
Thanks to his habit , he is still alive and all money were backed to the bank .
The town became peace again .
Dear Mrs. Helen
I 'm writing back to answer the questions that you send me in the past letter , so refering to the question of when I would like to travel , I would like to go anytime during july , because I have to be in august back home , because I need to apply and get everithing sortted out , to go into college next september .
And according to the question of wich type of accommodation I prefer , I choose a log cabin , because I think that the tent is more messy , so I would appreciate if you give me the cabin .
And my answer to the question of wich activities I would like to choose , well I choose swimming cause is my daily excercise and surfing .
Anyway I 'm not very good doing surfing but with a little bit of help I know I can make it .
Oh , for last I just would like to ask you how many clothes , and money I have to bring with me .
And well Mrs Helen I would really apprecciatte if you send me back a letter with all the answers of my question , anyway .
Thank you very very much and please keep in contact by e-mail , as normal mail .
Yours trully
Alvaro Ramirez
Dear Kim :
I hope you keep in great form , like you were the last time I saw you , how is your family , I hope everyone is ok .
Well here in Dublin things still the same , but I think somebody told you that I went to the moby concert here at the point wich is the big theatre for events and concerts , I guess it was the best concert I 've ever been to , but the coolest thing is that , well do you remember my friend Luke , the one that works as a security guard , well he told me that they needed people to put everything on the stage , so I went to help them and everithing else , and when I get into the point , do you who was there ? just imagine , it was moby , so I went to say hello to him , and he told me would you give me a hand with my decks , so I went , and when we finished he gave me a T-shirt and a gold pass to see the concert from the first row , oh my god Kim that the best thing that ever happened to me , well Kim I hope to recieve a letter from you soon , and please tell everybody about the moby concert and everything , thank you .
See you soon
Camp California in the U.S.A .
Competition Organiser
13th June 2000
DEAR Helen Ryan ,
I am really happy for receive your congratulations .
Was very exciting moment and very nice competition .
And now to be the first winner .
Is wonderful for me to have the opportunitie to visit the Camp California in the U.S.A .
In answer at your letter .
I would like to travel in July for two reason one 's is because I totaly will finish my exam in that date and the other in the first two week I will go to Farnborought is special 10 days the presentation the Air show and will be there the delegation from my country .
And for the second question .
About accommodation during these two weeks at the Camp I would prefer log cabins ; because maybe is more interesting to share with other people .
In other hand you ask me I have the chance for to choose two activities while I am at the camp. but is no easy , because all is very interesting for me .
But anyway I like more to have the possibilities for practice climbing and surfing .
Meanwhile , these activities are develop .
Can you said me if is necessary to bring special clothes , I refer for instance if I practice surfing I need water suit .
Is possible to get there ?
At the same situation for climbing I need special equipment and then there are available in the Camp and what about the guide for these activities ?
I need extra money ?
I am really appreciate if you can answer me these doubt and saying again .
Thanks very much , because is new stimulation for me. this prize .
Yours sincerely ,
Isabel Cruz
13th June , 2000
Shopping is not always enjoyable .
I think this topic is so exciting in the antropological and psicological point of view , because we can studie the reaction before , during and after to shopping .
People in general have a compulsory actitud for shopping in my opinion .
Because sometimes the article for to buy is not really necessary .
We must to accept that media have so important effect in our life in special the T.V .
For the men and women is important the appearance and they spent a lot of money in buy clothes , cosmetic , accesories , jewels etc. And the other they choose sometimes just for the label .
Without give really importance to the calidad in reference to the appearance there is more preocupation in the food area , because people in general they do n't spent the time for prepare food and when they shopping they choose pre-prepared food .
We know is more easy for these busy life .
In the other hand the facilities for access to mall center is not good .
The area for parking , space for play grown to the children or bus station near the mall is not really appropiate .
Otherwise shopping will be more enjoyable .
I think in the nearly future we need to decide with the goverment. which is special place in the town we lefet just for comerical area , but of course with all the facilities to get there like a big supermarket , and mall centre in different areas of the city .
Dear Sir or Madam ,
I am writing to complain about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " , that I went to see on the 16th of June .
Firstly , the actor suppossed to be Danny Brook , but he was not , it was another actor , who I have never seen before , so , as you can imagen , I was very disappointed .
Another complain is about the time that the musical show started , the advertisement said it started at 19:30 , but it did not , we had to wait 45 minutes .
It was terrible .
Now , about the tickets , the were different prices but there were not discounts , and because of this , many people could not see the show , especially students .
Finally , when the musical show finished , and I have to say , a bit late , I went to the theatre 's restaurant to eat something but this place was closed because the chef had already gone .
At is explain it was not the perfect evening that I expected to have and I would like to have my money back because of the reasons that I mentioned before .
Looking forward to hearing from you .
Yours faithfully ,
Pat , Maria 's best friend
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , so Maria was very disappointed when she realised that Manuel knew the truth about the feelings that Maria had for him , in fact , she was so angry she almost kill but , she could n't because Pat was her best friend .
Maria talked to Pat about the stupid thing that she did , but Pat refused to apologaising to her , because she felt it was n't a mistake and she did it for only one reason : help Maria to get the man that she loved .
Maria was speechless , it was the first time that she did n't know what to do , so she decided to stop talking to Pat .
After 3 weeks , Maria got ill so she was not available to go to school .
Some friends phoned her everyday , except Pat , the only friend that Maria really loved , despite that , she was not sad .
One day , when Maria was seating in her bedroom , someone knock the door , it was Manuel , he was worried for her .
Maria was nervous , but for the first time , she could talk to him as she never did before , and at the end of the day , she was the happiest person of the world , she gave her first kiss and she had Pat 's friendship back , after all , everything happened because of her .
Wawsaw , 12th December 2000
Dear Mr Robertson ,
First of all , we would like to thank you very much for organising such a wonderfull trip with an interesting program .
We are all extremely excited especially because of the trip to Greenwich , the town we were always interested in .
However , there are may other interesting places and exhibitions to see in London .
For example , in the time of our visit there is going to be " The London Fashion and Leisure Show " .
It is a coinsidence which we would be extremely happy to take advantage on .
This is a great opportunity for us to see the latest fashions and famous fashion models who we would like to have authograps from .
We hope changing the excursion program a little will not cause any problems .
Our suggestion is to visit Science Museum on Wednesday afternoon instead of Tuesday .
Because the fashion show lasts a whole day long .
We are ready to give up our shopping and Free time .
The show starts on 14th March at 10.00 and ends at 19.00 the same day .
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by our request .
Yours faithfully
Famous people are living creatures .
They breathe , eat , feel and beside that they are famous they are just the same as anyone else .
Nobody likes to be observed constantly or touched by strangers and pointed out in the streets with no right even or just a little privacy .
I personally think the best would be to put the celebrities in cages and let people touch them , point and ask for authopraps .
Like in the zoo .
The biggest commercial gain in history I believe , but celebrities are not animals although they may be sometimes treated the same way .
On the other hand , they must have done something to become famous .
It may in many cases , not be true but we can suspect that most of them wanted to become a celebrity and they had to know there is no private life unseparately contected to it .
To sum up , I believe that everyone has the right to keep privacy of their own homes and even someone extremely famous deserve to have a private life .
Unfortunately as long as their private life is interesting for ordinary people and it brings commercial gain to publishers , journalists and photographers , famous people will just have to get use to this living " under a microscope " .
Dear Jane Clark ,
The purpose of this letter is to congratulate you on the International Arts Fesival I attended last weekend .
I believe that the event was good , however I feel that the festival can be improved next year .
Firstly I would like to tell you that the idea of organizing an International Arts Festival is fantastic , but in your advertisement it was said that I would find stars and artists from arround the world , when , in fact , they were from only six countries .
I do understand that it must be difficult to get these people to go to the festival , but it would be nice if next year we could meet other personalities .
Secondly I belive you should know that a lot of people , including me , were not able to enjoy concerts because some concert halls were too small .
I would be very thankful if you could tell me if there will be more plays and films next year .
Last but not least I would like you to know that I think the idea of the weekend ticket for all events was excellent because in the end it was cheaper than paying for each event separatelly .
I hope you find my opinion useful .
Once again congratulations on the Festival .
I hope to hearing from you soon
yours sincerelly ,
tips to earn money
When the holidays began everybody is happy because it represents the beginning of a time full of fun and lots of interesting things to do , but in order to do these things we all need money and that is a big problem to most of us .
there are several ways to earn a bit of money in your spare time .
One of the most common examples is baby- sitting taking care of little children is easy and it does n't require special skills , all you need is a lot of patience .
If looking after children does n't fit you , you can try with pets .
Lots of people would pay you to take their dog for a walk .
So if you like animals this is your chance to earn money and have fun at the same time .
Another option is to wash your neighbour 's car .
In this case you need to buy the materials you will work with , but do n't worry , soap is not very expensive .
the most important thing is that you wisely choose the most suitable work for you , according to the things you like to do .
If you do n't find anything good enough for you do n't worry , you should always remember : It 's not all about the money !
To Mr Robertson ,
Firstly , I would like to thank you for the programme that you provided .
It was very good programme , especially the river trip to Greenwich , which I am sure the whole class would enjoy .
However , our class has spotted an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show and would all wish to attend .
It will be held at the Central Exhibition Hall in London on the 14th March .
It will be from 10.00 till 7.00pm .
The show will be about all the latest fashion , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles .
We would also not have to worry financially as it is free for students .
This will be a great opportunity for us because we will be able to find out more about the people of London and their fashions and style we might also get a change to meet new people and interest with them .
The whole class is also very excited about this fashion show and would really appreciate your giving them a change to go .
I have a few suggestion on how the programme could be changed to fit the London Fashion and Leisure Show in .
We could do as planned for Monday and move going to the Science Museum from Tuesday to Wednesday afternoon .
We would have to forgo the shopping as we might not have enough time and the exchange rate might be too high for us to do much shopping .
We can however go and look around the shopping mall if we have time after the show .
Lastly , I would be very grateful if you could give us your permission to go to the show .
I hope you would consider this matter .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely ,
Everyday , something changes and we become more modern companies use computers instead of books , dentist use modernized electrical item instead of just a plier , even homes are effected .
From letters to emails , from gas stoves to electric stoves and microwaves , but we are n't just going to stop here are we ?
No , in the future , the present will be the past and these things now new to use will be old , outdated and changed .
I see a very different home for us in the future .
Most things will be computerised .
We might even be using voice identification and fingerprints instead of keys .
We an on and off lights with touch pads and remote controllers .
We might even be able to open the door without getting out from the living room .
Cameras will be something usual in every house instead of that little peephole in your door .
Although all that may change our houses may be still the same .
The rooms and size should remain as it was and the living rooms and all may still be decorated in the same style .
We might still favour that old carpet and couch .
The furniture should not change that much on the outside and the amount of rooms should not change too .
In the future , every child might have a laptop .
And instead of going to school , why not let school come to you ?
We will be learning at home using computers and disc .
Never have to leave the house or wake up so early .
Another way our home could be different in the future is probably the utilitles we are using .
We might not need maids to do housework anymore as they can easily be replaced with a robot , a machine , or something other with the same purpose .
Our homes will still be the same in terms of the kitchen , it will still be filled with vegetables and meat .
This is because people wo n't miss the great taste of food although it could be subsituted to a vitamin pill or two .
Lastly , I think that all this changes wo n't really be noticed as we change it daily and slowly instead abruptedly .
People will be able to adjust and change with the times .
Dear Mr Robertson ,
On behalf of our class I would like to give you some information about the London Fashion and Leisure show , that we saw advertised and we are interested indeed .
In addition we would like to thank you about the programme .
Firstly , I would like to give you some details about this show .
It will take place in Central Exhibition Hall , in London , on Tuesday 14th of March and the suitable time will be 10.00 - 19.00
I would like to mention that this day we are going to visit the Science Museum in the morning and after we are going for shopping , so I believe it will be a good change for all of us to attend this show as it is free for students !
The most important thing is that the time that the show starts is perfect and is suitable as well with our programme because until 19:00 I think that everyone will have finished their shopping .
Secondly , I would like to give you more details about the show and particularly what does it include .
The latest fashion will be on show and also the Leisure and sports wear .
Really interesting !
Moreover all about the make up and the hairstyles .
I think that it will be a great opportunity to all of us to be on this show while we are going to be in London .
But , if there is a problem that the show is on Tuesday afternoon , the same hour with shopping , I suggest having the shopping on Wednesday afternoon that we will not have anything to do !
I look forward to your reply ,
Yours sincerely ,
Some people think that to be a famous person is very excuiting thing , that all the time this makes you feel completely and also they think that if you are famous you are special as well .
