using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { public sealed class Flow : IPoolable, IDisposable { // We need to check for recursion by passing some additional // context information to avoid the same port in multiple different // nested flow graphs to count as the same item. Naively, // we're using the parent as the context, which seems to work; // it won't theoretically catch recursive nesting, but then recursive // nesting already isn't supported anyway, so this way we avoid hashing // or turning the stack into a reference. // // We make this an equatable struct to avoid any allocation. private struct RecursionNode : IEquatable<RecursionNode> { public IUnitPort port { get; } public IGraphParent context { get; } public RecursionNode(IUnitPort port, GraphPointer pointer) { this.port = port; this.context = pointer.parent; } public bool Equals(RecursionNode other) { return other.port == port && other.context == context; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is RecursionNode other && Equals(other); } public override int GetHashCode() { return HashUtility.GetHashCode(port, context); } } public GraphStack stack { get; private set; } private Recursion<RecursionNode> recursion; private readonly Dictionary<IUnitValuePort, object> locals = new Dictionary<IUnitValuePort, object>(); public readonly VariableDeclarations variables = new VariableDeclarations(); private readonly Stack<int> loops = new Stack<int>(); private readonly HashSet<GraphStack> preservedStacks = new HashSet<GraphStack>(); public MonoBehaviour coroutineRunner { get; private set; } private ICollection<Flow> activeCoroutinesRegistry; private bool coroutineStopRequested; public bool isCoroutine { get; private set; } private IEnumerator coroutineEnumerator; public bool isPrediction { get; private set; } private bool disposed; public bool enableDebug { get { if (isPrediction) { return false; } if (!stack.hasDebugData) { return false; } return true; } } public static Func<GraphPointer, bool> isInspectedBinding { get; set; } public bool isInspected => isInspectedBinding?.Invoke(stack) ?? false; #region Lifecycle private Flow() { } public static Flow New(GraphReference reference) { Ensure.That(nameof(reference)).IsNotNull(reference); var flow = GenericPool<Flow>.New(() => new Flow()); ; flow.stack = reference.ToStackPooled(); return flow; } void IPoolable.New() { disposed = false; recursion = Recursion<RecursionNode>.New(); } public void Dispose() { if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(ToString()); } GenericPool<Flow>.Free(this); } void IPoolable.Free() { stack?.Dispose(); recursion?.Dispose(); locals.Clear(); loops.Clear(); variables.Clear(); // Preserved stacks could remain if coroutine was interrupted foreach (var preservedStack in preservedStacks) { preservedStack.Dispose(); } preservedStacks.Clear(); loopIdentifier = -1; stack = null; recursion = null; isCoroutine = false; coroutineEnumerator = null; coroutineRunner = null; activeCoroutinesRegistry?.Remove(this); activeCoroutinesRegistry = null; coroutineStopRequested = false; isPrediction = false; disposed = true; } public GraphStack PreserveStack() { var preservedStack = stack.Clone(); preservedStacks.Add(preservedStack); return preservedStack; } public void RestoreStack(GraphStack stack) { this.stack.CopyFrom(stack); } public void DisposePreservedStack(GraphStack stack) { stack.Dispose(); preservedStacks.Remove(stack); } #endregion #region Loops public int loopIdentifier = -1; public int currentLoop { get { if (loops.Count > 0) { return loops.Peek(); } else { return -1; } } } public bool LoopIsNotBroken(int loop) { return currentLoop == loop; } public int EnterLoop() { var loop = ++loopIdentifier; loops.Push(loop); return loop; } public void BreakLoop() { if (currentLoop < 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No active loop to break."); } loops.Pop(); } public void ExitLoop(int loop) { if (loop != currentLoop) { // Already exited through break return; } loops.Pop(); } #endregion #region Control public void Run(ControlOutput port) { Invoke(port); Dispose(); } public void StartCoroutine(ControlOutput port, ICollection<Flow> registry = null) { isCoroutine = true; coroutineRunner = stack.component; if (coroutineRunner == null) { coroutineRunner = CoroutineRunner.instance; } activeCoroutinesRegistry = registry; activeCoroutinesRegistry?.Add(this); // We have to store the enumerator because Coroutine itself // can't be cast to IDisposable, which we'll need when stopping. coroutineEnumerator = Coroutine(port); coroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(coroutineEnumerator); } public void StopCoroutine(bool disposeInstantly) { if (!isCoroutine) { throw new NotSupportedException("Stop may only be called on coroutines."); } if (disposeInstantly) { StopCoroutineImmediate(); } else { // We prefer a soft coroutine stop here that will happen at the *next frame*, // because