Builtin function handlers definition now in separate file
Same as in commit before, we try to cleanup src/interpreter.cc from all of builtin function noise.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ LDFLAGS=-L./lib/midi/
LDLIBS=-lmidi-alsa -lasound -lpthread
LDLIBS=-lmidi-alsa -lasound -lpthread
Obj= \
Obj= \
builtin_functions.o \
builtin_operators.o \
builtin_operators.o \
context.o \
context.o \
environment.o \
environment.o \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
#include <musique.hh>
#include <random>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
void Interpreter::register_callbacks()
assert(callbacks == nullptr, "This field should be uninitialized");
callbacks = std::make_unique<Interpreter::Incoming_Midi_Callbacks>();
callbacks->add_callbacks(*midi_connection, *this);
callbacks->note_on = Value(+[](Interpreter &, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
std::cout << "Received: " << args[1] << "\r\n" << std::flush;
return Value{};
template<typename T>
concept With_Index_Method = requires (T t, Interpreter interpreter, usize position) {
{ t.index(interpreter, position) } -> std::convertible_to<Result<Value>>;
template<typename T>
concept With_Index_Operator = requires (T t, unsigned i) {
{ t[i] } -> std::convertible_to<Value>;
template<typename T>
concept Iterable = (With_Index_Method<T> || With_Index_Operator<T>) && requires (T const t) {
{ t.size() } -> std::convertible_to<usize>;
template<Iterable T>
static inline Result<void> create_chord(std::vector<Note> &chord, Interpreter &interpreter, T args)
for (auto i = 0u; i < args.size(); ++i) {
Value arg;
if constexpr (With_Index_Method<T>) {
arg = Try(args.index(interpreter, i));
} else {
arg = std::move(args[i]);
switch (arg.type) {
case Value::Type::Array:
case Value::Type::Block:
Try(create_chord(chord, interpreter, std::move(arg)));
case Value::Type::Music:
std::move(arg.chord.notes.begin(), arg.chord.notes.end(), std::back_inserter(chord));
assert(false, "this type is not supported inside chord");
return {};
template<Iterable T>
static inline Result<void> play_notes(Interpreter &interpreter, T args)
for (auto i = 0u; i < args.size(); ++i) {
Value arg;
if constexpr (With_Index_Method<T>) {
arg = Try(args.index(interpreter, i));
} else {
arg = std::move(args[i]);
switch (arg.type) {
case Value::Type::Array:
case Value::Type::Block:
Try(play_notes(interpreter, std::move(arg)));
case Value::Type::Music:
assert(false, "this type does not support playing");
return {};
template<auto Mem_Ptr>
Result<Value> ctx_read_write_property(Interpreter &interpreter, std::vector<Value> args)
assert(args.size() <= 1, "Ctx get or set is only supported (wrong number of arguments)"); // TODO(assert)
using Member_Type = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(std::declval<Context>().*(Mem_Ptr))>;
if (args.size() == 0) {
return Value::from(Number(interpreter.context_stack.back().*(Mem_Ptr)));
assert(args.front().type == Value::Type::Number, "Ctx only holds numeric values");
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Member_Type, Number>) {
interpreter.context_stack.back().*(Mem_Ptr) = args.front().n;
} else {
interpreter.context_stack.back().*(Mem_Ptr) = static_cast<Member_Type>(args.front().n.as_int());
return Value{};
static Result<Array> into_flat_array(Interpreter &i, std::span<Value> args)
Array array;
for (auto &arg : args) {
switch (arg.type) {
case Value::Type::Array:
std::move(arg.array.elements.begin(), arg.array.elements.end(), std::back_inserter(array.elements));
case Value::Type::Block:
for (auto j = 0u; j < arg.blk.size(); ++j) {
array.elements.push_back(Try(arg.blk.index(i, j)));
return array;
static Result<Array> into_flat_array(Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args)
return into_flat_array(i, std::span(args));
void Interpreter::register_builtin_functions()
auto &global = *Env::global;
global.force_define("update", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 3, "Update requires 3 arguments"); // TODO(assert)
using Eager_And_Number = Shape<Value::Type::Array, Value::Type::Number>;
using Lazy_And_Number = Shape<Value::Type::Block, Value::Type::Number>;
if (Eager_And_Number::typecheck_front(args)) {
auto [v, index] = Eager_And_Number::move_from(args);
v.elements[index.as_int()] = std::move(args.back());
return Value::from(std::move(v));
if (Lazy_And_Number::typecheck_front(args)) {
auto [v, index] = Lazy_And_Number::move_from(args);
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, { Value::from(std::move(v)) }));
array.elements[index.as_int()] = std::move(args.back());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
unimplemented("Wrong shape of update function");
global.force_define("typeof", +[](Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 1, "typeof expects only one argument");
