forked from s434596/CatOrNot
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583 lines
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
import uuid
import warnings
from wtforms.compat import string_types, text_type
__all__ = (
'DataRequired', 'data_required', 'Email', 'email', 'EqualTo', 'equal_to',
'IPAddress', 'ip_address', 'InputRequired', 'input_required', 'Length',
'length', 'NumberRange', 'number_range', 'Optional', 'optional',
'Required', 'required', 'Regexp', 'regexp', 'URL', 'url', 'AnyOf',
'any_of', 'NoneOf', 'none_of', 'MacAddress', 'mac_address', 'UUID',
'ValidationError', 'StopValidation'
class ValidationError(ValueError):
Raised when a validator fails to validate its input.
def __init__(self, message='', *args, **kwargs):
ValueError.__init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs)
class StopValidation(Exception):
Causes the validation chain to stop.
If StopValidation is raised, no more validators in the validation chain are
called. If raised with a message, the message will be added to the errors
def __init__(self, message='', *args, **kwargs):
Exception.__init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs)
class EqualTo(object):
Compares the values of two fields.
:param fieldname:
The name of the other field to compare to.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error. Can be
interpolated with `%(other_label)s` and `%(other_name)s` to provide a
more helpful error.
def __init__(self, fieldname, message=None):
self.fieldname = fieldname
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
other = form[self.fieldname]
except KeyError:
raise ValidationError(field.gettext("Invalid field name '%s'.") % self.fieldname)
if !=
d = {
'other_label': hasattr(other, 'label') and other.label.text or self.fieldname,
'other_name': self.fieldname
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Field must be equal to %(other_name)s.')
raise ValidationError(message % d)
class Length(object):
Validates the length of a string.
:param min:
The minimum required length of the string. If not provided, minimum
length will not be checked.
:param max:
The maximum length of the string. If not provided, maximum length
will not be checked.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error. Can be
interpolated using `%(min)d` and `%(max)d` if desired. Useful defaults
are provided depending on the existence of min and max.
def __init__(self, min=-1, max=-1, message=None):
assert min != -1 or max != -1, 'At least one of `min` or `max` must be specified.'
assert max == -1 or min <= max, '`min` cannot be more than `max`.'
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
l = and len( or 0
if l < self.min or self.max != -1 and l > self.max:
message = self.message
if message is None:
if self.max == -1:
message = field.ngettext('Field must be at least %(min)d character long.',
'Field must be at least %(min)d characters long.', self.min)
elif self.min == -1:
message = field.ngettext('Field cannot be longer than %(max)d character.',
'Field cannot be longer than %(max)d characters.', self.max)
message = field.gettext('Field must be between %(min)d and %(max)d characters long.')
raise ValidationError(message % dict(min=self.min, max=self.max, length=l))
class NumberRange(object):
Validates that a number is of a minimum and/or maximum value, inclusive.
This will work with any comparable number type, such as floats and
decimals, not just integers.
:param min:
The minimum required value of the number. If not provided, minimum
value will not be checked.
:param max:
The maximum value of the number. If not provided, maximum value
will not be checked.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error. Can be
interpolated using `%(min)s` and `%(max)s` if desired. Useful defaults
are provided depending on the existence of min and max.
def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, message=None):
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
data =
if data is None or (self.min is not None and data < self.min) or \
(self.max is not None and data > self.max):
message = self.message
if message is None:
# we use %(min)s interpolation to support floats, None, and
# Decimals without throwing a formatting exception.
if self.max is None:
message = field.gettext('Number must be at least %(min)s.')
elif self.min is None:
message = field.gettext('Number must be at most %(max)s.')
message = field.gettext('Number must be between %(min)s and %(max)s.')
raise ValidationError(message % dict(min=self.min, max=self.max))
class Optional(object):
Allows empty input and stops the validation chain from continuing.
If input is empty, also removes prior errors (such as processing errors)
from the field.
:param strip_whitespace:
If True (the default) also stop the validation chain on input which
consists of only whitespace.
field_flags = ('optional', )
def __init__(self, strip_whitespace=True):
if strip_whitespace:
self.string_check = lambda s: s.strip()
self.string_check = lambda s: s
def __call__(self, form, field):
if not field.raw_data or isinstance(field.raw_data[0], string_types) and not self.string_check(field.raw_data[0]):
field.errors[:] = []
raise StopValidation()
class DataRequired(object):
Checks the field's data is 'truthy' otherwise stops the validation chain.
This validator checks that the ``data`` attribute on the field is a 'true'
value (effectively, it does ``if``.) Furthermore, if the data
is a string type, a string containing only whitespace characters is
considered false.
If the data is empty, also removes prior errors (such as processing errors)
from the field.
**NOTE** this validator used to be called `Required` but the way it behaved
(requiring coerced data, not input data) meant it functioned in a way
which was not symmetric to the `Optional` validator and furthermore caused
confusion with certain fields which coerced data to 'falsey' values like
``0``, ``Decimal(0)``, ``time(0)`` etc. Unless a very specific reason
exists, we recommend using the :class:`InputRequired` instead.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error.
field_flags = ('required', )
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
if not or isinstance(, string_types) and not
if self.message is None:
message = field.gettext('This field is required.')
message = self.message
field.errors[:] = []
raise StopValidation(message)
class Required(DataRequired):
Legacy alias for DataRequired.
This is needed over simple aliasing for those who require that the
class-name of required be 'Required.'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Required, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
'Required is going away in WTForms 3.0, use DataRequired',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
class InputRequired(object):
Validates that input was provided for this field.
Note there is a distinction between this and DataRequired in that
InputRequired looks that form-input data was provided, and DataRequired
looks at the post-coercion data.
field_flags = ('required', )
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
if not field.raw_data or not field.raw_data[0]:
if self.message is None:
message = field.gettext('This field is required.')
message = self.message
field.errors[:] = []
raise StopValidation(message)
class Regexp(object):
Validates the field against a user provided regexp.
:param regex:
The regular expression string to use. Can also be a compiled regular
expression pattern.
:param flags:
The regexp flags to use, for example re.IGNORECASE. Ignored if
`regex` is not a string.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error.
def __init__(self, regex, flags=0, message=None):
if isinstance(regex, string_types):
regex = re.compile(regex, flags)
self.regex = regex
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field, message=None):
match = self.regex.match( or '')
if not match:
if message is None:
if self.message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid input.')
message = self.message
raise ValidationError(message)
return match
class Email(object):
Validates an email address. Note that this uses a very primitive regular
expression and should only be used in instances where you later verify by
other means, such as email activation or lookups.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error.
user_regex = re.compile(
r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*\Z" # dot-atom
r'|^"([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037!#-\[\]-\177]|\\[\001-\011\013\014\016-\177])*"\Z)', # quoted-string
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
self.validate_hostname = HostnameValidation(
def __call__(self, form, field):
value =
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid email address.')
if not value or '@' not in value:
raise ValidationError(message)
user_part, domain_part = value.rsplit('@', 1)
if not self.user_regex.match(user_part):
raise ValidationError(message)
if not self.validate_hostname(domain_part):
raise ValidationError(message)
class IPAddress(object):
Validates an IP address.
:param ipv4:
If True, accept IPv4 addresses as valid (default True)
:param ipv6:
If True, accept IPv6 addresses as valid (default False)
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error.
def __init__(self, ipv4=True, ipv6=False, message=None):
if not ipv4 and not ipv6:
raise ValueError('IP Address Validator must have at least one of ipv4 or ipv6 enabled.')
self.ipv4 = ipv4
self.ipv6 = ipv6
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
value =
valid = False
if value:
valid = (self.ipv4 and self.check_ipv4(value)) or (self.ipv6 and self.check_ipv6(value))
if not valid:
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid IP address.')
raise ValidationError(message)
def check_ipv4(cls, value):
parts = value.split('.')
if len(parts) == 4 and all(x.isdigit() for x in parts):
numbers = list(int(x) for x in parts)
return all(num >= 0 and num < 256 for num in numbers)
return False
def check_ipv6(cls, value):
parts = value.split(':')
if len(parts) > 8:
return False
num_blank = 0
for part in parts:
if not part:
num_blank += 1
value = int(part, 16)
except ValueError:
return False
if value < 0 or value >= 65536:
return False
if num_blank < 2:
return True
elif num_blank == 2 and not parts[0] and not parts[1]:
return True
return False
class MacAddress(Regexp):
Validates a MAC address.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error.
