Begining of support of array programming

This commit is contained in:
Robert Bendun 2022-05-25 04:30:24 +02:00
parent 5d410a1ffd
commit 70e1431f05
5 changed files with 132 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ bin/musique: $(Release_Obj) bin/main.o src/*.hh lib/midi/libmidi-alsa.a
bin/debug/musique: $(Debug_Obj) bin/debug/main.o src/*.hh
@echo "CXX $@"
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(Debug_Obj) bin/debug/main.o
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(Debug_Obj) bin/debug/main.o $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
bin/debug/%.o: src/ src/*.hh
@echo "CXX $@"

examples/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
var fib = [n | if (n <= 1) [ n ] [ fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) ] ];

15 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
var iota = [n |
var iter = [start stop |
if (start >= stop) [[]] [flat start (iter (start+1) stop)]
iter 0 n
var map = [array fun|
var iter = [start stop |
if (start >= stop) [[]] [flat (fun (array.start)) (iter (start+1) stop)]
iter 0 (len array)
var cdur = c47;

View File

@ -5,52 +5,46 @@
#include <thread>
template<typename Binary_Operation>
constexpr auto binary_operator()
static Result<Value> binary_operator(Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args)
return [](Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto result = std::move(args.front());
for (auto &v : std::span(args).subspan(1)) {
assert(result.type == Value::Type::Number, "LHS should be a number"); // TODO(assert)
assert(v.type == Value::Type::Number, "RHS should be a number"); // TODO(assert)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Number, std::invoke_result_t<Binary_Operation, Number, Number>>) {
result.n = Binary_Operation{}(std::move(result.n), std::move(v).n);
} else {
result.type = Value::Type::Bool;
result.b = Binary_Operation{}(std::move(result.n), std::move(v).n);
auto result = std::move(args.front());
for (auto &v : std::span(args).subspan(1)) {
assert(result.type == Value::Type::Number, "LHS should be a number"); // TODO(assert)
assert(v.type == Value::Type::Number, "RHS should be a number"); // TODO(assert)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Number, std::invoke_result_t<Binary_Operation, Number, Number>>) {
result.n = Binary_Operation{}(std::move(result.n), std::move(v).n);
} else {
result.type = Value::Type::Bool;
result.b = Binary_Operation{}(std::move(result.n), std::move(v).n);
return result;
return result;
template<typename Binary_Predicate>
constexpr auto equality_operator()
static Result<Value> equality_operator(Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args)
return [](Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 2, "(in)Equality only allows for 2 operands"); // TODO(assert)
return Value::from(Binary_Predicate{}(std::move(args.front()), std::move(args.back())));
assert(args.size() == 2, "(in)Equality only allows for 2 operands"); // TODO(assert)
return Value::from(Binary_Predicate{}(std::move(args.front()), std::move(args.back())));
template<typename Binary_Predicate>
constexpr auto comparison_operator()
static Result<Value> comparison_operator(Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args)
return [](Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 2, "Ordering only allows for 2 operands"); // TODO(assert)
assert(args.front().type == args.back().type, "Only values of the same type can be ordered"); // TODO(assert)
assert(args.size() == 2, "Ordering only allows for 2 operands"); // TODO(assert)
assert(args.front().type == args.back().type, "Only values of the same type can be ordered"); // TODO(assert)
switch (args.front().type) {
case Value::Type::Number:
return Value::from(Binary_Predicate{}(std::move(args.front()).n, std::move(args.back()).n));
switch (args.front().type) {
case Value::Type::Number:
return Value::from(Binary_Predicate{}(std::move(args.front()).n, std::move(args.back()).n));
case Value::Type::Bool:
return Value::from(Binary_Predicate{}(std::move(args.front()).b, std::move(args.back()).b));
case Value::Type::Bool:
return Value::from(Binary_Predicate{}(std::move(args.front()).b, std::move(args.back()).b));
assert(false, "Cannot compare value of given types"); // TODO(assert)
assert(false, "Cannot compare value of given types"); // TODO(assert)
/// Registers constants like `fn = full note = 1/1`
@ -118,40 +112,93 @@ static inline Result<void> create_chord(std::vector<Note> &chord, Interpreter &i
return {};
template<Iterable T>
static inline Result<void> play_notes(Interpreter &interpreter, T args)
for (auto i = 0u; i < args.size(); ++i) {
Value arg;
if constexpr (With_Index_Method<T>) {