return Value::from(std::string(type_name(args.front().type)));
global.force_define("if", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
if (args.size() != 2 && args.size() != 3) {
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "if",
.possibilities = {
"(any, function) -> any",
"(any, function, function) -> any"
if (args.front().truthy()) {
if (not is_callable(args[1].type)) goto error;
return args[1](i, {});
} else if (args.size() == 3) {
if (not is_callable(args[2].type)) goto error;
return args[2](i, {});
} else {
return Value{};
global.force_define("len", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
if (args.size() != 1 || !is_indexable(args.front().type)) {
return ctx_read_write_property<&Context::length>(i, std::move(args));
return Value::from(Number(args.front().size()));
global.force_define("play", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
Try(play_notes(i, std::move(args)));
return Value{};
global.force_define("flat", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
return Value::from(Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args))));
global.force_define("shuffle", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
static std::mt19937 rnd{std::random_device{}()};
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::shuffle(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end(), rnd);
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("permute", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::next_permutation(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("sort", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::sort(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("reverse", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::reverse(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("min", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
auto min = std::min_element(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
if (min == array.elements.end())
return Value{};
return *min;
global.force_define("max", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
auto max = std::max_element(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
if (max == array.elements.end())
return Value{};
return *max;
global.force_define("partition", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(!args.empty(), "partition requires function to partition with"); // TODO(assert)
auto predicate = std::move(args.front());
assert(is_callable(predicate.type), "partition requires function to partition with"); // TODO(assert)
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::span(args).subspan(1)));
Array tuple[2] = {};
for (auto &value : array.elements) {
tuple[Try(predicate(i, { std::move(value) })).truthy()].elements.push_back(std::move(value));
return Value::from(Array { .elements = {
global.force_define("rotate", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(!args.empty(), "rotate requires offset"); // TODO(assert)
auto offset = std::move(args.front()).n.as_int();
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::span(args).subspan(1)));
if (offset > 0) {
offset = offset % array.elements.size();
std::rotate(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.begin() + offset, array.elements.end());
} else if (offset < 0) {
offset = -offset % array.elements.size();
std::rotate(array.elements.rbegin(), array.elements.rbegin() + offset, array.elements.rend());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("chord", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
Chord chord;
Try(create_chord(chord.notes, i, std::move(args)));
return Value::from(std::move(chord));
global.force_define("bpm", &ctx_read_write_property<&Context::bpm>);
global.force_define("oct", &ctx_read_write_property<&Context::octave>);
global.force_define("par", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() >= 1, "par only makes sense for at least one argument"); // TODO(assert)
if (args.size() == 1) {
return Value{};
auto &ctx = i.context_stack.back();
auto chord = std::move(args.front()).chord;
std::transform(chord.notes.begin(), chord.notes.end(), chord.notes.begin(), [&](Note note) { return ctx.fill(note); });
for (auto const& note : chord.notes) {
i.midi_connection->send_note_on(0, *note.into_midi_note(), 127);
for (auto it = std::next(args.begin()); it != args.end(); ++it) {
for (auto const& note : chord.notes) {
i.midi_connection->send_note_off(0, *note.into_midi_note(), 127);
return Value{};
global.force_define("note_on", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
using Channel_Note_Velocity = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number>;
using Channel_Music_Velocity = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Music, Value::Type::Number>;