I believe , that if somebody wants the fame and the glory must be tottally sure about the results .
For example , the politicians the have choosed their careers , they must know that they are going to involved with everything that it has to do with publicity and their country and the most important is that they have to realize that they should be extremely careful of their movements or else they are going to have bad reputation , and they will be not trustworthy .
Another succesfull carreer such as , film stars must also be balanced .
If somebody is a film star this mean that has got a different kind of life , more comfortable , more interesting but it does n't mean that he or she ca n't be like normal people even if he or she is a star .
If somebody wants to be famous of cource must be on the top and the mass media will be following him or her .
But I think that the are limits .
Everybody deserve to have a private life even if he is a plumber or even if she is a famous singer .
It does n't matter what kind of carreer or job you are follow .
You must control your behaviour and try not implove so much yourself .
And finally the journalists the should know how to respect the private life of everyone and not trying to make money for a living by using the reputation of the famous people .
Dear Mr Robertson ,
Firstly , I 'm writing to thank you the great opportunity you give us , especially in planing all this programme in a such acurate way .
I think that this programme has a good organisation , as you know , due to we have enough time to visit plenty of local interest points .
But , I was wondering , like a student of this college , if we would change part of this programme ... we 'd like to go to the London Fashion and Leisure Show .
It takes place on Tuesday 14th and begins at ten o'clock .
In this way , we can go to visit the Science Museum earlier in the morning and the , we can go to the show .
Front my point of view , we are very interested in the latest fashions like the leisure , sports wear , make up , hairstyles , you know ...
I strongly believe that we will be at the right time and best city to appreciate it .
Please let me know if you are agree with us !
Oh I forgot about it !
Besides , this show is gree ( another positiu point ) .
Looking forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely
Do you think you 've the future in your hands ?
Do you think we 're living like old times ?
Would you like living in a modern way ?
What do you expect about the future ?
Can you compare it ... ?
Are you afraid ?
Well , you can look at your house ...
Nowadays , we have all kind of instruments to washing up the dishes , to cook to be more comfortable , for example the TV , the video recorder , etc .
Maybe , in a few years later we 'll have a bigger TV , a more suitable radio but , from my point of view , I think these facts will not change the way of our lifes .
We will be able to accelerate the process of the computer 's games for example ...
But not in the strange way you can imagine ... I mean I do n't think we 'll change cars by aereoplanes ...
In this way , you have to be calm because as you know the things are developing in the same way you'r changing , too .
In conclusion , I strongly believe that the the house of the future will be the house of a new mindness it will be a very positiu point for opening our lifes .
So , we have the future in our hands !
Think about it .
Dear Principal , First of all , we would like to thank you for good programme which provides us 3 days stay in London .
It contains a wide range of activities for example , sightseeing , river trip , visiting science museum and gallery , shopping .
It is certain that the programme will give the students considerable enjoyment .
However , we have found an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure show , which will be held at Central Exhibition Hall on 14th of March .
The advertisement says that the show is full of many interesting programmes , such as the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear , make up and hairstyles etc. Moreover , students are allowed to admit for free .
All of us would like to attend the show because young people , particularly girls are interested in fashion and make up , so we are expecting the show will be the great opportunity to see what the new trend in fashion will be like .
It would be grateful if you give a little change in programme so that we are able to attend the show .
It seems to be good to change the programme of 14th into the London Fashion and Leisure show , instead of the science museum and shopping .
I am looking forward to hearing from you .
Technical and Warm Home People 's way of life has considerably been changed by rapdily developing mordern technology .
To begin with , it will be good to look back on how our parents have lived in a house .
50 years ago , Korean mothers should have made a fire by burning woods to warm a room up and make food .
Since the eletric fire and microwave oven had been invented , their life have been far easier than before .
Today , however , people do not need to spend many times on making food , washing up , or even on turning on an off the light .
Machines , such as a dish washer , laundry machine and remote controller help us jut to relax or do a little work necessary .
From my point of view , people 's home in the future will be controlled by a computer which is devised in every machine , TV , cooker and the light , connecting to the owner .
He/she can just press the button or send e-mail to operate what he/she needs , even though the owner is far from the house .
On the other hand , people will still be living in a building which is constructed for a " family " .
In spite of the computer , children will need food their mothers make and love expressed not by a computer , but by parents themselves .
Computer might know better than human , but there are many things which it can not replace in our life .
Dear Ms Ryan ,
I was enthusiatic about receiving your letter .
I will give you all the necessary information .
I would like to travel in July because during that period I will be free from work , my current post finishes at the end of June but I will start another job at the beginning of August .
I would prefer to stay in tents rather than in log cabins , because it would be a new experience for me and I would like to try something different .
As far as the activities are concerned , I have chosen to do Tennis and Swimming .
I am good at playing Tennis and I have been learning to swim for three months so it could be a useful training for me .
Moreover I would like to know what kind of clothes are the best for living in the camp and if I need to bring with me a large amount of money .
I want to thank you for this prize , let me know if you need further information .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely ,
Bianca Botticelli
Dear Kim ,
In your last letter you asked me about the concert ... oh it was fantastic !
I 've always loved music so working in a concert was great .
You ca n't imagine how many people are involved in the organization of a concert , apart from the musicists and the singers , there are people who work with lights , who organize the security service ... it was so exciting !
My work consisted in checking the tickets , the number on them and taking the people to their seats .
It was also very tiring because all the people arrived at the same time and they did n't want to wait for my help ; so they went around the theatre , looking for their seats and making so much noise .
Sometimes I think that people never grow up , if they had been a class of children , they would have made less noise ! !
Anyway , it was a great experience in spite of these little problems .
Now I have to go , write soon and let me know what you have been doing .
Lots of love
Dear Helen :
I 've recived your letter and I am pleased to have won because I needed some days to relax myself and to leave the city , which is very extressing .
I only can travel on July because I am working in an office and I must ask my boss for a holiday and it 's the mounth he can give me , so I hope it is n't a problem for you .
To spend the two weeks I would prefer to live in tents , that 's in my opinion a way to be nearer the enviroment and the animals , although I do n't mind living in log cabins .
In spite of liking all the sports you wrote in your letter I am only good at climbing and sailing , because I am used to practise them with my father since I was a child .
I have got a doubt , it is not very important , but I would like to know if I need any money or all is payed , the kind of clothes I should wear , if the weather is good or bad ... and all the extra information you can send me .
Thank you very much for the prize .
Yours faithfully .
Eliza Vasquez .
Why people like so much go shopping ?
In my opinion the majority of the people that go shopping are women who must buy food and other kind of things for her family , so for them , shopping is a very boring activity that is repeated everyday and that drive them crazy when they have to choose the best product and the cheapest price to save some money .
Othrewise , there are people who think the opposite ; such as : children , teenagers , men ; but not always , because they go to buy hardly ever , only when they need clothes or something for their job or school .
In that way shopping can be as funny as you want , although if you do it very often , it will be as an obligation in the future .
To sum up , all you make in small cuantities is good and funny , but do n't encrease them if you do n't want to feel uncomfortable .
Dear Ms Ryan
Thank you for your letter .
I was so happy to hear that I have won a two weeks holiday in the U.S.A .
I would like to travel in July .
I am going to finish my exams in June , and I am planning to go back to China in early August .
So if I could travel in July , and coming back before 6th of August , that would be great .
I would prefer living in tents to log cabins .
I have never had any experience to live in a tent , so I would like to give it a go .
I think I will enjoy myself in a tent .
I love swimming , but I am not any good at swimming .
I really wanted to learn how to swim .
I was wondering if there is a coach could give us a lesson during the Camp .
Also , I would like to join basketball team , I used to play basketball when I was in high school , and our high school basketball team have won many competitions during last ten years in our city .
I am glad I had taken a part in a few competitions , and I was so proud of our basketball team .
Would you tell me that how much money you would give it to me and how is the weather like in U.S.A. Thank you for every thing !
Yours faithfully
Dear Kim ,
It was great to hear from you , have n't seen you since last summer holiday , hope everything is fine in your place .
You wanted to hear about my experience at the pop concert which I enjoyed helping last month ?
I must say that was a great fun , I 've never had this kind of experience before .
Before the concert actually started I had to give out lots of leaflets , they are list of pop band and group which will appear in the concert in order , and some information about their performance and backgrounds .
After that , I had to help people who had a ticket but ca n't find their seat .
During the concert , I did n't have a lot to do , so I had chance to see most of the performance , that was excellent .
I was excited that I had a closer look at so many famous pop stars .
During break time I did give a lots of direction to people who ca n't find toilet , and information such as where they could have a cup of coffee .
That was bit boring , but it was part of my job .
I got to go .
Write to you next time .
Tuesdy 13th , June , 2000
Dear Ms Ryan ,
I am writing in response to your letter about the first prize in the Competition .
I am very looking forward to going to California and I would like to go in July , because I am going to have my summer holidays in that month .
About accommodation , I would prefer log cabins , because I have a problem in my back .
Therefore , I need to sleep in a bed .
Also tents are not fairly comfortable .
As far as camp activities concerned , I have been doing windsurfing for 5 years , for that reason , I am fairly interested in sailing .
On the other hand , I keen on painting , however , I have never painted in my life , so I would like to try it .
Finally , I was wondering what kind of clothes I have to wear in California ?
In addition , could you advice me how much money I need for the trip ? and is there anything else do I have to know ?
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours Sincerely
Hello Kim ,
I 've received your letter two days ago and I 'm quite happy to know that you passed F.C.E. I 'm ok and let me tell you about my last experience .
I went to Madrid last week and I was walking in the street when somebody asked me an address .
I looked at him and I realised that this person was David Bowie .
Yes ! ! !
I could n't believe it .
He was trying to speak in Spanish , but his accent was terrible .
So , I started to speak in English with him .
I explained to him where was the street that he was looking for and we carried out with the conversation for a while .
I thought he was very rude , but I was wrong , he is n't arrogant at all and he looks very simply .
I liked my experience with him and I think the best part was when he gave me his e-mail address .
Yeah ! ! !
I 'm not joking , I got his e-mail .
Well my friend , I have to go , because I got an appoinment with the Dentist .
Write me soon and take care .
Best wishes
Dear Helen ,
I learnt from you letter that I 've won the first prize .
I felt how luck I was .
I understood you want to know when am I available to set off and where I 'd like to stay .
First of all I will be able to go U.S.A in July because of my university .
I am studying Economics and I am very busy nowadays .
My exams will have finished at the end of June .
I will only be able to set off in July and I also will give my thesis to my teacher in August .
This holiday will help me to think and prepare it .
I 'd prefer staying in log cabins because I need a proper place to say and study .
Basically , I do n't like staying in a small tent .
When I get the camp , I 'd like to swim and climb .
I used to climb mountains and am good at climbing .
I am fond of swimming but unfortunately I am not a good swimmer .
I 'd like to ask some questions which I want to know .
Is there any toilet and shower in the log cabins or somewhere nearby ?
Do I have to bring any special clothes ?
Do you have any idea what is the weather going to be ?
How much mone do you recommend me to bring with me ?
Is the camp close to town or city ?
Will you provide me an instructor when I climb and swim ?
I look forward to hearing from you soon .
Yours sincerely ,
Dear Kim ,
I have n't written you for ages .
I do apologise for this .
How are you ?
How is your new school and parents ?
I hope we can catch up with each other 's news .
Last month I helped the service crew at a pop concert .
It was unbelievable and tiring as well .
I saw all the pop bands and singers .
I heard them talking behind the stage .
They signed my diary and took a photo with me .
Being a security guard was the hardest task .
Carrying big speakers place to place was extremely tiring but we had loads of laugh .
Believe it or not I put make up on one famous singer 's face .
I was just walking down by dressing room manager said that if I could help them .
I could n't believe my eyes .
I was in her room and helping her .
Especially I liked that time .
I advise you to do something like that .
I 'm going to help them again .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely ,
Dear Miss Ryan ,
I 'm writing to you as regards the letter you 've sent me about the competition I 've won .
I 've never been to the U.S.A. before so I think it 'll be an exciting trip .
With regard to the date of the trip , July would be best because in June I 'm going to visit my family in Mexico and in August school begins .
I 've never been camping before , I guess I 'm not an outdoor girl , but I 'd like to give it a try , so I 'd rather tents than cabins .
I 'm really keen on sports , especially sailing .
I 've practised sailing since an early age and I perfectly manage the rigging and sail .
I 'm also fond of tennis , I 've just started my lessons and would like to continue practising during the summer .
So , I think I 'll do sailing and tennis .
I 'm not really sure of what kind of clothes to take , could you please write to me specifying what would be suitable ?
I 'd appreciate it a lot .