arg = Try(args.index(interpreter, i));
} else {
arg = std::move(args[i]);
switch (arg.type) {
case Value::Type::Array:
case Value::Type::Block:
Try(play_notes(interpreter, std::move(arg)));
case Value::Type::Music:;
assert(false, "this type does not support playing");
return {};
constexpr bool is_indexable(Value::Type type)
return type == Value::Type::Array || type == Value::Type::Block;
/// Creates implementation of plus/minus operator that support following operations:
/// number, number -> number (standard math operations)
/// n: number, m: music -> music
/// m: music, n: number -> music moves m by n semitones (+ goes up, - goes down)
template<typename Binary_Operation>
static inline auto plus_minus_operator()
static Result<Value> plus_minus_operator(Interpreter &interpreter, std::vector<Value> args)
return [](Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 2, "Binary operator only accepts 2 arguments");
auto lhs = std::move(args.front());
auto rhs = std::move(args.back());
assert(args.size() == 2, "Binary operator only accepts 2 arguments");
auto lhs = std::move(args.front());
auto rhs = std::move(args.back());
if (lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.type == Value::Type::Number) {
return Value::from(Binary_Operation{}(std::move(lhs).n, std::move(rhs).n));
if (lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.type == Value::Type::Number) {
return Value::from(Binary_Operation{}(std::move(lhs).n, std::move(rhs).n));
if (lhs.type == Value::Type::Music && rhs.type == Value::Type::Number) {
for (auto &note : lhs.chord.notes) {
note.base = Binary_Operation{}(note.base, rhs.n.as_int());
return lhs;
if (lhs.type == Value::Type::Music && rhs.type == Value::Type::Number) {
for (auto &note : lhs.chord.notes) {
note.base = Binary_Operation{}(note.base, rhs.n.as_int());
return lhs;
if (lhs.type == Value::Type::Number && rhs.type == Value::Type::Music) {
for (auto &note : rhs.chord.notes) {
note.base = Binary_Operation{}(lhs.n.as_int(), note.base);
return rhs;
if (lhs.type == Value::Type::Number && rhs.type == Value::Type::Music) {
std::swap(lhs, rhs);
goto music_number_operation;
if (is_indexable(lhs.type) && !is_indexable(rhs.type)) {
Array array;
for (auto i = 0u; i < lhs.size(); ++i) {
interpreter, { Try(lhs.index(interpreter, i)), rhs })));
return Value::from(std::move(array));
assert(false, "Unsupported types for this operation"); // TODO(assert)
if (!is_indexable(lhs.type) && is_indexable(rhs.type)) {
Array array;
for (auto i = 0u; i < rhs.size(); ++i) {
interpreter, { lhs, Try(rhs.index(interpreter, i)) })));
return Value::from(std::move(array));
assert(false, "Unsupported types for this operation"); // TODO(assert)
@ -191,10 +238,7 @@ Interpreter::Interpreter()
global.force_define("play", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
for (auto &arg : args) {
assert(arg.type == Value::Type::Music, "Only music values can be played"); // TODO(assert);
Try(play_notes(i, std::move(args)));
return Value{};
@ -225,18 +269,18 @@ Interpreter::Interpreter()
return Value::from(std::move(chord));
operators["+"] = plus_minus_operator<std::plus<>>();
operators["-"] = plus_minus_operator<std::minus<>>();
operators["*"] = binary_operator<std::multiplies<>>();
operators["/"] = binary_operator<std::divides<>>();
operators["+"] = plus_minus_operator<std::plus<>>;
operators["-"] = plus_minus_operator<std::minus<>>;
operators["*"] = binary_operator<std::multiplies<>>;
operators["/"] = binary_operator<std::divides<>>;
operators["<"] = comparison_operator<std::less<>>();
operators[">"] = comparison_operator<std::greater<>>();
operators["<="] = comparison_operator<std::less_equal<>>();
operators[">="] = comparison_operator<std::greater_equal<>>();
operators["<"] = comparison_operator<std::less<>>;
operators[">"] = comparison_operator<std::greater<>>;
operators["<="] = comparison_operator<std::less_equal<>>;
operators[">="] = comparison_operator<std::greater_equal<>>;
operators["=="] = equality_operator<std::equal_to<>>();
operators["!="] = equality_operator<std::not_equal_to<>>();
operators["=="] = equality_operator<std::equal_to<>>;
operators["!="] = equality_operator<std::not_equal_to<>>;
operators["."] = +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 2, "Operator . requires two arguments"); // TODO(assert)

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@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ Result<Value> Value::index(Interpreter &i, unsigned position)
case Type::Block:
return blk.index(i, position);
case Type::Array:
return array.index(i, position);
assert(false, "Block indexing is not supported for this type"); // TODO(assert)