if (Channel_Note_Velocity::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, note, vel] = Channel_Note_Velocity::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_note_on(chan.as_int(), note.as_int(), vel.as_int());
return Value {};
if (Channel_Music_Velocity::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, chord, vel] = Channel_Music_Velocity::move_from(args);
for (auto note : chord.notes) {
note = i.context_stack.back().fill(note);
i.midi_connection->send_note_on(chan.as_int(), *note.into_midi_note(), vel.as_int());
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "note_on",
.possibilities = {
"(number, music, number) -> nil"
"(number, number, number) -> nil",
.location = {}
global.force_define("note_off", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
using Channel_Note = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number>;
using Channel_Music = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Music>;
if (Channel_Note::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, note] = Channel_Note::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_note_off(chan.as_int(), note.as_int(), 127);
return Value {};
if (Channel_Music::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, chord] = Channel_Music::move_from(args);
for (auto note : chord.notes) {
note = i.context_stack.back().fill(note);
i.midi_connection->send_note_off(chan.as_int(), *note.into_midi_note(), 127);
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "note_off",
.possibilities = {
"(number, music) -> nil"
"(number, number) -> nil",
.location = {}
global.force_define("incoming", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
if (args.size() != 2 || args[0].type != Value::Type::Symbol || !is_callable(args[1].type)) {
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "incoming",
.possibilities = { "(symbol, function) -> nil" }
.location = {}
std::string const& symbol = args[0].s;
if (symbol == "note_on" || symbol == "noteon") {
i.callbacks->note_on = std::move(args[1]);
} else if (symbol == "note_off" || symbol == "noteoff") {
i.callbacks->note_off = std::move(args[1]);
} else {
return Value{};
constexpr auto pgmchange = +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
using Program = Shape<Value::Type::Number>;
using Channel_Program = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number>;
if (Program::typecheck(args)) {
auto [program] = Program::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_program_change(0, program.as_int());
return Value{};
if (Channel_Program::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, program] = Channel_Program::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_program_change(chan.as_int(), program.as_int());
return Value{};
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "note_off",
.possibilities = {
"(number) -> nil",
"(number, number) -> nil",
.location = {}
global.force_define("instrument", pgmchange);
global.force_define("pgmchange", pgmchange);
global.force_define("program_change", pgmchange);
@ -5,97 +5,6 @@
#include <random>
#include <random>
#include <thread>
#include <thread>
struct Interpreter::Incoming_Midi_Callbacks
Value note_on{};
Value note_off{};
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks() = default;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks &&) = delete;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks const&) = delete;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks& operator=(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks &&) = delete;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks& operator=(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks const&) = delete;
void add_callbacks(midi::Connection &midi, Interpreter &interpreter)
register_callback(midi.note_on_callback, note_on, interpreter);
register_callback(midi.note_off_callback, note_off, interpreter);
template<typename ...T>
void register_callback(std::function<void(T...)> &target, Value &callback, Interpreter &i)
if (&callback == ¬e_on || &callback == ¬e_off) {
// This messages have MIDI note number as second value, so they should be represented
// in our own note abstraction, not as numbers.
target = [interpreter = &i, callback = &callback](T ...source_args)
if (callback->type != Value::Type::Nil) {
std::vector<Value> args { Value::from(Number(source_args))... };
args[1] = Value::from(Chord { .notes { Note {
.base = i32(args[1].n.num % 12),
.octave = args[1].n.num / 12
auto result = (*callback)(*interpreter, std::move(args));
// We discard this since callback is running in another thread.
(void) result;
} else {
// Generic case, preserve all passed parameters as numbers
target = [interpreter = &i, callback = &callback](T ...source_args)
if (callback->type != Value::Type::Nil) {
auto result = (*callback)(*interpreter, { Value::from(Number(source_args))... });
// We discard this since callback is running in another thread.
