"""Common templates used between pages in the app.""" from __future__ import annotations from blurme import styles from blurme.components.sidebar import sidebar from typing import Callable import reflex as rx # Meta tags for the app. default_meta = [ { "name": "viewport", "content": "width=device-width, shrink-to-fit=no, initial-scale=1", }, ] def menu_button() -> rx.Component: """The menu button on the top right of the page. Returns: The menu button component. """ from reflex.page import get_decorated_pages return rx.box( rx.menu( rx.menu_button( rx.icon( tag="hamburger", size="4em", color=styles.text_color, ), ), rx.menu_list( *[ rx.menu_item( rx.link( page["title"], href=page["route"], width="100%", ) ) for page in get_decorated_pages() ], rx.menu_divider(), rx.menu_item( rx.link("About", href="/about", width="100%") ), rx.menu_item( rx.link("Contact", href="mailto:founders@=reflex.dev", width="100%") ), ), ), position="fixed", right="1.5em", top="1.5em", z_index="500", ) def template( route: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, image: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, meta: str | None = None, script_tags: list[rx.Component] | None = None, on_load: rx.event.EventHandler | list[rx.event.EventHandler] | None = None, ) -> Callable[[Callable[[], rx.Component]], rx.Component]: """The template for each page of the app. Args: route: The route to reach the page. title: The title of the page. image: The favicon of the page. description: The description of the page. meta: Additionnal meta to add to the page. on_load: The event handler(s) called when the page load. script_tags: Scripts to attach to the page. Returns: The template with the page content. """ def decorator(page_content: Callable[[], rx.Component]) -> rx.Component: """The template for each page of the app. Args: page_content: The content of the page. Returns: The template with the page content. """ # Get the meta tags for the page. all_meta = [*default_meta, *(meta or [])] @rx.page( route=route, title=title, image=image, description=description, meta=all_meta, script_tags=script_tags, on_load=on_load, ) def templated_page(): return rx.hstack( sidebar(), rx.box( rx.box( page_content(), **styles.template_content_style, ), **styles.template_page_style, ), menu_button(), align_items="flex-start", transition="left 0.5s, width 0.5s", position="relative", ) return templated_page return decorator