using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Timeline; using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { static class AnimatedParameterUtility { static readonly Type k_DefaultAnimationType = typeof(TimelineAsset); static SerializedObject s_CachedObject; public static ICurvesOwner ToCurvesOwner(IPlayableAsset playableAsset, TimelineAsset timeline) { if (playableAsset == null) return null; var curvesOwner = playableAsset as ICurvesOwner; if (curvesOwner == null) { // If the asset is not directly an ICurvesOwner, it might be the asset for a TimelineClip curvesOwner = TimelineRecording.FindClipWithAsset(timeline, playableAsset); } return curvesOwner; } public static bool TryGetSerializedPlayableAsset(UnityObject asset, out SerializedObject serializedObject) { serializedObject = null; if (asset == null || Attribute.IsDefined(asset.GetType(), typeof(NotKeyableAttribute)) || !HasScriptPlayable(asset)) return false; serializedObject = GetSerializedPlayableAsset(asset); return serializedObject != null; } public static SerializedObject GetSerializedPlayableAsset(UnityObject asset) { if (!(asset is IPlayableAsset)) return null; var scriptObject = asset as ScriptableObject; if (scriptObject == null) return null; if (s_CachedObject == null || s_CachedObject.targetObject != asset) { s_CachedObject = new SerializedObject(scriptObject); } return s_CachedObject; } public static void UpdateSerializedPlayableAsset(UnityObject asset) { var so = GetSerializedPlayableAsset(asset); if (so != null) so.UpdateIfRequiredOrScript(); } public static bool HasScriptPlayable(UnityObject asset) { if (asset == null) return false; var scriptPlayable = asset as IPlayableBehaviour; return scriptPlayable != null || GetScriptPlayableFields(asset as IPlayableAsset).Any(); } public static FieldInfo[] GetScriptPlayableFields(IPlayableAsset asset) { if (asset == null) return new FieldInfo[0]; FieldInfo[] scriptPlayableFields; if (!AnimatedParameterCache.TryGetScriptPlayableFields(asset.GetType(), out scriptPlayableFields)) { scriptPlayableFields = GetScriptPlayableFields_Internal(asset); AnimatedParameterCache.SetScriptPlayableFields(asset.GetType(), scriptPlayableFields); } return scriptPlayableFields; } static FieldInfo[] GetScriptPlayableFields_Internal(IPlayableAsset asset) { return asset.GetType() .GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .Where( f => typeof(IPlayableBehaviour).IsAssignableFrom(f.FieldType) && // The field is an IPlayableBehaviour (f.IsPublic || f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SerializeField), false).Any()) && // The field is either public or marked with [SerializeField] !f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotKeyableAttribute), false).Any() && // The field is not marked with [NotKeyable] !f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HideInInspector), false).Any() && // The field is not marked with [HideInInspector] !f.FieldType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotKeyableAttribute), false).Any()) // The field is not of a type marked with [NotKeyable] .ToArray(); } public static bool HasAnyAnimatableParameters(UnityObject asset) { return GetAllAnimatableParameters(asset).Any(); } public static IEnumerable<SerializedProperty> GetAllAnimatableParameters(UnityObject asset) { SerializedObject serializedObject; if (!TryGetSerializedPlayableAsset(asset, out serializedObject)) yield break; var prop = serializedObject.GetIterator(); // We need to keep this variable because prop starts invalid var outOfBounds = false; while (!outOfBounds && prop.NextVisible(true)) { foreach (var property in SelectAnimatableProperty(prop)) yield return property; // We can become out of bounds by calling SelectAnimatableProperty, if the last iterated property is a color. outOfBounds = !prop.isValid; } } static IEnumerable<SerializedProperty> SelectAnimatableProperty(SerializedProperty prop) { // We're only interested by animatable leaf parameters if (!prop.hasChildren && IsParameterAnimatable(prop)) yield return prop.Copy(); // Color type is not considered "visible" when iterating if (prop.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Color) { var end = prop.GetEndProperty(); // For some reasons, if the last 2+ serialized properties are of type Color, prop becomes invalid and // Next() throws an exception. This is not the case when only the last serialized property is a Color. while (!SerializedProperty.EqualContents(prop, end) && prop.isValid && prop.Next(true)) { foreach (var property in SelectAnimatableProperty(prop)) yield return property; } } } public static bool IsParameterAnimatable(UnityObject asset, string parameterName) { SerializedObject serializedObject; if (!TryGetSerializedPlayableAsset(asset, out serializedObject)) return false; var prop = serializedObject.FindProperty(parameterName); return IsParameterAnimatable(prop); } public static bool IsParameterAnimatable(SerializedProperty property) { if (property == null) return false; bool isAnimatable; if (!AnimatedParameterCache.TryGetIsPropertyAnimatable(property, out isAnimatable)) { isAnimatable = IsParameterAnimatable_Internal(property); AnimatedParameterCache.SetIsPropertyAnimatable(property, isAnimatable); } return isAnimatable; } static bool IsParameterAnimatable_Internal(SerializedProperty property) { if (property == null) return false; var asset = property.serializedObject.targetObject; // Currently not supported if (asset is AnimationTrack) return false; if (IsParameterKeyable(property)) return asset is IPlayableBehaviour || IsParameterAtPathAnimatable(asset, property.propertyPath); return false; } static bool IsParameterKeyable(SerializedProperty property) { return IsTypeAnimatable(property.propertyType) && IsKeyableInHierarchy(property); } static bool IsKeyableInHierarchy(SerializedProperty property) { const BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance; var pathSegments = property.propertyPath.Split('.'); var type = property.