using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using JetBrains.Annotations; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Collaboration; using UnityEditor.Connect; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.UserInterface { internal class ToolbarButton : SubToolbar { protected enum ToolbarButtonState { NeedToEnableCollab, UpToDate, Conflict, OperationError, ServerHasChanges, FilesToPush, InProgress, Disabled, Offline } ToolbarButtonState m_CurrentState; string m_ErrorMessage; readonly Dictionary<ToolbarButtonState, GUIContent> m_IconCache = new Dictionary<ToolbarButtonState, GUIContent>(); ButtonWithAnimatedIconRotation m_CollabButton; public ToolbarButton() { Collab.instance.StateChanged += OnCollabStateChanged; UnityConnect.instance.StateChanged += OnUnityConnectStateChanged; UnityConnect.instance.UserStateChanged += OnUnityConnectUserStateChanged; } ~ToolbarButton() { Collab.instance.StateChanged -= OnCollabStateChanged; UnityConnect.instance.StateChanged -= OnUnityConnectStateChanged; UnityConnect.instance.UserStateChanged -= OnUnityConnectUserStateChanged; } void OnUnityConnectUserStateChanged(UserInfo state) { Update(); } void OnUnityConnectStateChanged(ConnectInfo state) { Update(); } void OnCollabStateChanged(CollabInfo info) { Update(); } [CanBeNull] static Texture LoadIcon([NotNull] string iconName) { var hidpi = EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint > 1f ? "@2x" : string.Empty; return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture>($"{CollaborateWindow.IconPath}/{iconName}-{(EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? "dark" : "light")}{hidpi}.png"); } [NotNull] GUIContent GetIconForState() { // Get cached icon, or construct it. if (!m_IconCache.TryGetValue(m_CurrentState, out var content)) { string iconName; string tooltip; switch (m_CurrentState) { case ToolbarButtonState.NeedToEnableCollab: iconName = "collaborate"; tooltip = "You need to enable collab."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.UpToDate: iconName = "collaborate"; tooltip = "You are up to date."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.Conflict: iconName = "collaborate-error"; tooltip = "Please fix your conflicts prior to publishing."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.OperationError: iconName = "collaborate-error"; tooltip = "Last operation failed. Please retry later."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.ServerHasChanges: iconName = "collaborate-incoming"; tooltip = "Please update, there are server changes."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.FilesToPush: iconName = "collaborate-available-changes"; tooltip = "You have files to publish."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.InProgress: iconName = "collaborate-progress"; tooltip = "Operation in progress."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.Disabled: iconName = "collaborate"; tooltip = "Collab is disabled."; break; case ToolbarButtonState.Offline: iconName = "collaborate-offline"; tooltip = "Please check your network connection."; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } // Create icon with tooltip and cache. content = new GUIContent(LoadIcon(iconName), $"Collaborate • {tooltip}"); m_IconCache[m_CurrentState] = content; } // Add error message tooltip if there's a message. var icon = new GUIContent(content); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ErrorMessage)) { icon.tooltip = $"Collaborate • {m_ErrorMessage}"; } return icon; } public override void OnGUI(Rect rect) { GUIStyle collabButtonStyle = "AppCommand"; var disable = EditorApplication.isPlaying; using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(disable)) { var icon = GetIconForState(); EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(16, 16)); if (GUI.Button(rect, icon, collabButtonStyle)) { CollaborateWindow.Init(); } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(; } } public void Update() { var currentState = GetCurrentState(); if (m_CurrentState == currentState) return; m_CurrentState = currentState; Toolbar.RepaintToolbar(); } protected virtual ToolbarButtonState GetCurrentState() { var currentState = ToolbarButtonState.UpToDate; var networkAvailable = && UnityConnect.instance.connectInfo.loggedIn; m_ErrorMessage = string.Empty; if (UnityConnect.instance.isDisableCollabWindow) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.Disabled; } else if (networkAvailable) { var collab = Collab.instance; var currentInfo = collab.collabInfo; if (!currentInfo.ready) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.InProgress; } else if (collab.GetError(UnityConnect.UnityErrorFilter.ByContext | UnityConnect.UnityErrorFilter.ByChild, out var errInfo) && errInfo.priority <= (int)UnityConnect.UnityErrorPriority.Error) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.OperationError; m_ErrorMessage = errInfo.shortMsg; } else if (currentInfo.inProgress) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.InProgress; } else { var collabEnabled = Collab.instance.IsCollabEnabledForCurrentProject(); if (UnityConnect.instance.projectInfo.projectBound == false || !collabEnabled) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.NeedToEnableCollab; } else if (currentInfo.update) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.ServerHasChanges; } else if (currentInfo.conflict) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.Conflict; } else if (currentInfo.publish) { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.FilesToPush; } } } else { currentState = ToolbarButtonState.Offline; } return currentState; } } }