using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.Timeline.Actions;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;

namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
    static class Gaps
        static readonly string kInsertTime = L10n.Tr("Insert Time");

        public static void Insert(TimelineAsset asset, double at, double amount, double tolerance)
            var tracks =  asset.flattenedTracks.Where(x => x.lockedInHierarchy == false).ToList();
            // gather all clips
            var clips = tracks.SelectMany(x => x.clips).Where(x => (x.start - at) >= -tolerance).ToList();
            var markers = tracks.SelectMany(x => x.GetMarkers()).Where(x => (x.time - at) >= -tolerance).ToList();

            // push undo on the tracks for the clips that are being modified
            UndoExtensions.RegisterClips(clips, kInsertTime);

            // push the clips
            foreach (var clip in clips)
                clip.start += amount;

            // push undos and move the markers
            UndoExtensions.RegisterMarkers(markers, kInsertTime);
            foreach (var marker in markers)
                marker.time += amount;


    class PlayheadContextMenu : Manipulator
        readonly TimeAreaItem m_TimeAreaItem;
        static readonly int[] kFrameInsertionValues = {5, 10, 25, 100};
        static readonly GUIContent[] kFrameInsertionValuesGuiContents =
            L10n.TextContent("Insert/Frame/5 Frames"),
            L10n.TextContent("Insert/Frame/10 Frames"),
            L10n.TextContent("Insert/Frame/25 Frames"),
            L10n.TextContent("Insert/Frame/100 Frames")

        static readonly GUIContent kSingleFrameGuiContents = L10n.TextContent("Insert/Frame/Single");
        static readonly GUIContent kSelectedTimeGuiContents = L10n.TextContent("Insert/Selected Time");

        public PlayheadContextMenu(TimeAreaItem timeAreaItem)
            m_TimeAreaItem = timeAreaItem;

        protected override bool ContextClick(Event evt, WindowState state)
            if (!m_TimeAreaItem.bounds.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                return false;

            var tolerance = TimeUtility.GetEpsilon(state.editSequence.time, state.referenceSequence.frameRate);
            var menu = new GenericMenu();

            if (!TimelineWindow.instance.state.editSequence.isReadOnly)
                menu.AddItem(kSingleFrameGuiContents, false, () =>
                    Gaps.Insert(state.editSequence.asset, state.editSequence.time,
                        1.0 / state.referenceSequence.frameRate, tolerance)

                for (var i = 0; i != kFrameInsertionValues.Length; ++i)
                    double f = kFrameInsertionValues[i];
                        false, () =>
                            Gaps.Insert(state.editSequence.asset, state.editSequence.time,
                                f / state.referenceSequence.frameRate, tolerance)

                var playRangeTime = state.playRange;
                if (playRangeTime.y > playRangeTime.x)
                    menu.AddItem(kSelectedTimeGuiContents, false, () =>
                        Gaps.Insert(state.editSequence.asset, playRangeTime.x, playRangeTime.y - playRangeTime.x,
                            TimeUtility.GetEpsilon(playRangeTime.x, state.referenceSequence.frameRate))

            menu.AddItem(L10n.TextContent("Select/Clips Ending Before"), false, () => SelectClipsEndingBefore(state));
            menu.AddItem(L10n.TextContent("Select/Clips Starting Before"), false, () => SelectClipsStartingBefore(state));
            menu.AddItem(L10n.TextContent("Select/Clips Ending After"), false, () => SelectClipsEndingAfter(state));
            menu.AddItem(L10n.TextContent("Select/Clips Starting After"), false, () => SelectClipsStartingAfter(state));
            menu.AddItem(L10n.TextContent("Select/Clips Intersecting"), false, () => SelectClipsIntersecting(state));
            menu.AddItem(L10n.TextContent("Select/Blends Intersecting"), false, () => SelectBlendsIntersecting(state));

            return true;

        internal static void SelectClipsEndingBefore(WindowState state)
            var tolerance = TimeUtility.GetEpsilon(state.editSequence.time, state.referenceSequence.frameRate);
            SelectMenuCallback(x => x.end < state.editSequence.time + tolerance, state);

