This commit is contained in:
Izabela Kosmala 2017-11-17 12:18:40 +01:00
parent 5fe3b73807
commit 1cfe6bc09a
3 changed files with 215 additions and 206 deletions

View File

@ -1,201 +1,202 @@
-100 -100 98000001 x y
-99 -99 94119004 -100.00 9999.00
-98 -98 90354433 -99.00 9800.00
-97 -97 86703936 -98.00 9603.00
-96 -96 83165185 -97.00 9408.00
-95 -95 79735876 -96.00 9215.00
-94 -94 76413729 -95.00 9024.00
-93 -93 73196488 -94.00 8835.00
-92 -92 70081921 -93.00 8648.00
-91 -91 67067820 -92.00 8463.00
-90 -90 64152001 -91.00 8280.00
-89 -89 61332304 -90.00 8099.00
-88 -88 58606593 -89.00 7920.00
-87 -87 55972756 -88.00 7743.00
-86 -86 53428705 -87.00 7568.00
-85 -85 50972376 -86.00 7395.00
-84 -84 48601729 -85.00 7224.00
-83 -83 46314748 -84.00 7055.00
-82 -82 44109441 -83.00 6888.00
-81 -81 41983840 -82.00 6723.00
-80 -80 39936001 -81.00 6560.00
-79 -79 37964004 -80.00 6399.00
-78 -78 36065953 -79.00 6240.00
-77 -77 34239976 -78.00 6083.00
-76 -76 32484225 -77.00 5928.00
-75 -75 30796876 -76.00 5775.00
-74 -74 29176129 -75.00 5624.00
-73 -73 27620208 -74.00 5475.00
-72 -72 26127361 -73.00 5328.00
-71 -71 24695860 -72.00 5183.00
-70 -70 23324001 -71.00 5040.00
-69 -69 22010104 -70.00 4899.00
-68 -68 20752513 -69.00 4760.00
-67 -67 19549596 -68.00 4623.00
-66 -66 18399745 -67.00 4488.00
-65 -65 17301376 -66.00 4355.00
-64 -64 16252929 -65.00 4224.00
-63 -63 15252868 -64.00 4095.00
-62 -62 14299681 -63.00 3968.00
-61 -61 13391880 -62.00 3843.00
-60 -60 12528001 -61.00 3720.00
-59 -59 11706604 -60.00 3599.00
-58 -58 10926273 -59.00 3480.00
-57 -57 10185616 -58.00 3363.00
-56 -56 9483265 -57.00 3248.00
-55 -55 8817876 -56.00 3135.00
-54 -54 8188129 -55.00 3024.00
-53 -53 7592728 -54.00 2915.00
-52 -52 7030401 -53.00 2808.00
-51 -51 6499900 -52.00 2703.00
-50 -50 6000001 -51.00 2600.00
-49 -49 5529504 -50.00 2499.00
-48 -48 5087233 -49.00 2400.00
-47 -47 4672036 -48.00 2303.00
-46 -46 4282785 -47.00 2208.00
-45 -45 3918376 -46.00 2115.00
-44 -44 3577729 -45.00 2024.00
-43 -43 3259788 -44.00 1935.00
-42 -42 2963521 -43.00 1848.00
-41 -41 2687920 -42.00 1763.00
-40 -40 2432001 -41.00 1680.00
-39 -39 2194804 -40.00 1599.00
-38 -38 1975393 -39.00 1520.00
-37 -37 1772856 -38.00 1443.00
-36 -36 1586305 -37.00 1368.00
-35 -35 1414876 -36.00 1295.00
-34 -34 1257729 -35.00 1224.00
-33 -33 1114048 -34.00 1155.00
-32 -32 983041 -33.00 1088.00
-31 -31 863940 -32.00 1023.00
-30 -30 756001 -31.00 960.00
-29 -29 658504 -30.00 899.00
-28 -28 570753 -29.00 840.00
-27 -27 492076 -28.00 783.00
-26 -26 421825 -27.00 728.00
-25 -25 359376 -26.00 675.00
-24 -24 304129 -25.00 624.00
-23 -23 255508 -24.00 575.00
-22 -22 212961 -23.00 528.00
-21 -21 175960 -22.00 483.00
-20 -20 144001 -21.00 440.00
-19 -19 116604 -20.00 399.00
-18 -18 93313 -19.00 360.00
-17 -17 73696 -18.00 323.00
-16 -16 57345 -17.00 288.00
-15 -15 43876 -16.00 255.00
-14 -14 32929 -15.00 224.00
-13 -13 24168 -14.00 195.00
-12 -12 17281 -13.00 168.00
-11 -11 11980 -12.00 143.00
-10 -10 8001 -11.00 120.00
-9 -9 5104 -10.00 99.00
-8 -8 3073 -9.00 80.00
-7 -7 1716 -8.00 63.00
-6 -6 865 -7.00 48.00
-5 -5 376 -6.00 35.00
-4 -4 129 -5.00 24.00
-3 -3 28 -4.00 15.00
-2 -2 1 -3.00 8.00
-1 -1 0 -2.00 3.00
0 0 1 -1.00 0.00
1 1 4 0.00 -1.00
2 2 33 1.00 0.00
3 3 136 2.00 3.00
4 4 385 3.00 8.00
5 5 876 4.00 15.00
6 6 1729 5.00 24.00
7 7 3088 6.00 35.00
8 8 5121 7.00 48.00
9 9 8020 8.00 63.00
10 10 12001 9.00 80.00
11 11 17304 10.00 99.00
12 12 24193 11.00 120.00
13 13 32956 12.00 143.00
14 14 43905 13.00 168.00
15 15 57376 14.00 195.00
16 16 73729 15.00 224.00
17 17 93348 16.00 255.00
18 18 116641 17.00 288.00
19 19 144040 18.00 323.00
20 20 176001 19.00 360.00
21 21 213004 20.00 399.00
22 22 255553 21.00 440.00
23 23 304176 22.00 483.00
24 24 359425 23.00 528.00
25 25 421876 24.00 575.00
26 26 492129 25.00 624.00
27 27 570808 26.00 675.00
28 28 658561 27.00 728.00
29 29 756060 28.00 783.00
30 30 864001 29.00 840.00
31 31 983104 30.00 899.00
32 32 1114113 31.00 960.00
33 33 1257796 32.00 1023.00
34 34 1414945 33.00 1088.00
35 35 1586376 34.00 1155.00
36 36 1772929 35.00 1224.00
37 37 1975468 36.00 1295.00
38 38 2194881 37.00 1368.00
39 39 2432080 38.00 1443.00
40 40 2688001 39.00 1520.00
41 41 2963604 40.00 1599.00
42 42 3259873 41.00 1680.00
43 43 3577816 42.00 1763.00
44 44 3918465 43.00 1848.00
45 45 4282876 44.00 1935.00
46 46 4672129 45.00 2024.00
47 47 5087328 46.00 2115.00
48 48 5529601 47.00 2208.00
49 49 6000100 48.00 2303.00
50 50 6500001 49.00 2400.00
51 51 7030504 50.00 2499.00
52 52 7592833 51.00 2600.00
53 53 8188236 52.00 2703.00
54 54 8817985 53.00 2808.00
55 55 9483376 54.00 2915.00
56 56 10185729 55.00 3024.00
57 57 10926388 56.00 3135.00
58 58 11706721 57.00 3248.00
59 59 12528120 58.00 3363.00
60 60 13392001 59.00 3480.00
61 61 14299804 60.00 3599.00
62 62 15252993 61.00 3720.00
63 63 16253056 62.00 3843.00
64 64 17301505 63.00 3968.00
65 65 18399876 64.00 4095.00
66 66 19549729 65.00 4224.00
67 67 20752648 66.00 4355.00
68 68 22010241 67.00 4488.00
69 69 23324140 68.00 4623.00
70 70 24696001 69.00 4760.00
71 71 26127504 70.00 4899.00
72 72 27620353 71.00 5040.00
73 73 29176276 72.00 5183.00
74 74 30797025 73.00 5328.00
75 75 32484376 74.00 5475.00
76 76 34240129 75.00 5624.00
77 77 36066108 76.00 5775.00
78 78 37964161 77.00 5928.00
79 79 39936160 78.00 6083.00
80 80 41984001 79.00 6240.00
81 81 44109604 80.00 6399.00
82 82 46314913 81.00 6560.00
83 83 48601896 82.00 6723.00
84 84 50972545 83.00 6888.00
85 85 53428876 84.00 7055.00
86 86 55972929 85.00 7224.00
87 87 58606768 86.00 7395.00
88 88 61332481 87.00 7568.00
89 89 64152180 88.00 7743.00
90 90 67068001 89.00 7920.00
91 91 70082104 90.00 8099.00
92 92 73196673 91.00 8280.00
93 93 76413916 92.00 8463.00
94 94 79736065 93.00 8648.00
95 95 83165376 94.00 8835.00
96 96 86704129 95.00 9024.00
97 97 90354628 96.00 9215.00
98 98 94119201 97.00 9408.00
99 99 98000200 98.00 9603.00
100 100 102000001 99.00 9800.00
100.00 9999.00