Sincerely ,
Diana Delgado
Shopping is not always enjoyable
I 'm a shopaholic , but I have to admit shopping is not always enjoyable .
For instance , I spent my Spring Break with my friends in Italy , we went there to buy our dresses for our boyfriends ' graduation ( besides other reasons ) .
They had invited us and we wanted them to see us stunningly beautiful .
While we were in Florence my wallet was stolen , probably by a gypsie .
I was so annoyed !
I was in the Plaza Espagna in Florence without a penny !
My friends lent me some money , but it was n't more than 120 pounds .
I had to buy my dress , it 's accesories and besides clothes and souvenirs !
I could n't really do much , so I used the money I had and bought an incredible pair of shoes and some souvenirs .
I felt really bad seeing my friends buy the latest fashion while the only thing I could do was tell them how great their clothes were and of course window-shop .
Dear Madam Helen Ryan
First of all , we happy to won the first prize on your competition .
Thank you for choosen our ticket at the final .
We like to go on July , because my wife Catrin just have holidays next month .
We prefer the last two weeks on July .
Would that be fine for you too ?
Is there a possibility to stay in a log cabin .
I have sometimes troubles with backache when I coud't sleep on a flat ground .
It would be great if we can choosen swimming and Golf .
My wife Catrin is a local master on swimming race .
Im not so good as her , but I 'm going every week once to her training .
In Golf , we are both total beginners .
We have no experience but we like to learn this game .
We are both a little afraid , what kind of clothes and shoes we have to take off with us ?
Which temperature will be on the summer season in this area ?
Are there some possibility to rent the golfshoes ?
Finally , we like to know , when you will send us the airline-tickets and the tripbrochure .
Moreover , what do think how much pocketmoney we will spent on this trip .
We looking forward to hearing from you soon .
Yours faithfully
Leon Hofmann
Dear Kim
Thank you very much for your last lovely letter .
I 'm fine .
How are you ?
You are interessted on my last job !
I really like to tell you all my experience .
However , I 'm happy that we finished this hard work .
I worked in a team by seven people .
We were mainly on work for all the lights at this great concert .
Its sounds easy , just for the light .
In addition , it was a nine days hard work to mount all the different spot and houndreds of Coblights on the right place .
Finally , we had worked the hohl night befor the concert .
We had to adjust the laser extremly on the correct position .
We spent hours till it was good enough for the Technical-manger .
Moreover , the band was exhausted about this great laser show at the end .
For me was this aventure one of the Best .
It shows , when all member of a group work hard together , you can reach a lot .
I think I ca n't forgotten this experience on my mind
Lots of Love
Dear Manager ,
With this letter I want to show you some problems I had last week in your theatre with your show .
First of all , I want to introduce myself .
I 'm Francesco Schein , I 'm 18 years old and I went last week to see your musical show " Over the Rainbow " .
I was very upset because the show had many problems .
First the actor was changed and his performance was very poor and disappointing .
Then , the show began 45 minutes later , so we had to wait very long .
The advertisement said there were discounts available , which were not .
At the end you said it will be a Restaurant , but it was closed , so we could n't eat anything untill we got home .
I hope you understand your faults and I 'm asking you for the money back .
Faithfully Yours
I do n't know if technology has totally changed my life , because I was born with it and I have learned it since I was a little boy .
For example , I was born knowing the man has stepped on the moon .
There are some machines which have helped in my development , and others which help me to make my life easier .
The computer for example makes communication much easier and faster then in past time , when everything was send by common mail , and it took weeks till it got the right place .
There are other machines which are bad for the environment .
Many industries throw their contaminated air away , without cleaning it before .
Technology has to move further so it can solve problems as pollution , so we can live better and longer .
Dear Helen
I am very surprised for have received your letter in which you explained to me that I have won prize in your competition .
After that , I would like to say Thanks , I never have won any price at all .
Now , I will answer your requests .
In reference about the date of the travel , I would like to travel in July because at the moment I am working at the University and I only have July to take my holidays .
As state in your letter I have to choose the accommodation type .
I would prefer to stay in tents because since I was a child I have being using this type of accommodation .
I used to go to campings .
About camp activities I would prefer to do basketball and photography .
I have choosen these activities because actually I am playing with university team , and photography is my favoorate hobby .
I have recently bought a new camera .
Finally let me know what kind of clothes will be the most suitable at camp .
Is necesarilly bring to me money in there ?
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely
Dear Kim
I am writen to you telling about my experience at a pop concert .
It began when ours common friends Martha , ofered me to be a organization member at the concert , obviously I accepted .
Now I can tell you that it was an amaizing challange for me because I never did anything like that .
My duties like a organization member were diferent , the firts day I had to pick the bands up at the airport , for it I hired a van .
The following day I was the person who provide the meals for all the organization staff and besides every day I was at the back-stage supporting the catering staff .
Particularly I am pleased to had know the most popular pop stars in the world .
Hopping to hear from you
Best wishes
Dear Sir/Madam ,
I am writing to you to complain about the musical show " Over the Rainbow " .
I have recently been in London for spending a week 's holiday .
As I am an enthusiasmic of musicals I went to see this musical show .
I am very disappointed because the things that were writen on the advertisment were not really true .
It was writen that the stars would be Danny Brook and Tina Truelove .
Danny Brook is one of my favorite actors and there was playing another one .
I felt abosolutly disapointed .
The musical should have begun at 19:30 , but it started at 20:15 ; it is inacceptable !
It was writen too that there were discounts available and I asked for them and they said me that they were n't allow to do any discount .
After the show me and my friends wanted to have a drink and the theatre restaurant was closed because there were n't enough drinks .
As you say in your advertisment it was not my perfect evening out and therefore I would like to have my money back .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours faithfully ,
How has modern technology changed our daily life ?
Modern technology has changed a lot our daily life .
On one hand nowadays if we have to travel to Paris and return in the same day you can take a plane without any problem .
In the past it was impossible to go to Paris from Barcelona and come back in one day .
Another advantage is that if you go on an excursion and you take your mobile phone , if you get lost somebody could find you .
I think that the most important modern technology in these days is internet .
With internet you can do whatever you want without going out home ( shoping , speaking with a friend , working , putting your money aside .... )
On the other hand the main disadvantage is that using modern machines it can be very difficult for ederly people ; it would be very pratitable if the modern industries train people about using modern technologies .
To sum up modern technology has change a lot our daily life and this is going to increase .
Dear Mr Robertson !
I 'm writting to you to thank you for good programme of our English class in London , especially for river trip to Greenwich , it will be a great experience for us .
But the students in our class have seen an adverstisement for the " London Fashion and Leisure Show " which 'll take place in Central Exhibition Hall , London , on Tuesday March 14 from 10.00 to 19.00 and at the same time we have to go to the Science Museum but we would all like to go to the show .
It will be very interesting for us to see the latest fashions , make up , hairstyles and we can speak to English people and make new friends .
There is one more advantage : it is free for students .
So we would like to suggest you how the programme could be changed .
First of all on Tuesday we all will go to the show and spend there all our day , but on Wednesday in the afternoon when we have free time we can go to the Science Museum if you do n't mind , of course .
Please let us know , as soon as you make your decission .
With best wishes , your student .
Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie
Dear Lucas !
Thank you very much for your letter , I was glad to get it and know a lot of news about you .
First of all I want to congratulate your cousin with fifteenth birthday and with all the best .
I hope that it will be good holiday for her , her family and friends .
Now about your questions , it is very difficult for me to give any advice you about it , I do n't know your cousin very well so I do n't know what she prefers reading .
But when I was fifteen my favourite book " Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie " .
So I can recommended you to present this book , because it is very interesting , amuse , sometimes dramatic and mystery book .
This book help us to impove our logic , mind , memory and it teaches the reader not to lie , be more honest with other people and pay attention for the smallest details in our life because sometimes it can help us very very much .
So I hope I could help you .
Write me as soon as you can .
With best wishes , your
Dear Helen Ryan
I have just received your letter , and thank you very much for your reply .
I am very happy to take part in the competition and I would like to give you all the information you need :
First of all , I am available to travel in July from 1st to 20th because my university will be closed during this month .
Secondly , if you do n't mind , I would prefer to sleep in a tent .
Although it is not very comfortable , I like camping very much .
Thirdly , I am very interested in swimming and also climbing .
I took up climbing five years ago and I am very keen on .
I am very good at swimming as well because I practise this sport every week in my city .
Finally , could you tell me what I need to dress and also how much money I will spend on .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely ,
I have asked to write a composition regarding the questionit is believed that shopping is not always enjoyable .
In fact , to do shopping can be some disavantages for different reasons :
Firstly , you have to queue for a long time to get a free cabin and waste of time putting on some clothes and in the end they are not the right size .
Secondly , it is easy to spend a lot of money in few minutes and as soon as you can regret to buy all these clothes , which you do n't really need .
Thirdly , some clothes can have some stains on and you have n't noticed this before buying , so you have to go back to the shop .
However , it is not easy to get a refund or to change them .
In my opinion , doing shopping bring me a lot of satisfaction especially I am depressed , nevertheless it could be very dangerous for my wallet .
Dear Sir or Madam ,
I 'm writing to complain about the service you 'd offered me last Saturday evening at The Circle Theatre .
I 've read your advertisement and it did n't say the truth .
There were n't any discount available as you 'd assured in the add .
I think you should check the information before print it !
I arrived at the right time ( 19.30 ) that evening but the play , which was ' Over The Rainbow ' , started almost an hour later .
And nobody told me why !
When the play began I realised that the main actor had been changed and the new one was n't good at all .
I could n't visit the theatre after the performance because it was closed for reparations .
Why did n't you say something about it ?
I did n't have the ' perfect evening out ' you 'd promised so I want to ask for my money back because your service was terrible .
Please answer my letter as soon as possible .
I 'll be looking forward to hearing from you .
Yours faithfully ,
Marcella , Scalia C .
' How Has Modern Technology Changed My Daily Life ? '
This is not a simple question because I got used to dealing with technology since I was a child but I 'm going to try to explain you how .
I did n't have a computer until I was eight .
Then my brother and I started to develop a new ability .
In that time I used the computer only to play with its video games .
When I was thirteen I discovered a completely different use for my computer .
It became scencial to do my homework .
And years later it enabled me to get a very good job .
One day my mother got a terrible disease .
She had to be operated on and my family and I were very scared .
But when we talked to the doctor we felt more relaxed because he answered us that the operation was a very simple one .
I think that if my mother had got ill ten years before , she would n't survive .
The modern technology is better now than what it used to be .
What do you think about this ?
I 'm sure that these arguments have explained my point of view , have n't they ?
Now I would like to have your point of view .
Dear Mrs. Ryan ,
I 'm writing you in response to your letter , I was delighted to know that I won the first price .
With reference to the date , I only can go on July , as I 'm going off on holiday on August , and I start university on September .
The place I 'd prefer to stay in is a log cabin , where I 'm sure I 'd feel more confortable than in a tent .
It 's very nice of you to let me choose my favourite activities .
The ones I 'm most keen on are Tennis , in which I think I 'm pretty good since I took some classes last year , and Painting , which is one of my favourite hobbies , and helps me to relax myself and forget about problems .
I think I 'm not bad at painting either , at least everyone in my family likes my work , includying myself .
Anyway , there are some questions I 'd like to ask you : What kind of clothes would be the most suitable for California weather in summer , and how much money do you think I 'll need ?
I 'm waiting forward to hearing from you soon .
Yours sincerely ,
Manela B .
Dear Kim ,
I 'm so sorry I have n't written until now , but you know I 'm always very busy .
As I told you in my last letter , last month I worked for a pop band , and helped them at a concert in Barcelona .
It was such a great experience !
Basically my work was carrying the instruments , the speakers and the lights from the vans to the stage , which is not an easy work because , as you can imagine , it 's not exactly light stuff .
But the most exciting part was meeting the band , mainly the singer and the drummer who are very nice and also good-looking .
Anyway , I had lot of fun working for them .
I hope they call me soon , I 'd be the happiest girl in the world if I could see them again ...
I 'd better leave now .
I hope you write again soon .
Manela B .
Dear Madam
I am very happy to win this prize and I am going to give you some information from me that you need to make me have a good time at Camp California .
I would like to know only in July because I have set my holidays this month since last January .
I want if it is possible a log cabins like accommodation because I have been suffering from my back since my childhood , therefore I need a confortable accommodation .
I will be pleased to swim and paint when I am at the camp .
I selected swimming because it is a cure against my backace and I have not practiced since I started my new job five years ago .
I also choosed painting because I have never done before , I would like to learn and moreover I want to do a calm activity .
Otherwise , could you tell me approximately how much money I have to take for the food , please ?
