[cheatsheet] Splitted into sections, added navigation

This commit is contained in:
Robert Bendun 2022-09-21 19:32:31 +02:00
parent e7ec8229e1
commit 9a978d8984
3 changed files with 125 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ END INTRO
SECTION Podstawy
n Kategoria
m Musique
p Python
@ -63,6 +65,36 @@ r return x + y
r end
c Musique nie rozróżnia funkcji anonimowych i zadeklarowanych
n Instrukcja warunkowa
m if (n == 42)
m [ say 1 ]
m [ say 2 ]
p if n == 42:
p print(1)
p else:
p print(2)
r if n == 42
r puts 1
r else
r puts 2
r end
c Musique nie posiada instrukcji warunkowej, a funkcję if,
c która przyjmuje wartość logiczną i dwa bloki (funkcje anonimowe)
c - jeden z nich zostanie wykonany jeśli warunek jest prawdziwy,
c a drugi jeśli jest fałszywy.
n Wyrażenie warunkowe
m x := if (n == 42) [1] [2]
p x = 1 if n == 42 else 2
r x = n == 42 ? 1 : 2
n Kategoria
m Musique
p Python
r Ruby (SonicPi)
c Komentarz
n Tablice
m x = [1; 2; 3; 4]
p x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
@ -104,25 +136,30 @@ r [*1..5].inject(:*)
c Musique pozwala zmienić dowolny operator w funkcję
c poprzez zapis 'operator jak '* w przykładzie
n Instrukcja warunkowa
m if (n == 42)
m [ say 1 ]
m [ say 2 ]
p if n == 42:
p print(1)
p else:
p print(2)
r if n == 42
r puts 1
r else
r puts 2
n Iteracja po elementach tablicy
m for (up 5) [ i | say i ]
p for i in range(5):
p print(i)
r (0..4).each do |i|
r puts i
r end
c Musique nie posiada instrukcji warunkowej, a funkcję if,
c która przyjmuje wartość logiczną i dwa bloki (funkcje anonimowe)
c - jeden z nich zostanie wykonany jeśli warunek jest prawdziwy,
c a drugi jeśli jest fałszywy.
n Wyrażenie warunkowe
m x := if (n == 42) [1] [2]
p x = 1 if n == 42 else 2
r x = n == 42 ? 1 : 2
c Podobnie jak w przypadku instrukcji warunkowej, Musique używa funkcji.
n Sortowanie tablicy
m xs := sort [1; 5; 3; 3; 2]
p xs = sorted([1, 5, 3, 3, 2])
r xs = [1, 5, 3, 3, 2].sort
n Sortowanie wielu tablic w jedną
m xs := sort [1; 5; 3; 3; 2]
m [3; 4; 5] 1 2 3
p xs = sorted(itertools.chain(
p [1, 5, 3, 3, 2], [3, 4, 5],
p [1], [2], [3]
p ))
c Wiele operacji na tablicach może być wykonywane na dowolnej kombinacji
c tablic i pojedyńczych wartości. Tworzy to jedną tablicę wykoniową.

scripts/code-size.sh Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cloc src/*.cc include/*.hh lib/midi/include lib/midi/src

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@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
import argparse
import os
import string
import collections
import dataclasses
Directive = collections.namedtuple("Directive", "line_number type content")
class Section:
name: str
rows: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: [{}])
order: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
ref: str = ""
class Directive:
line_number: int
type: str
content: str
HTML_TEMPLATE = string.Template("""<!DOCTYPE html>
@ -14,15 +25,16 @@ HTML_TEMPLATE = string.Template("""<!DOCTYPE html>
<table> $table </table>
<nav> <ol> $nav </ol> </nav>
<section> $body </section>
def parse_table(lines: list):
def parse_table(lines: list[str]) -> list[Section]:
previus_column_type = None
rows, order = [{}], []
current_row = rows[0]
sections = []
current_section = None
# Each nonblank matches this regular expression /(\S*)\s(.*)/
# where first capture is type of column (essentialy column id) and
@ -35,27 +47,34 @@ def parse_table(lines: list):
sep = line.find(' ')
column_type, cell_content = line[:sep].strip(), line[sep:]
if column_type not in order:
if column_type == "SECTION":
current_section = sections[-1]
if previus_column_type != column_type and column_type in current_row:
current_row = rows[-1]
assert current_section is not None, "Define SECTION before table entries"
cell = current_row.get(column_type, [])
if column_type not in current_section.order:
if previus_column_type != column_type and column_type in current_section.rows[-1]:
cell = current_section.rows[-1].get(column_type, [])
current_row[column_type] = cell
current_section.rows[-1][column_type] = cell
previus_column_type = column_type
# Eliminate common whitespace prefix in given column type (not all whitespace
# prefix since examples in Python may have significant whitespace)
for row in rows:
for cell in row.values():
prefix_whitespace = min(len(s) - len(s.lstrip()) for s in cell)
for i, s in enumerate(cell):
cell[i] = s[prefix_whitespace:]
for section in sections:
for row in section.rows:
for cell in row.values():
prefix_whitespace = min(len(s) - len(s.lstrip()) for s in cell)
for i, s in enumerate(cell):
cell[i] = s[prefix_whitespace:]
return rows, order
return sections
def compile_template(*, template_path: str, target_path: str):
# Read template file and separate it into lines
@ -98,27 +117,40 @@ def compile_template(*, template_path: str, target_path: str):
assert intro_source is not None
assert title is not None
rows, columns_order = parse_table(lines=table_source)
sections = parse_table(lines=table_source)
table = ""
for section in sections:
section.ref = section.name.replace(" ", "_")
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if i == 0:
line = ["<th>" + ' '.join(row[k]) + "</th>" for k in columns_order]
line = []
for column in columns_order:
val = row.get(column, [])
line.append('<td><pre><code>' + '<br/>'.join(val) + '</code></pre></td>')
nav = ""
for section in sections:
nav += f"<li><a href=\"#{section.ref}\">{section.name}</a></li>"
table += "<tr>\n" + '\n'.join(line) + "\n</tr>\n"
body = ""
for section in sections:
table = f"<p><h2 id=\"{section.ref}\">{section.name}</h2><table>\n"
for i, row in enumerate(section.rows):
if i == 0:
line = ["<th>" + ' '.join(row[k]) + "</th>" for k in section.order]
line = []
for column in section.order:
val = row.get(column, [])
line.append('<td><pre><code>' + '<br/>'.join(val) + '</code></pre></td>')
table += "<tr>\n" + '\n'.join(line) + "\n</tr>\n"
table += "\n</table></p>\n"
body += table
final = HTML_TEMPLATE.substitute({
"title": title,
"body": body,
"css": "\n".join(css_source),
"table": table,
"intro": "\n".join(intro_source)
"intro": "\n".join(intro_source),
"nav": nav,
"title": title,
with open(target_path, "w") as f: