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2019-12-07 16:47:41 +01:00
* This file is part of Psy Shell.
* (c) 2012-2018 Justin Hileman
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Psy\Test\Input;
use Psy\Input\CodeArgument;
use Psy\Input\ShellInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
class ShellInputTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Unexpected CodeArgument before the final position: a
public function testThrowsWhenCodeArgumentNotInFinalPosition()
$definition = new InputDefinition([
new CodeArgument('a', null, CodeArgument::REQUIRED),
new InputArgument('b', null, InputArgument::REQUIRED),
$input = new ShellInput('foo bar');
public function testInputOptionWithGivenString()
$definition = new InputDefinition([
new InputOption('foo', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED),
new CodeArgument('code', null, CodeArgument::REQUIRED),
$input = new ShellInput('--foo=bar echo "baz\\\\n";');
$this->assertSame('bar', $input->getOption('foo'));
$this->assertSame('echo "baz\n";', $input->getArgument('code'));
public function testInputOptionWithoutCodeArguments()
$definition = new InputDefinition([
new InputOption('foo', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED),
new InputOption('qux', 'q', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED),
new InputArgument('bar', null, InputArgument::REQUIRED),
new InputArgument('baz', null, InputArgument::REQUIRED),
$input = new ShellInput('--foo=foo -q qux bar "baz\\\\n"');
$this->assertSame('foo', $input->getOption('foo'));
$this->assertSame('qux', $input->getOption('qux'));
$this->assertSame('bar', $input->getArgument('bar'));
$this->assertSame('baz\\n', $input->getArgument('baz'));
public function testInputWithDashDash()
$definition = new InputDefinition([
new InputOption('foo', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED),
new CodeArgument('code', null, CodeArgument::REQUIRED),
$input = new ShellInput('-- echo --foo::$bar');
$this->assertSame('echo --foo::$bar', $input->getArgument('code'));
public function testInputWithEmptyString()
$definition = new InputDefinition([
new InputOption('foo', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED),
new CodeArgument('code', null, CodeArgument::REQUIRED),
$input = new ShellInput('"" --foo bar');
$this->assertSame('"" --foo bar', $input->getArgument('code'));
* @dataProvider getTokenizeData
public function testTokenize($input, $tokens, $message)
$input = new ShellInput($input);
$r = new \ReflectionClass('Psy\Input\ShellInput');
$p = $r->getProperty('tokenPairs');
$this->assertSame($tokens, $p->getValue($input), $message);
public function getTokenizeData()
// Test all the cases from StringInput test, ensuring they have an appropriate $rest token.
return [
'->tokenize() parses an empty string',
[['foo', 'foo']],
'->tokenize() parses arguments',
' foo bar ',
[['foo', 'foo bar '], ['bar', 'bar ']],
'->tokenize() ignores whitespaces between arguments',
[['quoted', '"quoted"']],
'->tokenize() parses quoted arguments',
[['quoted', "'quoted'"]],
'->tokenize() parses quoted arguments',
[["a\rb\nc\td", "'a\rb\nc\td'"]],
'->tokenize() parses whitespace chars in strings',
['a', "'a'\r'b'\n'c'\t'd'"],
['b', "'b'\n'c'\t'd'"],
['c', "'c'\t'd'"],
['d', "'d'"],
'->tokenize() parses whitespace chars between args as spaces',
* These don't play nice with unescaping input, but the end result
* is correct, so disable the tests for now.
* @todo Sort this out and re-enable these test cases.
// [
// '\"quoted\"',
// [['"quoted"', '\"quoted\"']],
// '->tokenize() parses escaped-quoted arguments',
// ],
// [
// "\'quoted\'",
// [['\'quoted\'', "\'quoted\'"]],
// '->tokenize() parses escaped-quoted arguments',
// ],
[['-a', '-a']],
'->tokenize() parses short options',
[['-azc', '-azc']],
'->tokenize() parses aggregated short options',
[['-awithavalue', '-awithavalue']],
'->tokenize() parses short options with a value',
'-a"foo bar"',
[['-afoo bar', '-a"foo bar"']],
'->tokenize() parses short options with a value',
'-a"foo bar""foo bar"',
[['-afoo barfoo bar', '-a"foo bar""foo bar"']],
'->tokenize() parses short options with a value',
'-a\'foo bar\'',
[['-afoo bar', '-a\'foo bar\'']],
'->tokenize() parses short options with a value',
'-a\'foo bar\'\'foo bar\'',
[['-afoo barfoo bar', '-a\'foo bar\'\'foo bar\'']],
'->tokenize() parses short options with a value',
'-a\'foo bar\'"foo bar"',
[['-afoo barfoo bar', '-a\'foo bar\'"foo bar"']],
'->tokenize() parses short options with a value',
[['--long-option', '--long-option']],
'->tokenize() parses long options',
[['--long-option=foo', '--long-option=foo']],
'->tokenize() parses long options with a value',
'--long-option="foo bar"',
[['--long-option=foo bar', '--long-option="foo bar"']],
'->tokenize() parses long options with a value',
'--long-option="foo bar""another"',
[['--long-option=foo baranother', '--long-option="foo bar""another"']],
'->tokenize() parses long options with a value',
'--long-option=\'foo bar\'',
[['--long-option=foo bar', '--long-option=\'foo bar\'']],
'->tokenize() parses long options with a value',
"--long-option='foo bar''another'",
[['--long-option=foo baranother', "--long-option='foo bar''another'"]],
'->tokenize() parses long options with a value',
"--long-option='foo bar'\"another\"",
[['--long-option=foo baranother', "--long-option='foo bar'\"another\""]],
'->tokenize() parses long options with a value',
'foo -a -ffoo --long bar',
['foo', 'foo -a -ffoo --long bar'],
['-a', '-a -ffoo --long bar'],
['-ffoo', '-ffoo --long bar'],
['--long', '--long bar'],
['bar', 'bar'],
'->tokenize() parses when several arguments and options',