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType(); foreach (var segment in pathSegments) { if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotKeyableAttribute), false).Any()) { return false; } if (type.IsArray) return false; var fieldInfo = type.GetField(segment, bindingFlags); if (fieldInfo == null || fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotKeyableAttribute), false).Any() || fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HideInInspector), false).Any()) { return false; } type = fieldInfo.FieldType; // only value types are supported if (!type.IsValueType && !typeof(IPlayableBehaviour).IsAssignableFrom(type)) return false; } return true; } static bool IsParameterAtPathAnimatable(UnityObject asset, string path) { if (asset == null) return false; return GetScriptPlayableFields(asset as IPlayableAsset) .Any( f => path.StartsWith(f.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal) && path.Length > f.Name.Length && path[f.Name.Length] == '.'); } public static bool IsTypeAnimatable(SerializedPropertyType type) { // Note: Integer is not currently supported by the animated property system switch (type) { case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean: case SerializedPropertyType.Float: case SerializedPropertyType.Vector2: case SerializedPropertyType.Vector3: case SerializedPropertyType.Color: case SerializedPropertyType.Quaternion: case SerializedPropertyType.Vector4: return true; default: return false; } } public static bool IsParameterAnimated(UnityObject asset, AnimationClip animationData, string parameterName) { if (asset == null || animationData == null) return false; var binding = GetCurveBinding(asset, parameterName); var bindings = AnimationClipCurveCache.Instance.GetCurveInfo(animationData).bindings; return bindings.Any(x => BindingMatchesParameterName(x, binding.propertyName)); } // Retrieve an animated parameter curve. parameter name is required to include the appropriate field for vectors // e.g.: position public static AnimationCurve GetAnimatedParameter(UnityObject asset, AnimationClip animationData, string parameterName) { if (!(asset is ScriptableObject) || animationData == null) return null; var binding = GetCurveBinding(asset, parameterName); return AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(animationData, binding); } // get an animatable curve binding for this parameter public static EditorCurveBinding GetCurveBinding(UnityObject asset, string parameterName) { var animationName = GetAnimatedParameterBindingName(asset, parameterName); return EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve(string.Empty, GetValidAnimationType(asset), animationName); } public static string GetAnimatedParameterBindingName(UnityObject asset, string parameterName) { if (asset == null) return parameterName; string bindingName; if (!AnimatedParameterCache.TryGetBindingName(asset.GetType(), parameterName, out bindingName)) { bindingName = GetAnimatedParameterBindingName_Internal(asset, parameterName); AnimatedParameterCache.SetBindingName(asset.GetType(), parameterName, bindingName); } return bindingName; } static string GetAnimatedParameterBindingName_Internal(UnityObject asset, string parameterName) { if (asset is IPlayableBehaviour) return parameterName; // strip the IScript playable field name var fields = GetScriptPlayableFields(asset as IPlayableAsset); foreach (var f in fields) { if (parameterName.StartsWith(f.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (parameterName.Length > f.Name.Length && parameterName[f.Name.Length] == '.') return parameterName.Substring(f.Name.Length + 1); } } return parameterName; } public static bool BindingMatchesParameterName(EditorCurveBinding binding, string parameterName) { if (binding.propertyName == parameterName) return true; var indexOfDot = binding.propertyName.LastIndexOf('.'); return indexOfDot > 0 && parameterName.Length == indexOfDot && binding.propertyName.StartsWith(parameterName, StringComparison.Ordinal); } // the animated type must be a non-abstract instantiable object. public static Type GetValidAnimationType(UnityObject asset) { return asset != null ? asset.GetType() : k_DefaultAnimationType; } public static FieldInfo GetFieldInfoForProperty(SerializedProperty property) { FieldInfo fieldInfo; if (!AnimatedParameterCache.TryGetFieldInfoForProperty(property, out fieldInfo)) { Type _; fieldInfo = ScriptAttributeUtility.GetFieldInfoFromProperty(property, out _); AnimatedParameterCache.SetFieldInfoForProperty(property, fieldInfo); } return fieldInfo; } public static T GetAttributeForProperty<T>(SerializedProperty property) where T : Attribute { var fieldInfo = GetFieldInfoForProperty(property); return fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false).FirstOrDefault() as T; } } }