(void) result;
void Interpreter::register_callbacks()
assert(callbacks != nullptr, "Interpreter constructor should initialize this field");
callbacks->add_callbacks(*midi_connection, *this);
callbacks->note_on = Value(+[](Interpreter &, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
std::cout << "Received: " << args[1] << "\r\n" << std::flush;
return Value{};
static Result<Array> into_flat_array(Interpreter &i, std::span<Value> args)
Array array;
for (auto &arg : args) {
switch (arg.type) {
case Value::Type::Array:
std::move(arg.array.elements.begin(), arg.array.elements.end(), std::back_inserter(array.elements));
case Value::Type::Block:
for (auto j = 0u; j < arg.blk.size(); ++j) {
array.elements.push_back(Try(arg.blk.index(i, j)));
return array;
static Result<Array> into_flat_array(Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args)
return into_flat_array(i, std::span(args));
/// Registers constants like `fn = full note = 1/1`
/// Registers constants like `fn = full note = 1/1`
static inline void register_note_length_constants()
static inline void register_note_length_constants()
@ -117,418 +26,19 @@ static inline void register_note_length_constants()
global.force_define("dtn", Value::from(Number(3, 64)));
global.force_define("dtn", Value::from(Number(3, 64)));
template<typename T>
concept With_Index_Method = requires (T t, Interpreter interpreter, usize position) {
{ t.index(interpreter, position) } -> std::convertible_to<Result<Value>>;
template<typename T>
concept With_Index_Operator = requires (T t, unsigned i) {
{ t[i] } -> std::convertible_to<Value>;
template<typename T>
concept Iterable = (With_Index_Method<T> || With_Index_Operator<T>) && requires (T const t) {
{ t.size() } -> std::convertible_to<usize>;
template<Iterable T>
static inline Result<void> create_chord(std::vector<Note> &chord, Interpreter &interpreter, T args)
for (auto i = 0u; i < args.size(); ++i) {
Value arg;
if constexpr (With_Index_Method<T>) {
arg = Try(args.index(interpreter, i));
} else {
arg = std::move(args[i]);
switch (arg.type) {
case Value::Type::Array:
case Value::Type::Block:
Try(create_chord(chord, interpreter, std::move(arg)));
case Value::Type::Music:
std::move(arg.chord.notes.begin(), arg.chord.notes.end(), std::back_inserter(chord));
assert(false, "this type is not supported inside chord");
return {};
template<Iterable T>
static inline Result<void> play_notes(Interpreter &interpreter, T args)
for (auto i = 0u; i < args.size(); ++i) {
Value arg;
if constexpr (With_Index_Method<T>) {
arg = Try(args.index(interpreter, i));
} else {
arg = std::move(args[i]);
switch (arg.type) {
case Value::Type::Array:
case Value::Type::Block:
Try(play_notes(interpreter, std::move(arg)));
case Value::Type::Music:
assert(false, "this type does not support playing");
return {};
template<auto Mem_Ptr>
Result<Value> ctx_read_write_property(Interpreter &interpreter, std::vector<Value> args)
assert(args.size() <= 1, "Ctx get or set is only supported (wrong number of arguments)"); // TODO(assert)
using Member_Type = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(std::declval<Context>().*(Mem_Ptr))>;
if (args.size() == 0) {
return Value::from(Number(interpreter.context_stack.back().*(Mem_Ptr)));
assert(args.front().type == Value::Type::Number, "Ctx only holds numeric values");
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Member_Type, Number>) {
interpreter.context_stack.back().*(Mem_Ptr) = args.front().n;
} else {
interpreter.context_stack.back().*(Mem_Ptr) = static_cast<Member_Type>(args.front().n.as_int());
return Value{};
{ // Context initialization
// Context initialization
{ // Environment initlialization
// Environment initlialization
assert(!bool(Env::global), "Only one instance of interpreter can be at one time");
assert(!bool(Env::global), "Only one instance of interpreter can be at one time");
env = Env::global = Env::make();
env = Env::global = Env::make();
{ // MIDI input callbacks initialization
callbacks = std::make_unique<Interpreter::Incoming_Midi_Callbacks>();
{ // Global default functions initialization
auto &global = *Env::global;
// Builtins initialization
global.force_define("update", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 3, "Update requires 3 arguments"); // TODO(assert)
using Eager_And_Number = Shape<Value::Type::Array, Value::Type::Number>;
using Lazy_And_Number = Shape<Value::Type::Block, Value::Type::Number>;
if (Eager_And_Number::typecheck_front(args)) {
auto [v, index] = Eager_And_Number::move_from(args);
v.elements[index.as_int()] = std::move(args.back());
return Value::from(std::move(v));
if (Lazy_And_Number::typecheck_front(args)) {
auto [v, index] = Lazy_And_Number::move_from(args);
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, { Value::from(std::move(v)) }));
array.elements[index.as_int()] = std::move(args.back());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
unimplemented("Wrong shape of update function");