Yours sincerely .
Xavier Fournier
How many times have we heard people complaining about shopping ?
Sometimes , they are happy to do shopping. but why ?
Therefore , shopping can be enjoyable but it is not always the case .
Shopping is enjoyable when you want to offer some thing to someone .
In fact you try to get a present to make receive happy .
Shopping is also good , when you know what you want .
For example if you want a new track suit you know that you have to go to a sport shop but if you do n't know what you want you are going to waste your time in the shops .
In the opposite , shopping can be disenjoyable .
Shopping is boring if you go with people too fussy .
That is to say , they are never happy with what they get and see .
They always find a problem .
Shopping is not enjoyable with people who just look around the shops .
It is stupid , they do not have any goal .
They waste their time .
To conclude , I agree with shopping is not always enjoyable .
Even if I like to do shopping with some people and kind of shops I will kill myself because I waste my time .
To the manager of the
Circle Theatre in London
I 'm a tourist and I had a week 's holiday in London a few time ago .
I had enjoied to see the musical show that the Circle Theatre presented some night ago ; and the actor 's Danny Brook performance .
I went to the theatre at 19.30 o'clock but , with my surprise , the show started at 20:15 and so I could n't remain here until the end because I left London , with my group before the end of the show .
The star , the actor Danny Brook , there was n't in the musical show but there was an other actor , with my great disappoint .
Then , in the program I could read a discount available for the tickets , for the groups , but I could n't have that .
I could n't have all the things I expected .
That evening was terrible for me and for my friends , so I 'm not satisfied about your informations and I ask some money back .
I hope in your answer and in your explanation about this .
Your Sincerely
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
Some days ago , when the school was ending , Pat and her friends decided to make a party for their friend , Frances , because the end of the school and the Francis 's birthday were the same day .
That might be a secret for Francis - and they decided the program and the present , a new gold watch .
Peter and Sue asked to Francis some help for their exam 's subjets and Francis , for to help them , was very busy all the week .
The last day all the friends went to Pat 's home with food , musical instruments , tape recorder .
Pat was very excited about this .
In the afternoon she had phoned at a Francis 's mother and she explained her the secret , then she phoned at her best friend and she speak about that too ; she phoned at many people all the day .
Now many people knew the secret but Pat said everyone : " I tell you a small secret , but you do n't speak , please ! "
In the night Francis was invited to the party , at Pat 's home .
When he was out he needed to buy some cigarettes so he went to the shop where the owner , a his friend , ask him if he was very happy about his present , the new gold watch , he was very lucky to have best friends like Pat and her friends .
The Francis 's secret was discovered !
Now all the Pat 's friend do n't tell her about their secrets because Pat is n't very good at keeping secrets .
Dear Sir ,
I went to your show called " Over The Rainbow " and I was really disappointing in many points .
Firstly , you spoke about two actors Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , instead of them we had two others and they were really bad .
So I was really surprised .
In addition to this you started the show 45 minutes late .
It was boring for everybody .
How could we appreciate the show properly .
Moreover , in your advert you spoke about discounts available but it was not the case .
No discounts were available .
Then you offered people to visit your theatre restaurant after the show but it was closed because there is no staff to welcome the people .
You offered something impossible to do .
I did not have a good time for all of this reasons and I would like you to give my money back .
I hope your understand my request and you are going to reply as soon as possible .
Thank you .
yours sincerely
O. Labro
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
The nightmare started at this time .
I though she was a really good friend but I made a mistake .
She could n't keep my secret and everybody knew which boy I was in love with .
She did n't tell me yet but when I came in class everybody was looking at me and this boy as well .
I looked at her and she became pale and suddently left the class .
I followed her and caught her to push her on the ground .
I was ready to fight but somebody stopped me .
I could n't go back to the class so I went home .
My Mum was at home and I told her all the story .
She said that I had to be strong and did n't care about them .
So I went to the class and everybody was laughing at me and the boy told them to stopped because he loved me and wanted to be with me .
At this time all the girls became jealous and stopped to laugh .
Dear Mr Robertson .
It is a pleasure to write to you and we want to thanks for organising a school trip to London .
We have seen the programme list and we all think it will be enjoyable .
Especially to the science museum because we all doing science in school .
Recently , some students have seen an advertisment about a fashion and leisure show in London. it will be on the 14th and we all want to go .
So , it would be greatful if you can give us this opportunity to watch the show .
This is a great opportunity to learn something else because most of us have not been to this kind of show And it is free for students. it will be incredible if we have a chance to watch the show .
So could you give us permission to go ?
We also can suggest how the originally programme can be changed .
We will have free time on Wednesday afternoon .
So we can do shopping instead .
Then , we can go to the show during that period
We are all looking forward for you answer .
It was dangerous , but I knew I had to do it .
Because there was a man had a serious car accident and I was walking pass him .
Nobody had noticed him because it happened at night and the car had actually crashed into the bushes .
I was thinking ' what should I do ? ' I have n't got my mobile phone with me And I was half way between my school and home .
At that time he was unconcious , I kept asking myself should I wake him up or try to use my unsure first aid skill to deal with him .
I was struggling because I knew if I did n't help him , he would die in a short time .
I decided to do something to this man , my first move was to check was there any solid or liquid which could blocked his breathe .
And checking his body condition .
After that I turned on the car light in order to tell the passing cars .
I ran back home for help .
I phoned to police And told the whole story .
The strange thing happened to me , when I got back to that man .
The car and the man were not there anymore .
Where could they be ?
I was wondering .
Oh , sorry they were not in this road , they were in the next road .
Dear Madam :
I just receive your letter with the good news .
I am very happy for winning the first prize in your competition and I am glad to tell you that I am planning to go but I can only travel on July because I have to work until the end of June .
For the accommodation I would like to have log cabins rather than tents because two weeks is quite a long time and I think they are more comfortable and give you more privacy .
I enjoy swimming and singing and I would like to join others in these activities .
I am an average swimmer and as a singer I am not a start but it would be fun to share my songs with the holiday makers .
Can you please give me some recomendations about the clothes I will need and also the cost of the food there to make my budget .
Thank you for these wonderful two weeks at Camp California .
Yours faithfully
Shopping is not always enjoyable
In my opinion shopping sometimes is really boring specially when you buy at the supermarkets almost all the time the same things like cleaning products and the ingredients for every day food .
On the other hand everything looks different if I have to make a present for someone in my family .
I start thinking what she or he prefer and I try my best buying something apropiate does n't matter how much money does it cost .
In conclusion most of the time that you spend shopping you put a lot of effort choosing things and making decissions and they are more or less important , or more or less enjoyable depends on what , why , where and who is the person that you are interested to please .
MAY 29 , 1997 .
Dear Sir or Madam ,
I am writing in order to explain to you the problems regarding the musical show I saw at your theatre .
First of all , there was written in the advertisement for the show , that there would be Danny Brook as main actor , but a different actor played in the show .
The show started forty-five minutes later and this really disappointed me .
Besides , when I bought the ticket , I found out there was not discounts for ticket , while you wrote the contrary .
Moreover , I could not go to the theatre restaurant because , by the time the show had finished , it had already closed .
Definetely , it was a very disappointing evening and I would appreciate your if it was possible to have my money back .
I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future .
Yours faithfully ,
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
She was a very pretty and kind girl , but she had this bad habit .
This was her only fault .
She had a lot of friends but nobody trusted her .
That was why she decide to change her behaviour .
She was given a chance : if she had been able not to tell everybody a secret for a short time , her friends would have started trusting her .
The secret was about a surprise-party for her bestfriend 's birthday .
As soon as the arrangement for the party started , she began to feel nervous and anxious because she wanted to tell everything to her bestfriend .
But , as the days went by , she was surprised because she realized she was getting used not to tell secrets any more .
The day of the party arrived and Pat succeeded in keeping the secret .
All her friends were amazed at her change and started trusting her at once .
17th June 2000
Dear Sir !
I am writing this letter to you , because the show " Over The Rainbow " which is the London 's newest and best musical show , was not ... for me .
Pleas apologise me , but there were many mistakes and problems on the note you have made , which disappointed me very .
I thought that Dany Brook who is my favorite actor play in that show .
And I was really disappointed when I saw Jeremy Brook on the stage .
Please , if you would be so kind and mind correct this mistake .
I would be gratefull if you could correct too that show start at 20.15 not on 19.30 .
Other thing was that there was no discounts available , and that the restaurant which I wanted to visit after the show was closed because of the main cooker sikness .
I would be very grateful if I could get my money back .
That evening which should be my perfect evening out , was in fact very tireing and boring .
Apologise me for disturb .
I am looking forward for answer !
Best regardes !
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets , I knew that he 's very talkative person , but it was nessesery because I wanted him to be the main director of that birthday party for tenes .
It started a week before that day .
Pat found the great place for the party called " Blue Box " .
I made a beautifull invite cards for every Agatha friends with a sign " Do not tell Agatha about that , this is a suprise party for her , please keep the secret ! "
Pat arranged great DJ and drinks .
My friend and I made a perfect decoration with ballons and other party stuff .
Everyone told us it was breath taking .
Everything was set ... the day and hour came .
Everyone gathered in disco at 21.00 .
We were only waiting for Agatha who should come at 22 o'clock with her boyfriend .
It was so exaiting ! ! !
We put off the lights and then the door opened and I just heard " What the hell is going on ? ! ! "
She entered the room , and everyone shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR !
She was so touched that we started to cry .
Enyway the disco was great , music also .
We had fun to 5 o'clock !
Agatha said that it was the greatest present she could ever get !
Dear Mr/Mrs ,
I 've seen your festival and I would like to give you my suggestions to it .
I must say that International Arts Festival is really great idea .
And your last festival was very intresting too .
But also there are some notes that you should improve in the next year 's festival to make it absolutelly wonderful .
First of all , you must invite artists and stars from more countries around the world , because there are people only from six countries .
I think it can make your festival more popular .
Jazz , rock and classical concerts are amazing , but I think that some concert halls are too small , so not everybody can come .
Your dance shows are very beautiful , art exhibitions is something original and exciting .
And also it is very interesting to talk with writers .
I think that one reasonably-priced weekend for all events is exellent idea because it is n't so Expensive as buying ticket to each event , and with this ticket you can visit everything you want .
I hope you will continue to making your festivals .
Your faithfully ,
Dear Tom ,
How are you ?
Thank you for your last letter .
It was very interesting .
The question you asked me in it is very original too .
I must say that rules are n't same in schools of our country .
Every school has it 's own rules .
I think that my school is very democratic and so there are very good relations between teachers and students .
We are all very friendly in our class and we help to each other when we have a problem .
So the main rule in our school is regarding theachers .
I 'm allowed to do many things at home .
My parents are very kind , and they know that their son will do everything right .
And the main reason Why our family is so friendly , it 's because we have n't go many rules .
So , I think there is n't something I 'd like to change .
I hope everything is good in your family and your school .
Take care ,
13th June 2000
Dear Mrs Ryan
Regarding your letter dated on the 6th of June I 'm so happy to receive the first price .
Thanks very much .
I would like to travel in July to California .
The reason is that we have long holidays at school on this time .
Although , the accommodation is n't so important for me .
I would prefer the log cabin because of the comfort and the better bed .
I have choosen the activities surfing and photography .
I 'm a beginner on both activities .
I have some questions as follow :
1 .
What kind of clothes are needed ?
2 .
What I have to pay by myself ?
3 .
Should I take some money with me ?
4 .
How is the wheather in California ?
I 'm looking forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerelly ,
A. Becker
Shopping is not always enjoyable
Most of the time is shopping fun and enjoyable .
There are a lot of reasons that could be awful to go shopping .
Even if you run out of money or you have to buy a particular thing which is difficult to find .
I had once this problem .
I was looking for a special fruit .
The sales assistants in the stores are n't so nice and helpful .
Sometimes they give me a bad feeling as ,,customer treat with order .
Last week I was shopping with my younger brother .
Awful .
He wanted everything what his eyes saw .
All the stuff for children are in the same level as they have their eyes .
Afterwards , I felt tired and unsatisfy the store .
The shops have bad opening times .
When I feel me comfortable for shopping everything will be closed or you have n't enough time to look around .
My conclusion on these points are not so bad .
I like shopping at all with my best friend .
Dear Mrs Ryan !
I 'm very happy that I won first prize in your competion .
Two weeks at California in the USA is the thing about I dreamed a lot .
You asked me few questions in your letter .
I would like to answer .
The only one term for me to visit you is July .
I can come to USA on July becouse on August I will be working with my father .
We are building a new house for our family .
What about accommodation , I prefer tents to log cabins .
Nights in hol. on July are hot .
