isFqsen($fqsen)) { return new Fqsen($fqsen); } return $this->resolvePartialStructuralElementName($fqsen, $context); } /** * Tests whether the given type is a Fully Qualified Structural Element Name. */ private function isFqsen(string $type) : bool { return strpos($type, self::OPERATOR_NAMESPACE) === 0; } /** * Resolves a partial Structural Element Name (i.e. `Reflection\DocBlock`) to its FQSEN representation * (i.e. `\phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock`) based on the Namespace and aliases mentioned in the Context. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When type is not a valid FQSEN. */ private function resolvePartialStructuralElementName(string $type, Context $context) : Fqsen { $typeParts = explode(self::OPERATOR_NAMESPACE, $type, 2); $namespaceAliases = $context->getNamespaceAliases(); // if the first segment is not an alias; prepend namespace name and return if (!isset($namespaceAliases[$typeParts[0]])) { $namespace = $context->getNamespace(); if ($namespace !== '') { $namespace .= self::OPERATOR_NAMESPACE; } return new Fqsen(self::OPERATOR_NAMESPACE . $namespace . $type); } $typeParts[0] = $namespaceAliases[$typeParts[0]]; return new Fqsen(self::OPERATOR_NAMESPACE . implode(self::OPERATOR_NAMESPACE, $typeParts)); } }