commit 45be243237717bdc3ae4f80c881af250111b5499 Author: Maciej Date: Sun Jun 28 15:52:07 2020 +0200 Project shiny - gotowy. diff --git a/.RData b/.RData new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d94500 Binary files /dev/null and b/.RData differ diff --git a/.Rhistory b/.Rhistory new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49e5682 --- /dev/null +++ b/.Rhistory @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +dat_nuts <- get_eurostat(id = 'tran_r_acci', time_format = 'num') +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +View(temp_dat_veh) +dat_population <- get_eurostat(id = 'tps00001', time_format = 'num') %>% +rename(population = values) +View(dat_population) +runApp() +runApp() +View(dat_population) +?left_join +runApp() +View(get_eurostat(id = 'tran_sf_roadve', time_format = 'num')) +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +View(get_eurostat(id = 'tran_sf_roadve', time_format = 'num')) +# mapa (wypełnienie w skali ciągłej) +ggplot(mapdata, aes(fill = values)) + +geom_sf(color = alpha('black', 1/3), alpha = .6) + +scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="red") + +coord_sf(xlim = c(-20,44), ylim = c(30,70)) + +labs(title = 'Ofiary śmiertelne wypadków drogowych, 2018', +subtitle = 'Średnia na 100 tys. mieszkańców', +fill = 'Wynik', +caption = 'Mapa 2.') +runApp() +zaju infrastruktury drogowej +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +View(get_eurostat(id = 'tran_sf_roadus', time_format = 'num', filters = list(time = '2017')) +end +View(get_eurostat(id = 'tran_sf_roadus', time_format = 'num', filters = list(time = '2017'))) +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +install.packages("rsconnect") +rsconnect::setAccountInfo(name='maciejk', +token='107B5C72895BEE97EA9DB8290D24D0A8', +secret='OrYzipRFI2sHMFV7289G1rWgedzfVuBVJFUR3a+P') +library(rsconnect) +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +View(min_cat) +min_cat +View(min_cat) +min(min_cat$cat) +?first +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +shiny::runApp() +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +View(min_cat) +runApp() +View(min_cat) +runApp() +runApp() +install.packages("shinycssloaders") +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +library(eurostat) +library(tidyverse) +library(dplyr) +library(ggplot2) +runApp() +shiny::runApp() +library(eurostat) +library(tidyverse) +library(dplyr) +library(ggplot2) +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +library(rsconnect) +rsconnect::deployApp('wypadki-ue') +rsconnect::deployApp('app') +rsconnect::deployApp('\') +rsconnect::deployApp() +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +rsconnect::deployApp() +rsconnect::forgetDeployment() +rsconnect::deployApp() +runApp() +rsconnect::deployApp() +library(rsconnect) +install.packages("shinythemes") +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +shiny::runApp() +runApp() +?showModal +?modalDialog +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +?renderText +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +runApp() +library(rsconnect) +rsconnect::deployApp() diff --git a/app.R b/app.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..505f14a --- /dev/null +++ b/app.R @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Project: Fatal road accidents in EU +# Author: Maciej Karczewski + +library(shiny) + +runApp("~/shinyapp") diff --git a/road_accidents_eu.Rproj b/road_accidents_eu.Rproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e3c2eb --- /dev/null +++ b/road_accidents_eu.Rproj @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Version: 1.0 + +RestoreWorkspace: Default +SaveWorkspace: Default +AlwaysSaveHistory: Default + +EnableCodeIndexing: Yes +UseSpacesForTab: Yes +NumSpacesForTab: 2 +Encoding: UTF-8 + +RnwWeave: Sweave +LaTeX: pdfLaTeX diff --git a/rsconnect/ b/rsconnect/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d4b09f --- /dev/null +++ b/rsconnect/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +name: road_accidents_eu +title: +username: +account: maciejk +server: +hostUrl: +appId: 2499098 +bundleId: 3316228 +url: +when: 1593104752.90011 diff --git a/server.R b/server.