/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Unity Technologies. * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using SR = System.Reflection; using System.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Unity.CodeEditor; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Compilation; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; namespace Microsoft.Unity.VisualStudio.Editor { public enum ScriptingLanguage { None, CSharp } public interface IGenerator { bool SyncIfNeeded(IEnumerable affectedFiles, IEnumerable reimportedFiles); void Sync(); bool HasSolutionBeenGenerated(); bool IsSupportedFile(string path); string SolutionFile(); string ProjectDirectory { get; } IAssemblyNameProvider AssemblyNameProvider { get; } } public class ProjectGeneration : IGenerator { public static readonly string MSBuildNamespaceUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"; public IAssemblyNameProvider AssemblyNameProvider => m_AssemblyNameProvider; public string ProjectDirectory { get; } const string k_WindowsNewline = "\r\n"; string m_SolutionProjectEntryTemplate = @"Project(""{{{0}}}"") = ""{1}"", ""{2}"", ""{{{3}}}""{4}EndProject"; string m_SolutionProjectConfigurationTemplate = string.Join("\r\n", @" {{{0}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU", @" {{{0}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU", @" {{{0}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU", @" {{{0}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU").Replace(" ", "\t"); static readonly string[] k_ReimportSyncExtensions = { ".dll", ".asmdef" }; static readonly Regex k_ScriptReferenceExpression = new Regex( @"^Library.ScriptAssemblies.(?(?.*)\.dll$)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string[] m_ProjectSupportedExtensions = Array.Empty(); string[] m_BuiltinSupportedExtensions = Array.Empty(); readonly string m_ProjectName; readonly IAssemblyNameProvider m_AssemblyNameProvider; readonly IFileIO m_FileIOProvider; readonly IGUIDGenerator m_GUIDGenerator; bool m_ShouldGenerateAll; IVisualStudioInstallation m_CurrentInstallation; public ProjectGeneration() : this(Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).FullName) { } public ProjectGeneration(string tempDirectory) : this(tempDirectory, new AssemblyNameProvider(), new FileIOProvider(), new GUIDProvider()) { } public ProjectGeneration(string tempDirectory, IAssemblyNameProvider assemblyNameProvider, IFileIO fileIoProvider, IGUIDGenerator guidGenerator) { ProjectDirectory = FileUtility.NormalizeWindowsToUnix(tempDirectory); m_ProjectName = Path.GetFileName(ProjectDirectory); m_AssemblyNameProvider = assemblyNameProvider; m_FileIOProvider = fileIoProvider; m_GUIDGenerator = guidGenerator; SetupProjectSupportedExtensions(); } /// /// Syncs the scripting solution if any affected files are relevant. /// /// /// Whether the solution was synced. /// /// /// A set of files whose status has changed /// /// /// A set of files that got reimported /// public bool SyncIfNeeded(IEnumerable affectedFiles, IEnumerable reimportedFiles) { SetupProjectSupportedExtensions(); // See https://devblogs.microsoft.com/setup/configure-visual-studio-across-your-organization-with-vsconfig/ // We create a .vsconfig file to make sure our ManagedGame workload is installed CreateVsConfigIfNotFound(); // Don't sync if we haven't synced before if (HasSolutionBeenGenerated() && HasFilesBeenModified(affectedFiles, reimportedFiles)) { Sync(); return true; } return false; } private void CreateVsConfigIfNotFound() { try { var vsConfigFile = VsConfigFile(); if (m_FileIOProvider.Exists(vsConfigFile)) return; var content = $@"{{ ""version"": ""1.0"", ""components"": [ ""{Discovery.ManagedWorkload}"" ] }} "; m_FileIOProvider.WriteAllText(vsConfigFile, content); } catch (IOException) { } } private bool HasFilesBeenModified(IEnumerable affectedFiles, IEnumerable reimportedFiles) { return affectedFiles.Any(ShouldFileBePartOfSolution) || reimportedFiles.Any(ShouldSyncOnReimportedAsset); } private static bool ShouldSyncOnReimportedAsset(string asset) { return k_ReimportSyncExtensions.Contains(new FileInfo(asset).Extension); } private void RefreshCurrentInstallation() { var editor = CodeEditor.CurrentEditor as VisualStudioEditor; editor?.TryGetVisualStudioInstallationForPath(CodeEditor.CurrentEditorInstallation, out m_CurrentInstallation); } public void Sync() { // We need the exact VS version/capabilities to tweak