683 lines
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683 lines
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using System;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
enum BlendKind
enum BlendAngle
struct IconData
public enum Side { Left = -1, Right = 1 }
public Texture2D icon;
public Color tint;
public float width { get { return 16; } }
public float height { get { return 16; } }
public IconData(Texture2D icon)
this.icon = icon;
tint = Color.white;
struct ClipBorder
public readonly Color color;
public readonly float thickness;
ClipBorder(Color color, float thickness)
this.color = color;
this.thickness = thickness;
const float k_ClipSelectionBorder = 1.0f;
const float k_ClipRecordingBorder = 2.0f;
public static ClipBorder Recording()
return new ClipBorder(DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorRecordingClipOutline, k_ClipRecordingBorder);
public static ClipBorder Selection()
return new ClipBorder(Color.white, k_ClipSelectionBorder);
public static ClipBorder Default()
return new ClipBorder(DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.clipBorderColor, k_ClipSelectionBorder);
struct ClipBlends
public readonly BlendKind inKind;
public readonly Rect inRect;
public readonly BlendKind outKind;
public readonly Rect outRect;
public ClipBlends(BlendKind inKind, Rect inRect, BlendKind outKind, Rect outRect)
this.inKind = inKind;
this.inRect = inRect;
this.outKind = outKind;
this.outRect = outRect;
public static readonly ClipBlends kNone = new ClipBlends(BlendKind.None, Rect.zero, BlendKind.None, Rect.zero);
struct ClipDrawData
public TimelineClip clip; // clip being drawn
public Rect targetRect; // rectangle to draw to
public Rect unclippedRect; // the clip's unclipped rect
public Rect clippedRect; // the clip's clipped rect to the visible time area
public Rect clipCenterSection; // clip center section
public string title; // clip title
public bool selected; // is the clip selected
public bool inlineCurvesSelected; // is the inline curve of the clip selected
public double localVisibleStartTime;
public double localVisibleEndTime;
public IconData[] leftIcons;
public IconData[] rightIcons;
public TimelineClip previousClip;
public bool previousClipSelected;
public bool supportsLooping;
public int minLoopIndex;
public List<Rect> loopRects;
public ClipBlends clipBlends;
public ClipDrawOptions ClipDrawOptions;
public ClipEditor clipEditor;
static class ClipDrawer
public static class Styles
public static readonly Texture2D iconWarn = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("console.warnicon.inactive.sml");
public static readonly string HoldText = L10n.Tr("HOLD");
public static readonly Texture2D s_IconNoRecord = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIcon("console.erroricon.sml");
public static readonly GUIContent s_ClipNotRecorable = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("", "This clip is not recordable");
public static readonly GUIContent s_ClipNoRecordInBlend = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("", "Recording in blends in prohibited");
const float k_ClipSwatchLineThickness = 4.0f;
const float k_MinClipWidth = 7.0f;
const float k_ClipInOutMinWidth = 15.0f;
const float k_ClipLoopsMinWidth = 20.0f;
const float k_ClipLabelPadding = 6.0f;
const float k_ClipLabelMinWidth = 10.0f;
const float k_IconsPadding = 1.0f;
const float k_ClipInlineWidth = 1.0f;
static readonly GUIContent s_TitleContent = new GUIContent();
static readonly IconData[] k_ClipErrorIcons = { new IconData {icon = Styles.iconWarn, tint = DirectorStyles.kClipErrorColor} };
static readonly Dictionary<int, string> s_LoopStringCache = new Dictionary<int, string>(100);
// caches the loopstring to avoid allocation from string concats
static string GetLoopString(int loopIndex)
string loopString = null;
if (!s_LoopStringCache.TryGetValue(loopIndex, out loopString))
loopString = "L" + loopIndex;
s_LoopStringCache[loopIndex] = loopString;
return loopString;