global.force_define("typeof", +[](Interpreter&, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() == 1, "typeof expects only one argument");
return Value::from(std::string(type_name(args.front().type)));
global.force_define("if", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
if (args.size() != 2 && args.size() != 3) {
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "if",
.possibilities = {
"(any, function) -> any",
"(any, function, function) -> any"
if (args.front().truthy()) {
if (not is_callable(args[1].type)) goto error;
return args[1](i, {});
} else if (args.size() == 3) {
if (not is_callable(args[2].type)) goto error;
return args[2](i, {});
} else {
return Value{};
global.force_define("len", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
if (args.size() != 1 || !is_indexable(args.front().type)) {
return ctx_read_write_property<&Context::length>(i, std::move(args));
return Value::from(Number(args.front().size()));
global.force_define("play", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
Try(play_notes(i, std::move(args)));
return Value{};
global.force_define("flat", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
return Value::from(Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args))));
global.force_define("shuffle", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
static std::mt19937 rnd{std::random_device{}()};
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::shuffle(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end(), rnd);
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("permute", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::next_permutation(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("sort", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::sort(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("reverse", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
std::reverse(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("min", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
auto min = std::min_element(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
if (min == array.elements.end())
return Value{};
return *min;
global.force_define("max", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::move(args)));
auto max = std::max_element(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.end());
if (max == array.elements.end())
return Value{};
return *max;
global.force_define("partition", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(!args.empty(), "partition requires function to partition with"); // TODO(assert)
auto predicate = std::move(args.front());
assert(is_callable(predicate.type), "partition requires function to partition with"); // TODO(assert)
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::span(args).subspan(1)));
Array tuple[2] = {};
for (auto &value : array.elements) {
tuple[Try(predicate(i, { std::move(value) })).truthy()].elements.push_back(std::move(value));
return Value::from(Array { .elements = {
global.force_define("rotate", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(!args.empty(), "rotate requires offset"); // TODO(assert)
auto offset = std::move(args.front()).n.as_int();
auto array = Try(into_flat_array(i, std::span(args).subspan(1)));
if (offset > 0) {
offset = offset % array.elements.size();
std::rotate(array.elements.begin(), array.elements.begin() + offset, array.elements.end());
} else if (offset < 0) {
offset = -offset % array.elements.size();
std::rotate(array.elements.rbegin(), array.elements.rbegin() + offset, array.elements.rend());
return Value::from(std::move(array));
global.force_define("chord", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
Chord chord;
Try(create_chord(chord.notes, i, std::move(args)));
return Value::from(std::move(chord));
global.force_define("bpm", &ctx_read_write_property<&Context::bpm>);
global.force_define("oct", &ctx_read_write_property<&Context::octave>);
global.force_define("par", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
assert(args.size() >= 1, "par only makes sense for at least one argument"); // TODO(assert)
if (args.size() == 1) {
return Value{};
auto &ctx = i.context_stack.back();
auto chord = std::move(args.front()).chord;
std::transform(chord.notes.begin(), chord.notes.end(), chord.notes.begin(), [&](Note note) { return ctx.fill(note); });
for (auto const& note : chord.notes) {
i.midi_connection->send_note_on(0, *note.into_midi_note(), 127);
for (auto it = std::next(args.begin()); it != args.end(); ++it) {
for (auto const& note : chord.notes) {
i.midi_connection->send_note_off(0, *note.into_midi_note(), 127);
return Value{};
global.force_define("note_on", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
using Channel_Note_Velocity = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number>;
using Channel_Music_Velocity = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Music, Value::Type::Number>;
if (Channel_Note_Velocity::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, note, vel] = Channel_Note_Velocity::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_note_on(chan.as_int(), note.as_int(), vel.as_int());