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7049635 --- /dev/null +++ b/server.R @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +library(shiny) +library(eurostat) +library(cshapes) +library(tidyverse) +library(dplyr) +library(ggplot2) + + +dat <- get_eurostat(id = 'sdg_11_40', time_format = 'num') %>% + filter(!geo %in% c('EU28', 'EU27_2020', 'TR')) %>% + mutate(country = label_eurostat(geo, dic = "geo", lang = 'en', custom_dic = c(DE = "Germany"))) + +geo <- get_eurostat_geospatial(nuts_level = 0, resolution = 20, output_class = "sf") + +dat_vehicle <- get_eurostat(id = 'tran_sf_roadve', time_format = 'num') %>% + mutate(country = label_eurostat(geo, dic = "geo", lang = 'en', custom_dic = c(DE = "Germany"))) + +dat_users <- get_eurostat(id = 'tran_sf_roadus', time_format = 'num') %>% + mutate(country = label_eurostat(geo, dic = "geo", lang = 'en', custom_dic = c(DE = "Germany"))) + +dat_road <- get_eurostat(id = 'tran_sf_roadro', time_format = 'num') %>% + mutate(country = label_eurostat(geo, dic = "geo", lang = 'en', custom_dic = c(DE = "Germany"))) + +dat_nuts <- get_eurostat(id = 'tran_r_acci', time_format = 'num') + +geo_nuts <- get_eurostat_geospatial(nuts_level = 2) + +hist_geo <- cshapes::cshp(as.Date("1989-1-1"), useGW = TRUE) +hist_geo@data$geo_code <- as.character(hist_geo@data$ISO1AL3) +div_de <- hist_geo[hist_geo@data$geo_code %in% c('DDR'), ] + +shinyServer(function(input, output) { + + output$roadAccidentsPlot <- renderPlot({ + dat %>% + filter(time == input$year & unit == ifelse(input$factor, 'RT', 'NR')) %>% + ggplot(aes(x = reorder(country, values), y = values, fill = ifelse(geo == "PL", "Highlighted", "Normal"))) + + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + + theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title.y = element_blank()) + + labs(y = 'Ofiary', x = NULL, caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + + coord_flip() + }, width = 687, height = 700) + + output$mapPlot <- renderPlot({ + mapdata <- geo %>% + right_join(filter(dat, time == input$year & unit == ifelse(input$factor, 'RT', 'NR'))) %>% + mutate(cat = cut_to_classes(values, n = 4, decimals = 1)) + + ggplot(mapdata, aes(fill = cat)) + + scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Reds') + + geom_sf(color = alpha('black', 1/3), alpha = .6) + + coord_sf(xlim = c(-20,44), ylim = c(30,70)) + + labs(fill = 'Ofiary', caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + }, width = 800, height = 700) + + output$roadAccidentsByVehiclePlot <- renderPlot({ + + dat_vehicle %>% + filter(time == input$vehYear & vehicle == input$vehicle) %>% + ggplot(aes(x = reorder(country, values), y = values, fill = ifelse(geo == "PL", "Highlighted", "Normal"))) + + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + + theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title.y = element_blank()) + + labs(y = 'Ofiary', x = NULL, caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + + coord_flip() + }, width = 687, height = 'auto') + + output$mapByVehiclePlot <- renderPlot({ + mapdata_veh <- geo %>% + right_join(filter(dat_vehicle, time == input$vehYear & vehicle == input$vehicle)) + + ggplot(mapdata_veh, aes(fill = values)) + + geom_sf(color = alpha('black', 1/3), alpha = .6) + + scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="red") + + coord_sf(xlim = c(-20,44), ylim = c(30,70)) + + labs(fill = 'Ofairy', caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + + }, width = 800, height = 700) + + output$roadAccidentsByUserPlot <- renderPlot({ + dat_users %>% + filter(time == input$userYear & pers_inv == input$user) %>% + ggplot(aes(x = reorder(country, values), y = values, fill = ifelse(geo == "PL", "Highlighted", "Normal"))) + + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + + theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title.y = element_blank()) + + labs(y = 'Ofiary', x = NULL, caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + + coord_flip() + }, width = 687, height = 'auto') + + output$mapByUserPlot <- renderPlot({ + mapdata_user <- geo %>% + right_join(filter(dat_users, time == input$userYear & pers_inv == input$user)) + + ggplot(mapdata_user, aes(fill = values)) + + geom_sf(color = alpha('black', 1/3), alpha = .6) + + scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="red") + + coord_sf(xlim = c(-20,44), ylim = c(30,70)) + + labs(fill = 'Ofairy', caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + }, width = 800, height = 700) + + output$roadAccidentsByRoadTypePlot <- renderPlot({ + dat_road %>% + filter(time == input$roadTypeYear & tra_infr == input$roadType) %>% + ggplot(aes(x = reorder(country, values), y = values, fill = ifelse(geo == "PL", "Highlighted", "Normal"))) + + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + + theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title.y = element_blank()) + + labs(y = 'Ofiary', x = NULL, caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + + coord_flip() + + }, width = 687, height = 'auto') + + output$mapByRoadTypePlot <- renderPlot({ + mapdata_road <- geo %>% + right_join(filter(dat_road, time == input$roadTypeYear & tra_infr == input$roadType)) + + ggplot(mapdata_road, aes(fill = values)) + + geom_sf(color = alpha('black', 1/3), alpha = .6) + + scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="red") + + coord_sf(xlim = c(-20,44), ylim = c(30,70)) + + labs(fill = "Ofiary", caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + }, width = 800, height = 700) + + output$timeChangePlot <- renderPlot({ + dat_timechange <- dat %>% + filter(unit == ifelse(input$timeChangefactor, 'RT', 'NR') & geo %in% input$countries) + + dat_timechange %>% + ggplot(aes(x = time, y = values, color = geo, label = country)) + + geom_line(size = .9, alpha = .5) + + geom_text(data = dat_timechange %>% group_by(geo) %>% filter(time == max(time)), size = 3) + + theme(legend.position = 'none') + + labs(x = "Rok", y = "Ofiary", caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + }, width = 800, height = 'auto') + + output$nutsPlot <- renderPlot({ + mapdata_nuts <- geo_nuts %>% + left_join(dat_nuts) %>% + filter(time == input$nutsYear, victim == input$victimType, unit == ifelse(input$nutsfactor, 'P_MHAB', 'NR'), CNTR_CODE != 'TR') %>% + mutate(cat = cut_to_classes(values, n = 5, decimals = 1)) + + ggplot(mapdata_nuts, aes(fill = cat)) + + scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Reds') + + geom_sf(color = alpha('black', 1/3), alpha = .6) + + xlim(c(-12,44)) + ylim(c(35,70)) + + labs(fill = "Ofiary", caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + + }, width = 800, height = 700) + + output$germanyPlot <- renderPlot({ + + mapdata_de <- geo_nuts %>% + left_join(dat_nuts) %>% + filter(time == input$germanyYear, victim == input$germanyVictimType, unit == ifelse(input$germanyFactor, 'P_MHAB', 'NR'), CNTR_CODE == 'DE') %>% + mutate(cat = cut_to_classes(values, n = 5, decimals = 1)) + + min_cat <- mapdata_de %>% + filter(values == min(values)) %>% + slice(1) + + if (input$ddrBorder == FALSE) { + ggplot(mapdata_de, aes(fill = cat)) + + scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Reds') + + geom_sf(color = alpha('black', 1/3), alpha = .6) + + xlim(c(5,15)) + ylim(c(47,55)) + + labs(fill = "Ofiary", caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + } else { + ggplot() + + geom_sf(data = mapdata_de, mapping = aes(fill = cat), color = alpha('white', 1/3)) + + scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Reds', direction = 1, guide = 'legend') + + geom_polygon(data = div_de, mapping = aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = min_cat$cat, alpha = 1), color = 'black', show.legend = FALSE) + + labs(fill = "Ofiary", caption = "Źródło: Eurostat") + } + }, width = 800, height = 700) + + output$info <- renderText({ + "Test" + }) + +}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d126c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui.R @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +library(shiny) +library(markdown) +library(tidyverse) +library(dplyr) +library(shinycssloaders) +library(shinythemes) + +shinyUI(navbarPage( + theme = shinytheme("flatly"), + "Wypadki w UE", + tabPanel( + "Dane ogólne", + pageWithSidebar( + headerPanel("Ofiary śmiertelne wypadków drogowych w UE"), + + sidebarPanel( + selectInput( + "year", + "Rok:", + list( + "2000" = "2000", + "2001" = "2001", + "2002" = "2002", + "2003" = "2003", + "2004" = "2004", + "2005" = "2005", + "2006" = "2006", + "2007" = "2007", + "2008" = "2008", + "2009" = "2009", + "2010" = "2010", + "2011" = "2011", + "2012" = "2012", + "2013" = "2013", + "2014" = "2014", + "2015" = "2015", + "2016" = "2016", + "2017" = "2017", + "2018" = "2018" + ) + ), + checkboxInput("factor", "w przeliczeniu na 100 tys. mieszkańców", TRUE) + ), + + mainPanel(tabsetPanel( + tabPanel("Wykres", plotOutput("roadAccidentsPlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")), + tabPanel("Mapa", plotOutput("mapPlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")) + )) + ) + ), + tabPanel( + "Dane wg pojazdu", + pageWithSidebar( + headerPanel("Ofiary śmiertelne wypadków drogowych w UE wg pojazdu"), + + sidebarPanel( + selectInput( + "vehYear", + "Rok:", + list( + "2000" = "2000", + "2001" = "2001", + "2002" = "2002", + "2003" = "2003", + "2004" = "2004", + "2005" = "2005", + "2006" = "2006", + "2007" = "2007", + "2008" = "2008", + "2009" = "2009", + "2010" = "2010", + "2011" = "2011", + "2012" = "2012", + "2013" = "2013", + "2014" = "2014", + "2015" = "2015", + "2016" = "2016", + "2017" = "2017", + "2018" = "2018" + ) + ), + selectInput( + "vehicle", + "Rodzaj pojazdu:", + list( + "Samochód osobowy" = "CAR", + "Rower" = "BIKE", + "Bus" = "BUS", + "Ciężarówka > 3.5 tony" = "VG_GT3P5", + "Pojazd ostawczy <= 3.5 tony" = "VG_LE3P5" + ) + ) + ), + + mainPanel(tabsetPanel( + tabPanel("Wykres", plotOutput("roadAccidentsByVehiclePlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")), + tabPanel("Mapa", plotOutput("mapByVehiclePlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")) + )) + ) + ), + tabPanel( + "Dane wg użytkowników dróg", + pageWithSidebar( + headerPanel("Ofiary śmiertelne wypadków drogowych w UE wg użytkowników dróg"), + + sidebarPanel( + selectInput( + "userYear", + "Rok:", + list( + "2000" = "2000", + "2001" = "2001", + "2002" = "2002", + "2003" = "2003", + "2004" = "2004", + "2005" = "2005", + "2006" = "2006", + "2007" = "2007", + "2008" = "2008", + "2009" = "2009", + "2010" = "2010", + "2011" = "2011", + "2012" = "2012", + "2013" = "2013", + "2014" = "2014", + "2015" = "2015", + "2016" = "2016", + "2017" = "2017", + "2018" = "2018" + ) + ), + selectInput( + "user", + "Typ użytkownika:", + list( + "Piesi" = "PED", + "Kierujący" = "DRIV", + "Pasażerowie" = "PAS" + ) + ) + ), + + mainPanel(tabsetPanel( + tabPanel("Wykres", plotOutput("roadAccidentsByUserPlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")), + tabPanel("Mapa", plotOutput("mapByUserPlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")) + )) + ) + ), + tabPanel( + "Dane