static void DrawLoops(ClipDrawData drawData)
if (drawData.loopRects == null || drawData.loopRects.Count == 0)
var oldColor = GUI.color;
int loopIndex = drawData.minLoopIndex;
for (int l = 0; l < drawData.loopRects.Count; l++)
Rect theRect = drawData.loopRects[l];
theRect.x -= drawData.unclippedRect.x;
theRect.x += 1;
theRect.width -= 2.0f;
theRect.y = 5.0f;
theRect.height -= 4.0f;
theRect.xMin -= 4f;
if (theRect.width >= 5f)
using (new GUIViewportScope(drawData.clipCenterSection))
GUI.color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f);
GUI.Label(theRect, GUIContent.none, DirectorStyles.Instance.displayBackground);
if (theRect.width > 36.0f)
var style = DirectorStyles.Instance.fontClipLoop;
GUI.color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f);
var loopContent = new GUIContent(drawData.supportsLooping ? GetLoopString(loopIndex) : Styles.HoldText);
GUI.Label(theRect, loopContent, style);
if (!drawData.supportsLooping)
GUI.color = oldColor;
static void DrawClipBorder(ClipDrawData drawData)
var animTrack = drawData.clip.parentTrack as AnimationTrack;
var selectionBorder = ClipBorder.Selection();
if (TimelineWindow.instance.state.recording && animTrack == null && drawData.clip.parentTrack.IsRecordingToClip(drawData.clip))
DrawClipSelectionBorder(drawData.clipCenterSection, selectionBorder, drawData.clipBlends);
DrawClipDefaultBorder(drawData.clipCenterSection, ClipBorder.Default(), drawData.clipBlends);
if (drawData.selected)
DrawClipSelectionBorder(drawData.clipCenterSection, selectionBorder, drawData.clipBlends);
if (drawData.previousClip != null && drawData.previousClipSelected)
bool shouldDrawLeftLine = Math.Abs(drawData.previousClip.start - drawData.clip.start) < double.Epsilon;
DrawClipBlendSelectionBorder(drawData.clipCenterSection, selectionBorder, drawData.clipBlends, shouldDrawLeftLine);
public static void DrawClipSelectionBorder(Rect clipRect, ClipBorder border, ClipBlends blends)
var thickness = border.thickness;
var color = border.color;
var min = clipRect.min;
var max = clipRect.max;
//Left line
if (blends.inKind == BlendKind.None)
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(min.x, min.y, thickness, max.y - min.y), color);
DrawBlendLine(blends.inRect, blends.inKind == BlendKind.Mix ? BlendAngle.Descending : BlendAngle.Ascending, thickness, color);
//Right line
if (blends.outKind == BlendKind.None)
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(max.x - thickness, min.y, thickness, max.y - min.y), color);
DrawBlendLine(blends.outRect, BlendAngle.Descending, thickness, color);
//Top line
var xTop1 = blends.inKind == BlendKind.Mix ? blends.inRect.xMin : min.x;
var xTop2 = max.x;
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(xTop1, min.y, xTop2 - xTop1, thickness), color);
//Bottom line
var xBottom1 = blends.inKind == BlendKind.Ease ? blends.inRect.xMin : min.x;
var xBottom2 = blends.outKind == BlendKind.None ? max.x : blends.outRect.xMax;
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(xBottom1, max.y - thickness, xBottom2 - xBottom1, thickness), color);
static Vector3[] s_BlendLines = new Vector3[4];
static void DrawBlendLine(Rect rect, BlendAngle blendAngle, float width, Color color)
var halfWidth = width / 2.0f;
Vector2 p0, p1;
var inverse = 1.0f;
if (blendAngle == BlendAngle.Descending)
p0 = rect.min;
p1 = rect.max;
p0 = new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMin);
p1 = new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMax);
inverse = -1.0f;
s_BlendLines[0] = new Vector3(p0.x - halfWidth, p0.y + halfWidth * inverse);
s_BlendLines[1] = new Vector3(p1.x - halfWidth, p1.y + halfWidth * inverse);
s_BlendLines[2] = new Vector3(p1.x + halfWidth, p1.y - halfWidth * inverse);
s_BlendLines[3] = new Vector3(p0.x + halfWidth, p0.y - halfWidth * inverse);
Graphics.DrawPolygonAA(color, s_BlendLines);
static void DrawClipBlendSelectionBorder(Rect clipRect, ClipBorder border, ClipBlends blends, bool shouldLeftLine = false)
var color = border.color;
var thickness = border.thickness;
