Improved factorial example

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Robert Bendun 2022-09-19 22:16:38 +02:00
parent 691d4d84ac
commit bd116d8810

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@ -1,15 +1,30 @@
for := [ start stop iteration |
if (start > stop)
[iteration start; for (start + 1) stop iteration]
This example shows how to implement factorial operation using different
implementation techniques, showing how one can iterate and accumulate
using Musique programming language
-- Calculate factorial using recursive approach
factorial_recursive := [n |
if (n <= 1)
[n * (factorial_recursive (n-1))]
factorial := [n | if (n <= 1) [1] [n * (factorial (n-1))]];
for 1 10 [i | say (factorial i)];
-- Calculate factorial using iterative approach
factorial_iterative := [n |
x := 1;
for 1 n [i|x *= i];
for (range 1 (n+1)) [i|x *= i];
for 1 10 [i | say (factorial_iterative i)];
-- Calculate factorial using composition of functions
factorial := [n| fold (1 + up n) 1 '*];
-- Gather all functions into array, and iterate over it
-- This allows to reduce repeatition of this test case
for [factorial_recursive; factorial_iterative; factorial] [ factorial |
for (up 10) [ n |
say (factorial (n));