wg rodzaju dróg", + pageWithSidebar( + headerPanel("Ofiary śmiertelne wypadków drogowych w UE wg rodzaju dróg"), + + sidebarPanel( + selectInput( + "roadTypeYear", + "Rok:", + list( + "2000" = "2000", + "2001" = "2001", + "2002" = "2002", + "2003" = "2003", + "2004" = "2004", + "2005" = "2005", + "2006" = "2006", + "2007" = "2007", + "2008" = "2008", + "2009" = "2009", + "2010" = "2010", + "2011" = "2011", + "2012" = "2012", + "2013" = "2013", + "2014" = "2014", + "2015" = "2015", + "2016" = "2016", + "2017" = "2017", + "2018" = "2018" + ) + ), + selectInput( + "roadType", + "Typ drogi:", + list( + "Autostrada" = "MWAY", + "Teren zabudowany" = "RD_URB", + "Droga wiejska" = "RD_RUR" + ) + ) + ), + + mainPanel(tabsetPanel( + tabPanel("Wykres", plotOutput("roadAccidentsByRoadTypePlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")), + tabPanel("Mapa", plotOutput("mapByRoadTypePlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")) + )) + ) + ), + tabPanel( + "Trend", + pageWithSidebar( + headerPanel("Ofiary śmiertelne wypadków drogowych w UE w latach 2000-2018"), + + sidebarPanel( + checkboxGroupInput("countries", label = h3("Wybierz państwa:"), + choices = list("Polska" = "PL", + "Niemcy" = "DE", + "Francja" = "FR", + "Wielka Brytania" = "UK", + "Hiszpania" = "ES", + "Szwecja" = "SE", + "Włochy" = "IT", + "Austria" = "AT", + "Portugalia" = "PT"), + selected = "PL"), + checkboxInput("timeChangefactor", "w przeliczeniu na 100 tys. mieszkańców", TRUE) + ), + + mainPanel(plotOutput("timeChangePlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")) + ) + ), + tabPanel( + "NUTS-2", + pageWithSidebar( + headerPanel("Ofiary wypadków drogowych w UE wg podziału NUTS-2"), + + sidebarPanel( + selectInput( + "nutsYear", + "Rok:", + list( + "2000" = "2000", + "2001" = "2001", + "2002" = "2002", + "2003" = "2003", + "2004" = "2004", + "2005" = "2005", + "2006" = "2006", + "2007" = "2007", + "2008" = "2008", + "2009" = "2009", + "2010" = "2010", + "2011" = "2011", + "2012" = "2012", + "2013" = "2013", + "2014" = "2014", + "2015" = "2015", + "2016" = "2016", + "2017" = "2017", + "2018" = "2018" + ) + ), + selectInput( + "victimType", + "Rodzaj ofiary:", + list( + "Zabici" = "KIL", + "Ranni" = "INJ" + ) + ), + checkboxInput("nutsfactor", "w przeliczenia na 1 mln. mieszkańców", TRUE) + ), + + mainPanel(plotOutput("nutsPlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")) + ) + ), + tabPanel( + "Niemcy", + pageWithSidebar( + headerPanel("Ofiary wypadków drogowych w RFN"), + + sidebarPanel( + selectInput( + "germanyYear", + "Rok:", + list( + "2000" = "2000", + "2001" = "2001", + "2002" = "2002", + "2003" = "2003", + "2004" = "2004", + "2005" = "2005", + "2006" = "2006", + "2007" = "2007", + "2008" = "2008", + "2009" = "2009", + "2010" = "2010", + "2011" = "2011", + "2012" = "2012", + "2013" = "2013", + "2014" = "2014", + "2015" = "2015", + "2016" = "2016", + "2017" = "2017", + "2018" = "2018" + ) + ), + selectInput( + "germanyVictimType", + "Rodzaj ofiary:", + list( + "Zabici" = "KIL", + "Ranni" = "INJ" + ) + ), + checkboxInput("germanyFactor", "w przeliczenia na 1 mln. mieszkańców", TRUE), + checkboxInput("ddrBorder", "historyczne granice NRD", FALSE) + ), + + mainPanel(plotOutput("germanyPlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")) + ) + ), + tabPanel( + "O programie", + fluidPage( + fluidRow( + column(2, strong("Autor:")), + column(4, strong("Maciej Karczewski")) + ), + fluidRow( + column(2, strong("Projekt:")), + column(4, strong("Wypadki drogowe w UE")) + ), + fluidRow( + column(2, strong("Przedmiot:")), + column(4, strong("Interaktywne wizualizacje w analizie biznesowej")) + ), + fluidRow( + column(2, strong("Źródło danych:")), + column(4, strong("Eurostat")) + )) + + ) +)) \ No newline at end of file