2022-10-26 16:50:40 +02:00

174 lines
5.2 KiB

#include <musique/accessors.hh>
#include <musique/common.hh>
#include <musique/lexer/token.hh>
#include <musique/result.hh>
#include <musique/value/array.hh>
#include <musique/value/block.hh>
#include <musique/value/chord.hh>
#include <musique/value/intrinsic.hh>
#include <musique/value/note.hh>
struct Nil
bool operator==(Nil const&) const = default;
using Bool = bool;
using Symbol = std::string;
using Macro = Result<Value>(*)(Interpreter &i, std::span<Ast>);
/// Representation of any value in language
struct Value
/// Creates value from literal contained in Token
static Result<Value> from(Token t);
/// Create value holding provided boolean
/// Using Explicit_Bool to prevent from implicit casts
Value(Explicit_Bool b);
Value(Array &&array); ///< Create value of type array holding provided array
Value(Block &&l); ///< Create value of type block holding provided block
Value(Chord chord); ///< Create value of type music holding provided chord
Value(Note n); ///< Create value of type music holding provided note
Value(Number n); ///< Create value of type number holding provided number
Value(char const* s); ///< Create value of type symbol holding provided symbol
Value(std::string s); ///< Create value of type symbol holding provided symbol
Value(std::string_view s); ///< Create value of type symbol holding provided symbol
explicit Value(std::vector<Value> &&array); ///< Create value of type array holding provided array
// TODO Most strings should not be allocated by Value, but reference to string allocated previously
// Wrapper for std::string is needed that will allocate only when needed, middle ground between:
// std::string - always owning string type
// std::string_view - not-owning string type
> data = Nil{};
Value(Value const&) = default;
Value(Value &&) = default;
Value& operator=(Value const&) = default;
Value& operator=(Value &&) = default;
~Value() = default;
/// Contructs Intrinsic, used to simplify definition of intrinsics
inline Value(Intrinsic::Function_Pointer intr) : data(Intrinsic(intr))
inline Value(Intrinsic const& intr) : data(intr)
inline Value(Macro m) : data(m)
/// Returns truth judgment for current type, used primarly for if function
bool truthy() const;
/// Returns false judgment for current type, used primarly for if function
bool falsy() const;
/// Calls contained value if it can be called
Result<Value> operator()(Interpreter &i, std::vector<Value> args) const;
/// Index contained value if it can be called
Result<Value> index(Interpreter &i, unsigned position) const;
/// Return elements count of contained value if it can be measured
usize size() const;
bool operator==(Value const& other) const;
std::partial_ordering operator<=>(Value const& other) const;
/// Forward variant operations to variant member
template<typename T>
inline T const* get_if(Value const& v) { return get_if<T const>(; }
template<typename T>
inline T* get_if(Value& v) { return get_if<T>(; }
/// Returns type name of Value type
std::string_view type_name(Value const& v);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Value const& v);
template<> struct std::hash<Value> { std::size_t operator()(Value const&) const; };
template<typename T>
Result<Value> wrap_value(Result<T> &&value)
return std::move(value).map([](auto &&value) { return Value(std::move(value)); });
template<typename Desired>
constexpr Desired& get_ref(Value &v)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Desired, Value>) {
return v;
} else {
if (auto result = get_if<Desired>(v)) { return *result; }
template<typename Desired>
constexpr bool holds_alternative(Value const& v)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Desired, Value>) {
return true;
} else {
return get_if<Desired>( != nullptr;
template<typename Values>
concept With_Index_Operator = requires (Values &values, size_t i) {
{ values[i] } -> std::convertible_to<Value>;
{ values.size() } -> std::convertible_to<size_t>;
template<typename ...T>
constexpr auto match(With_Index_Operator auto& values) -> std::optional<std::tuple<T&...>>
return [&]<std::size_t ...I>(std::index_sequence<I...>) -> std::optional<std::tuple<T&...>> {
if (sizeof...(T) == values.size() && (holds_alternative<T>(values[I]) && ...)) {
return {{ get_ref<T>(values[I])... }};
} else {
return std::nullopt;
} (std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>{});
template<typename ...T, typename ...Values>
constexpr auto match(Values& ...values) -> std::optional<std::tuple<T&...>>
static_assert(sizeof...(T) == sizeof...(Values), "Provided parameters and expected types list must have the same length");
return [&]<std::size_t ...I>(std::index_sequence<I...>) -> std::optional<std::tuple<T&...>> {
if ((holds_alternative<T>(values) && ...)) {
return {{ get_ref<T>(values)... }};
} else {
return std::nullopt;
} (std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>{});