if (blends.inKind == BlendKind.Mix)
DrawBlendLine(blends.inRect, BlendAngle.Descending, thickness, color);
var xBottom1 = blends.inRect.xMin;
var xBottom2 = blends.inRect.xMax;
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(xBottom1, clipRect.max.y - thickness, xBottom2 - xBottom1, thickness), color);
if (shouldLeftLine)
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(xBottom1, clipRect.min.y, thickness, clipRect.max.y - clipRect.min.y), color);
static void DrawClipDefaultBorder(Rect clipRect, ClipBorder border, ClipBlends blends)
var color = border.color;
var thickness = border.thickness;
// Draw vertical lines at the edges of the clip
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(clipRect.xMin, clipRect.y, thickness, clipRect.height), color); //left
//only draw the right one when no out mix blend
if (blends.outKind != BlendKind.Mix)
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(clipRect.xMax - thickness, clipRect.y, thickness, clipRect.height), color); //right
//draw a vertical line for the previous clip
if (blends.inKind == BlendKind.Mix)
EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(blends.inRect.xMin, blends.inRect.y, thickness, blends.inRect.height), color); //left
//Draw blend line
if (blends.inKind == BlendKind.Mix)
DrawBlendLine(blends.inRect, BlendAngle.Descending, thickness, color);
static void DrawClipTimescale(Rect targetRect, Rect clippedRect, double timeScale)
if (timeScale != 1.0)
const float xOffset = 4.0f;
const float yOffset = 6.0f;
var segmentLength = timeScale > 1.0f ? 5.0f : 15.0f;
// clamp to the visible region to reduce the line count (case 1213189), but adject the start segment to match the visuals of drawing targetRect
var startX = clippedRect.min.x - ((clippedRect.min.x - targetRect.min.x) % (segmentLength * 2));
var endX = clippedRect.max.x;
var start = new Vector3(startX + xOffset, targetRect.min.y + yOffset, 0.0f);
var end = new Vector3(endX - xOffset, targetRect.min.y + yOffset, 0.0f);
Graphics.DrawDottedLine(start, end, segmentLength, DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorClipFont);
Graphics.DrawDottedLine(start + new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), end + new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), segmentLength, DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorClipFont);
static void DrawClipInOut(Rect targetRect, TimelineClip clip)
var assetDuration = TimelineHelpers.GetClipAssetEndTime(clip);
bool drawClipOut = assetDuration<double.MaxValue &&
assetDuration - clip.end> TimeUtility.kTimeEpsilon;
bool drawClipIn = clip.clipIn > 0.0;
if (!drawClipIn && !drawClipOut)
var rect = targetRect;
if (drawClipOut)
var icon = DirectorStyles.Instance.clipOut;
var iconRect = new Rect(rect.xMax - icon.fixedWidth - 2.0f,
rect.yMin + (rect.height - icon.fixedHeight) * 0.5f,
icon.fixedWidth, icon.fixedHeight);
GUI.Label(iconRect, GUIContent.none, icon);
if (drawClipIn)
var icon = DirectorStyles.Instance.clipIn;
var iconRect = new Rect(2.0f + rect.xMin,
rect.yMin + (rect.height - icon.fixedHeight) * 0.5f,
icon.fixedWidth, icon.fixedHeight);
GUI.Label(iconRect, GUIContent.none, icon);
static void DrawClipLabel(ClipDrawData data, Rect availableRect, Color color)
var errorText = data.ClipDrawOptions.errorText;
var hasError = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText);
var textColor = hasError ? DirectorStyles.kClipErrorColor : color;
var tooltip = hasError ? errorText : data.ClipDrawOptions.tooltip;
if (hasError)
DrawClipLabel(data.title, availableRect, textColor, k_ClipErrorIcons, null, tooltip);
DrawClipLabel(data.title, availableRect, textColor, data.leftIcons, data.rightIcons, tooltip);
static void DrawClipLabel(string title, Rect availableRect, Color color, string errorText = "")
var hasError = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText);
var textColor = hasError ? DirectorStyles.kClipErrorColor : color;
if (hasError)
DrawClipLabel(title, availableRect, textColor, k_ClipErrorIcons, null, errorText);
