using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Assets; using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.UserInterface; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Components { [UsedImplicitly] internal class TabView : VisualElement { public const string UssClassName = "unity-tab-view"; public const string ContentContainerUssClassName = UssClassName + "__content-container"; public const string TabHeaderUssClassName = UssClassName + "__tab-header"; public const string ToolbarUssClassName = UssClassName + "__toolbar"; static readonly string k_StylePath = $"{CollaborateWindow.StylePath}/{nameof(TabView)}.uss"; const int k_NoTabs = -1; int m_ActiveTabIndex = k_NoTabs; bool m_Active; readonly VisualElement m_Content; readonly VisualElement m_Toolbar; readonly List<(TextButton button, TabPageComponent tab)> m_TabList; public event Action<int> TabSwitched; public TabView() { AddToClassList(UssClassName); styleSheets.Add(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<StyleSheet>(k_StylePath)); m_Toolbar = new VisualElement { name = "unity-tab-view-toolbar" }; m_Toolbar.AddToClassList(ToolbarUssClassName); m_Toolbar.AddToClassList(UiConstants.ussDefaultInset); hierarchy.Add(m_Toolbar); m_Content = new VisualElement { name = "unity-content-container" }; m_Content.AddToClassList(ContentContainerUssClassName); hierarchy.Add(m_Content); m_TabList = new List<(TextButton button, TabPageComponent tab)>(); } public void SetActive() { Assert.IsFalse(m_Active, "TabView is already active."); m_Active = true; if (m_ActiveTabIndex != k_NoTabs) { m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].tab.SetActive(true); } } public void SetInactive() { Assert.IsTrue(m_Active, "TabView is already inactive."); m_Active = false; if (m_ActiveTabIndex != k_NoTabs) { m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].tab.SetActive(false); } } /// <summary> /// Add a tab to the view. /// </summary> /// <param name="tabName">Title of the tab.</param> /// <param name="tab">Tab content to display.</param> public void AddTab(string tabName, TabPageComponent tab) { // Get the tab index var index = m_TabList.Count; = 1; = 1; = new StyleLength(StyleKeyword.Auto); // Copy value to avoid modification of the closure scope. var indexCopy = index; var btn = new TextButton(() => SwitchTabInternal(indexCopy)) { text = tabName }; btn.AddToClassList(TabHeaderUssClassName); m_Toolbar.Add(btn); // Add tab to list m_TabList.Add((btn, tab)); // If no currently active tab, switch to this newly added one. if (m_ActiveTabIndex == k_NoTabs) { SwitchToNextTab(); } } /// <summary> /// Switch to the tab with the given index. Does nothing with an invalid index. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">Index of the tab to switch to.</param> public void SwitchTab(int index) { // Sanitise index to be passed into the internal switch method. if (index == k_NoTabs) return; if (index < m_TabList.Count) { SwitchTabInternal(index); } } /// <summary> /// Switch to tab with the given index. Does *NOT* check the validity of the index. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">Index of the tab to switch to.</param> void SwitchTabInternal(int index) { // Reset tab state of previously active content/button - if there was one. if (m_ActiveTabIndex != k_NoTabs) { m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].tab.RemoveFromHierarchy(); if (m_Active) { m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].tab.SetActive(false); } m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].button.RemoveFromClassList(UiConstants.ussActive); } // Set new active tab. m_ActiveTabIndex = index; // Set tab state for newly active content/button. if (m_Active) { m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].tab.SetActive(true); } m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].button.AddToClassList(UiConstants.ussActive); m_Content.Add(m_TabList[m_ActiveTabIndex].tab); TabSwitched?.Invoke(index); } /// <summary> /// Switch to the next valid tab. Wraps if there's no direct successor. /// </summary> void SwitchToNextTab() { var index = (m_ActiveTabIndex + 1) % m_TabList.Count; SwitchTabInternal(index); } public override VisualElement contentContainer => m_Content; [UsedImplicitly] public new class UxmlFactory : UxmlFactory<TabView> { } } }