183 lines
6.9 KiB
183 lines
6.9 KiB
import { Fragment, useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
import { useRouter } from "next/router"
import { Event, getAllLocalStorageItems, getRefValue, getRefValues, isTrue, preventDefault, refs, spreadArraysOrObjects, uploadFiles, useEventLoop } from "/utils/state"
import { ColorModeContext, EventLoopContext, initialEvents, StateContext } from "/utils/context.js"
import "focus-visible/dist/focus-visible"
import { Box, Heading, HStack, Image, Link, Menu, MenuButton, MenuDivider, MenuItem, MenuList, Modal, ModalBody, ModalContent, ModalHeader, ModalOverlay, Spacer, Text, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react"
import { getEventURL } from "/utils/state.js"
import NextLink from "next/link"
import { HamburgerIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"
import NextHead from "next/head"
export default function Component() {
const state = useContext(StateContext)
const router = useRouter()
const [ colorMode, toggleColorMode ] = useContext(ColorModeContext)
const focusRef = useRef();
// Main event loop.
const [addEvents, connectError] = useContext(EventLoopContext)
// Set focus to the specified element.
useEffect(() => {
if (focusRef.current) {
// Route after the initial page hydration.
useEffect(() => {
const change_complete = () => addEvents(initialEvents())
router.events.on('routeChangeComplete', change_complete)
return () => {
router.events.off('routeChangeComplete', change_complete)
}, [router])
return (
{isTrue(connectError !== null) ? (
<Modal isOpen={connectError !== null}>
{`Connection Error`}
{`Cannot connect to server: `}
{(connectError !== null) ? connectError.message : ''}
{`. Check if server is reachable at `}
) : (
<HStack alignItems={`flex-start`} sx={{"transition": "left 0.5s, width 0.5s", "position": "relative"}}>
<Box sx={{"display": ["none", "none", "block"], "minWidth": "20em", "height": "100%", "position": "sticky", "top": "0px", "borderRight": "1px solid #F4F3F6"}}>
<VStack sx={{"height": "100em"}}>
<HStack sx={{"width": "100%", "borderBottom": "1px solid #F4F3F6", "padding": "1em"}}>
<Image src={`/icon.png`} sx={{"height": "4.5em"}}/>
<VStack alignItems={`flex-start`} sx={{"width": "100%", "overflowY": "auto", "padding": "1em"}}>
<Link as={NextLink} href={`/`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
<HStack sx={{"bg": isTrue((state.router.page.path === "/strona g\\u0142\\u00f3wna") || (((state.router.page.path === "/") && "Strona g\\u0142\\u00f3wna") === "Home")) ? `#fff0f7` : `transparent`, "color": isTrue((state.router.page.path === "/strona g\\u0142\\u00f3wna") || (((state.router.page.path === "/") && "Strona g\\u0142\\u00f3wna") === "Home")) ? `#1A1060` : `black`, "borderRadius": "0.375rem", "boxShadow": "0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(84, 82, 95, 0.14)", "width": "100%", "paddingX": "1.3em", "height": "2.5em"}}>
<Image src={`/home-icon.png`} sx={{"height": "2.5em", "padding": "0.5em"}}/>
{`Strona główna`}
<Link as={NextLink} href={`/dashboard`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
<HStack sx={{"bg": isTrue((state.router.page.path === "/kontakt") || (((state.router.page.path === "/") && "Kontakt") === "Home")) ? `#fff0f7` : `transparent`, "color": isTrue((state.router.page.path === "/kontakt") || (((state.router.page.path === "/") && "Kontakt") === "Home")) ? `#1A1060` : `black`, "borderRadius": "0.375rem", "boxShadow": "0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(84, 82, 95, 0.14)", "width": "100%", "paddingX": "1.3em", "height": "2.5em"}}>
<Image src={`/contact-icon.png`} sx={{"height": "2.5em", "padding": "0.5em"}}/>
<Link as={NextLink} href={`/settings`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
<HStack sx={{"bg": isTrue((state.router.page.path === "/zdj\\u0119cie") || (((state.router.page.path === "/") && "Zdj\\u0119cie") === "Home")) ? `#fff0f7` : `transparent`, "color": isTrue((state.router.page.path === "/zdj\\u0119cie") || (((state.router.page.path === "/") && "Zdj\\u0119cie") === "Home")) ? `#1A1060` : `black`, "borderRadius": "0.375rem", "boxShadow": "0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(84, 82, 95, 0.14)", "width": "100%", "paddingX": "1.3em", "height": "2.5em"}}>
<Image src={`/image-icon.png`} sx={{"height": "2.5em", "padding": "0.5em"}}/>
<Box sx={{"paddingTop": "5em", "paddingX": ["auto", "2em"], "flex": "1"}}>
<Box sx={{"alignItems": "flex-start", "boxShadow": "0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(84, 82, 95, 0.14)", "borderRadius": "0.375rem", "padding": "1em", "marginBottom": "2em"}}>
<Heading sx={{"fontSize": "3em"}}>
{`Witaj na stronie Kontaktowej w aplikacji BlurMe!`}
{`Jesteśmy dostępni dla Ciebie na różnych platformach. Skontaktuj się z nami, gdy tylko masz pytania, sugestie lub po prostu chcesz porozmawiać o naszej aplikacji.`}
<Heading sx={{"level": 3}}>
{`Zapraszamy do napisania do nas na adres: contact@blurme.com`}
<Heading sx={{"level": 3}}>
{`Możesz także zadzwonić pod numer: +48 123 456 789`}
<Heading sx={{"level": 3}}>
{`Media Społecznościowe:`}
{`Odwiedź nas na Facebooku, Twitterze i Instagramie @BlurMeApp`}
<Box sx={{"position": "fixed", "right": "1.5em", "top": "1.5em", "zIndex": "500"}}>
<MenuButton sx={{"width": "3em", "height": "3em", "backgroundColor": "white", "border": "1px solid #F4F3F6", "borderRadius": "0.375rem"}}>
<HamburgerIcon sx={{"size": "4em", "color": "black"}}/>
<MenuItem sx={{"_hover": {"bg": "#fff0f7"}}}>
<Link as={NextLink} href={`/`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
{`Strona główna`}
<MenuItem sx={{"_hover": {"bg": "#fff0f7"}}}>
<Link as={NextLink} href={`/dashboard`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
<MenuItem sx={{"_hover": {"bg": "#fff0f7"}}}>
<Link as={NextLink} href={`/settings`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
<MenuItem sx={{"_hover": {"bg": "#fff0f7"}}}>
<Link as={NextLink} href={`/about`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
<MenuItem sx={{"_hover": {"bg": "#fff0f7"}}}>
<Link as={NextLink} href={`mailto:founders@=reflex.dev`} sx={{"width": "100%"}}>
<meta content={`A Reflex app.`} name={`description`}/>
<meta content={`/contact-icon.png`} property={`og:image`}/>
<meta content={`width=device-width, shrink-to-fit=no, initial-scale=1`} name={`viewport`}/>