return Value {};
if (Channel_Music_Velocity::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, chord, vel] = Channel_Music_Velocity::move_from(args);
for (auto note : chord.notes) {
note = i.context_stack.back().fill(note);
i.midi_connection->send_note_on(chan.as_int(), *note.into_midi_note(), vel.as_int());
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "note_on",
.possibilities = {
"(number, music, number) -> nil"
"(number, number, number) -> nil",
.location = {}
global.force_define("note_off", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
using Channel_Note = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number>;
using Channel_Music = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Music>;
if (Channel_Note::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, note] = Channel_Note::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_note_off(chan.as_int(), note.as_int(), 127);
return Value {};
if (Channel_Music::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, chord] = Channel_Music::move_from(args);
for (auto note : chord.notes) {
note = i.context_stack.back().fill(note);
i.midi_connection->send_note_off(chan.as_int(), *note.into_midi_note(), 127);
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "note_off",
.possibilities = {
"(number, music) -> nil"
"(number, number) -> nil",
.location = {}
global.force_define("incoming", +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
if (args.size() != 2 || args[0].type != Value::Type::Symbol || !is_callable(args[1].type)) {
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "incoming",
.possibilities = { "(symbol, function) -> nil" }
.location = {}
std::string const& symbol = args[0].s;
if (symbol == "note_on" || symbol == "noteon") {
i.callbacks->note_on = std::move(args[1]);
} else if (symbol == "note_off" || symbol == "noteoff") {
i.callbacks->note_off = std::move(args[1]);
} else {
return Value{};
constexpr auto pgmchange = +[](Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) -> Result<Value> {
using Program = Shape<Value::Type::Number>;
using Channel_Program = Shape<Value::Type::Number, Value::Type::Number>;
if (Program::typecheck(args)) {
auto [program] = Program::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_program_change(0, program.as_int());
return Value{};
if (Channel_Program::typecheck(args)) {
auto [chan, program] = Channel_Program::move_from(args);
i.midi_connection->send_program_change(chan.as_int(), program.as_int());
return Value{};
return Error {
.details = errors::Unsupported_Types_For {
.type = errors::Unsupported_Types_For::Function,
.name = "note_off",
.possibilities = {
"(number) -> nil",
"(number, number) -> nil",
.location = {}
global.force_define("instrument", pgmchange);
global.force_define("pgmchange", pgmchange);
global.force_define("program_change", pgmchange);
@ -1023,3 +1023,56 @@ static inline bool may_be_vectorized(std::vector<Value> const& args)
return args.size() == 2 && (is_indexable(args[0].type) != is_indexable(args[1].type));
return args.size() == 2 && (is_indexable(args[0].type) != is_indexable(args[1].type));
struct Interpreter::Incoming_Midi_Callbacks
Value note_on{};
Value note_off{};
inline Incoming_Midi_Callbacks() = default;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks &&) = delete;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks const&) = delete;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks& operator=(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks &&) = delete;
Incoming_Midi_Callbacks& operator=(Incoming_Midi_Callbacks const&) = delete;
inline void add_callbacks(midi::Connection &midi, Interpreter &interpreter)
register_callback(midi.note_on_callback, note_on, interpreter);
register_callback(midi.note_off_callback, note_off, interpreter);
template<typename ...T>
inline void register_callback(std::function<void(T...)> &target, Value &callback, Interpreter &i)
if (&callback == ¬e_on || &callback == ¬e_off) {
// This messages have MIDI note number as second value, so they should be represented
// in our own note abstraction, not as numbers.
target = [interpreter = &i, callback = &callback](T ...source_args)
if (callback->type != Value::Type::Nil) {
std::vector<Value> args { Value::from(Number(source_args))... };
args[1] = Value::from(Chord { .notes { Note {
.base = i32(args[1].n.num % 12),
.octave = args[1].n.num / 12
auto result = (*callback)(*interpreter, std::move(args));
// We discard this since callback is running in another thread.
(void) result;
} else {
// Generic case, preserve all passed parameters as numbers
target = [interpreter = &i, callback = &callback](T ...source_args)
if (callback->type != Value::Type::Nil) {
auto result = (*callback)(*interpreter, { Value::from(Number(source_args))... });
// We discard this since callback is running in another thread.
(void) result;
Reference in New Issue
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