#Basic concepts in visual scripting

| **Note**                                                     |
| :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| For versions 2019/2020 LTS, download the visual scripting solution from the [Unity Asset Store](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-bolt-163802). |

There are four basic concepts in visual scripting that are used when building games. 


[Type](vs-types.md) is an attribute of data which informs the compiler on how to use the data. In scripting, everything is an Object: numbers, pieces of text, vectors, and Unity components are all objects.


[Variables](vs-variables.md) are containers to store values and data. Each variable has a name, a type, and a value. The value inside a variable can change during runtime.

###Graphs, states and machines

[Graphs](vs-graphs-machines-macros.md) are visual representations of logic. They're at the core of visual scripting.


Create [groups](vs-groups.md) to organize the graph. Groups are boxes that surround units.