Tent will be more cooler to sleep then the cabin .
You offer a great veriety of activities .
My best sports disciplines are swimming and basketball .
I am a life guard and I could work in your camp as a rescuer next summer .
Basketball is the game which I love .
I always watch the NBA matches on T.V. It will be great for me to train basketball in USA .
I have qustions to .
How much money should I take with me and what sort of clothes are requested
Thank You .
Yours sincerely K .
Shoping is not always enjoyable .
Ten or fifteen years ago we had in Poland empty shelves in shops .
We could only buy things from Russia .
People alwas queued for stuff from west .
If you had wanted something special for example for a gift you had to stay in a line all night .
It was the worst side of shopping in Poland couple years ago .
Nowadays we have capitalism , free market lots of privete shops , markets and super-markets .
We can buy everything what about we imagine .
Polish super market are not Polish origin shops .
They are imported from enother Western Europe country .
I apprieciate this shops for lots of products , cheep prices end big spaces .
But the problem is when I want to buy only one thing , for example bread .
On Friedy evening and at on the weekdays each supermarkets are crowded .
They are filled by people who went buy everything .
I do not like crowded places .
This is the reason why I do not like shopping .
Dear Mrs Ryan ,
I am writing in reply to your letter in which you communicate I have won first prize in your competion .
I am glad .
Thank you very much .
Now I am answering your questions and then I would like to know further information about travel and accomodation .
I would like to travel in July because in June I am going to take some exams at University and at the moment I do not know the exact date .
I can tell you I am only free in July .
I would prefer an accomodation in log cabins because I am not keen on tents and I think that a log cabin is more comfortable than a tent .
As regard as the chance to do two activities while I am at the Camp I would like to practise painting and photography .
I am a painter in oils from life and my subjects are landscapes , people , animals .
I like also taking photographs , for example during my journeys or trips .
So when I go back home I can use my best pictures to reproduce them as a painting .
Would you give me some information about clothes to wear there ?
I would like also to know how much money I can bring .
Looking forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely ,
Billy Esposito
There is somebody who says that ' Shopping is not always enjoyable ' and who is happy only when can go shopping .
In the first I do not think that shopping is enjoyable when you must do so in a hurry or for duty .
If you have to run from one shop to another and always looking at the watch , doing shopping is a terrible activity .
On the other hand if you can walk without anytime problem with a good friend I think that shopping is very enjoyable .
For istance , it is funny enter a clothes shop and try on a skirt or a t-shirt although you do not buy anything .
To sum up I enjoy wasting money and buying useful things or not .
I often like getting gifts for my relatives and friends .
In my opinion , shopping is relaxing above all on Saturdays when you have finished a work week and you are expecting a wonderful Sunday .
Dear Helen ,
Thanks you very much for your recent letter .
I can not believe that I won the first prize ( It 's great ! ) and of course , I am very happy .
As your questions , I am free to travel only on July because I will having my holiday after finished the exams .
And , I have to returned to my university by August .
I prefer to stay in log cabin rather than in tent because I am not used to with narrow space and feel more comfortable with a place like bedroom .
Furthermore , I prefer to do painting and photography as my hobbies and my fasinative in art and enjoyed to take a photograph of wildlife .
Finally , please could you give me an idea what sort of clothes to bring ? and how much would be spend there .
Also , please advice for any necessary things to prepare and bring .
I looking forward to hearing from you soon .
Yours sincerely ,
Dear Kim ,
Sorry for I have n't written to you for such a long time , but I 've got a good excute !
Last month , I was partly in the concert teams .
It was a big one that I never thougth and I could n't imagine how amazing was it .
I did n't know what is my responsible until they called me to trained .
What a surprised ! and unbelieveable , I was responsible for looking after the pop stars .
You might understand how excited I was .
But , I 've got though it .
I have to taken care of them during a break , served a drink , clothes , even brought them some cigaratte and anything they wants .
I think they are so hospitality and warm with people around them .
You know ! because of these are change all my opinions about self-important behavior of superstar .
The most appreciated was they 've given me their latate CD with signature .
Marvellous thing ! and of couse as you have seen it I 've given one to you .
I hope you 're well and enjoyed with CD and do n't forget to write back all about your news during my summer holiday job .
Love ,
Dear Mr ,
I am a foreign student who is on holidays here .
I am going to stay here a week .
I went to your theatre three days ago and it was horrible .
I 'm sorry but I am very dissapointed with the musical show .
I would like to explain you my experience because I want you to give my money back .
The last Monday , I went to the theatre with two friends .
We arrived on time but the musical show was delayed untill half-pass eight .
Moreover , we had n't any disscount for beeing students .
On the other hand , the main actor was changed for another and nobody told us .
When there was a restful we went to the restaurant which was closed because it was late .
We could n't have a drink .
Well I believe that it was a bad day but I would like you to give my money back because on the advertisement there was some things that we had n't in the theatre .
Finally , it would be grateful if you could answer me soon .
Yous sincerelly ,
Our lives are changing .
When I was a child I had different entertainments that the actually children had n't .
We could play with our toys , dolls and we could enjoy without a computer .
We had n't so many machines than they have .
The technology is growing and growing .
If you have a computer you will be able to have all the information that you want .
It 's very important but some times it is a wrong thing because the children can see it too .
Moreover you can change the TV programme without getting up .
We can find information about the weather , sports on our TV-text .
On the other hand , the science is changing .
We have more researchers than some years ago and we will be able to find the solution of lots of problems .
Actually , we can cure illness which were very dangerous before .
I 'm sure that in a couple of years we will see cured some illness like cancer , UTH .
The new technology is changing our lives .
Dear Madam ,
I 'm writing to You in order to express my feelings about the International Arts Festival .
I spent two days there , and I think it was the best Arts Festival I have ever been at .
I also hope , that the festival could be even better next year .
The great idea of making it " international " was unfortunately not brought to life , because the artists ( mentioned to be " from around the world " ) were from only six countries .
Maybe the eason for that is very simple : lack of money ?
It would explain , why some concert halls were simply too small - you just could n't afford bigger ones .
On the other hand , the wide range of plays and films to choose impressed me most .
I thank you for organizing it , and hope to see more next year .
I also thank you for the excellent idea of one ticket for all events , which allowed me to see all the things I was interested in .
My suggestion for next year 's festival is simple - please make it a few days longer !
Yours faithfully ,
Dear Friend ,
Thank you for your last letter - I was very pleased to receive it .
If you really want to hear about school rules in my country , I 'll try to write about them in a nutshell .
We do not have many school rules , and the teachers are rather liberal .
We do n't have to wear any special uniforms on signs of our school .
Some rules are really simple : we must be at school on time , and we must not disturb others during the classes .
We are not allowed to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol of course !
In winters we are to change our shoes .
It may sound funny , but mud , gravel and snow lying on the school 's floors is not a nice sight , so we change our schoes without questioning that rule .
I am also used to write exams which are in polish schools very often .
At home I do n't have many rules either .
I must wash the dishes from time to time ( I sometimes try to avoid this unpleasant duty ) and clean our house .
I do n't think there is anything I 'd like to change .
I 'm very pleased with my situation and I hope you are pleased with yours !
Your faithfully ,
Dear Ms Helen Ryan
I write to find out further information and give you some details about myself and the travel that I have won in your competition .
First of all , I would like to inform you that I am able to travel only in July .
Because , I am a student and in June , I will still have school .
Also , in Augost I will be studying a summer English course .
In addition , I would prefer to stay in a tent .
Because I would like to stay somewhere which differs from my home and every days comforts , in these two weeks .
However , in your letter is written some activities .
I would choose Basketball and Tennis .
Basketball I have been playing in a team , of my town for ten years .
Also Tennis is my favourite hobby and I play twice every week with my friends .
Finally , I would be grateful to you , if you told me about clothes and money .
Will we need any special clothes and How much you would suggest me to carry for these two weeks ?
I am looking forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely
Dear Kim
How are you ?
I am very well I 'm writing to explain my experience with the pop concert ; last month .
First of all , I think that I help them .
Every day of that month I was trying to advertise this concert .
I was going to markets to schools and I was giving information when and where the group was going to appear as well as where can they buy or book a ticket for this concert .
I know , It was difficult and tired but I enjoyed a lot .
Firstly , it was a good break from the routine .
Because I did it for first time .
Also , I felt wonderful when I saw , that the concert had succesed and every day was croweded .
Because I believed that this was a result which came with my help .
I would like to do again it in the future .
It was a fantastic experience .
I 'm looking forward to hearing from you .
Best wishes
Dear Mr Robertson ,
I 'm writing to you to thank you for the programme you have organised .
All students are very pleased and we are looking forward to go to London .
We know we are going for three days , but we 'll have enough time to use one of the bigger city in the world .
London is the place to be when always something happening .
We all very happy with your programme , especially we like the idea of sightseeing by our and National Art Gallery .
The students in my class have seen an advertisement for the London Fashion and Leisure Show , we would like to ask you if is possible to make some changes in the programme ?
The show is on Tuesday the 14th between 10.00- 13.00 .
We think is the great opportunity to see latest fashion , find about make up and hairstyles .
And all of it is free , According to your programme we have the science Museum which is in the morning and then shopping .
Would it be possible to go to the Museum and then for the shopping in our free time which is on Wednesday ?
All students will be very greatful .
your sincerly
I think for all of us home is something which is a very important .
Home sweet home .
We call home the place where we live or the country where we come frome .
Anyway home is always the place to go because is ours we feel save and comfortable .
Home sweet home .
After hard work we want to go home to have our corner where we are all able to rest and relax .
I think in the future home might be just the place to go to sleep .
We live in the very busy world !
Working long hours , doing plenty of activieties , going out , going on holidays .
We even do n't spend time with families .
Propably in the future we might be to busy to go to our own home and spend some time there .
But in the end of the day it alway will be place to go !
We find our family there and our life .
Some of us have been living in one house since they were born .
We are sentimental and we have memory from the past .
I think it 's a part of our life.lf
Dear Sir/Madam ,
I am writing to complain about the musical show .
Over the Rainbow , which you advertised .
I saw the show at your theatre with my friend on 6th June .
However , I was disappointed with something which did not match your advertisement .
First of all , I would like to have seen Danny Brook as I am keen on his play .
He did not play in the evening .
It made me sad .
Secondly , the starting time has been changed from 19:30 to 20:15 .
We waited for ages because we had not been informed .
In addition , although you advertised the discounts tickets available , they do not sale them any more according to your staff .
Finally , we went to the restaurant in your theater after the show .
It was closed because of the staff trainning .
I am sure you can understand my disappointment .
I must insist that you refund the cost of the show .
Unless I hear from you within ten days , I shall have to take legal advice on the matter .
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future .
Yours faithfully ,
It is believed that our life style has been changed by mordern technology such as computers and washing machine etc. Especially for families .
I have found very expensive to buy them but there are number of advantages .
First of all , dishwashers are very effecient for me because I work full time and look after my children .
It is very difficult to cook and wash dishes after working .
Before buying my dishwasher I asked my son to wash them .
He complained about a lot .
Secondly , computers are useful for us as well , because we do not need to go somewhere if we want to have information , for example traveling .
However my family 's members do less communicate with each other than we used to , because my children are keen on playing computer games .
In my opinion , the morden technology make our life style combinient .
It is very good for us but I think we should think about more carefully when we buy something for our children .
Dear Sir/Madam ,
I 'm writing to complain about my horrible evening at The Circle Theatre on 10th June 2000 .
Last week I was on holiday in London and I went to the theatre for entertaining but I wish I 'd not go there because everythings went wrong .
I bought a ticket at the box office but there were not any discounts for student like you said in the advertisement for the show and also the show had to start at 19.30 but on that day it delaied about 45 minutes .
During the show I was expected to meet Danny Brook who is my favourite actor and Tina Truelove .
There are Robert Alan and Jack Ruby instead of them .
It really disappointed me .
After finishing the show I wanted to visit your restaurant and I found that it was closed .
It was a sign in front of the restaurant " sorry we closed because special reasons " and I was wondering what was the reasons for that .
Finally I would like to have refund for my ticket back because it was horrible evening .
I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon .
Yours faithfully ,
Paya Chuaswee ( Miss )
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets that why our great plan for horiday were not be real .
It happened in last summer we planed to go on holiday in the Southen part of Thailand by motorbike but we could n't tell our parents because they would n't allow us to go .
We started our journey and we arrived at our purpose place by 6 o'clock in the evening .
The sun was shining and wind were breezing like we had imaged .
Whlile I was standing on the beach suddenly I heard someone called my name and said that I had to go home , that right , she is my mum .
She told me Pat had phoned her while we were going and my mum followed us because it was so dangerous to went by bicycle .