def __init__(self, message=None):
pattern = r'^(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$'
super(MacAddress, self).__init__(pattern, message=message)
def __call__(self, form, field):
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid Mac address.')
super(MacAddress, self).__call__(form, field, message)
class URL(Regexp):
Simple regexp based url validation. Much like the email validator, you
probably want to validate the url later by other means if the url must
:param require_tld:
If true, then the domain-name portion of the URL must contain a .tld
suffix. Set this to false if you want to allow domains like
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error.
def __init__(self, require_tld=True, message=None):
regex = r'^[a-z]+://(?P<host>[^/:]+)(?P<port>:[0-9]+)?(?P<path>\/.*)?$'
super(URL, self).__init__(regex, re.IGNORECASE, message)
self.validate_hostname = HostnameValidation(
def __call__(self, form, field):
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid URL.')
match = super(URL, self).__call__(form, field, message)
if not self.validate_hostname('host')):
raise ValidationError(message)
class UUID(object):
Validates a UUID.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error.
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid UUID.')
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError(message)
class AnyOf(object):
Compares the incoming data to a sequence of valid inputs.
:param values:
A sequence of valid inputs.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error. `%(values)s`
contains the list of values.
:param values_formatter:
Function used to format the list of values in the error message.
def __init__(self, values, message=None, values_formatter=None):
self.values = values
self.message = message
if values_formatter is None:
values_formatter = self.default_values_formatter
self.values_formatter = values_formatter
def __call__(self, form, field):
if not in self.values:
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid value, must be one of: %(values)s.')
raise ValidationError(message % dict(values=self.values_formatter(self.values)))
def default_values_formatter(values):
return ', '.join(text_type(x) for x in values)
class NoneOf(object):
Compares the incoming data to a sequence of invalid inputs.
:param values:
A sequence of invalid inputs.
:param message:
Error message to raise in case of a validation error. `%(values)s`
contains the list of values.
:param values_formatter:
Function used to format the list of values in the error message.
def __init__(self, values, message=None, values_formatter=None):
self.values = values
self.message = message
if values_formatter is None:
values_formatter = self.default_values_formatter
self.values_formatter = values_formatter
def __call__(self, form, field):
if in self.values:
message = self.message
if message is None:
message = field.gettext('Invalid value, can\'t be any of: %(values)s.')
raise ValidationError(message % dict(values=self.values_formatter(self.values)))
def default_values_formatter(v):
return ', '.join(text_type(x) for x in v)
class HostnameValidation(object):
Helper class for checking hostnames for validation.
This is not a validator in and of itself, and as such is not exported.
hostname_part = re.compile(r'^(xn-|[a-z0-9]+)(-[a-z0-9]+)*$', re.IGNORECASE)
tld_part = re.compile(r'^([a-z]{2,20}|xn--([a-z0-9]+-)*[a-z0-9]+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, require_tld=True, allow_ip=False):
self.require_tld = require_tld
self.allow_ip = allow_ip
def __call__(self, hostname):
if self.allow_ip:
if IPAddress.check_ipv4(hostname) or IPAddress.check_ipv6(hostname):
return True
# Encode out IDNA hostnames. This makes further validation easier.
hostname = hostname.encode('idna')
except UnicodeError:
# Turn back into a string in Python 3x
if not isinstance(hostname, string_types):
hostname = hostname.decode('ascii')
if len(hostname) > 253:
return False
# Check that all labels in the hostname are valid
parts = hostname.split('.')
for part in parts:
if not part or len(part) > 63:
return False
if not self.hostname_part.match(part):
return False
if self.require_tld:
if len(parts) < 2 or not self.tld_part.match(parts[-1]):
return False
return True
email = Email
equal_to = EqualTo
ip_address = IPAddress
mac_address = MacAddress
length = Length
number_range = NumberRange
optional = Optional
required = Required
input_required = InputRequired
data_required = DataRequired
regexp = Regexp
url = URL
any_of = AnyOf
none_of = NoneOf