Zadanie 12

This commit is contained in:
Jarosław Wieczorek 2021-04-15 23:48:37 +02:00
parent 87f95e8e34
commit d264b6070d
3 changed files with 290 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#include "corner_harris.h"
#include "blur_gaussian.h"
#include "conversion_grayscale.h"
#include "edge_sobel.h"
CornerHarris::CornerHarris(PNM* img) :
CornerHarris::CornerHarris(PNM* img, ImageViewer* iv) :
Convolution(img, iv)
PNM* CornerHarris::transform()
int threshold = getParameter("threshold").toInt();
double sigma = getParameter("sigma").toDouble();
double sigma_weight = getParameter("sigma_weight").toDouble();
double k_param = getParameter("k").toDouble();
int width = image->width();
int height = image->height();
PNM* newImage = new PNM(width, height, QImage::Format_Mono);
math::matrix<float> Ixx(width, height);
math::matrix<float> Iyy(width, height);
math::matrix<float> Ixy(width, height);
math::matrix<float> corner_candidates(width, height);
math::matrix<float> corner_nonmax_suppress(width, height);
ConversionGrayscale* conversion_grayscale = new ConversionGrayscale(image);
PNM* gray_image = conversion_grayscale->transform();
BlurGaussian* blur_gaussian = new BlurGaussian(gray_image);
blur_gaussian->setParameter("size", 3);
blur_gaussian->setParameter("sigma", 1.6);
PNM* blur_gauss_image = blur_gaussian->transform();
EdgeSobel* edge_sobel = new EdgeSobel(blur_gauss_image);
math::matrix<float>* Gx = edge_sobel->rawHorizontalDetection();
math::matrix<float>* Gy = edge_sobel->rawVerticalDetection();
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
Ixx[i][j] = (*Gx)[i][j] * (*Gx)[i][j];
Ixy[i][j] = (*Gx)[i][j] * (*Gy)[i][j];
Iyy[i][j] = (*Gy)[i][j] * (*Gy)[i][j];
corner_candidates[i][j] = 0;
corner_nonmax_suppress[i][j] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < height - 1; j++)
float Sxx = 0;
float Syy = 0;
float Sxy = 0;
for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
Sxx = Sxx + Ixx[i + k][j + l] * BlurGaussian::getGauss(k, l, sigma);
Syy = Syy + Iyy[i + k][j + l] * BlurGaussian::getGauss(k, l, sigma);
Sxy = Sxy + Ixy[i + k][j + l] * BlurGaussian::getGauss(k, l, sigma);
Sxx = Sxx / sigma_weight;
Sxy = Sxy / sigma_weight;
Syy = Syy / sigma_weight;
math::matrix<float> H(2,2);
H(0,0) = Sxx;
H(0,1) = Sxy;
H(1,0) = Sxy;
H(1,1) = Syy;
float detH = H(0, 0) * H(1, 1) - H(0, 1) * H(1, 0); //determinant
float trH = H(0, 0) + H(1, 1); //trace
float r = detH - k_param * pow(trH, 2);
if (r > threshold)
corner_candidates[i][j] = r;
bool search = true;
search = false;
for (int i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <height - 1; j++)
float max = corner_candidates[i][j];
for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
if (max < corner_candidates[i+k][j+l])
max = corner_candidates[i+k][j+l];
if (corner_candidates[i][j] == max)
corner_nonmax_suppress[i][j] = corner_candidates[i][j];
if (corner_candidates[i][j] > 0)
search = true;
corner_nonmax_suppress[i][j] = 0;
corner_candidates = corner_nonmax_suppress;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
if (corner_candidates[i][j] == 0)
newImage->setPixel(i, j, Qt::color0);
newImage->setPixel(i, j, Qt::color1);
return newImage;

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 5.4 KiB

View File

@ -17,16 +17,142 @@ CornerHarris::CornerHarris(PNM* img, ImageViewer* iv) :
PNM* CornerHarris::transform()
int threshold = getParameter("threshold").toInt();
double sigma = getParameter("sigma").toDouble(),
sigma_weight = getParameter("sigma_weight").toDouble(),
k_param = getParameter("k").toDouble();
double sigma = getParameter("sigma").toDouble();
double sigma_weight = getParameter("sigma_weight").toDouble();
double k_param = getParameter("k").toDouble();
int width = image->width(),
height = image->height();
int width = image->width();
int height = image->height();
PNM* newImage = new PNM(width, height, QImage::Format_Mono);
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Not implemented yet!";
math::matrix<float> Ixx(width, height);
math::matrix<float> Iyy(width, height);
math::matrix<float> Ixy(width, height);
math::matrix<float> corner_candidates(width, height);
math::matrix<float> corner_nonmax_suppress(width, height);
ConversionGrayscale* conversion_grayscale = new ConversionGrayscale(image);
PNM* gray_image = conversion_grayscale->transform();
BlurGaussian* blur_gaussian = new BlurGaussian(gray_image);
blur_gaussian->setParameter("size", 3);
blur_gaussian->setParameter("sigma", 1.6);
PNM* blur_gauss_image = blur_gaussian->transform();
EdgeSobel* edge_sobel = new EdgeSobel(blur_gauss_image);
math::matrix<float>* Gx = edge_sobel->rawHorizontalDetection();
math::matrix<float>* Gy = edge_sobel->rawVerticalDetection();
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
Ixx[i][j] = (*Gx)[i][j] * (*Gx)[i][j];
Ixy[i][j] = (*Gx)[i][j] * (*Gy)[i][j];
Iyy[i][j] = (*Gy)[i][j] * (*Gy)[i][j];
corner_candidates[i][j] = 0;
corner_nonmax_suppress[i][j] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < height - 1; j++)
float Sxx = 0;
float Syy = 0;
float Sxy = 0;
for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
Sxx = Sxx + Ixx[i + k][j + l] * BlurGaussian::getGauss(k, l, sigma);
Syy = Syy + Iyy[i + k][j + l] * BlurGaussian::getGauss(k, l, sigma);
Sxy = Sxy + Ixy[i + k][j + l] * BlurGaussian::getGauss(k, l, sigma);
Sxx = Sxx / sigma_weight;
Sxy = Sxy / sigma_weight;
Syy = Syy / sigma_weight;
math::matrix<float> H(2,2);
H(0,0) = Sxx;
H(0,1) = Sxy;
H(1,0) = Sxy;
H(1,1) = Syy;
float detH = H(0, 0) * H(1, 1) - H(0, 1) * H(1, 0); //determinant
float trH = H(0, 0) + H(1, 1); //trace
float r = detH - k_param * pow(trH, 2);
if (r > threshold)
corner_candidates[i][j] = r;
bool search = true;
search = false;
for (int i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <height - 1; j++)
float max = corner_candidates[i][j];
for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
if (max < corner_candidates[i+k][j+l])
max = corner_candidates[i+k][j+l];
if (corner_candidates[i][j] == max)
corner_nonmax_suppress[i][j] = corner_candidates[i][j];
if (corner_candidates[i][j] > 0)
search = true;
corner_nonmax_suppress[i][j] = 0;
corner_candidates = corner_nonmax_suppress;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
if (corner_candidates[i][j] == 0)
newImage->setPixel(i, j, Qt::color0);
newImage->setPixel(i, j, Qt::color1);
return newImage;