#Refactoring the script | **Note** | | :----------------------------------------------------------- | | For versions 2019/2020 LTS, download the visual scripting solution from the [Unity Asset Store](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-bolt-163802). | Visual scripting automatically calls methods, fields and properties from any custom script in the project. For example, you can create a unit from a custom Player class with a TakeDamage method. ``` using UnityEngine; public class Player : MonoBehaviour { public void TakeDamage(int damage) { // ... } } ``` In the script graph, if you change your script and rename or remove the TakeDamage method or the Player class, it would appear as:  The associated script would appear as: ``` using UnityEngine; public class Player : MonoBehaviour { public void InflictDamage(int damage) { // ... } } ``` Finally, the unit turns red in the graph window and visual scripting logs a warning to the console.  ``` Failed to define Bolt.InvokeMember: System.MissingMemberException: No matching member found: 'Player.TakeDamage' ``` ###Renaming Members To continue the previous example, to fix the failure, reopen the script file and map the new name to the previous name with the `[RenamedFrom]` attribute. It takes a single string parameter,... that is the previous name of the member. ``` using UnityEngine; using Ludiq; public class Player : MonoBehaviour { [RenamedFrom("TakeDamage")] public void InflictDamage(int damage) { // ... } } ``` It is recommended to leave the attribute in your source even after a successful recompile. Visual scripting cannot guarantee Unity reserializes all the graphs with the corrected name. Visual scripting's `[RenamedFrom]` attribute works much like Unity's own [`[FormerlySerializedAs]`](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute.html) attribute in that regard. ###Renaming Types You can rename types (including classes, structs and enums) using the `[RenamedFrom]` attribute. For example, `Player` class is renamed to `Character`: ``` using UnityEngine; using Ludiq; [RenamedFrom("Player")] public class Character : MonoBehaviour { [RenamedFrom("TakeDamage")] public void InflictDamage(int damage) { // ... } } ``` Note: The old name must include the namespace. In the previous example, this wasn't required as the name was in the global namespace.