Eventhrough we could spend our holiday there but with my mum and I just found that it was fantasy time which I had never though about it .
From now on I do n't want to tell something secrets to Pat because she always tell someone else but she still my best friend .
12 Barcicka Str .
45-139 Warsaw
13 July 2000
Dear Ms Ryan
I am writing in reply to your letter I received yestarday .
I am very proud that I won first prize in your competition and I am extremely happy to spend two weeks at Camp California in the U.S.A .
At the beginning I would like to answer questions you asked me in your letter .
The most appropriate month for me to travel is July because my boss promised to give me this month off ( I am in charge of project which starts in June so I am sure I could n't go later ) .
As I have a choise I would prefer to stay in log cabins to tents because they seem to be more comfortable and you are not so depended on weather conditions .
As I was requested I should choose two activities from the list .
So I decided to choose climbing and photography .
These two are easy to connect , I could climb and make pictures at the same time .
I am very keen on photography .
Last year I took part in photograher 's contest and I won a second prize in Poland in cathegory of ,,beautiful scenery .
Climbing , in contrast , is something I started few months ago , so I have not gained any success in this sport .
But you could give me a chance to get more familier with it .
I would like to ask about clothes .
Do I need any formal ones ?
I would like also to know what the cost of spending two weeks in the U.S.A. is .
I want to thank you ones more for taking me into consideration in your competition .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely
Juliana Piotrowska
Have you ever been to a big supermarket and tried to find something you really like or want , looking throug shelves and not finding that in the end .
What did you feel ?
You had to be disappointed .
There is a lot of situations which could make you feel similar while you do shopping .
You might spend too much money and buy something you do n't really need .
You could also buy something which later turns out to be out of order .
So you have to complain about it .
Very often a shop assistant is not helpful so you lose your money and your time .
Moreover , you could face an agressive and maybe even drunk shop assistant or manager .
This leads to an escalation of your anger .
Sometimes you could find a bargain .
You are happy to buy a dress or a suit for a good price .
But at home you noticed that there is a tear on sleeve .
And you could n't of course give it back because the price was lowered and your dress is not under guarantee .
You could also face an unpleasant situation connected with money .
Somebody could give you not enough change .
How would you feel ?
Deceived ?
So if you do n't want to feel deceived or offended , think twice before you decide to go shopping .
( A very depressing point of view , is n't it ? )
Dear Sir ,
I would like to complain about the show which you presented on last saturday .
It was such disappointing evening out with my friend during our a week 's holiday in London .
We have had a quite pleasant time except the evening .
Actually it spoiled our time .
So I would like to get back our money .
These are some points I want mention about the differencies between the advertisement said and the realities .
First , I had a great expectation to see Danny Brook plays his role , but he had never shown up that night .
The main actor was an unknown actor .
It was a such disappointing .
Second , it started only at 20:15 .
It was 45 minutes later than it suppose to be .
It was a such boaring to wait the show in a noisy and hot theatre .
Third , there was no possibility of discount .
The girl sold the tickets was laughing at me when I mention about the discounts availability was written in the advertisement .
Forth , the theatre restaurant was closed .
There was a not on the door saying that the painting was going on the weekend .
How could you arrange work like that ?
Finally the sentence was written blow down on the advertisement was absolutely not true .
It was most imperfect evening out I ever exprienced .
I wish that you can provide a better service next time , and this time you need give back the money we paid .
Yu Phu Tung .
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
Since I moved to London to study English I have had a hard time to make intimate friendship with people around me .
First it was because of the culture difference .
It took quite long time to adjust in the multi culture in the language institue .
Secondly the language ability was another issue .
Even I could meet some friend , but I could n't express my heat to them for we have different back ground and our first language were different .
I really wished to have a friend can share everything is going in our lives .
Finally I met Pat .
She was a such wonderful person in our class .
She tried to help others when they have difficult time at school .
One day she realized that I was always been outside of circle .
One day she invited me to her flat .
Since then we have visited each other often and spent time together in weekend usally .
We had a fantastic time together for three monthes .
Even we could make a trip to Paris in the school holiday !
We had many common interests in music , art and books .
I thought that I found a good friend in my life .
So I told her everything about my life .
There were some stories I never told anyone before , but I had share with her all my secrets .
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
Few days later I told her about my secret love story , it became a top gossip among my classmate .
It was a nightmare !
Dear Sir/madam ,
Thank you for your letter and your congratulations .
I never thought that I would win the competition .
It is really wonderful .
I can stay at Camp California in the U.S.A. for two weeks .
I am a student at Portsmouth College and the end of this term is 23 June , so I can only travel in July .
I wonder if it is all right for that time .
And for my accommodation .
I prefer live in a log cabin , because it is more comfortable .
I like to relax there and enjoy the atmosphere when I live in .
I like to do some activities in water and my favourite activity is swimming .
Before I came England , I swam every weekend in my country even in winter , so I choose to do some swimming and sailing while I am at the camp .
Actually , my mind has already gone there , I ca n't wait even for a minute .
I want to go there now .
By the way , I would like to know the shopping especially for clothes , I want to buy some for myself .
And do you think I need to exchange money before I go there ?
I look forward to your letter .
Yours faithfully ,
To : Mr Ted
From : Meng
Subject : About daily life at our school
This report is aim to research the students about their daily life at school and give some suggestion about it .
What do students do now ?
Lots of student normally have classes in the morning .
And sometimes they do something in the library by themselves in the afteroon .
For instance , reading , looking for some information or using computer .
What do they think about it ?
The arts students want to learn another foreign language .
Moreover , some foreign students hope there will be some English classes that aim to the examination .
Most of them want to do more activities in the afternoon .
Open some foreign language classes at part-time for the students who is interested in it .
Let foreign students do more excises about English to help them pass the exam .
Using the equipment and area what we have to organise some activities .
Dear Mrs Ryan ,
I am writting to thank you for your letter confirming the first prize that I won in your competition .
I would like also with the present to give you some information about me in order to arrange the details for the trip .
First of all , I would like to inform you that I will be able to travel only during July because in June I am going to give examinations for the First Certificate in English .
Furthermore , in August I will be preparing for my course at the University which I am starting next September .
Secondly , I would be grateful if you could arrange for me accomodation in log cabins as I am not used on living in the countryside and especially in tents .
In addition , I would like to inform you that I prefer to do Surfing and Sailing while I will be at the Camp , as I am an active member of Sailing and Surfing Club of Manchester and it will be a great chance for me to practise my techniques and skills .
I would be also grateful if you could send me information about the average living cost at California as I have to arrange the amount of money that I am going to spend , and some advice about the clothes that I need .
I would like also to specify if the food is including in the prize .
Please let me know if you need more information .
Yours sincerely
As requested , I visited some classes during the lesson and some other rooms while activities were taking place .
The aim of this report is make a series of suggestions on which lessons and other activities should be filmed .
It 's seems to me that it will be an extremely good advertisement for our school if you take plans from the lesson of Chemistry in the laboratory , because our laboratory is new , recognised as one of the best in the area as it has a huge amount of instruments and really some very good professors , and also many experiments are taking place in this laboratory
Furthermore , I think it will be a good idea to take plans from a match of our school team in the football field as it is completely new and full equiped .
In addition , I think you have to take also plans from the school 's Nursery as there are a lot of facilities for the children , and the parents can recognise that the teachers are very good .
I think also that will be a good idea to take some general plans of the school area as there is a huge background .
In conclusion , I have to declare that my myself and my fellow students will be available to help to this short video by all means .
Dear Sir or Madam ,
I am delightful to receive your letter saying that I have won a two-week holiday in your recent competition and it will all paid in advance .
I am writing this letter so as to give you the information which will help you organize all the necessary details of the forthcoming holiday .
I would be grateful if you could arrange a date after the 20th of July , due to the problems beyond my control .
Otherwise I will not be able to travel abroad .
I would rather stay in one of the log cabins as I am allergic to many plants and insects and I should avoid contacting them .
It is wonderful to hear that there is a good variety of activities available at the camp .
As I am very interested in photography and swimming I am hoping to take part in them .
I came second last year 's swimming competition and I have enrolled photography classes .
In the camp I can practise them alot .
I was wondering if I need to bring some extra money and thick clothes with me in case there is an emergency .
Could you please let me know as soon as you receive my letter .
Yours faithfully
Dear Kim ,
I am terribly sorry not to drop you a line since the last time we wrote to one another .
But I finally got around writing and you 'll see that it 's definetly worth waiting as I have some great and unbeliavable news to tell you .
As you know I 'm on half-term school holiday and have plenty of time to do much more different things apart from studying my A-level history , such as meeting up my friends , visiting interesting places or even going to the cinema on my own .
However this term has been a far cry from the others .
You will see why I 'm describing it as the most unforgettible one when you read through my letter .
Couple of days ago I bumped into my best friend who is into music and we started to have a chat about what we had both been doing .
She invited me to the rehearsal of a huge consert whose singer was a well-known pop star as well as my favorite .
Can you believe that I was introduced to him and I took numerous photographs some of which I put in the envelope .
It was like a dream come true , and was the best part of the experience in my opinion .
I helped out my friend by writing huge billboards and making some light refreshments .
Despite the fact that I felt exhausted I must admit that it was one of the days I will never forget througout my life
write me soon .
Yours sincerely ,
Dear Mr. Robertson ,
The trip that you planned for us , students , it 's a great chance to meet new people and visit a beautiful city like London .
Your programme is excellent because it tries to offer to the students the best way to spend our time without wasting time in silly places or events .
We 'd like to thank you because the kind of happening shows how you are dedicated with our school and the students that study there .
It 's great to visit especially the Science Museum because of its expositions .
But there 's something that I 'd like to ask .
The London fashion and Leisure Show will start on Tuesday .
It 's a great opportunity for us because there will be expositions of the latest fashions , of the new hairstyles , of the new leisure and sports clothes and people teaching how to make up .
Our suggestion is that you could change the day of the leisure time to the shopping in the afternoon .
By this way , the leisure time would be on Tuesday and we would be able to go to the London Fashion .
Thanks for the attention and we 're waiting for your answer .
Yours faithfully ,
Famous People x Media
Famous people are special for the rest of the society .
They form opinions and invent new fashion styles .
Nowadays , the media is expanding its ways of communication so they need more information .
The media is starting to get into the private life of these famous people .
It 's important to respect other people lives because it can cause serious problems in the family of the person or in his life .
If the famous person does n't mind in being filmed in his personal life there 's no problem .
But if the politicians or the film stars ask for privacity the media has to respect .
Everybody likes to be with your family without any reporter or photographer .
In summary , the best thing to do is try to extract from these people their best qualities and not try to find things that could irritate them like familiar problems or personal problems .
The respect is essential .
They deserve to have a private life like any common person .
Dear Mr/Mss
I 'm writing you in complain about musical show , that I have visited last evening .
I had a week holiday in London , so I wanted to spend my last evening with great pleasure , however it was the worse evening in my life .
First of all , the actors were different from those who were advertised .
Second , the show started at 20:15 , althoug I read that it started at 19:30 !
More over after watching a show I wanted to visit your theatre restaurant , but it was closed , it really disappointed me .
It was my dream to see Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , so it is still my dream because of your show .
So , I had no perfect evening out and I want my money back .
I hope you 'll understand my situation and if you want other people to visit your show , you should return my money .
Yours faithfuly
How has modern techology changed my daily life .
Fifty years ago people even did n't think that after 2000 years they would have another life .
When Thomas Adison invented an electric light , it was the greatest invention for people of that centure .
And nowadays modern technology can change all our life .
I mean , almost everyone has now a car , a computer , a mobil phone and even an airplane .
My life is changing too .
First of all now I can phone my friends and parents from every place , I can chat with other foreign teenagers with the help of the internet .
Second modern technology helps me in the kitchen .
Coocking became faster with the help of the microwave .
What is more Modern technology prevents different illnesses .
Further more , yesterday I 've heard that every man could fly to the space without any experience , it is great , from my point of view in 2050 year everybody will fly to the space .
On the other hand people can atrophided of all this inventions .
He become lazy because they know that they can seat on the sofa and turn the chances on the TV by pressing a boton .
In conclusion I want to say that inspite of this , I hope that in future we will have more and more new inventions and they will stop our disasters and problems .
Dear Mr Robertson
First of all I would like to thank you for the good programme you organised for our trip to London .
Especially the sightseeing by bus seems to be very interesting .
But we would like to suggest you something : There is a trendy event about the latest fashions , leisure and sports wear ; make up and hairstyles on the 14th of March .
It is called ,,The London Fashion and Leisure Show .
This would be a great opportunity because we are all intrested in clothes , sports and fashion .