project generation (analyzers/langversion) RefreshCurrentInstallation(); SetupProjectSupportedExtensions(); var externalCodeAlreadyGeneratedProjects = OnPreGeneratingCSProjectFiles(); if (!externalCodeAlreadyGeneratedProjects) { GenerateAndWriteSolutionAndProjects(); } OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles(); } public bool HasSolutionBeenGenerated() { return m_FileIOProvider.Exists(SolutionFile()); } private void SetupProjectSupportedExtensions() { m_ProjectSupportedExtensions = m_AssemblyNameProvider.ProjectSupportedExtensions; m_BuiltinSupportedExtensions = EditorSettings.projectGenerationBuiltinExtensions; } private bool ShouldFileBePartOfSolution(string file) { // Exclude files coming from packages except if they are internalized. if (m_AssemblyNameProvider.IsInternalizedPackagePath(file)) { return false; } return IsSupportedFile(file); } private static string GetExtensionWithoutDot(string path) { // Prevent re-processing and information loss if (!Path.HasExtension(path)) return path; return Path .GetExtension(path) .TrimStart('.') .ToLower(); } public bool IsSupportedFile(string path) { var extension = GetExtensionWithoutDot(path); // Dll's are not scripts but still need to be included if (extension == "dll") return true; if (extension == "asmdef") return true; if (m_BuiltinSupportedExtensions.Contains(extension)) return true; if (m_ProjectSupportedExtensions.Contains(extension)) return true; return false; } private static ScriptingLanguage ScriptingLanguageFor(Assembly assembly) { var files = assembly.sourceFiles; if (files.Length == 0) return ScriptingLanguage.None; return ScriptingLanguageFor(files[0]); } internal static ScriptingLanguage ScriptingLanguageFor(string path) { return GetExtensionWithoutDot(path) == "cs" ? ScriptingLanguage.CSharp : ScriptingLanguage.None; } public void GenerateAndWriteSolutionAndProjects() { // Only synchronize assemblies that have associated source files and ones that we actually want in the project. // This also filters out DLLs coming from .asmdef files in packages. var assemblies = m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAssemblies(ShouldFileBePartOfSolution); var allAssetProjectParts = GenerateAllAssetProjectParts(); var assemblyList = assemblies.ToList(); SyncSolution(assemblyList); var allProjectAssemblies = RelevantAssembliesForMode(assemblyList).ToList(); foreach (Assembly assembly in allProjectAssemblies) { SyncProject(assembly, allAssetProjectParts, responseFilesData: ParseResponseFileData(assembly), allProjectAssemblies, #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER assembly.compilerOptions.RoslynAnalyzerDllPaths); #else Array.Empty()); #endif } } private IEnumerable ParseResponseFileData(Assembly assembly) { var systemReferenceDirectories = CompilationPipeline.GetSystemAssemblyDirectories(assembly.compilerOptions.ApiCompatibilityLevel); Dictionary responseFilesData = assembly.compilerOptions.ResponseFiles.ToDictionary(x => x, x => m_AssemblyNameProvider.ParseResponseFile( x, ProjectDirectory, systemReferenceDirectories )); Dictionary responseFilesWithErrors = responseFilesData.Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Any()) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); if (responseFilesWithErrors.Any()) { foreach (var error in responseFilesWithErrors) foreach (var valueError in error.Value.Errors) { Debug.LogError($"{error.Key} Parse Error : {valueError}"); } } return responseFilesData.Select(x => x.Value); } private Dictionary GenerateAllAssetProjectParts() { Dictionary stringBuilders = new Dictionary(); foreach (string asset in m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAllAssetPaths()) { // Exclude files coming from packages except if they are internalized. if (m_AssemblyNameProvider.IsInternalizedPackagePath(asset)) { continue; } if (IsSupportedFile(asset) && ScriptingLanguage.None == ScriptingLanguageFor(asset)) { // Find assembly the asset belongs to by adding script extension and using compilation pipeline. var assemblyName = m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAssemblyNameFromScriptPath(asset + ".cs"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName)) { continue; } assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyName); if (!stringBuilders.