using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Timeline; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { class BindingSelector { TreeViewController m_TreeView; public TreeViewController treeViewController { get { return m_TreeView; } } TreeViewState m_TrackGlobalTreeViewState; TreeViewState m_TreeViewState; BindingTreeViewDataSource m_TreeViewDataSource; CurveDataSource m_CurveDataSource; TimelineWindow m_Window; CurveEditor m_CurveEditor; ReorderableList m_DopeLines; string[] m_StringList = {}; int[] m_Selection; bool m_PartOfSelection; public BindingSelector(EditorWindow window, CurveEditor curveEditor, TreeViewState trackGlobalTreeViewState) { m_Window = window as TimelineWindow; m_CurveEditor = curveEditor; m_TrackGlobalTreeViewState = trackGlobalTreeViewState; m_DopeLines = new ReorderableList(m_StringList, typeof(string), false, false, false, false); m_DopeLines.drawElementBackgroundCallback = null; m_DopeLines.showDefaultBackground = false; m_DopeLines.index = 0; m_DopeLines.headerHeight = 0; m_DopeLines.elementHeight = 20; m_DopeLines.draggable = false; } public void OnGUI(Rect targetRect) { if (m_TreeView == null) return; m_TreeView.OnEvent(); m_TreeView.OnGUI(targetRect, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive)); } public void InitIfNeeded(Rect rect, CurveDataSource dataSource, bool isNewSelection) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout) return; m_CurveDataSource = dataSource; var clip = dataSource.animationClip; List<EditorCurveBinding> allBindings = new List<EditorCurveBinding>(); allBindings.Add(new EditorCurveBinding { propertyName = "Summary" }); if (clip != null) allBindings.AddRange(AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip)); m_DopeLines.list = allBindings.ToArray(); if (m_TreeViewState != null) { if (isNewSelection) RefreshAll(); return; } m_TreeViewState = m_TrackGlobalTreeViewState != null ? m_TrackGlobalTreeViewState : new TreeViewState(); m_TreeView = new TreeViewController(m_Window, m_TreeViewState) { useExpansionAnimation = false, deselectOnUnhandledMouseDown = true }; m_TreeView.selectionChangedCallback += OnItemSelectionChanged; m_TreeViewDataSource = new BindingTreeViewDataSource(m_TreeView, clip, m_CurveDataSource); m_TreeView.Init(rect, m_TreeViewDataSource, new BindingTreeViewGUI(m_TreeView), null); m_TreeViewDataSource.UpdateData(); RefreshSelection(); } void OnItemSelectionChanged(int[] selection) { RefreshSelection(selection); } void RefreshAll() { RefreshTree(); RefreshSelection(); } void RefreshSelection() { RefreshSelection(m_TreeViewState.selectedIDs != null ? m_TreeViewState.selectedIDs.ToArray() : null); } void RefreshSelection(int[] selection) { if (selection == null || selection.Length == 0) { // select all. if (m_TreeViewDataSource.GetRows().Count > 0) { m_Selection = m_TreeViewDataSource.GetRows().Select(r =>; } } else { m_Selection = selection; } RefreshCurves(); } public void RefreshCurves() { if (m_CurveDataSource == null || m_Selection == null) return; var bindings = new HashSet<EditorCurveBinding>(AnimationPreviewUtilities.EditorCurveBindingComparer.Instance); foreach (int s in m_Selection) { var item = (CurveTreeViewNode)m_TreeView.FindItem(s); if (item != null && item.bindings != null) bindings.UnionWith(item.bindings); } var wrappers = m_CurveDataSource.GenerateWrappers(bindings); m_CurveEditor.animationCurves = wrappers.ToArray(); } public void RefreshTree() { if (m_TreeViewDataSource == null) return; if (m_Selection == null) m_Selection = new int[0]; // get the names of the previous items var selected = m_Selection.Select(x => m_TreeViewDataSource.FindItem(x)).Where(t => t != null).Select(c => c.displayName).ToArray(); // update the source m_TreeViewDataSource.UpdateData(); // find the same items var reselected = m_TreeViewDataSource.GetRows().Where(x => selected.Contains(x.displayName)).Select(x =>; if (!reselected.Any()) { if (m_TreeViewDataSource.GetRows().Count > 0) { reselected = new[] { m_TreeViewDataSource.GetItem(0).id }; } } // update the selection OnItemSelectionChanged(reselected); } internal virtual bool IsRenamingNodeAllowed(TreeViewItem node) { return false; } } }