I have almost forgotten to mention that it is free for students !
Unfortunately we realised that on the 14th we will already visit the Science Museum .
The show lasts nine hours , from 10.00-19.00 , the whole day !
Our question now : Could we go to this show ?
We could maybe change Tuesday 's programme to Wednesday .
We all prefer the show , free time is not so important for us .
Please think about this and give us an answer .
Thanks .
Yours faithfully
Dear Jack
Thanks a lot for your letter .
I am fine but quite busy because I have my German exams .
Therefore I read Agatha Christie 's ,,Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie .
I can really recommend you this book , it is fabulous .
It is also a suitable present for your cousin , I think .
One story is about ten persons who stay together in a hotel on a lonely island .
There is a storm and they can not leave .
Suddenly a murderer happens !
Believe me , you would never guess who the killer is !
There is also Hercule Poirot , the famous detective and he finally solves the mistery .
But I will not tell you more .
You have to read it yourself .
And if your cousin likes crime stories it is a perfect book !
Unfortunately it is quite expensive , £ 32 .
But do not worry about the price because your cousin will love it !
Okay , I hope to have news from you very soon .
Have a good time .
Yours sincerely ,
Dear Sir/Madam :
Thank you for telling me that I have won the first prize and now I am writing to tell you the information you have requested .
First of all , I think I would like to travel in July , which will be the only month for me to go .
Because my course wo n't finish until the end of June , and I will have to stay in the college to get ready for the new term .
Then I 'd like to choose the tents for my accommodation when at Camp California .
I think sleeping in a tent is funnier than others .
However , during my stay at Camp , there are two activities I can choose , one of them I will choose Basketball because it is the sport I play most , I and my friend used to win the first place in school-wide match when we was in school .
And the other one , I think painting will be a good idea ; Painting is one of my hobbies and I 've been learning it since I was 5 years old and now I 'm still doing it once I have free time .
Above are all the information you asked , however , here are something I 'd like to know ; first is about the clothes , what kind of clothes I need to take with ?
And another question is what is the prices of things like in there , so that I can make a better buget of my trip .
Look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely
Dear Kim :
Thanks for your last letter ; I knew you would interested at my experience of helping the pop concert last time , now I tell you about it .
The place we worked was a football pitch ; we spent 3 days on setting up the stage , the equitment , and the lights .
In fact , there is nothing very important I did , because we are not the right people to do it .
I only put the speakers in the right places , or helping engieners tested the lights .
But at the brakes and after work , I had a chance to talk with the engieners , and I leant something about setting up the equitment .
The fourth day , the singers and the players have been to there to test .
Then I had a chance to speak with them .
From that , I learnt more about instruments .
Finally , the date of concer came .
After the concer finished successfully , I was happier than ever because the succeed inclueded my work and that was the most enjoyable moment in my life .
Anyway , now I have to stop to finish my homework .
I 'm looking forward to receiving your letter again .
Best wishes .
Dear Sir or Madam ,
I 'm writing to complain about the musical show named OVER THE RAINBOW .
Regarding your advertisement , it is the LONDON 'S NEWEST AND BEST MUSICAL SHOW , but I was deeply disappointed at it .
According to your advertisement , the starrings were DANNY BROOK AND TINA TRUELOVE .
I decided to go to see this show because of its starrings , but at the day I saw it , a different actor played .
He was not DANNY BROOK .
Moreover there was no discount ticket .
They were all sold out .
You should have said they were very few .
I had to buy a £ 20 ticket .
To make matters worse , the time that the show started was delayed .
It started at 20:15 , fourty five minutes later !
That 's why I could n't have a dinner at the theatre restaurant after the show .
It had already closed , when the show finished .
I 'd like to ask for a full refund for this awful night .
Could you give me a satisfactory reply as soon as possible .
yours faithfully
Modern technology has changed my life .
Especially , a computer has made my daily life change dramatically .
It is only two or three years since I have used a computer at home , but now I wonder how I can live without it .
I open my e-mail box every night .
When I find a new message , I 'm very happy .
Before using e-mail , I used to write letters and sometime telephon .
However I 've found e-mail is better than them .
Because as soon as I send my message , they can receive it .
In the other word , I can also receive their reply soon .
It 's really useful , when I need quick reply .
Overmore when I send e-mail , I need not worry about the time .
I can send them anytime I like .
Thanks to modern technology , I enjoy chatting with my friend in other countries and my family in Japan almost every day .
Dear Sir/Madam ,
I am writing to complain about the show , " Over the Rainbow " which I saw in your theatre last week .
I was really disappointed because the show was far from what I expected .
First of all , I was really expecting to see Danny Brook , my favourite actor .
However , he was not on the stage that day .
Secondally the show started late and I had to wait for 45 minutes without doing anything .
It was a waste of time .
I also thought that there should have been discounts for students , which in fact was not available and I had to pay for normal price .
Furthur more , the restaurant in the theatre was closed after the show because of the delay .
I had to go home without eating a dinner , though I was really hungry .
I have to say that the evening was terrible .
If I had known all of them , I would have changed my plan and could have a better time .
I strongly suggest you should give us right information .
I also would like to claim some refund for the evening .
I hope this matter will receive your prompt attention .
Yours faithfully ,
Fashion in 100 years
If you compare the fashion now with that of 100 years ago , you 'll notice that there are incredably big difference between them .
People have become more informal , casual and practical than before .
But how about the fashion of the future , for example , 100 years from now ?
I think it 'll also be very different from now .
But in which way ?
First of all , people might think more about the function of clothes than the design .
For example , they 'll wear a cloth which protect themselves from air pollution , sunshine etc .
Imagine that all the people have masks on their mouthes and noses like we have sun-glasses , and that all the masks are designers brands , which are made of special material to prevent us from breathing in polluted air .
It 's like a joke , but a bit scarely .
Imagine that all the people have hats with big edges to protect their faces from sun-burn , and it 's the most trendy fashion of the year !
It 's funny .
But we never know ! !
Dear Sir/Madam ,
I recently had a holiday in London and had been to your musical show ' Over the Rainbow ' but found it very disappointing .
It is said that the singers are Danny Brook and Tina Truelove in the advertisement .
However , there was a different unknown actor in that .
The show started later at 20:15 which was very different in ' 19.30 ' as shown .
There was no discount at all which is in contrast with ' Discounts Availabe ' .
After the show , I wanted to have something in the theatre restaurant and found it was closed because of no reason .
The real show on it owns is really very different to what are mentioned in the advertisement .
I am unsatisfied and would like to ask for some money back .
Please would you also change the advertisement to the level of the actual facts .
Thank you for your attention .
Yours faithfully ,
What will clothes be like 100 years from now ?
It is a very hard thing to predict .
The fashion of nowaday clothings is just keep on changing .
Although some may appears again after few years different styles are developed .
For the fashion of the future , I think it depends on the people 's own personalities and develope their own styles which suits them the most .
They can wear different kinds of clothing , like they design for themselves or those like history can wear those of victorian time and in different countries .
For the colours , I think the metalic colours , especially silver , will be the most popular .
As different kinds of farbics will be invented & the clothings will never be just cotton as always been seen .
Maybe paper can also be a farbic use for make clothings and for those who like to wear new clothes everyday .
They can be thrown away after wearing it and light enough to be carried around whenever you want to change your wearing .
Dear Mrs. Ryan .
I 'm glad to receive your letter .
I 'm very happy to know that I have won the first prize .
It will be great to spend two weeks at Camp California .
First of all , I would like to say that the only month available from me to travel is July .
I finish my classes on the 25th of June and August is for going with my parents to France .
This has been scheduled 3 months ago .
About accommodation , I would prefer the log cabins because I think they are more cleaner than the tents .
While I 'm stayin there I would like to practise tennis and basketball , as I have been playing both sports all my life , and I have to say that I am very good at both .
There is one question I would like to ask you about the Camp .
I would like to know if there are any washing machines or a place to wash our clothes .
I hope this letter contains all the information you need from me .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours sincerely
From my point of view , the real question is : Who said that is enjoyable ?
Maybe for women , but not for me .
I know that this sounds horrible , but sometimes it 's what really happens .
For men , sometimes is hard to go shopping with their partners .
Sometimes that means a complete tour around all the fashion shops in town .
And of course , we are not allowed to stop in a place that we like .
The Sports Shop .
You cannot lose the time because all the other shops could be closed when you arrive .
And that is allways what we want .
That 's men 's intention .
Another point is to go a big area .
Specially week-ends .
Everyone pushing a trolley and crashing around .
People should have to take a license to drive those things .
Someone could be injured .
And of course , the time to pay .
A huge que that lasts half an hour or more and finishes with you completely freaked out .
In conclusion , for me to go shopping is not enjoyable at all .
Dear Sir ,
I 'm writing to you inform you about the dissapointing evening I had when I went to your theather to see the play called " OVER THE RAINBOW " .
According to the advertisement you gave , there have been some important differents .
Firstly , the play started almost an hour late , and I went there to see Danny Brook , but there was a different actor on stage .
Secondly , in the advertisement the discounts are available but in the tickets I bought they were no discount .
Furthermore , I had planned to have a great dinner with my family in your restaurant and it was closed because the people who work in were on holidays .
In addition to this , I have to tell you that it was the most horrible evening I had out and because of this I want to ask you if you could send me a refound of a part of the money I wasted there .
I would be grateful if you do it .
Finally , I want to tell you that it is not useful for you and your theather to cheat to your customers .
If you do it , there will be no bussiness for you and no satisfaction for them .
I look fordwad to hearing from you
Your sincerely ,
How has modern technology change my daily life ?
Nowadays , technology is the most useful tool that human beings have .
It affects everyone who live in this planet and every activity made in it .
In this case we are going to focus on me .
Emilio Almodar , 18 years old , University Student , and the career I have choosen is Internacional Commerce or Market .
I use technology every moment but I did not realise .
For example , when I come back home from university and I call my friends , I am using it because at home we have very modern phones and fax and almost everybody in my family has a cellular phone and thing like that .
We also have five computer , the latest versions of them , because they are useful for my father to work and for me to do some special works for University .
This machines are connected to Internet , and it gives to my family too much facility to get every information we want , from how to prepare son drink to what was the result of the Sunday 's football match .
In addition to this we use the net to comunicate with some friends we have in U.S.A. It 's really amazing .
Apart from this , I do n't spent my free time in technology .
I prefer playing rugby and going out with friends , because technology is not all life , but it is only a little part of it .
Dear Sir/Madam :
I am writing to ask about your advertisement and theatre show .
I am a student in Liverpool , and recently I had a week 's holiday in London .
First day in London , I saw your advertisement which was very interesting to me .
But I was really disappointed it .
First of all , there was only one actor that was different from your advertisement .
Also , it was certain to me to bought a discount tickets cause I am a student .
But , it was not availiable .
Second , I went to the theatre exactly seven thirty in the evening .
However the show started 45 minutes later .
I wasted time too much for waiting .
It was not good to me , cause I had only one week holiday in London .
Moreover the theatre restaurant was closed with the word " Stuff vacation " on the front door after the show .
It was absolutely different from your leaflet .
On the whole , I was really disappointed at that time .
Could you do me my half of money back .
I enclose my phone number and address .
I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon .
Yours faithfully
Lo Son Lin .
Fashion of the Future .
Have you ever seen the film star wars ?
And did you notice something about fashion of the future ?
I think the people will wear convenient clothes with simple design in the future .
Because the people will stay at home more than now with their computer .
And they will use soft cozy cloths like cotton and silk .
However , if they have some special day when like important public day or special day of their life , they will wear very different kinds of clothes which was you never seen before .
Some of that will be very strange to our eyes , but some of others will be familiar to us .
And they will use the most kinds of things like small stone to diamond etc. Maybe some peoples are nakid .
It will be very interesting ...
Just imagine the way of future people 's life .
And you can see the their clothes also .
13th June 2000
Dear Mrs Ryan ,
Thank you very much for your letter .
I was really surprised and very happy when I read that I have won the first prize .
First of all because I have never been to California and second because it 's the first time I have ever won something .
The only time that is possible for me to travel is July , because I am working for a bank and this is the only month I can go on holiday .
For my stay in California I would prefer the accommodation in tents because this gives me a feeling of freedom and adventure and it is quite different to my live here in Greece .
The activities I would like mot to do are climbing and surfing .
In my free time I have climbed a lot of mountains in the surrounding area so I can say , that I am quite good in climbing .
But I have never ' surfed ' in my live , so that is an activity I have to learn .
Last but not least there are some things I would like to know : What kind of wheather do you have in California ?
Is it very hot ?
What kind of clothes should I bring with me ?
And what about money ?
How much money Should I take with me ?
Are there any activities which are not included ?
