using System; namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Assets { /// <summary> /// Static string resources used throughout the UI. /// </summary> internal static class StringAssets { public const string searchResults = "Search Results"; public const string cannotPublishWhileSearching = "Please clear the search before publishing changes."; public const string cannotPublishWhileConflicted = "Please fix the above conflicts before publishing."; public const string cannotPublishWithoutFiles = "No files to publish."; public const string cannotPublishWithIncomingChanges = "Please sync latest changes before publishing."; public const string changeListFullHeader = "Publish Changes"; public const string changeListConflictedHeader = "Conflicted Items"; public const string changeListConflictedList = "conflicted"; public const string noticeNoRevisionsToDisplay = "No revisions to display."; public const string noticeNoChangesToDisplay = "No changes to display."; public const string noticeNoResultsForQuery = "No results found for this query."; public const string publishButton = "Publish"; public const string publishSummaryPlaceholder = "Summary"; public const string menuDiscardToggledChanges = "Discard toggled changes"; public const string cancel = "Cancel"; public const string discardChanges = "Discard changes"; public const string confirmDiscardChangeMessage = "Are you sure you want to irreversibly discard changes to a file?"; public const string confirmDiscardChangesMessage = "Are you sure you want to irreversibly discard changes to {0} files?"; public const string confirmDiscardChangesTitle = "Collaborate: discard changes"; public const string search = "Search"; public const string syncRemoteRevisionMessage = "1 revision has been published to the server. Please sync to get the latest changes."; public const string syncRemoteRevisionsMessage = "Some revisions have been published to the server. Please sync to get the latest changes."; public const string syncLocalRevisionMessage = "1 revision has been made locally, but hasn't been published to the server. Please sync to ensure these changes are published."; public const string syncLocalRevisionsMessage = "{0} revisions have been made locally, but haven't been published to the server. Please sync to ensure these changes are published."; public const string sync = "Sync"; public const string confirmRollbackTitle = "Collaborate: rollback"; public const string confirmRollbackMessage = "Are you sure you want to rollback your project to this revision?"; public const string rollback = "Rollback"; public const string confirmRollbackDiscardChangesTitle = "Collaborate: rollback and discard changes"; public const string confirmRollbackDiscardChangeMessage = "Rollback will irreversibly discard changes to 1 file. Are you sure you want to rollback your project to this revision?"; public const string confirmRollbackDiscardChangesMessage = "Rollback will irreversibly discard changes to {0} files. Are you sure you want to rollback your project to this revision?"; public const string rollbackAndDiscard = "Discard and rollback"; public const string all = "All"; public const string includedToPublishByAnotherGitTool = "This file has been included to publish by another Git tool."; public const string viewDiff = "View diff"; public const string useMyChanges = "Use my changes"; public const string useRemoteChanges = "Use remote changes"; public const string useMergeTool = "Use merge tool"; public const string noMergeToolIsConfigured = "You have not set any Diff/Merge tools. Check your Unity preferences."; public const string showChange = "1 change"; public const string showChanges = "{0} changes"; public const string history = "History"; public const string changes = "Changes"; public const string loadingRevisions = "Please wait, loading revisions."; public const string allHistory = "All History"; public const string restore = "Restore"; public const string goBackTo = "Go back to"; public const string update = "Update"; public const string clear = "Clear"; public const string changeGroupHeaderFormat = "{0} ( {1} )"; public const string conflictsDetected = "Conflicts detected. Please resolve them before continuing."; public const string projectStatusTitleUnbound = "Welcome to Collaborate. Before starting, please click the button below to set a new or existing Unity Project ID for this project. Return to this window once it is set."; public const string projectStatusTitleOffline = "No internet connection."; public const string projectStatusTitleMaintenance = "Undergoing maintenance, please come back later."; public const string projectStatusTitleLoggedOut = "Sign in to access Collaborate."; public const string projectStatusTitleNoSeat = "Ask your project owner for access to Unity Teams."; public const string projectStatusTitleBound = "Welcome to Collaborate. Please click the button below to start."; public const string projectStatusTitleLoading = "Loading, please wait..."; public const string projectStatusButtonBound = "Start Collab"; public const string projectStatusButtonUnbound = "Set Project ID"; public const string projectStatusButtonLoggedOut = "Sign in..."; public const string projectStatusButtonNoSeat = "Learn More"; } }