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using System;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Tests
public class ScenarioTestBase
// protected AsyncToCoroutine atc;
// [SetUp]
// public void Setup()
// {
// atc = new AsyncToCoroutine();
// }
// [OneTimeSetUp]
// public void OneTimeSetup()
// {
// SourceControlGitImplementation.IsRunningTests = true;
// }
// [OneTimeTearDown]
// public void OneTimeTearDown()
// {
// SourceControlGitImplementation.IsRunningTests = false;
// }
// protected async Task EnsureCleanChangesPageInitially()
// {
// Threading.mainThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
// if (!BackendProvider.Instance.IsProviderInstalled())
// {
// BackendProvider.Instance.InstallProvider();
// }
// // set git identity - using RyanC test dedicated account.
// BackendProvider.Instance.SetGitNameAndEmail("ryancas+collabtest", "ryancas+collabtest@unity3d.com");
// // ensure clean state , todo - ahmad : add this to a setup/teardown pair of methods.
// await BackendProvider.Instance.CreateRepository();
// await BackendProvider.Instance.InitializeClient();
// BackendProvider.Instance.DoesRepositoryExist().ShouldBe(true, "Repository is not initialized");
// BackendProvider.Instance.IsClientInitialized().ShouldBe(true, "Git is not initialized");
// BackendProvider.Instance.Start();
// // ensure clean state by publishing everything.
// await BackendProvider.Instance.Publish("initial publish");
// // assert clean state.
// (await BackendProvider.Instance.GetChanges()).Count.ShouldBe(0, "file change count is not zero");
// }