% @article{sokal, author = {Sokal, Alan D.}, title = {Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity}, journaltitle = {Social Text}, date = 1996, volume = {46/47}, pages = {217-252}, } @book{iksinski, author = {Iksiński, Jan}, title = {Bardzo ciekawa książka}, date = 2015, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Wspaniałe}, location = {Poznań}, } @PHDTHESIS{carrier2006, author = {Carrier, Brian D.}, title = {A hypothesis-based approach to digital forensic investigations}, year = {2006}, address = {West Lafayette, IN, USA}, note = {Adviser-Spafford, Eugene H.}, isbn = {978-0-542-86437-7}, order_no = {AAI3232156}, publisher = {Purdue University} }