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out var projectBuilder)) { projectBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilders[assemblyName] = projectBuilder; } projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); } } var result = new Dictionary(); foreach (var entry in stringBuilders) result[entry.Key] = entry.Value.ToString(); return result; } private void SyncProject( Assembly assembly, Dictionary allAssetsProjectParts, IEnumerable responseFilesData, List allProjectAssemblies, string[] roslynAnalyzerDllPaths) { SyncProjectFileIfNotChanged( ProjectFile(assembly), ProjectText(assembly, allAssetsProjectParts, responseFilesData, allProjectAssemblies, roslynAnalyzerDllPaths)); } private void SyncProjectFileIfNotChanged(string path, string newContents) { if (Path.GetExtension(path) == ".csproj") { newContents = OnGeneratedCSProject(path, newContents); } SyncFileIfNotChanged(path, newContents); } private void SyncSolutionFileIfNotChanged(string path, string newContents) { newContents = OnGeneratedSlnSolution(path, newContents); SyncFileIfNotChanged(path, newContents); } private static IEnumerable GetPostProcessorCallbacks(string name) { return TypeCache .GetTypesDerivedFrom() .Select(t => t.GetMethod(name, SR.BindingFlags.Public | SR.BindingFlags.NonPublic | SR.BindingFlags.Static)) .Where(m => m != null); } static void OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles() { foreach (var method in GetPostProcessorCallbacks(nameof(OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles))) { method.Invoke(null, Array.Empty()); } } private static bool OnPreGeneratingCSProjectFiles() { bool result = false; foreach (var method in GetPostProcessorCallbacks(nameof(OnPreGeneratingCSProjectFiles))) { var retValue = method.Invoke(null, Array.Empty()); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(bool)) { result |= (bool)retValue; } } return result; } private static string InvokeAssetPostProcessorGenerationCallbacks(string name, string path, string content) { foreach (var method in GetPostProcessorCallbacks(name)) { var args = new[] { path, content }; var returnValue = method.Invoke(null, args); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(string)) { // We want to chain content update between invocations content = (string)returnValue; } } return content; } private static string OnGeneratedCSProject(string path, string content) { return InvokeAssetPostProcessorGenerationCallbacks(nameof(OnGeneratedCSProject), path, content); } private static string OnGeneratedSlnSolution(string path, string content) { return InvokeAssetPostProcessorGenerationCallbacks(nameof(OnGeneratedSlnSolution), path, content); } private void SyncFileIfNotChanged(string filename, string newContents) { try { if (m_FileIOProvider.Exists(filename) && newContents == m_FileIOProvider.ReadAllText(filename)) { return; } } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogException(exception); } m_FileIOProvider.WriteAllText(filename, newContents); } private string ProjectText(Assembly assembly, Dictionary allAssetsProjectParts, IEnumerable responseFilesData, List allProjectAssemblies, string[] roslynAnalyzerDllPaths) { var projectBuilder = new StringBuilder(ProjectHeader(assembly, responseFilesData, roslynAnalyzerDllPaths)); var references = new List(); projectBuilder.Append(@" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); foreach (string file in assembly.sourceFiles) { if (!IsSupportedFile(file)) continue; var extension = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower(); var fullFile = EscapedRelativePathFor(file); if (".dll" != extension) { projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); } else { references.Add(fullFile); } } projectBuilder.Append(@" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(@" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); // Append additional non-script files that should be included in project generation. if (allAssetsProjectParts.TryGetValue(assembly.name, out var additionalAssetsForProject)) projectBuilder.Append(additionalAssetsForProject); var responseRefs = responseFilesData.SelectMany(x => x.FullPathReferences.Select(r => r)); var internalAssemblyReferences = assembly.assemblyReferences .Where(i => !i.sourceFiles.Any(ShouldFileBePartOfSolution)).Select(i => i.outputPath); var allReferences = assembly.compiledAssemblyReferences .Union(responseRefs) .Union(references) .Union(internalAssemblyReferences); foreach (var reference in allReferences) { string fullReference = Path.IsPathRooted(reference) ? reference : Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, reference); AppendReference(fullReference, projectBuilder); } projectBuilder.Append(@" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); if (0 < assembly.assemblyReferences.Length) { projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); foreach (Assembly reference in assembly.assemblyReferences.Where(i => i.sourceFiles.Any(ShouldFileBePartOfSolution))) { projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" {").Append(ProjectGuid(reference)).Append("}").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(reference.name).Append("").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); } projectBuilder.Append(@" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); } projectBuilder.Append(ProjectFooter()); return projectBuilder.ToString(); } private static string XmlFilename(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return path; path = path.Replace(@"%", "%25"); path = path.Replace(@";", "%3b"); return XmlEscape(path); } private static string XmlEscape(string s) { return SecurityElement.Escape(s); } private void AppendReference(string fullReference, StringBuilder projectBuilder) { var escapedFullPath = EscapedRelativePathFor(fullReference); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(escapedFullPath).Append("").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); } public string ProjectFile(Assembly assembly) { return Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, $"{m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAssemblyName(assembly.outputPath, assembly.name)}.csproj"); } private static readonly Regex InvalidCharactersRegexPattern = new Regex(@"\?|&|\*|""|<|>|\||#|%|\^|;" + (VisualStudioEditor.IsWindows ? "" : "|:")); public string SolutionFile() { return Path.Combine(FileUtility.Normalize(ProjectDirectory), $"{InvalidCharactersRegexPattern.Replace(m_ProjectName, "_")}.sln"); } internal string VsConfigFile() { return Path.Combine(FileUtility.Normalize(ProjectDirectory), ".vsconfig"); } private string ProjectHeader( Assembly assembly, IEnumerable responseFilesData, string[] roslynAnalyzerDllPaths ) { var toolsVersion = "4.0"; var productVersion = "10.0.20506"; const string baseDirectory = "."; var targetFrameworkVersion = "v4.7.1"; var targetLanguageVersion = "latest"; // danger: latest is not the same absolute value depending on the VS version. if (m_CurrentInstallation != null) { var vsLanguageSupport = m_CurrentInstallation.LatestLanguageVersionSupported; var unityLanguageSupport = UnityInstallation.LatestLanguageVersionSupported(assembly); // Use the minimal supported version between VS and Unity, so that compilation will work in both targetLanguageVersion = (vsLanguageSupport <= unityLanguageSupport ? vsLanguageSupport : unityLanguageSupport).ToString(2); // (major, minor) only } var projectType = ProjectTypeOf(assembly.name); var arguments = new object[] { toolsVersion, productVersion, ProjectGuid(assembly), XmlFilename(FileUtility.Normalize(InternalEditorUtility.GetEngineAssemblyPath())), XmlFilename(FileUtility.Normalize(InternalEditorUtility.GetEditorAssemblyPath())), string.Join(";", assembly.defines.Concat(responseFilesData.SelectMany(x => x.Defines)).Distinct().ToArray()), MSBuildNamespaceUri, assembly.name, assembly.outputPath, GetRootNamespace(assembly), targetFrameworkVersion, targetLanguageVersion, baseDirectory, assembly.compilerOptions.AllowUnsafeCode | responseFilesData.Any(x => x.Unsafe), // flavoring projectType + ":" + (int)projectType, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget + ":" + (int)EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget, Application.unityVersion, VisualStudioIntegration.PackageVersion() }; try { #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER return string.Format(GetProjectHeaderTemplate(roslynAnalyzerDllPaths, assembly.compilerOptions.RoslynAnalyzerRulesetPath), arguments); #else return string.Format(GetProjectHeaderTemplate(Array.Empty(), null), arguments); #endif } catch (Exception) { throw new NotSupportedException("Failed creating c# project because the c# project header did not have the correct amount of arguments, which is " + arguments.Length); } } private enum ProjectType { GamePlugins = 3, Game = 1, EditorPlugins = 7, Editor = 5, } private static ProjectType ProjectTypeOf(string fileName) { var plugins = fileName.Contains("firstpass"); var editor = fileName.Contains("Editor"); if (plugins && editor) return ProjectType.EditorPlugins; if (plugins) return ProjectType.GamePlugins; if (editor) return ProjectType.Editor; return ProjectType.Game; } private static string GetSolutionText() { return string.Join("\r\n", @"", @"Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version {0}", @"# Visual Studio {1}", @"{2}", @"Global", @" GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution", @" Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU", @" Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU", @" EndGlobalSection", @" GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution", @"{3}", @" EndGlobalSection", @"{4}", @"EndGlobal", @"").Replace(" ", "\t"); } private static string GetProjectFooterTemplate() { return string.Join("\r\n", @" ", @" ", @" ", @"", @""); } private string GetProjectHeaderTemplate(string[] roslynAnalyzerDllPaths, string roslynAnalyzerRulesetPath) { var header = new[] { @"", @"", @" ", @" {11}", @" ", @" ", @" Debug", @" AnyCPU", @" {1}", @" 2.0", @" {9}", @" {{{2}}}", @" Library", @" Properties", @" {7}", @" {10}", @" 512", @" {12}", @" ", @" ", @" true", @" full", @" false", @" {8}", @" {5}", @" prompt", @" 4", @" 0169", @" {13}", @" ", @" ", @" pdbonly", @" true", @" Temp\bin\Release\", @" prompt", @" 4", @" 0169", @" {13}", @" " }; var forceExplicitReferences = new[] { @" ", @" true", @" true", @" false", @" false", @" false", @" " }; var flavoring = new[] { @" ", @" {{E097FAD1-6243-4DAD-9C02-E9B9EFC3FFC1}};{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}", @" Package", @" {17}", @" {14}", @" {15}", @" {16}", @" " }; var footer = new[] { @"" }; var lines = header.Concat(forceExplicitReferences).Concat(flavoring).ToList(); // Only add analyzer block for compatible Visual Studio if (m_CurrentInstallation != null && m_CurrentInstallation.SupportsAnalyzers) { #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER if (roslynAnalyzerRulesetPath != null) { lines.Add(@" "); lines.Add($" {roslynAnalyzerRulesetPath}"); lines.Add(@" "); } #endif string[] analyzers = m_CurrentInstallation.GetAnalyzers(); string[] allAnalyzers = analyzers != null ? analyzers.Concat(roslynAnalyzerDllPaths).ToArray() : roslynAnalyzerDllPaths; if (allAnalyzers.Any()) { lines.Add(@" "); foreach (var analyzer in allAnalyzers) { lines.Add($@" "); } lines.Add(@" "); } } return string.Join("\r\n", lines.Concat(footer)); } private void SyncSolution(IEnumerable assemblies) { if (InvalidCharactersRegexPattern.IsMatch(ProjectDirectory)) Debug.LogWarning("Project path contains special characters, which can be an issue when opening Visual Studio"); var solutionFile = SolutionFile(); var previousSolution = m_FileIOProvider.Exists(solutionFile) ? SolutionParser.ParseSolutionFile(solutionFile, m_FileIOProvider) : null; SyncSolutionFileIfNotChanged(solutionFile, SolutionText(assemblies, previousSolution)); } private string SolutionText(IEnumerable assemblies, Solution previousSolution = null) { const string fileversion = "12.00"; const string vsversion = "15"; var relevantAssemblies = RelevantAssembliesForMode(assemblies); var generatedProjects = ToProjectEntries(relevantAssemblies).ToList(); SolutionProperties[] properties = null; // First, add all projects generated by Unity to the solution var projects = new List(); projects.AddRange(generatedProjects); if (previousSolution != null) { // Add all projects that were previously in the solution and that are not generated by Unity, nor generated in the project root directory var externalProjects = previousSolution.Projects .Where(p => p.IsSolutionFolderProjectFactory() || !FileUtility.IsFileInProjectRootDirectory(p.FileName)) .Where(p => generatedProjects.All(gp => gp.FileName != p.FileName)); projects.AddRange(externalProjects); properties = previousSolution.Properties; } string propertiesText = GetPropertiesText(properties); string projectEntriesText = GetProjectEntriesText(projects); // do not generate configurations for SolutionFolders var configurableProjects = projects.Where(p => !p.IsSolutionFolderProjectFactory()); string projectConfigurationsText = string.Join(k_WindowsNewline, configurableProjects.Select(p => GetProjectActiveConfigurations(p.ProjectGuid)).ToArray()); return string.Format(GetSolutionText(), fileversion, vsversion, projectEntriesText, projectConfigurationsText, propertiesText); } private static IEnumerable RelevantAssembliesForMode(IEnumerable assemblies) { return assemblies.Where(i => ScriptingLanguage.CSharp == ScriptingLanguageFor(i)); } private static string GetPropertiesText(SolutionProperties[] array) { if (array == null || array.Length == 0) { // HideSolution by default array = new SolutionProperties[] { new SolutionProperties() { Name = "SolutionProperties", Type = "preSolution", Entries = new List>() { new KeyValuePair ("HideSolutionNode", "FALSE") } } }; } var result = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) result.Append(k_WindowsNewline); var properties = array[i]; result.Append($"\tGlobalSection({properties.Name}) = {properties.Type}"); result.Append(k_WindowsNewline); foreach (var entry in properties.Entries) { result.Append($"\t\t{entry.Key} = {entry.Value}"); result.Append(k_WindowsNewline); } result.Append("\tEndGlobalSection"); } return result.ToString(); } /// /// Get a Project("{guid}") = "MyProject", "MyProject.unityproj", "{projectguid}" /// entry for each relevant language /// private string GetProjectEntriesText(IEnumerable entries) { var projectEntries = entries.Select(entry => string.Format( m_SolutionProjectEntryTemplate, entry.ProjectFactoryGuid, entry.Name, entry.FileName, entry.ProjectGuid, entry.Metadata )); return string.Join(k_WindowsNewline, projectEntries.ToArray()); } private IEnumerable ToProjectEntries(IEnumerable assemblies) { foreach (var assembly in assemblies) yield return new SolutionProjectEntry() { ProjectFactoryGuid = SolutionGuid(assembly), Name = assembly.name, FileName = Path.GetFileName(ProjectFile(assembly)), ProjectGuid = ProjectGuid(assembly), Metadata = k_WindowsNewline }; } /// /// Generate the active configuration string for a given project guid /// private string GetProjectActiveConfigurations(string projectGuid) { return string.Format( m_SolutionProjectConfigurationTemplate, projectGuid); } private string EscapedRelativePathFor(string file) { var projectDir = FileUtility.Normalize(ProjectDirectory); file = FileUtility.Normalize(file); var path = SkipPathPrefix(file, projectDir); var packageInfo = m_AssemblyNameProvider.FindForAssetPath(path.Replace('\\', '/')); if (packageInfo != null) { // We have to normalize the path, because the PackageManagerRemapper assumes // dir seperators will be os specific. var absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(FileUtility.Normalize(path)); path = SkipPathPrefix(absolutePath, projectDir); } return XmlFilename(path); } private static string SkipPathPrefix(string path, string prefix) { if (path.StartsWith($"{prefix}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}") && (path.Length > prefix.Length)) return path.Substring(prefix.Length + 1); return path; } private static string ProjectFooter() { return GetProjectFooterTemplate(); } static string GetProjectExtension() { return ".csproj"; } private string ProjectGuid(Assembly assembly) { return m_GUIDGenerator.ProjectGuid( m_ProjectName, m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAssemblyName(assembly.outputPath, assembly.name)); } private string SolutionGuid(Assembly assembly) { return m_GUIDGenerator.SolutionGuid(m_ProjectName, ScriptingLanguageFor(assembly)); } private static string GetRootNamespace(Assembly assembly) { #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER return assembly.rootNamespace; #else return EditorSettings.projectGenerationRootNamespace; #endif } } public static class SolutionGuidGenerator { public static string GuidForProject(string projectName) { return ComputeGuidHashFor(projectName + "salt"); } public static string GuidForSolution(string projectName, ScriptingLanguage language) { if (language == ScriptingLanguage.CSharp) { // GUID for a C# class library: http://www.codeproject.com/Reference/720512/List-of-Visual-Studio-Project-Type-GUIDs return "FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC"; } return ComputeGuidHashFor(projectName); } private static string ComputeGuidHashFor(string input) { var hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input)); return HashAsGuid(HashToString(hash)); } private static string HashAsGuid(string hash) { var guid = hash.Substring(0, 8) + "-" + hash.Substring(8, 4) + "-" + hash.Substring(12, 4) + "-" + hash.Substring(16, 4) + "-" + hash.Substring(20, 12); return guid.ToUpper(); } private static string HashToString(byte[] bs) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte b in bs) sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); return sb.ToString(); } } }