50 lines
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50 lines
1.6 KiB
#include <musique/common.hh>
#include <musique/location.hh>
/// Lexical token representation for Musique language
struct Token
/// Type of Token
enum class Type
Symbol, ///< like repeat or choose or chord
Keyword, ///< like true, false, nil
Operator, ///< like "+", "-", "++", "<"
Chord, ///< chord or single note literal, like "c4"
Numeric, ///< numeric literal (floating point or integer)
Parameter_Separator, ///< "|" separaters arguments from block body
Expression_Separator, ///< "," separates expressions. Used mainly to separate calls, like `foo 1 2; bar 3 4`
Open_Block, ///< "(" starts anonymous block of code (potentially a function)
Close_Block, ///< ")" ends anonymous block of code (potentially a function)
Open_Index, ///< "[" starts index section of index expression
Close_Index ///< "]" ends index section of index expression
/// Type of token
Type type;
/// Matched source code to the token type
std::string_view source;
/// Location of encountered token
Location location;
static constexpr usize Keywords_Count = 5;
static constexpr usize Operators_Count = 17;
std::string_view type_name(Token::Type type);
/// Token debug printing
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Token const& tok);
/// Token type debug printing
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Token::Type type);
template<> struct std::hash<Token> { std::size_t operator()(Token const&) const; };