And my last question : how many persons are going to stay in each tent .
I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon .
Yours sincerely
Many people , especially women , love shopping .
If you go to the centre of every big town you will see people walking from store to store searching for something to wear or to buy to eat .
But shopping is not always enjoyable .
First of all because of the big variety in the store .
Very often you do n't know what to buy because we do n't have only three or four different sport shoes to choose from , not , we have to choose out of twenty or thirty such as Nike , adidas or Fila .
And very often you have to pay a lot of money for the product you want .
Another cause is that shops and stores are often overcrowded .
Very often you can hardly move because of the crowds of people .
And many people are in a hurry , so do n't wonder if other people have not tolerance and patience to wait and hit you with their shopping cars .
Of course there are a lot of other causes why shopping is n't always great fun , but the last cause , which is very important for me is that shopping is becoming more and more impersonal .
That means that there are more and more big supermarkets and big stores , where noone has time for you to show you or explain things to you such as what kind of bicycle is the best for me , no one to talk to and noone to complaine .
That is the most important reason why I only like to go shopping in little stores , where I have peace and quiet and very often nothing to complaine about .
Dear Mrs Helen Ryan ,
I was writting as reply of your letter , I am glad to have won the first prize in your competition for two weeks at Camp California in the USA .
About the information that you need , I must tell you that I will be able to travel only in July becase I got a new job and I ca n't ask for more than one month holidays each year and on the other months I will be very busy becase my workmates will take holidays on these months .
With the accomodation , I would prefered tents becase it is more according with a camp .
And with the activities I must chose Photography and Painting becase I am not very good for sports and I think I am doing well in these things .
Finally I just ask you What kind of clothes do I have to bring with me , and around How much money do you think I will need .
Thank you very much for everything .
Your Sincerely
Juanita Fabiola Martin
31 Sea old State
Valles Co. Cornel
13th June , 2000
Dear Kim ,
Here I am , writting you to tell everything about my wonderful experience at the concert .
You ca n't imagine How much did I enjoy that journey .
I started early in the morning helping to carry the stuff from the trucks to the place where the band played , I help with the music stuff like speakers , mics , lights , sound , etc. And later the band arrived and played two or three times before the concert started .
And I was helping them fixing the last details .
When the concert started I was preparing some drinks for the band because when the concert finished they were very tired and tersty .
After the concert I only help with tidy up the place and made sure that everything was under control and clean .
Later the band was talking to me , I could get their new album free , and some other souvenirs from the band .
But the thing that particulary liked me was that I could do all kind of things just in one day and I could feel different emotions .
So , that 's everything that I can tell you , I enjoy a lot and I hope to have another experience like this .
Thank you for the letter you have sent recently .
It was a surprise to know that I won the first prize .
The reasons I am really writing , However , is to give you some details of my trip to California .
I 'll be taking an English Examination at the end of June and I think it would be a good idea if I can travel in July because it 's the only month I can spend abroad this year .
In the letter you said that accommodation provided can be either tents or log cabins .
I would prefer to stay in tents so that I will have the chance to be in contact with the nature as well as the scenery around .
Another thing I would like to choose from the activity list is singing ( because I take part in a chorus at school ) and photography .
I 'm really good taking pictures , it 's a way I have to express my feelings .
I wonder if you could send me more information about what kind of clothes have we bring .
Do you think you could also let me know how much money we will need during our stay at the Camp .
I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure and a map showing where the camp is .
thanking you in anticipation .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Yours faithfully ,
What a surprise it was to get letter from you after all this time .
Sorry I have n't written for so long but I was really busy trying to apply for a job .
This is just to let you know with whom I worked .
In order to celebrate the 125 aniversary of the city , the Coun Council organised an open air concert .
It was a summer night and all the citizens , as well as tourists , had the opportunity to attend .
The pop band " Five " arrived into town and needed people to help with not only the organisation but also the stages and sound .
I knew some help was needed so I decided to speak to the manager .
I could n't believe when he said : " O.K. if you want to help , here is a list of what you can do . "
My job was to leave some leaflets on shops , restaurants and streets .
Working with this band was an experience I will never forget .
What I really enjoyed was been part of the staff .
Although I was too nervious , I knew I could do the job well .
I 'd love to hear all your news , why do n't you come and visit me ?
Perhaps I could show you the pictures I took .
I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon .
Love from ,
Dear Mr or Madam ,
I am writing to express my dissapointment about the play " over the rainbow " which is performing at Circle Theatre .
First of all , the advertisement for the show announced Mr. Danny Brook as the principal actor .
Surprisingly , he never appeared on the stage , during the play .
Therefore , the theatre or the company is lying .
Secondly , the show started one hour fifteen past after .
We arrived at the theatre in time and we had to wait all that time until the show began .
Finally , when I asked about the discounts , an agressive employee refused to answer me .
He stayed looking at me and laughing .
It was incredible .
The evening was a horrible surprise , completely different from the promise written in the advertisement .
Defineteley , I want my money back as soon as possible .
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully
" Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets . "
I knew that but I would prefer to trust her so I told everything about Lynne Harter , our new collegue at school .
However , I have to admit that I told her my own opinion .
Well , it was the beginning of my tragedy .
So , I told Pat that Lynne was ugly , fat like a cow , and extremely agressive .
But I could n't shut my mouth , I continued : " You ca n't believe it Pat , she wears trousers like men and green flowery blouses " Of course , my friend and I were laughing during half an hour .
Two days after , when Pat came back to my school and she met Mr Harter , our head teacher , she told everything about Ann1 .
In that precisely moment I realized that I had forgotten to tell her that Ann was Mr Harter 's niece .
I know it 's my fault .
But , well , unhappiness started with Pat and my reveilled secrets .
Dear Sir ,
I 'm writing to complain for the musical show " Over the Rainbow " .
I 've been recently seeing in your theatre during my week 's holiday in London I must say I had a very disappointing evening !
I was sure this was the London 's newest and best musical show I had ever seen because of the good publicity you made in your advertisement , but I thought completely wrong !
Firstly , the play started nearly an hour later as I expected !
If the spectacle has been beautiful , I would have been quite pleased to wait .
Then , I had read that there would have been discounts available , but it was n't true !
So it 's better not to write anything if you do n't make it true then .
Finally , I hoped that , after these incidents , I would enjoy myself , but there was another change of programme : starring !
The main actor , Danny Brook , was changed and the one who played his part was n't as good as I expected .
Finished the show , I went to your theatre restaurant , but it was closed and this has n't been said before .
Moreover , I was shocked by the reason for which it was closed : the chef went away after he received a phone call !
For all these reason , I want to ask for my money back and I hope to hear from you soon !
A suggestion ?
Organize better your shows and do not exagerate with publicity !
Yours sincerely ,
There would be many things to say about .
Technology is a wide field which increases very quickly .
It 's creating an artificial world , where everything is electronic and fast .
I 'm not sure if I must say technology has changed our life in positive or not .
Certainly , thanks to it , we can do things today that were impossible a few centuries ago .
Nowadays , we make a phone call with an astonish rapidity , instead at my grandparents ' time it took one month or more to have contact with people abroad , because the only means of communication was the post and its service was very slow !
When appeared the first car , it was already a great success .
Before that , people travelled by horse or worse .
Fortunately today everyone can take an aeroplane and go to America , Australia or wherever else he wants !
What can I say about the television ?
It allows us to keep connections with the other states of the world , improves our knowledge , offers us news , advises us about events which happened or will happen .
In the not very far 1914 , parent sent their sons in war and it was very difficult to know if they were still alive or dead !
It 's terrible !
Despite this , I 'm convinced all this progress caused some damages at the community , not only phisically .
We pay less attention to our life , to those things which give us happiness , that are n't money , success , power .
We became passive people , we follow the same routine every day and we live in a society where rules are strongly fixed .
I think everyone should live his own life how he wants to live it and make him known for who he is , not for his money , but for his abilities , his good habits , his personality .
Finally , everyone should decrease his own life 's rythm .
Mr John Smythe ,
I 'm writing to tell you about the horrible evening I had on Friday .
I was very excited with the idea of going to the theatre , but it did n't work out as I thought it will .
First of all the starring actors were supposed to be Danny Brook and Tina Truelove , Tina did act , but Danny Brook was replaced by an awful actor whose name I do n't recall .
Second of all , the play was suposed to start at 19:30 , but it started at 20:15 .
I 'm not used to waste my time sitting on a chair waiting , I do have better things to do with it .
Another thing I want to complain about , is that your advertised that discounts were available , but there was n't any discount at all .
To finish my " marvelous " evening , I wanted to eat at your restaurant , but it was closed and no reason was given .
As I did n't have a " perfect evening out " , I think I have the right to ask for my money back .
I hope you understand .
Yours faithfully
Pat 's story
Unfortunately , Pat was n't very good at keeping secrets .
Now you 've probably asking yourself what does it mean , well , now I 'm going to explain it to you .
Two years ago in this school , Pat and I used to be best friends .
We used to tell everything to each other .
I was having some family problems , so my marks were getting down and down .
Pat was worried , she did n't know what to do .
One day she looked me in the eyes with a sharp deep look , Never have I seen such a deep look : and asked me what was happening and I told her as I always used to .
That afternoon she visited me and told me a plan she had designed to make my marks rise .
It consisted in stealing the school list from the computer , in other words , hack the school software .
I thought it was a great idea , so I stole about ten tests we were planned to do .
Pat could n't stand the pressure of the " crime " so she told the school directors that I stole the tests .
I was punished , nearly expelt , but Pat did n't receive any punishment .
I never accused her of lying , and I you ask me why , I really do n't know .
Dear Sir/Madam ,
I am writing to you after visiting your theatre .
Frankly speaking , I was very disappointed after my visit .
I was displeased from the very beginning , because I expected to get a discount as I 'm a student .
According to your advertisment I could have one but in reality there were no discounts at all .
But nevertheless I decided to go to your show .
The show started t 20.15 instead of 19.30 .
I had to wait in overcrowded hall .
When finally the show had started I found out that Danny Brook was replaced by another actor .
One of the reasons for my visiting your show was Danny Brook 's participance .
So , you could understand how disappointed I was .
To make matters worse the restaurant which was mentioned in your advertisment was closed .
So I had n't such perfect evening , as was promised in your advertisment .
In fact there were a lot of mistakes in your advertisment and I would be gratefull if you could give me back a part of my money .
I 'm looking forward to hearing from you .
Yours faithfully ,
How has modern technology changed your daily life ?
In my opinion , modern technologies play the important role in people 's life .
I think that at present the most important technologies are computer and Internet technologies .
Both computer and Internet influence people 's life .
I have to use computer every day .
It helps me in preparing my homeworks .
Firs of all Internet gives you an access to a great number of different information .
On the one hand Internet is often used for entertaiment , but on the other hand it 's also used in different business and education process !
With the help of Internet technologies I communicate with other people from all over the world it gives me chance to improve my English .
From my point of view , Internet can be used in education , because it gives an opportunity to have distant relations between pupils and teachers .
Though Internet has a lot of positive aspects I think you should be careful with it and not to be depended on it .
8 Jun 2000
Helen Ryan
Competition Organiser
Dear Sir
At the begining I would like to thank You for Your letter - it pleased me much .
I have always dreamt about holidays ' in Camp California '
However there are some problems that I hope to solve .
First of all the only suitable time for me to go is July .
It is the only time when I am free from my duties - I am a doctor so you see that I can not let my patients down .
If we are talking about accomodation then accomodation in tents would be great - I love being close to the nature .
I would like You to know also about my two hobbys : swimming and surfing .
I am not telling about some kind of achivements in those discipines but It is my big pasion
I hope to have a chance to practice both of theme at ' Camp California ' .
There is also one thing that I would like to ask You about .
The question is : Do I need some extra money and what kind of clothes should I take for this trip ?
Yours sincerely
Anna Nowak
Unconected part of every people lifes is shopping .
We buy everything from clothes to food and the only thing that could stop us from this are money .
As a teenager I must addmit that there is nothing more enjoyable from shopping .
It 's like ,,walking in the clouds , , you feel like flaing .
Choosing gave me such big pleasure because I never have to worry from vere do I take money for my wishes .
It all comes from my parents .
All I ought to do is buy and choose .
I think that ,,having is a dream of all of us .
It 's hard for me even to emagine the situation when shopping is not enjoyable .
Probably it is one of the moments when you want something baddly and you ca n't have it .
Another situation is when you have to buy somebody a present .
Everybody know that ,,present presents a problem You know your own task but what vith a task of the other person ?
However I ca n't agree with opinion that ,,Shopping is not always enjoyable I think that everybody like to buy but not everybody like to see pleasure in it .