we don't want the flow to be disposed just yet when the event unit stops // listening, as we still need it for clean up operations. coroutineStopRequested = true; } } internal void StopCoroutineImmediate() { if (coroutineRunner && coroutineEnumerator != null) { coroutineRunner.StopCoroutine(coroutineEnumerator); // Unity doesn't dispose coroutines enumerators when calling StopCoroutine, so we have to do it manually: // ((IDisposable)coroutineEnumerator).Dispose(); } } private IEnumerator Coroutine(ControlOutput startPort) { try { foreach (var instruction in InvokeCoroutine(startPort)) { if (coroutineStopRequested) { yield break; } yield return instruction; if (coroutineStopRequested) { yield break; } } } finally { // Manual disposal might have already occurred from StopCoroutine, // so we have to avoid double disposal, which would throw. if (!disposed) { Dispose(); } } } public void Invoke(ControlOutput output) { Ensure.That(nameof(output)).IsNotNull(output); var connection = output.connection; if (connection == null) { return; } var input = connection.destination; var recursionNode = new RecursionNode(output, stack); BeforeInvoke(output, recursionNode); var nextPort = InvokeDelegate(input); if (nextPort != null) { Invoke(nextPort); } AfterInvoke(output, recursionNode); } private IEnumerable InvokeCoroutine(ControlOutput output) { var connection = output.connection; if (connection == null) { yield break; } var input = connection.destination; var recursionNode = new RecursionNode(output, stack); BeforeInvoke(output, recursionNode); if (input.supportsCoroutine) { foreach (var instruction in InvokeCoroutineDelegate(input)) { if (instruction is ControlOutput) { foreach (var unwrappedInstruction in InvokeCoroutine((ControlOutput)instruction)) { yield return unwrappedInstruction; } } else { yield return instruction; } } } else { ControlOutput nextPort = InvokeDelegate(input); if (nextPort != null) { foreach (var instruction in InvokeCoroutine(nextPort)) { yield return instruction; } } } AfterInvoke(output, recursionNode); } private RecursionNode BeforeInvoke(ControlOutput output, RecursionNode recursionNode) { try { recursion?.Enter(recursionNode); } catch (StackOverflowException ex) { output.unit.HandleException(stack, ex); throw; } var connection = output.connection; var input = connection.destination; if (enableDebug) { var connectionEditorData = stack.GetElementDebugData<IUnitConnectionDebugData>(connection); var inputUnitEditorData = stack.GetElementDebugData<IUnitDebugData>(input.unit); connectionEditorData.lastInvokeFrame = EditorTimeBinding.frame; connectionEditorData.lastInvokeTime = EditorTimeBinding.time; inputUnitEditorData.lastInvokeFrame = EditorTimeBinding.frame; inputUnitEditorData.lastInvokeTime = EditorTimeBinding.time; } return recursionNode; } private void AfterInvoke(ControlOutput output, RecursionNode recursionNode) { recursion?.Exit(recursionNode); } private ControlOutput InvokeDelegate(ControlInput input) { try { if (input.requiresCoroutine) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Port '{input.key}' on '{input.unit}' can only be triggered in a coroutine."); } return input.action(this); } catch (Exception ex) { input.unit.HandleException(stack, ex); throw; } } private IEnumerable InvokeCoroutineDelegate(ControlInput input) { var instructions = input.coroutineAction(this); while (true) { object instruction; try { if (!instructions.MoveNext()) { break; } instruction = instructions.Current; } catch (Exception ex) { input.unit.HandleException(stack, ex); throw; } yield return instruction; } } #endregion #region Values public bool IsLocal(IUnitValuePort port) { Ensure.That(nameof(port)).IsNotNull(port); return locals.ContainsKey(port); } public void SetValue(IUnitValuePort port, object value) { Ensure.That(nameof(port)).IsNotNull(port); Ensure.That(nameof(value)).IsOfType(value, port.type); if (locals.ContainsKey(port)) { locals[port] = value; } else { locals.Add(port, value); } } public object GetValue(ValueInput input) { if (locals.TryGetValue(input, out var local)) { return local; } var connection = input.connection; if (connection != null) { if (enableDebug) { var connectionEditorData = stack.GetElementDebugData<IUnitConnectionDebugData>(connection); connectionEditorData.lastInvokeFrame = EditorTimeBinding.frame; connectionEditorData.lastInvokeTime = EditorTimeBinding.time; } var output = connection.source; var value = GetValue(output); if (enableDebug) { var connectionEditorData = stack.GetElementDebugData<ValueConnection.DebugData>(connection); connectionEditorData.lastValue = value; connectionEditorData.assignedLastValue = true; } return value; } else if (TryGetDefaultValue(input, out var defaultValue)) { return defaultValue; } else { throw new MissingValuePortInputException(input.key); } } private object GetValue(ValueOutput output) { if (locals.TryGetValue(output, out var local)) { return local; } if (!output.supportsFetch) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"The value of '{output.key}' on '{output.unit}' cannot be fetched dynamically, it must be assigned."); } var recursionNode = new RecursionNode(output, stack); try { recursion?.Enter(recursionNode); } catch (StackOverflowException ex) { output.unit.HandleException(stack, ex); throw; } if (enableDebug) { var outputUnitEditorData = stack.GetElementDebugData<IUnitDebugData>(output.unit); outputUnitEditorData.lastInvokeFrame = EditorTimeBinding.frame; outputUnitEditorData.lastInvokeTime = EditorTimeBinding.time; } var value = GetValueDelegate(output); recursion?.Exit(recursionNode); return value; } public object GetValue(ValueInput input, Type type) { return ConversionUtility.Convert(GetValue(input), type); } public T GetValue<T>(ValueInput input) { return (T)GetValue(input, typeof(T)); } public object GetConvertedValue(ValueInput input) { return GetValue(input, input.type); } private object GetDefaultValue(ValueInput input) { if (!TryGetDefaultValue(input, out var defaultValue)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Value input port does not have a default value."); } return defaultValue; } public bool TryGetDefaultValue(ValueInput input, out object defaultValue) { if (!input.unit.defaultValues.TryGetValue(input.key, out defaultValue)) { return false; } if (input.nullMeansSelf && defaultValue == null) { defaultValue = stack.self; } return true; } private object GetValueDelegate(ValueOutput output) { try { return output.getValue(this); } catch (Exception ex) { output.unit.HandleException(stack, ex); throw; } } public static object FetchValue(ValueInput input, GraphReference reference) { var flow = New(reference); var result = flow.GetValue(input); flow.Dispose(); return result; } public static object FetchValue(ValueInput input, Type type, GraphReference reference) { return ConversionUtility.Convert(FetchValue(input, reference), type); } public static T FetchValue<T>(ValueInput input, GraphReference reference) { return (T)FetchValue(input, typeof(T), reference); } #endregion #region Value Prediction public static bool CanPredict(IUnitValuePort port, GraphReference reference) { Ensure.That(nameof(port)).IsNotNull(port); var flow = New(reference); flow.isPrediction = true; bool canPredict; if (port is ValueInput) { canPredict = flow.CanPredict((ValueInput)port); } else if (port is ValueOutput) { canPredict = flow.CanPredict((ValueOutput)port); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } flow.Dispose(); return canPredict; } private bool CanPredict(ValueInput input) { if (!input.hasValidConnection) { if (!TryGetDefaultValue(input, out var defaultValue)) { return false; } if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(input.type)) { defaultValue = defaultValue?.ConvertTo(input.type); } if (!input.allowsNull && defaultValue == null) { return false; } return true; } var output = input.validConnectedPorts.Single(); if (!CanPredict(output)) { return false; } var connectedValue = GetValue(output); if (!ConversionUtility.CanConvert(connectedValue, input.type, false)) { return false; } if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(input.type)) { connectedValue = connectedValue?.ConvertTo(input.type); } if (!input.allowsNull && connectedValue == null) { return false; } return true; } private bool CanPredict(ValueOutput output) { // Shortcircuit the expensive check if the port isn't marked as predictable if (!output.supportsPrediction) { return false; } var recursionNode = new RecursionNode(output, stack); if (!recursion?.TryEnter(recursionNode) ?? false) { return false; } // Check each value dependency foreach (var relation in output.unit.relations.WithDestination(output)) { if (relation.source is ValueInput) { var source = (ValueInput)relation.source; if (!CanPredict(source)) { recursion?.Exit(recursionNode); return false; } } } var value = CanPredictDelegate(output); recursion?.Exit(recursionNode); return value; } private bool CanPredictDelegate(ValueOutput output) { try { return output.canPredictValue(this); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning($"Prediction check failed for '{output.key}' on '{output.unit}':\n{ex}"); return false; } } public static object Predict(IUnitValuePort port, GraphReference reference) { Ensure.That(nameof(port)).IsNotNull(port); var flow = New(reference); flow.isPrediction = true; object value; if (port is ValueInput) { value = flow.GetValue((ValueInput)port); } else if (port is ValueOutput) { value = flow.GetValue((ValueOutput)port); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } flow.Dispose(); return value; } public static object Predict(IUnitValuePort port, GraphReference reference, Type type) { return ConversionUtility.Convert(Predict(port, reference), type); } public static T Predict<T>(IUnitValuePort port, GraphReference pointer) { return (T)Predict(port, pointer, typeof(T)); } #endregion } }