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
\usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{amsthm}
\usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikz}
\usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{pgfplots}
\newtheorem{tw}{Twierdzenie} \newtheorem{tw}{Twierdzenie}
%\theoremstyle{definition} %\theoremstyle{definition}
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ title={Wykres funkcji \(x\mapsto x^2-2x+3\)}
\begin{frame}{\( x\mapsto\sin \tfrac{1}{x}\)} \begin{frame}{\( x\mapsto\sin \tfrac{1}{x}\)}
\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{tikzpicture}
\begin{axis}[] \begin{axis}[]
\addplot[smooth] gnuplot[raw gnuplot ]{ \addplot[smooth] gnuplot[raw gnuplot]{
plot[-10:10] sin(1/x) plot[-10:10] sin(1/x)
}; };
\end{axis} \end{axis}
@ -82,15 +83,22 @@ plot[-10:10] sin(1/x)
\end{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{\((x,y)\mapsto x^2y^2 + 2 x y ^2+1\)}
\begin{frame}{\((x,y)\mapsto x^2-y^2 + 2 x y ^2+1\)}
\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{tikzpicture}
\begin{axis}[colorbar] \begin{axis}[colorbar]
\addplot3[surf] \addplot3[surf,domain=-360:360,samples=50]{x^2-y^2+2*x*y^2+1};
table[] {"Book1.dat"};
\end{axis} \end{axis}
\end{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
\begin{frame}{\((x,y)\mapsto x^2-1\)}
\addplot[] table[] {Book1.dat};
\end{frame} \end{frame}
\end{document} \end{document}