DrawClipLabel(title, availableRect, textColor, null, null, errorText);
static void DrawClipLabel(string title, Rect availableRect, Color textColor, IconData[] leftIcons, IconData[] rightIcons, string tooltipMessage = "")
s_TitleContent.text = title;
var neededTextWidth = DirectorStyles.Instance.fontClip.CalcSize(s_TitleContent).x;
var neededIconWidthLeft = 0.0f;
var neededIconWidthRight = 0.0f;
if (leftIcons != null)
for (int i = 0, n = leftIcons.Length; i < n; ++i)
neededIconWidthLeft += leftIcons[i].width + k_IconsPadding;
if (rightIcons != null)
for (int i = 0, n = rightIcons.Length; i < n; ++i)
neededIconWidthRight += rightIcons[i].width + k_IconsPadding;
var neededIconWidth = Mathf.Max(neededIconWidthLeft, neededIconWidthRight);
// Atomic operation: We either show all icons or no icons at all
var showIcons = neededTextWidth / 2.0f + neededIconWidth < availableRect.width / 2.0f;
if (showIcons)
if (leftIcons != null)
DrawClipIcons(leftIcons, IconData.Side.Left, neededTextWidth, availableRect);
if (rightIcons != null)
DrawClipIcons(rightIcons, IconData.Side.Right, neededTextWidth, availableRect);
if (neededTextWidth > availableRect.width)
s_TitleContent.text = DirectorStyles.Elipsify(title, availableRect.width, neededTextWidth);
s_TitleContent.tooltip = tooltipMessage;
DrawClipName(availableRect, s_TitleContent, textColor);
static void DrawClipIcons(IconData[] icons, IconData.Side side, float labelWidth, Rect availableRect)
var halfText = labelWidth / 2.0f;
var offset = halfText + k_IconsPadding;
foreach (var iconData in icons)
offset += iconData.width / 2.0f + k_IconsPadding;
var iconRect =
new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, iconData.width, iconData.height)
center = new Vector2(availableRect.center.x + offset * (int)side, availableRect.center.y)
DrawIcon(iconRect, iconData.tint, iconData.icon);
offset += iconData.width / 2.0f;
static void DrawClipName(Rect rect, GUIContent content, Color textColor)
Graphics.ShadowLabel(rect, content, DirectorStyles.Instance.fontClip, textColor, Color.black);
static void DrawIcon(Rect imageRect, Color color, Texture2D icon)
GUI.DrawTexture(imageRect, icon, ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop, true, 0, color, 0, 0);
static void DrawClipBackground(Rect clipCenterSection, bool selected)
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)
var color = selected ? DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.clipSelectedBckg : DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.clipBckg;
EditorGUI.DrawRect(clipCenterSection, color);
static Vector3[] s_BlendVertices = new Vector3[3];
static void DrawClipBlends(ClipBlends blends, Color inColor, Color outColor, Color backgroundColor)
switch (blends.inKind)
case BlendKind.Ease:
// 2
// / |
// / |
// 0---1
EditorGUI.DrawRect(blends.inRect, backgroundColor);
s_BlendVertices[0] = new Vector3(blends.inRect.xMin, blends.inRect.yMax);
s_BlendVertices[1] = new Vector3(blends.inRect.xMax, blends.inRect.yMax);
s_BlendVertices[2] = new Vector3(blends.inRect.xMax, blends.inRect.yMin);
Graphics.DrawPolygonAA(inColor, s_BlendVertices);
case BlendKind.Mix:
// 0---2
// \ |
// \ |
// 1
s_BlendVertices[0] = new Vector3(blends.inRect.xMin, blends.inRect.yMin);
s_BlendVertices[1] = new Vector3(blends.inRect.xMax, blends.inRect.yMax);
s_BlendVertices[2] = new Vector3(blends.inRect.xMax, blends.inRect.yMin);
Graphics.DrawPolygonAA(inColor, s_BlendVertices);
if (blends.outKind != BlendKind.None)
if (blends.outKind == BlendKind.Ease)
EditorGUI.DrawRect(blends.outRect, backgroundColor);
// 0
// | \
// | \
// 1---2
s_BlendVertices[0] = new Vector3(blends.outRect.xMin, blends.outRect.yMin);
s_BlendVertices[1] = new Vector3(blends.outRect.xMin, blends.outRect.yMax);
s_BlendVertices[2] = new Vector3(blends.outRect.xMax, blends.outRect.yMax);
Graphics.DrawPolygonAA(outColor, s_BlendVertices);
static void DrawClipSwatch(Rect targetRect, Color swatchColor)
// Draw Colored Line at the bottom.
