
106 lines
3.5 KiB

using Microsoft.Owin;
using Owin;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using AutoMapper;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using System.Configuration;
[assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(WebApplication5.Startup))]
namespace WebApplication5
public partial class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
//configure auto mapper
public static class IocConfiguration
public static void Configure()
var services = new ServiceCollection();
#region AutoMapper
services.AddAutoMapper(new Assembly[] { typeof(AutoMapperProfile).GetTypeInfo().Assembly });
services.AddScoped(_ =>
new TestsDbContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString)
services.AddSingleton(_ => new Writer.WriterPDF());
.Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
.Where(t => typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(t)
|| t.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
var resolver = new DefaultDependencyResolver(services.BuildServiceProvider());
// Set the application resolver to our default resolver. This comes from "System.Web.Mvc"
//Other services may be added elsewhere through time
public class DefaultDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver
/// <summary>
/// Provides the service that holds the services
/// </summary>
protected IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Create the service resolver using the service provided (Direct Injection pattern)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceProvider"></param>
public DefaultDependencyResolver(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Get a service by type - assume you get the first one encountered
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return this.serviceProvider.GetService(serviceType);
/// <summary>
/// Get all services of a type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
return this.serviceProvider.GetServices(serviceType);
public static class ServiceProviderExtensions
public static IServiceCollection AddControllersAsServices(this IServiceCollection services, IEnumerable<Type> serviceTypes)
foreach (var type in serviceTypes)
return services;