from flask import Flask, render_template, request, make_response, jsonify import os from get_utterances import Utterance import redis import pickle import re app = Flask(__name__) r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) def log(msg): with open('/tmp/tmp', 'w') as f: print(msg, f, flush=True) def load_utterances(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: utterances = pickle.load(f) return utterances utterances = load_utterances( '/home/siulkilulki/gitrepos/mass-scraper/utterances.pkl') UTT_SCORES = 'utterance-scores' # log(utterances[0:2]) #initialize_redis_db # r.flushdb() # status = None status = r.get('status') if status: status = status.decode('utf-8') else: r.flushdb() if status != 'filled': log('filling status') for i in range(len(utterances)): r.zadd(UTT_SCORES, 0, str(i)) r.set('status', 'filled') status = 'filled' def get_next(): index = int(r.zrangebyscore(UTT_SCORES, '-inf', 'inf')[1]) left_context = utterances[index]['prefix'].replace('\n', '
') hour = utterances[index]['hour'].replace('\n', '
') right_context = ' '.join( utterances[index]['suffix'].split(' ')[:10]).replace('\n', '
') # log('get_next index: {}, score: {}'.format(index, # r.zscore(UTT_SCORES, index))) return index, left_context, hour, right_context def get_next_response(cookie_hash): index, left_context, hour, right_context = get_next() resp = jsonify( index=index, left_context=left_context, hour=hour, right_context=right_context) if cookie_hash: resp.set_cookie('cookie-hash', cookie_hash, max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 90) return resp def get_by_index(index): left_context = utterances[index]['prefix'].replace('\n', '
') hour = utterances[index]['hour'].replace('\n', '
') right_context = ' '.join( utterances[index]['suffix'].split(' ')[:10]).replace('\n', '
') # log('get_next index: {}, score: {}'.format(index, # r.zscore(UTT_SCORES, index))) return index, left_context, hour, right_context def get_response_by_index(index, cookie_hash): index, left_context, hour, right_context = get_by_index(index) resp = jsonify( index=index, left_context=left_context, hour=hour, right_context=right_context) if cookie_hash: resp.set_cookie('cookie-hash', cookie_hash, max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 90) return resp def annotate_redis(yesno, index): cookie_hash = request.cookies.get('cookie-hash') if not cookie_hash: return None annotation = r.get('{}:{}'.format( cookie_hash, index)) # previous annotation of utterance by that user if annotation: log('!!!!!!!!!!!') log(annotation) str_index = int(annotation.decode('utf-8').split(':')[1]) log(str_index) r.setrange(index, str_index, yesno) #sets str_index to yesno value else: # before = r.zscore(UTT_SCORES, index) r.zincrby(UTT_SCORES, index) # log('incrementing index {}, before_val: {}, value: {}'.format( # index, before, r.zscore(UTT_SCORES, index))) str_index = r.append(index, yesno) - 1 r.set('{}:{}'.format(cookie_hash, index), '{}:{}'.format(yesno, str_index)) r.lpush(cookie_hash, '{}:{}:{}'.format(yesno, index, str_index)) return cookie_hash def set_cookie(js_hash): # dodawać nowe js_hash do listy z key bedacym cookie_hash old_cookie_hash = None cookie_hash = request.cookies.get('cookie-hash') if not cookie_hash: old_cookie_hash = r.get(js_hash) if not old_cookie_hash: cookie_hash = str( int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), byteorder='little')) r.set(js_hash, cookie_hash, nx=True) else: cookie_hash = str(old_cookie_hash) log('old_cookie: {}, cookie: {}'.format(old_cookie_hash, cookie_hash)) return cookie_hash def http_post(request): index = str(request.form.get('index')) action = request.form['action'] js_hash = request.form['hash'] log(request.form) log(f'action: {action}') if action == 'get': cookie_hash = set_cookie(js_hash) return get_next_response(cookie_hash) elif action == 'undo': cookie_hash = request.cookies.get('cookie-hash') if cookie_hash: last_action = r.lpop(cookie_hash) if last_action: index = int(last_action.decode('utf-8').split(':')[1]) return get_response_by_index(index, cookie_hash) # if no cookie-hash or action list is empty return None elif action == 'yes': cookie_hash = annotate_redis('y', index) if cookie_hash: return get_next_response(cookie_hash) elif action == 'no': cookie_hash = annotate_redis('n', index) if cookie_hash: return get_next_response(cookie_hash) def http_get(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def root(): if request.method == 'POST': return http_post(request) else: return http_get() if __name__ == "__main__":'', debug=True)