#!/usr/bin/env python3 from colorama import Fore, Back, Style import os import jsonlines import re import pprint class Extractor: def __init__(self, page): "docstring" self.page = page self.content = page['content'] self.header = self.wrap_with_name_group( 'header', 'porządek mszy (świętych|św|św\.)|msz[ea][ \n]+([śs]wi[eę]t[ea]|św|św\.)' ) self.sunday_title = self.wrap_with_name_group( 'sunday_title', 'niedziel[a|e][ \n]+i[ \n]+(dni[ \n]+(świąteczne|św|św\.)|święta)' '|niedziel[ea]' '|porządek świąteczny') #'|święta' self.sunday_masses = self.wrap_with_name_group( 'sunday_masses', '.*[^\d]\d{1,2}[^\d].*?') self.everyday_title = self.wrap_with_name_group( 'everyday_title', 'dzień powszedni' '|dni powszednie' '|w tygodniu' '|porządek zwykły' '|od poniedziałku do soboty') self.everyday_masses = self.wrap_with_name_group( 'everyday_masses', '(.*?[^\d\n]?\d{1,2}[^\d\n]?.*?\n)+') # \n lub koniec stringa def wrap_with_name_group(self, name, pattern): return '(?P<{}>{})'.format(name, pattern) def extract(self, search_space=None): if not search_space: search_space = self.content header_match = re.search(self.header, search_space, re.I) if not header_match: return None search_space = search_space[header_match.end():] sunday_title_match = re.search(self.sunday_title, search_space, re.I) if not sunday_title_match: return None if re.search(self.header, search_space[:sunday_title_match.start()], re.I): # found header closer to sunday title return self.extract(search_space) if sunday_title_match.start() > 50: return self.extract(search_space[sunday_title_match.end()]) everyday_title_match = re.search(self.everyday_title, search_space, re.I) if not everyday_title_match: return None sunday_masses_hours = search_space[sunday_title_match.end(): everyday_title_match.start()] if not re.search(self.sunday_masses, sunday_masses_hours, re.DOTALL | re.I): return None if len(sunday_masses_hours) > 500: return self.extract(search_space[sunday_title_match.end():]) everyday_masses_match = re.search( self.everyday_masses, search_space[everyday_title_match.end():], re.I) if not everyday_masses_match: return None if everyday_masses_match.start() > 150: return self.extract(search_space[sunday_title_match.end():]) whole_result = header_match.group( 0) + search_space[:everyday_masses_match.end() + everyday_title_match.end()] groups = (header_match.group(0), sunday_title_match.group(0), sunday_masses_hours, everyday_title_match.group(0), everyday_masses_match.group(0)) # print(whole_result) # print(groups) # obsłużyć # TODO: # w dni powszednie (w roku szkolnym) - górny kościół # 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 18:00 # w dni powszednie (czas wakacji) - górny kościół # 7:00, 8:00, 18:00 print('url: {}\ndepth: {}\nbutton: {}'.format(self.page[ 'url'], self.page['depth'], self.page['button_text'])) return whole_result, groups def process_directory(directory): found = 0 not_found = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for fname in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, fname) if os.path.getsize(filepath) > 0: with jsonlines.open(filepath) as reader: # print(filepath) if process_parish(reader): found += 1 else: not_found += 1 # print('found: {}\nnot_found: {}'.format(found, not_found)) else: pass # empty file def color_match(whole_match, groups, background, colors, style): for i in range(len(groups)): whole_match = whole_match.replace( groups[i], colors[i] + background + style + groups[i] + Style.RESET_ALL + background + style, 1) return whole_match + Style.RESET_ALL def process_parish(reader): for page in sorted(reader, key=lambda x: x['depth']): #sort by depth extractor = Extractor(page) result = extractor.extract() if result: whole_result, groups = result if whole_result not in page['content']: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() pretty_text = page['content'].replace( whole_result, color_match(whole_result, groups, Back.BLACK, [ Fore.RED, Fore.GREEN, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.CYAN ], Style.BRIGHT)) print(pretty_text) import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() return True else: return False # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() pass def main(): process_directory('./parishwebsites/data-final') if __name__ == '__main__': main()