using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace UnityEngine.Timeline { // Sequence specific utilities for time manipulation static class TimeUtility { // chosen because it will cause no rounding errors between time/frames for frames values up to at least 10 million public static readonly double kTimeEpsilon = 1e-14; public static readonly double kFrameRateEpsilon = 1e-6; public static readonly double k_MaxTimelineDurationInSeconds = 9e6; //104 days of running time static void ValidateFrameRate(double frameRate) { if (frameRate <= kTimeEpsilon) throw new ArgumentException("frame rate cannot be 0 or negative"); } public static int ToFrames(double time, double frameRate) { ValidateFrameRate(frameRate); time = Math.Min(Math.Max(time, -k_MaxTimelineDurationInSeconds), k_MaxTimelineDurationInSeconds); // this matches OnFrameBoundary double tolerance = GetEpsilon(time, frameRate); if (time < 0) { return (int)Math.Ceiling(time * frameRate - tolerance); } return (int)Math.Floor(time * frameRate + tolerance); } public static double ToExactFrames(double time, double frameRate) { ValidateFrameRate(frameRate); return time * frameRate; } public static double FromFrames(int frames, double frameRate) { ValidateFrameRate(frameRate); return (frames / frameRate); } public static double FromFrames(double frames, double frameRate) { ValidateFrameRate(frameRate); return frames / frameRate; } public static bool OnFrameBoundary(double time, double frameRate) { return OnFrameBoundary(time, frameRate, GetEpsilon(time, frameRate)); } public static double GetEpsilon(double time, double frameRate) { return Math.Max(Math.Abs(time), 1) * frameRate * kTimeEpsilon; } public static bool OnFrameBoundary(double time, double frameRate, double epsilon) { ValidateFrameRate(frameRate); double exact = ToExactFrames(time, frameRate); double rounded = Math.Round(exact); return Math.Abs(exact - rounded) < epsilon; } public static double RoundToFrame(double time, double frameRate) { ValidateFrameRate(frameRate); var frameBefore = (int)Math.Floor(time * frameRate) / frameRate; var frameAfter = (int)Math.Ceiling(time * frameRate) / frameRate; return Math.Abs(time - frameBefore) < Math.Abs(time - frameAfter) ? frameBefore : frameAfter; } public static string TimeAsFrames(double timeValue, double frameRate, string format = "F2") { if (OnFrameBoundary(timeValue, frameRate)) // make integral values when on time borders return ToFrames(timeValue, frameRate).ToString(); return ToExactFrames(timeValue, frameRate).ToString(format); } public static string TimeAsTimeCode(double timeValue, double frameRate, string format = "F2") { ValidateFrameRate(frameRate); int intTime = (int)Math.Abs(timeValue); int hours = intTime / 3600; int minutes = (intTime % 3600) / 60; int seconds = intTime % 60; string result; string sign = timeValue < 0 ? "-" : string.Empty; if (hours > 0) result = hours + ":" + minutes.ToString("D2") + ":" + seconds.ToString("D2"); else if (minutes > 0) result = minutes + ":" + seconds.ToString("D2"); else result = seconds.ToString(); int frameDigits = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(frameRate) + 1); // Add partial digits on the frame if needed. // we are testing the original value (not the truncated), because the truncation can cause rounding errors leading // to invalid strings for items on frame boundaries string frames = (ToFrames(timeValue, frameRate) - ToFrames(intTime, frameRate)).ToString().PadLeft(frameDigits, '0'); if (!OnFrameBoundary(timeValue, frameRate)) { string decimals = ToExactFrames(timeValue, frameRate).ToString(format); int decPlace = decimals.IndexOf('.'); if (decPlace >= 0) frames += " [" + decimals.Substring(decPlace) + "]"; } return sign + result + ":" + frames; } // Given a time code string, return the time in seconds // 1.5 -> 1.5 seconds // 1:1.5 -> 1 minute, 1.5 seconds // 1:1[.5] -> 1 second, 1.5 frames // 2:3:4 -> 2 minutes, 3 seconds, 4 frames // 1[.6] -> 1.6 frames public static double ParseTimeCode(string timeCode, double frameRate, double defaultValue) { timeCode = RemoveChar(timeCode, c => char.IsWhiteSpace(c)); string[] sections = timeCode.Split(':'); if (sections.Length == 0 || sections.Length > 4) return defaultValue; int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; double seconds = 0; double frames = 0; try { // depending on the format of the last numbers // seconds format string lastSection = sections[sections.Length - 1]; if (Regex.Match(lastSection, @"^\d+\.\d+$").Success) { seconds = double.Parse(lastSection); if (sections.Length > 3) return defaultValue; if (sections.Length > 1) minutes = int.Parse(sections[sections.Length - 2]); if (sections.Length > 2) hours = int.Parse(sections[sections.Length - 3]); } // frame formats else { if (Regex.Match(lastSection, @"^\d+\[\.\d+\]$").Success) { string stripped = RemoveChar(lastSection, c => c == '[' || c == ']'); frames = double.Parse(stripped); } else if (Regex.Match(lastSection, @"^\d*$").Success) { frames = int.Parse(lastSection); } else { return defaultValue; } if (sections.Length > 1) seconds = int.Parse(sections[sections.Length - 2]); if (sections.Length > 2) minutes = int.Parse(sections[sections.Length - 3]); if (sections.Length > 3) hours = int.Parse(sections[sections.Length - 4]); } } catch (FormatException) { return defaultValue; } return frames / frameRate + seconds + minutes * 60 + hours * 3600; } public static double ParseTimeSeconds(string timeCode, double frameRate, double defaultValue) { timeCode = RemoveChar(timeCode, c => char.IsWhiteSpace(c)); string[] sections = timeCode.Split(':'); if (sections.Length == 0 || sections.Length > 4) return defaultValue; int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; double seconds = 0; try { // depending on the format of the last numbers // seconds format string lastSection = sections[sections.Length - 1]; { if (!double.TryParse(lastSection, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out seconds)) if (Regex.Match(lastSection, @"^\d+\.\d+$").Success) seconds = double.Parse(lastSection); else return defaultValue; if (!double.TryParse(lastSection, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out seconds)) return defaultValue; if (sections.Length > 3) return defaultValue; if (sections.Length > 1) minutes = int.Parse(sections[sections.Length - 2]); if (sections.Length > 2) hours = int.Parse(sections[sections.Length - 3]); } } catch (FormatException) { return defaultValue; } return seconds + minutes * 60 + hours * 3600; } // fixes rounding errors from using single precision for length public static double GetAnimationClipLength(AnimationClip clip) { if (clip == null || clip.empty) return 0; double length = clip.length; if (clip.frameRate > 0) { double frames = Mathf.Round(clip.length * clip.frameRate); length = frames / clip.frameRate; } return length; } static string RemoveChar(string str, Func<char, bool> charToRemoveFunc) { var len = str.Length; var src = str.ToCharArray(); var dstIdx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!charToRemoveFunc(src[i])) src[dstIdx++] = src[i]; } return new string(src, 0, dstIdx); } } }