
55 lines
2.1 KiB

program = { expression, ws*, ";", { ws*, ";" }, ws* } ;
block = "[", program, "]" ;
(* At interpreter runtime it is determined which symbols pass as operators, and which not *)
expression = value, ws*, operator, ws*, expression
| operator, ws*, value
| value ;
value = note
| chord
| symbol
| block
| number
| ( "(", expression, ")" ) ;
symbol = ( valid-symbol-start-characters, { valid-symbol-characters } ) - note - chord;
valid-symbol-start-characters = uniletter | "_" | "@" | "$" | "#" ;
valid-symbol-characters = valid-symbol-start-characters | unidigit | "-" ;
operator = operator-symbols, { operator-symbols } ;
operator-symbols = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "!"
| "<" | ">" | "v" | "^" | "=" | ":" ;
(********************************* Literały liczbowe *********************************)
number = floating-point | fraction ;
(* Dopuszcza następujące zapisy: 1/2, *)
fraction = digits+, ws*, "/", ws*, digits+ ;
(* Dopuszcza następujące zapisy: -123.456, 123.456, .456; Notacja naukowa nie jest wspierana *)
floating-point = ( ["-"], digits+, [ ".", digits+ ] ) | ( ".", digits+ );
(********************************* Literały muzyczne *********************************)
(* DSL do definiowania muzycznych wartości. Brakuje notacji dla akordów, przewrotów itd *)
note = note-letter, ["#"], [ws*, octave] ;
note-letter = "c" | "C" | "d" | "D" | "e" | "E" | "f" | "F" | "g" | "G" | "a" | "A" | "h" | "H" | "b" | "B" ;
octave = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" ;
chord = note-letter, ["#"], [ ("1" | "2" | "5" | "7" ), [ "," | "'" ] ];
(********************************* Definicje pomocnicze *********************************)
(* Unicode helpers, based on Go's compiler source code *)
uniletter = ? all characters that are considered letters in unicode ?;
unidigit = ? all characters that are considered digits in unicode ?;
digits+ = digit, { digits } ;
digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
(* Whitespace helpers *)
ws* = { ws } ;
ws+ = ws, { ws } ;
ws = ? all characters that are considered ascii whitespace ? ;