var colorRect = targetRect;
colorRect.yMin = colorRect.yMax - k_ClipSwatchLineThickness;
EditorGUI.DrawRect(colorRect, swatchColor);
public static void DrawSimpleClip(TimelineClip clip, Rect targetRect, ClipBorder border, Color overlay, ClipDrawOptions drawOptions)
var clipRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, targetRect.width, targetRect.height);
var orgColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = overlay;
DrawClipBackground(clipRect, false);
GUI.color = orgColor;
if (clipRect.width <= k_MinClipWidth)
clipRect.width = k_MinClipWidth;
DrawClipSwatch(targetRect, drawOptions.highlightColor * overlay);
if (targetRect.width >= k_ClipInOutMinWidth)
DrawClipInOut(clipRect, clip);
var textRect = clipRect;
textRect.xMin += k_ClipLabelPadding;
textRect.xMax -= k_ClipLabelPadding;
if (textRect.width > k_ClipLabelMinWidth)
DrawClipLabel(clip.displayName, textRect, Color.white, drawOptions.errorText);
DrawClipSelectionBorder(clipRect, border, ClipBlends.kNone);
public static void DrawDefaultClip(ClipDrawData drawData)
var customSkin = DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin;
var blendInColor = drawData.selected ? customSkin.clipBlendInSelected : customSkin.clipBlendIn;
var blendOutColor = drawData.selected ? customSkin.clipBlendOutSelected : customSkin.clipBlendOut;
var easeBackgroundColor = customSkin.clipEaseBckgColor;
DrawClipBlends(drawData.clipBlends, blendInColor, blendOutColor, easeBackgroundColor);
DrawClipBackground(drawData.clipCenterSection, drawData.selected);
if (drawData.targetRect.width > k_MinClipWidth)
drawData.targetRect.width = k_MinClipWidth;
drawData.clipCenterSection.width = k_MinClipWidth;
DrawClipTimescale(drawData.targetRect, drawData.clippedRect, drawData.clip.timeScale);
if (drawData.targetRect.width >= k_ClipInOutMinWidth)
DrawClipInOut(drawData.targetRect, drawData.clip);
var labelRect = drawData.clipCenterSection;
if (drawData.targetRect.width >= k_ClipLoopsMinWidth)
bool selected = drawData.selected || drawData.inlineCurvesSelected;
if (selected)
if (drawData.loopRects != null && drawData.loopRects.Any())
var l = drawData.loopRects[0];
labelRect.xMax = Math.Min(labelRect.xMax, l.x - drawData.unclippedRect.x);
labelRect.xMin += k_ClipLabelPadding;
labelRect.xMax -= k_ClipLabelPadding;
if (labelRect.width > k_ClipLabelMinWidth)
DrawClipLabel(drawData, labelRect, Color.white);
DrawClipSwatch(drawData.targetRect, drawData.ClipDrawOptions.highlightColor);
static void DrawClipEditorBackground(ClipDrawData drawData)
var isRepaint = (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint);
if (isRepaint && drawData.clipEditor != null)
var customBodyRect = drawData.clippedRect;
customBodyRect.yMin += k_ClipInlineWidth;
customBodyRect.yMax -= k_ClipSwatchLineThickness;
var region = new ClipBackgroundRegion(customBodyRect, drawData.localVisibleStartTime, drawData.localVisibleEndTime);
drawData.clipEditor.DrawBackground(drawData.clip, region);
catch (Exception e)
public static void DrawAnimationRecordBorder(ClipDrawData drawData)
if (!drawData.clip.parentTrack.IsRecordingToClip(drawData.clip))
var time = new DiscreteTime(TimelineWindow.instance.state.editSequence.time);
var start = new DiscreteTime(drawData.clip.start + drawData.clip.mixInDuration);
var end = new DiscreteTime(drawData.clip.end - drawData.clip.mixOutDuration);
if (time < start || time >= end)
DrawClipSelectionBorder(drawData.clipCenterSection, ClipBorder.Recording(), ClipBlends.kNone);
public static void DrawRecordProhibited(ClipDrawData drawData)
public static void DrawRecordOnBlend(ClipDrawData drawData)
double time = TimelineWindow.instance.state.editSequence.time;
if (time >= drawData.clip.start && time < drawData.clip.start + drawData.clip.mixInDuration)
Rect r = Rect.MinMaxRect(drawData.clippedRect.xMin, drawData.clippedRect.yMin, drawData.clipCenterSection.xMin, drawData.clippedRect.yMax);
DrawInvalidRecordIcon(r, Styles.s_ClipNoRecordInBlend);
if (time <= drawData.clip.end && time > drawData.clip.end - drawData.clip.mixOutDuration)
Rect r = Rect.MinMaxRect(drawData.clipCenterSection.xMax, drawData.clippedRect.yMin, drawData.clippedRect.xMax, drawData.clippedRect.yMax);
DrawInvalidRecordIcon(r, Styles.s_ClipNoRecordInBlend);
public static void DrawRecordInvalidClip(ClipDrawData drawData)
if (drawData.clip.recordable)
double time = TimelineWindow.instance.state.editSequence.time;
if (time < drawData.clip.start + drawData.clip.mixInDuration || time > drawData.clip.end - drawData.clip.mixOutDuration)
DrawInvalidRecordIcon(drawData.clipCenterSection, Styles.s_ClipNotRecorable);
public static void DrawInvalidRecordIcon(Rect rect, GUIContent helpText)
EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.30f));
var icon = Styles.s_IconNoRecord;
if (rect.width < icon.width || rect.height < icon.height)
float x = rect.x + (rect.width - icon.width) * 0.5f;
float y = rect.y + (rect.height - icon.height) * 0.5f;
Rect r = new Rect(x, y, icon.width, icon.height);
GUI.Label(r, helpText);
GUI.DrawTexture(r, icon, ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop, true, 0, Color.white, 0, 0);