siulkilulki e9c4dcd743 Tune download settings. Enable dummy cache with 7 days of expiration.
Fix generating spiider commands.
Add redirected domain appenid to allowed domains.
Configure loggers.
Add more meta info to *processed.txt
Enhance view raw data python jsnoline viewer
2018-04-15 12:17:35 +02:00

34 lines
1.1 KiB

SHELL := /bin/bash
PREPARE_ENVIRONMENT := $(shell ./ > /tmp/makeenv)
include /tmp/makeenv
JOBS := 100
.PHONY: all update data clean clean-data clean-cache
all: data
data: parishwebsites/spider-commands.txt parishwebsites/domain-blacklist.txt
rm -f parishwebsites/*processed.txt
cd parishwebsites && parallel --jobs $(JOBS) < spider-commands.txt
parishwebsites/spider-commands.txt: parishes-with-urls.tsv parishwebsites/domain-blacklist.txt
cut -f3 $< | tail -n +2 | grep http | parishwebsites/ | sort -u | parishwebsites/ $(word 2,$^) > $@
parishes-with-urls.tsv: apikey.txt parishes-deon.tsv scraper/
scraper/ -a $< -p $(word 2,$^) >> $@ 2> get-parishes-urls.log
parishes-deon.tsv: scraper/
scraper/ > $@ 2> crawl-deon.log
update: environment.yml
conda env update -f $<
rm -rf parishes-deon.tsv parishes-with-urls.tsv spider-commands.txt
rm -rf parishwebsites/{data,processed.txt,crawler-log.txt}
rm -rf parishwebsites/.scrapy/httpcache