        internal static void SelectClipsStartingBefore(WindowState state)
            var tolerance = TimeUtility.GetEpsilon(state.editSequence.time, state.referenceSequence.frameRate);
            SelectMenuCallback(x => x.start < state.editSequence.time + tolerance, state);

        internal static void SelectClipsEndingAfter(WindowState state)
            var tolerance = TimeUtility.GetEpsilon(state.editSequence.time, state.referenceSequence.frameRate);
            SelectMenuCallback(x => x.end - state.editSequence.time >= -tolerance, state);

        internal static void SelectClipsStartingAfter(WindowState state)
            var tolerance = TimeUtility.GetEpsilon(state.editSequence.time, state.referenceSequence.frameRate);
            SelectMenuCallback(x => x.start - state.editSequence.time >= -tolerance, state);

        internal static void SelectClipsIntersecting(WindowState state)
            SelectMenuCallback(x => x.start <= state.editSequence.time && state.editSequence.time <= x.end, state);

        internal static void SelectBlendsIntersecting(WindowState state)
            SelectMenuCallback(x => SelectBlendingIntersecting(x, state.editSequence.time), state);

        static bool SelectBlendingIntersecting(TimelineClip clip, double time)
            return clip.start <= time && time <= clip.end && (
                (time <= clip.start + clip.blendInDuration) ||
                (time >= clip.end - clip.blendOutDuration)

        static void SelectMenuCallback(Func<TimelineClip, bool> selector, WindowState state)
            var allClips = state.GetWindow().treeView.allClipGuis;
            if (allClips == null)

            for (var i = 0; i != allClips.Count; ++i)
                var c = allClips[i];

                if (c != null && c.clip != null && c.clip.GetParentTrack().lockedInHierarchy == false && selector(c.clip))

    class TimeAreaContextMenu : Manipulator
        protected override bool ContextClick(Event evt, WindowState state)
            if (state.timeAreaRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                var menu = new GenericMenu();
                AddTimeAreaMenuItems(menu, state);
                return true;
            return false;

        internal static void AddTimeAreaMenuItems(GenericMenu menu, WindowState state)
            foreach (var value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TimelineAsset.DurationMode)))
                var mode = (TimelineAsset.DurationMode)value;
                var item = EditorGUIUtility.TextContent(string.Format(TimelineWindow.Styles.DurationModeText, L10n.Tr(ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(mode.ToString()))));

                if (state.recording || state.IsEditingASubTimeline() || state.editSequence.asset == null
                    || state.editSequence.isReadOnly)
                    menu.AddItem(item, state.editSequence.asset.durationMode == mode, () => SelectDurationCallback(state, mode));

                menu.AddItem(DirectorStyles.showMarkersOnTimeline, state.showMarkerHeader, () => state.showMarkerHeader = !state.showMarkerHeader);

        static void SelectDurationCallback(WindowState state, TimelineAsset.DurationMode mode)
            if (mode == state.editSequence.asset.durationMode)

            UndoExtensions.RegisterTimeline(state.editSequence.asset, "Duration Mode");

            // if we switched from Auto to Fixed, use the auto duration as the new fixed duration so the end marker stay in the same position.
            if (state.editSequence.asset.durationMode == TimelineAsset.DurationMode.BasedOnClips && mode == TimelineAsset.DurationMode.FixedLength)

            state.editSequence.asset.durationMode = mode;

    class Scrub : Manipulator
        readonly Func<Event, WindowState, bool> m_OnMouseDown;
        readonly Action<double> m_OnMouseDrag;
        readonly System.Action m_OnMouseUp;

        bool m_IsCaptured;

        public Scrub(Func<Event, WindowState, bool> onMouseDown, Action<double> onMouseDrag, System.Action onMouseUp)
            m_OnMouseDown = onMouseDown;
            m_OnMouseDrag = onMouseDrag;
            m_OnMouseUp = onMouseUp;

        protected override bool MouseDown(Event evt, WindowState state)
            if (evt.button != 0)
                return false;

            if (!m_OnMouseDown(evt, state))
                return false;

            m_IsCaptured = true;

            return true;

        protected override bool MouseUp(Event evt, WindowState state)
            if (!m_IsCaptured)
                return false;

            m_IsCaptured = false;


            return true;

        protected override bool MouseDrag(Event evt, WindowState state)
            if (!m_IsCaptured)
                return false;


            return true;

    class TimeAreaItem : Control
        public Color        headColor   { get; set; }
        public Color        lineColor   { get; set; }
        public bool         drawLine    { get; set; }
        public bool         drawHead    { get; set; }
        public bool         canMoveHead { get; set; }
        public string       tooltip     { get; set; }
        public Vector2      boundOffset { get; set; }

        readonly GUIContent m_HeaderContent = new GUIContent();
        readonly GUIStyle m_Style;
        readonly Tooltip m_Tooltip;

        Rect m_BoundingRect;

        float widgetHeight { get { return m_Style.fixedHeight; } }
        float widgetWidth { get { return m_Style.fixedWidth; } }

        public Rect bounds
                Rect r = m_BoundingRect;
                r.y = TimelineWindow.instance.state.timeAreaRect.yMax - widgetHeight;
                r.position += boundOffset;

                return r;

        public GUIStyle style
            get { return m_Style;  }

        public bool showTooltip { get; set; }

        // is this the first frame the drag callback is being invoked
        public bool firstDrag { get; private set; }

        public TimeAreaItem(GUIStyle style, Action<double> onDrag)
            m_Style = style;
            headColor = Color.white;
            var scrub = new Scrub(
                (evt, state) =>
                    firstDrag = true;
                    return state.timeAreaRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition) && bounds.Contains(evt.mousePosition);
                (d) =>
                    if (onDrag != null)
                    firstDrag = false;
                () =>
                    showTooltip = false;
                    firstDrag = false;
            lineColor = m_Style.normal.textColor;
            drawLine = true;
            drawHead = true;
            canMoveHead = false;
            tooltip = string.Empty;
            boundOffset =;
            m_Tooltip = new Tooltip(DirectorStyles.Instance.displayBackground, DirectorStyles.Instance.tinyFont);

        public void Draw(Rect rect, WindowState state, double time)
            var clipRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, TimelineWindow.instance.position.width, TimelineWindow.instance.position.height);
            clipRect.xMin += state.sequencerHeaderWidth;

            using (new GUIViewportScope(clipRect))
                Vector2 windowCoordinate = rect.min;
                windowCoordinate.y += 4.0f;

                windowCoordinate.x = state.TimeToPixel(time);

                m_BoundingRect = new Rect((windowCoordinate.x - widgetWidth / 2.0f), windowCoordinate.y, widgetWidth, widgetHeight);

                // Do not paint if the time cursor goes outside the timeline bounds...
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    if (m_BoundingRect.xMax < state.timeAreaRect.xMin)
                    if (m_BoundingRect.xMin > state.timeAreaRect.xMax)

                var top = new Vector3(windowCoordinate.x, rect.y - DirectorStyles.kDurationGuiThickness);
                var bottom = new Vector3(windowCoordinate.x, rect.yMax);

                if (drawLine)
                    Rect lineRect = Rect.MinMaxRect(top.x - 0.5f, top.y, bottom.x + 0.5f, bottom.y);
                    EditorGUI.DrawRect(lineRect, lineColor);

                if (drawHead && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    Color c = GUI.color;
                    GUI.color = headColor;
                    style.Draw(bounds, m_HeaderContent, false, false, false, false);
                    GUI.color = c;

                    if (canMoveHead)
                        EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(bounds, MouseCursor.MoveArrow);

                if (showTooltip)
                    m_Tooltip.text = TimeReferenceUtility.ToTimeString(time);

                    Vector2 position = bounds.position;
                    position.y = state.timeAreaRect.y;
                    position.y -= m_Tooltip.bounds.height;
                    position.x -= Mathf.Abs(m_Tooltip.bounds.width - bounds.width) / 2.0f;

                    Rect tooltipBounds = bounds;
                    tooltipBounds.position = position;
                    m_Tooltip.bounds = tooltipBounds;
